GULWORTHY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Gulworthy Parish Council held on Monday 1 September 2014 In Gulworthy Parish Hall at 7.30pm.

Present J Chalcraft W Lake R Pike S Rasdell R Steer One member of the public

Apologies Apologies were received from K Parsons, D Sellis ( County Council) and D Whitcombe ( Borough Council)

2014.40 Minutes The minutes of 7 July 2014 were agreed and signed, all in favour.

2014.41 Matters arising There were no matters arising.

2014.42 Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media were excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Co-option of a councilor. The applications received were discussed and Mr David Whitworth was then appointed as a councilor for Gulworthy Parish.

2014.43 Correspondence a. to Bere Alston Railway and Pedestrian/Cycle route information (sent previously by email) b. West Devon Homes consultation c. Glasdon information d. Tavistock Community morning 6 September 2014 e. Cemetery Training J Chalcraft, S Rasdell and W Lake expressed an interest in attending the course.

2014.44 Cemetery a. General maintenance No items were raised. b. Replacement of trees Quotations were received from The Tree Shop, Endsleigh Gardens and Thornhaye Nursery and after discussion it was agreed to purchase the replacement trees of Holly, Beech, Lime, Birch, Rowan and Acer from Endsleigh Gardens, all in favour.

2014.45 War Memorial A quotation of £494.40 had been received from Pascoes. R Steer proposed that Gulworthy Parish Council pay for half with the Church organizing the works and paying the other half, all in favour.

2014.46 Planning a. Applications received since 7 July 2014 None b. Grants planning permission. i. 00452/2014 Change of use of building to agricultural storage and retail at Three Oaks Farm ii. 00632/2014 Erection of slurry tower at Hartshole Farm.

2014.47 Finance i. Audit report The issues raised were discussed. ii. Accounts for payment 1. Tavistock Newspapers £30.30 2. Parish Council 3. Half share computer repairs £23.37 4. Gulworthy Parish Hall £15.00 5. HMRC £83.18 6. S A Cole Salary £334.62 7. Petty Cash £10.12

2014.48 TAP fund application for the Ward and Chowen Archive, it was agreed to submit a further application for funding, all in favour.

2014.49 AOB W Lake informed council of the large amount of vegetation growing the the road opposite the White House at Mill Hill, D Sellis to be informed. a. S Rasdell had attended a garden party at the Ford Street houses. b. Clarification was to be sought from and West Devon Borough Council for information on the situation at Artiscombe