[email protected]) Canadian Energy Regulator 517 Tenth Avenue SW Suite 210 Calgary, AB T2R 0A8 Attention: Louise George, Secretary to the Commission Re: Manitoba Minnesota Transmission Project Certificate EC-059, Condition 3 Manitoba Metis Federation Response to CER Correspondence of May 21, 2020 We are legal counsel to the Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. (the “MMF”) in the above-referenced proceeding. We write in response to your letter of May 21, 2020,1 inviting the MMF to file any amendments or updates to its previously filed submissions regarding Manitoba Hydro’s (“Hydro”) failure to comply with conditions 3 and 15 (the “Conditions”) of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity EC-059 (the “Certificate”), in light of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench decision in Manitoba Metis Federation v. Brian Pallister, 2020 MBQB 49 (the “Judicial Review Decision”). The MMF maintains its previous submissions to the Commission, which it provided on July 23, August 16, and October 23, 2019.2 The MMF also relies on its Notice of Application (the “Application”), as filed, seeking specific relief from the Commission as a result of Hydro’s failure to comply with the Conditions. The issues before the Commission are: (1) whether the promises made in the Major Agreed Points reached between the MMF and Hydro in July 2017 (the “Major Agreed Points”) specific to the MMTP are “commitments made to [the MMF] . otherwise on the record of the EH-001-2017,” and, if so, (2) whether Hydro has therefore breached the Conditions.