Session : 2020-21 : 2020-21

MANIKPUR ANCHALIK COLLEGE Estd. 1993 Manikpur, Bongaigaon (Assam) Manikpur, Bongaigaon ëyn þ™nŸ“þ ö¢vþz‹#ëûy xy!‹ ›y!’„þþ™%n xyMþé!œ„þ ›£y!î”Äyœëû

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Manikpur Anchalik College was established with the vision of promoting quality education in the surrounding rural areas. The College aims at creating an optimal and enriching learning environment for students to pursue their academic and sporting dreams. The College prioritizes on fostering student development, both personal and professional, in order to contribute effectively to societal needs and establish themes as an entity of the society. Quality education being imparted here, will enable students to be not only successful in individual life but also responsible and socially worthy citizens of the country. While doing this, emphasis is given on moral and spiritual upliftment of the students with a view to creating a healthy environment in the society. Apart from these, the institution can create unity and harmony among people living in and around the area, belonging to different castes, community and religions.


The initial mission is to provide quality higher education to the rural populace. To achieve this, apart from class room interaction, seminars, group discussion and other extra curricular activities are arranged frequently. Efforts are being made to develop scientific temperament and instill humanitarian values in young minds. Importance is given on the all round development of the students through various personality development programme and on creating awareness among them towards the problems of the society. * To develop human potential (potentials of the rural youth) to its fullest extent so that intellectually * Produce thinkers effective communicators and capable and imaginatively gifted leaders can lifelong learners. emerge in a range of professions (in the professional * Empower the students to contribute to all round areas) development of society and nation building process. * Lead higher education toward inclusive excellence. * Provide lifelong education that produces graduates * Provide professional development for aspiring rural with the skills necessary to sustain a caring, students. supportive climate throughout the College. x•ÄÇþn ö›‹n þ™ny...

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S›“Å%þ‹ xyœ# xy£öì›”V College Profile A degree College at Manikpur was a crying need of the people of Manikpur locality comprising of the entire Manikpur Police Station, some parts of Sorbhog Thana lying west of the river Bhulukadoba (Pokalagi) and considerable portion of the Abhayapuri Thana adjacent to Manikpur with a population not less than one lakh. Consequently, a degree college in the name and style of “Manikpur Anchalik College” was opened on the 2nd August, 1993 to cater to the needs of the people of this educationally and economically backward area. TDC 1st year classes were running on regularly and smoothly in a semi-permanent building owned by Govinda Bhavan Geeta Satra, Manikpur, for the time being, under the able supervision of a competent principal and duly qualified six lecturers including necessary office bearer. The Government of Assam was pleased to allot a plot of land measuring 40 Bighas already from the Barbila V.G.R. for the college. The college was shifted from Govinda Bhavan Geeta Satra to the newly constructed building at Barbila on 2nd Aug., 1995. Late Ashwini Kr. Talukdar, retired Vice Principal of , Sorbhog, was the Founder Principal and the then D.C., Bongaigaon, was the first President of the Governing Body of the College.

Now, Manikpur Anchalik College, Manikpur is the only institution of higher education in greater Manikpur area. Establishing a college in an area like Manikpur which is predominately inhabited by people belonging to economically and educationally backward classes, was a herculean effort on the part of our founding fathers. It is the only institution of higher education in 34 No. North Abhayapuri L.A.C. which has been imparting education to a large number of students hailing from different interior villages which are both economically and socially backward. The number of students is gradually increasing and it shows the growing popularity of the college. At present the college has more than two thousand students who are pursuing B.A. courses. With about forty teaching staff and fifteen non-teaching staff, the college is running on smoothly and fruitfully towards its desired goal. It functions like a family where teachers, students and non-teaching fraternity work hand in hand in order to create a healthy academic environment.

02 Our Values Academic integrity and accountability. Respect and tolerance for the views of every individual. Appreciation of intellectual excellence and creativity. Outstanding teaching and service. Integration of teaching, research and service. A literate and educated citizenry is vital to a democratic society. All people are entitled to a high-quality education, grounded in sensitivity to individual dignity, professional integrity and a positive and nurturing environment. Our Strength Gradually increasing number of Students. Excellence in Culture and Sports. College is a symbol of unity in diversity. Close co-ordination between students and staff. Dynamic staff with visionary ideals. Green and healthy environment in the campus. Convenient road and rail communication.

Courses of Study 1. B.A. Course under Gauhati University. 2. M.A. Course under IDOL, Gauhati University.

Subject Offered B.A. (General) : MIL / Alt. English, Gen. English, Political Science, Economics, Education, Geography, Elective Assamese, Arabic, History, Philosophy and Sanskrit. B.A. (Honours) : Assamese, English, Economics, Education, Pol. Science, History, Philosophy, Sanskrit, Geography and Arabic.

Usually a student is not allowed to change or alternate a subject after admission. However, he/she may do so on genuine grounds with written consent from the heads of the departments concerned.

03 Admission Procedure Admission process in the college starts immediately after the declaration of H.S. Final Examination result. Prospectus for admission can be downloaded from the college website www. and the intending candidates are required to submit their application through online process within the prescribed time limit.

Eligibility Criteria Candidates intending to get admission in T.D.C. (Arts) are required to pass H.S. or equivalent recognized examination.

Candidates for admission are selected strictly on merit basis only. The college authority reserves the right to reject an application for admission without assigning any reasons.

Intake Subject Major General Assamese 50 200 English 25 200 Pol. Science 50 200 Education 50 200 Economics 35 150 ASL 150 History 35 150 Sanskrit 30 150 Philosophy 50 150 Geography 35 150 Arabic 35 150

04 ADMISSION REQUIREMENT Candidates are required to upload the scanned copies of the following documents at the time of applying for online admission : a) Marksheet of the last qualifying examination. b) H.S.L.C. Admit card / Certificate as proof of age. c) Character Certificate/Testimonial certificate. d) Cast Certificate (for OBC, MOBC, SC and ST) only. e) Gap certificate (if necessary) f) Migration Certificate (if necessary) g) Passport size photo. h) Domicile Certificate. (PRC/Vover I Card of Self or Parent/ NRC of Self or Parent / AADHAR Card of Self or Parent / BPL Card of Family / Birth Certificate/ Passport of Self or Parent) IDENTITY CARD A students’ identity card is issued to a bonafide student of the college. In case of the loss or damage of the I-Card, a new one is issued on payment of Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty) only.

COLLEGE UNIFORM Wearing of college uniform is compulsory during college hours on all working days including days of college week, meeting, examination etc. For Boys: Ash colour Long Pant and Purple Shirt Foir Girls’: White Salwar and Chunni with Purple ‘Kameez’

LIBRARY FACILITIES The college has a library which contains more than Fifteen Thousand Books. Apart from many valuable books, several periodicals and newspapers are also available in the library. A reading room is also attached to it. A library book is issued against a student having the Library Borrower Card.

EXAMINATION Apart from Semester End Examinations conducted by GU, Students are required to appear in the Sessional Examinations conducted by the college in an academic session.

05 EVALUATION / EXAMINATION 1. Examination work shall be compulsory for all teachers. 2. The teachers concerned are entrusted with internal evaluation. 3. The Principal of the college shall be responsible for timely evaluation of answer Scripts. 4. The existing spot evaluation system will continue.

INTERNAL ASSESSMENT Regarding internal assessment marks in TDC Examination, the G.U. provides 20 marks in all papers for the regular candidate. Internal evaluation will be based on sessional examinations, home assignments/seminars/group discussions and laboratory work in each.

06 THE CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) G. U. has introduced CBCS from the Academic session 2019-20 as per structure and content detailed below :

THE CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM ( CBCS) : The choice based credit system is the logical next step in a credit based semester system becoming more learner centric. A CBCS officers the student a diversity of courses to choose from and the autonomy to decide on the place, pace and time of learning. The UGC has recommended that it is desirable for all institutions of Higher Education in the country to move to a CBCS and, together with it, implement a uniform grading system.

NATURE AND NOMENCLATURE OF COURSE: In line with the UGC's guideline , the courses are categorized as core courses, Elective courses or Ability Enhancement course. 4.1 Core Course: A core course is a course that has to be compulsorily studied. A student in an undergraduate degree programme with Honours will have to take up 14 core courses, each of 6 credits. In a Regular undergraduate degree programme a student will need to take up 12 core courses, each again of 6 credits. 4.2 Elective Course : An Elective course is to be chosen by the student from a pool of such courses on offer and will essentially be of three types. 4.2.1 Discipline Specific Elective Course : An Elective course which is offered by the main discipline. The discipline offering a discipline specific Elective course may also discipline related elective courses that are interdisciplinary in nature. A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program with Honours will have to earn 24 course credits from discipline specific elective courses. For a student enrolled in a non honours discipline specific elective courses will be 36 credits. For a student enrolled in a non honours undergraduate degree program in Arts and Commerce, the course credit requirement from discipline specific elective courses will be 24 credits.

07 4.2.2 Generic Elective Course : A Generic Elective Course is offered by an unrelated discipline and has the objective of broadening the academic experience of a student. A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program with honours can acquire 24 course credits from Generic Elective Courses. A core course offered in a discipline may be allowed as an Elective to a student from another discipline. This course will be treated under the category of Generic Elective Courses. Generic Elective Courses are not available to students in a non- Honours undergraduate science degree program while other non- honours undergraduate programmes require enrollees to take up two such courses. 4.2.3 Dissertation/ Project : Engaging students in a project Dissertation work, which requires knowledge application and problem solving, is considered to be important in the learning process. All students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program ( Honurs and non Honours ) will have the option of choosing to undertake Project/ Dissertation work for 6 credits in lieu of a 6 credit Discipline Specific Elective course in the fifth semester only. 4.3 Ability Enhancement Course : Ability Engancement Course which are to be taken up by students in an undergraduate degree program will be of two types. 4.3.1 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course : These 4 credit courses are mandatory for every student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program. A student will have to take up 4 credit course in Environmental Science and a second 4 credit course in English Communication / MIL Communication. 4.3.2 Skill Enhancement Course : Skill Enhancement courses will be value based or skill based and there will be a pool of courses on offer. A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program with honours will have to take up a minimum of two SEC course of 4 credits each as part of the program requirement. For students enrolled in non- honours undergraduate degree program the credit requirement from skill Enhancement Courses will be 16 credits.

08 6. REQUIREMENTS FOR AN UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE The following table indicates the requirements for successful complection of under graduate degree in Guwahati University-


* 14 core papers in that discipline Undergraduate Degree * 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses with Honours * 2 Skill Enhancement Course ( minimum) ( All disciplines) * 4 Discipline Specific Elective * 4 Generic Elective papers.

* 4 core papers each in three disciplines of choice * 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses Undergraduate * 4 Skill Enhancement Course ( minimum Degree * 2 papers each of Discipline Specific Elective ( in Science) papers based on three disciplines of choice selected above, respectively.

* 4 core papers each in two disciplines of choice * 2 core papers each in English and MIL/ Alt Undergraduate English respectively. degree in Humanities/ * 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course Social Sciences / * 4 Skill Enhancement Course ( minimum) Commerce. * 2 papers each from a list of Discipline Specific Elective papers based on the two disciplines of choice selected above.

09 7.3 Credit Allocation : B.A ( Honours) Credits Course Theory + Practical Theory + Tutorial

I. Core Course ( 6 credits) 14x4=56 14x5=70 (14 papers) Core Course Practical/ Tutorial * 14x2= 28 14x1=1 ( 8 papers) A. 1 Discipline Specific Elective ( 4 papers) 4x4=16 4x5=20 A.2. Discipline Specific Elective Practical / Tutorial * ( 4 papers) 4x2=8 4x1=4 B.1. Generic Elective / Interdisciplinary ( 4 papers) 4x4=16 4x5=20 B.2. Generic Elective Practical / Tutorial ( 4 papers) 4x2= 8 4x1=4 Optional Dissertation or Project work in place of one discipline specific Elective paper ( 6 credits ) in 6th semester

III. Ability Enhancement Courses 1 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course 2x4=8 2x4=8 (AECC) ( 2 papers of 4 credits each) Environmental Science English / MIL Communication 2. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC) ( Minimum 2) ( 2 papers of 4 credits each ) 2x4x=8 2x4x=8 Total Credit 148 148

Skill Elective : CORE Ability Enhancement Elective Enhancement Discipline Semester COURSE (14) Compulsory Course Generic Course (SEC) (2) Specfic DSE (4) ( AECC) (2) ( GE) (4) C1 I English/ MIL GE-1 C2 Communication C3 Environmental II Science GE-2 C4 C5 III C6 SEC-1 GE-3 C7 C8 IV C9 SEC-2 GE-4 C10 C11 DSE-1 V C12 DSE-2 C13 DSE-3 VI C14 DSE-4

10 7.7 Credit Allocation ( B.A Regular) Course Theory + Practical Theory + Practical I. Core Course (6 Credit) 12 Papers 12x4=48 12x5=60 Two Papers- English Two Papers- MIL/Alt English Four Paper - Discipline 1 Four Paper - Discipline 2 Core Course Practical / Tutorial* 12x2=24 12x1=12 (12 Practical / Tutorials) II. Elective Course (6 Credits) (6 Papers) 6x4=24 6x5=30 Two Papers- Discipline 1 Specific Two Papers- Discipline 2 Specific Two Papers- Inter Disciplinary

Two Papers from each discipline of choice and two papers of interdisciplinary nature.

Elective Course Practical / Tutorial* 6x2= 12 6x1=6 Two Papers- Discipline 1 Specific Two Papers- Discipline 2 Specific Two Papers- Generic (Inter Disciplinary)

Two Papers from each discipline of choice and two papers of interdisciplinary nature.

Optional Dissertation or project work in place of one discipline Specific Elective paper (6 Credit) in 6th Semester

III. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2x4=8 2x4=8 (AECC)( 2 Papers of 4 Credit each)

Environmental Science English /MIL Communication 2. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (4 Papers 4x4=16 4x4=16 of 4 credit each)

Total Credit

11 7.8 Programme Template : (B.A Regular)

Ability Enhancement Skill Elective : Elective CORE Semester Compulsory Course Enhancement Discipline Generic COURSE (14) ( AECC) (2) Course (SEC) (2) Specfic DSE (4) ( GE) (4) English -1 I English/ MIL DSC- 1A Communication DSC- 2A English-2 Environmental II DSC-1 B Science DSC-2 B MIL-1/Alt. Eng. III DSC-1C SEC-1 DSC-2C MIL-1/Alt. Eng. IV DSC-1D SEC-2 DSC-2D DSE-1 A V SEC-3 GE- 1 DSE-2 A DSE-1 B VI SEC-4 GE- 2 DSE- 2 B

8.1 Faculty : It represents Arts, Commerce, Engineering, Fine Arts, Law, Management, Medicine, Science and Technology.For every faculty there will be code as 1 for Arts, 2 for Commerce and ...... 9 for Technology.

Faculty Arts Science Commerce Law Engineering Management Technolgy Fine Arts Medicine

Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12 8.2 Department / Descipline : Every discipline will be coded as per the following format (i.e., 01 to 99). For example , 01 for Assamese, 02 Arabic, 03 for Botany...... 07 for Economics.

8.3 Semester : There will be six semesters in the degree course. Thus, 1 for the first semester, 2 for the second semester...... 6 for the sixth semesters.

8.4 Course Type : It represents nomenclature and nature of courses. For example, 1 for core course, 2 for DSEC. 3 for GEC, 4 for D/p, 5 for AECC, 6 for SEC, 7 for P/T...... maximum to 9.

8.5 Sl. No. : It represents number of the paper names for the particular subject for example, in Economics subjects, 01 for Microeconomics, 02 for Microeconomics, 03 for Statistics, 05 for Econometrics....and so on.

8.6 Credit : Credit represents 1 to 9. For example, if a paper, Microeconomics has 6 credit, Econometrics has 6 credits, Statistics has 6 credits. It will be code as 6 for credit for that particular paper.

Thus, for Economics with Microeconomics in the first semester with core course,coding will be given as- 10711016

13 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE COLLEGE * Every student should abide by the rules & regulations of the college. * A student shall be subject to disciplinary action if he or she is found to be disobedient or indecent in his or her behaviors with the teachers and the college authority. * No notice or leaflet can be circulated anywhere in the college premises without the prior approval of the Principal. Circulation of objectionable materials, photos, MMS etc. is a punishable offence. * Ragging, Vandalism, Hooliganism and adopting unfair means in the examinations are strictly prohibited in the college. Ragging in the college campus has been banned as per verdict of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. * The decision of the college authority on all matters relating to students shall be final and binding. * Use of Mobile Phone in the College campus is strictly prohibited for students.

* It is obligatory to each and every student to maintain 75% attendance in his/her classes in each subject separately during the academic session calculated. Otherwise he/she will be debarred from appearing in the examination conducted by G.U. / AHSEC.

* Posting or uploading in social media (Facebook, What’sapp, Twitter etc) of messages, photos, videos and any kind of materials whice are defamatory to the college is strictly prohibited

14 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : ASSAMESE History : The Dept. of Assamese was introduced with the inception of the college in 1993, under the headship of Martuz Ali Ahmed, Who is at present the Principal i/c of the College. Major course was opened subsequently and it is running on successfully making good results. Deepa patgiri, Dwijen Bora, Anjali Kalita, Daisy Bharali, Tarulata Nath were also once lecturers and made valuable contributions in the glorious journey of the department.

Courses offered : B.A. General & Major

Faculty Members : Manabendra Das, M.A. (NET) : Buddhadev Ray, M.A. (NET) : Dr. Ratul Pathak, M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. (NET) : Dr . Bhanita Bhattacharyya, M.A., M. Phil, Ph.D. (SLET) Facilities : The department has maximum number of books in the library Journals and periodicals are also available in the library.

Activities : The Department frequently organizes seminars, group discussions and project work is also done with the guidance of the deptt. Remedial classes and field trips are arranged regularly for over all development of the students.

15 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : ENGLISH History : The Deptt. of English came into being on 2nd August 1993 with the establishment of the college. Initially, English was introduced as general subject for the H.S. and B.A. programmes. But, major course was also introduced later on for the better interest of the students. The basic objective of the department is to impart the knowledge of English literature and language in a broader perspective. The department is rightly responsible for developing the skills of the students in English keeping in mind the present context of professional world. Accordingly, the department at present, concentrates upon English literature, New literatures in English and Functional English. The department gratefully remembers the service of those who once contributed immensely in the glorious journey of the department. They are- Mitali Das, Sadanada Nath, Aminul Islam, Anju Sarma, Deepmani Das, Nayanjyoti Das and Gahin Das.

Courses offered : B.A. General & Major Course.

Faculty Members : Hemenjyoti Das, M.A., M. Phil (Elizabethan Drama, Romantic Poetry) Assistant Professor and H.O.D Deva Kumar Das, M.A., M. Phil (Commonwealth Literature, Linguistics) Assistant Professor Gunajeet Mazumdar, M.A., M.Phil, B.Ed., SLET (Literary Theory, American Literature, Post-Colonial Narrative) Assistant Professor

Facilities : The department has a sufficient collection of books and journals both for the major and general courses.

Activities : Seminars, workshop and group discussions are organized frequently

16 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : SANSKRIT History : The Deptt. of Sanskrit came into existence in 2004 with higher secondary and B.A. courses. The founder teacher of the dept. was Parameswar Ray. Major course was introduced in 2015. In its initial stage, the major course students have shown brilliant result. Himani Goswami also once contributed in the journey of the Department.

Courses offered : B.A. (Arts) General and Major Faculty Members : Dr. Pinky Das (Kavya), M.A., Ph.D Dr. Dimpal Barman (Kavya) M.A., Ph.D.

Facilities : The Deptt. has class rooms with all facilities. It arranges field trips and excursion for major students. Provision of group discussions, home assignments, counseling are made for major and general course students.

Activities : The teacher student relation in the dept. of Sanskrit is very co-operative. Seminars are held regularly for both major and general course. Special classes are also taken. The teachers always try their level best to attract more students towards their pristine language.

17 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : ARABIC History : In 2004, the then G.B. of the college passed a resolution to introduce Arabic, Geography, Philosophy and Sanskrit subjects in the college and a lot of students took admission in these subjects. In the 1st week of August in the same year, the G.B. appointed one faculty in each of the subjects and started the classes with a new enthusiasm. Other faculties were appointed in 2008 & 2010 and the major course was introduces in 2011.

Courses offered : B.A. (Arts) General and Major Faculty Members : Gazibar Rahman, M.A. : Bahadur Ali Ahmed, M.A. (NET) : Abdul Khaleque, M.A., B.Ed., M. Phil.

Facilities : a) Available Text Books and Reference Books in library. b) Isolated class rooms for major classes. c) Good accommodation and infrastructure. d) Extra care for major students.

Activities : a) Group discussion in all classes. b) Project works in last and final Semester for Major papers. c) Data collection for Home assignments and project papers. d) Preparation for off and even Semester Examinations. e) Extra tutorial classes for Final Semester students.

18 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : ECONOMICS History : The Dept. of Economics was started with the establishment of the college in 1993. Initially, the department offers only pass course. But from the session 2000-01, the department offers the opportunity of major course. Anupama Roy was the founder teacher of the deptt. And later on Sabita Roy & Bichitra Sarma gave their valuable service as teachers in the real journey of the department.

Courses offered : B.A. (Arts) General and Major Course Faculty Members : Ganesh Ch. Saha (HOD), M.A., NET, SLET (Spcl : Econometrics) : Anamika Das, M.A., M. Phil (Spcl : Demography) : Rabin Chandra Ray, M.A., SLET : Dr. Muhammad Hussian Ahmed, M.A., M. Phil, Ph.D

Facilities : The faculty members of the department provide reference books to the major students. The department arranges special class when necessary.

Activities : Group Discussion, Seminar.

19 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : POLITICAL SCIENCE History : The department of political Science was opened at the time of the establishment of college in 1993. The major course of political science was introduced later on. The founder principal Late A.K. Talukdar, was also the founder teacher of the department. Nurul Ameen joined the department on 01-02-1996 and continues his duty as head of the Department. At present S.B. Deka, T.C. Dey and J.C. Ray have been serving as faculty members of the department. Ratikanta Das, Abdul Hai, Bibekananda Roy & Trailakya Nath also made great contributions in the glorious journey of the department.

Courses offered : B.A. (Arts) General and Major

Faculty Members : Nurul Ameen, M.A. : Swapna Rani Barman Deka, M.A., M.Phil : Tulshi Chandra Dey, M.A. (SLET) : Jagadish Chandra Ray, M.A., B.Ed.

Facilities : The faculty members of the department provide reference books to the major students. The department arranges special class when necessary.

Activities : Political Science department regularly organizes group discussions and seminar. The teachers of the department offer informal counseling to students.

20 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : EDUCATION History : This Deptt. was opened synchronously with the establishment of the college in 1993. Nandita Dutta was the founder teacher of the Deptt. But she did not continue for long. Later Devahari Talukdar & Abdul Kuddus took charge as the Heads of the Deptt. respectively. Now D. Das is continuing his duty as Head of the Deptt. Bodiud Zaman Ahmed, Fazar Ali Ahmed and Gautam Kr. Roy are serving as teachers of this Deptt.

Courses offered : B.A. (Arts) General and Major Course.

Faculty Members : Dhireswar Das, M.A. Assistant Professor and H.O.D. : Bodiud Zaman Ahmed, M.A. Assistant Professor : Fazar Ali Ahmed, M.A. Assistant Professor : Gautam Kr. Roy, M.A., M.Phil, BLI Sc. Assistant Professor.

Facilities : The Deptt. has a practical class room with modern equipments. It arranges field trips and excursion for major students. Provision of group discussions, Home assignments, counseling are made for Major and general course students.

Activities : Education Department organizes group discussion, seminar, Project paper presentation, departmental educational tour, plantations among the students within the department.

22 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : PHILOSOPHY History : Philosophy Deptt. was introduced in 2004, on the basis of a resolution passed by the then G.B. of Manikpur Anchalik College and a lot of students took admission in 2004. Major course was introduced in 2016.

Courses offered : B.A. (Arts) General and Major

Faculty Members : M.Z. Ahmed, M.A. LLB (HOD) : J. Alom, M.A., M.Phil, LLB : S. Paramanik, M.A.

Facilities : a) Good accommodation and infrastructure. b) Sufficient number of text books and reference books. c) Extra care for major students. d) Special class and remedial class.

Activities : a) Group discussion in all classes. b) Seminar c) Data collection for home assignments.

23 Departmental Profile

Name of Department: HISTORY History : The department of History is one among those which started functioning with the inception of Manikpur Anchalik College in 1993. Sahajuddin Ahmed was the first Head of the Dept. Major course was introduced in the year 2015. The Dept. of History has glorious result with no fail records. Mainul Hoque, Phul Renu Mishra, Mahanta Talukdar, Golam Mustafa Mondal, Gautam Kalita & Suren Das were also once lecturers in the department.

Courses offered : B.A. (Arts) General and Major Faculty Members : Riajee Sultana Islam, M.A., M. Phil (Spcl. - Modern India) Abdul Latif, M.A. (Spcl. - Modern India)

Facilities : The faculty members of the department provide reference books to the major students. The department arranges special class when necessary. Activities : Active coordination and cordial relation between teacher and students are the strengths of the Dept. of History. Group discussion is held regularly. A class is taken once in a month covering the topics like environment, current affairs, geography, local culture etc. to enhance general knowledge of the students.

24 Departmental Profile

Name of Department : GEOGRAPHY History : The Governing body of Manikpur Anchalik College introduced the subject Geography in this college in 2004 to fulfil the greater interest of the students. Subsequently, subject related necessary works were also completed through the proper authorities. The first Geography classes were started in this college on the 3rd August of 2004 by the founder Asstt. Prof. Biplab Sarkar both in H.S. and B.A. course. In 2011, the G.B. of this college introduced major course in Geography. Courses offered : B.A. Major & General.

Faculty Members : Biplab Sarkar, M.A., M. Phil (SPL- Cartography) Assistant Professor and H.O.D. : Dr. Mahanta Das, M.A, Ph.D (SPL- Agricultural Geography) Assistant Professor : Kakoli Moral, M.A. (SPL- Fluvial Geomorphology) Assistant Professor

Facilities : 1. Computerized Laboratory cum library. 2. Necessary instruments for practical works. 3. Separate Department 4. Digital classroom 5. E-learning 6. Text books, Reference books and Journals.

Activities : 1. Orientation of inter-college seminar program. 2. Social awareness program by the students-teacher. 3. Educational tour program by teachers-students. 4. Special classes by the guest teachers. 5. Participation of students in outstation education program. 6. Special classes by the teachers in nearby schools.

25 Principal & Non Teaching Staff

Martuz Ali Ahmed, M.A. Nurul Ameen, M.A. Principal I/c. Vice-Principal


Ranjit Talukdar : Librarian Chandi Charan Ray : Library Assistant Hiteswar Ray : Library Bearer

26 OFFICE STAFF NAME DESIGNATION Chandi Charan Ray Sr. Assistant Anu Ram Ray Sr. Assistant Bhakti Ram Ray Accountant Pranita Das Jr. Assistant Hiranya Rajbongshi Computer Operator Harekrishna Ray Computer Operator Manoj Kr. Ray Grade- IV Mukul Ch. Ray Grade- IV Soumarendra Das Grade- IV Raben Ray Grade- IV Habijul Islam Grade- IV Manshuma Khatun Grade- IV (Part Time)

27 STUDENTS’ UNION Manikpur Anchalik College Students’ Union is the only recognized students’ organization of the college. Its membership is compulsory for each and every student of the college. The executive body is formed annually selecting the the efficient and eloquent students through the process of election.

Prof. In-Charge

President : Afjal Hoque Dhireswar Das Vice-President : Hemenjyoti Das General Secretary : Muktar Ali Rabin Chandra Ray Asst. Gen. Secretary : Atowar Hussain Fakir Dr. Mahanta Das Magazine Secretary : Umed Ali Dr. Ratul Pathak, Dr. Bhanita Bhattacharyya Major Game Secretary : Dipjyoti Ray Gautam Kr. Roy Minor Game Secretary : Fazar Ali Ahmed Cultural Secretary : Deva Kumar Das, Buddhadev Ray Jagadish Chandra Ray Debate & Symposium Secretary : Shahabul Islam Jahangir Alam, Tulsi Chandra Dey Social Service Secretary : Bandita Pathak Manabendra Das Gymnastics Secretary : Bahadur Ali Ahmed Boys’ Common Room Secretary : Abdul Khaleque Girls' Common Room Secretary : Anjuma Khatun Anamika Das Class Representative- Sabir Hussain B.A. 1st Year Khandakar B.A. 2nd Year B.A. 3rd Year

28 GOVERNING BODY OF THE COLLEGE President : Shri Dhiresh Ch. Barman Ex. Vice-Principal, , Bijni Secretary : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal, I/c. Manikpur Anchalik College, Manikpur. Ex-Officio Member : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal Manikpur Anchalik College, Manikpur. Members (Guardian) : Shri Lochan Chandra Ray Shri Rajen Ray Smt. Puspa Das University Nominated : Dr. Hitesh Ch. Das Principal, . Dr. Birhashgiri Basumatary Bijni College, Bijni. Donor Member : Abdul Hai Nagori, B.Com, L.L.B. MLA, Abhayapuri North. Teacher’s Representative : Bodiud Zaman, Asstt. Prof. Gajibar Rahman, Asstt. Prof. Member of the : Chandi Charan Ray, Sr. Asstt. Non-Teaching Staff Member of the Library : Ranjit Talukdar, Librarian. COLLEGE CANTEEN


ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c Members : Head of all Departments (Subjects) Dhireswar Das, HoD,Education Convenor, Secretary, MACTU.

ADMISSION COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal, : Muktar Zaman Ahmed (Convernor) : Deva Kumar Das (Co-ordinator, IQAC) : Hemenjyoti Das : Biplab Sarkar : Rabin Chandra Ray : Tulsi Chandra Dey : Fazar Ali Ahmed : Gautam Kumar Roy : Gazibar Rahman : Jagadish Chandra Ray : Dr. M.H. Ahmed : Chandi Charan Ray : Anuram Ray

EXAMINATION COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal (Convener) Gazibar Rahman, Asstt. Prof. Jagadish Ch. Ray, Asstt. Prof. Anu Ram Ray, Sr. Assistant. Pranita Das, Jr. Assistant.

30 LIBRARY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/C Member : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal : Deva Kr. Das, Asstt. Prof. : Dr. Ratul Pathak, Asstt. Prof. : Gautam Kr. Roy, Asstt. Prof. : Ranjit Talukdar, Librarian (Convenor) : Chandi Charan Ray, Library Asstt.

PURCHASING & INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/C Member : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal : Ganesh Chandra Saha, Asstt. Prof. : Manabendra Das, Asstt. Prof. (Covenor) : Muktar Zaman Ahmed, Asstt. Prof. : Gautam Kumar Roy, Asstt. Prof. : Anu Ram Ray, Sr. Asstt.

PROSPECTUS COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/C Member : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal : Deva Kumar Das, Asstt. Prof. (Convenor) : Rabin Chandra Ray, Asstt. Prof. : Dr. M.H. Ahmed, Asstt. Prof.

31 WEBSITE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal Swapna Rani Barman Deka, Asstt. Prof. Deva Kumar Das, Asstt. Prof. Rabin Chandra Ray, Asstt. Prof. Dr. M.H. Ahmed, Asstt. Prof. (Co-ordinator) Gunajeet Mazumdar, Asst. Prof.

FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal Buddhadev Ray, Asstt. Prof. Jagadish Ch. Ray, Convener Mahanta Das, Asstt. Prof. Abdul Khaleque, Asstt. Prof.

ELECTION COMMISSION Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Vice-Chairman : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal Election Commissioner : Swapna Rani Barman Deka, Asstt. Prof. Asstt. Election Commissioner : Riajee Sultana Islam, Asstt. Prof. Members : Bodiud Zaman Ahmed, Asstt. Prof. Hemenjyoti Das, Asstt. Prof. Mahanta Das, Asstt. Prof.

32 SOCIAL WELFARE COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Vice-Chairman : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal Biplab Sarkar, Asstt. Prof. (Convener) Jahangir Alom, Asstt. Prof. Abdul Latif, Asstt. Prof.

PLANNING BOARD Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Co-ordinator : Dhireswar Das, Asstt. Prof. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Deva Kr. Das, Asstt. Prof. (Co-ordinator, IQAC) Manabendra Das, Asstt. Prof. Lochan Ch. Ray. G.B. Member Tulshi Ch. Dey, Asstt. Prof. Gautam Kr. Roy, Asstt. Prof. Anu Ram Ray, Sr. Asstt. Prof. Bhakti Ram Ray, (Accountant)

INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL (I.Q.A.C.) Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Co-ordinator : Deva Kr. Das, Asstt. Prof. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Dhireswar Das, Asstt. Prof. Bodiud Zaman, Asst. Prof. Riajee Sultana Islam, Asstt. Prof. Manabendra Das, Asstt. Prof. Rabin Chandra Ray, Asstt. Prof. Chandi Charan Ray, (Sr. Office Asstt. Dhaneswar Das, Executive Engineer Karuna Kanta Ray, Society Representative Rajen Ray, G.B. Member Dulal Ray, Alumni Representative


Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/C Members : Dhiresh Chandra Barman, President G.B. Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal Deva kr. Das, Asstt. Prof. (Co-ordinator, IQAC.) A.K. Ahmed, Asstt. Executive Engineer, PWD. Chandi Charan Ray, (Sr. Office Asstt.)

WOMEN CELL Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Dr. Pinky Das (Convener) Riajee Sultana Islam, Asstt. Prof. Swapna Rani Barman Deka, Asstt. Prof. Anamika Das, Asstt. Prof. Dr. Bhanita Bhattacharyya, Asstt. Prof.

COUNSELING CELL Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Dr. Ratul Pathak, Asstt. Prof. Muktar Zaman Ahmed, Asstt. Prof. Jahangir Alom, Asstt. Prof.(Convener) Gautam Kumar Roy, Asstt. Prof. Gunajeet Mazumdar, Asstt. Prof.

34 ANTI-RAGGING COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Dhireswar Das, Asstt. Prof. (Convener) Jagadish Ch. Ray, Asstt. Prof. Dr. Ratul Pathak, Asstt. Prof. Anamika Chandra Ray, Asstt. Prof. Rabin Chandra Ray, Asstt. Prof. (Secretary, MACTU) Gautam Kr. Roy, Asstt. Prof. General Secretary, Students Union, M.A.C.

ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Bodiud Zaman Ahmed, Asstt. Prof. (Convener) Tulshi Ch. Dey, Asstt. Prof. Fazar Ali Ahmed, Asstt. Prof. Dr. Bhanita Bhattacharyya, Asstt. Prof. S. Paramanik, Asstt. Prof.

GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL CELL Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Hemenjyoty Das, Asstt. Prof. (Convener) Jahangir Alom, Asstt. Prof. Mahanta Das, Asstt. Prof. Kakoli Moral, Asstt. Prof. President, MACSU

35 SPORTS COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Fazar Ali Ahmed, Asstt. Prof. Gautam Kumar Roy, Asstt. Prof. (Convener) S. Paramanik, Asstt. Prof.

NSS COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Gautam Kumar. Roy, Asstt. Prof. (Programme Officer & Convener) Biplab Sarkar, Asstt. Prof. Dr. M.H. Ahmed, Asstt. Prof.

N.C.C. COMMITTEE Chairman : Martuz Ali Ahmed, Principal I/c. Members : Nurul Ameen, Vice-Principal. Deva Kumar Das, Asstt. Prof. Rabin Chandra Ray, Asstt. Prof. Gautam Kumar Roy, Asstt. Prof. (Co-ordinator)

36 Festivals of the College College week is the longest festival of the college which is held in the second half of December or in January every year. It is a festival of Sports, Culture and Knowledge and it is enjoyed by both students and teachers with great enthusiasm. Saraswati Puja and Fateha are two important festivals which are celebrated every year. More than religious, these two festivals have become the parts of the culture of the college, since these are being celebrated irrespective of caste, creed and religion. Teachers’ Day and Freshers’ Day are two festivals that the students and teachers of the college look forward to. All these reflect the cordial, co-operative and healthy academic environment of the college. The secular environment, mutual faith, unity and harmony are the hallmarks of the college.

37 ACHIEVEMENT IN SPORTS The college excels in games & sports. The greater Manikpur area is a rich breeding ground of players in the field of Football, Volley Ball, Cricket, Kabaddi and Athletics. As a result, the college can boast of many potential players in different fields who can shine in state and even in national or international level if proper guidance and training are provided.

Testifying this point, the Volley Ball team (Boys) of the college became the Champion of the Gauhati University Inter College Volleyball Tournament held at Jagiroad College in 2017. The Boys & Girls teams of Kabaddi participated in the G.U. Inter- College Kabaddi Tournament held at in 2017 and both the teams entered quarter finals. The Football team of the college also participates regularly in G.U. Inter- College football Tournament and the team played quarter final in the tournament held at Bijni College in 2015.

Continuing the glorious tradition in the field of sports, the volley ball team (Boys) of the college became runners up in G.U. Inter College Volley Ball Tournament, 2018 held at Abhirushi Institure of Physical Education, Guwahati and in 2019 held at M.C. College Barpeta . The Kabaddi Team (Boys) of the college also won runners up trophy in G.U. Inter College Kabaddi Tournament, 2018 held at Suren Das College, Hajo. In the North-East Graduate Congress, 2018 held at USTM, Meghalaya, the Badminton Team of the College became champion with comprehensive wins.

38 Educational Tour / Excursion An educational tour or an excursion educates students and provides them with a chance to learn from a new set of experiences in an informal setting. It also allows students to develop close bonds with teachers and classmates. A tour acts as the foundation for improved learning experiences. It can be an excellent break for students and teachers. Educational tours and excursions are often arranged at Manikpur Anchalik College. The students union of the college organizes it every year. The govt. also encourages the colleges to go for it and our college received Rs. 2,00,000.00 (two lakhs) only from Assam Govt. for excursion. Utilizing the amount a group of teachers and students went to Rajasthan on 17/01/19 for a 7 [seven] days educational tour. This year also we have received Rs. 1,00,000.00 (one lakh) only for that purpose and we are looking forward to an other fruitful tour. It is notable that students are selected for the tours on the basis of academic merit which contributes a lot to the competitive academic environment. Students from the College also often participate in different kinds of Exposure Programmes.

39 MANIKPUR ANCHALIK COLLEGE Manikpur, Bongaigaon ADMISSION PROGRAMME 2020-21 Opening of Online Closing of Online Uploading of Date of Class Form Submission Form Submission Merit List Admission From B.A. 1st Semester 27-06-2020 18-07-2020 20-07-2020 25-07-2020 to 31-07-2020 N.B.- Subject wise Merit list will also be Uploaded as per preferences .

* Dates mentioned here are subject to change. * For latest updates log on to-

* No cut of marks. * Admission will be on the basis of merit. * No form will be received after the last day of submission under any circumstances. * First semester classes will commence from as per guideline of the Govt. of Assam/ India. * No claim for admission will be entertained after the day of admission. * Incomplete forms and forms without proper documents will be rejected. * Major Selection will be only as per the procedure laid down by respective departments. * Original Caste Certificate of the candidate seeking admission under cast quota must be uploaded at the time of Applying for a admission.

Distance Education Courses: Institute of Distance & Open Learning (IDOL), Gauhati University Manikpur Anchalik College offers M.A in Assamese, Education, Economics, English, Pol. Science, History & Philosophy under Gauhati University, IDOL centre. Eligibility Criteria : Graduate in Any Discipline For Further details : Coordinator, IDOL Please contact Dr M.H. Ahmed Asst. Professor, Deptt. Of Economics Mobile No- 7002372848, 9435680845 Email ID- [email protected]

40 Published By - Prospectus Committee Manikpur Anchalik College 41