South Baddesley is a village primary school, founded in 1854. The buildings have been added to since that time and there are now about 140 pupils on roll. The school day runs from 8.30am to 3pm, with a breakfast club open to pupils from 7.30am and many after school clubs running until 5pm.

The school is situated two miles east of , in a rural setting close to the sea and the . Pupils come from the surrounding area, including South Baddesley, Norleywood, Portmore, , East End, East and Lymington. Pupils living in are offered free transport to and from school.

The school is fully involved in the life of the community including close links with St Mary’s Church. There is an active ‘Friends of the School’ run by the parents and a very supportive governing body.

The school has 6 classes, these are two mixed aged classes. We have a separate hall and EYFS block. We run a thriving Woodland School in our extensive grounds. As well as our woodland, our grounds include a garden managed by the children, a meadow and pond area.

Our aim is to provide an environment where children can be confident and happy and where they feel encouraged to achieve their best. The school’s Mission Statement is:

We explore, achieve and learn together

The school is very popular and achieves high standards. Pupils make good progress because of the excellent quality of teaching and the wide range of opportunities. Pupils’ personal development, attitudes and behaviours are very good and there is a strong feeling of community. We were judged to be ‘Outstanding’ in our Church Inspection in February 2014. Our Christian values are at the heart of our community:

Respect & Trust Courage & Perseverance Thankfulness & Peace

For more information, including access to our OFSTED and Diocesan Inspection reports, please visit the school website;