Wycombe District Local Plan
Wycombe District Local Plan Regulation 19 Publication Version October 2017 Wycombe District Local Plan Local Plan – Regulation 19 Version October 2017 This page is left intentionally blank Wycombe District Local Plan Local Plan – Regulation 19 Version October 2017 Consultation on the Wycombe District Local Plan Publication version – xx –October to xx November 2017 Wycombe District Council is consulting on the Wycombe District Local Plan Publication version (this document) from XX October 2017 to XX November 2017 This document is being published under regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. This is the Local Plan which Wycombe District Council intends to submit under regulation 22 of these regulations, to the Planning Inspectorate for an independent examination. This means that all responses to the consultation will be sent on directly to the Inspector to consider in the examination of the Local Plan. Making comments, or representations, at this stage is more formal than with previous consultations. It will be necessary for you to identify why the matter you raise causes the plan to be unsound (see below). It is therefore strongly recommended you use the form available (on the website, hard copies also available) to log your representations, to be sure we do not need to come back to you subsequently for clarification. A representation can also be in support of the Plan. If you wish to appear at the Examination, you must make a representation – either to support or to object – at this stage. In order to reduce the administrative burden of processing comments, if many local people share the same view on a matter in the Plan, we would encourage you to send in a joint response with the names of those concerned appended, or a petition, rather than individual letters.
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