Institute of Manuscripts, National Academy of Sciences

Sevar Jabbarli. Rare Manuscript Digest Composed in Shirvan // J. of “Manuscripts Don’t Burn”. Special issue, 2019, pp. 137-142.

Sevar Jabbarli Researcher Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad , ANAS 26, Istiglaliyat Street, Baku E-mail: [email protected]


Key words: , bayaz, jung, majmu, collection, rubai

Digests of manuscripts, which has an ancient tradition in the history of have been highly valued by our nation and their artists of word at all stages of the historical development. Moreover, as the 18th century and in particular the 19th centuryis a special period in the history of manuscript digests in Azerbaijan, the initiative of composing jungs, bayazes and majmuas enhanced and such written monuments were very common. As digests of manuscripts require hard work unlike printed magazines, composition of them also take some time. Surely, if there was a need to copy out only one jung or bayaz (it was very rarely required, for example, ’s bayaz), it will not take significant time. But it is completely different to compose an original majmua. And even the completion dates of such majmuas are different from the start dates of their composition to some extent, that is, their different parts differ from each other, or may their different parts may belong to various dates. For example, some part of the majmua being maintained at the Institute of Manuscripts of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences with Code B-3987 was copied out in 1835 and the other part was copied out in 1859. However, observations of digests of manuscripts show that the composition of jungs, bayazes and majmuas had already formed as a tradition in Azerbaijan. Among them, the most distinguishing ones were Shirvan and Karabakh regions. In this paper, we will discuss manuscript digests composed in Shirvan. Shirvan was a province having the largest and richest natural resources among the provinces in Caucasus. Shirvan province included , Salian, Shaki, Baki, Darband and a range of other gazas. Covering the region from Kura River to Alpan River (Gouba), from Mingachevir to Absheron, Shirvan province also included the territories of ’s Maharramkand and Gasimkand in addition to Salian, Gouba, Khachmaz, Sabirabad, Ali-Bairamli, Hajugabul, Shamakhi, Maraza, Ismayilli, Kourdamir, Gousar, Davachi, Sumgait and Baku Cities. In his work titled Goulistani Ram, Abbasgoulu Aga Bakhikanov shows that theall territory of Azerbaijan from Kura to the North, Terek was regarded the territory of old Shirvan. In the Russian version of the work, it is said: ‘Shirvan with Salian, Shaki, Baki, Darband, Tabasaran and Kura territories, Samur province and the bottom part of Yesila. Shirvan is large and the best in Caucasus land.’ (54, IX) As is seen, in the information given by Bakhikanov, Shirvan is also shown as one of the large provinces of Caucasus.


Journal of “Manuscripts don’t burn” / Special issue, 2019

It is already well known that Shirvan province with a beautiful nature, rich cultural resources, valuable and attractive historical monuments has rewarded great artists to the history of our literature and culture. As each nation’s morals, knowledge and thinking are reflected in their literature and other monuments, Shirvan’s artists of word also demonstrated the life conditions, traditions of the nation and all rich resources of their country through their works to the nation, and accomplished great successes in formation and development of the history of literature and culture. Shirvan province rewarded great personalities to the history of literature, from Khagani, Falaki, Badir Shirvani to Bakhikanov, Mirza Alakbar Sabir and Alibay Husseinzadeh. Each new artist benefitted from the rich heritages of their predecessors, built their knowledge and arts on the basis of the rich foundation formed before them, and accomplished to develop the traditions under new conditions. Artists of word followed this way in formation of all types of literature. That aspect also showed it in formation and development of the manuscripts of poem digests in Shirvan. The generation of the school of manuscript poem digests is related first of all with the name of Shamakhi, Shirvan province’s center, where artists have a special place in development of Azerbaijani culture and literature. When talking about Bahar Shirvani, Firudin bay Kocharli wrote: ‘Necə ki, sabiqdə zikr olundu, Şamaxı şəhəri qəribə dahilərə qəhvareyi-tərbiyə (tərbiyə beşiyi – S.C.) olduğundan naşi bədiül-misal alimlər və şairləri və ədəbi fazilləri öz ağuşi-nazbəxşində bəsləyib ərseyi-dünyayə gətirmişdir.’ (48, II, 5) We can show the poem that Sayyid Azim Shirvani wrote to Haji Abbas Agah as a reply:

Sənə, ey agəhi-şirinsüxən, bizdən səlam olsun, Müninün aləmi-fanidə həyyi-layənam olsun.

Xəlila, sən xəlili-əsrü xilqətpişəsən, yarəb, Sənə dünyavü üqba atəşi bərdü səlam olsun.

Həmişə məclisində saqi olsun müşkgeysular, Bu ahugözlülər daim sənə təb ilə ram olsun.

Büsati-işrəti-canpərvərində ta səhər hər şəb, Düzülsün mahruxlər, badeyi-xurşidfam olsun.

İtaət eyləsin fərmanına aləmdə Seyyidlər, Həmişə astanın məlcə`i aligiram olsun.

Rəqəm qılmalı söz çox, halınızdan ittilaım yox, Təbiət babətindən qorxuram söz biməqam olsun.

Really, in this land, which was a cradle of education of genius poets from Khagani Shirvani, Aga Masih Shirvani, Nishat Shirvani to Sayyid Azim and Sabir, besides generation of necessary foundations and conditions for education of these personalities and formation of their artistic and esthetic views, existence of strong schools where calligraphy was paid a special attention and teachers and scientists who inspired an interest to literature and poem was inevitable. As book studies, creation of manuscript versions of poem digests and writing of memoirs covered the same period with the creation and formation of literature and poetry, it is somehow difficult to say which of these areas appeared earlier. In the 18-19th centuries, poem and art developed in Shamakhi wider than other cities of Azerbaijan. Viewing only the period of Sayyid Azim Shirvani and the activity of the society


Institute of Manuscripts, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences of poets Beytus-Safa ruled by him is enough to determine the development level of the poetry and art. Beytus-Safa literary society was organized in 1867 in Shamakhi with the initiative of Sayyid Azim’s friend Alakbar Bay in Ahmad Aga’s caravansary. According to writings of Mullah Mahmud Zui, it was titled Beytus-Safa (Home of Pleasure) according to the suggestion of Mirza Nasrullah. Mirza Nasrullah Bahar, who left Shamakhi and lived in Tehran and Tabriz, used to visit the society every time when he came to the mother land. Beytus-Safa’s poets were keeping regular relations with poets from Baki, Darband and Lankaran. The society was directed firstly by S.Azim and then by Bikhud. S.Azim wrote works almost in all types of the classic poetry. His works were published many times. He is also the author of a memoirs where information is given about many Azerbaijan poets. Beytus-Safa was active until 1892. From the poem written by Sayyid Azim Shirvani to Mirza Mahmud Zui:

Ey olan hübbi-girdigari-vədud Bədəni kimiya, adı Mahmud.

Səni hifa edə xaliqi-mütəal, Yetməsin qəlbüvə qübari-məlal.

Hər zaman nitqüvə edə qərran, Qəlbüvü eyləyə pür əz iman.

Gəl, gedək əyləşək o Şirvandə, Seyr edək bustani-rizvandə.

Doğru sözdür deyiblə əhli-lisan: “Gənc məxrubədə olur pünhan”.

Çün əlim təngdir, bağışla məni, Eylərəm razı tez zamanda səni.

Sənsən ustad rəsmi-əş`arə, Tutma irad Seyyidi-zarə.

Gər ola sözlərimdə qəsrü diraz, Əfv qıl, ey kərimi-bəndənə vaz.

This progress and development of poem in its turn stimulated the development of the tradition of composition of digests of poems. When viewing just the treasury of the Institute of Manuscripts of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, we can see that many majmuas (magazines) of jungs, bayazes and poems were created in the 18-19th centuries in Shamakhi, in general, the Shirvan province. Of course, although, unlike memoirs, these manuscript digests, as said, do not give any information about the content of poems and about poets, they are important for studying which poets and in which territory, in which province were liked by the nation and the persons composing the jungs, bayazes and majmuas. One jung manuscript (Code: B-132, Sizes: 13x19.5 cm, volume: 238 pages), which is one of the rare examples of the manuscript digests composed in Shamakhi distinguishes with its originality. This originality, first of all, is that the main part of the poems included in the manuscript are gazals, and then mukhammases, musaddases, mustazades and tarjibands.


Journal of “Manuscripts don’t burn” / Special issue, 2019

Small poems such as rubais, fards, or fragments from lyric poems, tuyuges and bayatis were not included in the monument. In short, it covers all types of the poems existing in the poem divans of classical poets. However, the jung consists of examples collected from the poems of not only one author, but various poets. Composition of the manuscript in this way gives grounds to assess it as a continuation of the tradition of composition of medieval manuscript digests. The study of the manuscript looks like a copy of manuscript digest coming from the library of the Safavids, which is currently maintained at the Public library named after Saltikov-Shedrin (52, 65-67). In this manuscript digest composed in Shirvan, rarely rubais (b- 132, 169A) can be found. Although in some part there are medical copies, a fragment from the poem titled Simavar by Gasir, notes about Dagestan’s history, or notes about Shamakhi and its population under the heading of Tavarikhi-Gadim, material histories on empty pages, and etc, these are related to subsequent periods and are different from the script style of the main part of the jung. The majority of the poems included in the manuscript are poets from Shirvan and Karabakh. Of course, there are also examples from poems of Algadari Mirza Hasan from Dagestan, Mirza Ismail Gasir from Lankaran, or Hafiz Shirazi, and poet Nabi in the manuscript. However, their number is small. On the other side, majority of the poets whose works were included in the manuscript are authors of the 18-19th centuries. So, except a few authors, all of the remaining authors included in this manuscript written in the 19th century lived and wrote works in the mentioned period. Two examples of poems by Hafiz Shirazi were also written afterward on empty pages under the heading ‘min kalami-Hafiz’ (from Hafiz’s words) through a different script style. On Pages 16-52b in the first part of the manuscript, Sayid Azim’s gazals in Persian were given. This part was also copied out by another scribe. If the key part of the bayaz were copied out in Sayid Azim’s period (1835-1888), no doubt the monument would be regarded as an autograph of the poet. Because the script style of this manuscript looks like the script style of the memoirs, which are maintained in Sayyid Azim’s personal fund and is regarded the autograph of the poet. And the copying out of the manuscript would also allow it. However, the manuscript was copied out 4-5 years after the death of Sayyid Azim, in 1892. Thus, it is also doubtful that Sayyid Azim’s memoirs are an autograph. Surely, future researches will also discover new things in this area. The discussed poem digest consists of relatively large poems:

Ənisim guşeyi-izlətdə bir şirinkəlam oldu, Dili-nakam üçün, səd şükr kimi, axırda kam oldu.

Mənə ol hur ilə oldu həlal içmək meyi-nabi, Həsəddən düşməni-xudkam üçün sağər həram oldu.

Mənəm ol mah vəslindən edən kami-dilim hasil, Bu rövşən əmrdir kim, badeyi-xurşidfam oldu.

Xudaya, olmasın səyyadi-bipərvalər agəh kim, Mənə ol ahuyi-vəhşi gəlib Şirvanda ram oldu.

Edib Seyyid nişimən ol qəzalın xaki-kuyində, Behişti-ədnə yetdi, gör necə ali məqam oldu.

Moreover, many of the mukhammases included here are satires, which distinghishes from the poem digests written in another places.


Institute of Manuscripts, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

In general, praises written to various persons and also their opposites – satires, as well as mubarakabadlig letters and etc. poem forms were included in the manuscript. The majority is satires among them. Among them, there are a satire written by Baba bay to Amiraslan Bay (page 1336), the satire titled Shamakhi’s New Misters (page 1496), Asi’s satire (page 155a) and Mirza Mehdi Naji Gnajavi’s reply to him (page 1576), Mirza Ismayil Gari’s satire to Sayyid Azim (page 161a), Mashadi Akbar Gafil’s satire written about Gara Muhammad Safa (page 1656), Fani’s satire to Kamina, Sayyid Azim’s reply satire to Fana (page 1656) and others. Sayyid Azim’s works, including his satires constitutes the majority. And all of these are not accidental. In Sayyid Azim’s period, satire through poetry was very common. Sayyid Azim Shirvani not restricted his activity by only writing his poems in simple Turkish, but also encouraged the personalities who thought and acted with national thoughts. On the way paved by Sayyid Azim, M.A.Sabir, a great poet and cultural criticist appeared then. But at that time, when everyone in Safavizadeh sneered Hasan Bay Zardabi’s journalism activity, Safavizadeh, who was called illiterate by Sayyid Azim opposed against bad behaviors of the crowd and supported Hsan Bay Zardabi. Let’s view a fragment from his poem in which he encourages Hasan Bay Zardabi’s moral activities:

Dün sual etdi bir nəfər cahil, Ki qəzetdən nədir bizə hasil? Bu Həsən bəy nə istəyir bizdən? Doldurub aləmi quru sözdən.

Sayyid Azim Shirvani wrote his philosophical and religious views not through the syllabic meter, but mostly the aruz prosody and in particular in his gazals. He satirized the mullah job which was a heritage from the Safavids and wrote many poems. Many jungs were created in Shirvan province, which had an ancient and rich culture, and in different cities of this province. It is impossible talk about all of them individually. Even individual jungs need for a special research. We think that research of some available jungs about Shirvan would be enough to form a general imagination. Thus, the jungs, majmuas and bayazes created in Shirvan show that poetry and art was greatly valued in this land, and the tradition of composition of manuscript digests were common and diversified there and passed through a great development way in the 19th century. Unlike other territories of Azerbaijan, satires are relatively more in the manuscript digests composed in the 19th century in Shirvan. Researches show that majmuas which were composed both as textbooks for religious school studens and upon orders have been also found.


1. Poetical Societies. Sayyid Azim Shirvani. Collected and composed by Nasraddin Garayev. B. Yazichi, 1987. Page 114 2. Manuscript in Azeri, Persian and Turkish, Code B-132


Journal of “Manuscripts don’t burn” / Special issue, 2019

Cabbarlı Sevər

Şirvanda tərtib olunmuş nadir əlyazma toplusu


Açar sözlər: şeir, bəyaz, cüng, məcmuə, toplu, rübai

Şamaxıda tərib olunmuş əlyazma toplularının nadir nümunələrindən olan bir əlyazma cüng (Şifr: B-132) öz orijinallığı ilə fərqlənir. Bu orijinallıq ilk növbədə ondan ibarətdir ki, əl- yazmaya daxil edilmiş şeirlərin çox hissəsini qəzəllər, sonra müxəmməs, müsəddəs, müstəzad və tərcibbəndlər təşkil edir. Bir sözlə, klassik şairlərin lirik şeir divanlarında olan şeirin bütün növlərini əhatə edir. Lakin cüng bir müəllifin deyil, müxtəlif müəlliflərin şeirlərindən toplan- mış nümunələrdən ibarətdir. Əlyazmanın bu şəkildə tərtibi onu orta əsr əlyazma toplusu tər- tibi ənənəsinin davamı kimi dəyərləndirməyə əsas verir. Əlyazmanın əvvəlində 16-52b vərəq- lərində Seyid Əzimin farsca qəzəlləri verilmişdir. Bu hissə də başqa bir katib tərəfindən köçü- rülmüşdür. Bəyazın əsas hissəsi Seyid Əzim (1835-1888) dövründə köçürülsəydi, şübhəsiz ki, abidəni şairin avtoqrafı hesab etmək olardı. Çünki bu əlyazmanın xətti Seyid Əzimin şəxsi fondunda saxlanılan və şairin avtoqrafı hesab olunan təzkirənin xəttinə oxşardır. Haqqında danışılan şeir toplusu nisbətən iri həcmli şeirlərdən ibarətdir. Bundan əlavə buraya daxil edilmiş müxəmməslərin bir çoxu həcvdən ibarətdir ki, bu da başqa ərazilərdə yazılan şeir toplularından fərqlənir.

Джаббарлы Севар

Подготовленный в Ширване сборник редких рукописей


Ключевые слова: стихи, байаз, джунг, маджмуе, рубаи

Сборник рукописей – джунг (Шифр: В-132) – составлен в Шамахе из редких рукописей и отличается своей оригинальностью. В начале рукописи на листах 16-52b представлены газели Сейид Азима Ширвани на персидском языке. Эта часть переписана другим писарем. Упомянутый сборник составлен из относительно крупных по объему стихов. Кроме того, большинство включенных сюда мухаммасов представ- ляет собой памфлеты. В этом состоит его отличие от сборников, составленных в других областях.