THE ASSOCIATION of LGBTQ JOURNALISTS Five Distinct Regions 127 Miles of Overseas Highway Hundreds of Named Islands Thousands of Stories

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THE ASSOCIATION of LGBTQ JOURNALISTS Five Distinct Regions 127 Miles of Overseas Highway Hundreds of Named Islands Thousands of Stories SEPTEMBER 8-11, 2016 MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA #NLGJA2016 THE ASSOCIATION OF LGBTQ JOURNALISTS Five distinct regions 127 miles of Overseas Highway Hundreds of named islands Thousands of stories @thefloridakeys Insta @thefloridakeys Media Hotline: 1-800-ASK-KEYS ANDY NEWMAN Key West... ...Offers Warm Welcome and Tropical Temptations By Carol Shaughnessy drag,” features cabarets, drag For more than 200,000 gay and shows, piano bars, colorful lesbian visitors each year, Key West pubs and a beloved Sunday offers a welcome as warm as the Tea Dance. subtropical temperatures. Lying at the During the day, vacationers southernmost end of the Florida Keys, can choose from exclusively surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and gay and lesbian water activities Gulf of Mexico, the island was one of such as snorkeling, sunset the first popular gay vacation meccas sailing cruises and dolphin — and remains a consistently top- watching or join other visitors MIKE FREAS ranked LGBT travel destination. above, on or below the sea. The Southernmost Point marker is one of the most Visitors will find lively gay and The Key West Business popular photo spots in the Florida Keys. lesbian nightlife, year-round water Guild, founded in 1978, sports opportunities, a packed operates an LGBT visitor center popular with LGBT vacationers is calendar of annual events and an open daily to provide information and because its local population is so accepting “come as you are” attitude. assistance. The center also houses diverse and all-embracing. Liberal, Accommodations range from all-male an exhibit honoring the legacy of civilized, and sophisticated, the clothing-optional properties to historic renowned playwright Tennessee island has a gay police chief and gay-friendly inns, luxurious oceanfront Williams, who lived on a quiet Key other officials, and was the first U.S. resorts, hotels and vacation homes. West street for more than 30 years. city to elect an openly gay mayor. Duval Street, Key West’s “main Key West knows how to throw a The rainbow flag is displayed in the party. June’s Key West Pride city commission chambers and the Key West accommodations include historic gay-friendly inns. celebrates the island’s open Florida Keys’ official motto, adopted by and welcoming community, both Key West and the Keys’ Monroe while August’s Tropical Heat is County, is One Human Family — a four-day event for gay men. proclaiming equality and acceptance Each September, Womenfest for all people. attracts as many as 5,000 For LGBT visitors, Key West is a women for eclectic events, place to be open and relaxed. It’s a and October brings the 10-day place to make new friends, play from Fantasy Fest masking and dawn to dusk or luxuriate in laziness. costuming extravaganza. Other Above all, it’s an unparalleled place offerings include pageants, art to enjoy carefree vacation days and openings and shows, charity nights on an irresistible, accepting happenings and themed subtropical island. weekend events. For more travel information, go to One reason Key West is MIKE FREAS Love Drives our greatest moments, big and small Our commitment to diversity doesn’t stop within Toyota. Across the Toyota family and in communities around the world, we admire and applaud the differences that make us unique and celebrate the love that drives us all. #LoveDrives NLGJA 2016 National Convention & LGBT Media Summit September 8-11, 2016 | The Ritz-Carlton South Beach Miami Beach, Florida :HOFRPHIURP1/*-$·V3UHVLGHQW :HOFRPHIURP1/*-$·V([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU )URPWKH&RQYHQWLRQ&R&KDLUV )URPWKH/*%70HGLD6XPPLW&KDLU 1/*-$%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV &KDSWHUV 1/*-$/LIHWLPH0HPEHUV 1/*-$/*%7-RXUQDOLVWV+DOORI)DPH 1/*-$([FHOOHQFHLQ-RXUQDOLVP$ZDUGV 21 NLGJA 2017 &RQYHQWLRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ 5LW]&DUOWRQ6RXWK%HDFK)ORRUSODQV 1/*-$6SRQVRUV &DUHHU &RPPXQLW\([SR $XWKRU·V&DIé &211(&71/*-$6WXGHQW-RXUQDOLVP3URMHFW &RQYHQWLRQ /*%70HGLD6XPPLW6FKHGXOH$W$*ODQFH /*%70HGLD6XPPLW6FKHGXOH &RQYHQWLRQ6FKHGXOH)ULGD\ &RQYHQWLRQ6FKHGXOH6DWXUGD\ 'DWHOLQH'& &RQYHQWLRQ6SHDNHUV The Association of LGBTQ Journalists 2120 L Street NW | Suite 850 | Washington, DC 20037 (202) 588-9888 | | LET’S TAKE ON OUR COMMUNITY’S UNIQUE FINANCIAL CHALLENGES, TOGETHER. At Prudential, we’ve leveraged our employees, and our community relationships to build a powerful understanding of the challenges and opportunities surrounding our community’s financial life – through groundbreaking research, thought leadership, and our support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender organizations both within and outside of Prudential. It all adds up to us delivering financial solutions to help meet our community’s needs. To see valuable information and research, or to find a financial professional committed to our community’s financial needs, visit LIFE INSURANCE | RETIREMENT | INVESTMENTS | FINANCIAL PLANNING © 2016. Prudential, the Prudential logo, the Rock symbol and Bring Your Challenges are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Prudential Financial, Inc. and its affiliates, Newark, NJ. 0266291-0001-00 66696 WELCOME TO NLGJA 2016 JEN CHRISTENSEN NLGJA President On Sunday, June 12, my spouse Holly woke 7KDW·V RQH RI WKH PDQ\ UHDVRQV 1/*-$ me up with terrible news. needs to be in the room to make media better. We need to be the voice in that diversity I was the on-call producer that weekend. meeting or in our newsrooms, reminding :LWK &11·V PHGLFDO XQLW WKDW W\SLFDOO\ our allies how to get the LGBTQ story means answering quick questions about ULJKW :H QHHG 1/*-$·V 5DSLG 5HVSRQVH Zika or accompanying Dr. Sanjay Gupta into 7DVN)RUFHWRH[SODLQWRMRXUQDOLVWVZK\LW·V the studio or giving an anchor advice when wrong to misgender a trans victim of crime. she gets a cold. This was different. :H QHHG 1/*-$·V DZDUGV H[SDQGHG WKLV year, to honor coverage that succeeds. We We often are called upon to tell stories about QHHG 1/*-$·V 1HZ :D\V ZRUNVKRSV WR people on their worst day, be it on 9/11 or in help journalists tell stories about HIV that Hurricane Katrina, but on that day, the attack FRXOGVDYHOLYHV:HQHHGWKHFRQYHQWLRQ·V at Pulse nightclub in Orlando felt personal. networking and professional development to help us up our game. Our profession still In stories after that tragedy, many NLGJA needs NLGJA and — NLGJA still needs us. members wrote eloquently about the rare acceptance they felt in such places and Earlier this year, I read about one of our new described what it was like to walk into their 1/*-$ PHPEHUV 0LWFKHOO 0F&R\ZKR ZLOO ÀUVWJD\EDU0\ÀUVWZDVWKHDQRQGHVFULSW be featured on a writing panel this year. What ZRPHQ·V EDU E\ WKH , RYHUSDVV LQ he did should inspire everyone to be even downtown Indianapolis. I remember pacing PRUH GHGLFDWHG WR 1/*-$·V PLVVLRQ 7KLV the gravel parking lot, working up the nerve VSULQJ WKH /LWWOH 5RFN $UNDQVDV UHSRUWHU to open that heavy steel door. When we tweeted about an angry email he got from ÀQDOO\ GLG JR WKURXJK , ODXJKHG 7KH ·V DYLHZHU$´IDQµRIKLVVWDWLRQ.$5.ZURWH wood-paneled interior and beige drop-ceiling WKDW KH FRXOGQ·W ´VWDQG >0F&R\·V@ JD\QHVVµ ORRNHGPRUHOLNHP\$XQWLH3K\OOLV·EDVHPHQW adding, “Society is not ready for gay men than an intimidating den of iniquity. The UHDGLQJWKHQHZVµ0F&R\GLGQRWERZWRWKLV ZRPHQ GUHVVHG LQ WKHLU EHVW ÁDQQHOV DQG bully. With grace and courage, he tweeted, acid-washed jeans, were friendly. The drag ´,·YHGUHDPWRIEHLQJDUHSRUWHUVLQFH,ZDV SHUIRUPHUVÁLUW\$QGIRUPDQ\RIP\IULHQGV DQG,ZRQ·WVWRSRQ\RXUEHKDOIµ ZKR QHYHU KDG WKH EHQHÀW RI D ZHOFRPLQJ church or family, it became sanctuary, a safe “No matter who you are or what you believe place to be yourself, even if you never really LQ ³ GUHDP ORXGO\ DQG GRQ·W OHW DQ\RQH did feel comfortable when the DJ cued up JHW LQ \RXU ZD\µ 0F&R\ FRQWLQXHG ´7KH “The Electric Slide” one more time to pack minute you stop is the minute you stop being WKH VWLFN\ GDQFH ÁRRU )RU PDQ\ DV RXU \RX ZKR DUH ,W·V QRW ZRUWK LW 'UHDP2Q panelists on Saturday will tell you, Pulse was 6WHS8S6WRS%XOO\LQJµ that place of safety and acceptance. And it was hard to fathom that a single person So please, as you enjoy the convention could take that away in one evening. WKLVZHHN´GUHDPORXGO\µ0DNHWKRVHQHZ FRQQHFWLRQV 5HDFK RXW WR WKRVH ZKR ZRUN It was also hard to fathom that some of our in newsrooms without support. Support your media allies failed to understand why it was colleagues who have come here to share so important to name the tragedy for what their wisdom on panels and plenaries. And it was — a mass murder at a gay bar. At a SOHDVHJREDFNWR\RXURIÀFHDQGWHOO\RXU diversity journalism summit in Washington, managers and your colleagues that we need D.C., a manager at a national network said even more of you at the next convention or that he instructed his staff not to use the word the next chapter event. We need to grow and ´JD\µLQWKHLUVWRULHV,·YHQHYHUEHHQSURXGHU strengthen these important bonds we form RI .HQ 0LJXHO 1/*-$·V YLFH SUHVLGHQW here so we can keep telling the important for broadcast, who bravely stood up to stories of our community — so that our explain why removing that key descriptor, members can be safe and successful and be or “straightwashing” the story, made the who we are. LGBTQ community invisible, creating a second tragedy. September 8-11, 2016 | Miami Beach, Florida | 5 Tim Garnett, M.D. Chief Medical Officer, Eli Lilly and Company » Started at Lilly in 1998 in Erl Wood, England » Holds medical degree from The University of London and the Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology » Performed clinical research in post-menopause and osteoporosis Expect the unexpected. My life has been an amazing journey.
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