Pope's Message Dear brothers and sisters! News Letter A hundred and sixty August 2021 years have passed since the death of the holy Curé of Ars, whom Pope Pius XI proposed as the patron of parish priests throughout the world. On this, his feast day, I write this letter not only to parish priests but to all of you, my brother priests, who have quietly “left all behind” in order to immerse yourselves in the daily life of your communities. Like the Curé of Ars, you serve “in the trenches”, bearing the burden of the day and the heat (cf. Mt 20:12), confronting an endless variety of situations in your effort to care for and accompany God's people. I want to say a word to each of you who, often without fanfare and at personal cost, amid weariness, infirmity and sorrow, carry out your mission of service to God and to your people. Despite the hardships of the journey, you are writing the finest pages of the priestly life. Some time ago, I shared with the Italian bishops my worry that, in more than a few places, our priests feel themselves attacked and blamed for Fr. Secretary crimes they did not commit. I mentioned Bishop's House, that priests need to find in their bishop an Post Bag No. 6, older brother and a father who reassures Coimbatore - 641 001. them in these difficult times, encouraging www.coimbatored iocese. org and supporting them along the way. [email protected] As an older brother and a father, I too Voice : 0422 2390430 would like in this letter to thank you in the 0422 2382806 Fax : 0422 2394530 name of the holy and faithful People of 2 God for all that you do for them, and to encourage you never to forget the words that the Lord spoke with great love to us on the day of our ordination. Those words are the source of our joy: “I no longer call you servants… I call you friends” (Jn 15:15). PAIN “I have seen the suffering of my people” (Ex 3:7) In these years, we have become more attentive to the cry, often silent and suppressed, of our brothers and sisters who were victims of the abuse of power, the abuse of conscience and sexual abuse on the part of ordained ministers. This has been a time of great suffering in the lives of those who experienced such abuse, but also in the lives of their families and of the entire People of God. As you know, we are firmly committed to carrying out the reforms needed to encourage from the outset a culture of pastoral care, so that the culture of abuse will have no room to develop, much less continue. This task is neither quick nor easy: it demands commitment on the part of all. If in the past, omission may itself have been a kind of response, today we desire conversion, transparency, sincerity and solidarity with victims to become our concrete way of moving forward. This in turn will help make us all the more attentive to every form of human suffering. This pain has also affected priests. I have seen it in the course of my pastoral visits in my own diocese and elsewhere, in my meetings and personal conversations with priests. Many have shared with me their outrage at what happened and their frustration that “for all their hard work, they have to face the damage that was done, the suspicion and uncertainty to which it has given rise, and the doubts, fears and disheartenment felt by more than a few”. I have received many letters from priests expressing those feelings. At the same time, I am comforted by my meetings with pastors who recognize and share the pain and suffering of the victims and of the People of God, and have tried to find words and actions capable of inspiring hope. Without denying or dismissing the harm caused by some 3 of our brothers, it would be unfair not to express our gratitude to all those priests who faithfully and generously spend their lives in the service of others (cf. 2 Cor 12:15). They embody a spiritual fatherhood capable of weeping with those who weep. Countless priests make of their lives a work of mercy in areas or situations that are often hostile, isolated or ignored, even at the risk of their lives. I acknowledge and appreciate your courageous and steadfast example; in these times of turbulence, shame and pain, you demonstrate that you have joyfully put your lives on the line for the sake of the Gospel. I am convinced that, to the extent that we remain faithful to God's will, these present times of ecclesial purification will make us more joyful and humble, and prove, in the not distant future, very fruitful. “Let us not grow discouraged! The Lord is purifying his Bride and converting all of us to himself. He is letting us be put to the test in order to make us realize that without him we are simply dust. He is rescuing us from hypocrisy, from the spirituality of appearances. He is breathing forth his Spirit in order to restore the beauty of his Bride, caught in adultery. We can benefit from rereading the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel. It is the history of the Church, and each of us can say it is our history too. In the end, through your sense of shame, you will continue to act as a shepherd. Our humble repentance, expressed in silent tears before these atrocious sins and the unfathomable grandeur of God's forgiveness, is the beginning of a renewal of our holiness”. GRATITUDE “I do not cease to give thanks for you” (Eph 1:16). Vocation, more than our own choice, is a response to the Lord's unmerited call. We do well to return constantly to those passages of the Gospel where we see Jesus praying, choosing and calling others “to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message” (Mk 3:14). Here I think of a great master of the priestly life in my own country, Father Lucio Gera. Speaking to a group of priests at a turbulent time in Latin America, he told them: “Always, but 4 especially in times of trial, we need to return to those luminous moments when we experienced the Lord's call to devote our lives to his service”. I myself like to call this “the deuteronomic memory of our vocation”; it makes each of us go back “to that blazing light with which God's grace touched me at the start of the journey. From that flame, I can light a fire for today and every day, and bring heat and light to my brothers and sisters. That flame ignites a humble joy, a joy which sorrow and distress cannot dismay, a good and gentle joy”. One day, each of us spoke up and said “yes”, a “yes” born and developed in the heart of the Christian community thanks to those “saints next door”[9] who showed us by their simple faith that it was worthwhile committing ourselves completely to the Lord and his kingdom. A “yes” whose implications were so momentous that often we find it hard to imagine all the goodness that it continues to produce. How beautiful it is when an elderly priest sees or is visited by those children now adults whom he baptized long ago and who now gratefully introduce a family of their own! At times like this, we realize that we were anointed to anoint others, and that God's anointing never disappoints. I am led to say with the Apostle: “I do not cease to give thanks for you” (cf. Eph 1:16) and for all the good that you have done. Amid trials, weakness and the consciousness of our limitations, “the worst temptation of all is to keep brooding over our troubles” for then we lose our perspective, our good judgement and our courage. At those times, it is important I would even say crucial to cherish the memory of the Lord's presence in our lives and his merciful gaze, which inspired us to put our lives on the line for him and for his People. And to find the strength to persevere and, with the Psalmist, to raise our own song of praise, “for his mercy endures forever” (Ps 136). Gratitude is always a powerful weapon. Only if we are able to contemplate and feel genuine gratitude for all those 5 ways we have experienced God's love, generosity, solidarity and trust, as well as his forgiveness, patience, forbearance and compassion, will we allow the Spirit to grant us the freshness that can renew (and not simply patch up) our life and mission. Like Peter on the morning of the miraculous draught of fishes, may we let the recognition of all the blessings we have received awaken in us the amazement and gratitude that can enable us to say: “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man” (Lk 5:8). Only then to hear the Lord repeat his summons: “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be fishers of men” (Lk 5:10). “For his mercy endures forever”. Dear brother priests, I thank you for your fidelity to the commitments you have made. It is a sign that, in a society and culture that glorifies the ephemeral, there are still people unafraid to make lifelong promises. In effect, we show that we continue to believe in God, who has never broken his covenant, despite our having broken it countless times. In this way, we celebrate the fidelity of God, who continues to trust us, to believe in us and to count on us, for all our sins and failings, and who invites us to be faithful in turn. Realizing that we hold this treasure in earthen vessels (cf. 2 Cor 4:7), we know that the Lord triumphs through weakness (cf. 2 Cor 12:9). He continues to sustain us and to renew his call, repaying us a hundredfold (cf. Mk 10:29-30). “For his mercy endures forever”. Thank you for the joy with which you have offered your lives, revealing a heart that over the years has refused to become closed and bitter, but has grown daily in love for God and his people. A heart that, like good wine, has not turned sour but become richer with age. “For his mercy endures forever”. Thank you for working to strengthen the bonds of fraternity and friendship with your brother priests and your bishop, providing one another with support and encouragement, caring for those who are ill, seeking out those who keep apart, visiting the elderly and drawing from their 6 wisdom, sharing with one another and learning to laugh and cry together. How much we need this! But thank you too for your faithfulness and perseverance in undertaking difficult missions, or for those times when you have had to call a brother priest to order. “For his mercy endures forever”. Thank you for your witness of persistence and patient endurance (hypomoné) in pastoral ministry. Often, with the parrhesía of the shepherd,[11] we find ourselves arguing with the Lord in prayer, as Moses did in courageously interceding for the people (cf. Num 14:13-19; Ex 32:30-32; Dt 9:18-21). “For his mercy endures forever”. Thank you for celebrating the Eucharist each day and for being merciful shepherds in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, neither rigorous nor lax, but deeply concerned for your people and accompanying them on their journey of conversion to the new life that the Lord bestows on us all. We know that on the ladder of mercy we can descend to the depths of our human condition including weakness and sin and at the same time experience the heights of divine perfection: “Be merciful as the Father is merciful”. In this way, we are “capable of warming people's hearts, walking at their side in the dark, talking with them and even entering into their night and their darkness, without losing our way”. “For his mercy endures forever”. Thank you for anointing and fervently proclaiming to all, “in season and out of season” (cf. 2 Tim 4:2) the Gospel of Jesus Christ, probing the heart of your community “in order to discover where its desire for God is alive and ardent, as well as where that dialogue, once loving, has been thwarted and is now barren”. “For his mercy endures forever”. Thank you for the times when, with great emotion, you embraced sinners, healed wounds, warmed hearts and showed the tenderness and compassion of the Good Samaritan (cf. Lk 10:25-27). Nothing is more necessary than this: accessibility, closeness, readiness to draw near to the flesh of our suffering brothers and sisters. How powerful is the example of a priest 7 who makes himself present and does not flee the wounds of his brothers and sisters! It mirrors the heart of a shepherd who has developed a spiritual taste for being one with his people, a pastor who never forgets that he has come from them and that by serving them he will find and express his most pure and complete identity. This in turn will lead to adopting a simple and austere way of life, rejecting privileges that have nothing to do with the Gospel. “For his mercy endures forever”. Finally, let us give thanks for the holiness of the faithful People of God, whom we are called to shepherd and through whom the Lord also shepherds and cares for us. He blesses us with the gift of contemplating that faithful People “in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, in elderly religious who never lose their smile. In their daily perseverance, I see the holiness of the Church militant”. Let us be grateful for each of them, and in their witness find support and encouragement. “For his mercy endures forever”. May the Lord Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin watch over you. And please, I ask you not to forget to pray for me.

Bishop's Message

Dear Rev.Fathers, Religious and Laity, Fraternal greetings to you all. The month of August brings us two important celebrations: the assumption of Our Blessed Mother Mary and the Independence of our Mother . I wish everyone of you a happy feast of Our Lady of Assumption and a happy Independence Day. Our mother Church declares Mary as the model for every human being. She was perfect in everything and so she is our Role Model. Her life on earth, her birth as well as her death were also perfect and holy. It is the dogma of faith defined by 8 the Pope Pius XII that the body of the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken up to glory by God a singular privilege, before the general resurrection of the dead. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the greatest of all the festivals which the Church celebrates in her honour. Another remarkable saint in this month is St.John Mary Vianney whose feast is celebrated on 4th August. The Church has declared him as the model and patron of all parish priests. I wish all the parish priests very happy feast of the saint and please be rest assured of my prayers on that day. When he was appointed as the parish priest of Ars, the parishioners were living in a state of great spiritual and moral neglect, addicted to drink and inordinate craze for all vices. He spent many hours a day before the Blessed Sacrament, imploring God for the conversion of his flock. The chief and most successful labour of the Cure d'Ars was the spiritual direction of souls in the confessional. In the course of time, the parishioners were transformed morally and spiritually. Let him be a role model for all of us. As we celebrate the Independence Day, we realise more than ever before, our nation needs a lot of our prayers. Let us pray earnestly so that every citizen is aware of his or her duty to foster unity and charity among individuals and promote fellowship among them. What we need is the co-existence among the people of different faiths. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a harmony that respects and enhances the freedom of others”. Let us pray for our country and leaders.

Yours fraternally in Risen Lord, +L. Thomas Aquinas Bishop of Coimbatore 9 Appointments 2021-2022 Parish Priests

S. No. Name of the Priest Parish 1. Rev. Fr. Joseph Dhanaraj 2. Rev. Fr. Kanagaraj Dharapuram VF 3. Rev. Fr. Joseph D Selvaraj R.S. Puram 4. Rev. Fr. Justin Xavier Raj Perundurai 5. Rev. Fr. Joseph Sagayam Komarapalayam 6. Rev. Fr. Kulandaisamy Pallapalayam 7. Rev. Fr. Joy Jayaseelan SITRA 8. Rev. Fr. Lourdu Alexis Xavier Kuniamuthur 9. Rev. Fr. Victor Paulraj Jothipuram 10. Rev. Fr. Thadeus Amaldass Kattoor 11. Rev. Fr. J. Joseph Suthakar Sulur 11. Rev. Fr. Vincent Pushparaj Madha TV 12. Rev. Fr. Valsas Edward Vimal Vadavalli 13. Rev. Fr. Joseph Felix Udumalpet 14. Rev. Fr. Innasimuthu Bhavani Sagar 15. Rev. Fr. Sebastin Maria Sundaram Nallur Religious Transfer

1. Rev. Fr. Gerlin Amaladoss SJ Porulur Special Ministry

S. No. Name of the Priest Parish 1. Rev. Fr. Pancras Joseph Chaplain, Thindal 2. Rev. Fr. Paulraj Vincent Spiritual Father, Kangayam 3. Rev. Fr. George Sagayaraj Spiritual Course, Kerala

Assistants S. No. Name of the Priest Parish 1. Rev. Fr. John Yesu Shiju Dharapuram 10 2. Rev. Fr. Jony Sagayaraj Minor Seminary 3. Rev. Fr. Rayappadass Erode 4. Rev. Fr. Nalla Jacob Dass Cathedral 5. Rev. Fr. Eronimuse Sahaya John Britto MMI Tirupur 6. Rev. Fr. Anthony Muthu David Livingston MMI SITRA 7. Rev. Fr. Johnson Pradeep SAC R. S. Puram 8. Rev. Fr. Nepolin Sathish Kumar MSC Visuvasapuram 9. Rev. Fr. Devan MSC Sowripalayam

Commission Secretaries

S. No. Name of the Priest Secretary 1. Rev. Fr. George Dhanasekar Commission for Ecumenism and Dialogue 2. Rev. Fr. Pushpanathan Commission for Health 3. Rev. Fr. Vincent Pushparaj Commission for Social Communication 4. Rev. Fr. Victor Antony Raj Commission for Pious Associations 5. Rev. Fr. Valsas Edward Vimal Commission for Prison Ministry 6. Rev. Fr. Alex Antony Samy Commission for Prayer Groups 7. Rev. Fr. S. Gnanapragasam Commission for Youth 11 From Vicar General's Desk MEDICAL FUND PAID UPTO 01.05.2021 to 26.07.2021 SL.NO PARISH AMOUNT 1 Iyerpadi Parish 10,000.00 2 Dharapuram Puram 10,000.00 3 Sitra Parish 10,000.00 4 Selvapuram Parish 10,000.00 5 St. Catherine's Church, Tirupur 10,000.00 Total 50,000.00 Yours fraternally, V.Rev.Fr. John Joseph Stanis Secretary to the Trust mUl;gzp ika nra;jpfs; I{iy khj epfo;Tfs; jpUkzj; jahupg;G> fUj;jku;T I{iy khjk; jpUkzj; jahhpg;G fUj;jkh;T midj;J rdpf;fpoikfspYk; eilg;ngw;wJ. xt;nthU thuk; rdpf;fpoik eilg;ngw;w jpUkzj; jahhpg;G fUj;jkh;tpy; 50 egh;fs; kl;Lk; fye;Jf;nfhz;ldh;. mLj;j jpUkzj; jahhpg;G fUj;jkh;T eilg;ngWk; ehl;fs;;: Mf];l; khjk; midj;J rdpf;fpoikfspYk; jpUkzj; jahhpg;G fUj;jkh;T eilg;ngWk;. xt;nthU thuk; eilg;ngWk; jpUkz tFg;gpy; 50 egh;fs; kl;LNk fye;Jf;nfhs;s KbAk;;;;. mjdhy; jpUkz tFg;gpy; fye;Jf;nfhs;gth;fs; Kd; gjpT nra;Jf;nfhs;s mUl;je;ijah;fis Nfl;Lf;nfhs;fpd;Nwd;. FLk;g eyg;gzpf;FO Mz;Lf;$l;lk;: Mf];L khjk; (27.07.21>28.07.21) Mfpa ,uz;L ehl;fs; jkpof FLk;g eyg; gzpf;FO Mz;Lf; $l;lk; ghisaq;Nfhl;il kiwkhtl;lj;jpy; eilg;ngw;wJ. ,af;Fdh; je;ij ,jpy; gq;Fg;ngw;whh;. [PtN[hjp mUl;gzp ikak;> fle;j Mz;Lfspy; kpf rpwg;ghf gzp nra;j midj;J Kd;dhs;; gzpf;FO nrayh; je;ijah;fSf;F ed;wp njhptpf;fpd;wJ. NkYk; Gjpa gzpf;FO nrayh; je;ijah;fis kfpo;NthL tuNtw;fpd;wJ. mUl;gzp.N[h.nry;tuh[;> ,af;Fdu;. 12 News from CMSSS Warm Cheering Greetings from CMSSS! HUNGER AND DISEASE LENTEN CAMPAIGN COLLECTION - 2021 COIMBATORE VICARIATE S. No DATE PARISH NAME PLACE AMOUNT (RS.) 1 26.04.2021 Holy Trinity Church SIDCO Rs.4,000/- 2 17.06.2021 St. Joseph Church Rs.23,393/-

3 23.07.2021 St. Sebastin Church SITRA Rs.17,562/-

KARUMATHAMPATTI VICARIATE 1 16.07.2021 St. Thomas Church Avinashi Rs.5,000/- METTUPALAYAM VICARIATE 1 06.05.2021 St. John Bosco Church Goundampalayam Rs.10,000/- 2 16.07.2021 St. Antony's Church Mettupalayam Rs.4,020/- TOTAL Rs.63,975/-

? RISK COMMUNICATION COMMUNICABLE IN EMERGENCY-RCCE PROJECT RCCE SUDHIR PROJECT is a new joint-venture between TASOSS & CRS in collaboration with DSS for creating an awareness on the disease corona, it's symptoms, precaution, isolation and vaccination. PPT was presented by Mrs. P. Mary Rajeswari, to train the volunteers. RCCE is a new project suggested for 6 months. Coordinator attended three zoom meetings and received training towards the project induction. Fifty volunteers were selected and trained by the coordinator in turn. RCCE project coordinator conducted training for the key volunteers and volunteers of batch 1 and 2 on 9.7.2021 and 10.07.2021 respectively. 13

? EMPOWERING WOMEN'S AGRIBUSINESS FOR COVID RECOVERY- PROJECT 'Empowering women's agribusiness for covid recovery' is a new project through Voice Trust. This aims in uplifting 3200 to 4000 women in TN & Pondicherry. Our project coordinator and assisting coordinator attended the meeting at TASSOS on 18.7.2021 and learnt it's execution. Selected 80 families and have made business plan. Coimbatore 20 women - 40 women Kinathukadavu 20 agriculturists agriculturist agriculturists ?MANOS UNIDAS SUPPORT OF SECOND WAVE COVID RELIEF SERVICES Dry ration kits were supplied to 70 families at Madhukulam and 30 families at Coimbatore.


DISTRIBUTION OF DRY KITS S.NO PLACE DATE NO ofFAMILIES 1 Koviapudur Parish 07.06.2021 30 2 Vallipalayam 07.06.2021 40 3 Udamalaipettai Parish 07.06.2021 50 4 Kinnathukadvu 07.06.2021 27 5 Pollachi Parish 07.06.2021 50 6 Pulliakulam Kolping 07.06.2021 42 7 Vadasittur village 07.06.2021 35 8 Thamaraikulam 07.06.2021 27 14

9 Aachipatti 07.06.2021 28 10 Sangapalayam 07.06.2021 17 11 Siluvapuram 07.0602021 24

! Generously contributed Rs.1,00,000- to the CM's Public Relief Fund. ! Registered with Government NGOs to extend a supporting hand in the corona attack relief work in issuing masks, giving guidance and counselling and food distribution whenever required to a possible extent. ! Caritas India with CAFOD sponsored dry ration kits to be extended to the needy.

COVID -19 HUMANATARIAN RELIEF OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR Caritas India, supported by Caritas Germany granted COVID -19 humanitarian relief of oxygen concentrator to our Rev. Procurator on 19.07.2021 by our Most. Rev. Dr. L. Thomas Aquinas, Bishop of Coimbatore and President of CMSSS. 15


Invested enthustcally Rs. 95,000/- for borewell at Madhukulam and got borewell motor and accessories for 1,39,000/- for the benefit of the marganilised people. Long felt need was fulfilled. FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (SAFP) ! Eighty two of our partner families accounts were closed, statements were collected and the funds disbursed to them for the income generation program. ! One of the families completed 72 months, account was closed and fund was disbursed to the family. ! 2 partner families completed 72 months and details about their family and the steps taken for their progress along with family photo were uploaded in the DDMS. Active Family Fund - Disbursement

Progress Report Submitted to SAFPI

Observation Day of SAFP Founder ! Observed the Memorial Day of our Save A Family Plan Founder Msgr. Augustine Kandathil at our office with our 16

staff- members and few of our FDP Program partner family beneficiaries and lit a candle and paid tribute to the departed soul.

Observation Day of SAFP Founder was on 19.7.2021 SURABHI LOAN DISBURSED IN THE MONTH OF JULY -2021 S.No Centre No. of Groups No. of Members Amount issued in Rs. 1 7 13 Rs.4,96,500/- 2 Kinathukadavu 1 7 Rs,2,70,000/- 3 Varattuparai 2 4 Rs. 90,000/- Total 9 24 Rs.8,56,500/- Surabhi loans were disbursed towards development of livelihood of individuals such as poultry farms cattle rearing, opening beauty parlour, spare parts shop, tailoring shop, garment sale, children's education, medical expense, butcher shop machineries, cottage industry and house renovation,

THE ORIENTATION MEETING WITH SURABHI FEDERATION LEADERS. Rev. Fr. V. Arun, The Director of CMSSS conducted the meeting with Surabhi federation leaders of Kinathukadavu, Pollachi, Valparai and Varatuparai. ! The strength of the members should be increased in every region. ! Women's Self-Help Group members only can be the beneficiaries of Udayam Pengal Kootamaipu too. 17

! Subscription is Rs.250/- ! Deposit a minimum share amount of Rs.500/- ! Women of age 18 to 65 can apply. ! Rate of interest will be only.50 paise. The members in this federation can get the benefits in Self - Help groups. Loan on share in the ratio of 1:3 is disbursed. 70% for IIGP and 30% for emergency expense, and also loans can be from Amuthasurabhi, and Nabfins, towards the benefit of their children's education through CPSP and the widows can get benefits through FDP

AMUTHA SURABHI LOAN DISBURSED IN THE MONTH OF APRIL -2021 ! Mrs.Neelaveni is a member of Atheeswarar Self-Help group at Kinathukadavu centre. She was given a loan towards medical expenses for her son in - law Mr., Somasundaram, (Husband of Mrs. Kiruthika - also a member in the same group) affected by kidney failure and needed kidney transplantation. ! Amount of rupees two lakhs (2,00,000) was given to Kinathukadavu centre to improve the Self-help groups in Surabhi. ! In Coimbatore the loans were utilized for house renovation and tailoring and garment sales. S.No Centre No. of Groups No. of Members Amount issued in Rs. 1 Coimbatore 1 2 2,50,000 2 Kinathukadavu 1 1 2,00,000 3 Kinathukadavu 2,00,000 4 Pollachi 4 6 3,50,000 Total 6 9 10,00,000 18


S.No Centre No. of Groups No. of Members Amount issued in Rs. 1 Pollachi 2 JLG 10 4,00,000 2 Kinathukadavu 4 JLG 20 10,00,000 Total 6 groups 30 14,00,000 These loans were disbursed towards individual income generation.

Mrs.Neelavaniammal receiving Rs.2,00,000/- towards the kidney transplantation of her son-in-law.

KOLPING INDIA ACTIVITIES KOLPING INDIA PROGRAMS CMSSS organized Mass Sensitization program by the end of April at village level on the issues of conventional farming at Achipatti and Vadasittur. 19

! The resource persons were Mrs. Agalya from agriculture department and Mrs.Thenmozhi, organic farmer at Vadasittur. ! Ninety members participated and benefitted through this program. ! The program mainly focused on promotion of organic farming to preserve favorable, conducive environment. Resource persons explained the present chemical-based agriculture that affects ecological system and as to how to switch on organic farming. They also discussed about the negative effects of current farming practices including decline in soil fertility, water holding capacity, loss of soil organic matter in soil which threatens the long-term sustainability of crop production. CMSSS organized capacity building activities for the Kolping members in Achipatti and Panchayat. They are ! Training for Developing Project proposal on identified viable enterprises This training was given for 25 Kolping members in the 20 Achipatti village on 10/07/2021. It focused on the content on developing proposal framework, designing a project, identify potential funding options, and full project proposal format. ! Training on Village Mapping for VDC/VLKF members and Field Exercise and Documentation Training was organized for Village development committee members of Achipatti village on 20/07/2021. The training mainly aimed to provide training in identifying the village resources through village mapping, field exercise and documentation.


Name of the Program Group Name Loan Amount Loan Purpose Beneficiary Individual Income P. Mary Alpha group 1,00,000/- Tailoring Generation Program Rajeswari Coimbatore (IIGP) Individual Income Marathu Alpha group 1,50,000/- Poultry Generation Program Pandi Coimbatore (IIGP) Individual Income J.Alfred Alpha group 30,000 Vegetable Generation Program Coimbatore stall (IIGP) Individual Income Innasi Alpha group 2,00,000 Catering Generation Program yammal Coimbatore business (IIGP)

CARITAS PRAGUE SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME (CPSP) PROJECT We are happy to announce that many of our students have completed their studies and are eagerly awaiting for a job. Pandemic has forced them to stay at home. Few of our students have joined jobs and few have married and settled. 21 S. Rebecca, B.Sc., Nursing - R. Saranya M.A., Coimbatore History- Kinnathakadvu A Logeshwar Diploma in Nursing, M. Vinoth Kumar B.Sc.m Married and settled,- Valparai Physiotherapist - Varatuparai A. Anisha Diploma in Nursing N. Sowmiya BCA- Coimbatore Pollachi A Ramya B.Sc., Nursing- Ranjani B.Sc., (Maths) Coimbatore Logeshwaran B. Com, Commerce- R. Sandhya B.E.,- Avanashi Kinnathukadvu A. Joy Jaysheelan B.Com., (P.A) B Kalaivani B.E- Coimbatore - Coimbatore

Selected list of CPSP students for the academic year - 2021. Rakshitha Jeevitha Jency Sowndarya Merlin Thomas Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Priya Darshini Aarthi Kavya Nithya sri Coimbatore Coimbatore Kinnathukadvu Pollachi Madhumathi Gokila Basheera Begum Mirudlashree Pollachi Kinnathukadvu Kinnathukadvu Kinnathukadvu Jammuna V. Dhanushree Sindhu Akalaya Pollachi Pollachi Pollachi Kinnathukadvu K Dhanusshree Jeevadarshini- Sharveka- Nishanthi Pollachi Pollachi Pollachi Kinnathukadvu Deepika Sweety VeronicaMaria Angelin Amudhavarshin Pollachi Coimbatore Coimbatore Pollachi Maragathamani Sagahaya Shalini Pollachi Pollachi 22

NEW THRUST-PHASE VI -FOLLOW ON - MAY MONTH ACTIVITIES Awareness Programme on safety and precautionary measures of Covid-19 (II Phase) CMSSS generated awareness programme on covid-19 and insisted on precaution methods to the target community at various regions. Pamphlet distribution, small group session, telephonic conversation methods were followed to generate awareness on Covid-19. During the awareness programme the team covered the following topics ! Covid 19 II phase situation and government update on lockdown. ! Awareness of social distance. ! Inculcate the habit of hand wash. ! Importance of face masks and gloves in public places. ! Uses of face masks and sanitizer. ! Motivation to volunteers to engage in relief works in their village. ! Encourage home quarantine and self-quarantine.

Rev. Fr. V. Arun Director, CMSSS 23 News from CEEMA Dear Rev. Fathers & Sisters, Greetings from CEEMA! I hope that all are safe and sound during this pandemic time. We are happy to share the details of service rendered to the needy people during this second wave of COVID -19. COVID-19 relief work:

· We have provided dry rations to 70 families at Kilambadi and 30 families at Gobi. · We have given cooked food to 200 homeless migrants for one week at PeriyaSemur along with supply of relief materials to 30 families. 24

· We have provided support to the old age home run by The Little Sisters of the Poor in Erode where COVID-19 affected badly resulting in several deaths. We have given relief materials and medicines worth Rs.50,000/-. Our fathers have also driven their vehicle to take patients to hospital several times when their driver was not available.

CEEMA - Aravakurichi Centre: We are happy to inform you that after various efforts taken by Fr. Pushpanathan along with the support of our beloved 25

Bishop and the V.G, we could renovate our centre at Aravakurichi with electrical reconnection and bore well. We are planning to use the place for income generation activities for poor women in that locality. A HELP project: We could help two children from Akkaraikodivery and Pasupathipalayam, who were not in CPSP project for their education.

New Thrust project: COVID-19 Awareness Program: ! The program was organized on 26.06.2021 at CEEMA. Twenty six frontline workers participated. The program was conducted to create awareness on COVID-19 and to distribute face mask, hand sanitizer, and soap. Fr. Pushpanathan addressed the gathering. ! CEEMA organized a program on 29.06.2021 in Erode. It was led by Fr. Pushpanathan, Fr. Paulraj Vincent, Fr. Britto, and Fr. Arokiya Pradeep. Fifty people participated in the program. The program was organized to create awareness on COVID-19 and distribution of dry ration to families in quarantine. COVID-19 protocol was adhered to during the program. 26

Children Sponsorship Program (CPSP): ! We have prepared the list of students who had completed their studies along with annual progress report (APR). 122 Annual progress reports (APR) have been prepared and sent to the respective benefactors. Five children received gifts from their respective donors, both in cash and in kind such as V-Guard induction stove, copper water storage pot, and grocery kit.

! We organized a motivational and career guidance class for 13 final-year students in May. Rev.Fr.S.Pushpanathan welcomed all CSP students and, the project coordinator explained the scope of the training program. Rev.Fr.D.Arokia Pradeep, Advocate, Coimbatore diocese was invited as resource person. He elucidated the current trending fields and job opportunities in various sectors. 27

SUDHIR project : A COVID-19 response system was initiated with the support of TASOSS and CRS. ! The coordinator and key volunteers attended online project orientation. TASOSS team and CRS representatives explained about the project. ! Two volunteers' training programmes had been organized via Google Meet. Thirty seven volunteers attended in two batches. ! The volunteers started creating awareness on COVID-19 and safety methods to the target population. ! Phone awareness on Covid-19 have given to 300 people.

“You must DO the things YOU THINK you cannot DO” -Eleanor Roosevelt

Rev.Fr.S. Pushpanathan Director, CEEMA 28 Bible Commission

After the lock down, the first Bible class was conducted at the Church of Our Lady of Health Velankanni, Cheran Managar on Sunday 25th July, 2021. General introduction to the Bible (OT and NT), the basic reason for the Bible to be written (Faith Formation), the Formation of the Gospels and their Backward Growth, threefold purpose of Matthean Genealogy (Curiosity, Apologetic Reason and the Christological Development) were explained to the participants. Then Objective and Subjective Salvation, Kingdom of God - already and not yet, the Existence of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell, Individual and Final judgements were also explained in detail to the participants. Their queries were responded. Congratulations to Rev. Dr. A. M. A. Lawrence and the parishioners. Fr. C. Lawrence Secretary, Bible Commission

May God give them eternal rest 01-08-1848 Rev. Fr. L.C.Vanthier 01-08-1978 Rev. Fr.Sebastian Murukithara 04-08-1893 Rev. Fr. H.F.Lefeuvre 05-08-1993 Rev. Fr.Chinnaswany 09-08-1975 Rev. Fr. James Savarimuthu 09-08-1881 Rev. Fr. L.M.Gindreau 11-08-2016 Rev. Fr. G. Joseph Felix 12.08.2019 Rev. Fr. Antony Irudhayam 15-08-1812 Rev. Fr. Gnanapragasanathar 17-08-1903 Msgr J.D.Peyramale Bishop Elect 23-08-2013 Rev. Fr.P.Irudayasamy 29-08-2009 Rev. Fr. Carmel Irudayam 30-08-1889 Rev. Fr. Anthoinather 31-08-2008 Rev. Fr. Aruldass