
caused by

DAVID K. KEEFER U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield , MS 998, Menlo Park, 94025

ABSTRACT landslides; most are in materials that have not as early as 373 or 372 B.C. (Seed, 1968) and previously failed. have caused tens of thousands of deaths and Data from 40 historical world-wide - billions of dollars in economic losses during the quakes were studied to determine the character- INTRODUCTION present century. In some earthquakes, landslides istics, geologic environments, and of have denuded thousands of square kilometres. landslides caused by seismic events. This sample Earthquakes have long been recognized as a In spite of their geomorphic and economic of 40 events was supplemented with intensity major cause of landslides. -induced significance, earthquake-induced landslides are data from several hundred United States earth- landslides have been documented from at least not understood. Among the unanswered quakes to study relations between dis-

tribution and seismic parameters. Fourteen types TABLE 1. HISTORICAL EARTHQUAKES IN WHICH LANDSLIDES WERE STUDIED of landslides were identified in the earthquakes studied. The most abundant of these were Earthquake Date Magnitude Focal Maximum F.iult-rupture depth Modified zone falls, disrupted slides, and rock slides. The (km) Mercalli definition greatest losses of human life were due to rock Intensity , rapid soil flows, and rock falls. 1. New Madrid, Missouri 16 Dec 1811 1.5" X-XI Correlations between magnitude (M) and land- 23 Jan 1812 7.3' IX 7 Feb 1812 7.8- X-XI slide distribution show that the maximum area 2. Charltston, South Carolina 1 Sep 1886 6.8 X 3. , California 18 Apr 1906 7.9^ (8.25-8.3) 620 XI f likely to be affected by landslides in a seismic 5 4. Kansu (Haiyun), China 16 Dec 1920 7.8* (8.5) 25 XI-XII f event increases from approximately 0 at M = 5. Bihar, - 15 Jan 1934 8.1' (8.3) 15 X i 2 6. , California 19 May 1940 7.1 16 X f 4.0 to 500,000 km at M = 9.2. 7. Vancouver Island, 23 Jun 1946 7.2-7.3 30 VIII g 8. Fukui, 28 Jun 1948 7.25-7.3" 14-33 IX-X§ Threshold magnitudes, minimum shaking in- 9. , Washington 13 Apr 1949 7.0 70 VIII 10. Khait, U.S.S.R. 10 Jul 1949 7.6 20-28 tensities, and relations between M and distance 11. Assam, India 15 Aug 1950 8.6' (8.6-8.7) 14 X from or rupture were used to de- 12. Daly City, California 22 Mar 1957 5.3« 7-11 VII a + k 13. Southeast 10 Jul 1958 7.7' (7.9) 15 XI-XII f fine relative levels of shaking that trigger land- 14. Hebgcn Lake, Montana 18 Aug 1959 7.1" 10-12 X f 15. 22 May 1960 9.5' (8.3-8.5) <70 XI-XII slides in susceptible materials. Four types of 16. Alaska 28 Mar 1964 9.2' (8.3-8.4) 20-50 X-XI t internally disrupted landslides—rock falls, rock 17. Niigata, Japan 16 Jun 1964 7.3 40 VIII s 18. Puget Sound, Washington 29 Apr 1965 6.5 58-63 VI1-VIII slides, soil falls, and disrupted soil slides—are 19. Parkfield-Cholame, California 28 Jun 1966 6.2 4-10 VII IX f 20. Inangahua, 23 May 1968 7.1 12-21 X-XI initiated by the weakest shaking. More coherent, 21. 31 May 1970 7.9' (7.8) 35-43 VIII a deeper-seated slides require stronger shaking; 22. Madang, Papua New Guinea 31 Oct 1970 7.1 41 VIII-IX a 23. San Fernando, California 9 Feb 1971 6.5 8-13 XI f + a lateral spreads and flows require shaking that is 24. Honomu, 26 Apr 1973 6.1 41-50 VIII 25. Indus Kohistan, 28 Dec 1974 6.2 12 VIII stronger still; and the strongest shaking is proba- 26. Kilauea, Hawaii 29 Nov 1975 7.1 5 VIII f bly required for very highly disrupted rock ava- 27. 4 Feb 1976 7.5 5 IX f 28. Khulm, 19 Mar 1976 5.5 33-77 VIII-IX lanches and soil avalanches. 29. Friuli, 6 May 1976 6.3-6.5 8-26 VIII-X& a 30. Darien, Panama 11 Jul 1976 7.0 3 Each type of earthquake-induced landslide 31. Tangshan, China 27 Jul 1976 7.5' (7.7-8.0) 12-16 Xl§ f+a 32. Khurgu, 21 Mar 1977 6.9 29 VIII+ occurs in a particular suite of geologic environ- 33. San Juan Province, Argentina 23 Nov 1977 7.4 17 IX a ments. These range from overhanging slopes of 34. Izu-Oshima Kinkai, Japan 14 Jan 1978 6.8 4 IX-X5 1 35. Miyagi-ken-olci, Japan 12 Jun 1978 7.4 30 VII-IX$ a well-indurated rock to slopes of less than 1° un- 36. Santa Barbara, California 13 Aug 1978 5.6 13 VII a 37. Homestead Valley, California 15 Mar 1979 5.2" <4 VI f derlain by soft, unconsolidated sediments. Mate- 38. Coyote Lake, California 6 Aug 1979 5.4 10 VII f+a rials most susceptible to earthquake-induced 39. , California 24 Jan 1980 5.8 8 VI-VII f 40. Mammoth Lakes, California 25 May 1980 6.1 8 VII f landslides include weakly cemented rocks,

more-indurated rocks with prominent or perva- Note: date is Greenwich Mean Time; magnitude is Richter surface- magnitude (Ms) unless otherwise noted. Data defining fault-rupture zone: f = surface fault rupture; a = hypocentere; i = zone of maximum intensity; j = geodetic measurements; t = tectonic ground-level change; k - known ; s = sive discontinuities, residual and colluvial , source area. volcanic containing sensitive , , *MS determined from relations between magnitude, of Modified Mercalli Intensity, and particle . 'Mw determined by Kanamori (1977); Ms given in parentheses. cemented soils, granular alluvium, granular del- ^Intensity converted to Modified Mercalli using relations in Medvedev (1962). taic deposits, and granular man-made fill. Few "Method of magnitude determination not reported. "Richter local magnitude (ML). earthquake-induced landslides reactivate older

Additional tabular material for this article may be secured free of charge by requesting Supplementary Data 84-11 from the GSA Etocuments Secretary.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 406 - 421, 7 figs., 7 tables, April 1984.


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questions are: How do the number and distribu- TABLE 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED LANDSLIDES tion of landslides depend on earthquake magni- tude, ground-shaking intensities, and other Type of movement Internal disruption* * Velocity® Depth" D U PS S seismic parameters? What types of landslides are caused by earthquakes? Which of these types are LANDSLIDES IN ROCK most hazardous to human life and property? Disrupted slides and falls What geologic materials are most susceptible to Rock falls Bounding, rolling, free fall High or very high XXX X Extremely rapid Shallow landslides in earthquakes? Do earthquakes reac- Rock slides Translational sliding on basal High XXX X Rapid to extremely rapid Shallow tivate landslides originally triggered by nonseis- surface Rock avalanches Complex, involving sliding Very high XXX X Extremely rapid Deep mic causes? and/or (low, as of To answer these questions, I studied land- rock fragments slides attributable to 40 historical earthquakes Coherent slides Rock slumps Sliding on basal shear surface Slight or moderate ? X X X Slow to rapid Deep chosen to sample many climatic, geologic, and with component of headward seismic settings in Earth's major seismic . rotation These earthquakes, which have magnitudes Rock block slides Translational sliding on basal Slight or ? X X X Slow to rapid Deep shear surface moderate from 5.2 to 9.5, are listed in Table l.1 To study LANDSLIDES IN SOIL landslides in smaller events, I also examined in- Disrupted slides and falls tensity reports from several hundred United Bounding, rolling, free fall High or very high XXX X Extremely rapid Shallow States earthquakes. Disrupted soil Translational sliding on basal High XXX X Moderate to rapid Shallow I conducted a literature search for each earth- slides shear surface or zone of quake listed in Table 1, and a bibliography of weakened, sensitive clay Translational sliding with Very high XXX X Very rapid to extremely Shallow citations to original sources has been published subsidiary (low rapid elsewhere (Keefer and Tannaci, 1981). In addi-

tion, I conducted field studies of earthquakes 33 Soil slumps Sliding on basal shear surface Slight or ? X Slow to rapid Deep to 36 and 38 to 40, and other investigators pro- with component of headward moderate rotation vided unpublished data for earthquakes 9, 10, Soil block slides Translational sliding on basal Slight or ? X Slow to very rapid Deep 16, 18, 27, and 30. shear surface moderate The first section of this report discusses types Slow earth flows Translational sliding on basal Slight X Very slow to moderate. Generally shallow, shear surface with minor with very rapid surges occasionally and numbers of landslides caused by earth- internal (low deep

quakes. The second section presents relations be- Lateral spreads and flows

tween seismic parameters and landslide distri- Soil lateral Translation on basal zone of Generally X Very rapid bution, and the third section discusses character- spreads liquefied , sand, or moderate, or weakened, sensitive clay occasionally istics and geologic environments of each type of slight, occasion- landslide. The fourth section discusses landslide ally high Rapid soil flows Flow Very high X Very rapid to extremely Shallow hazards. rapid

Subaqueous Complex, generally involving Generally high X Generally rapid to Variable landslides lateral spreading, and/or or very high; extremely rapid; occasion- TYPES AND NUMBERS OF flow; occasionally involving occasionally ally slow to moderate EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED slumping and/or block sliding moderate or slight LANDSLIDES •Internal disruption: "slight" signifies landslide consists of one or a few coherent blocks; "moderate" signifies several coherent blocks; "high" signifies numerous small blocks and individual soil grains and rock fragments; "very high" signifies nearly complete disaggregation into individual soil grains or small rock fragments. 'Water content: D = dry; U = moist but unsaturated; PS = partly saturated; S = saturated. ^Velocity:

0.6 m/yr 1.5 m/yr 1.5 m/day The term "landslide" encompasses many I _1_ phenomena involving lateral and downslope extremely slow very slow rapid very rapid extremely rapid movement of . Numerous land- (velocity terminology from Varnes, 1978). "Depth: "shallow" signifies thickness generally <3 m; "deep" signifies depth generally >3 m. slide classifications based on morphology, mate- rial, mechanism of initiation, or other criteria have been proposed. The classification of Material is classified as "rock" or "soil" on size data are not available from enough earth- earthquake-induced landslides shown in Table the basis of its state prior to landslide initiation. quake-induced landslides to make such a 2, based on the principles and terminology of "Rock" signifies firm, intact . "Soil" sig- differentiation here. Varnes (1978), categorizes landslides primarily nifies a loose, unconsolidated, or poorly ce- Movement characteristics of earthquake-in- by material and character of movement and sec- mented aggregate of particles, which may or duced landslides are summarized in Table 2 ondarily by such other attributes as degree of may not contain organic material. The term and discussed below under "Landslide Charac- internal disruption and water content. "soil" thus encompasses the entire and teristics and Geologic Environments." Land- all man-made fills. Some cemented soils form slides are grouped by similarities in movement, steep slopes tens of metres high, and the ce- internal disruption, and geologic environments mented soil-rock boundary is gradational in me- into major categories of disrupted slides and 'With a few exceptions noted in Table 1, M <7.5 chanical behavior. Varnes makes a distinction falls, coherent slides, and lateral spreads and are Richter surface-wave magnitudes (M ), and s between coarse-grained soils, called "," flows. In classifying earthquake-induced land- M 7.5 are moment magnitudes (Mw) of Kanamori (1977). and fine-grained soils, called "earth," but grain- slides, the term "rock " is used for the

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sake of brevity to be synonymous with both Numbers of landslides that could not be classi- Except for earthquakes 3, 23, and 29, the "rock-fall avalanche" and "rock-fall-debris fied are also indicated in Table 3; except for number of reactivations is small compared to the flow" as defined by Varnes (1978). In addition, I earthquakes 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, and 18, the total number of landslides. This rarity is due in grouped all subaqueous landslides together for number of unclassified landslides is compara- part to lack of systematic recognition o: reactiva- ease in discussing their geologic environments. tively small. tions, but, even allowing for this, ttiese data The number of landslides caused by an earth- show that most earthquake-induced landslides Numbers of Landslides in quake generally increases with increasing magni- occur in materials not previously involved in Historical Earthquakes tude. For example, earthquakes in Table 3 with landslides. Reactivations are most likely during M <5.5 caused a few tens of landslides at most, seismic shaking that is stronger than that causing For each of the 40 historical earthquakes whereas earthquakes with M >8.0 caused sev- the pre-existing landslides or during an earth- studied (Table 1), I classified the landslides and eral thousands at least. However, local geologic quake that occurs when pre-existing landslides determined the total number of each type conditions and seismic parameters other than are marginally stable due to other causes. The (Table 3). Classification was made from written magnitude also determine the numbers of land- latter condition explains the many reactivations descriptions, photographs, and (or) field obser- slides triggered. Moreover, certain apparent in the 1906 San Francisco and 1976 Friuli, vations. Numbers of landslides were determined anomalies in the trend of number of landslides Italy, earthquakes (3 and 29 in Table 3), as both by direct count or by delineating areas affected increasing with magnitude are due to the inexact occurred during seasons of high precipitation, by landslides and estimating the number of methods used or to incomplete geographic cov- when reactivations in the affected regions were landslides in a unit area. I calibrated the latter erage by the data for some earthquakes. In par- common under nonseismic conditions (Lawson estimates using field observations, measurements ticular, the anomalously low numbers of land- and others, 1908; Ambraseys, 1976). The many on aerial photographs, and detailed maps of slides reported in earthquakes 4, 7, 9,10,1:5,18, reactivations in the 1971 San Fernando earth- earthquake-induced landslides in different ter- and 32 are probably due to lack of observations quake (23 in Table 3) may have been due to the in several earthquakes. The order-of- in certain areas affected by the earthquakes. exceptionally high ground acceleration in this magnitude ranges in numbers of landslides in Table 3 also shows how many pre-existing event (Trifunac and Hudson, 1971). Table 3 account for errors in these methods. landslides were reactivated in each earthquake. To determine the relative abundance of dif-


Earthquake Magnitude Landslides in rock Landslides in soil

Disrupted slides and falls Disrupted slides and falls Lateral spreads and flows

'S 8

§• = a. soi l -: E latera l 3 = X E II Rapi d

»1 landslide s Soi l flow s Subaqueous Unclassifie d oi « Q 1 3 3 spread s 15. Chile 9.5 4 3 l 2 3 2 3-4 16. Alaska 1964 9.2 4-5 3-4 2 3-4 2-3 4 1 3 4 11. Assam, India 8.6 5 5 5 3-4 5. Bihar-Nepal 8.1 3-4 4 4 1 3. San Francisco 7.9 4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3 2 4-5 21. Peru 7.9 4-5 1 4-5 4 2-3 1-2 4. Kansu, China 7.8 3 1. New Madrid 7.8 1 4 4 13. SE Alaska 1958 7.7 3-4 3-4 1-2 3 10. Khait, U S S R. 7.6 3 31. Tangshan, China 7.5 3-4 3-4 1-2 27. Guatemala 7.5 5 5 3-4 1 35. Miyagi-ken-oki 7.4 3-4 3-4 3 2 1 33. Argentina 7.4 4 4 1-2 3-4 3-4 3-4 17. Niigata 7.3 3 3 3-4 1 1-2 8. Fukui 7.25-7.3 3 3 3 1 7. Vancouver Island 7.2-7.3 2 2 2 3 6. Imperial Valley 7.1 3 3 3 3 14. Hebgen Lake 7.1 3-4 I 1 20. Inangahua, N.Z. 7.1 2 1-2 1-2 2-3 2 2-3 2 1-2 22. Papua New Guinea 7.1 3 2-3 2 1 26. Hawaii 1975 7.1 3 2-3 9. Puget Sound 1949 7.0 1-2 1 1 2 30. Panama 7.0 3 32. Khurgu, Iran 6.9 3 1 2. Charleston 6.8 2-3 2-3 34. Izu-Oshima 6.8 3 2-3 2 18. Puget Sound 1965 6.5 1 23. San Fernando 6.5 3 3 3 29. Friuli. Italy 6.3-6.5 4 2 2 4 25. Pakistan 6.2 4 2 19. Parkfield 6.2 2 2 24. Hawaii 1973 6.1 2-3 2-3 40. Mammoth Lakes 6.1 4 39. Mount Diablo 5.8 2 1-2 36. Santa Barbara 5.6 2 1-2 28. Afghanistan 5.5 2 2 38. Coyote Lake 5.4 2 12. Daly City 5.3 37. Homestead Valley 5.2 1

Note: 1 signifies 1 to 10 landslides; 1-2 signifies 1 to 100 landslides; 2 signifies 10 to 100 landslides; 2-3 signifies 10 to 1,000 landslides; 3 signifies 100 to 1,000 landslides; 3-4 signifies 100 to 10,000landslides;4 signifies 1,000 to 10,000 landslides; 4-5 signifies 1,000 to 100,000 landslides; 5 signifies more than 10,000 landslides;'' signifies no landslides of this type reported.

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TABLE 4. RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF other uncommon types, however, are probably nects smoothly with the M scale for many EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED LANDSLIDES s good approximations of their actual numbers. earthquakes in the range of Ms = 7.5-8.3 (Ka- The rarity of these landslides indicates low sus- namori, 1977). Landslide type, listed in order of ceptibility to initiation by seismic shaking, re- decreasing total numbers stricted distribution of environments that pro- The Smallest Earthquakes duce them, or both. That Cause Landslides Very abundant: >100,000 in the 40 historical earthquakes The relative-abundance rankings in Table 4 are dominated by the larger earthquakes. A sep- To determine the smallest earthquakes that Rock falls Disrupted soil slides arate determination of relative abundances in cause landslides, I examined intensity reports for Rock slides the 11 earthquakes in Table 3 with M <6.5 United States earthquakes from 1958 to 1977 shows that these triggered proportionally more inclusive. These reports, published annually in Abundant: 10,000 to 100,000 in the 40 historical earthquakes rock falls, rock slides, and soil falls and propor- United States Earthquakes,2 were compiled

Soil lateral spreads tionally fewer landslides of all other types. These primarily from newspaper articles, accounts of Soil slumps Soil block slides 11 earthquakes produced no reported soil ava- residents in the affected regions, and question- Soil avalanches lanches, rock slumps, or rock block slides, but naires sent to postmasters. Most reports were intensity reports from earthquakes other than compiled without systematic searches for land- Moderately common: 1,000 to 10,000 in the 40 historical earthquakes the 40 listed in Table 1 indicate that rock slumps slides and thus provide only an approximate

Soil falls and rock block slides were produced by some estimate of the smallest earthquakes that cause Rapid soil flows events as small as M = 5.0. No subaqueous landslides. More systematic and rigorous data, Rock slumps landslides were reported in events with M <7.0, however, are not generally available for small Uncommon: 100 to 1,000 in the 40 historical earthquakes but this absence of reports is probably due in events. part to difficulties of observation. Given that United States Earthquakes for 1958-1977 in- Subaqueous landslides many earthquake-induced subaqueous land- Slow earth flows clusive contained descriptive information and Rock block slides slides involve lateral spreading, rapid flow, or Rock avalanches magnitude determinations for 300 earthquakes, both, they probably occur in earthquakes as of which 62 had ML < 4.0. Only 1 report of Note: method of calculating total numbers of landslides explained in text. small as those that cause other lateral spreads landslides was found in the data for these 62 and flows. earthquakes, and this report, involving an event

with Ml = 3.5, was judged of questionable valid- ferent -induced landslides, LANDSLIDE DISTRIBUTION AND ity by the compilers of United States Earth- the estimated numbers of each type were totaled SEISMIC PARAMETERS quakes. With this exception, the smallest for all 40 historical earthquakes (Table 4). In earthquake reported to have caused landslides calculating the total numbers from the order-of- Five measures were chosen to relate seismic had Ml = 4.0. Wherever descriptions in United magnitude estimates in Table 3, a numerical rat- parameters to landslide distribution. These mea- States Earthquakes were detailed enough, the ing of "1" was considered to represent 5 sures are (1) the smallest earthquakes that cause landslides were classified, and these results were landslides, a rating of "2" to represent 50 land- landslides, (2) the relation between magnitude combined with data in Table 3 to estimate the slides, and so on up to a rating of "5," consid- and area affected by landslides, (3) the relation following as the smallest earthquakes likely to ered to represent 50,000 landslides. In a similar between magnitude and maximum distance of cause landslides of various types: (1) ML = 4.0: manner, a rating of "1-2" was considered to landslides from the epicenter, (4) the relation rock falls, rock slides, soil falls, and disrupted represent ¥2 x (5 + 50) = 28 landslides, a rating of between magnitude and maximum distance of soil slides; (2) ML = 4.5: soil slumps and soil "2-3" to represent Vi x (50 + 500) = 275 land- landslides from the fault rupture, and (5) the block slides; (3) ML = 5.0: rock slumps, rock slides, and so on. The total numbers thus minimum shaking intensity at which landslides block slides, slow earth flows, soil lateral obtained and listed in Table 4 are also order-of- are triggered. spreads, rapid soil flows, and subaqueous lands- magnitude estimates. For consistency in comparing earthquakes lides; (4) MS = 6.0: rock avalanches; and (5) MS The most abundant landslides in the 40 from many regions, teleseismic Richter surface- = 6.5: soil avalanches. The estimate of ML = 5.0 as the minimum magnitude for lateral spreads earthquakes were rock falls, disrupted soil slides, wave magnitudes (Ms) were used in these de- and rock slides; their abundance indicates both terminations wherever possible for earthquakes and flows is consistent with previous work sug- that they are especially susceptible to initiation in Table 1 with M <7.5. The four exceptions for gesting M = 5 as the minimum magnitude for (Kuribayashi and Tatsuoka, under seismic conditions and that geologic en- which Ms was not reported and for which vironments that produce them are widespread in another magnitude was used are noted in Table 1975, 1977; Youd, 1977). seismic regions. Subaqueous landslides, slow 1. Ms values generally were not reported in the In spite of the lack of reports of landslides in earth flows, rock block slides, and rock ava- intensity data for earthquakes with M <5.5, and earthquakes smaller than these, the possibility of lanches were uncommon in the 40 earthquakes so for correlations involving these smaller events smaller events occasionally causing landslides (Table 4). The apparent rarity of subaqueous Richter local magnitudes (ML) were used. The landslides is due in part to difficulties of observa- Ms and ML scales, however, saturate at large 2United States Earthquakes was published before tion; most reports thereof derive from ship- magnitudes (Kanamori, 1977; Hanks and Ka- 1971 by the U.S. Department of Commerce and borne geophysical surveys, submarine cable namori, 1979). To circumvent this problem, Geodetic Survey, from 1971 to 1974 inclusive by the U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and breaks, or damage to port facilities, and these moment magnitudes (Mw) determined by Ka- Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and since data cover only a small fraction of the subaque- namori (1977) were used preferentially for 1974 jointly by NOAA and the U.S. Geological ous environment. The reported numbers of the earthquakes with M > 7.5. The Mw scale con- Survey.

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cannot be discounted. All types of earthquake- An approximate upper-bound fit of the data for small events where the area shaken is small induced landslides (Table 2) can also be trig- in Figure 1 shows the greatest area likely to be and may contain only a few, scattered suscepti- gered by nonseismic causes and, if failure of a affected by landslides in an earthquake of given ble slopes. slope is imminent before an earthquake, a land- magnitude. Extension of the upper bound to M The area affected by landslides is in part de- slide could be initiated even by weak shaking. < 5.3 is based on the intensity data, which sug- termined by the focal depth of the earthquake. Two cases of possible association between gest that few landslides are caused by events In Figure 1, areas of one offshore ani all on- landslides and small earthquakes are discussed smaller than ML = 4.0. Landslide locations in shore earthquakes with focal depths 30 km by Mathews and McTaggart (1978) and by these intensity data are not pitóse enough to (earthquakes 7, 9, 18, 22, and 24) plot on or Voight (1978). Voight (1978) reported that an determine the areas affected by landslides or near the upper bound, indicating that seismic earthquake with an estimated M ¡s 3.5 shook maximum distances of landslides from epicen- shaking strong enough to trigger landslides the Gros Ventre Valley of Wyoming 18 to 20 hr ters or fault ruptures. However, as these data propagates over larger areas in these deeper before the June 23,1925, Gros Ventre rock ava- indicate a lack of landslides in events smaller events. Other seismic parameters, including the lanche. Mathews and McTaggart (1978) re- than M = 4, the upper bound must be curved specific ground-motion characteristic! of the ported that two earthquakes with M = 3.2 and approximately as shown to approach an area earthquake, almost certainly influence the area 3.1 occurred within one minute of latitude and value of A = 0 at M =» 4. affected by landslides, but these effects were not longitude (±16 km) and at approximately the Scatter in the data in Figure 1 shows that studied because few strong-motion records exist same times as the two main phases of movement factors other than magnitude also determine the in zones of landsliding in the historical earth- of the January 9, 1965, rock avalanche near area affected by landslides. Some scatter may be quakes. Hope, British Columbia. due to inclusion of offshore earthquakes, be- The data in Figure 1 indicate that regional Evidence for seismic triggering of the Gros cause difficulties in observing underwater areas differences in seismic attenuation have little ef- Ventre and Hope landslides is somewhat cir- probably cause the reported areas of landslides fect on the area of landsliding in an earthquake. cumstantial—at Gros Ventre because of the long to be smaller than they actually are. For this Three earthquakes from the Puget Sound-Van- delay between the reported earthquake and the reason, the upper bound is curved to pass above couver Island (7, 9, and 18) that pro- landslide and at Hope because the first seismic the point for the (16 in duced landslides over comparatively large areas event could have been caused by initial rupture Table 1). Except for this event and the 1978 (Fig. 1) were all deep. No anomalies possibly of the landslide shear surface (Barry Voight, Izu-Oshima Kinkai, Japan, earthquake (34 in related to regional differences in attenuation are 1983, written commun.) and the second by crust- Table 1), however, areas affected by landslides found in data from other regions represented by al loading due to the first phase of slide move- in the offshore earthquakes plot within the data two or more onshore events. Of the eight on- ment (W. G. Milne, personal commun. in field defined by the onshore events, indicating shore earthquakes from California, for example, Mathews and McTaggart, 1978). Nevertheless, that scatter due to inclusion of offshore events is four (23, 38, 39, and 40) caused landslides over the possibility exists that small earthquakes were minor. Other factors possibly causing scatter in- comparatively large areas, one (3) over an area in part responsible for the Gros Ventre and clude regional differences in seismic attenuation, that is about average, and three (6, 12, and 19) Hope landslides and that small events could also uncertainties in area and magnitude determina- over areas that are relatively small. Of the three occasionally trigger other landslides from mar- tions, seismic parameters other than magnitude, Himalayan earthquakes, one (5) has an area that ginally stable slopes. and local geologic conditions. Geologic condi- plots on the upper bound, one (11) on the lower tions influence the area by controlling the distri- margin of the data field, and one (25) near the Magnitude and Area Affected by Landslides bution of susceptible sites, an effect most evident middle of the data field. The two earthquakes in

For 30 of the historical earthquakes in Table 1, data were complete enough to determine the areas affected by landslides (Fig. 1). Each area 500.000 was measured by drawing a boundary around all reported landslide localities and calculating the size of the region enclosed. Such areas are those where ground shaking was strong enough to trigger landslides on susceptible slopes. Not all slopes within these areas produced landslides, and zones of high landslide were com- monly interspersed with zones having few or no landslides. Most areas affected by landslides were irregular in shape and asymmetric with respect to and fault ruptures. Never- theless, areas affected by landslides show a strong correlation with magnitude (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Area affected by landslides in earthquakes of differ- ent magnitudes. Numbers beside data points are earthquakes

listed in Table 1. Dots = onshore earthquakes; x = offshore earth- 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 quakes. Horizontal bars indicate range in reported magnitudes. line is approximate upper bound enclosing all data. Magnitude (M)

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U "D «> 100 § J 50 II) '5 20 O C o 3 m o: U '—' 0 £ 1 S 5 E a D a) E 'x o 5



0.1 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5

Magnitude (M) B Magnitude (M)

4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 D Magnitude (M) Magnitude (M)

Figure 2. Maximum distance from epicenter to landslides for earthquakes of different magnitudes. Numbers beside data points are earth- quakes listed in Table 1. Vertical bars indicate uncertainties, where known, in locations of epicenters, in locations of most distant landslides, or both. Horizontal bars indicate range in reported magnitudes. A. Maximum distance from epicenter to disrupted slide or fall. Solid line is approximate upper bound enclosing all data. B. Maximum distance from epicenter to coherent slide. Solid line is approximate upper bound enclosing all data. C. Maximum distance from epicenter to lateral spread or flow. Solid line is approximate upper bound enclosing all data. Dot-dash line is upper bound determined by Kuribayashi and Tatsuoka (1975, 1977) for soil-liquefaction phenomena in earthquakes in Japan. D. Comparison of upper bounds from A, B, and C. Dashed line is bound for disrupted falls and slides, dash-double-dot line is bound for coherent slides, and dotted line is bound for lateral spreads and flows.

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the eastern United States (1 and 2) caused land- Most lateral spreads and flows in earthquakes face or subsurface, on the dipping fault plane slides over areas about average compared to are caused by soil liquefaction. The straight-line defined by the aftershock ; where no other earthquakes of equivalent magnitudes. upper bound of Kuribayashi and Tatsuoka was present, the top of the after- (1975, 1977) for maximum epicentral distances shock zone was taken as the top of Magnitude and Maximum Distance of of liquefaction phenomena in historical Japa- the fault-rupture zone. Distances in the 1964 Landslides from Epicenter and Fault Rupture nese earthquakes is plotted in Figure 2C. Their Alaska earthquake (16 in Table 1) were mea- upper bound and the curved upper bound de- sured to the dipping fault plane inferred from Two other relations between earthquake termined here cross at M = 8.1. Their sample of tectonic ground-level change by Plafker (1972) magnitude and landslide distribution are the 32 earthquakes, however, contained no events and in the 1946 Vancouver Island event (7 in maximum distance from the epicenter or fault larger than M = 8.1, and all of the distances Table 1) to the dipping fault plane infer red from rupture at which an earthquake causes land- determined by them lie within the upper bound geodetic measurements by Rodgers and Hase- slides. To search for possible differences in these of the present study. For M < 8.1 the upper gawa (1978). relations for different types of landslides, I made bound of Kuribayashi and Tatsuoka lies below Surface fault ruptures were used alone only separate determinations for each of the follow- the bound determined here. This different« is for vertical or steeply dipping faults; distances ing three major categories of landslides: (1) dis- probably due to the different geographic distri- were measured to the nearest point on the sur- rupted slides and falls: rock falls, rock slides, bution of earthquakes in the two data sets; only face rupture, but errors due to this were negligi- rock avalanches, soil falls, disrupted soil slides, 7 of the 25 data points in Figure 2C lie above ble. Distances in the 1934 Bihar-Nepal earth- and soil avalanches; (2) coherent slides: rock the upper bound of Kuribayashi and Tatsuoka, quake (5 in Table 1) were measured to the slumps, rock block slides, soil slumps, soil block and these points probably represent landslides surface of the fault-rupture zone inferred from slides, and slow earth flows; and (3) lateral under seismic or geologic conditions not en- shaking intensities by Chen and Molnar (1977) spreads and flows: soil lateral spreads, rapid soil countered in the historical Japanese earth- and in the (17 in Table flows, and subaqueous landslides (Table 2). quakes. Youd (1977) determined maximum 1) to the surface of the tsunami source zone The maximum distance from the epicenter to epicentral distances for liquefaction phenomena determined by Iida (1968). Dips of the fault a reported landslide in each category was deter- in 14 earthquakes outside Japan. These distan- planes in events 5 and 17 were not determined, mined for each earthquake in which landslide ces lie within the curved upper bound deter- but, on the basis of the probable geographic lim- identifications and locations were sufficiently mined in the present study. its of the fault planes, errors due to measuring to complete and precise (Fig. 2), and approximate Given that seismic is released the surface expressions are probably less than upper bounds are fit to these data. These upper throughout a zone of fault rupture rather than at ±15% for the Bihar-Nepal event and less than bounds are curved so as to approach distance a single point, maximum distance of landslides ±5% for the Niigata event. values of Re = 0 at M = 4.0, M = 4.5, and M = from a fault-rupture zone may be a more refined Approximate upper bounds that are curved to 5.0, the smallest events likely to cause landslides relation than maximum epicentral distance. approach distance values of Rf = 0 at M = 4.0, in the respective categories. The bound for dis- Fault-rupture zones were determined for 12 M = 4.5, and M = 5.0 are fit to the data in rupted slides and falls lies above the bound for earthquakes in Table 1 using surface faulting, for Figures 3A, 3B, and 3C, respectively. The coherent slides, which in turn lies above or coin- 6 using aftershock hypocenter distributions, for bound for disrupted slides and falls generally cides with the bound for lateral spreads and 4 using combinations of surface fault-ruptures or lies above the bound for coherent slides, but the flows (Fig. 2D). The relations between the mapped fault traces and aftershock hypocenters, two bounds converge as magnitude increases upper bounds suggest that disrupted slides and and for 4 using other criteria. As suggested by (Fig. 3D). The bound for lateral spreads and falls can be triggered by shaking weaker than Kanamori (1977), used to define flows is below the other two bounds for all coherent slides and that coherent slides can be fault-rupture zones were limited to those that magnitudes (Fig. 3D). Analogous relations are triggered by shaking weaker than lateral spreads occurred within 24 hr after main shocks wher- present in the data for 16 of the 22 events in or flows. Analogous relations are present in data ever data permitted.3 Figure 3 in which landslides in more than 1 for 23 of the 27 individual earthquakes in Figure Maximum distances of landslides from the category were reported. Data in Figure 3 are 2 that reportedly caused landslides in more than nearest edges of fault-rupture zones are plotted consistent with the epicentral-distance data in 1 major category; in these 23 events, disrupted in Figure 3. For events 7 and 16 and for all Figure 2 in showing that the threshold shaking is slides or falls occurred farther from the epicenter events where aftershocks were used, distances stronger for lateral spreads and flows than for than other landslides and (or) coherent slides were measured to the nearest point, whether sur- coherent slides and that for coherent slides is occurred as far as or farther from the epicenter stronger than for disrupted slides or falls. than lateral spreads or flows. The upper bound for significant soil liquefac- 3 Scatter in the data in Figure 2 is due to many Available data did not permit such limiting of the tion determined by Youd and Perkins (1978) is aftershock hypocenter zones for earthquakes 21, 23, also plotted in Figure 3C. Their upper bound, of the same variables that affect the area- 31, or 36. The aftershock hypocenter zone for earth- magnitude relations (Fig. 1) and additionally to quake 21 (1970 Peru) was taken from Plafker and developed from study of several historical earth- uncertainties in locating epicenters and land- others (1971). Times of the aftershocks in this zone quakes, is for liquefaction-induced ground fail- slides and to the simplification of using the were not reported. The aftershock hypocenter zone of ures including flows and lateral spreads that earthquake 23 (1971 San Fernando) encompassed moved at least 100 mm in gently sloping, Holo- epicenter to represent the fault-rupture zone. shocks from 58 to 98 hr after the main shock located Earthquakes with focal depths 3=30 km gener- by Wesson and others (1971). The fault-rupture zone cene -plain, deltaic, or eolian materials. ally caused disrupted slides and falls and coher- of earthquake 31 (1976 Tangshan, China) was deter- Differences between the two upper bounds in ent slides at epicentral distances greater than mined by Butler and others (1979) using aftershock Figure 3C are due in large part to inclusion in locations, but times of these aftershocks were not re- the present study of lateral spreads and flows in shallower events of equal magnitude. For rea- ported. The fault-rupture zone of earthquake 36 (1978 sons that were not determined, focal depth had Santa Barbara) was determined by Lee and others other materials and of lateral spreads with re- little or no effect on the maximum epicentral (1978) using aftershocks that occurred within 104.4 hr ported displacements as low as 40 mm. Consid- distances of lateral spreads or flows. after the main shock. ering data points on the upper bound of the

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500 500 - ,16

5 X^j #16_ 200 .21 E O i; 0 ^ « q22 ¿27 /13,2l4 t 3 - 3 - O £ 100 - ,14 *35 * - i/i •*a—i 100 / ,35 * o i> *7 Xo {23 •26,33 E - 50 27 _o , * /36 ^9 li 22l *33 c "O s: / .39 c / -29 14 o 9 -n N - / *' CD 10 0 c ¿38 o <11 N u 5 - »23 - - - c / .12 o 2

/ -

• • 1 1 0.1 i i i i 0.1 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 '4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5

Magnitude (M) B Magnitude (M)

1 1 1.000

500 500

$16 „ 200

• o O / /••• ° o io C - - O a> N / //' 0) u / // 0 / /•" c a> - 0 - 3 / ¿12 / 1/) a. T3 3 / ! / "D ^ 2 E / / / 3 /'' «23 E E 3 o O 3 X M— E - 0 / / x o / 0.5 I 3 " I I I I l - - l i l i i i i i i i 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 65 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 9.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 D Magnitude (M) Magnitude (M)

Figure 3. Maximum distance from fault-rupture zone to landslides in earthquakes of different magnitudes. Numbers beside data points are earthquakes listed in Table 1. Vertical bars indicate uncertainties, where known, in boundaries of fault-rupture zones, in locations of most distant landslides, or both. Horizontal bars indicate range in reported magnitudes. A. Maximum distance from fault-rupture zone to disrupted slide or fall. Solid line is approximate upper bound enclosing all data. B. Maximum distance from fault-rupture zone to coherent slide. Solid line is approximate upper bound enclosing all data. C. Maximum distance from fault-rupture zone to lateral spread or flow. Solid line is approxi- mate upper bound enclosing all data. Dot-dash line is upper bound determined by Youd and Perkins (1978) for significant soil-liquefaction phenomena. D. Comparison of upper bounds from A, B, and C. Dashed line is bound for disrupted slides and falls, dash-double-dot line is bound for coherent slides, and dotted line is bound for lateral spreads and flows.

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present study, point 12 represents a rapid soil one intensity level lower than are other types of flow in loose-sand fill (Bonilla, 1960), a material landslides, and the minimum intensity for coher- rated by Youd and Perkins (1978) as more sus- ent slides approximately equals that for lateral ceptible to liquefaction than flood- spreads and flows. plain, deltaic, or eolian deposits. Point 36 Comparison of Figure 4 with criteria of represents a lateral spread with a displacement Wood and Neumann (1931) and of Richter of 40 mm (Miller and Felszeghy, 1978). Dis- (1958) suggests that landslides are actually trig- placements on lateral spreads represented by gered at intensities one to five levels lower than points 16 and 31 were not reported but may indicated on the Modified Mercalli scale. For have been less than 100 mm. example, "small slides and caving in along sand 4> or gravel banks" (MMI VII) (Richter, 1958) • indicate disrupted falls and slides (predominant D Landslides and Seismic Shaking Intensity O" minimum intensity = MMI VI, and lowest re- _C

Numerous intensity scales have been devised ported intensity = MMI IV). Conspicuous cracks D to characterize the severity of earthquake shak- and fissures (MMI VIII or greater) (Wood and d> ing using human perceptions, movement of ob- Neumann, 1931; Richter, 1958) suggest coher- jects, shaking damage to engineering structures, ent slides (predominant minimum intensity =

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avalanches are probably also more prone to landslides (Table 4), causing casualties and eco- were filled with weak chemical- triggering by the longer-duration, lower-fre- nomic losses in many earthquakes. Hewitt products. quency shaking characteristic of large earth- (1976) described the effects of rock falls in the Rock falls originated only on slopes steeper quakes. Previous analyses of coherent slides 1974 Pakistan earthquake (25 in Table 1): than 40°. Narrow spurs, ledges, ridge crests, and (Wilson and Reefer, 1983) and of the soil lique- man-made cuts produced more rock falls than faction that causes most lateral spreads (Seed, Thousands of people were killed and several times did other parts of slopes. Many slopes with rock 1968,1979) indicate that shaking duration does as many injured .... Homes, bazaars, and recently falls exhibited talus accumulations and were un- have a significant effect on initiating these built schools, uncounted tiers of terraced fields and stable under nonseismic conditions. irrigation systems were shaken apart by the tremors or landslides. crushed by the and landslides that fol- Rock Slides. Rock slides are disordered dur- lowed .... The survivors . . . faced enormous ing movement into masses of rock fragments LANDSLIDE CHARACTERISTICS problems carrying the injured downslope, and relief and blocks that slide on planar or gently curved AND GEOLOGIC ENVIRONMENTS supplies upslope, over steep, snow-covered paths that surfaces where joints, bedding planes, or other were blocked or borne away by landslides at many surfaces of discontinuity dip out of slopes. Rock points .... The immediate causes of damage during Characteristics and geologic environments of the earthquake were about equally divided between slides involved the same types of materials as earthquake-induced landslides discussed in this the effects of the ground motion itself and the impact rock falls, or, occasionally, older rock-slide de- section are defined exclusively from data on the of rockfalls and landslides set off by the earth posits. They originated in hillside channels and tremors .... Farms and villages in the steep-walled 40 earthquakes listed in Table 1. Discussion thus flutes on slopes steeper than 35°. tributary valleys and narrows of the Indus suffered pertains specifically to environments that pro- mainly from the terrible of boulders following the Rock Avalanches. Rock avalanches are duce landslides under seismic conditions, al- tremors. The results were more like bomb damage. landslides that disintegrate into of rock though in most of the same environments fragments (Fig. 5) that can travel several kilome- landslides also occur in the absence of seismic Although earthquake-induced rock falls oc- tres on slopes of a few degrees at of shaking. Whether a particular slope produces a curred in virtually all types of rocks, most were hundreds of kilometres per hour. All rock ava- landslide in an earthquake depends on details of in closely jointed or weakly cemented materials. lanches reported from the 40 historical earth- material strength, slope configuration, pore- Weakly cemented rocks producing rock falls in- quakes were large, with volumes of at least 0.5 x water pressure, and ground motion. cluded pumice, tuff, shale, siltstone, sandstone, 106 m3. and conglomerate. Boulders in and in One of the largest of these rock avalanches, Disrupted Slides and Falls in Rock residual soil also produced rock falls, as did which started during the 1970 Peru earthquake sheared and weathered rocks. (21 in Table 1), was described by Cluff (1971), Rock Falls. Rock falls are individual Most well-cemented rocks that produced rock Plafker and others (1971), and Plafker and boulders or disrupted masses of rock that de- falls were broken by joints spaced a few decime- Ericksen (1978). This rock avalanche began scend slopes by bounding, rolling, or free fall. tres apart. In many such rocks, joints were when a slab of rock and glacial ice, 0.6 km2 in They are the most abundant earthquake-induced opened by physical weathering or relief or area and 60 to 120 m thick, was dislodged from a near-vertical on Nevados Huascaran, the highest in Peru. The slab fell 1,000 m, disintegrated, and slid across a , incorpo- rating a large volume of snow. This disintegrated mass of rock, ice, and snow then overtopped morainal ridges downslope from the glacier and was launched into the air. After touching down, the mass separated into several turbulent streams of debris that entrained water from creeks and irrigation ditches. These streams converged on the Rio Shacsha Valley, and the resulting debris stream, which had a volume between 50 and 100 x 106 m3, swept downvalley at an esti- mated 280 km/hr (Plafker and Ericksen, 1978). At 11 km from the source, some debris over- topped a low ridge and buried the city of Yun- gay and at least 3 villages. Almost simulta- neously, the remaining debris crashed into the city of Ranrahirca and several surrounding vil- lages. Passing through these cities and villages less than 4 minutes after the original slope failure on Nevados Huascaran, the landslide killed at least 18,000 people (Plafker and others, 1971); Figure 5. Aerial view of two rock avalanches in Mount Baldwin cirque, eastern Sierra it was thus the most destructive landslide in this Nevada, caused by the 1980 Mammoth Lakes, California, event (40 in Table 1). These rock century and perhaps in all of history. avalanches are relatively small; each has a volume of-500,000 m3. Slope above avalanche on The kinetic energy necessary for long-distance left has relief of -270 m. transport of rock-avalanche material is produced

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by initial fall from steep, high slopes. Avalanche (4) geologic or historical evidence of previous listed in Table 1, rock block slides originated on paths consist of steep source slopes where the landsliding. slopes steeper than 15° in tuff, andesite, weakly avalanches accelerate and, except where con- cemented pumice, and weakly cemented or strained by narrow canyons, of gentle runout Coherent Slides in Rock closely jointed shale, mudstone, siltstone, and slopes where they decelerate and come to rest. sandstone. Approximately 100 rock avalanches were re- Rock Slumps. Each rock consists of ported in earthquakes in Table 1. Data on one or a small number of coherent, deep-seated Disrupted Slides and Falls in Soil source-slope inclination and height, available for blocks (Table 2) that slide on basal shear sur- 50 of these rock avalanches, show that min- faces curved so that movement involves a Soil falls. Soil falls are blocks or disrupted imum inclination and height were, respectively, component of headward rotation. Earthquake- masses of soil that descend slopes by bounding, 25° and 150 m. All but one of these 50 induced slumps were initiated on slopes steeper rolling, or free fall. Most soil blocks break apart originated on slopes undercut by active fluvial than 15° in igneous and metamorphic rocks as during transport or impact. In the earthquakes or by active, Holocene, or late Pleisto- well as in sedimentary rocks. Specific rock types listed in Table 1, soil falls originated on steep cene glacial erosion. The single exception, trig- involved in slumps in the 40 historical earth- slopes such as coastal bluffs, canyon walls, gered by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake (3 quakes were basalt with interbedded ash and stream banks, faces, and slopes. Al- in Table 1), was on a slope bordered by a small , pumice, andesite, granite, greenstone, though 63° was the minimum slope inclination stream; this slope was probably undercut by slate, schist, amphibolite, shale, siltstone, and reported for soil falls, they probabl}1 took place fluvial erosion at some time in the past when sandstone. Most of these rocks were weak, either on slopes at least as gentle as 40°, the minimum flow in the stream was greater than at present. because they were poorly cemented, closely observed for rock falls. Most soil falls involved Data on geologic conditions, reported for 27 jointed, weathered, or sheared. Older rock- weakly cemented sand or gravel; a few were in of the rock avalanches, showed that most slopes slump deposits were reactivated in the 1906 San unconsolidated or weakly cemented clay. that produced them were intensely fractured, Francisco and 1971 San Fernando earthquakes Disrupted Soil Slides. Disrupted soil slides with the rock being broken by several sets of (3 and 23 in Table 1). consist of sheets of soil, a few decimetres to a fractures spaced a few centimetres to a few dec- Rock Block Slides. Rock block slides, also few metres thick (Fig. 6), that disintegrate dur- imetres apart. Most such slopes also exhibited generally deep-seated (Table 2), consist of one ing movement into chaotic jumbles of small at least one of the following additional signs of or a few blocks that slide on planar or gently blocks and individual soil grains. Most slide on low strength or potential instability: (1) conspic- curved basal shear surfaces. Movement thus in- basal shear surfaces formed at soil-bedrock con- uous planes of weakness—faults, master joints, volves little or no rotation. Basal shear surfaces tacts or at boundaries between different soil lay- bedding planes, or foliation surfaces—dipping are bedding planes or other discontinuities that ers; a few move on basal zones of weakened, out of the slope, (2) significant weathering of the dip out of slopes, allowing the blocks to move sensitive clay. rock, (3) weak cementation of the rock, or without significant distortion. In the earthquakes The material most commonly involved in dis- rupted soil slides was loose, unsaturated, residual or colluvial sand with little or no clay; tens of thousands of disrupted soil slides in such mate- rial occurred in earthquakes 12, 23, 27, and 30 (Table 3). The 1960 Chile earthquake (15 in Table 1) caused thousands of disrupted soil slides in a saturated volcanic soil consisting of alternating layers of scoriaceous gravel and sen- sitive clay produced by weathering of fine- grained ash. The slides were restricted to deforested slopes, which were unstable under nonseismic conditions and which had been fis- sured by a of the earthquake (Wright and Mella, 1963). In the 1970 Peru earthquake (21 in Table 1), saturated deposits of fluviogla- cial and landslide material as well as till, vol- canic ash, and failed in thousands of disrupted soil slides (Plafker and others, 1971). Materials producing smaller numbers of dis- rupted soil slides in other earthquakes were sandy or silty man-made fill, fault gouge, flood- plain alluvium, terrace deposits, and cemented sand, silt, and clay. The minimum slope inclina- tion for disrupted soil slides was 15°. Figure 6. Aerial view of coalescing, disrupted soil slides caused by the 1976 Guatemala Soil Avalanches. Soil avalanches, more dis- earthquake (27 in Table 1). Slides stripped away and sheets of sandy residual soil, aggregated and faster moving than disrupted soil generally <0.6 m thick, exposing white pumice bedrock. Slopes in foreground have relief of slides, generally consist of streams of grains and ~30 m. Photograph from Harp and others (1981). small blocks of soil. Many travel far beyond the

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bases of the slopes on which they originate. In TABLE 5. SOIL-SLUMP MATERIALS the earthquakes listed in Table 1, soil avalanches Man-made fill (23) Sand (2) Fluvioglacial deposits (I) originated on slopes steeper than 25° in unsatu- Flood-plain alluvium <12) Terrace deposits (2) Ground moraine (1) Old slump deposits (5) Cemented sand and gravel (I) Playa deposits (1) rated sand, older soil-avalanche deposits, and Colluvium (3) (1) Lacustrine deposits (t) the same volcanic soil that produced disrupted Till (3) Pyroclastic deposits (1) Deltaic deposits (I) Alluvial fan deposits (3) Sensitive clay (1) Barrier island deposits (I) soil slides in the 1960 Chile earthquake (15 in Table 1). Note: numbers in parentheses are total number of the 40 historical earthquakes (Table 1) in which slumps occurred in a particular material.

Coherent Slides in Soil graben at the head of the slide (Fig. 7). The slide 16; on the Mississippi River bluffs near New Soil Slumps. Soil slumps, generally deep- also contained two arcuate, internal grabens, ar- Madrid, Missouri, in event 1; and on the Rio San seated (Table 2), consist of one or a few coher- ranged concentrically and curved convex-head- Pedro bluffs in Chile in event 15. Bluff heights ent blocks that slide on basal shear surfaces ward in plan view. Horsts between the grabens ranged from 16 to >60 m and bluff inclinations curved so that movement involves headward ro- slid laterally with little . from 6° to near-vertical. The block slides in An- tation. These landslides are characterized by The slide moved 20 m, presumably during the chorage involved both sensitive clay and liquefi- crescent-shaped scarps, blocks with surfaces strong ground shaking, which lasted 4 to 7 min- able sand and silt (Hansen, 1966; Seed, 1968). tilted back toward the crests of slopes, and bulg- utes. In addition to the school, the slide de- The block slides along the Mississippi River ing toes. stroyed or damaged four and much moved on layers of saturated sand and gravel Man-made fill was the most common mate- equipment and track in a railroad yard at the that were underlain by impermeable clay rial in earthquake-induced soil slumps; 23 foot of the bluff. (Fuller, 1912); those along the Rio San Pedro earthquakes listed in Table 1 caused slumps in Material in the Government Hill slide con- moved on 2- to 6-cm-thick beds of saturated, fill (Table 5). Many slumped fills were uncom- sisted of glacial outwash underlain by the Boot- well-sorted lacustrine silt (Davis and Karzu- pacted or poorly compacted. Slumps in fill legger Cove Clay, a periglacial con- lovic, 1963). These large soil block slides were composed of sand or silt were more common taining lenses of liquefiable sand and silt and all in areas of old landslides; some reactivated than in fill composed of clay. Earthquakes zones of weak, sensitive clay. The near- the older landslide material, whereas others in- caused fill to slump both on hillsides and on horizontal shear surface under the slide was in volved nearby material that had not failed alluvial and coastal flood plains, where slumps saturated clay with a peak of less previously. were most abundant in embankments built over than 50 kPa and a sensitivity of as much as 40 Earthquakes listed in Table 1 also caused marshes or filled river channels. (Hansen, 1966). many smaller soil block slides, most of which Flood-plain alluvium produced soil slumps in Other block slides as large as or larger than were in sandy or silty flood-plain alluvium or more of the historical earthquakes than did any that at Government Hill occurred on river or man-made fill. Most fills that produced block other natural material (Table 5), and sandy allu- coastal bluffs elsewhere in Anchorage in event slides were on flood plains and composed of vium produced more slumps than did coarser or finer material. Other natural materials involved in slumps are listed in Table 5. Older slump deposits were reactivated in five of the historical earthquakes (Table 5), but the 1906 San Fran- cisco earthquake (3 in Table 1) is the only one in which more than a few reactivations were re- ported. Except for one slump on a 7° slope, trig- gered by the 1978 Miyagi-ken-oki, Japan, earthquake (35 in Table 1), the minimum slope inclination reported for soil slumps was 10°. Soil Block Slides. Soil block slides, also generally deep-seated (Table 2), slide in a trans- lational manner on planar or gently curved shear surfaces. These slides have grabens at their heads (Fig. 7), some have internal fissures or grabens as well, and pressure ridges mark the toes of many. The Government Hill slide, which caused major damage in Anchorage, Alaska, during the 1964 earthquake (16 in Table 1), is an example of a large soil block slide. According to Hansen (1966), the slide had an area of 4 hectares, was 27 m deep, and incorporated 7 x 105 m3 of material. It involved a river bluff 25 m high. Figure 7. Elementary school destroyed by the Government Hill slide, a large soil block slide About 120 m behind the original bluff line, a in Anchorage, Alaska. One wing of school dropped into graben at head of slide. Slide triggered wing of an elementary school dropped into the by the 1964 Alaska earthquake (16 in Table 1). Photograph from Hansen (1966).

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alluvial materials. Other materials producing liquefied material were in the fills themselves, by the 1920 earthquake in Kansu Province, block slides were till, volcanic ash, colluvium, and many of these fills had not been compacted China (4 in Table 1). These flows, some of clayey playa sediment, lacustrine sediment, ter- during placement. In other lateral spreads in fill, which covered several square kilometres, are race gravel, sandy eolian sediment, sandy the basal, liquefied zones were in natural foun- among the most destructive landslides in history. alluvial-fan sediment, and periglacial sediment. dation materials underlying the fills. As they swept through valleys carved in loess, Basal shear surfaces of most block slides were materials that liquefied included river-, they killed at least several thousand and perhaps probably saturated, as the slides were in areas marsh, and other flood-plain deposits, terrace as many as 100,000 people (Varnes, 1978). with high water tables. Many soil block slides deposits, lacustrine deposits, and reclaimed land. One group of these flows was described by involved flat-topped slopes and near-horizontal Materials other than alluvium and fill that Close and McCormick (1922): "The most ap- basal shear surfaces. The frontal slopes in areas produced soil lateral spreads are listed in Table palling sight of all was the Valley of the Dead, of soil block slides were reported to be as gentle 6. Sensitive clay produced one, lateral spread in where seven great slides crashed into a gap in the as 5°. the 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake (7 in hills three miles long, killing every livin g thing in Slow Earth Flows. Slow earth flows are Table 1). Another lateral spread, the Turnagain the area except three men and two dogs. The tongue- or teardrop-shaped bodies of clay, silty Heights landslide in Anchorage produced by survivors were carried across the valley on the clay, or clayey silt bounded by discrete lateral event 16, involved both sensitive clay and lique- crest of the avalanche, caught in the cross- and basal shear surfaces. These landslides move fiable sand and silt (Hansen, 1966; Seed and current of two other slides, whirled in a gigantic primarily by boundary shear; internal deforma- Wilson, 1967; Seed, 1968; Voight, 1973). All vortex, and catapulted to the slope of another tion is minor. Basal shear surfaces are saturated. other lateral spreads in earthquakes in Table 1 hill. With them went , orchard, and Slow earth flows in the earthquakes listed in were underlain by zones of liquefied granular threshing-floor, and the farmer has since placidly Table 1 were in clayey residual soil, clayey material. Findings in Table 6 agree with pre- begun to till the new location to which he was so , till, volcanic ash, colluvium, and older vious work showing that materials with the unceremoniously transported." earth-flow deposits. The minimum reported highest susceptibilities to liquefaction are man- Describing another flow, Close and McCor- slope inclination for these slow earth flows was made fill and alluvium (Kuribayashi and Tat- mick continued: "This was the most striking 10°. suoka, 1975, 1977; Youd, 1977; Youd and freak of the earthquake. A quarter-mile section One of the largest earthquake-induced earth Hoose, 1977; Youd and Perkins, 1978), deltaic of an old road, with the big poplars which line it, flows was initiated at least five days after the deposits (Youd and Hoose, 1977; Youd and was cut off from the highway by a landslide and 1959 Hebgen Lake earthquake (14 in Table 1) Perkins, 1978), and eolian deposits such as sand carried on the back of the river of earth for and continued moving for at least a month. This dunes (Youd, 1977). The minimum slope incli- nearly a mile, where it was left in a:i almost earth flow, which reactivated an older landslide, nation reported for lateral spreads in the 40 his- natural position. All this took place :.n a few was probably initiated because (1) faulting and torical earthquakes was 0.3°, the same as seconds of time." crustal warping in the earthquake increased the reported by Youd (1975). Despite this example, most flows were highly surface inclination, and (2) the earthquake in- At least two earthquakes listed in Table 1— disaggregated, according to Close and McCor- creased the local ground-water flow (Hadley, the 1906 San Francisco and 1978 Miyagi-ken- mick: "In each case the earth which came down 1964). oki events (3 and 35 in Table 1)—triggered bore the appearance of having shaken loose clod lateral spreads in soils that had previously lique- from clod and grain from grain, and then cas- Lateral Spreads and Flows in Soil fied (Keefer, 1978, 1980; Youd and Hoose, caded like water, forming vortices, swirls, and 1978). Instances of reliquefaction in other all the convolutions into which a torrent might Soil Lateral Spreads. Soil lateral spreads earthquakes are discussed by Kuribayashi and shape itself." move in a translational manner on zones of liq- Tatsuoka (1975, 1977) and Youd (1977). The flows in Kansu Province were in loess on uefied gravel, sand, or silt or, occasionally, on Rapid Soil Flows. Rapid soil flows are terraced hillsides and on the walls of U-shaped sensitive clay rendered fluid by . All streams of soil grains, usually but not always valleys. Slope inclinations were not reported. these basal zones are saturated. More disrupted mixed with water, that flow in a fluid-like fash- The water content of the loess is uncertain. Ac- than soil slumps or soil block slides, soil lateral ion at high velocities (Table 2). Some rapid soil cording to the descriptions of Close and spreads contain numerous internal fissures and flows travel several kilometres on slopes of only McCormick (1922), however, the losss may grabens. a few degrees yet transport boulders weighing have been dry, and in this sense the flows are In the earthquakes listed in Table 1, soil hundreds of tons. possibly unique among those in the 40 historical lateral spreads were most common in granu- The characteristics of fluid-like flow, high ve- earthquakes. lar man-made fill and flood-plain alluvium locity, and great distance of transport are illus- Rapid soil flows in saturated loess killed (Table 6). Most alluvial lateral spreads were trated by some particularly large flows triggered 15,000 people near Khait in the Soviet Union in along active or abandoned river channels or in marshes. Composition of alluvium in lateral TABLE 6. SOIL LATERAL-SPREAD MATERIALS spreads was predominantly silt, silty sand, or

fine-grained sand. Most alluvial materials in lat- Flood-plain alluvium (19) Beacb deposits (3) Glacial outwash (1) eral spreads were Holocene; a few were Man-made fill (18) bar deposits (2) Glaciolacustrine deposits (1) Deltaic deposits (5) Estuarine deposits (2) Playa (1) . Sand dunes (4) Periglacial sediments (1) Organic marine mud (1) Coastal sand spits (4) Barrier islands (I) Carbonate silt in a thermal spring (1) Man-made fills that failed by lateral spreading Alluvial fan deposits (3) Tidal flats (1) Sensitive clay of undetermined origin (1) ranged in composition from silt to sandy gravel, Lacustrine sediments (3) Terraces not on flood plains (1) but most were composed of fine-grained sand. Note: numbers in parentheses are total number of the 40 historical earthquakes (Table 1) in which lateral spreads occurred in a particular material. In some lateral spreads in fill, the basal zones of

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earthquake 10 in 1949 (A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki, TABLE 7. TOTAL DEATHS BY LANDSLIDE TYPE and soil avalanches were all in areas with 1980, oral commun.). These flows started in 1- abundant rapid soil flows (Table 8).4 Data for Landslide Estimated Number of to 2-m-thick layers of loess on slopes as steep as type total deaths earthquakes these areas did not permit differentiation of 30°. The main shock of the earthquake at Khait in 24 in which deaths deaths caused by the various landslide types, and earthquakes* occured probably caused fissures in the loess, and most these deaths may all have been due to rock falls flows occurred several hours or days after the Rapid soil flows 25,000-115,000? 5 and rapid soil flows. Whereas, then, earthquake- Rock avalanches 21,000-30,000 6 main shock during a period of heavy rainfall and Rockfalls 800-2,500 11-12 induced rock slides, soil falls, disrupted soil Soil lateral spreads aftershocks. Soil slumps <3,100?' 4 slides, and soil avalanches probably pose some In the 1960 Chile and 1974 Izu-Oshima Kin- Soil block slides to life, such hazards cannot be evaluated Rock slides si,000? 1? kai, Japan, earthquakes (15 and 34 in Table 1), Subaqueous landslides 48-84 3 quantitatively from these data. Disrupted soil slides «80? 1? rapid soil flows formed in volcanic soils consist- Soil avalanches «80? 1? Other types of earthquake-induced landslides ing of interbedded layers of scoriaceous gravel Rock slumps 17 1 causing deaths were soil slumps, soil block Soil falls «12? 1? and ash containing sensitive clay. In these and slides, soil lateral spreads, subaqueous landslides, other earthquakes, flows also occurred in Note: query (?) indicates estimate made from incomplete data. and rock slumps. All but one death caused by •Data on deaths due to landslides were not available for 9 of the 40 earth- sand, sandy residual and colluvial soils, silty and quakes, and no deaths due to any causes were reported in 7 of the earthquakes. soil slumps, block slides, or lateral spreads were sandy alluvial fan deposits, flood-plain alluvium, 'Most estimated deaths occurred in the 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake (S in due to disruption of foundations and subsequent Table 1), in which the percentage of deaths due to landslides was assumed to be and man-made fill. Fill that flowed included equal to the percentage of landslide-caused economic losses. collapse of . The one exception was poorly compacted well-sorted sand, poorly caused by an automobile crash on a road - compacted volcanic loam and scoria, mine tail- aged by a soil slump. Subaqueous landslides car- ings composed of silt and sandy silt, moderately for subaqueous landslides was 0.5°, but at most ried away people on , nearshore islands, loose sandy gravel, and reclaimed land on flood landslide localities slopes were steeper than 10°. or the distal margins of deltas or generated plains. that drowned people in coastal areas. The All flows, possibly excepting those in Kansu DEATHS AND ECONOMIC LOSSES one rock slump that caused deaths was large, 6 3 Province, were in saturated soils. These satu- CAUSED BY LANDSLIDES with a volume of 2 x 10 m , and destroyed rated flows were triggered either by a combina- several houses. These types of earthquake- tion of shaking and high rainfall as in the 1949 Rapid soil flows, rock avalanches, and rock induced landslides thus pose threats to human Khait and 1960 Chile earthquakes (10 and 15 in falls together caused at least 90% and possibly life under certain circumstances, but these threats Table 1) or by shaking at sites with high water more than 99% of the reported landslide deaths are not as severe or pervasive as those from tables or flowing springs. The minimum slope in the 40 historical earthquakes (Table 7).4 rapid soil flows, rock avalanches, or rock falls. reported for a saturated flow was 2.3°. Rock avalanches and rapid soil flows, the two Earthquake-induced landslides have also Subaqueous Landslides. All submarine or leading causes of death, are similar in that they damaged many types of engineering structures sublacustrine landslides are herein grouped as can travel several kilometres at high velocities and caused a large percentage of the total eco- "subaqueous landslides." Although a few earth- on slopes of a few degrees. Most deaths caused nomic losses in several earthquakes (Table 9).5 quake-induced subaqueous landslides move by these landslides were due to of cities or Economic losses were reported from all types of primarily by slumping or block sliding, most in- villages located on gently sloping ground several earthquake-induced landslides except slow earth volve lateral spreading, rapid flow, or both. kilometres from the sites of landslide initiation. flows. Data on economic losses due to landslides The 1964 Alaska earthquake (16 in Table 1) Both rock avalanches and rapid soil flows are in most earthquakes, however, were descriptive caused more submarine landslides than did any relatively uncommon in earthquakes (Table 4) rather than quantitative. In order to estimate the of the other historical earthquakes (Table 3), and occur under a limited range of geologic relative hazard of economic loss due to various and most of these landslides in Alaska were in conditions. types of landslides, I determined the number of Holocene deltaic sediments. Most of these del- Rock falls, the third leading cause of death historical earthquakes (Table 1) in which dam- taic sediments were composed of sand and (Table 7), are also the most abundant landslides age was reported from each type. Results were gravel derived from glacial outwash; some were in seismic events (Table 4) and occur in virtually as follows: soil slumps (27 earthquakes), soil lat- composed of silty clay, clayey silt, or silty sand. all types of rocks on slopes steeper than 40°. eral spreads (18), rock falls (14), soil block slides At Valdez, where a oc- Areas at risk from rock falls are limited by dis- (8), disrupted soil slides (8), rapid soil flows (6), curred in 1964, similar landslides had occurred tances that boulders can bound or roll once they rock avalanches (5), rock slides (5), soil falls (3), previously during earthquakes in 1899, 1908, reach the bases of the steep slopes on which the subaqueous landslides (3), rock slumps (2), soil 1911, 1912, and 1925 (Coulter and Migliaccio, rock falls originate; the maximum such distance avalanches (1), and rock block slides (1). 1966). reported in earthquakes listed in Table 1 was This ranking underestimates the economic ef- Submarine landslides caused by the 1964 -800 m. fects of a few catastrophic landslides, such as the Alaska and other earthquakes in nondeltaic Deaths possibly due to rock slides and soil rock avalanche at Nevados Huascaran, Peru, areas involved coarse-grained till and material falls were all in areas with abundant rock falls, and the rapid soil flows near Khait, Soviet from sand spits, tidal flats, beaches, alluvial fans, and deaths possibly due to disrupted soil slides Union, and in Kansu Province, China. These and offshore areas. Sublacustrine landslides in landslides destroyed substantial portions of vil- the historical earthquakes were in lake silt, out- wash gravel and sand, alluvial fans, and, most ••Landslide-related deaths in each individual earth- 5 commonly, Holocene deltaic sediments com- quake are listed in Table 8, which is in the GSA Data Table 9, which lists economic losses, types of struc- Repository. Tables 8 and 9 may be secured by request- tures damaged, and types of landslides causing dam- posed of sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel, or ing Supplementary Data 84-11 from the GSA Docu- ages, is in the GSA Data Repository. See footnote 4 gravel. The minimum slope inclination reported ments Secretary. for details.

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lages or cities, indicating that rapid soil flows the minimum intensity for landslides (Fig. 4). life and property, historical evidence stows that and rock avalanches are as hazardous to civil These measures indicate that rock falls, rock the predominant threats to life are from rock works as they are to human life. slides, soil falls, and disrupted soil slides are in- avalanches, rapid soil flows, and rock falls. The propensity of soil slumps, soil lateral itiated by the weakest shaking. In particular, Zones at risk from rock falls extend only a few spreads, and soil block slides to cause economic these shallow, highly disrupted landslides from hundred metres from the bases of steep slopes, losses in earthquakes is due to their abundance steep slopes are probably susceptible to the but zones at risk from rock avalanches or rapid (Table 4) and to their common occurrence on short-duration, high-frequency shaking charac- soil flows extend for several kilometres from lo- gentle slopes in man-made fill and in alluvium teristic of small earthquakes. Coherent, generally calities of landslide initiation. Leading causes of on flood plains, which are likely locations for deep-seated landslides are initiated by stronger property damage, in addition to these three types human habitation. Rock falls and, to a lesser and probably longer-duration shaking, and lat- of landslides, are soil slumps and soil lateral extent, disrupted soil slides and rock slides are eral spreads and flows by shaking that is still spreads. likely to cause damage in earthquakes because longer and stronger. With possible rare excep- Not all earthquake-induced landslides are in they are abundant (Table 4), even though this tions, rock avalanches and soil avalanches have areas with histories of landsliding or at localities damage is restricted to localities on or near steep the highest thresholds of all. where slopes are unstable under nonseismic slopes. Except for soil avalanches, most of which Modified Mercalli shaking intensities for conditions. Some materials, such as the loess of were in uninhabited areas, the lower amount of landslides determined by comparing isoseismal central Asia and the pumice of the Guatemalan damage reported from other types of landslides maps with maps of landslide distribution are one highlands, form steep, high slopes under non- correlates with the relative rarity of these land- to five levels lower than those indicated by ex- seismic conditions yet disintegrate readily in slides in earthquakes (Table 4). Although no plicit criteria on the Modified Mercalli scale. seismic shaking. In addition, few earthquake- economic losses were reported from slow earth This discrepancy suggests a need for revision of induced landslides reactivate old landslides. flows in the earthquakes listed in Table 1, slow landslide-related criteria on the scale to conform Indicators of landslide susceptibility under earth flows have caused economic losses under to intensities based on other criteria. Suggested nonseismic conditions thus should be applied nonseismic conditions (Zaruba and Mencl, revised criteria are (1) that shallow, highly dis- with caution to earthquake-induced landslides; 1969). The lack of reported losses from slow rupted landslides from steep slopes are common accurate prediction of landslides caused by earth flows in these earthquakes thus does not at MMI VI, (2) that rapid soil flows, soil lateral earthquakes requires analysis of materials and preclude their causing economic losses in other spreads, and coherent deep-seated slides from geologic environments that are particularly earthquakes. gentler slopes are common at MMI VII, and susceptible to landslides when the triggering (3) that landslides of all types occasionally mechanism is seismic shaking. CONCLUSIONS occur at intensities one to two levels lower than the levels at which they are common. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Study of a sample of 40 historical earthquakes This study has identified several materials that shows that 14 types of landslides are caused by are especially susceptible to earthquake-induced Nancy Tannaci Bice and Deborah Helms seismic events. In order of decreasing abun- landslides. These materials and the predominant Tuel compiled much of the data for this study. dance, these are: rock falls, disrupted soil slides, types of landslides in each are: (1) weakly ce- Without their dedicated and able efforts this rock slides, soil lateral spreads, soil slumps, soil mented, weathered, sheared, intensely fractured, work would not have been possible. Nancy C. block slides, soil avalanches, soil falls, rapid soil or closely jointed rocks (rock falls, slides, ava- Garwood, Wallace R. Hansen, Edwin L. Harp, flows, rock slumps, subaqueous landslides, slow lanches, slumps, and block slides), (2) more- Margaret G. Hopper, Seena N. Hoose, and An- earth flows, rock block slides, and rock ava- indurated rocks with prominent discontinuities drei M. Sarna-Wojcicki generously provided lanches. (rock falls, slides, block slides, and, possibly, unpublished data from their files. Logistical and The area affected by landslides in an earth- slumps), (3) unsaturated residual or colluvial technical support for field investigations was quake correlates with the magnitude, and the sand (disrupted soil slides and soil avalanches), provided in Argentina by the Instituto Nacional upper bound in Figure 1 gives the approximate (4) saturated residual or colluvial sand (rapid de Prevencion Sismica, Ministerio de Econom- maximum area likely to be affected by land- soil flows), (5) saturated volcanic soils contain- ica, Republica Argentina and in Japan by the slides in an event of given magnitude. This area ing sensitive clay (disrupted soil slides, soil ava- Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of increases from 0 at M = 4.0 to approximately lanches, and rapid soil flows), (6) loess (rapid , Government of Japan. I thank 500,000 km2 at M = 9.2. Factors other than soil flows), (7) cemented soils (soil falls), Robert D. Brown, Jr., Edwin L. Harp, David S. magnitude that control the area affected by (8) deltaic sediments containing little or no clay McCulloch, and Barry Voight for thorough and landslides include local geologic conditions, (soil lateral spreads and subaqueous landslides), thoughtful reviews of the manuscript. I am earthquake focal depth, and the specific ground- (9) flood-plain alluvium containing little or no grateful to Ursula Caspary and Karen Keefer for motion characteristics of a particular event. clay (soil slumps, block slides, and lateral many helpful insights that contributed to this Certain threshold levels of ground shaking are spreads), and (10) uncompacted or poorly com- research. necessary for triggering the various types of pacted man-made fill containing little or no clay

landslides. Indirect measures of these thresholds (soil slumps, block slides, lateral spreads, and REFERENCES CITED

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