Wickham Bishops Parish Magazine June 2020

Produced by St Bartholomew’s Church www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk

Greetings! This is the second issue of the ‘lockdown’ version of our Parish Magazine. I hope that it finds you healthy and happy, and able to enjoy our beautiful summer weather now that some restrictions have been relaxed. As Rev. Hilary says in her letter, this month would have seen us holding our biennial ‘Open Gardens’ Festival. Many of the owners of the gardens that were planned to open have formed a WhatsApp group to share many photographs of their beautiful gardens, and what a pity that we cannot see them ‘in the flesh’ as they look magnificent. Even the long-range weather forecast shows that we would have enjoyed a warm and sunny day, though with some risk of a thunderstorm. For this month’s front cover, I have chosen a photograph of one of my favourite gardens from 2018. Can you identify which one and can the owner identify the slight edit that I made ? Thank you to the contributors who have submitted items, even in these difficult times. Please keep them coming and I will do my best to include them, whilst restricting the size of the magazine to a reasonable size. Best Wishes and Keep Safe

Items for the July 2020 magazine, which may be published online only, should be submitted to the editor by Tuesday 16th June 2020 Please send items by email if possible to: [email protected] or place in an envelope marked ‘Parish Magazine’ and deliver to 10 Church Green, Priority goes to church events and information connected with Wickham Bishops.

© Wickham Bishops & Little Braxted Parochial Church Council (PCC) Published by the PCC of St Bartholomew Wickham Bishops and St Nicholas Little Braxted. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the PCC nor can the Church guarantee the credentials or performance of any of the advertisers within this publication.


Church Services for June

With public services suspended we have moved our services online. This is a challenging time for all of us so may we assure you of our love and prayers; that we are thinking of you. ‘Our doors may be closed, but our hearts are open’ Sunday Service Orders of Service, prayers and sermons are posted on the parish website. https://www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk/

SUNDAY 7 Trinity Sunday 10.30 am Sunday Service on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/ 4.00pm Messy Church Coffee and Chat on Zoom (please email [email protected] if you wish to be part of this) SUNDAY 14 Trinity 1 10.30 am Sunday Service on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/ SUNDAY 21 Trinity 2 10.30 am Sunday Service on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/ SUNDAY 28 Trinity 3 10.30 am Sunday Service on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/

MONDAYs, WEDNESDAYs and FRIDAYs 10.15 am Zoom Prayers (please email [email protected] if you wish to be part of this)


Parish Register

Baptisms None Marriages None Funerals None

Parish Contacts

Revd Hilary The Rectory, 1 Church Road, 01621 892867 Le Sève Wickham Bishops CM8 3LA Hilary’s day off Priest in Charge [email protected] is Friday.

Revd Derek Clark The Leas Farm 01245 380627 Wickham Bishops Road Associate Priest Hatfield Peverel 07860 235778 CM3 2JL

Barry Cousins 3 Harvey Road 01621 891355 CM9 8QA Churchwarden [email protected] Graham Wingrove 8 Arbour Lane 07398 025442 Wickham Bishops Churchwarden CM8 3NS

Peter Bates 10 Church Green 01621 893173 Wickham Bishops Magazine Editor [email protected] Kath Adkins [email protected] 01621 891143

Church Hall Bookings


Letter from Reverend Hilary

In considering what to include for this month’s letter, I am mindful that June would have been the month when the biennial Wickham Bishops Open Gardens Festival would have taken place, lifting spirits, bringing us together and raising, of course, much needed funds to pay for the historic building of St Bartholomew’s Church. Thankfully the team behind the festival is planning ahead so we have much to look forward to. Thinking ahead, I find myself with others facing the questions (and associated anxieties) of what re-emergence will look like. What I am offering now is a reflection (on pages 7 and 8) from Rt Rev Peter Hill that I find inspiring. Bishop Peter is the acting Bishop of now that Rt Rev Stephen Cottrell is moving to be the Archbishop of York. This leaves me with just a little more time to consider how to dress my scarecrow for the first Scarecrow Festival in the village and wonder how, as we re-emerge, we might celebrate locally the fabulous service and creativity of so many and the joys we have discovered in exploring our local countryside.

Keep well. Follow guidance. Save Lives.



A reflection from Rt Rev Peter Hill: God intended us to live simply and straightforwardly

(From ‘The View’ May 11th 2020)

Simplicity has confronted me afresh during this period of lockdown. I’m guessing we have all caught a glimpse of how we might live life differently going forward: simpler home-cooked food, less travel, a slower pace, more time for relationship, less frenzy.... For many of us in ministry and leadership, life will have been more demanding, but in a different way than previously. It may even have been busier: zooming rather than travelling, phoning rather than meeting, talking across distance in the park, queueing patiently outside the supermarket. Yet even then our busyness might have been more spacious. The writer of Ecclesiastes seemed to value simplicity when he wrote, ‘God made humans simple, but they have devised many schemes.’ (Eccles 7:29). In context the Hebrew word for simple can be translated alternatively as straightforward or even upright. So then the scripture suggests that God intended us to live simply and straightforwardly, yet we have overcomplicated things with our aspirations and desires. We all live under Jesus’ challenge not to lay up treasure for ourselves on earth… (Matt 6:19ff). The same Jesus had loving concern for the rich young ruler who needed detaching from his complexity and rich lifestyle, but alas he could not accept the change. Richard Foster in his classic book Celebration of Discipline says that ‘the Christian discipline of simplicity is an inward reality that results in an outward lifestyle’. Behind that confrontation and challenge to simplicity stands the call of our Lord and Saviour, and it may be that one of the more positive outcomes of this difficult time will be that we will hear that inward call more fully, resulting in serious outward change and transformation. Before the current restrictions we were part way through our Lent lectures on caring for God’s creation. We did not realise then that the upcoming pandemic would lower our worldwide carbon footprint significantly. … continued on the next page


Where I live in East London those carbon and other harmful emissions are now over 50% less than two months ago. You can actually feel the air is fresher than it has been for many years past, maybe even for a couple of centuries! So one of the challenges as we prepare to emerge into the new normal is will we teach and work to retain that direction of travel, or will we allow God’s creation to groan at us even more yet again? Will we stand up for a simpler lifestyle which leads to a cleaner world and a better future for upcoming generations? What will we teach and do in our churches to lead that transformation? It has both domestic and parish implications. Will we change to green fuel suppliers at home and in church, use less water, grow more of our own food? To do so will cost us in all sorts of ways, but we would care so much better for God’s beautiful and wondrous creation. Jesus has confronted us with simplicity in the midst of the horror of this pandemic. Can we accept the challenge? Can we live differently and more distinctively in the new future? Where will our treasure be? Suggestions Some things to do: Check out the A Rocha website on the environment https://www.arocha.org/en/a-rocha-uk/ Read, ‘Saying Yes to Life’ by Ruth Valerio, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2020.

Please read the letter on page 15 to be involved in the process of selecting the next Bishop of Chelmsford.

In Memory of Peter Mickelsen ... Mandy, Alex and Pascalle would like to thank all those who sent cards, flowers, lovely letters, and messages both verbal and digital after Peter died. So very much appreciated. We would like also to say how overwhelmed we were with the reception Peter received as we drove through the village, and , to the funeral at Maldon cemetery. It is a great comfort to us to know how much Peter was liked and respected. Thank you all.


News from Great Totham Primary School


School News

We have continued to open our doors for the children of critical workers with teachers planning a range of activities based on a theme each week. The children (and teachers) have enjoyed lessons and activities based on: the circus, pond, explorers and mini-beasts

VE Day The school was decorated to mark the anniversary of VE Day. Amongst other activities, the children flew Spitfires and measured how far they could fly and also painted rocks to commemorate this special day.

… continued on the next page


Home Learning

Teachers are also working from home ensuring that there are a range of learning tasks and activities available for children to complete from home.

Teddy in Year 4 worked hard to create this wonderful seascape, when completing an activity on an ‘exploring the oceans’ theme.

Wickham Bishops Scarecrow Week 2020 (30th May – 7th June)

We are delighted that 3 winning posters for the first ever Wickham Bishops Scarecrow Week were picked from the many wonderful entries produced by our children.


The chosen eye-catching creations were designed by Esme (Y5), Riley (Y4) and Ethan (YR). Congratulations and well done!

Please visit the Facebook page ‘Wickham Bishops Scarecrow Week 2020’ for more details on the event, it is still going ahead but the committee have made a few changes in light of the Covid19 situation.

Rainbows for Aesthetics in Maldon

We were delighted to be asked by a former parent at our school, Jo McCulloch, to create some artwork to brighten up a window of her hair salon, Aesthetics in Maldon. Thank you to the children who are still attending school for creating these colourful rainbows showing support for all critical workers, especially those in the NHS.

M&S Seeds

A big thank you also to M&S for providing the school with seeds to plant and grow. The children enjoyed sowing the seeds and will be carefully looking after the plants. Hopefully, we will soon see excellent results from our green-fingered pupils!




Some good news in troubled times! Scarecrow week is still taking place! And we have Straw! There have been some adjustments to encourage as many people as possible to take part and hopefully be a small distraction from the situation that we currently find ourselves in. There will be no fee to register your scarecrow. If you have already paid a registration fee, we’ll find a way of getting the money back to you in due course. You can still complete a registration form which can be found on the Wickham Bishops Scarecrow Week Facebook page or by emailing [email protected] but a simple email to confirm your interest will suffice. Please include where the scarecrow will be positioned (the street or road name will do – or if you need someone to home it for you) and the title of the scarecrow. It would also be lovely if you could also put a simple ‘poster’ up with the scarecrow with its title – this will make it more fun for people out scarecrow-spotting on their daily exercise. Posting a photo of your scarecrow in construction and also in the scarecrow week: 30th May – 7th June on the Wickham Bishops Scarecrow Week Facebook page is encouraged! STRAW: Joy Kiddle of Newlands Farm near the bottom of Wickham Hall Lane has been busy bagging up straw for scarecrows. Give Joy a call on 01621 891 280 and she will put some bags by the gatepost for you. (please note that there are 3 properties with the name Newlands – so make sure you go to the correct one!) Any queries please email [email protected] or call Rick or Jane on 01621 928071.


Great Totham Women’s Institute …

Like all other organisations we are not able to hold our usual monthly meetings but we have kept in touch with each other through phone calls and emails.

Many members have taken the opportunity to do household chores which have been put off for too long. Any amount of shredding and re-organising of cupboards has taken place. High on the list has been a revived interest in baking and sharing recipes. Our craftier minded members have not been slow in putting their talents to use. Thinking ahead to the end of the year, a forest of knitted Christmas trees have been produced and a proliferation of pompoms and brightly coloured tea cosies have been completed. Many of us put up bunting for VE day and participated in the various street events taking place in the villages. We are all looking forward to the day when we can meet again in person. For more Information please consult our website www.greattothamwi.weebly.com or email [email protected]

The photographs show contributions from Brenda Steele


The Rectory Wickham Bishops June 2020

Dear Friends Help identify the next Bishop of Chelmsford – consultation now open

On 12 April 2020 Bishop Stephen Cottrell left his role of Bishop of Chelmsford after nearly a decade in post. Later this year he will become the Archbishop of York. We thank him for his huge contribution to our diocese and we will be praying for him and his wife Rebecca as they embark on a new chapter in their ministry.

The process is now under way to discern who God is calling to be the next Bishop of Chelmsford and as part of that process the diocesan Vacancy in See Committee want to hear what you think.

A diocese wide consultation is now open. Submissions are welcome from churches, groups and individuals until 4 July. I encourage you to take part in the consultation and submit your own response.

Please click here to give your views. We will be organising a group discussion for our church community soon, so that we can have our say as a parish. I will send you more details once they have been finalised. The discussion will inform a submission to the consultation on behalf of our church.

You can find out more about the process by clicking here You will notice the web page also includes a prayer of discernment which I encourage you to use as we embark on this important period for our diocese. If you have any questions, please contact me on 01621 892867 or by email [email protected]

With every blessing, Reverend Hilary


Bansang Educational Appeal (BEA), run by Annabel Kerr who grew up in Wickham Bishops, has been supporting education in and around Bansang, The Gambia since 2008. Support is given by sponsoring children and providing resources to schools in the area. The charity developed after Annabel spent time working in Bansang Hospital between 2004-2006. St Bartholomew's church has been supporting the Appeal since 2011. Donated money has sponsored 2 children yearly as well as contributed to building projects and providing educational materials for schools. Annabel, along with her daughter, Bethany, visited Bansang in January this year and spent time chatting to all sponsored students, including those sponsored by the church and visiting schools in the area, donating educational materials and discussing projects schools need help with. Only children at senior school are sponsored directly as education is free up to grade 9. However as schools get very little funding we support primary and middle schools with materials and resources.

Two students sponsored by the church have been sponsored since they were in grade 10 at the senior school in Bansang and are now in their final year, grade 12. They are Fatoumata Jallow and Modou Secka. They both did well academically last year. Fatoumata is hoping to study nursing after completing her grade 12 exams. Fatoumata

… continued on the next page


Modou has been an excellent student up to now but wasn't attending school much when Annabel visited. As his family live some distance from the school, he stays with a guardian in the village next to the school so he can attend. The acting principal at the school, Mr Drammeh, sent some teachers to visit the home he lives in, and persuaded him to come and live in the staff accommodation block in the school grounds to encourage his attendance. He hopes to study computer science when he completes school. Due to the Covid-19 Modou pandemic schools are shut in The Gambia and the West Africa Senior School exams postponed for the time being.

Bakary Jawara is a new grade 10 student also sponsored by the church this year. He lives with his mother, as his father died when he was young. This has led to little financial support for him during his childhood. He passed his grade 9 exams, but we hope with support and the removal of financial stress he will be able to improve his academic performance to give him more opportunities on leaving school. Bakary

BEA is grateful to the church for its ongoing support which does give students peace of mind to study and opens opportunities for them on completing school. Previous students are now working as nurses in the Bansang Hospital, teaching at schools all over the Bansang region, some have their own businesses in Bansang town such as tailoring and 2 are abroad having gained scholarships to study medicine. It is rewarding knowing that small donations go a long way to improving the lives and giving independence to able students in and around Bansang. Please check out our website if you would like further information : www.bansangeducationalappeal.org or contact [email protected]


“From Camp Warden to Church Warden” By Barry Cousins [A brief summary of a chapter in ‘Memories and Discoveries’ written for our grandchildren] It was in May, 52 years ago that June and I with two young sons moved into the cottage at Prances, the scout camp in Great Totham Road. Our third son was born there a couple of years later. Having been involved in two church sponsored scout groups, the first with the Rector as Scout Leader and the second with my future father-in-law in charge, we managed to secure the warden’s position after interview. I continued ‘serving’ at my previous church for a time although occasionally attending St Bartholomew’s. The Rector, Alastair Gould was Treasurer of the local Scout Group. Rev Mark Williams, Rector of Little Braxted was Scout District Commissioner. Charles Cass, Josie’s father, was Secretary of the District Scout Adult Appointments Committee and an Altar Server at St Bartholomew’s and after an Easter morning service mentioned that his partner server was moving away from the village and suggested that I might join him in sharing the role. So in May, 50 years ago I began ‘Serving’ at the 8.00am Service. This suited me because I often organised and led a ‘Scouts’ Own’ after flag break on a Sunday morning for campers in the outdoor chapel. A Scouts Own is the generic term we use for divine worship when at scout camp or on a training course etc. and I had some previous Lectern experience using the trusty ‘Prayers for use in the made by Brotherhood of Scouts’. [We change ‘brotherhood’ to ‘world Marconi -wide family’ now that scouting is mixed gender]. apprentices After twelve wonderful years we left Prances and moved to nearby Great Totham and as we were so close, continued at St Bartholomew’s. In scouting I moved on, taking other roles; local District Commissioner, Deputy County Commissioner and then County Commissioner in addition to working on the County Training Team and Adult Support at Gilwell Park. I now work in an honorary VP capacity. I remained in employment with a National Transport Company in London and then countrywide until taking early retirement. I continued to work with Charles at St Bartholomew’s until 1998 when he was called to higher service; and of course alongside a number of incumbents. It was during a vacancy in 2005 with Curate Rev Liz, covering, when she suffered a car accident and asked me to take the 8.00am Communion Service on May 8th [60 year celebration of the end of WW2] with the approval of Bishop Christopher. The then Churchwarden brought the consecrated elements from Liz’s home to the church the night before with some notes from Liz. This new ministry for me continued after Liz moved to


Suffolk and for some further 14 years as emergency cover during Fr Stuart’s time, another vacancy and then during Rev Hilary’s time. In all, only between four or five times a year. Fr Stuart announced he was leaving the Parish and having discovered my knowledge of MS Publisher landed me with producing the weekly Pew Sheet … I thought it was just for the period of the vacancy…and that was six years ago come July! Five years ago I took over from Mary Rothero taking Home 15 years ago, Communion to parishioners who were housebound; a most enjoyable ministry. During the sixty or so occasions leading the ‘Holy Communion Service by Extension’ I had delivered a ‘talk’ or Homily at St Bartholomew’s, St Nicholas and even the ‘little’ Braxted chapel. The next step change, just over four years ago, was being asked to act as an Authorised Local Preacher with PCC and Bishop Roger’s approval and I continue to preach once a month. Then came the bombshell; three years ago Rev Hilary casually asked why I have never taken on the role of Church Warden! I’m really not sure of my answer but it must have centred on being far too busy with scouting [until about 10 years ago], never having been asked before and ‘cos I really am too old for such responsibility. The role is of course for just one year and our Vicar is quite persuasive especially about lining someone else up after that one year! The circumstances changed and three years on and now because of this dreadful virus situation the Diocese Virus Bulletin tells us that Churchwardens have had their current annual term extended to the end of January next year! What a journey – the church and scouting have for me been inextricably linked – the Scout Promise has ‘Duty to God’ as the first of its tenets – and I remember my Rector and Scoutmaster asking me to sign a pledge at the time of my Confirmation; written on a postcard it was similar to the Scout Promise….promising attendance at Holy Communion, giving regularly (pocket money in those days) and talking to God! This short version of a much longer chapter has only come about because of my 50 years of serving at St Bartholomew’s. All I can say is that it has been and will continue to be a wonderful and fulfilling journey.

“Normal ‘Serving’ will be resumed as soon as possible!”


From the Parish Council … A general meeting of the Parish Council was held online on the 19th May. Councillors were able to discuss items via a video link and residents were able to watch via a YouTube link. The minutes of the meeting can be found at www.wickhambishopsparishcouncil.org This meeting was the Statutory Annual Meeting which is, in effect, the AGM of the Parish Council. Cllr Ian Wardrop was elected as Chairman and Cllr Stephen Nicholas was elected as Vice Chairman. Peter Layley was co-opted as a Parish Councillor to replace the late Iain MacGregor. Councillors were pleased to note that Town Councillors have agreed to the traffic lights at the far end of Blue Mills Road operating from 6 am to 9 pm daily, as a permanent arrangement, as it eases traffic on Blue Mills Bridge. Maldon Council’s ‘True Cam’ team have restarted speed checks in the village and our own Speedwatch Team intend to recommence checks shortly. The next general meeting of the Council is scheduled to be held, once again online, on Tuesday 16th June at 7.30 pm and will be available for residents to view on YouTube. Please check our website for the latest details and agenda. Councillors may be contacted individually, or via the Parish Clerk on 07542 190176, or by email [email protected] The Chairman, Councillors and Clerk would like to send their best wishes to you for your good health and hope that you can find enjoyment in the present circumstances. Keep Safe!

When walking or running, please observe the Highway Code and stay on the right-hand side of the road, so as to face the oncoming traffic.


Business Directory

If I included the usual display advertisements, the size of the file to download would be prohibitively large, so I have prepared the text only business directory listed below. Business owners can rest assured that their advertisements will still be included for a full twelve months from whenever we are able to produce printed copies again. In the meantime, I hope that this is an acceptable alternative. I have included the business name under the type of business listed in the usual index and given one telephone number and either a website address or an email address.

Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Animals Wag and Go Walkies 07377 065110 [email protected]

Appliances C J Appliances 01245 225472 Domestic Appliance Repairs 01621 773709

Beauty Aquarius Hair 01621 892888 Rebecca 01621 892547 The Mulberry Spa 01621 891924 www.themulberryspa.co.uk

Building & Maintenance AMC Woodfinishers 01787 212252 www.amcwoodfinishers.co.uk Essex Kitchens & Bedrooms 01621 893491 www.ekb.direct J & J Windows & Doors 01621 788123 www.jjwindowsdoors.co.uk Joe Murrell Windows & Doors 01621 891716 Masterworx Joinery 01621 332371 www.masterworxjoinery.co.uk M H Property Maintenance 07712 671616 [email protected] M R Home Improvements 0800 303 2982 www.mrhomeimprovements.co.uk


Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Building & Maintenance cont. NB Contracts Ltd 01621 834680 www.nbcontracts.co.uk R A Lee Builders 01621 892503 [email protected] TMS Roofing 01621 815604 Wise Maintenance 07804 490684

Carers Helping Hands 01245 768718 www.helpinghands.co.uk Moulsham Residential 01245 350750 [email protected]

Computers General Geek 0800 133 7514 www.generalgeek.co.uk PC Care Essex 01621 893290 www.pccareessex.co.uk PC Doctor Operations Ltd 01621 891064 www.pcdoctoroperations.co.uk PC Help Essex 01245 381256 www.pchelpessex.co.uk

Electrical Services Electric King 01621 928315 Harry Cooper 07840 036886 Sigma Electrical 01621 892267 www.sigmaelectrical.org.uk MW Parsley 07810 391588

Estate Agents Church and Hawes 01621 893141 www.churchandhawes.com

Finance Avenlea Accounting 01245 790443 Jonathan Clark 01621 892324

Florists Brown's Blooms and Balloons 01621 892315 www.brownsbloomsandballoons.co.uk Floral Expressions 01376 500611 www.floral-expressions.co.uk


Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Food & Drink Upsons Farm Shop 01245 380274 www.upsonscountrystore.co.uk

Funeral Services A G Smith 01621 854293 www.agsmithfunerals.co.uk East of Coop 01621 834970 www.eastofengland.coop/funerals Hunnaball of Witham 01376 573691 www.hunnaball.co.uk Richards Funeral Service 01376 513114 www.dignityfuneral.co.uk

Gardens A P Groundcare Machinery 01621 850905 www.apgroundcare.com Denmark Garden Services 07546 599871 [email protected] East Anglian Landscape 07811 800800 www.eastanglianfencing.co.uk Hughes & Son 01621 892789 James Andrew Landscaping 01621 767818 www.jamesandrewlandscaping.co.uk Lady Gardener 07443 035443 [email protected] Olivers Nurseries 01376 513239 www.oliversnurseries.co.uk Perrywood Nursery www.perrywood.co.uk

Health & Fitness Dee Witherspoon 01245 697748 www.baddowparktherapies.co.uk Lauren Northfield 01621 892404 [email protected] Massage For Movement 07778 370488 [email protected] The Physio Rooms 07584 670898 www.thephysiorooms.net Wickham Bishops Health Foods 01621 890004 www.wickhambishopshealthfoods.co.uk

Heating & Plumbing Billericay Fuel Services 01268 710310 www.bfsfuelservices.uk Blackwater Fuels Ltd 01621 868868 www.blackwaterfuels.co.uk BPA Kennedy Plumbing 01621 890039 Matthew Clark 07852 207743 Plumbing - Harry Cooper 07840 036886 Wickham Bishops Woodlands 07753 452085 www.wickhambishopswoodlands.co.uk


Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Home Bright and Beautiful 01376 319556 www.brightandbeautifulhome.com Dawn’s Home Help 01621 860428 [email protected] Careclean Carpet Cleaning 01621 769012 Mantsbrite Systems Ltd 01621 853003 [email protected] Powerdean Cleaning Services 01621 473727 www.powerdean.co.uk Pressing Needs Ironing 07970 642606 [email protected] Simon Houlding Upholstery 01621 859484 www.simonhoulding.co.uk Wild Things Pest Control 07771 356731 [email protected]

Motoring & Travel Markham & Smith 01376 520351 [email protected] Wenway Solutions - Private Hire 01245 380370 www.wenwaysolutions.co.uk

Painting & Decorating Colin Goodchild Decorating 07979 710517 www.colingoodchilddecorating.co.uk Deborah Cannom 01621 850927 [email protected] Finishing Touch 01621 819109 L Johnson Decorator 01621 891674 Paul Clary Painter & Decorator 01621 868355 [email protected] RC Martin Painting & Decorating 01621 817530 Square Foot Redecoration 01621 815078 [email protected]

Solicitors Mitchell Plampin Partnership 01621 852566 www.mppsolicitors.co.uk

Tuition June Cook Piano Lessons 01621 894947 Lucia Carnell (Cello & Violin) 01621 893076 Schoolserve Tuition 01376 502561 www.schoolserve.info


And the people stayed home and read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

Kitty O’Meara