
For definitive identification, contact: [email protected]

Muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi)

Synonyms: - Chinese muntjac, barking deer, Reeves’ muntjac, Carw Mwntjac (Welsh) - reevesi

Consignments likely to come from: unknown

Use: may be hunted for sport

Identification difficulty: easy

Identification information: - small deer, 47-50cm at the shoulder, dog-like appearance - reddish grey / brown coat with buff underparts and white on the inside of thigh and chin - distinctive facial markings - curve backwards and in older terminate in a hooked point - single sharp barks repeated at short intervals

Key ID Features

47 - 50 cm at Hunched back shoulder

Hooked point Coat red- of brown in colour

Tusks short

Coat can be greyer-brown in Tail-flagging in Striped facial colour, forelegs response to alarm markings forming almost black V shape Winter coat

Summer coat Similar species

Muntjac deer could be confused with and Chinese , but are smaller in size and have distinctive facial markings. Muntiacus reevesi (Muntjac deer) (for comparison)

Female Roe Deer Chinese Water Deer Native Non-native No antlers ( capreolus) (Hydropotes inermis) No dark facial markings Straight or Flat back concave back

No facial stripes Black, beady eyes

White rump 60 - 75 cm at shoulder

50 - 60 cm Hind quarters at shoulder Paler reddish- higher than brown colour © All rights reserved 2007 - photo by Taco Meeuwsen shoulders

Roe Deer Chinese Water Deer Muntjac Deer

Dark rump,

white Approximatelyto scale No white underside to patch, short tail White patch not clearly stumpy tail outlined in black, short tail

Photos and diagrams from: NNSS, Natural England, Catherine Chatters