KUSA Kennel Union of Southern Africa






Please follow these instructions carefully. You are welcome to consult your assigned Mentor for guidance.

1. You need to successfully complete the following fifteen (15) compulsory Breed Tests before you may fill a judging appointment in this group. Note: If you wish to accept an invitation for an appointment in the future, make sure that you allow sufficient time before that appointment to successfully complete this module (Breed Tests) and the next module (Breed Hallmarks Assignment), otherwise you will not be permitted to judge this group at a Non-Championship show. 2. You need to consult the current breed standards – available on the KUSA website – in order to answer the questions correctly. (www.kusa.co.za/index.php/documents/breed-standards). 3. Complete your tests as follows: a) Work on a computer, laptop, or tablet. You must have MS Word loaded. b) Save the document as YourName_Breed.docx (or .doc) c) Type your answer in the block below each question. d) If a question requires multiple answers, take care to type the answer against the correct number. e) Do not cut and paste from the – that is no learning experience! f) Save your work regularly. g) Delete all superfluous line breaks as you complete your work. h) Please do not save as a .pdf document or .jpg image i) Send the completed document as an Email, Messenger, or WhatsApp attachment to your assigned Mentor (consult your Mentor to establish the preferred submission method). 4. The pass mark for all Breed Tests is 100%. You will not be permitted to progress further without this successful completion. 5. If initially unsuccessful, you will have the opportunity to revise or redo the Breed Tests until a successful pass mark is attained. 6. It will be to your own benefit to work diligently on this module and avoid attempting to copy from someone else, which will serve little purpose in preparing you for the task of judging. 7. All successfully completed Breed Tests must be stored in your Portfolio. 8. Additional Breed Tests on the rest of the Group may be completed on a voluntary, supplementary basis.

Breed Tests – Herding Group 1 AUSTRALIAN CATTLE (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. Explain the set on, length, and carriage of the ’s tail. (1) 2. The breed standard is very specific about certain features in the Australian Cattle Dog’s general appearance that are undesirable. What are they? (1) 3. When the Australian Cattle Dog is still, he stands ..(a).. , but when moving at speed, his legs ..(b).. a. b. (1) 4. All else being equal, should you award a Australian Cattle Dog with large, soft, bat ears? (1) 5. What can you expect to find when you glance into the Australian Cattle Dog’s eyes? (1) 6. The blue colour on an Australian Cattle Dog may be ..(a).. , ..(b).. , or ..(c).. with or without ..(d).. a. b. c. d. (1) 7. What attribute in the Australian Cattle Dog conveys agility, strength, and endurance? (1) 8. The Australian Cattle Dog’s feet are …. (1) 9. In the red-speckled Australian Cattle Dog, may the undercoat be white or cream? (1) 10. What is the Australian Cattle Dog bred to do? (1) 11. In the blue colours, which colour markings on the body are undesirable? ..(a).. And which are undesirable in the red speckle colours? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 12. The Australian Cattle Dog’s skull is ..(a).. and ..(b).. between the ears, flattening to a ..(c).. a. b. c. (1) 13. When moving, the Australian Cattle Dog is capable of …. (1) 14. You should expect to find a neck that is …. (1) 15. How does the Australian Cattle Dog typically react to strangers? (1) 16. Describe the texture and characteristics of the Australian Cattle Dog’s coat. (1) 17. The Australian Cattle Dog’s tail is in the shape of a …. (1) 18. Does the Australian Cattle Dog have parallel planes? (1) 19. What type of bone can you expect to find in the Australian Cattle Dog’s forelegs? (1) 20. What shape and size are the Australian Cattle Dog’s eyes? (1)

Breed Tests – Herding Group 2

SCORE: 20 %

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD (FCI Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. The nose must be black, except on red and red Australian Shepherds, which are typically flesh-coloured. True or false? (1) 2. All else being equal, should you award an with flecked eyes? (1) 3. The breed standard describes the Australian Shepherd’s colouring as having …. (1) 4. The Australian Shepherd’s feet are …. –shaped. (1) 5. What is the requirement regarding pink spots on the nose? (1) 6. The colour of the Australian Shepherd’s eyes may be …. (1) 7. The body length of the Australian Shepherd is …. (1) 8. An Australian Shepherd may have a naturally long or a naturally short tail. True or false? (1) 9. When alert, the Australian Shepherd’s ears may be carried ..(a).. or ..(b).. a. b. (1) 10. You want to see ..(a).. without ..(b).. in male Australian Shepherds and ..(c).. without ..(d).. in females. a. b. c. d. (1) 11. What type of bone can you expect to find in the Australian Shepherd’s forelegs? (1) 12. Looking down on the Australian Shepherd’s back, you should expect to observe that the width of the hindquarters is …. the forequarters. (1) 13. The permitted colours of the Australian Shepherd are …. with no order of preference. (1) 14. The Australian Shepherd is described as being an ..(a).. dog of strong ..(b).. and ..(c).. instincts. a. b. c. (1) 15. On which parts of the Australian Shepherd’s body may you find white? (1) 16. Should the brisket reach as far down as the elbow? (1) 17. If the Australian Shepherd’s tail is docked, what is the maximum length permitted? (1) 18. The size of the head should be …. to the body. (1)

Breed Tests – Herding Group 3 19. The Australian Shepherd has a ..(a).. gait. As the dog moves faster, the legs tend to ..(b).. a. b. (1) 20. Describe the shape, size, and set on of the Australian Shepherd’s ears. (1)

SCORE: 20 %

BEARDED (FCI Breed standard: 01/01/18) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. All else being equal, should you award a young of 9 months with pink patches on its nose? (1) 2. What is the unique feature of the Bearded Collie’s eyebrows? (1) 3. The Bearded Collie’s feet are …. –shaped. (1) 4. The Bearded Collie’s muzzle and skull are of equal length. True or false? (1) 5. What are the main base colours of the Bearded Collie’s coat? (1) 6. The body length of the Bearded Collie is .... (1) 7. What is the texture and nature of the Bearded Collie’s outer coat? (1) 8. The Bearded Collie’s head needs to be …. to size. (1) 9. What do you hope not to find when you examine a Bearded Collie’s tail? (1) 10. What unique key phrase describes the body proportion of the Bearded Collie so that it does not appear too heavy? (1) 11. May the Bearded Collie’s ears lift higher than the level of the skull when the dog is alert? (1) 12. Should you penalise a Bearded Collie with tan markings on the eyebrows and inside ears? (1) 13. The Bearded Collie’s skull must be fairly narrow and rectangular in shape. True or false? (1) 14. Where, on the body, is the appearance of white on the Bearded Collie undesirable? (1) 15. The Bearded Collie’s nose is usually ..(a).. in colour, but may ..(b).. a. b. (1) 16. Describe the gait of the Bearded Collie. (1) 17. The longer the coat on the Bearded Collie, the better. True or false? (1) 18. The colour of the eyes may tone in with the coat colour. True or false? (1) 19. How does the Bearded Collie carry his tail while standing and walking, and at speed? Breed Tests – Herding Group 4 (1) 20. How does the breed standard describe the way the lower leg is set in a normal stance? (1)

SCORE: 20 %

BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG (FCI Breed standard: 01/01/18) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. What does it mean that the Dog’s mouth is “well split”? (1) 2. Describe the size, shape, and carriage of the Belgian Shepherd Dog’s ears. (1) 3. Which features give the Belgian Shepherd Dog an impression of “elegant strength”? (1) 4. How does the Belgian Shepherd Dog carry its tail? (1) 5. The Belgian Shepherd Dog’s bite is .... (1) 6. Which unusual keyword describing the Belgian Shepherd Dog do you think means “of medium proportions”? (1) 7. On the short-haired variety, where on the body is the hair fuller and longer? (1) 8. The Belgian Shepherd Dog’s qualities make it a useful breed for ..(a).. , ..(b).. , ..(c).. , and ..(d).. a. b. c. d. (1) 9. What are the names of the four varieties of Belgian Shepherd Dog? ..(a).. Which one(s) have long hair? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 10. The breed standard refers to the Belgian Shepherd Dog’s body shape by suggesting it can fit into a .... (1) 11. On which variety/varieties is a small amount of white tolerated on the forechest and toes? (1) 12. What does it mean that the Belgian Shepherd Dog’s head is “dry”? (1) 13. On the varieties that carry a black mask, on which parts of the body is this specified in the breed standard? (1) 14. Temperament-wise, the Belgian Shepherd Dog is a ..(a).. and ..(b).. dog, ..(c).. , and always ..(d).. a. b. c. d. (1) 15. The ideal height for males and females is .... (1)

Breed Tests – Herding Group 5 16. The shape of the Belgian Shepherd Dog’s muzzle is described in the breed standard as an .... (1) 17. On which variety/varieties should the hair on the tail form a “plume”? (1) 18. How does the Belgian Shepherd Dog carry its neck? (1) 19. Which of the Belgian Shepherd has a black overlay? (1) 20. The main characteristic of the rough-haired variety is the .... (1)

SCORE: 20 %

BORDER COLLIE (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. The ’s body length is .... (1) 2. What are the permissible nose colours according to the various Border Collie colours? (1) 3. Find the keywords that describe how the Border Collie moves quickly and covertly like an efficient sheepdog. (1) 4. You would expect to find .... bone in the Border Collie’s forelegs. (1) 5. The Border Collie’s feet are .... (1) 6. What are the two varieties of Border Collie? (1) 7. The Border Collie’s smooth outline shows .... (1) 8. What is the ideal height of dogs and bitches? (1) 9. May a Border Collie’s ears be carried semi erect or erect? (1) 10. In both varieties of Border Collie, the texture of the outer coat is ..(a).. and the undercoat is ..(b).. a. b. (1) 11. You want to find a broad head with a prominent occiput and full-rounded cheeks on the Border Collie. True or false? (1) 12. Describe the Border Collie’s neck. (1) 13. How does the Border Collie carry its tail when standing and in action. (1) 14. Find the sentence in the breed standard that suggests that Border Collie has a gracefully sloping croup. (1) 15. The Border Collie is a hard-working .... (1) 16. What are the acceptable colours for Border ? Breed Tests – Herding Group 6 (1) 17. What are the permissible eye colours according to the various Border Collie colours? (1) 18. Does the Border Collie lift its feet high in order to step out fully when in action? (1) 19. The Border Collie’s body is .... in appearance. (1) 20. The Border Collie’s tail should be long enough to reach the hock. True or false? (1)

SCORE: 20 %

BOUVIER DES FLANDRES (FCI Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. The ’s lively look indicates ..(a).. , ..(b).. , and ..(c).. a. b. c. (1) 2. The Bouvier des Flandres’s eyes have a ..(a).. and ..(b).. expression, neither ..(c).. or ..(d).. a. b. c. d. (1) 3. The Bouvier des Flandres’s skull is longer than the muzzle. True or false? (1) 4. In action, the Bouvier des Flandres drops its head so that the neck is almost horizontal. True or false? (1) 5. The Bouvier des Flandres’s head has a ..(a).. appearance, still more accentuated by ..(b).. a. b. (1) 6. The Bouvier des Flandres’s tail must be set ..(a).. , so that it continues ..(b).. a. b. (1) 7. Which unusual keyword describing the Bouvier des Flandres do you think means “shorter than usual”? (1) 8. What body proportions support this unusual keyword? (1) 9. The texture and length of the Bouvier des Flandres’s outer coat is .... (1) 10. You can accept a level or a scissor bite in a Bouvier des Flandres. True or false? (1) 11. Like the Belgian Shepherd Dog, the Bouvier des Flandres should be judged in its natural stance, without physical contact with the handler. True or false? ..(a).. What do you think this means? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 12. All else being equal, should you penalise a Bouvier des Flandres that has no tail at all? (1)

Breed Tests – Herding Group 7 13. The Bouvier des Flandres’s nose must be black and turn slightly convex towards the end. True or false? (1) 14. Are you likely to find a Bouvier des Flandres in South African show rings with cropped ears? (1) 15. Describe the covering around the Bouvier des Flandres’s upper lip, chin, and above the eyes. (1) 16. Does the Bouvier des Flandres have parallel planes or diverging planes? (1) 17. What are the permissible colours? (1) 18. The Bouvier des Flandres has a relatively flat croup. Find the description that supports this statement. (1) 19. The Bouvier des Flandres carries its ears .... (1) 20. Why does the Bouvier des Flandres need a dense undercoat? (1)

SCORE: 20 %

ROUGH COLLIE (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. The ’s skull must be ..(a).. , with the sides tapering gradually and smoothly from ..(b).. a. b. (1) 2. Should you award a blue merle Rough Collie with one brown eye and one blue-flecked eye? (1) 3. You want to find well-muscled thighs on a Rough Collie. True or false? (1) 4. Of its characteristics, the Rough Collie’s ..(a).. is most important. Explain what creates this. ..(b).. a. b. (1) 5. What are the names given to the abundant hair around the neck? ..(a).. And chest? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 6. You should expect to find a deep skull from brow to under the jaw. True or false? (1) 7. Is a light straw or cream Rough Collie considered exotic and highly desirable in the show ring? (1) 8. The breed standard gives the Rough Collie a very unique description of its general appearance. Quote it. (1) 9. Does a Rough Collie have parallel or convergent planes? (1) 10. A ..(a).. blue coat should be splashed and ..(b).. In this colour coat, ..(c).. markings are preferred, but should not be ..(d).. a. (1)

Breed Tests – Herding Group 8 b. c. d. 11. Viewed from the front or side, the Rough Collie’s head should resemble a .... (1) 12. Where, on the Rough Collie’s body, are white marking favourable? (1) 13. How does the breed standard describe the Rough Collie’s expression? (1) 14. How does the Rough Collie carry its ears when relaxed? ..(a).. And alert? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 15. What are the three recognised colours? (1) 16. How does the Rough Collie carry its tail when relaxed? ..(a).. And in action? ..(b).. (1) 17. Describe how the Rough Collie’s ears should be tipped. (1) 18. The stop must be well-marked. True or false? (1) 19. The body shape of the Rough Collie is .... (1) 20. The smaller the eyes, the better. True or false? (1)

SCORE: 20 %

OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. Should you disqualify an Old English Dog with no pigmentation on the eye rims? (1) 2. What is unique about the Old English Dog’s ? (1) 3. What is the texture of the Old English Dog’s outer coat? ..(a).. And undercoat? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 4. What is the unique characteristic of the Old English Dog’s topline? (1) 5. Describe the Old English Dog’s feet. (1) 6. The Old English Dog’s body shape is described as “strong, .... ” (1) 7. Why did the Old English Dog earn its nickname “Bobtail”? (1) 8. How is the undocked tail carried? (1) 9. Quote the description for the Old English Dog’s ears. (1) 10. Is scissoring and clipping advised on the Old English Dog to keep the profuse coat in control? (1) Breed Tests – Herding Group 9 11. The colour of the Old English Dog’s coat may be ..(a).. Which colour is undesirable? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 12. One or two blue eyes are acceptable in an Old English Dog, but not light eyes. True or false? (1) 13. All else being equal, would you give the award to the Old English Dog with the longest and most profuse coat? (1) 14. What is the position of the Old English Dog’s elbows? (1) 15. What unique action does the Old English Dog display when walking? ..(a).. At slow speeds, some dogs may ..(b).. a. b. (1) 16. The Old English Dog’s skull is .... (1) 17. The Old English Dog’s muzzle is “ square and truncated”. What do you think that means? (1) 18. Describe the Old English Dog’s hindquarters as it flows into the second thigh. .... (1) 19. The Old English Dog typically has a .... brisket. (1) 20. The Old English Dog’s neck is .... (1)

SCORE: 20 %

POLISH LOWLAND SHEEPDOG (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. What is the body shape of the ? (1) 2. Is it acceptable for the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s nostrils to be somewhat narrow? (1) 3. What attribute makes the Polish Lowland Sheepdog an excellent worker? ..(a).. What are its two major roles? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 4. The Polish Lowland Sheepdog has .... –shaped feet. (1) 5. Describe the shape of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s skull. (1) 6. Quote the breed standard’s requirement for the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s gait. (1) 7. The general appearance of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is described as being of .... (1) 8. Describe the desirable and undesirable features of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s ribcage. (1) 9. The whole body of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is covered with ..(a).. of ..(b).. texture, with ..(c).. The coat must never ..(d).. . On the head, the hair is ..(e).. and falls ..(f).. without impeding the dog’s ..(g)..

Breed Tests – Herding Group 10 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. (1) 10. What feature on the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s head makes its head appear larger than it is? (1) 11. What is the shape and colour of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s eyes? (1) 12. The Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s eyes have a .... gaze. (1) 13. Exhibitors are advised to trim the coat of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog to enhance its outline. True or false? (1) 14. Quote the breed standard’s description of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s gait. (1) 15. What shape are the Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s ears? (1) 16. The Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s ears are set .... (1) 17. Describe the nature and carriage of the undocked tail on a Polish Lowland Sheepdog. (1) 18. The sizes of dogs and bitches should be .... (1) 19. Can a Polish Lowland Sheepdog be born tailless? (1) 20. What are the permissible colours? ..(a).. Which one is not acceptable? ..(b).. a. b. (1)

SCORE: 20 %

PULI (FCI Breed standard: 01/01/18) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. Describe the Puli’s ears. (1) 2. A small white patch or white between the toes is tolerated. True or false? (1) 3. The length of the Puli’s muzzle is .... (1) 4. What is the typical length of the cords on the Puli’s head? ..(a).. And thighs? ..(b).. a. b. (1) 5. Describe the size, colour, and set of the Puli’s eyes. (1) 6. The Puli has a lean body, but it is well-.... (1) 7. Which measurement supports the notion that the Puli has a slightly open shoulder angle?

Breed Tests – Herding Group 11 (1) 8. Describe the apparent shapes of the Puli’s head as viewed from the front and side. (1) 9. The Puli’s skin should be .... (1) 10. Can you judge the Puli solely on visual observation? (1) 11. Describe the Puli’s typical gait. (1) 12. The Puli’s feet tend to turn slightly outwards. True or false? (1) 13. What is the feature that makes the Puli’s head seem round? (1) 14. What coat colours are permitted in a Puli? (1) 15. Which keyword suggests that the Puli’s neck must not have dewlap? (1) 16. It is a correct ..(a).. between the ..(b).. and ..(c).. that determines the typical cords on a Puli. a. b. c. (1) 17. The body shape of the Puli is .... (1) 18. The Puli’s length of tail needs to .... (1) 19. How does the puppy coat develop? (1) 20. What feature gives the Puli’s topline the impression that it rises towards the rear? (1)

SCORE: 20 %

SAMOYED (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. Describe the shape, colour, and set of the Samoyed’s eyes. (1) 2. Does the Samoyed have cat feet? (1) 3. A hallmark characteristic of the Samoyed is that it has a .... expression. (1) 4. The Samoyed must have a .... bite. (1) 5. How does the Samoyed move? (1) 6. Which temperament description suggests that the Samoyed is not likely to be a good watch dog? (1) 7. Give the heights of dogs and bitches. (1) 8. The broader the Samoyed’s chest the better, to allow for heart and lung room. True or false? (1) Breed Tests – Herding Group 12 9. The Samoyed is described as most ..(a).. , medium and ..(b).. , strong, ..(c).. , and ..(d).. a. b. c. d. (1) 10. Quote the description of the Samoyed’s neck. (1) 11. At rest, the Samoyed may carry its tail ..(a).. , and when alert, it is carried ..(b).. a. b. (1) 12. What is the shape of the Samoyed’s head? (1) 13. The Samoyed’s ears are set ..(a).. and covered ..(b).. In adults, they are ..(c).. a. b. c. (1) 14. The Samoyed’s body is covered with ..(a).. undercoat, with ..(b).. This makes the outer coat ..(c).. a. b. c. (1) 15. The Samoyed’s lips must be ..(a).. and the nose should be ..(b).. , ..(c).. , or ..(d).. in colour. a. b. c. d. (1) 16. Can you forgive some curl in the Samoyed’s coat? (1) 17. The Samoyed’s back is .... (1) 18. The hindquarters are ..(a).. , and the stifles are ..(b).. a. b. (1) 19. All else being equal, should you award a Samoyed with flattish feet? (1) 20. The colour of the Samoyed’s coat is .... (1)

SCORE: 20 %

SHETLAND SHEEPDOG (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. The thighs of the need to be narrower than the front assembly. True or false? (1) 2. How does the Shetland Sheepdog carry its tail on the move? (1) 3. The Shetland Sheepdog is described as having a .... expression. (1) 4. Where on the body may white markings appear? (1)

Breed Tests – Herding Group 13 5. The Shetland Sheepdog’s cheeks must be .... (1) 6. The elbow is set exactly half way between the withers and the ground. True or false? (1) 7. Explain what is required in a blue merle Shetland Sheepdog’s coat. (1) 8. The Shetland Sheepdog is a small, ..(a).. , free from ..(b).. a. b. (1) 9. Is the Shetland Sheepdog’s body length slightly longer than tall or square? (1) 10. At the withers, the shoulder blades are close. How are the shoulder blades angled from that point? (1) 11. The Shetland Sheepdog’s head is shaped like a .... (1) 12. The texture of the Shetland Sheepdog’s outer coat is .... (1) 13. The Shetland Sheepdog carries its head proudly on a well-arched neck. True or false? (1) 14. What features balance and combine to create the Shetland Sheepdog’s characteristic expression? (1) 15. Describe the desired movement of the Shetland Sheepdog. (1) 16. In the sable-coloured Shetland Sheepdog, which shades are undesirable? (1) 17. What is the shape and permitted colours of the Shetland Sheepdog’s eyes? (1) 18. What neck and chest hair covering does the Shetland Sheepdog that is similar to the Rough Collie’s? (1) 19. The Shetland Sheepdog’s back is level, with .... (1) 20. The Shetland Sheepdog’s feet are .... (1)

SCORE: 20 %

CARDIGAN WELSH CORGI (KC Breed standard: 01/01/19) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. The ’s head is .... in shape and appearance. (1) 2. Do the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s forelegs bow slightly to mould round the chest? (1) 3. You should expect to find a clearly defined waist on a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. True or false? (1) 4. In movement, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s forelegs reach ..(a).. , and the hind legs provide ..(b).. in unison. a. b. (1)

Breed Tests – Herding Group 14 5. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s body appearance is ..(a).. , ..(b).. , ..(c).. , capable of ..(d).. a. b. c. d. (1) 6. Does the Cardigan Welsh Corgi sometimes lay its ears flat along the neck? (1) 7. Explain the requirements and restrictions about white in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s coat. (1) 8. The proportion of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s foreface to skull is .... (1) 9. The shoulder angle on a Cardigan Welsh Corgi must be .... (1) 10. Describe the expression in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s eyes. (1) 11. What are the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s acceptable colours? (1) 12. Does the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s nose project slightly or does it come to a blunt end? (1) 13. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s feet are .... (1) 14. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s ears are rather large for the size of the dog. True or false? (1) 15. Should you award a Cardigan Welsh Corgi if its feet turn slightly outwards? (1) 16. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s nose is always .... in colour. (1) 17. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s body is ..(a).. , with ..(b).. brisket, and ..(c).. ribs. a. b. c. (1) 18. If you were to draw an imaginary line from the tip of the nose through the centre of the eyes, where would the ears be positioned? (1) 19. All else being equal, should you award a blue merle Cardigan Welsh Corgi with pale blue eyes? (1) 20. What quality of coat is required on the Cardigan Welsh Corgi to make it weatherproof? (1)

SCORE: 20 %

PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI (KC Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. You want to find ample bone in the ’s foreleg right down to the feet. True or false? (1) 2. Is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s proportion of foreface to skull the same as the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s? (1) 3. If a Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s tail is undocked, how should it be set and carried?

Breed Tests – Herding Group 15 (1) 4. If you were to draw an imaginary line from the tip of the nose through the centre of the eyes, where would the ears be positioned? (1) 5. Consequently, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s ears are set .... than the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. (1) 6. What head shape and appearance does the Pembroke Welsh Corgi share with the Cardigan Welsh Corgi? (1) 7. Can a Pembroke Welsh Corgi be born with a natural short tail? (1) 8. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s neck needs to be .... (1) 9. Describe the general appearance of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. (1) 10. What does “self colour” mean? (1) 11. As you view the Pembroke Welsh Corgi from behind, you want to see hocks that are .... (1) 12. Between the ears, you can expect to find the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s skull is .... (1) 13. The colour of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s eyes is .... (1) 14. Acceptable colours of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi include .... (1) 15. The breed standard describes the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s characteristics as .... (1) 16. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s height is approximately .... (1) 17. Where, on the body, may white appear in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s coat? .... (1) 18. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s lower legs are ..(a).. , and the forearm is ..(b).. a. b. (1) 19. Describe the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s coat. (1) 20. Does the Pembroke Welsh Corgi have cat feet, oval feet, or hare feet? (1)

SCORE: 20 %

WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD DOG (FCI Breed standard: 01/02/17) Mentor: please copy and paste these marks accordingly:   1. The ’s brisket extends to about .... of the height at the withers. (1) 2. Both the forequarters and hindquarters are described as strong, ..(a).. , of ..(b).. bone. a. b. (1) 3. All else being equal, should you award a White Swiss Shepherd Dog with slight fawn coloured overlay on the ear tips?

Breed Tests – Herding Group 16 (1) 4. In its general appearance, the White Swiss Shepherd Dog has an ..(a).. , ..(b).. outline. a. b. (1) 5. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog’s “high social competence” allows it to .... (1) 6. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog’s ears must be in the shape of an .... (1) 7. White Swiss Shepherd Dogs are easy to train. True or false? (1) 8. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog’s neck is set ..(a).. into the withers and there must be no ..(b).. on the throat. a. b. (1) 9. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog moves with .... (1) 10. The body length of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog is ..(a).. , with a length to height ratio of ..(b).. a. b. (1) 11. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog has a ..(a).. tail, set on ..(b).. , reaching at least to ..(c).. a. b. c. (1) 12. The height of males and bitches is .... (1) 13. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog’s head is ..(a).. –shaped; the stop is ..(b).. ; and skull and muzzle planes are ..(c).. a. b. c. (1) 14. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog’s back line is .... (1) 15. The hind feet of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog are .... (1) 16. Describe the White Swiss Shepherd Dog’s croup. (1) 17. While a White Swiss Shepherd Dog should have a ..(a).. nose, a ..(b).. nose and ..(c).. nose is also acceptable. a. b. c. (1) 18. What two types of coat can you expect to find in the White Swiss Shepherd Dog? (1) 19. What is the difference between these two types of coat? (1) 20. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog’s eyes are ..(a).. –sized, ..(b).. –shaped, and set ..(c).. a. b. c. (1)

SCORE: 20 %

Breed Tests – Herding Group 17 MENTOR’S ASSESSMENT

1. Australian Cattle Dog 2. Australian Shepherd 3. Bearded Collie 4. Belgian Shepherd Dog 5. Border Collie 6. Bouvier des Flandres 7. Rough Collie 8. 9. Polish Lowland Sheepdog 10. Puli 11. Samoyed 12. Shetland Sheepdog 13. Cardigan Welsh Corgi 14. Pembroke Welsh Corgi 15. White Swiss Shepherd Dog

SCORE: 300 %

Breed Tests – Herding Group 18