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COMMUNICATIONS. SOME CHESHIRE HERALDIC DOCU­ MENTS, from the ASHMOLE MANUSCRIPTS by W COMMUNICATIONS. SOME CHESHIRE HERALDIC DOCU­ MENTS, FROM THE ASHMOLE MANUSCRIPTS By W. H. Rylands, F.S.A. 'TA HE following pages contain extracts from MS. -L Ashmole, No. 858, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, in the handwriting of Elias Ashmole, Windsor Herald, and the tricks of arms, here given in facsimile, are almost certainly his work. Ashmole accompanied Sir William, then Mr., Dugdale, Norroy King of Arms, when he made his Visitation of Cheshire in 1663, and these abstracts and notes were taken at the time of that Visitation. Possibly other similar notes were made on the same occasion. In Ashmole's diary 1 these entries occur: 1663, Aug. 3, 9 Hor. ante merid. I began my Journey to accompany Mr. Dugdale in his Visitations of Shropshire and Cheshire. 1663, Oct. 10. I returned to London. Dugdale, in his diary,2 records the completion of this work: 1666. Md that upon the 31 day of this Month of May, I, Will. Dugdale, Norroy K. of Armes, did bring into the Office [i.e. the College of Arms] my Visitations of Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Shropshire all fairely bound up in Russet Lether, wth Claspes. 1 Diary of Elias Ashmole, printed in 1717, p. 39. 8 Hamper's Lift of Dugdale, p. 123. i2b Some Cheshire Heraldic Documents Some of Ashmole's entries are memoranda of vellum pedigrees with arms painted thereon, which were produced in 1663, by their owners, to sub­ stantiate their right to bear arms, the same having been allowed by former heralds. Other documents then exhibited were Exemplifications of Arms and Grants of Crests, signed by such well-known officers of arms as William Flower, Norroy ; William Cam- den, Clarenceux; William Segar, Norroy; Sir Richard St. George, Norroy; Robert Glover, Somerset Herald; Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter; and Robert Cooke, Clarenceux. All of these records are undoubtedly authentic. There is one Lancashire Exemplification of Arms among these Cheshire documents. It refers to the ancient family of Chad wick of Healey, and a rather romantic story regarding the bearers of the Chad- wick arms will be found at page no of volume Ixxxii. of the publications of the Chetham Society, which is a print of the Visitation of Lancashire made in 1613. Of the Cheshire gentry who produced these documents there is nothing necessary to be noted here ; reference to Ormerod's History of Cheshire, Earwaker's East Cheshire, and the Visitations of Cheshire made in 1566, 1580, and 1613, printed by the Harleian Society, will make their identification clear. The heading to each entry has been added for the sake of clearness, and all other editorial additions have been made within square brackets. From the Ashmole Manuscripts 121 PHILIP OLDFIELD, OF BRADWALL, 1578 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 39] Transcribed out of one of the Bookes of Glouers Collecons Intituled Litterce Patentes Armorum. (39) i7b. 7 Febr. anno Domini 1578, Wittm Flower Norroy, Confirmes to Philipp Oldfeild of Bradwall in Comitatu Cestr: Esqr. this Armes, vizt. The feild gold on a Bend gu: 3: Crosses formed fiched arg: & the Crest newly given him was a Demy Egle volant on a Coronet gold, the wings arg: [In the Visitation of Cheshire, 1580 (Harleian Soc., vol. xviii. p. 21), another coat, as well as this one, is mentioned. In the Visitation of 1613 (ibid., vol. lix. p. 191) no arms are entered.] EXEMPLIFICATION OF ARMS TO JAMES CHADWICK, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, 1630 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 158] At the bottome of a short Pedigree now in the handf of James Chadwick of Nott: Esq1".1 Having scene a testificacon vnder the hand of William Segar Norroy, that the Armes here depicted, are ye {>(> Armes belonging to the family of the Chaditiicks of Helye Hall in the Countie of Lancastre, &c: & finding by seflall Inquisicons taken vpon Oath, that John Chadwick the father of James Chadwick of the Inner Temple Esqr is the heire male of that family, I doe hereby affirme & testifie the same, by subscribing my name and affix­ ing the Seale of myne Office herevnto. Hen. S* George Norroy King of Armes. [In the margin] Gules wth an Vrle of Martlettf arg4.: an Escucheon of the same. W. Segar Norroy SOLI CHRISTO VOLATE Anno Domini 1630. 1 See the Visitation of Lancashire in 1613 ; Chetham Soc. publica­ tions, vol. Ixxxii. p. i i-o. ; 122 Some Cheshire Heraldic Documents ROBERT VENABLES, OF ANTROBUS, 1663 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 139] 4: Sept: 1663. Exhibited by Collonell Robert Venables of Antrobus, now resid­ ing in Chester & thus attested, per moy Wylliam Flower alias Norroy Roy Darmes. Chester Harauld marciall to Norroy. [1566.J 1 Another Escotcheon painted in Vellom & thus attested, per moy Wylliam Flower alias Norroy Roy darmes. R. Glouer Somersett 1580.* PETER VENABLES, OF KINDERTON, 1663 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 139] The Title to the Baron of Kindertons Pedigree. Stemmata& propagacoeSantiquse familisede Venables Baronibus de Cibreton nuncupate Kinderton in Cestriensi palatinatu: hoc Schemate, ordine ductis lineis, adjectisqj in sup armoru Gentilitiu varationibus, prout chartarfl vetustarum ex sigillarum impres- sionibus, Rotularumq3 depictorum vere antiquor testimonia fidem fecerunt, accurate maximaq3 cum fidelitate demonstranstrantur, [stf] ex industria Sampsonis Erdswick de London armigeri. 1 This was given at the Visitation of Cheshire in 1566, when Robert Cooke was Chester Herald and Marshall to William Flower, Norroy King of Arms. 2 This was given at the Visitation of Cheshire in 1580, taken by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, for William Flower, Norroy, From the Ashmole Manuscripts 123 SIR GEOFFREY SHAKERLEY, OF SOMERFORD, 1663 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 139] The Title to Sr Geoffry Shakerlyes Pedigree The Geneologie of the auncient family of Shakerley of Shakerley in the County of Lancaster: faithfully collected out of diuers Evidences Minumentf & Rolls, being reduced into method by the paines & industry of William Vernon gentleman. EXEMPLIFICATION OF ARMS TO HENRY BUNBURY, OF STANNEY, 1602 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 140] Exhibited by Henry Bunbury of Bunbury & Stanney 8. Sept. 1663, being painted in Velome, & thus attested. Ri: S* george Norroy King of Armes 1613 And further attested thus Insignia Henrici Bunbury de Bunbury et Stanney in Comitatu Cestr. armigeri. This Coate & Crest T was entred in the Visitacon of Cheshire at Chester 8° Sept: Anno 1663 : by me Wittm Dugdale Norroy King of Armes. William Segar Norroy 24: June anno 44: Eliz: & anno Domini 1602. Ratifies & confirmes vnto Henry Bunbury son of Thomas, son of Henry of Stanney in Comitatu Cestr. Esqr. the Armes & Crest following] vizt: to his auncient Coate of Armes, Argent on a bend sable 3: Rookes of the feild, quartered with the Armes of Stanney & Aldersey: for a Crest, vpon a wreath of his coullors two swordf in saultor, through a Leopardf head Or, langued & goutted Gules. Wm Segar Norroy King of Armes. S: OFFICIl. NORROY REGIS ARMORVM BOREAL. 1 Quarterly, i, Bunbury ; 2, Stanney ; 3, Aldersey ; 4, Bamvile, 124 Some Cheshire Heraldic Documents ROBERT BULKELEY, OF CHESTER, 1663 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 140] Insignia Roberti Bulkley de Cestria. This Coate was entred in the Visitacon of the Citty of Chester, at Chester 3° Septem- bris 1663 : by me Witim Dugdale Norroy King of Armes. THOMAS BULKELEY, OF BICKERTON, 1663 Subscribed to a Pedigree exhibited by Tho: Bulkley of Bickerton in Comitatu Cestr: This Pedigree proved by Evidence shewed vnto me at Chester at the tyme of my Visitacon for that County 1613. Ri: S* george Norroy King of Armes The Flour de luce set here in the middle of the Escocheon, ought to be placed on the Cheveron of Bulkleys Coate: to wch purpose see the Cheshire visitacon anno 1613, fol: 31. [There is no fleur-de-lys in the arms drawn in the Visitation, C. 6, fo. 31, in the Coll: Arm:] 1 EXEMPLIFICATION OF ARMS AND GRANT OF CREST TO WILLIAM BROCK, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, 1602. [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 141] Exhibited at Chester 9: Sept: 1663 William Cambden Clarenceux, 10: Febr: anno domini 1602: In regard that William Brock of the Inner Temple Esqr: son of Robert Brock & Jane his wife, one of the daughters & heires of John Cotgraue of Edmunds Cotton, in the County of Chester 1 Quarterly, I and 4, Bulkeley ; 2 and 3, Bickerton. From the Ashmole Manuscripts 125 gent: Grandchild of John Brock and Parnell daughter of... Vaudrie of Readings, in the County aforesaid Esqr:, was descended of a family aunciently bearing Armes, & yet vncertaine in what manner & forme his auncestors bare the Crest, did require him to exemplyfy the auncient Coate of Armes, belonging to his name & family, & to assigne therevnto a Crest. He considering his reasonable request, & withall his vertue wch truly ennobleth, doth ac- cordgly exemply[fy] his auncient Coate of Armes, vizt: Gules in a cheife argent, a Lyon passant Gardant of the first, armed & Langued azure. And for his Crest, he gave granted & assigned vpon an Healme & wreath of his collours A demy Lyon ramp*: gardant armed & langued azure, holding an Arrow gold, feathered & headed Siluer, wch Armes & Crest he did allow ratifie & confirme vnto the said William Brock & to his posterity, with their due differ­ ences for ever. ROGER MASSEY, OF CODDINGTON, 1663 [MS. Ashm. 858, p. 141] Drawne & painted in vellome & exhibited by Roger Massey of Cod- dington Esqr. wth this attestacon vnder it. I Richard S*: George Norroy King of Armes, doe allow ratifie and con­ firme, vnto John Massey of Coddington, in the County of Chester Esqr: & to his heires, this Crest. In witnes hereof I haue subscribed my hand. Ri: S4 George Norroy. [Apparently this confirmation was made at the Visitation of 1613.] 126 Some Cheshire Heraldic Documents JONATHAN BRUEN, OF STAPLEFORD, 1663 [MS.
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    HiverpooL 179?- of March, Gown 2jrd tbe to patent, original grantcfc the from Bearing Facsimile Hrmorial TRANSACTIONS. THE ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF THE CITY OF LIVERPOOL.* By J. Paul Rylands, F.S.A. WITH A REPORT THEREON ISY GEORGE WILLIAM MARSHALL, LL.D., F.S.A., ROUGE CROIX PURSUIVANT OF ARMS. Read 2oth November, 1890. N The Stranger in Liverpool; or an historical and I descriptive view of the town of Liverpool and its environs the twelfth edition Liverpool: printed and sold by Thos. Kaye, Castle Street; i~$J<S, the following foot-note to a description of the armorial ensigns of the town of Liverpool occurs : " The coat and crest of the town of Liverpool, "as by Flower, (No. 2167) who was herald for " Lancashire argent, and in base, water proper, " standing in which a wild drake sable, beaked "gules crest a heron sable, in its beak gules, a " branch of lever virt. In some of the old books " of the Corporation, about 1611, the town's arms " are said to be a cormorant. In the year 1667 " the Earl of Derby gave the town ' a large mace * At the meeting at which this paper was read the original patents of the Arms of Liverpool and Birkenhead were exhibited. 2 Armorial Bearings of Liverpool. " ' of silver, richly gilt, and engraved with his " ' Majesty's arms and the arms of the town, viz. " ' a leaver.' " This suggested the idea that the town might have had a grant of armorial bearings, or a recognition of a right to bear arms, long anterior to the grant of the arms now borne by the City of Liverpool, the patent for which is dated the 22nd March, 1797.
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