Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-71628-4 — The in the Greek and Roman Imagination Karen ní Mheallaigh Index More Information


Achilles’ shield. See Homer Callimachus, – Aëtius, – celestial bowls, – , – , Somnium Scipionis, –, , See Alcmaeon of Croton, , – selēnoskopia (or ‘view from Moon’) Alcman , ,  Partheneia (Maiden Songs), – cognitive estrangement. See selēnoskopia (view from Alexander of Abonouteichos, – Moon) amphiphōntes,  Colin Webster, , – analogical drift,  Corinna, – of Clazomenae, , –, –, cup of Helios,  – Cyrano de Bergerac, , n of Miletus, – Anaximenes of Miletus, – Demetrius Triclinius, n, , – Ancient Greek calendar,  See also parapēgmata of Abdera, –,  Antiphanes of Berge, – ,  antiphraxis, – . See Lucian, True Stories Antonius Diogenes, The incredible things beyond Thule earthshine, – and scholarly hoax, – Earthy Moon Theory (EMT), –, –, and the Arctic, – See , De facie and the Moon, – problems/challenges, , – narrative complexity, – eclipse Apollo Noumēnios,  lunar eclipse, – mechanism of eclipse, – lunam despumari, – solar eclipse, , – , ,  of Acragas, –, , – Empedotimus,  fire creatures on the Moon, – Endymiones, , – on nature of Moon,  Ennius’ dream, – theory of elements,  Epimenides of Crete, – Astraeus,  of Cyrene,  astral travel. See soul projection Hermes. See selēnoskopia (or ‘view from astronomical observation, , See mountains Moon’) astronomy and the contemplative life (theōrētikos , – bios), – ,  astronomy as flight, –,  Euphorion, – extremophiles, – Berossus of Babylon,  Book of Enoch,  , – Borges’ Aleph, , – geometrical diagrams, –


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-71628-4 — The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination Karen ní Mheallaigh Index More Information

 Index

Hecataeus of Abdera (Helixoia), ,  proto-telescope,  Hegesianax of Alexandria Troas, – selēnoskopia, – Helen of Troy lunar climate. See Plutarch, De facie as Moon-Woman. See lunar creatures lunar creatures, – heliocentric cosmos,  Aristophanes ap. Symposium,  heliophotism, , –, , – belief/scepticism, – Helixoia. See Hecataeus of Abdera bigger and more beautiful, – Heraclides of Pontus, , –, –, Cretan bull,  , See lunar creatures egg-laying,  of Ephesus, , – Helen of Troy, –,  Hero and Leander,  Heraclides of Pontus, Moon-man, – Herodorus of Heraclea, , –,  Nemean lion, – Hesiod, Works and Days, – no excrement, – Homer, – rationale, – Achilles’ shield, –, – subsisting on fumes, – Homeric hymn to Selēnē, –,  vultures,  Homi K. Bhabha. See Third Space lunar daemones, –, – lunar day, – Ion of Chios,  lunar eclipse, –, See Lucian, True Stories lunar eschatology, –, – Karl Popper, – and ancient Indian thought,  kataskopia,  lunar motion,  Kepler, ,  Lunar Orbiter,  Kepler Somnium (or Dream),  lunar time,  kōpō,  lunar trinket on Roman boots, – Lunus Lucian, Icaromenippus or Sin, – and Aristophanes, , – lykabas, – and Menippean satire, –, – and view from Moon. See selēnoskopia (or ‘view ‘Man in the Moon’ pareidolion. See Demetrius from Moon’) Triclinius Daedalus theme, – mapping the Moon, – Empedocles on the Moon,  Menippean satire, –, –, –, engagement with philosophical ideas, – – meteorite at Aegospotami  BCE,  flight narratives, , See astronomy as flight Luna (colony), – Moon’s complaint, – Moon philosophical satire, – and (religious) festivals, – Lucian, True Stories and Artemis,  and metaphor, –,  and Athena,  dioptra, – and Atlantic exploration, – eclipse, – and cats,  engagement with philosophical/scientific and change, – ideas, – and Circe, – flying Moon-frogs,  and collection of debts, n, – hoax, ,  and daemones, – lunar fauna, – and dew, – lunar mirror and well, – and dialectics of seeing, – Moonmen, –, – and Eileithyia, ,  all male society, – and Elysian Plain,  bodily excretions,  and foam (aphros), –,  death,  and gender fluidity, –, – leg-womb (gastroknēmia),  and Hecate, ,  subsisting on fumes,  and Hermes, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-71628-4 — The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination Karen ní Mheallaigh Index More Information

Index 

and hoax, –, See Lucian, True Stories, made of cloud, – See Antonius Diogenes, The incredible made of fire, –, –, ,  things beyond Thule made of glass, ,  and hybridity, , – made of smoky air,  and Island of Cronus, – Moon and lamp, – associated with oracles, dreams, daemones, and magic, – – Pythagorean trick, – ocean/desert as analogy, –,  Thessalian trick, – size of Moon, , – and menstrual cycle, –,  mountains for astronomical observation, and mirror, –, – – and ocular metaphor, –,  Mouthless Men (Astomoi),  and Pandeia,  Musaeus and ‘Parmenidean revolution’, – fallen from Moon,  and Persephone (Korē), , –, – Myth of Er, – and Pleiades, – and ‘Second Sophistic’,  Nemean lion. See lunar creatures and Selēnē, – Noctiluca, – and Sibyl, – Noumēniastai (‘New-Mooners’), – and theories of vision, – and weather prognostication,  parapēgmata,  and weddings, n pareidolia,  and ‘White Island’ (Leukē), n of Elea, , –,  as archive,  Pherecydes of Syros, ,  as bowl. See celestial bowls Philip of Opus, – as cartographical instrument, –, See Plato speculum lunae Cave analogy, – as ‘catoptrical machine’, –, See Moon in Platonic thought, –, –, speculum lunae – as celestial earth, ,  on astronomy,  as cosmic junction, – on celestial bodies,  as habitable world, – Plutarch, De facie as Hades, – and doxography, – as isthmus, –,  and Middle , – as korē (pupil of eye), , – Aristotle’s concept of possibility, – as lamp,  catoptric theory,  as metafictional space, – complex structure, , – as mirror, –, , See speculum lunae contrast with Cleomedes, – as ‘pure’ world, ,  dialogue form,  as realm of the dead, –, See Moon as doctrinal contradictions/ ‘fallibilistic’ Hades; Moon and Persephone (Korē) structure, – as reflective object,  Earthy Moon Theory (EMT), –,  as space of creative freedom, – geography and myth, – as space of ideological freedom,  inhabited Moon, – as spleen/ liver,  intertextual fabric,  as sponge,  lecture (diatribē), – as symbol of precarious fortune, – lunar climate, –, – as technological artefact, – lunar eschatology, – as Third Space. See Third Space Moon’s composite nature, – as uterus, – Moon’s humidifying effects on Earth,  as world-soul, – natural philosophy vs. astronomy, – in ancient Indian thought, – Nemean lion/ man who fell to Earth,  like hail (compacted air), ,  optical experiment,  made of air and second density, – of Massalia, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-71628-4 — The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination Karen ní Mheallaigh Index More Information

 Index

Plutarch, De facie (cont.) Cicero, Somnium Scipionis, – role of myth, – Earthrise,  solar eclipse,  Eratosthenes, Hermes,  teleological cosmology, –, – Lucian, Icaromenippus, – use of diagrams,  Lucian, True Stories, – Pale Blue Dot, – ap. Geminus, – The Blue Marble,  proto-philosophical thought, – The day the Earth smiled, – Pythagoreans, , –, – Sibyl on the Moon, – Neocles of Croton,  Simon Magus, n of Croton, –,  solar eclipse, , – ps. Ecphantus, – soma. See Moon in ancient Indian thought ps. Ocellus, –,  soul projection, – Pytheas of Massalia, –,  speculum lunae, – Stoics, , –,  Sappho, – scientific fiction, –, –, – Tabulae Iliacae, – Selēnē technology as heuristic device, ,  and Endymion, –, –, , – Terry Gilliam in visual art, –,  The adventures of Baron Munchausen, selēnoskopia (or ‘view from Moon’), –  and cognitive estrangement,  Testament of Abraham,  and conscience-awakening, – the old Moon in the new Moon’s arms,  and crisis of expression, – Third Space, – and crisis of infinity, – and fragility of Earth, – Varro, – and Menippean satire, – Varro Endymiones, – and music, – as spoof of astral travel, – and Plato, Phaedo, – and Platonic cave analogy, – Walter Burkert, – and Roman Empire, – water on the Moon, n and Stoics’ cosmic viewpoint, – Aristophanes, Peace, – of Chalcedon, –, – as globalizing fantasy,  of Colophon, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-71628-4 — The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination Karen ní Mheallaigh Index More Information

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Achilles Tatius, Isag. .–, – Cicero, Rep. .–,  Aelian, On the nature of animals .. –, Corinna fr. , – – Aëtius Demetrius Triclinius, On the black figure in the .. (DG p. , –), – Moon, ll. – Wasserstein, – .. (DG p. , ),  .. (DG p. , ), – Empedocles Alcmaeon DK  A (LM D),  DK  B (G ;LMD),  Alcman DK  B (G;LMD),  fr. .–,  DK  B (G;LMD),  fr. .–, – DK  B (G ;LMD), – fr. .–, – Euphorion, fr.  Lightfoot, – Anaxagoras Eustathius, Comm. in Od.p..– ad Od. DK  A. (G .;LMD.),  ., – DK  A (G ;LMD), – DK  B. – (G ;LMD), – Fronto, Letters Vol. I, p. . Haines, – DK  B (G;LMD),  Anaximander Hegesianax of Alexandria Troas DK  A  (G ;LMD), – fr.  SH, – DK  A (G ;LMD),  fr.  SH,  Anaximenes Heraclitus DK  A (G;LMD), – P.Oxy. LIII  ii (b) – and iii – Anth. Graeca (Ga and b, –) . ,  Hesiod, Op. –, – ., – Hippolytus, Ref. .–, – Apollonius of Rhodes, Argo. .–, – Homer, Il..–, – Apuleius, Met. ., – Homeric Hymn to Selēnē Aristophanes –, – Clouds –, – –,  Peace –,  –,  Schol. in Ar. Nubes , – Hymn. Mag. , – Aristotle De gen. anim.  b–, – Lucan, Phars. .–, – De gen. anim. b–,  Lucian De mot. an. b –, – Bis acc. , – Athenaeus, Deipn. .,  Icar. –, – Augustine, Civ. Dei VII, , – Icar. –, – Icar. , – Callimachus Icar. , – fr. , – SH, – VH ., – fr.  Pfeiffer/ fr. A SH, – VH ., –


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-71628-4 — The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination Karen ní Mheallaigh Index More Information

 Index Locorum

Manilius, Astron. .–,  De fac. f–a, – De fac. c–d, ,  Ocellus De fac. d–e, – On the Nature of the Universe p. .– De fac. f, – Thesleff, – De fac. a–c, – On the Nature of the Universe p. , – De fac. c, – Thesleff, – De fac. d, – De fac. e–f, – Parmenides De fac. f–a,  DK  A (G;LMD),  De fac. d, – DK  B (G;LMD), – De fac. b–c, – DK  B (G ;LMD), – De Is. et Osir. c,  Pausanias .., – De sera num. vind. b–c, – Persius, Sat. .–, – fr.  Sandbach, – Philip of Opus, d–c, – fr.  Sandbach,  Philolaus DK  A (G ), – Ps. Ecphantus, On kingship p. , – Philoponus, Arist. De gen. an., p.  Thesleff, – –, – Ps. Plato, Epinomis. See Philip of Opus Photius Ps. Plutarch, On rivers .,  Bibl. cod. , b–a, – Bibl. cod. , a, –, – Sappho Plato fr. , – Alc. I  a–b,  fr. , –, – Phaedo c, – fr. , –, – Rep. a–b, – , Adv. Math. .–, – Symp. b, – Plutarch Tatian, Oration to the Greeks ., – De def. or.  d–f, – Tertullian, De anima ,  De def. or. e, – De fac. c–d,  Varro De fac. f, – Ant. fr.  Cardauns, – De fac. a,  De lingua Latina .,  De fac. a–b,  Endymiones fr.  Krenkel, – De fac. a–c, – De fac. b, – Xenocrates De fac. e,  fr.  IP, – De fac.  d–e, – fr.  IP, –

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