Fraternity Reported for Alcohol Violation Engineer Recounts Shuttle Crisis

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Fraternity Reported for Alcohol Violation Engineer Recounts Shuttle Crisis Wake knocks off Duke The women's aoccer team was knocked off by Wake Forest in the first round of THE CHRONICLE the ACC Tournament. See page 15. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1996 B ONE COPY FREE DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLIN Fraternity reported ^3 for alcohol violation By MISTY ALLEN nity because of the blatant Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra­ nature of the violation. ternity was cited last week­ Kucharz, a third-year end by Trinity senior Patrick graduate student in biomed­ Wacker, resident adviser for ical engineering, said he Wayne Manor, for violating turned in the violation to the the University's alcohol poli­ Office of Student Develop­ cy. ment, but declined to com­ Wacker—who reported the ment any further upon the fraternity Sunday to Ezra case. Kucharz, area coordinator Paul Bumbalough, associ­ for Few Quadrangle—said he ate dean of student develop­ was conducting his rounds ment, declined to confirm last Saturday night when he whether a citation had been noticed that one room in the turned in to his office. The section was particularly details of any case are not JOSH MILLER/TH-. E CHRONICLE noisy. Wacker said he asked made public until they have the occupants of the room at been evaluated by the Office Clown College that time to quiet down. of Student Development, Grimbo the Clown, Trinity '80, and Trinity sophomore Cathy Llewellyn talk on the Bryan While conducting his sec­ which determines their va­ Center walkway. ond set of rounds at about lidity and thereafter imposes 2:45 a.m., Wacker said he no­ sanctions upon the group in ticed someone urinating out the event that it is found of one of the windows of the guilty of the charge. Engineer recounts shuttle crisis same room. Trinity senior Chandler "If someone almost uri­ Willett, president of SAE, de­ By AMANDA PICHA sion that killed seven astro­ nauts are riding on a controlled nates on my head, I get a lit­ clined to comment on all as­ Roger Boisjoly, the engineer nauts. "We had enough data to explosion," Boisjoly said. "It is tle suspicious, of course," pects ofthe case. who "blew the whistle" on make the no-launch decision." the engineer's job to make sure Wacker said, adding that he Engineering senior Chris NASA after the 1986 Chal­ When confronted with evi­ that explosion remains en­ then returned to the room Kelly, president of the Inter­ lenger disaster, spoke to a large dence in 1981 that the O-rings cased." and discovered a keg inside. fraternity Council, said the audience of students and facul­ that sealed joints in the rocket In July of 1985, just months Wacker said about 30 peo­ incident will be handled sole­ ty in Teer Auditorium on Thurs­ booster performed especially before the disaster, Boisjoly ple were in the room at the ly by student development, day night. poorly in cold weather, Boisjoly composed a memo warning his time of the incident, which adding that the organization Boisjoly told of the role he began his campaign to redesign superiors of the seals' tendency occurred during Parent's will suffer no long-term ram­ played in the decision to launch the booster and its seals. Teste to malfunction in colder weath­ Weekend. He added that an ifications as a result of one the unsuccessful mission and had demonstrated that freezing er. That memo was never ap­ occupant elaimed the keg member's activities. the frustration he endured temperatures caused lower proved and was sent to only had been purchased by a "In this case, I believe the while trying to convince his su­ flexibility in the booster seals, four individuals within Morton- parent of one of the room's fraternity had a keg, but did­ periors and officials at NASA to allowing gases to pass between Thiokol, manufacturer of the residents, n't have a bartender," Kelly scrub the launch. "You may them and thus eroding the joints and solid rocket boosters "It wasn't like I was actu­ said, explaining that SAE's refer to it as an accident, but I structure's O-rings, he said. Too for the NASA shuttle program. ally looking for alcohol in alleged infraction violated will never refer to it that way," much erosion would cause the In the days following, the memo SAE," Wacker said, adding both University and IFC Boisjoly said of the 1986 explo­ booster to explode. The astro­ See SHUTTLE on page 7 • that he had to cite the frater­ See ALCOHOL on page 14 • Discussion confronts violence on television By AMIT SHAH policy studies, "economics and A five-member panel—which political science, and Dr. Red- included Herbert Schlosser, for­ ford Williams, professor of psy­ mer president and CEO of NBC, chology and behavioral sciences and Colin Shaw, former director at the medical school. of the Broadcasting Standards It targeted various forms of Council in Great Britain—con­ violence that are present in six vened Thursday to address the specific television programs, in­ level of violence depicted on cluding "Renegade," "The television. Mighty Morphin Power The panel, which was spon­ Rangers," "COPS," and "ABC sored by The DeWitt Wallace World News with Peter Jen­ Center for Communications and nings" and the movies "Assas­ Journalism and was attended sins" and "Falling Down." by more than ninety people, was After brief scenes of each pro­ moderated by Ellen Mickiewicz, gram were shown, the panelists professor of public policy stud­ reacted to each scene. After the ies. Other panelists included final scene from "Assassins" Joel Fleishman, professor of law was shown, Shaw exclaimed, and public policy, James Hamil­ "that's just's ob- TOM HOGARTY/THE CHRONICLE ton, assistant professor of public See VIOLENCE on page 8 • The panel and its audience view a scene from the reality-based television program "COPS." THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1996 World and National Newsfile Agencies uncover smuggling of weapons From wire reports Cyclone Strikes: A fierce cy­ By CHRIS HEDGES are trying to stockpile more weapons mantled howitzers, passed from Ploce clone with winds approaching 100 N.Y. Times News Service than they are allowed under the agree­ into Bosnia, then through Mostar to the mph roared through India's south­ ZAGREB, Croatia — European intel­ ment, giving them a potential battlefield Muslim-controlled town of Zenica, the of­ east coast causing flooding in rice ligence agencies have uncovered evi­ advantage if war resumes in Bosnia, pos­ ficial said. paddies and villages, and ripping dence that the Bosnian government has sibly because the Muslim-led govern­ The containers avoided inspection be­ power poles from the ground. The begun a covert operation to smuggle ment decides to reunify its lands. death toll could reach 2,000. At least cause they belonged to Turkish and heavy artillery weapons through the The NATO official said that Turkey Malaysian troops stationed around Zeni­ 400 residents were killed, and an­ Adriatic port of Ploce, Croatia, according other 1,500 people are missing. and Malaysia had aided the smuggling ca with the 53,000 NATO-led peacekeep­ to a senior NATO official. operation. He did not say where the ing force, the official said. The containers In the last week of August, the official weapons originated, but noted that the were part of the mihtary equipment Government forecasts: More said, 40 155-millimeter howitzers were Bosnian government has recently signed shipped back from Turkey along with the than five million Americans now shipped in containers into Bosnia secret arms agreements with Turkey, first group of 150 Muslims who had gone under the age of 18 will die prema­ through the southern Croatian port Malaysia and Iran. to Turkey in the American-initiated pro­ turely from smoking, according to along the Dalmatian coast. The guns are Over two days in August, 20 contain­ gram to train and equip the Bosnian new government projections that re­ a type that the Bosnian Serbs used to ers, each containing two ofthe large, dis­ See BOSNIA on page 6 > flect increasing tobacco use by teen- devastating effect against the Muslim- led forces during the Bosnian war. The shipment of undeclared heavy Cabinet members set to leave, Scfentlsts launch: intrigued by weapons into Bosnia by any ofthe three fresh evidence of possible life on ethnic factions is a violation ofthe Bosn­ Mars, scientists launched an un­ ian peace agreement negotiated last year manned spacecraft as the first step in Dayton, Ohio. It also lends credence to Clinton starts planning staff in a planned 10-year campaign to reports that the Bosnian Muslims are at­ By RON FOURN1ER the president might lose half his Cabi­ explore the arid plains, valleys and tempting to build a powerful, well- polar ice caps of the red planet. Associated Press net. equipped army outside their federation WASHINGTON — With gaping holes Secretary of State Warren Christo­ with the Bosnian Croats. The proposed in his staff and Cabinet, President Clin­ pher, who formally resigned in a White federation force, which has been resisted ton pledged Thursday to "cast a wide House ceremony Thursday, told The As­ by both the Croats and Muslims, is sup­ net" for his second-term team, suggest­ sociated Press: "The time simply has posed to have an integrated army and ing that he may land a Republican or come for someone else to pick up the Weather command. Saturday two. baton." High: 53* Partly cloudy The United States is committed to Even as Clinton made the promise, Chief of Staff Leon Panetta will an­ Low: 35* Winds: "Shaq'Msh. providing additional heavy weapons to Transportation Secretary Federico Pena nounce his resignation any day now, "A pat on the back is only 12 inches the federation in an effort to equalize told the White House he was resign­ and North Carolina businessman Ersk- forces with the better-armed Bosnian ing—making him the fifth Cabinet sec­ ine Bowles is the clear front-runner to from a kick in the butt." Serbs under agreed limits.
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