The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of Manga- Derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 240:23 (25pp), 2019 February © 2019. The American Astronomical Society. The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA- derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library D. S. Aguado1, Romina Ahumada2, Andrés Almeida3, Scott F. Anderson4, Brett H. Andrews5 , Borja Anguiano6, Erik Aquino Ortíz7, Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca8, Maria Argudo-Fernández9,10, Marie Aubert11, Vladimir Avila-Reese7 , Carles Badenes5 , Sandro Barboza Rembold12,13, Kat Barger14 , Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros15 , Dominic Bates16, Julian Bautista17 , Rachael L. Beaton18 , Timothy C. Beers19 , Francesco Belfiore20,21, Mariangela Bernardi22, Matthew Bershady23,24 , Florian Beutler17, Jonathan Bird25, Dmitry Bizyaev26,27 , Guillermo A. Blanc18, Michael R. Blanton28 , Michael Blomqvist29, Adam S. Bolton30, Médéric Boquien9, Jura Borissova31,32, Jo Bovy33,34 , William Nielsen Brandt35,36,37 , Jonathan Brinkmann26, Joel R. Brownstein38 , Kevin Bundy20 , Adam Burgasser39 , Nell Byler4 , Mariana Cano Diaz7,40, Michele Cappellari41 , Ricardo Carrera42 , Bernardo Cervantes Sodi43, Yanping Chen44 , Brian Cherinka45, Peter Doohyun Choi46, Haeun Chung47 , Damien Coffey48, Julia M. Comerford49, Johan Comparat48, Kevin Covey50 , Gabriele da Silva Ilha12,13, Luiz da Costa13,51, Yu Sophia Dai52 , Guillermo Damke3,53, Jeremy Darling49 , Roger Davies41, Kyle Dawson38 , Victoria de Sainte Agathe54, Alice Deconto Machado12,13, Agnese Del Moro48, Nathan De Lee25,55 , Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic56, Helena Domínguez Sánchez22, John Donor14, Niv Drory57 , Hélion du Mas des Bourboux38, Chris Duckworth16, Tom Dwelly48, Garrett Ebelke6, Eric Emsellem21,58 , Stephanie Escoffier11, José G. Fernández-Trincado2,59,60, Diane Feuillet61 , Johanna-Laina Fischer22, Scott W. Fleming45 , Amelia Fraser-McKelvie8, Gordon Freischlad26, Peter M. Frinchaboy14 , Hai Fu62 , Lluís Galbany5 , Rafael Garcia-Dias1,63, D.
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