Report on data availability CHPM2030 Deliverable D1.2 Version: December 2016 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 654100. Author contact Gerhard Schwarz Geological Survey of Sweden Box 670 751 28 Uppsala Sweden Email:
[email protected] Published by the CHPM2030 project, 2016 University of Miskolc H-3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros Hungary Email:
[email protected] CHPM2030 DELIVERABLE D 1.2 REPORT ON DATA AVAILABILITY Summary: This report aims to provide a brief overview of four major ore districts in Europe, namely in SW England, southern Portugal, NW Romania and central and northern Sweden. It is completed with a survey of existing boreholes in the European countries, where temperatures at depth in access of 100oC are observed. The report includes descriptions of the geological settings, and on-going efforts in geophysics in seeing deeper and increasing resolution for detecting mineralized zones at depth, as well as attempting to estimate their geothermal potential. Authors: Gerhard Schwarz, geophysicist, Magnus Ripa, geologist, Bo Thunholm, hydrogeologist (Geological Survey of Sweden) Richard A Shaw, economic geologist, Keith Bateman, geochemist, Eimear Deady, economic geologist, Paul Lusty, economic geologist (British Geological Survey) Elsa Cristina Ramalho, geological engineer, João Xavier Matos, economic geologist, João Gameira Carvalho, geophysicist (Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia) Diana Perșa, researcher, Ștefan Marincea, senior researcher, Albert Baltreș, senior researcher, Constantin Costea, senior researcher, Delia Dumitraș, senior researcher, Gabriel Preda, GIS editor Vanja Bisevac, geologist, Isabel Fernandez, geologist (European Federation of Geologists, Geologist) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 654100.