HISTORY 0113righamOB BBIGHAM toltomYOMtoting 1295f295 afiaai ifiafi n i t i k iv i blvowbmqft to10 H T 0 R Y 0OP Y 0 UR G HISTORYH BRIGHAMBRIGHAW YOUNG pa t i MY grandfather joseph young was co newmew york andcontinuedand continued talmdalmfarmmgin 6 i a physician and surgeon in the french and makimaklmakingng improvedimprovemimprovementsentsants s and indian war he was killed by the mymotbermy mother died june 1111181518115 u falling of a polo from a fence in 1769 in IS181717 my father removed to tyrtyrone661 my father john young was bornhorn steuben co in which year hebe married march 7 1763 in Hophopklntonhopkintonhopkinsonkinton middlesex widow hannah brown abowhowbo bore to hihimim county he wawas veryyery orieorleone son edward born in wayne stedlsteul circumspect exemplary and religious I1 ben co newyorknew york july 30 1823 and was from an early period of his in 1827 my father removed to men- life a member of the methodist church don munroe co where he continued at the age of sixteen he enlisted in farming the american revolutionary war and in 1831 he heard the gospel preached served under general washington 11 byy elders eleazer miller and elial was in three campaigns in his own na- strong and in the month of april tivee stastatete and in new jersey in the 1832 he went with his sons joseph and yyearear 1785 he married nabby hofeihowehowei phinehasPhinehashaa H to columbia pennsyl-penbsyll daughter of Phinephinehashashagbag and susannah vania totaitoitar investigate the principles afof6f whose maiden name was goddard in thetho church of jesus christ of latter january 1801 he moved from hopkin day saints and to see the saints and ton to WhitingWhitwhitingliamwhitinghamwhittinghaminghamliamilamflam windham county their method of administration where vermont where he remained for three hebe was baptibaptisedbaptizedsed on the ath5th of april by years opening new farms elder ezra landon he moved from vermont to sherbsherburnarnurn he removed to kirtlandE with hishiahlahib chenangoohenangoOheChe nango county in 1804 family in the fall of 1833 and inim 18311884 where he followed farming clearing he was ordained a patriarch by presi- newlandnevrlandriand and enduring manyay 1privationsrivnivationsactions dent and blessed his and hardships with his familyfam I1yay inci- family he was the first ordained to dental to new settlementsettlements that office in the church liyllymy mother bore to my father five september 19th 1838 in company sons and six daughters vizV IZ with his daughter fanny and his nancy boinborn in Hopkinhopkintohtoh middlesex grandson evan 31 greene and family co mass aug 6 1786 he left kirtland for missouri on ar- fanny born in the same place nov riving at fayette in that state he 8817871787 found himself in thetho midst of general rhoda borninbarninborn m Platplatauvaauva district new clarks command of militia amounting york where ihatha i village of durham to about one thousand men wholeftwho left now standstands4 in greene co newyorknew york that night for farfanparpan west the next daidalday sept 10 17801789 he proceeded to old charitonOhariton andfoundand found john born in HoHoppintonkinton middlesex the general had left a guard at the co mass may 22 1791 ferry so he hadbad to return to illinois nabby born in the bamesamesame place april they were frequently met bbyy comcompaniesI1 anies 231793 said to be militia who declared AMthatthai if susannah born in the same place they knew they were mormoncormonsmormons they june hii7ii7 1795 would kill them when they returned joseph barninborninborn in the samesamo place to columbia general gaines was there april 1 717977 raising a1 company to go to the assist- phinehashInehas edwhdwhowee bborn0rn iniiilil theahennie same ance of general darkoarkclark to exterminate place feb 161799 the Morcormonsmormonsmons and evan M genegenogreeno brighamBrigharohamohamm born in whltinghamwhitingliamiwindvindwind- made application to gener16ainesgeneral gaineagafnea 69to ham co vermont june 1 1801 a pass to go ououtt 0off the stateState with iidtidthe louisa born in sherburn chenangoohenangoOheChenango company representing that hishiahlahibhig grand- coCP new york sept 25180125 1801 father was a revolutionary soldierthwsoldier thathe lorenzo dow born intliqin the same pplacelaie generalgenerul replied that if hewouldhe would change oct 19 1807 hishlahia wagon which was a very good in18131481315ayfaihemy father removedmiami6dd to cayuga I1 easterneasaastem vawagong6ngan forfor ha virginiaviiginiwwagonwagon 296 V EDITORIALEDITOBIAL y or would go on horseback they could and fell asleep under the influence of that go without molestation otherwise he faith that buoyed up hiihishig soul in the pangs could give him no pass that would of death to a glorious hope of immo- benefit them thus they were com- rtality fully testifying to all that the to change their wagon and could religion he enjoyed in life was able to sup- pelled port him in death he was driven from get nothing but an old virginia dear- missouri with the saints in the latter part born and getting into this they travelled of last year he died a martyr to the without even being hailed by the com- religion of jesus for his death was ausedcausede paniesanies they met which were not a few we by his sufferings in that crueleruerncruel perse- he went to morgan county illinois cution ffromromyom thence he went to quincy in I18399391839 my sister nancy vaswasvagwag married to on a visit to his childrechildrennj where he died daniel kent in the fall of 1803 to whom on the 12th day of october she raised six daughters viz emily the following obituary notice is from polly fanny nancy susan and abi- the history of joseph smith gail she also bore him two sonssong I1 I1 this day president youngs father edward and edson who died while john young sen died at quincy adamadams young in company with her husband county illinois he waswaa iniu his she joined the Cchurchurch in the year 1833 seventh year and was a soldier of the tyrone steuben co new york n was also firm in Revorevolutirevoluterevolutionluti he a believer 1836 in the evoriastingevoriaeverlastingsting gospel of jesus christ they moved to kirtland in

1 to be continuacontinued J THE latLAILATTERDAYLATTERTERIDAYRIDidayDAY satorsaintsSATOSsammsSKINTW milletoiala1111e11111al11111AL STAR ajyj f v IT SATURDAYSANURDAY MAX 9 1863 ib14141.4 nat

c development OF saplesepleBAPLESTAPLE PRODUCTSPRODU otsCTS IN UTAH 0 AVRWHO0 would have believed a few years ago if it hadbeenhad been proposed to them that cotton would hebe imported from utah to the and hebe made to pay yet so it is last years crop of cotton in the southern part of the territory of utahhasutah has been6eenbeen put down at 7400074000lbslbs at the lowest estimate A largelargoiange quantity aritoritofit will hebei freighted to the states this season for sale and with the proceeds machinery for its future manufacture will be purchased and freighted back ititisbyis by suchenchbuchenoh measures as these that the independence of zion will hebe fully established the portion of the territory where this staple has been produced has been princi- pally settled within eighteen months it is true that there have been small settlements of a few families each there for some years but the fewness of their numbers has prevented them from accomplishing any very important public results the emigration thither in the autumnofautumn of 1861 and in the spring of 1862 has given an impulse to the development of that portion of the territory which bids fair to makemalsemalkemaike it one of the most important and wealth producing sections of thetho countrycountr the changes which have been and are being wrought out in the territory of utah are most surprising it is but little more than fifteen years sincebince the territory was first settled byibyhyibyh a people who haabaahadbad nothing but the blessing afof6f god a1414irainualnyalnyheirheirheinheln owdown bravebraye heartheartehearie autstut arms and industrious ebergenergenergiesleseebees to rely laiqilgliq 14 4