

--r-t-r, J Itt KCTIGN. OFFICE OF p^jii-9 Ticket fleeted by a THE RETIRING BOROUGH Urge Minority. . CHARLES MANLEY. oleetloll OtVUI'rell MAIN STREET, CHATHAM, K. J. I . tw'o ticket? \ln the I. ;: i . ••' i' .»J)l+»--», Hllll till' WILLS, REAL ESTATE, CONTRACTS. - - NOTARY PUBLIC, INSURANCE. CCM- OF DEEDS I*.1 CENERAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ADVICE.

,viuit hi r I]I;III 'In- r

Mv. I". II. Linn, our retiring iniiy-rir, leave- Mr. K. \j. I'liilliys, \yjs<> : retire* from i 11<• eomieil, is r>t- la with Ilir ennlMriiee, esteem ifivl rosjieet i.V every unut lt.r isnnniti- of tiic |>Ubli<- spirit wliieh iiiKpiicmi •^owttffb-uC "&J»ityuku^_;Uis. hand Jm ._geiilleinuii_lo give- ilii: lieni'flt of hiS-nfoiliH', eiwirv JUul were two .UiiiUsl every luovtiiii'iit teiidlhjr to the iiiHuvivwiuait." EMPORIUM, imd hrttornjent of tliu^frii, iind every forward stop h:i« l)latp the amount of ~nio?*ywlileTi wn- xavpfi toth* • Albright. K0.R < i flYeftnvdiAttt' li^;«;iiS'fh11y;phm^('l-mi4-foactj;d.byliliii.- Wi' N|,.,|! \ (iiximyorHirurliijt the instuliMi if ftie Unwigli water ;iL':ii!i-l A. 1 . rn-vfr fully rtuljz'' the vi!4.iim(mtit r wiitc'lj^fi". I < ill!v > •4MuXhiL:ucuimcij!

l..v <1<1. found pf pur 35c 50c, of \ i ;. twvlro t<"ii on- lei iTteiT to MiirelT-KTtrr ):L :ll lta> lluIlK; ol All, i, aii'l of our iHtllrrtor-e1 M-T, Mr. For -TOc^Xea ptircha^^ during eiil tleket iif?V»t mlifA1* i\ -i (Murr-'' WHS .-('I've Oay, hat'«'e e.in n->m-niir die month of March/at •is. Miss EdnuM Mt no in!i'i,ik<- \v:^ lnaite k;rv ADAMS, whi-n thev Were elected to lill tluw J)fv.'iW»>i ) I'liT-M-nyrvr f 7-10 Hi'iKiii St. N. J. 11)1'Ii.V )))iilli< I N. KELLEY & SONS,

T)e;ir H\r. Then-are « r« of 'jf "i'he:itiii(; jn milk. An |r. I'ollml'*, i!i< lit! nill!.^1 . • way 1* Tf» watwitr NttltiHly-Wwtetx U i t .Letters to tfieBcfitof now. Alti-tierwiiy Is tot.tke out the MAIN STREET, of.stmj), wan ; Uik-

Isc niK^itlii' thiril to nllow tho pm- aiktifKA «/ the irritrr, uttt i mid with, (iunri vmint i* «& wro m< niiTiiw the lE-lllULMiii naTtiiv is inueii trie dent* in all

•;jll; ()!')ni;'.it tho I'iiit'y in • You arr just HII»I true witii your iiiilk; wo art' wo \eit\i our (luint. l>evue Vr y.\-.:- u. Ti:Sft Hi • i. ; .•> ymvm lii'lics -in1-. - • The Time • •n't, cour.-'i'. YW'X' will iiuL j II t!ml W:li i .iteil lit tlfi* To Get Yoor Wheels ii« xiiiii'd ruuifi' wita hervi'i liyiUKd am) tliero is' mi pjwtiwjt j(i -wtit-n Mr d-:yni»i<»fnt«itblHhi>n'"M>«'Ith TV- v ii \ri»< nVi'Uri' Tiiyiur'H on Piuiitni MAYOR-ELECT FRANK L. KELLEY. nftlit ot a hutstthall li'iiifuc this MtHgoil.- vf* tx>a(tTnntZinr.n*<-ttKHw4^«iiiLiiji1i5ii.iit Put in there arc enough toahiK in tliis vicin- ymir duim thai « gnllon will civi'i- ;KI t.,ini\ri' ;» i.. (-.• Mias"liuwliri.li;o assn- ft*t»t, twi» f*'nts. l|*» h:ul tMmiufh left tt paintt Oui .ULU iitnyor, .Mr. Kimili L, tCvlli-,y,,li»K bwn in <.•!<«<• tondi with iml ity to torn) ii #!)oil leujiiu! iind tlicrc is ihti'*1 Inrur nwtut^.iiT'...ilT'.M litl;f' W:iu-:iss H HuU iili'ii-^wuIl tthttl i he hits itHfit i T-tr^T-^e--,-~XfrtHtii>rtll*4»»t twuuty ^i^UV*, ajiu 1» tnorottgtity ourititcauL.>viUi..alL >vuu..JII_I ui^n on orensi rnisi.im iwliy.nn wny.one efln-ii cin-iiiiM lnot-b nr.i e(i cor o-r J;J H::.^"SW^: rtHi^onHjfoir^-^^^ nn fXfflU- tinu.sMi),si!vlns; lilx l>rivate iiltorwt^lo the K.ixl <>f Uieooiiunui^tyTTTffiionrr"7^71,^^* 'i^^ili^i

'«,• • yiiiing huYnf vote(l llr i?,'jm^iv^ivc, nn.1 II'UM fii-mjreil uu. •, rtin> iu Mmli-* and ex- the iiistallationOf the \n\lille" imiirovcineilts Wiji.-h we Hiiw"enjoy. ]fe is feiir- .M;lbnrn-s*j>ii»}>ht'Ul, Suuin.iil, •l.'lonina out S\vi'ate.i"> IHC. *y-.» KllJ|luliulll. See adv. PstrmTrfri^T-Tt- • -••••• •- • upon hi* olileliil diitiiK mitram- I'oit Oiiiin, elo.. wiiiiljl provide some >Ji> fact, we , l r Hood exeiting.vtmtmtR nml would rluiiiH'. It 4WLiml)LL!il!!.riil5lJJ^_h ' - I'resiilt'lit SStihiK>i1«J«rs—(jet them at kind at resuiur lui Hum I •iriiiinoreti iu.wleftiiiLi Mi. !-',•!! y tu illl the ofllef of mayor. KeJley/s Knii>orhiiTi.*" A-e adv. lluy your lnu-at Uellev'- r.niiKiriuiu S( e uiiv. Mil/ill-lift/>' if -: l w,i.~ • ; Dear Sir—It IIHHIHM'D appi iL ii,i (I thi.f was the j suiiie tiii)V~iTiiii'it»«rwiTftni-nr- I tho i:jml in \\iii»li 41 j iieml jjomn dtti'"nUoij. 1 li-ayi' P1L ES! iml m»t. (f«l iu ih* iniiniry with rufcivne** to the tier, unit It ltd that them i»i»o' PAY WHEN CURED. •V in ilii!jitO|Vof »j iiitH nm(l(frcnipji«r»rt with ;> d li'xvi liiiyitip L't ViTV IHIIIiV i T Inti rtitriij.-- Th 111 Ullh'T i(ir,-uiivi! tI M VM'IT^?^ fmt*4-tn iyi> t!»' RToilliil »uil pl'iiviitA"fOT"Tmt-~!T" li'-i! Uie !>i"iss,_tii. neeilvd > IL'J:!: sid'^i'i'ij'tion*1 of next yeiiV nf? JT3

., .t(.(';; I-IIim-, L__ • ; (W'lllin VVIl?.'*(vImprt,)vf;iiHMit. for. a l,.ns-' WOUNCILMAH QEO. F, LUM. f ASSESSOR t. P. MILLER. iMv-tWik-t A.,H"vh'li» treamiiwof -We t«k»< unu ntt.1 BV)lraMtre in nssueiiil' all contrihut: • ••<••' ...nn.-il Ji.,, ,,,.,,11),. ,,'f i.»iiiiTinif the i'li-it'im 'nf Mr.-ftlw ihoulii'i 11" h«Mf — •

Phartat NEWS IAA\ ; ^-*••••••• •»•••••••

NCE DONE AND •ad Trr.elr Tnlil. M'mk mi tl:f fendernt tin1 lIiTrcslinlTs I- il t" »n«IB" <] \ur iiiulu'lllntf, ft I* Special Sale •irtiMhtiett r»r A|i*il It. A company mis been fi^-«l ut Sent- IK STERLING SILVERWARE. r ••> : adjourned j an iron furnace ami atwl \>l:int In thut sessio—n eiiy. Hk WKLSEY STBS A < tit Oil ONE WEEK ONLY. »•»» ivniiirkuDiK in Its latter {'resident Palma of <<'nb« Jm» signed for the ntaunut of filibustering •the soldiers' yny Ior)*es the fwmw -of lx»ud» to the bus statehood bill, tlio amount of *3.\0CXU»i0. ttiltl.<- '.' OS Am...-, .1 .Mil, the FlijHnptilfi j Jonluh Mulr. the inventor of the p«- 5.00 «ilt(.e tariff bill, the I'annuia canal treaty nnd j per cir wbaote ww In UKC on iiillrondK, 7.TO will l.c 5 80 < tiii. i nl.in reciprocity treaty Were pr»c- ,J1MJ oa xhitfwlay ttt Morrlntowu, X. J.. Lmuli fiirk« iiiul Mjioon* will bi> INITIAL SHOWING OF SPRING ii to dentil. at the age o( nluety-one year*. " " •' " will t>» i nwilu uf the se«siou were -j^,, ,„„, n 14a d^ttoi in New '.loll' •• will k daring Hie tuuutU of I SiKM.mn will Iw >S IS lor ftie iimlinliie ary. will k- Si 42 Itf tlic questions between Great Britain i ftatigtieg ^ tue sUlft fcpartineui of lie«t be ' it ththee I'ulteTnlted StateStates* concerninconcerning th' e ne health. ilnry ; the passage of t *•' Railway com- The Western These gooUs iuv warrautwl, aolM st«iiin^ iUlil »vr, ti of the ny 1ms been incorporated at Ban t( • cent lwlow N.» No equal stork <>v itsHoitruetit unywhore, IIun •<« ••<% other rivnlry"entlwiy olit of the Ql'KBTlUN. The Garments Sonth Side of itam, CMC Morkat St., MorrtMowo, N. J. I rjuinuWtiirers of renown nre cfiiitrblled hj' us i vision* of unusual Importance*. - Tbe inoHt notable of th— appropria- insure rtie distinctive stylos for dtir putrons, and elimi tion bill? wa» that for the navy. With tn the rase of tbe people of the itnte # Wt«l of over »«0,ro- of New York utralnit Dwlght IJISU. iUlfis for fire new biftlmMi*,'-ttaat* at tried «t rtl*», N. Y.. for liarliiu killed tenant Klckersnii lm-jit«l tbe enemy With n-feriMice to the reports MADE^CTfS, 'if Miij^JuujLtwo °f W,t*W; for ftiin - a tlw out of »««m. « pW* of guilty snd deii«-erwl IIIK attack Iwfoic day- UK an imui'ttdiiiK rt»iee to tint! a \Mv* ta the StateV ' In ad

  • i'ljH)iicrs uf |{>io(l lwlmvlor •f v*4oU*t Annnpnli*. ,,,_.. > Thr number of bill* Introduced (liir Ifbt alioVr* JIIOT Trt'lhr <•*«>«< of-bllsl no <">.«iualtli i* «n the nifle of tl»<> she would t* nTH>ra't«(t In April, IWH. u«n to ngului'.lines, we r.-icenMy niudp a tfeai by wifltJlTw"' Intf the Flfty-aeventh COB»H>*» wajre- Feb. 2S. (1903, the debt, lemt cusb It Is wikiwv,u if tU' 'i'.ciny Tl»> I.oiiiloii Tluit's Mays Mint the tlrst of gatf, amounted to $U37.9T2,- formed a part of Ueiierul Han Mltftiel'l rtH'onU'd fouvorstriit from »'ttt4«(I)ni"e In Hoiu- Tin* hoaw oaU'ndtir wno flnirer at the with Jan. 31 of •3.fKKl.rt»lT>. . , . • Nemtiiry H:.iy mid Sir Michael Her* hn|f nn l-Vh. 8, when Mrs. Tnttn. a , i,.~>; of till* coutfreiiw tlmn it bad erei l'roildeut Uoosevelt bn» utRtied a bill bert. tue British iiuiliartsmlor, have ex« l-'rencli lady, was fornuilly Invent ill 1 »...« bdvre, only «evpHtj-*itfhi Wil» providing for the erwtlon In Wanhiug- •hniiKitl nitlflcatimiH uf tin with tlie siicred tluvaii and the "midra" TUfiKTY-FlVB SftttPLE SUITS* pMi.itnlMK »n«li»{io»td of. -- -- ton «t M»tu*a«* ««^ of *50.(Kiaeach reuty. Tlie pn^paratlon of the of tlie Vamees. The npare»t nppnwch to the untnbw to the TOem«M7 of BrtendTer Owiefwl kt-Jbe_tw» sides ivill [irocrnl with all U A. O'ltrien. an American dentUt. One of these truuwictions brwght about througli (iTt ,jiUiSJl»_yjtrodiiwd in tlie Fifty-aeTentb Count I'ulanki and Major »\>e*ul. as TlmlcFttH'-treaty tlwy must has becu ort(!A.aa* In the Korty- Carrie Nation wa« arrwrted on - •Gi!M»-Ui)ll£e4:._TlM> Stixoii iiluth couer^w, the ' aggregate belug dr.y at the Grand hotel, 8au KrauHiwo, (terstood tluit the iH-rxoiinel of tlw bus notiSwltlie (jflicf they aiv—the finest line of hiiili on a of mnlli-laun miaohief prt*- AUierirni) e«niiniiwi:kl:ii; It mi ally ttiiimiiw-pd. It" Is alwwly kluivrn royul courlcjiy UujMiosible fni- him ,'iade suits evor olfei-ed nt n seasonThl>tkW*WHILE THE! for libel asnimt Uidy <"ook, liettcr In eXL-Ats of the total «p- district, judge lu th« district recently Tlie British adtuifiiity has decided to con- rrontwl la «omhem New Yot*. Sir. known as ,T<-nuennee ("lafliii of Xcw nexr naval xtatie, on tlie Fifth of Kmth, 49.98. to awl ua#ii4olr accnxliig Wallace of conspiracy to eir- In London minors that Mr Ki'am-U diinl an Ttswr New York ciity. of 8fr Jpliii _T«PUI* NlcnTu O'ltrif st(itfrt»>m prpwntpd to the senate by CoTon«l ' and Gareluliy Goods Delivered Free. in, rlwtruiHii of the cumuiittee MreMeT" C: -ifwp»*.v, -loal. r*wriuiaL43iiSacaaLs!f. XwftmmlUtud, *t a prominent Tuuiiuuny die UIJI1 of seventy i»ruitTm>)i.Z3te3«tirt'^^ coaiuiiAsliiiior. fiHiiier Uihu-tl nil itimlzed »tntenieuf iilibw- Tlie ".British" itrnt from l!roi< Morne MMIKHIIICCK the COIII- ia»lj f»r a total the expenditures for the past *e«- ernn of the civil war, Alml «*li V »f; of,.Tort tic and ronmilar, II, Fire Which c-»*«»|ililatUtn (if about !M«M) souls. it'of "WWh*, Konl'k Thiimp- (Ivor 2.p''>iieiT.'ivtWI U»III»IB»J Standard Yarn company's tnfir, iit Or- this iiionltrir-hofrttH^>^«>J^ulH!io (:iii;i- " ls l"'l»"laiiy HUiiiwsed t but tbe wpgp. N. Y.. which ciimprlsed the prop- dlau HtnuiiMhiti lines an- the lnria>*t for .(Ion rjn-hieU-tJ»Uttlly-rolla«*jl ^^_ hsve CAVMTJfMOCftMftK. COP* foi-ty J-PIUT.. j britslit Hash of llKbtiilnt? Is in some way PAOTEWOHTsantUiadd. fkttsh, or phnto. ratify tiie ranaiDfl canal twatj- and the at public a ~TTi?'-mrmi»n h*v«i,aiuli«:-iti.'s In «"'««' '».v !'"• H«»h. Meteorologists sark«; •- sale. They were hoiiRlit by Tfu; 4 ave >rov Hl 1 <."ii!)an reflpr.» the Mhtrary, It Is of t>ri*f bodyTTbp preuldeif lateli fp/in San 8a/vmi«r. says rtm other Veiie/aohm viwln sela^l If:*' OIl|.v'.possible but highly probable O.A,SNOW&CO. tujit G l;lt tuc read* ax follows: "WiurireM, UUes_Ojirii!£l)ie hloeUujfp f>fiv«; iiot *? ««Met$ Iwri'rtHod Jirecililtatlon tijiwyus. WASHINGTON,o.Ct.« i reshr»y Of tne '''iifl.at thecapltol In tlie elty of Waih- States >^tloiial I-awu Tennis Associa- ^'tnu mi tlie 5th day of March next at tion annoniiN-a that Grejit Krltnln Unt >f wblcb all person* formally enailenged for the l>ari» trih . time be entitled to phy, omttlenUlUf of luteriiiltlonal lawn Iwre- tennb) supremwqr- '"fuis is the third at iO«*t Brti(iiin_;to «eMi»e till*

    wit|i tli£\ fntjegoin* Rwretnry M««Xty has on Thtjr cislon as to the states liftvr which the ' ! si-nntors Svebattieaujj?* provided for lit the new irijiim niM.otle, we Kworn in. •aval law shall be iianicit "The- Ihrea 1,U,OO<) ton tMtttenfaiiM are to be named np .•ii'tehy."-.-. ^-•«fmrtor:-W»- Kansas and Minnesota and uinii IIIK^OH,. _,-cob made III the two 13.0UU ton Sellers, Aftifieial tfehy, Carbtmief ^teb 8^ Etc Pjif'before uiljonrnmept-by^J bo. n In wfiU-h.he derimrd tlitU tlu : tlilbuste'liiiK in •• '« tbjf goveniuient receipt* «ti(l expend- - of Iwil-rtiitive H«re* «hown tlie tottji w-elpts for Keb •n( wnt in wvcrul «Miy. 1WO, to have tt«-u .f4:!,trj«.l7i' exj»endlti]res $37,".V)."-t!i, tenv- "">r nt t'hark-suoa, C^I tat * turpltw for che mgnth of lan .. «>,,in«t K,O5O,4-M* Keliiwnre.

    audaiuiu a of (tic NdrfirlM yard. I emotion on tbp part , /Uovernor Odell hns the bllt ililiij^' (fathered within t}»« charter of tiie -city at I'.ti T'M Jiicii an vletl N. V. The ij Of tl» Stewart-Morclnrrt! I ifl'. rli yhttjigt* Hie time of li«lilinp't]»> tion ni". Jffy'"BIB . had tXPRESS tO ANY L!ieejiP'"'*c(l over the mayors v«<«^ Tbe »ccn3ti\ry of people" who "beard Him gladly," tad I A SERMON FOR Me it ID the faces of the lowly a* they lia- SUNDAY JCHOOi. ten to a Chrysontum or * Moody Uisguise it as we may, deny it if we will, AN ELOQUENT OiSCOU(|S£ ENTiTLEi) U>e wiul ot tioyerty. hi« heco {Ji? ,on" at- INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENfS tuned ip catch the message* aeat from FOR "POVERTY AND PIETY." heaven out of the he.irt of God. Woalth Tho I'ulled W/iU's (iological Hurves can 'In no lUut'i- thiin' fnrrii^li the material 1 U diligently prdsecuflng Ita topograph- ffc" R«v, *Ta4itas Al*saad*r Jaaklns Savs 'ho op- lubjxura.nl at Bp lrnl survey of the I'nlted States. "* Be- I .:lt pro- —Osldca T»it, Act* ill 17— Tlat f n*' 99tsvhlBK *™, ^^ li... .!>-,..-. „„;, ti.t riojjv i-,> Jlia Wlbli or God, Again, it it not apparent tint poverty ogy, etc. Tbe atlas sheets are sixteen NKW VOBK Cm'.--"Poverty inil Piety" tfticli to tlie deyeloiiment of tba.jioivifr of Vagabond J? ' ' ' '- '" '" receptivity* Itiglitiy M|ider«tood poverty "Vagabond—el and one-halt by tweuty Inches, en was the subject of this' sennou delivered by the Uew Jame» Alexander Jcnkui«, iii a wonderful "aid to cVetir vision, nnahlinz to modern g> ; graved on and printed In three pastor of Iiumanuel Congregational Church. man to ilutinnuiah between the euemiat Certain Jews'wlio reut alimt Irum vi*t* colon. The cultural features, such a» Hi* t*»t waa chosen from Matthew xi: 5: mi HIP unnrcfiwaryy. It en.ililerf iUf to place, professing by charms and lpeili to d cur* diatucs. "Kicnreiat*." Men who, l>r roods, railways, cities, etc. as well a,) "Tb* poor havB the gospel preached to »i>r (not itn rictiml to develop aelf ratber ihtm t»--eoilert "thinfn/' It enable* tiiin tlw authority «f ta* nau*. ,o( aoioe pu. all letterings nro blackball water fea- Iheni." "" \"ew York City.-Tasteful negligees | conceal all teams and whose fulness to «ee the difference between "hnvinir" and ful being MOiemnly aasumed to require The worda of our tint constitute part of demon to depart so effectively is to ... tures,are blue, and tbe bill features art tho rcplr of Jcius Jo ,Johri vrlwa tic*eu :"being." Wealth »hout»: "I have," but essential to comfort and become provides the graceful dare at the lower iun.-3.nrr uiur. ouu mr IIIU iwiurn arv tno rcpir of Jcui* Jo .John vriu poverty whi«|irrK. "I am.'' 1'overty i-»mw ubrfed. "CBI" over thea." Knowing ths£ economies at the same tluio, Inasmuch portion. The back Is atltcbed flat ID shown by brown contours. The sheets two ot Hia disciple* with the anxious i|iie»- td tnow that onlv spiritual appropriation l'aul cast out demons through the name of econom oa ibould come or t l i f habit style, the pleats providing grace- can 1)0 bought for five cento, or In *' - Art Thou He that ' •ivea'teat o»neri>hip. Thu* in one ot vhe Jesus, they thought that by using th* aajne ]oo]i -..- fo..r. k ? In this r»p'>' name they could produce the same effect*. «* they are npt to save tlie wearing of qnnntltlea for two cent* ^per sheet. *» *-*- "« " n;cof the ex- poor worker. He u-ai.to till nud to keep we command you as under the solemnity pected One, ao He sets before the mesh-n- ten and one-half yards of material square miles were surveyed In thirty- the place and only to enjoy tu much of it of an oath. "Whom Paul preacheth." Ko gcrs His own work'** meeting th* requite- lie made im own. The •upri-me joy of doubt they bad often heard Haul proclaun Iwenly-one Inches wide, nine and one- State* and Terrltorie*. U.M p j , ,„„., jtnent*. The blind se«, tJw luu U'«lk, tile We ponttinn tmlt thrrmfthh h trtortt h hi i tba Avtnuy atChi-iatm UM iullal i>rsa>,.. fourth yard| tweuly-seren Inches wide, mile's of levels Were run, 1338 perma- | lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the .lead aablb e to look ii|>| (ioiodd nnd tht e googod dan d nus. or five and oriehalfl yards forty-four nent benchmarks established, etc. In I are raised up, "the poor have tbe gospel makk e thethm hhi« (nvu. I n hihi» »in he fillefilld 14. "A priest." Chief priest in tbe tucues wide will be required. Alaska <1500 square miles were mapped ' ••-—-*—' '- " " bin hrart with oibntituteii for God. aod New Testament usually refers to men of thiw nhut Him

    : the front to ninlOli the cnffn. half yards twenty-one Inches wide, qurnt ire taken put, place of ea*y"de~ath, or,; perixm, anc naupei!i«m Mood!' In fact, it is. a question whether T»il Over them. iThe qnatifity of material required for anally, place where one was lostnes of grim, ileelinij heedle««neys. Pauper the (ro-at majority of people do not ruin pe>.medlmn.Rji{> Is four snd onc-p|ghfii ij -4e*4, but, twv fKeir J*«« »ad mu. tfttjchinninffi bx -Mome*.4»- uMuOly-aupposa ECTSfer "ia' WaTm7~*"Te?T7' slrv I u\ vi ty ~la f k ~rrf""5R % »tarv > a draft fur «»0 *nd • : • • I SB BJ I, S> ** a inf.** " w ^ *-«-*->'a^ — Oorl's poorr*sf,-«mid toil nnVI tribijlution •• bTTttonflitnti Rntchi ii at hereafter lie JBJII receivej> ilh ly 'every-.advertising medium U thev ncek to find the good, to know Oad, 'if; litif mi suiting au.l - Tlie sensitive nc *:* M II >nc-^ i>ov«?H\! :Iri „ i.,., ,v..: hut, the experienced see it in the !• r on nowspapw they folio* iTerui • rich seam piiWUit}. J > 1 Jt^JtTg'v^ to-d front and three and on' tlsing Is to reach the cons»inprs-the hoi I rwj>so«e until '• td fiOUBifC fen , who are able and who can be it in fourth yards tlilrty-two Inches wide, or Induced to buy. It Is among such peo- who «-I,I,. rJ« fai-iv.foiir lnfh«B ple that • '"» 'l'"f-«1l^«>i ncKfumncr dri'U- *e*i «ho tatea. r.^BCC. •»•• "Set, Mister, an' no, too. I love vaf TV country—but 1 hat no relative Chatham Press* keep pa«-e with, the active aim •'•" "rprhaps you wfluW rnther 0^ fot •gins ptogttm ot the agitation money?" Uaswell suggested rather tm. good roed... KttU ia tbe highway* coldly. MiWisheaerrrj would to*'cWp»raU»eU r few aud cause Hhu«l «i>ouk UU head. Suddenly he he interests ol 4iUrdtf »ft comparatively little trouble were H put out one thin I11111A and toxictwrl "Jht-twHUhu ..Am LONGING. IIIVWFU'R vhoulder.wltti an ni)i>eMll:i» VVn» County, N.J. practicable to abolliih entirely narrow BT JAM HI UVtStU.1. citure Unit tbrllK'd tlie older man \lro« on wMt-lP*. strangely. "MUter, I rnder stay will Too . . . „ . Of «[1 (tie myriad mood* of mini), Longing i« (iod'i fre«h h*«WTiw«cJ will you," b« fnltcml. "If you let me, I Too tired to walk i In an CiitJre'yMr only one pcrsou That through the aoul cam* thronging, With our poor earthward) striving; Too tired to read. waa tilled oflilSwT«Uway« of Orcat Which wa» e tr so dear, to kind, \vc quench it that we may be "till u»' loWj to stny." Too tireii to talk* ' 80 beautiful •• bngiuf Content with merely living, "Stay with roc'." UaswrU ccho?d lu- Too tired to eat. Britain. In three months 845 person* The thing* we long for Out we »r« lint, would we l«rn that beart'i full iC«pe adequately.' Then be Hng'Mil and, Too tired to drink; have been killed and 11.102 injured on For one transcendent moment. Which we «ro hourly wronging, Too tired to write, 'v Before the prtxnt poor and bare Our live* mint climb from hope to hop* uught the thin tittle hand la hi* big Too ti«d to think. V. AmerUran HIM*. The reason for ttii* U CtD make it* tmering comment. And realize our longing. warm grasp. —Four Trtwk New*. pi«tn^-it t» a much more aerlous mat- "I really believe we'd hit It off line, Still, through our paltry stir and atrife Ah, let in hope that to our pr&ite flood «t • B«» TWB«. ter to kill a person on an English i nil- little lad,"' lie said gayly. "I'm not Glow* down the wished ideal, Uood Ood nut only reckons, quite suited with this hermit life, upon Bill -"That maa Is a horrible ilttJ' roadthan IllsIn Amerirtv " . And longing rooliii in clay what lilt The moment! when we trend Hi* way* 3111—"Oh, I don't know; I think he't I O«yv«* in the warble {*•). Hut when (he spirit beckons. my word I'm pot. 8uppt>»e we try To let the new life in, we know, ,'4»t aaou flight good is »Uo wrought doubling up for u time? Whon you v«ry good at it."~Youker» Btateiman, According to Consul-General Mason's Draire must O)ie the portal; Beyjnd Mlfnatiafaction, grow tlr«J, yon oan aay so. you fenow." : the longing tn be 10 When we are "imply good in thcujht 1 Axaunuil !»'' i SCOTT, Ed. and Pro? the soul immortal. HoweVr we fail io action. "No, Mlstci'," the boy eontradlctcd "I thought MISB •Million* «lgUta»ainr. J. of brk)ucltvs manufacture"*! eagerly. "I never grow tired. J love Into the nobJUty. She know* several coal dmrt, peat and Ugnllc, anil ihese .0 xtay always;" incmbrrs of It very well.". A remarkable Incident occurred on are aold cheaper, ton for ton, In Or', •AF*;hJ^:.:ttiatV wliy-*1 the roof of a London 'bus one morning many than authracite or good bltpmln- jjBtflatlr. As the vehicle wi ous coal. Machine* for the manufnc- THE HERMIT OF THE SWISS RAILROADS. No Ctaaneo to Talk. "*Hi"iT-Bi»iifrri(irg,--fS'i"? ,.—, • Mrs. Oumow—"Does your" htwlnud Gea«»l liana TlekaU Include All Swlt. ever talk of hl» motbW* cooking';" took hl» stand on the roof, anS'"tWK+^l;a that '"country and FLATS. urlanil, 1 Mrs. (5obang—"Not a word. Hit little or no notice of hl« fellow passen- of them hag developed into a large in ™X-4o-,«flt.)OJPJi5', I'lSL'.} ? ''alli'oads of rather died of ilyspep»la."-«n •.,. l rVwitwrluud <.-oajii7lNB~«vU»nr?>tl"IVft»y * **yWHlIJ.,.,J.,.,,|1,>i||M|jh IJTBH, gers. H/ rode several blocks, and a dustrr. • •• I .1 fit- """"""reffJ*™!!*^ HERE he lived amid the teem-1 When tho strange little figure rust, but they tire certainty profitable,' a strange tribe of Buys a correspondent of the Memplii* containing her day'* food anil give tuo Ing humanity of the great it ml | emerged from the bathroom arrayed In Not MMOMTJ. been^^aiSSTerRl^wr totw-cUF^wlUi-ih^noise I Haawell'* spaeluu* pajamas, with Ul« Joinmercul-Appeal. In JUOO they paid •'Why don't you tell the truth?", asked _at the north end and bustle of traffic and ham a net pprofit of over $11 OOO.ww, and the good man. b*fr-tr*V«Ui«-l avidity. or Hudson Bay. These people crisply oil around his pule face, theifr-t«w?«Ui*Juctta»l5g evi'rj^^ "WbaV* the u»e," answered th, Only four years ago the Government otlier,"what never teen a white man tint II recently. through bU solitude, yet always alone Aii if they and louely. a herrulyof tU*.,fiat8. The lined beauty was quiye extraordinary J!es?"-.Xew Y°** Sun- Their huU w*r« fiolU of the steal of the lines from private partWs~fd th¥ of medical Dten of bis acquaintance spoke to bltn awl altoguther Irreconcilable with his •re announcing with XjfiTjrjedM>{ith skin* . or rags and mtwry. H«»well (jourtd out State U cow under way. The road*, Or Court*. -.-—-—™,^_ nodded cheerily across the res- Inelndiuff the tramwayi, have n length 1, the coffee he had steepod over hla that colon mar be used in tlie treat- in the middle I* an e!evatlon7onlvTiFcTr*tBiniirt tnbtes; b«t lia-was of about 'J800 miles, n'ud tlieie arc so ment of the insane^ and although jl i» Is a stone lamp, used for lighting, beat- of divergent interests,, so lie never aTcohoriamp". ntld-wt t*ft>r« hU gueti a plate of crackers uud chrese which ntftny track and cable Hues running snotr and drying not yet determined what color* b*Rt be bade bin) eat, while he finished bis up the sides of the uroimtaliis o glvo adapt themselves to the various form* clothw. The tribe is almost citing ,tIence- Of women be never thought work, but although the ho*t mnde a access to the beautiful views, th:it «f mental disease. It may be precon- only some sixteen being »!uce the death of his hopes seven creditable felat of writing, bo did not Mark Twain says, "Every Alp now ha*, • j yean before, when the girl of hi* choice for an Instnnt take bis eyes from the a ladder up |ta back like a pair of BUS* ceived that certain combination* of pender*." The-e'can never be any question bad rejected him for a luckier man. lieantlful, pallid face which the mel- 08- all 8wltxerland. The railroad com- A. vacant lot.-Xcw York rr«is. gauie* TSllLgcll _Jou_a ticket for two (he sixteenth century r bis otherwise strong, Tlrlle work, was sitiie story "tt"B«ta;-.-fce taM-feed. Jacksduatui-- the gloKeed-ovcr spriUKS of nummj Tlw Lawjrcr't W»y. vide annually on HI. Thomaa'a Day mem of some kind. The only questions 11 1 alness and humanity, but whatever tlie BymiJatliyiMach hwJ-h»ii» derjantttaSol^whic^ h you cau use for tlmt time on Elli-"Hovf long did 'It ts**^*«d to to be eoriaidered are- as to the amount 1 1 r ...three gowns and three coat* to Indi- fa%rr^'a», Hasweli began to realize long under the stolid indifference tbatT " " ida ani} Steumbuiits of propose to youV ~ gent in publicity and the me- that something van sertously IIU'.SJI. cloaked the bermlt of the flats? S«-l!zei'land. These ticketa ari> "Bold ~Slelia-"Hcta(k*«lAbiailaej5tT mln- the custom of the ttaie*, the money dium to be out auiunjj the people and get It was a pathetic little story that fhe at fixed prices, and they have to lie y ordered, at least two hour* before leav. Ella-"Thaf» an awfully long time." wo invested In land (In thU case la know that the newspaper of large cir- freshened up^wiKMlHi frleni jtnyttton. I tad-iuuilfejgjj^ijjijjgjold It in falter who had always liked Uasweil'i style Kngllftb, J 4ne tlihe. Yon must furnish an nn Btclla—"I know It seems so; but then minerals), and. tlie original legacy ba* culation la not ouly the best, but also _i.« >..A .i_... 111.^ ii=.„„.!•» .»,u ing Knglldh. with now anifrB«r«"Ww n of work, "and let yourself live- Then Tn"oTimWTiw^*aPtaStI3^*S&J^ luust rcliifUiucr be Is :\ l:i- the cheapest mean* of sdvcrtielns. >e- of Ills Servian mother tongue to offset increased in value to $30,4)00. Instead write what you luivc learned from Its pathos; of his ilumrgraut faHicr, a is pasted ou the ticket. of the« three gown* and three coats, msrk* the Philadelphia RecorU. them." • luiiglclan in ^h* okl country, who bad A two weeks' ticket over nil the the charity commissioner* -who admin- But Haiwell declined to take his nil- been obliged to'tnke work lu a factory Swit* roods cost*, according to dag?. t ha ttaiind Effact; ' The supply of roc eggs I* apparently v.lce, saying that the vulgar horde re- to avert starvatlou, whose death oc- from 17.50 to $12, and u monthly ticket "I ««•," said the ttttporilltlou* ui..u,, ister the funds are able to pi«ent 200 from *10 to $20. If you travel third "that they're providing for tblrteuflj not yet exhausted in Madagascar, for a pelled him, and he preferred to write In curred shortly after through nn explo- his pwn way or not at all, so his stories sion of the factory work*; of the snbse- the price Is (10; second class, $14, Inch guns on the new cruisers." "^* .ts- qucut wanderings In a strange city. or nr»t 'ela*». $20.' For three month* "VVelir jiiiiirixl prqpnrnnhjjtglr Won! the ruU>* arc $24. &H and M8, and "Welt they ought to know that that's .itiLjfejler doubtless H-IUMl unlucky." I the Rand capital"**" aud he was trying to flud-— a couui_ Jr4 ^ j could stnrt h» 011 January 1 aud ki"i>T't>a'veTVfiJfTtnT--<«~»«»>tlhiJJis.t *JUltO wWc^'lrantmit* n«rt»Trtr''lte^^ alleys and him an of nl&cant on Kwles trains and sterna- ^Philadelphia I'resiT that It It' were ,artlnn.."b^*r«*n the ?h»ln»." *he olBM 1 until Dcccmbfr 31, wltliQvJF cxTrTT of temper with his work and out kindred or friends or"ni5tJPr. ;Hhr '.'Ffljr..ten_j;pa« .It might exterminate UjemosQiilt<»i J day,janfl after eetna aplrltcC blddlc; tUe [exacting editors, who bad returned only hope was to obtain work enough charge. Such'"tR-TTet«:nrrioldr-to eivy-f— one who a«ks for them. ' irr'wHTrurT "Surnr fti-eUHi perhap*. reflects the Kew York TT-|>M soiaTof ttCft—BelBfc-ewiinatBitvt. a. batch of his stories Vrithout so much to pay his return passag«j to Servla. worl$, 1 ro*e at fbc rtroke of six; halt ' "ai a TeJecttOB-*il|ii Be rose, plunged Uaswell asked mnny qccstlAns, but the Tile cars are about the same a* ours. I.,,::.- - A tuuch_iett« way to . ly speaking, a fresh ess, the price paid an hour later 1 eat down to breakfait; the casements; and drew Ills machine lad's story •Hiever deviated except to There is a passageway through the at seven I was at, work, dined at ufTthongn-'^^r. •H«p^tto-JtiiTiMa^M^jrf£Jf--«eiec|ed copy, when how much toil oAd privation hla young life hird tnoxrti. stered h» v«Vsetulhet.are.j-lean and bed at ninc-tiilrty, ate only hearty ISoiT ; setting rid of the breeding place* of j ita figure may reach *flie"rSgu1nTTrrtrr 1 JlL^lsiugJe. day^ bl ' "1 need -to tuie. a -comfortable. The windows are 1 ft" theBBcTttBf-makCTtUaKetha^ lItf that |[ke ket atandanlstandard, which has lately Wear * thoughts. Boardcr-"''1Deiir m»t AnT— A gust of chilly air rushed~up~fnmr ^ttre-iB-BHuUc," aald Haiiwcli, when the *r«»»^ram(M3li3.!SfrT8W'**:*!'>I'fleJll- plan -were carried out there would be well over" 1300. out of sight when you wlsTTWIoolr.'Oirt, ~wW the open Tesribole below a»he threw child bad finished his story and drawn Suii. j3j> mosjnltoe* to fight. back the ball door, revealing tbe pm- his chair clo«eri0~tbe- btsslug- hearth. Tho express trains have diulng car*. «>iim *Do find from a iToicii to it score of-hottl opportunity axu\ reason there 1».-. foi ' childlike volcu. Had. raryfng- «« .tw wires to operate a phonograph, which mure ter. Ihsfe_waaj^ back of tech- croons * lullaby, while clock work re- all open and Lof-hjsjiotel on his cap. leased simultaneously came* tbe era- the way. For this parpose a road this ^partment house. You had better which would a'successful hearing ; wonderful invention ninety yarda wide musl be left en all get out before you're put out.' with the ;co»dly ologetlcslly. Be have InmoBt depth* by the spirit of pure had In tls posttmlon during the tloie • Cabby-"Xbn» to 1 •Qutrrc- I melody, It seemed Inespresu'.bly loxely of King William III. could be applied peer, mum. ~^ ' ilnd v;lth equal propriety to the works of Nervous Old Iinfly (witjj . provision mules, a gaspW "But -what's she lavinit back h by terge dog» to^usrd ^gain^t wait innke any Professor Buck* Qf the Univenritf ot The merino aherp travel 140C miles to thing here,' I ean tell you." Then for and broughtbetore thti~barl the first time he 9a w the violin umlei much h4,d been given, should mlulate Chicago, hat 4Ucor«redThiT forfjT tne moTMtala*ai^ the total l!me»peni of Nottingham ou the c; 4b»boy'a ragged arni. "Do yotrplay comfort nnd cheer. He seated himself Ing treasonable papers, he denied at tongues are spoken in Chicago. H* tafu , on the migration there and back U that thlngr' ho asked nd_btgan Wa ,v>ite great length all knowledge of the af- Jn a pamphlet* that fowrteea laujfuases jtonrteen week*. not morn lhau n cb.Ud!" without couscloua effort or wearlneM fair, »a ytajrthat-hc-^wa* -a-"po*t_.ani beeMe* EngUsb jjre gpoken by oolonlM [ "Lam sliteeD; Mister," the soft, ep- the atory that the child'* music In that tbe papers Jn question were only X>t mote than 10,000 perionreaTlrr^Ttt* XptblDg_eouId be more remarkable pealing voice answered. _ spired. The. boy played on nnceaslng- a roughly sketelicd play. The Earl, n 1 1}-, glancing now and than at the baud cuteiuUjv put* tar cosmopolltanlstP of Constan- ^~S7*mMeMeXTlfinrTrtrh^^ °t here.' anothe«v«t<.*«r. in ua«era.».t l •^« " ^retorte^ ^d ^briefly , , ctowng-rhe-^^ ^^w luirrylEif _across the paper, until a and HnaJly, haying get tied the thing In tinople and Cairo into the ahaSe. He o m fit HRSIYCII lifted his heairanTrnntR'dV hisr owtnHlaVturo«Lto. tlie prlgoner widely »epa«ited par-t* of the country Bnt that lairt Rllmpse of the pathelk "Vou are tired, I'm sure," he said In ami said: 1 hare at laet reached-the conclusion little face mnilc bliu uncomfortable, benHan ctty la U» world, the a voice of singular genUencis. "Pul "I have Heard your statement and that "turf Inveatment camr^nlw"' arjj ^e~op«wa tW^Jo»»r -once jnore, and tiway your vjolln and'go to bed in my the read your manuscript, aud as I fall to that demands leaning orer ibr.bMi^ters, cMW down rboni.. ioiitJeri:;l wtrnt to finishm yscs" any traces of a plot lu either, you ~~ """"Tr—i"1 li)m:^_'^(*on)c up,' work hew beside the flre; " may •«o."—rhlladi'lpia tedgcti _ Ithe

    German'city In point of cago Is Indeed, as he says, "an us- dent to all who cared to a^evcfTrtwF these compante* began operation. They Once within tJw brightly lighted Vooiii eAJiatieLof foreign tonfcne*." bis poverty and wearlueM became pnln- few lines-of tlie last page, then began to be *«• iWwa-auffaojw Koot«, to be ««. -^ -'hpparenthpp^rent. ; hhisvtrouseru trou> * .antl coat nt the start and went through It, word ance,' the British Museum, If it Wfefe GrUcom, former United States cured by methods obviously mmX^BSF' were tnYeinma mts**; for word, with engcr atteutlou. ^ bnrued down to-moreow, vvould not cost^the Insurance companies one half- Persia, who wa» recently ardotu and tbclr appeals for money loose thoes wero full of gaping hole*. he" haffflnTiBed ire tooted -trp- at-H»»~ ; r well wllb a que«r, unaccustomed smile. pehny^,i\ieither-wmrhl ^he-4i»u»«B.^t- appolnted Mlniiier not to copbJkticated Baswcll took tlie old violin from bl« "If you can do a thing like that once,' l'arliameut. Tliey stnnd for tbrfe ttQ dealer* numb grasp and. tiade hlm-throri' oft" rWrned '• ~ ' ~ some Inter- fl^o\MW »l*.Wl»«lanailflcatloii for »ucce*s in m lmn(lg wwe B,irr tltC~tn sovereign of this vast sum I* covered iraM%_ .Three tlioMsaml puunda th Verslaus. «"Xhey have fB6«ftrjm»«)t tbi* direction consisted txcJuififetf «*""^it."' rtis -rrmMH** wcr.e,..wc.t you 950 for every story e to to listen, to Idwis ot America and Americans, 'they an eager desire far unearned wealth, knp*;'and th«> ineltin; yon Jhrtf-me^.™-". To Haiwell went back toils hermit'fln- t» proUct the ilouaca of always epeak of the tnltea State* an a ease with which adult America jtindljy from the broken to** auythlng ; fljture he)pfe»aly. fouiul hit JHtle gwst crouching'before her notion of the geographical position _ he damaiidcd the tire wltli his curly heir] bowed llrcniR'n'i) house lu Oornm strot'f,- but World. • ' !»eyood » hazy idea that it j Au luventor or merchant la search of .n'irtipHy. 1*H»teU Hint U the full cost of the precautfonii 1 rigid ftveatlgatior! . ich street, Mister," rnptly, "youjhave given me a gren fa«»»MW»ja.jme8e-.masj;«!_,T_liciBrlt a, j preanniev Jlunt you deal of ftieasqra with yoar music, am isl) Museum, believing that prevention ffTaTy^'How^-rrmrr 1.. v:im,v you I npprecinta tin- kinilncs Is better than core, lins no orllflrtnl •ID (tie family besides 30'ui I)l3 I. iKWIflWt tnr semj-you iH«n*r—rf light ou Its Innermost rccegie3.-Ht. _, UW» Afml<>—"Fourywauilu Gnwtre.—--~ •...... T XTK alioiu irom to-ijny you shall liavo you Bister and fl4ljlaut velntivof" liwp foin- tail with .rflonotonous ri'splirflfy year ; and Cprulut^. Kind liarly^-'fjiiat U' cnly i' •'• year, ^s'dnieii -weir' ont, bet j _Bj}vertl«er to distant relative 18 not a iu. i 110 '«

    w|ll read a newspnper.-rFhtluuelphjji! the .11 —.~fl ! Kteetiou Tuwduy. *>d^ RBPORT 1903 1903 Citizens' primary to-night. HIK MARCH Open Mornings 8.30 Closs Saturdays 10 P. M. C- |J. Hoivrlt ll tuflVrjiigfrntn ton/- Borough of Chatham. Mo, x«. s*. The Ml'iwlngtx nn'll*iiilwnl bUlcment of 3 5 6 7 During lent rvioHi wilwilll be held iin]'n i>w«*HH.1" . nml eximidliutw. for l».rou«h 2 ft. FNtrk-k'n ohuivli'eveo- Friday cv ^JT"""" """T "" ''" *° *'4!"nU"> Choice as Area nsflrt ening-"" •"-•"-• '"'••' «»««»• Great •s any It) 11 n 13 14 j ! Ihilitnyc y« hand i'liliruury i.-itli. li»«..» Tit i* as In New York YV. Van Salisbury i* oci'ii|>yiii|,' the l-»«i/i'i>i».'>.ni] ...•ii'i'il I.IS; jr* fe Unit tit* :iH't nil over -, rtR'cfn, Kt of this srasrn'n linrt «(l(h' >e, «t " '—"i1 . 29>' ,t .. 39 i write of tlie '-Mcs of \v 11i.• 11 Mi. 10. ],. I'hillipH in vhiiirinaii. j rtii4 ttll fr?rti|iliiinls so Illlldo, «TfT T(~" Midi IndiaTirliiin TltmTloii,, n11 ]fine D and uuut L'I i nit S »t AM Mr* C. K.NichaU 1 •3i lill- ,. :^-v-..- " g |^p |M. j( | jjfj itultmra oiitaml Felirunry 18th,!»«.. jiu 32 Mrs, J. Pier Muiui gave n curd party Tmieh iire:is,,follow77 ', with -i)iBlt ,»». luuTrelurne.il I'll {HI* Will Da found sn Special JU, «nn 1 M'ltool; 7.IMI |IJ HI., evening wrvice ami i-n u-iiml Table Xo. 4.-«t-hieh Conlwl Ma-- TiJiIe.Xn. |0~KiueI)iv* (iu,^.- r~mnir~T.iT*vlrtl, ill1 1 • IruK; while ffrollli'lf, «ti1(in» diils bijin. fu»t rolorH'ri|H-M mill clicrk., the newent t*liuik* an«l culDiiii)$M, si to Htiitu that Charlc* "(•I'llion. ' v I|^lit4nir th* hiivi'TH unil puhiii* Wo ace I j.iaci^ of 111** !*>ixi*hti"ii nf tJiH Uir' li^ular 12) ci:ut-, at IO<' il< Hi^imtdili !n iiil ugiiin. inline nf Finn I'IICCM furnier resident, ' ' ifniwlitii*. inaeuilnuiliiiiK' nmi f Table Xo. 7-\Vhite Madras anil Main Idle, litMr—Fine nhitr liu- llv, two unil'tlmr loiii' nriiitinj,*. tu % . . • Kt't*|iliiK in rejijiir tin* MivetK '»f the I'ii|i'ie: ilotn, and all over tlesiunt; IWc, white ami tinted {fivuiids " ami will lenict Ui hear of .his death,- I«iniun1i NeatIIINJ.;II«ilntKanil tlor.il tf- At thu I'rcsbylcrian chiireh next thin MIISOII'H IH»I piixluetions, nnd three tone iirintiiiKK, stri]K^, 1 1 1 1 wts white anal tilil<"I «iii.ini)- .lot/- and neat doltfiiH, •>,'> xtyliM 8nbbiilh niotning Kev. Udivard I*. ;whiel. oee.nrre.1 •. in Xesv York fist ^iwif.."'"! .'!^."! .'^^"^'.' "^'^'!! !!'!; • l.v. iVf?ular ;IV, ut 25'' :- vulm: iV, at 20 I.) se)«'t from, iv(r.' 1-x-, at 12}' rdncf, IJ. D., will i)iciich on .''Si/ week in the TOlh yciiv of his ngi". Mr. I'.»r t|ti« »ui>ix>rt <>f tliv Ihxiitl •>( H»»ltli . m> 1 1 1 1 l | UMlt l! X Table No. g-l*'' "' I*" *- <«injf-' Table X». 14— Iiiti-.- ^tlil"' Swi*. \ Main Isle, IUitr—32-in.'1i ••..I...-.-.. itn for Jo«ii4." " I'riei- \y.\o irtwlniHaler in Chalhani nn / jjj^ },.^'i™ "<- ' ' " I IIIIMIH; plalilaplaids', Klriin-,nil«Mx aniaml i 4-herU-.rhoiUs; | wiiiluiuultiuuil irfuii'ls'two nitrl i JJudru*.v;hiteaii4-jlHt. all ..l.vK* HA.u.l. >.t-»l.>..1> ...... I..•-..! I..*. . /'I'll !•' «•.»,! \1".. lx.cn t.'l-... •>..!. f..*.U i.. i* »t...» Wo-Nnlly ami MIM« Kllii Shi(;ld« of ttt i;lj{lrt fifteen o'duck, iumi*t«>d 4w rmitlivim. U'^ b»rp «'onui-l) ru^h.fn it that 'lii'i t in'i) " t*i .iw*-. M.I i. • . Wl* *'"' "•""' Inyurhmiur lu |my when CIIITU Tfimmings; Morristown were the guests of Mi*4 Rlehiim I". Key, \ ioltrrW. Ihc IU.fi- Our i>lnn (•rilniim lnutln«tHK hni.i->iiviiit-<.il ii» 1 Bulk U'llaiii on Sunday. MM will lie KIUIIOII 4 Klli'rwwiW *• rl- i,,,,,,^,,,,,1 we.irewlllinKI.. ninki- y'.UlUr f..l- ilnveveliiujfH, nndarffn-e t" the pllbHe. h>winif lihcnilnffpr: Wpwillmnit yuan full- MILLINERY. Sateof 1903 Tho Indies Q( the :llii)!lal •.'., », ,, .. ... ,. , ,,, , .»'i«'. *I.I«I l«ixofnur ri.in«lynn r»i'i'l|it of In ••- - -••" ° = | At the tli^t lteeitul Mr. (arl will jiluv iiViit«t

    Iv-frtk-Ht t+tfr tHraprl on tire "Hftm i]iif,Trimining, value 1.25, at per yarJ t»s<- 4K PivHlili'iit Su»|H'TulerH—(ret them at tritmued Hats etc. and evening ol Tuendny AUreh Kelley IOin|<«>riu:n. Seemlv, * Tjaiyeat and most complete JUiB- uu«tiug of the WuiucuV Foreign Mi««ion.u-y society w¥ held i "TU.-il.iuu,; thfi tradeJat from , . ...Black,. Uhite, Bia.k with White [ ..',., . . •• ! . • . | Pl<> >ou ever utop to a»k yourwlf ot the traa^at from , | ^^ vmletjiofji^igns, j>er_yd_ lllc HI the 1'nu.byieru.u iMnunaee yctoi-L^ ^^ ^ , ,, , ,, Glliinpg) in 5|W-rnTlle filhc e linmct||(d ThHea|l| Hagueg of ! -d*y-irft(fliii>on. -Thu ufficcls for the !»TW-rmliL' nlheeTinmcTTIii. Ilneuet euHttiii^ year were elected. Uyotl iirt1 Igjklug for annn-tlilng jligj a-JOUMiU UHHtbovnr tlloitiuilfd .A.iyttaAtenainit Ing friend off his fort, Just ask m,ru tha qulckty nsmrtair. our opinion freo whether i '""At 4:7ff, TlteTnost up-l tiiTentlon is prohnbiy pfttentabte. Coiprauntc Persian Bands, all the_Jastest OHeni) mice tnion will observe u \\ illnril : nii;iil(lc-uw(.>t> of tlie thrre k of - tbe + WliW Vfa^-ttrirnstrer the ijwrallmrr I'dipuui Ukc. •""""" ,, !elr.«T form ot the Dutch word "8 Gra- Scientific JVmcricatt Tlie monthly meeting of the official j venuani" or "S Gravciihaze," either of ulaliun of nny HcienilUc journKl. Tornii, 13 a Ladid of AlctUudwt JCfUK^uwl-tibttfuli-^h1^ ln tb»-Ptrteh4aagttttg(r mama-} ~ f,i frtuft v r tmmths, ft 80W tjynl^Tie—" ^ tan he b«w"oifiriMiiliy eveiiHif-ittr"lUl-k <2iBRnrmamf^m^n€ ve or woo )8 k Nf iho churuh parlor. All member* „„. i«"| " " < " r 10 0W CC UPled ^•.,u«l«d to be p,,.,,t...... I „° {j?rc«VS TT " " ° ' We promptly obtalQ U. 8. and Foreign Extraordinary i DII^ iuii l>altl\\ Ut

    ...... u. . 'wan built In the grove, In tiltzoiih primary hold at Hie.korv vil,.IKt, q.rnng np arntlfiiHlie > Including all the mbsTdesirable and wanted Laces for coming season. Veaise, Cluny. 1 ! treuoii fjuliirtlaj; evening. J. H.- U(*ti!l It wasikrllod- "The Count'* Hodge" d««d model, ikttcb or photo ctiimationto bout wag algo re-nuiniimiod for AnsuaB- jnnd llnally ai^l lastly n lnrgq_ cltj I tree report on wuenteMlltT. Jiirtottook- I Crochtt, Anti^Ue^ Mai-guise, Retiella, Pofat Gaza, Alcncqn, Valenciennes, etc., etc. ® _^ . jwh'.«rrWTBd"TTu!(.Ii"!aiigiiagu' hag "it* ' ori-liml slfrnifleatlon, but which In 1 I Real Climy Uii'vs, value -'0c at 19c. A'ale'nc|eMHeii J/ae« E.Co at 1.\IMI. v;i!u>> lev. Hedding Dap Boue» M« l'p in Arrhen. Imitation Cluny Ijiires, :i 10 ."> inches cm" and in the evening Kev Opposite U, S. Patent Office 2!'.(M> at li).(Ml; value itfUMt att 25.00. li^Leecb. ui liaukuuaiiek. >i. J., ] The priuelple of the alx'h may be salt! ; —wijp, valu»-P«vat4Ucpm--vaiiL- ;iu ji'.'l t'tldu ttie It Li:ieii lou-iT"TlTmnieci a nVl | man skeleton. The late ProfeKwor Owen f„. . Venjije lAu:<- (.iiiKKHis, inv^ular tlesl^ vnluo loH^h at 10.98.—Vatiii : ; 1In imaiiing oot Februiuy gsive . lioiuts this out very clearly, tclljng us va!u«29eait1Sli;i>er ytl.. Value 49c~at'iOc [ aiMi»ittrl\V«ih "^ afiie'li5.iKrit"^%"'~~ e skeletou la arm used j I Torchon and other Washable Laws, ••_ -Holies-Black Point 4'Esprit.S« "Robe* - a serlrs of .gepiueiitu, whlcb follow Vaefi^othCT In tUer § valne 10c tit s> \m. yanl. \ ivlti^lil^ ul N. ; sj]k npplHlue,»n.bioI.|eiy, value au.iKlat'18 00 * i though thu whole, winter bad idirection of the axis of the body from 1 Wasljable Lices, Point de Paris, . Plat; j White Point d'fCspvit ami Xet Kobw ''' Lumbago and Criok Cured. T i crowded into that uiontli. Tin- ahovo downward. '. Yule.iKiifinmt* -'—-riienmwi bicel^ioes and.CTJIUIOIISand CTUKWIIS,, _yamvalue »c0c,L _^; _ntiSt.IIAW d«rim.uaa^ua.m.M in nhihrHuU-emi u ^.lUn^wB : [itln DliirniH on S.-tturday were sonic j -Till*""'pM»cIj»Ie~~Bccbuli!s for tlTe"^^ P. C. Wllcoi, 659 Now J at 5c per ymft^ value 15c at He per yard. ^ j 25,50, 39.00., 4&on. 'Ktrenstli ami yet confparntfve ll^btupsa \*< ritain Av. IIjrtfpra,Ct.,tays: f Hrj |LUl!£.VtfKi l r " A medicino 89 «y _ ^_____ • Tbt! ChriHlian Hiiduayur • Mectin; s Of till' Hkull down fo the graceful arch I worthy 7a Dr." ut tll( fo @- We cheerfully fill M«|ll order* and make free wajjon deliveries within delivery tt-rritoi ', fill, (or Uie predunt, be held on iv.in- -' °t we may trace this mteccs- 'David Ken-* @ milwuy Htnti >n» ill NVw Jkrwy and (imiti-r Xe%v y«»rk. U 5 boo |1 or nrpl ay eveniiiss in«lrtd o( Tjlesdav ev- :*'*" "' " ' P 'ff. which ad- j nc«jy»y» Fa'. HI seven'1 the vascular ».v.sloir»R of • =vorlte Rem«' .•»; ' . lyiotl, nnd liitl tbioeiinaiteis ol iiu'(tht;'lKtdy. The skull is fuuud io.lie but !dy deserves

    1 uOiici! aimjuaiiw lo ei'jjnL i 'of Its ; .. Itlielped" rv:j fimritfrtl Itaaxat ana WIMI,-.1 «tuM«ts of- di;Ov~n7v chv- I Mvn. Marj Sedrt

    Venice owes the aecuiuulatlon of P«'» in Wf l»«ck on by ltov. ('. Iv H.etwef- Brent.wealth from a new Industry to* caused by lumbago Machine if of tin; ChjiUiani (jongre-: ono of her native* named Jonuln. tt and orlck entirely ^**rllre^nT^(Wi••Tlilir^^e•-o^i/e•rutf•'•4F•l^^F•»rtt*;mt^" The olt!ai-est, loudest and !*• nwifliine bn_the market A Inn «r of nnpuralelled exceHe'ii.

    ttrporation PRICE PROM $I5OO thin pn per, louitctn in I n •\>,'r, tuuWr Ihe -4Uf >—tft-\

    r'I.V.jilen,..MlK: .,,„„„.,„ ^CUL'ttU,' Favorite i B ;;iveuiHI llVtetvilla |-nud Unally eoatiSl Insltti- With U\* • Kf«'"'^I\ .i M tuiedy tHATK K .i Lawrence Da* w the even tUongh be al,uo t beionR to the iin.ii.B.m«.™. ^^ = 1 ^B e of *U, to- succeed Mr, union. . _j Baltimore. Muni. a-j,mi«i j. GOT-, % C" HM. 1> ,,,. 1,1,,,' l,iminp«« pn,mW It Is n»der»tood. however, that the ! bftt nna Hilly I*-I»n<-.v. the Intter rep- ! «| tsp5l ^•^---L^i.v,. «lw business engage- l i ?

    l •?.''; I, •_ ^_ ' „ of mnnleni were .iiiuwiltod iu tbc wai worM. It «-«K .nU'iwl tlmt tlu- <-o»tf»t >< ac ul v 0 1 ^V » «Uy Popw'W^y ™? ^"' region* by the miu.^a«Hng flip strike, tai^.pliU* ta,tl»lirorul» In July br Att- H <-» ^K , connected with a number riie vlitiui* lx-iiig n«nnnlon .m™ who Wi«f. HH«, mi«ler the iniKi.liw of the yj I t*V ^K' , f oiw>i»tiA« in which his faitll- «"••"' ht'lu» i«»mUlMeil hy the Htrlkern. I Athlctli- club offerini; the Uiwwt puiw. » j P"re ^»,,, of societies JTIWnidi nis una ^ Ut ^^ ( ^^ (rum ^ |Th e ,„,,„ nw ,„ Bimr tweIltv nmi)lJs t0 p »».v. ^Hp' f..i.•..'-•" painstaking Keal, tuor- criminal »tiitlstJi-« of tlie coiil uilulng » iliflilon, the wliiner to i-welve Tu'pt* g any. ^Kt .mil nromntne-ft. give counties tlut there wim really lom.vio- «iit of the piirni'ami the loner to talse 5 a'^

    ^^K. J|w (tuties-'as collector, "jtiine in prcrloos y«ir« niini tbere irdsl, *" Wn .KrancUco, aficompiUiled^lfjra ..^

    ^V » -.HJS UBlwuaii-y 'i to th(] fiH thll, thc men bld» to 1* »eiit to Tom Olt.mrke ,l» g ^•F Jl sccnrtflg H»8e n»«l-W:^re'V^H"iiHil«rwmtifol RIMI during the N>«r York. BH« for the .wite^t nre tp S TI.

    ^H ^ I. , xf» 1 iiivi .irul li'K «rikw •<** «'«! kt'I't thb pMI«e curiiwi; tB<" fontont nnmt -«H«wlt a cer-f , C »aU, ^m W Wn ol '>lr- ^"ra a , 1 to nbitalu fnmi the uw of iutoxk^tlng tl««i chwk for the entire \mnv tin I 7 I li1 l| ^B I *Hps to retire from pub- Hqoor*. i • I Ja}« before the fhjjit, ;- [ " " ^^K ' I liniversilllv rtflTftted. On-the one IIRIU) thp prinriple wjli *&' L— - nuct ^K • _ -"-'Jlf^'iA ._*!1™V1 jBttdown' tlmt a miner who. go* on •••'•«• <••«•"•• »» •• RW- I GINSt ^K- mmdr -itUwuLaL luWllculable n]nc«! ni»y ho ttlle.1 t.y niiy other miner I Oopkran is ill nt AwMio.in. Kitypt. wftli f __*y*

    ^m «° ° r IM>rOn8h>. Vl0HR.. doe. adt bnimw'to tUe UMIOI:. ni«] he | conOitM. lm« CK-I, extnimly .langvi- " ~ i

    ••t •>*'l' ' mid II.IS SSlie j^,a perfet't rl«ht to retdlu Miis poel- ou», but a private mbliiKniiu retvivwl BB ' •?''[•• >roll"ll is thoil- tlou tclthtiut tuOleittatlon. >•" nnnountfd tnut H»P JTIHIS lmti ^•L • -• iiMiKwat- W On tue otlwr Hiftntl. the prinHpl? will pa»Htii and thnt the jmtleiit Is now 1jn- f% M I 1 ^H. -K linrtt tH ptKKei- uy {,« iam d<,wn that tuo openrtoni utialH P"** "* iltirwfcrnn left wine tiine. l/Jlli HK: ' ^ **"" ^^Mptti^iteirirtthth^^HHiWtewftf the mlHwlttWt9I.-fi >>W ofJBHroiH-. Afti-r n Htay _^"

    ^M: —~— ~—; Various brotl^rbfjodd o/ Ihc rollroad - =.' .-•••'• ':'v. '*•' : ": -•- 'Flfn ^W I -'Kuiuucr. »JI). riKrerfho-twtfid nr ttie nirreomPnf tile Kaleltfli. N-Cr March t..-lhe child •t -"ont ot MlndoiMo, ailiw>r» Will Ret the imreawHl pay rec; tabor mil, whlth )jn»hlhit» the employ- of n HT ; tlmt lie••-mHix mrahte mtmrnmled , for thom from the UIIHI-! >«""" - i^" ""^. VfeiT ZZ™ /,« ^V Qiltltao' roatl north of Uke Ihi-y retnnifd to work hint (Vtoher. The j ^ "«•"•"! r"('orI<>1< »>111 lnnltirttip-jeitnr -tff B" 5W»«WB«°«««*te^"°"12i"!1Z'M^;lt; CnlifoMJi w Jlau:iIrfl | ^^m the miltnn of Mliidnmio are will liiaur.-* pcinf in the cuni .rrtilon* 1" M*rr ^'W"^-^ *^# J«*l'J4-...r»--;:r3,,STrr: •H , . ... . -.... m**, but am fori.(il lpart three yenm. Rolh Mldeii b0'1' U0UWH of tU<" l"*?'"''^"!* i«'(l IK Pdinti 111 ^B of their lin- lum< iigrm^ that the niiillii|i*of the ar °°w • taw "' the:iitnte ^. «r Jl r'r ^^m „., ,., suuiuei: iiaa bltraJom »hnll jjovern tlmt long. "i r 'T • _ ' 8l l ^B Mlerx to uvoid any con- Arl.Hr»i|on. ' "WOTMtrTter-fir^wty^;-.*. ¥»- ) aWaHTTfl 1 farm itqelf, 'tally witnesses the soi thoao Outside pt fanning A Quick Curt TJrat tmtfii. knowledge at Institutes lu which In CASE NO. 3u.qil.-C. K. Boles, dealer srruetlous In uu-clioulci are Imparted in grain and feed, GU5 South Wntcr The beat engineers, machinist* and street, Akron, (),, made the foil owl lit; woodworker* endeavor to enter thrli Matters ntnteinnit lu \W.ni\ he ituld: "Kwi MRS. BATH'S «w *1H«« Calf. , „,. jpns in schools^ or ikitlegeii, at wbicb since..the,..CJ,yi)i)lfar 1 I ' ' ittiicks When calre* are, flrtt Jed on butter- they cau be tnuglit nil ilmt is poHHliiU of kidney ami bind.!' lifilil- milk they are apt'to suffer from indi- from a theoretlcnl standpoint. Tin CHAT ABOUT FURNISHINC. edly worse during tla- i.i-i i»i> •»' three MotheFs Touching Story gestion; t"b« »anu> effect follow* at farmer has kept hlinielf back by hitfern* MaiM of humi to Yuans Hou*» years. Although I consulted- .physi- times the feeding of meal unlost It ia opposition to theoretical farming, tin ...... Wlv»« and aib*rt. ^ • cians, ftuiuc uf whom toM me 1 nun ^thoroughly well boiled. When a young Vbook farmer" being, to him, one ut- ,. To have successful n>imlis In house- Terglng on Brlgb^s disease, and I w»' Anxiety and Suffering. A-alf li found to be tilling after such a terly destitute of knowing anything furnishing one should avoid overload- continually using standard remedies, "•hanae or feed It Is well to give a except to expend bis money foolishly fag the rooms with cither furniture or the excruciating nchlng Just ncroxn the moderate purgative da a toblespoonfnl in the effort to accomplish mi Itupossl pictures. kidney «, wblch radl/ilexl to the shmil- Cutlcara Brings Blessed Cure to S of castor oil. or twice as much of lln- billty. The farmer, however, Is a close >der blades, still existed. As might b«. Tortured Baby and Peace and Rest teed oil. Any grain., food, given to a observer of operations, for, while lie Don't have an accumulation 0( $man expected when my kidneys were In a young-calf ahould be thoroughly boiled wllJ not become a pioneer and give* ornaments, A few really good pieces disturbed condition, there wit* a onn's Kidney rills, It is no wonder that Mrs. Helena Ratn was taken sick, the efforts of the experimenter. Of procured at Lu(n|mrtcr & C'O.'H drug Single-handed, she did all the housework andieashcd, cooked . Planting <•>• Crop*. course, all farmers are not alike, for A blue anil white paper Is » bad store, brought surh a decided change mended for her husband, Hans, and their six children. Afu. .. Tbnro are customs which are rigidly some of them are progressive; but choice; for a northern room, as is also a within a week, thnt I tontlun and to do whatever else. hl»e putting that nice Ointment on the 1 In order to facilitate the work. One know^ns '"reaacrff nos 'maaiS manjr " •' • '•••••-• ..--- Hl^Dt 'Of^'Hiy ^.could-..JoaaldflOt MSy. in bed long. sorea. . . of the rigid rules la to NOW a certain sacrifices in the effort to Improve the The size of a Kmall room Is-only Kidney I'M*. This remedy i-nrid nu; Sick as I was, it was easier for me i quantity of the seed (an little as pos- breeds of live stock, the fireatest ob- made more apparent by a figured ear- of a terrible aching in the kidney*, in to crawl around than to lie and my baby woold have b«en cured J>y stacle to progress being the Indiffer- pat. A plain carpet Is begi here.'ind if worry about my little ones. So a little thing llkti that. Sot all sible If the seed is high), and should the small of my back, lu the mus-.lcs I got up after a few days, and, let sudden, mind you. Little by li' tb« aland be light the cause Is ascribed ence of farmer*. But the breeders, possible carn*t two rooms opening, into of the shoultliir biiideg. nud In "Lie the girl go. I hid noticed that she but to burely. Char He and I ) tn everything but the need. The fnct went on with their work, every par each, other alike, so as to give (be Idea limbs. During the years that have had sores on her face, hands and got more peace by day, and n. Is that seed should ,be used more lib- wltue8s|nR atTadTilncc in tu? IMitfSve- of grtawi' g|a - arm&. butl paidno aUfntiun to that nli-cp by night. The sore* sort erally, as much of it is destroyed In ment of horses, , sheep aiid swine. have been nu recurrences uf my old until Charlie,, my youngest, began to dried "iipiind went" SW»y, "^ ahaH*- varloiid way*, before -germination, -tlie Records were mndc aud live stock went The same Idea applies to the farnlsh- trouble. My confidence In lioan'b Kkl- pick and scratch himself. He was nevcr lorget one bles&ed night when up in prices,'and where before ah nnl- KIXN then ten months old, and the jrirl I went to bed with Charlie beside caving In seed cauBlng a loss of clover. imrpte pitsm are VlHn Is stntnircr tiian erw,i-'mak- K23 pita more ullenfioiito'liWii Another point Is to harrow the wheat, mnl was sold at only a nomlnnl sum, I nut of place in n small bouse or a small only from my ix'rsonnl prices rose ten to a hundred-fold. While room, only making the restricted »pace to any of tlur others. Charlie was fret* dishes out of the way and the older seed u>wu the clover and then use a but from the oiperlence of many oth- ful and crow, but as he was cutting children undressed ; when I -woke roller on the land. The better the the farmers wero oblivious to the worTT appear even more" so. ers In Akron which have coine^to.my teeth, I didn't thick much of that up the sun waa streaming in. For : preparation for clover the moro «wd» of the breeders, the latjer clans wai . •..-•. •. .__.„'_. notice." — -4 - r - Even when a rash broke oat oil bis the first time in fiLx months I had will germinate and the more perfect making rapid,headway. Today hun- Chairs should be chosen for comfort A FKKE TRIAL of this gn&i kid- face I wasn't frightened, because slept tlrongh the irigbt without a the "catch." dreds of farmers are breeders, aud as well as for uppeurance. The fragile ney medicine which cured Mr. Boles everybody knows that that is quite break. their farms are operated on the most toy ones that look as tf they would col- will be mailed on application to auy common with teething babies. Sev- lapse If u substantial person sat on eral of my others had it when little, ••epic* fowls Warm. scientific methods known. The result part of the United States. Address and I thought nothing about it. Fowls can hardly be kept-too wnrm of the combination of practice and them should find no place In the mod- Fonter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. X. l'oi ern home. -.'...'. " But the r;uh on Charlie's poor In winter, especially at ulght when theory has Incrensed the value of live sale by all drugghts, price 60 wnt* little face spread to his neck, chest, not exercising. If the heat from their stock lu the United States to thousands Per bo*. and back.' I had never seen' any- bodlei can be kept confined about them where formerly the figures were given If you ]IHT» uo ruajdr '*** plainer tin* thing quite like it before, -I be ftkte furniture the better, as if* so much they will be very comfortable Indeed. In hundreds, and the Increase in the rote in Uttle lumps, and matter easier to keep clean. Besides, a plain, Ilcrr Oswald, a German profcssoi came out. My baby's skin was hot, To aid in securing this condition of yield of crops haa also been very uiarked. What Is more. Important, rich surface on good lines U more dig- bus evolved a new proceng of photogra- and now he did suffer ! He wouldn't eat, and night after night I walked however, is that the fertility of'the nified than a lot of machine .earring. phy, wblch has worked Its way Into • » • the floor with hire, wrak as I was. farms is now much greater than be- publicity under the designation "pho- Often I had to stop because I felt fore. "Abandoned" farms are fewer, Too much matching is not considered tography without light." Such a de- faint and my back throbbed with "worn-out" soils are brought again desirable in home-furnishing, a* It Is scription Is, however, Wily half of the pain. But the wont pain of nit was truth, for the negative Is produced In to m my poor little boy burning th? camfjra'tai tnc-araal way. T^spfo- thnes haastt y iii~~~w ' u troduccd. and the general condition, of , but It takes a. i-essls uai5wI~"caT(Tiy7>y7^ whlcD Ttig- -•"• l beHeredi} hie J»* olfles a process for reproducing with- disease from the girl, but" some of out light pliotogr»iib8 aud other pic- the neighbors said he had eczema, Much ..Qf.'Jhe advance made by the and that ia not catching, they told nCOSTS. farming elans Is due to the. heretofore Record. .tnrew who;*** plrlnri' Kiit^KtftTK-** i-j-nmltita Ot tlilHM htKlll'H _pnt,aalrmi and., thing* on, hiai»_X tilings the plnu fcbowu lu the eut can TrWfffiirfmTiiir "catolyMrs." that i»,bodles which He^ always led tha way, even if years were Thft best quullty of cheesclofu. cort- don't th-uk they were all: nselesa. often be used. 1'lnce n board at the required after bis decease to demon- 1 compose others without themselves be- Once in a while the itching seemed celling |n frout of the roosts and have Ins twelve cent* a yard, makes pretty lug decoiupoKcd. "(.'atatypy" may b# to let up a bit, but tfti-re \va« not strate that be was right, though o tuuate.—Philadelphia Itecord. I dldnt try the Cnticara Remedies window >a l-hnrlie, and 1). board. Stretch a wire In front of the rose and yellow, as well as white, and Ulobe. Washes well. The chief beauty of } told her I had no faith in those as white as a snow flake, thanks to board, close to It, and hang a curtain K«j to Proflo tn Pultrj. cheesecloth lies In the graceful nnd things you read about in the papers. the e a »crew-eyu can be arranged so that kept up lu order to have profitable pliable quality of its folds. Every •nidi. Knglaud, arsenal to signal tn on" faith nor even to spend any Soap and also thetMntment. am' ' breath of air stirs It and gives It a money at first. She gave me aome it is. going to help other motlu ., fh« fiirtnln nin lit, /lrnwn frnm th» stuck, nu weak Inbred stdtit does not the employe* wbeu it is lime to lcuve 1 h r the change of lino.—Auother fobrlo which riiti«-.ir» Qintm-"' — . '. '"' / with sick babies, go ahead and pub- hallway after the fowls are. at roost. thrive or lay well. There is a ruistako 1 mny be used for curtains Is called cider box w»s about half fall — itod a llth What 1 llaTfi Uild-yrmr ' , They will keep Tery warw )n sucii i\u M-'lOe in calling for Bimtreuitlt y heavy . reace.; Orange3M& Tunm, In*.breed. Selectl»irds cloth. It has a loose t dearer itRnrr the Htaudnid Weight for ihr> chown 4t (^iU^ ir Cnltwr*. _ ge^ tlieni tMCt-BCBned"smt irsniv. K?W TCTIi, enrv XTXsattjmxtm-. the frightful"sealingrasTn p matinxed "ttTC nppler"1OrT" kuoek-kiHMMt or urookul- 1shnrs». TrrthluK Dlsordtr-i. Ktumavh blnir and Destroy Worm!*; tti.OOo of the sc^lp, x? in scalled^ bead; the facial d».. phard Is the most profitable part ot'al- backed bird, aud a low comb Is pre- ol cure*. All dru>f>;lntB, 'i5--. Kaniule FIXE. uost any farm, but we must doctor the ferable in dressed birds. The active, Address AJUn ri. OlnaoteJ, l.o Hoy, X. 1'. pimples and ringworro; the awful suffering^ofTrirahls, aiiiT trees nnd soil and, nurse both Into good- nlert hen is the laye«. Select eggs of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and sait rheu.., experienced housewife suggests ]t'« easy enough to be goodnaturc.l if condition front the start. Otil neglect- from your best layers, for and that' gilt frames mny ,bc brightened you always hnre your own way. demand a remedy of lalmost juperkuman \-irtues tt> successfi ed orchards:v'l^n be repaired aud made use pure breeds by all mean*,, as they Wf!hJi\ sufficient ahiount of •flonr of sul- cope with them. That Cuticura- Soap, Ointment, ana Resolv profitable, but ttrfs always easier tp nalformly lu one _JU0« -«Brt «;new wrtMird and begin a+:ifc* : •waterV «nd t» thl»' fpsrn foundation. -Prices for apples will. A good poultry bouse has the follow- four-or live bruised onions. Strain off. n«H» that Hciem^ ha*« l>een able to furv in AM iat a rto! never be BO low 1 lint a good profit cau- ing quallllcatlons—warmth, dryness, the liquid, nlid with it when cold wash ItflKtaR^, and thnt Is C:ttitrrh. Ilatl's Cdtirrti The purity ai»d »weetnei;a Jhe power._Jp_jiffqrd immediate re not be innde In raising jflno fruits, brlghtiiesH' nnd cleanliness. Have n with a soft brush any gliding:"wTiIt-IT Cure Is tho only (K>6itlvi' i'ur<» now Unosvnto j the. certainty of sr>eedy ahd permanent cure, the absolute sau writes Ellsworth'Madison in American four-Inch dead air «pac«\ luthed and Ihe iu(.*dli'Hl (rutemity. Catarrh In-Tnifa i'->^- requires restoring and when dry it wil* «Utla«Ututioaat i *fi1iUlir.>.i»lii,ulthf lll»r,l workL PBICIS: rut half the fruit shows slgnB of semi-star- bors. A good housf ci "Tl"TF5~we"rt-knowh""taet «n^ 90q. s*r b^ttl« ^in tlt« titrui f ChIt <^ etl Pill*, V*. Dor Ti«t u[ the pntiont strrngnniy "DutMTnjf trp-the'TOir- Onitmenii"iObijMJr IK>X, lii fl1 f"'*gr^t vatfon. and it IK at once apparent thnt cheap by two-by four studding, lathed drestif« can be cleaned wltli cdrn itltu''oo anil aMlstlnii oalure In dninif It-t of cite HI'KKI. .4klu. anil.•tr'alpnil.• , MIII l(»|t'••<•'>!» Tt>,"Miuuri!a STJO IMnwm, Ttthlliaitrali (liere is gnmi-thlng wrong. Either the inilde, celled outside of studs with work. The proprietors have so mwh (althiu Twttm intuls ami r>lr«i'tli>nfi In all laiigiugfe*. inirUntln; .TapAni-*? uud ChfMi^. Britlall lhl A regular mush should be made. Put !t«carat!ve posers tha; th»y off"iOn« Hun- S7-»Cliarterliijai»S«.S7»CllS . UUmijfiij . KK..""„ J^J^-om-h h mt^Kmirnt.^Km-ill t lPlPl»P«li.Part*t . AUAntmUaVrV ; _h"Uit_must be thiunetl out or the trees ilieap lumber; tar paper on two orthe dress In enough water to cover It dred Dollars for any e«w> tljat It (attt to cure. B Tov.n> A (V>.. RTIIUS;. POTIKK UKL'U ANU CUKM1CA1. OO&Ki&A-TiOS, Bow i'.-- "must be fed won*. The larter Is tJi?" three lblca.*kcB»i-3 iVhu aide walls wad wash with thi. mea - - •- - • AUl prlaton, Dottyii, U. S. A. better plan in young orchards, for the xhinglcd; put paper on sheeting under clear water and bans It up to dry with- s Leather sun lmiiiR'Ts are affectcrf hy ftftievnifti TflH -HieB *> f0 4WMrrtngiazr Te kvcp It tmn « a 1 better. Many do not neem to realize Give little "feed, and make ttreffl taie Wrinkled Iron It on the wrong 'nWv it tondrih miKirliila t"''"' — ™~ - -""» that a big crop of apples from an am lots of exercise. A very light mash of fore it is. quite dry. We sre rob spt to throw bouqtrefj »t of land practically means the removal clover chaff, bran and bats ground tine, tlie dead and mud at the living. from the sail of an immense amount of mixed stiff. Is used In the morning, as Hair to C!*«n«e Spon«M. FITS permanently cured.No ntjornerrom- . plant food. It has been estliiiu^d- that It readily Is assimilated by the fowl. When a sponge get* slimy nnd

    cbeioicaiiy so as tol by,the trees. We must plant c^ops In give them other vegetable food. one teaspoon,, of-'butter and drop over "My wlfehadt deep-seated cough. w» will >«oJroii» rub* br the rl«e; sprinkle, with grated cheese, for three yesrs. I pu^c^- Mo atttehalioiiM t» *rfto«*4 br the orchard anil turn tlifnijmiiiPB_JV> Keep them busy and growing. The must add fertilizers and bcrnvard ma- whole secret of succesittir poultry runr- add a dash or two of ppp; bottltt of Jly.erli_Ghtrnr nures to make tlie trees Tlc.Ljfcnd luxu- Jng is'ln the4lf(*sls weeks good vigor- «dd alternate Uy<>rs until a quarter of iim *i>e. and it cured rious In growth. Wo must till And cul- oug growing. Tbp market requires at- a pound of cheese Is used; pour over «Uft 4M- JWie:J»*it JMWftlls, 9t Bitiii AWl perfect inschanlcal condltlou. V Apple talned. Don't allow mnlp birds with 8pron,l over the top - buttered ..bread laying hons.-ns few peopk> relUh the crumbs; put In n quick oven and bake .^ orchftrds for the most pact must be fed 5 Probably you know of nndVttlleil' just :i8 mncli an u ili*W o'f Wen of bnytngy - pmrs with chtciiei»-4i>4 until, tha criimi.a,,aieiir.awned. „ couglTfflecHcinw th« r« IfJ^Ju or cpru. We Unvo.i).assed the r>e- thhe shellhll, llavo eggs lclea n and sorterted Cho.-olatChll e CreaC m —M Mli * fivc. level riod T7hcn the orchnrd could be neg- for slic anTf ci}Ifu% tn Tvery wwir d tabteBiyoniifnls of porn starch, half lieve littie coughSj off POTATOES: •lected. Tlie land hna been getting city a person woo can guarantee cg-ga cup of supnr and a pinch of salt; rub coughs, except deep onisl yctiTcv every' yrar hod we imtKt do fresh- aud sweet can command n pre- It."smooth In one-tlili'd cup of mflk; j _ ToT medicine that has dency. tourist trade would uc 5L<>.re.i!l0fltable cook over hot Water )pn mluuteg; melt been curing the wofsfoT If the proper quality wan produce*). It a square and a.half of chocolate: add Prn«tlr»l is astonlBbliiH to see the black-sklnued three1 tnlilespoo-nfuls of hot water to it. deep coughs for sixty TTT TOT lo study arid learn.-. In nil tic cities. The KBcllsh market Woult^ nnd stir until Kinooth: add the whltVs CHt::iKoiw fii,,.', i- iJ „ n,i,.i.ty fnc(of, for take flO,000,000 worth of dressed pout- of two egjfs liootcn stiff nnd one tdn iittnlio»t\c- try rT»ry- year—Myron A.' -€(ee, ia -Tlrt gpwjn of v«alll«; mold, e»Hl *ra& . wlip tuiiln- Cultivator. with crraro, • ,

    faimlng if 1 1 ( A Mif, -M.scrd The number of peonlttjeajployml in {5't ik,"n*.'tl(fn *»<<2 •»»• <};• "• kaowi' i , n" i w ij tho initiiih civil srervice!' aow ,e "'" '•hulf'a million. • -,"' rl" best TftaitB. Thirdly, the »kln'l« • SUMMIT, As i looked *i(> lie ncc.ni -,-• dumping ground, oovwvd 1" by citU. • ' •• -n"»tarii$b Jit.Uer, tot l«ed iftoee <"ul calling for- u »IK>CI«1 He sUrted when the > slid turuod away, IftPPiMOVPJHEALTHY; And nil the »lo|.-e* were - eleauliig up-for most «>f U« l»y vrnrut \\ ] ' ' ! wa» lrce irom ituo ...... know what to da wtrtet and «oni>, Cur a f«w Uy oil o : over every scene, t iVhere could Tom bo? If only one ni oil ntid amroonlii. niul for stIW t«w.!i iSeauUCal Canadian Girl Saved JFi-om 'J ' hope had/set h« men she had met wotild pass that b.v IIH.KII, oil- aod guii.--.Vcyi' Xm-ti Catarrh of the LUIIJTS by Kir. (41; ahead uunn & height, vay. HPV trepidation increased. No> And, htwviiifr"»ll tb* Joe» ho met Sewn. Kept oa Ibt \\»y wilb oil. hia inight. Icing thin, the. man, who was still eov> irtly watching her, approached. R0BE3 FOR SUMMER. Th« ArtltUe Woman Ta*»»". H* .found a thousand cirn that be Wu Jorrnl to along the way, "Van I be of any assistance to you!" Vtr*-?rt "'" SJiSKo MI i»uit>rolil»tj Noted on "Tli'vc Is ono Advantage ill Imvloe i> But love »milrd on him joyously i aiked courteously; "perhaps t could TTun Wutlter VU«ry. weakness for . boairty," »b»nved thn And journeyed with him flay by day; Ind the person you were looking for?* •. Judging by the examples shown at artlgtlc womnii. "One Is «"W Xew'lmpe.t «u

    «w»-iiarfw,,(jiot, sll tl»' wealtn et i s.wish- ofmj u possible. The dellgh.tfnr MUs"% n>t«^ly l>e had If done by n to get them. To me the most denirabln pell, little girl," Tom explained hastily. dressmaker to "order." • And-a* t»xa»nL- tbing-ilbout wealtli would l»c that It My head hag bothered me all day. Hir. paring tt with a garniture, that is might ufford aa.~inieaTn- meanrr orf e«i>escape-faun| . Awfully sorry—hope yon have not been sard, since these schemes are v AMMA. mamma, what frightened." . the tyrmiiiy of thlnss.,but It H: ont on the rery cloth and not bought on!y going to pliipgo one dffper in tno do you think," cried "I was rather, but U'a no matter. I by the .yard, and attached in a cor- 'mire of tnstfer,' I can't Seff any ob- I»yda Stuart, as she m so sorry you are "111; why didn't respondingly cut'-and-drted way. rushed into the room ject In. bavins it. William Morris say» "fyi" on Bay so, and we could hav« gone • • « waere her mother sat, with flushed » sooner? This gentleman"—nod- fliat be never saw a rich rasa's house --—JktlM Florence E. Kenah, 431 Maria street, Ottawa. Ont.. writes: checks and dishevelled hair. "I have ling towards Thurston—"had Just of- It is not to be denied that the jmart- flint would not have lieeD Improved by found tiro tickets lot the ball to-mor- 'ered to go In search of you." . est and most distinguished of these the S'stturfton «t ninc-ttnths of «H ' "A (em metttk* «go I ci»i»Ww^«>«**-cota*ndt'fMd to try Prrunm, and although i ho J little faith, t/tilt «" them; I wsnt"to^goT*••-••- — . th«y passed, but sometbim; (u his class of society that do not male me : I tea* ready la try •nyt&Jntf. J! imiioKt m« blester! relief at "Sot, my dear," expostulated Mrs, width at the shoulders and tapering long for a bonfire In the hack yarrl." - ryes as they met hers made her heart down to tne belt In various ways In irln* of latt.' WUhl* Utr«« week* Stuart, aR Lyda paused breathlessly, 1 L Xcw Yorlc Trlbuu". rlre a sudden bound and brought a many cases the neck finish ami sleeves itellh »lnc. , "bow:—" lecper flush to net cheeks. are embroidered In corresponding style, J ttllo M«n *ad W»m'». KK>AH. •"Why, yon kept one or two of my Who on earth can she be?" Thupton while "With others there come, strip! Treat the children like Ifttle men nnd evening gowns, you know, mother, OMEK shonld beware of <*mrScM*B^Cjvb««Ue Jo try. 1 «ra cleaned wondered. Evidently they had notwhich may be used In various ways. women; It will dn much toward making and I am sore the white one would do come In a carriage, for she wore a hat, W ine catarrh. The fold wind and tlist f ^"Jciritfcbnajglrt »pe?<1y; relief. • • • them men and women. Perpetual rain slush and mud t>( winter are es- lit only took sDowt nw Tattles, Slid.;l .beautifully, and Tom is still quite pre- ind a dark ulster hid her ball gown, frowns, scolding* and Mult-flndfng do prtiaUf conducive to catarrhnl de-'"on*id*re»-UifeA!aLJ? l * catching i J advise its use to my frleuds, so why not? Thclonly thing Is that Looking down, he »aw a Brtte gold sevfcMf ~8t It has brought almut* speedy cure PJektag It nfc he hurried downstairs live to be men and women (hey will •woman's experience wtttsferuna: T»-herewiriiar1ir«*rtii^rslUllJi' "I should not care ia the least about and searched the corridor for her, nut • • • tae«rr»W*iB-a&s>S4«wti5rai;fi Undoubtedly, though, the txuuity nf_ all ton soon leave her. ^She should 1 the. was noiruerei to be seen. make the most nf them while *U* haa ery~ woman of roiut,*Itt(L, 4Udj If y«o «t»not fleriv* prompt •ppolntca? the colored linen robes will appeal to Thu-Vtori'"ifSHWI to ttifc* the pin to.. them. She should eneonrajre outdoor she writes the following: lirfsifWry /wilts frwn- .ibj use -of "Oh; Htnow I shaJI .b? In It, and not he desk, but ho changed bis mind and ^^^rtr*ii<^-ao*jUui;ato«|d_B«^ ' 1 look a long drive in the pemna. write »t «uce to l»r. ^ but tuat floes not matter. I infill tuckedit nwny in his card case. Then In the cadet,- Btrteh C-nlna. ul being too thinly clsd I Ha-shades,. .One cannot hut' admire •forKeT"reTtr^in—thenv^wUh--proiier_te' "™~Ti»B«hjLa bad cSW-wWdi settled oa my be went baek to the ballroom and tiled gurd, fur...tbejr personal appenranees. i music. I may combine business with to find out who she wits. But no onethese most wben embroidered lungs. a*ntr-i»4leb J could BBr-«««ato valuamp adjrlce (rrall*. There's something about white and Sh? .should never allow thPtn to form f hake off. I had! Sjeat dealoTi--Hi,fldrc*s Dr. Hartman. Prwident of pleasure, too, mamma, by petting some seemed to recognize his descrtpttou. new Ideas for my sketches." tbe*e blue* that makes a most ex- snch habits' AS coniins to the table In Pertra* for co)d» and cats? The HarfnMm-Sanii'irium. (kiltmibus.O. In such a erowd. In fact, there were negligee, neglecting their nails or their '"We will see what your brother says, mnny who might have answered to it. quisite combination. The only other tpptli, or carrying soiled'hnndkerchief* ton« Buitdhliiir. l»»». Stuart answered, so Thurston was forced to leave with- scheme for these \blue robes Is to work r about. She should nevtr nag them, or was A little i would have sny clew to her identity.' ont the embroidery in various shade* JheJUU'dHufiof a monument of the blue, from one very forget tlfat Ihey are creatiu'es of rea- son, not animals thar teqnlrc to be f*tftiT-f-9F»'Jlii:il rofoufid 4)ip.a«;ire tnat mlffht come In her way reisIon"ThTrt-tni9-giJ!li*, fa.ce.iiadijnade r i Is more varied, and might lie. often. Some of Hit- sii-iKjng wiit re"«f] for In the TevteWCiitat-fca* Jftllou an* •upwuiilni^ Ills jfcalth and good looks 6u freaUM.^tiejLhsd been for that Ue Wd"«mirtSrT«g%*d-tbcax.Kilb To cough or gncew ip room ahcuc i igbtw n f**t cijunve and Lyda. The disaster had come onttte lighted liy oiie sinyill wlndowoflly. The U«Brhl«» tn Tf BTV. the notice of o gr^np of , rery eve ofi ber coming ontf and erer He Inserted «q advertisement coff-' Mifa «f UC> people Ipft to striljrslc «nd since they lieft their beautiful English ccrnlng the pin, but ho answer ever the deep red coral. For theae tb« . _ i^gTrtasTpQiBlBTf; for air in this »pnee 1s home and came to this big, seething, came, and he strove to forget the most desirable ones show the embroid- probat.ly, gotiifforeset to Ml frteg, comrnrM* the I^ndsn Chronicle. | ione]v American city, Ilyda had worked owner, but many tines the blue fyes ery in .the various shades, with touches upou her own reaonrces some time. Uiran tbe-Oour* were opened 123 were «ten<3lly at IllustratlnB. Seemed to look at him throiiKii the j of black. This invar|ahly adds spice to The np« and downs of fortune are in« 1 think tiui s these arelpretty, top, done all in white. Ing oat. To brine up,fa grfl without ^ •"" i\: t _ _. _ a. _. _'i_J___ *• kit nny tvnlWnj in a npefiil ncrnpnUo^j 1»- is« jini^uj^iu oa ili«' -uiiKp(jtB>ntly i'Ut otf tbriingh^f^-dlifc- •Jjr tnpfoylrtent snd fooJlali»_ a'-ia of other nir-ri. ••-..._ i a.-c indiiMvf by »bfctxpertenccjt of that color wort! was In a raging fever, aDd tbe weeks seems* to"" tw • SS» '• deJlea fe aad ryt, buT irrr^e^r-##B(oiiwi^ctaBiaiffi~. •••fife no flowers to women, andUnj, terrible night. The Matup ia erected When Tom came home Lyda immedl which followed were anxious ones in- more pinky suggestions than ever this needs Independenca to make and keep no gay songs. bii the site., of the Black Hole. The fttely pounced upon him and related her deed In the Stuarts* tittle home, for year. It li equally pretty whetner one. ft sw.'pt and jierfect. The darkent Drithi-r silver nor gold. caw remind* oueofreesat experiments j won'dwini new's. He readily agree. d to Tom had a bad case of typhoid. call* It tan, twine, ecru, blscn.lt, Wega or castor. A touch df black oftea adds tragedies ntiitt STOW but of Jgnartncfi.. Wli«u~y«n>iH-iaaUc not a noise like in ventilation. It h«H imuiDy IxM-n es- take acPi DUt ne warfiPlj net that they Their small savings dwindled rapid- a dog. tlmated that Sir .-ontarolng more than | be likely to meet any of beauty.to the emm-o'.dery, which may helpiessuecs tmi dependence of-'WOUUSBJ wonW not ly, and Lrdn worked incessantly tore- 1 : Courage, trainin; In work, lnrtepcnd- i! Is j tia in eat of the Besh of lip rolnmes ^of narbonlr arid tliflr few acquaintances, and that, tjc In Bulgnrlao, Egyptian, or, Indeed, new resources.~~~Kn. Stnart becama cnce of cbaracfpr and sclf-rcUsnw— «H>phant, horse, cwodili", dog, mt, «ta«i M Ffifit^-uLjgiiflt for breathing. therefore, the -would have to be sat worn by her vigil at the sick boy's snjrgood cffeel^ Caatar^atwell a« the r 1 tlws(^wftfr^eh-M«alsu>fjsaunajtho*l_ "itsw-oj . Piit nowadsfy* ied to dance with him or be simply a really brown shades, accommodated side, that the doctor feared that soe, for lnr.plraiion. are what'every girt A priest iiHry-aot^wash nimself ) amount of carlionic acid gas—OIM> of spectjiToi too, would be attacked by the disease. Itself to almost any decoration. should our nasfe produclx—uiuy l>e inmeawd needs. Only Hironch InMllgent -worit r The next day they »ca "Tydll, worrying -ahaiJtJae.r__!nother, ^_ - ^*— •*•• --^— •- — - ••—..•- can the highest character be attained. kill some ^ twhlch ers for some mention of the tickets, grieving beraurv she thought~thariHe affects ii*-|Br tiatl afr"Is living 4,jfSjjravRted Tom's Illness by tok |u« right for afternoon wesr a' Is ftse- nothing DTSL inirreTrt^—CWJjidpJ-J combination of this gffr *Wlui)t|ipr in using them. ing .QjUlte fine enough for full dress, if whole purpose of this tchooT •"---•=*^rftgl£ ni | ..tii, and mottt notably, the i TO W That night Lydn was all excitement, harder than usual, had grown thin inaie^f^wie^eS'^ftftetter «s« mostly, ff c;iii ."the worid."—Woman'? ir-n^ orsanl'-' tisattwi siyen off from lungs The white gown had required very lit. in white, very sheer and flnVly em- coinplliiKnts and , and there were heavy circles and skin. TM»--to« cahsif^r~tfi- tte tie alteration, and as Mrs. Stuart put broidered and very openwork from S. X, .10. worn-out crlln of ou^ frame and Is under the blue eyes. the flnJsfiThs! toodmrio- ber daughter j. _J)flt afternoon, as she was doggedly neck to hem. /The broderle AnRlalse putrewent.., It U nmW air iouded with toilet she. felt very pardonable mother- teems to dominate thess fine all-over DWtcrial that the wcrm.pt typhus pntting the finishing touches to some ly pride in her. dinner cards that were to lie called for 1 cl)Pm>». The material is the new fJike me; Tom?".I.ydi ponglnette, .which has already heen and -nHiltlpAlpi^ that day, the bell rang. described as silky like pongee,' soft The i)rev?nTtDTr--«t_tjirihns fever l« a .called softly, thinking It was Ite tia sheer vejUllation. nn« n?o rhlstlcd. "By Jove!" he ejacn In.' the dealhs~FB 4 tem L wntllnId B: e waa not willing ttat;neT * 5 - «sA in ecru, and this due to a rapid form of in- tl»fr doorway. She laughed hapnBy; Is very attractive. indues? \r HnBt Throavh Vamion. trjAa, but yojVfe ^julte. too. stunning me for the cards," said, a voice that! » hem*s-i'»»ge from allovers of go!d to-night; Isn't *he, '* ' fastened w!ih \-<\n'X liitjiritt-rtwusiXEotj^of wa# eertjUnljLjtuJLjthe doctor's. She Bnisbes — something to suit most occa- dntr "She does look pretty, but we~mnsf roseTltrtclrry.—— —-—_IZH _^ ^ilonLSnd ever BO many purposes.— . „,„ „, some, amrmctni, Is sotimiAUal that.the » set wlth-Perslan-coral, arc smart and fine back (lashing through tlie crowded not~rnrn--t«s-UciglitJilttle head with "Oh, pardon me,V she exclaimed, then not very costly. , . thsroughfaies of Hamrwf«id KJlliani too mnt-b flattery, Slapped short m. she recognlied her and Kensal Hiee on Wi'ilnesdiiy; fairly only for one night." Mrs. Stuart an "ball man," as she badmentally termed iwered, a Dtrle sadly. np«et thoUe Mihurbs. The nnlinnl was him. So,It appears that,we\n crriliratJon Jolgera f Jrecn. It. made Tom wished that bis own head were ffugb Thurston started eagejiy for- XV. "effects S need cowylng as weft as, nblutlon. h diamonds. a crowd a trifle steadier. It had been aching w«»d.' . ' ' • • We need for a- Uttlc while at least to -of...in.cn in pursul mou fearfully all day. but he won! * "You!" he cried, with a glad ring In oa^e the skin la contact with sunlight White tulle "necklets," wi;h pompon io*tt, eubmen and crinning sweepSn *S.My~rTre^*4b-jnarLlida'i his TOUSS, "you:—I jjare so often tried «nd morlog, air'; to tu$e- It brace itself n B Ir1n lll8h taT r or to civEdeer, ^tto shocks of cocoldl , to .(jet ylgorous'ex- ing, He* felt.rewarded for the effort taking her band gentry- in-bls-aa-hft. irclfiOooktng-roward restored blood her pale efceeka and tired eyes, ^~~— Th penaaDetttly cured of inflamma- got. clean-.iiwayv.frorn the panlins crowds and overturned a mWc catl. and In'-lijitenlng- to her bright com- Tne cnee! An advejiiuroTils poHrwtaa triwl to ment* on f he"glittering panorama. the eyes so wide with astonishment (stcd excretions at are IS _ ' T/om fenrcd t bat dancing might ta: stop fhe j-iinaivfiy, but r the animal -that h»caoKt suddenly^ to himself and We say In. for a good deal i« ta7ovrn bts powers of endurance too far, an< dropped lier band. • ••*-~^T~~~~ his contempt for' tlie rt4*y^h«^nUtaLsMi]u_IiJtai to.be latitude'i with was wondering what excuse to make "Of co\irse, you-don't understand," b» ' I had mffered - , W^yd^.oSKhfin.,41 Jjjenrty voice ex literally gcruhbed out-^g. if the skin rible pains 'at the time of men- iSfWwHv^.inUhj- dui-t. The deer was explained rather lamely., "You've, prob- were a piece of soiled linen. With sonle ,ta,tlon, and did not know what tinally raptured afTeF tt-rh«««-at_gev- claimed: "Why, |f U TmTi tToWBW 'a'Wf «PTW KJ*W»=»B* * tiwugjuy;,, .xb,? oeat of v P-S52S? '" considerable aid, ••<•«. wimmeres «4,,i,,r a-until the doctor pro- eral'mlle*. The anlmnl belonged to flftA«ti.«I.audoji CorWd- Lyda wa* »ooa (gliding arouini-\vlth might know oT biif—I found' ytmr pIB • i feiti so weak and sicl thl* friend- -of—heL.childhood. 8b KftcagtfiHt sedentry ptTapni for whom •^a-itfeSst I coald not nmte the or- """ • nmw. after you had gone, and iVanted to t-xerclsa-to the point ^ tuir-pcfspirr- 1 naively explained to^hiro uow the; find the-Trmrar"-"-He-had- pulled put V.^fho **99awiPjr "*«k I read *n A llunel. f llura Lo»i i be at the, ball. « he too tlpn Is not easy. But plenty of us can ,"ertl»em«nt la Tn*'V*fKJ!l.*jjdim n his card case while he was speaking do porfectly with warm m: cool water 8, Taylor, a' farroer lh'ing 'foiti -great palnsToTStWfflBe^WjNAi AmlJJgV he jatided the, pin—a lover's wf Ari'iilii, h(i» grxicl if>n»iiiu nnd after that she old not lack fo The Turkish bath dpeg aot. In fact, sind in »uch an emergency, and to knot wltb^"lRitm1in*t*irtfe~teahefc^ Mt^SJth^alj, gouie few ro a«ti- for li ^ IKJOJIOO fl i,i,,!..„ try it. Great wasjtny joy "But it Is not mine," she said, looking ally vcorse otTtof vfStWlfrnm^rBfa connected w,Hli the Jiiimi^r up with a demure little smile. ' but do well on oil haths, or jn t sun ;ottles, and Mi tKe end I On tt(i ttiljleftiUi stray B ~Ala.it. 11""1 CTinediHorliteen to prcpnfc for her ' !. asked Rurprlscdly. "It aijd air, aloug with vigorous :it his furm. He sbetemcrged from the' cloak room sh« doesn't matter,'thoug!?^6TBgwmi irr Jlielo : \M0»i>Ait=r, 50 Sortli Blrote J expected ia ttttfl Iota wnlting for her~reJe«i«jly—'for -y-V* dqne betiier than wnnl strobing with the palms of th? Jiiaf '.'«' (i«'n''i' i)i)= h»vR-t6S. C^ — llOOafptftWttrltl imT-T* was- Tifrwliere-t» )<« seen — find the 'owner'—I've found the hand. Theskln la a coinponud orgafl by' calling for tlietn.- Ntraqge to my, «he stood rather tiereipniyini "prineessTT afid'ss th«Hr eyes- mat, the ?he Whole of more tiinn eitt/Ats In Ihyie were J»st thfrln lines |n fhl» for hip), it Among the inany nevi- K/ ( prlnc»ji» knew tbafl .the' i'rlticc' had bolb- tlioliver. If* ic«ds ajij corre' \ Hin"" iln-sle thirteen gflflwi have As sbn looked rafher anxiously J 1 f»brlp»-f«r nnmEnen gowdHnc come—New York News. spondingiy i-oiupoiin. . and so,.too, arc for tier brother, gho hnpp«ried for en the etijects of a bath. slscor Snotla called %r----' w Of Onort* ROC '•roclift." It !,„.,;,„ o, coti'ntcr the cajse n* a man ho Moot • .lust how much 'and what xort f ' •'•'•' Bl»h«4 Jt»ok When a man la afraid to trust lilm- O )" T.'hMi ,'ii'f rmi-Urt '. him sever «e!f you catj't Waaw Jilui Xor bajug JIUJ, lilcimi;, of etbers.-'" ••-"»'-••"- •-•- • I MltKS Of .1 ffuii, *D<1 l'.\,