Recipe for Aloo Tikki (a very popular in )

Makes 12


4 potatoes boiled and mashed 1 large finely chopped onion 2 green chillies, finely chopped Fresh coriander small bunch 4 tbsp vegetable oil ( I use rapeseed oil because it is lighter, but any vegetable oil will do) 1tbsp ginger paste 1tbsp garam masala 2 tbsp amchoor 1 tsp cumin seeds 1tsp coriander seeds Sea salt to taste 1 cup gram flour

Garnish (Optional)

1/2 red onion 1 tsp coriander


1. Dry roast coriander seeds, pepper and cumin in a pan. Powder the dry roasted spices into mortar and pestle. Keep to one side. 2. In a bowl mash the potatoes and add the ginger paste. Add all the spices, salt to taste, green chillies and fresh coriander. Mix well. Add 1/2 tsp oil for some moisture. 3. Fry the onion in one of tbsp oil and add them to mixture. 4. Make twelve balls from the potato mixture, taking care to flatten each one slightly. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 5. After removing from the refrigerator dip each potato ball into the gram flour. 6. Shallow fry in slow heat until golden brown on both sides. Cooked in this way, aloo tikki will be crispy on the outside and light and delicious on the inside. 7. Garnish with finely chopped red onions and a sprinkle of coriander

Tips Aloo tikki can be served with sauce, ketchup or the traditional way with chole (chick pea )

Aloo tikki will keep fresh for up to 3 days and is an excellent for children when they come back from school. Simply warm them up with a little oil in the pan to re-generate the crisp texture.