2018 Georgia 4-H State Horse Show Official Rule Book June 11-15, 2018 Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter - Perry, GA Georgia 4-H, #321 Hoke Smith Annex-UGA, Athens, Georgia 30602 Phone: 706-542-8892, Fax: 706-542-4373, Email:
[email protected] April 24, 2018 To: 4-H Horse Project Members, Parents, Agents and Leaders Subject: Georgia 4-H State Horse Show Please find following the 2018 Georgia 4-H State Horse Show rule book. This rule book includes the guidelines that are followed at our State 4-H Horse Show as well as the rules and entry forms for additional contests held at this show -- Public Speaking, Demonstration, Essay, Photo and Art. You do not have to own a horse to participate in the additional contests. The State 4-H Horse Show is scheduled for June 11-15, 2018 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, GA. This show is the official State Qualifying Show for the Southern Regional 4-H Horse Show. There are three basic requirements to be eligible to participate in this show. 1. Be enrolled in Georgia 4-H as a member. 2. Own or lease the horse shown by March 2, 2018 and be able to show proof. Intent to Show and Proof of Ownership or Lease registered online by March 16, 2018. 3. Cloverleaf and Junior participants must have completed at least half of the Novice Horseman Project and Seniors all of the Novice Horseman. This must be completed by time of entry (verified by the County Extension Office) by May 25, 2018.