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#connectedcar leading supplier for connected and automated driving

IN 30 SECONDS • In this interview the Federal Minister for Transportation presents the strategy and plans for the future of connected driving in Germany • Germany is a pioneer of connected car technology worldwide and could become a leading supplier in the next few years • ‘Tested on German ’ should become an international label for cutting edge, innovative connected and automated driving technology

Alexander Dobrindt, Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure in Germany, at the Google headquarters Minister Dobrindt, you have been to In less than 10 years, automated and connected driving will 2 the USA lately and have tested the Google Car there. What was your be part of everyday lives on the roads of Germany and the impression of the vehicle? USA Alexander Dobrindt: The automated- INTERVIEWS driving car that Google is testing You already mentioned the biggest #connectedcar showcases impressive technology. challenges here. Who will be liable The engineering tools recognise each when an automated car is involved in an accident? Will it be the ‘driver’ Interview pedestrian on the pavement, each traffic signal and road marking, and then react even though he’s not really driving anymore? About the author accordingly. When you experience this advanced technology, you know the Alexander Dobrindt: It is clear that a world stands on the threshold of the driver of an automated car will not have biggest mobility revolution since the additional liability risks. We will therefore invention of the car. In less than ten clarify this in our Highway Code: it will years, automated and connected driving not be malpractice when a driver hands will be part of everyday lives on the roads over the driving to the system and of Germany and the USA. Following this, turns away from the steering wheel. traffic will become more predictable, Following on from this, a driver cannot be traffic jams and accidents can be avoided prosecuted for accidents that are caused and mobility will become safer. It is my by technical failure. The financial liability goal to make Germany a leading supplier will be covered by the mandatory liability for automated and connected driving. insurance already in place. How do you want to achieve this? How will an automated car react in Alexander Dobrindt: Germany is a risk situation? For example, when a one of the pioneers of this technology child suddenly runs into the street? worldwide. In collaboration with my Alexander Dobrindt: The extension Ministry I’ve developed a holistic strategy of automated and connected driving for automated and connected driving, systems will reduce the emergence of which was signed off in September 2015 accidents considerably. The systems by the federal cabinet. We considered all catch complex traffic situations much the relevant fields of action for bringing quicker than human beings and losing the driving of the future to the street control, due to excess speed for example, – from legislation to infrastructure, can be eliminated. including data security and privacy. An automated car makes a decision anonymisation. At the same time, OEMs The basic rule we apply 3 based on algorithms that have been have to inform the owner of the car programmed beforehand. For this we about the big picture of data collection. is that data belongs to need clear guidelines. My Ministry is the driver currently working on a Code of Practice: What kind of infrastructure will all aspects of the code will be bound by be necessary for automated and INTERVIEWS #connectedcar law. We are using the following principles connected driving? And how do you as a baseline: want to update our roads for such requirements in the future? Interview • Material damages always have priority over personal damages; and Alexander Dobrindt: We are creating several communication partnerships • In the case of inevitable personal About the author with respect to intelligent street cars. damage, we need data protection On our ‘digital field-test Autobahn’ rules to prevent the classification of on the A9 in , we are testing people by age, sex, weight or other automated and connected driving in characteristics real traffic. The motorway is open to all kinds of innovative organisations: But there will be a plethora of data OEMs, automotive suppliers, digital collected with automated and organisations and research facilities. The connected driving. Is the age of the next step will be to connect the ‘digital ‘transparent driver’ imminent? field-test Autobahn’ to city traffic in Alexander Dobrindt: No. The basic order to gain further data and insights. rule we apply is that data belongs to the On an international level we want to be driver. The driver on the other hand has recognised as pioneers for mobility in the to agree explicitly to the transfer of his future and for automated driving with data. For collection, use and cross-linking the title ‘tested on German Autobahn’ . of data, we must apply the principle of About the author 4

Alexander Dobrindt Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure,

INTERVIEWS Germany #connectedcar Alexander Dobrindt is currently the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in Germany. He graduated from LMU University in Munich with a Interview degree in sociology and was Managing Director and silent partner at an engineering company between 1996 About the author and 2005. He started his political career by joining the ‘Junge Union’ (CDU Youth Organization) in 1986 and later the CSU. Since 2002 he has been a member of the German and has taken over several functions and acted as spokeperson in a number of roles. From 2009 on he was CSU Secretary-General before being appointed Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in 2013.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank Minister Dobrindt for his time and insights into this interesting topic and Alexander Schmid, Partner at the Berlin office, for conducting the interview. INTERVIEWSTRENDS 5 About theauthor Interview #connectedcar be mentioned onthecopied document as well. Allinformation suppliedinthis document iscorrect, to thebestofourknowledge, atthetimeofpublication. the purposeoftrainings by third partiesrequires thepriorwritten consent ofBearingPoint Holding BV. Any copying for personal use isallowed andonlyunderthecondition thatthiscopy rightannotation will © 2016BearingPoint HoldingBV. Allrightsreserved. The content ofthisdocument issubject to copyright. Changes,cuts, enlargements andamendments, any publication, translation orcommercial usefor BEI008-12-MFT measurable results andlong-lastingsuccess. people serves clientsinmore than70countries andengageswith themfor companies andorganizations. Ourglobalconsulting network of9700 and hasledto long-standing relationships with many oftheworld’s leading individual challenges.This adaptive approach isattheheartofourculture proprietary andotherassetsinorder to tailor solutionsfor eachclient’s us. We combine industry, operational andtechnology skillswith relevant industries oringovernment, experience real results whenthey work with and adaptive solutions.Ourclients,whetherincommercial orfinancial constantly andthattheresulting complexities demand intelligent BearingPoint consultants understand thattheworld ofbusinesschanges About BearingPoint advice gainedinthefieldandthrough our research projects. of businessmanagementwhilstequippingdecisionmakers with practical ‘thought leadership’. We aimto contribute originalideasto thescience At theBearingPoint Institute, ourambitiongoesbeyond traditional About theBearingPoint Institute Send usyour comments, thoughts andfeedback: tablets only) (to guarantee agoodreading experience, theseappsare for with themobile app: Read theBearingPoint Institute onyour tablet DOWNLOAD Amazon Kindle(Fire only)store Android apponGooglePlay iOS version from theiTunes AppStore CONNECT Join usonLinkedIn [email protected] Follow usonTwitter at@institute_be