Traditional Obama to keep Magical women’s clothes troops in Djokovic casts a reflection of Afghanistan spell over Kuwait’s heritage8 beyond10 2016 Shanghai45 Min 22º Max 36º FREE NO: 16668- Friday, October 16, 2015 Pages 3-4 Local FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 Local Spotlight Just kiddin’, seriously The death penalty scares me Is Kuwait happy? By Muna Al-Fuzai By Sahar Moussa
[email protected] [email protected] very time I read about a maid receiving a death sen- tence in court, I feel pain in my heart. It usually takes few days ago, Kuwait Times published a survey from the standard of living. These factors include the feeling of Eme some time to pretend that the decision is not mine entitled ‘Top Cities in the Middle East and stability and security (good-to-excellent: 48 percent); the and she probably received the right end for the crime she ANorth Africa Survey 2015,’ which revealed that half of availability of healthcare facilities (good-to-excellent: 48 committed . Yet, I wonder if hanging a woman is the solu- the people living in Kuwait City are either very happy or percent); water/electricity/sewage systems (good-to-excel- tion? Why we as a society have to put two young lives in dan- somewhat happy living in their current city of residence. lent: 68 percent) and the quality of education (good-to- ger without observing and digging into the probable roots This survey was collected online with the participation of excellent: 41 percent). of the problem that lead to this devastating route?! 3,613 respondents out of around 4,044,500 people living in Me: Kuwait is considered to be a relatively safe place, Kuwait’s Cassation Court recently upheld a death sen- Kuwait and polled from varying nationalities.