
?WHAT IS... a G2-? Spiro Karigiannis

A G2-manifold is a Riemannian manifold whose 2000 Alexei Kovalev found a different construction is contained in the exceptional Lie of compact with G2 holonomy that pro- group G2. In addition to explaining this definition duced several hundred more nonexplicit examples. and describing some of the basic properties of These two are the only known compact construc- G2-manifolds, we will discuss their similarities and tions to date. An excellent survey of G2 geometry differences from Kähler manifolds in general and and some of the compact examples is [3]. from Calabi-Yau manifolds in particular. In terms of Riemannian holonomy, the aspect of The holonomy group of a Riemannian manifold the group G2 that is important is not that it is one is a compact that in some sense pro- of the five exceptional Lie groups, but rather that vides a global measure of the local curvature of it is the of the O, the manifold. If we assume certain nice conditions an eight-dimensional nonassociative real division on the manifold and its metric, then, of the five algebra. The octonions come equipped with a pos- exceptional Lie groups, only G2 can arise as such itive definite inner product, and the span of the a holonomy group. Berger’s classification in the identity element 1 is called the real octonions while 1950s could not rule them out, but it was generally its orthogonal complement is called the imaginary believed that such metrics could not exist. Then in octonions Im(O) ≅ R7. This is entirely analogous 1987 Robert Bryant successfully demonstrated the to the quaternions H, except that the nonassocia- existence of local examples. Two years later, Bryant tivity introduces some complications. This analogy and Simon Salamon found the first complete, non- allows us to define a cross product on R7 as follows. compact examples of such metrics, on total spaces Let u,v ∈ R7 ≅ Im(O), and define u × v = Im(uv), of certain vector bundles, using symmetry methods. where uv denotes the product. (In fact Since then physicists have found many examples of the real part of uv is equal to −u,v, just as it is noncompact holonomy G2 metrics with symmetry. for quaternions, where , denotes the Euclidean Finally, in 1994 Dominic Joyce caused great surprise inner product.) This cross product satisfies the by proving the existence of hundreds of compact following relations: examples. His proof is nonconstructive, using hard analysis involving the existence and uniqueness of u × v = −v × u, solutions of a nonlinear elliptic equation, much as u × v, u = 0, Yau’s solution of the Calabi conjecture gives a non- ||u × v||2 = ||u ∧ v||2, constructive proof of the existence and uniqueness of Calabi-Yau metrics (holonomy SU(m) metrics) on exactly like the cross product on R3 ≅ Im(H). Kähler manifolds satisfying certain conditions. In However, there is a difference. Unlike the cross product in R3, the following expression is not zero: Spiro Karigiannis is assistant professor of mathemat- ics at the University of Waterloo. His email address is u × (v × w) + u,vw − u,wv [email protected]. but is instead a measure of the failure of the An earlier version of this article appeared as an answer associativity: (uv)w − u(vw) ≠ 0. We note that on to a question on MathOverflow and can be found here: R7 http://mathoverflow.net/questions/49357/g-2- we can define a 3-form (a totally skew-symmetric and-geometry. The author thanks Pete L. Clark for trilinear form) using the cross product as follows: suggesting that it might be suitable for a “WHAT IS...?” ϕ(u,v,w) = u × v,w. For reasons we will not article for the Notices of the AMS, and also thanks the address here, this form is called the associative referee for useful suggestions. 3-form.

580 Notices of the AMS Volume 58, Number 4 A seven-dimensional smooth manifold M is said in the G2 case, the metric and the cross product are to admit a G2-structure if there is a reduction of the both determined nonlinearly from ϕ. However, the structure group of its frame bundle from GL(7, R) analogy is not perfect, because one can show that to the group G2, viewed naturally as a of when ∇ϕ = 0, the Ricci curvature of gϕ necessar- SO(7). This implies that a G2-structure determines ily vanishes. So G2-manifolds are always Ricci-flat! a Riemannian metric and an orientation. In fact, (This is one reason that physicists are interested on a manifold with G2-structure, there exists a in such manifolds—they play a role as “compactifi- “nondegenerate” 3-form ϕ for which, at any point cations” in eleven-dimensional M-theory analogous p on M, there exist local coordinates near p such to the role of Calabi-Yau 3-folds in ten-dimensional that, at p, the form ϕ is exactly the associative theory. See [1] for a survey of the role of 7 3-form on R discussed above. Moreover, there is G2-manifolds in .) Thus in some sense G2- a way to canonically determine both a metric and manifolds are more like Ricci-flat Kähler manifolds, an orientation in a highly nonlinear way from the which are the Calabi-Yau manifolds. 3-form ϕ. Then one can define a cross product × In fact, if we allow the holonomy to be a by using the metric to “raise an index” on ϕ. In proper subgroup of G2, there are many exam- summary, a manifold (M, ϕ) with G2-structure ples of G2-manifolds. For example, the flat torus comes equipped with a metric, cross product, T 7, or the product manifolds T 3 × CY2 or S1 × CY3, 3-form, and orientation that satisfy where CYn is a Calabi-Yau n-fold, have holonomy groups properly contained in G . These are in some ϕ(u,v,w) = u × v,w. 2 sense “trivial” examples because they reduce to This is exactly analogous to the data of an almost lower-dimensional constructions. Manifolds with Hermitian manifold, which comes with a metric, an full holonomy G2 are also called irreducible G2- almost complex structure J, a 2-form ω, and an manifolds, and it is precisely these manifolds orientation that satisfy that Bryant, Bryant–Salamon, Joyce, and Kovalev constructed. ω(u, v) = Ju,v. We are still lacking a “Calabi-Yau type” theorem Essentially, a manifold admits a G2-structure if we that would give necessary and sufficient condi- can identify each of its tangent spaces with the tions for a compact seven-manifold that admits O R7 imaginary octonions Im( ) ≅ in a smoothly G2-structures to admit a G2-structure that is par- varying way, just as an almost Hermitian manifold allel (∇ϕ = 0). Indeed, we don’t even know what is one in which we can identify each of its tangent the conjecture should be. Some topological ob- spaces with Cm (together with its Euclidean inner structions are known, but we are far from knowing product) in a smoothly varying way. Manifolds sufficient conditions. In fact, rather than comparing with G2-structure also admit distinguished classes this problem to the Calabi conjecture, we should of calibrated submanifolds similar to the pseudo- instead compare it to a different problem that holomorphic curves of almost Hermitian manifolds. it resembles more closely, namely, the following. See [2] for more about calibrated submanifolds. Suppose M2n is a compact, smooth, 2n-dimensional For a manifold to admit a G2-structure, necessary manifold that admits almost complex structures. and sufficient conditions are that it be orientable What are necessary and sufficient conditions for and spin, equivalent to the vanishing of its first two M to admit Kähler metrics? We certainly know Stiefel-Whitney classes. Hence there are lots of such many necessary topological conditions, but we are seven-manifolds, just as there are lots of almost nowhere near knowing sufficient conditions. Hermitian manifolds. But the story does not end What makes the Calabi conjecture tractable (al- there. though certainly difficult) is the fact that we already Let (M, ϕ) be a manifold with G2-structure. Since start with a Kähler manifold (holonomy U(m) met- it determines a Riemannian metric gϕ, there is an ric) and try to reduce the holonomy by only one induced Levi-Civita covariant derivative ∇, and one dimension, to SU(m). Then the ∂∂¯-lemma in Kähler can ask if ∇ϕ = 0. If this is the case, (M, ϕ) geometry allows us to reduce the Calabi conjecture is called a G2-manifold, and one can show that to an (albeit fully nonlinear) elliptic PDE for a sin- the Riemannian holonomy of gϕ is contained in gle scalar function. Any analogous “conjecture” in the group G2 ⊂ SO(7). Finding such “parallel” G2- either the Kähler or the G2 cases would have to structures is very hard, because one must solve involve a system of PDEs, which are much more a fully nonlinear partial differential equation for difficult to deal with. the unknown 3-form ϕ. The G2-manifolds are in some ways analogous to Kähler manifolds, which Further Reading are exactly those almost Hermitian manifolds that [1] S. Gukov, M-theory on manifolds with exceptional satisfy ∇ω = 0. Kähler manifolds are much easier holonomy, Fortschr. Phys. 51 (2003), 719–731. to find, partly because the metric g and the almost [2] R. Harvey and H. B. Lawson, Calibrated geometries, complex structure J on an almost Hermitian mani- Acta Math. 148 (1982), 47–157. fold are essentially independent (they just have to [3] D. Joyce, Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy, satisfy a mild condition of compatibility), whereas Oxford University Press, 2000.

April 2011 Notices of the AMS 581