Integrating a Modern Frontend Setup with AEM Natalia Venditto, Netcentric A modern frontend setup

2 How do we understand a modern setup?

▪ A modern setup ▪ ...does not necessarily include the latest tool in the market ▪ …it's standard enough that it can be easily maintained ▪ …does not force everyone in the team to a high knowledge ramp up investment ▪ …it implements industry (current) best practices ▪ ...requires a strategy

3 Defining a frontend strategy!

photocredit: @rawpixel / unsplash.com

4 The `What?` and `How?` questions

WHAT? HOW do we achieve? questions for your client questions for your team

ieve / unsplash.com

… browser support, performance reqs, http protocol (ie: http/2), accessibility, analytics, testing strategy, more productivity? photocredit: @kevingr

5 The `Which?` questions

Which Build Which AEM Which JS Which CSS Tools/ features? Setup

ECMAScript Spec Which Bundlers What version of Frameworks Preprocessor? Task Runners AEM? What new State Manag. (SASS, LESS, Linters/Coverage features? 3rd party/ PostCSS) Loaders/Plugins Clientlibs strategy

6 The win/win results matrix

increased performance (author + end user experience/ROI, etc)

enhanced productivity/flexibility guaranteed innovation/creativity (code quality, (browser feature support, testability, maintenance, accessibility) scalability)

7 Study case: directory structure

8 Directory structure

. ~ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-3rd-party/ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-complete-package/ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-components/[PROJECT-ID]-components-package/ |-- src/main/jcr_root/apps/[PROJECT-ID]/ |-- commons/ |-- components/ |-- component1/ |-- component2/ |-- // as many components |-- pages/ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-configuration/ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-demo-content/ .pom.xml


Directory structure |-- .content.xml

|-- component1.publish.entry.js |-- component1.publish.entry.scss |-- .txt |-- js.txt |-- .content.xml |-- component1.html

10 Study case: tools and configuration

11 Tools and configuration

12 Tools and configuration

File Loaders Plugins Output System

▪ configure to ▪ configure webpack to read ▪ configure webpack to traverse our component files according to output files in designated folders, collect loaders, and perform targets, so that we are able [name-of-component].entry.js additional operations to minify them, [name-of-component].entry.scss (transpilation, tree-shaking aggregate them and files and DCE, etc) compress them (in AEM (webpack allows us to configure with gcc) entry points per path or other params)

13 Setup Tools

nvm install --lts cd [PROJECT-ID]-components/[PROJECT-ID]-components-package mkdir frontend cd frontend init –y // generates package.json npm install webpack -–save-dev // maintain as dev dependency

//successive installations npm install modulename --save || --save-dev

14 Setup Tools

test: /\.css$/,

Transpiling Transpiling of CSS Browser of ES pre Linting Support (to JS ES5) processed code

15 Setup configuration

. ~ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-components/[PROJECT-ID]-components-package/

|-- frontend/ |-- .browserslistrc last 2 version |-- .eslintignore > 1% |-- .eslintcache maintained node versions |-- .eslintrc not dead |-- .stylelintcache

|-- .stylintrc |-- .gitignore |-- .npmrc |-- package.json .pom.xml

16 Setup Tools

test: /\.css$/,

Transpiling Minification Transpiling of CSS Browser Aggregation of ES pre Linting Support of JS and (to JS ES5) processed CSS code


Directory structure |-- .content.xml

|-- component1.publish.entry.js |-- component1.publish.entry.scss |-- css.txt |-- js.txt |-- .content.xml |-- component1.html

18 Setup configuration . ~ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-3rd-party/ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-complete-package/ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-components/[PROJECT-ID]-components-package/ |-- frontend/ |-- build/config/ |-- webpack.config.dev.js |-- webpack.config.prod.js |-- whatever other configs (ie: unit testing, e2e...) |-- package.json |-- [PROJECT-ID]-configuration/ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-demo-content/ .pom.xml

19 Setup configuration

▪ for our frontend code build, we will favor webpack 4 optimized "mode" configuration, over OSGI environment definition, in order to leverage Webpacks caching and performance

20 Setup configuration

21 Setup configuration

may need to update this (default) config for SplitChunkPlugin

22 Setup configuration

▪ edit the corresponding POM.xml, to make use of the frontend plugin for maven* -> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.eirslett/frontend-mave n-plugin?repo=redhat-ga

23 Maven frontend plugin

24 Syncing with AEM

webpack --watch

25 Setup configuration

|-- components/component1/ |-- clientlibs/ |-- author/ |-- .content.xml |-- component1.author.entry.js |-- component1.author.scss |-- css.txt |-- js.txt |-- component1_dialog.js |-- publish/ |-- _cq_dialog/ |-- .content.xml |-- component1.html 26 Setup configuration

. ~ |-- [PROJECT-ID]-components/[PROJECT-ID]-components-package/ |-- frontend/ |-- .browserslistrc

|-- .eslintignore *.bundle.js |-- .eslintcache node_modules |-- .eslintrc *_dialog.js |-- .stylelintcache build/shared/variabl |-- .stylintrc |-- .gitignore es/*.js |-- .npmrc node/* |-- package.json build/config .pom.xml gulpfile.js

27 Study case: shipping the code

(to the browser)

28 Loading styles via Content Policies

29 Loading techniques

30 Loading: Templating (Sightly, Handlebars...)

|-- components/component1/ |-- clientlibs/ |-- author/ |-- publish/ |-- component1.add-styles.entry.js |-- component1.add-styles.scss |-- component1.html

31 Script loading attributes