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Non-Graduates NON-GRADUATES 1871-1910. Students now in college are designated by small caps. Letters at the left indicate the respective colleges, l.e. signifies Library Economy. The place from which the student came is generally given; when a second place is given it denotes present address. Additional information about non-t:raduates will be gladly received. f.a. Mildred Ruth Aaron (Kann), 1906-7, Syracuse, N. Y. Married 5 Feb. 1907, Julius Kann. Residence, I I6 N. Summit St., Kendallville, Ind. l.a. *Eva Belle Abbey, I909-10, Hamilton, N. Y. Died I6th May I9IO, at Syracuse, N.Y. m. ADELBERT CLEVELAND ABBOTT, I906-7, and I908, Salem, N. Y. f.a. Alice Mabel Abbott, 1898-9, Camden, N. Y. f.a. Carrie Lacey Abbott, I90o-I, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Cornelia Abbott, I899-I906, Syracuse, N. Y. j.a. Elizabeth Mildred Abbott, I898-9, Union Springs, N. Y. a.s. GEORGE EDWARD ABBOTT, I906-8, and I909-, Oneida, N. Y. a.s. LEON HENRY ABBOTT, I907-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. ALICE MARION ABEL, 1909-, Schenectady, N. Y. t. Grace Murray Abel, 1906-7, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Edwin L. Abell, I908-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Merritt Edgar Abell, I875-6, Perry, N. Y. Clergyman Meth. Epis., Bliss, N.Y. l.a. Ralph W. Abell, I903-5, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. ANNA ABELSON, I906-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. and f.a. BERTHA M. ABENDROTH, I909-, Herkimer, N. Y. a.s. FRANK WHITTEMORE ABRAMS, I907-, 1: A E, Rockville Center, N.Y. l.a. Sadie Frances Abrams, I900-2, Franklin, N.Y. f.a. EDITH ABRAMSON, I906-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. MARIA jULIA ACHILLI, I909-, Fulton, N. Y. m. G. L. Acker, I874-5, Cazenovia, N.Y. l.a. Elwood Rufus Ackerly, I88I-2, Z IJI', Coeymans, N. Y. Attorney at Law, at that place (I886). f.a. C. Fred Ackerman, I893--l, Syracuse, N. Y. Sporting Editor, Syracuse Standard, I894-8. Residence, New York, N. Y. l.a. David R. Ackerman, I897-8, Syracuse, N. Y. t. M. B. Ackerman, I906-7, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. INA MAY ACKLES, I909-, Preble, N.Y. f.a. Emma Elizabeth Ackley, 1896-7, Springhill, Pa. f.a. Agnes Philetheta Adams, I894-7, and I898-9, Canastota, N. Y. f.a. Anna D. Adams, I89o-I, Marathon, N.Y. f.a. Augusta D. Adams, 189o-2, Marathon, N. Y. j.a. Caroline H. Adams, 188o-2, Brooklyn, N.Y. I892 NON-GRADUATES l.a. EDITH LouiSE ADAMS, I909-, Ontario, N. Y. l.a. Edna Belle Adams, I904-6, Towanda, Pa. f.a. Emma E. Adams, I902-3, Warren, R. I. l.a. FANNIE H. ADAMS, I907-. A r ~.Hemlock, N, Y. l.a. Grace Winifred Adams, I897-8, K A 8, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Hattie May Adams, I894-7, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Helen W. Adams, I879-eyo, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. John Clinton Adams, I905-6, and I907-8, Weedsport, N. Y. f.a. Mabelle M. V. Adams, I899-I900, Homer, N.Y. f.a. *Margaret Elizabeth Adams, I885-7, N. Manlius, N. Y. f.a. Marie Marilla Adams, I878-9, Kirkville, N. Y. C.S.B. (Mass. Meta­ physical Coli.) Christian Scientist, Preacher and Healer, Utica, N.Y. m. M. Beth Adams, I885-6, N. Manlius, N.Y. (Same as Margaret E. Adams ?) f.a. Nellie Blanche Adams, I903-4, E. Bloomfield, N. Y. l.a. *Robert Barnes Adams, I893-8, 1¥ Y, North Manlius, N. Y. Private Co. C, Third N. Y. Volunteers, I898, j.a. RUTH ELIZABETH ADAMS, I908-, Weedsport, N.Y. j.a. Sarah Adelia Adams, I90I-3, ~I', Richfield Springs, N.Y. l.a. Walter Kelsey Adams, I897-9, B €-) Tl, Oneonta, N. Y. l.a. William Henry Adams, I888-90, <I>~~), DeWitt, N.Y. Married 3 Sept. I890, Nellie E. Strong of Manlius, N.Y. Teacher at that place. l.a. Ethelwynne M. Adamson, I902-4, Glens Falls, N. Y. f.a. Ida May Adamson, I885-7, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Austin Thomas Adamy, I902-6, Buffalo, N. Y. f.a. VICTOR JAY ADAMY, I906-, Hannibal, N. Y. f.a. Harold M. Adkins, 190I-3, Syracuse, N.Y. Instructor in Vocal Music. Residence, IOI Durston Ave. l.a. Tacie Fargo M. Adkinson, (Rockwell), I899-I900, I' <I> B, Weedsport, N. Y. Married 10 July 1901, George Rockwell. l.a. Newman W. Adsit, I901-3, <I> I'~. Vischer Ferry, N. Y. l. John Benjamin Aiken, I9oo-2; <I> K 1¥, <I>~ <1>, Granville, N. Y. Law student at Oswego, N. Y. Married 25 Feb. 1904, Maude Ripton, (see No. 2I78). Residence, White Plains, N. Y. f.a. Grace M. Ainslie, I896-7. f.a. Emma I.:aura Aird, I904-7, Jacksonville, Fla. a.s. Haigouni A. Aivazian, I908-9. l. William Corey Albertson, I898-9, <I>~ 8, Southold, N.Y. Liveryman at that place. f.a. JACOB ALBRECHT, 1909-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. andf.a. Robert Paul Albright, (l.a.) I900, (J.a.) 1902-3, <I> ~ 9, Bingham- ton, N.Y. f.a. Jessie Albro, 1885-7, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. George Snell Alcorn, 1904-6, Fairport, · N. Y. f.a. BEECHER ALDRICH, 1909-, Rochester, N. Y. NON-GRADUATES l.a. Florence Eliza Aldrich, 189o-1, and 1892-3. Port Byron, N.Y. j.a. HARRIET ROSETTA ALDRICH, 1908-, Syracuse, N. Y. j.a. jULIA ALDRICH, 1909-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. William David Aldrich, 1905-7, Wevertown, N. Y. l.a. Alice May Aldridge, 1904-6, Utica, N. Y. a.s. Frank John Aldridge, 1904-7, W. Webster, N.Y. f.a. Augusta M. H. Aldridge, 1886-8, Trumansburg, N. Y. f.a. Iva B. Aldridge. f.a. Alice V. Alexander, 1878-9. f.a. Annie E. Alexander, 1895-6, Cortland, N. Y. I.a. Elizabeth Alexander, 1907-9, Cortland, N. Y. l.a. Elizabeth Wilson Alexander, 1898-1901. K K I', Cossayuna, N. Y. f.a. Jean Alexander, 1901-3, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. MARGARET jANE ALEXANDER, 1909-, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. andf.a. Matilda T. Alexander, (I.a.) 1902-3, (j.a.) 1903-5, K A e, Syra- cuse, N.Y. f.a. Hazel Elizabeth Algie, 1904-5, and 19o6-8, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. f.a. HowARD NAHUM ALGIRE, 1908-, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. A. H. Allen, 1875-6. a.s. BERTRAM FRANK ALLEN, 1908-, Port Washington, N. Y. f.a. Caroline A. Allen, 1904-5. Auburn, N. Y. l.a. Charles Flint Allen, 1896-8, E. Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Chauncey Loomis Allen, 1889-90, A K E. Married 11 Oct. 1894, Florence R. Worster (No.-1038, q. v. for further record) of Syracuse, N. Y. Mgr. of Syracuse Consolidated Street Railway Co., Snow Building, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Claude Allen, 1904-8, ~A E, Olean, N.Y. Married 28 Aug. 1910, Eva M. Winter (No. 4177) of Syracuse, N. Y. Teacher in St. John's .College, Brooklyn, N. Y. f.a. Cora Torrey Allen, 1897-8, E. Syracuse, N. Y. j.a. Mrs. E. J. Allen, 19oo-1, Cortland, N.Y. f.a. Florence Belle Allen, 1901-5, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. George Allen, 1902-3, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Grace Agnes Allen, 1893-5, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Helen Louise Allen, 19oo-1, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. J. Ruth Allen, 1908-9, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. Lena Moffett Allen, 1905-8, Watertown, N. Y. l.a. LLOYD FREDERICK ALLEN, 1909-. <I> A e, Gorham, N.Y. l.a. *Louis Allen, 1891-3, <I> A 9, A.B. (Leland Stanford) 1896. Married 27 May 1895, Lily D. Burch of Washington, D. C. Drug Clerk Oneonta, New York. Died March 1898 at Passadena, Cal. I.a. MARION' ALLEN, 1909-, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Mertie E. Allen, 1879-81, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. OAKLEY ARNOLD ALLEN, 1908-, Burdett, N. Y. l.a. RoY THOMAS ALLEN, 1908-, ~ N, Richville, N.Y. j.a. RuTH jANICE ALLEN, 1907-8 and 1909-, Syracuse, N.Y. NON-GRADUATES m. R. W. Allen, I874-5, Washington, Ill. (Same as I529?) j.a. Sarah Adelia Allen, I90I-4, d I', Richfield Springs, N.Y. l.a. and I. WILLIAM ALEXANDER ALLEN, (I.a.) I908-(), (l) I90CJ-, cl> d 8, Gorham, N.Y. j.a. ETHEL HELENA ALLERTON, I909-, Port Jervis, N.Y. l.a. ETHEL MARGUERITE ALLEWELT, I907~, Syracuse, N. Y. f.a. Lillie Sophia Allewelt, I89o-3, Syracuse, N. Y. j.a. Luella Virginia Allis, I899-I900, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. J. Eben Almy, I866-(), Be Il, Westfield, N. Y. Aletheon, Mystical Seven. M.D.S. (N. Y. Dental Assoc.) School Supt., 1878-81. Dentist since 1885. Married Martha Robinson (No. 205) of Grand Rapids, Mich. Residence, Jamestown, N.Y.. j.a. Gladys Craig Almy, 19o6-8, Syracuse, N: Y. l.a. Ray Almy, 1904-5, Dundee, N. Y. j.a. Amee Armstead Alsop, I897-8, Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. GEORGE G. ALT, 1909-, Clay, N. Y. j.a. Cornish Jennie Alta, I903-4, Syracuse, N. Y. l. Moses Altman, I897-8, Syracuse, N. Y. j.a. Carl F. Altman, 1901-(), Syracuse, N. Y. l.a. *John W. Alverson, I902-3, ci> d e, Hermon, N. Y. Died 13 Jan. 1903 at Hermon, N. Y. j.a. Clara Belle Alvord, 1888-(), Cheyenne, Wyo. l.a. Dean A. Alvord, 1878-8I, d K E, DeWitt, N. Y. Married II March 1885, Nellie Barnum of Syracuse, N.Y. Real Estate business, New York, N.Y. j.a. Emily Alvord, 1892-3, Syracuse, N.
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