BROADSlDE X* II * Guanl.anamo Bay, Cul>a, 22 Sept.eml>er, 1034. * * nrr 4

NAVY RELIEF SOCIETY IS HL.\CK GANG P ICNIC WA R GAME ENDED MEETING NEED With hardly a week to go until the During th11 period 15-lU September, From all reports, it appears that liig Black Gani( Clam Bak11 comes off the Batlle Force and Scouting Force, the Navy Relief Society is doing a in Guant,anamo Day, the B.T.U. push­ opposed each other in a strntegical splendid piece of work these days. On ers are rapidly getting Into condition and tactical problem involving con­ both coasts there have been increas- for t he forth coming fight. (Note: t rol of the Sea. We of the .,,---'lg requests for the va rious types of Shouldn't that word be frolic in:1t1:ad Bat.tie Forco were faced with tht;? task aid that tho Society renders, and the of fight? Author's Note: I hope so.) of advancing our fleet to the area in Society has been measuring up to the Anyway, the boys are leaning up question in s ufficient strength to be situation handsomely. against hot steam lines to dry out able tu maintain control. On the One of the fine t hings a bout tht;? their carcasses in prepara tion for all other hand, the enemy attempted, Navy Relief Society is th11t once the free beer, und it is estimated that through repeated bombing, submar­ Navy men understand exactly what most uf t hem are now a t t he point ine and attacks t o ree questionable. tl"immings, will be provided for them -00000--- Chief Nolan was at peace with the as can't take it. lf eighteen men can LONG llEACll SERVICE .,1 F.. ~· world. Why shouldn't he be? lJt;? 1,e dragged away from the town pump CLUll left. his wife in Long Beach in -the best loni,c enough, there will be a ball uf health- he was on a good ship­ game. All the men who received letters knew his job aml was happy in doini;r No definite date has l>een set for the from the ones left behind in Long it. party. l>ul it will be held shortly after Beach will tell of the wrecking o! the But a radio on a little piece of thin eur arrirnl at Guantanamo Bay. Pine Ave. Pier but only t hose who used to nt.tend dances there will tell paper handed him by his Chaplain a -ooOoo--­ you. what that wreck means to the ,..-:(ew days later changed the world (or FAltEWELL DANCE AT NORFOLK ,m. It read: "Cable three hundred Y. M. C. A. S ervice men. It means not having dollars at once. Wife critically ill. their club rooms and dance floor to Mnjor operation necessary. Answer." The Y -Anna club gave a farewell SJ)end many a happy evening. There Whal could be wrung? How could dance iJ, the ballroom of the Y.M.C.A. . was facilities for cards, acey-ducey, he hope to raise three hundred dol­ to all men who eared to attend, 011 pool, and a fairly good library of lul·s. when he had an allotment guin1at Thursday evening, 1~ September. Tile 111agazi11es and books. There was to his wife, had mortgaged his future music was furnished 1,y the Navy Y bridge on Tuesdayi. and Fridayi; and lo pay for his new uniform as he had Commanders and they iurnished a dances on Saturdays with coffee and t"t!CenUy made Chief Petty Officer, real good brand of Dance .Music. The sinkers. Well mnybe we can use the a111.I had just finished paying a doc­ Y-Anna club is like an auxiliary to Chamber of Commerce Auditorium tor's bill back home for his mother. lhe " Y" in Norfolk and furnishes again like we did when they used the lL couldn't be done! Next pay day most of the partners for the official Club for a City Hall. was ten days away. His shipmates dances of enlisted men in Norfolk We are sure i\lri-. Cutshaw and Mrs. had spent all their spare change. and that is quite a job for any club or Upham and the Recreation Commis­ Something had to be done. What organizlltion b('cause the Service men sion of Long Beach will know just couId he do? There was the Na"'Y all <'an danc(' to a C('rtain extent and what they want us to do when we Relief Socio>ty, but he hadn't been desire partners that can follow any arrive in our lon1at lost home Port once sympat hetic with it. Last time the step tl\('y choose to take. The Y.l\I. more. hat was passed he had refused to C.A. gave three dances that week and We know the Na,,y Wives Club give a thin dime. Didn't believe in each one got better and the last was will hold bigger and better bridge (Continued on _page tht('e) (C'nntinuPd nn J)Age fnur) (C'nt1tinuPd 11n pagP four) Page Two AT 'EM ARIZONA

AT 'EM ARIZONA DIVINE SERVICE WEEKLY LETIER 0700-Mass every Sunday in the Dear Edythe: "i Crew's Library for those men Here we are for the first time in Publish•d b11 arul for tl1e especially, wishing to receive Cre,o of the (J,1ited Stat.fl• Ship Ariz011a Holy Communion and for others three years back in good old Gowan­ who may have the duty when tanamo and about all there is to say M. MlLNE, 0. S. N. Church Call is sounded at 1000. is that it still looks like the same Comma,idi,ig Otficcr Confessions will be heard at any place. You would have to see it to , time upon request in the Chaplain's appreciate it Edythe. Speaking for COMMANDER A. D. DENNEY. U. S. N. room and also before Sunday morning Eo;eo1ecause there is al­ man's opinion of the sailorman has you1· disposal, which will take you to been gradually improved, but the lay­ another ship. ways a bunch of g uys at the last man's improvement of opinion did not· Official signals will be sent out minute trying to get out fitted. keep pace with the improvement in from Flagships to all ships present, The war was over on Wednesday -...... ,; when at anchor, announcing the time and all hands was glad of it in a way. the seafaring men themselves. for the different Divine Services While the cha1·acter of the Navy's held on each ship. It got awful tiresome standing so personnel "took the elevator up to the -ooOoo--- many watches and bean up so much top floor of improvement," the lay­ UP THE LADDER at night. Of course there was not man's opinion of tl1e sailorman went very much work done just hanging up via long winding stairs, awaken­ The At 'Em takes this opportunity around some place with a pear of ing the American public to the· full to congratulate the following named phones on your skull ti·ying to stay appreciation of the latter day Yankee men upon their promotnon to PFC. awake. That is called condition two tar. From the earlic.;t days, the sea­ Davis, Sidney, J.; Satchell, George or condition three as the case may be man has been variously painted as a E.; Stockinger, F. P. and Weber, Lee. bean the number of watches you rollicking spendth1·ift, a helpless stand one out of every set of. Of child, a marauder, an untamed sav­ and leave the oth·er untouched." course thet·e is a lot of fun cracking age, a "drunken sailor," but seldom Friend land lubber, when you see wise back and forth over the line like has he been pictured as he really is. a man in the uniform of the Navy on saying why do you not come up and The seaman, particularly the Ame1·i­ the streets of your c:ty, heave the old see me sometime and so on or chang- can Naval man, is no different than sailor idea overboard. Don't say in ing your voice and saying you are in any other walk of life, and the yom· mind "there goes a sailor out the executive officer and putting public at large is just now begin­ for a good time; looks like a jolly everybody on the reeport and so on ning t o realize that fact. sort of a fellow?" Rather, learn to and outside of that there is not much The Navy of the pre­ know your sailormen. The next man to do outside of talking politicks and J sent day is manned by your boy, and you see in bluejacket clothes might so on. You would not understan:1 by my boy-by the J ones', the be an expert craftman, carpenter, about that Edythe. Of course I am Smiths', the Collins', all the way machinist, wireless man, boilermaker, on a pretty important job bean tbe from Californ.:a to Maine and they baker, cook, painter, coppersmith, or guy who tells the Captain when num- are the biggest part of our sea power. any one of a great number of trades ber five boiler is making too much An once wrote: "You may in the Navy. smoke and like that. This is very have what size of a ship you like, as If he ha:; been in the service any important as throwing off a thick many guns as you like; armor, boil­ length l f time, he has had to become black smoke is the most heenyos of­ ers, and engines-but remember, it is a specialist in some line. fense culpable to a man in the Navy. th:, human element and only the hu­ You will find that he is usually a That's what the divis ion oflker told man element than wins battles." pretty well educated and broad-mind­ me. I staid on the save side by call- Another Admiral adds: "The per­ ed sort of a fellow, who has seen a ing up every five minutes anyway and sonnel is the most important point bit of the world, and has been a.$soci­ saying watch your smoke you whet- in any fleet and the education and ated for sometime with men from her it was smoking or not. That is train;ng of men in the Navy is Tl:IE every state in the Union. the only way to be Edythe conserva- NAVY. When the c1·isis comes and All in all, he is a pretty good sort tive as they say. One guy on that the hour of the trial anives, the of a citizen. He is justly p1·oud of watch got a dirty trick played on slig'ht differen'.:e, which only an ex­ his job, and he is not compelled to him by them holding smoke screen pert can detect, is sufficient to send take off his hat to anybody, socially. drill without telling him about it. Re on <' !;hip tr, t lw h!lttom in ten m;nut.1>s . 111r-rally. 111i>ntallr m· phy:::irally. (Continued on page three) AT 'EM ARIZONA Page Thr ee

ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES RANDOM SHOTS The At 'Em welcomes the follow­ ing Apprentice Seamen from the The "S" division is wondering who Don't know what the Navy is com­ U. S. S. Chaumont: Darrah, J . F.; it was out of the pay office that left ing to, but while in New York, we Towne, H. E.; Wolber. D. E.; Bull, a jar of "vanishing cream" on the saw a certain gunner's mate off the W. C.; Glezen, G. F.; Hoffman, 0. F.; wash stand yesterday. Arizona with the swankiest beret on, Runestrand, R. L.; Slink, R. K.: • • • the night before we shoved off. Sim­ Slink, W. and Stoll, H. H. Old Timer: "Back in the old days, ply stunning! If you must know. From the Naval Training Station, we thought nothing of getting up ••• Hampton Roads, Va.: Dieckmann, every morning at foui·." If Mr. Taylor's son went on a diet, E. A.; Garnett, J. H.; Salvail, L. W.; Boot: "Well, I don't think much of the Navy would still lose money, and Szczucko, I.; Pund, M. J.; Weed, G. it myself." his messmates be hungry. W., Jr. and Crump, R. W. • • • • • • From the U. S. S. Antares: Zil­ Question of the day: "Who the ding- The sLxth division's "Math of Mus­ berman, B ., Sea2c. ding is my relief~ " thles" rode fifty miles past his des­ The At 'Em also welcomes the fol­ • • * tination when going home on leave­ lowing named Pl"ivates to the Marine Navy Pest No. 614: The bozo who some claim he drank coco cola spiked Detachment: Anderson, J . F.; Arn, MUST play with the plunger on his coffee. I won't mention his name E. S:; Ball, A. C.; Boland, W. E.; telephone during Condition Watches 'cause he's SO big and I bruise SO Cykieta, J,; Houck, W. B.; Klimas, and General Quarters. easily. * • • G. E.; McEnulti J. O.; McCrory, R. Hea1·t-breaking words heard •in the S.; Mitchell, R. R.; Overlay, R. J .; ,,,-.. Fourth· division: "Out on the planes, WEEKLY LETTER Ploppert, C. M.; Popovich, E. G..; ( Continued from page two) ' • sailors!" Sheridan, J. E.; Shaw, .E. B.; Smith, • • • like to choket himself to death yell­ L. H.; Steele, W. R.; St. Romain, L.; Famous last words: "Well, we don't ing and dashing around the plattform Thompson, R. G.; Turner, G. •A.; go to Mayaguez. A messcook told before he found out. Ward, K. H. and Williams, G. G. me that one of the benches in the I am going up topside now and get The following named Marines have second division was broken, so we'll me some sun tan to give me that also been transferred to various bases have to go back to New York or to Apolo effect as they say. So I will to the regret of the At 'Em: Folz, Pedro or something." say so long for now and write real G. J.; Gimon, J.; Sullivan, J . F.; • • • soon. Banta, P. D.; Boye, J. H.: Briscoe, J. Someone has discovered it takes Zeke. D.; Clark, W. R.; Donadei, A.; Gard­ thirty-five men nearly three months ner, W. H.; Hogue, C. L.; Lander, G. to paint the white dome of the Capital -00000--­ MAIL INFORM ATION A.; Lane, T. O.; Lee, E. D.; McMahon, building in Washington, D. C. We R. E.: Mosher, M. L.; Newell, G. E. knew two or three Arizona bluejac­ Ordinary mail:- All letters mailed and Sparks, A. L. kets who could paint the whole city on boa1·d ship for delivery in the U.S. -00000--- r ed in one night. must be prepared at the rate of 3 NA VY RELIEF SOCIETY • • • (Continued from page one) Then we have the P ainter from the cents per ounce or fraction thereof. U.S. STAMPS ONLY. Arizona, who went to visit some that sort of thing, you know. .,,,.... friends in Norfolk over the first 1;1-nd Air Mail:-There is an air mail The Chaplain however asked him f • cn.ly week-end he had, and they " in­ service between Guantanamo Bay if he would make out an allotment to duced" him to paint the bathroom and Cuba and Miami, F lorida. Letters the Navy Relief to cover necessary kitchen. That's a real pal for you. intended for transmission over this expenses, if the Navy Relief would • • • route must be prepaid at the rate of step in and handle the whole thing Ship's Service is losing money by ten cents per half ounce .or fraction for him? Would be? Every cent thereof. CUBAN STAMPS ONLY. not buying and renting fishing tackles for her if need be. during our week at sea. These stamp; will be on sale at A rndio was sent off to that effect • • * the ship's Post Office. The Mail Clerk also authorizing the operation. The Stand-by, liberty hounds and home will handle letters for officers and wife was placed in an excellent hos­ guards! Three weeks in Guantana­ men who are unabble to get ashore. pital u.nder the attention of a special­ mo Bay coming up! Air mail leaves Guantanamo Bay ist. • • • every day except Sunday. Mrs. Nolan is now well and en­ Don't guess the Marines will do Letters mailed on board MUST joying good health again, and ready any more betting unless they can bear U.S. postage, except air mail to meet him at the dock with a great hold their own stakes. which must beat· Cuban postage Let­ welcome when his ship returns to the • • • ters mailed ashore must also bear West Coast. · For sale or lease-until termination Cuban postage. of this cruise-very slightly used Mail is t·eceived aboard ship each Now just what value is the Navy cots-inquire of any radioman. (This Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Relief anyway in the Navy? What has no reference to the twin bed Mail leaves the ship daily except does it do? Is it worth supporting? jokes.) Sunday. Ask Nolan. He KNOWS! Pace Four AT 'BIi ARIZONA


FLEET ATHLETICS BASEBALL U. S. S. ARIZONA Uay·s Orders Upon Arrival The report of the Boat Raet!S held Last week's call for candidates for Passage-Guantanamo Bay. Cuba. at Hampton Roads recently are as the ship's baseball team, was ans­ 0900-Call all hand:; desiring break­ follows: werecl by about twenty-five men. It fast. Saturday, Sept. 8. I 934. The re­ seems to me out of eleven hundred 1000-Serve breakiast to those not. sults of Athletic Event No. 9 (Motor men there ought to be more t han desiring to get up. Launch Sailing Race) were as fol­ twenty-five men who can play base­ l 130-Up all hammocks. lows: Tennessee ( Jst), West Vir­ ball. Let's have ever y man who can 1200- Lunch. ginia (2f\d) and New York (3rd). play baseball turn out for the team, 1300- Bridge and Ping Pong games Monday, Sept. 10,1934. The results and help 111ake a winning team on the on fore castle. o! the cutter race for the Tacoma A1·izona, one t he ship can boast of. 14:30- Tea and assorted cakes and Ledger and News Tribune Trophy There is plenty of talent on the ship sandwiches will be served i.n were 'Qs follows: Caliiornia (1st), to make a good team, so let's all Division compartments. Tennessee (2nd) and West Virginia turn out and make the team a suc­ 1500-Siesta. (3rd). The trophy was presented by cess. 1600- Swing after catapult around Mrs. George Russell of Scarsdale, N . We will start working out every and call away fishing party. Y., daughte1· df Mr. Frank S. Baker, day when we get to Guantanamo. The 1700-In event Fishing Party catches the donor of the ti-ophy. time of leaving the ship will be an­ any fish, have a Fish Fl'y for Wednesday, Sept. 12,11134. The re­ nounced in the day's orders. We have t hose desiring same. Names t , sult of Athletic Event No. 2 (Olympic about five or six months to round in­ be submitted to the Captain of Cup Race) were as follows: Cali­ to shape a good team before the the Head's Officf'. fomia (1st), Tenne!5see (2nd) and Fleet season starts in ApriJ. Come 1800-Fish Fry. Idaho (3rd). With the permission of on, let's get a little spirit and make 1900 Dinne1·. the donors of the trophy, this racti a team that cannot be beat. Our 2000-Vaudeville and Movies. was rowed over a two mile course pitching staff is now rounding into 2200-Dance on Quarter deck. Uni- instead of tile customary three miles. shape, and I believti we have one of form :-Port watch will went· Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1934. The re­ the best pitchers in the fleet with us dresses and high heeled slip­ sults of the one and one-half mile a nd the rest. are hard to beat. pers. Star-board watch un­ First Enlistment Crew whaleboat r ace One man can't make a team out of dress whites and flat hats. for the City of Norfolk Trophy, and a few 1mm- he has to have a number 0100-Taps. known as the Norfolk Cup, were as of men to pick from so t.be more men Note: After Taps, the 0.0.D., will follows: West Virginia (1st), Lex­ to tum out the better chances we see that hot chocolate is served be­ ington (2nd) and Milwaukee ('3rd). have to make a good team. Let's fore t he men are tucked in their ---00000--­ see my book tilled with 11arnes when ha111mQcks, and will have anchor ~AV,\L ACADEMY FOOTBALL we go out for practice next week at watch sweep down quarter deck and Guantanamo. Let's show the Fleet save all cigarette butts. This year, Navy faces one of its what a real good baseball team looks ---00O00- hardest seaso!ls ever but with the like 1m the diamond. Are you with Y. M. C. A. FAREWELL IJANCE Ar111y on its schedule, they're out for me Arizona ? (Continued from page one) blood. The 19:{4 schedule follows: All men interested turn your narn11s October. 6- University of Virgin ia over to the baseball manag11r. ,J. E. best of all. As any man that was at Washington, D. C. Castello, 4th Div. there will tell you, he sure had a g QOd October 13-Universily of Mai-y­ time. land at Anna.polis. t,. B. SERVICE MEN'S CL UH The punch was excellent and the October :!0-Columbia Uuive1·sily (Continued from page one) cookies good and the girls that serv­ at New York. ed them with a smiJe were also good October 27- University of Permsyl­ parties once more to entertain the looking, which made the time really vania at . returning husbands. And the girl's fly. The Y-Anna Club always tries November 3-Washington and Lee auxilliary will have their Friday night to see that the Service man feels at University at Annapolis. card parties for their boy-frie11ds so hume and enjoys himself wbene,,er November 10 - Notre Dame at let's just wish and hope it will lie he cares to come to one of the affairs Cleveland. s1rnn, aud a long stay this time. put on by the Y.M.C.A. in the city of Nove111ber 17--,Un.iver sity uf l'ilts• "Blanco" Norfolk. burgh at Annapolis. -00O00--­ Well I will end this by saying come December 1-U. S. Military Aca­ SEND TITE AT 'EM IIOME. on Y -Anna with bigger and better demy at Philauelphia. Extra ropiei:; in tht> Chaplain'i; Office dances an~ good tim,es,