
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 137, Number 5, May 2009, Pages 1663–1676 S 0002-9939(08)09374-X Article electronically published on December 12, 2008



(Communicated by Peter A. Clarkson)

On the 300th anniversary of Euler’s birth

Abstract. We study a q-logarithm which was introduced by Euler and give some of its properties. This q-logarithm has not received much attention in the recent literature. We derive properties, some of which were already given by Euler in a 1751 paper and in a 1734 letter to Daniel Bernoulli. The corresponding q-analogue of the dilogarithm is introduced. The relation to the valuesat1and2ofaq-analogue of the zeta is given. We briefly describe some other q- that have appeared in the recent literature.

1. Introduction In a paper from 1751, (1707–1783) introduced the [8, §6] ∞ (1 − x)(1 − x/a) ···(1 − x/ak−1) (1.1) s = . 1 − ak k=1 We will take q =1/a. Then this series is convergent for |q| < 1andx ∈ C.Inthis paper we will assume 0

Received by the editors March 6, 2007. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 33B30, 33E30. The second author was supported by research grant OT/04/21 of Katholieke Universiteit Leu- ven, research project G.0455.04 of FWO-Vlaanderen, and INTAS research network 03-51-6637.

 2008 American Mathematical Society 1663

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by Euler [8], and indicate why this should be called a q-analogue of the logarithm. Afirstreasonisthatfor0

2. The q-logarithm as an entire function

First of all we will show that the function Sq in (1.2) is an entire function, and as such it is a nicer function than the logarithm, which has a cut along the negative real axis.

Property 2.1. The function Sq defined in (1.2) is an entire function of order zero.

Proof. For k ∈ N the q-Pochhammer (z; q)k is a polynomial of k with zeros at 1, 1/q,...,1/qk−1.For|z|≤r we have the simple bound k−1 |(z; q)k|≤(1 + r)(1 + r|q|) ···(1 + r|q| )=(−r; |q|)k < (−r; |q|)∞, and hence the partial sums are uniformly bounded on the ball |z|≤r: ∞ n qk |q|k − (z; q) ≤ (−r; |q|)∞ . 1 − qk k 1 −|q|k k=1 k=1 The partial sums therefore are a normal family and are uniformly convergent on every compact subset of the . The limit of these partial sums is Sq(z) and is therefore an entire function of the complex z. Let M(r)=max|z|≤r |Sq(z)|.Then ∞ |q|k M(r) ≤ (−r; |q|)∞ 1 −|q|k k=1

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and (−r; |q|)∞ = E|q|(r)isthemaximumofE|q|(z) on the ball {|z|≤r}. The func- tion Eq is an entire function of order zero, which can be seen from the coefficients an of its and the [2, Theorem 2.2.2] n log n (2.1) lim sup n→∞ log(1/|an|) ∞ n  for the order of n=0 anz . Hence also Sq has order zero. Observe that for 0

which shows that M(r) behaves like Eq(qr)−C1 ≤ M(r) ≤ C2Eq(r), where C1 and C2 are constants (which depend on q). Euler [8, §§14-15] essentially also stated the following Taylor expansion. Property 2.2. The q-logarithm (1.2) has the following Taylor series around x =0: ∞ k − k − q k(k−1)/2 ( x) Sq(x)= k 1+q . 1 − q (q; q)k k=1 Proof. Use the q-binomial theorem (1.3) with x = zqk and a = q−k to find k k j(j−1)/2 j k (q; q)k (2.2) (z; q)k = q (−z) , = . j j (q; q) (q; q) − j=0 j k j Use this in (1.2), and change the order of to find ∞ ∞ ∞ k k − q − j(j−1)/2 − j q (q; q)k Sq(x)= k q ( x) k . 1 − q 1 − q (q; q)j(q; q)k−j k=1 j=1 k=j With a new summation index k = j +  this becomes ∞ ∞ ∞ k j j − q − q j(j−1)/2 − j (q ; q) Sq(x)= k j q ( x) q . 1 − q 1 − q (q; q) k=1 j=1 =0 Now use the q-binomial theorem (1.3) to sum over  to find ∞ ∞ k j − j − q − q j(j−1)/2 ( x) Sq(x)= k j q . 1 − q 1 − q (q; q)j k=1 j=1 If we combine both series, the required expansion follows. 

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This result can be written in terms of basic hypergeometric series as q q, q qx q, q S (x)=− φ ; q, q − φ ; q, q2x . q 1 − q 2 1 q2 (1 − q)2 2 2 q2,q2

The growth of the coefficients in this Taylor series again shows thatSq is an entire ∞ n function of order zero if we use the formula (2.1) for the order of n=0 anz ;see also [11, §4]. Next we mention the following q- representation, where we use Jackson’s q-integral (see [10, §1.11]) a ∞ k k (2.3) f(t) dqt =(1− q)a f(aq ) q , 0 k=0 defined for functions f whenever the right-hand side converges. Property 2.3. For every x ∈ C we have − 1 −q(1 x) Sq(x)= − Gq(qx, qt) dqt, 1 q 0 with ∞ x, q 1 q G (x, t)= tk(x; q) = φ ; q, t = φ ; q, xt . q k 2 1 0 1 − t 1 1 qt k=0 a → a → → − − Since 0 f(t) dqt 0 f(t) dt when q 1andGq(x, t) 1/(1 t(1 x)) when q → 1forx>0, we see (at least formally) that Property 2.3 is a q-analogue of the integral representation 1 − − 1 x ∈ −∞ log(x)= − − dt, x / ( , 0] 0 1 t(1 x) for the logarithm. Proof. Observe that ∞ 1 − q 1 =(1− q) q(k+1)p = tk d t. 1 − qk+1 q p=0 0

Inserting this in the definition (1.2) of Sq and interchanging , which is justified by the absolute convergence of the double sum, give the result. The identity between the basic hypergeometric series representing Gq(x, t)isthecase c = 0 of [10, (III.4)].  Note that, as in the proof of Property 2.2, one can show that ∞ (−xt)jqj(j−1)/2 (2.4) G (x, t)= . q (t; q) j=0 j+1

3. The q-difference equation

The function Sq satisfies a simple q-difference equation: Property 3.1. The q-logarithm (1.2) satisfies

(3.1) Sq(x/q) − Sq(x)=1− (x; q)∞.

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Proof. Recall the q-difference operator f(qx) − f(x) D f(x)= . q x(q − 1) Then a simple exercise is 1 − qk D (x; q) = − (x; q) − . 1/q k 1 − q k 1 Use this in (1.2) to find ∞ ∞ k − k q 1 q q k D S (x)= (x; q) − = q (x; q) . 1/q q 1 − qk 1 − q k 1 1 − q k k=1 k=0 − − k − − k Observe that (x; q)k+1 (x; q)k =(x; q)k[1 xq 1] = xq (x; q)k. Summing we − n k − →∞ find x k=0 q (x; q)k =(x; q)n+1 (x; q)0,andwhenn , ∞ 1 − (x; q)∞ qk(x; q) = . k x k=0 If we use this result, then

q 1 − (x; q)∞ D S (x)= , 1/q q 1 − q x which is (3.1). 

In order to see how this is related to the classical of log x,onemay rewrite this as 1 (qx; q)∞ D ((1 − q)S (x)) = − . q q x x This q-difference equation can already be found in [8, §6], where Euler writes s = Sq(x)andt = Sq(x/q) and gives the relation x x x x x 1+s − t =(1− x) 1 − 1 − 1 − 1 − 1 − ··· , a a2 a3 a4 a5 where q =1/a. As a corollary one has [8, §7].

−n Property 3.2. For every positive n one has Sq(q )=n. −n+1 −n −n+1 Proof. Use (3.1) with x = q to find Sq(q ) − Sq(q )=1,since(x; q)∞ vanishes whenever x = q−n for n ≥ 0. The result then follows by induction and Sq(1) = 0. 

n It is this property, which is quite similar to loga a = n,whereloga is the loga- rithm with a,whichgivesSq the flavor of a q-logarithm and which made Euler consider this function as an interpolation of the logarithm; see [11, §1]. Observe that this interpolation property can be stated as follows: − log qSq(x) approximates log x as q ↑ 1andforfixedq this is perfect if x = q−n (n =1, 2,...). Another interesting value is ∞ qk S (0) = − = −ζ (1), q 1 − qk q k=1

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which is a q-analogue of the harmonic series, where the q-analogue of the ζ-function is defined by ∞ ns−1qn ζ (s)= . q 1 − qn n=1 It has been proved (see Erd˝os [7], Borwein [3, 4], Van Assche [27]) that this quantity is irrational whenever q =1/p with p an integer ≥ 2. For the specific argument 1 this coincides, up to a factor, with the value at 1 of the q-ζ-function considered by Ueno and Nishizawa [26]. n The values of Sq(q )forn ∈ N are distinctly different, and for these values we do not get the same flavor as the logarithm. Property 3.3. For every positive integer n one has n−1 n 1 (3.2) Sq(q )=−n +(q; q)∞ . (q; q)k k=0

k+1 k k+1 k+1 Proof. Choose x = q in (3.1). Then Sq(q ) − Sq(q )=1− (q ; q)∞. Sum- ming and using the telescoping property give n−1 n−1 0 n k k+1 k+1 Sq(q ) − Sq(q )= Sq(q ) − Sq(q ) = n − (q ; q)∞. k=0 k=0

k+1 By Property 3.2 we have Sq(1) = 0. Now (q ; q)∞ =(q; q)∞/(q; q)k gives the required expression (3.2). 

In order to see how this approximates log x, one may reformulate this as n−1 n n k+1 − log qSq(q )=logq − log q (q ; q)∞. k=0 n n−1 n−2 In [8, §10] Euler writes s = Sq(q ), t = Sq(q ), u = Sq(q ), and he writes the 2t − u + aqn(1 − t) s = , 1 − aqn n where q =1/a. In contemporary notation we write yn = Sq(q ) and obtain the recurrence relation

n−1 n−1 n−1 yn(1 − q ) − (2 − q )yn−1 + yn−2 = q .

n One can verify that this recurrence relation indeed holds for yn = Sq(q ) given in (3.2). More generally one in fact has

2 (1 − qx)Sq(q x) − (2 − qx)Sq(qx)+Sq(x)=qx,

which is a second order non-homogeneous q-difference equation for Sq. Note that the explicit evaluation S(q−n)=n, n ∈ N, gives the following sum- mation : ∞ ∞ n −n k(k+1)/2 − k−1 −nk k (q ; q)k k − q ( 1) q q (3.3) k q = n, k = n + k , 1 − q (1 − q )(q; q)k 1 − q k=1 k=1 k=1

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using the definition of Sq(x) and the Taylor expansion in Property 2.2. Similarly, the evaluation at qn, n ∈ N, given in (3.2) gives the summation formulas ∞ − n n1 (q ; q)k k k+1 q = n − (q ; q)∞, 1 − qk k=1 k=0 (3.4) ∞ ∞ − k(k+1)/2 − k−1 nk k n1 q ( 1) q q k+1 − ∞ k = n + k + (q ; q) . (1 − q )(q; q)k 1 − q k=1 k=1 k=0 Note that all infinite series are absolutely convergent and that for n = 0 the results in (3.3) and (3.4) coincide. The first sums become trivial, and the second sum gives the following expansion for ζq(1): ∞ ∞ qk qk(k+1)/2(−1)k−1 (3.5) ζq(1) = k = k . 1 − q (1 − q )(q; q)k k=1 k=1 Using (3.5) in Property 2.2 gives the expansion ∞ k(k+1)/2 − k−1 − k − q ( 1) (1 x ) Sq(x)= k , (1 − q )(q; q)k k=1 so that in particular ∞ dS S (x) kqk(k+1)/2(−1)k−1 − q (1) = lim q = − . → k dx x 1 1 − x (1 − q )(q; q)k k=1

4. An extension of the q-logarithm and Lambert series

If we have the definition of Sq(x) resembling Lambert series, it is natural to look for the extension ∞ tk (4.1) F (x, t)=− (x; q) , q k 1 − tk k=1

which is a Lambert series; see [15, §58.C]. Since |(x; q)k|≤(−|x|; |q|)k ≤ (−r; |q|)∞ for x in {x ∈ C ||x|≤r}, the convergence in (4.1) is uniform on compact sets inx and on compact subsets of the open unit disk in t. Also since the series − ∞ k | | k=1(x; q)kt is absolutely convergent for t < 1 uniformly in x in compact sets, it follows by [15, Satz 259] that Fq is analytic for (x, t) ∈ C ×{t ∈ C ||t| < 1}. Observe that Sq(x)=Fq(x, q). The general theory of Lambert series then gives the series of F in powers of t: ∞ ∞ Fq(x, t)= (x; q)k t =⇒ Sq(x)= (x; q)k q . =1 k| =1 k| We are mainly interested in the development with respect to x. Property 4.1. For |t| < 1 one has ∞ ∞ ∞ k n +1 t (−1)/2 n (t q ; q)∞ Fq(x, t)=− − x (−1) q t . 1 − tk (tn; q)∞ k=1 =1 n=1

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In case t = q, Property 4.1 reduces to Property 2.2, and this is equivalent to the summation formula ∞ ∞ +n+1 (q ; q)∞ q (q; q) − q (4.2) qn = =⇒ n 1 qn = (qn; q)∞ (1 − q)(q; q) (q+1; q) 1 − q n=1 n=1 n for  ∈ N,  ≥ 1. This can be obtained as a special case of the q-Gauss sum [10, (1.5.1)]. Proof. The proof is along the same lines as the proof of Property 2.2. We find similarly ∞ ∞ k j+1 − t − j(j−1)/2 − j (q ; q) t Fq(x, t)= k q ( xt) j+ 1 − t (q; q) 1 − t k=1 j=1 =0 and we write ∞ ∞ ∞ j+1 j+1 (q ; q) t (q ; q) p(j+) j+ = t t (q; q) 1 − t (q; q) =0 =0 p=0 ∞ ∞ ∞ j+1 1+p j+1 jp (q ; q) (1+p) jp (t q ; q)∞ = t t = t 1+p (q; q) (t ; q)∞ p=0 =0 p=0 using the q-binomial theorem again and the absolute convergence of the double sum, which justifies the interchange of summations. Using this and replacing n = p +1 we get the result.  Consider the case t = q2. Following the line of proof of Property 2.2 we write ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 2k 2k − j j(j−1)/2 j 2+2j − q (x; q)k − q − ( 1) q x (q; q)+j q 2k = 2k 2+2j , 1 − q 1 − q (q; q)j (q; q) (1 − q ) k=1 k=1 j=1 =0 and we can write the inner sum over  as ∞ ∞ 2+2j 2j j − j (q; q)+j−1 q (q; q)j−1q (q ; q)( q ; q) 2 +j = j j+1 q . (q; q) (1 + q ) 1+q (q; q)(−q ; q) =0 =0 Using Property 4.1 for t = q2 then gives ∞ ∞ 2n+j+1 2j j − j 2nj (q ; q)∞ q (q ; q)( q ; q) 2 (4.3) q 2n = 2j j+1 q . (q ; q)∞ (1 − q ) (q; q)(−q ; q) n=1 =0 This can also be proved directly using the q-binomial theorem and . We can rewrite (4.3) in standard basic hypergeometric series form (see [10]) as the quadratic transformation − 2j 2 2 3 j − j (1 q ) q ,q ,q 2 2 q , q 2 (4.4) 2 3φ2 j+3 j+4 ; q ,q = 2φ1 j+1 ; q, q . (q ; q)j+1 q ,q −q Analogous to Property 2.3 and using the notation of Property 2.3, we have the following. Property 4.2. For |p| < 1 one has −p(1 − x) 1 Fq(x, p)= − G(qx, pt) dpt. (1 p) 0

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5. A q-analogue of the dilogarithm Euler’s dilogarithm is defined by the first in ∞ n x − 1 2 x − log(1 t) − log(t) π − − Li2(x)= 2 = dt = dt = Li2(1 x) n t − 1 − t 6 n=1 0 1 x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1; see [18], [14] for more information and references. Here we use 2 π dLi2 − − Li2(1) = ζ(2) = 6 .Inparticular,x dx = log(1 x), and the definition by the series can be extended to complex x being absolutely convergent for |x|≤1. We define the q-dilogarithm by ∞ qk (5.1) Li (x; q)= (x; q) . 2 (1 − qk)2 k k=1 − 2 ∞ − k 2 − We have limq↑1(1 q) Li2(x; q)= k=1(1 x) /k =Li2(1 x). In this case we can justify the interchange of the limit and summation using dominated convergence. We assume 0

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Property 5.1. Li2( · ; q) is an entire function of order zero. Moreover, we have the special values n k Li (1; q)=0, Li (0; q)=ζ (2), Li (q−n; q)=− , 2 2 q 2 1 − qk k=1 and (1 − q)(1 − x) DqLi2( · ; q) (x)=Sq(x)and x 1 Sq(t) Li2(x; q)=ζq(2) + − − dqt. 1 q 0 1 t Moreover, the q-dilogarithm has the Taylor expansion ∞ (−1)jqj(j+1)/2 xj qj,qj Li (x; q)=ζ (2) + φ ; q, q . 2 q (1 − qj)2 2 1 qj+1 j=1

Here the 2φ1-seriesisdefinedby ∞ ∞ j j j j j − j q ,q (q ; q)(q ; q) (q ; q)(1 q ) 2φ1 j+1 ; q, q = j+1 q = j+ q . q (q; q)(q ; q) (q; q)(1 − q ) =0 =0 Unfortunately, this series cannot be summed using the (non-terminating) q-Chu- Vandermonde sum. 2 Note that after multiplying the integral representation for Li2(x; q)by(1− q) , we can take a formal limit q ↑ 1toget 2 x 1−x − − π log(t) − log(1 t) Li2(1 x)= + − dt = dt, 6 0 1 t 0 t so that we recover the integral representation for the dilogarithm.

Proof. The proof of Li2( · ; q) being an entire function of order zero is derived as in k Property 2.1. Since (qx; q)k − (x; q)k = x(1 − q )(qx; q)k−1 we obtain ∞ k x q (x; q)k −x (5.2) Li (qx; q) − Li (x; q)= = S (x). 2 2 1 − x 1 − qk 1 − x q k=1 This implies (1 − q)(1 − x) DqLi2( · ; q) (x)=Sq(x). −n −n Using (5.2) for x = q , n ∈ N,andLi2(1; q)=0,S(q )=n, we find the value −n for Li2(q ; q). Iterating (5.2) we get

N xqk Li (x; q)= S (xqk)+Li (xqN+1; q), 2 1 − xqk q 2 k=0 and by letting N →∞we get the expansion ∞ xqk 1 x S (t) Li (x; q)=Li (0; q)+ S (xqk)=ζ (2) + q d t. 2 2 1 − xqk q q 1 − q 1 − t q k=0 0 Finally, the Taylor expansion proceeds as in the proof of Property 2.2, and we find ∞ ∞ ∞ k j j(j−1)/2 j+ q (−x) q (q; q)j+ q Li2(x; q)= k 2 + j+ 2 . (1 − q ) (q; q)j (q; q) (1 − q ) k=1 j=1 =0

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The inner sum over  can be rewritten as ∞ j j j q (q; q)j−1 (q ; q)(q ; q) j j+1 q , 1 − q (q; q)(q ; q) =0 and this gives the result.  The evaluation of the q-dilogarithm gives the following summation (cf. (3.3)):

n (q−n; q) qk n k (5.3) k = − (1 − qk)2 1 − qk k=1 k=1 ∞ ∞ qj (−1)jqj(j+1)/2 q−nj qj,qj = + φ ; q, q . (1 − qj)2 (1 − qj)2 2 1 qj+1 j=1 j=1

In particular, for n = 0 we obtain an representation for ζq(2): ∞ (−1)j−1qj(j+1)/2 qj,qj ζ (2) = φ ; q, q . q (1 − qj)2 2 1 qj+1 j=1 ∞ n ∞ n If we write Li2(x; q)= n=0 anx , Sq(x)= n=0 bnx temporarily, then (5.2) n − n − − implies that q an anequals the coefficient, say cn,ofx in Sq(x)x/(1 x). If − − ∞ − k − n−1 we use x/(1 x)= k=1 x , it follows that cn = p=0 bp. Note that the relation is trivial in case n = 0, and for integer n ≥ 1 we find from the explicit Taylor expansions for Sq( · )andLi2( · ; q)therelation ∞ − (−1)n−1qn(n+1)/2 qn,qn qk n1 (−1)jqj(j+1)/2 n 2φ1 n+1 ; q, q = k + j . (1 − q ) q 1 − q (1 − q )(q; q)j k=1 j=1 Note that this relation gives an explicit expression for the if approximat- ing ζq(1) with the alternating series as in (3.5). Of course, we get the same result if we use the Taylor expansion of Sq as in Property 2.2 in the integral representation for the q-dilogarithm in Property 5.1. The classical dilogarithm satisfies many interesting properties, such as a sim- ple , a five-term recursion, a characterisation by these first two properties, explicit evaluation at certain special points, etc.; see [18], [14] for more information and references. It would be interesting to see if these interesting prop- erties have appropriate analogues for the q-analogue of the dilogarithm discussed here.

6. Other q-logarithms

x1−q −1 Inthephysicsliterature(seee.g.[25]),onedefineslnq(x)= 1−q .Thereare no q-series, q-Pochhammer symbols, q-difference relations, etc. The choice of the letter q and the fact that limq→1 lnq(x)=logx are not sufficient motivation to call this a q-analogue. It just shows that the logarithmic function is somewhere between the constant function and powers xα − 1forα>0. This q-analogue of the logarithm plays a role in and, as pointed out in [13], was also introduced by Euler in 1779; see [13] for more information and references. Borwein [4], Zudilin et al. [19], and Van Assche [27] consider ∞ (−1)kzk ln (1 + z)= , |z| < |q|, q 1 − qk k=1

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with |q| > 1. They prove that lnq(1 + z) is irrational for z = ±1andq an integer greater than 2. For z = −1 one has a q-analogue of the harmonic series, and this is essentially the generating function of dn = k|n 1, i.e. the number of divisors of n. A similar formula, but now for 0

and mainly studies simultaneous rational approximation to L1 and L2 in order to obtain quantitative linear independence over Q for certain values of these functions. Other q-logarithms are defined as inverses of q-exponential functions; see Nelson and Gartley [20] for two different cases viewed from complex function theory, and Chung et al. [5], where implicitly q-commuting variables are used. Fock and Gon- charov [9, 12] introduce a q-logarithm of ln(ez +1) by an integral. The corresponding q-dilogarithm is essentially Ruijsenaars’ hyperbolic Γ-function; see [23, II.A]. For other q-logarithms based on Jacobi theta functions, see Sauloy [24] and Duval [6], where the q-logarithms play a role in difference in constructing the analogue of a unipotent monodromy representation.

Acknowledgements This paper was triggered by a lecture on the 1734 letter of Leonhard Euler to Daniel Bernoulli by Walter Gautschi; see [11]. We thank Walter Gautschi for useful discussions and for providing us with a translation of [8] (the translation can be downloaded from the E190 page of the Euler archive at http://www.math. dartmouth.edu/~ euler). We thank the referee for useful comments, and Hans Haubold for pointing out [13]. The first author’s work for this paper was mainly done at Technische Universiteit Delft.


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