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MERKLEN, Hector Alfredo, 1936- ON ORDERS.

The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1972 Mathematics

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Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate

School of The Ohio State University


Hector Alfredo Merklen, Licenoiado

+ + + + + +

The Ohio State University 1972

.pproved by

Advisor Department of Mathematics PLEASE NOTE:

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Microfilms, A Xerox Education Company ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

I want to thank my advisor, Prof. Hans Zassenhaus, who never felt tired of listening to me or of making valuable suggestions and remarks, and to my wife Ana, whose spiritual help made all of this possible.

Hector A. Merklen VITA

July 19* 1936 . . . Born - Montevideo, Uruguay.

1933-1958 ..... High school teacher, Durazno, Uruguay.

1938-1966 ..... High school teacher (by competitive con­ test), Montevideo, Uruguay. r

1962-1966 ..... Profesor Adjunto, Facultad de Ingenieria y Agrimensura, Universidad de la Republics Oriental del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.

1962 ...... Licenciado en Ciencias Matematicas, Facul­ tad de Ciencias Ex&ctas y Naturales, Uni­ versidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1963-1965 ...... Lecturer in several Summer-courses for the improvement of high school teachers of Mathematics, in several countries: Argen­ tina, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.

1965-1966 ..... Field Assistant, Interamerican Program for the Improvement of Science Teaching, Orga­ nization of the American States, Montevi­ deo, Uruguay.

1967-1968 ..... Encargado de Investigacion, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

1969 - ..... Profesor Titular, Instituto de Matematicas,

iii Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Valpa­ raiso, Chile.

1970-1972 ..... Teaching Associate, Department of Mathema­ tics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.


" Introduccion al estudio de las funciones de una variable real" Mimeo. Notes, Durazno, Uruguay. (1958)

" Algebra lineal" , Mimeo. Notes, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1963)

" Geometria" , Mimeo. Notes, Ministerio de Educacion, Caracas, Venezuela (1963)

" Geometria" , IPEM, Lima, Peru (1963 and 1965 ).

Introduccion a la Matematica Formal" , Mimeo. Notes, IDAL, Montevideo, Uruguay (1963 ).

" Geometria" , Mimeo. Notes, Buenos Aires, Argentina (196*0

Introduccion de la Geometria en el primer ano de la Ensenanza Secundaria" , Mimeo. Notes, IPEM, Lima, Peru (196*0

" Algunas ideas para la ensenanza moderna de la Matematica" , Mimeo. Notes, Ministerio de Educacion, Buenos Aires, Ar­ gentina (1964).

" Lecciones para el Seminario Pedagogico", Mimeo. Notes, IPEM, Lima, Peru (1965 )

" La ensenanza moderna de la Geometria al nivel universitario basico" , Mimeo. Notes, PIMEC, Montevideo, Uruguay (1966 ).

" Lecciones de Analisis" , Mimeo. Notes, PIMEC, Montevideo, Uru­ guay (1966).

iv ** Curso Cero" , Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Valparaiso( Chile (1970 and 1972).


Major Field: Mathematics

Studies in Measure Theory. Professor Mischa Cotlar.

Studies in Functional Analysis. Professor Mischa Cotlar and Professor Jean Dieudonne.

Studies in Algebra. Professor Hans Zassenhaus.



VITA ...... iii



1. Generalized crossed products ...... • . 1

2. Crossed product orders ..... 10

3. Hereditary crossed product orders ..... 19

k. Reduction to the classical case ...... 31

5. Reduction to the totally ramified case . . . 4^

6. Non-commutative crossed products ...... 39

7. The wildly ramified case ...... 75


8. Introduction...... 84

9. Block Orders ..... 86

10. Representation o r d e r s ...... 113



1. Generalized crossed products.

The terminology and general notations used in this paper are

the same as the ones introduced in (7)« (2*f) and (25)*

We begin with a generalization of the classical idea of a

crossed product, for which we refer to (7)s

Definition 1.1. Let F be a field, E a semisimple, commuta­

tive E-algebra of finite dimension and G a finite subgroup

of Autp(E) with the property that its fixed subalgebra coin­

cides with F:

E6 = jx6E/k/cf€.G: c(x)=x} = F;

in addition, let f be a 2-cocycle of the G-module E, i.e.:

f: GxG --- * U(E)

f (.f (ot,6) = f (T,6)°.f(atT6) (Vc,t,6€G).

(we use freely the notation x° instead of o(x) for x € E and o€G, so that if t:A — »E is any function with values

1 in E, then ttf represents the composite function o*t. It should be emphasized that we think of functions as written on the left, so that for example: means o(x(x)) or (.x*)0 OX and, if t is a function as before, t means the composite: o.ft.) Then we call the crossed product A(f,E,G) the F- algebra defined as follows:

A(f,E,G) is the F-vector space of all functions

t: G --- > E , together with the multiplication defined


given t,t': G ■ — ■ —> E, tt' is the function defined

by — , - 1 tt'(o) * f(tf*-1 ,T)t(OT~1 )t'OX C*> ( V o e G ) . T 6 G

The proof that this definition makes A(f,E,G) an F-al- gebra would be clear after the following considerations.

Among the elements of A(f,E,G) we distinguish the family

■ft r n> where t^(x) = 6 (Kronecker delta) (Vo,t £ G). *• o; a €. g a ox It is clear that {t0}0 g g is an E-basis for the E-module

A(f,E,G) and, in fact, for each element t of the crossed product we have:

t a Z 2 t(o).t . O €G ° According to the definition, the multiplication table for this basis is:

t t (vO «= f(pe”\ e ) . t (®) » G T o T e

=» Z f ^ " 1 ,.).# ,«6_ „ a e ^,pc T »*

= f(pT_1,T).6 - => f(0,T).6 a o.px"1 aXt)l

= f(c,x).taT.

Conversely, if we start with the free E-module over the set

^t^ / o £ g } indexed by G and define:

xt^.yt^ = x.y°.f (o,x) .t0T ( V x , y £ E ; \/o ,t £G)

the associative property of f assures us, as in the classi­

cal case, that we obtain a well defined structure of F-alge-

bras over that module. Since this structure is clearly isomor­

phic to what we called A(f,E,G)t this is also an F-algebra.

More generally, we will say that an F-algebra A is a

crossed product A(f,E,G) if it is isomorphic to the one

constructed above. Up to isomorphism, as in the classical case, a crossed prod­ uct A(f»E,G) does not depend on the 2-cocycle f but on the class [f] of the second cohomology which is repre­ sented by f.

If an F-algebra A is a crossed product A(i»E,G), there is a basis -{t } e G of the E-module A with the properties:

A = © E.t a £G 0

xt^.yt^ = x.ya .f(o,T).tci; ( Vx,y 6 E;\f o ,t 6 G)

We will say that such a basis is a natural E-basis for the crossed product A.

We say that a 2-cocycle g: GxG --- > U(E) is normalized when it happens that g(l,o) = 1 = g(o,l), for all a in G.

From the associative property of cocycles it follows in general that

f(l,0) » f(l,l)


f(o,l) = fCl,!)** (Vc€G).

Hence, a 2-cocycle f is normalized if and only if f(l,l)=l.

It is immediate to check that, given the cocycle f, the func­ tion: 5

/ \ f(o.T) g(

is again a 2-cocycle equivalent to f which is obviously nor­ malized. Now, if A is a crossed product A(f,E,G) with nat­ ural E-basis we introduce the elements:

*0 = ”f(l,!)**

t;.t; = g(o,T).t;T

a.t .t, ~ a.t cf 1 o

. / ,. , t tn .a.t„ » a.t . 1 a a

This shows that any crossed product can be viewed as one with a

normalized cocycle and with a natural basis for which the ele­

ment associated to the unit element of G is the identity of

the algebra.

The identity t .t , = f(o,o" ).f(l,l), which is a conse- a quence of the preceding discussion, shows that if A is a

crossed product A(f,E,G) each element of a natural E-basis

is a unit of A. 6

Proposition 1.2. If A is a crossed product A(f.E.G) with natural E-basis /t^ Q £ c> then G can be viewed as a sub­ group of Autj.(A), in the sense that for each 0 6 G the inner automorphism defined by t is an extension of cr from E to A .

Proof. If x is any element of E we have:

V*-*®-1 - V x- r-ii 1 “ f(0,0 > .fd,i)° 0

a ------1 ------.o(x).f(o,o‘1 ).f(l,l) a f(o,o“A ).f(l,l)

= o(x).

o • cL*

Proposition 1.3» Let A be a crossed product A(f.E.G) and let

s s E = ® Ei , 1 » JL e.. , i=l i=l be the decomposition of the semisimple algebra E into its sim« pie components 1 and the corresponding decomposition of the iden­ tity 1. Then, for each i=l,....s, E, is a Galois extension 1 ----- ^ of Fe^ whose Galois group is « I a € G / o(E^)=Ej^ and dim^A = n2 , where n = dim^E = [Gill.

Proof. Since E is commutative and semisimple, each E^ is a field, a of F e ^ and G operates on the set of the E^'s. Let 0 be a G-orbit of this set;

0 = | e . E . \• 11 r

Then, if e = e. + ... + e. , it is clear that for all o £ G, X1 r q o(e) = e. Thus, e is an idempotent in E = F, whence e=l and 0 = •[ E^,... ,Egj . In other words, in the case of a crossed product, the group G operates transitively on the set of sim­ ple components of E, -^E^,...,Eq^ which is hence a homogene­ ous G-space isomorphic to any of the G/H^, where ELsStabgE^.

If s.6G is chosen in such a way that a. (E. ) = E., we have i i l l that H. = c.H,c7^ and also that i i l l

cf.Hi U ... ^ 0 1 1 s i

is a coset decomposition for G with respect to (for which we may take 0^=1 ). G H1 Let us consider now any xe^£ E^ = E^ = fixed subfield of

E^ under G (or ) and let us call y = Z» =

^ q^(xe^). Given any a £ G, there is an index j(i) and an

element such that oo^ s j(i) *be function j being bijective, we have:

« =2 «j ( i ) °1, J(i ) (xel ) * = y.

This implies that y £ F and therefore that x€F. Thus, E^ »

Fe^ and E^/Fe^ is a Galois extension with group H^. By con­ jugation, the analogous statement is true for every i.

Then, the F-dimension of each E^ is [H^:l^ and hence

dinipE = s.[H^:l] = [Gil].

This completes the proof.

Proposition 1.4. If A is a crossed product A(f«E,G)« E is a maximal commutative subalgebra of A .

Proof. We keep the notations introduced above. Let B be a commutative subalgebra of A containing E, and b = ^

€ B. If x is any element of E, from xb = bx follows that

b X° = xb ( V a e G). 0 0

Now, if x6Ee^, x^O, the relation

a. x x 1 a xb _ ( V x €H_, Vi) O.X 0.X 1 implies that b is 0 for all i^l and for all t£H. • If 0_^T X /£ 1, we can choose an element x in Ee^ such that for a 9 given tCH^, t / 1 , we have t(x)/x. Then, the relation bTxx a xb^ implies that b^ a 0. Eventually, we obtain that b a ^1*1 £ E#

(}• e.d.

Proposition 1.5. If A is a crossed product, it is a central simple F-algebra.

Proof. This is a particular case of Prop.6.1. However, we can give a simple direct proof as follows:

For each i=l,...,s, we can consider the F-algebra A^ = e.Ae. = E.t which, being a classical crossed product, 1 1 t£H. 1 T is a central simple F-algebra with identity e^. If B is a non-zero two-sided ideal of A, = BAA^ is a two-sided ideal of A. and it is non-zero too because given x = a t 1 o 6 G 6 B, x £ 0, we can get, by proper multiplication with an ele­ ment of A, another non-zero element y = a V f B for oe G which a'c / 0 for some 0 6H i ., and then the element x x would be a non-zero member of BAA.. It follows that each B. JL 1 is equal to A^ and hence that eaoh e^£B. This forces 16B and B must be equal to A.

q. e. d. 10

2. Crossed product orders.

Definition 2.1. Let R be an integral domain with quotient field F« E a semisimple commutative F-algebra. G a finite subgroup of AutpE whose fixed subalgebra is equal to F. A an R-order in E which is G-invariant;

o ( A 0> = A 0 ( V o € G) and let f be a 2-cocycle of the G-module E with values in

A^. Then we call the crossed product A(f > A fl,G) the ring A defined by;

A = z A 0t0£ A

A can be defined directly in the same way as crossed pro­ duct algebras. It is a free A o-module of the form:

with the multiplication defined by:

xt0ytT = x.y°.f(atT).t0X (Vx,y e Ao*Vo»t£0). 11

It is clear that such a A is a ring and a finitely generated

R-module which generates a crossed product A(f,E,G) over F, in the sense that:

F(2RA =A(f,E,G).

If it happens that a crossed product A(f, A C»G) does contain an identity element 1 we say that A ( f , A fl«G) is a crossed product order (over R).

It should be observed that A ( f , A c ,G) is a crossed product order if and only if f(l,l) is a unit of A c * This forces also each f(o,l), f(l,d) to be a unit and we see at once that any crossed product order A ( f , A Q ,G) can also be written in the form A ( g , A q ,G), where g is a normalized 2-cocycle in the same class as f.

In what follows we will always assume that f is normalized.

The family t„ will be called a natural A -basis for the o o

crossed product order A(^» A q *G)« Because of our convention, we always have that t^=l.

Keeping the notations already introduced, let us call, for

each o € G, the projection of A onto E defined by: 12

n X T x t ) = x. . a r x x a T 6 u

Each is E-linear. in the sense that o

n^Cx.a) = x.7i0 (a) (1/x^Ej^aeA).

Let now M be a A-right ideal in A (i.e. a right A-module which generates A over F) and let us call M = it (M) (

o — the M ' s are equal to some A -ideal in E. If M is finitely generated over A (or over R), the same is true for M ... If, furthermore, M is a two-sided A -ideal, then M is invar- - x—

------riant under G. And also, in any case, M ^ /. M x t_.x

Proof. m £ M means that there exists an element Z a t_€M —— x o o such that m^ = m. If we multiply this element by t on the right we see that m^.f^T** ) 6 M^. This proves the first assertion. If M is two-sided, the relation t0M s M implies cf(M^)

e. d. 13

2.3. Remark on the study of orders whose factor system is not composed by units.

It seems that crossed product orders, even in the classical

case, have never appearod in the literature with the same degree

of generality we have given them here. All authors introduce

the restriction that the factor system f : GxG ■■■■- > A Q has

its values in the group of units of A q:

f: GxG ----> U( A q).

Along our study we have found that most of the theorems we can

establish for crossed product orders (cf., for example, Prop.

2.2) are false or cannot be proved without this natural restric­

tion. (We consider the restriction as natural because otherwise

f could not be viewed as a representative of a cohomological

class unless one leaves the ” arithmetical environment ” to go

to the ’’algebraic background” E of A Q.)

This is why we are going to follow suit by making the

Convention. In what follows, any 2-cocycle f appearing in the

construction of a crossed product order A(f, A 0»G) is sup­

posed to have its values in the unit group U( A Q)»

However, we would like to say a few words as for the kind

of ideas one might think of when trying to study the more gen­

eral crossed product orders. We are not going to enter into

much detail but only to show the kind of difficulties one en- lA counters.

The most natural way of approach should be to take profit of the known fact that, by enlarging the ground field F, one can assume that all values f(o,t) are roots of unity and there­

fore fall into U(/\o ) (cf. (7), § 7» Satz 1). Of course, this would involve the introduction of some ramification which would make difficult to recover the pattern that follow hereditary or maximal orders containing the given crossed product.

Anyhow, let us suggest a possible way to the end of intro­

ducing ground ring extensions in the theory of crossed product

orders. For the sake of simplicity we will work in the classi­

cal case and for complete local Dedekind rings as groun rings.

As it will follow from our later results this does not seem to

be a significant lost of generality.

Let A = A(f , A 0 ,G), where A 0 is the maximal order in E

and E is a Galois extension of the quotient field F of the

complete local Dedekind domain R, with Galois group G. Let

A = F A = A(f,E,G).

Let L be a Galois extension of F containing E with

maximal R-order S and Galois group H. Let H' be the Ga­

lois group of L/E:

1 — > H' — »■ H G — > 1 (exact).

Then f induces, through the inflation map, the 2-cocycle: 15

f : HxII — ► S as follows:

f HxH ------*• S


f(h,hO = f(h,h') (h = x(h) 6G, h£H).

Then we would call the order:

A S = A(f,S,H) = ® St

in AS =: A(f,L,H) the crossed product order obtained from A by extension from

A 0 to S. (If the extension L is properly chosen, it would be possible to replace f by an equivalent cocycle in such a way that all its values are in U(S).)

What we would like to have now would be a two-way passage to g go from orders in A containing A to orders in A contain- q ing A • To go in one direction, we can consider the mapping

(p defined thus: 16 g Given an order P in A, «<>( D 3 T is the Bet which is generated as an R-raodule by all expressions of the form:

g where the 60 #s are any elements in A but each family {xff}

(o£G) is chosen in E in such a way that e P • s s Then

To find the way in the reverse direction, we notice first

that there is a natural mapping of the E~module Et in- x £ K T to A, p, defined by: p(x.t^) = x.t^^j (xtE, t £H). Then

we consider the mapping y which associates to each order p*

3> A S in AS the order lf'( P') - P( T # A ( ® Et )) C. A. x £ H T The two correspondences (p, 4*, have the property that for

every order T containing A* y( P» so that

injective over the set of maximal orders containing A •

2.4. Examples.

Crossed product algebras and hence crossed product orders oc­

cur very often in nature (cf. (7))» We will content ourselves

with the following illustrating examples:

1.- If E/F is a Galois extension with group G, then EndpE 17

is naturally isomorphic to A(1,E,G) (cf. (2), Appendix)*

Sitting inside is the crossed product order A(1,I1,G), where II is the maximal R-order in E.

2.- The ordinary integral quaternions, ^[i»j]» form a cross­

ed product order A ( f , Z[i] ,G) where G = < > is the Gal­

ois group of Q(i)/Q and f is the factor system:

f(“ ,l) = f(l,l) = f(l,“ ) * 1

f C D = -1.

A natural 2ӣi3-basis is given by t^=l, t = k = ij:

^ [i v ^3 = + ^Ci]*k .

3.- Lot G be a finite group with an abelian normal subgroup

H and let 6 be sui absolutely irreducible faithfull repre­

sentation of G over the complex numbers. Let A q be the

■^-module generated by 6(G). Then J\Q is an order in a sim­

ple (Q-algebra which can be viewed as an epimorphic image of a

crossed product order A ( f » Ajj|G/H), where A g is the /£-mod­

ule generated by 6(H) and f is the factor system correspond­

ing to the :

1 f H — > G ► G/H — ► 1 .

In some cases A q is actually a crossed product order. For

example, let G = = the symmetric group of degree 3, H a Aj 18 s the alternating subgroup and 6 be given by:

0 1 w 0 6(12) = 6(123) = 1 0 0 w

rd A where w is a primitive 3 -root of unity. Then A q is iso­ morphic to the crossed product order .A(l, Z Cw3,G/H). A nat- ural /ZCwJ -basis is given by where G/H has been identified with the representative subgroup

< ( 1 2 ) > . This is a classical crossed product order. If we call instead A q the -module generated by 6(G), then it is again a crossed product order but in our broader sense.

4.- In the typical case, the -^-completion of a crossed product

order in the classical case is a crossed product order in

our broader sense (cf. Remark ^.7)*

5.- Other examples of crossed product orders, in the classical

sense, can be found in papers of S. Williamson and M* Ha-

rada (cf. (12), (1 9), (20), (21) and (22)). 19

3. Hereditary crossed product orders*

Throughout this section ve keep the notations introduced in

2. From time to time we add special assumptions as needed*

The following theorem is well known:

Theorem 3*1* Let R be a discrete rank one valuation ring* E

a Galois extension of F (with group G) and A ^ the maxi­

mal R-order in E. Then the following are equivalent:

(1) E/F is tamely ramified;

(2) ACf, A 0,g) = A is hereditary for every f;

(3) -A(l, A q,G) is hereditary.

It was proven by S. Williamson in (19) but the equivalence

between the first and the third was first given in (3)* Later

on, it was proven in (12) that proposition (2) can be weak­

ened by eliminating the condition ” for every f" , provided

that the residue class field of A Q is perfect.

Now we consider again crossed product orders in our broader

sense: 20

Theorem 3«2. Lot K be a complete discrete rank one valuation rinrc and the maximal order in the commutative alprebra E.

If E^ = Ee^ is tamely ramified extension of Fe.^« then A =

A ( f . A .0 ) ia hereditary. In fact, it is a principal heredi­ tary order.

Proof, It well known that can be written in the form: —1 ■ ■ — is A_ o s

where A 0^ is t*10 maximal order in E^ = Ee^ and cf^( AQ^) is the maximal order in E^ = c^CE.^), If ^ is a prime ele­ ment generating the radical of A Q^» we call n ^ o a i ^7Ci^ n = ji^ , so that n Aq s rad( AQ).

Let us call, for brevity, fe^ the restriction of the map­ ping:

(o,t) > f(o,T).ei to H., Then, as it is easily seen, each fe. is a 2-cocycle: X 1

fe. : H.xH. --- >U(d. (A . )). i i x i ol

Then it makes sense to speak of the crossed product:

A x = A C f V Ao1 ,h1>

which verify the hypothesis of Th. 3 .1 . A ^ is naturally a 21 subring of A :

a and is an order in

A1 = © Ejt0 = A ( f e ltE1 ,H1 ) A. a 6 U 1

Let be the radical of A^s = rad(A-j_)* It was prov­

en in (19) that is a free A^-module and, more precisely,

that = ^ i ni* Hence, A ^ a principal heredita­

ry order. ) Our theorem will be proved if we can show that N a n A is

the radical of A.

It is clear that, from the invariance of rad(A^) under o G, o(tc) A q = n A Q ( Vtf €G). This implies that N is a two-

sided ideal of A. Since N = rad AQ» A , it follows from Naka-

yama's lemma that Ncrad(A).

To prove the reverse inclusion, we show that A / N is a se­

misimple F-algebra, where F is the residue class field of R.

If we introduce now the notation f for the natural passage

of f to the quotient A Q/rc A , we see that

A/m s A(f * A0/n Ac,g)

and, in the same way as before, we recognize that A^/rc^A^ is

similarly a crossed product over which can be viewed as a 22 subalgebra of A/N. As we have pointed out, radC A^)=0.

Since rad(A/N) is the maximal nilpotent ideal of this al­ gebra, and the same is true .for the algebra A^/n^A^, we see that

rad(A/N) H (A^/it^A^) c rad( = 0 . (+)

Our goal is to prove that rad(A/N) = 0, for which we are go­ ing to use the fact (+).

With the obvious meaning for the notations, we can write any element in rad(A/N) in the form:

X—Xy••«|6 o € G

Hence, for each i,j = l,...,s, the element t .x*ei

A l /7liA i 60 that it is equal to 0. In fact:

v °:1 i * - i W o . = ( = 0-- 3 c € G ° 3

-1 -1 e,.a. »f(o. ,o)• e. .t ■> t

Now, all terms of this sum vanish, except those for which 23 oT^cfcr. belongs to H-. In turn, these elements o are of the i j J. form (x£H^), so that our expression reduces to:


■6 ./

Now, the fact that these elements are zero for each i and each j implies obviously that all g are equal to zero, i.e.: a = 0.


Proposition 3»3« Keeping the preceding notations, if R is any local Dedekind domain, rad(A ) - ra d ( A ) A A ^.

Proof. If is the maximal ideal of R, it is clear by Na- kayama's lemma that rad( A^) and ^Ac. rad( A)» so

that we may as well work modulo . Then, using the character­

ization of the Jacobson radical in the case of artinian rings,

we conclude as before that

rad(A) A A-j^ C rad( A^).

To prove the reverse inclusion, we proceed as follows. We

call the radical of A-^ N the radical of A and

we introduce the set: s 2k

J i=l i

Hi ra-1 and wo claim that for every natural number m, J = J.N^ . I t would be enough to show this for the case m-2 .

If n, n'£J, they can be written thus:


n = Z * t . i=i °i 1

. y t Z - n = a f *t • '• -j c t .0 # • / . C . S * s' TT 1 I T X X X =1 1 T £ *

so that:

TO.. to.» t X X n.n' = £ --- • t a. 8.f(x,o./)a^ . e.. t t . . . .. , o.x.Tl x 1 to.* T x,x =1,...,s x x t ,t '£ Hx

In this sum all terms vanish except those for which t g ^.£H^, v/hich implies i' = 1. Hence, it is clear that nn' can be put in the form:

nn' =

It is a straightforward computation to-see that JA is a two-sided ideal of A and, since is nilpotent, it follows that JA is nilpotent too. In other words: 25 JACK.

Now, since c jA, we get the desired inclusion:

M c N r\


Theorem 3.^. With the notations already adopted, if R is a

complete discrete rank one valuation ring we have: if A is

hereditary then is hereditary. Hence, the following prop­

ositions are equivalent:

(1) E^/Fe^ is tamely ramified;

(2) A ( f , A Q,G) is hereditary for all f ;

O ) A(l, A q ,G) is hereditary;

(where A ^ is themaximal R-order in E). If, furthermore.

theresidue class field of A ^ is perfect. (2) may be re­

placed by:

(2)' A(f, A0,G) is hereditary.

Proof. From Th. 3*2 it follows that (l) implies (2) and,

obviously, (2) implies (3). The first part of the theorem,

together with Th. 3*1» means that (3) implies (l). So, we

only have to prove that A hereditary implies A^ heredita­

ry. 26

As it is well known, an order is hereditary if and only if its radical is left projective* This means that A is heredi- tary if and only if N~^N = A, where N“^ =: |x 6 A/ xN c Aj,

Under this assumption we are going to prove the equivalent

statement for

By assumption, there are elements n^ 6. N, n^ € Nsuch


2-* nknk = 1 * k=l s Since z e = 1, we still have: q=l q

e,n,'e t t”^e n. e, = e, <+) zj 1 k q a a qHk 1 1 k=l,...,r q q q=l,■••,s

= identity element of A^.

Now, a direct computation similar to that in the proof of Th.

3*2 shows that each t”^e n. e, 6 H A A, =* N_ (cf. Prop. 3»3)» O Q K X X X q and that each e,n,'e t . £ A,, On the other hand, it is clear 1 k q 1 that

elnkeqtO N1 ^ A1A A 3 ^ 1 q

b o that each e,n,'e t belonge to N " 1 . Therefore, (+) means

precisely that a

(j* e • d» 27

Remark 3.5. The proof indicates that the following more general statement is also true: if K is any local ^edekind domain and

A » A ( f , A o ,G), where is any order in E containing all the idempotents e^, then if A is hereditary, A ^ is here­ ditary too.

Remark 3.6. (On the achur index).

Let us go back for a minute to the classical case: R is a complete discrete rank one valuation ring and E is a Galois extension of F, with Galois group G. In this case, our crossed product algebra A is also a central simple F-algebra Jxf of the form D where D is a division ring which is a cen- 2 tral finite F-algebra. Under these conditions, dim^D = s is 2 2 2 the square of a natural number and dim^A = f s = n , where n = £g :iJ. The integer s is called the Schur index of the simple algebra A.

We are going to show that the Schur index can be easely com­ puted in the tamely ramified case, if we know f, E, G.

Let -H be the unique maximal order in D« It is well known

that if P is its unique maximal ideal (= rad(ft)) every he­

reditary order in A is conjugate to one of the form: 28


— — — —> V . ______\

^ rt

n si ..... sn / p si ...... f i

p ...... SI /

Jvjf (The matrices in A = D are partitioned into blocks of sizes r^,..., r^ and the order in question is obtained as the set of all matrices whose blocks on or above the diagonal have arbitrary entries in X 2 , while its blocks below the diagonal have only arbitrary entries in P.) (cf. (11) and (17))•

The order is principal if and only if all blocks have the same size:

r^ = Tj a ... = r^ = r and, also, if and only if the radical of the order can be gen­ erated on either side by only one and the same element. This is precisely the case for a hereditary crossed product order in our tamely ramified case.

So, t being the number of blocks, we have the first rela­ 29 tion:

f = r.t.

It has been proved in (19) that t, which is also the num­ ber of maximal two-sided ideals of the order A * is equal to the order of the conductor group (which depends on G and f). So, we may assume that t is known.

It is also well known (cf. (7) and (16)) that the Schur index s is both equal to the ramification index and the resi­ due class degree of D. If F denotes as before the residue class field of R we can compute dim ^ (A/N) in two differ­ ent ways:

dim(A/ N ) = t.dim j (D rxr) = t.r2.s

dim(A/N) = n.dim =; (E) a n»f„ JP TC

where f^ is the residue class degree of Therefore:

2 - teT •6 — “ !• 6#f TC TC

r.r.S a f.S.f 1C

r = f TC .

This means that J a f^t and we obtain the following expression

for the Schur index: 3 0


Now let us come back to the more general case in which £ is only a commutative semisimple algebra (but we still assume that

R is a complete discrete rank one valuation ring). Here we have the algebra A and the subalgebra and to the crossed product order /\ in A we associate as before the crossed product order A-^ in A^. They are simultaneously principal hereditary orders in the tamely ramified case and, as it will follow from the proof of Prop. 4.6, they have the same number of maximal ideals: t.

If we call h = (E^Fe^ = [H:l3 and k = n/h and if f^ denotes the residue class degree of A 0]_ WQ find that:

dim = E = f .k £ TC and carrying on the same computations as for the classical case we obtain the following expression for the Schur index:

s = f^.t.k

Finally, if s^ is the Schur index of A^, we have:

n h.k f »t.k f »t.k s it n ~ ~ = ; a 1 " ~ ~~~ a 1 . s1 h h V* V* This allows us to state: 31

Pro-position 3.7. If R is a complete discrete rank one valua­ tion rinp; and we keep the notations of Th. 3.2. then the Schur index of the simple algebra A is equal to the Schur index of the simple algebra A^.

^t. Reduction to the classical case.

Throughout this section we keep the preceding notations, and we make only the further assumption that R is a local Dede­ kind domain:

R is a local Dedekind domain with maximal ideal and

quotient field F.

£ is a commutative semisimple F-algebra of finite dimen­


e.,...,e are the primitive central idempotents of E. X 6

6 is a (finite of order n) group of automorphisms of E

whose fixed subalgebra is equal to F.

H. is the G-stabilizer of E. a Ee.. 1 I X

cr^ is an element of G with the property that o^(e^)»e^. 32

A 0 is an R-order in E which is G-invariant.

XI is the unique maximal order in E.

A 0i is the order in E^.

f is a 2-cocycle of the G-module E with values in U(AQ)

which is furthermore normalized.

A is the crossed product: A(f»E,G)»

is the crossed product:

A is the order A(f, A q»G) in A.

t is a natural basis for any of these crossed products.

First of all, we wish to describe here the natural way of climbing (in the tamely ramified case) from A to the hered­ itary order A(f,^,G).

We remark first that S. Williamson, in (19), proved the general version of Th. 3*1 without the assumption of complete­ ness. Therefore (cf. Remark 3*5) A(f,J2,G) is hereditary if and only if Atfe^ft j,^) is hereditary and if and only if

Ej/Fe^ is tamely ramified (even if R is not complete). The only thing that is missed in the non-complete case is the ^prin­ cipality” of the hereditary order.

Given A , each A . = A e. = a . (A .,) is an order in ' o oi o i 1 ol E. and, furthermore, "T.A . « is aa order containing X * *T-/ Ol ^ ox o 32 which contains all the idempotents e^. It is a crossed product order too and is contained in A(f,£l,G).

Remark. In the sequel the phrase: ” A 0 1® equal to the sum of its simple components” will mean that A 0 contains all the idempotents e^.

Now we recall some terminology and introduce some additional notations:

If M is any R-lattice in any F-algebra A, the left and right orders of M are defined thus:

[m/m] = (xeA / xHCm J ;

[m \ m] = (x a / m x c m } .

If A is an R-order in A and OL is a A -ideal in A*

the idealizer of 01 in A (denoted by IA ( ^ 0 briefly,

1(00) is defined as the maximal order of A whioh contains

01 as an ideal, namely:

iA (tfU = l a / m ] a £ a \ o i ] .

It is known (cf. (23)) that, in the local case, an order

A in A with radical N is hereditary if and only if Ia (N)s

A * or» equivalently, if and only if [N/n] a A or if and

only if [n\n] =A. This leads to the following construction (the *’ idealizer construction” ) of an invariant hereditary or­ der containing a given order A • Considering the chain defined inductively by:

r „ = A >

Mi »raS(ri)i ^1*1 = W the first order *or which hereditary and contains A .

Proposition b.l. With the notations introduced at the beginning of ...this , ...section, — , j .let -1 i.Ol 0 be an —ideal — " of A o which... is. ■— G- ■ invariant and let 01 be the crossed product A(f.flf0«G).

Then OH is an ideal of A and we have:

[ o/ m 0 ],G) ;

[ > \ r c ] = A ( f , | l ^ 0 \cJi0 ],G) i

IA (0l) = ACf, Ie ( ^ 0 ),G).

Proof. Let x 6 A qi cf 6 G, a = 2 ^ 0 e ^ • Then we liave:

xt^a = xt a t = xa^f(0|x)t 6 0 1 ; O — 0 T X ^ T OX X

axt„ = J'* a t xt = ^ » O L—-» XT O ' X XO X

so that 01 is an ideal in A . 35

Now let ye [0lQ/ 0lQ]» o6Gy a as before. Then:

ytaa » y a ' a 2 1 ya^ T = Z N tT

(where a'=tffa, a' £ 0lQ, a " 6 CKQ).

This shows that A (f, £0lQ/ $ 0]tQ) c [ ° l /<%}• Conversely, let

X = 2 x0*0 (X0 ^ E) be any element in £cfc/0l], and aQ any element in ClOl. Then from xa , follows “ o o^6

Z *0*0**® 6 which implies that each X

The proof for the right order is entirely similar. We only have to keep in mind that, being G-invariant, both

\ & Q/ 6lQ] and [0lo\ 0lo] are G-invariant.

cj* o • d*

Now, if r = A . I\ . ..., is the chain of the oo o lo ko ” idealizer construction” applied to A Q , the last term is a hereditary order in E, so that = £1 • Hence, if =

A(f, r. ,G) we get an increasing chain of orders starting with 3*0 A and ending up at /\(f iQ ^G). In the tamely ramified case,

this is therefore an ” idealizer construction” to obtain a he­ reditary order containing the given crosse^l product order A • 36

Proposition 4.2. If A Q is equal to the sum of its simple com­ ponents, then A _ '/>' \ t^ Ajt and, a fortiori: A ° A A ^ A. o ,t £G

Proof. Let us call, for brevity, A the set on the right hand side. We first observe that, since f(o,t)€ A,

f(cJ,x)Ax C A x and

A 1.f(o,T)c A^.

Given a £ A , a direct computation shows that for each i,j:

to_lQia6JtO;, « V


ct* . — • t . .a.e..t . >* C /\ •, XQ . -1 X J <*.{ rt-l 1 1 --1 d. 3 -1 flj f(oi%a^ ) i 1 ^ which implies that

a b ^ t„ .a. ..t , 6 A* . 4 4 cr. x3 -1 i , j i

This shows that A £ A and the reverse inclusion is obvious.

£[• ©* dc

Proposition 4.3. Given any order A ^ in containing A ^,

we define: 37

A' = A A { A . if A o is equal to the sum of its simple components. A* ia an order in A, containing A , such that

A' a = A^ .

Proof. It is clear that A* is a finitely generated B-module containing A • It is also clear that A £ C A* HA^. To prove that A' is closed under multiplication, it suf­ fices to show:

A A'A A'A ^ AA'A .

Let a, a', a"fcA» P» P*£ A-£* As follows from the proof of Prop. **-.2, there are then elements p. . £ such that: 13 At X

a' = 2* t Pi;jt • ifj °i 10 Oj

We observe now that if P & A ', t p is of the form: 1 oi

'i x~ 3xd x vi

so that for any P^ 6 A£ ,

Plt0 p = (Kronecker delta). 1

Using these remarks, we obtain:

e *» aPa'p'a" o Z P.*** = ZaPPijt .jP#a* i,i i d i 5 3 8

On the other hand, there is an index, k, and an element T of

such that o”^ a 0]C‘C» 80 that:

%-X ■ *(<£„> V * t ' and, if we call Pxj*"f 6 A £ and tT0# a P'cA£» 1c we get:

e = 2 , “P P ^ o pTa" = aPPixP^a"^ AA{ A . j k

The proof will be complete if we show that A * A .

V/e observe that if a 6 A » once we write a in the fora:

a * i7 ti i V -i i - i V «3 i • (s« € v it is obvious that ©xael “ ^11^ ^ l ^ ^ l * Then» given any ele­ ment of A ^ A ' = A A ^ A a A.: 7 a B a' (a .a'tAi P„& A O 1 X x^qqq <1 <1 <1 1 we have:

Z “qV « ° " l - Z V q V el ■ Z A £ . ^ Q >

€[• e • d«

Theorem k.k. Let A ^ be equal to the sum of its simple compo­ nents. Let (0 be the set of all orders in A which contain

A and ^ the set of all orders in which contain A ^ « 39

Then there is a 1-1, order preserving, correspondence between ll) and given by the following functions;

h ^ — » 0

— > IPX

r(A{) « A A£A

# ( A ' > = A'r\Av

Proof. Apply Props. *f.2 and

Corollary 4-. 5. A* A is a maximal order if and only if A £ is a maximal order.

Remark. One should observe that the function $1 has another al­

gebraic expression, namely:

= J2C A') = A'n Ax = ex A'e^

In fact, since e^ is the identity element of A^, A £ **

el ^ l el *- ei A #e^» the other hand, e ^ A * ^ ^ A*" ^ d direct

computations show that A^ = e^Ae^.

This fact allows for a simpler proof that if Aj[ then

A A£ A is closed under multiplication. For we have: 40

AA£AAA£A = AA£AA£A = A A ^ A e ^ i »

= AA{A1AiA = A A'A .

As for the fact that ( A A £ A ) ^ 3 A£» we have:

(A A{ A ) X = ei.A A^Ae^^ = e1A e 1Aie1A e 1 = A 1A £ A 1 »A£.

Proposition 4,6. If A is equal to the snm of its simple com­ ponents, both functions (R. , /L of Th. 4.4 carry hereditary

orders into hereditary orders. So, A * is hereditary if and on­

ly if is hereditary.

Proof. Let N' a rad A * » a rad A£ * We claim that N£ a

N ' A A ^ = e^N'e^. In fact, if I is any ideal ofA*» then 1^

a ir\Ax a I n A£ a is an ideal of A£:

A ^ 1! = e1 A'e1Ie1 C o^e^i XiAx3 eiIei A e1 C e^Ie^.

Conversely, if 1^ is an ideal in A^ » * = A* I ^ A ' .

Then I is an ideal in A'•

Mow we show that these two correspondences between ideals are

inverses of each other. In one direction:

e1 ( A ' I 1 A')e1 a ei A'e1Ixe1 A'«x = A ^ A ^ = V to

And, in the other: /V(e^Ie^)A' is clearly contained in I and the reverse inclusion follows by using the argument in the proof of 4.2.

The fact that these correspondences are order preserving and

1-1 implies then that N', intersection of the maximal ideals of A' corresponds to N', the intersection of the maximal ideals of A£. Hence it is true indeed that N£ = e-jN'e^.

If A' is hereditary, N' is left projective, i.e. there are elements y^, x^ such that:

*i6 N ', y±N' A ' and 2 yixi * 1#

Then, for all q's:

8114 V i V « " i c A i tV i V « eAi) q q q

and, finally:

i,qZ Vi*,Vl H ' ? i el^ixiel * V

This means that is a left projective A i “m°dule and

therefore that A ^ is hereditary.

The same way of proof can be used for the converse. If A £

is hereditary, there are yf, xT such that:

x- 6 H' , y?N' C A £ and ^ y![x? a e^.

Then x ^ t ^ ^ N ' and t0 yfN' d/\'. In fact, any element a'eK' b z can be written (cf. proof of Prop. b.Z) in the form:

2 n^ t i (with nf,6N') iTj ffi 1* o~ 13 1 3 so that:

* .2. TkVo * Jrk»i)t,-lc ? Alt A '' V ! Oj % J 0 5 J 0j

Finally, we have:

2 *« - 2 t ^ t ; 1 = 2 T . = i. q,l q q q q q q

This says that H' is a left projective //-module and hence that /\' is hereditary.

q. e. d.

Remark A. 7. (On the reduction to the complete case.)

The preceding theorems allow us to show up to what extent

the study of crossed product orders in the local complete case

i6 enough to study global crossed product orders.

Let us consider a classical crossed product: A = A(f,E,G)

(i.e. E is a Galois extension of F with group G), where we

assume that R is the ring of integers in some algebraic num­

ber field F . Let us assume furthermore that A Q * the

maximal R-order in E. We know that the main question of whether A is hereditary or maximal can be answered if we know what happens with all the completions of A for the valuations corresponding to the prime ideals of R. Let us fix a prime ideal ^ of R. Then, if R^ denotes the ^.-completion of R, the ^-completion of A is given by:

A ^ = = 0 where the crossed product on the right is defined by the cocy­ cle 1 ® f , and the action of G on R^ ®j.p. is given (cf. section 5) by the action on the ”12-component” of each ten­ sor.

It is clear that if F denotes the quotient ring of Ry v - o and = F^, A (the .^-completion of A), then is an

R^-order in A^ . We find easily (cf. section 5) that A^ =

A ( 1 ® f» E^»G)* where now E^ « E is the direct sum:

E = E^ © ... © E^ a of the Pi-completions of E, E^, where P^ are the different prime ideals of £1 lying above ^ (i.e. the completions of E corresponding to all the extensions to E of the valuations associated to ^ in F).

Correspondingly, A (1 f»S^,G), where the completion of H., is the unique maximal order in the semisimple, commutative algebra E^ and, moreover, 0 where hk is the P^-completion of -Q- (or the unique maximal order of

Therefore, Ay is a crossed product order in our broader sense. Here the stabilizer under G of the ” first” compo- rionf- o-P P -i/s tho HonnmTinBi t.inn irrmin 7, of* P . T +: f fil 1 nufi then from Th. b.k and Prop. A-.6 that the study of / L n regard to hereditary or maximal orders which contain it) can be effectively reduced to the study of A^t where

is a classical crossed product order in the local complete case.

5.- Reduction to the totally ramified case.

Throughout this section we keep the notations introduced at the beginning of section h but we assume furthermore that R is complete and that E is a Galois extension of F with group


Let us begin with a study of the algebra E = : E E and the algebra A =: E ® ^ A and their orders in relation with the orders of E and A.

It is well known that, as an E-algebra, E 5 E ® ... © E

(as many copies as n = (E:F) = £G:l]). We will index the dif- ±5 ferent copies of E with the elements of 6 and denote each element of that direct sura as a family: (x„)w - „ (x £ E =E). 0 0 c u o O The following is one way of writing the above isomorphism ex­ plicitly:

Let a be a primitive element of £ over F, with irredu­ cible polynomial P(X) = "fT (X - o(a)). Then we have: or e G

- „ _ „ ~ _ f[x] - eCx] - C& e[x! „ E = E®VE = E «i' Tp T B T - THxTT = ®a X x - c U T ) V

Hence, if we represent an element of £ in the form 53 xi ® a , i its image on the right is given by the family:

( 2 xi .cr(ai))

Since the map:

(x,y) --- » (x.o(y))o is balanced, we see that our isomorphism can be set up (inde­ pendently of a) as:

? * i ® yi — * (Zv^i^o (xi»yi6E>*

Now, if S^, S2 are any two orders in E, it is obvious

that after a natural identification S^ &LS2 is an order in E.

We want to investigate the conditions under which this order

contains all the irreducible idempotents of E. As an answer,

we have: *f6

Proposition 5.1. Let S ' be an order in E. The idempotents e of E are Riven by the formulas:

< < . 0 •— 1 i—1 i+1 zx

°i °i °i °i •••• y. y « : . x 1 y 4 x ••


Cf Cf Cf n a r, n

fli i = l rr

—Where — — onx ,.*.,o n are " 1 all■ ■ —the elements of G, —y 0^—. is — —an — — R- basis of S and D is the disoriminant of that basis.

Proof. Let us put ^ xT ® y^. The conditions for being th X € G the o -idempotent amount to:

(Kronecker delta) T x crcp T £ G

The determinant of this system is det(y^) = Vd £ 0 and the u- nique solution is obtained by Cramer's rule as written above.

q.e.d. 47

Corollary 5.2. If E/F is unramified, each order of E con­ taining is equal to-the sum of its simple components.

Proof. (This is also a corollary of lemma 5*10) E/F unram- i f i e d means th a t the d is c rim in a n t D o f D- is a unit of Q - ,

We can generalize the construction above in the following way. Let H be a normal subgroup of G and let L be the

fixed subfield of E corresponding to H, which is a Galois

extension of F with Galois group G/H. We can consider the


EK = L ®p E ; AH = L A ;

so that if 1 is the null subgroup of G we have E = ;

A = A . If a is a primitive element of E over F with

irreducible polynomial P(X), we can introduce, for each co­

set a = cH <= G/H, the polynomial P_(X) =: "TT_ (X - cp(ot)) a

once that each of the P_ 's is irreducible over L, that a L[X}/(P_00) is naturally isomorphic to E under the map X a > o(a) and that P =~[|X_ is the decomposition of P o over L. Moreover, it is clear that we have:

_H T ~ „ -T ^ FIX] - L fX] - LCxi - p \ (p(x)) - (p(x)) = =- ^ hE (+) 48

If we pick a representative a for each coset a and wo use the notation (x )— for the elements of the direct sum on the a a right, we obtain one explicit expression of the isomorphism above by setting:

(+) X xi ® y i *--- * (Z xi »oCyi))_ (x^L. y ^ E ) i l a

Proceeding in the same way as we did in the proof of Prop.

5.1, we may now compute the idempotents of E . In fact, the algebra L L is naturally an L-subalgebra of L <2^, E and its idempotents are also the irreducible idempotents of the lat­ ter. A direct application of Cor. 5*2 yields:

Proposition 5.5« If S is an order in E, invariant under G, such that S a L = -£"2- „ is the maximal order of L and if L n — ■''' ' 1 ' ' 1 t is an unramified extension of F, then <2^ S contains all the idempotents of E and is therefore equal to the sum of its simple components. In this case, all these components are isomorphic to S.

Proof. Y/e know that <~ ^ contains all the idempotents of L which are the idempotents of E^. According

to (+), the a ^-component is equal to I7jj.o(S) = S.

q.e.d. 4-9

Keeping these notations we turn now our attention to the al­ gebra AH a L A = L &>„ ( @ EtO. We claim that it is a F F ff£G 0 crossed product of the form:

AH 5 A(f,I?,ttf).

In fact, the map

x ® Z yo ^ •'— * Z

(x ® y)° = x ® y° (x

Now we can see that our mapping is also multiplicative:

(x y»ta ). (x' (g) y't0 ,) b (x.x' ® ytay ,t(J») = xx'(5p yy't0ttf,

J > (xx' ® yy'°).tcftc(, = (

= ((x ® y).(x' (g) y' ) °).ta .t0<. =

a (( x & y)ta).((x" ®

We have proved:

JJ Proposition 5»^-« The L-algebra A is a crossed product a H H A ( f , E ,G). The stabilizer of the first component of E , 50 which is equal to the L-algebra E, is H.

Proposition 5»5« Let A = . A a ,G) as before. Let =

A A . I = A.Q AL,_ Then:

A ==

H f\ is an order in A . As before, we call e/ the family of all orders in A which contain A, and we introduce now the fam­ ily of all orders which have the following two properties:

C D rH^ A H i

H (ii) each element in I admits an expres­

sion of the form T,w. <& x. (w. € ut X X X A Oil x. €A) such that each 1 <& x. is also X * X an element of T •

Then there is a 1-1, order preserving, correspondence between

$ and $ H given by the functions:

f : iS> --- > ;p =: rH =: aoH<% r s

3crH) ■== r Ha a . 51 H H Proof. Given Pei#* it is clear that P contains /\ . On the other hand, by the definition* the condition (ii) is sat-

H a H isfied, so that p €- $ . It is even more trivial to see that 3( P H ) belongs to $. Now we show that (P and 3 are inverses.

Let r € \9 and let us show that ( A qjj <5^ V ) A A » P .

Obviously, T C ( A 0jj ® D H A . Conversely, let y be any element of (AoH® D a A; let w^ be an R-basis of ^ o H and a. 6 R be such that T* a.w, = 1. Our assumptions on y X ' 4 X X mean that there are elements x.^6 P, x £ A such that:

Y = Z wi® xi = 1® x = 2 1 aiwi $ x = 2 / w. ® a. x .

It follows that a.x = x. € T • which implies: x =/ , w.x. 6 T • X X X X

Now let P H £ (i)H. We want to show that P** = A).

The order on the right is contained in the order on the left. m H Conversely, if y € P , it admits a representation of the form

/ 1 w^ ® x^ such that each 1 (g> x^ £ P . This means 1 x^ H m H is an element of P A A, whence y €A0g ( P AA). .


Remark 5.6. In the previous situation, if we had that A Qjj®A0

is equal to the sum of its simple components, we could also

apply Th. and we would have that the lattice of orders A H containing A is isomorphicaly represented by the lattice 52 H H a of orders of (A containing (A In that case 0 would be isomorphic to the image of (0 in that lattice of orders containing

H H Now let us look more closely to A and (A )^. According H to the definition following Prop. ^.2, (A >1 is precisely

A(f,E,H) in which E is considered as an L-algebra. In other words:

(AH ), = A (f,E,H) =: A~ = 0 E.t A. A t U t

IT (A is the subalgebra of A obtained by restricting the sum £9 Et^ to the o's belonging to H and by considering it as an L-algebra. This algebra, which we now denote by AH , is a central simple L-algebra.

As we said before, if A qH is equal to the sum of its H simple components and if we denote with 0 ^ the image of 0 under the mapping JZ introducen in Th. 4,*f, we have the com­ mutative diagram: * 53

But, in principle, there should be a more” natural” way for going from A to A^. Namely, given T € 0 , its ” natural”

correspondent should be T O A^. We carry out this idea in the


Proposition 5.7« Keeping the preceding notations, we call /\^

the— order ... A A A „ n ——= ^rr —A o t X~ and n the family of all or- T & H ders of A^ , which verify the following two conditions:

(i) P H 3 A h ;

(ii) r w is invariant under G, in the sense that si

tcr Htol c r a <*»««•>•

Then we introduce the following two functions:

j: $ --- *

J(T)=: P jj e P ^ ;

p: 0 H --- ► \9

p ( r H) = P h ^»

and we have:

J ° p a id

p(J(D)<=r (VreO).

More precisely, p(J(P)) is the minimum of the elements of (9

whose image under J is J(P). In particular, p is monic and J is epic.

It follows also that for all £ ^IT ^11^ ~

Proof* If r € (9, J ( D is an order in containing A H »

Also, since t X - t ”1 = Au , each «J(P) is invariant under G. ’ O H O n Secondly, given e ’ P HA is a finitely generated R-mod- ule containing A* Next we observe:

1 H ^ = ^^U^QtaC ^l£

so that



pcrfl>-pcrH) = = Z r li»t0 r Ht

c Z r Ht0tT c p( r H ). o, x

This completes the proof that p and J are well defined. The

remainder of the proof is straightforward.

c^« e. d •

Proposition 5.8. If A is such that A ^ <3^ Afl is equal to

the sum of its simple components, the following diagrams are

commutative: 55

H H 0 P O'

AH 0 H


0 p


Proof. Given p£ $ , (PkY) = A qH and ^ A q h ^ T ^ is

the set of all elements of the form which satisfy a.,0 the conditions:

v±e A oH’ 0 --- 0 H

This says that ^ ( ^ ( D ) = J ( D , which is the commutativity

of the first diagram.

Now, given any order V* in it contains

so that:

J(Z( D ) - < A oH ^rA. r ' . A o H <^r A ) A a 56

= < M o h A o h )(2r( A r'A))nA = (AoH®r(A P'A ) ) a A.

The order on the right hand side contains p( T*) = A P* A •

Conversely, if x £ ( A qR ®r ( A r*A))AA, x can be written thus:

x = 2 w-?0yT = 1 ^ z j ■ where (w.). is an R-basis for A 0ti and the y-'s are 0 0 ® J suitable elements of A P*A , while z belongs to A. If 2 is the expression for 1 in terms of the w.'s, we j ^ 0 have then that y. = a.z, whence 25 = A w *y-i* that is z £ J J j 3 0 A P ' A . This proves the commutativity of the second diagram.

But, if the first two diagrams are commutative, since P

^ are raonic, the third diagram is commutative too.

^•6 id<

Corollary 5.9. If. keening the notations above. L is an un­ ramified extension of F and if A qjj = then the lat­ tice 0 of all orders in A containing A is icomorphic

(i.e. is in 1-1 . order preserving, correspondence with) to the lattice of the & ^ orders of A^ which contain A ^ and are

G-invariant. This correspondence preserves hereditary orders in both directions. 57

Proof. The first statement is the commutativity of the third diagram of Prop. 5.8, which can be applied because of Prop.


As for the proof that J and p preserve hereditary or­ ders, we recall that, from Prop. 5*8, J = and from

Prop. ^-.6 follows that as well as its inverse X-, car­ ries hereditary orders into hereditary orders. So, it will be enough to show that both P and its inverse carry hereditary orders into hereditary orders. This fact is a particular case of the following:

Lemma 5.10. Let R be a complete local Dedekind domain with quotient field F and A an R-order in a simple algebra A. which is central over F. Let ep be the maximal ideal of R and L an unramified extension of F with maximal order

Then the order Gcfo A is hereditary if and only if A

is. (Note: A more general statement has been proved by Aus-

lander and Goldman (cf. (2), Prop. 8 .6 )).

Proof. Let N be the radical of A and NL that of A1*. We

claim that NL = <3^ N. We know that N is ^-nilpotent,

in the sense that for some integer m we have NracT ^ A . Then

a ls 0 ^ -nilpotent, which implies that ^ N

C N^. The reverse inclusion follows from the fact that A** /

semisimPle» For we have: 5 8

--AL._ a A. Q. (56. N ~ N ’ U L ®R K (as F=R/| -algebra) ? L

Now, L/F being unramified, a separable field extension of R/^ . ^ince A/ N is semisimple, the tensor prod­ uct is semisimple too.

A is hereditary if and only if N~^N = A , where N-^ =

[A/ nJ = {x€A/xNcA\. If this is true, we have:

(ClL % N_1).NL = = A l which means that A"^ is hereditary. Conversely, if A** hereditary, any element in (N^)-^ can be written in the form: z’'7, w. I&y., where (w.). is an R-basis of Q ~ r with w, = 1. i x x x L l -1 It follows readily that each y^ belongs to N from which we get that (N1*)”1 = 12. ^ • In turn, it follows from here that N-1N = A or that A is hereditary.


Corollary 5.11. Let . For each unramified subnormal extension L the lattice 0 of orders in A is isomorphic to the lattice of -Q^-orders in . This isomorphism pre­ serves hereditary orders in both directions. 5 9

Corollary 5.12. If I is the inertia group of E/F and Fj. =L the inertia field and if /\ contains = .Q.(inertia ------o — — ------1 1 L ------ring of Q .). then the lattice (!) of orders in A is iso­ morphic to the lattice of .Sl^-orders in Aj which contain and are G-invariant. This isomorphism preserves hereditary or­ ders in both directions.

Corollary 5.13. If E/F is an inertial extension, ACf.Cl.G) is a maximal order*

6. Non-commutative crossed products.

We are going to introduce here a generalization of the idea of a crossed product which seems to play an important role in the study of the structure of crossed product orders.

Let R be a local, complete, Dedekind domain with maximal ideal jej> and with quotient field F. Let B be a finite dimen sional F-algebra and G a finite group. We consider a fixed group extension:

1 --- » InAut(B) --- > G > G --- ► 1 60 where G is a subgroup of Aut(B). Let

a: GxG --- > InAut(B) :

V * T 3 aO fT*VOt *

We assume that the cocycle a is normalized.

Let us suppose that there exists a normalized 2-cocycle f:

f: GxG U(B)

such that each inner automorphism a^ ^ is precisely conjuga­

tion by f (cf *0»

Let g Q be any set in 1-1 correspondence with the ele­

ments of G and let A be the free B-module with basis {t0}»

Then the rules:

t .b » (p.(b).t cf o c

t0 .tT = f(cf,x).tOT ( V o,T £ G; \/b

define a multiplication in A which makes A into a finite di­

mensional F-algebra. This algebra will be called a non-commuta­

tive crossed product and will be denoted by: A(fia,BtG).

Note. When we say that a is a 11 2-cocycleM we mean that 61

InAut(B) is considered as a G-set by means of the f Va\a£ G and the a verify the associative relations: C,X

. "I acr,x*aox,e ~ ax,e'ao,xe a ’ ^a&x ,e^cr acr,xe*

Similarly, saying that f is a " 2-cocycle” amounts to say

f(o,x).f(ox,e) =

The assumption on these two cocycles means that for every x € B

a is the inner automorphism given by: o, x

aQ T(x) = f(a,x).x.f(o,x)”1.

It is very easy to see that this condition is an if and only if

condition in order that the multiplication defined above in A

be associative. For we have:

(bltob2tx)(b3tc) = ^bi«

= b^.tp^Cbg) .f(o,x). (b^) .f(crx,e). t^Xg .

On the other hand:

Cb1t(J)(b2tT .b3te) = (b1ta )(b2 .(px(b3 ).f(x,s).txc)

= b-^Cbg.cp^b^.fCx^J.fCa.xeJ.t^g =

= V > a (b2 ).atf>T.cpaT(b3 ).9tf

Therefore, we will have associativity if and only if:

f(o,T).OT(b^).<|>^(f(T,e)).f(o1'cs) or, equivalently:


.f(ar,e) = a.Q T *‘P

ao,x#<<>ax(b3 ) = fCo,T).(j>OT(b5 ).f(o,T)_1.

If A is an jR-order in B which is G-invariant (that is:

A is invariant under each of the tp^'s) and if, furthermore, the image of f is in U(A)» then A = A ( f , a,A,G) is an order in A which we will call a non-commutative crossed prod­ uct order.

Proposition 6.1. Keeping the notations above, if B is a simple algebra then A is a simple algebra.

Proof. We begin with the following remark: since B is simple, every automorphism which leaves its center element-wise fixed is an inner automorphism. This implies that s z, f°r all z in the center of B, implies 0 = 1, It is clear that A has an identity element, namely t^ = 1.

Let X be a two-sided non-zero ideal of A and let 0 ^ x£X, x = Z V o be an element of X of minimal *’ length” (i.e. a such that the set of all o such that b0 / 0 is minimal).

Let us number or^ the set of all a for which btf /0.

We can assume without loss of generality that = 1.

Let M be the set of all elements of X which can be writ- k ten in the form: 2, a_ • Then M is a two-sided B-mod- 6 1 *1 °i ule. We now call tL the set of all elements of B which ap- pear as the i coefficient of an element of M. is a non­ zero two-sided ideal of B. Hence, each is equal to B.

This means that there is an element m^ in M whose first coefficient is 1. It follows from the minimality of -fc^,...

..., ck } that if a^ is the first coefficient of an element

then m = = mlal (wkere, as ra runs through M, a^ runs through the whole of B). If we now equate the i coef­ ficients of an<* ra;Lai we S®*:

at >

It follows that X = A, and the proposition is proved.

Convention. In the sequel, we will find highly convenient to consider an even more general idea of crossed product: namely, by removing the requirement that the automorphisms associated to G are pairwise inequivalent modulo inner automorphisms of

B . In all what follows, unless advise on the contrary, we will consider only this more general class of crossed products.

We present now the broadest situation we can think of as for the validity of Maschke's theorem. This will be a step further from the generalisations already given by S. Williamson (19) and M. Harada, (12).

« vucw* cm/# \ J. f c*. * .h* t WLW characteristic p of F (F is here any field) does not divide n = [G:i1 , then. if B is semisimple, A is semisimple too.

Proof. It is enough to prove that if M is a left ideal of A then M is a direct summand of A, as a left A-module. In turn this is true if there exists a projection 7i: A --- > M which is A-linear.

Since A is a left B-module, M is a left B-raodule which is finitely generated. Since B is semisimple, M is a direct summand of A as B-modules. In other words, there exists a projection it': A —— which is B-linear.

By hypothesis, is a unit in the center of A.

This allows us to define another map:

Since it' is the identity on M, it is the identity on M:

On the other hand, since Im(it') = M, Im(it) = M. Hence, we on­ ly have to show that it is A-linear, for which it suffices to show that it preserves multiplication by elements of the form b.t^ (b € B, t gG).

This is a tedious but straightforward computation, as shown:

From the relations defining the multiplication on A we get:

t“X = t ,.f (o.cT1)-1 o -1 a so that: and, since it' is B-linear and


— , (a-1 . (b))).t •n'.t'^.t •: 11 o€G a a"1 a.o-1 0 0 *

= b . ~ — / , t u't^t X = x). n oC-G ° 0 T T

Now we observe again that from the relations defining the multiplication on A it also follows that:

t ^ t = t f (o,a“1)"1t = O T 0-1 X

so that:

i c ( b t x) = b . ~ - 2 t u'cp 1( f ( 0 , 0 “ 1))" 1f ( o “ 1, T ) . t t .x = T n oeG a 0 " 1 o ” t

= b.— 2jtm .(f(ata"1r 1)f(a“1tx),n'.t ..x a n oeG 0 0 - 1 0-1t

= b . - i - 2 W 1( f ( < J » o " 1)" 1)«Pa (f(o“ :L.'t))t ll't -l.X . O e G 0

Here we use again the fact that

= b . - i - 2 f ( o t o " 1 )"1V>a(f(o“1 ,'t)).t n't - x . OfG o” T

On the other hand, since

‘o ^ T - ‘ -X ..1 * »'-! , (t o ) t o t o we can write:

nCb.t^.x) =

» b.-~-2f

= b*“ ~ Z ! ,f‘1i (f(t _ 1 o ,o _ 1 t ))it#t"*1 . X . “of G ° ° T*" O t " X 0

Here we use the fact that t . a f(T,T‘^ o ) " H t and obtain: O T —1 T O

n(b.t.x) = T

= b - ~ Z 7f^ » 0"1 )"1‘P(,(f(0“;l,T))f(T,T":L0)":Ltxt ^ . a€ G t o

• (f(T^o^o^TjJjr't”1. x : t o T O

= b . - ~ 2 f(OtO~1)“S <-(f(b**1 ,T))f(T,T”10)"1. n a € G °

• t f(T*"^OtO~^T)t - 7l't“\ X , T O T O

Now we apply again the multiplication rules in order to shift t to the left: T

= b ~ — £t t

• f .. rc't‘"^1 x . t o t " c

The associative relations for f say that:

f (cfjO-1) (f (1 ,t) = (p0 (f(d"1 ,T))f(o,o"1T) or, equivalently:

Substituting above, we get:

rc(b.tT .x)

= b.-~-*7t

As for the quantity affected by qT1 we observe that:

f(T,T“1cr)f (c,a“1T) =

so that:


n(b.t^.x) » t rc't"”^ .x a b.t^.nCx). T ‘ “ 06 G t *0 x -o

q.e.d. 69

Corollary 6.3. If B is separable, A is separable.

Proof. If K is any extension of F, K <8^ A =K ®p(A(f,a,B,G))

£ A(f ,a,K ®pB,G). If B is separable, K is semisimple and K Cs>p A is semisimple.

Now we give some applications to the the theory of crossed product orders.

Proposition 6.4. With the notations of Prop. 5.7. if the char- racteristic p of F does not divide Ig s h I then:

rad( r ) = rad( r H ) . r (VrelS)

Proof. We show first that A can be interpreted as a non com­ mutative crossed product of A^ over G/H. We represent the elements of G/H by the cr's obtained for a coset decompo­ sition:

G s Ho. (j ... \J Ho (cf» — l) i s x and we stipulate that if o = Ho., then

define a cocycle a with values in InAut A^. Finally, if we 70 call t_ the element t we see that we are exactly in the a i situation described in this section. In other words;

A = A(f,a,AH ,G/H) and, furthermore:

r = p< rH> = rH a

= rK A(f,a, A e ,G/H) = A(f,a, r H ,G/H) .

Let us call the radical of P ^ and let us call N' =

A(f»a,NH ,G/H). We claim that N' = N = rad(P). It is clear that N' is a two sided ideal of T and then (Nakayama's lemma), N ' c N. So, it is enough to show that T/N' i6 semi­ simple .

It is easy to see that each a define an automorphism r* - ^ of I which we call a and, likewise, <<>_. defines _ o,t a ___ one which we denote by

A(f,a, P h /Nh ,G/H). Finally, by Maschke's theorem, p/N' is


Corollary 6.5. If P^ is hereditary, P is hereditary.

(Here we assume again, as in S . h f that p does not divide [G:H] ) Proof. By assumption, there are elements x^t x.^ verifying:

x i 6 ^h 1 x iWH C 2 'xixi =

It follows from Prop. 6.4 that: x^£ N, x!N c P so that P is hereditary.

Corollary 6.6. If F<= (0 and J(T) is hereditary, P is he­ reditary (again: p"|[G:H3).

Proof. p(J(p))c P .

Corollary 6.7. Under the same assumptions, if P =p( P^) is he­ reditary. then H jj is hereditary.

Proof. Let x^ be an R-basis of N = r a d ( P ) and xr ele­ ments such that xfN C. P and 2 x

to be, in this new notation, the element yjt_* we will use J o for the corresponding element x'. the notation: x' _ . These 0,0 elements can be written in the form: 72

Then it follows that for every b _ _NHC P H , and j,cr,T also

which implies: ~ - l 'y'. b , y . f(a **1,d) = 1. J.o

This shows that P H is hereditary.

C[. e . d.

We can give a generalization of the idea of tame ramifica­

tion and of S. Williamson's theorem (Th. 3«1) to the non-

commutative case:

Definition 6.8. Let A = A ( f . a . A . G ) be a non-commutative

crossed product order in A = A(f.a.B.G), where B is a sim- m pie F-algebra. Let us define the inertia group of A . I.

as follows:

I = ^ o € G / Vxe^(A):

(where ^(A) is the center of A; then, as it is easily seen,

I is a normal subgroup of G). Then we say that A is tame-

ly ramified over A if and only if the following two condi­

tions hold: (i) the center of A/rad(A) is a field*

which is an algebraic, separable exten­

sion of F ;

(ii) the characteristic p of F does not

divide [isl] •

Theorem 6.9* With the notations above, if A is tamely ram­ ified over A , then, if A is hereditary, A is hereditary and we have:

rad( /\ ) = rad( A ). A .

Proof. We only have to prove the latter statement (equal to the statement of Prop. 6.4) and then apply the proof of Cor.6.5*

The same argument of Prop. 6.4 can be used, so that we are left with the proof that A(f,&»A,G) is semisimple, where bars denote classes modulo the radical. This crossed product

can be written as a non-commutative crossed product over G/I:

a. r -®r»x

where is a set of representatives of G/I and p ' is the

crossed product of A ov®r 7^

By Maschke's theorem, r ' is semisimple. Also, the usual argu­ ment shows that rad(p ) f\ Y'

We assume, by contradiction, that rad( p ) 0. We choose a non-zero element of rad(H) whioh, written as a linear com­ bination of the t with coefficients in p' has a minimal o . 1 i set of non-zero coefficients:

6 * 2 V o .x •

Without loss of generality, we assume furthermore that one of

the t with non-zero coefficient is t = 1. ai ai If the number of non-zero terms in 6 is 1, we have 6=0,

So, there is an index i ^ 1 such that 6^ / 0, Then we

choose an element xe'3(A) such that

(notice that if x e ^ (A) , then x£3(|))»

6.(p;X (x) = 2 V V V ^ ’V • i 3 1 3

By tho assumption of minimality, it follows that x.6 - 6.

q» e. d. 7 5

Corollary 6 . 1 0 . In the situation of Prop. 5.7, if » g is a maximal order of (in and then P = p( r ) is a hereditary order.

Proof. We know that A^ is simple and, if T H is maximal, r„/rad( P „) is a simple algebra, whose center is then a field. il II

7. The wildly ramified case.

Throughout this section we will be back in the situation of section 5, but we make the further assumptions:

F = R/j^ is a finite field with q = p elements;

E/F is a totally ramified Galois extension.

So, we have that n = e = (E:F) = [G:l3 = ramification index of E over F. P will denote the radical of the unique maxi­ mal order fl of E and n a generating element of P: P = u O . Therefore, we have also that £2 = R[ul; Pn = iznQ = ; the residue class extension E = £l/P is isomorphic to F.

Finally, E = F(rc) is obtained by adjoining a root, it, of an

Eisenstein polynomial.

Each cr£G gives rise to an automorphism cf£gal(E/F) = 1 via the definition: c(x) = c(x + nQ.) = o(x) + 11^- = a(x) .

Therefore, for all integers x, o(x) = x (mod tc£2). This leads to the idea of the ramification groups of E/F (cf.(2^)), whose definition and main properties we recall here:

For each natural number k,

R^ = |fffG / < j ( x ) « x (mod P1^ ) , Vx \ •

Rq = G is the inertia group.

There is a natural number r such that R r / 1, R r+i - = 1*

Each ramification group is normal in G:

G = R R. P- R p- ... p- R &- JR . = 1. o x . d. r r+i.

The first factor group: is cyclic of order eQ , the free-of-p-part of e: n = e =, (eQ,p) = 1.

The remaining reunification groups give quotients

(i^-1) which are elementary abelian groups of the form:

p Z w p7z_ ^ ^ p Z •

E/F is tamely ramified if and only if eQ = e or R^ = 1» or r = 0.

E/F is wildly ramified if and only if eQ = 1 or Rq = R^,

or when n is a power of p. 77

Remark 7 . 1 . (Reduction to the wildly ramified case)

We are going to st ud y the mappings J, p, defined in Prop.

5.7 for the case in which H = R.. V/e claim that if P'fc 1 1 is hereditary, then p(p')€(9 is hereditary, and that for any

p £ v9» if p(J(P)) is hereditary, then J(T) is heredita­ ry. In particular, this means that for a crossed product order

A, A is hereditary if and only if A R is hereditary. 1 In fact, there is nothing to prove because our hypothesis guarantee the applicability of corollaries 6 .5 , 6 .6 and 6 .7 .

Remark 7 . 2 . (Explicit computation of the radical of A in the totally ramified case.)

According to Prop. 6.4-, rad(/\) = rad(At) ).A. So, rad A K1 is known if we know rad(AD Hence, we assume that E/F is ®1 wildly ramified and, using lemma 7»5 below, we assume also that f(0 ,t) s 1 (mod it) (V^,t€G). We assume, finally, that


Since itA is contained in rad(A) (Nakayama's lemma), rad(A ) is the inverse image of rad(/\)i where /\ = A/itA .

/\ is a crossed product over G, a p-group which operates tri­ vially on F, with respect to the 2-cocycle f = 1. This means that A = F £ g ], the group algebra of G over F . But the radical of this group algebra is known (cf. (16 ), Th.(27.

rad(A) = rad(F[G]) = F.(l-t ) cf g G a

/\ /rad( /O = ** •

Thus we obtain the following result:

rad(A) = it A + ,2ii«(l-t )t a jcA + -2T (1-t ) . A . a£Rx 0 T ogB1 a T £G

Note. In what follows we assume that E/F is wildly ramified and that A Q = Q •

Given the crossed product A , we introduce the module:

that y;

It should be clear from all the preceding that, as for the study of crossed product orders in questions regarding the here­

ditary orders containing them, all the trouble lies in the wild­ ly ramified case. As far as we know, the only information in

this direction lies in (21) and (22), and it is not too much. And we think that any construction expressly founded on

the reunification behavior of A to climb up to bigger orders

should be valuable. In this direction, we found an idea which 7 9 works in the simplest case but which, in our opinion, needs further improvements* This is contained in the following:

Theorem 7.3» Let L be a subfield of E, obtained by adjoin­ ing all the values of f: L a F(-{f (q,x)/g,x e g}). If L ^ E ,

P is an order in A which properly contains A .

For the proof, we will need some lemmas.

Lemma 7«*U If FcK^E is an intermediate extension of degree m over F with maximal order . then rad( . & = nn/mQ .

Lemma 7.5. There exists a normalized 2-cocycle g, equivalent to f. such that g(g.x) is congruent to 1 modulo P, Vo.teG

Proof. Let r be a power of q which is at the same time a multiple of n. Then, the 2-cocycle fr is equivalent to 1, so that there exists tp: G --- > U(/) ) such that:

f (o,x) = cp(gx)

Now, if we put g s f/fr , we see that gr (g,x) is congruent to r* 1 modulo P and, since r is a power of q, g S g s i

(modulo P). This completes the proof. In what follows, we replace f by g. All values of f lie in L and are congruent to 1 modulo P = 7tf2.

Lemma 7.6. If L ^ E, f(a,r) - 1 €. ypQ.

Proof. This follows from Lemma 7.^.

Proof of Th. 7.3. According to the preceding lemma, we will write f(o,t) in the form 1 + w^.f(cr,x), where each f(otx) belongs to SI. We introduce also a set of representatives, in SI , of the finite set F. To simplify the writing we agree that the letters a, p, affected by primes and subindi­ ces represent elements in F. Each element of £2. can be writ­ ten uniquely thus:

2 a + a, it + a_TC + ... o i d

It is clear that F is an R-module properly containing A and which is contained in the finitely generated R-module tF'VV.

Hence, the theorem is proved if we can show that F is closed under multiplication. Let us take two elements of T> Y» Y** written in the form: 81

Y = __ "T“*Wrttrtit a a ("I o = a' o + a' let it + ... ) o £ G and compute their product:

o £ G a * tV g * T T o T ^ G it,nC 0 T 0T

= Z ---"— Zi'" -i*\aT fCof^.xJ.t = g,t6G ax x ox A T ° *

= Z ~ ~ ( 2 --"Ti* _i<°T 1f(ax“1,x)).t . oztz t£G at OT It

In order that YY*C T it is necessary and sufficient that:

1) the parenthesis in the expression above belongs to .fit

2) it does not depend on a modulo P.

Observing that ---- ^ can be written in the form + s ax (with eeQ.) we 71 see that the parenthesis in question

is equal to: _2_ / , (*“ “ + s)(ao+a10

If we develop the product, we see that the only term which is

not obviously in 52 is:

xZ g G ““"•

Therefore, 1) is proved. 82

In order to prove 2), we compute the difference between the value of the parenthesis for an arbitrary o £ G and its value for a = 1. It is enough to prove thatthis difference lies in P and we can work modulo P. Modulo P that difer- ence is equal to:

/ . (— r(a +a , «+...) (a'+a' 7t+...) (l+7tP f (c t "1 , t ) ) - U~7Jrr _ -1 o ,■ -1 o IT T £ G OT lcfT 71

rr(a +a , 7t+... ) (a'+a' 7t+... ) (l+7tp f (t “ ,t ))) t o.-l o I t u I t

= / , — ^-=-(a a'+a a'7tpf (oT~1 ,T)+a . a ' n + a a ' +...) -1 o o o o . . -1 o o I t T £ G OT lcfT 71

- --- -(a a'+a a'7ipf(T_ ,T)+a, _ia'7i+a al tc+...) . -1 o o o o It o o It T 71

Since we are summing over G, we see that all sums cancel in pairs.


Proposition 7«7« Assuming that L ^ E, TtP is a two~sided id e a l o f P contained in ra d (F ).

Proof. Since TtCI = P is the radical of Q , if ti ( is a two-

sided ideal, by Wakayama's lemma, it is contained in the radi­

c a l o f r. 8 3

7t r is a right T-ideal. To show that it is also a left ideal, it suffices to show that if y £ V , yn = Tty', for some y* 6‘ P . Let us use for y the same representation as in the proof of Th. 7.3* Then:

T 7 1 , Tie. T l , n fl u yn = Z__/ ——w t u = ^ ——.tc w t - n /L, —— 0 f G " ffC o 6 G 11 0 0 OGG 71 71 0 0

yp 1 2 But,T since ~r“ n *w« o = n *“r” (TC + e #)(a o +«(....)) = a o+7t(....), we see that the sum corresponds indeed to an element of f*

Remark 7.8. If f verifies some additional properties modulo P

it is possible to define by the same kind of procedure orders

which are much bigger than P by taking denominators with

higher powers of tc. In some cases it is even possible that

the order obtained that way is a maximal order. As a very well

known example, we mention the order of the ordinary integral

quaternions and the unique maximal order containing it. II. ON THE HULL OF REPRESENTATION ORDERS

8. Introduction.

Let 6 £ Hon(R[G3,Aut(V)) be an absolutely irreducible inte­ gral representation of a finite group G over R, where R is the ring of integers of an algebraic number field F which is a splitting field for G. If we form A, = K.6(o), this 0 £ G is an order in a simple F-algebra A. Another representation b' which is F-equivalent to 6 defines in the same fashion an order /\&* which is isomorphic to A &. The particular form of the matrices 6(c) is given by the embedding of in some maximal order of A. Therefore, if one wants to know all the irreducible representations of G one can proceed by deter­ mining all maximal orders containing A &. This task would be easier if one knew, for example, that the intersection of all maximal orders containing A ^ is an order of a special kind, namely a kind for which it is fairly easy to determine all max­ imal orders containing a given member of it.

In a special case, this idea has been carried out in a very

satisfactory way: If G is nilpotent, the intersection of all

Zb 8 5 maximal orders containing is a graduable order of the block type. (As far as I know, this is a result of H. Benz and H. Zassenhaus which has never been published; it was com­ municated to me by Prof. II. Zassenhaus.) We are not going to give a proof of this result but we will show at least how it comes true, once we know the same statement is valid when G is a p-group.

So the question arises:

PROBLEM I *. Characterize the family of all orders which are obtained as intersections of all maximal orders containing a fixed representation order of a finite group. Give explicit

constructions to determine all maximal orders containing a giv­

en order in that family.

PROBLEM I. Characterize the family of all orders which are ob­

tained as intersections of all the maximal orders containing a

fixed representation order of a finite solvable group. Give ex­

plicit constructions to determine all maximal orders containing

a given order in that family.

We have the following conjectures:

CONJECTURE I^. The family of all orders of problem I is con­

tained in the family of graduable orders (see definition below) 86

CONJECTURE 1^. The family of all orders of problem X is contain­ ed in the family of all orders which are graduable of block type

(see definition below).

Vie are still unable to prove or disprove any of these con­ jectures and we feel that this is due mainly to the fact that one lacks a proper characterization of block and graduated or­ ders. This is why we begin this part, dedicated to present a few results and comments toward the solution of Problem I, with an introduction to the study of graduated and block orders.

Even though we got two new characterizations of block orders we have yet been unable to use any of them in connection with

the proof of Conjecture I2 «

9. Block orders.

In this section, unless otherwise stated, R denotes a com­

plete Dedekind domain with maximal ideal ^ and quotient field

F. D will be a finite division algebra over F with maximal

order O- and P will be the radical of Q. A is the algebra fyf D , where f is any natural number different from 0 and £x£ £x£ is the maximal order Q, whose radical is N =P . rmax max 8 7

We assume we are given a partition of f: s

i=l which establishes a decomposition of each matrix in A into blocks:

f f Z1 2 \


f.xf. fixfi so that A = vX/ D1 We call A.. the F-subspace L J

of A.

Such a decomposition of A can be characterized also in the

following way. Let s .. .. (i',j ' = 1, ..., f) be the matrix J units of A and let:

.f if e . a e . . = ZL X X 1 11 i'=fn +...+f. -+1 x x**x

(i a 1, ...f s) 88



L 1 0 e. = i 0

the identity of the block (i,i). Then:

A . . = e.Ae.. 10 i d

In the special case in which fn=f_= ... = f = --- .f, JL c* 6 6 this decomposition of A amounts to consider A as a matrix algebra over a matrix algebra, namely:

sxs A = (Af/s 31 £/s)

Sometimes we identify the subalgebra A ^ with the matrix al- gebra D , and each set A ^ with the F-vector space of all rectangular matrices of type over D. X J

Definition 9.1. Given the partition (f_.)_. , _ of f and ■ r" ' " ~1 ' ’ x lsl | # « • | 6 l_r 1 1 a matrix . £ 7L SXS we say that a lattice M is grad- 13 i.O- uated of type (a.. .). if M is the set of all matrices lOi.O such that the block€A.. has all its entries in the " 1“” O' 10 8 9 U>. . fractional ideal P D.

If there is no possibility of misunderstanding we will de- ai ‘ note such an M by (P J). . or by (a..). .. (a..). . is X , J I j also called the exponential matrix of M.

A graduated R-lattice of type (a. .). . which is an order 1J 11 j will be called a graduated order of type (a. .). .. 1J 1 1J

Any R-lattice is called graduable of type (a..). • if it 1J X , J is isomorphic to a lattice which is graduated and of that type.

This idea can be extended to R-lattices where R is any Dede­ kind domain: an R-lattice in a separable F-algebra is grad- uable if, for every prime of R, the completion of the lattice is equal to the sum of its simple components and each of these is graduable.

A graduated order of type (a.xj .). x, j . is called of block type with exponent a , or, shortly, a block order of exponent a if (a..). . is the matrix: 10 iiO

/ 0 0 0 .... 0 0 a 0 0 .... 0 0 a a 0 .... 0 0

U la a a .... a 0

or its transposed. 90

Examples 9.2.

r is the graduated order of type 0 and hence is the max block order of exponent 0.

The matrix (a. .). . with a. . = 0 (if i^j) and other- wise a .. = 1 defines the block order of exponent 1. It char- X J acterizes, up to isomorphism, all hereditary orders of type

(f.., . f ) (cf., for example, (if)). X s

a. . Proposition 9.3. Given (f^, ..., ^ M = (P 13)-^ • < M s * (P J)_. .. be two graduated H-lattices in A. Then we have: 1 »3

(1) He N »' a . . p. . (Vi,3 = 1» •••» s) 1 j max(a. ,p. ) (2) M A N = (P 13 13 ). . 1 I J

min(a. ,p. K (3) M + N = (P 3 3 i,j

min( a..+p. . ) (if) M.N = (P h 3 )

max({a..-P ,. }) (5) [ M/N] = { x 6 A / xN C M }■ = (P h lh 3h ). . * 1 J max({a. .-p. .}) (6) [ M \ N ] = {x£A /' Nx ^ m } = (P h h3 hl ). . .

Proof. (2) and (3) are trivial consequences of (l). (5)

and (6) are proved similarly. Hence, we prove (1), (if) and

(5). 9 1

M C N if and only if each block of a matrix of 2-1 belongs a. . {3^ . to N, which is equivalent to P P , or to: a. . p... X J X J

M and N are generated by their blocks. Let a.. 6 K, a block in the (i,j) place, and, similarly, n ^ ^ N . Their product is a block in the (i,k) place, all whose entries lie a. .+P in P J . This shows that M.N is contained in the grad­

uated lattice (rain({aih+f3h^) Conversely, let =

mj.n({a.,+p, . j) and let a. . € A. any rectangular matrix with xx la *

only one non-zero entry, a, at the place (i',j');

3 0 °\

a. . = 13

\o .... 0 .... 0 ,

aik ^ki and we know that there are elements b £'P , c £ P such q q that a = / b c . ^ qq Let r., be the matrix in A., which has only one non-zero ilcq ik entry, equal to b^, at the place (i',1), and matrix

in A, ., with the only non-zero entry c at the place (1,30. K3 q Then we have that r 'ikq*1rn€ M ’ kjq *** ai j = Z riikq^jq* This completes the proof of (^). 92

To prove (5)i we consider any element x 6 A, decomposed into blocks: x = x - •» x. .£A. .. If xe[M/N], for each 10 10 10 element n = ^ n. . of N we have that y'"7 x..n. . € M. This XJ h illh0 a..-p forces each x.^ to have all its entries in all the P 3

(j = 1, . s). Hence, we have:

max({a..-P \ ) [m /n] C (P S lh ah ). . . i * 0

But now, using (4), we have that:

max({a,.,-P ..V) p.. min(max(a.,-p. . )+p, .) (p h ‘ ih *jh ^ .(p= (P k h ih *k H kj \ i»d’ i»d i»0

It is clear that


“1J < ai3-Skj+|il=j ^ m^ Caih-pkh>+skd

( Vk = 1, s) which gives the reverse inequality.


Proposition 9-^. In order that a matrix (a_. . be the expo- 13 i»0 nential matrix of a graduated order, it is necessary and suffi­ cient that the following two conditions are satisfied: 93

(1) ^ (l^l|•••ffi)

(2) aij+ajk> aik ( ^i»j,k such that Ci-J')(j-h)^O )

Proof. If (a. .). . defines a graduated order A, the condi- 1J 1 1 J tion 16'A forces all to be at most equal to 0. Then, the fact that A is closed under multiplication gives (cf.

Prop. 9*3):

“ih ♦ V i » aij cVi.j.h).

In particular: a..+a.. > a.. implies that each a.. is at xx xx " xx e 11 least 0. The converse is obvious in view of Prop. 9«3»

Proposition 9«5« If A is a graduated order, then every two- sided A-lattice is graduated too.

Proof. If M is a two-sided A-lattice, each M. . = e.Me, is xj x j an R-lattice in A.. which is contained in M. Also, M.. xj is a A • •”* A. .-module. Since A.., A., are full matrix al- xx j j xx 33 gebras over 12, the proposition follows from the following lem­ ma.

Lemma 9.6. Let R be any ring with identity (commutative or not) and M any R-R-module. Let Mmxn be the set of all ma­ trices with m rows and n columns. If N is an pmxm_kaxn 9^

-submodule of Mmxa then there exists an R-R-submodule M # of M such that N = M*mxn.

Proof. Let us call M ' , the set of all elements of M which ij appear as (i,j)-entries of elements of N. Let e. . be the matrix units of pmxm and g.. the matrix units of Raxn.

Then, considering the sets: e ^ M ^ e ^ , exl^lleij* we 8ee that all the M ' . are equal to some subset M' of M. Finally 10 M' must be an R-R-submodule of M.


Corollary 9.7. Any order containing a graduated order is grad- uated.

Proposition 9.8. If A a CP 1J A • is a graduated order and for *10

------all i 1— ^ u.i------we have a. .+a._.1 j 31- =---- 0, 2------then A is a maximal order.—

Proof. If i"1 is an order properly containing A* P is gradua­

ted of type, say, ((3. . ) . . and we have: p. .^a. . with at 10 iiO 10 10 least one strict inequality: p. . < a. . . It follows that o3o o3o p. . +p. . < 0 , a contradiction. ^ n e6* u«d 95 a. . Proposition 9»9. Let A= (P 1'*)J __be a graduated order such i > 3 that there exists a sequence of integers: e, , e such J. 8 that (resp.):

1) a . . = e . - e . 13 i 3

2) cu.. « (if i^d) ei ~ 6j » i>d) = ei - e.. + 1. then A is a maximal order (resp. a hereditary order of type

Proof* Let x be a generating element of P and let u be the matrix whose i^*1 diagonal block is the scalar matrix cor- ei responding to x and all whose other blocks are 0. Then, as it is easily seen:

p. . , P. .+e.-e. u.(P 13). .u”1 = (P 13 x J) . 1*3

We now apply this to the orders introduced in 9*2 and obtain the result.

Definition 9.10. Let R be any Dedekind domain and A any or­ der in a separable F-algebra A. The hull of A i denoted by h(/\), is the intersection of all maximal orders containing A.

Remark 9.11. It is woll known that if A is hereditary, then h ( A ) = A. On the other hand, as it was pointed out in (8), if A is a graduated order, then h ( A ) = A. Therefore:

1) h( A) is the intersection of all hereditary orders con­

taining A*

a) hCA) is the intersection of all graduated orders con­

taining A.

Since h is an increasing function (with respect to inclu­ sion), we have also:

3) If A ^ P and h(A) is graduated, then h ( D ' is grad­

uated. (cf. Cor. 9*7)

Proposition 9 . 1 2 , Let e . . £A (i,,j = 1, s) be a set of • J __” . matrix ____ units” (i.e.: e, ..e,.,. = rand let A Q be an order in a .QjAe^ with the property that h( A ^) is grad­ uated. Then the intersection of all maximal orders containing the an^ A ^ is a graduated order.

Proof. Let f7 be a maximal order in A containing the e. / s and containing A . Then each set of matrices P . . = e.P e. ° 10 i 3 is a ring (not a sub-ring of f) isomorphic to 97

Therefore, | ® ' n » which implies that I ^ is a maximal

order containing X • It follows that the intersection of all o these orders is isomorphic to (h(/\Q )) , a graduated order.


fxf Proposition 9.13. Let A = D be a simple algebra and V a

simple A-module (i.e.; V is a right D-vector space of di­

mension f). We introduce the following notations;

f M b .Q ; (where (b.) . is a D-basis 0 S i 1 1 1 of V) v—+fi

N. = b.J"2. (i=l,...,s) ;5=f1+ ...+fi-i+l

k s

Mk = 2 . N Pa + YL N i (k=0,... ,s) k j=l 3 f i k l l 0

Vs = V pa CVP6 21)

Then lfA= ^ is what we call an homogeneous periodic

chain of -SL-lattices in V, of exponent a. If, as usual,

fgEnd^OfX) means that f is a family (fp)p^ ^ , f^ End^CMp)

which renders the following diagram 98

^ M, 0+1

fp+l V V ...« 15 M p < =» Mp+1 < 2* ... commutative, then A = End ^ (IN) is a block order, correspond­ ing to the partition (f^. ...,f^) of f and of exponent a .

(Hence, up to isomorphism, all block orders are obtained in this form.) Each Mp is an indecomposable A-lattice and each P p = End^. (Mp) is a maximal order. Finally, we have that: s-1 0+s-l A . O r f = A r k * kQ rk . (3 6?/; P k=0 *

Proof. Each f^'A is defined by an endomorphism f CEnd^CV), each fr being the restriction of f to M_. If we call V. P P * the F-vector space generated by (which is also a right D- vector space) we can express f in the standard form corres­ ponding to this decomposition of V: f = A- -i » where f . . - A i.d 0 3 6 Homn(V.,V.). The condition that f ^ A is equivalent to say that:

f £ End_SL(Mk ). (k=0,... ,s-l)

For each k this condition is equivalent to the following:

if i,j £ k: fi3: NiPa ^ N;jpa

if i,j > k: f ^ : N^, --- This shows that is the maximal order defined by the ex­ ponential matrix:

Now, using Prop. 9»3i (2), we get that A is a graduated or­ der with exponential matrix: 1 0 0

Remark 9«1^» In (*0» A. Brumer introduced this kind of argu-

gument to characterize hereditary orders (case a = 1 ). There

he was able to show that 1 1 is, up to isomorphism, the chain of

all indecomposable A-lattices in V and that to obtain a

hereditary order by the definition A= E n d ^ ( )|v|) it is enough

to consider any periodic descending chain of right fl-lattices.

Also (in this case of a = 1 ), the P k 's are all the maximal

orders containing A •

We can get a little closer to Brumer's results in the follow­

ing way.

Let us say that a decreasing chain /Ms ^ - l a t ­

tices in V is homogeneous periodic of exponent a and period

s if the following two conditions are satisfied:

(i> V s = V fl1

(ii) Mp/Mp+1 = 0 i 2 / P a (Vp 6 7 0

(a direct sum of copies of -fl/Pa ).

Then we state:

Proposition. With the notations above, if (M is an homogeneous

periodic chain of -Tl-lattices in V, then A = End^ d M ) is a

block order of exponent a. the exponent of J M .

Proof. Let us call n a generating element of P. Let us fix

an element M € If'1, which, for simplicity, we call Mq , and let 1 0 1 us consider the lattices M = M , M , , ..., M -. It will be o x s—1 enough to show that it is possible to choose an XI -basis for

M: b1, bf and a partition flt ..., f g of f, in such a way that:

b-7t ,... ,b_ 71 ,«.«, b~ Tt , b . , *«*, b _ x X1 xk k+1 1

is a basis for M^. But this is easily seen if we consider the

ideal structure of fl and remember that every submodule of a

free £l-module is also Q .-free (for a proof of this see, for

example: I. Reiner, Maximal orders, Mimeo. Notes, Univ. of

Illinois, 1969, remark following Prop. (8.28)). ^•6*d«

Proposition 9.15. In order that an order A in A be a block

order of exponent a corresponding to a partition fn , ..., f Jl & of f, it is necessary and sufficient that there exists a he­

reditary order F , with radical J, such that A is the in­

tersection of all orders P* which are maximal with respect

to the following simultaneous conditions:

1) ei ^ ej (Ki^j), where e^ ...,

eg are orthogonal idempotents of P which

define the full set of orthogonal central

idempotents of F/J, 1 0 2

2) p ' Z3 J (a~l)s ;

3) P does not contain j^®**-^® 1 #

In that case. P must be of type (f^. ...«f ) and we also have

rad(A) = rad(P)n A

A/rad(A) = r/rad(D.

Proof. A i® characterized by the exponentisl matrix (a..). . 1 3 1 » 3 where a. . = a (if i>j) and a. . = 0 (if i^j). Let us i 3 13 call P the hereditary order given by the exponential matrix

(p..). . where p.. = 1 (if i >j) and p.. = 0 (if i^-j). 1 J * 13 1J

Now we observe that, as it is well known, J is a graduated lattice whose exponential matrix is equal to that of p, ex­ cept that the diagonal elements are equal to 1, instead of being equal to 0. Also, N = rad(A) i® the graduated lattice given by the same exponential matrix as A » hut with l's instead of 0's in the diagonal. In fact, using Prop. 9-3*»

( M , we see that this lattice is a two-sided A-ideal which is

^ -nilpotent and it is straightforward to check that A modulo this ideal is isomorphic to

f xf f xf ( Q / p ) 1 1 ® ... © tf2/p)s s = r/j.

On the other hand, using again Prop. 9.3» (^)» we get that j(a-l)s graduated lattice given by the matrix: 103

/ (a-l) (a-1) ... (a-l)

a (a-l) ... (a-l)

' a a ... (a-l)

(all entries below the diagonal equal to a, all the others equal to a-l) while is given by:

(a-l) (a-l) ... (a—1) (a-l) \ (a-l) (a-l) ... - (a-l) (a-l)

a (a-l) ... (a—l) (a-l)

0 • a a ... (a-l) (a-l) /

Hence, A is contained in all orders verifying l), 2) and 3)»

Now let p' be a maximal order among those that verify 1),

2) and 3). Since P'^Af P' is a graduated order. Then, by condition l), if exponential matrix of T *» 1 »3 we have that = 0 fo** aH * ^ 3 anc* conditions 2) and 3) imply that all elements below the diagonal below the main diag­ onal are equal to a. To complete the proof, it would be enough to find a family of maximal orders of this family whose intersection is A •

Let (h,h-l) be any place in the diagonal below the main di- lO^f agonal and consider the exponential matrix:


(a-l) (a-l) 0

a a a

a a a (a-l) 0

a a a (a-l) (a-l) ... (a-l) 0

(a ^2)

We claim that this matrix, v/hich we denote by ( P. .). . is the 10 exponential matrix of a graduated order which is maximal among

those verifying 1), 2), 3)« Since the intersection of all

these, as h varies, is equal to A , this would complete the


To show that ( p. .). . is the matrix of an order, it is 10 1,0 enough to verify:

There are several cases: 105

1) trivial.

2) i>j; 2a): if i < h or j>h, trivial;

2b); and j

^ ♦ hfki ’ • ■ h»ij-

Finally, this order, for every h, is maximal among those which verify 1), 2) and 3) because these must have at least one entry in the diagonal below the main diagonal equal to a and this forces the whole block lying to the left and below this place to have all its entries equal to a.

q . e • d«

Remark 9.16. (On the idealizer construction applied to a block


Let A be a block order corresponding to the partition f^,

..., f of f and belonging to the exponent a. We would like S to say a few words as for the idealizer construction (cf. re­ mark at the beginning of section k) applied to A •

Let us denote with i.c.(A) the hereditary order which is

obtained by this construction. We use again the notations:

A = A„. Ai+1- W

( 1 — 0) • • « y k) 106 where k is the first index such that = A (then A k

= ic.( A))*

All what one needs to compute this chain in each particular case is contained in Prop. 9*3* But we must confess that we have been unable so far to get a uniform description of the ob­ jects above: at best, we can do that for a few special cases and, even so, the result seems to be too complicated inasmuch as the notation is concerned.

That is why we would rather give only a few examples which show some of the apparent irregularities in the behavior of the chain (A-)-_n Perhaps if one could take a grasp at X 1 — Uy • • • y K the rules which would smooth this behavior, one would be able to know more above the ways for climbing up from a given order to hereditary or maximal orders containing it.

Example 1: a=8, s=3.

( 0 0 0 0 \ /l ° \ s II u 8 0 0 o 8 1 0 > o I 8 8 0 ) 8 8 A

/ 0 0 - 1 \ /I 0 'A 0 0 1 0 A x = 7 Nl “ 7

\ 8 7 0 I I 8 7 1 / 10 -1 -2 \

N. A 2 = 6 o - l V 7 6 0 I

< 0 -! -J\ /i -1 -3\ 3 li 0 -1 K\ 5 1 -1

7 5 o 7 5 1

0 -2 -k \ fl -2 -k\

A*. ( k 0 -2 1 -2

\ 6 0 V* k 1 i

0 -2 -5 ^ 3 3 II 2 0 -2 lf\ V . 6 2 Oyi

A c = i .c.(A0> .

Example 2: a=5. s=3<

/o o o\

3 0 0 A.- \ 3 108

N2 " N1

f \ = i.e. (A )> a maximal order.

Example 3t a=2. s=3.

/ 0 0 (1 0 °\ js II A„ = 2 0 o 2 1 0 ° 2 2 0 / \ 2 2 1/

/ 0 0 -M 1 0 0 N1 = A i -=

\ 2 1 o /

« i.e. ( A,) is a c

Example k: a=6 . s-k. 1 0 9

0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 N = A 0 = 6 6 0 0 o 6 6 6 0

0 0 0 0 1 ° "1 \ A “X \ 0 0 l 0 0 ' I 5 0 \ 5 - 6 5 0 h = 6 5 1 0 0 ^ 6 6 5 0 1 U 6 5 1

[ 0 0-1 -2 \ /l 0 -1 -2 \ 4 0 0-1 4 1 0 - 1 n2 = 5 4 0 0 5 4 1 0 \ 6 5 4 0 1 V 6 5 4 1 /

0 -1 -2 -3 \ n -1 -2 -3 3 0 -1 -2 3 1 -1 -2 = 4 50-1 N3 “ 4 5 1 - 1 3 450 z 15 4 5 1

j o -1 -2 -4\ 1 -1 -2 -4\ f 2 0 - 1 - 2 2 1 - 1 - 2

II 4 2 0 -1 N4 = 4 2 1 - 1 \ 5 ^ 2 0 5 ** 2 0 ,

/ 0 -1 -2 -4 \ 1 -1 -2 -4\ 2 0 - 1 - 2 2 1 - 1 - 2 11 3 2 0 -1 ”5“ 3 2 1 - 1 1 5 3 2 0 5 3 2 1/ 110

Example 5: a=5« s=4.

(0 0 0 1 0 0 0N1 °\ 0 0 5 1 0 0

5 s 1!

= 0 1 O 5 3 0 0 5 3 1 0 v5 5 5 0 1 '5 5 5 1 /

0 0 1 0 0 /° -1\ "1 \ 4 0 0 0 4 l 0 0 - 5 4 0 0 Nl = 5 4 1 0 { 3 5 4 0 V3 5 4 l /

0 -1 -2 ^ f 1 0 -l -2 \ 1 ° 3 0 0 -1 3 l 0 -1 1 A . = 4 3 0 0 N2 = 4 3 1 o : 5 4 3 0 / I 5 4 3 i /

' 0 -1 -2 -3\ / 1 -1 -2 “3 \ 2 0 -1 -2 2 1 -1 -2 A, = 3 2 0 -1 N3 = 3 2 1 -1 ** 3 2 0 3 2 1 /

0 -1 -2 1 0 -1 -2 A,, = 2 1 0 -1 N4 = N3 \ 3 2 1 0 Ill

/\ ^ = i.c.( A q )» a maximal order.

Example 6: a=5. s=5.

1 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0\ ° \ 0 5 0 0 0 ° 5 1 0 0 53 II

5 5 0 0 0 o 5 5 1 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 5 5 5 1 0

5 5 5 5 0/ \ 5 5 5 5 1 /

/0 0 0 0 -1 \ f 1 0 0 0 -1 b 0 0 0 0 b 1 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 if 1 0 0 5 N1 - 5 5 5 b 0 0 5 5 if 1 0 \5 5 5 b 0 ' 5 5 5 if 1

0 0 -1 - 2 \ 1 0 0 (° -1 - 2 \ 3 0 0 0 -1 3 1 0 0 -1 if 0 0 if 1 0 0 3 0 N2 = 3 5 if 3 0 0 5 if 3 1 0 \ 5 5 if 3 0 / ' 5 5 if 3 1 /

0 -1 0 -1 / 0 -2 -3 \ I 1 -2 -3 \ 2 0 0 -1 -2 2 1 0 -1 -2 o H 3 2 0 0 -1 3 2 1 1 S' N3 = if 3 2 0 0 if 3 2 1 0 \ 5 if 3 2 0 15 if 3 2 1/ 1 1 2

a maximal order.

Example 7' a=6. s=5.

0 0 0 0 o\ / 1 0 0 0 0 \ 60000 ' 61000

= 6 6 0 0 0 N_ = 6 6 1 0 0 66600 6 6 6 1 0 \ 6 6 6 6 0 , 6 6 6 6 1/

/o 0 0 0 - 1 50000 A i = 65000 66500 \ 6 6 6 5 0 I

0 0 0 - 1-2 A- 0 0 0 -1

a 2 = 5 if 0 0 0 65^00 \6 6 5 ^ 0 , 113

/o 0 -1 -2 -3 3 0 0 - 1 - 2

A , = 4 3 0 0 - 1 N , = 3 4 3 0 - 1 \ 6 5 4 3 0 /

j 0 -1-2 -3 -4 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 12 0 -1 -2 -3 2 1 -1-2 -3 A ^ = 3 2 0 -1-2 K. = 3 2 1 -1-2 1 4 3 2 0 - 1 4 3 2 1 - 1 \ 5 4 3 2 0 \ 5 4 3 2 1

A 4 = i .c .c A j

10. Representation orders*

(10.1) General comments.

In this section we include some examples and comments and a

few results leading, hopefully, to the proof of conjecture 1^.

Throughout this section, unless otherwise stated, G is a fi­ nite solvable group, R is a ^edekind domain and F is the

quotient field of R.

Let 6 be an irreducible representation of G over (C. One 13A would wish to prove a generalized version of Conj. 1^, namely that if R is any ring of algebraic integers containing ~/Z.

(including the possibility R = ~7L) then A ^ = R.6(G) =

X R.&Co) is an order such that h(A-) is graduable. The o€ G ° natural idea to get to the proof would be an induction argu­ ment: Conj. is true in the case that G is commutative, so one assumes the result for every proper normal subgroup H of G and tries then to prove it for G itself.

This leads to the following considerations:

Let G and 6 be as before and let H be a normal sub­ group of G. Since /\g depends only on 6(G), we assume that 6 is also faithful and we identify G with 6(G) (so that now the conjecture reads: given a finite solvable irre- £ ducible group of automorphism of (£. , G, prove that h ( A fi)

= h( 22 Her) is graduable). We use the notations: a e G

A = A = FA = 2 F.6( o ) = 2 ?.< 0 u cr£ G o 6 G

A = F. A „ = ^ F.6(t) = 22 F .t t 6 H t e H

A = R.6(H) = 22 H.6(v) = 22 R'x • * T£ H x £ H

From Clifford's theorems (cf. (16), from section ^9 to the end of Chapter VII), we know that 6 H is a sum of irreducible representations of H which are conjugated under the action of

G on II. Ilence, up to isomorphism, all of them define a unique 115 representation order, A

_ A o (where the a 's form a G " — /rr H set of representatives °£G/H of G/H ) and A q like a non-commutative crossed product order:

A G = _ ffi / V • a 6 G/H

(Actually, this may not be a crossed product because the cr's need not be AH-linearly independet, but in any case A^, Aq» are epimorphic images of those crossed products.) In fact, as we will see later, one can always reduce the problem to a case in which A^ and Aq are indeed the crossed products men­ tioned above (plus the nice assumption that G/H is cyclic).

By definition, the proof that h( Ag) is graduable reduces itself to prove that each of its completions is equal to the sum of its simple components and that each of these is gradua­ ble. The first question is trivial because h( A§) = h( A 5A where A g is the su® the simple components of Ag» So, one is left with the same problem but in the case in which R is the completion of a ring of algebraic integers.

But, even with this simplification, the problem seems to be tough. The next idea is to make our original assumption that F 116 is a splitting field for G and all its subgroups. (For one thing, the central idempotents of f Cg I, are known in this case and we can tell when it is true that decomposes into a sum of copies of A^i for another, all simple alge­ bras A^, appear then as matrix algebras over F.)

Now, assuming that one can prove Conj. 1^ (that is with the latter assumptions) one would still like to have am answer for the case in which F is the completion of any algebraic number field. This leads to the study of the following problems:

Given an R-order A t and a field extension L of F with o ring of integers S, study the relations between hCScS^Afc) and h( A & ). This appears to be a difficult question too. Even simpler problems, namely:

Is it true that if A & is graduable, then S A & is graduable?

Is it true that if S A & is graduable, then A 6 is graduable? have resisted our attacks from several directions.

Using the argument of Lemma 5 .1.0 we can show that if S/R is unramified then the answer to the first of these questions is affirmative. The answer to the second one is negative, at least in the general case, as it is shown by the following example:

10 X\ 2x2 Let A= R + I + 3.R , where R is a local com- ,-1 0 / plete Dedekind domain such that F does not contain any square 117 root of -1 and whose prime ideal divides Then, /\/rad(A) is a field and hence A is not graduable. On the other hand,

R ( V - l ) <2^ A contains two orthogonal idempotents and is there­ fore graduable in the algebra F(V"^l)2x2. A lso , F(V"^l)/F is unramified.

We can mention too the following result: Let AL = L A, where L/F is unramified (local complete case, as before) and S L let f1 be an order in A which contains S and is invar­ iant under gal(L/F); then there exists an order p of A such that P = S (This result was communicated to me by Prof. H. Zassenhaus.)

A ll the preceding remarks suggest that even if we had proved

Conj. it would not be easy to prove the same kind of state­ ment w ith o u t our ” s p l i t t i n g ” assum ption, even i f one assumes

th a t F is an unramified extension of someQ .

Let us suppose that = A q is a crossed product of /\g over G/H. Then it is conceivably possible that one could apply

Th. 6.9 and find a relation between h(Ajj) and h(A.g)»

even in the most favorable case one usually finds that h(Ag)

is not the crossed product of h ( A R ) over G/H, but only that

it is contained in it. This is illustrated by example 10.2 be­


In spite of all the difficulties arising in the study of ten­

sor products of orders (as to finding relations between h(Axf)

and h(/[ ) and h(f)), we feel that this study certainly mer- 118 its a lot of attention. Also, one should address oneself to the study of other, even though tougher, more or less related situ­ ations:

l) According to Clifford's theory, given H-^G, each irredu­ cible representation of G, 6, is obtained in two steps. One takes an irreducible representation, of H, which appears in 6 and form the inertia group of cp in G (cf. (6), sec­ tion k9j Ex. 1, p. 2^6), which we denote by S. Then, bjs is a sum of inequivalent G-conjugate irreducible representations of S and the one which contains ip can be built by the cons­ truction:

6'Cs) = x ^ ( s ) (Kronecker product) where 6^, 6^ are irreducible projective representations such that 6^ [ H =

If R is big enough, b£ and 6' generate orders A£,

A g and the order = A' is the product: /V = A^. A 2

(in the sense that it is the minimum order containing both and A'.

Except when one of the representations 6^, 6^ is of de­ gree 1, both orders A ^ are smaller degree than A * » which conceivably could permit an induction argument. Hence, it would be interesting to know something about the relations be­ 119 tween h( /V) and h(/\j[)» hi./\^).

2) It is well known (by a result of H. Zassenhaus on com­ plementary subgroups plus the big theorem of Feit and Thompson) that if H-^G and (£H:l] ,[G:Hj ) = 1, then H has a comple­ ment K

Aj, and study again the relations between h(/\^) and h(Ag), h(AK).

3) It is also well known that if G is solvable, for each

Sylow subgroup P£S (G)- there exists a complement Q

Now we come to the situation which has led us the farthest

towards the proof of Conj. 1^*

Let H-hG be a normal subgroup such that £g :H] = q is a

prime number, and let 6 be an absolutely irreducible, faith­

ful representation of G. We assume, furthermore, that F is

a splitting field of G and all its subgroups and that R is

complete. If we take again a look at Clifford's theory, we see

that here either S = G or S = H.

If S = G, 6 = 6^ x &2 , where b^ is essentially an ir- 120 reducible projective representation of the cyclic group G/H.

Hence, the degree of &£ is 1 and therefore &Jh =

= deg(6), which implies that = A^ = A. So, are orders in the same algebra A and, by 9.11, 3), if h(A,p) is graduable, h( A Q) is graduable.

If S = H and «p is one of the irreducible components of G 6 H, we have that 6 = tp . By our induction argument, we assume that h( /\ ) is graduable and we find two cases: J?t[H:l} or . For the first case the result follows as a partic­ ular case of Th. 10.3 below. The remaining case, which is the only thing we need to finish the proof of Conj.I^, is so far undecided.

Example 10.2.

Let w be a primitive k -root of unity and let 6 be the usual representation of the quaternions H = j -l,-i,-j,-k J :

I w 0\ I 0 -1N 1 ' * | ^ 0 -w / 1 0

Let G be an extension of H by a cyclic group of order 2:

G = <(H,o / a 2 = -1, cxcx”^ = x (l/x€H)'/’ .

Then we can extend 6 to an irreducible representation of G of 121 degree 2 (which we still denote by 6), if v/e establish that

6(c) is the matrix (W ) • Let R be the ring of the 2-ad- 0 w ic integers. Then we have:

A q 5 Rfw) S>gR[i,a]

A h = R [i, o' ] , the ring of integral quaternions.

It is well known that Ajj is contained in a unique maximal or­ der, .0., of the division ring A^. Hence, h ( A g ) = -^ • But there are exactly two maximal orders of containing /\q* whose intersection is strictly smaller than R = R [vA&k h(Ari). These two maximal orders correspond to the two non- n equivalent representations of the quaternions (one of them is

R[w]2x2) and their intersection is equal to A q £0^*62"} » wiiere

( 1 O' 19 o' s » ep = -i v. 0/ 2 u 1,

In other words, h(/\Q) = h(R[w] <»pAH ) = A R[WJ^

h(Ajj)* Finally, it is very easy to see that the index of this

intersection in a maximal order: j^R[w]2x2;h( A ^)3 is equal to

2, which implies that h.(/\Q ) is hereditary (and hence grad­

uable) .

Theorem 10.3. Let us assume that R is local complete and that

F is a splitting field of G and all its subgroups. Let 6 be 122 an irreducible faithful representation of G over F and H

a normal subgroup of G. Let (p be an irreducible representa­

tion of H over F which is a component of &8h and let S

be the inertia group of g? in G. If S / G and

then h( A c ) = Ac is a maximal order. ------5 ------6 ------—

Proof. We keep the notations introduced above. Both algebras

Aq , Ajj, being epimorphic images of f (.g 3, F[h 3» are sums of

minimal ideals of the corresponding algebras but AQ, corres­

ponding to an irreducible representation, must be isomorphic to

just one minimal ideal of F|_Gf\ (i.e. AQ is simple). Let

A = W A A = AHei = eiAH 1=1

be the decomposition of A^ into simple components, e^, ...,

e being the primitive central idempotents, and let us choose s the order in such a way that A^ is the one which affords the

irreducible representation

G operates on Ajj under conjugation and, in particular, on

the set ^e^,...,es^. We claim that this action is transitive.

For, if e is the idempotent^obtained as the sum of one of the

orbits under G, then 01= Z ^ e A ^ ^ (G = -J1 o, ,...,o \) is a i=l non-zero two-sided ideal of A^ and hence e=l.

Since S is the inertia group of

stabilizer of e^ under G, so that s = [G:s].

On the other hand, Ag, as a subalgebra of f [h ], con be 123 identified to e .f [h ], where e is the idempotent which decom­ poses in the form e = e^ + ... + e^, (in Fjji]). In this view

A h is identical to e.R[H] and is therefore a maximal order

(cf. (16), Ch. V, 3.7 and 3.10 and (17), Ch. VI, 2.5).

S is the set of elements of G which leave invariant some minimal left ideal Z^ of A^. This affords a representation c* y of S such that ^[H =

one generated by tp(H). Since this one is maximal, if follows

that these two orders are equal.

Now we fix a coset decomposition of G over S:

G = cf^S kj ... \j osS. s From what we have already shown, it is clear that AQ “2 Vi- G i=l Now, according to the usual construction of 6 = ^ , we know

that each matrix 6(g) is presented in blocks in the form:

6(g) = ( rCc^go"1 ).^) (cf. (6), (12.29))

from which follows readily that the B are A^-linearly in­

dependent and therefore: s a 8 . ( g a h .0 . . <:>

Now we introduce the elements: and we assume that we have ordered the set e. , ..., e„ in X S such a way that e. = e . . = tf.^. We have: X XX XXX

ei k V k ' = “i V ^ W k * - 0iei Cokloieiai'ak )okloi'°k' =

= (Kronecker delta)

This says that the ej_ic,s form a system of matrix units in Aq which belong to A q * Let us call B = Zl, F®ik = Fsxs the i,k simple subalgebra generated by them and let B' be the commu- tant of B (i.e. the set of all elements of Aq which commute element-wise with B).

We claim that B' = A^. To show this, \*e first observe that, according to (+), dim^Ag = dim^A^s2. Since dim^A^, = dimpB. dinipB', we see that dira^A^ = dimpB'. On the other hand, let us consider the monomorphism: s a £ A. H-l -> Z J = a £ A„ . X i=l

A direct computation shows that a . e ^ = ej_^«a (t/i,k), so that £ s ' anci» finally, rjCA^) = B'.

It is clear that, if /[^ is the maximal R-order generated by

Finally, we see that AQ = A®xs and that A q contains the maximal order C /\ S3CS^ completes the proof. 125

Corollary 10.^-. If G contains an abelian normal subgroup, H. which is not contained in the center of G and if ffj[H:l1. then h( A ^) = A * is a maximal order.

Proof. By a result of Blichfeldt (cf. (6), Cor. 5G*7)i 'Ik* 10*

3 is applicable in this case.

Corollary 10.5. If Con.j. 1^ is true for p-groups (p any prime), then it is true for nilpotent groups.

Remark 10.6. This idea of finding a system of matrix units in

A q can also be applied to the situation we discussed in section k * Many of the theorems in that section can be proved also in this way.

Now let us come back to the situation we discussed right be­ fore Ex. 10.2. The undecided case is when S = H, ^][H:lj.

It can happen that the extension G of H by G/H is split and that but lG:Hl = q = a prime number. Then, if we assume that R is big enough (i.e. that it contains a i,r. primitive q -root of l), we can find a system of conjugate idempotents v/hich add up to 1: 126 q-1

e. = ^ (i = 0, ..., q-l) j=0 q where O is a representative of a generator of the cyclic sim-

> til pie group G/H and cfq = 1, and where £ is a primitive q root of 1.

Now, if we consider the decomposition into blocks which cor­ responds to the presentation of 6 as an induced representa­ tion of one of H, we can define the unit u = diag(l, ...,

tf q“^) where here represents the scalar matrix of i'1 in

the (i+1) block. Then s.. = u s u” is again a system of Z*C O matrix units in /\q which define, as in 10.3, a simple al­

gebra B. At this point, if we could prove that A q AB' con­

tains an order /\ such that h( A Q ) is graduable, we could

apply Prop. 9*12 and we would get a proof of Conj. 1^ for

this representation 6.

Example 10.7. In spite of what we have said at the beginning

of this section, there are cases in which it is easier to prove

the analogous of Conj 1^ for the case R = 7L (and not R

corresponding to a splitting field). A general example will be

analized in the following propositions but we can examine here

the very simple case of the symmetric group of degree 3: <5 =

(cf. Ex. 2.4, 3). Here A Q = £ ( 1,^Lw3,G/H) is heredi­

tary. In fact, if we localize at any prime different from 3» i 2 ? we are in the unramified case, so that A q is maximal, and, at

3, we are in the tamely ramified case.

Proposition 10.8. Let G be a group defined b?y an extension of the form;

1 — H — * G G/H > 1 where H is abelian, H center(G), G/H is cyclic of degree q (q a prime number) and the extension is assumed to be split.

Let 6 be an irreducible faithful representation of G over and let A ^ = A q be the order generated by 6(G) over ^ , in the algebra = A - r.o. 6to. If A-j is simple, then “t € G h( A q ) is a maximal order.

Proof. Let a be a representative in G of a generator of

G/H chosen in such a way that 0^=1, and let us keep in gen­

eral the preceding notations. It is obvious (see (1^)) that

AH = Q. 6(H) is a cyclotomic field Z ^ and that G/H operates in Zjj. If 6 jH is irreducible, Aq = center(AQ ),A^ is com­ mutative and there is nothing to prove. So, we assume that if

we get that A is a crossed product: /\(l,Z„,G/H) (G/H being G ** identified with the Galois group of Z^/F). So , we are in the 128 situation of Ex. 2,k, 1, Aq being the order £ (1, A h ,G/H) and A h being the maximal order of ZR.

For prime ideals which do not divide q, A q = h ( A Q ) is a maximal order. This is seen directly but it also follows from the argument below. Now we consider the localization at a prime dividing q and, using *f.7» we assume that F is the corres­ ponding completion of the ground field F, R its maximal or­ der, J?j_ the maximal ideal of R, ZR the corresponding exten­ sion of ZH . We still have that AQ = End^Z^ = /\(l,ZR ,G), but

G = gal(ZR/F) may be smaller than G/H.

We assume that Aq = EndRZR and hence each element of Aq is a function in AR = ZR . If f is a maximal order of Aq containing A Q , let us call

OZp = ^ y(a) / a€ A hi Y € P ] C ZH .

Then Olp is a A R-ideal in ZR which contains Ajj and

SndR 0 L ? is an order in Aq containing P . It follows that each maximal order P containing A q is of the form: P =

EndR (Jl , where 0 1 is a A R-ideal in ZR containing A^* But —k all these ideals are exactly the powers P (k a natural num­ ber, P = rad(Ajj)A from which it follows readily that there is a unique maximal order containing A q « This completes the proof. 129

Proposition 10.9. In the situation of Prop. 10.8, if the exten­ sion of groups is not necessarily split but q is a prime num­ ber different from 2, then h( A A is graduable.

Proof. We keep the notations of 10.8. Let A^ = = (0 (£ ), . "til where L) is a primitive ra -root of 1 (m is the order of H).

If q}m, we are in the non-raraified case and there is nothing a. to prove. So, we have: q(m. Let m =~[Tbe the decomposi­ tion of m into prime-power factors and let p^ = q. Accor­ dingly, Zy can be identified to: ...

Q( where X, . is a p A-th-primitive root of 1. If * w X X ^ 6 F , . q is unramified in Z^ and is hereditary at q too. Therefore, without loss of generality, we can assume that

Zfi = F ( j ^ ) and that H is a q-group. But then, the extension

1 — > H ? G — > G/H — * 1

is necessarily split and we can apply Prop. 10.8. If fact, H must be a cyclic q-group and, since q/2, its automorphism

group is the product of a cyclic group of order q-1 and a

cyclic group which is again a q-group. So, conjugation by a

is the unique automorphism of II of order q. Finally, we get

that if o^/l, then we can always modify c, modulo H, in

such a way that, for the new o, we have = 1.

• 6 « d* 120

Remark 10.10. We want to point out that the results of the last two theorems may cease to be true if, instead of taking

Example 10.11. Let us consider now the group G = (symme­

tric group of degree *0 in connection with its maximal normal

subgroup H = A^ (the alternating group). An absolutely irre­

ducible faithful representation is given by the following matri­


- 0 -10 0 /l 0 °\ -1 1 0 0 0 0-10 0 ' 0 0 l' \-l 0 \ o o i ;

j 1 0 0\ f -1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 \ o 0 -1 V 0 0

' 0 1 0 ° \ ( 0 0 0 1 1 0 Vi 0 0 \ 0 -1 131

0 0 “! \ 0 -1 °\ -1 0 0 0 0 -1 , 0 0 1 0 \ 1 0 1

o\ 0 -1 0 \ ( o 1 /! 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 0 .0 0 1 V o 0 \ 0 -1 0 j \°

11 0 0 \ ( 0 0 f 0 -1 0 ^ 0 0 -1 0 1 o -1 0 0 \° 1 0 / V i 0 o V 0 0 -ll

0 r 0 0 l \ /° 1 ) 1 0 0 -1 0 0 l-l 0 0 1 1 0 0

0 -1 -1 0 °v f -1 0 0 ^ [ 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 \-l 0 0 0 1 0 { 0 -1 0 /

This shows immediately that f\^ and /\H are orders in the same algebra and, after a few calculations, that A G - A H .

So, we change the problem, calling G the alternating group

(given by the first 12 matrices above) and we study the given representation in connection with its normal subgroup of order k (Klein's four-group) which is faithfully represented by: /1 0 0\ f-1 0 0\ /I 0 0\ 1-1 0 0 \ 0 1 0 0-10 0 1 0 \o 0 1 Vo 0 -1 0 0 -1 I . 132

According to the Cor. 10.4, we only have to study the order

A & when R is the 2-completion of J/Lm

Let e. . be the matrix units of this algebra of matrices and let us call e.^ = e ^ the corresponding idempotents. If T is the maximal order and if o is the matrix

0=1r 0 0 m \ o 1 0 I we find that an integral basis for f is:

. 2 .2 2 @2^ Oy @2^ t ) 0 y 62 ) while an integral basis for the representation order A = R.A^ is:

2 2 2 1, 2e2 , 2e^, o, 2e2e, 2e^o, o , 2e2o « 2eyj •

It follows that A is not graduated because A/rad(/\) = F(o), a field. (At the same time, it would follow that if R would

contain the cubic roots of 1, then A would be graduated.)

In order to find h(A) we follow a painful process: to an­ alyze all the R-modules in between P and A » which are in

1-1 correspondence with the subgroups of

r - 71 7' _ 7L ^ 7L _ 71 ^ 7Z A " 2 71 ® Z7L ® 27.L ® Z7L ® 2.1L ® 2 7L '

Only a few of them are closed under multiplication, namely: 133

1) /\ Ce2(l+o+d2) ,e^(l+o+o2)]l = A x

2) A [ e 2Cl+o),03 (l+cf)] = A 2

3) A [e2(l+

Jf) P

5) A and the problem remains: to determine which of these is h(A).

It is easily seen that all these orders are graduable, except

A ♦ So the problem is reduced to show that A h(A). BIBLIOGRAPHY

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