2019 • ORDER ONLINE AT www.broadleighbulbs.co.uk

Broadleigh Gardens SPRING • MAIL ORDER • 01823 286231 Specialists in small Broadleigh Gardens Bishops Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA4 1AE Telephone: 01823 286231 Fax: 01823 323646 www.broadleighbulbs.co.uk

It is with great sadness I write this introduction. My beloved husband of 47 years died suddenly of a stroke in November. He and I started the business in 1972 and although he went into full time politics in 1981 he continued to give us tremendous support. Many of you will know him from the hundreds of flower shows we did together over the years, not least our 40 Chelseas. However, the continue to grow and so life goes on.

It was Roger, surveying the devastation in the garden during the drought, who hit upon the idea of Drought Busters (page 22). All these plants grew well in the acute dry conditions last summer so we thought it worth passing this information on.

The RHS four year trial of Agapanthus concluded this year. Among the AGMs were two of our plants - August Bells and Jonny’s White (pages 1 & 2). The catalogue can only list a few of our collection; many more are online. We have also added 2 more Eucomis and are making a special offer of E.comosa (page 7). There are 5 additions to the collection including the amazing new ‘Lipstick’ (page 10). As always additions are marked with and there are lots of exciting introductions including new , extra snowdrops and the rare double form of Trillium grandiflorum (page 20).

The second part of the catalogue lists the bulbs we continue to grow here. The numbers are small so the varieties will vary from year to year. We continue to rationalise the plants and bulbs on the nursery and have recently moved our large camassia stocks to a new bed. This has left a lot of mixed varieties which we are offering at a special rate. These are ideal for naturalising in rougher grass areas such as orchards or under trees. Do come and see what we have been doing in the garden and help a very worthwhile cause.

= those plants given the Award of Garden Merit by the RHS.

Front cover picture: Our core collections: Agapanthus, , Galanthus, and Iris.

The garden and nursery are open to view every weekday (9am - 4pm; £2.50) in aid of the St. Margaret’s Somerset Hospice. We have limited seasonal sales. We are a working mail order nursery but you may collect your orders in season (please give us advanced notice).

These bulbs are for garden decoration only and should not be eaten. CELEBRATION OF HARDY SOUTH AFRICAN BULBS AND PLANTS We have long grown these colourful plants which add a touch of the exotic to the late summer/autumn garden. All need full sun and a well drained soil. Many make excellent pot plants for a sunny patio.

AGAPANTHUS (African Lily) This is our largest collection growing unprotected in our field. We sell divisions not plugs. They make superb and easy plants for a sunny border. We can only list a handful here. See online or phone us for many more varieties. We have grouped them by height to make choosing easier. All can also be grown in pots if wanted. All are vigorous and free flowering having proved themselves here for thirty years.Larger plants available.

Agapanthus August Bells Agapanthus Bressingham Blue Agapanthus Midnight Star (Navy Blue)

TALLER VARIETIES BRESSINGHAM BLUE NORTHERN STAR Vigorous plants producing a mass Similar colour to Midnight Star but AIMEE of intense blue compact heads. with more open flowers and later Our own hybrid. Delicate white Late flowering.36” Aug-Sept flowering. flowers, each with a pale blue tip. £6.00 each; 3 = £16.00 36” August Hardy. £8.00 each; 3 = £22.00 30” July BUCKINGHAM PALACE £8.00 each; 3 = £22.00 One of the tallest Agapanthus. SNOW SHADOWS Masses of small heads of intense This variety is very popular at the Tatton Park show where it was AUGUST BELLS (DYERI) blue flowers.5’ July - August £6.00 each; 3 = £16.00 named by competition. The white This free flowering agapanthus flowers are heavily marked with produces masses of rich blue, blue/purple and have dark stems. MIDNIGHT STAR (Navy Blue) pendulous flowers in August. Well The whole flowers takes a deep deserving of its AGM. Large heads of intense deep blue. pink tinge as it ages. One of the darkest and always 36” August 4’ July-Aug a show winner. 36” July-Aug £6.00 each; 3 = £16.00 £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00 £8.00 each; 3 = £22.00 BLUE IMP STORM CLOUD Neat heads of intense, almost PRAECOX ALBIFLORUS Huge heads of powder blue flowers. glowing blue flowers. One of the This semi evergreen variety is hardy Although evergreen it is hardy in our ‘Royal’ series. or it can be grown in a large pot. open field.Picture page 2. 30” July – August Large pure white flowers.4’ August 5’ August £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00 £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00 £6.00 each; 3 = £16.00

Agapanthus Northern Star Agapanthus Snow Shadows Agapanthus Blue Imp

New or re-introduction. 1 Order [email protected] SHORTER VARIETIES

JONNY’S WHITE One of our own hybrids with waxy white flowers on stiff stems. Compact and perfect for the front of the border. 18” August £6.00 each; 3 = £16.00 Agapanthus praecox albiflorus LILIPUT Narrow leaves and masses of tiny deep blue heads. 14” July £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00

LITTLECOURT The beautiful white flowers with dark Agapanthus Megan's Mauve stems completely cover the plant. From a friend’s garden, this compact EVERGREEN VARIETIES hybrid is one of the last to flower. Agapanthus Storm Cloud for containers Ideal front of border plant. This is a selection of our evergreen 18” Aug-Sept varieties. These are less hardy and £6.00 each; 3 = £16.00 require protection from frost, although they are hardy by the sea or in similar PROFUSION This lives up to its name; producing sheltered positions. Most produce fewer a mass of small mid blue flowers but much larger heads and have mid season. leek like foliage. 24" July-Aug £6.00 each; 3 = £16.00 Agapanthus Littlecourt DOUBLE DIAMOND Fully double white flowers smother TWISTER this tiny growing Agapanthus. The most distinct of the new Best in a pot. Agapanthus. Probably hardy but 8” July dramatic in a pot. White flowers £8.00 each with a very obvious dark blue base to the petals. Free flowering and ENIGMA modest stature. One of the very best. Huge heads 24” July-Aug of white flowers that have brilliant £10.00 each blue bases. Large plants. 3’ August £8.00 each Agapanthus Profusion

Agapanthus Liliput Agapanthus Twister Agapanthus Double Diamond

New or re-introduction. 2 Order [email protected] Agapanthus Queen Mum

MEGAN’S MAUVE Stunning large heads of rich lavender blue. Very beautiful. Large plants. 3-4’ July-Aug £8.00 each

QUEEN MUM Agapanthus Enigma Amaryllis Hathor One of the best new introductions. The large white heads have bright AMARYLLIS blue bases to the flowers. Taller than Enigma. Large plants. The true outdoor plant! Useful for late 4’ July-Aug autumn display. They are best planted £8.00 each in a warm, sunny border where they can be left undisturbed. SILVER MOON HATHOR Nearly deciduous and hardy it is Large heads of white flowers. probably best appreciated in a pot. Magnificent. Dramatic silver variegated leaves 18” September. contrast well with the mid blue flowers. £15.00 each 18” July BELLADONNA £12.00 each Lovely clusters of pink lily-like flowers on naked stems. Huge bulbs! 18” Sept-Nov £5.50 each

ALBUCA Easy S African bulbs for cold glass.

SHAWII Elegant stems of small nodding yellow flowers. They flower all summer and make an unusual container plant. Keep dry and frost free in winter. 24” July-October 3=£6.00

Agapanthus Silver Moon Amaryllis Belladonna

New or re-introduction. 3 Order [email protected] AMARINE These fabulous hybrids between Amaryllis and Nerine are summer growing producing huge heads of trumpet like flowers. They need a very sunny sheltered situation where they receive as much sun as possible on the bulbs. Plant just below the soil. Hardy to -10C Summer dormant. Fabulous cut flowers. Amarine Aphrodite Amarine Anastasia Very large bulbs!

APHRODITE Clusters of large delicate very pale pink, lily-like flowers each with a darker central stripe. 30” Sept – Oct £5.00 each; 3 =£13.75

ANASTASIA Amarine belladiva Amarine Emanuelle Clusters of intense pink lily-like BELLADIVA EMANUELLE flowers on naked stems. Large mid pink flowers. Very pale pink almost white flowers 30” Sept – Oct 30” Sept – Oct with a darker central stripe. £5.00 each; 3 =£13.75 3 = £10.00 30” Sept – Oct £5.00 each; 3 =£13.75

CROCOSMIA Once included under Montbretia, these modern have much larger, showier flowers. CONSTANCE They appreciate a little humus on planting and prefer shade for at least part of the day. A showy hybrid producing an They do not flower well in hot dry conditions or deep shade. Excellent for extending the endless succession of large, clear season into late summer. Lift and divide regularly to avoid non flowering congested clumps. orange-red flowers. Vigorous. One of the best. CANARY BIRD COLUMBUS 30” Aug-Oct We found a stock of this lovely A fabulous new and distinct 10 = £9.00 deep golden Crocosmia in a local crocosmia. Large rich gold flowers HELL FIRE garden. Although we know no with a showy dark brown calyx. It more of its history than its name, An intense velvety red version of really stood out in our trial of new it is a very fine plant. Lucifer. A superb new cultivar and 24” Aug – Sept cultivars. Late flowering. just as easy. Few. 10 = £6.50 30” Aug – Sept 3’ July 3 = £4.00; 10 = £12.30 £6.00 each

Crocosmia Canary Bird Crocosmia Constance Crocosmia Columbus

New or re-introduction. 4 Order [email protected] Crocosmia Paul's Best Yellow Crocosmia Saracen Crocosmia Okovango

LIMPOPO PRINCE OF ORANGE £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00 Another of the new showy cultivars A fabulous new and distinct with large heads of pinkish orange crocosmia. The large wide open flowers held well above the leaves. flowers are carried in an upright spike 24” July-Sept rather than on the normal arching 3 = £6.00 stem. A sumptuous orange-red with a golden eye. Late flowering. LUCIFER 30” Aug – Sept The brilliant flame-red flowers make 3 = £4.00; 10 = £12.30 this variety a ‘must’ in the summer Crocosmia Zambesi flower border. The earliest of the RED KING hybrids so far. Superb cut flower. Masses of deep red flowers on 36” June-Aug dark stems. Good to add drama 3 = £4.00; 10 = £12.30 to a border. 3’ August 10 = £5.00 OKOVANGO SARACEN Dense heads of large peachy- Large, deep red flowers and bronze orange flowers that seem to glow. leaves. Excellent edge of shrub Exceptionally long flowering period. bed plant. 24” Aug-Sept Crocosmia Limpopo 24” Aug-Oct 3 = £8.00 £5.00 each ZAMBESI PAUL’S BEST YELLOW Fabulous new hybrid with arching Arching sprays of large clear stems of widely flaring flowers. Pale lemon-yellow flowers. Quite outstanding. Not too tall. Very early. salmon orange with a deeper central stripe. Difficult to describe but very 24” July-Aug different. Few. 30" Aug-Oct 3 = £7.00 £5.00 each Crocosmia Red King

Crocosmia Hell Fire Crocosmia Prince of Orange Crocosmia Lucifer

New or re-introduction. 5 Order [email protected] CRINUM Hardly a small but we are regularly asked for these popular summer flowering bulbs from S Africa. Plant in full sun with the neck of the bulb above the soil. They will look dreadful in the winter but resist the temptation to tidy up until the new leaves start to poke through in the spring.

MOOREI The parent of the well known Crinum x powellii album Crinum x powellii C. x powellii for a sheltered spot. Tall stems with huge widely flaring flowers of the palest pink. Their scent can fill the whole garden. x POWELLII ALBUM Slow but worth the wait. The huge bulb produces large 3’ Sept-Oct £7.00 each clusters of long leaves and a succession of white, trumpet shaped x POWELLII flowers in mid-summer. Clump Heads of deep pink flowers. forming – my enormous one Forms large clumps in time. produced 26 stems this year! 3-4’ Aug-Sept 3-4’ Aug-Sept £6.00 each £6.00 each; 3=£16.50 Crinum moorei

BARR WHITE SEEDLINGS PENDULA DIERAMA We are remodelling our S African Vigorous young plants. Colours vary (Angel’s Fishing Rod) bed in the garden and have had to from white to pale pink but pot luck move these self sown dieramas - all only. Flared flowers carried well A beautiful genus; normally very tall arching from Helen Dillon’s white D.pendula above the narrow leaves. spikes ending in hanging bells. Evergreen – shades of white or palest pink. 4’ June-July and clump forming. Well drained soil in full 4’June-July £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00 sun. Beautiful arching over a path. Do not £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 be tempted to plant by a pond unless they are well above water level. IGNEUM Slender arching wands of unusual BARR HYBRIDS pale salmon flowers above neat Over the years D. pumila and clumps of leaves. Sells on sight. D. pulcherrimum have hybridised Dwarf. 30” June-July £8.00 each here to produce a lovely free flowering intermediate plant. The MIDNIGHT FAIRY colour is very variable from palest lilac We are gradually building up our to salmon-pink and purple. Mixed “Fairy” range of Dieramas. This colours only. handsome one has brick red 3-4’ June-July flowers.3-4’ June-July £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00 £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75

Dierama Barr Hybrids Dierama Midnight Fairy Dierama pendula

New or re-introduction. 6 Order [email protected] Eucomis Sparkling Burgundy EUCOMIS (Pineapple flower) Eucomis Leia and bicolor Eucomis Johannesburg

These easy and unusual late summer COMOSA LEIA flowering bulbs are becoming increasingly Outward facing flowers in shades A superb new dwarf hybrid just like popular. They are full hardy surviving of pinkish-green in a very large, an intense reddish pink E. autumnalis. -20°C. Plant at least 6” deep. The bold spike, crowned with a tuft of Excellent in pots. 10” Aug-Sept shorter ones are excellent in large pots. leaves. Striking. 30” Aug-Sept £6.00 each; 3 = £16.50 I just pop mine into the garage for the 5 = £10.00 winter and re-pot each spring. Feed and POLE-EVANSII water well for best results. There is an CORNWOOD (comosa) (pallidflora) excellent ongoing trial of these at Wisley. S Large spikes of ivory- cream The giant of the genus – a bulb flowers with dark eyes on stiff that almost looks you in the eye! Towering 10 inch wide spikes of AUTUMNALIS (zambesiaca) stems. Long lasting. Superb cut creamy-green flowers. Unlikely A dwarf with apple-green flower. Scented. Huge bulbs. to flower the first year but well foliage and white flowers. 18” Aug-Sept £10.00 each worth the wait. Plant deeply. Excellent for shallow pans and Huge bulbs. 5’ Aug-Sept front of sunny borders. JOHANNESBURG (comosa) £8.00 each 12” Aug-Sept 3 = £7.00 Sturdy spikes of cream flowers with distinctive pale pink eye. SPARKLING BURGUNDY BICOLOR 24” Aug-Sept £7.00 each Bold spikes of pale pink flowers Large compact spikes of pale with attractive rich purple leaves. green, maroon-tipped flowers A handsome plant and one above broad leaves. Spectacular of the best. 24” Aug-Oct long lasting seed heads. £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00 Pots or garden.

14” Aug-Sept 3 = £7.00

Eucomis autumnalis Eucomis Cornwood Eucomis pole-evansii

New or re-introduction. 7 Order [email protected] Gladiolus Mme de Paris Gladiolus callianthus (acidanthera)

ATOM GLADIOLUS – The striking coral-red flowers are DWARF completely outlined in white. It We are concentrating on increasing our survives outside with us, growing among grasses. Lift in cold districts. range of the delightful species. Most 30” summer Gladiolus David Hills are hardy, and have a grace and charm 10 = £4.80; 25 = £11.20 absent in many of the modern hybrids. PAPILIO ‘THE BRIDE’ Stoloniferous and forming large MURIELIAE (acidanthera) Lovely white flowers with a green patches in time. Arching stems S Spikes of strongly scented, spectacular marking. Very popular for flower white flowers with a crimson blotch, of nodding brown and cream arranging. flowers. Likes a fertile soil or on wiry stems. The correct name 18” June-Aug for an old favourite. Excellent for late 10 = £4.80; 25 = £11.20 it will not flower. colour as well as scent. Good in pots 36" Aug-Oct or borders. Large bulbs. MME DE PARIS £3.00 each; 3 = £8.35 36” Sept-Nov A spectacular short gladiolus with 20 = £5.30; 50 = £12.50 intense red flowers with a bold white ‘RUBY’ (papilio) centre. An excellent cut flower. This fabulous new hardy gladiolus 30” Summer has the depth of colour of a 10 = £4.80; 25 = £11.20 modern gladiolus combined with DAVID HILLS (papilio) the stoloniferous habit of its species This is a beautiful reasonably hardy parent. Deep ruby red. gladiolus with dramatic slightly 36” July-Sept hooded flowers of glowing orange- £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 red and a conspicuous yellow throat. Stoloniferous. Stock limited. 30" July-August £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 Gladiolus Atom

Gladiolus papilio Gladiolus Ruby Gladiolus The Bride

New or re-introduction. 8 Order [email protected] S Scented Galtonia candicans GALTONIA (Summer Hyacinth) Tulbaghia allioides Excellent mid-late summer flowering bulbs from South Africa, requiring a well drained soil in full sun. Superb mixed with feathery flowers such as Gypsophylla, mixed with Agapanthus or in the wild plantings in the Tulbaghia violacea Olympic Park.

CANDICANS TULBAGHIA Widely spaced, sweetly scented large A clump-forming member of the lily family white bells on a tallish stem. for a warm, sheltered spot and ideal as a 3-4’ July-Sept conservatory plant. Flowers in succession 5 = £6.00; 15 = £16.50 for months. We supply good sized clumps.

ALLIOIDES Tall slender stems with unusual creamy flowers with bold orange cups. Tender. 16” June £3.50 each; 3 = £9.70

VIOLACEA Clumps of narrow grey-green Tulbaghia violacea Purple Eye leaves and graceful heads of slender tubular flowers of soft violet all summer. 24” June-Oct £3.50 each 3 = £9.70

VIOLACEA ‘PALLIDA’ As easy as the species but with very pale, almost white flowers. 24” June-Oct KNIPHOFIA 3 = £6.00

(Red Hot Poker) VIOLACEA ‘PURPLE EYE’ These have long been a favourite of Pale lilac with a dark eye; a distinct mine for their extended period of hybrid with narrow leaves. flowering. They are an excellent foil It smothers itself in flowers all for crocosmias (q.v.). Plant in full sun summer. Perfect for a patio pot. TRITONIA in a soil that is not waterlogged in Hardy. 14" Summer Long confused with crocosmia these winter. £4.50 each like a drier sunny position. Late summer flowering. Good with grasses. ROOPERI VIOLACEA ‘SILVER LACE’ The last to flower with huge, fat The lavender pink flowers are DISTICA RUBROLUCENS heads of deep orange. Protect a good foil for the strongly Masses of delicate salmon-pink from excessive winter wet. silver-variegated leaves. flowers on branched, wiry stems. Huge plants! Excellent subject for a pot. 36” Aug-Sept 3’ Sept-Oct £8.00 each 24” June-Oct 5 = £5.00 £4.20 each

New or re-introduction. 9 Order [email protected] Nerine bowdenii 'Bianca Perla' Nerine bowdenii ‘Isabel’ Nerine Lipstick

LIPSTICK NERINE (Autumn Lily) Who dipped the buds of a white We have gradually been expanding our range of these stalwarts of the autumn garden. nerine in shocking pink lipstick? Very One of the joys of autumn is the sight of an established clump of nerines in full flower. distinctive and dramatic. 18” Oct The bowdenii forms are the hardiest preferring a sunny spot. They are perfect at £6.00 each; 3 = £16.50 the base of a wall where they should be allowed to form large congested clumps. Only divide them when the bulbs push themselves right out of the ground and they CURVIFOLIA stop flowering. The other varieties are hardy in frost free areas but make easy pot plants. Late flowering species with distinct curved leaves. The salmon-cerise BOWDENII 'FAVOURITE' BOWDENII ‘ISABEL’ flowers open from dark red buds. The new name for an old favourite. Bright cerise pink flowers dusted Keep frost free. 14” November. The bulbs produce a flower stem with with silver. Similar in colour to 3 = £15.00 one rather loose umbel of up to eight Zeal Giant but smaller. Excellent. pink flowers. Plant against a sunny wall Early. ELEGANCE and leave to clump. 24” Sept-Oct A magnificent new hybrid with 24” Sept-Oct 3 = 7.00 huge, deep salmon pink flowers 3 = £4.00; 10 = £12.50 on stiff stems. Hardy in a sheltered position and fabulous cut flower. BOWDENII 'BIANCA PERLA' BOWDENII ‘PATRICIA’ 30” October Large heads of glistening white Sometimes listed as Stefani. Palest £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 flowers. Probably needs a little pink flowers. Increasing well. more protection than the type. Deserves its new AGM. FEXUOSA ALBA 24” October 18” Sept-Oct Although only hardy in the most £3.00 each; 3 = £8.35 3 = £6.00 sheltered gardens it makes an attractive and easy pot plant for cold glass. Tight heads of pure white, crimped flowers above neat apple green leaves. 18” Oct-Nov 3= £12.00

Nerine bowdenii 'Favourite' Nerine flexuosa Alba Nerine ‘Elegance’

New or re-introduction. 10 Order [email protected] Nerine ‘Hera’ Nerine ‘Mr John’ Nerine Curvifolia

FILIMENTOSA SARNIENSIS ‘CORUSCA We can spare a few of this, one MAJOR’ (Guernsey Lily) of my favourites. Always the first Although not hardy this stunning to flower, this virtually evergreen nerine makes an easy and dramatic species has grass like leaves and pot plant for greenhouse or delicate frilled flowers on hairy conservatory. The large intense stems. Cold glass. orange- red flowers appear before 12” Aug-Sept the leaves. Requires a dry summer 3= £15.00 dormancy. 14” Sept-Oct "HERA" (flexuosa) £6.00 each Amazingly floriferous with compact heads of rich pink flowers. Probably GLEN SAVAGE (sarnienesis) More delicate and later flowering hardy, it make a fabulous pot plant this old cultivar is free flowering. for cold glass. Late flowering. Bright orange-red. 24” November 14” October Nerine 'Patricia' 3 = £5.00 £6.00 each ZEAL GIANT ‘MR JOHN’ UNDULATA (crispa) An extraordinary hybrid with almost The original cross between Only hardy in sheltered gardens bowdenii & sarniensis. Enormous blue-purple, cerise flowers. More but easy pot plant for cold glass. heads of intense pink flowers. tender than some. Delicate pink flowers with wavy Hardy here. 18” Sept-Oct edges. 14” Oct-Nov 30”September £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00 3 = £7.00 £6.00 each; 3 = £16.50

Nerine sarniensis Nerine Zeal Giant Nerine undulata in Helen Dillon's garden

New or re-introduction. 11 Order [email protected] OTHER BULBS AND PLANTS FOR SPRING PLANTING This is just a selection of other plants and bulbs that we grow. Please see online or call for more varieties. Order Form 1 page 25

ACIS ASTRANTIA ALSTROEMERIA Easily grown perennials with ‘shaggy’ flower Easy species for sun or part shade. Mulch in AUTUMNALIS heads all summer. winter. (Leucojum autumnale) Has two or three bell-shaped PSITTACINA ‘ROYAL STAR’ flowers of white tinged with pink. HADSPEN BLOOD (Variegated) Best planted in a sunny position, Intense blood red flowers. Needs Mounds of cream variegated leaves such as a rock garden, or at the full sun for best colour. all summer suddenly produce tall base of a tree. 6” Aug-Sept 24" June – Sept stems of maroon and green flowers 5 = £6.00 £6.00 each in late summer. 18” July-Aug £5.00 per pot SUNNINGDALE ASARUM Mounds of stunning gold variegated PSITTACINA leaves . Pale flowers. Clumps of divided leaves followed SPLENDENS 24" June – Sept by unusual maroon/green flowers Unusual foliage plant for £6.00 each light shade. Mounds of silver which suddenly erupt in late variegated, heart shaped leaves. summer. 18" July-Sept £5.00 per pot 4”. £5.00 per pot. CAMPANULA Easy plants for a sunny border, each pro­ducing a succession of large, showy ANEMONE flowers all summer. CODONOPSIS SYLVESTRIS A delightful group of plants for semi shade KENT BELLE (Snowdrop Anemone) An amazing plant which produces in a well drained soil. Large fragrant white flowers above a succession of intense, violet-blue clumps of well-divided leaves over nodding flowers all summer. Clump GREY-WILSONII a long period. Best in a cool, semi- forming. A tuberous rooted climber with large shady position. 24 - 30” July-Oct vivid blue saucer shaped flowers. 12” May-Sept £4.50 each; 3 = £12.00 3’+ June-August £6.00 each £5.20 each

New or re-introduction. 12 Order [email protected] CYCLAMEN Hardy Cyclamen in general are far better planted as growing plants than as dormant bulbs. Due to the fragility of their leaf stalks we prefer to despatch late in their growing season when they are naturally dying back. All tubers are dug daily for immediate despatch. All Cyclamen require a humus- rich soil that is well drained.

CILICIUM A delightful, delicate species for dry shade. Shell-pink flowers and marbled leaves. Seeds here under our yew. 3” Oct-Nov Cyclamen hederifolium Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Red Sky’ 3 = £13.00

COUM HEDERIFOLIUM (neapolitanum) LIBANOTICUM This excellent, hardy winter- The mainstay for autumn-flowering. One of the most beautiful flowering cyclamen will slowly Finely marked variegated leaves with of the cyclamen with very spread to give a carpet of colour a mass of pink flowers. Should be large blush-pink flowers. under trees or shrubs. Pink flowers. planted 1ft apart in a dry situation Hardy in sheltered situations 4” Dec-Mar with dappled or even full shade. under trees. Good in pans. 3 = £13.00 Makes huge tubers! 4” Aug-Oct 4” Feb-Mar £5.50 each 3 = £10.00 COUM ALBUM PSEUDIBERICUM HEDERIFOLIUM ‘RED SKY’ Pure white flowers with a dark ‘nose’. A very beautiful, large, violet- The most fabulous form we have Most attractive. 4” Dec-Mar carmine flower. Strongly marbled ever seen. Deep, almost blood red £5.00 each leaves with red underneath. flowers. Large tubers. 4” Aug-Oct £7.00 each Hardy in sheltered gardens. COUM ‘MAURICE DRYDEN’ 5” Feb-Mar £5.50 each Stunning coum hybrid with silver HEDERIFOLIUM leaves and pure white flowers, ‘SILVER CLOUD’ PURPURASCENS (europeum) occasionally blushed palest pink A magnificent form with completely S This native of the Alps is only rarely at first. 4” Dec-Mar silvered leaves. A wonderful winter offered. It grows best in dry shade £5.20 each foliage plant for dry shade. such as under a viburnum. The Pink or white flowers. strongly scented carmine flowers COUM PEWTER GROUP 4” Aug-Oct £5.20 each are produced in succession. Almost completely silver leaves and flowers in shades of carmine. 4” July-Oct £7.00 each 4” Jan-Mar £5.20 each REPANDUM The ivy-leaved cyclamen. COUM DEEPEST PINK Does well here under box hedge A selected form with fine deep- seeding out into the grass. coloured flowers. Always sought Marbled foliage and deep pink after at shows. 4” Dec-Mar flowers. Plant 3” deep in light soil. £5.00 each Cyclamen libanoticum 4” Apr-May £5.50 each

Cyclamen coum Pewter Cyclamen purpurascens Cyclamen repandum

New or re-introduction. 13 Order [email protected] ERANTHIS in growth (Winter Aconite) Please note that towards the end of our packing season they are beginning to die back but this is normal and they will grow just as well. They require a well-drained spot under trees and should be left undisturbed.

HYEMALIS Galanthus Hill Poe The common Winter Aconite with deep green hand-shaped leaves and bright yellow flowers. 3” February 5 = £5.00; 20 = £18.00

GALANTHUS (Snowdrops) in growth Snowdrops are well known to be another plant which resents being dried out and, therefore, prefers to be moved in growth in the spring. Plant the bulbs, preferably in Galanthus Ketton small clumps, 3” to 4” deep and 3” apart under ornamental trees and shrubs. Avoid manure at all costs! See online for many more.

ATKINSII GALATEA One of the finest snowdrops, with A handsome snowdrop. The very tall, stately flowers. Exceptionally large flowers are held at an angle vigorous, increasing well. Early on the long, kinked pedicel, similar 8” Jan-Feb in habit to Magnet. Early and 3 = £8.00; 10 = £24.00 increases well. 8” February S BRENDA TROYLE £6.00 each; 3 = £16.90 Galanthus Lady B Stanley A very attractive fragrant snowdrop. Large outer segments rounded and GREEN BRUSH blunt, inner ones heart-shaped and A sturdy snowdrop with waxy petals deeply marked. 8” February - the outer ones having a bold green 3 = £13.50 mark. It is the best of the green marked G.elwesii. COLOSSUS 7” February This really lives up to its name. £15.00 each A superb early flowering bulb with plicate leaves and large flowers. HILL POE Often out for Christmas. A large flowered double, usually 9” Dec-Jan having 4 rather than 3 outer petals £9.00 each giving it a rather ‘fat’ appearance Galanthus Magnet from above - the usual viewing point for snowdrops! A very distinct plant and one of my favourites. 7” Feb £12.50 each

JOHN GRAY Early flowering and very showy. The exceptionally large flowers are so heavy they almost touch the ground. 6" Dec-Jan £12.50 each

Galanthus Atkinsii Galanthus Green Brush

New or re-introduction. 14 Order [email protected] S Scented Galanthus nivalis Galanthus Straffan Galanthus Rowan Russell

KETTON NIVALIS FLORE PLENO STRAFFAN This is a superb and very beautiful The double form of nivalis. This late flowering snowdrop snowdrop hybrid with very large Not found so often but makes is very vigorous and known for well-rounded flowers forming a lovely display. 4 ½” February producing 2 flowers per bulb. This showy clumps in time. The inner 10 = £4.50; 25 = £10.40; makes for very floriferous clumps. marks merge like watercolour brush 50 = £19.80 Very vigorous and sturdy with large strokes. Late. 6" Feb £10.00 each flowers on short stems. One of the OPHELIA last to flower. LADY B STANLEY Although the flowers are not 6" Feb/March An unusual double with short, perhaps the largest it is the first of the £6.00 each; 3 = £16.90 broad grey leaves. The flowers large flowered Greatorex doubles, have 2 tiny green marks at the base flowering early in the New Year. It is S. ARNOTT clearly visible between the relatively very reliable and increases well. S One of the best and boldest of the snowdrops, with rounded narrow outer segments of the 9” Dec-Jan bell-shaped scented flowers. rather claw-like flowers.5” Feb £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00 8” February £8.00 each; 3 = £22.00 3 = £13.50 PLICATUS MAGNET A late flowering species with VIRIDAPICE The large flowers are held away distinctive folded leaves. Seeds A strong handsome plant. The tips from the stems on exceptionally freely here under our large of the outside petals are marked long pedicels. They open wide & chestnut tree. 6” February with green. Sturdy with bold spathes. seem to dance in the slightest wind. 3 = £10.00 9” February I call it the ‘ballerina snowdrop’. £8.00 each; 3 = £22.00 7” February £6.00 each; 3 = £16.90 ROWAN RUSSELL This handsome G.elwesii cultivar WENDY’S GOLD NIVALIS has very large flowers with elegant A handsome yellow marked The common Snowdrop pointed flowers held well above the plicatus which is very distinct. Found over a wide area of Europe. leaves making striking clumps. The We find it more vigorous Excellent for naturalising. inner segment is completely green. than most yellows. Few. 4 ½” February Broad grey leaves. One of the last 7” February 10 = £3.50; 50 = £16.00; to flower. Huge bulbs. We can £22.00 each 100 = £30.00 spare a few. 10" Feb £25.00

Galanthus Wendy's Gold Galanthus S. Arnott Galanthus Galatea

New or re-introduction. 15 Order [email protected] Iris

GRAMINEA S The wonderful plum (or is it a greengage?) scent of this iris makes up for the small size of its rich plum coloured flowers. 9” May-June 3 = £8.00 NEW IDEA (miniature tall bearded) Iris biliottii KERNERIANA One of the new race of bearded Beautifully shaped flowers above iris. Although only 14" tall it has twisted narrow leaves. Neutral to up to 4 perfect miniature flowers SPECIES IRIS acid soil in full sun. Fabulous in full scattered up the stem. A gentle Most of our extensive collection of dwarf flower. mix of purple shades. Absolutely and intermediate bearded Iris will be 16” June delightful. Easy plants for a dry found online. £4.50 each; 3 = £12.00 sunny bed, top of wall or rock garden. 14" April-May LANGPORT WREN (bearded) ALBICANS (bearded iris) £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00 White Cemetery Iris. This is one Fabulous intermediate iris. Deep of the oldest iris in cultivation. It black-red with a brown beard. Perfect foil for Tulip Queen of Night. PALLIDA (bearded) originated in Saudi Arabia but has This is one of the ancestors of all spread throughout the Middle East. 20” April £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00 our spectacular modern bearded iris Large white flowers on short stems. but sometimes the simplest flowers It is easy in a dry sunny position. are still the best. Beautiful, pure sky 15" April-May £8.00 each blue flowers above glaucous foliage. 3’ April £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 ATTICA (bearded) A tiny bearded iris from . Makes tight clumps covered in rich purple flowers. Dry sunny spot. 4” April £5.00 each

BILIOTTII (bearded) One of the graveyard iris of eastern . Delicate blue purple flowers with dark falls. 30” May £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75

ENSATA (Japanese water iris) The huge blue, purple and white flowers have the most amazing patterns and swirls on them. They do not need to be in water although they can be inundated in the winter. We grow them in ordinary garden soil. 18” June £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 Iris ensata Iris Langport Wren

New or re-introduction. 16 Order [email protected] S Scented Iris sibirica 'Sparkling Rose' Iris sibirica 'Roanokes Choice'

SURPRISE (bearded) SIBIRICA ‘SILVER EDGE’ A showy intermediate iris with The large blue flowers have large heads of ruffled flowers. a distinctive silver rim. Striking Lemon standards and white falls. in my dry stream garden here. 14” April 30” June £4.00 each; 3 = £11.00 £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75

SIBIRICA “DEEP VELVET” SIBIRICA ‘SPARKLING ROSÉ’ We seem to have lost the label for Large rich pink flowers. this dramatic iris. Large, intense A good foil for the blues. purple flowers making showy 30” June clumps. 30” June £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 £6.00 each; 3 = £16.50 SIBIRICA WHITE DWARF SIB. ‘ROANOKES CHOICE’ Sadly I have lost the name for this An excellent and rarely offered delightful dwarf sibirica which I have US variety with large open grown for decades. It is smothered flowers of soft pink. with pure white flowers. Late flowering and vigorous. 8” June 30” June-July £5.50 each £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75

Iris kerneriana Iris sibirica 'Silver Edge' Iris New Idea

New or re-introduction. 17 Order [email protected] Iris unguicularis


UNGUICULARIS (stylosa) Lilium Casa Blanca Lilium Oranje Winter Iris. Fragrant bright lilac flowers with darker markings LILIES FRISO (Tree Lily) all winter. It appreciates a warm Lilies require a fertile well-drained soil with S Clusters of waxy white trumpet sun-baked corner and will stand an uninterrupted supply of moisture while flowers with a heavy maroon central mark. Scented and vigorous. very poor soil. 12” Nov-Mar they are growing. They should be planted It just gets better year on year, £4.50 each; 3 = £12.00 6”-8” deep. eventually reaching a staggering 6' UNGUICULARIS MARY with up to 30 flowers. BARNARD CASA BLANCA 4' - 6' July-August (see back cover) 3 = £7.00 Intense purple flowers and S Huge white outward-facing narrower leaves. flowers with a hint of green MARTAGON ALBUM 12” Nov-March in the centre. Excellent in pots Similar to the above but bearing £7.00 each and quite magnificent. Acid soil. 4’ August creamy-white unspotted flowers. 3 = £5.00; 10 = £15.30 When happy it will seed around. UNGUICULARIS SPECIOSA 3’-4’ Jun­e £8.00 each This winter flowering iris came from Norman Haddon 40 years ago. He collected it in N Africa. Masses of deep blue flowers and narrower PAEONIA leaves. Easy, long lived plants but seed 12” Nov-March raised and slow to grow. The single £7.00 each flowered species peonies have a special charm. Best in part shade. These are flowering size plants.

CAMBESSEDESII This dwarf peony always sell on sight. Soft pink flowers above distinctive leaves. It is Paeonia cambessedesii one of the first to flower and does best in a sheltered position. Flowering size plants. 18” April £15.00 each

MASCULA We have a few large flowering sized divisions of one of my large plants. Large single flowers of deep pink above handsome leaves. Easy. 18" May-June £8.00 each Iris unguicularis 'Mary Barnard' Paeonia mascula

New or re-introduction. 18 Order [email protected] S Scented Lilium martagon album Lilium nepalense Lilium regale

● NEPALENSE PARDALINUM (Panther lily) Up to five huge recurved trumpets Large turks cap flowers of intense of greeny-cream, each with a orange-red, paling to the centre deep maroon centre. Needs and heavily covered in spots. Unlike a moist acid soil. Stoloniferous. many lilies it forms tight clusters of 3’ July £3.50 each; 3 = £9.00 bulbs, eventually making impressive patches. Leave undisturbed in a ORANJE (tree lily) moist fertile soil in part shade. S Huge heads of open, semi double 4' July £8.50 each apricot flowers. Leave them undisturbed and each year they ◆ REGALE become taller. Not fussy about soil S Probably the most famous of all provided it is fertile and not too dry. lilies. Easy to grow, glistening white They have been amazing visitors trumpets shaded yellow at the here. Scented. throat. Lime tolerant. 5-6’ July 4’ June-July 3 = £7.00 3 = £7.00; 10 = £21.00 Lilium pardalinum

OFFICIONALIS Large single mid pink flowers over divided leaves. The old apothecaries’ female peony. 18 June £10.00 each

TENUIFOLIA This is probably the most distinct of all peonies. It makes a mound of fantastically dissected leaves - up to 50 segments in a mature plant, topped by bright red single flowers. Good drainage is essential. 16” June £15.00 each

HELLEBORES See Online www.broadleighbulbs.co.uk Paeonia officionalis Paeonia tenuifolia

New or re-introduction. 19 Order [email protected] S Scented ● Acid soil Trillium grandiflorum flore pleno Primula vulgaris Taigetos Primula veris (Cowslip) TRILLIUM PRIMULA These well known plants are easy to grow VULGARIS ‘TAIGETOS’ (Wood Lily) in any soil. Shade tolerant. Divide regularly Our dramatic introduction that for best results. was first collected in Greece many years ago and has proved itself a CHROROPETALUM VERIS (Cowslip) magnificent garden plant. The pure This magnificent form is probably An old favourite but still good for white flowers completely swamp more correctly T.kurabayashi but naturalising especially on limey soils. the plants. Early flowering, usually whatever it is, it is very vigorous 9” April-May 3 = £7.00 well before Christmas. Sterile. with large intense red upright 5” Dec-Mar 3 = £10.00 VULGARIS flowers. Divisions. (Common Primrose) 14” April £8.00 each Needs no introduction this is an essential for the early spring garden VIOLA GRANDIFLORUM in sun or light shade. (Wake Robin) 4” Jan-April 3 = £7.00 (Violet) Extremely beautiful showy These perennial plants like a fertile soil. snow-white flowers becoming They are easy to grow in either sun or rose with age. Divisions of a PARADISIA shade. They look like miniature pansies vigorous clone. and are particularly useful for the front 15” April £6.00 each (St Bruno’s Lily) Easy clump forming perennial for sun. of the border and as ground cover under shrubs. GRANDIFLORUM FLORE Similar to Anthericum. PLENO LUSITANICA SORORIA ‘FRECKLES’ We can spare a few divisions of Dramatic tall spikes of white A fine plant for shady corners. this highly desirable trillium. Slowly trumpet flowers with conspicuous The large white flowers are forms showy clumps of very gold stamens. washed with blue speckles. double white flowers. 24” June 3” Apr-June 12” April £20.00 each £5.00each; 3 = £13.75 3 = £7.00

Trillium chloropetalum Paradisia lusitanica Viola Freckles

New or re-introduction. 20 Order [email protected] ROSCOEA Easy, trouble free plants for light shade producing their orchid like flowers all summer. The tubers should be planted deeply and mulched in winter in cold districts. Leave undisturbed to make large clumps.

ALPINA ‘KEW BEAUTY’ Tiny clumps of slender leaves and Similar to the above but without the small pink and white flowers all red buds. Lemon-yellow. Flowers in summer. Perfect for light shade. mid-summer. 6” July-Aug 3 = £4.00 12” July - Aug £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00 AURICULATA Roscoea beesiana Intense purple flowers produced HUMEANA all summer. Good foliage plant with Broad, almost horizontal, leaves and neat mounds of green leaves. large, hooded, rich-purple flowers. 18" July-Sept 3 = £7.00 One of the best. Dwarf. 8” June-July 3 = £12.00 BEESIANA An easy species with a long SCILLIFOLIA flowering period. Succession Tiny clumps of slender leaves of large yellow flowers with and small almost black flowers all purple flashes. summer. Perfect for light shade. 12” July-Aug 3 = £10.00 6” July-Aug 3 = £4.00 WISLEY AMETHYST ‘JEFFREY THOMAS’ One of the new cultivars. Each of the A showy cautleyoides form with white flowers has a dramatic amethyst masses of clear yellow flowers on mark on the falls. A truly showy plant tall stems. in flower for a long time. Roscoea auriculata 14” June-July 14” June-Sept £6.00 each; 3 = £16.50 £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00

‘HARVINGTON RAW SILK’ The dark red buds give rise to a succession of large pale yellow flowers that smother the plant. 12” July-Aug £7.00 each; 3 = £18.00

Roscoea Wisley Amethyst

Roscoea alpina

Roscoea Kew Beauty Roscoea Jeffrey Thomas Roscoea humeana

New or re-introduction. 21 Order [email protected] DROUGHT BUSTERS! After the extraordinary summer I thought it might be worth listing those plants that were completely unfazed by the drought.

ANTHERICUM RAMOSUM PLUMOSUM ( Tricopetalum) Clumps of narrow grass like leaves ALLIUM TUBEROSUM ALLIUM SENESCENS topped by clouds of white star-like (Chinese chives.) Clump forming and almost flowers on well branched stems. A Masses of white flowers attract evergreen they are smothered in delightful plant and easy in full sun. butterflies & bees in late summer. soft purple pompom flowers in late Related to St Bernards Lily. Edible. summer. Nectar for butterflies that 24" May-Jun 14” Sept often swamp it. £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 £6.50 for 3, small clumps 8” July – Aug £4.50 small clumps

ASPHODELINE LIBURNICA ASPHODELINE LUTEA ASPHOLDELUS ALBUS Slender spikes covered in starry Clumps of attractive narrow blue- Dramatic branched stems of brown lemon yellow flowers above grey evergreen foliage with stiff tipped white starry flowers above feathery, basal leaves. Easy in any spikes of striking star-like golden clumps of narrow grey leaves. soil in full sun; mixes well with flowers. Huge tuberous roots that are grasses and other feathery plants. 36” May - June £5.00 each summer dormant. The plants just 3-4' Summer £5.00 each get better with age. 3-4’ June £8.00 each

New or re-introduction. 22 Order [email protected] ASPHODELUS FISTULOSUS S CONVALLARIA LIRIOPE OKINA Neat clumps of grassy upright leaves PAWLOWSKY GOLD The new foliage of this Japanese and a succession of branched stems Typical scented white flowers with Liriope is pure white. Blue flowers of pink backed white flowers all attractive gold striped leaves. in the autumn. summer. Short lived but will gently 5” April 8” Sept £6.00 each self seed. Very pretty. Potted plants. 3 = £6.00 24” summer £6.00 each

Now for something HEMEROCALLIS CORKY Masses of slender deep yellow completely different Easy plants for any soil in sun - flowers all flowers with bronze back. summer. (see online for many more or our 16” summer £5.00 each SINNINGIA TUBIFLORA Collections on P24) S (hardy gloxinia) ANZAC STOKE POGES Mounds of soft grey leaves and Deep red with white stripe Large clear pink flowers with a hint glorious lemon scented white 24” summer. of apricot. 24” summer. £5.00 each tubular flowers in mid summer. £5.00 each; 3 = £13.75 Grow tubers in pots in full sun. WHICHFORD Keep pots dry in cold, unheated Large scented lemon flowers. glasshouse during winter. Best Carried well above leaves. when undisturbed and pot 24” summer. £5.00 each bound. 14” July-Aug 3 tubers = £5.00

Hemerocallis Anzac Hemerocallis Whichford

Hemerocallis Corky Hemerocallis Stoke Poges

New or re-introduction. 23 Order [email protected] S Scented SPRING COLLECTIONS Take the strain out of choosing with our tried and tested collections.

DWARF BEARDED IRIS Collection No. 3 These easy sun lovers are perfect for the front of a border, among paving stones or on a rockery. Our COLLECTION OF AGAPANTHUS selection of 5 named iris from among our best £15.00 Collection No. 1 growers. All shades and 3 Easy, free-flowering and mid-sized varieties sizes. for pots or border. Chosen from our best hardy Height: 4"-12" varieties. A mix of blue and white. This collection Flowers: April £12.00 is excellent value for money. Hardy but will need MIXED DWARF protection from severe frost if grown in containers (D) Height: 24 - 36" Flowers: Summer BEARDED IRIS 10 = £15.00

COLLECTION OF SNOWDROPS Collection No. 2 Easy varieties suitable for grass or under trees. • 10 nivalis (single) • 10 nivalis flore pleno (double) • 3 Atkinsii 23 bulbs £15.00

COLLECTION OF DAYLILIES Collection No. 4 Easy clump forming plants for any soil in sun. One each of 5 different varieties (named), our choice. Heads of large trumpet flowers all summer on DWARF DAYLILY COLLECTION compact plants. Yellow, orange, red and Collection No. 5 £12.00 striped. Height: 24" 4 tiny varieties for the front of a sunny border. Flowers: Jun-Aug Easy plants for any soil in full sun flowering all summer. Height: 16" Flowers: all summer £15.00

New or re-introduction. 24 Order [email protected] ORDER FORM 1 FEB/MID APRIL DESPATCH Specialists in small bulbs Broadleigh Gardens Barr House, Bishops Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA4 1AE Telephone: Taunton (01823) 286231 Fax: (01823) 323646 www.broadleighbulbs.co.uk Registered Office of Broadleigh Nurseries Limited. Reg. No. 1074105 (England)

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Order [email protected] SPRING FLOWERING BULBS FOR AUTUMN DESPATCH Whilst most of our standard bulbs will be in our May catalogue and continue to be posted from Kent this is a list of what we grow and sell from Taunton. Please use order form 2. All illustrated online - see special bulbs.

NEMOROSA ‘GERDA LEICHTLINII SEMI-PLENA RAMUSEN’ This is the tallest of the camassias An extraordinary double with and the last to flower. The very flowers of green and white. tall, stiff stems, are densely covered 6” April 3 =£8.00 with a succession of creamy-yellow star-shaped flowers that are NEMOROSA 'ROYAL BLUE' semi-double. Dainty deep blue flowers on slender 4’ May-June 3 = £7.00 stems and divided leaves. They are not too vigorous and smother LEICHTLINII SUCKSDORFII themselves in flowers. (caerulea) 4” April 3= £6.00; 10 = £18.00 The more correct name for the

standard tall bue camassia. Striking RANUNCULOIDES WOOD Masses of bright yellow flowers that spikes of strong blue starry flowers ANEMONE almost smother the plants. with conspicuous yellow stamens. 4” April 3 = £6.00, 10 = £18.00 30” May 5 = £5.00; 15 = £13.75 FLACCIDA The Japanese verion of our wood MIXED anemone with large white flowers. We had to move our stocks and This has 'fat' . The leaves form a tight mat and are beautifully these were left behind. Good value marked with bronze when they first for naturalising. appear. 10 = £5.00; 50 = £20.00 4” April 3=£6.00; 10 = £18.00

NEMOROSA (wood anemone) Our native wood anemone with dainty white flowers on slender stems and divided leaves. 4” April 3 = £6.00; 10 = £18.00 CAMASSIA NEMOROSA 'ALLENII' CUSICKII Very large pale blue flowers on Large racemes of silvery-blue COLCHICUM slender stems and divided leaves. flowers. These are the first to Excellent for naturalising under trees flower - just as the daffodils are and shrubs. fading. 24” May MIXED COLCHICUM * 6” April 3= £6.00; 10 = £18.00 5 = £5.00; 15 = £13.75 In all shades of pink & purple 6-8” Sept–Oct NEMOROSA BLUE LEICHTLINII ALBA 5 = £10.00 CENTRED DOUBLE Large spikes of stary creamy white A neat tight white double wood flowers. It is an excellent border NANCY LINDSAY * anemone with blue backs. plant for any soil in sun. Slender purple flowers on dark As the flowers mature so 30” May stems. Very early C.autumnale form. a blue centre appears. 5 = £5.00; 15 = £13.75 6" Aug-Sept 4” April 3=£6.00; 10 = £18.00 3 = £10.00 LEICHTLINII NEMOROSA ‘BOWLES 'BROADLEIGH BELLE' ROSY DAWN * GIANT’ Our own cutivars. Later flowering Beautiful large well chequered Very large white flowers on tall and taller than C leichtlinii caerulea. flowers.8" Sept stems with remarkably thick In lovely shades of lilac, pink and 3 = £10.00 rhizomes. true white. 30” May 8” April 3 = £6.00 5 = £5.00; 15 = £13.75 *Please order these early

New or re-introduction. 27 Order [email protected] CORNET (6) A very descriptive name for this, one of Alec Gray's larger cultivars. Well swept back petals. Clear yellow. 12” Feb-Mar 10= £7.00 ERYTHRONIUM CREAM SEGOVIA (7) This little daffodil is a sport of 'PAGODA' Segovia, regularly appearing in A most beautiful and vigorous hybrid Alec's stock in our field but with with large sulphur-yellow turks cream rather than pure white petals. cap flowers.10” Mar-Apr There is some confusion over 3 = £4.50; 10 = £13.75 the name, with this name being incorrectly applied to the cream ‘SUNDISC’ PACIFIC sport of Xit which is much smaller. A most beautiful and vigorous hybrid 6” April 3 =£6.00 COAST IRIS with large sulphur-yellow turks cap flowers. Similar to Pagoda but with Evergreen iris for cool acid soil in part ELKA (1) a clearer colour and well marked shade. Clump forming. Please note they A tiny gem with a slightly nodding leaves. 10” March-April 3 = £6.00 are not suitable for growing in pots. lemon trumpet and milk white 'WHITE BEAUTY' petals. It does well here on the Large white turks cap flower edge of a shrub bed where it is 'AMIGITA' with pale yellow centres. dry in the summer. Pale lilac flowers with a beautiful 10” Mar-Apr 4” March 5 = £5.00 deep purple mark on the falls. 3 = £7.50: 10 = £21.00 Early flowering and vigorous JOHANNA (5) 14” May-June £5.00 each REVOLUTUM One of Alec Gray’s larger hybrids The flowers are like mini bright but still distinctive & attractive. 1-2 ‘BROADLEIGH ANGELA’ pink turks cap lilies with a beautifully pale lemon flowers with expanded Large, very pale lilac flowers washed marbled leaves. Acid soil. darker yellow trumpets. Nodding. with deeper purple and blue marks 8” Mar-Apr 14" March-April like a watercolour or silk paintings. £5.00 each 5 = £5.00 18" May – June £5.00 each NARCISSUS JUMBLIE (12) Two to three clear yellow flowers to 'BROADLEIGH LAVINIA' (DAFFODILS) the stem. Slightly orange cup and well This produces a succession of reflexed petals. Sister seedling to Tete flowers in a most unusual colour of a Tete but the cyclamineus parentage pale peach with a claret mark on the is more pronounced and the deeper falls. 18” May-June £5.00 each trumpet longer. 8” March £3.00 each; 3 = £8.35 'BROADLEIGH NANCY' This striking hybrid produces a ALEC GRAY LITTLE SENTRY (7) succession of white flowers with HYBRIDS Tiny discs of gold on stiff stems with strong purple markings and well- very flat cups. They open golden branched stems. A selection from our National Collection but fade to a beautiful cream. 18” April-May £5.00 each 8” April 5 = £6.00 BOBBYSOXER (7) MINNOW(8) MIXED CALIFORNIAN IRIS A dwarf jonquil with neat round A fine Alec Gray miniature hybrid. (Pacific Coast Iris) yellow flowers and orange cups. Up to 4 tiny heads per stem which A selection of our unnamed iris Twin headed. An excellent rock open golden but fade to a beautiful hybrids in shades from palest gold to garden plant. cream. deepest purple. 8” April 8" March 18” April-May 3 for £12.00 5 = £5.00; 15 = £13.75 5 = £5.00

New or re-introduction. 28 Order [email protected] RIKKI (7) LEMON SILK (6) The small round flowers open A beautiful cyclamineus daffodil with yellow then the petals fade to delicate lemon flowers. The long cream. Slightly larger than Little trumpet is slightly paler than the Sentry with a slightly more starry OTHER well reflexed petals. Early flowering appearance. Vigorous. DAFFODILS forming good sized clumps. 8” April 3 = £6.00 14” Early March 3 = £5.00; 10 = £15.30 SEGOVIA (3) AGNES HARVEY (5) More like a jonquil hybrid which is An old (pre 1902!) but still beautiful LITTLE RUSKY (6) not surprising as one of its parents dwarf triandrus hybrid daffodil. It An exquisite US jonquil hybrid. Tiny is the tiny jonquil species N.watieri. has 1 to 2 nodding white flowers. creamy-yellow flowers with a orange Superbly contrasting glistening white 9” April rimmed deeper yellow cup and a petals and small flat lemon cup. 5 = £6.00 green eye.Usually twin flowered. Actually bred by Alec's wife Flomay. 8” April 3 = £6.00 6” April 10 = £6.50; 25 = £13.45 BABY DOLL(6) S MEDIOLUTEUS (biflorus) This delightful dwarf daffodil has (Primrose Peerless) (13) SOLTAR (7) small neat flowers of clear yellow Perfectly round flowers on stiff very and well reflexed petals. A good This is one of the very oldest daffodil upright stems. They open yellow doer, increasing well. cultivars still in cultivation. Late and gradually fade to cream with 8" Mar 3 =£6.00 flowering with 1 or 2 small white a darker eye. They have been flowers with a tiny lemon yellow excellent in my trough garden for BILBO (6) cup. Sweetly scented flowers. many years. Rarely offered. One of Brian’s beautiful dance 10” April-May 3 = £6.00

7” April series. Pure white petals sweep back MITE (6) £4.00 each from a delicate pink cup. 12” March This is a perfect tiny golden

3 = £5.00 cyclamineus hybrid daffodil with TETE A TETE (12) long straight trumpet and ‘fly-away’ Probably the best of all dwarf hybrids. S COMPRESSUS (8) perianth. Rather like a larger more Very early and tremendously long Up to10 glistening white flowers robust N.cyclamineus. It increases lasting. Golden petals very slightly with small lemon cups. Scented. rapidly making good clumps. reflexed from the neat cups. Cannot 14” Feb-March Although it loves a moist acid soil it be too strongly recommended and 5 = £5.00; 15 = 13.75 is just as happy on dry sandy soils. a very prolific flowerer. Perfect for 9” March containers, borders, woodland or even CLOUD NINE (2) 3 = £6.00 grass. The most famous of all Alec A delightful intermediate reversed Gray's miniatures. bicolor daffodil. The well shaped PAPERWHITE (13) 6” Feb-Mar flowers open bright lemon and the S A must for Christmas flowering with 10 = £5.00; 25 = £11.60 cup gradually fades to cream. It is masses of heavily scented white one of the last to flower and is long flowers. Plant the bulbs on the lasting in flower and very vigorous. TETE BOUCLE (12) surface of the soil and keep on a 14” April 5 = £4.00; 15 = £11.05 A chance sport from Tete a Tete. cool windowsill. Will flower in about This is exactly the same size but S CORDUBENSIS (13) 6 weeks. each flower is fully double. Makes 12” Nov-Jan A spectacular jonquil species from an impressive pot display. S Spain. Masses of deep gold 5 = £5.40; 15 = £14.50 6" Feb-Mar strongly scented flowers - up to 10 5 = £6.00 per stem, with small flat cups. POETICUS PRAECOX (13) 14” April 3 = £6.00 S Early Pheasant Eye daffodil. This is XIT (7) the early flowering form of poeticus A stunning pure white N.watieri x INTERMEDIUS (13) recurvus. It is strongly scented. hybrid with small round white Masses of strongly scented golden Snow-white petals with a tiny yellow flowers on stiff stems. Perfect for flowers on tall stiff stems. This wild cup edged with red. It was this red troughs or rock garden or maybe hybrid requires a very warm, dry colouring that gave rise to all the try it in light shade. summer dormancy to flower well. colour in subsequent daffodil hybrids. 6” April Excellent in a pot in cold glass. 16” March-April £5.00 each 14” April 5 = £5.00;15 = £13.75 5 = £7.00

New or re-introduction. 29 Order [email protected] S Scented OTHER DAFFODILS continued S POETICUS var HELLENICUS (13) This is an exquisite tiny, perfectly round Pheasant Eye daffodil. Pure white petals and a completely flat, red-rimmed cup. One of the last ORNITHOGALUM to flower.14” May 5 = £6.00

RIJNVELDT'S EARLY ARABICUM SENSATION (2) Stunning heads of large, glistening STERNBERGIA It is a short flowered egg-yellow white flowers with black centres. daffodil with a rather flared trumpet S Spain so requires a dry sunny that is slightly darker. Often in position or it is easy under cold LUTEA * flower on Christmas Day. Very glass. Dry summer dormancy. The Biblical ‘Lily of the Field’ for vigorous, increasing well and can be 18” May 3 = £4.00 sharply drained soil in full sun. Large, naturalised in grass. bright yellow crocus-like flowers. 10” Jan-Feb 10 = £7.50 We grow them under a south facing MAGNUM ROGUE (3) Tall slender spikes of up to 75 wall and under a large chestnut. One of our own hybrids. An glistening white flowers in early 5” Sept-Nov intermediate daffodil with pure white summer. Excellent in the RHS 3 = £5.00; 10 = £12.50 petals and a neat lemon-yellow cup garden at Harlow Carr. Well drained on stiff stems. Front of border plant. soil in part shade. LUTEA ANGUSTIFOLIA * 12” April 10 = £6.00 18- 30” June-July 3 = £4.00 A free-flowering form with narrow, deep green foliage and similar bright SNOW BABY (1) yellow crocus-shaped flowers. The one daffodil everyone askes for: 5” Sept-Oct a perfect tiny white trumpet. 5” Feb-March 5 = £5.00 3 = £6.00

S WILLKOMMII (13) SICULA * A tiny species with up to three tiny Masses of tiny pointed yellow golden-yellow, strongly scented flowers smother the plants. Best flowers. It needs a hot, dry summer grown in a trough or Alpine house. dormancy to flower so is best 3" Sept-Oct grown in an Alpine house. 3 = £6.00 4” April 10 = £6.00 SCILLA *Please order these early LILIO-HYACINTHUS Delicate candles of soft blue flowers. The bulbs are rather like a lily-hence the name. Clump forming and never GLADIOLUS a problem! 6” April 3 = £6.00 To be planted in the autumn. BYZANTINUS "Whistling Jack" PERUVIANA The true form of this Mediterranean One of the best late-flowering species The large purple-red species with extraordinary triangular flowers with a white flash are heads of rich, almost glowing blue TULIP carried on stiff stems. flowers which arise from a basal 24” June 5 = £7.00 rosette of wide leaves. Almost SPRENGERI (species tulip) evergreen. 9” April-May This small scarlet tulip is the very last CARNEUS £3.00 each, 3 = £8.35 to flower. It does not increase by Delicate sprays of pale pink flowers offsets like most tulips but has with a darker flash on the lower to be grown from seed - it will 3 petals. Probably tender but it PERUVIANA ALBA grows freely in pots here in a cold White version of the above. self seed on a dry, sunny rock glasshouse and flowers profusely. 9” Apr-May garden or in thin grass. Few. 18" Apr-May 5 = £5.00 £3.00 each; 3 = £8.35 12” mid - late May £5.00 each

New or re-introduction. 30 Order [email protected] ORDER FORM 2 - SPRING FLOWERING BULBS FOR AUTUMN DESPATCH Specialists in small bulbs SEPT - OCTOBER Broadleigh Gardens Barr House, Bishops Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA4 1AE Telephone: Taunton (01823) 286231 Fax: (01823) 323646 www.broadleighbulbs.co.uk Registered Office of Broadleigh Nurseries Limited. Reg. No. 1074105 (England)

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New or re-introduction. Order [email protected] Order [email protected] TERMS OF BUSINESS

The placing of an order implies acceptance of the terms of sale, delivery and warranty shown in this list.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ORDERS. Due to the high SUBSTITUTIONS. It is really impossible to forecast costs involved, we regret we are unable to acknowledge exactly what customers will wish to buy and so ensure orders except where an item is unavailable. If you need to adequate stocks of everything. We do our best as we wish know please enclose an s.a.e. to give absolute satisfaction, but we reserve the right to vary the items in Collections at any time. DESPATCH DATES. Unless we are particularly requested This catalogue covers the period to meet a specific deadline, we despatch all orders in January to October 2019 only. strict rotation according to the date of receipt (weather permitting) from February – mid April (pages 1 –24) and August – October (pages 27 –30).

MISSING PARCELS. Enquiries regarding missing parcels must be made by the end of each despatch period.

DESPATCH CHARGE. Please see order forms. All the parcels must be signed for. If you are liable to be out, please give us an alternative address - e.g. work, neighbour etc. E.U. customers, including Channel Islands: Parcels will be sent airmail post and charged at cost. Please pay by Visa, Mastercard or sterling draft. We do not export outside the EU.

METHOD OF PAYMENT. Payment may be made by cheque (payable to Broadleigh Gardens), Postal Order, cash, our own Gift Tokens (we regret we cannot accept National Garden Gift Tokens), also our own Credit Notes. Please return Credit Note or quote the number when claiming. Mastercard/Visa/Debit: we can accept payment by these cards; please fill in the section on the order form. Orders can be telephoned (24 hour Ansaphone) quoting account numbers and expiry date etc. A Gardeners Guide to Bulbs COMPLAINTS. Should there be any cause for complaint, Christine Skelmersdale please write within seven days of receipt of the package. We Foreword by Alan Titchmarsh cannot guarantee flowering, which depends on horticultural 200pp Hardback, lavishly illustrated. conditions, but we believe that all bulbs and plants Inspiring, practical and comprehensive. despatched by us are fine, healthy stock. A seasonal A-Z of bulbs for the garden, full of personal anecdote based on 40 years COLLECTION OF ORDERS. Orders may be collected of growing and showing bulbs. in season only if prior notice is given and collection made between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Signed copies £25 including P&P. The Nursery is not open at weekends.

New or re-introduction. 33 Order [email protected] ▲ Lilium 'Friso' Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’ ▲

▼ Our Crocosmia Collection Allium senescens ▲ ▲ Cyclamen hederifolium Agapanthus praecox albiflorus▼