Michael Jackson Interviews
MMIICCHHAAEELL JJAACCKKSSOONN IINNTTEERRVVIIEEWWSS Table of Contents Randy J. Taraborrelli Interview 1978 Rolling Stone Interview 17 February, 1983 Ebony Magazine Interview December, 1984 Ebony Magazine Interview May, 1992 Oprah Winfrey Interview 1993 Ebony Magazine Interview October, 1994 Diane Sawyer Interview June 14, 1995 (Hollywood, USA) Simulchat Interview Thursday, 17 August 1995 VH1 Interview 10 November, 1996 Molly Meldrum Interview Tuesday, 19 November 1996 Arabic Interview 1996 OK Magazine Interview April 4 & 11, 1997 Barbara Walters Interview September 12, 1997 (televised on ABC) Life Magazine Interview 1997 'Wetten, Dass...?' March 20, 1999 (Saarlandhalle Saarbrücken, Germany) The Mirror Interview Tuesday, 13 April 1999 TV Guide Interview December 4, 1999 Pharrell Williams: Music's Hottest Hitmaker Talks to the Thriller (August, 2000) Online Audio Chat Interview 26 October, 2001 USA Today Interview 1 November, 2001 TV Guide Interview 2001 Steve Harvey Radio Show Interview March 08, 2002 VIBE Magazine Interview March, 2002 Gold Magazine Interview 2002 Rick Dees Interview Wednesday, 10 September 2003 Ed Bradley Interview 28 December, 2003 Brett Ratner Interview Sunday, 01 February 2004 Jesse Jackson Radio Show Interview 2005 Geraldo Rivera Interview 5 February, 2005 Billy Bush Interview 15 October, 2006 Interview by Randy J. Taraborrelli (1978) When John Whyman, the photographer, and I [Taraborrelli] pulled up to the ominous black wrought-iron gate at 4641 Hayvenhurst, the Jacksons' estate, it stood open, but Whyman pressed the buzzer on the squawk box anyway. We had heard about the vicious guard dogs and did not want to take any chances. An electronic camera, conspicuously mounted on a fifteen-foot-high pole, seemed to zoom in for closer inspection.
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