POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020












POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020



Haliuk P.Y , Savchenko I.A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Popov O.V., PhD, Associate Professor

The longest stage in an aircraft exploitation cycle is its operation. Features of operation are determined by a number of operational factors, among which an important place is the process of aircraft maintenance. Proper maintenance organization is ensured by a number of conditions, they are the following: completeness and quality of technical documentation; forms of maintenance organization; state of the production and technical base; qualification of specialists; completeness and timely provision of spare parts and materials; appropriate labour working conditions [1]. The manufacturer develops operational documentation for operations during all types of aircraft maintenance. The list of necessary tools, instruments, additional equipment, methods and means of control of operations and minimum time for work completion are regulated. A maintenance program of each aircraft copy is developed and agreed minding the specificity of the flight operation. In modern conditions aircrafts are intensively operated, and technical service at the lowest labor and material costs is provided by maintenance according to the technical condition. Thus, the prediction and determination of the technical condition of the units, units and systems of the aircraft before failure play an important role. The widespread use of modern production technologies, various control systems, numerous scientific developments in the field of aircraft systems simulation make the work easier, but are not able to fully perform the functions of engineering staff. Depending on the type, maintenance work can be performed in the hangar or directly at the aircraft parking lot, at all seasons and in different time periods of the day. These factors have a significant impact on the work environment and human performance, so minding the working conditions is very important in ensuring maintenance operations directly on site. For example, for activities in the parking lot (open space), weather conditions during the daytime at temperatures plus 30C and wind speeds of 1-3 m / s or at night at temperatures of minus 10C and wind gusts of 15-20m / s cannot be called favorable, so as well as the lack of sufficient light and a limited number of accessories in the hangar [2,3]. In addition to the mandatory use of operational documentation while performing aircraft maintenance, workplace activity is also governed by safety rules, health restrictions, and special types of admissions (for certain types of work). A large number of documents, which guide the work of engineers and technical service sector, is due to the need of minimizing the impact of human factor on the results of operations, and, consequently, to ensure the safety of flights. Due to difficult working conditions, there may be a deterioration in the health of employees, frequent


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 redundancies, or in general, lack of staff, which negatively affects the work process as a whole [2,3]. This raises the question of creating working conditions directly in the workplace of engineering staff that allow them to perform their functional duties effectively, safely and with proper quality. The workplace is an essential element of the production process where purposeful actions of the personnel are performed, so its rational organization is of the utmost importance. Usually, in addition to the documents mentioned above, workplace attestation is performed in order to assess compliance with the conditions of maintenance operations [4]. This procedure can identify ways to improve working conditions, but does not give an idea of the procedure and does not identify the so- called "weaknesses" of the workflow, where there is an increased likelihood of making mistakes, losing time, getting injured, and so on. Techniques have been developed for certain types of production that allow to optimize workspace, eliminate unnecessary movements, reduce fatigue, and use time more efficiently through local workflow assessment. Unfortunately, insufficient attention is paid to the methods of organizing workplaces during the maintenance of PS and implementation of improvements in working conditions. The development of methodologies for assessing processes that occur directly in the workplace during aircraft maintenance is complicated by the following factors as: dependence of kinds of work on the technical condition of the unit or aggregate; complex, variable employee moving; individuality of the person's views on the rationality of actions; multiple changes of body position and types of physical activity are possible; significant environmental impact on operations. It is possible not only to develop measures to optimize work movements and to identify places that need enhanced control, but also to improve working conditions through reasonable ensuring the availability of additional technical devices, protection means, application of possible innovative proposals while evaluating the organization of workplace when performing aircraft maintenance operations using quantitative, qualitative indicators and certain mathematical dependencies. In addition, the description of the location of work objects and the rational movements in the course of performing maintenance operations for a particular unit or aggregate will improve the training of personnel, which is especially relevant in the process of mastering new types of aircraft serviced.

References: 1. Состояние безопасности полетов в мире. [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: https://www.icao.int/safety/State%20of%20Global%20Aviation%20Safety/ICAO_SGAS_book _RU _final_web.pdf 2. Управление рисками для устойчивого роста в эпоху инноваций. [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: https://www.pwc.ru/ru/riskassurance/publications/assets/pwc-2018- risk-in-review-russian.pdf 3. Шаров В.Д., Елисеев Б.П., Воробьев В.В. Анализ недостатков в описании процедур управления риском безопасности полетов в документах ИКАО. Научный вестник МГТУ ГА. Том 22 №02. - М.: МГТУ ГА, 2019


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

4. Murzin A. D., Osadchaya N. A. Risk management framework of engineering organizations activities. [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: http://mid- journal.ru/upload/iblock/797/24_602_Osadchaya_104_112


Halushko Y.V. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser - Salimov R.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor

Annotation — that article deals with the problem of using the artificial intelligence for predictive aircraft maintenance. The application areas of artificial intelligence are analyzed to preserve the airworthiness of aircraft in order. Keywords - predictive technical service, artificial intelligence, expert systems. The problem of solving predicts is changing in the highest number of results that exist in the facility being operated or in the process of being repaired allow for the analytical analysis to be verified and it must use an appropriate solution. Recently, people have used methods that are available in physico-technical and technical- economic approaches. At the same time, it is necessary to investigate factors that are different in nature and using different methods from different specialists to distinguish the valuable information obtained. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) models to identify anomalous behavior turns equipment sensor data into meaningful, actionable insights for proactive asset maintenance – preventing downtime or accidents. Commonly known as predictive maintenance, this intelligence forecasts when or if functional equipment will fail so its maintenance and repair can be scheduled before the failure occurs. Considering the aggressive time-to-market required for aerospace products and services, identifying causes of potential faults allows companies to deploy maintenance services more effectively, improving equipment up-time. Critical features that help predict faults or failures are often buried in structured data, such as year of production, make, model, and warranty details, as well as unstructured data such as maintenance history and repair logs. However, emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, analytics, and cloud data storage are enabling more equipment to condition-based data with a centralized server, making fault detection easier, more practical, and more direct. Predictive maintenance model. The underlying architecture of a preventive maintenance model is fairly uniform irrespective of applications. Analytics usually reside on various IT platforms, with layers systematically described as: • Data acquisition, storage – Cloud or edge systems • Data transformation – Conversion of raw data for machine learning models • Condition monitoring – Alerts based on asset operating limits • Asset health evaluation – Diagnostic records based on trend analysis if asset health declines


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

• Prognostics – Failure predictions through machine learning models, estimate remaining life • Decision support system – Best action recommendations • Human interface layer – Information accessible in easy-to-understand format Failure prediction, fault diagnosis, failure-type classification, and recommendation of relevant maintenance actions are all a part of predictive maintenance methodology. Manufacturing, energy, and utilities verticals are among the biggest demand drivers for predictive maintenance, and the technology is growing in aerospace as manufacturers look to control maintenance and downtime costs. So, it’s critical for equipment manufacturers and owners/operators to adopt a predictive maintenance solution to maintain a competitive advantage. The bigger players have been using this methodology for more than a decade. Small- and medium-sized companies in the manufacturing sector also can reap its advantages by keeping repair costs low and meeting initial operational costs for new operations. Offering more business benefits than corrective and preventative maintenance programs, predictive maintenance is a step ahead of preventive maintenance. As maintenance work is scheduled at preset intervals, maintenance technicians are informed of the likelihood of parts and components failing during the next work cycle and can act to minimize downtime. Performance benefits means that predictive maintenance employs non- intrusive testing techniques to evaluate and compute asset performance trends. Additional methods that may be used can include thermodynamics, acoustics, vibration analysis, and infrared analysis. The continuous developments in Big Data, machine-to-machine communication, and cloud technology have created new possibilities for investigating information derived from industrial assets. Condition monitoring in real-time is viable from sensors, actuators, and other control parameters. What stakeholders need is a bankable analytics and engineering service partner who can help them leverage data science to predict embryonic asset failures, eliminate them, and act in a timely manner. The article proposes using of AI in the field of predictive aircraft maintenance. The main advantages of AI are the increased speed and accuracy of processing a large amount of data, the ability to prevent flight failure, reducing the impact of human factors on the maintenance of information processing and improving flight safety.

References: 1. Aerospace manufacturing and design magazine [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/\ 2. McKinsey Global Institute (2017), Artificial Intelligence: The Next Digital Frontier Discussion paper. McKinsey Global Institute, June 2017 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: www.mckinsey.com/mgi 3. Пипия Л. К., Дорогокупец В. С. Наука за рубежом № 69, апрель 2018 / О. Е. Осипова – Москва: Наука за рубежом, 2018. – 39 с. 4. Techtarget network source [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://searchbusinessanalytics.techtarget.com/definition/big-data-analytics.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Savchenko I.A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Surovtcev О.Y, assistant lecturer.

Staying children aboard an aircraft requires additional safety precautions undertaken to prevent injuries during transportation. Doctors recommend refraining from flying with children under the age of three due to the peculiarities of the microclimate aboard the aircraft and the need to adapt the body for staying at different heights. A restricted space among a large number of people can also unpredictably affect a child’s behavior and cause discomfort not only to those who accompany it but also to other passengers. The travel can be enjoyable and safe only when it is properly prepared, that’s why the airlines and numerous specified forums determine the rules and suggest the tips for transporting children under the age of 14. According to ICAO Doc 10049 [1] and the EASA Guidelines [2] on air travel with children, most airlines provide services to parents with infants over 14 days of age (in special cases, requiring a medical certificate) up to two years without requiring a separate ticket and a seat. Moreover, for the comfort of parents and their babies, leading airlines can offer a cradle or hammock free of charge similar to the ones shown on Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Means of children transportation under the age of two aboard the aircraft

Equipment, similar to the one shown in Figure 1, is provided free of charge, but is not used during take-off and landing. In case of possible emergency situations in unstated flight phases, there is a risk of injury from a cradle or a seat. In order to comply with safety rules aboard the aircraft, there have been developed recommendations to provide seats for passengers with children or separate seats for children in airplanes [1, 2]. Thus, it is forbidden for a mother with the baby to sit near the emergency exit. And it is strongly desirable for the elder people to occupy a seat near the aisle. In case of an emergency, special safe postures are recommended


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 for passengers with children sitting on their knees. But it should be noted that in such a case, the adult may himself/herself become a source of additional risk, because during the overloads he/she is physically incapable of holding the baby. While moving the aircraft through the turbulence zone, there is also a risk of injury. In such cases, a special baby vest “Baby B'Air” is offered for passengers with children in their arms [3]. This vest can be worn on a child and can limit its movements aboard the plane by means of putting it through a special loop on a seat belt of an accompanying adult. For children between 2 and 14 years of age, airlines require a separate ticket. An additional requirement is the use of a special car seat (SCS), which is certified for using in aircrafts. Crew members assist passengers with the placement and attachment of the AK on the seat, and there is a separate sequence of actions for boarding and setting down the passengers with children. There are a number of nuisances during the previous interactions between the passenger and the air carrier: the need for prior approval of the SCS type, restrictions on the use on different types of aircrafts and in the salons of different classes. The worst thing is that the access to the aircraft can be denied in a last minute if the crew has doubts about the safety of the SCS, so, the airline envisages the final solution for itself. As a result, we can experience frequent travel cases where the safety requirements are neglected. It refers primarily to charter flights, where the rate of violations is extremely high. Special tests have shown that a standard safety belt is not capable of restricting the movement of a child in a regular seat because of body size and the sensitivity to belt pressure. The “Cares Harness” seat belt system can be used as an additional safety feature which can be applied to regular seats on the aircrafts [4]. If there is a full and a multi-functional access to the backside of the seat, it is possible to fasten the system “Cares Harness” and use it simultaneously with a standard belt. This system is already certified; it is added to the Quantas child safety list and is successfully implemented. The development of special stationary seats for the aircraft cabin is seen to be promising from the point of view of a safety. The special design offers are available that take into account the characteristics of children of all ages, but they are inconvenient for adult passengers. The high cost and imperfection of statistics on the required number of such chairs still limit the implementation of such equipment in the cabin interior.

References: 1. ICAO Doc 10049 Manual on the Approval and Use of Child Restraint Systems, first edition 2015 2. EASA «Travelling with children». [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: https://www.easa.europa.eu/easa-and-you/passengers/travelling-with-children 3. Official site «Baby B’Air» [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: https://babybair.com/baby-safety-new/faq.html 4. Official site «Cares Harness» [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: http://kidsflysafe.com/cares-overview/


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Serhii Y. Samsonov National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser - Salimov R.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor

This article discusses the feasibility, relevance, advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing technologies in maintaining the flying validity of aircraft. The use of cloud computing technologies in aviation considerably simplifies the data processing and collection. Cloud technologies availability makes the process of documentation exchange easier between departments and crew within an airline. The main advantage of using ’’cloud ’’in the airline's technical department is the speed of information processing. The information about the technical condition of the airplane and its characteristics can be immediately provided to the airline's technical department. Thanks to this technology, the engineers of the department can plan the termination date of aircraft resources, aggregates replacement, and monitor characteristics in real time. Also, the availability of such storage gives an opportunity to move scanned documents quickly to the public and private institutions. To obtain a copy of any document, there is no need to scan it if one already has a database in the cloud. All one has to do is to give it the correct name and find this document using the built-in search. The disadvantage of cloud computing technologies is the lack of trust in the service provider, which is responsible for both uninterrupted work and important user data storage. In addition, cloud computing puts high demands on the quality of communication channels, which guarantee universal access to the Internet. It is likely that with the widespread advent of this technology, the problem of creating uncontrolled data will become apparent when the information provided by the user will be stored for years, or without their knowledge, or they will not be able to correct any part of it. An example would be Google services where a user is unable to remove unused services and even delete some of the data groups like in FeedBurner, Google Friend Connect etc. To make a conclusion, by choosing a quality service provider and ensuring the staff training, it becomes possible to optimize dramatically the airline operation.

References: 1. Gillam, Lee. Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications / Nick Antonopoulos, Lee Gillam. — L.: Springer, 2010. — 379 p. 2. SoCC ’10: Proceedings of the 1st ACM symposium on Cloud computing / Hellerstein, Joseph M. — N. Y.: ACM, 2010.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Zurnadzhy А.M. , Savchenko I.A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Popov O.V., PhD, Associate Professor

Aircraft operation is a complex, multi-tiered process in which all participants are interdependent. Modern economic conditions, congestion of airspace and airports require coordinated operational actions aimed at ensuring flight safety. Due to the large number of personnel involved in this process, considerable attention is paid to the human factor training. International organizations ICAO, EASA and others have issued a number of documents that describe the safety of flights very carefully and multi-sided for the aviation staff, control services and process controllers. Due to the standards and recommended practices, and the active work of supervisory authorities the number of aviation incidents has been steadily declining. According to the statistics of aviation incidents in 2018, the main threats to the safety of flights were the violation of the established requirements during the preparation (retraining) of the flight composition and violation of the rules for the use of airspace [1]. They are trying to reduce the risk of flight safety by implementing the latest route control technologies, maintaining communications and automated control of aircraft modes. But disruption of such complex systems can still lead to disaster. That is, the risk does not disappear completely. An example of such a situation is the crash of two Boeing 737 MAX due to a failure in the MCAS system. As a result, there are severe consequences for the relatives of hundreds of victims, also the loss of finances and the trust of Boeing company customers. Since the part of aviation incidents attributed to maintenance processes is close to 10% [1], not much attention is paid to the operation of the engineering and technical staff. Today, there is a wide divergence in the technologies used for an aging fleet of aircraft and new ones, but all of them are actively exploited now. Each new type of an aircraft that appears on the market has a greater share of the latest developments, the exploitation of which will be carried out in the absence of information and will require a review of the quantitative and qualitative composition of maintenance teams by the operating companies. For example, the transition to a fully electric aircraft concept requires an increase in the number of appropriately qualified personnel. And here we are facing with personnel risks. There is also a need to develop and master appropriate methods of diagnosing and processing information that is captured directly in the flight process [2]. On the one hand, the data exchanged by aircraft operators make it possible to acquire the necessary experience and correct preventive actions more quickly, and on the other hand, the operation of most maintenance crews is reduced to a human operator system. In this system, it is important to evaluate the correctness of information by the employee and securely transmit it to a common server, because


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 with the introduction of computer technologies in aviation activity increases the share of threats in cyberspace. Manufacturers try to keep the main maintenance functions by themselves and the network of partner-organizations to prevent industrial espionage. Thus, they assume technological and operational risks (in the course of operations in the brigade), but future operators are not able to fully assess all aspects of ensuring the airworthiness of such aircraft. Subsequently, aspects that were not foreseen at the stage of the aircraft's commissioning may lead to unpredictable costs, that is, increase the proportion of financial risks [2]. Because the processes that take place in all aviation fields are associated with a tight timeframe and high cost of service, so awareness of threats, timely identification of risks, their assessment, prevention and impact management are very important. The main principles of risk assessment are outlined in ICAO Doc. 9859. AN / 474, but mainly related to flights. In addition, different editions of the document contain risk assessment methods that are not able to cover all aspects of participants' activities according to their specifics. Risk assessment matrices, in some cases, lead to ambiguous interpretations of the degree of risk, which may subsequently lead to incorrect precautionary actions [3]. Thus, there is a need to develop a comprehensive risk management program using ISO 31000 standards. The operation of aircraft maintenance organizations is focused on a specific type of aircraft (one or more), so the threats, manifestations and consequences of risks will be significantly related to its technical characteristics, as well as the financial capabilities of the company and the coordination of the network of partners and suppliers. The experience demonstrates [2, 4], in modern conditions, the greatest part of risks is related to the processes of interaction of employees of different structural units, technological and operational activities, human resources and cyber security. The implementation of a risk management program also requires capital investment and prioritization to counteract the risks, but it is entirely justified by the fact that a company will be formed gradually in an environment in which preventive actions will prevail. It is expected that this will significantly reduce the number of accidents that can cause damage and adversely affect the image of the company.

References: 1. Состояние безопасности полетов в мире. [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: https://www.icao.int/safety/State%20of%20Global%20Aviation%20Safety/ICAO_SGAS_book _RU _final_web.pdf 2. Управление рисками для устойчивого роста в эпоху инноваций. [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: https://www.pwc.ru/ru/riskassurance/publications/assets/pwc-2018- risk-in-review-russian.pdf 3. Шаров В.Д., Елисеев Б.П., Воробьев В.В. Анализ недостатков в описании процедур управления риском безопасности полетов в документах ИКАО. Научный вестник МГТУ ГА. Том 22 №02. - М.: МГТУ ГА, 2019 4. Murzin A. D., Osadchaya N. A. RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK OF ENGINEERING ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVITIES. [Electronic resource]. − Access mode: http://mid-journal.ru/upload/iblock/797/24_602_Osadchaya_104_112


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020



Dulepov А.А. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific advisers: Yasinitsky Е.P., candidate of science in technic, associate professor. Klimentovsky Y.А., candidate of science in technic, associate professor.

The rotor rotation frequency controller is one of the main elements of the automatic control system (ACS) of gas turbine engines (GTE). With the advent of electronic control systems on modern engines, a hydromechanical regulator is used as a backup regulator to ensure reliable operation of the fuel supply control system. Therefore, the static and dynamic characteristics of such regulators are subject to string ent requirements. Such characteristics can be obtained using modern modeling methods without conducting experimental studies on test benches. Fig. 1 shows a scheme of a hydromechanical controller of the rotor rotation frequency (RRF) of an engine, or rather, its hydraulic drive of an inclined washer (IW) of a fuel pump. The main feature, which is the presence of two pistons in a single hydraulic cylinder: a piston directly acting on an inclined washer (IW piston) 10 and a piston covered by rigid feedback (FB piston) 8. In this case, the displacement of the IW piston and the change, as a result, of the fuel consumption in the combustion chamber can occur: − when FB piston 8 is fixed (when it is on mechanical stops 7) due to a change in the volume between the pistons cavity (BPC), in suchc ases the regulator works as an isodromic “I” regulator; − when FB piston 8 is moving to get her with the IW piston 10 when BPC is locked, in such cases the RRF controller works as a proportional “P” controller.

Fig. 1. Scheme of a hydromechanical RRF controller of GTE

A model of GTE with an ACS including an isodromic RRF controller, made in Mathlab, is shown in Figure 2. The main processes that occur in the controller and the


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 main elements are presented in the form of “Simulink” blocks with corresponding input and output signals.

Fig. 2. A model of GTE with an ACS including an isodromic RRF controller

The results of the simulation of the transient process in the ACS of GTE with an isodromic RRF controller caused by a change of the disturbance F are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Transient process in the ACS of GTE with an isodromic RRF controller

As a result of the transient process study that is caused by an intermittent controlling action change relatively to the GTE, using the simulation model, the next is obtained: − dependences of changing of the isodromic and proportional components of the control action over time; − dependence of the change in the engine RRF during the transition process; − the ability to obtain the optimal nature of the change in the RRF without unacceptable temperature overshoots and the necessary acceleration characteristics due to changes in the throttle package performance and the position of the mechanical stops.

References: 1. Минин П.П. Автоматика двигателей летательных аппаратов / П.П.Минин, А.Н.Трифонов. – К.: КВИАВУ ВВС, 1964. – 452 с. 2. Климентовский Ю.А. Системы автоматического управления силовыми установками летательных аппаратов / Ю.А.Климентовский. – К.: КВІЦ, 2001. – 400 с. 3. Кулик М.С. Системи автоматичного керування газотурбінних двигунів і газотурбінних установок/ М.С.Кулик, І.І.Гвоздецький, Е.П.Ясиніцький. – 2017. – 364 с.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Berehovyi І. NationalAviation University, Kyiv Scientific Leader – Nikitina G.М.

Turbine oils ensure the availability of turbines of electric power stations, gas- compressor units of gas supply systems. Pollution of oils with mechanical particles and water courses disturbance of turbine unit operation and leads to significant economic damage. Operation of contaminated working fluids leads to a violation of lubrication conditions, to failure and damage of control systems, to a violation of the operating conditions of generator shaft seal systems. The consequence of such failures are, as a rule, long-time repairs of components and units. In parallel, it is necessary to carry out work on cleaning the systems and replacing the oil in the oil tank. Solid contaminations particles lead to active wear of the mating elements, the working surfaces of the control equipment, the failure of control valves and regulators, with the development of emergency situations. The presence of water leads to a deterioration in the operating abilities of oils, as additives are washed out of them. Water in oil initiates and accelerates the corrosion processes of contact surfaces, which in turn increases the pollution of the oil. Water promotes foaming in the oil, which impairs lubrication conditions. All types of contaminants entering the liquid cause increased slime formation. As a result of the appearance of contaminants in oils, a number of indicators of their quality deteriorate: acid number, oxidative stability, viscosity [1]. Loss of operating abilities of turbine oils, on the one hand, is difficult to detect during operation, and, on the other hand, is a danger to the operation of turbine units. Based on the foregoing, it can be asserted that contamination in oil systems is extremely undesirable and the urgent task of ensuring the required level of purity of lubricating oils. Decision-making on the use of certain purifying equipment should begin by determining the potential possibility of their use, after which the economic efficiency of their use is analyzed. Currently, two main purification methods of working liquids are used in industry: filtering through porous partitions and removing contaminations particles in force fields of various nature. Porous filters are fundamentally capable of providing any level of purity. But to achieve a high class of purity, multi-stage filtration is required. So, the company HYDAC recommends installing at least two filter elements in the lubrication systems of turbine units to achieve class 13 according to GOST 17216. But, it is known, that porous fine filters are the high cost and the inability to regenerate them. In circulating fluid systems, changing of particle-size distribution are continuously going on [2]. Particles of small contaminants in systems, as a rule,


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 coagulate and are quite large structures. However, having hit the surface of the filter elements, being under the influence of a dynamic fluid flow, they are destroyed and can pass through the pores of the filter. Researches show that behind 5-micron filters a large number of particles with a size of 10-25 microns pass into the system and even particles up to 50 microns in size are found. In addition, the required level of purity is not always achieved due to vibration, local water hammer, inhomogeneity of the filter material[3].Thus, during operation there is only a deterrence of the oils pollution. Power purifiers are deprived of porous filters disadvantages. So, centrifugal separators are widely used in various technological processes. They well remove solid metal or sand particles larger than 10-15 microns. However, when particle sizes are reduced, a phenomenon occurs that prevents the separation of liquid and dirt. As the contamination size decreases, the relative thickness of the boundary layer attached to the particle increases. This boundary layer is formed by surface active substances (tars, water, etc.). In this case, the specific gravity of the particle decreases, and the mid-section increases. When centrifugal forces act on a particle, it courses a large hydraulic resistance when moving[3]. Therefore, centrifugal separators could not provide the task of oils purification in the systems. Electric purifiers are highly effective when working in dynamic systems, have a number of distinctive features. Electric purifiers do not have moving elements, create low hydraulic resistance (one or two orders of magnitude lower than porous filters), have good dirt capacity and the possibility of regeneration. The most important characteristic of an electric purifiers is a significant service life. Electric purifiers provide fine purification of liquids. Electric purifiers in combination with inexpensive coarse porous filters can be used for purification of heavily impure liquids. It should be noted that ensuring the purity of turbine oils during operation can be achieved by solving several problems. First of all, it is oil quality control using various methods and means of control, including express methods, continuously and one-time checks. Oils purification from water and solids can be performed using modern equipment by integrated methods, which is due to the disadvantages of individual purification methods. The condition of oil in a dynamic system is related to the cleanness of the system itself. The cleanness of the system during operation can be also ensured by special measures. Thus, the integrated methods of attackin ensuring the purity of turbine oils during operation are in interest.

References: 1. О.Л.Матвєєва, Т.О. Маринич Сучасний стан проблеми збереження надійності тепломеханічного обладнання та якості турбінних олив на підприємствах енергетики//Проблеми тертя та зношування. – 2012. - №55(2012). – С.280-284. 2. Рыбаков К.В. Фильтрация авиационных масел и специальных жидкостей /К.В. Рыбаков, В.П. Коваленко –М.:Транспорт, 1977. - 192с. 3. Никитин А.Г. Пределы эффективности мембранных и центробежных очистителей в условиях эксплуатации маслосистем АЭС и ТЭС//Газотурбинные технологии. – 2012. - №10 (111). – С. 26-31.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Khyzhniak M.V. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Dorochenko K.V., D Sc(Engineering), Associate Professor

One of the important requirements for the engine is a high level of reliability. One of the reasons for premature damages and malfunctions of compressor elements is an insufficient safety factor margin [1]. The constant development of aircraft engine manufacturing, namely in the field of numerical methods, is directly related to the use of different calculation systems. They help to save time on calculations and more accurately evaluate the characteristics of the studied elements. The aim of the work is to assess the strength characteristics of a fan for a medium-bypass turbofan engines. A numerical experiment was used to study the strength characteristics of a fan. The studied fan had a peripheral diameter 1.185 m and hub 0.326 m in the inlet section. Number of fan blades - 33, material – Ti6Al4V. On the fig.1 solid model is presented. Studies were conducted for a rotor speed of 2202 rpm, the inlet speed was 100m/s. An adaptive grid is builded on the model, the number of elements is 65883, the number of nodes is 120389. Fig. 2 presents a visualization of the constructed computational grid.

Fig. 1. Solid fan model Fig. 2. Visualization of the calculation grid

The first stage of the study was to obtain the aerodynamic characteristics of the fan. The results of the aerodynamic calculation were carried forward for further strength calculations. Fig. 3-5 represent the results of the study.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

Fig. 3. Visualization of total deformation of fan blade

Fig. 4. Visualization of equivalent Fig. 5. Visualization of safety factor of stress of fan blade fan blade

The article presents an assessment of the strength characteristics of a fan blade. The calculation results showed that the minimum value of the safety factor is 1.803, which meets the read standards that are presented to the fan blades of aircraft engines.

References: 1. Теория авиационных газотурбинных двигателей/ Ю.М. Терещенко, Л.Г. Бойко, Л.Г. Волянская и др. Под ред. Ю.М. Терещенко. – 2-е изд. Доп. и переработ. К.: НАУ, 2013. 596 с.


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Petruk Y. A., Petruk B. A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Kulyk M. S., Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Abstract. The report identifies critical cross sections and points at the edges of high-pressure turbine blades (HPT) for the experimental study of the thermocycle durability of alloys by the limit parameters of cyclic changes in extreme temperatures and thermomechanical stresses acting at the start and stop of aviation gas turbines engines (AGTE). Keywords - empirical model of boundary thermomechanical stresses. Introduction. Creating reliable large-scale aviation GTEs requires more accurate methods of estimating the thermocycle durability of their hot parts, especially at the critical points of the high-pressure turbine blades that limit the GTE's life. Methods for estimating thermocycle longevity can be based on empirical models of boundary thermomechanical stresses at extreme cycle temperatures [1]. Determination of the critical areas, sections and points of the HPT blades. In modern high-pressure turbines, the extreme temperatures of the Тb blades are much higher than 1200 K, and the temperature gradients Т of the cross sections and the length of the blades reach up to 650 K. Extreme thermal stresses in absolute values exceed 450-650 MPa, exceed the conditional limits of elasticity, partially compensate, and lead to the accumulation of uniquely structural yielding, to the exhaustion of a complex yield resource, to the destruction of blades alloys in the maximum temperatures range Тbmax, which is clearly visible in photo 1. This zone is localized in point size 1 - 2 mm.

Photo 1

In experimental studies at NAU on the alloys samples (2-3 cm long), the area of damage localization in the size of 1-2 mm was also revealed, in the hysteresis zone


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Тmax at changing Tmin  Тmax with a difference in Т = 650 К. Such thermophysical analogy justifies experiment. Due to the existing rule of the gases maximum temperature directing Тgmax to the peripheral third length of the blades, in continuous and modern cooling nozzle blades HPT (photo 1) mainly operate Тbmax and alternating extreme thermal stresses along the front and back edges of the blades. Gas forces are relatively insignificant, and mechanical ones are almost absent.




Photo 2

In the HPT blades (photo 2), the spectrum of operating temperatures and thermomechanical stresses тм is much more complex and includes all the main acting components: тм = р  т + −1 + иг and other less significant where р is the tensile stress of the centrifugal forces in the mode р = ст; alternating thermal т; vibration − −1; gas bending − иг. From the standpoint of three- and multicomponent approaches, one can explain the destruction of the HPT working blades in its three sections (photo 2, points 1, 2, 3): on the shelf (point 1); in the maximum temperatures range (point 2); and in root sections (points 3). At point 1 due to thermocyclic creep and unbundling by vibration of the shelf. At point 2, due to the extreme temperatures action and complex thermomechanical stresses (Тbmax, Т, тм + р). At point 3, due to the high temperatures action Тb, thermomechanical stresses р + ги  т and vibration −1 after weakening of the blades bandages connection. Conclusion. For the design of large-scale aviation GTEs, experimental studies of thermocyclic durability of heat-resistant alloys under extreme conditions of limiting temperatures, their variations and thermomechanical stresses corresponding to the operating conditions and modes of operation of GTE are required. Creating mathematical models for calculating the resource of parts. References: 1. Кулик М. С. Модель граничних напружень при термоциклічних випробуваннях на довговічність жароміцних матеріалів / М. С. Кулик, О. Г. Кучер, М. О. Ковешніков, С. С. Дубровський, Я. А. Петрук // Наукоємні технології 2010 – №1 (5). С. 5−15.


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Prutskyi V.L. National Aviation University, Kyiv Supervisor – Yakushenko O.S., candidate of science in technic, associate professor

The analysis of modern diagnostic systems indicates that there is an objective scientific and technical problem of creating complex diagnostic systems based on universal principles that provide a high level of reliability of diagnosis and prediction of the technical condition of products including aviation gas turbine engines and gas compress units. Artificial neural networks in the problems of diagnosing and predicting the technical condition of products can be used as a subsystem of sampling and decision making, transmitting diagnostic information to other control subsystems. The problems of predicting product failures are complex because of the impossibility of clearly stating the correspondence of changes in the input and output parameters of the technical state to which the diagnostic object belongs or towards which it moves. To solve the problems of diagnosis and forecasting, it is necessary to form a base with many states and assess the degree of influence of each information parameter on the probability of the product moving into any of the possible technical conditions. The use of artificial neural networks allow the adjustment of the values of the output signals of the diagnostic object. This permits to do maintenance timely [1]. In recent years, to process such data, along with other methods, extrapolating neural networks are increasingly used. They are able to approximate accurately poorly formalized, often unreliable, inaccurate (contradictory) data, transforming them into a form suitable for reliable and adequate modeling of complex processes[2]. As part of the diagnostic area of research, three areas were selected: vibration diagnostics, parametric diagnostics and tribodiagnostics. It is shown that the integrated use of all types of diagnostics provide reliable detection of the vast majority of malfunctions arising in the engines and plants. At present, hybrid intelligent decision-making systems combining various models of knowledge representation are becoming increasingly important. To solve the problem of gas engine failure diagnostics, the developed GAZDETECT software package for gas engine failure diagnostics [3] is based on a hybrid intelligent system, the structure of which is shown in Fig. 1. The main components of the system are the artificial neural network and the fuzzy inference subsystem. Artificial neural network is used to detect malfunctions based on the values and dynamics of changes in the parameters of the gas compressor. The obtained confidence levels in combination with the parameters already supplied to the artificial neural network input are used by the fuzzy inference subsystem to identify possible causes of malfunctions. The artificial neural network has the structure of a three-layer perceptron trained by the back propagation algorithm of the error. The training sample was


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 compiled on the basis of the technological design guidelines for gas pipelines and the opinions of experts.

Figure 1. Block diagram of an intelligent decision-making system for the diagnosis of gas pumping unit failures

The fuzzy inference subsystem allows, on the basis of gas pumping unit parameters and confidence levels in the presence of a certain type of fault, to obtain confidence levels in the characteristic operational or other causes of failures [3]. The complexity of the gas compressor unit as an object of study does not allow to obtain a universal solution, which causes difficulties in the development of fault diagnosis algorithms and requires a combination of different methods and approaches. The article shows the possibility of using intelligent methods to solve the problem of diagnosing gas pumping unit malfunctions based on the GAZDETECT software system, which allows, on the basis of the unit parameters, to timely detect characteristic failures of the device, which leads to increased labor safety, provides timely repair and maintenance of the object.

References: 1. Кацуба Ю. Н., Власова И.В. Применение искусственных нейронных сетей для диагностирования изделий. Международный научно-исследовательский журнал «Технические науки». 2015. Часть 1. №3. С. 68-71. 2. Kosko B. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1992. 346 p. 3. Антропов П.Г., Долинина О.Н., Кузьмин А.К., Шварц А.Ю. Использование интеллектуальных систем для диагностики неисправностей газоперекачивающих агрегатов. Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2013. №6. 4. Антропов П.Г., Долинина О.Н., Шварц А.Ю. Cпособ диагностики неисправностей газоперекачивающих агрегатов с использованием гибридных интеллектуальных систем. Вестник Самарского государственного аэрокосмического университета. 2014. Часть 1. №5(47)


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Zhdankin V.V. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Dorochenko K.V., D Sc(Engineering), Associate Professor

It is often stated that wind, solar, hydraulic and geothermal power stations do not produce CO2. Therefore, these types are ecologically clean. Renewable power plants consist of components during the production of which CO2 emission appears [1]. Conducting researches in this field, the term ‘life cycle emissions’ has been used [2]. It comes down to the determination of CO2 emission arising in the technological processes of obtaining materials and components during transportation and installation works, as well as in the process of maintenance, operation, and disposal of wind turbines and solar stations. Harmful emissions from photovoltaic power plants are less than from coal stations: in CO2 - 35-55 times, for NОх - 44-110 times [2]. Moreover, in the energy aspects, the wind power systems, solar photovoltaic plants, and hydropower stations have a global advantage in comparison with fuel power stations, because they reimburse the energy spent on their creation (wind farm - up to a year, solar farm - in 2 -5 years), although fuel power plants never reproduce it [1]. Even considering that CO2 emission that appeared during the materials and equipment production, as well as installation and construction works of wind power plants and solar stations, their environmental cleanliness is several orders of magnitude higher than that of fuel power plants. In addition, the absence of CO2 emissions and other harmful components improves the living conditions of the population. The low-efficiency wind or hydropower plants significantly influence for local ecological conditions recovering. With a reasonable combination of wind farms and solar power stations with other types of power plants, a special reservation of their capacity is not required. Existing reserves in energy systems are usually enough to compensate for the instability of wind power plants and solar farms production [1]. These approaches make possible to predict the power of both types of stations for an approximate period in the future. Therefore, according to the highlighted aspects above, it can be concluded that the wind, solar and hydropower stations are significantly productive, profitable and cleaner than fuel power plants. Moreover, hydropower according to significant water density may be the most efficient in energy production.

References: 1. Cabraal A. (2009). Rising the Challenge - the Whys and Whens of Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy World, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 117-129 2. Ghenai C., Turkun E. (2014). Life cycle analysis of wind turbine, ocean, and mechanical engineering. Florida: Florida Atlantic University press.


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Zhdankin V.V. National Aviation University, Kyiv Supervisor – Yakushenko O.S., candidate of science in technic, associate professor

A wind power plant is a complex of interconnected equipment and structures, designed to convert wind energy into electrical, mechanical or thermal energy. The wind energy generator is one of the most important components that generate kinetic energy. Furthermore, this energy converts into mechanical energy of the wind turbine to obtain electricity [4]. There exist two types of wind power plants; the difference between them is their location. One type is marine and another one – an inland wind power installation. Depending on atmospheric conditions, both types can be effective or not. These kinds of power plants are also known as an ‘offshore wind turbines’ and an ‘onshore wind turbines’. Usually, the first type of plants receives high-speed wind because of the flat surface of the sea around it. During windy days, an offshore plant generates as twice as much energy as the same plant located inland. However, in order to install wind power plant at the sea, preliminary calculations of the water depth should be done [2]. Thus, wind power plants belong to the most promising systems of the alternative energy. Nowadays, offshore wind farms are an important source of energy generating in the world. In some regions, especially those where the climate is characterized by severe winters, ice formations appear on the power plant’s rotor blades. At some moment, acing will fall from the blade due to an intensive turbine’s rotations [5]. Usually, the mass of the turbine’s ice covering can be a kilogram, sometimes even two. Probably, such a formation can damage someone’s property. The loss of the wind power plant energy production begins after the creation of one-millimeter ice formation on a blade’s surface [4]. However, the problems are not limited to it. In winter 2018, conducted advanced monitoring of Norway's wind turbines was undertaken [1]. The subjects of measuring are wind speed, an ice thickness of the blades and functioning of the wind generator. Consequently, a small crust of ice has appeared and significantly reduced the power plant’s energy production. Icings influence extremely on the blades' aerodynamic characteristics [3]. Another scientist indicates that apart of losses, which begin since the ice thickness exceeds one millimeter, an important role has given to a duration of how long the ice layer has a thickness of more than one millimeter [5]. Research has been analyzed, where the difference between two wind plants has evaluated, during winter for 500 hours. As a result, one installation produced 15% less electricity. Even if these overall losses divided into twelve months, the deficiency of electricity will be 5% monthly. Consequently, wind generators might be turned off altogether [1].


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Thus, the problem of icing is relevant for offshore wind plants. Moreover, due to rain or wet snow freezing, the blade’s aerodynamics deteriorates. As a result, energy production significantly decreases. Many engineers from diverse countries are actively developing methods for preventing ice formations [5]. At the same time, there are a variety of ideas and approaches such as blade-mounted heating systems [1]. The experiment had been conducted for three years. The purpose of this was to find out whether the ventilators located at the base of the blades will lead warm air through the channels laid inside the blades to melt the ice formation. The scientist monitored two identical wind power installations on the shores of Norway. One plant was operated with turned on blade heating while another one with the turned-off heating. Both plants were equipped with icing sensors. In addition, at one plant there were several additional ventilators, ensuring steady heating of the entire surface of the blades. The experiment revealed that the energy production of the wind generator increases due to the suppression of icing. Although, part of generated electricity goes to the suppression of icing because heating is associated with energy consumption. It explains that as soon as the crust of ice begins to build upon the blades, aerodynamics is violated and energy production drops [1]. Hence, the air temperature is below zero, which means these losses are caused by icing. However, when the first sign of icing appears on wind turbines automatic equipment activates, including a heating system. According to the obtained results, the losses on an unheated wind turbine are about 10-13% [3]. Thus, this turbine produces 10% less electricity than it could be with the heating system. Subsequently, the heated wind turbine uses 3% of energy. This energy spends on heating itself, which means that energy gains were 7-10%. Thus, it does have the sense to equip offshore wind farms with heating systems - at least where the threat of icing of the blades is real for several months a year.

References: 1. Cattin J., Forest C., Lee W., Zhanhg X., Nasser K. (2018). Ice sensors for wind turbines. Oxford: Oxford University press. 2. Dreyer N., Samijlo K., Smishkun P. (2017). The future of sustainability. Poznan. Poznan university press. 3. Hernostand S., Blamey R., McLaren D., Drillio P. (2019). Wind energy power prospective. Cambridge: Cambridge University press. 4. Povnia M., Lysa G., Popyk O. (2008). General meaning of wind energy. Poznan. Poznan university press. 5. Westerlund N., Roonslund D., Kaarlsbrog K. (2019). Impact of Ice Formation on Wind Turbine. Stockholm: Alfabeta BokForlag. 6. Zabatterdt P., Dowding C., Robertson N. (2018). The economy of 2018. Oxford: Oxford University press. 7. Zavadil R., King J., Xiadong L., Ahlstrom M., Lee B., Moon D., Finley C. (Sep. 2004). Wind integration study - final report. New York: Ener Nex Corporation publishing.


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Osadchuk V.B., Khilchenko A.A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor: Lukyanov P.V.,Ph. D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

An important issue of modern aviation is flight safety. Consider an emergency fuel drain from an airplane. Draining can occur with the help of pumps, as well as with the flow. If it is not possible to install additional equipment for emergency fuel discharge, due to the dimensional and mass requirements, or the requirements for the manufacturability of equipment that is installed on the aircraft, it is most appropriate to use emergency fuel discharge using hydrostatics (the same flow). One of the problems of draining with the same flow is the low rate of liquid leakage (flow rate). The purpose of the study was to find and compare the flow characteristics of a system with a conventional outlet at the end of the pipeline, and an outlet using a research nozzle. A hydro-tank was used for the experiment to avoid ripples that would occur if a University-wide pipeline was used, as well as for the reliability of the data obtained. Water was used as the working fluid. The tank where the water is placed is installed at a height of 110 cm, and a flexible pipeline (hose) with a length of 5 meters and an internal diameter of 25 mm is connected to it. At the other end of the pipeline leading to the filled volume (12L), in the form of a bucket, an experienced nozzle is attached. The experiment also tested the effect of using flow turbulators at the inlet of the pipeline. Consider the cost characteristic shown in Fig.1. Data from the sample number 3-Using the nozzle together with the turbulator - did not give the expected result, compared to the sample data number 2, where no auxiliary means were used, the flow characteristic at the same pressure drop has better indicators. Data from sample number 1 is the use of the test nozzle at the end of the pipeline. When analyzing the data from sample 1, it can be noted that the flow characteristic has slightly lower flow values when compared with the data from sample number 2, but it should be noted that at the lowest traceable pressure value, the flow rate of sample 1 was slightly, but more than the flow rate in sample 2.


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Fig. 1. Flow characteristics of the pipeline: 1-using a nozzle, 2-without a nozzle, 3-using a nozzle and a turbulator.

The obtained data, in the conducted studies, indicate that when using the values of a low pressure drop, it is possible to accelerate the fuel drain in the emergency fuel drain system of the aircraft. The subject requires further research and adjustments to the nozzle model.


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Yakymenko B.M. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor: Lukyanov P.V.,Ph. D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Hydroimpact is described by well-known system of following equations Vp1  +=2 0,  xtc (1)  Vp1   + +V V − g sin( ) = 0,  t x4 R The available sources do not have complete information for the solution of system (1). System (1) can be reduced to single equation 22VVV =+V (2) xt22 t It is natural to give a solution of (2) in physical variables ( )xt, . Modern symbolic computing packages already allow finding the analytical solution of (2). It, in general terms, looks like 22 2t() anh()CCCC32123−++ xC t (3) V( x ,) t = C 3 Note that equation (2) contains the second derivatives with respect to the spatial and temporal coordinates, which, in turn, means a need to specify four additional conditions, two boundary ones and two initial ones. At the same time, the initial formulation of the problem, the system of equations (1), implies only setting one boundary condition and one initial condition for each of the unknown functions (pressure and velocity). And the most interesting thing is the presence in solution (3) only three independent constants of integrating. This is suspicious. Let us show that (3) is indeed a solution of (2). For this, let us calculate the spatial and time derivatives of (3). They are respectively equal to: 2 22 2 C CC − 2  V 2() 23 1 − tanh C + C x + C t , 2 =++ tanh ()C123 C x C t ()1 2 3 x 0.25C3 2 22  V ()CC23− 2 1 − tanh C + C x + C t C , 2 =+ + tanh ()C1 C 2 x C 3 t ()1 2 3 3 t 0.25  22 V ()CC23− 2 . =1− tanh ()C1 + C 2 x + C 3 t t 0.5 


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Substitution of the right-hand sides of the just given expressions for the partial derivatives of the solution (3) result into an identity. Therefore, expression (3) is indeed the solution for (2). The further research is beyond the scope of this work and will be carried out in the future.


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Mykyta D. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor –Pryimak L. B., PhD.

Introduction. Modern baggage transportation requires great transportation funds to local centers of collection and distribution of their delivery to the aircraft involved in the passenger transportation. Problem issue. Monitoring baggage at destination includes the following functions: - loading/unloading baggage and sorting at the carousel conveyors; - security inspection and weighing of baggage; - baggage control at the enter/exit of the airport. The items of baggage are about several thousands daily and the baggage processing should be as rapid, as possible not loosing the security issues and allowing the least amount of so clled strayed (lost) baggage items. Research results. There are two main types of the conveyors: belt and carousel. The belt conveyor can move the items only along the straight line in one direction.. Carousel conveyer can transfer the items along the curve linear path. It can have either plane or spatial structure due to its easy adjustable and compatible components. The carousel curve radius frame design allows the unit to fit the footprint of any existing carousel while utilizing the maximum amount of usable conveying surface in the tightest radius. (fig. 1.) [1-3].

Fig. 1. Flat Carousel Conveyor on Suporting Stunchions.


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The carosel conveyors are asseblied of the two types of frames: straight frame and curve frame. Thus any cofiguration of plane conveyor shape is available as well as the spatial structure allowing the designing the multi-storey baggage terminals. Lets consider the simplest layout of the baggage sortation workshop (fig. 2.).

Fig. 2. Intra Terminal Bag Travel Layout of the Simplest Baggage Sortation Workshop.

Thus the single loop carousel conveyor will allow passing the baggage item through the tagging place, tag scanners, offload selector pushers for proper flight to load it on the proper dollies train and delivery to respective aircraft apron stand. In reverse order the baggage handling area may be used for passenger’s baggage hand out using the most convenient on-flight method of passengers baggage handling. Summary. The simplest model of the baggage sortation is very prominent for study, research, optimization and solution of practical tasks of baggage handling improvement.

References: 1. Канарчук В.Е., Чигринец А.Д. Механизация технологических про-цесов в аэропортах. -М.: Трансп., 1986. - 255 с. 2. TSplus Carousel Basic Equipment Guide. Bosch Rexroth Corporation. – 33 P. 3. Русинов Р.Я. Механизация наземного обслуживания воздушных перевозок. -М.: Трансп., 1971. - 247 с.


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Tekin D.-M. D. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Dovhal A. H., PhD.

Introduction. According to a terminology of ICAO, in airfield practice with reference to a problem of cleanness of runway pavement surface the terms "contaminant" and "waste" are distinguished. As contaminants the depositions on, such as a dirt, dust, petroleum, rubber, snow, ice, water, slush are considered, which negatively influence a friction coefficient of airwheels with a surface of coating. As waste the fragments of various materials and foreign objects are considered, such as peaces of soil, sand, stones, grass, products of destruction of pavement, metal subjects etc., which have no adhesion connection with a surface of pavement and can be involved with air into the air inlet of the aircraft engines. Problem issue. In the northern states, snow removal represents a significant portion of an airport's upkeep budget. How effective this expenditure will be depends on the ability of management to plan and execute an efficient snow removal program. Knowing when to implement the snow removal program in order to maintain safe operations and avoid unnecessary repetition of certain activities is critical and is generally learned through experience. There are two basic methods of removing snow and ice: mechanical and chemical. Most removal is accomplished by mechanical means, since the chemical methods available for use in aviation are costly and not as effective as those available for highway use. Underground hot water and electrical heating systems are used in the ramp area at some large airports, but these are very expensive to construct and maintain. For cleaning the Kyiv aerodrome the snow cleaner of Boschung Jet Brrom BJB 8000 in Snow Plough 10.3 modification had been selected owing to its features described below (fig. 1.) [1-2].

Fig. 1. Boschung Jet Broom BJB 8000.


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For the determination of the areas of aerdorome pavements the following images had been used. (fig. 2.). They are acquired in Google Earth Pro® and respective areas are outlined and calculated in the AutoCAD 2013 ® software.

Fig. 2. Determination of the runways, taxiways (yellow border) and aprons (blue border) areas of “Kyiv” airport (Scale 1:2000).

Research results. Amount of the snow cleaning equipment is determined according to formula [3]: hS   n N =    t ПТ К А К а , key S is the calculated area of the aerodrome element, m 2 ; h is the thickness of snow layer, m (0,05 and 0,25 m, depending on intensity of snow fall forecast);  is the 3 density of snow, t / m (taking in to account the hardest case for the wet snow 1,95 t/m3) ; is the factor of snow trnasfer (1...2,5); is the special vehicle n ПТ performance, t/hour (for the snow plogh cleaner Boschung Jet Broom BJB 8000 it is

8000 t/hour, it forsees the snow moving without loader) ; К A is the availability fator;

КA = Аavailable Аtotal = 9,0; К a is the special vehicle application factor (0,7); t is the normative time of the cleaning, it is 10 min for runways and 30 minutes for aprons. Summary. Thus the proper amount of the vehicles can be calculated and the formalization model can be developed for research and optimization purposes. The formalisation model will be completely digital and available for research and application for similar and relevant purposes.

References: 1. Специальная аэродромная машина Jetbroom BJB 8000. Руководство по эксплуатации. // Издание-/Ревиз.-дата: 23.03.2001. - M. Boschung AG, Maschinenfabrik, CH-3185 Schmitten. – 279 c. 2. www.boschung.ch. 3. Аеропорт. Теорія та практика зимового утримання аеродромів. Шишков, Запорожець В.В. К.: Дніпро, 2004 р. – 180 с.


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Krukova K. A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Dovhal A. H., PhD

Introduction. A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation".[1] Lasers are used in optical disk drives, laser printers, barcode scanners, DNA sequencing instruments, fiber-optic, semiconducting chip manufacturing (photolithography), and free-space optical communication, laser surgery and skin treatments, cutting and welding materials, military and law enforcement devices for marking targets and measuring range and speed, and in laser lighting displays for entertainment. They have been used for car headlamps on luxury cars, by using a blue laser and a phosphor to produce highly directional white light. Problem issue. There are two main concepts of deicers working body: the cantilever type [2], when the nozzle is located on the end of aerial device and barhold type [3] when it is located on the extendable bar. Each solution has its own advantages and disadvantages in the view of application safety and processing quality. The deicing vehicle is to comply the rquirements of strength, operators safety and stability [4]. A number of requirements to spray system, blend system, heat system, power plants and hydraulics specifird in relevant norms are to be kept. The aircraft safety is observed with the minimal manoeuvring not loosing the processing quality. Thus the quality processing can be tested using additional testing system and recorded on any available digital media in real time. The mentioned above laser beam is very usefull rof these purposes. Thus the snapshots and realtime movies may be captured and analyzed on the personal computors. Research results. Thus after application of the antiicing fluid of Safewing KF (kill frost) brand on the International Airlines of Ukraine B 737 jet the laser (635-660 nm) reflection patern had been captured for different holdover time, humidity and weather conditions (fig 1.).

a) b) c) Fig. 1. The II Type Deicing Fluid Check Pattern: a - just applied fluid; b - 2 minutes expired (diffraction crown is creatd); c – fluid water dissolution in drizzle (motley spot).


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As we can see from the photoimages, sice 2 minutes the pattern had been changed and around the beam reflection the glowing crown had been created. Thus the locar laser refraction can be calculated and fluid degradation can be predicted. When absorbing the moisture the laser scanning pattern has also been changed as is on fig. 2. Uneven spots may be caculated as average value and processed by the any available graphic software.

a) b) c) Fig. 2. The Pattern of the 2nd type Fluid Degradation after the Fluid Heating: a- just applied.; b – since 2 minutes exired; c – 2 minutes of raining Thus having presice pattern of laser scanning you may use it for the application of the additional fluid and may be the fluid reapplication. The laser pattern may be used for the application of the fluid during the moerate raining on the plane surface of aircraft fig. 2. Thus, i suggest equipping tbe deicing equipment of the deicer by the laser and ultra violet testing systems and the recording is usefull for data storage and processing. thus the expensive fluid application may be optimized. by the way the energy consumption is very low and will not worsen the deicing processing prosecure. Summary. The antiicing fluid is very expensive and its application requires the thorough investigation and detection the holdover time. The scanning laser pattern of deicing fluid is very sensible to deicing fluid degradation owing to moisture absorption from air humidity, precipitations, fluid heating and ordinary fluid degradation.

References: 1. Байдан Н. П., Братица Л.С., Назаренко П.В. Обработка поверхности конструкционных материалов лазерным излучением/ Укр НИИ научно - технической информации и технико - экономических исследований Госплана УССР, Киевский научно - технический информационный и посреднический центр ИМЭКС. – Киев, 1990. – 32 с.– (Промышленность) 2. Global ground support. 2200 BTE M2/Deutz – Blend. / Technical Manual - Operating Instructions. – 11/2008 – 51 p. 3. Elephant beta ß. Vestergaard de-icing system. / Aircraft service trucks. Main specifications. – 21.08.2003 – 40 p. 4. EN 12312-6:2004+A1:2009: Aircraft ground support equipment - Specific requirements – Part 6: Deicers and deicing/antiicing equipment. – CEN: 2009, – 35 p.


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Zavgorodnia S. A.1 1 National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Pryimak L. B., PhD.

Introduction. The refuelling equipment is to be safe and reliable and provide the highest level of fire and human safety[1]. So the fuel velocity is restricted as follows: Fuel circuits shall be designed to limit velocity to the following levels. Jet fuel without static dissipator additive − 5 m/s maximum. Jet fuel with static dissipator additive, providing that the conductivity is maintained above 50 pico Siemens per metre — no upper velocity limit. However, where possible, a maximum of 7 m/s is desirable. Avgas − 5 m/s maximum. The aircraft ground handling requirements are also about that [2]. Problem issue. Specific fuelling equipment, excluding the cargo tank on aircraft refuellers and the tank on hydrant pit: servicing vehicles, the expansion tank on hydrant dispensers and the closed sampling container on any vehicle; shall be designed for an operating pressure of 10 bar. The system shall be able to withstand a test pressure of 15 bar which it shall hold without leak for 15 minutes [1]. In order to withstand this pressure the joints shall be properly sealed and the sealing should be counductive for avoidance of reduction of refuelling velocity. For example the self-sealing aircraft refuelling adapter is to be tighten by the conductive seal additionally for improvement of refuelling velocity as well as pressure (fig. 1.). Aircraft refuelling requires constant supervision over the pressure and velocity of fuel flow. Whe flowing inside the rubber pipe the fuel is acquiring the static charge of negative value. When flowing out the manifold in to the earth bonded aircraft tank the static discharge with intensive sparking [3]. That’s why inside the rubber hoses of refuellers the metal string is lain that removes the static charge from the fuel when flowing in the rubber insulator hose [4]. Fig. 1. The Typical Aircraft But even such structural measure of the hose is Refuelling Adapter: 1 – pipe of insufucient for boosting the refuelling velocity manifold; 2 – core member; 3 – which is very vital especially for military aircraft spring; 4 – protective shroud; 5 – aerial refuelling. Thus the problem of the valve; 6 – lid; 7 – case. conductive gasoline-proof/kerosene-proof sealing gaskets had been risen. Research results. Research goal is to provide non-hazardous solutions for all your corrosion needs. We will work with you to utilize one of our existing products or develop a new product to fit required fuelling equipment specifications. The engineers, technical sales team and support staff at of aviation fuel service have a


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 diverse background comprised of both Military and Commercial experience to better serve you. (fig. 2.3.4.).

a) b) Fig. 2. Gaskets materils sampling: a – HI-TAK Polyurethane Conductive Gasket standard antenna gasket material; b – HI-TAK Polyurethane Fuel Resistant Conductive Gasket (FG 323000-XX).

a) b) Fig. 3. Gaskets materils sampling: a – HI-TAK Tape TufSeal™ (HT3000); b – HI-TAK Tape (HT3935-7.

a) b) Fig. 4. Gaskets materils sampling: a – HI-TAK TAPE MPN: T3935-7FR flame retardent; b –. HI-TAK'Tuf Seal™ MPN: HT3000FR flame retardant

Developed materials when connector gasket has the following features: - еxcellent material memory and elasticity; - sealing is maintained during vibration and thermal expansion and contraction. Summary. Application of conductive sealing materials is strongly recommended for aircraft refuelling equipment but it requires the thorough investigation and researches.

References: 1. EN 12312-5:2005+A1:2009: Aircraft ground support equipment - Specific requirements – Part 5: Aircraft fuelling equipment. . – CEN: 2009, – 40 p. 2. Функциональные системы воздушных судов: Учебное пособие/ В. В. Гаража, А. Н. Желиба, В. И. Казанец, П. Ф. и др: - Киев: КИИГА, 1989. – 402 с. 3. Технологии наземного обслуживания воздушных судов: Лабораторный практикум для студентов иностранцев направления 6.070103 «Обслуживание воз-душных судов» / сост.: А. П. Уманский, А. Г. Довгаль, В. В. Варюхно – К.: 2012. – 102 с. 4. Баканов Е. А., Баринов В. А., Захарчук В. П., Сивашенко Т. И. Расчет топливных, масляных и гидравлических систем воздушных судов: методическое руководство по курсовому проектированию/ МГА СССР, КИИГА. – К.: 1977. – 60 с.


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Zelenska М.S., Kukotyna А.S. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Білякович О.М., professor.(PhD., associated professor)

Intriduction. Nowadays, the sharpest issue at the airport is the passenger processing speed. Namely it is the reduction of the passemgers expectation in the queue lines. In order to leave the good passenger’s impression about the Ukrainian airport the following is necessary: either to pesonnel amount increase at each service, what is very expensive solution, or introduction of the new handling methods[1]. Problem issue. Average time of passenger’s expectation in the period of biggest throughputs in the queue for check-in (fig. 1.), on checkpoints for aviation security and on passport check at “Kyiv” airport is 28-35 minutes. And at “Boryspil” airport this time is 34-47 minutes. This figure is substantially high comparing with othe countries of Europe [2]. For the solution of this problem the introduction of the system of biometric identification of passenger. Airport passengers of Brissben Australian airport from the November are allowed for baggage checking-in individully using the system of analysis of biometric data.

Fig.1. Passenger handling diagram on the sample of IA “Kyiv” using the system of biometrical identification (source origin).


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"The first in the world system of automatic acceptance of the baggage using the boimetrics was deployed in Brissben", - stated Stephan Chellis from SITA during the industrial conference Euro Air Transport IT Summit 2017 in Humburg. Formerly in this year Brissben has begun testing of boimetric system of passengers check-in SITA Smart Path. After the arrival to airport passenger may snapshoot the biometric photoimage on the self check-in desk. The data are verified with the data in passport, and, it the procedure is sucsessfully done, the passenger is acquiring standard electronic entry (Single Travel Token), which will be his/her identificator for all further actions at the airport. All the process takes 20-25 seconds. The share of frustrated attempts of the entry creation does noe exceed 13%, which has the main reason poor quality of wrong location of passport. Except for that, some people are distracted during the check-in procedure, owin to it the biometric photoimage snapshooting is failed. On the next stages – the flight check-in, baggage leaving, entry to the safe area, embarking to aircraft – the passenger does not need to submit the passport and flight coupon, specific cameras are recognizing him/her according to the standard electronic entry. Thus way, the proces is considerably simplified and enspeeded. Summary. In the paper the survey and analysis cocerning the opportunity of introduction at airports of the system of biometric identifiction for accelelration of check-in procedure, safety check passage and passport check. Such technologies realization will enable substantially encrease the passenger handling level at airports, optimize the passengers throughput.

References: 1. Про затвердження Правил повітряних перевезень пасажирів і багажу – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z2219-12 2. «SITA Smart Path™» – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.sita.aero/solutions-and-services/solutions/sita-smart-path 3. «Baggage management» – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://rus.sita.aero/solutions-and-servi 4. Про затвердження Положення про національну систему біометричної верифікації та ідентифікації громадян Укрaїни, іноземців та осіб без громадянства[Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1073-2017.


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Melenivska D.A., Oleksiienko B.M. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser - Andrienko M.M., PhD (Economics), Associate Professor.

Introduction. Civil aviation in the context of the globalization of the world economy is an important element of Ukraine's integration into the modern system of international economic relations. In addition, it is important for addressing socio- economic goals and improving the quality of life of the country's population. The aviation industry is one of the basic, strategically important sectors of Ukraine's economy, but today the existing potential is underutilized, and the aviation industry itself is under the influence of growing manifestations of the systemic crisis. Therefore, the analysis of the current state and tendencies of the development of the aviation industry of Ukraine, the identification of the causes of the current situation and the development of proposals for its possible improvement are quite relevant. Problem issue. Today, due to the complex political and economic situation, monopolization processes in the aviation transport sector have intensified in Ukraine. These adversely affect the development of regional transport hubs and the transport system as a whole, as well as the socio-economic development of the regions of the country. The passenger air transport market has the fastest growth rate among all modes of transport in Ukraine. If the development of regional and international transportation during the last years has been caused by the growth of the economy of the country and the volume of transit traffic, the volume of passenger transportation, in particular by air, - increased mobility of the population, development of national and international tourism, growth of labor migration and business activity. In such conditions the problem of estimation of a condition, features of functioning and prospects of development of those types of passenger transportation which become leaders on the market becomes actual. The basis of air transport is a network of airports, which in the period of preparation for Euro 2012 has acquired some development. On August 28, 2010, the opening of the first 20,000 square meter IA Kharkiv terminal allowed to increase passenger traffic to 800,000 people a year, and at peak times the airport could accommodate up to 2 million passengers. The renovation of the largest air transport hub of Western Ukraine - Lviv International Airport in preparation for Euro 2012 ensured the reconstruction and extension of the runway, the platform, the existing terminal, as well as the construction of new and temporary terminals. Due to the opening of the new terminal complex F at Boryspil Airport, its throughput capacity is significantly increased, speed and comfort of passenger service is increased [1].


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Significant centralization of the Ukrainian aviation market affects the domestic market of the country, where too high tariffs for transportation, which are approaching the level of tariffs for international transportation, are operating. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in air travel in Ukraine, despite their relatively high cost. This can be caused by the fact that many people prefer air transport because of its speed, because it can save time. According to the State Aviation Service of Ukraine, the number of passengers carried by air transport on the website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine published the following data (from 2014 without taking into account the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol and parts of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk): 2010 year - 6106,5 thousands people; 2011 – 7504,8; 2012 – 8106,3; 2013 – 8107,2; 2014 – 6473,3; 2015 - 6302,7; 2016 – 8277,9; 2017 – 10555,6; 2018 – 12529,0. [2] The growing demand for passenger transportation by Ukraine's air transport requires the implementation of comprehensive measures aimed at developing the potential of this mode of transport and increasing its efficiency. Summary. For further rapid development of the aviation sphere in Ukraine it is necessary to: adjust the infrastructure of Ukrainian airports; ensure flight safety; improve booking, discount and privilege services; to pay more attention to retraining and professional development of specialists; carry out innovative development; create conditions for timely updating of the fleet. Therefore, the prospects for the development of aviation transportation and airports in Ukraine are quite relevant. Given the specifics of the aviation industry and its trends, airlines need to respond in a timely manner to changes that have already taken place, as well as to be prepared for changes in the future in order to remain competitive and hold certain positions in the international aviation services market.

References: 1. Information Center Ukraine 2012. Infrastructure. Airports [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://www.city.kharkov.ua/en/press/yevro-nova-storinka-istoriyi-harkova- 14135.html 2. Ukrstat.org - Publication of the documents of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://ukrstat.org/en/operative/operative2018/tr/tr_rik/tr_rik_u/kp_pas_vt_u.htm


Sulym N. I. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Dovhal A. H., PhD

Introduction. The power plants of aircraft ground support equipment can be of gas turbine engine (GTE), internal ombustion ngine (ICE) and electric power ones.


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The ICE is more efficient so as is is designed to run on the ground level and more powerfull than the electric power. Its life time is vital so as it is designed and adjusted to drive the specific equipment and defines the availability of aircraft ground support equipment for aircraft groud handling. Problem issue. The main element of any AGSE ICE is the crankshaft (fig. 1.). So as it defines the limitation of the enfines lifetime and is very hard replaceable due to engine balancing for specific engine specimen. However, the crankshafts journals’ lifetime may be prolonged by the coating depositions.

Fig. 1. Typical crankshaft wear measurement (made of steel 45).

Research results. While milling the silicon carbide the nanosized particles can be obtained [1,2]. During the milling the metal particles are acquired in the batch mixture and they are affecing crucially on the coating formation in the magnetic fields. In par-ticular, applying the magnetic field the microsized coatings are acquired and well invrstigated [3]. This coating is acquired by the technoque described in paper [3] on the direct polarity of the magnetic field, merely, enspeeding the metal particles to the substrate. Changing the polarity of the permanent magnet coil the microscopic particles are retained in the detonation shots stream and only nanosized particles of the batch mixture are reaching to the surface and depositing there (fig. 2). The scanning electronic image (SEM) is supplird on the fig 2. Within the 20 000 electronoc zoon (fig. 2. a) the sirface of the coating appeared to be very rough and containing the nanosized particles. Within the 40 000 electronoc zoon (fig. 2. b) the particles of 70,9, 115,2, 76,5, 54,0, 50,5, 65,6, 82,9 and 73,0 nanometers are acquired. The coating obtained were properly tested on the froction bench SMTs-1 under the conditions modelling the work the journals of the crankshafts, and the friction surfaces were investigated on the scannong microscope (fig. 3.) under different loads.


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a) b) Fig. 2. SEM-images of the Top Raw View of the Nanoscaled Detonation Coatings of SiC on the Specimens of Steel 45 for Rolling-Sliding Friction: a) 20 000 zoom; b) 40 000 zoom.

a) b) Fig. 3. SEM-images of Sliding Friction Surfaces of the Coatings Developed (10 000 zoom): a) under 0,2 MPa load; b) under 20 MPa load. b) Summary. So improving the modes of the coating application the best wear resistance may be reached and the vital data can be acquired.

References: 1. Довгаль А. Г. Влияние времени размола на структуру и износостойкость керамических материалов системы SiC–Al2O3 в паре с керамическим контртелом. // Проблеми трибології. – 2012. – №1. – С. 20-26. 2. A. P. Umanskii, A. G. Dovgal’, V. I. Subbotin, I. I. Timofeeva, T. V. Mosina and E. N. Polyarys Effect of grinding time on the structure and wear resistance of SiC–Al2O3ceramics // Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Vol. 52, Nos. 3-4, July, 2013- pp. 189-196. 3. A. Dovgal, L. Pryimak, I. Trofimov A Modified Method of Applying Detonation- Sprayed Composite Coatings by a Magnetic Field.// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies.– Volume 6/5 (84). – 2016. – P. 33-38.


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Garmash Т., Ivanytska V. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser - Tachinina O., doctor of engineering, professor

Nowadays, the scope of application of robotic systems and complexes is considerably expanding [1]. However, when using robotic manipulators, an important task is to design a control system that provides the positioned movement of the links of the manipulator. In this paper, we propose a method of synthesis of the automatic control system (AСS) electric drive operation of the manipulator [3] based on the use of NCD (The Nonlinear Control Design Blockset) technology [2] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. A simulation model of the ACS driven robot manipulator: W1 – transformer; W2 – regulator; W3 – thyristor converter; W4 – filter; W5 – DC motor; W6 – executing device; W7, W8 – corrective devices.

The graph of the transition process of the uncorrected system is shown in Fig. 2. ,рад.

t,сек. Fig. 2. Transition process of uncorrected system To improve the quality indicators of the transition process (Fig. 2), the synthesis of correction device coefficients was carried out in the work kp, ki, kd, Td


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 based on the application of NCD technology. The optimization process is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Transition optimization process

As a result of optimization the following values of the parameters of the correction devices were obtained: kp =0.4205; ki =1.3792; kd=0.3556; Td=0.8965. The graph of the transition process of the adjusted system is shown in Fig. 4. ,рад.

t,сек. Fig. 4. Transition process of the adjusted system

Thus, the synthesized parameters of corrective devices based on the use of NCD technology, allowed to improve the characteristics of the transition process, namely: to reduce overshoot, rise time and duration of the transition process.

References: 1. Тачиніна О.М. Математичне моделювання слідкуючої системи промислового робота/ О.М. Тачиніна, С.М. Гальченко та ін. // Проблеми інформатизації та управління: зб. наук. праць. – К.: НАУ, 2017. – Вип. 1-2 (57-58). – С.79-86. 2. Дьяконов В. MATLAB. Анализ, идентификация и моделирование систем. Специальный справочник / В. Дьяконов, В. Круглов. – СПб. : Питер, 2002. – 61 с. 3. Тачиніна О.М. Розробка системи автоматичного керування приводом робота- маніпулятора / О.М. Тачиніна, В. І. Іваницька, Гармаш Т. О. та ін..// Проблеми інформатизації та управління : зб. наук. праць. – К.: НАУ, 2019. – Вип. 1(61). – С.57-65.


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Garmash T., Mandryk V., Gaenko I. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser - D. Shevchuk, Dr. of Sciences, Professor.

Rapid also used new technologies that extend the modern life of man. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) do not exist. Today we offer technology in various fields of activity and look at great prospects for all other manufacturers. Control of UAVs with different methods. Nowadays, intelligent control systems are intensively developing. Intelligent Control Systems (ISCs) are control systems that have been acquired prior to "production" and are learning to study the structure of control (OK), developing, existing, and operating [1], [2]. Two generic principles were found in the foundation of the ISK: - management of various external data, situations and situations (situational management); - check out advanced, knowledge-based intellectual technologies. The protest, appropriate, is comparable to the PID and ISK for the stability of UAV height in all external conditions.

Fig. 1. Closed height stabilization system: Fig. 2. Flow chart of the process adjusting the optimal parameters of the ISK

The error between the outputs of system 2 and the reference model 3 enters the NCD optimizer (block 4), which is implemented in the NULSAR (Nolinear Control Design) suite of SIMULINK. It is known that this block uses different gradient optimization procedures to select the required model 3 parameters, minimize the integral quadratic error, minimizing the quality criterion automatically leads to the optimization of the ISK parameters, which affect the quality of time and frequency characteristics [3]. In the first optimization step, we manually select the values of the ISK parameters. Ranges of change of membership functions (BB - negative large, BC - negative average, VM - negative small, H - zero, DM - positive small, DS - positive average, DV - positive large) characterizing the input parameters CPI the pitch angle mismatch error and its derivative , source impact .  u


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Fig.3. Transient processes of UAV height stabilization using PID controller and ISC in a gust of wind at a constant speed of 15 m / s. where: - ISC, -PID – regulator

A comparative analysis of the results shows that the use of an intelligent control system increases the speed of height stabilization in comparison with the PID- regulator under the influence of an external gust of 15 m / c by 48% [4]. Thus, intelligent drone longitudinal channel control systems allow to increase the accuracy of UAV flight stabilization in the event of deterministic disturbances.

References: 1. DSTU 2481-94. Information processing systems. Intelligent information technologies. Terms and definitions // State standard of Ukraine. -1994. 2. Zagoruyko NG, Elkin VN, Lbov GS Algorithms for the detection of empirical regularities. - Novosibirsk: Science, 1985. - 110 p. 3. AG Ivakhnenko On the principles of constructing learning systems for managing complex processes. - M .: Science, 1970. - 252 p. 4. Hybrid Methods in Pattern Recognition / Edited by H.Runke & A.Kandel. - Verlag Shpringer. -2002. - 336 p


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Ahmed Ebtsam, Mohamed Ahmed Alaaeldin Taha National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Tovkach S. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor

Introduction. The classical circuit breakers based on the electromechanical technology are designed to trip the electrical supply to a dedicated system, protecting it in case the specified limit current is reached. Some factors always affect this widely used technology like excessive dust particles, shock or vibrations, to perform correctly the wiring protection function. Arcing of contacts has occurred too [1]. In addition to this, it is necessary to verify physically the status of the circuit breaker as well as to manually trip and tag it for maintenance operations. A380 removes all these problems with the Solid State Power Controller Technology (SSPC) and the programmable Remote Control Circuit Breakers (RCCB). How it works. SSPC and RCCB are mainly used for wiring protection with Programmable Trip Treshold by software and switching the loads ON/OFF with controllable and monitored Switch Status. SSPC is used for Low Current AC/DC Loads and Programmable RCCB is used for high current AC/DC Loads. Direct benefits for SSPC: programmable trip threshold; long-life and high reliability; contactless and fast switching; high resistance to shock and vibrations; customizable for cabin loads i.e. easier cabin layout changes. Direct benefits for Programmable RCCB: programmable trip threshold; DC applicability. The SSPC Module (fig. 1) is a combination of electronic and semiconductor devices in the same electronic card. The SSPC Module works primarily as a protection device for the aircraft wiring against overload, and as a system power supply switch for technical operation and load management. Therefore, SSPC technology replaces the combination of a Circuit Breaker and a relay in classical Electromechanical Technology [2], and improves it with a microprocessor for controlling the state of the power switch and adapting the SSPC trip threshold to the wire gage by Software programming in a single device. The SSPC cards can be used in the Secondary Power Distribution Boxes (SPDBs) or in the Secondary Electrical Power Distribution Centers (SEPDCs). SSPC interchangeability enables a reduction in the number of required Spare parts. The Secondary Electrical Power Distribution System is composed of SEPDCs and SPDBs. Its function is to assure the protection and switching of low current Non- Essential AC or DC Loads, which are not supplied in electrical emergency. The SEPDC manages the technical loads and SPDBs cabin and cargo loads. The SEPDCs are located in the Main Avionics Bay and the SPDBs are distributed through the cabin and the cargo compartments, so every SPDB is configurable (software programmable) according to installed loads in every


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 compartment. That means, it is possible to change more rapidly and efficiently the cabin layouts with better accessibility.

Fig. 1. SSPC Module

Conclusions. The SSPC and Programmable RCCB provide an accurate electrical load management. The electrical load management function (ELMF), which is a software application hostd in the AFDX network, optimizes power by ensuring the best adequacy between AC power and quantity of electrical loads connected to the AC network, avoiding load shedding on configuration. But, in case of overloaded power source, the ELMF will automatically send a shedding order to open the specific SSPC card or related Programmable RCCB and switch off some Non Esswntial AC loads to suppress the overload on the power sources. When enough power is recovered, automatic reconnections shall occur.

References: 1. Electric flight. Access mode: https://www.airbus.com/innovation/future- technology/electric-flight.html. 2. Thomas K. Eismin. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, McGraw-Hill Education, 2013, 521 p. ISBN-13:978-0071799157


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Kateryna Titenko, Olexii Turak National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Tovkach S. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor

Introduction. The rapid development of aviation throughout the years led to an increasing number of aircraft populating our skies at any given moment. Be it night or day, winter or summer, there will always be thousands of planes in the sky. And according to Airbus, the total amount of aircraft in operation will more than double in the next 20 years. [1] As the number of aircraft increases, the amount of 'free space' in the air decreases. Therefore, the room for human error decreases as well. Aircraft accident. An unfortunate example of such a human error occurring was 2002 Überlingen mid-air collision. Two aircraft had accident, Bashkirian Airlines Flight 2937 a Tupolev Tu-154 passenger jet, and DHL Flight 611, a Boeing 757 cargo jet were flying on the flight level 360 (36000 ft) on a path to an imminent encounter. The air traffic controller in charge was overloaded. As a result of this, as well as the delayed radar data, he didn`t see the problem until the minute before the accident. He contacted Flight 2937, guiding the pilot to descend to flight level 350. Regrettably, only seconds after Tu-154 started the descend its Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) instructed them to climb. TCAS also instructed the crew of Boeing 757 to descend. As a result, both planes were descending. [2] If both pilots followed the TCAS instructions the accident could have been avoided. How it works. TCAS (also known as Airborne Collision Avoidance System or ACAS) is a system that helps pilots avoid any possible midair collisions by tracking all other aircraft in the surrounding airspace from the signals from their transponders. The system works as a communication between TCAS-equipped aircraft. TCAS works by creating a three-dimensional map of its position in airspace. Depending on the position of the intruder in this map, TCAS decides on what type of advisory to give to the pilots. If the intruder is 35-48 seconds away from the aircraft Traffic Advisory is announced (or TA) if the intruder is 20-30 seconds away Resolution Advisory (RA) is issued. If RA is issued, the pilots are expected to immediately follow the command even if it contradicts with the ATC. Sometimes ATC gives commands that are conflicting with the RAs and the pilot might assume that the ATC is aware of the current position. Unfortunately, unless the pilot stated the RA the ATC has no idea that two aircraft are on the same flight level. The TCAS itself consists (Fig.1) of multiple data indicators, two antennas, TCAS Computer Unit, two RA displays, Mode S Transponder, TA display, Aural Annunciation in a form of a speaker, and TCAS control panel. TCAS computer detects threats and intruders, performs airspace surveillance and aircraft altitude tracking, as well as generation of advisories and what RA maneuvers to take. The routes for avoiding intruders will provide optimal vertical miss distance while generally minimize the deviation from the current flight path. [3] In


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 case the threat aircraft is also equipped with TCAS II, the avoidance maneuver will be coordinated in accordance with the threat aircraft

Fig.1. TCAS structure

Conclusion. Currently, TCAS takes an incredibly vital role in modern aviation. If followed correctly it makes sure that mid-air collisions will be a thing from the past. However, the system is not perfect and it has to developed further. There could be modifications made that allow the TCAS to make the necessary changes to the flight level without pilot's interference while simultaneously informing the ATC of the changes. It would take years to implement such a system but it would make the future of aviation even safer than it is today.

References: 1. Airbus forecasts that number of planes in sky will double in 20 years. Following a link: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/sep/18/airbus- forecasts-48000-aircraft-to-be-in-operation-by-2038 2. Investigation Report AX01-1-2(English). Following a link: http://www.bfu- web.de/EN/Publications/Investigation%20Report/2002/Report_02_AX001-1- 2_Ueberlingen_Report.pdf?__blob=publicationFile 3. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration/ Introduction to TCAS II version 7.1


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Tovkach S.S. National Aviation University, Kyiv

Introduction. Automated parallelization of the modeling program of aviation engine control system, in the form of decomposition of the software for the simulation model (SM) into blocks, involves a formalized representation of the SM distributed information control system (DICS) aviation engine and the method of its decomposition. To formalize the description of SM DICS can be used the terminology of the RAO-method (resources, actions, operations) and method of automatic classification, cluster analysis [1] or dendrograms visualization, within the framework of which the mathematical technique of the decomposition method of software SM can be developed. How it works. Before the start of clustering [1], all objects are considered separate clusters, i.e. there are m = n clusters, each of which includes one element. At the first step of the algorithm, two closest objects are determined, which are combined into one cluster, the total number of which is reduced by 1 :m(= m −1) . The iterative process is repeated until at the last m(−1) step all classes are not united. At each subsequent step of the agglomerative procedure, only one row and one column of the distance matrix must be recalculated, i.e. the distances from the formed cluster to each of the remaining clusters are calculated. Dendrograms are tree diagrams. A dendrogram can be defined as a graphic representation of the results of a sequential clustering process, which is carried out in terms of a distance matrix. In the dendrogram objects are arranged vertically on the left, clustering results are on the right. The distance values corresponding to the structure of new clusters are shown in a horizontal line on top of dendrograms. distance 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5



Fig. 1. Example for creation dendrograms

Figure 1 show us one of the example of a dendrogram. The figure corresponds to the case of six objects n( = 6) and k characteristics (signs). At the first stage, the


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 initial data array is presented in the form of a set consisting of clusters including one element each. The grouping process begins with combining such a pair of clusters that has a minimum distance. At the next stage, it is necessary to estimate the values of the objective function n(−1)(n − 2 ) W for the clusters . In fig. 1 objects D and E are combined at a level 2 of 0.2. Now can be obtained 4 clusters: (A, C), (F), (D, E), (B). Next, clusters (A, C, F) and (E, D, B) are formed, corresponding to distance levels of 0.3 and 0.4. Finally, in the last step, all objects are combined together at a level of 0.5. In the diagram, the horizontal axes represent the union distance. So, for each node in the graph (where a new cluster is formed), can be seen the distance for which the corresponding elements are connected in a new cluster. distance 00,10,20,30,40,5




Fig. 2. Hierarchical tree cutting

The constructed dendrogram can be used to isolate one or another number of individual clusters by “cutting” this dendrogram at a certain value of the distance scale. In fact, this means that a vertical line is drawn that cuts the tree of bonds in the place where the maximum step in the intercluster distance change is observed. Conclusions. Considering the sequence of increasing values of the objective function W , one can reveal a step (one or several) in its dynamics, which can be interpreted as a characteristic of the number of groups of “objectively” existing in the researched distributed information control system aviation engine.

References: 1. Wierzchon, Slawomir, Klopotek, Mieczyslaw. Modern Algorithms of Cluster Analysis, Springer International Publishing AG, 2018, 421 p. ISBN 978-3-319-69308-8.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Plytus H. R., Lachtyr D. A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific supervisor – Tovkach S. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor

Introduction. Structural repair requires a lot of costs and also, in most cases, while it is performed, the aircraft is temporary inoperable. That is why determination of deterioration or damage on the very beginning of it can help to plan and execute needed repair [1]. Furthermore, the cost of it will be less than a major overhaul in case of dilapidated damage. Thus, the airplane health management (AHM) technology can help to save the money. How it works. As we know, the consequences of applying the load to the structure is its fatigue that may lead to different damages of aircraft`s parts. Since this can happen during the flight, it is very important to anticipate and eliminate it on time or in case of an accident, to determine the exact location of the damage, its nature and degree of threat. On many modern airplanes this and some other tasks are performed with the help of AHM. AHM can be of great help to airlines, because by using it they can plan repairing works even before the aircraft arrives to its destination. This, in turn, helps to reduce aircraft downtime and time spent on repairs; to reduce the number of canceled flights and the time of delays, and as a result, this will reduce the money losses of the airline. The AHM consists of onboard health data collection and ground data distribution systems. In the first one system, the usage of wireless sensor networks (WSN) is very widespread, and it makes AHM more advanced in operational meaning. And the second one system supplies the airlines with current measurements of sensors and helps to manage them. In fact, the system of sensors that are integrated into aircraft`s structures play the key role in monitoring, diagnosing and predicting of its health. Such layers with sensors are called smart structure. It can include wired and wireless sensors, wireless access points and active RFID (radio frequency identification) system for collecting business critical health data [1,2]. The smart sensors of WSN manage the information from signal process units, memory, wireless data communication unit. Such sensors are powered from battery and can be heterogeneous whereas it is possible to transfer data between sensors that are neighboring. So, they create nodes in their radio range and these nodes, in turn, form the WSN. Following, the data is sent via sensor`s nodes to local control unit that also provides a feedback to central control unit. In WSN data can be collected by some periods of time or can be requested from the aircraft subsystems or control units. Moreover, the onboard RFID system, that consist of active tags and readers, is used to save onboard part maintenance information and sand it to the central control unit.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

Further, when the feedback from local control units is obtained, the central control unit transfers it to subsystems of aircraft which own the sensors. The subsystems carry out the diagnostics: they localize failures, define its character and analyses/prognoses localization of potential failures. This diagnostics can lead to precautions in corresponding subsystems and to initiation of analysis in ground system. The last one can also initiate the download of aircraft’s health data when the fleet is in flight [2]. Successful Boeing experience. Today Boeing successfully uses AHM on their boards: it is currently available for the 777, 777 freighter, 747-400, 757, 767, and Next Generation 737 airplanes. The main obtained benefit is the opportunity to substantially reduce schedule interruption (i.e. delays, air turnbacks, cancellations, diversions) costs [3]. The company distinguish three main AHM features that helps to reduce schedule interruptions: • Prognostics (AHM helps operators to predict future failures and as a result to manage possible schedule interruptions); • Fault forwarding (in the case of some fault while flight, the operators can plan the maintenance arrangement that will reduce the time); • Prioritization (fuel efficiency data, economic impacts and other performance factors are provided according to its importance). Conclusions. To conclude it might be said that AHM system includes analysis of information from many aviation aspects such as chemical materials, construction features, mechanical engineering, current data from airlines and airports. And all this brings a lot of benefits while flight performing. The development of AHM`s predicting algorithms of analytic may lead to faster maintenance operations and aircraft`s downtown reduction [4]. In addition, the airlines are looking for the engineering ways to integrate new AHM systems on older fleets.

References: 1. Structural Health Management of Ageing Aircraft and Other Infrastructure / Christian Boller – The University of Sheffield – 59 p. 2. Security of wireless sensor network enabled health monitoring for future airplanes / Radha Poovendran, Linda Bushnell – EE Department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, 2008. – 10 p. 3. Remote Management of Real-Time Airplane Data / John B. Maggiore –AERO Magazine. 4. Ways Aircraft Health Monitoring Systems Are Revolutionizing Aircraft Maintenance [web resource] – Access mode: https://cutt.ly/ptljBbP.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Ponomarenko B.O. National Aviation University, Kyiv Supervisor – B.E. Zhurilenko, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Introduction. Electric motors are now widely used in the automotive and aviation industries because they have higher efficiency and smaller dimensions than, for example, internal combustion engines (ICEs). It is known that more than half of the world's electricity is consumed by electric motors. Electric motors are starting to be used in hybrid systems in conjunction with ICEs as electric motors. However, power to self-contained motors requires electricity, and chemical sources have several drawbacks and somewhat limit the scope. Main part. In aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), motors are increasingly used as a power unit. They are equipped with batteries, inverters, and air propulsion motors. Also used are solar panels on the wings and battery housing to increase flight life. Increased capacity batteries take up more space and have a lot of weight and cost, so the main goal is to maximize battery life by saving battery power by upgrading the motor. In aircraft propellers, the radius of the motor rotor is smaller than the radius of the applied tractive force on the propeller blade. If the motor rotor is made in the form of a ring connecting the upper ends of the air propeller, then it will be possible to save energy [1]. Therefore, it is suggested to place the stator windings in the fan fairing casing. The design of the motor shall provide a rotor radius greater than the radius of the applied tractive force. You can use an asynchronous motor with a rotor in the form of a "cage" with a circular magnetic circuit. Consider an asynchronous electric motor, the stator of which is located in the fairing, and the rotor is made in the form of a "" with a magnetic wire. Given that with the same tractive force and angular speed of rotation of the air screw, the torques of the rotors with small and large radii should be equal, that is, M1 = M2 we get the current consuming the motor with a larger radius: I1 r р1 . (1) I 2 = r р2 It can be seen from expression (1) that the larger the radius of the motor rotor, the lower the current to create the required tractive force. It is known that the capacity of the batteries C is determined in ampere hours, that is, you can calculate how many times the operating time of the motor H with a larger radius of the rotor will work longer than the smaller radius: C C  r , (2) H = = р2 I 2 I1 r р1 where I1 and I2 - the magnitudes of the currents of the rotors with small rp1 and large rp2 radii, respectively. Thus, the larger rotor motor will run longer in rp2 / rp1.


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One of the conditions for the appearance of a magnetic torque in an asynchronous machine is the presence of active resistance R2, which determines the dependence of the moment on the slip, that is, determines the operating properties of the asynchronous machine. As the rotor size increases, the parameters of the motor will change, so to maintain the mechanical characteristics of the rotor support must be the same, so let's determine how the cross section of the rotor conductors will change. Given that the resistivity of conductors of a single material varies little from its cross section, we obtain the expression for the cross section of the large rotor conductors with respect to the small:

where Scross1, Scross2 - is the cross section of the rotor conductors of small and large size, l1, l2 - is the length of the rotor conductors in the case of small and large size. The inductive resistance is determined similarly. Thus, if the active and reactive resistances of the rotor windings are equal, then the mechanical characteristics of the motor can be retained after changing the design of the motor. Conclusions. As a result of the modernization of the design of the electric motors, the possibility of saving electricity and increasing the running time at the selected tractive power and rotation is revealed. These properties offer great potential for the use of electric motors in cars and aircraft.

References: 1. Change of design of electric motors of transport systems in order to save energy resources of autonomous power sources / B.E. Zhurilenko, K.I. Nikolaev, N.K. Nikolaev // Science-intensive technologies - 2018. №1(37). – P.130-136.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Romanjuk K.I. National Aviation University, Kyiv Supervisor – Churina O.Y., Ph.D., doc. The relevance of the topic of the report. The main tasks of designing automated systems for control and management of the process of power consumption are: selection of control criteria, improvement of technical and economic characteristics, creation of a power supply system with flexible structures. The relevance of the topic of the report is the need to solve the problems of energy efficient power system management. These problems are optimization problems. It is also necessary to organize the exchange of information arrays with automated energy control systems. The purpose of the report. The purpose of the report is to analyze the mathematical model of the optimization problem of energy efficient control of the ergatic electric power system (EРS). Main results on the topic of the report. The mathematical model of the optimization problem can be represented as [1]: 0 N M x = arg extr G a ,( k (x), , ), xty  R , y  R ; xX i i

hs ,( qx h ty ),,  ,0 s = S;,1

gl ,( qx g ty ),, = ,0 l = L,,1 where х0 is the optimal solution; G − the model operator that determines its structure; ai − quantitative parameters of the model - for example, the coefficients of importance of partial criteria ki (x); y − scenario of environmental behavior; t – time; hs , gl − operators that determine the structure of the mathematical model of the corresponding constraint; qh ,qg − quantitative parameters of the respective constraints. The purpose of optimal power management in a complex energy system is to realize the criterion of optimality, as well as to meet the requirements for technical and economic indicators. The solution of the optimization problem is achieved at the stage of operation of the EES by organizing optimal modes of operation of generators and system loads. The process of control of the EES is characterized by discrete and smooth control. During discrete control, switching on and off loads and power sources, as well as changing transformer transformation coefficients; under smooth control regulate the state of power sources. In the process of control it is necessary to solve the problems of analysis and optimization of modes of operation of complex ergatic EPS. Energy efficiency can be


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 increased by additional compensating devices and by changing load modes. The consequence of changing the nature of the loads is a change in the modes of operation of the elements of complex EES. In order to solve the optimization problem of control of the EPS based on the analysis of the boundaries of changing modes of operation, it is advisable to use piecewise linear approximation of characteristics. The objects of control in the power system are generators, loads, as well as controlled system cross sections. Controlled EPS crossings are adjustable transformers, power line switches, reactive energy compensators, and system topology. In order to reduce losses in power lines, it is advisable to change the topology of a complex EPS; the optimal ways of transferring energy from generators to consumers are being searched. The system of control of complex EPS at the stage of operation includes the following requirements: control of the electric power process in real time, adequacy of obtaining initial information to real processes, accuracy of the formation of control signals, noise immunity, reliability, adaptability [2]. Conclusions. Therefore, it is advisable to solve the operational problem of increasing the efficiency of control of the operation of the power system on the basis of regulation of power consumption by means of control systems that record the real power processes of the power supply system. The solution of this problem will increase the efficiency of the processes of transformation and use of electricity, which in accordance with energy saving technologies of operation of the EES will lead to a decrease in raw materials and material resources.

References: 1. Petrov E.P., Novozhilova M.V., Grebennik I.V. Decision-making methods and tools in socio-economic systems: a textbook for students. Higher education institutions / ed. E.G. Petrova. - K .: Engineering, 2004. - 256 p. (in Ukrainian) 2. Tonkal V.E., Novoseltsev A.V., Denisyuk S.P. Energy balance in electrical circuits. – K .: Sciences. opinion, 1992.- 312 p.( in Russian)


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020



Kulyk Danil National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Khimko A.M., Ph.D, associate prof.

Modern aviation using hydrocarbon-fueled engines, like so many other means of transport, causes irreparable harm to the atmosphere due to the emission of toxic gases. Scientists are looking for various ways to reduce environmental damage from human activities and save land resources. One of the technical solutions to these problems today is hybrid engine. One of the design options can be considered a power unit, consisting of a classic internal combustion engine and an electric motor, combined into a single unit. For many reasons such a solution is preferable to electric traction alone. The positive characteristics of such an electric motor include a higher efficiency,lack of any emissions, big torque. Electric motor, unlike working on petroleum products, does not need a constant supply of fuel. He may be off state for as long as you want until voltage is applied to it. When serving of electricity, it almost instantly transfers maximum thrust to the aircraft engine screws, allowing it to draw in more air and thereby increase the lifting force [1]. The word hybrid itself means crossbreeding. The operation of the hybrid engine is that the internal combustion engine rotates the generator and provides energy to the electric motor, which Section "TECHNICAL OPERATION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND AVIONICS" who, in turn, rotates the transmission, which helps his “partner” to work in an optimal mode, creating additional effort. As a result, sudden fluctuations and loads are eliminated,and productivity increases significantly [2]. There are several options: • Parallel. The gasoline engine is powered by a fuel tank, and the electric motor is powered by batteries. As a result, both engines rotate the transmission, which in turn drives the propellers. • Consistent. The operation of the hybrid engine is that a gasoline engine drives a generator that charges the batteries, and they, in turn, provide energy an electric motor rotating the transmission and, as a result, propeller screws [3]. Using this technology will significantly reduce the weight of the aircraft. As an example, consider the Boeing 747 model (the Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7A turbofan engine is currently used in this aircraft model). But all this does not mean that it will be possible to use a hybrid engine only on piston engines. Given the principle of operation of jet engines using fuel in the combustion chamber for heating the air, it is possible to reconstruct the power plant in such a way that the heating of the air in the combustion chamber, which occurs at the


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 stage when the aircraft has gained the required height, will occur due to electrical appliances that heat the air. But, despite all the charms of such an engine, it will still need to use a small portion of aviation fuel in order for the hybrid engine to work as efficiently as possible. As a replacement for standard fuel, cryogenic fuel can be considered. Thus, the use as an aircraft hybrid engine will help to reduce the harmful effects of human activities on the environment, and airline costs for the purchase of fuel will be reduced by several times. The use of solar panels as a source of additional power will increase the efficiency of a promising project as hybrid airplane engine. Airbus contribution in hybrid aviation. Airbus said it plans to build the world's first hybrid passenger aircraft and fly it into the air in 2035. A hybrid or electric aircraft is an aircraft that has a hybrid or turboelectric power plant instead of classic gas turbines. Such a replacement will radically reduce energy consumption, noise and harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The problem is that today there are only small-sized demonstrators of such technologies. Electric propulsion technologies have not yet advanced so far as to allow the creation of a large passenger airliner with electric motors and launch it in a series. As explained by the Director General of the Central Institute of Aviation Motors (TsIAM) them. P.I. Baranova Mikhail Gordin, while the electric motor is "an electric motor and a propeller." On the way to creating a fully electric engine, all developed countries are now undergoing the development phase of a hybrid engine that has both a turbine and a generator that generates electricity. During the maximum operation of the kerosene engine (during takeoffs and landings), electricity will accumulate and then be used in cruise flight mode. The second option is the rejection of the turbine and the conservation of electricity in batteries or fuel cells. However, while kerosene is a very effective source of energy in terms of weight. When burning even a small amount, it gives such an amount of energy that no battery can provide yet. But the world is actively developing ever more capacious and lighter batteries and fuel cells that work, for example, on hydrogen. Work is also underway on the weight efficiency of the entire engine. A separate problem for an electric aircraft is the amount of energy needed for general aircraft needs, and the control of its flows. The question arises of controlling the heat released from the batteries, which will need to be diverted somewhere. Hybrid and electric traction is a promising area in modern aircraft manufacturing. This is one of the defining technologies for the future of aviation.

References: 1. Гулиа Н.В. Инерционные аккумуляторы энергии. Воронеж : Изд-во ВГУ, 1973. С. 112–118. 240 с. 2. Белов М.П., Новиков В.А., Рассудов Л.Н. Автоматизированный электропривод типовых производственных механизмов и технологических комплексов. 3-е изд., испр. М.: Академия, 2007. 575 с. 3. Войнаровский П. Д. Электродвигатели // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). СПб., 1890–1907. 4. https://aviadrive.ru/posts/4954/


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Levko Vladimir, Erkinov Otabek National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Karuskevich M.V., Dr.Sc, prof.

Fatigue and damage tolerance analysis is today of major importance in the aircraft structure design. Since the last decades, the air traffic keeps on growing, the number of ageing aircraft is increasing and their lifetimes become greater. The certification authorities provide recommendations in order to ensure the safety of the civil aircraft and the aircraft manufacturers have to respect these conservative safety standards. In this thesis, we pay a particular attention to the atmospheric turbulence. Indeed, this phenomenon may have a major impact for fatigue of many structural components. The atmospheric turbulence generally leads to complex loadings on the aircraft structure since it is a multidimensional and dynamic excitation depending on lots of parameters such as the meteorological conditions, the aircraft speed, weight, altitude, etc. Structural design is of critical importance to aircraft safety, but also plays a key role in aircraft cost and performance. Several aspects impact the design of civil aircraft structures, the major of those being: • Airworthiness regulations and requirements • Available materials, material data • Required structural details • Environmental considerations • Production and manufacturing technologies The design criteria to be met for the structure sizing are static strength, residual strength, durability, crack growth, sonic fatigue strength, etc. These criteria are presented in the certification rules. They have evolved with the improvement of computational methods, testing means, the growing aeronautical experience, and unfortunately sometimes acquired with fatal accidents (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Explosive decompression of the fuselage caused by fatigue failure

Fatigue is defined as the phenomenon causing material properties modifications resulting from the repeated application of a load or a cycle of loads at a stress level lower than the failure limit of the material. Fatigue and Damage Tolerance analysis does not aim at searching the maximal stress that the structure could sustain


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 but the number of times this structure could sustain a lower stress in order to determine its fatigue life. The turbulence model aims at describing the various gusts encountered by the air- craft structure in order to compute the loads and stresses induced by these. Two main models have been developed in the history: the Discrete Gust model and the Continuous Turbulence model. Discrete Gust model considers the turbulence as a set of separated gusts like bumps of specific shape and magnitude. In this model, the turbulence field is represented in a deterministic way as a set of isolated gusts (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. One dimensional Discrete Gust representation

From this turbulence model, loads on each part of the structure must be determined by dynamic analysis, taking into account unsteady aerodynamic and all significant structural degrees of freedom. We also have to consider that the aircraft will encounter gusts with various shapes and amplitude according to a given statistical law. These statistics are generally built from in-flight measurement campaigns. Aircraft are specially equipped with accelerometres in order to record acceleration data from all over the world in all turbulence conditions This discrete representation of atmospheric turbulence is intuitively very simplistic. It is obviously very imprecise to model atmospheric turbulence as time independent and one-dimensional, like a road with holes and bumps. Moreover, its worst case consideration in the tuned gust length approach is not suitable for fatigue analysis. Indeed, fatigue analysis is interested in every load intensities, even weak ones. The worst case concept is then very conservative for fatigue analysis. Moreover, the civil aircraft becoming larger, faster and more flexible this model has become inadequate and too much conservative for fatigue analysis due to gust loads. Nevertheless, this model can still be used for static sizing, giving reasonably conservative results.

References: 1. Airworthiness standards: transport category airplanes. Federal Aviation Regulations Part 25. 2. Bendat, J. S. Probability functions for random responses, prediction of peaks, fatigue damage, and catastrophic failures. 3. Jones, J. Documentation of the linear Statistical Discrete Gust method.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Pikul Marina National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Volianska L.G., Ph.D, associate prof.

Engine performance directly depends on the temperature of supplied air. It has been established that the efficiency decreases with increasing temperature of air entering the compressor. During operation, the air temperature can vary over a wide range not only during the year, but also during the day. As the ambient temperature increases, the density of the air taken into the compressor decreases and this causes an decrease in the air mass flow rate of air through the compressor and thereby the power of the gas turbine. Therefore, the operation of gas turbine plant is carried out for the most part in non-design modes. Due to global warming (fig.1), it is necessary to modernize existing gas turbine plants.

Fig.1. Global temperature index change The degree of ambient temperature influence on the power of a gas turbine engine depends on the type of an engine. It was studied influence of climatic conditions on the efficiency of the gas turbine drive AI-336-1/2-10 (fig.2).

Fig.2. Gas turbine drive AI-336-1/2-10 Increase temperature of supplied air from 15ºC to 40ºC can reduce the power of gas turbine plant by 22% of the rated power. In other words, when the temperature of


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 the air rises by 10 ºC, the power of AI-336 decreases by 100 kW, it is an urgent problem. To maintain the rated power of a gas turbine at high air temperature, it is necessary to cool the air before the compressor. Different methods to cool supplied air are exist. In this paper, the use of a steam ejector refrigerator is considered. The advantages of the steam ejection cooling system are its simplicity, small volume, reliable operation and the possibility of using water vapor as a refrigerant. As it is shown in fig.3 this system includes several components: a vapor generator (boiler), an ejector, a condenser, an evaporator, a liquid pump and an expansion valve (throttling device). The refrigerant vapor (steam) with high parameters is generated by the heat of exhaust gases of a gas turbine drive. The steam leaves the generator at state 1, motive enters the ejector and expands through a nozzle inside the ejector. High speed flow at low pressure is at the nozzle exit and it causes the suction of the steam with lower pressure (aspirated).

Fig.3 A schematic diagram of an ejector refrigeration cycle Then two streams mix with each other in the mixing chamber of the ejector. This mixed steam at state 4 comes to the condenser. The condesate at point 5 is divided into two parts: one part enters the evaporator through an expansion valve (point 8) and the other part returns to the steam generator through a liquid pump 6. The water entering the steam generator is vaporised. The low temperature steam in the evaporator produces a cooling effect by absorbing heat from the ambient air before its entering the compressor. The changes occurring in the steam flow of the ejector are shown in the T-s diagram of Fig. 4. The operating of an ejector refrigeration system is specified by the evaporator pressure pe; generator pressure pg; the condenser pressure pc; the


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 expansion ratio pg/pe and compression ratio pc/pe. The thermodynamic properties at states for steam are calculated from the saturation property.

Fig.4. T-s diagram of a refrigeration cycle For investigation, the following parameters were taken: the vaporator pressure pe=871,8Pa (the corresponding saturation temperature Te=5°C, generator pressure pg =198540Pa, the corresponding saturation temperature Tg = 120°C The performance of an ejector is measured by its entrainment ratio w, the ratio of secondary stream mass flow rate me to the primary fluid mass flow rate mg : w= me/ mg, where me - the mass flow rate of the evaporator, mg – the mass flow rate of the boiler. The aim of this study is to analyze condenser pressure given the temperatures of the boiler and evaporator. The rate of heat transfer to the evaporator is: . The rate of heat transfer from the condenser is: . The heat transfer rate of the exhaust gas boiler (steam generator) is: . The mass flow rate of the steam is:

. Calculation of changes in the net power of gas turbines depending on the temperature of the intake air was done by the method of comparing the operating parameters of the compressor and the nominal. Fig.5, 6 show energy efficiency and power drop with inlet temperature increasing of a gas turbine drive AI-336-1/2-10.


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Fig.5. Dependence of energy efficiency drop with temperature increasing The effect of cooling technology on the net power capacity enhancement for the plant is shown in Fig. 6, where the air is cooled through the steam ejector refrigerator up to 15°C. It was studied dependence of given the temperatures of the boiler and evaporator on the condenser pressure, back pressure. Effect of condenser pressure and evaporator temperature on an entrainment ratio is given in fig.7.

Fig.6. Dependence of power drop with temperature Line 1 represents change of an entrainment ratio depending on the condenser temperature Tc for evaporator temperature Te=10°C and the saturation temperature in generator Tg = 120°C. Line 2 represents change of an entrainment ratio depending on the condenser temperature Tc for evaporator temperature Te=5°C and the saturation temperature in generator Tg = 120°C.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

Fig.7. Dependence of entrainment ratio with evaporator temperature increasing Changing the parameters of high and low pressures of the steam-ejector refrigerator allows to adjust the degree of cooling for different loads. The performance enhancement of gas turbine power plant by cooling the air at plant intake was studied in this paper. Using heat of exhaust gas for cooling air entering the gas turbine drive AI-336- 1/2-10 by steam ejector refrigerating system it is possible to reduce air temperature by 10-25 °C, this allows reduce fuel consumption and increase efficiency. It shown that the efficiency of heat-using refrigerating machines largely depends on the thermal efficiency of condenser.

References: 1. Кириллин В.А., Сычев В.В., Шейндлин А.Е. Техническая термодинамика. Учебник для вузов. — М.: Издательский дом МЭИ, 2016. — 496 с.: ил. — ISBN 978-5-383-01024-2. 2. R. Yapıcı, H.K. Ersoy. Performance characteristics of the ejector refrigeration system based on the constant area ejector flow model / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 3117–3135. 3. Bortmany, J. N. Assesstment of aqua-ammonia refrigeration for pre-cooling gas turbine inlet air [Text] / J. N. Bortmany // Proc. of ASME TURBO EXPO 2002. – Paper GT-2002-30657. – 12 p. 4. Софронов В.Л. Расчет струйных аппаратов: учебное пособие/ В.Л. Софронов, И.Ю. Русаков, Т.В. Ощепкова. – Северск: Изд-во СТИ НИЯУ МИФИ, 2011. – 33с. 5. Popli, S. Gas turbine efficiency enhancement using waste heat powered absorption chillers in the oil and gas industry [Text] / S. Popli, P. Rodgers, V. Eveloy // Applied Thermal Engineering. – 2013. – nr 50. – P. 918–931. 6. Алексеев Ю.Н. Пароэжекторные холодильные машины: учебное пособие / Ю.Н. Алексеев, М.И. Крастелев. - Севастополь: СВВМИУ, 1991.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Sokur Andrii National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – Khimko A.M., Ph.D, associate prof.

In 1909, the American Glenn Curtiss managed to design the world's first seaplane, which took off from the water. It was an airplane, which was mounted on floats. Grigorovich D.P. in 1913 he developed a new seaplane in a special design. The M-1 flying boat became the first founder of the development of hydroplanes as a separate type of aircraft. The heyday began in the period 30-40s of the 20th century. At that time, jet aviation was developing, so the seaplanes began to be squeezed out into the ecological niche since their speed limit indicators were much lower. As a result of the enormous work of Beriev Design Bureau, the designers managed to create a jet instance of the A-40 Albatros, and a civilian modification of the Be-200 was also designed. Both aircraft were fully comparable to jet aircraft in all respects. During the First World War, Russia used hydroplanes, namely the M-5. It was used as aerial reconnaissance, as well as a corrector for artillery fire from battleships. In the 1930s and 1940s, when seaplanes began to be widely used on regular long- distance lines, they were gradually replaced by ground-based aircraft. Before jet types, the seaplane was replaced by a screw type. This happened for a number of reasons: 1. New types of aircraft with an increased range of applications began to appear. 2. Post-war development of the airfield network. 3. The emergence of jet passenger aircraft on long-range airlines, which significantly exceeded hydroplanes in flight altitude and speed. But this does not mean that the seaplanes have been completely replaced, as they are still used. Even now, such aircraft are widely used on local airlines in remote places, where the design and construction of aerodromes from a solid runway are impossible or difficult. But in such places, it is full of ponds suitable for takeoffs and landings of seaplanes. Vivid examples of this area are considered some sections of the United States (Alaska) and Canada. Such territories are usually called taiga and tundra. They have enough rivers, swamps, and lakes. Also as an example are the island states: Seychelles, Maldives.Because of this, seaplanes are still in high demand. Most of the used float modifications of land aircraft. Depending on the design, the following types of seaplanes are distinguished: • Flying boat - the lower part of the fuselage of the aircraft is made in the form of a boat, adapted for rapid movement on the surface of the water. • Float seaplane - an ordinary or specially built plane, on which one, two or more floats are fixed for parking and movement on the surface of the water. • Amphibian - and aircraft of any of the two types listed above, on which a ground landing gear is mounted for landing on a hard surface, or having a landing gear capable of holding the airplane on any surface.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

Amphibian flight control is characterized by some features. In particular, regarding the skills of piloting, landing and take-off, control over the water surface. Therefore, to control such a device, an ordinary pilot needs to pass a specific qualification. Seaplane allocated in a separate category of piloting. Floating seaplanes and flying boats are highlighted in the same way. Such a discharge is caused by characteristic differences in the method of operation, since float seaplanes, unlike flying boats, are more dangerous and may not take off depending on the waves. Technical operation is much more expensive and more complicated, especially when it comes to amphibians. Marine hydroaerodromes are much more expensive than land- based ones since airplanes need to be constantly treated with special tools that prevent corrosion from washing and performing a list of mandatory operations after each landing at sea. Amphibian airfields require purely marine equipment such as mooring barrels, boats for towing aircraft and transporting people, and must be equipped with land exits to the sea, transportation equipment for pulling the aircraft ashore. As a result, the operation of a seaplane is often more expensive than an ordinary “ground- based” one with a much greater technical resource of the latter. Such airfields do not use ground equipment due to the peculiarities of their own location. Using seaplanes, we can solve many problems with an efficiency that is practically inaccessible to the ground-based aircraft, among them: the implementation of anti-submarine defense, patrolling a two-hundred-mile economic zone on duty afloat, as well as conducting rescue operations as soon as possible and at a greater distance from the coast, environmental control of water areas with a sampling of water and bottom sediments afloat, extinguishing forest fires with water intake at nearby reservoirs in planing mode; protection of water surfaces from pollution by spilled oil with operational localization of the spill; development and maintenance of territories with an undeveloped network of the ground automobile and railway highways with take-off and landing in any place where there is sufficient water space (which, moreover, does not need to be specially built and maintained in working condition). The great transport capabilities of hydro aviation are also explained by the fact that 3/4 of the surface of the planet is covered with water. This circumstance provides the prerequisites for the development and effective use of hydro aviation in the coastal zone of the seas and oceans, in the waters of lakes, reservoirs and large rivers. Such aircraft will continue to be developed even further since there are enough places around the world with poorly developed infrastructure and a large number of water surfaces.

References: 1. Самсонов П.Д. Проектирование и строительство гидросамолетов. М.; Л., 1936. 2. Жизнь и самолёты Григоровича. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://kpi.ua/ru/grygorovych-about 3. Куприков Историческая справка: история, применение и перспективы развития / М.Ю. Куприков, 2009.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020



Dolot.D.V., Pshenychnyi D.A National Aviation University, Kyiv Sci. dir. – Mnatsakanov R.G., dr. of tech. sc.i, prof.

Development of a technique for estimation of temperature-mechanical stability of boundary films of lubricant at loads that leads to the elastic-plastic deformation of the elements of tribocities is a relevant trend. First of all, it will allow to predict the working state of real friction nodes during operation. The developed method is as follows: to carry out the preparation of contacts surfaces in non-stationary friction conditions (start - stop mode); at contact pressure on Hertz (100 – 500 МPа) in rolling conditions with different degrees of slippage (from 3 to 40%) to create conditions for sufficient flow of the tested lubricant into the friction zone; to work on the stabilization of the basic tribotechnical indicators of contact (thickness of the lubricant in the parking lot in the starting period and in the period that corresponds to the selected maximum rolling speeds leading and trailing surfaces; coefficient of friction; the specific work of friction), which characterize the formation of a stable boundary layer by the components of the lubricant; stop the supply of lubricant to the friction zone, delate any residual lubricant from the contact surfaces; record the change in the basic tribotechnical indicators of contact фіксувати зміну основних триботехнічних показників контакту until the first signs of contact surface grasp; to evaluate the conditions провести оцінку умов the occurrence of critical temperature stinging in the contact area calculated by the Block [1]. When evaluating the temperature and mechanical stability of boundary films used the bases oil with different viscosity lubricants with different multifunctional additives. Contacts surfaces – steel 40Х (tempering + leave (4000С)). Transformer oil Т-1500у, which chacarcterizes by the lowest viscosity, forms on the contact surfaces the boundary films that exhibit effective protection of contact surfaces from setting at gradients of the shear rate to 2·104s-1. In the non-stationary mode of operation, the first signs of grasping of the contact surfaces were detected in the 90th minute of friction pairs operation (fig. 1). Increasing the shear rate gradient to 3,14·105с-1 halves the operating time to the first signs of grasping and the increase in local temperature during setting was 700С. At γ > 6,07·105s-1 these boundary layers of the lubricant completely lose their protective properties - there is a sharp increase in temperature and setting of contact surfaces. The most viscous oil tested is MC-20, that isn’t contain the additives, forms the boundary lubricating layers that characterized by mechanical resistance to gradients of shear rate up to 6,07·105s-1. The first signs of grasp are only apparent on 38 minutes of


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 work, the local temperature increase was 1150С. Protective properties of the boundary films of this lubricant with increasing γ 8,6·107 с-1 sharply deteriorate: on the 5th minute of the work the first signs of grasp were established, in that moment the local temperature increase is 3700С.

Fig.1. Local increase of temperature (Т) in contact in period od destruction the boards the lubricating films in time the increases the gradient of shear rate (γ).

Introduction to the basic framework І-40 anti-wear additives Anglamol -82 (active elements: S - 10,5%, Cl - 2,8%, P - 0,3%) increases the temperature and mechanical stability of the formed boundary layers. For example, if the first signs of adhesion of the contact surfaces when using oil І-40 without additives revealed at the gradient of the shear rate of the boundary films 6,07·105s-1 on 27 minutes of work the friction pair after suspension suppling of lubricant then adding 1 and 3% an additive increases the duration of the pre-capture period in 1,3 and 1,55 times respectively. The presence of additives on a basic basis increases and temperature resistance to destruction of boundary layers: local increase in maximum temperatures when setting more on 5 and 170С in the presence of 1 and 3% additives respectively. With increasing speed of sliding when rolling with slipping there is an increase in local temperatures in contact, which causes the contact surfaces to be shortened to the first signs of adhesion. So when slipping 40% grasping of friction pairs under conditions of stopping of supply of lubricant comes through 1,5 minutes. When using base oil І-40. Herewith γ is 6,0·106s-1,and local temperature increase - 2500С. Adding additives Anglamol-82 in concentration 3% increase time of work the elements tribulation before the onset of grasping in 4,3 and temperature of beginning the destruction boundary layers increases on 1250С. Thus the introduction of anti-wear additives provides the formation in contact more resistant to mechanical and thermal destruction of boundary layers characterized by effective properties in terms of preventing contact surfaces from grasping under critical friction conditions.

Список використаних джерел: 1. Blok H. ,,Seizure-delayˮ method for determining the seizure protection of E.P. lubricants. – SAE J. (Trans.). - 1939. - vol. 44, № 5. - Р.193


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020



Andriyash Yuriy National Aviation University, Kiev Scientific adviser - Kataeva M.O. Cand. tech. of sciences.

The creation and use of unmanned aerial vehicles has been a major breakthrough in intellectual achievement. Innovations are used in all elements of these devices: from modern composite materials to the latest navigation equipment. A drone is an aircraft that flies and lands without the physical presence of a pilot on board. In the modern world, unmanned aerial vehicles or as they are called drones, have not been used only recently by military and scientists. They have firmly entered our modern life. Drones use a variety of features such as: - delivery of food and goods; - extinguishing a fire in difficult conditions; - monitoring of plants and soil - livestock and wildlife tracking; - provide food and medicine supplies to hard-to-reach areas; - providing information from battlefields, large-scale events and sports competitions; - shooting of fantastic and impressive materials; - assistance to medical, scientific and military personnel. For example, in Australia, a drone-fast in the housing of which is a defibrillator, helps to provide medical care before the arrival of doctors, as well as drone-rescuers will deliver sinking lifebuoys and oxygen cylinders. Drones are useful to farmers in the farm with the help of drones irrigate the fields, make fertilizers and pesticides, as well as control crops. Therefore, aircrafts have enormous advantages, they allow to solve a huge number of large-scale problems. Big companies are financing the creation of new models with more serious functionality designed to increase profits from their operations. The public services use them for the protection and safety of people, the doctors with the help of drones save lives, the army uses them for fighting. And ordinary people enjoy the opportunity to see the world from a new perspective, to enjoy the beauty and unique charm of the planet.

References 1. Stetsenko O.O. Space systems of information support for unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes: a textbook / OO Stetsenko, Yu. G. Danik, MS Pastushenko. - K .: MO of Ukraine, 2004. - 298 p. 2. Shulizhko V.V. Main directions of development and use of unmanned aerial vehicles: a textbook / V.V. Shulizhko. - K .: MO of Ukraine, 2013. - 65 p.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Barishnikov D.S. National Aviation University, Kiev Scientific adviser - Kataeva M.O. Cand. tech. of sciences.

New technologies in energy used to develop industrial production [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], because every day the problem of energy, its receipt for needs. The economy is sharpening and requires new approaches to solving problems energy security of each state. The most rational way development is the conduct of complex research and the introduction of innovative methods of energy production. To date, the following species are known of innovative energy: 1. Power plants based on dynamic superconductivity. At a certain speed of rotation of disks there is an effect of dynamic superconductivity of current, which allows to generate powerful magnetic fields, these fields can be used to generate electricity. 2. Atmospheric electricity. This line of research combines different ways of obtaining accumulated in the atmosphere of electrical energy. 3. Induction heaters. Modern induction boilers provide more thermal energy at the same cost electricity. 4. Vortex heat generators. These heat generators used for space heating, fluid is pumped into them the pump is connected through pipes in some way and is heated to large temperatures. 5. The magnetomechanical power amplifier in which Earth's magnetic field is used to increase the rotational speed generator shaft. 6. Engines without mass emission, but the prospects of this direction not yet determined. 7. Plasma generators. Experiments with different designs are now being carried out at the laboratory level. 8. Tense closed outlines. The implementation of such kinematic schemes allows to obtain additional energy, such as in the construction of waste mills polymeric materials. 9. The nanowire battery. It is a kind of lithium ion battery in which the traditional graphite battery anode is replaced by stainless steel anode covered with silicon nanoconductor. 10. Wireless transmission of electricity. Wireless chargers for household use electronics are becoming extremely relevant and in demand today. 11. CORTEGE. This is a modern technology based on yes called dynamic superconductivity. 12. Atmospheric electricity. In this In the case of collecting atmospheric charges, certain metals can be used, which can be used to generate electricity in wet locations climate. 13. E-Cat. The principle of operation of such reactors is based on the use of quality of nickel and hydrogen fuels, in the process of which thermal energy is released energy and copper is formed. 14. Electrochemical streaming supercapacitors - a new concept of rapid energy storage and recovery. Arguments and evidence of the benefits of the research concept of streaming supercapacitors presented in the journal Advanced Energy Materials. Published in the article the output of streaming cell performance is quite promising, which gives an opportunity to discuss further steps in the development of this technology. Center materials science, Materials Research Center (Ukraine), participated in the development engineering design of supercapacitor flow cell (Electrochemical Flow Cells) and experimental pilot production model for new technology. For a long time, the world economy did without innovations in energy,


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 and so-called "alternative sources" did not create a real replacement for the burning of hydrocarbon fuel. Biofuels, wind and solar generators did not put old energy at risk. Development revolutionary technologies in energy, to produce atmospheric electricity or economic autonomous generation, did not find the support of large ones corporations. In the coming years there will be other inventions that will allow radically reduce the cost of energy [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Conclusions. All the planned reforms and development programs it declares the Ukrainian leadership is long-term and requires considerable investment. It is now inappropriate to invest the latest resources and borrowed money in the aging industry - Coal, metallurgy, heavy engineering. In our opinion, it is necessary start by introducing those areas that will give a positive, animated returns from the start that have sufficient legislative support, economic attractiveness and real sources of financing. This applies, above all, to the areas of energy-modernization of the utilities of the country, the development of "green" energy, and energy conservation. It is also important to note that unlike subsidies to traditional energy, alternative energy subsidies do not go to to the extraction of fossils, and not to the next "modernization" of ancient technologies, a completely on new production and R&D, ie serves as the driver of the economy and technology development [6]. It is part of the global economic crisis energy crisis, which is reflected in the rise in price of key energy resources, oil and gas. A dramatic reduction in the cost of electricity is one of the prerequisites overcoming the crisis and launching a new boom in the economy. The faster it is the more scientific, cultural, social, political and economic progress.

References: 1. Колташов В. Энергетическая революция: проблемы и перспективы мировой энергетики // ЭСКО. Энергетика и промышленность. Электронный журнал, 2013. – №6(138). 2. Толбатов В.А. Організація систем енергозбереження на промислових підприємствах : навч. пос. / В.А. Толбатов, І.Л. Лебединський, А.В. Толбатов – Суми: Вид-во СумДУ, 2009. – 195 с. 3. Толбатов В.А. Техніко-економічне обргрунтування побудови систем управління підвищеної надійності / В.А. Толбатов, А.В. Толбатов, С.В. Толбатов // Вісник СумДУ. Серія технічні науки. – 2012. – №3. – С.68-71. 4. Толбатов А.В. Алгоритм формування сигналу управління програмним регулятором подачі палива для газотурбінної установки / А.В. Толбатов / Вимірювальна та обчислювальна техніка в технологічних процесах. – Хмельницький, 2014. –№ 4. – С. 64–67. 5. Метод моделюваннія сигналів контролю функціонування газотурбінної установки для розробки нових інформаційних технологій / А.В. Толбатов / Вимірювальна та обчислювальна техніка в технологічних процесах. – Хмельницький, 2015. –№ 1. – С. 200–203. 6. Результати використання інформаційної технології для газотурбінної установки / А.В. Толбатов / Вимірювальна та обчислювальна техніка в технологічних процесах. – Хмельницький, 2015. –№ 2. – С. 173–178. 7. Tolbatov А.V. Information technology for data exchange between production purpose integrated automated systems / P.M. Pavlenko, А.V. Tolbatov, V.V. Tretiak, S.V. Тolbatov, V.A. Tolbatov, H.A. Smolyarov, O.B. Viunetko // Magazine Measuring and computing devicesin technological processes. – Khmel'nyts'kyy, 2016. – №1 –P. 86–89.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Biryukov Andriy National Aviation University, Kiev Scientific adviser - Kataeva M.O. Cand. tech. of sciences.

New technologies are increasingly captivating our lives.Ordering food, taxis, household goods, and even drinking water - has firmly settled in our smartphones. Thanks to information technology, whole factories are now operating, helicopters are flying and homes are being designed. The world of technology news naturally consists of what most interested in humanity at the beginning of the 21st century: computers and smartphones, energy and renewable energy, progressive ideas in construction, modern auto models and scientific inventions in the field of medicine. All this makes our life more comfortable, longer, more interesting and easier. The latest technologies in software and mobile phones are developing at the fastest pace. Little by little, one step at a time - all the time, but the world's leading companies and professionals are leading us to complete automation and artificial intelligence IBM representatives have demonstrated what they call the world's first integrated quantum system for commercial use. Outside, the Q System One is a cumbersome 2.75-meter face. The computing system externally protects an airtight enclosure made of high-strength borosilicate glass, and a special cold mode is maintained inside. The sample presented to the public at CES was only a quantum computer model. However, according to IBM, a real working prototype exists. It is now within the walls of IBM's research lab, but in the second half of 2019 in Poughkeepsie, New York, the corporation will open a Quantum Computing Center, and representatives of business and scientific organizations will be able to gain paid access to Q System One. If you believe IBM, Q System One can perform 20-cc computations using classic computer components and quantum solutions. In the future, the corporation expects to increase the capacity of the system to 50 qubits. Q System One is expected to help with many large-scale tasks, such as modeling new materials and drugs. Therefore, to summarize, we can say that the basis for fear of new technologies still exists. On the other hand, they will improve the quality of life of all mankind. Like any technology, artificial intelligence needs skillful management. Will we be able to adapt to current trends? Will modern universities be able to meet the needs of future students seeking new knowledge

References 1. Stetsenko O.O. Space systems of information support for unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes: a textbook / OO Stetsenko, Yu. G. Danik, MS Pastushenko. - K .: MO of Ukraine, 2004. - 298 p. 2. Shulizhko V.V. Main directions of development and use of unmanned aerial vehicles: a textbook / V.V. Shulizhko. - K .: MO of Ukraine, 2013. - 65 p.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Glushchenko I.O. National Aviation University

Today still not mastered virtually inexhaustible fuel nuclear fusion installation and operation in this direction will be extremely difficult and costly, primarily because obtaining a thermonuclear reaction in a confined space requires a huge concentration of energy and its retention in contrast to the vastness of the processes on the Sun. But learn a lot of modification of nuclear decay and ensure their high reliability and safety after a series of accidents in the world, some of which had disastrous consequences. Even more are mastered thermoelectric power with local thermodynamic processes and gidroenergostroy with passive thermodynamics of energy transformation on the gradient of the gravitational field of the Earth. In the world of widely developing in many other types of energy conversion: wind power plants, facilities which are truly giant and solar power, based on concentration of solar radiation, vast fields of mirrors to guide a capture transducer. Each of the existing types of power plants most appropriate in its own terms, where its features are most cost-effective and efficient. The development of new, sometimes exotic, converters continues from the scale, to portable, the most promising of which presented today fuel cells. In addition, multiple nodes of different power plants require development and modification, from energy, to control and control, where a special place is occupied by questions of security, especially for cases of high concentration of energy and hazardous by-products. In this process, its place is the company Russian Energy Technologies (RET). The scope of her interests and influence goes beyond the scope of energy topics. But the main direction, apparently, is considered to be what is brought to the main page, in particular, the development of safety technologies for nuclear power plants and thermal power plants. Among the areas of research and development of new technologies in the electric power industry, the following can be distinguished: development of pumped storage power plants - PSPP - cyclical movement of water between two basins at different heights: at night with less electricity demand, surpluses are used for pumping to the upper basin; the development of nuclear decay energy - primarily the elimination of many of its secondary and harmful features; the development of "non-traditional" systems of power plants - increasing their share in the total volume, which today is only 0.07%, in Russia such a representative is the Kamchatka Geo-TPP in Pauzhetsk with a capacity of 11 MW; the development of the latest technologies - in Russia, wind power plants are particularly promising, air-vacuum power plants - a wind farm with a vertical pipe, where the turbine is located on a vertical shaft.

References 1. Methodology of scientific research: Navigation. /IN. I. Zatserkovny, I. V. Tishaev, V. K.Demidov. –Nizhin: NDU im.M. Gogol, 2017. – 236 pp. ISBN 978-647-527-156-8 2. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook / A. A. Ludchenko, Ya.A. Ludchenko, T.A. Primak. -TO. : Znannya Island, KOO, 2000. –114.


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Klepach M., PhD, Assoc. Prof. National University of Water And Environmental Engineering, Rivne,Ukraine

Modern coordinate measuring machines (CMM), in most cases, are built on the basis of robotic manipulators that move the measuring head relative to the part being studied and are complex hardware and software systems with high requirements for accuracy and speed of positioning. Manufacturing hardware requires significant resources. In addition, the control systems of such devices are quite complex and often contain intelligent components. Therefore, there is a need to develop manipulator models for preliminary analysis of their properties, development and testing of their control systems. The use of parallel structure mechanisms implies that the end link of the system is connected to the base by several closed kinematic chains that perceive load as space trusses [1]. Parallel structure manipulator model for CMM was developed using a set of Matlab application software, including the Simscape Multibody package, which is part of the Simulink simulation environment. The motion control subsystem is implemented on the basis of three PID controllers with transfer functions of actuators and also contains task blocks and adders for determining the discrepancy of the feedback signal and the task. Given that the kinematic circuits are identical, the PID controllers have the same settings. The controllers were optimized using the built-in functions of the units that implement them. During the simulation, the task value of the rotation angle of the kinematic drive actuator with an interval of 2s was applied to the automated control system and changed with the help of the Step function block. The result is the transient characteristics of the angles of rotation of the drive hinges in time (Chain 1… 3 Angle), as well as the absolute coordinates of the center of the movable platform relative to the center of the base (X, Y, Z coordinate), which were recorded using the Measurement system subsystem. In such a way we obtained that the process is stable, without over-regulation, and the transition time does not exceed 0.3s, and therefore can be used to control such devices. Thus, the developed model can be further adapted to manipulators that are based on mechanisms with the parallel structure of the different mass, linear dimensions, actuators, etc. The developed system of automatic motion control of the manipulator with parallel structure satisfies the requirements of the quality of regulation, so it can be used in the development of the prototype of such a device.

References: 1. Hamid D Taghirad. Parallel robots : mechanics and control. CRC Press, 2013


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Kataiev D.A. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser – V.P. Kvasnikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Depending on the purpose of the research and the type of electric mode calculations, both detailed and equivalent renewable energy (RES) models may be used. With the help of a detailed model, it is possible to perform almost all kinds of studies: calculation of steady-state modes, electromechanical transients, etc. However, creating such a model requires not only detailed information on the parameters and debugging of the elements of RES, but also a considerable amount of time, which is not always necessary and appropriate. That is why the task of developing and implementing simplified equivalent RES models is urgent. An equivalent model is a simplified model for performing only certain types of research. The creation of equivalent models is based on the simplification of a detailed RES model according to the type of research that is planned for the conduct. The main steps in simplifying the RES model are: 1. Presentation of RES by one node in the grid; 2. Detailing of power output tires; 3. Detailing to the level of the power collection scheme; 4. Detailing to the inverter station level; 5. Detailing to the level of individual inverters; 6. Detailing to the level of PV panel on direct current. Thus, simplification is done by removing from the full model the appropriate levels of detail. In the general case, the RES model integrated into the unified power grid of Ukraine consists of appropriate levels of detail: 1. The level of representation of RES by one node in the power system (RES are represented by one source of variable power at high voltage (110… 330 kV) in the power system); 2. The level of the RES power output buses (the RES presentation is performed in a generalized manner, with AC sources on low voltage buses, usually 10 kV, without taking into account the power collection scheme); 3. Level of RES collection scheme (deployment to collector system level, inverters together with their 0.4 / 10 kV boost transformers represent one AC source on the high side); 4. Level of RES inverter stations (deployment of RES model is performed up to the level of AC buses of RES inverters, inverter is an AC power source; complete presentation of RES collection and output scheme); 5. Level of RES inverters (deployment of the RES model to the level of RES inverters with display of DC buses with full representation of the scheme of collecting and issuing of RES power); 6. Level of PV panels (unfolding to the level of individual solar panels with full detail of DC circuits and electric circuits of low current, in this section is not considered). Thus, it is desirable to develop a RES model with detail down to the inverter level only for harmonic analysis. In many cases, it is sufficient to limit the level of representation of RES to a single node for the problems of calculating steady-state modes in electrical networks outside RES.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

References: 1. Electronic resource: Simulation of Power System with Renewables. Academic Press. – 2020. – 266. Access mode: https://doi.org/10.1016/C2016-0-00813-6


Kovalchuk V.V., Habil.Dr. Phys&Math. Sc., Prof., Mamuka K.V., Smorzh M.V. College of Computer Technologies of the Environmental University, Odessa

The specificity of the construction of nanometrology (NM) consists in the fact that with a decrease in the size of a massive body (up to the nanometer level), its physicochemical properties change significantly. Because this is a new phase of the substance is formed, which differs from the initial one. The characteristic sizes of nanostructures (NS) become commensurate with any physical quantity of length dimension. For example, de Broglie wavelength, mean free path of conduction electrons, skin depth. Other properties are also emerging. So, in metals, the nature of the interatomic bond changes from metallic to covalent. With a decrease in size to ~ 2-3 nm, electrons are localized, catalytic activity is manifested, conductivity fluctuations occur. This leads to the absence of self-averaging in the NS. At the same time, the morphology of NS becomes more diverse. The formation and development of NM today is associated with two areas. The first of them is aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of methods for measuring the metrological characteristics of nano objects (NO). Here it is necessary to improve the measurement technology at the nanometer level. The second development path is associated with the development of new methods for measuring the metrological characteristics of NO. This is the area where the special properties of matter, quantum-dimensional, that are not characteristic of macroscopic objects, begin to manifest themselves. The difficulties of NM are highlighted and analyzed in detail. Namely: a) an unambiguous definition of the scale of a physical quantity; b) the choice of methods and means of measurement and control; c) improvement of methods for determining the accuracy of measurements and ensuring the uniformity of measurements. A methodology is proposed for revising the definitions of units of measurement defined by fundamental constants in the context of the quantum-dimensional specifics of NS. So, a quantum electric standard can be represented by a metrological triad that relates the measured quantities (voltage V, current I and frequency ν) to quantum effects: the unsteady Josephson effect (V / ν = 2me / h), the quantum Hall effect (V / I = m h / e2), the effect of single-electron tunneling (V / ν = me). The solution of these problems requires the construction of the fundamental foundations⋅ of NM. Namely. 1) The study of the physical, chemical, mechanical, tribological, optical, electrical properties of NS. 2) The determination of the limiting parameters of NS, at which their properties begin to qualitatively differ from the properties of macro objects. 3) The determination of the characteristics of the NS, the measurement of which is necessary for the development of methods of metrological support and the creation of standards of the NS. 4) The revision of the physical


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 meaning of the definitions of units of measurement (determined by fundamental constants) taking into account the quantum-dimensional specifics of NS, etc. References: 1. Nanosurf. Atomic force microscopy applications [Електронний ресурс] / Nanosurf – Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://www.nanosurf.com/en/


Kovalenko Yulia National Aviation University, Kyiv

Technology decline is a central element of sustainability transitions. However, transition scholars have only just begun to analyze decline. This paper uses the technological innovation systems (TIS) perspective to study decline. Our case is nuclear energy, which is at a crossroads. Some view nuclear as a key technology to address climate change, while others see an industry in decline. We examine a broad range of empirical indicators at the global scale to assess whether or not nuclear energy is in decline. We find that an eroding actor base, shrinking opportunities in liberalized electricity markets, the break-up of existing networks, loss of legitimacy, increasing cost and time overruns, and abandoned projects are clear indications of decline. Also, increasingly fierce competition from natural gas, solar PV, wind, and energy-storage technologies speaks against nuclear in the electricity sector. We conclude that, while there might be a future for nuclear in state-controlled ‘niches’ such as Russia or China, new nuclear power plants do not seem likely to become a core element in the struggle against climate change. Our conceptual contribution is twofold. First, we show how the TIS framework can be mobilized to study technology decline. Second, we explore a range of indicators to cover the multiple dimensions of decline, including actors, institutions, technology, and context. The world’s vulnerability to supply disruptions will increase as more countries will depend on international trade to satisfy their domestic demand. Climate- destabilising carbon-dioxide emissions will continue to rise, calling into question the sustainability of the current energy system. Together with substantial efforts in increasing energy efficiency, huge amounts of new energy infrastructure will need to be financed. Nevertheless, many of the world’s poorest people will still be deprived of modern energy services. These challenges call for urgent and decisive action by governments around the world. It is clear from the analysis in WEO 2004 that achieving a truly sustainable energy system will call for technological breakthroughs that radically alter how energy is being produced and used. The government actions envisioned in the WEO 2004 Alternative Scenario could slowdown markedly carbon-dioxide emissions, but they could not reduce them significantly using existing technology. Carbon capture and storage technologies, which are not taken into account in either the Reference or the Alternative Scenario, hold out the tantalising prospect of


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 using fossil fuels in a carbon-free way. Advanced nuclear-reactor designs or breakthrough renewable technologies could one day help free the world from its dependence on fossil fuels. The pace of technology development and deployment in these and other areas is the key to making the global energy system more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable in the long term. But consumers will have to be willing to pay the full cost of energy – including environmental costs – before these technologies can become competitive. Governments must decide today to accelerate this process. Assumed to prevail in most countries during the coming three decades: • low economic and electricity demand growth rates in OECD countries; • public opposition to nuclear power, leading to policy decisions not to consider the nuclear • option in spite of its competitive costs and potential contribution to reducing environmental impacts from electricity generation; • institutional and financing issues preventing the implementation of previously planned nuclear programmes, in particular in countries in transition and in developing countries; and • inadequate mechanisms for nuclear technology transfer and nuclear project funding in developing countries. The high estimates reflect a moderate revival of nuclear power development that could result in particular from a more comprehensive comparative assessment of the different options for electricity generation, integrating economic, social, health and environmental aspects. They are based upon a review of national nuclear power programmes, assessing their technical and economic feasibility. They assume that some policy measures would be taken to facilitate the implementation of these programmes, such as strengthening of international cooperation, enhanced technology adaptation and transfer, and establishment of innovative funding mechanisms. These estimates also take into account the global concern over climate change caused by the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.

References: 1. EC Community Research & Development Information Service (2005), “A Glossary of Innovation Terms”, CORDIS website, http://aoi.cordis.lu/article.cfm?article=168. 2. Branscomb, Philip and Auerswald, E. (2002), Between Invention and Innovation: An Analysis of Funding for Early-Stage Technology Development, Prepared for Economic Assessment Office, Advanced Technology Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology. 3. OECD (2004), “Issues Paper & Background Paper – The International Conference on Innovation and Regional Development: Transition to a Knowledge-based Economy”, GOV/TDPC/RD(2004)7. 4. Н. А. Ильина, А. В. Путилов. Анализ становления, текущее состояние и перспективы развития основных участников мирового инновационного атомного рынка//Инновации, № 9, 2012.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Koversun S.V. National Aviation University, Kyiv Scientific adviser - Ornatsky D.P. d. t. n.

In low-power networks, current protection systems have become the most widespread. One of the urgent problems of building relay protection systems is to increase the noise immunity of their measuring parts. Limitation of noise immunity of the most common today in measuring bodies built on integrated circuits, the principle of action of which is based on direct comparison of medium - directional values of voltages or currents with setpoint, or on the use of time-impulse principle of comparison, makes it impossible to increase limits their scope. Indeed, a study of the noise immunity of such devices in EWB has identified such shortcomings as: • Significant influence of higher harmonics of the input signal; • Significant dependence of the delay time on the input signal level; • Significant dependence of the trigger threshold on the signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore developed and investigated with Hema is different from the previous ones between spryamlyuyuchym diode bridge and electronic relays included iterative integrating converter (Fig.1).

Fig. 1 Electrical model of the proposed measuring body in EWB .

The scheme in (Fig. 1) consists of such elements as: E1 - generator of the third harmonic; E2 - generator of the second harmonic; E3 is a useful signal generator; C 1, R 3, R 4 low pass filter ; VD 1, VD 2, VD 3, VD 4 - bridge


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 rectifier; D A1 D A2 - iterative- integrating converter; P 1- electromagnetic relay; D A3, VT 1, P 1- electronic relay; E4, P 1, P 2 - scheme of formation of set point; E5 - synchronization signal (50 Hz ). The proposed system works as follows: the signal after the bridge rectifier VD 1- VD 1 enters the input of an iterative- integrating converter (IIP) with dynamically stored devices made on the operational amplifiers D A1- D A2. Such a converter performs the function of forming an intermediate directional value of the input signal, and its amplification. Since the frequency of the network varies by no more than ± 0.5% of the nominal value of 50 Hz , the duration of the transition process can be determined by the formula

lg()вст n ==log,() + вст  Tц lg()+   Tц where n – number of cycles of balancing,   - time constant instability nehatyvnozvorotnoho connection iteratively integrating transducer, вст - accuracy output voltage installation IIP,  - frequency instability network. Tц Given that  =0,5* , γ=R2*C1 (where  = γR2+ γC1, and γR2 and γC1 Tц  are the accuracy class of the respective resistor R2 and the capacitor C1). If you take these elements of types С2-29 and К31-10 ,   you can provide ≤ 0,5* . If you select вст = is =n* =40 ms. ( - period of mains voltage). In the study of the proposed scheme it was found that at a signal-to-noise ratio of 7 dB (due to the third harmonic) the zone of stable operation is less than 7%. Conclusion. That is, it can be argued that the proposed scheme is devoid of the disadvantages of the previous schemes and significantly exceed their performance under the same conditions, and even in the absence of synchronization with the network , and the delay delay does not depend on the signal-to-noise ratio and is 20-40 ms.

References 1. Digital relay protection. Basics of synthesis of measuring part of microprocessor relays: text of lectures / А.А. Nikitin. - Cheboksary: Chuvash Publishing House. Univ., 2014. - 240 p. 2. Rs - catalog , [ Online resource ]. - Mode of access : http://ru.rsdelivers.com. 3. Relay protection of power systems: Textbook. manual for technical schools / NV Chernobrov , VA Semenov. - M .: Energoatomizdat, 1998. - 800 p. 4. PC83 microprocessor devices of the PC83 series ; , [ Electronic resource ]. - Mode of access : http://rzasystems.ru/56.html


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Koshkin V.L. National Aviation University, Kiev Scientific adviser – Kvasnikov V.P., d. t. n., professor

1. At the first stage, the determination of the coordinates of the equidistant reference points and the necessary data for defining rough passes is performed in most cases using SAP. 2. In the most HNC class CNC systems, these calculations are performed directly in the CNC system at the first stage of conversion. 3. The computing power of the devices necessary for calculating these quantities is small, since the calculation time can be several seconds. 4. For complex parts, the process of compiling a program in the machine requires the constant presence of a highly qualified technologist and programmer and takes a lot of time. 5. It is more profitable to compile, calculate and bring details to the machine in the form of a finished tape. 6. To determine the data for specifying rough passages, it is necessary to similarly calculate the coordinates of the points of intersection of the path of the semi- finished passage and the trajectories of rough passes. 7. These and similar problems are solved by the methods of trigonometry and analytical geometry. 8. At the second stage, correcting equidistant corrections and a number of constants are calculated and summed. 9. At the third stage, the set lines are interpolated in real time taking into account the set modes, etc. 10. The main types of interpolation of modern systems: linear and circular. 11. The first stages of information conversion are used in calculations by trigonometry and analytical geometry.

References: 1.Кошкин.В.Л. Аппаратные системы числового программного управления. - М.; Машинностроение, 1989.-248с.: ил.


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Lazarev V.V. National Aviation University, Kiev

Introduction: The modern proliferation of connections to the Internet, in addition to providing information and communication resources, hides the threat of unauthorized access to sensitive information. Each institution that communicates on the World Wide Web must balance the potential losses with the benefits of being able to access the Internet and ensure that their own resources are adequately protected. Topicality: One of the options for securing web servers has recently been SSH, a means of organizing secure access to computers while using secure communications channels. Goal: Identify the advantages and disadvantages of SSH. SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol used to remotely control a computer and transmit information packets. SSH functionality is similar to telnet and rlogin, but encrypts all traffic along with passwords. For secure access, an open-key asymmetric encryption authentication procedure is used to provide a higher level of security than symmetric encryption, which saves processing time and is used during subsequent data exchange. The protocol allows you to confirm the originality of the host you are connecting to. SSH supports two major protocols: SSHv1 and SSHv2. The first is based on the asymmetric encryption algorithm of RSA, and the second - supports RSA and the algorithm of asymmetric encryption DSA. An SSH server can use one of three types of keys: SSHv1 RSA, SSHv2 RSA, SSHv2 DSA. Among the characteristics of SSHv2 protocol is the resistance to listening attacks, "man-in-middle"; middle hijacking attacks; session hijacking; DNS spoffing attacks. In order to improve security, dual authentication of client-server and server-client is performed. SSH is a protocol that can be used for many applications on different platforms, including the Unix variants themselves (Linux, BSD author, including Apple OS X, and Solaris), as well as Microsoft Windows. Some applications may require the following features that are only available or compatible with specific SSH clients or servers. For example, using SSH for VPN implementation is possible, but currently only with OpenSSH server and implementation client. An SSH tunnel is a tunnel created using an SSH connection and used to encrypt tunneled data. Used to secure the transmission of data on the Internet (IPsec has a similar purpose). The peculiarity is that the encrypted traffic of any protocol is encrypted on one end of the SSH connection and decrypted on the other. The SSH server typically listens on the TCP port 22. The SSH-2 specification is contained in RFC 4251. To authenticate the server, SSH uses a party authentication protocol based on RSA or DSA digital signature algorithms. RSA or DSA EDS can also be used for client authentication, but password authentication (Telnet backward compatibility mode) and even host IP addresses (rlogin backward compatibility mode) are also allowed. Password authentication is most common, it is secure because the password is transmitted through an encrypted virtual channel. IP address


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 authentication is dangerous, this feature is often disabled. A Diffie-Hellman (DH) algorithm is used to create a shared secret (session key). Symmetric encryption, AES, Blowfish or 3DES algorithms are used to encrypt the transmitted data. The integrity of the transmitted data is verified by CRC32 in SSH1 or HMAC-SHA1 / HMAC-MD5 in SSH2. The LempelZiv (LZ77) algorithm can be used to compress encryption data, which provides the same level of compression as the ZIP archiver. SSH compression is only enabled at the client's request, and is rarely used in practice. There are usually two methods of exploiting SQL statement deployment: normal attack and blind attack. In the first case, the attacker selects the query parameters using the error information generated by the WEB software. In the second case, the standard error messages are modified, and the server returns user-entered incorrect input information Conclusions: SSH provides a high level of security, although it requires additional computing load. The following guidelines are recommended for SSH security: Deny access from potentially unsafe addresses; deny remote root access, blank password connection, or disable password login; choose a non-standard SSH server port; use long SSH2 RSA keys; restrict the list of IPs from which access is allowed; periodically review authentication error messages; introduce attack detectors such as IDS (Intrusion Detection System); use honeypots forging SSHservice. In plain language, WAF is a versatile way to minimize human-related threats when creating web applications. Like any universal method, WAF has several drawbacks. The main problem of modern WAF lies in their architecture based on a general principle. They all use signature analysis to determine the type of threats. The disadvantage of this approach is obvious - its easy detection and relatively easy way to bypass. One of the possible solutions to this problem we see in the application of methods of behavioral analysis. The principle of this approach is fundamentally different from the signature one. Normal behavior is taken as the basis, for example, in script C, reading from table A is normal, if reading from table B is normal, it is considered abnormal. This approach in theory can close the vulnerabilities associated with signature analysis.

References: 1. Захист веб-додатків – 2010. http://www.ereading.club/bookreader.php/1012355/DJ- Andrey-sXe_-_Zaschita_veb-prilozheniy.html. 2. Євтєєв Д. Методи обходу Web Application Firewall / Дмитро Євтєєв. – http://www.ptsecurity.ru/download/PTdevteev-CC-WAF.pdf. 3. Седерхольм Д. Пуленепробиваемый Web-дизайн. Повышение гибкости сайта и защита от потенциальных неприятностей с помощью XHTML и CSS / Ден Седерхольм, 2006. – 256 с. – (Школа Web-мастерства).


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Madamov A. O. National Aviation University, Kiev Supervisor – Kvach Y.M., Cand. Sc., associate professor

Nowadays, it is best to use LED lighting in parking lots, because LED virtually eliminates ongoing maintenance with some fixtures, staying bright for up to 100,000 hours. While HID systems fade quickly and turn yellow over time, LED area lights maintain their color temperature for years, giving you longer lasting and higher quality light. The lighting standards for different zones of parking lots are controlled by Governmental Building Regulations standards. They indicate the level of lighting for each individual zone. The most intensive coverage areas of entry and exit of vehicles, places of the largest concentration of people. These areas are the areas of greatest risk, therefore, increased attention is paid to their coverage. According to Governmental Building Regulations, lighting standards should be: -horizontal Illuminance – 60 lux on the territory of the passage of cars and 7-60 lux on the territory of the parking lot; -cylindrical illuminance – 1 lux throughout the parking and 10 lux in walking areas. The model of LED parking lot illumination, which is located in Kiev on 5 Vasilenka Street, is made using the DiaLUX software

Fig.1 3D visualization of the parking lot on 5 Vasilenka Street

References: 1.Governmental Building Regulations. 2.DIN 67528-(Deutsches Institut für Normung)


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Rudenko V.G. National Aviation University, Kiev Scientific adviser - Kataeva M.O. Cand. tech. of sciences

Decision support systems (DSS) - one of the areas of artificial intelligence - are increasingly being used in various areas of human activity where the challenges of choosing alternatives and finding effective solutions arise. SPDs are undergoing major changes to expand their functions through the integration of heterogeneous formalisms and tools, so they take different approaches to constructing SPPs. Using DSS to solve problems and support decision-making can take place both offline and in real time. When used in the off-line mode, the DWPs are mainly a combination of expert systems and mathematical modeling tools. However, DSSs that are focused on use in the DC system (ECO, EEC, EM, EEE) must provide operational and dispatching personnel with the results of their "real-time" operational management. Decision- making is a necessary intellectual component of the DC process, based on the results of the assessment of the current state (EEC, EM, EEE) and the results provided by the DSS. Therefore, DSPR in electricity is systems of support of operational and control personnel in decision making (DSPDP and do not have rigid algorithms. When creating a SPDP to solve the complex problems of DC EEE and EM, there is a need to use heterogeneous formalisms. The creation of hybrid SPDP is by aggregation into a single system of heterogeneous tools that provide the solution of the tasks of DC EEE and EM. Modern systems create a software solution for solving problems, the synthesis and interaction of components of which are determined by the ability to decompose the process of solving complex problems into simpler subtasks, which, in turn, are reduced to the level of elementary. This way of solving problems is known as the reduction of tasks into subtasks or the partial goals method. An important role is played by the structuring and formalization of knowledge of the DC domain both in relation to objects and in relation to processes. In the latter case, the structuring is performed down to the atomic structures - elementary functions, from which the corresponding computational sequences are formed by synthesis. Organizational structure of SPDP Organizationally (by the levels of information processing) in the creation of SPDP for the DC EM can be used approaches similar to those used in computer information systems of operational control. At the data access level, they implement and use the necessary mechanisms to obtain information from the data layer. In addition, at this level, an environment for data and knowledge is formed in the form of appropriate structures that use different applications located at the application and solution levels. In the procedural aspect, the data structures in the development of the SPDPR EM are interpreted primarily as forms of data that differ at the level of manipulation procedures: the same set of data may be interpreted differently by different procedures. The effectiveness of implementing such a mapping is highly dependent on the choice of the initial data structures. Along with widely used data


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020 structures, the choice of which is determined by the topological or functional features of the object that affect the processing of information, the formation of data structures in the procedural aspect also depends, as already noted, on time constraints related to problem solving. DK EEE and EM. Therefore, the choice of information structures depends to a large extent on the efficiency of solving DC's tasks in the electric power industry. Organization of the interaction of the software components of the SPDPR. The experience of developing and using the integrated SPDPR EM has shown that it is quite possible to use the OLE technology intended to organize the interconnection of different programs in order to enable its various program components to work together. Through this use, the interaction of the software components of the SPDPR EM is ensured while maintaining control over the integrity and consistency of the information contained in the structured database. SPSPR itself includes a set of dynamic servers, each of which provides a solution to a particular task or class of tasks and serves a local database containing information intended to solve this task. Dynamic server has interface and functional parts and with the help of database server "serves" the corresponding local database. The interface part is divided into visual (window) and functional interfaces. For the sake of unification, the registry of servers is allocated to a separate database, common to the tasks that are solved by SPDP EM. Development experience shows that it is advisable to use the operating system registry as such. When you install SPDR EM on a computer network, communication between servers is easily established by importing the system registers into your computer. The relation of objects of a particular local database with the objects of other databases is realized in the form of relations by key indexes. The functional part is the kernel of the dynamic server, here the services are performed at the logical level of the corresponding local database, execution of information retrieval and other procedures. In order to maintain control over the integrity of information, a system of differentiated access to data is introduced. The dynamic exchange of information between the server program and the client program is accomplished by dynamic data flows that are automatically generated and processed by the interface objects. Taking into account the special role in the DC "visual" channel of perception of information and the human- machine interface in the adaptation of models and "communication" of the dispatcher with SPDP EM, developed an interface graphical shell that implements the functions of the specified information channel and provides comfort "communication" of the user with SPDP in all modes of its operation. Depending on the task of the DC, which is solved by the SPDPR, different object-situational "layers" of information are used. Modern integrated EWS and EMS integrated systems are actually components of automated operational control systems capable of solving complex complex problems of DC. External interface tools provide up-to-date information from both monitoring tools and equipment diagnostics. This reduces the incompleteness of the information, contributing to a better assessment of the condition of the management object and solving problems.

References: 1. Okhrimenko VM Lecture notes on the discipline "Automated Control Systems / V.M Okhrimenko; Kharkiv. nat. un-t the city. Master them. OM Beketova. - Kharkiv: KhNUMG them. OM Beketova, 2015.


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Shvydiuk M.Y. National Aviation University, Kiev Supervisor – Kvach Y.M., Cand. Sc., associate professor

It is easy for the driver to find his car in well-lit parking. In this case, the driver can easily navigate in space to avoid unpleasant situations. LED installations make parking comfortable, reduce the cost of electricity and their maintenance. With high-quality uniform illumination, the number of shadows decreases and the range of visibility increases. Drivers can fully control the situation, while the pedestrian feels more secure. The main advantages of LED lighting are ease of maintenance, energy savings and cost savings. After all, the main task is in safety, security, profit and environmentally safe solution. The lighting standards for various zones of car parks and parking lots are regulated in accordance with DIN 67528, which determine the required level of illumination for each of the zones. Zones intended for foot traffic require high horizontal illumination - about 100 - 150 lux, which is dictated by safety standards in case of unforeseen circumstances or the need for evacuation. These standards are enshrined in the standards DIN 5035, DIN VDE 0108 The model of LED parking lot illumination what is located in Lviv “SPARTAK”, is made using the DiaLUX software

Fig.1 3D visualization of the parking lot References: 1. DIN 67528 2. DIN 5035 3. DIN VDE 0108


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Yaremich V.І. National Aviation University, Kiev Supervisor – Kvach Y.M., Cand. Sc., associate professor

Platforms are the territory of an airport where cargoes, passengers and luggage are unloaded or taken on board, as well as aircraft refueling and security checks. Therefore, the lighting should be bright enough, but not enough to blind the eyes and cause inconvenience. According to ICAO regulations, lighting standards should be: -horizontal Illuminance – 20 lux with uninformity ratio(average to minimum) of not more than 4 to 1 -vertical illuminance – 20 lux at height of 2 m above the apron in relevant directions [1] With respect to the other platform area, the illumination in the horizontal plane is 50% of the average illumination level of aircraft stands at a uniformity ratio (ratio of average intensity to minimum) of not more than 4: 1 [1]. Considering special purpose light fixtures, you can give preference to LED- based equipment that saves on electricity, has a high color rendering ratio, a long life span, a wide range of operating temperatures, and the ability to adjust the illumination level or maintain a set level throughout the day. The model of LED platform illumination of Boryspil airport which is made using the DiaLUX software environment is offered (Fig. 1)

Fig.1 3D visualization of the platform of Borispol airport

References: 1. Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Airfields: [in 2v.]: Volume I. Design and operation of airfields. - Montreal, 2017 .-- 350 p. - (ICAO. International Standards and Recommended Practices).


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020


Vladislav Zhabko National Aviation University Scientific adviser - Kataeva M.O. Cand. tech. of sciences.

The 3D printing process builds a three-dimensional object from a computer- aided design (CAD) model, usually by successively adding material layer by layer, which is why it is also called additive manufacturing. The term "3D printing" covers a variety of processes in which material is joined or solidified under computer control to create a three-dimensional object, with material being added together (such as liquid molecules or powder grains being fused together), typically layer by layer. As of 2020, the precision, repeatability, and material range have increased to the point that some 3D-printing processes are considered viable as an industrial- production technology, whereby the term additive manufacturing can be used synonymously with "3D printing". One of the key advantages of 3D printing is the ability to produce very complex shapes or geometries, and a prerequisite for producing any 3D printed part is a digital 3D model or a CAD file. There are many different branded 3D printing processes, that can be grouped into seven categories: • Vat photopolymerization • Material jetting • Binder jetting • Powder bed fusion • Material extrusion • Directed energy deposition • Sheet lamination 3D printing encompasses many forms of technologies and materials as 3D printing is being used in almost all industries you could of. It’s important to see it as a cluster of diverse industries with a myriad of different applications. A few examples: • – consumer products (eyewear, footwear, design, furniture) • – industrial products (manufacturing tools, prototypes, functional end-use parts) • – dental products • – prosthetics • – architectural scale models & maquettes • – reconstructing fossils • – replicating ancient artefacts • – reconstructing evidence in forensic pathology • – movie props The aviation industry uses 3D printing in many different ways. The following example marks a significant 3D printing manufacturing milestone: GE Aviation has


POLIT.Challenges of science today, 1-3 April 2020

3D printed 30,000 Cobalt-chrome fuel nozzles for its LEAP aircraft engines. Around twenty individual parts that previously had to be welded together were consolidated into one 3D printed component that weighs 25% less and is five times stronger. As of the early two-thousands 3D printing technology has been studied by biotech firms and academia for possible use in tissue engineering applications where organs and body parts are built using inkjet techniques. Layers of living cells are deposited onto a gel medium and slowly built up to form three dimensional structures. We refer to this field of research with the term: bio-printing. Every day, this industry is increasingly evolving to make our lives easier in the future. Therefore, 3D printing has enormous advantages, they allow to solve a huge number of large-scale problems.

References 1. "History of 3D Printing: When Was 3D Printing Invented?". All3DP. 10 December 2018. Retrieved 22 November 2019. 2. Grujović, N., Radović, M., Kanjevac, V., Borota, J., Grujović, G., & Divac, D. (September 2011). "3D printing technology in education environment." In 34th International Conference on Production Engineering (pp. 29–30). 3. Oppliger, Douglas E.; Anzalone, Gerald; Pearce, Joshua M.; Irwin, John L. (15 June 2014). "The RepRap 3-D Printer Revolution in STEM Education". 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition: 24.1242.1–24.1242.13. ISSN 2153-5868.


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Pechevystyi R. National aviation university, Kyiv Supervisor – O. Alexeiev., associate professor.

Civil aviation is a strategic priority of Ukraine's geopolitical, social and economic development, and an important component of industrial and social infrastructure, and its stable and efficient functioning is a necessary condition for ensuring national security, sustainable economic growth and improving the standard of living of the population. With the beginning of the restructuring of economic relations, the volume of aviation activity of Ukraine has significantly decreased. The financial situation of aviation enterprises has complicated, which has led to a reduction in the work on the development and improvement of civil aviation, and has led not only to the slowdown of scientific and technological progress, but also to the deterioration of its technical condition. The air navigation system is a source of increased danger to life and health of people, despite the significant increase in the reliability of its technical components, so it has the property of danger, and indicators of aviation activity, actually characterize how dangerous the system is. Appropriate monitoring of the real state of the system, improvement of its links and ensuring efficiency, incl. in terms of safety, it is impossible to carry out without identifying and analyzing certain quantitative characteristics - level criteria. Given the system features of the operation of the ergonomic crew-airplane environment, this task is of particular importance when flying, however, researchers do not pay sufficient attention to the characteristics of the air navigation system by the corresponding generalized indicators of the level of flight safety. Therefore, there is an urgent scientific and practical problem, which consists in the development and improvement of methodological bases and technologies for the development of models and algorithms that ensure the efficiency of the process of flight safety management, using neural network technologies, on the basis of which it is possible to create an automated system of flight safety management .

References: 1. Alexeiev O.M. Application of imprecise models in analysis of risk management of software systems / V. Kharchenko, O.Alexeiev, S.Rudas, O.Kolohina // PROCEEDING of the National Aviation University 2017 №2(71) 2. Alexeiev O.M. Monitoring device for operating climatic conductions light aircraft / A.Puzyrev,O.Alexeiev, V Leftor // Electronic and control systems #1(51)2017 Alexeiev O.M. Development of airframe design elements control technique under operational conditions /A. Puzyrev, O.Alexeiev, V.Ushakov, V. Volkogon // Electronic and control systems #2(50)2017