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Enzymatic Nixtamalization: An Improved Corn Flour Production Process

Deepak Sahai University of Nebraska - Lincoln

David S. Jackson University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

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Sahai, Deepak and Jackson, David S., "Enzymatic Nixtamalization: An Improved Corn Masa Flour Production Process" (2000). Food Science & Technology Department Records--Public Access. 1.

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David S. Jackson, Ph.D.

Dr. Jackson, Associate Profes- sor, Department of Food Sci- ence & Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln has con- ducted extensive research in the area of corn nixtamalization. He has authored several re- search publications in the area of corn quality and processing. Contact: 256 Food Industry Building, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Process Developed Lincoln, NE 68583-0919 by Phone: (402) 473-2954 E-Mail: [email protected] Deepak Sahai & D. S. Jackson Department of Food Science & Technology

[December 2000] Instant Masa Production by Enzymatic Why Enzymatic Nixtamalization ? Advantages of Enzymatic Nixtamalization: Nixtamalization

A major concern during commercial masa or For production of ♦ Enzymatic nixtamalization eliminates the instant masa flour production is the proper dis- instant masa flour, essential step of whole kernel corn posal of the excess wastewater generated from the whole kernel corn is in a solution of lime; there are no alkaline nixtamalization process. cooked in water with- waste streams (nejayote). Nixtamalization out any lime in a nix- ♦ The amount of corn solids lost is signifi- causes partitioning of tamalization tank. cantly lower, providing higher masa yields. corn solids between nix- The hot cook water ♦ Conserves water and energy, hot cooking tamal and waste water. It can be reused for sub- liquid can be recycled. has been estimated that sequent cooks. The cooked corn is then steeped ♦ Requires significantly lower quantities of corn solids loss during (digested) with a small amount of lime in a 0.05% lime, as it is neede only to achieve an nixtamalization varies between 5-14% depending solution of an enzyme at 50-60°C. alkaline pH. on corn type & quality. Nejayote waste is highly On the pH gradually starts decreasing ♦ Cooking and steeping can be completed in alkaline, with high chemical and biological oxy- to become mildly acidic. After steeping for 3-4 only 3-4 hours. gen demands (BOD & COD) and is considered an hours, the corn is removed and ground to coarse ♦ Hard and soft hybrids, stress-cracked or environmental pollutant. A typical corn nixtamal- particles in a stone masa grinder. Corn solids loss broken kernels can all be used without ad- ization facility processing 200 US tons of corn is usually under 2%. Ground corn is dehydrated versely influencing corn solids loss. ♦ every day, uses over 50 gallons of water per and milled into masa flour. Superior product quality - extra white masa minute and generates nearly the equivalent Powdered lime, CMC or other gums, flavorings flour with near neutral pH. ♦ amount of alkaline wastewater in 24 hours. etc. can be blended to improve and texture Economically viable - increased product characteristics. yields alone compensates for enzyme costs. Enzymatic Nixtamalization Technology: Minimum waste treatment and disposal Enzymatic costs. An improved enzymatic nixtamalization pro- nixtamalization cess from whole kernel corn has been developed Contact Information offers an eco- to produce instant masa flour. The enzymatic Walter V. O'Farrell nomical and an process eliminates cooking of corn in an alkaline Marketing/Technology Transfer Associate environmentally E-205 Beadle Center lime solution, so there is no nejayote generation. Lincoln, NE 68588-0669 friendly alternative to alkaline corn processing. Enzyme masa flour has characteristics similar to Phone: (402) 472-3245, Fax: (402) 472-0398 E-mail: [email protected] commercially available instant masa flour and can be used to produce masa food products using typical food processing equipment.