Introduction to Paid Advertising

March 2019 Shannon Kinney [email protected] @shannonkin Our Video & Webinar Series

• This is part of our series of blog posts, videos & webinars designed to help you keep up with online marketing

• Watch for new topics each month!

What We’ll Cover:

1. Intro to 2. Top Advertising Platforms • Ads, , Instagram, LinkedIn, Display, and Mobile 3. Understanding the Acronyms • SEM, PPC, CPC, CTR, etc 4. Measuring Results WHY Does It Matter? Digital ad spend is set to grow from $83 billion this year to $129+ billion by 2021.

(Source: Vendasta) 1. Intro to Online Advertising

“Businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads.”

What is Online Advertising? 1. A form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. 2. An effective way for businesses to expand their reach and find new customers.

(Source: Google) 1. Intro to Online Advertising

Where It Fits in the Sales Funnel

Display Ads: Building Brand Awareness

Social Ads: Engaging & Educating potential customers Social Ads & Google Ads: Direct Lead Gen 2. Top Advertising Platforms

Google and Facebook captured a combined 56.8% of US digital ad investment in 2018.

Google Ads: Video & YouTube: Developed to display ads in Ads that occur before, during Google’s ad network to web and/or after a video stream on the users. internet. Facebook & Instagram: Display: Create and run simple or Banners or other ad formats made of sophisticated campaigns text, images, flash, video, and audio. within Facebook & Instagram. LinkedIn: Mobile: Target B2B ads to Display advertising designed professionals in your industry. specifically for mobile devices.

(Source: eMarketer) Google Ads

“Google and Facebook raked in 63.1% of digital ad spend in 2017”

Google Ads:

● Get in front of customers when they’re searching for businesses like yours on Google Search and Maps. ● Show up when people search for what you offer ● Only pay for results, like clicks to your website or calls to your business.

Source: Vendasta Facebook & Instagram Ads

“Facebook has +62% y/y advertising revenue growth”

Facebook & Instagram Ads Instagram Ads Connect with the people who will love Connect with younger audiences in a more your business. visually driven platform.

● Audience of over 2 Billion users. ● Audience of over 1 Billion users. ● Extends outside of Facebook to ● Ads are built directly in Facebook’s Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, advertising platform. and Facebook’s Audience Network.

Types of Paid Advertising Targeting ● Boosted Posts: Simple ads, using a ● Location ● Education post from your Page's timeline ● Age ● Work ● Ads: Access to customization features ● Gender ● Financial in Facebook’s Ad Manager ● Language ● Home ● Relationship ● Interests & Behaviors

(Source: BrightLocal) Facebook & Instagram Ads

Calls-To-Action (CTAs)

Traffic App Installs Video Views Lead Gen ● No Button ● Install Now ● Get Showtimes ● Apply Now ● Book Now ● Learn More ● Learn More ● Download ● Contact Us ● Listen Now ● Listen Now ● Get Quote ● Donate Now ● Play Game ● Send Message ● Learn More ● Download ● Show Now ● Shop Now ● Sign Up ● Get Showtimes ● Sign Up ● Sign Up ● Subscribe ● Learn More ● Watch More ● Watch More ● Listen Now ● Use App ● Book Now ● Request Time ● Book Now ● Download

(Source: BrightLocal) LinkedIn Ads

“Over 560M active professionals are on LinkedIn. Target them by job title, function, industry, and more.

LinkedIn Ads Reach your ideal customers on the world's largest professional network.

● Drive awareness and leads in the world's most viewed professional news feed. ● Deliver personalized ads to the LinkedIn inbox.

(Source: Video Ads

“Over the last two years, the number of small- and medium-sized businesses advertising on YouTube has doubled.”

Video Ads: Reach people when they’re on the YouTube homepage or searching for specific topics.

● Build Awareness. Capture the attention of new potential customers. ● Grow Interest. Influence potential customers when they’re most receptive to your message. ● Drive Action. Make is easy for customers to take meaningful actions you can measure.

(Source: Display Ads

“US Display Ad Spending is estimated to reach $46.69 Billion in 2019 from $26.15 Billion in 2015”

Display Ads: Type of “top of funnel” online advertising used for brand awareness and comes in several forms: banner ads, rich media, and more.

Unlike text-based ads, display advertising relies on elements such as images, audio and video to communicate an advertising message.

(Source: Mobile Ads

“Global mobile data traffic is projected to increase nearly sevenfold between 2016 and 2021.”

Mobile Ads: By 2019, it is expected that 72% of all US digital advertising budgets will be spent on mobile ads.

Since 80% of all Internet users own a smartphone, the rise of the mobile ads industry is quite obvious.

(Source: Statista) 3. Understanding the Acronyms Planning & Strategy


Key Performance Indicator: Pay Per Click: Your cost for each click your ad Determine your goals and the receives. success metrics you plan to measure. Cost Per Impression: The amount charged for every 1,000 Key performance indicators are the times your ad loads to a page. key metrics you plan to measure. Pay Per View: Video or ad/image being visible on the page and 100 percent in view for a specific duration of time. Campaign Setup


Run Of Network: Designated Market Area: Call To Action:

Running your digital ads A geographic location Your call to action is your through a publisher that representing a county, state, “request” and the users may own several different or country you choose to next step after seeing your websites. target. ad.

Examples include: “Learn More,” “Donate Now,” or “Watch Video.” Optimization


Click Through Rate: View Through Click:

This is the number of clicks your ad VTC helps you measure the receives divided by the number of effectiveness of your ad campaign. A times your ad has been shown. The view through click would mean that CTR percentage allows you to measure a customer saw your ad, did not the engagement with your ad. The click, but in a later session visited higher the percentage the higher the your website and converted. engagement.

Formula: CTR percentage =((clicks/impressions) x 100) Optimization


Cost Per Lead: Return on Investment, or Return on Ad Spend: CPL model means that you are only paying for leads that are delivered to ROI is a performance measure used you through your ad campaign. to evaluate the efficiency of an Examples include when donors: fill out investment or, in the case of digital a form, subscribe to your blog, or advertising, the return on the spend. provide an email address to receive ROI tries to directly measure the more info. amount of return on a particular investment, relative to the investment’s cost. 4. Measuring Results

At the end of the day, you can spend your marketing budget on some of the most innovative advertising campaigns the world has ever seen, but unless you can prove that those strategies are working for your company - they're not going to do you much good.

● Regularly Track and Measure ● A/B Test Different Strategies ● Keep Optimizing and Improving Expert help to get you there

• SEO and Local Search Optimization • Online Marketing strategy development • page design, management • Reputation Management • Blog development and content creation • Web sites, Mobile Web Sites • SEM and paid social ad campaigns • Display advertising and retargeting • Email Marketing • …..and more! Take our FREE 2-Minute Survey at: Our Video & Webinar Series Helpful videos related to today’s webinar can be found on our YouTube channel: • Growing your business with Facebook • Developing your Brand Voice • How to think like your consumer • How to use storytelling ….and more!!

Expertise to Help You Take Action

• Recorded Webinar: All attendees will receive an email tomorrow • Webinar Assets: We will include the presentation deck in the follow up email • Marketing Consultation: Contact us if you would like a free review of your business • Sales Department: Call 207-593-7665 and ask for Deanna, Jane or James • Next Up: “Email Marketing” (an audience requested topic from Pat M.) Have Questions?

We Can Help!

Shannon Kinney [email protected] 207-593-7665 @shannonkin, @dreamlocal