Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Ma Hong

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Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Ma Hong Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Ma Hong This book is part of a series which makes available to English-speaking audiences the work of the individual Chinese economists who were the architects of China’s economic reform. The series provides an inside view of China’s economic reform, revealing the thinking of the reformers themselves, unlike many other books on China’s economic reform which are written by outside observers. Ma Hong (1920–2007) was one of the leading advocates for China’s market- oriented reforms, one of the earliest scholars to adopt the concept of “a socialist market economy”. Politically active from the 1930s, when he campaigned against the Japanese occupation, he held many important posts, notably President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in the 1980s. He was particularly infl uential in the fi eld of industrial economics, putting to use his own experiences of manag- ing industrial enterprises, and a strong advocate of the need for China’s economic development to be stable. The book is published in association with China Development Research Foundation, one of the leading economic and social think tanks in China, where many of the theoretical foundations and policy details of economic reform were formulated. Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy Series Editor Peter Nolan Sinyi Professor, Judge Business School, Chair, Development Studies, University of Cambridge Founding Series Editors Peter Nolan, University of Cambridge and Dong Fureng, Beijing University The aim of this series is to publish original, high-quality, research-level work by both new and established scholars in the West and the East, on all aspects of the Chinese economy, including studies of business and economic history. 1. The Growth of Market Relations in 10 The Theory of the Firm and Chinese Post-Reform Rural China Enterprise Reform A micro-analysis of peasants, migrants The case of China International Trust and peasant entrepreneurs and Investment Corporation Hiroshi Sato Qin Xiao 2 The Chinese Coal Industry 11 Globalisation, Transition and An economic history Development in China Elspeth Thomson The case of the coal industry Huaichuan Rui 3 Sustaining China’s Economic Growth in the Twenty-First Century 12 China Along the Yellow River Edited by Shujie Yao and Xiaming Liu Refl ections on rural society Cao Jinqing, translated by Nicky 4 China’s Poor Regions Harman and Huang Ruhua Rural-urban migration, poverty, economic reform and urbanisation 13 Economic Growth, Income Mei Zhang Distribution and Poverty Reduction in Contemporary China 5 China’s Large Enterprises and the Shujie Yao Challenge of Late Industrialization 14 China’s Economic Relations with the Dylan Sutherland West and Japan, 1949–79 6 China’s Economic Growth Grain, trade and diplomacy Yanrui Wu Chad J. Mitcham 7 The Employment Impact of China’s 15 China’s Industrial Policy and the World Trade Organisation Accession Global Business Revolution A.S. Bhalla and S. Qiu The case of the domestic appliance industry 8 Catch-Up and Competitiveness in Ling Liu China The case of large fi rms in the oil industry 16 Managers and Mandarins in Jin Zhang Contemporary China The building of an international business 9 Corporate Governance in China alliance Jian Chen Jie Tang 17 The Chinese Model of Modern 30 Eliminating Poverty Through Development Development in China Edited by Tian Yu Cao China Development Research Foundation 18 Chinese Citizenship 31 Good Governance in China – A Way Views from the margins Towards Social Harmony Edited by Vanessa L. Fong and Rachel Case studies by China’s rising leaders Murphy Edited by Wang Mengkui 19 Unemployment, Inequality and 32. China in the Wake of Asia’s Financial Poverty in Urban China Crisis Edited by Shi Li and Hiroshi Sato Edited by Wang Mengkui 20 Globalisation, Competition and 33 Multinationals, Globalisation and Growth in China Indigenous Firms in China Edited by Jian Chen and Shujie Yao Chunhang Liu 21 The Chinese Communist Party in 34 Economic Convergence in Greater Reform China Edited by Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard and Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau Zheng Yongnian and Taiwan Chun Kwok Lei and Shujie Yao 22 Poverty and Inequality Among Chinese Minorities 35 Financial Sector Reform and the A.S. Bhalla and Shufang Qiu International Integration of China Zhongmin Wu 23 Economic and Social Transformation in China 36 China in the World Economy Challenges and opportunities Zhongmin Wu Angang Hu 37 China’s Three Decades of Economic 24 Global Big Business and the Chinese Reforms Brewing Industry Edited by Xiaohui Liu and Wei Zhang Yuantao Guo 38 China’s Development Challenges 25 Peasants and Revolution in Rural China Economic vulnerability and public sector Rural political change in the North reform China Plain and the Yangzi Delta, Richard Schiere 1850–1949 Chang Liu 39 China’s Rural Financial System Households’ demand for credit and 26 The Chinese Banking Industry recent reforms Lessons from history for today’s challenges Yuepeng Zhao Yuanyuan Peng 40 Sustainable Reform and Development 27 Informal Institutions and Rural in Post-Olympic China Development in China Edited by Shujie Yao, Bin Wu, Stephen Biliang Hu Morgan and Dylan Sutherland 28 The Political Future of Hong Kong 41 Constructing a Developmental Social Democracy within Communist China Welfare System for All Kit Poon China Development Research Foundation 29 China’s Post-Reform Economy – 42 China’s Road to Peaceful Rise Achieving Harmony, Sustaining Observations on its cause, basis, Growth connotation and prospect Edited by Richard Sanders and Chen Yang Zheng Bijian 43 China as the Workshop of the 48 China and the Global Financial Crisis World A comparison with Europe An analysis at the national and industry Edited by Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Jean- level of China in the international François Di Meglio and Xavier Richet division of labor Yuning Gao 49 China’s New Urbanization Strategy China Development Research 44 China’s Role in Global Economic Foundation Recovery Xiaolan Fu 50 China’s Development and Harmonisation 45 The Political Economy of the Chinese Towards a balance with nature, society Coal Industry and the international community Black gold and blood-stained coal Bin Wu, Shujie Yao and Jian Chen Tim Wright 51 Chinese Firms, Global Firms 46 Rising China in the Changing World Industrial policy in the era of Economy globalization Edited by Liming Wang Peter Nolan 47 Thirty Years of China’s Reform 52 The East Asian Computer Chip War Edited by Wang Mengkui Ming-chin Monique Chu Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy – Chinese Economists on Economic Reform 1 Chinese Economists on Economic 5 Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Xue Reform – Collected Works of Lou Muqiao Jiwei Xue Muqiao, edited by China Lou Jiwei, edited by China Development Development Research Foundation Research Foundation 2 Chinese Economists on Economic 6 Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Guo Reform – Collected Works of Ma Shuqing Hong Guo Shuqing, edited by China Ma Hong, edited by China Development Development Research Foundation Research Foundation 3 Chinese Economists on Economic 7 Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Chen Reform – Collected Works of Wang Xiwen Mengkui Chen Xiwen, edited by China Wang Mengkui, edited by China Development Research Foundation Development Research Foundation 4 Chinese Economists on Economic 8 Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Du Reform – Collected Works of Yu Runsheng Guangyuan Du Runsheng, edited by China Yu Guangyuan, edited by China Development Research Foundation Development Research Foundation Ma Hong This page intentionally left blank Chinese Economists on Economic Reform – Collected Works of Ma Hong Ma Hong Edited by China Development Research Foundation First edition of A Collection of Ma Hong’s Works on Economic Reform , written by Ma Hong, ISBN: 978-7-80234-200-2, published 2008 by China Development Press. This edition published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2014, selection and editorial material, China Development Research Foundation; individual chapters, Ma Hong. The right of the editor to be identifi ed as author of the editorial material, and of the author for the individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice : Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identifi cation and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ma, Hong, 1920– [Works. Selections. English] Chinese economists on economic reform. Collected works of Ma Hong / Ma Hong ; edited by China Development Research Foundation. pages cm. — (Routledge studies on the Chinese economy. Chinese economists on economic reform ; 6) title: Collected works of Ma Hong Includes bibliographical references and index.
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