Update in Anaesthesia Pulmonary Function Tests and Assessment for Lung Resection David Portch*, Bruce McCormick *Correspondence Email:
[email protected] INTRODUCTION Summary respectively. There are 2400 lobectomies and 500 The aim of this article is to describe the tests available This article describes the for the assessment of patients presenting for lung pneumonectomies performed in the UK each year, steps taken to evaluate resection. The individual tests are explained and we with in-hospital mortality 2-4% for lobectomy and patients’ fitness for lung 4 describe how patients may progress through a series of 6-8% for pneumonectomy. resection surgery. Examples tests to identify those amenable to lung resection. Lung resection is most frequently performed to treat are used to demonstrate interpretation of these tests. Pulmonary function testing is a vital part of the non-small cell lung cancer. This major surgery places It is vital to use these tests in assessment process for thoracic surgery. However, large metabolic demands on patients, increasing conjunction with a thorough for other types of surgery there is no evidence postoperative oxygen consumption by up to 50%. history and examination that spirometry is more effective than history and Patients presenting for lung resection are often high in order to achieve an examination in predicting postoperative pulmonary risk due to a combination of their age (median age accurate assessment of each complications in patients with known chronic lung is 70 years)5 and co-morbidities. Since non-surgical patient’s level of function. conditions. Furthermore specific spirometric values mortality approaches 100%, a thorough assessment of Much of this assessment (e.g.