J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 1(9)276-282, 2011 ISSN: 2090-4215 Journal of Applied © 2011, TextRoad Publication Environmental and Biological Sciences www.textroad.com

Checklist of the Tree/Shrub Species of Edo South,

Jane Ihenyen; Mensah, J.K.; Osunde, W.O. and Ogie-Odia, E.*

Department of Botany, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, , Nigeria.


This study was carried out to assess the stocking status with regards to the Tree/Shrub species of the forest reserves in Edo South typified by Okomu, Sakponba, Ehor and Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha forest reserves. Randomized block design was employed in the survey of these forest reserves. Sample plots of 30 m x 30 m were marked out in three compartments of Ehor, Ozalla-Ora-Iuleha, Sakponba and five compartments in Okomu forest reserves. All trees and shrubs encountered were identified. The forest reserves had one hundred and ninety-nine species including sixty-two timber species distributed into forty-five families with twenty-one of these species common to the four reserves. had the highest species diversity of thirty-nine while sixteen of these families were monospecific. The distribution of the species in the forest reserves were as follows: Okomu, 118; Ehor, 99; Sakponba, 81 and Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha reserves 49. Thirty per cent of the species were shrubs while trees made up the remaining seventy per cent. Okomu had the highest number of shrubs (41 spp.) constituting 35% of the total number of species recorded while the remaining 77 spp. were trees making up 65%. There was no correlation between the sizes of these forest reserves and the number of species encountered in these four reserves under study. KEY WORDS: Forest reserves, diversity randomized block design, monospecific, shrub.


The forest play a vital role in regulating climate, controlling water runoff, providing shelter and food for wildlife and purifying the air. In addition, they provide valuable materials such as wood, paper pulp etc. [1]. The richest of most diverse terrestrial ecosystem on the earth are the tropical forests. Although they now occupy less than 10% of the earth’s land surface, they contain more than two-thirds of all higher biomass and at least one half of all , animals and microbial species in the world [2]. In Nigeria, the greatest number of plant species are found in Edo, Ekiti, Ondo, Ogun, Oyo, Osun and Cross River States where the annual rainfall is in excess of 2,000 mm [3]. The forested area of Edo State was 577,373 hectares which is about 30% of the state’s total land area. About 133,234 hectares was ceded through dereservation over the years mainly for agricultural purposes. By 2002 the forested area had reduced to 439,139 hectares or about 23% of the total area of the state [4]. Further studies [5,6] have shown that Ehor forest reserve had been so exploited that the density of trees/shrubs of the available population was less than one stand per hectare of each species. As a consequence of this , for various purposes, some plants have been lost and others threatened. This paper therefore seeks to highlight the stocking status of the trees and shrub species in southern Edo State. Though the state has three senatorial district, it will be grouped into two: North and South Edo (made up of Edo South and Central) for the purpose of this work. Sakponba, Okomu, Ehor and Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha forest reserves were sampled for Edo South. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Study Location Ehor and Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha forest reserves occupy an area of 7,680 hectares (76.8 km2) with 48 compartments of 160 hectares (1.6 km2) each. Ehor forest reserve lies between latitudes 6034N and 6038N and longitudes 5054E and 5058E about 56 km. North of the state capital -City, in Uhunmwode Local Government Area of Edo State. On the other hand, Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha forest reserve is located between latitudes 6030 and 70N and longitudes 5030 and 60E about 65 km. North of in Local Government Area of Edo State. Sakponba forest reserve occupies an area of 50250 hectares (502.5 km2) within Local Government Area of Edo State. It is divided into area BC 29 with 101 compartments and BC 32/4 with 75 compartments. It lies on latitude 6004N and longitude 5032E. On the other hand, Okomu forest reserve occupies an area of 123800 hectares (1238 km2) forty kilometers West of Benin City in Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State. It lies between latitudes 50 and 60 10N and longitude 50 and 5030E. It is divided into two areas BC 9 with 158 compartments and BC 10 with 318 compartments.


Sample plots of 30 m x 30 m were mapped out in the compartments of study according to the method of Inegbedion 2008. For Ehor forest reserve, compartment 81, 95 and 112 were surveyed while for Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha, Sakponba and

*Correspondence Author: Ogie-Odia Efosa. Department of Botany, Ambrose Alli University, P.M.B 14, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeriae-mail: [email protected]

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Okomu forest reserves, compartments 5,14,20; 46,59,64 of area BC 29 and 65,35 and 104 of area BC 10; 4 and 29 of area BC 9 respectively. While three compartments were sampled for other three forest reserves, five compartments were sampled for Okomu forest reserve because of its large size. All species encountered were identified using appropriate taxonomic literature [7-11]. The species diversity in each family present was also noted.


0ne hundred and ninety-nine species and their distribution into the various forest reserves are presented in Table 1. These species are distributed into one hundred and forty-nine genera and forty five families. Sixty-two of these species are well known timber plants. Fabaceae had the highest species diversity of thirty-nine. Other authors [12-17] also reported high Fabaceae species diversity in their various research sites. came a distant second with fifteen species followed by Euphorbiaceae with eleven species. Other families with relatively high species are (ten), Annonaceae, Apocynaceae, Moraceae and Sterculiaceae with nine species each while Ebenaceae was represented by eight species. On the other hand, fifteen families were monospecific indicating a very poor diversity for the concerned families. Twenty-one species were common to the four forest reserves while three (Monodara myristica, Drypetes sp. and Pterygota sp.) were restricted to Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha, twenty to Sakponba, fifty-eight to Okomu and thirty-two to Ehor forest reserves (Table II). Okomu forest reserve had the highest species diversity of one hundred and eighteen followed by Ehor forest reserve with ninety-eight species. Sakponba forest reserve had eighty-one species while the Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha reserve has the least number of species of forty-nine. This result shows that the species richness of the reserves have on correlation with their sizes. The tree/shrub species of Okomu is 65% of trees and 35% shrubs making it the richest in shrub species. Numerically this translates to seventy-seven tree species and forty-one shrub species. Sakponba had the least shrub species of five (7%) and seventy-six tree species (93%). Although Sakponba forest had the highest percentage tree species, numerically, Ehor forest reserve had the highest number of tree (90) species translating to 91% while the shrub population is eight species which is 9% of the tree/shrub species. Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha forest reserve consist of five shrubs (11%) and forty-four trees (89%) species. On the whole, the four reserves were populated by 30% shrub species and 70% tree species.


S/N SPECIES FAMILIES HABIT FOREST RESERVES OZALLA –ORA-IULLEHA SAKPONBA OKOMU EHOR 1 Dracaena deisteiliana Engl Agavaceae Shrub √ 2 D.mannii Bak Agavaceae Shrub √ √ 3 Antrocaryon micrazter A chev. Anacardiaceae Tree √ 4 Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl. Anacardiaceae Tree √ 5 Mangifera indica Linn. Anacardiaceae Tree √ 6 Spondias mombin Linn. Anacardiaceae Tree √ 7 Annonidium mannii (Oliv.) Engl. & Diels Annonaceae Tree √ √ √ 8 + Cleistopholis patens (Benth.) Engl. & Diels Annonaceae Tree √ √ 9 Enantia chlorantha Oliv. Annonaceae Tree √ √ √ 10 Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal Annonaceae Tree √ 11 M.tenuifolia Benth. Annonaceae Tree √ 12 Polyalthia suaveolens Engl. & Diels Annonaceae Tree √ √ 13 Polyceratocarpus parviflorus (Bak.f) Chesq. Annonaceae Tree √ 14 Uvariopsis dioica (Diels) Robyn & Chesq. Annonaceae Tree √ 15 Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich Annonaceae Tree √ √ √ 16 + Alstonia boonei De Wild Apocynaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 17 + Funtumia elastica (Preuss) Stapf. Apocynaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 18 Hunteria umbellata (K.Schum) Hailier Apocynaceae Shrub √ √ 19 Mezoneuran benthamianum Baill. Apocynaceae Tree √ 20 Picralima nitida (Stapf.) Th. & H.Dur. Apocynaceae Tree √ 21 Pleioceras barteri Baill. Apocynaceae Shrub √ 22 Rauwolfia vomitoria Afzel Apocynaceae Shrub √ √ √ √ 23 Tabernaemontana pachysiphen Stapf. Apocynaceae Tree √ √ √ 24 Voacanga africana Stapf. Apocynaceae Tree √ 25 Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Arecaceae * Tree √ √ √ √ 26 Vernonia amydalina Linn. Asteraceae * Shrub √ √ 27 Markhamia tomentosa (Benth) K.Schum ex Engl. Bignoniaceae Shrub √ 28 Newbouldia laevis (P.Beauv.) Seeman ex. Bureau Bignoniaceae Tree √ √ 29 Spathodea companulata P.Beauv. Bignoniaceae Tree √ 30 + Bombax brevicuspe Sprague Bombacaceae Tree √ 31 +B.buonopozense P.Beauv. Bombacaceae Tree √ √ 32 + Ceiba pentandra (L.) Garten Bombacaceae Tree √ √ √ 33 Cordia millenii Bak. Boraginaceae * Tree √ √ 34 Aucoumea klaineana Pierre Burseraceae Tree √ 35 + Canarium schweinfurthi L. Burseraceae Tree √ √

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36 + Dacryodes edulis (G.Don.) H.J. Lam Burseraceae Tree √ √ √ √ 37 Santiria trimera. (Oliv.) Aubrev. Burseraceae Tree √ 38 Euadenia trifoliata Oliv. Capparidaceae Shrub √ 39 Buchholzia coriacea Engl. Capparidaceae Tree √ 40 Carica papaya L. Caricaceae * Tree √ 41 + Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. Clusiaceae Tree √ √ 42 Garcinia kola Heckel Clusiaceae Tree √ √ √ 43 Pentadesma butyracea Sabine Clusiaceae Tree √ 44 Symphonia globulifera Linn.f Clusiaceae Tree √ 45 + Terminalia ivorensis A.chev. Combretaceae Tree √ √ 46 + T.superba Engl. & Diels Combretaceae Tree √ √ √ 47 Agelaea obligua (P.Beauv.) Baill. Connaraceae Shrub √ 48 Cnestis ferruginea DC Connaraceae Shrub √ 49 Dichapetalium guineense DC. Keay Dichapetalaceae * Shrub √ 50 + Diospyros alboflavescens (Gurke) F. White Ebenaceae Tree √ 51 D.crassiflora Hiern Ebenaceae Tree √ 52 D.conocarpa Gurke & K.Schum Ebenaceae Tree √ 53 + D.dendo Welw ex Hien. Ebenaceae Tree √ √ √ 54 + D.mesipiliformis Hochst ex D.AC Ebenaceae Tree √ √ √ 55 + D.piscatoria Gurke Ebenaceae Tree √ √ 56 + D.suavedens Gurke Ebenaceae Tree √ 57 D.zenkeri (Gurke) F.White Ebenaceae Tree √ 58 Alchornia sp. Euphorbiaceae Shrub √ 59 Alchornia cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Euphorbiaceae Shrub √ √ Muell.Arg. 60 Claoxylen hexandrum Muell Arg. Euphorbiaceae Tree √ 61 Drypetes sp. Vahl. Euphorbiaceae Tree √ 62 Hevea brasiliensis (Knuth.) Muell. Arg. Euphorbiaceae Tree √ 63 Jatropha curcas Linn. Euphorbiaceae Shrub √ 64 Macaranga barteri Muell Arg. Euphorbiaceae Tree √ √ 65 Maesobotrya bateri (Baill.) Hutch. Euphorbiaceae Tree √ 66 Microdesmis puberula Hook. F. ex Planch Euphorbiaceae Shrub √ 67 + Ricinodendron heudelotti (Baill.) Pierre Euphorbiaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 68 Tetrorchidium didymostemon (Baill) Pax & K. Euphorbiaceae Tree √ Hoffm. 69 Acacia macrostachya Reichenb. ex Benth. Fabaceae Shrub √ 70 + Afzelia africana Sm. Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ 71 + A. bipindensis Harms Fabaceae Tree √ 72 Albizia adianthifolia (Schum.) W.F. Wight Fabaceae Tree √ 73 + Albizia ferruginea (Guill. and Perr.) Benth. Fabaceae Tree √ √ 74 + A. lebbeck (L.) Benth Fabaceae Tree √ 75 + A.zygia. (DC.) J.F. Machr. Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 76 Amphimas pterocarpoides Harms Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ 77 Angylocalyx oligophyllus Bak. F. Fabaceae Shrub √ 78 A. zenkeri Harms Fabaceae Tree √ 79 Anthonotha macrophylla P.Beauv. Fabaceae Shrub √ √ √ √ 80 Baphia nitida Lodd Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 81 B. pubescens. Hook. F Fabaceae Tree √ √ 82 Berlinia confusa Hoyle Fabaceae Tree √ 83 Berlinia congolensis Bak. f Fabaceae Tree √ 84 + B. grandiflora (Vahl.) Hutch & Dalz. Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ 85 Berlinia macrophylla Pierre ex Pellegr Fabaceae Tree  86 + Brachystegia eurocoma Harms Fabaceae Tree √ 87 + B. nigerica Hoyle & A.P.D. Jones Fabaceae Tree √ 88 Cassia spectabilis DC. Fabaceae Tree √ 89 Copaifera mildbraedii Harms Fabaceae Tree √ 90 Cynometra vogelii Hook.f. Fabaceae Tree √ 91 + Cylicodiscus gabunensis Harms Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ 92 Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. Fabaceae Tree √ 93 + Daniella ogea Rolfe ex Holl. Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ 94 Dialium guineense Willd. Fabaceae Tree √ √ 95 + Distemonanthus benthamianus Baill Fabaceae Tree √ 96 Erythrina sp. Linn. Fabaceae Tree √ 97 + Gossweilorodendron balsaminiferum (Verm.) Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ Harms 98 Guibourtia sp. Benn. Fabaceae Tree √ 99 Hylodendron gabunense Tuub Fabaceae Tree √ 100 Hymenostegia afzelii (Oliv.) Harms Fabaceae Tree √ 101 Lonchocarpus griffonianus (Baill.) Dunn. Fabaceae Shrub √ 102 L.cyanescens (Schum. & Thonn.) Benth. Fabaceae Shrub √ 103 + Pachyelasma tessmannii (Harms) Harms Fabaceae Tree  √ 104 + Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ 105 + Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook F.) Brenan Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 106 + Pterocarpus osun Craib Fabaceae Tree √ √ √ 107 P. suntallionoides DC. Fabaceae Tree √ 108 Harungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Poir. Hypericaceae * Shrub √ √ 109 Icacinia trichanta Oliv. Icacinaceae Shrub √

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110 I. mannii Oliv. Icacinaceae Shrub √ 111 + Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex Irvingiaceae Tree √ √ √ √ O’Rorke) Baill. 112 + I. grandifolia (Engl.) Engl. Irvingiaceae Tree √ 113 + Combretodendran macrocarpum (P.Beauv.) Lecythidaceae Tree √ √ Keay 114 Napoleona imperalis P. Beauv. Lecythidaceae Shrub √ √ 115 N. vogellii Hook. & Planch. Lecythidaceae Tree √ √ 116 Sphenocentrum jollyanum Pierre Manispermaceae * Shrub √ 117 Memocylon afzelii G.Don Melastomaceae Tree √ 118 M. blakoides G. Don Melastomaceae Tree √ √ 119 + Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C.DC. Meliaceae Tree √ √ √ 120 E. cylindricum (Sprague) Sprague Meliaceae Tree √ √ 121 E. utilii (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague Meliaceae Tree √ 122 + G. cedrata (A.Chev.) Pellgr. Meliaceae Tree √ √ 123 + Khaya grandifoliola C.DC. Meliaceae Tree √ 124 + K. ivorensis A. Chev Meliaceae Tree √ √ 125 + Lovoa trichilioides Harms Meliaceae Tree √ √ √ 126 Trichilia lanata A.Chev. Meliaceae Tree √ 127 T. megalantha Harms Meliaceae Tree √ 128 T. prieuriana A. Juss Meliaceae Shrub √ 129 + Antiaris africana Engl. Moraceae Tree √ √ √ 130 + Antiaris welwitschii Engl. Moraceae Tree √ 131 + Bosqueia angolensis Ficalho Moraceae Tree √ √ 132 Ficus exasperata Vahl Moraceae Tree √ √ 133 F. capensis Thunb. Moraceae Tree √ 134 + Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C.C. Berg Moraceae Tree √ √ √ √ 135 + Musanga cecropioides R. Br. Moraceae Tree √ √ √ √ 136 Myrianthus arborea P. Beauv. Moraceae Tree √ √ √ √ 137 Treculia africana Decne. Moraceae Tree √ 138 + Pycnanthus angolensis (Welw.) Warb. Myristicaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 139 Staudtia stipitata Warb Myristicaceae Tree √ √ 140 Rytiginia umbellata Thom. Ochidaceae Shrub √ 141 Lophira alata Banks ex Gaertnf. Ochnaceae * Tree √ 142 aubrevillei Pellgr. & Norman Octoknemataceae Tree √ 143 Olax subscorpioidea Oliv. Olacaceae Shrub √ 144 + Strombosia grandifolia Hook. F. ex Benth. Olacaceae Tree √ √ 145 S. postulata Oliv. Olacaceae Tree √ √ 146 Panda oleasa Pierre Pandaceae * Tree √ 147 Barteria fistulosa Mast. Passifloraceae * Tree √ √ 148 Carpolobia lutea G.Don Polygalaceae * Shrub √ √ 149 Maesopsis eminii Engl. Rhamnaceae * Tree √ √ 150 Anopyxis klianeana (Pierre) Engl. Rhizophoraceae * Shrub √ 151 Corynanthe pachyceras K.Schum Rubiaceae Shrub √ 152 Dictyandra arborescens Welw. ex Hook. F Rubiaceae Tree √ 153 Euclinia longifolia Salisb. Rubiaceae Shrub √ 154 Keetia venosa(Oliv.) Bridson Rubiaceae Shrub √ 155 Massularia acuminata (G.Don) Bullock ex Hoyle Rubiaceae Shrub √ 156 + Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild & Th.Dun.) Rubiaceae Tree √ √ √ √ Merrill 157 Oxyanthus subpunctatus(Hiern) Keay Rubiaceae Shrub √ 158 Pausinystalia macroceras (K. Schum) Pierre ex Rubiaceae Tree √ Beille 159 Pavetta corymbosa (DC.) F.N. Williams Rubiaceae Shrub √ 160 Porterandia cladantha (K. Schum) Keay Rubiaceae Tree √ 161 Psilanthus ebracteolatus (Hiern) Hiern. Rubiaceae Shrub √ 162 Psychotria fimbriatifolia R.D. Good Rubiaceae Shrub √ 163 P. sciandephora Hiern Rubiaceae Shrub √ 164 Rothmaria hispida (K. Schum.) Fagerlind Rubiaceae Tree √ √ √ 165 Fagara macrophylla Engl. Rutaceae * Tree √ √ √ √ 166 Homalium africanum (Hook. F.) Benth. Samydaceae Tree √ √ 167 H. aylmeri Hutch. & Dalz. Samydaceae Tree √ 168 Homalium letestui Pellegr. Samydaceae Tree √ 169 + Blighia sapida Konig Sapindaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 170 Chyranthus talbotii (Bak. F.) Keay Sapindaceae Tree √ 171 Deinbollia pinnata Schum. & Thonn. Sapindaceae Shrub √ 172 Lecaniodiscus cupanioides Planch. ex Benth. Sapindaceae Tree √ 173 Pancovia turbinata Radlk. Sapindaceae Tree  174 Chrysophyllum albidum D.Don Tree √ √ 175 + Chrysophyllum delevoyi De Wild. Sapotaceae Tree √ 176 + Hannoa klaineana Pierre & Engl. Simaroubaceae Tree √ √ 177 Pierreodendron africanum (Hook. F.) Little Simaroubaceae Tree √ 178 Solanum erianthum D. Don Solanaceae Shrub √ 179 Solanum torvum Sw. Solanaceae Shrub √ 180 Cola acuminata (P. Beauv.) Schott & Engl. Sterculiaceae Tree √ 181 C. millenii K. Schum. Sterculiaceae Tree √ 182 C. nitida (Vent.) Schott & Endl. Sterculiaceae Tree √

279 J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 1(9)276-282, 2011

183 + Mansonia altissima A. Chev. Sterculiaceae Tree √ √ 184 + Nesogodonia papaverifera (A.Chev.) R. Sterculiaceae Tree √ √ Capuron 185 Pterygota sp. Schott & Endl. Sterculiaceae Tree √ 186 + Sterculia oblonga Mast. Sterculiaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 187 S. tragacantha Lind. Sterculiaceae Shrub √ √ 188 + Triplochiton schleroxylon R.Schum Sterculiaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 189 Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. Tiliaceae Shrub √ 190 Grewia coriaceae Mast. Tiliaceae Tree √ 191 G.mollis Juss. Tiliaceae Shrub √ 192 + Celtis mildbraedii Engl. Ulmaceae Tree √ 193 + Celtis zenkeri Engl. Ulmaceae Tree √ √ √ √ 194 Trema guineensis (Schum. & Thonn.) Ficalho Ulmaceae Tree √ 195 Clerodendron capitatum Willd Verbanaceae Shrub √ 196 + Tectonia grandis Linn. F. Verbanaceae Tree √ 197 Vitex oxycuspis Bak. Verbanaceae Tree √ 198 V. rivularis Gurke Verbanaceae Tree √ 199 Rinorea dentata (P.Beauv.) O. Ktze Violaceae * Tree √ √ Key: * Monospecific families + Timber species

Table II: PECULIARITIES OF SPECIES DISTRIBUTION S/N SPECIES SPECIES RESTRICTED TO COMMON TO ALL FOREST RESERVES OZALLA –ORA-IULLEHA SAKPONBA OKOMU FOREST EHOR FOREST FOREST RESERVE FOREST RESERVE RESERVE RESERVE 1 Alstonia boonei Monodora myristica Mangifera indica Dracaenia Lannea welwitschii deisteiliana 2 Funtumia Drypetes sp. Spondias mombin Monodora Polyceratocarpus elastica tenuifolia parviflorus 3 Rauwolfia Pterygota sp. Symphonia globulifera Mezoneuron Uvariopsis dioica vomitoria benthamianum 4 Elaeis Diospyros crassiflora Picralima nitida Spathodea guineensis companulata 5 Dacroydes D.conocarpa Pleioceras bateri Bombax brevicuspe edulis 6 Ricinodendron D.suaveolens Voacanga africana Pentadesma butyracea heudelotti 7 Albizia zygia Alchornia sp. Markamia Diospyros tomentosa alboflavescens 8 Anthonotha Albizia adianthifolia Aucoumea Hevea brasiliensis macrophylla klaineana 9 Baphia nitida Berlinia congolensis Santiria trimera Maesobotrya bateri 10 Piptadeniastrum Brachystegia Euadenia trifoliata Tetrochidium africanum eurocoma didymostemon 11 Irvingia Copaifera mildbraedii Buchholzia coriecea Albizia lebbeck gabonensis 12 Milicia excelsa Cyanometra vogelii Carica papaya Angylocalyx zenkeri 13 Musanga Hylodendron Agelaea obligua Brachystegia nigerica cercropioides gabunense 14 Myrianthus Memoxylon afzelii Cnestis ferruginea Guibortia sp. arborea 15 Pycnanthus Entandrophragma Dichoapetalium Hymenostegia afzelii angolensis utilii guinense 16 Nauclea Trichilia megalantha Diospyros zenkeri Lonchocarpus diderichii griffonianus 17 Fagara Treculia africana Claoxylen Distemonanthus macrophylla hexandrum benthamianus 18 Blighia sapida Homalium letestui Jatropha curcas Iningia grandifolia 19 Sterculia Cola nitida Microdesmis Trichilia lanata oblonga puberula 20 Triplochiton Vitex oxycuspis Acacia ataxacantha T.prieuriana schleroxylon 21 Celtis zenkeri Afzelia bipindensis Antiaris welwitschii 22 Angylocalyx Lophira alata oligophyllus 23 Berlinia confusa Okoubaka aubrevillei 24 Berlinia Olax subscorpioidea macrophylla 25 Cassia spectabilis Panda oleasa 26 Dalbergia latifolia Anopyxis klianeana 27 Erythrina sp. Homalium aylmeri 28 Lonchocarpus Pausinystalia cyanescens macrocera 29 Pterocarpus Chrysophyllum

280 Ihenyen et al., 2011

suntalionoides delevoyi 30 Icacinia trichanta Cola acuminata 31 I.mannii Desplatsia subericarpa 32 Sphenocentrum Celtis mildbraedii jollyanum 33 Ficus corpensis 34 Pancovia turbinata 35 Rytiginia umbellata 36 Psilanthus ebracteolatus 37 Corynanthe pachyceras 38 Dictyandra arborescens 39 Euclinia longifolia 40 Keetia venosa 41 Massularia acuminata 42 Oxyanthus subpunctatus 43 Pavetta corymbosa 44 Porterandia cladantha 45 Psychotria fimbriatifolia 46 P.sciandephora 47 Chyranthus talbotii 48 Deinbollia pinnata 49 Lecaniodiscus cupanioides 50 Solanum erianthum 51 S.torvum 52 Cola millenii 53 Grewia coriacea 54 G.mollis 55 Trema guineensis 56 Clerodenron capitatum 57 Tectonia grandis 58 Vitex rivularis


Though all the forest reserves were poorly populated, Ozalla-Ora-Iulleha was the worst and should be restocked with indigenous tree and shrub species. The forest reserves were mostly made up of wildings due to heavy exploitation particularly logging. Efforts should be made to control the intensity of logging so as not to strip the reserves of the few remaining economic trees.


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