Lytchett Minster School | Newsletter

July 2019

elcome to the July edition of the WNewsletter! Firstly, my sincere congratulations to all our Year 11 and 13 students on successfully completing their GCSEs and A level exams. After many months of revision, and hours and hours of exams, they can now look forward to a well- deserved and extended period of rest and relaxation. Let’s hope they all get the outcomes they deserve. As for their long-suffering parents, I am sure they need a break as well!

This month’s newsletter has features on our first ever inter-House drama competition held in the beautiful Pavilion, the French Exchange trip to Les Pieux, the Year 9 trip to , the Schools’ Sailing Regatta (in which Lytchett came first), the Year 11 Prom at Athelhampton House, the DofE Silver Award expedition and reports of some outstanding individual achievements in golf, volleyball, horse-riding, dance and football. We have a very busy and exciting few weeks left ahead of us with the Year 9 Trip to Careers College (1st July), Year 7 PiXL Leadership Day (2nd July), Year 6 Transition Day (4th July), Sandwalk (5th July), DofE Silver expedition (12th July), the performance of the operette, Carnival of the Animals (15th July), Sports Day (16th July), Prize Giving Day (18th July) and the visit of 25 Taiwanese students (8th-11th July). I would once again like to thank our PTA team, led by Louise Christopher, for all their hard work this year. I am particularly grateful for their support with the second-hand uniform shop. If you have any unwanted items of school uniform at home (especially shirts, ties and blazers), please bring them in to the main front office. In this Newsletter we also remember Mrs Amanda Meredith (née Clowes) who sadly passed away this month. Mrs Meredith was a very popular, successful and highly respected teacher of art and textiles and a very caring tutor. She taught many thousands of young people during her 24 years at Lytchett, a number of whom went on to study art and textiles at university. From the many heartfelt comments left in her memory on the school website, it is clear that she was an inspiration to many. If ever there was a teacher who ‘made a difference’ in the lives of her students, it was Mrs Meredith. She was a very colourful character with an amazing dress sense and a fantastic and exuberant sense of humour. She will be greatly missed by her colleagues and her devoted husband, Simon. Mrs Meredith’s sad passing is a reminder to us all to take care of ourselves and each other, and to show kindness at every opportunity.

Andrew Mead Headmaster

 01202 622413 • • /lytchettminsterschool 1

Student of the Month

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated as July Student of the Month:


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Isabelle Richards Alana Dawson Hannah Franzmeier Lucy Bagg Year 8 Year 10 Year 9 Year 8


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Erin Gray Roza Bailey Olivia Stark Year 9 Sixth Form Year 8


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Liam Travers Ella Wilson Izzy Brooks Year 7 Sixth Form Year 7


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Lewis Ball Emma Simpson Zach Little Year 13 Year 10 Year 9



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Amie Dempster Sophie Lerigo Josephine Dolman Year 7 Year 7 Year 7


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Jack Hillman Olivia Thorp Jacob George Year 9 Year 10 Sixth Form

School Games

“Can Do” Sailing Event 2019 On Tuesday 11th June 2019, three students participated in the School Games ‘Can Do’ event hosted by Rockley Watersports at Park. The weather forecast was slightly off-putting but it didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the students or the Rockley staff! The day involved sailing and kayak sessions in the morning before a set of kayak races in the afternoon. The day was also supported by Decathlon who provided sports equipment for students to use. The highlight was definitely the archery area! All students conducted themselves brilliantly and had a great day on and off the water, with some medals being won in the race at the end of the day! Students: Thomas Marshall, Taylor-Jay Pannell, Fearn-maia White


Secondary Schools Sailing Regatta 2019

On Friday 14th June 2019, twelve students competed in the School Games ‘Secondary School Sailing Regatta’ hosted by Rockley Watersports at Poole Park. The forecast was for strong winds but that didn’t put any of our keen sailors off! The event was split into two fleets (Challenge and Gold) with sailors individual results adding up at the end of the day for a chance of winning the overall team trophy .

In the Challenge Fleet students competed in pairs across two races, with the lowest combined score winning overall. In this Fleet we had Oli Strutt and Finley Horn, who had sailed the event before, along with Bethany Pryor and Kelsey Brennan who had both just completed their RYA Level 1&2 sailing course the previous week. In the first race the girls led the way, managing to keep the boat upright as they sailed around the triangular course whilst Oli and Fin ended up going for a swim not long after the start! The girls ended up with a 3rd and the boys down in around 18th. They all came off the water still smiling and raring to go for race two! Race two was even windier but both boats managed to navigate the course successfully. Unfortunately the lack of consistency across the two races meant scores were not low enough to get on the podium for a medal but they all sailed so well given the conditions and the level of competition.

The Gold Fleet sailors also had two races to complete with a qualifying race in the morning and a final in the afternoon. Sailors had to get a top 5 position in their qualifying race to qualify for the Grand Final. We needed at least three sailors in the Grand Final to be in with a chance of winning the overall trophy. Things started well with River Green winning his qualifying race. Dan Holborn should have won his race however he fell out of the boat on the first lap, but sailed his socks off and managed to get back to 5th - phew! Freddie Howarth ended up 4th after a run in with another sailor on the start line. So we had our three sailors into the Grand Final. We also had Tom Cluett, Amber Hale and Dante Sinaguglia in the Petit Final with Olivia Smith-Randall and Tom McCabe in Final 3. Olivia Smith-Randall won a medal by coming 2nd in her final and Amber got on the podium too for a 3rd in the Petit Final.

For the Grand Final the maths started to get complex with each school’s top three sailors race results being combined together. The lowest combined score would secure the trophy for their school. The race was highly competitive with the top ten sailors being within 15 boat lengths of each other after lap 1. We ended up with a 2nd (Freddie), 6th (Dan) and 8th (River). It was too close to call so we went into prize giving having no idea if we would be 1st or 4th! As the results were announced we were looking to at least match last years fine 2nd place finish. In the end it was between Lytchett Minster and Poole Grammar for the top spot! Lytchett ended up winning by 3 points and are now the Dorset Secondary School Regatta Champions 2019. It was a fantastic day with all students contributing to a great team performance! Roll on the 2020 regatta next June!

Results 1st Lytchett Minster School 2nd Poole Grammar 3rd Parkstone Grammar 4th The Dorchester Schools

Team: Freddie Howarth, River Green, Dan Holborn, Amber Hale, Olivia Smith-Randall, Tom Cluett, Tom McCabe, Dante Sinaguglia, Oli Strutt, Finley Horn, Kelsey Brennan, Bethany Pryor


In Memory of Mrs Amanda Meredith

Mrs Meredith will be remembered fondly as a brilliant, caring and colourful teacher of Art and Textiles. Thousands of students benefitted from her teaching during her 24 years at Lytchett. Many have posted their thoughts and appreciation on the school's Facebook page and website. A selection of these are included below. Mrs Meredith really did 'make a difference' in the lives of her students, not only those who went on to study art or textiles at university but also those who just had the good fortune to have her as their tutor or classroom teacher. She always put her students first, frequently staying behind after school to help those who were in need of some TLC. She will be remembered for many things, including her zest for life, her kindness, her inimitable laugh and her whacky dress sense. She will be greatly missed by her colleagues. We think of Simon, her husband, and the rest of Mrs Meredith's family. This year's Sandwalk will be all the more poignant as we reflect on another of our school family that has been taken from us by cancer. The charity the school has chosen for this year's walk is Cancer Research UK.

‘I had the pleasure to teach along side Amanda for 7 years. We were tutors together in Purbeck House. We would often start the day with a cup of tea and a chat. She was so cool. Lovely. Generous. Funny and most of all a positive person. Whenever I spoke to Amanda I came away smiling. Great teacher. Great colleague. Amazing person. Missed by all xxxx’

‘So sad to hear this news. She taught me when she was still Miss Clowes! I was completing GCSE Art at the time. She was so inspiring, I remember vividly working on a final piece with her. We decided to wrap wire around a newspaper sculpture and burn it so we were left with an empty wire shell. I was very impatient and did a dreadful job of wrapping the wire, so it fell apart when it was burnt I was so cross and she was so calm and encouraging, smiling and seeing the funny side. A wonderful person taken too early. Think of her nearest and dearest xx’ ‘I remember her when I was at the school with her wacky wardrobe. she always had brightly coloured clothing which really complemented her personality. She was a lovely teacher, one of the best.’ ‘It was a privilege for any student to be taught by Mrs Meredith she was able to bring her culture, knowledge and colourful world to Dorset full of bright prints, tights and wonderful shoes! She had the ability to stretch the world out a little more around you to include new art and artists you would have never known about. Not only was she a brilliant and encouraging teacher but also a talented artist and maybe from that way of seeing the world was able to make sensitive comments and observations admiring things in students work or about them no one else saw. I remember her saying you have to be an illustrator and now I am – she gave me that glimpse into that world I am now a part of so thank you Mrs Meredith you will be sorely missed (especially your laugh) but I hope her friends and family can find some comfort in knowing that her inspiration and legacy live on in many students careers and lives.’ ‘My name is Tom Clowes and I am Amanda's father. My thanks to everyone for the warmth and you have shared with all of Amanda's family. She will be missed greatly but like you we have our special memories and love to keep her burning bright in our lives. Bless you all and may your lives be as full and happy as Amanda's. With my warmest regards.’


Year 11 Prom

Year 11 students looked stunning in their finery as they arrived for their end of year Prom at Athelhampton House on 21st June. It was a memorable night of celebration for these students who had just finished their GCSEs. The evening included musical entertainment from the staff band, Special Measures, a buffet dinner, unlimited free ice cream, a magician, a photo booth and a spectacular firework display to finish. Here are just a selection ofthe photos taken of our sophisticated, elegant young people:


Year 11 Prom (continued)


Lytchett Minster School presents…….

Lytchett Minster School presents ‘Not in Front of the Waiter or Under the Aspidistra’ adapted by Colin Graham and Vilem Tausky, and Saint-Saëns ‘Carnival of the Animals’, Monday 15th July 7.00pm. The performance will take place in the beautiful setting of the Secret Garden (Theatre if wet). The PTA will provide strawberries and cream and (non-alcoholic) punch in the interval. Both items last under 30 minutes each, the performance will finish by 8.20pm In the first half the School Orchestra will perform Saint-Saëns ‘Carnival of the Animals’, a musical depiction of creatures such as lions, elephants, swans and beginner pianists. The second half consists of an hilarious short Operetta with music by Offenbach, starring five of our most accomplished musical theatre students. The action is set in a private room of a Paris Restaurant in 1890. Two couples have arranged to meet for a romantic dinner. All of them are married, but not to their dining partner. Then the mysterious waiter makes a shocking revelation ……

Don’t miss what promises to be a truly wonderful summer evening’s entertainment. Pre-booking (via Wisepay) will guarantee a comfortable chair near the front (with tickets available on the door for those happy to take pot-luck as to where they sit!). Tickets are £5.00 (£3.00 concessions) Tickets will not be issued in advance, names of who has pre-paid will be checked on the door.

Governor News

The Governing Body currently has a number of vacancies.

We are particularly interested in welcoming to the governing body people with the following areas of expertise: education, law, finance, human resources, communication, business, hospitality and marketing. For further information, or to put forward your name for consideration, please contact Judith Hayward, Clerk to the Governors at: [email protected]


Student Achievements

Well done to Polly Davies Year 7, who recently achieved a score of 73, a very high merit, in her Royal Academy of Dance Intermediate Foundation exam, and also a first place for her ballet solo at the Bournemouth dance and music festival.

Congratulations to Amelia Fumpston and Maisie-Ella Summers in Year 11 who recently took part in the U17 Inter-regional championships representing the South West at the University of Warwick for Volleyball. The South West came out victorious winning all six matches including defeating North West in a very tense final and who have won five consecutive years in a row.

Congratulations to Louise Burke Year 10 for winning the English Schools National Golf Championship. She has now been picked to play for England schools against Wales in August and Scotland in September and will be captain of the team. If you want to follow our golfing superstar, her twitter account is @louiseburkegolf.

Congratulations to Milly Mott Yr10 who has been selected for the England Women’s Football U15/16 squad in Loughborough in July.


Student Achievements continued

Well done to Emily Ware Yr8 who has been making excellent progress with her horse-jumping. Here she is on her horse Wanda.

Francesca’s Charity Netball Tournament for Alzheimer’s Society Congratulations to Francesca Carpenter for organising a charity netball tournament. It was a huge success and £1000 was raised for the Alzheimer's society. Luckily the weather was fantastic, and a lovely team of your 6th form girls captained by Chloe Gilbertson entered and represented the school.

Congratulations to Charlie Riches (Year 10, Portland house) who completed the Jurassic Coast Mighty Hike on Saturday, 15 June to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Charlie, who was the youngest participant, completed the 26.6 mile hike from Weymouth to Corfe Castle in 10 hours and 11 minutes, placing him 235th out of the 2,217 people who took part.

If you would like to support Charlie, you can make a donation on his JustGiving page here:


Community Notices

New Evening Yoga Class

New yoga class 6-7pm. Starting Monday 15th July Held in the Portland block. Only £4 per session till 16th Sept. then £7.50 there after. Please bring your own yoga mat, and any yoga blocks and belts if you have any. For more info please contact Angie on 07884 498241 or [email protected]

Uniform Rules

Extreme Haircuts please note:

Non-naturally occurring hair colours are unacceptable for school. Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable, e.g. Mohicans, tramlines, highly gelled etc. The definition of what is ‘extreme’ will be the judgement of the Headteacher. Headwear of any kind should not be worn unless it is of a religious nature and has been previously agreed with the Headteacher, or it is a designated ‘wet day’ and it is only worn outside the school buildings. Any student who arrives at school with what is deemed to be an extreme haircut is likely to be placed in isolation.

Footwear— We have unfortunately noticed a number of students arriving at school wearing inappropriate footwear. Our uniform policy clearly states:

 All students in the main school must wear shoes that are completely black, including on their way between home and school.

 Shoes should be of a “sensible” style suitable for the wide variety of activities students tackle each day. Shoes should be weather-proof, flat soled, leather or leather-like (i.e. polishable) and cover the whole foot.

 Platform shoes higher than 3cm, heels higher than 5cm, mules, flip-flops, slingbacks, trainers or boots of any kind, and sandals, for example are inappropriate for school wear and must not be worn. Please could you ensure your child is wearing the correct footwear. We do expect all students to adhere to the uniform policy.


Inter-house Drama Competition

Congratulations to Purbeck house for winning the first ever inter-house drama competition! Their performance of The Three Snake Leaves by Phillip Pullman was unanimously awarded first prize by the four distinguished judges (including Jeanette Yorke, Chair of Governors).

The first ever inter-house drama competition, held after school on Thursday, 6 June, was hailed a great success by the friends and staff who watched it. The venue for this drama fest was the school’s beautiful new outdoor Pavilion.

Second place was awarded to Gault house for their entertaining performance of Rapunzel. Agglestone House performed Red Riding Hood, Kimmeridge performed The Frog King, Wealden performed Hansel and Gretel and Portland performed The Donkey Cabbage.

Well done to all those involved in this most enjoyable event!


DofE Silver Award Expedition

The New Forest is an ideal location for a Duke of Edinburgh’s Silver Award expedition; the landscape is stunning and the wildlife is astonishing (see pictures on the right). This year, 21 students from Year 12 took part in the Silver Award practice expedition. They made up 4 teams. Country Roads, Navigationally Challenged, Cyril and Camping Bois. This weekend was a practice expedition, something of a dry run. In two weeks’ time they will be completing their three day assessed expedition; three days of hiking and two nights camping.

The temperature on Saturday rose to 30˚, which really tested the students. This was not ideal walking weather and the priority was to stay hydrated and not overheat. All the students showed great character as they persevered in the sweltering heat. The camaraderie was excellent and the atmosphere back at camp on Saturday night was really positive.

Well done to all the Year 12 students who showed great spirit throughout the weekend. Bring on the assessed in two weeks’ time!


Health Resources in Dorset for Parents

We realise there is a lot of information available on the internet and want to signpost parents/carers and young people themselves to reliable resources.

Parent/Carer and Pupil physical health information

Wessex Healthier Together, is an excellent website with information regarding health and wellbeing topics and self-care for various illnesses, and advice for parents and professionals: NHS choices has accurate, up to date advice on a variety of health topics: children-with-minor-common-illnesses/

Chat health-Dorset text service to school nursing team– an accessible free confidential text messaging service for young people age 11-19, to get information on subjects such as physical and emotional health, smoking, drugs, relationships etc— For_screen.pdf

Mental health resources

Mental health information– a variety of resources and patient information are available: Help and strategies for anxiety:;; Advice on depression:

Advice and support around eating disorders Online counselling and emotional well-being platform Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.

Support for young people in Dorset with mental health concerns, provided by the NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service;


Health Resources in Dorset for Parents (continued)

Health education topics

Information regarding illicit substances—drug education Resources for provision of information on sexual health

List of books that tackle bereavement for children

Sports News

Congratulations to the U14 girl’s rounders’ team who competed in the PEDSSA tournament held at . The girls successfully won their games against Ferndown Upper and Allenbourne Middle to get them through to the semi-finals where they narrowly missed out on a place in the finals playing against St Edwards. The team came 3rd and are through to the Dorset School Games which will be held at Bryanston on Wednesday 19th June. Well done to the following girls: Caitlyn Walton (Captain)

Amalie Johnson Charlotte Henry Bella Leahy Danielle Dacre Rachael Robinson Lucie Etches Amelia Barber

Isobel McCourt Beth Pryor Ruby Chaplin


PRE Trip to listen to William Lane Craig’s Lecture

On Friday 24th May a group of GCSE and A Level PRE students travelled to The to listen to the American philosopher and theologian Doctor William Lane Craig give a lecture entitled “3 Reasons God Exists and Why It Matters”. Doctor Craig is one of the scholars on our A Level specification and so our students were keen to hear his views and possibly get him to write an essay plan for them! Doctor Craig argues that it makes rational sense for 3 main reasons:

1. The universe has a starting point and God is the most rational explanation of that starting point.

2. God makes sense of the fine tuning of the universe for human life.

God makes sense of the moral values and duties that we experience in the world. Furthermore Dr. Craig argues that the question, “Does God exist?” is one of the most meaningful questions that a person can ask. He goes further and says that life becomes an absurdity If God does not exist because having faith gives life meaning, value and purpose. Whilst we did not all agree with Dr. Craig we did all appreciate his skills as a public speaker and the clarity with which he expressed his ideas. After the lecture we were able to join Dr. Craig for refreshments and to ask him further questions. We also had a department photo with Dr. Craig and he even wrote a message for Mrs McCarthy who was unable to join us.

We would like to thank Mrs Sadler who kindly came into work early so that she could drive us to The Canford School. You can watch the lecture here (From 9 minutes) You can also find out more about our PRE Department on our twitter feed, from which we share examples of great work, trips, revision information and articles to extend our students’ learning. Mrs McGee Head of Philosophy, Religion and Ethics [email protected]


Sixth Form News

Head Boy and Head Girl Elections

Before half term the elections for the Head boy and girl were held in the Sixth Form and the results are as follows:

Head Girl Head Boy Ella Glass Elliott Woodhouse

If you have any questions about any items, then please do not hesitate to

contact the team via: Deputy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy [email protected] Lilian Macbeth Kieran Gibbons Still unsure where to study after your GCSEs? Come along to our 6th Form Open Evening for undecided

Year 11 students on Wed. 3rd July at 7pm in the school theatre.

Enrichment – New for 6 th Form 2019

We are launching the NEW enrichment programme from September 2019 in the 6th Form. We think education is about much more than just exam results. We are putting together a calendar of amazing opportunities to encourage our year 12 and year 13 students to work on their own personal development to set them on the path to achieving their dreams. Whether academically, intellectually, artistically or culturally! They are bound to find something to fire the imagination! So what’s on offer 2019-2020 for ALL sixth form students? Here’s just a taster:

 First Aid, TEFL and BSL qualifications will be on offer.  The opportunity to take part in and help run whole sixth form charity events.  Complete MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses)  Sports teams  Mindfulness And this is just a small selection of what will be on offer. The full itinerary will be available from September and weekly bulletins will notify students what they will be able to do.


Contacting your child’s House office

To aid quick and effective communication between parents and the House Offices we have introduced some new email addresses. Please could we encourage you to use these email addresses instead of individual staff email accounts - the main benefit to this is that if a member of staff is not in school and therefore unable to respond to your query, another member of the House team will be able to pick this up for you.

Agglestone House Office: [email protected]

Gault House Office: [email protected] Kimmeridge House Office: [email protected] Portland House Office: [email protected] Purbeck House Office: [email protected] Wealden Office: [email protected] Sixth Form: [email protected]

Please could we remind you that, whilst your child is at school, any contact with them must go through their House office. It is not appropriate for students to be using their mobile phones to ask a parent to come into school to collect them. This is a safeguarding issue. If your child is feeling unwell or needs to contact you for a different reason, they should go to their House office.

If you are collecting your child for an appointment during the school day, please come to main reception to collect them, not the church or the bus layby. Visitors to the school must report to main reception to sign in and to receive a visitor’s badge. It is not appropriate for parents to go directly to House offices.

Raid Pyrenean 100

During the summer holidays Mr Laishley will be cycling across the Pyrenees raising money for ‘About Face’ , a really great local cancer charity that does a brilliant job. The numbers for the challenge are….

 A distance of 712km (443 miles)  Climbing elevation 16,622m (54,534 ft)  In 100 hrs or less Also, they thought they would do it in the hottest month of the year, August, where average temperatures could be over 23 degrees, starting by the Atlantic ocean in San Sebastian and finishing 100 hours later at Argeles-Sur-Mer by the Mediterranean sea. If you would like to sponsor him and his team, here is the link


PTA News

Join the PTA Team for September 2019


After 6 years of running our highly successful PTA, Louise Christopher has decided to retire. We are very grateful to Louise for her tremendous energy, enthusiasm and generosity. She has been a brilliant Chair of the PTA! We are now looking for somebody to take over this vital role. If you would like more information about the work of the PTA and/or are interested in being considered for the role of Chair, please contact the headmaster, Andrew Mead ([email protected]).

The PTA Secondhand Uniform Shop

will be open at 3.30pm on Friday 12th July 2019 Please come to main school reception between 3.30 and 4.00 pm.

If you have any unwanted uniform in good condition that you wish to donate please send this in to main school reception, marked for the attention of the PTA.

Sandwalk 2019

Our famous sponsored walk from Shore Road to Bournemouth Pier and back will take place on Friday, 5th July, and the proceeds will go to Cancer Research UK with whom the school has a long association, having raised approximately £250,000 since 1996! Cancer Research will be running a Sun Safe exhibition at the beach as part of this year’s event.

All students are invited out for this day and it is very rare for us to leave anybody in school when the option is a walk along the beach for a good cause! Many of our students raise staggering sums of sponsorship money, often motivated by experiences of illness within families or friendships groups. I hope that all students and staff will aim to raise as much as possible this year so that we can raise in excess of last year’s £20,000.

As always with this event, to raise money for charity we would also like students to raise a minimum of £10 in sponsorship if they are to take part. If a student wishes to raise money for an alternative charity with whom they have a link, please ask them to let us know so that monies go to the correct cause. 19

Important Dates

Wednesday 3rd July: Sixth Form Open Evening for undecided Year 11 students (7.00pm) Thursday 4th July: Transfer Day (Year 6 pupils) Friday 5th July: Sandwalk Monday 15th July: Carnival of the Animals (operette), 7.00pm in the Secret Garden

Tuesday 16th July: Sports Day (for students only)

Thursday 18th July: Prize Giving day (for students only) Friday 19th July: Term ends at 12.30pm NEXT YEAR: Monday 2nd September: INSET DAY Tuesday 3rd September: INSET DAY Wednesday 4th September: INSET DAY Thursday 5th September: All Students in school Friday 6th September: All Students in school

Community Notices

Please remember to name all kit, uniform, bags, coats, shoes, trainers and pencil cases as this will ensure they will make a swift return to students.


Ski Trip Easter 2020

This amazing trip is open to current Years 7 to 9 and 12. If you have any questions, please speak to Mr Jeffs.