Town Hall, St Mary’s Hill, Stamford, PE9 2DR

18 November 2019

Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Town Council at the Town Hall to be held on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at 7p.m for the purposes of considering and passing such resolutions as may be necessary with respect of each item on the agenda attached.

Yours sincerely,

Town Clerk

Town Clerk: Mrs. P Stuart-Mogg E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01780 753808 Website:


Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend. Before the formal meeting commences there is an Open Forum to receive questions from members of the public. As part of this process members of the public can speak for no more than 3 minutes to address the Town Council.


1. Apologies and reasons for absence

2. Declarations of Interests: Members are reminded to declare any interests which may arise on matters for discussion at the meeting

3. To confirm the notes of the Town Council meeting held 22 October 2019 (max 5mins)

4. Reports on Outside Bodies/Organisations (max 25mins) (Each councillor has 5minutes to speak) a. b. Stamford Ward Councillors c. Town Councillors on Outside Bodies d. District Councillors e. Lincolnshire County Councillors

5. Town Clerk’s Report (max 10mins) a. Schedule of correspondence which had been circulated to members b. Matters arising from Town Council Meetings: c. Update on actions raised by members of public and other council business:

6. Events Committee Meeting (max 10mins) a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 04 November 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

7. Planning Committee (max 10mins) a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 05 November 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion and acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

Town Clerk: Mrs. P Stuart-Mogg E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01780 753808 Website:

8. Amenities Committee Meeting (max 10mins) a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 05 November 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

9. To consider suspending Standing Orders to allow for open public debate on the Town Council’s proposed 2020/21 Budget and Precept.

10. Finance Committee Meeting (max 10mins) a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 12 November 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of the Budget 2020/21 together with recommendations subject to any amendments.

11. To Approve Council’s Financial Regulations and associated documents 12. Accounts for Payment and Subscriptions (max 10mins) a. To approve the schedule of payments - No 8

13. Date of next meeting – Town Council Meeting Tuesday 17 December 2019 at 7pm

18.11.19 Town Clerk

Town Clerk: Mrs. P Stuart-Mogg E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01780 753808 Website:


PRESENT Councillor Miss B Griffin, Chairman (Town Mayor) Councillor M Exton Councillor B Sandall Councillor Mrs S J Sandall Councillor J Dawson Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor B Turner Councillor Mrs G Johnson Councillor D Taylor Councillor A Croft Councillor S Carroll Councillor D Dorson Councillor Mrs M Pitt Councillor Mrs A Carter-Begbie Councillor Mrs J Clarke Councillor Mrs E Hooper Councillor S Ford Councillor S Fenn

ALSO PRESENT Town Clerk Rev. Fr. Dennison Councillor D Brailsford, LCC Stamford West 5 members of public 1 member of press DRAFT


The Chairman of the Stamford Fairtrade Group presented the Fairtrade certificate to the Mayor It was noted that this status was achieved in 2006 with the support of the Town Council. The scheme is a vital system which supports farmers and producers in developing countries to provide food, education and health care for their families through the sale of their produce, rather than depending on grant aid. The Mayor thanked the Fairtrade Trade Chairman for the Certificate. She confirmed continued Town Council support and would endeavour to work with the District Council to install a Fairtrade sign at the entrance of the Town. In recognition of the item on Climate Change, Stamford Town Council was asked to consider declaring a Climate Emergency pledge to make Stamford carbon neutral by 2020, call on Westminster to provide the powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible, set-up an environmental sub-committee to effect a carbon audit in order to develop an action plan, sign up to the free network of towns and cities who have committed to reducing carbon emissions, where best practices are shared. Victoria Valentine offered to present a talk to the Council on this subject to enable the Council to be better informed to understand the subject. The Mayor noted the points made and thanked Ms Valentine for her attendance. Formal meeting commenced 7.15pm

241. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE(Agenda Point 1)

Councillor Ms M Couch (Deputy Mayor), and Councillor Mrs A Wheeler submitted their reasons for being late and possibly absence.

Councillor H Bisnauthsing was not present at the meeting.

Proposal 1 - It was proposed by Councillor D Dorson seconded by Councillor S Carroll and unanimously RESOLVED the reasons are noted and accepted.

Town Council

Town Council 5 Tuesday, 26 November 2019


Councillor B Sandall and Councillor Mrs S J Sandall declared a Personal Interest in respect of the work undertaken at the Bandstand and in the Town Hall as it is a relative who is carrying out the work.

Chairman Councillor Miss Griffin declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in respect of item 11139 relating to Mayoral event.

Councillor S Fenn declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of discussion related to the installation of the lights on the Bandstand and minor decoration to the Town Hall as he is involved in the work undertaken.

Councillor D Dorson declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of any discussions relating to staff as his wife is Deputy Town Clerk.

243. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

Councillor Turner raised a Point of Order in respect of Agenda items appearing to be time restricted. It is appreciated that this is to avoid extending meetings unnecessarily. However, if there is an item upon which several Councillors wished to make a contribution it may be difficult to adhere to the constraint, stifle debate and contravene Standing Orders as it may curtail discussion on important points. The Chairman Councillor Griffin stated that the times were just a guideline as to how the Council would be using its two-hour meeting and would not prevent any Councillor making a contribution nor stifle debate. Councillor B Sandall observed that the meetings could be extended upon a vote after the two hours had elapsed, and that he would be requesting an amendment to Standing Orders in respect of this matter.

The notes of the Town Council meeting held on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 had been circulated.

DRAFT Councillor J Dawson enquired where the large wooden information board is located in Red Lion Square as he could not identify it.

It was proposed by Councillor A Croft, seconded by Councillor D Dorson and RESOLVED by majority vote that the minutes are an accurate reflection of the Town Council Meeting held Tuesday, 24 September 2019 and be signed by the Chairman. There were two Abstentions.


a. Stamford Ward Councillors: i. Councillor D Dorson reported that the sink hole in Lincoln Road in under investigation and in hand with Lincolnshire Highways and various other parties. ii. Councillor S Ford reported yet another injury occurring in the High Street involving an elderly person on the defective cobles. Councillor Ford also related that a group of youths congregating in Gas Lane had dispersed quickly on being disturbed. On investigation a stash of credit cards and drugs were found and handed in to Stamford Police Station. Feedback from the Police is awaited in respect of this incident and on crime figures in Stamford. iii. Councillor Mrs J Clarke reported that there may be some positive news in respect of the Pain Management Clinic returning to Stamford and that the minor injury clinic may also be extended. Talks remain in progress. Cllr. Clarke advised that the reduction of the speed limit on Barnack Road is in hand with Councillor Brailsford making representation on this matter to the neighbouring authority. There is also the possibility that the issue of residents parking, together with the removal of the yellow lines on Barnack Road, could be undertaken at the same time. iv. Councillor Mrs Carter-Begbie informed the Council of vandalism which had occurred in local area where she lived. v. Councillor Mrs Pitt reported that the LALC Workshop she had attended with Councillor Carter- Begbie on Prevent had been very informative.

Town Council

Town Council 6 Tuesday, 26 November 2019 vi. Councillor Mrs Hooper observed that the former Tattoo Parlour in North Street by the Scotgate junction had been demolished. She raised concern that there may be the potential of damage to the old Castle wall which lay behind it. This was noted. b. Town Councillors on Outside Bodies- No report made. c. South Kesteven District Councillors – The Chairman Councillor Griffin reported that there is discussion regarding the potential to install new-style street lighting which can gather information in respect of visitor footfall and activity in the Town Centre. Research is in its early stages. d. Lincolnshire County Council – Councillor David Brailsford reported that speed assessments along Barnack Road had been undertaken prior to Cummins closing and had monitored vehicle movements with speeds not exceeding 35mph. There is a chance that a 30mph speed limit can be extended, dependent on LCC Highways Policy changing. It was hoped that this could also apply to along Uffington Road, but would not be extended as far as was hoped and may fall short of the full length. Councillor Brailsford reported that Admission figures for Welland Academy for Year 7 in 2020 Year is 120, but it is anticipated that this admission level is to increase to more than 500 in the future. It was noted that Lincolnshire County Council is not responsible for Welland Academy which is operated by Cambridge Meridian Academies Trusts. A question was raised in respect of the progress of the repairs along the High and Ironmonger Street which should be a priority. Councillor Brailsford confirmed that a specialist team had been contracted for 8weeks to address the issues for which a budget of £50K had been earmarked. It was asked that a full breakdown of the cost of these works is available to the Town Council. A question was also raised in respect of the work by Councillor Richard Davies on the A1. Councillor Brailsford advised that the A1 is the responsibility of Highways and discussions continue on the issues which impact Stamford. e. Police Report - The Town Clerk advised that Inspector Blackwell submitted her apologies. However, she had submitted a report which was available for Councillors to view should they wish. The Inspector hoped to attend the next Town Council meeting. There was discussion as to why no detailed reports are forthcoming from the new Inspector in respect of crime figures. The Town Clerk advised that the Inspector was perturbed that a report she had submitted to the Town Council had found its way to social media. In view of such DRAFTaction , a report would be submitted to the Town Clerk which could be viewed by Councillors. Councillor Carroll expressed his dissatisfaction as to the lack of information forthcoming on crime in Stamford.

245. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT(Agenda Point 5)

a. Correspondence – A schedule of correspondence had been e-mailed to all members to examine. Any queries relating to any element of such correspondence should be directed to the Officer dealing with that item.

b. Matters related to Council business: i. Burghley Sermon Sunday 27 October – Councillors were reminded to submit their RSVPs to the Civic Officer and that they should assemble at the Town Hall by 10.30am in readiness for procession. ii. Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning Friday 01 November – Councillors were encouraged to attend the Coffee Morning which is being held at the Town Hall from 10am. iii. Remembrance Sunday 10 November – Councillors were reminded that they should assemble at Browne’s Hospital at 10.30am for the service which will commence promptly at 10.45. Councillors were also encouraged to attend the services of Dedication at the Garden of Remembrance on Saturday 02 November and the Armistice Day Service on Monday 11 November. iv. WW2 Remembrance Concert Monday 11 November – Attention was drawn to the concert being held at the Town Hall at 7.30pm to support the Royal British Legion. Tickets are available from the Town Hall. v. Tourism Working Group meeting on Wednesday 23 October - The agenda has been issued and circulated. Any Councillor wishing to attend the meeting is welcome. It is due to be Chaired by Councillor Carter-Begbie.

Town Council

Town Council 7 Tuesday, 26 November 2019 vi. Application of Village Green – Notice had been received of the application for Village Green status for Cherryholt Green. This was noted. vii. Decommissioning of BT Kiosks – A list of BT kiosks for decommission due to lack of use, as more public are using personal mobiles. A list would be circulated to Ward Councillors for them to canvas their areas to obtain feedback for a formal Town Council response to be made. viii. Stamford Pantomime, Dick Whittington - Councillors were encouraged to support the production at the Corn Exchange from Friday 27 December to Wednesday 01 January. The Mayor would be attending the evening performance at 7pm on Saturday 28 December.


Upon discussion there were mixed opinions. There was belief that the Town Council should support the action of Extinction Rebellion and Climate Emergency. On the other hand there were strong views that a firm strategy should be in place which is evidence- based. It was recognised that the District Council has declared a Climate Emergency but the County Council is not inclined to make such a declaration. There is no denying the climate is changing for whatever reason. The Town Council is moving in the correct direction to reduce its carbon and energy footprint by considering installing Solar Power panels on the Town Hall and changing all the lighting in the Town Hall to LED bulbs. But Stamford becoming carbon neutral is a huge challenge which may not be possible in the time scale requested. Examining how to improve public transport and how the Principal Authority is approaching this matter should be investigated first. It was recognised that the District Council has set up a Working Group, which Councillor Mrs Johnson is a member, to look at this topic with earmarked funds and it was agreed that the 2030 deadline is not achievable. It was suggested that the Town Council should appoint a Working Group which should include members of the public to work on this subject. Chairman, Councillor Griffin, suggested that there appeared sufficient concern had been expressed and the Council move to the vote.

Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor B Sandall, seconded by Councillor Mrs S J Sandall and

RESOLVED by majority vote that the Town CouncilDRAFT should engage first with the District Council’s Working Group and use their expertise to determine a strategy for Stamford. There was one Abstention.

Proposal 2 – It was proposed by Councillor D Taylor, seconded by Councillor D Dorson and RESOLVED by majority vote the Town Council once the information has been gathered from the District Council that Stamford Town Council will be better informed when it votes to declare whether or not that there is a Climate Emergency; together with establishing Stamford’s carbon footprint. The Council could then commit to a strategy in reducing the carbon footprint by a specific date. There was one Abstention.


Following discussion, the Chairman Councillor Griffins considered that members were sensible to determine the appropriate dress code for appropriate events.

Proposal 3 – It was proposed by Councillor B Turner, seconded by Councillor Miss B Griffin and unanimously RESOLVED that Councillors should present themselves at meetings in smart casual dress and at other functions to use common sense to dress appropriately.

248. PLANNING COMMITTEE (Agenda Point 8)

a. Councillor S Carroll confirmed that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting of Tuesday, 01 October 2019 were a true and accurate reflection of the proceedings.

b. Matter for discussion: Councillor Miss Griffin informed the Council that the Haddon Road Appeal had been dismissed.

c. It was proposed by Councillor S Carroll, seconded by Councillor Mrs E Hooper and RESOLVED by a majority vote that Minutes of the 01 October 2019 with the acts, proceedings

Town Council

Town Council 8 Tuesday, 26 November 2019 and recommendations of the Planning Committee are approved by the Council. There were two Abstentions.

249. AMENITIES COMMITTEE (Agenda Point 9)

a. Councillor Mrs G Johnson confirmed the notes of the Amenities Committee meeting of Tuesday, 01 October 2019 are a true and accurate reflection of the proceedings.

b. Matter for discussion: It was confirmed that the Lease for the Water Furlong Allotment site had been agreed. It was also noted that a press release had been made in respect of the retrospective allotment water charges incurred by allotment tenants.

c. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by Councillor D Dorson and RESOLVED by majority vote that Minutes of the 01 October with the acts, proceedings and recommendations of the Amenities committee are approved by the Council. There were two Abstentions.

250. EVENTS COMMITTEE(Agenda Point 10)

a. Councillor D Dorson presented that the notes of the Events Committee meeting of Monday, 07 October 2019 are a true and accurate reflection of the proceedings.

b. Matter for discussion: None.

c. It was proposed by Councillor D Dorson seconded by Councillor Mrs A Carter-Begbie and unanimously RESOLVED that Minutes of the 07 October 2019 with the acts, proceedings and recommendations of the Events committee are approved by the Council.

251. FINANCE COMMITTEE (Agenda Point 11)

a. Councillor Mrs S J Sandall presented that the notes of the Finance Committee meeting of

Tuesday, 08 October 2019 are a true and accurateDRAFT reflection of the proceedings

b. Matter for discussion: Councillor Mrs S J Sandall wished to remind Councillors that it was their duty to attend Committee meetings if they are appointed to specific committees. She also informed the Council that a recent meeting had been convened with the Lincoln Collections Team and it was hoped that a final decision could be made next month. The discussions are positive.

c. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S J Sandall, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Sismore and RESOLVED by majority vote that Minutes of the 08 October 2019 with the acts, proceedings and recommendations of the Finance Committee are approved by the Council. There was one Abstention.

252. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT (Agenda Point 12)

Schedule no. 7 (transactions 11649 to 11898) and had been circulated for consideration.

Proposal 3 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S J Sandall, seconded by Councillor B Sandall and unanimously RESOLVED that schedule No. 7 is agreed and approved for payment.


a. The Chairman Councillor Miss Griffin as whether the Council had any objections to her using the silver-plated Gondola at the forthcoming Civic Dinner at Burghley Golf Club. She would take full responsibility and liability for the item. The Town Clerk was asked to check the position of the Council’s insurance policy in respect of this request before sanction is considered.

Chairman - (The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.)

Town Council


PRESENT Councillor Breda-Rae Griffin (Town Mayor) Councillor Maxine Couch (Chairman) Councillor Dave Dorson (Vice Chair) Councillor Amanda Wheeler Councillor Angela Carter-Begbie Councillor Shaun Ford

ALSO PRESENT Patricia Stuart-Mogg -Town Clerk Coral Johnson-Veale – Administration Officer


254. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies had been received from Councillor Simon Fenn, these were noted and accepted.


256. MINUTES The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday, 07 October 2019, were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.

257. TOURISM WORKING GROUP MEETING 23 OCTOBER 2019 There were no comments on the minutes of the Tourism Working Group on the 18th September 2019. The Town Clerk advised that The Little Book of Stamford had been circulated and had received DRAFT positive feedback. Stamford now has a Town Centre Manager, Paul Allen, who works for InvestSK and is involved in the Wayfinding Project which is improving directional signage within the Town centre. There will be two Electric Hardstanding Monolith Boards, one in the High Street and one in Sheepmarket. The issue of concern regarding signs in some carparks directing visitors to local shops and business’ for refunds of their parking if the visitors purchase goods from them are being addressed. Jill Collinge, Stamford’s Blue Badge Guide has a small group of people in training to be guides. It was noted that Stamford achieved a Silver Guilt Award in the In-Bloom competition. The Stamford in Bloom team look forward to preparing for 2020. The Minutes from the meeting on the 23rd October 2019 are to be circulated. Action: TC

258. SPOOKTACULAR EVENT, SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER 2019 a. Feedback on event – The event was a success, assisted by good weather. A considerable number of families attended, and feedback was positive. In particular, the interactive quiz proved to be very popular. It was unanimously agreed to continue with event on an annual basis. b. Budget status for event – Closing budget status for the event was discussed and confirmed. The Chairman thanked all the committee members and event support team for their assistance in ensuring this second event was another success. Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor Dorson and seconded by Councillor Wheeler and unanimously RESOLVED that a certificate of Appreciation is presented to the Friends of Rutland and Stamford Theatre for their help in supporting the events organised by the Stamford Town Council. Action: TC 259. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL, SUNDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2019

Events Committee

Town Council - 5 - 26 November 2019 a. Update on Action Points – All Action Points had been completed. The banners have been collected for updating and would be erected as commissioned. All potential volunteers had been contacted and a confirmed list should be available shortly. All Committee members were reminded that they were expected to support and assist during the event. The busiest times are between 6am-10am when the Traders arrive and 3pm-7pm during the Switch-on and dismantling of the event. A briefing meeting for volunteers is scheduled on 18th November 2019 at 6.30pm. Town Clerk enquired as to whether the event will need the support of Town Hall staff in the event of a lack of volunteers. The Chairman asked the committee members to canvas for volunteers over the age of 18. Action: All Event Committee Councillors

Proposal 2 – It was proposed by the Chairman Councillor Couch and seconded by Councillor Carter-Begbie and unanimously RESOLVED ask the Town Hall staff to assist at the Christmas Festival event throughout the day if possible. It was advised that the Town Clerk would operate as Event Manager and be supported by Councillor Maxine Couch. Councillor Dorson confirmed that a sponsor had agreed to sponsor the cost of the staging. This was welcome and it was agreed that the company’s banner could be erected on a barrier by the stage. Action: DD The Red Lion Square Christmas tree has been selected and is due to be erected on the 12th November 2019. The Christmas Lights are being installed early due to anticipated strong winds. b. Update on trader bookings – The bookings are down on last year; there are 66 confirmed trader bookings, plus 4 in the library. Feedback from Traders is that the charges are too high for them to cover their costs. |One Trader proposed, and others would be interested, if the charge was either £50 or 15% of takings. SKDC are to be approached to renegotiate the costs on stalls. Action: TC It was noted that one of the traders had an issue at last year’s event due the fault of stewards. It is essential that Stewards and Marshalls follow instructions as given. Action:TC/AO The layout of the site has been completedDRAFT with stall/pitch numbers and positions. Posters and road closure notice letters have been distributed to businesses and residents within the site footprint. Councillor Wheeler and Councillor Ford offered their help. In view of the feedback received regarding the price of the stall/pitch the committee considered that the approach and method may need to alter for next year. c. Confirm final Event Programme Operation and Event Plan – The entertainment list has been confirmed. HMS Welland, have offered their services to sing carols during the event. The Chairman would check with the entertainment coordinator as to how they may be accommodated. Action: Cllr Couch/AO d. To review budget status for event – The budget was reviewed, and it was paramount that the event remains cost neutral. Examining the income and expenditure, it was the overall view that the event budget would be met. An application for the one-off Event Insurance to cover adverse weather conditions has been submitted and will be included in the cost of the event once the premium is confirmed. 260. TO EXAMINE BUDGET 2019/20 STATUS AND CONFIRM BUDGET 2020/21 The Event Committee’s sector of the 2020/21 Budget as previously agreed was circulated. This budget would be included in the main 2020/21 Budget discussed at the next Finance meeting, for presentation at the Town Council public consultation meeting at the end of November. It was confirmed that the Bandstand lights have been installed and the tealights would be purchased for the Carols on the Bandstand event on Saturday 07th December.

261. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION FOR NEXT MEETING • Debrief of the Christmas Festival Event • Final arrangements for the Carols on the Bandstand 262. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: – Monday, 02 December 2019 at 6.00pm

Chairman (The meeting closed at 7.45pm) Events Committee

Town Council -6- 26 November 2019 STAMFORD TOWN COUNCIL


PRESENT Councillor Steve Carroll (Chairman) Councillor Breda Griffin (Mayor) Councillor Marion Pitt Councillor Angela Carter-Begbie (substituting for Cllr Andrew Croft) Councillor Elaine Hooper Councillor Harrish Bisnauthsing - left the meeting at 6.20pm Patricia Stuart-Mogg (Town Clerk) - left the meeting at 6.20pm

ALSO PRESENT Richard Tracey – Administration Officer 263. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor Andrew Croft (Vice Chairman) submitted his reason for absence. The reason was noted and accepted.


Members of the Council declared a Personal interest in application S19/1705 as they are associated with the application. 265. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 01 October 2019 were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.


The Town Clerk stated that South Kesteven District Council would like Town Council planning observations to be referenced to the core documents associated with their objection or support. A reference sheet has been compiled by the Administration Officer and has been circulated this evening. Councillor Bisnauthsing stated that there was an issue of SKDC not taking the Town Council’s Planning Committee’s responses into account. In future, it is recommended that members should make site visits and their comments should take into account how the planning proposal will specifically affect the site and Stamford as a whole, whilst referencing each observation from the relevant core document. The Town Clerk stated that, if an application is called-in for review by the SKDC Development Committee, then a representative of the Town Council should be present at the SKDC Development Committee meeting at which it is being discussed.


The Committee’s observations are shown on the attached schedule.

268. CORRESPONDENCE (Agenda Point 5)

a. Copy of letter received from Ketton Council sent to the Department of Transport, regarding the Dangers of the A1 dual carriageway dated 17/10/19 – the contents were noted by Members and a response will be formulated at the next Town Council meeting. b. Public Notice regarding amendment of No Waiting Order to extend the prohibited waiting on some lengths of Rock Road – noted by Members

Planning Committee

Town Council -7- 26 November 2019 c. Provisional emergency implementation of Tree Preservation Order at Land adjacent to car park, Phillips Court - Plane tree (G1) – noted by Members. d. Notification of Appeal Decision Ref. Planning Application S19/0159, 66 Rutland Road, Stamford PE9 1UW – The Appeal is dismissed - noted by Members. e. Notification of Appeal Decision Ref. Planning Application S19/0649, Land adjacent to 34 Haddon Road, Stamford PE9 2UP – The Appeal is dismissed - noted by Members.

269. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (Agenda Point 6)

Cllr Ford stated that a jetty was being built at 1 Albert Square as part of ongoing works, that were not part of the original planning permission. He will report the matter to SKDC. Also, there has been a petition received by SKDC to make the building at this site higher. There has been no decision on this proposal.

270. DATE OF NEXT MEETING (Agenda Point 7) Tuesday, 03 December 2019 at 6.00pm.


(The Meeting closed at 7.55pm)

Planning Committee

Town Council -8- 26 November 2019

Date Valid Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Received Location Permission

25/09/2019 07/10/2019 S19/1701 Fell 1x Ash, fell self-set Sycamores, Trees in CA - Sarah Dorson Work Allowed 05/11/19. SKDC fell mixed species on north side of Section 211 Town Hall, St Mary's Hill, decision made prior to Stamford bank and remove epicormic growth Notice Stamford PE9 2DR Planning Committee meeting. and crown all trees along north banks waters edge Land at Stamford Town Meadows, Stamford 25/09/2019 07/10/2019 S19/1705 Crown 25x Lime Trees raise up to Tree Sarah Dorson No comment. Declaration of Interest 5m on Southern Boundary by car Preservation Town Hall, St Mary's Hill, by Members. park and buildings Order Stamford PE9 2DR Recreation Ground, Stamford 25/09/2019 07/10/2019 S19/1708 Prune overhanging branches to Tree Mr Jones Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist main trunk of 1x Hornbeam to Preservation 8 The Hermitage, Stamford height of 7m Order PE9 2RF 8 The Hermitage 23/09/2019 07/10/2019 S19/1690 Proposed single storey extension to Householder Mr Davis SKDC Decision Date 05/11/19. the front and part garage 3 Beech Grove, Stamford Decision made prior to Stamford conversion PE9 2JH Planning Committee meeting. 3 Beech Grove 23/09/2019 08/10/2019 S19/1688 Rear utility room extension and new Householder Mrs Jane Freeman SKDC Decision Date 05/11/19. bi-fold doors to lounge 28A Little Casterton Road, Decision made prior to Stamford 28A Little Casterton Road Stamford PE9 1BE Planning Committee meeting.

Planning Committee Date Valid Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Town CouncilReceived Location -9- Permission 26 Nove mber 2019

13/09/2019 14/10/2019 S19/1613 Prior notification for a proposed Prior Ms J Walton Details not required - SKDC Decision larger home extension; extending Notification 4 Lindsey Road, Stamford Date 29/10/19. Decision made prior 4.0m beyond the rear elevation Under Part 1 PE9 1SF to Stamford Planning Committee with a maximum ridge height of Class A meeting. 3.475m and an eaves height of 2.995m 4 Lindsey Road 17/09/2019 14/10/2019 S19/1811 Remove section of Yew hedge Trees in CA - Mr S Fraser Work allowed - SKDC Decision Date 24 Tinwell Road Section 211 24 Tinwell Road, Stamford 24/10/19. Decision made prior to Notice PE9 2SD Stamford Planning Committee meeting. 04/10/2019 14/10/2019 S19/1748 Single storey flat roof kitchen/diner Prior Mrs Julie Evison-Williams No objection subject to neighbours’ and utility room extension, 5.3m Notification 27 Irnham Road, Stamford amenities being respected projection 7.730m width 2.75m high Under Part 1 PE9 1SD 27 Irnham Road Class A 26/09/2019 14/10/2019 S19/1715 T1 Walnut tree crown raise to Tree Mrs Katie Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist height of upper guttering level and Preservation 126 Empingham Road, give 2 metres building clearance. Order Stamford PE9 2SU Crown raise to give more light in the front window and over front shrubbery area 126 Empingham Road 30/09/2019 14/10/2019 S19/1738 Proposed one and two storey Householder Mr & Mrs Scarborough No objection subject to neighbours’ extensions to side and rear, Fourways, St Paul's Street, amenities being respected replacement of garage and other Stamford PE9 2BQ alterations to dwelling, including new second floor Fourways, St Paul's Street 03/10/2019 17/10/2019 S19/1776 Remove tree group TG1 Maple and Trees in CA - Kiran Bhandal Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Sycamore and tree group TG5 Section 211 Crawford & Co. Sycamore from Aboricultural Report Notice 12 New Street, Stamford 12 New Street PE9 1ES 02/10/2019 17/10/2019 S19/1757 Prune Pissard's Plum tree in front Trees in CA - Mr G Sharpe Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist garden. Fell Pyracantha shrub in Section 211 54 Tinwell Road, Stamford front garden Notice PE9 2SD 54 Tinwell Road 02/10/2019 17/10/2019 S19/1758 *Fell 1 Holly tree in front garden Trees in CA - Mrs J Mitchell Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist and 1 Pissard Plum tree (or Section 211 52 Tinwell Road, Stamford Planning Committee reduction of canopy)(eastern side of Notice PE9 2SD garden) *Prune 2 Holly trees at the very front of the garden

Town Council -10- 26 November 2019

Date Valid Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Received Location Permission

24/10/2019 30/09/2019 S19/1790 Single storey extension to rear, Householder Mr & Mrs A Dudley Strong objections to this alterations and new detached 26 Tinwell Road, Stamford development. Concerns over the size, garage PE9 2SD appearance and design of the 26 Tinwell Road proposal could have potential for the development to become another dwelling which will impact on the services and utilities (Policy EN1, Core Strategy Policy H1 (residential development) & NPPF Section 12). The amenities of residents in Tinwell Road should not be compromised. Material concerns over highway safety on Tinwell Road Lane which is an unadopted road accessing at either end on to Roman Bank and Exeter Gardens (NPPF Sec 8). Additional vehicle movements could lead to excessive nuisance to residents (Site Allocation document 4.1.10). To avoid setting a precedent a condition should be applied that the erection of the outbuilding is not converted into a household dwelling at any time. 14/10/2019 30/09/2019 S19/1848 Modification to building type (garden Non-material Mr C Royce Previous comments 05/02/19 - No objection to room) of S19/0017 (Alterations to amendments Whincups Yard, Wothorpe the application, subject to the materials being in keeping with the Conservation Area and existing side extension forming pitched Road, Stamford PE9 2JR roof, new door and erection of garden Listed Building Regulations. room) No objection subject to neighbours’ Whincups Yard, Wothorpe Road amenities being respected

Planning Committee

Town Council -11- 26 November 2019

Date Valid Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Received Location Permission

18/10/2019 31/10/2019 S19/1862 Reduce Willow tree up to 8m, Trees in CA - Mr Rudd Jones Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist crown raise Lime tree to 4m, fell Section 211 12 Austin Street, Stamford Yew tree Notice PE9 2QP 12 Austin Street 25/10/2019 31/10/2019 S19/1896 Erection of tree house Householder Mr J Fox No objection subject to neighbours’ (retrospective) Vale House, 2 Kings Mill amenities being respected Vale House, 2 Kings Mill Lane Lane, Stamford PE9 2QS

25/10/2019 31/10/2019 S19/1893 Fell T1 and T2 Sycamore trees. Fell Tree Mr Thomas Udale No plans available to view on website. both. Preservation CW Udale Ltd, Broccoli No comment. Land at 33 and 34 Station Road, Order Bottom, Wing Road, Stamford PE9 2WB Manton LE15 8SZ 28/10/2019 01/11/2019 S19/1900 Proposed single storey rear Householder Mrs Annette Tiffany No objection to extension. Strong extension and extension of 2 44 Warenne Keep, objections to extending two parking adjacent car parking spaces by 1 Stamford spaces, detrimental to street scene metre each PE9 2NX and locality (Policy EN1, Core Strategy 44 Warenne Keep Policy H1 (residential development) & NPPF Section 12). 16/10/2019 01/11/2019 S19/1850 Extend the ground floor of the Householder Mr & Mrs Holgate No objection. Materials to be property, replacing existing single- Honeysuckle Barns, sympathetic to the Conservation Area. storey extension with a new kitchen Bitchfield, Lincolnshire Concerns over car parking and access and ancillary spaces. First floor NG33 4DS to Ryall Road adjacent to pedestrian extension and external alterations. crossing (NPPF Sec 9, policy SP3 Core Demolition of two garage buildings Strategy and Site Allocation document to replace with single car port and 4.1.10 refers). External alterations to garage structure be in keeping with the Conservation 17 Ryhall Road, Stamford PE9 1UB Area.

Planning Committee

Town Council -12- 26 November 2019

Date Valid Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Received Location Permission

11/10/2019 01/11/2019 S19/1898 Single storey extension to the rear Householder M Lord, D Baumer No objection subject to neighbours’ of the property 90 Arran Road, Stamford amenities being respected 90 Arran Road PE9 2XT

16/10/2019 01/11/2019 S19/1851 Approval of details reserved by Discharge of Basin Topco C/o The No objection subject to neighbours’ Conditions 3 (external lighting Conditions Agent, Caldecotte Group, amenities being respected scheme) and 4 (soft landscaping (Planning) 15 London House, scheme) of S16/2594 Swinfens Yard, Stony The Northfields, Drift Road, Stratford MK11 1SY Stamford PE9 1XA 29/10/2019 05/11/2019 S19/1918 T1 Catalpa, prune back the canopy Trees in CA - Mr Peter Glassey Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist by a maximum of 3m Section 211 Burghley House 15 Broad Street, Stamford PE9 1PG Notice Preservation Trust Ltd, The Estate Office, 61 St Martins, Stamford PE9 2LQ 29/10/2019 05/11/2019 S19/1907 Single storey side extension to Householder Mr Wilson No information supplied on website. replace existing and alterations to 4 Lyndon Way, Stamford No comment. existing dwelling PE9 2RX 4 Lyndon Way

These observations have been submitted under delegated powers and will be presented to Stamford Town Council for ratification at the scheduled meeting on 26 November 2019.

Planning Committee

Town Council -13- 26 November 2019


Conditional Planning Permission

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 17-10-19 S19/1537 Ms Penny Teale Erection of Car Port and Annex Kenmore, 38 Tinwell Road, Stamford Strong objections to this application. Concerns PE9 2SD over the size, appearance and design of the proposal could have potential for the development to become another dwelling which will impact on the services and utilities. The amenities of residents in Tinwell Road should not be compromised. Material concerns over highway safety on Tinwell Road Lane which is an unadopted road accessing at either end on to Roman Bank and Exeter Gardens. Additional vehicle movements could lead to excessive nuisance to residents. To avoid setting a precedent, a condition should be applied that the erection of the outbuilding is not converted into a household dwelling at any time. This application must be deferred to the SKDC Planning Committee by a Stamford District Councillor. 21-10-19 S19/1545 Mr Matthew Proposed detached 10 Tinwell Road, Stamford PE9 2QQ No objection subject to neighbours’ Rudkin garage/store/workshop amenities being respected 21-10-19 S19/1530 Mr Jason Erection of first floor extension 9 Witham Close, Stamford PE9 1SG No objection subject to neighbours’ Atkinson amenities being respected 24-10-19 S19/1582 Mr Ben French Installation of CCTV Camera 1 High Street, Stamford PE9 2AL No objection. Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. 24-10-19 S19/0887 Mr & Mrs Lamb Erection of a one and half storey Goose Green, Casterton Road, Stamford No objections subject to neighbours’ detached dwelling PE9 4BP amenities being respected. 24-10-19 S19/0599 Mr Andrew Erection of extensions to dwelling Saddlers Cottage, 9A St Peter's Street, No objections subject to neighbours’ Croson Stamford PE9 2PQ amenities being respected. All materials should be sympathetic with the Conservation Area.

Planning Committee

Town Council -14- 26 November 2019

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 30-10-19 S19/1619 Mr Tony Harding Single storey extension and internal 1 Mallard Court, Stamford PE9 2ZE No objection subject to neighbours’ alterations amenities being respected 30-10-19 S19/1612 Mr & Mrs Smith Removal of existing side extension and 22 Stirling Road, Stamford No objection subject to neighbours’ erection of single storey flat roof PE9 2XF amenities being respected extension to side & rear of existing bungalow. Erection of open fronted porch to front elevation 05-11-19 S19/1472 Mr Roger Part demolition of roof and gable end 51 Broad Street, Stamford PE9 1PX No objection. Concerns over impact of Bradshaw and erection of fly tower skyline in Conservation Area. 05-11-19 S19/1688 Mrs Jane Rear utility room extension and new bi- 28A Little Casterton Road, Stamford SKDC Decision Date 05/11/19. Decision Freeman fold doors to lounge PE9 1BE made prior to Stamford Planning Committee meeting. 05-11-19 S19/1690 Mr Davis Proposed single storey extension to the 3 Beech Grove, Stamford PE9 2JH SKDC Decision Date 05/11/19. Decision front and part garage conversion made prior to Stamford Planning Committee meeting. 08-11-19 S19/1532 Mrs Nichols Replacement of rooflights 17 All Saints Street, Stamford PE9 2PA No objection subject to neighbours’ amenities being respected 08-11-19 S19/1655 Mr & Mrs Silcox Demolition of single garage and 62 Casterton Road, Stamford PE9 2UA No objection subject to neighbours’ erection of new garage amenities being respected 08-11-19 S19/1656 Mr Gibson Dropped kerb application for wider 2 Barnack Road, Stamford PE9 2NA No objection subject to neighbours’ vehicle access amenities being respected Listed Building Consent

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 25-10-19 S19/0600 Mr Andrew Listed building consent for the Saddlers Cottage, 9A St Peter's Street, No objections. All materials should be Croson erection of a single storey extension Stamford PE9 2PQ sympathetic with the Conservation and first floor extension to dwelling Area. Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. 31-10-19 S19/1618 Mr Richard Internal alteration of listed building 9 Broad Street, Stamford PE9 1PY Materials to be in keeping with the Ludlow surrounding area. Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer.

Planning Committee

Town Council -15- 26 November 2019

08-11-19 S19/1533 Mrs Nichols Listed Building Consent for the 17 All Saints Street, Stamford PE9 2PA All materials should be sympathetic replacement of rooflights with the Conservation Area. Defer to Conservation Officer.

Listed Building Refusal

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 25-10-19 S19/1305 Mr J Regis Erection of a veranda to the west Olde Barn Restaurant, Olde Barn Strong objection. Concerns over proximity elevation Passage, St Mary's Street, Stamford, PE9 of surrounding buildings, materials and size 2HG of proposed veranda. Concerns over whether this proposal is a stepping stone to a further extension of the property. Overdevelopment next to a public right of way. Debate as to whether the description is incorrect, should be FRONT of Olde Barn Restaurant.

Consent to Display Advertisement(s)

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 11-11-19 S19/1427 Mr Amrik Suree Installation of 2no. externally 9-10 St John's Street, Stamford PE9 2DB Concerns regarding the illumination of illuminated fascia text signs and 1 signage, the proposed black-outs on the externally illuminated projecting sign first floor and the removal of the white planking behind the original signage, within the Conservation Area.

Approval of Works to Trees in a Conservation Area

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 17-10-19 S19/1447 First Port Reduce London Plane trees by 6m 10 Phillips Court, Stamford PE9 2EE Concern as to why reduce by as much as 6m? Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist

Planning Committee

Town Council -16- 26 November 2019

24-10-19 S19/1811 Mr S Fraser Remove section of Yew hedge 24 Tinwell Road, Stamford PE9 2SD Work Allowed 24/10/19. SKDC decision made prior to Stamford Planning Committee meeting. 05-11-19 S19/1701 Sarah Dorson Fell 1x Ash, fell self-set Sycamores, fell Land at Stamford Town Meadows, Work Allowed 05/11/19. SKDC decision mixed species on north side of bank Stamford made prior to Stamford Planning and remove epicormic growth and Committee meeting. crown all trees along north banks waters edge

Approval of Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 21-10-19 S19/1565 Mrs Lynne Lord Works to 3x Silver Birch, 1x Ash and 1x Land at Empingham Road, Stamford Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Oak tree 21-10-19 S19/1566 Mrs Lynne Lord Reduce and reshape Sycamore and re- Hillary Close, Stamford PE9 1XG Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist pollard 1 x Ash tree 23-10-19 S19/1624 Lander Remove Lime tree (T1) to just above 28 Christ Church Close, Stamford PE9 Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist ground level 1HS

Approval of Details Reserved by Condition

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 21-10-19 S18/2358 Mr Chris Riddle Approval of details reserved by The Otters Pocket, 20 All Saints Street, No objections; materials should be in Conditions 3 (new rear yard Stamford PE9 2PA keeping with the Conservation Area. enclosure); 4 (joinery works) and 5 Defer to the Conservation Officer (samples of materials) of S17/1761

Planning Committee

Town Council -17- 26 November 2019

Determination as to whether the Prior Approval of Details is Required Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 29-10-19 S19/1613 Ms J Walton Prior notification for a proposed larger 4 Lindsey Road, Stamford PE9 1SF Details not required - SKDC Decision home extension; extending 4.0m Date 29/10/19. Decision made prior to beyond the rear elevation with a Stamford Planning Committee meeting. maximum ridge height of 3.475m and an eaves height of 2.995m

Approval of Application to Modify or Discharge a Section 106 Obligation Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 14-11-19 S18/1343 Accent Housing Application to modify S106 planning Land and Premises of E Bowman & Sons, Difficult to make a decision due to the Ltd obligations relating to S06/0439 Cherryholt Road, Stamford legal description used in the application.

Planning Committee

Town Council -18- 26 November 2019



PRESENT Councillor B Griffin (Town Mayor) (Arrived 8.04pm) Councillor Mrs G Johnson (Chairman) Councillor B Turner (Vice Chair) Councillor M Exton Councillor J Dawson Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor D Dorson

ALSO PRESENT Town Clerk Deputy Town Clerk Councillor S Carroll (Arrived 8.04)


271. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor S Fenn had submitted apologies; these were noted and accepted.



273. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 01 October 2019, where confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.

274. ALLOTMENTS (Agenda Point 4)

a. Feedback on action points i. New Water Connection at Uffington Road New- No further update was been received. ii. Carpark for Queens Walk allotment site- It was reported that a meeting is being arranged with contractors. iii. Site Security – It was reported that a meeting is being arranged with the contractors. iv. Water Troughs- It was reported one quote had been received. A meeting had been held with a second contractor and this quote awaited. A meeting is being arranged with a third contractor.

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report

i. Grass cutting on Uffington Road New Site – It was reported that the tenant of H118/119 is willing to cut the grass on the Uffington Road New allotment site. It was recommended the tenant’s rent for their allotment is given free of charge in lieu of maintaining the grass throughout the season, which is the practice of the Council and has been welcome by tenants.

Proposal 1- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agree that for this year tenant of plot H118/119 is given free plot rent in lieu of maintaining the grass on Uffington Road New site, the water charge will still to be paid by the tenant. c. Any Correspondence

i. Letter received from tenant H13b – Re Water Charges Uffington Road New Site- It was reported that correspondence had been received regarding the water charges for the 2019/20 season. The tenant questioned the increase in charges, and the use of standpipes on the Amenities Committee

Town Council -19- 26 November 2019

allotment. The tenant was advised that water is paid in arrears, is metered and the charge divided across each site accordingly. It is not possible to ascertain if an individual tenant has used water. The Council approved this method of reclaiming the water cost. The Precept cannot be used for funding allotment water which is effectively private usage. The tenant has also been informed that the Council is examining the water situation on this particular site, with the view of disconnecting the old system, installing troughs and removing standpipes. Discussions ensued, and the committee noted that this site had been checked for leaks and it appears there is misuse and abuse of water usage. It was agreed that the council has a duty to inform Anglian Water of the situation, as this is not the first instance of water issues on the Uffington Road New site. Due to standpipe abuse and irregularities, it is agreed that the water supply should be disconnected with the view looking at alternative methods of water provision, without the uses of mains water.

Proposal 2- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approves Anglian Water being informed of the misuse and abuse of water on the Uffington Road New Allotment site and the request for the site water to be disconnected. Alternative methods of water provision, without the uses of mains water will be investigated. A letter will be sent to tenant H13b to confirm the council’s final decision. ii. Letter received from Tenant WF43 – Overpayment in previous years – The committee were advised correspondence had been received, regarding the change in allotment rent, following remeasurement. Following discussions, it was agreed that a letter is sent stating there will be no refund given on historic rents, as these were invoiced according to the data held at the time and the new rental charges benefits the tenant.

Proposal 3- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approved a letter is sent stating that there will be no refund given on historic rents as these were correctly invoiced according to the data held at the time and with the new rental charges benefits the tenant. iii. Correspondence received from tenant of UN26 – The committee were informed that correspondence have been received regarding the notice served on the tenant of UN26. The tenant states not receiving any previous letters regarding the condition of the allotment. It was noted that the tenant is suffering from injury, preventing the any work on the allotment being undertaken, which the Council is aware. Following discussions, it was agreed the tenant is given a period of 6 months probation during which the allotment must be cultivated and maintained in accordance with the Council’s allotment rules and regulations. A letter will be sent by Recorded Delivery to ensure the letter is delivered to the tenant.

Proposal 4- On the proposal of Councillor J Dawson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agrees the tenant is given a period of 6 months probation during which the allotment must be cultivated and maintained in accordance with the Council’s allotment rules and regulations. A letter will be sent by Recorded Delivery to ensure the letter is delivered to the tenant. iv. Fly tipping of tyres on Uffington Road South – The committee were informed that a large number of tyres have been removed from the Uffington Road South Allotment site, by the tenant of US01. It is presumed to be fly tipping by a commercial enterprise. A letter of thanks is to be sent to the tenant of US01. v. Rubbish on entrance area of Uffington Road North – The committee were informed that after the clearance of the proposed carpark area on Uffington Road North, an old shed was found requiring removal as it has an asbestos roof and hazardous. Quotes will be obtained for its removal. vi. Letter received regarding installation of fence on boundary of Queens Walk allotment site – The committee were informed correspondence had been received regarding the installation of a garage to the rear of the property on Tinwell Road and a fence along the joint boundary line with the Queens Walk Allotment site. The tenant wishes for access to the allotment site to ensure correct placement and to minimise the impact to allotment holders during the works. A meeting is to be arranged to establish correct placement of the fence.

Amenities Committee

Town Council -20- 26 November 2019

vii. Letter received regarding carpark at Queens Walk – The committee were informed correspondence had been received regarding the proposed location of a carpark on the Queens Walk allotment site. The resident observed that maintenance of the roadway should be undertaken. The resident had cut back the council’s hedge, which is maintain by the site rep outside of the nesting season. The committee were advised that numerous discussions have taken place regarding the access to the allotment site. As the land belongs to the council, the council has responsibility over the land and any improvements to the land are subject to council decision. The Lane is share access and registered to the council. The condition will be assessed at the next site inspection.


The Chairman confirmed in pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the meeting would continue in closed session during consideration of the next item which relates to personnel matters. It was resolved to exclude the public and press.

The meeting proceeded in Closed Session 7.54pm The meeting resumed in Open Session 8.04pm

Proposal 5- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agrees GPS tracking be investigated to ensure location of the operatives for the safety of the operatives as they are lone workers and the councils’ assets. Any future loss of assets being charged to the individual at the replacement cost. Which will be recommended to Finance, Personnel and Assets Committee. 276. CEMETERY (Agenda Point)

a. Feedback on action points viii. X&Y plot holders – It was reported there are still eleven plots in breach of the rules and regulations which will be removed if they still contravene the rules after the 1st January 2020. Any plots still breaching the rules after that date the Town will be issue a letter informing them of the breach and the date for clearance of plots as per the required procedure. A meeting was held with one grant holder who is in breach of the rules, the situation had been explained to the grant holder and the element in the rules highlighted to them and the date the regulations were introduced. The grant holder stated that they will not currently comply however may in the future if circumstances change. Following discussions, it was made clear that any plot holder in breach of the rule and regulations refusing to comply will have an official legal notice served. ix. Cemetery Lodge repairs and toilet area – It was reported that the works are to commence from 11th November 2019. x. Cemetery Office roof –It was confirmed that the purchase order has been issued for the Cemetery office roof and there is a 4-week lead time for materials. xi. Removal of soil from graves – It was reported that a quote has been received for the removal of soil from the interments in the past year. The quote is to remove 5 lorry loads of sub soil at a cost of £1250 plus VAT for R Harrison & Son

Proposal 6 - On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approved the quote for, the removal of 5 lorry loads of sub soil from the digging of graves over the past year, at a cost of £1250 plus VAT from R Harrison & Son.

xii. 2020 Burial Fees- It was reported that a quote had been received for the cost of removing the soil off-site after each interment, this would be at a cost of £125 per burial from the contracted Grave digger. A further quote has been received for removal of soil for a set number of interments at a cost of £60 per burial from the contracted Grave digger. An Amenities Committee

Town Council -21- 26 November 2019

allocated zone would be provided for such soil storage until removal. This cost would be incorporated in future interment fee. This procedure is operated in many cemeteries to prevent a large accumulation of sub-soil and subsequently costly to remove. Following discussions, it was agreed that the second option would be acceptable with the £60 added to the cost of interment and would take effect from April 2020.

Proposal 7- On the proposal of Councillor B Turner seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approved the increase in the interment fee from April 2020 to include the soil removal charge of £60 per burial as quoted by the contracted Grave digger.

xiii. Cemetery Wall – It was reported that a meeting has been held with a second contractor and a quote is awaited. A meeting is being arrange with other contractors. It was advised that three quotes are obtained for all works in line with the Council’s Financial Regulations. It was recognised that in the event specialist work is required this may not be possible. xiv. Cemetery extension – It was reported that meetings had been held with two contractors and quotes are awaited. A meeting with a third contractor is being arranged.

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report - Nothing to Report c. Correspondence Cutting of grass during wet weather- Correspondence had been received regarding the cutting of grass during wet weather. The committee were circulated with photos of a plot which had grass cut during very wet weather conditions, causing unsightly damage to the grass. It was noted that following an inspection this was not an isolated incident and many plots had been affected. Following discussions, it was agreed that the contractor will be informed at the next contract meeting.

277. RECREATION GROUND (Agenda Point)

a. Feedback on action points i. Goal Posts – It was noted that Cllr Johnson is getting the forms to apply for funding from SKDC. ii. Memorial Bench for David Nalson- It was confirmed that the family had agreed the cost for the bench and installation. The bench has been ordered. iii. Replacement doors for the public toilets- It was confirmed that the PO has been issued and a start date is awaited. iv. Duck Springer, Mulch Repair and Web swing - It was confirmed that the PO has been issued and a start date is awaited. v. Weed spraying of bandstand path and hard Tennis Courts – It was confirmed that a quote had been received from MKS Groundcare Ltd at the cost of £120 plus VAT for weed spraying the bandstand path and perimeter of the hard-standing tennis courts. Following discussions, it was agreed to accept the quote and the work should proceed.

Proposal 8 - On the proposal of Councillor B Turner seconded by the Councillor Mrs G Johnson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approved the quote of £120 plus VAT received from MKS Groundcare Ltd for the weed spraying of the bandstand path and perimeter of the hard-standing tennis courts. vi. Closing of Hard Tennis Courts for Winter - The committee wished the hard tennis courts are closed for the winter season. The courts undergo scheduled maintenance in preparation for next year. The committee agreed that the courts should be locked with immediate effect and will re- open at the end of March weather permitting. vii. Maintenance Gate for Grass Tennis Courts – It was confirmed that a date is being arranged to meet with the contractor. viii. Electric and water for Grass tennis courts – It was confirmed that a date is being arranged to meet with the contractor. Amenities Committee

Town Council -22- 26 November 2019

ix. Quote for guttering at the shack – It was confirmed that a date is being arranged to meet with the contractor. x. Cost of vandalism to play equipment – It was confirmed that the cost of vandalism to play equipment on the Recreation Ground as requested by the committee is £13.53 over the past 2 years. b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report - Nothing to Report c. Correspondence i. Planting of Snowdrops by Stamford in Bloom – It was reported that a request had been received for planting snowdrops on the Recreation Ground from Stamford in Bloom. Following discussions, planting of bulbs within the Recreation Ground is welcomed. The Deputy Town Clerk would confirm the selected beds available for planting to Stamford in Bloom.

Proposal 9 - On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approves the planting of snowdrops on within the Recreation Ground and the Deputy Town Clerk confirms the selected beds available for planting to Stamford in Bloom. 278. MEADOWS (Agenda Point)

a. Feedback on action points i. Update on bird feeders and dog bag dispensers – It was confirmed that the feeders are working well, and well used. Funds raise so far is used to purchase further supplies of feed. It was confirmed that Burghley vets have agreed to sponsor the cost of the dog bags that have been purchase. It is expected that any surplus funds from the feeders will support the cost of the dog bags.

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report - Nothing to Report c. Correspondence - Noting to Report

279. PROGRAMMED EVENTS (Agenda Point)

i. Programmed event requests for 2020 season - A request had been received for the Autumn Fair to operate between 4th to 11th October 2020. Following discussions, it was agreed subject to weather conditions. It was suggested moving the event to September which may be a preferable period weather wise. This would be conveyed to the event organisers.

Proposal 10- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approves the date for the Autumn Fair to operate th th between 4 to 11 October 2020 subject to weather conditions. 280. ST MICHAELS CHURCH YARD (Agenda Point)

It was confirmed that the contracted ground maintenance has now been completed for the season. 281. TREE WORKS ALL SITES (Agenda Point)

i. Tree works Recreation Ground and Meadows- It was reported that the Purchase Order had been issued as the planning application has been approved for the Meadows works. The planning permission is still to be approved for the lime trees with TPOs on the Recreation Ground. All works will commence once both permissions are approved. ii. Tree works at Allotments- It was reported that a meeting with a contractor has been carried out regarding the removal of trees at Uffington Road North and Water Furlong allotments site. The quote has been received. Meetings with the other two contractors are yet to be arranged.

282. ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION (Agenda Point) i. Mindspace allotment - It was reported that Cllr B Griffin and Cllr Exton donated £250 each from their SKDC community fund towards the Mindspace allotment project.

283. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point) – Tuesday, 03 December 2019 at 7pm

Chairman – (The meeting closed at 8.44pm.) Amenities Committee

Town Council -23- 26 November 2019



PRESENT Councillor Mrs S J Sandall (Chairman) Councillor R Sandall Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor D Taylor Councillor A Croft Councillor A Carter Begbie (substituting for Councillor H Bisnauthsing) Councillor Mrs J Clarke

ALSO PRESENT The Town Clerk Mrs A Ellis – Stamford in Bloom


Mrs Ellis was welcomed to the meeting to brief the Committee on the Stamford in Bloom scheme for 2020. She reported that the Town had done well to have achieved a Silver Gilt Award within the budget, considering other towns in the same category operate on funds of £20k+. Private donations thus far have enabled the financial statement to be cost-neutral. The main sponsor of the event has been the Crown Hotel (member of Knead Pubs). However, this year there is a shortfall of £1750.00 which needed to be covered as she had invoices awaiting payment. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that this year the floral displays in Stamford Walk had been incorporated, for which Budworth Hardcastle, Property Consultants, which owned the units in that location, had made a payment of £250 to cover the displays. Mrs Ellis stated that for next year there were some aspects of judging which required attention. Street furniture should be to a reasonable standard, weeds along pathways should be treated and a floral display at the Cattle Market car park would lift the entrance into Town from the station. In respect of the latter, it was suggested that possibly one of the SKDC displays currently used at Castle Dyke could be relocated to the Cattle Market site to avoid additional cost. Mrs Ellis reported that a host of volunteers support the scheme including the planting, nurturing and watering the floral displays. However as the scheme widens across the Town, it would be helpful to have a formal watering regime in place. Disappointingly, vandalism continues to occur with plants being uplifted and stolen and pots being destroyed or defaced. It has been the practice to keep replacing the plants and pots and not give in to the vandals, but this has an impact on cost. The incidents have been reported to the police but feedback on action taken is still awaited. The Old Barn Passage is a location which has been transformed with the assistance of local support. The planting of crocus and snowdrops in the Sensory Garden and Recreation Ground has been a great success. Next year, hopefully, it can be extended on the Highway banks along Casterton Road once permission has been obtained. ‘A’ Boards continue to be an eye-sore but it is recognised that this needs to be addressed by Lincolnshire County Council. It is hoped that the decorated chairs along Ironmonger Street will continue, especially with the establishment of the ShopStamford group of retailers. To develop and enhance the scheme for next year (2020) it is estimated that £1500.00 should be budgeted. The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall congratulated Mrs Ellis on her achievements this year and upon achieving a Silver Gilt award. Stamford in Bloom will be part of the discussion during the meeting to establish the budget for next year, 2020.

Formal meeting commenced at 6.35pm

228. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor Miss B Griffin (Town Mayor) and Councillor H Bisnauthsing submitted their apologies and these were noted. Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor B Sandall, seconded by Councillor A Croft and unanimously RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs Carter-Begbie substitute for Councillor Bisnauthsing.

Finance Committee

Town Council -24- 26 November 2019


Councillor Mrs J Clarke declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of transaction 12128 as it related to her travel expenses.

Councillors Carter-Begbie and Croft declared a Personal Interest in respect of any discussion relating to the College Players financial support application as they were supporting the show.

230. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The minutes of the meeting held on 08 October 2019 were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting by the Chairman.

231. UPDATE ON ACTION POINTS (Agenda Point 4)

a. Regalia Cabinet – The Town Clerk reported that Councillor Griffin (Town Mayor) had rearranged the items in the Regalia Cabinet and had suggested of possibly contacting a local company to suggest alternative fabric for the back-drop. It was also confirmed that the work on the main display cabinet in the Parlour has now been completed with mirrored backing. It was also suggested that it would be beneficial if the shelves were altered from wood to toughened glass, as it would illuminate the cabinet more effectively when lighting is installed. b. Open Space Transfer to Town Council- The Town Clerk stated that the documents for the gifting of the Open Spaces land on Rockingham and Casterton Roads is being prepared for signature and should be completed by the end of next month. c. Carpeting of the Attic Rooms – It was reported that the contractor had requested a deposit to guarantee the pricing and work which should be completed in the New Year, following the repair work to the attic room lintel. Following discussion it was recognised that the request is understandable and should be supported. d. Design of Town Hall promotion folder – The Town Clerk reminded the Committee that approval had been granted for the design and the printing of advertising for the promotion of the Town Hall facilities. However, since receiving the book marks and pull-up banner, the sub- contracted printer has gone into liquidation. The business which had been awarded the contract has identified another printer who has quoted a cost of £452.00 for the production of 300units. The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall asked for a nomination to Chair the meeting while she and Councillors B Sandall left the meeting as it was B J Printing who is involved in the quote.

Proposal 2 – It was proposed by Councillor B Sandall, seconded by Councillor A Croft and unanimously RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs S Sismore takes the Chair to discuss this particular item.

6.45pm – Councillors Mrs S J and B Sandall left the meeting and Councillor Mrs S Sismore took the Chair.

The Town Clerk reported that the initial quote, accepted by the Town Council was for £237 for the printing of 100units. This had been the most economical of the previous three quotes. It was noted that when considering unit costs, the new quote offered by B J Printing for 300units would reduce the cost of each unit from £2.37 to £1.52. Following discussion it was appreciated that the cost would benefit the Town Council but as Councillors were involved in the interests of probity and total transparency it would be sensible to go back to the other two tenderers to obtain a quote for just printing the same 300 quantity. It was noted that there would be a set-up charge, as the design of the folder had already been produced. The Town Clerk was requested to make the enquiry with the other two tendering organisations and report back at the November Town Council meeting for a final decision to be taken.

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Town Council -25- 26 November 2019

Proposal 3 – It was proposed by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Carter-Begbie and RESOLVED by majority vote that the Town Clerk contacts the other two initial tendering organisations for the cost of just printing 300units using the agreed design. There was one Abstention.

6.55pm – Councillors Mrs S J and B Sandall returned to the meeting and Councillor Mrs S J Sandall took the Chair.

All other items would be discussed later on as they were associated with the agenda.

232. FINANCE (Agenda Point 5)

a. Consider the list of Accounts for Payment Schedule – Payment Schedule No. 8 was circulated for consideration. There was question as to the cost for drinks for the Civic Dinner. It was noted that this was to cover the drinks for the ‘Top Table’ and would be deducted from the Mayor’s allowance which was £2200.00. It was recommended that this schedule is presented to the Town Council for approval.

b. Consider Council Profile and Structure – The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall circulated a confidential report to the Committee which should be discussed in Closed Session.

The Chairman confirmed in pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, the meeting would continue in closed session during consideration of the next item which relates to the Budget/Precept and Personnel matters.

It was resolved to exclude the public and press. The Town Clerk left part of the meeting.

7.15pm - The meeting proceeded in Closed Session. 7.45pm - The meeting resumed in Open Session and the Town Clerk rejoined the meeting.

It was resolved during the discussion in Closed Session to recommend to Town Council that Town Council’s Profile should move from Profile 1 to Profile 3 in recognition of its functions and budget; the structure should be realigned to reflect this adjustment.

c. Budget and Precept for 2020/2021 – The draft budget and Precept had been circulated to all members of the Committee for consideration. Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall informed the Committee that the budget had been scrutinised in detail and the proposed Precept is £538,133.00 representing a 6.98% increase on 2019/2020. However, taking into consideration the Band D Council Tax adjustments of £7,252.40 received from SKDC, this will reduce the increase to 5.20% on Band D householders. Following discussion it was noted that the income had taken into consideration the grants received currently from LCC and SKDC in respect of the Highway Grass Cutting and the Community Cleaner. It had now been confirmed by LCC that the grant would be £5803.61 representing a slight increase. There had been question as to why the income had been so substantial in years 2017/18 and 2018/19 but is forecast to be substantially reduced in 2019/20. It was advised by the Town Clerk that many of the items under the Administration Cost Centre related to projects which had been undertaken by the Council during those financial years and had offset expenditure under the Miscellaneous Project heading. It was recognised that those receipts were abnormal and not usual, Councillors were reminded that they could scrutinise such receipts if they wished to examine the SAGE system. The Chairman Councillor Mrs Sandall also highlighted the increase in the level of the Grant Cost Centre from £7k to £14k. This is to allow Councillors access to a funding pot up to a maximum of £1000 per project. District Councillors wising to access the grant fund would need to demonstrate how their District Community Allowance, if allocated in 2020/2021, has been allocated in Stamford.

Finance Committee

Town Council -26- 26 November 2019

There was a question as to balance of the current earmarked funds. The Town Clerk advised that the level of the Earmarked Reserves is £428k which was reported in the Quarter 2 Report and circulated to all Councillors. It was noted that any unspent funds on earmarked projects cannot be vired across to another project by any Committee but must be returned to the General Fund and then formally reallocated and approved by the Council.

In light of the earlier request by Mrs Ellis during Public Participation, it was considered that the costs incurred during the 2019/20 year should be supported by the Town Council and the funds received for floral displays in Stamford Walk should be directed towards Stamford in Bloom.

Proposal 7 – It was proposed by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor B Sandall and unanimously RESOLVED that £1,500 should be paid to Stamford in Bloom subject to the submission of invoices and the £250 received for the Stamford Walk displays should also be transferred.

In respect of the glazing for the shelves in the display cabinet in the Parlour, it was agreed to support this suggestion as it would enhance the cabinet prior to the lights being installed.

Proposal 8 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by Councillor Mrs J Clarke and unanimously RESOLVED that the quote of £350.00 to provide toughened glass shelves in the main parlour cabinet is agreed and approved.

d. Review of Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Risk Register - The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall confirmed that a Working Group comprising herself, Councillors Ford, Turner and Carter-Begbie had convened on 22 October to review the documents and invited comments. Following discussion it was recognised that it was for the Town Council to approve these documents and they would be circulated as part of the Town Council agenda a full week prior to the meeting for comment before being submitted for formal approval at the November meeting.

Proposal 9 – It was proposed by Councillor B Sandall, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED to recommend the reviewed Financial Regulations and associated documents be submitted for Town Council approval.

e. Review Investment Strategy – The Committee had been circulated with the Investment Strategy and investment schedule for review. It was noted that the current live investment of £200K was due to mature on 15 January 2020. However there was consideration given to the risk factor of having such a large amount in one investment as the compensation level is only £85K should the organisation, where funds are invested, fail. Following discussion it was agreed to contact the CCLA, who are now able to offer Local Authorities investments, to attend the December meeting. f. Feedback on Museum Store and Discover Stamford Exhibit - It was reported that a meeting had been convened with the Officers handling the Collection and it was confirmed that the discussions remained positive but there was another organisation which had expressed interest in taking on the responsibility for the Stamford Collection. Once this had been investigated further a formal decision would be reached. However it had been confirmed that the Museum Store building would be leased at a peppercorn rent of between £1 and £10. It is hoped that if the Collection is transferred to Stamford Town Council that the present display could remain temporarily at the Library. The Town Clerk is also investigating the possibility of purchasing a location which could be used as a Museum and Community Hub. g. Feedback on potential transfer of SKDC Open Spaces and Recreational Areas – The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall advised that a meeting had been convened with the Leader of SKDC

Finance Committee

Town Council -27- 26 November 2019

who is looking into the transfer of some of the Special Expense Areas (Empingham Road and the Uffington Road Playing Fields). The discussions were positive but a formal decision is awaited.

233. MAJOR BUILDING WORKS (Agenda Point 6)

a. Attic Room Flooring – The Town Clerk reported on the current work to the attic room which had unveiled a major issue in respect of wet rot. Photos of the problems identified were circulated. It was noted that the quote for the repairs had been received and there were three options: i. To perform the work as originally quoted but this would require a return in the near future to rectify the serious problem. ii. To rebuild the back of the parapet wall with engineering bricks and install a bitumen cavity tray style solution along the damp course and deepen the set lead work. Quote £4,510.00 iii. To rebuild the back of the parapet wall with magnesium stone with a bitumen cavity at a quote of £6,510.00. Following discussion it was agreed that it was important to have the correct restoration carried out and that the work is guaranteed. It is recognized that there is significant damage to the roof which will require repair and whilst the scaffolding is in place the work should be undertaken without delay to avoid an increase in scaffolding costs.

Proposal 10 – It was proposed by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Croft and unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk proceed with option three and the quote for £6,510.00 is accepted. Action: Town Clerk.

b. Chandeliers for Court Room – It was noted that a provision has been made within the budget for the upgrading of the current chandeliers in the Court Room.

234. ASSETS (Agenda Point 7)

a. Consideration of Town Hall Bookings: The list of recent requests received to use the Town Hall was considered: i. Pain Management Meeting – A request has been made to use the Malcolm Sargent Room by Councillor Mrs Clarke for a pain management meeting on Friday 15 November from 11am to 12.30pm. This was to provide some information to residents interested in Pain Management. 8.40pm – Councillor Clarke left the meeting. Following discussion it was considered that this was a very important subject and facility for the community and should be supported Proposal 11 – It was proposed by Councillor R Sandall, seconded by Councillor Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the use of the Malcolm Sargent Room for the Pain Management meeting is provided free of charge. 8.45pm – Councillor Clarke rejoined the meeting. ii. Daniel Lambert Exhibition – It was noted that this was a request submitted by a Daniel Lambert enthusiast and would involve the Mayor to open the exhibition. Following discussion it was agreed that this should be supported but should be considered as one of the allocations with the use of the Court Room for the exhibition and not the Chamber as requested. It was noted that this would be held next year on Friday 13 March 2020 when the Town Hall tours are operating. 235. MAYOR’S CHARITY (Agenda Point 8)

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Town Council -28- 26 November 2019

The new account for the Mayor’s Charity was circulated. The balance held was £1,230.00. This was noted. The breakdown of the expenditure and revenue for the Civic Dinner was examined. The Town Clerk informed the Committee that the Mayor had requested that the costs of free ticket allocation and the cost for flowers should come out of her allowance. Following discussion it was considered that other former Mayors had factored these elements into the ticket cost. It was considered that all such events must be cost-neutral and that new regulations for transparency must ensure that the Civic Allowance is fully scrutinised and that its provision is not used to support Mayoral Charities.

Proposal 12 – It was proposed by Councillor B Sandall, seconded by Councillor D Taylor and unanimously RESOLVED that all mayoral events are cost-neutral, and the Mayoral Allowance does not support such events. 236. GRANT/DONATION REQUEST TO BE CONSIDERED (Agenda Point 9)

a. Stamford College Players – An application had been received from Stamford College Players for support of £500 towards their amateur productions. They had submitted their financial details for examination. Following discussion it was considered that a donation of £250 should be considered.

Proposal 13 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Sismore, seconded by Councillor Mrs Clarke and RESOLVED by majority vote that a donation of £250 is made from Stamford Town Council in support of this local amateur society. There were two Abstentions. Action: Town Clerk

237. PERSONNEL (Agenda Point 11)

a. Health & Safety Management - It was noted that recently the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Town Clerk had attended a session regarding Health & Safety Management and Employment HR & Law. The organisation had offered a combined package with £1M indemnity at a cost of £97.65per month over either a 3year period or 5year period. Following discussion it was recognised that the Council already contract HR advice at a cost of £100pm which has proved very satisfactory. Councillor B Sandall informed the Committee that the Town Clerk would be prepared to undertake a NEBOSH National General Certificate qualification in order to provide in-house Health & Safety management. (133 hours (3-6months) study time would have to be allowed for the 12Day course (£1,345 +VAT, Certificate and exams (£830 + VAT)). Following discussion it was considered that this might be too much responsibility in conjunction with current duties and further details would be required in respect of the exact details of the offer and whether the outside Company could additionally provide a Health & Safety Officer for the Christmas Festival which is currently having to be contracted out. It was agreed that this matter is to be further discussed at the next meeting when the requested details should be available for examination. Action: Town Clerk

b. Grievance Procedure – The Town Clerk reported that in light of a recent legal decision in the Supreme Court, Formal Grievance Procedures should be amended. This matter related to the recent Ledbury Case and a case revolving Code of Conduct complaint. This was noted and should be implemented with immediate effect.

The Chairman advised that the following aspect relating to Personnel matters would be discussed in Closed Session.

The Chairman confirmed in pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, the meeting would continue in closed session during consideration of the next item which relates to personnel matters.

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Town Council -29- 26 November 2019

It was resolved to exclude the public and press.

The meeting proceeded in Closed Session 8.50pm The meeting resumed in Open Session 9.10pm.

During Closed Session it was resolved to allow the Civic Officer unpaid leave during the requested period during February 2020. It was further resolved that should any Council asset for which an individual - be it Councillor, staff or other member of an organisation - is granted temporary responsibility goes missing, or is lost, said asset will be chargeable at cost of like-for-like replacement to that individual or organisation. Such amendment will be made to all relevant documentation.

238. ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION (Agenda Point 11) None raised

239. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point 13) – Tuesday 10 December 2019

Chairman (The meeting closed at 9.15pm)

Finance Committee

Town Council -30- 26 November 2019

Date: 15-11-19 Stamford Town Council Page: 1 Time: 10:11:27 Day Books: Supplier Invoices (Summary) Schedule No 8 Transaction From: 12119 Transaction To: 12259 Tran No. Item Type Date Supplier Inv Ref Details Net Amount Tax Amount Gross Amount 12119 1 PI 16-10-19 JRB Enterprises Ltd V. 318 Economy Dispenser Dog poo bag 228.00 43.60 271.60 12120 1 PI 15-10-19 Stamps Direct Ltd V. 319 Self-inking stamp pad 18.60 3.10 21.70 12121 1 PI 16-10-19 Cllr Marion Pitt V. 320 Travel Allowance - Various Training sessions 44.55 0.00 44.55 12122 1 PI 19-09-19 Cllr Marion Pitt V.321 Travel Allowance - Various Training sessions 45.00 0.00 45.00 12123 1 PI 15-10-19 Rutland Radio V. 322 Rutland Radio - SCF19 160.00 32.00 192.00 12124 1 PI 14-10-19 Freelance Glazing V. 323 Fire Safety window staff kitchen 1350.00 0.00 1350.00 12125 1 PI 26-06-19 Barefoot Flooring V. 324 Part payment for attic room carpeting 850.00 0.00 850.00 12126 1 PI 15-10-19 Anglian Water V. 325 QW Water bill 76.91 0.00 76.91 12127 1 PI 15-10-19 Anglian Water V. 326 UFF Water Bill 498.42 0.00 498.42 12128 1 PI 22-10-19 Cllr Julie Clarke V. 327 Travel Allowance - Various Training session 72.90 0.00 72.90 12129 1 PI 22-10-19 Cllr Breda-Rae Griffin V. 328 Drinks for Civic Events 150.00 0.00 150.00 12130 1 PI 21-10-19 Lincolnshire Association of LC V. 329 Conference and Training 60.00 12.00 72.00 12131 1 PI 23-10-19 Wilko Stamford V.330 Reusable cable ties 21.25 4.25 25.50 12132 1 PI 22-10-19 R Harrison & Co V. 331 Grave Digging - Various 1280.00 0.00 1280.00 12133 1 PI 25-10-19 Cllr H Bisnauthsing V. 332 Travel Allowance - LALC AGM 43.65 0.00 43.65 12134 1 PI 28-10-19 Gordon Bush V. 333 Tap & leak repair 45.34 9.06 54.40 12135 1 PI 25-10-19 Harris McCormack Architects V. 334 Architect charges (roof work) 168.75 33.75 202.50 12136 1 PI 21-10-19 Stamford Engraving V. 335 Presentation label 14.58 2.92 17.50 12137 1 PI 23-10-19 ESPO V. 336a Stationery 6.04 1.21 7.25 12138 1 PI 23-10-19 ESPO V. 336b Amenities Op Supplies 63.70 12.74 76.44 12139 1 PI 23-10-19 ESPO V. 336c Toilet supplies 19.30 3.86 23.16 12140 1 PI 23-10-19 ESPO V. 336d Mayoral Paper 16.10 3.22 19.32 12141 1 PI 25-10-19 Personnel Advice V. 337 HR advice 100.00 20.00 120.00 12142 1 PI 29-10-19 Crystal Publications Ltd V. 338 Advertising - Events 300.00 60.00 360.00 12143 1 PI 31-10-19 Broxap V. 339 Memorial bench 838.00 167.60 1005.60 12144 1 PI 30-10-19 The Loyal Company of Town Criers V. 340 Town Crier Subscription2020 35.00 0.00 35.00 12145 1 PI 01-11-19 EON V. 341 Bandstand Elec. bill 8.64 0.43 9.07 12146 1 PI 11-10-19 Lloyds Bank V. 342 Bank Service Charge 5.00 0.00 5.00 12147 1 PI 11-10-19 Lloyds Bank V. 343 Bank Service Charge 5.00 0.00 5.00

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Town Council -31- 26 November 2019

Schedule No 8 Page 2 12148 1 PI 23-09-19 Woodbine Farm V. 344 Balance due for Reindeers 561.00 147.00 708.00 12149 1 PI 31-10-19 Stamford Flowers V. 345 Allot. Comp. Flowers 6.17 1.23 7.40 12150 1 PI 31-10-19 Harrison and Dunn V. 346 Duck Feeder bolts, locking nuts & Glue 13.47 2.69 16.16 12151 1 PI 04-11-19 Pride Magazines Ltd V. 347 Advertising Events 1077.00 215.40 1292.40 12152 1 PI 31-10-19 Freelance Glazing V. 348 Mayoral cabinet mirrors 318.19 0.00 318.19 12153 1 PI 05-11-19 SMV Contract Services V. 349 Tree Work 250.00 50.00 300.00 12154 1 PI 26-09-19 Buckles Solicitors V. 350 Cemetery Legal Services 1000.00 200.00 1200.00 12155 1 PI 01-11-19 Stratus Hosting Ltd V. 351 Town Hall Telephones & Broadband 319.50 63.90 383.40 12156 1 PI 07-11-19 MKS Groundcare Ltd V. 352 GM Contract Meadows / Rec Grd 1196.33 239.27 1435.60 12157 1 PI 01-11-19 NPower V. 353 Town Hall Elec. Bill 205.16 10.26 215.42 12158 1 PI 05-11-19 Strutt & Parker LLP V. 354 Water Furlong Rent 2019-2020 600.00 0.00 600.00 12159 1 PI 08-11-19 Stamford ATC Committee Welfare V. 355 2 tix - Civic Function 301119 40.00 0.00 40.00 12160 1 PI 11-11-19 TMS V. 356 Traffic Management - Rem. Sunday 101119 715.00 143.00 858.00 12161 1 PI 07-11-19 Ark Wildlife V. 357 Bird food (Meadows) 54.86 0.00 54.86 12162 1 PI 28-10-19 Britannia Fire & Security Ltd V. 358 Intruder Alarm call out 94.00 18.80 112.80 12163 1 PI 23-10-19 Anglian Water V. 359 2em. Lodge Water Bill 103.49 0.00 103.49 12251 1 PI 14-11-19 Mainstreet Partnership Publictions Ltd V. 360 Advertisinig in In Out Magazine 53.01 10.60 63.61 12252 1 PI 14-11-19 Paul Temple Entertainments V. 361 Puppet Entertainment SCF19 360.00 0.00 360.00 12253 1 PI 13-11-19 Orchard Kitchen & Windows V. 362 Cemetery Toilet new lock & lockable toilet roll holder 579.00 115.80 694.80 12254 1 PI 28-09-19 Graham Starkie V. 363 Sound and Lighting System SCF19 290.00 0.00 290.00 12255 1 PI 12-11-19 Event Insurance Services Ltd V. 364 One Off Event Insurance 257.20 0.00 257.20 12256 1 PI 13-11-19 Theatre Services Roger Bradshaw V. 365 Transport to/from Browne's Hosp. 111119 60.00 0.00 60.00 12257 1 PI 06-11-19 Beebys Limited V. 366 Contract cleaning T/Hall 457.50 91.50 549.00 12258 1 PI 23-10-19 ESPO V. 367 A4 Plastic G/Pockets 5.70 1.14 6.84 12259 1 PI 15-11-19 Patricia Stuart-Mogg V. 368 Dravel Expenses - Safety Meeting / Cemetery Complian 32.14 0.00 32.14 Totals 15173.45 1720.33 16893.78

Accounts for Payment

Town Council -32- 26 November 2019

DRAFT 2020/2021 BUDGET AND PRECEPT 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21 Actual Actual BUDGET FORECAST DRAFT INCOME Administration 63,757.40 14,131.20 200.00 3000.00 200.00 Major repairs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Town Hall letting fees 6,326.80 8,518.00 5,000.00 700.00 1,000.00 Misc. & Skells Projects 323.90 425.00 3,500.00 956.00 11,072.61 70,408.10 23,074.20 8,700.00 4,656.00 12,272.61 Neighbourhood Plan - 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 Strategic Development 1,495.00 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Civic Ceremonies -50.00 1,529.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,445.00 10,529.85 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 Allotments - rents and charges Rents 10,464.58 10,580.06 12,211.00 12,211.00 13,000.00 Water Charges & reimbursements 2,392.00 1,604.69 1,600.00 4,376.00 1,000.00 Allotment deposits plus miscellaneous 1,369.00 1,250.00 650.00 650.00 200.00 14,225.58 13,434.75 14,461.00 17,237.00 14,200.00 Cemetery Interment Fees 16,325.00 18,318.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Sale of Grave Spaces 9,286.00 24,573.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 Memorials and Inscriptions 4,604.18 4,100.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 Use of Chapel 876.00 1,201.23 500.00 900.00 500.00 Lodge letting 6,984.70 6,864.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 Outbuilding letting and utility charges 1,272.13 100.00 600.00 600.00 - Water Charges 371.85 548.58 0.00 400.00 - Miscellaneous 252.50 36.00 0.00 25.00 - 39,972.36 55,740.81 31,600.00 32,425.00 26,500.00

The Meadows and Millstream 2,562.50 2,000.00 - Programmed Events eg. Balloon flts - - 0.00 7600.00 - Mid Lent Fair - - 0.00 - Antiques Fair 5,031.30 2,957.75 5,000.00 5,000.00 Seats & Litter Bins 2,758.00 1,979.00 0.00 - 10,351.80 4,936.75 7,000.00 7,600.00 5,000.00 Recreation Ground Programmed Events - 600.00 0 600.00 Rock Tennis 676.61 2,410.65 600.00 179.00 200.00 The Shack - - 800.00 800 800.00 Miscellaneous 18,437.39 38,568.95 0.00 75.00 - 19,114.00 40,979.60 2,000.00 1,054.00 1,600.00 Total Amenities 83,663.74 115,091.91 55,061.00 58,316.00 47,300.00

Events Christmas Festival 8,979.00 9,062.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 French Market - 560.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 Fridays Artisans RLS 910.00 1,340.00 1,250.00 800.00 800.00 Other 0.00 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 9,889.00 11,042.00 5,650.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 Other Income Bank interest 368.61 1,006.19 150.00 820.00 820.00 368.61 1,006.19 150.00 820.00 820.00 TOTAL INCOME 165,774.45 160,744.15 78,561.00 68,992.00 65,592.61

Draft Budget & Precept

Town Council -33- 26 November 2019

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21 Actual Actual BUDGET FORECAST DRAFT EXPENDITURE Administration Salaries 97,082.91 108,863.45 147,000.00 147,000.00 149,000.00 NI and Pension 29,855.39 47,292.22 44,500.00 44,500.00 52,582.00 Insurance 63.49 5,631.35 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,700.00 Printing Postage and Stationery 1,682.40 2,459.77 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Telephone 7,783.10 4,009.89 2,000.00 4,508.00 5,000.00 Shredding confidential material 464.11 457.73 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Subscriptions 40.00 2,226.84 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Office and IT Equipment 3,062.23 2,750.86 600.00 600.00 600.00 It software updates 135.12 1,590.97 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Training and personnel advice 3,929.10 2,199.10 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Audit Fees 2,599.10 2,629.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Car allowance and conferences - 750.00 750.00 750.00 Miscellaneous + Skells Projects 34,717.83 16,843.26 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Website 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total 181,414.78 196,954.44 220,850.00 223,358.00 234,132.00

Town Hall Major Repairs 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Building Repairs and Maintenance 13,322.20 88,792.34 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Floodlighting 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 Fuel and Light 3,189.38 1,525.90 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Town Hall Cleaning 7,747.94 7,566.46 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Cleaning supplies 466.03 678.91 750.00 750.00 100.00 Furniture and Fittings 3,407.17 784.69 500.00 500.00 500.00 Rates and Water 16,307.49 18,356.38 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 Alarm system maintenance 4,255.25 3,216.77 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 Lift system maintenance 392.00 845.22 750.00 750.00 1,000.00 Town Hall staff uniforms 173.20 75.19 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 Town Hall Archive/research 1,530.10 80.25 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Book Conservation 347.73 349.10 300.00 300.00 300.00 Horticultural Maintenance 2,063.32 3,443.90 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 Stamford in Bloom 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 Civil Ceremonies 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 Advertising 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 LCC Grass Cutting 25,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 Town Hall Solar Panels 5,000.00 Total 53,201.81 125,715.11 124,300.00 124,300.00 117,400.00

Members Allowances and Civic Ceremonies Town Mayor's allowance 4,000.00 4,809.04 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 Mayor and DMayor Travel allowance - 200.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 Members Travelling and Subsistence 1,108.06 74.08 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Hospitality and presentations 839.52 144.49 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Civic Ceremonies 90.13 2,653.91 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Traffic Management 1,544.00 3,957.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,000.00 Town Band 1,250.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Wreaths - sec 137 57.75 41.50 50.00 50.00 150.00 Total 8,889.46 12,380.02 16,450.00 16,450.00 15,550.00

Strategic Development Heritage Town Hall Heritage volunteers 295.06 0.00 0.00 Cellars (Finance Com.) 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 WW1 Centenary Commemoration 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Newsletter (Finance Com.) 1,734.97 2,067.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Advertising 100.00 205.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Website upkeep 1,480.40 280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Emergency Plan/N'hood Plan/Seats/ signage 5,146.12 15,280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Signage 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 - Total 8,756.55 17,832.00 3,250.00 3,250.00 3,000.00 Draft Budget & Precept

Town Council -34- 26 November 2019

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21 Actual Actual BUDGET FORECAST DRAFT

Events Christmas Festival Market and Switch-on 5,442.76 6,786.45 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 Christmas lights display charges 27,562.53 33,000.00 33,000.00 41,800.00 Advertising 250.00 250.00 250.00 Programmed Events & Misc - 31,390.24 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 Traffic Management 1,340.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 Senior Ciizens Concert 0.00 300.00 300.00 350.00 Volunteer refreshments 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 H & S Anchor testing festive lighting 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Total 34,345.29 38,176.69 43,250.00 43,250.00 53,000.00 AMENITIES Allotments GM Contract 3,634.09 0.00 0.00 Projects and Mainenance Improvements 975.00 2,575.00 0.00 0.00 Repairs and Maintanance 323.33 1,372.40 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 Water charges 1,985.66 6,416.33 0.00 4,376.00 1,000.00 Rent to Burghley 546.13 530.57 600.00 600.00 1,300.00 Allotment Deposits 50.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Misc. (Water Troughs/ Flytipping) 958.38 1,178.89 10,460.00 10,460.00 9,760.00 Allotment Total 8,472.59 12,273.19 14,560.00 18,936.00 15,560.00 Cemetery GM Contract 34,641.89 37,174.66 39,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 Projects and Maintenance Building repairs and maintenance 6,292.17 23,412.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Grounds 11,323.49 21,504.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Drives / Footpaths 12,578.45 500.00 500.00 500.00 Fencing/Wall - 14,335.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Sub total 30,194.11 59,251.00 64,500.00 64,500.00 64,500.00 Overheads Fuel and light 1,283.58 148.96 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Rates and water charges 4,082.40 4,169.69 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Supplies and services 32.43 829.18 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Lodge and Boiler 100.00 150.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Archiving cemetry records 490.00 490.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Sub total 5,988.41 5,787.83 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00

Miscs Grave charges 0.00 5,652.29 0.00 0.00 Grave digging 12,830.50 15,943.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Sub total 12,830.50 21,595.29 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00

Cemetery Total 83,654.91 123,808.78 79,000.00 79,000.00 79,000.00 Meadows and Millstream GM Contract 22,266.07 3,761.66 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Projects Riverbank maintenance 2,965.00 1,860.05 500.00 500.00 500.00 Seats and Litter bins 3,170.30 250.00 250.00 250.00 Misc. ground repairs - 2,870.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Meadows Total 28,401.37 8,491.71 8,250.00 8,250.00 8,250.00

Recreation Ground GM Contract 82,521.99 11,906.75 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 Projects Grounds and footpaths 26,701.67 40,122.09 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Building maintenance and band stand - 399.34 24,904.27 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Toilet Maintenance 486.93 179.49 250.00 250.00 250.00 Skatepark Maintenance 2,579.36 873.50 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Sub Total 29,368.62 66,079.35 19,750.00 19,750.00 19,750.00 Overheads Electricity 2,049.27 1,708.16 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Metered water charges 706.57 200.65 500.00 500.00 500.00 Health and Safety 336.50 157.50 500.00 500.00 500.00 Sub Total 3,092.34 2,066.31 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Equipment and installations Repairs to play equipment 15,497.50 29,318.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 Street lamps 405.65 235.29 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Sub Total 15,903.15 29,553.29 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 Special Projects Brass bands 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tree work all sites and Survey 1,930.00 1,400.00 15,500.00 15,500.00 15,500.00 Sub Total 2,180.00 1,400.00 15,500.00 15,500.00 15,500.00 Recreation Grd Total 133,066.10 111,005.70 52,250.00 52,250.00 52,250.00

Overall Amenities Total 255,579.38 154,060.00 158,436.00 155,060.00 Draft Budget & Precept

Town Council -35- 26 November 2019

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21 Actual Actual BUDGET FORECAST DRAFT Grants and Contributions 4,300.00 8,025.24 7,000.00 7,000.00 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 Other Expenditure 0.00 0.00 Elections - - 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Legal assistance 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 Refreshments - - 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 Total 8,025.24 19,400.00 19,400.00 25,400.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 544,502.86 654,662.88 581,560.00 588,444.00 603,542.00

581,560.00 588,444.00 603,542.00 78,561.00 68,992.00 65,592.61 PRECEPT 503,027.00 503,027.00 502,999.00 519,452.00 537,949.39

Precept 2020/21 537,949.39 SKDC 2020/21 Tax Base allowance 725,240.00 2019/20 charge £70.56 2020/2021 Parish Band D Tax Rate charge 74.18 2020/2021 Band D Increase 5.10

Draft Budget & Precept