1fT'1' XIII-. if""vr;.n

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• ~. m. ii, wroI"N smt,,~ if~ f ..~ lI"iTiJAT q~31bt 1981 CENSUS-PUBLICATION PLAN,

(1981: -c~, Publication, Series 11 in All Series ,.... ill be published in the following parts)


Administration Report- Enumeration

Par' 1-8 Administration Report-Tabulation

Part II-A - General Population Tables

Part II-B PI imary Census Abstract

Part III General Economic Tables

Part IV Social and Cultural Tables

Part V Migration Tables

Part VI Fertility Tables

Part VU Tables on Houses and Disabled Popl!lation

Part VIII Houichold Tables

Part 'IX Special Tables on Scheduled Caltes and Schedled Tribes

Part X-A., Town Directory

Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns

Part X-C Survey Rc ports on selected VilIalCS

Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special stud ies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Part ~l • Census Atlas

Paper 1 of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Paper 1 or 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household.


Part XIlI-A&B District Census Hand book for each oftbe 45 districts in the Sta tc. (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract) f~~ ~;:ft CONTENTS '{15(S Pagel

1 SI~1IA Foreword i-iv 2 5mlTqlfT Preface v-vi 3 'Om mw 'fIT;rm Map of District 4 "~~,!vi atIfI, Important Statistics vii 5 ~1(~qut1~1T!fI f!tff'" Analytical Note 1-25 6 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF V1LLAGES 27-67 ~ ~"'T"'~T'"'" VT.n 'fI' ",.-1... '1 a~~)~l t ~~ Tahsil Maps

(i) ~Tqij-;:r ff~~re 27-30 (ii) ~hffti~ m?:~T~ 30-32 (iii) ;f:IP:rIf'~ i:n~~l~ 3.2-35 (iv) 'T~1:.r~ ff~~T~ 35-38 (v) if~wT ff~~T~ 39-42 (vi) fB"~qRT cr~~Tt1 42-45 (vi) ~~lf~\r ff~~1;;;r 45-47 (i) Raisen Tahsil 48-50 (ii) Ghairatganj Tahsil 51-53 (iii) Bt'gamganj Tahsil 53-56 (iv) Gobarganj Tdhsil 56-59 (v) Tahsil 59-62 (vi) Silwanj Tansil 62-65 (vi: ) Tahsn 65-67

8 ~i{ttVfif' 'fiT mqf4l'fi umn PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 68-161 ,(T~;r f~ 'fiT mmt Abstract 68-71

(i) "'Tlf~;:r a-~~r;;;r (4TTijTur ) Raisen Tahsil (Rural) 72-83 ( i{'T~llf) (Urban) 84-85 ( ii) ~~fflf~ a-~~'h1 (~rJf1ur) Ghairatganj Tahsil (Rural) 86-95 (iii) i1TlTTfiij' a~~T~ (llHiT11f ) Tahsil (Rural) 96-107 (orq'(N) (UIban) 108-109 (iv) Il~(lfiif ~~1~ (Ifr;rl11f ) Oohclrganj Tahsil (Rural) 110-121 (;:r~) (Urban) 122-123 (v) it~r <:m:ffl~ (VTJfTor ) Baraily Tahsil (Rural) 125-135 (i'f~itlf) (Urban) 136-137 ( vi) fu~CfTrrl cr~ij"l~ (~r~Tvr) Silwani Tahsil (Rural) 138-151 (vii) ~~lfi"{r cr~ql\? ( ~r1iTur) l!~aipura Tahsil (Rural) 152-159 (ifll~tlf ) (Urban) 160-161 APPEND IX-Urban Primary Census Abstract 162-167

Primary Census Abstract pC Scheduled Castes J6.8--171 11 -·wnrf:a.ft...... "3flm If.' Sl'Nfi:I. Q{"'1WP(T anftf Prj mary Census Abstract .of Scheduled T(ibes 172-17S APPENDIX-Deve)opBlent Blockwise Primary 1'76-179 Cen!:llll. A hllt:r~l"t ~1JI'''T ~~o.r i~T \Ti:i'lJ g~'fiTU ~1 ~n: fr ~ltif~ (1") f\if« 'fT f""(;r ~ lft[ "flITT IfiT ;;rraT ~ fct; {tU,V eT~t it qfurnA, ~Til~ rcf1:T if; frtmOf Jfi, ~'!l(rq qT~~)~tTlT If);;rrrr <€I 'fTi'f~trq;m 1Il1 { ~"(r ~) Q'"~'fT I ~~, zr)3A'ri ~;::rR- it ~ fq;ZfT i;fJOT ~ I lJ~ ~~cr'llT f:;rifT snTTU"il ;:r it;~ f'fT;fizr ~~l i:r lfT\1f;:rT 6"lfR;p~ it e~TlfOT flJ~1J1 ~rlt if 11"1 ij"i!Tlflfi ~)a1 ~ I f~T iifiA1JI'~'r ~ff(liliT ~ ~q; ~fq~ tTT~ ~lt ~.nlA'l q;) ~ fcrf.rrfl15' rn ~'h: fCf1fiT9' II", ~Q'T $l'fiTllT'f ~ f\inr~ lrnr"tvr ~"'T ~ VTIJ HT, «'fi it; srf,;r;lfT it ~~')ll !lHfg<"iif "Jf 'iit~ if 'If) «~Tlf(fT f~lJ) I 1:1;") itrro, STllmrfif'fi \il;:rlI1JfilT Q'nf1Jflft ,,"'ft SI"T'ffli'fi u-tf~:::rCfiT, tf~ ~m lIl<:;;r it f1'iflT \jf)~t fTlI'T ~ fiJi ~;;ir. ~ T")~ ~fq~n ~"{v.ier ~r ~ 6''f'T ~-"'rrr VT11 it 'I"J1f ~'\"( 'flit 'iiI' srT~f1:rcii \iTiJtrOfifT Q'T"( ~h iQ'"~l, f(;f (ifiHt~lfT if; lA'iJr.mf if !IT.p~f~o ';;rTfa- ~"t 'l'l­ 'f-'lCTIf it f'-111~ItUfTtq'ti hCfTi, Sf'~mrfil4i Q'th:tiif;T, f\ill'lT ~f'ifff \1f~.Tfa- ~T ;;r;:rQ"lSlfT ~ ~ i:fi~art Cfil ;:r~1q;1 qf I 'l"r~T ~f~ffm if rrTlJf,{lIl Iftt 'frlf ,!fcranrT if; arrt it ~'li OflfT fcrq\:Gf (fciQ'{I7f-IV 'Ii') ;r~T 'l"lI'r ~ I ~TWT 'tiT i5fT6T , \.:;, 'tii' r~~r iiI';:rIJUf"T if; If.rnl it 2F~ if~ lIlr~q t f~lr "'Tf ti~·~ ~ qTCfi¥l Cfit:w

q). q~~ifl'q' rr~ fG:t"~r ~~ ri~, 19,t;~ .'lHa .~ ~Q:Hf~f~T~ iii


The district census handbook (DCH), compiled by the census organisation on behalf of the State gover'nments:~ f!V one' of' the' 'most ~arua1Jle proa uC"ts of the' CenSllS. The' DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia us~d f~r' definii­ tation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regIOnal plans a nJ as an aid to District ad:ininistra'ticin.' The district census handbook' is the o'nly publicatIon which provides" PIlmaIY Census ,Abstract (peA) crata up to villag'e revel for the r'ural ar'eas and wardwise for each city or toW:n. It 'alsO" 'pro'vidcS data oli infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns. etc. "

The district census hanjbook series w s initiated during the 1951 Census It contained important census tables ;and peA' for each village and town' of th'e district. During 1961 Census the' scope of the DCH was enlarged and i1 contained a descriptive accoJnt of the' district. a'dmmistrative l>raiistlcs, census tables, YIHage anJ town d1l'ectory. IncludIng peA, The 1971 DCH tcnes was planneJ in , I . ~ , three parts Part-A related to village and town dlfectory, Part-B to VIllage and town PCA and Part-C compr'jsed an'alyiical report, administrative statistIcs, district census tables and certam an'al)tical tables basej on PCA and alnenlty data In respect of villages. However, in some sta"les It was confineJ"Lo district census tables a'nd 'in a few cases altogether given up due to delay In compilation ani.! printi~g J j i '"

Wh:le designing the format of 1981 DCB series some new features along WIth the restructuring of the f6rmats Of village aDd 'town directory have been attempted, At the same'llme, compa;

The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimulll Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on Ci'VIC and other amenities III slums in class-l and Class-It towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective ir.. mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk (.lut programmes on prOVIsion of civic amenities for the improl ement of slums. Tne columns on Scheduled Castes and Sched uled Tribes population in statement IV relating to CIvic and other amenities and adult hteracy classes/centtes under educational facilities in statement V are also added inter alia with this iv

vjew~ A significant -addition is class of town in an the seven statements of the town directery. The infraltructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best anaJysee by taking the clas. or towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic acministration statuI and population in a few statements also serves this purpose.

TJae format of the pri1nary cemus abstract for lhe vil~al:;es anq to\\n8 bas been formulated in the light of cbanles in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individ uat slip of 1981 censul.

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been so designed that Part-A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Tahsil/Town levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on PCA and non·ceDlUI data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its valUe. The distriet and tahliJ/police stationjC D Block etc. level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been inserted at app..opriate phices, to further enhance the value of the publication.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri K. C. Dubey, tho Director or Census OperatIons/ on behalf of the State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coord ination of this publication was carried out by Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrzr General (Social Studiei) of my office. Dr. B. K. Roy. Deputy Registrar Otneral (Map) provided the tecbnical guieance in the preparation of the maps. Data received from census Djrectorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters under the guidance of Shri M. M. Dua. Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in the preject.


One of ,the most important, pUblications of the CeDlus ere the District 'Census Handbooks. This publication was. beaun in:this (:aption since 1951 CeDlms. But prior to ibis, a ,similar publication was,rele:.tacd in:,tb¢,Census earlier .thaa 1951. ThaqmbHcation' was 'on the title of Vi1Jage Statistics afld it eontainlroDly .village ·names and'total poplilation "thereof. The H)S 1 Census 'could, the"iefore, "be 'said to',r~present\a,sjgnificant step in tile prn~ess of making detailed-Census "statistics' available ~ down"upto the, village 1}evel.

In· fact ,the Di$trict,Cen-sus Handbook ,is the most irnl'ortant -publication 'at -'the -Census and 'is also,pe&'~s ,(be. most woidely -used .. Also perhaps {hia is the only pUblication used at the micro-le'el'down upto the tahsil and development block.

The form of the District Census Handbook has gone considerable change 5ince 1951. This is baSically due to the growing demand for more information. For the purpose of convenience as well as with a view of making the basic statistics availa ble with the data users as early as possible the District Census Handhonkslha:¥e .been split into 2 parts, Part-A contains the Introductory Note on the district and Vmage Dir~ory. ''This ¥O'lume will be found useful to get almost all the non-CeIl sus statistics available at'o1l'e~pla¢c. lPaJ't-B contains the Primary Census Abstract.

One of the innovation of the present Census has been in terms of alhmnent 'of L'Ocitihh . Cod'e numbers to the villages. In the earlier Cemuses the location code system W"s such that the villagos of a Patwari Circle were found at different serial numbers. Since the Patwafi CirCle still remains an imrortant administrative unit the location cod e numbers have been so given in the present CeIl sus that it may be possible to locate all the villages of a particular Patwari Circle at one place one below the other.

When the planning for the present census was started in 1979 the tahsils were still revivable as an important unit of the administration, the whole planning was, therefore, done taking tahsil as the unit. It was during the course of the census that some requests were informally received for making blockwise data available. Since these requests were received very late and "ere also received only in an inrOImal manner, it has not been possible to disturb the original planning of villages arranged according to the location code numbers t.lking tahsil as one unIt. However, additiona,l exercise has been done and in addition to the tahsil figures blockwise figures have also been indicated. It is hoped that the availability of these blockwise data will enha~ce the utility of this publication.

It is hoped that this handbook will provIde the basic statistical support to executive and developmental administration. It is needless to state that the proper implementation of policy dep~nds on the ability of the administration authorities concerned.

It may be remembered that the viUagewise area figures given in the Primary Census Abstract and the Village Directory are those based on the village papers While the tahsil totals given in PCA are obtained from the Land Records deepU. which in many cases exclude forest area. The statistics that are contained in the

K. C~ DUDE\? Director of Census Operations Madbya Prad esh. Bhopal. Janmasbtami, 31 Aug. 1983. IMPOITANT STATISTICS

30 78' 00' 30' 45' 7900' 79'15'

.D MADHYA fRADESH 21' 2)' 45' s DISTRICT RAISEN 45 't .. 2 0 4 g MILES • ! ~ ~. I 420 4 • 12.. 16KILOM£rRU (' 't




BOUNDARY, DiSTRiCT ... . TAHSIL ... . \ HEAOOUARTERS: OISTRICT, TAHSIL .. )~,,,"' NATIONAL HIGHWAY... ("' 1\ , I \ I SWE HICHWAY ."., """ .I I \,) METALLED RO.lO .... "" .. " ...... _ \. \ I UNMET.lLLEO ROAD." .. ,,, .""" .. ~===== 23' 23' \. \ / RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION: QROAO GAUGE =-:ib- oa O~ \ , \lI RIVEUSTRE~M ...... ' ...... ,. ,.~ VILLAGE HAVING 5000 l AQQVE POPULATION OEDRI o \ I WITH NAME . • I I~'''''' URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE: \.,"" CLASS IV, VI VI <"" II / ~ /'''', .. ,. I,J POST OFFICE I PoSTANO TELEGRAPH OFFICE... lO/'!O ~~Q DEGREE COLLEGE .. IiJ REST HOUSE.. . 1M ,, ~G~ Cr S0~ S· £ O;H 0 R ~ 0° 22' u' 45' DISiR\(,~ 4~

17' IS' lO' 45 78'00' 1$ 3D' 41' 79' 00'

t JnCIUQCI 2 Unmnablted Villages of which Abadi Area have been merged in nearby CityfTown, vii


MADHYA PRADESH Raisen District Population Teta) Persons 52,178,844 710,542 Males 26,886,305 372,459 Females 25,292,539 338,083 Rural Persons 41,592,385 639.806 Males 21,266,321 334,547 Females 20,326,064 305,259

Urban Persons 10,586,459 70,73~ Males 5,619,984 37,912 Famales 4,966,475 32,824 Decennial Population Growth rate I 97] -81 25.27 28.48 Area (Sq. Kms.) 443,446.0 8.466.0 Density of population (Per Sq. Km.) 11.8 84 Sex-ratio (Number of females per 1000 males) 941 903 Literacy rate Persons 27.87 23.01 Males 39.49 33.45 Females 15.53 11.51 Perc~ntage of urban population to total population 20.29 9.96 Percentage to total population ( i ) Main Workers Persons 38.41 33.72 Ma.les 53.52 52.57 Females 22.35 . 12.96 ( ii ) Marginal Workers Persons 4.52 3.63 Males 0.96 0.96 Females 8.30 6.57 (iii ) No n ..... Workers Persons 57.07 62.65 Maies 45.52 46.47 Fen1ales 69.35 80.41 Break-up of main workers (percentage among main workers) ( i) Cultivators Persons 51. 96 4LOID Males 53.8\ 47.01 Females 47.28 14.14 (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 24.24 38.04 Males 17.81 30.87 Females 40.61 70.08 (iii ) Household Industry Persons 3.52 3.8S Males 3.36 3.54 Females 3.93 5.25 (iv) Other workers PersOl.s 20.28 17 .11 Males 25.02 18.58 Females 8.18 10.53 Percentage of scheduled castes Persons 14.10 :6.72 popnlation to total population Males 14.1.6 16.75 Females 14.04 16.69 Percentage of scheduled tribes Persons 22.97 15.43 population to total population Males 22.33 14.94 Females 23.66 ] 5.98 Number of occupied residential houses 8,929.190 115,962 Number of Vi llsiCS Tot:!} 76,603 1,518 Inhabited 71,429* 1,425 Uninhabited 5,174. 93+ Number oC Towns 327 6 .. Includes 77 inhabi ted vi llages Which have been treated wholly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town. ~ Includes S8 uninhabited villages of which Abadi Area have been merged in nearby City/Town. + Includes 2 uninhabited villages of Which Abadi Area have been merged in nearby City/Town.

f~Q",(qGfi' ~tq1Jf)




This note gives the meanings and explanation . could be ensured and which would provide basis of terms and concepts used in this handbook. This for analysing of fjgures and urbanisation in the is necessary because, without a proper grasp of the country. But it has to be remembered that the meanings of such simple concepts as building, house. urban criterion of 196J and J971 censuses is that bOllSCho1d, workers etc., it is not possible to appr­ the males working in activities such as fishing, eciate the data presented in the handbook. Thus lo~gjng, etc. Were treated as engaged in Don-agri­ one who does not know that an unpretentious hut cultural activity and therefore contributed to the in the thick of Bastar forests with unplastered bam­ 7S~{, criterion in 1961 and 1971 censuses, whereas boo walls and a thatch roof and with space hardly in the 1981 census these activities are treated as on enough for two cots is not a'bit Jess of a building par with cultivation and agricultural labour for the than the Indian versions or the sky scrapers in one purpose of this criterion. of the metropolitan cities, or that a central jail household as the household of the most pious and Applying the criteria described above, a list of god-fearing citizen in the State. may not be able 327 towns was finalised and it is these 327 lown, to appreciate what exactly the figures represent. which are treated as urban areas for the purpose of 1981 census. The additional Secretary to the Govt. Concepts and Definitions of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs sent a letter to the Chief Secretaries of the State Govern­ Rural JUrban : ments as back as lOth May, 1979, requesting them 1t has been the tradition of the Ind ian Census to ensure that no changes are made in jurisdiction to present the census data for rural and urban areas and boundaries of municipalities and revenue separately. In fact, in all the Censuses through­ villages, tahsils, sub-divisions and districts during out the world this classification of census data into ·the period from 1-1-1980 to 30-6-1981. However, rural and urban units is generally recognized. How­ subsequent to our finalization of rural and urban ever. distinction between rural and urban is not yet frame the State Government in the Local Govern­ amenable to a single definition which would be ment Department notified many places as notified applicable to all countries. areas and municipalities. Such places have not been treated as towns for the purpose of census and The definition of an urban unit at the 1~71 tke secretary to Government in the Local Govern­ Cenl>us was as follows - ment Department had agreed to this arrangements. (a) All places with a mun:oipality, corporation Sjmilarly, the State Government raised the status of cantonment board or notified town area; . Ii municipal committees to that of municipal corpo­ rations. These new muniCIpal corporations are also (b) All other places which satisfied the follow-. treated as municipal committees. ing criteria.

(i) A minimum population of 5,003 ; While dealing with the subject of rural and urban break up mention may be made of the area under (ii) At least 75 per cent of male working the Special Area Dt"velopment Authority. The population engafed in non-agricultural Special Area Development Authority have been pursuits ; and constituted under the Madhya Pradesh Nagar Tatha (iii) A density of population of at least, Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973 and they enjoy tbe 400 per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. miles). power to function as a municipality so far as the municipal management of that area is concerned. The same criterja is retained at the 1981 census The limits of these Special Areas include large por­ also that comparability with the previous census tions of rural areas comprising number of villages 4

situated around the core town or village of such (i) it should have a core town of a Jninimum Special area. For example. Orchha is a SADA popUlation of 50,000, (ii) the contiguous areas area in Tikamgarh district but there is no town in made up of other urban as well as rural administra­ this area. Similarly, Malanjkhand in Balaghat tive units shouJd have mutual socio-economic links di strict, Bheraghat in Jabalpur dhtrict, Mandav in with the core town and (iii) in all probability this Dhar district and similar other cases are SAbA entire area should get fully urtanised in a pel iod of areas but there is no urban area within that. The two or three decades. Certain Standard Urban objective of the SADA areas perhaps is to control Areas were dete~mined on this basis in 197 .. and tbe future development of these areas in a planned some basic data were presented for 1951, 1961 and manner and th.at is all. It wss, therefore, not con­ 1971 for such areas and their components. Similar sidered desirable to treat such SADA areas at par data have been presented for the St~ndard Urban with otber urban bodies like municipal corpora­ Areas in 1981 also. The idea is to present basic tions, municipal committees etc. and only that part data for those areas for. four to five decades so that of it IS treated as urban which is rcally so. As such the urbanisation process in tbese areas can be in the Korba SAD A area only Korba town has been studied; However, there have Qeen minllnum changes treated as urban and rest of the area remains in the in the constituent units of the Sta:qdard Ur ban rural frame. Areas of 1981 Census as compared to those of 1971, but the list of SUA remained un"hanged. Urban Agglomeration: Size Class of Towns: Apart fr.om town/city the 1971 concept of ur ban agglomeration is also adopted for the 1981 The urban areas are classified il1to 6 classes census Very often large railway colonies, university referred to as towns of Class I to VI. The classifi­ cation is shown below- campuses, port areas, military camps, etc. come up outside the statutory limits of the city or town but Class I towns 100,000 and obove adjoinlllg.it. Such areas may not by themselves Class II to Nns 50,00U to ~9,999 qualify to be treated as towns but if they form a Class III towns 20,000 to 49,999 contiguo us spread with the town, they are out­ Class IV towns 10,000 to 19,999 growths of the town and deserve to be treated as Class V towns 5,000 to 9,9Y9 urban. Such towns together with taeir outgrowths CJass VI towns less than 5,000 have been treated as one urban unit and calkd 'urban agglomeration'. An urban agglomeration It is customary to treat a town having a popu­ may constitute ;- lation of 1 lac and above as a city.

(a) A city· with continuolls outgrowth, (the Census Honse: part of outgrowth being outside the statu­ toty limits but falling within the bound­ A Census House is a building or part of a build­ aries of the adjoining village or villages); ina .ha ving a separate main entrance from the road or common courlya.d or staircase, etc., used or (b) One town with similar outgrowth or two recognised as a separilte unit. It may be occupied or more adjoining towns with their out­ or vacant. It may be used for a residential or non­ grJwths as in (a) ; resideatial purpose or both. (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns If a building had a number of flats or blocks with their outgrowths alI of which form a which were independant of one another baving continuous spread. separate entrances of their OWn from th~ road Or a Standard Urban Area; common staircase or a common Courtyard ieading to a main gate, they have been considered as A new concept of Stand!:lrd Urban Area intro­ separate census houses. duced in 1971 census will also be followed for the In some cases, however, it was difficult to 1981 Census. The essential requirements for the apply the definition strictly. For example, in an constitution of a Standard Urban Area are- urban area, a flat has five rooms, each having direct 5 entrance to the common staircase or courtyard Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes which by definition had to be treat~d as :five census houses. If all these five rooms' weI e found SCheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are occupied by single household entire flat was treated those found in the Notification of Scheduled Castes/ as one census house. In such cases singleness of Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976 use was taken into consideration to avoid undue (lOS of 1976). By this amendment, area restrictions proliferation of the number of census houses. for most of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes bave been removed. However, the area re­ An occupied residential census house means a strictions still remains in respect of Dhobi (in census house which is actually used for residential Bhop!!l, Raisen and districts) : KotwaI and purposes, either wholly or partly by one or more Pardhi (in Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwalior households. , Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, Morena, Household: Raigarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and Vidis"a Districts) and Kumhar (in Chhatarpur, The term household in census is defined as a , Panna, Rewa, Satna, Shahdol, S~dhi and group of persons who commonly live together and Tlkamgarh districts) Scheduled Castes. Lik ewise would take their meals from a common kitchen Keer and Pardhi Scheduled Tribes are still restrict­ unless tbe exigencies of work prevented anyone of ed only in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts; them (rom doing so. There may be a household of Mina in sub-division of district; persons related by bloed or a household of un­ Panika in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, Satna, related persons or having a mix of both. Examples Shahdol, Sidhi, and 'Tikamgarh districts; Pardhi, of unrelated households are board ing bouses, mes~ BaheJia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, LangoJi Pardhi. sess, hostels, residential hotels, rescue hom'. s, jails, Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia in (I) "Ashrams" etc., These are called institutional Bastar, ChhindwaJa, Mandla, Raigarh, Seoni and households. There may be one member households Surguja districts, (2) Baihar tahsil of Balaghat two member bousehC'lds or multi ~ member district, (3) Bet ul and Bhainsdehi ta.bsils of Bet ul households. For census purposes, each one of these district, (4) Bilaspur and Kotghora tahsils of Bilas­ types is regarded as a . household'. pur district. (5) Durg and Balod tahsils of Durg district, (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohala Revenue There are three types of households viz, normal, Inspector's Circles of Rajnandgaon district. (7) institutional ano honeless households. A houseless Murwara, Patan and Sibora tahsil of Jabalpur. household is that which is normally found to be district, (8) Hoshangabad and Sohagrur tahsils of residing on the road side, pavements in hume pipes Hoshangabad and Narsimhpur district, ~9) Har­ under staircases, or in open, temple, mandaps, sud tahsil of Khandwa district, PO) Bindra-Nawa­ platforms !lnd the like. Institutional househo~ds garh, Dhamtari and Mahasamund tahsils ofRaipur have been explained above. Those households WhiCh district. do not fall in the category of institutional household and houseless household have been categorised as Persons belonging to the castes/tribes mention­ normal households, The enumerator WaS required ed above found in the districts other than those to indicate in the Household Schedule whether the where Scheduled have not been treated as schedul~ household belonged to 'Institutional household' or ed castes vr scheduled tribes as the case may be. 'Houseless household'. For institutional '1' was lt may be mentioned here that scheduled castes can written against the question 'Type ~f household' belong to the Hindu or tbe Sikh religion only. and '0' was indicated in the case of houseless while the sched uled tribes belong to any religion. household. For normal household, no entry was The list of Scheduled Castes and Schedukd Tribes required to be made. relating to Madhya Pradesh relevant to 1981 census has been given immediately after this note as The enumeration of institutional households Annexure-I. was done in the manner the normal households were enumerated during the enumeration period from Literates and Educated Persons: 9th February to 28th February. 1981. The house­ less households were enumerated on the night of A person whl) can both read anj write with 28th February, 1981. understanding in any language is treated as literate. 6

person who can merely read but cannot write, is suses, the economic questions were based on not literate. It is not necessary that a person different approaches, namely, usual status an<:i who is literate should have received any formal current status, ",ere adopted with reference period education or should have passed any minimum of one year and one week for seasonal and for regular work, respectively. Current status approach ed ucational standard. was thought to be irrelevant in the context of our The test for literacy was necessary only when country where usual status of a worker is consider­ the enumerator had any doubt about any person ed to be more appropriate. returning as ·literate'. The test for literacy was ability to read any portion of the Enumerator's The above questions are in three parts and Instruction Booklet and to write a simple letter. have been assigned in such a way that first of all Ability merely to sign one's name was not consider­ it attempts to divide the population into two broad ed adequate to qualify a person as being able to groups viz.,

write with understanding. If a person claimed to ( I) those who have worked Any time at all be literate in some other language with which the during the last Year, (2) those who have not work­ enumerator was not familiar, the respondent's word edatal1. was taken as correct. \ The latter group consist of the non-workers. All children of the age of 4 years or less were This information is obtained in Q. 14-A. Ha ving treated as iileterate even if they might b~ geing to classified the population into two groups, the next school and had picked up reading and writing a attempt has been to classify those wbobave worked few words. any tim~ into Main workers and Marginal workers , on the basis of time spent on work as well as Classification of workers by Industrial Category: secondary work, if any, of the Main workers. If At the 1981 Census, the question which were a person had worked for six months or more (180 c:mvassed in the Ind ividual slip to elicit informa­ days or more) be was treated as Main wurker and tion on economic characteris.tics of the population and if the period of work was less than six months were as follows:- he was regarded as a Marginal worker. In~. I5B details of secondary work or marginal work are (i) Q. 14A Worked any time at all last Year? obtained. Finally all attempt has bllen made to Yes determine whether those who are non-workers or (H/ST/D/R/B/fjO) No. marginal workers are seeking or are availatle for work. Q. 14B If yes in I -tA, did you work for major part of last year? Yes( l)/No (2) It will thus be seen that these questions on economic a,pects have been so designed as to ii Q. lSA Main activity last year? identify all workers, full time workers or seasonal Y~s in 148 (C/AL/HHl/0W) workers or marginal workers and non· workers with reference to the activities during the last one year No in 14B (H/ST/D/R/B/r/O) period prior to the date of enumeration. Q. 15 B Yes-Any other work any time last year? ISH Q. I4B No-Work done any time last year? Tbe various terms and definitions used in collecting the economic data have been explamed Yes (CfAl/HHI/OW)fNo briefly in the foJlowillg paragraphs. c/AL/HJ:iI/UW Definition of work : iii Q. 16-lf No in 14A or HB, seeking/available for Work has been defined as participation in any work? Yes (l)/No (2). economically productive activity. Such part icipa­ The above questions were formulated after tion may be physical or mental in nature. Work detailed discussion at the Data User's Conference involves not only actual work but also effective and technical group. At the 1961 and 1971 Cen- superviSIOn and direction of work! 7

For persons on regular employment or engaaed dependents, retired persons or renliers, beggars, in regular type of work, temporary absence during inmates of institutions, unemployed persons etc. the reference peri01 on account of illness, holiday, They are persons who have not worked any time at temporary closure, strike etc., was not a dis­ all in tbe year preceeding the enumeration. qualification for treating them as workers. Maio activity of workers ; Persons under training, such as apprentices, with Or without stipends or wages were also treated The main activity of workers has been classified as workers. In the case of a person who had been into four categories viz , cultivator. agricult ural offered work but had not actually joined, he was labourer, household ind \lstry and other work in the not treated as a worker. Rent receivers, pensioners PC"' at the 1981 cenws. A significant departure etc., were not treated as economically active unkss bas, therefore, been made while presenting the they alio enllaged themselves in some economic data on economic activity which relate to only four activity. broad categories indicated above as against nine In a11 these questions, the cefe-cence period is industrial categories of the 1961 and the 1971 the one year; preceeding the date of enumeration. censuses. The nine categories of the 1971 census Certain types of work such as agriculture. house­ were-(i) Cu tivator, (ii) Agricultural labourer, hold industry li lIoe gur making etc., carried on eIther (iii) Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and throughout the year or only during certain seasons Plantations, OrchardS and allied activities, (iv) or part of the year, depend ing on the local circum­ Mining, (v) Manufacturing, Processing and servic­ stance. In all such cases the reference period has ing with sub-categories-(a) At Bous~holc h.dustry been the broad time span of the agricultural sea­ and (b) Other than Household Industry, (vi) Con­ Struction, (vii) Trade and Commerce, (viii) Trans­ sons preceeding the enumeration. port, Storage and Communications. and (ix) Other Main Workers: services. The COj respondence between the cate­ gories of 1981 and 1971 are as under- The main workers are those who have worked for a major part of the year prcceeding the enume­ 1981 Category 1971 Category ration. Main activity was reckoned in terms of time disposit ion. For example, if a person had I worked as daily wage labourer for 4 months, as an II If agricultural labourer for I month and as cultivator III VIa) for 2 months, he Was treated as a Main worker on IV 11I,IV,V(b),VI.VII,VIII & IX the basis of total time spent on work: and his main activity have been reckoned as Daily Waae Labourer C.ltivator : since he spent major part of his time on work in this activity than as cultivator or agricultural For purposes of census a person is working as labourer. cultivator jf he or she is engaged either as .mployer, single worker or family worker in cultivation of Marginal Workers: land owned or held from Government or held from Marginal workers are those who have worked private persons or institutions for payment in any time at all in the year preceeding the enumera­ money, kind or share. tivn but have not worked for a major part of the Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and year. For example, if a person who is mostly harvtating and production of cereals and millet dOing household duties, or is mainly a student, or crops such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, a rentier or a beggar and the like who is baSically etc., and other crops such as sugarcane~groundnuts a non-worker bad done some "olk at some time tapioca, etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindered during the reference period. he was heated as a fibre crop, cotton etc., and 'does not' include fruit marginal worker. grOWing, vegetable growing or keeping c>rchards or groves or wOlking of plantation like tea, coffee, Non·Workers: rubber, cinchona, opium and other medicinal plan­ Non-workers constitute of householders, st udents tations. 8

Agrieultu ral Labourer: processing, servlclfig, repalflng' Of making and selLing (but not merely selling) of goods such as Persons working in another person's land for handloom weaving, dyeing, carpentry, bidi rolling. wages in money, kind or share have been treated al pottery manufacture, bicycle repairing, bla(:ksmi-th­ agricultural labourers. An agricultural labourer ing, tailoring etc. It does not include professions has no risk i.n the cuitivati(m and he has no right,.of such as a pleader or doctor or barber or 'dh('bl' lease or contract on land on whi~ch he works. even' if such professions are run at home by ~em. Household Iadustry : bers of the household.

HousehoJd Industry is defined as an industry Other workers : conducted by the head of the household himself/ herself and or by the members of the households at All workers, i.e. those who have been engaged home Of within the village in rural areas and only within the precincts of the house where the house­ in some economic activity during the last one year, hold lives in urban areas. The larger proportion who are not cultivators or agricultural labG),urers of workers in a household industry should consist or in household industry



f The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976} Dated the 18th September, 1976

Scbeduled Castes :

1 AudheIia. 35 Kumhar (in Chhatarpur. Datia, Panna, Rewa, 2 Bagri, Bagdi. Satna, Sbabdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarhdistricts) 3 Bahna, Bahana. 36 Mahar, Mehra, Mehar. 4 Balahi, Balai. 37 Mang, Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi, Dankhni­ 5 Bancbada. Mang, Mang Mabasi, Madari, Garudi, Radhc­ 6 Barabar, Basod. Mang. 7 Bargunda. 38 Meghwal. 8 Basor. Burud, Bansor, Bansodi, Bansphor, 39 Mogbia. Basar. 40 Muskban. 9 Bedia. 41 Nat, KalbeIia, Sapera. Navdigar. Kubutar. 10 Beldar, Sunkar. 42 Pardhi (in Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwa­ 11 Bhangi, Mehtar, Balmik, Lalbegi, Dharkar. lior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, 1l Bhanumati. Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shivpuri 13' Chadar. Ujjain and Vidisba Districts). 14 Chamar, Chamari. Bairwa. Bhambi, Jatav, 43 Pasi, Mochi, Regar, Nona, Rohidas, Ramnami. 44 Rujjhar. Satnami, Surjyabanshi, Surjyaramnami, Ahir­ 45 Sansi, Sansia, war, Chamar Mangan. Raidas. 46 SHawat. 15 Chidar. 47 Zamral. 16 Chikwa. Chikvi. 17 Chitar. Scheduled Tribes : 18 Dahait, Dahayat, Dahat. 19 Dewar. 1 Agariya. 20 Dhanuk. 2 Andh. 21 Dhed, Dher. 3 Baiga. 22 Dhobi (in Bhopal. Raisen and Sehore dis- 4 Bhaina. tricts) , 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bbiunhar Bbumia, Bhumiya, 23 Dohor. Bharia, Paliha, Pando. 24 Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris. ~ Bhattra. 25 Ganda, Gandi. 7 Bhil, Bhilala, Barela, Patelia. 26 Ghasi, Ghasia. 8 Bhil Mina. 27 Holiya. 9 Bhunjia. 28 Kanjar. 10 Biar, Biyar. 29 Katia, Path aria. 11 Binjhwar. 30 Khatik. 12 Birbul, Birbor. 31 Koli, Kori. 13 Damor, Damaria. 32 Kotwal (in Bbind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, J4 Dhanwar. Gwalior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone,Mandsaur 15 Gadaba, Gad ba. Morena, Rajgharh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shiv. ]6 Gond: Arakb, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, Badi puri, Ujjain. and Vidisha districts). Maria, Bada Maria, Bhatola, Bbimma, Bbuta 33 Khangar, Kanera, Mirdha. Koilabhuta, Koliabhuti, Bhar, Bisonhorn 34 Kuchbandhia. Maria, Chota Maria. Danrlami Marla, Dburu, 10

Dhurwa, Dhoba, Dbulia, Dorla, Gaiki, Qatta 35 O"aon, Dhanka. nhangad. Gatti, Gatia, Gond Gowari, Hill Maria, Kan­ 36 Panika (in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, dra, Kalanga, Khatola, Koitar, Koya, Khirwar Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts.) Khirwara , Kueha Maria, Kuchaki Maria, l'vtadia, Maria, Mana, Mannewar, Moghya, 37 Pao. Mogia, Mongbya, Mudia, Muria, Nagarcbi, 38 Pardhan, , Saroti. Ojba, Nag-wanshi, Raj, Sonjhari Jharaka, 'Thatia, Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria, 39 Pardhi (in Bhopal,Raisen and Sehore districts) Daroi. 40 Pardhi, Bahelia, BahelIia, Cbita Pardhi, Lan- goli Pardhi, Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takcinkar 17 HaIba, Halbi. Takia [in (I) Bastar, Cbhindwara, Mandla, 18 Kamar. Raigarh, Seoni and Surguja districts, (2) Baihar 19 Karku. tahsil of Ba13ghat district. (3) Betul and 20 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur. Cherwa, Rathia, Tan- Bhairisdebi tahsils of Betul district, (4) Bilaspur war, Chattri , and Katghora tahsils of Bilaspur district, 21 Keer (in Bhopal, Raise~ and Sehore districts). (5) Durg and Balod tahsils of DU1'g district, (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohla Revenue 22 Khairwar, Kondar. Inspectors' Circles of Rajnandgaon district, (7) 23 Kharia. Murwara, Patan and Sihora tahsils of Jabalpur 24 Kondh, Khond, Kandh. district, (8) Hoshangabad and Sobagjmr 25 Kol. tahsiJs of Hoshang


The HistOIY of the District Census Hane book Thus the present series of District Census Hand­ could be traced from the 'Village lists' brought out book consists of two volumes viz DCHB Part A for every district in ]901 and 'villc:ge &tatistics' for and DCHB Part B. Part A contains the village/Town every dist) ict in 1911. But this was discontinued Directory and Part B contain5 the Town/Villagewise in 1921 and 1931. In 1941, however 'village statis· Primary Census Abstract of the concerned district. tics' were brought out by then Central PlOvinces Par~ A-Village Directory contains information and Berar Government. It was for the first time in about tbe Ilame of village, total area of viiJage, 195] the practice of bringing out a single volume total pc..pulatioD and Dumber of houstholds in the known as the DIstrict Census Handbook, giving village. amenities like education, medical, drinking villagewise statistics and other census tables for water, post and telegraphs, market day. communi­ the district at the cost of the State Gov~rnment cations. approach to village, distance from the was initiated and is continuing since then. nearest town, power supply, staple food. ~lld use, places of religious, historical and archaeological The District Census Hand book, compiled by interest et~. the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Government is one of the most important publica­ In addition there are four appendices to the tion of the cenSUli and is widely used by planners, Village Directory as under- administrators, academicians and researchers. (1) Tahsilwise abstract of educational, medical and other amenities. The scope of the Dlstrict Census Handbook (2) Land utilization data in respect of census has gone considerable change since 19~1. III 1951 the District Census Handbook contained only the towns. Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. (3) Tahsilwise list of villages where no aUleni­ In view of the usefulness of this publication, im­ ties are available, and provements were made In 1961 by including non­ (4) Tahsilwise list of villages according to the ct:nsus data like climate, agriculture, co-operation proportion of Schedule 1 Castes/Scbed uled indu[)lry, education, health etc., as alsu an 'Intro­ Tribes population by ranges. ductory Note' for each district. Unfortunately, the The last two appendices have been included for desire to make the dilitrict census handbook more the first time in 1981 census. Appendix III will be comprehensive delayed its publicatIOn. Therefore, helpful for planning input in areas/villages where in 1971, it was decided to publish the district cen­ basic infrastructure is lacking and Appendix IV will sus handbook in three parts in order to release the be helpful for planning welfare programmes for maximum data as and when finalised. Part A con­ Scheduled Castes/Schedultd Tribes at micro level, tained the Village Directory which gIves villagewise particularly in relation to area development non-census statistics of land use, area and amenitIes o( ientation programmes. available within the village. Part B contained the villagewise Primary Census Ahstract and Part C Similarly the Town Directory contains seven contained various administrative statistics. Part A itatements as below- and B were, however, pubIiEhed in one volume since Statement I-Status and growth history. it waS economical to do so as data for both the parts became available early. Parts A ana B were Statement II-Physical aspects and location published separately in and English verSiOns. of towns. Collection of data for Part C was cumbursome and Statemen tIll-Municipal FiDa nee. it took unduly long time in its finalisation, and ultimately tbis publication had to be abondoned in Statement IV-Civic and other amenities. view of the enormous delay in its printing. Statement V-Medical, educational, recreatio­ nal and cultural facilities. In 1981 census. with a view to avoid delay in bringing out of DCH series, ~he part cOlltainmg Statement VI-Trade, Commerce & Industry and the administrative statistics has been dropped. Banking. 12

An additional statement IV -A is meant only industrial categories viz., cultiyators, agricultural for ,Class-I and Class-II towns giving the civic and labourers, household industry and other workers. other amcmities in notified slums. This statement marginal workers and non-workers. has been introduced for the first time in 1981 census. Tbe inclusion of Primary Census Abstract relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Part B-The town/viUagewise Primary Census Tribes at the tahsil/town level is another impor­ Abstract gives the basic data like area of the village, tant feature of the DCHB series of 1981 census. occupied residential houses, total number of house­ holds, population by sex, as also the sexwi~e popu­ An appendix containing Development Block. lation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, wise-'Vikas Khandwar' totals of PCA figures has literacy and population by seX into four broad also been included. 13


Raisen District is situated in the central part of and more than 3 times the Bhopal canying the State Madhya Pradesh lying between the northern latitudes Headquarters. Again it is little less than Datia., 22°47' and 23°33 and eastern longitudes 77-21 and Bhopal and Indore cis tl iet combined together 78°49, The tropic of cancer (25·3'~O) passesthrough but itself it is Dot even one-fou{th the size of the northern part of the district. , the world Bastar the biggest dis~rict in the State. In popu­ famous Buddhist Pilgrims centre, is situted on the louness Raisen di~trict is the 5th least populous tropic of cancer. Tbe settlement over 2 villages district in the State. Sehore, l'iarsilllhapur, Panna Konda and Khajuria Gusai of Begamganj tahsil are and Datia are the 4 districts having small population also located over the tropic of cancer. thdn Raisen. The district contains 1.:6 per cent of the State population and is thus much below the The di;,trict is bounded in the west by Bbopal average populou!'.ness per district in the State­ and Sehore districts, in the north by Vidisha district, (1,158,633). Raipur, the most populous district in in the..ealt and north-east by Sagar district, in the the State is more than 4 times as many inhabitant as Raisen. south-ea~t by the Narsimhapur district,and in the south by ~hor~ and Hoshangabad districts. Nearly The present Raisen district corresponds roughly balf of the northern boundary of the district IS to the N izamat-i-Masbrique of the erst'While Bhopal carved out-by river Narmada. . State, created sometime between 19d-31. There has The district gets its name from the headquarters been no jurif.dictional changes in the district during town Raisen, which is situated below the massive the decade 197 !-1981. The present tahsil structure Fort of the name. Etymologically the name Raisen came into existence during 194\-1951. The district is may probably be a corruption, of Rajvasini or Raja­ now divided into 7 tahsils namely-'Johargani in the south.west. Raisen in the north-west, Gnairatganj in sayan meanir'g the Royal Residence. However, most the north (between Raisen and Begamganj), Begam­ likely the ollgin of this word is from the name ganj in the north-east, Silwani in the east sand­ of the founder of this Fort-Raj Singh. In fact in wiched by ~ega.mganj and Udaipura on the north some books of History the name of the Fort is given and south respectively: lJdaipura in tbe south-east as Rai Singh. and Ba.r~ily in the south, Except Udaipura, which With an area of 8,466 Sq. Kms. the Raisen is accessible with some difficulty during monsoon, district-contains 1.93 J:-er cent of the State which is all other headquarters of tahsils are approachable much less than the average area of the districts in from the district headquarters by all weather roads. the State (9.854 sq. kms.) In respect of area, Raisen The tahsil· head quarters namely Raisen, Ghairat­ district is 25th in rank. It is more than four times gan] and Begamganj lie on the Bhopal - Sagar larger than Datia. the smallest district in the State road. 14

Tbe following table gives the population, no. of villages and Towns in 1981 :_


Population, Number of vmla~. and Towns, 1981 ------_------Sl, Name of Population No. Tah'lil Tc.tal Rural P M F P M ------_._------_F 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 -----~------

I Raisen Tahsil 110,636 58,707 51,929 94,722 50,171 44,551 2 Ghairatganj Tahsil 67,482 35,842 31,640 67.482 35,842 31,640 3 Begamganj Tahsil 85,786 45,457 40,329 67,472 35,727 31,745 4 Goharganj Tahsil 106,338 55,807 50,531 98,884 51,803 47,081 5 BaJaily Tahsil 157,1,00 81,848 75,252 135,664 70,303 65,361 6 Silwani Tahsil 81,627 42,357 39,270 8],627 42,357 39,270 '/ Udaipura Tahsil 101,573 52,44] 49,132 93,955 48,344 045,611

------~.------~------Total 710,542 372,459 338,083 639,806 334,547 305,259 -----_._------_..,._------SI. Name of Urban No. of Villages No. of No. Tahsil Towns P M F ------Total Inhabited ------.....,....---_..._----­" ------1 2 9 10 12 13 14 ..... _----...... ,._-._...-.------

1 Raisen TahsIl 15,914 8,,,36 7,378 233 221 2 Ghairatganj TahsiJ 173 165 3 Begamganj Tahsil 18,314 9,730 8,584 226 194 1 4 Goharganj Tahsil 7,454 4,004 3,450 240 223 :(.1,436 5 Baraily Tahsil 11,,45 9,89J 235 721 2 6 Silwani Tahsil 255 246 4,'091 7 Udaip.lra Tahsil 7.618 3.521, 156 155 l ------Total 70. ';36 3;.91232,824 1,518 1,425 6

----~-..._------~------.,._-- -_ ---- 15

The above inset table shows the population, the bottom in respect of the population size of town number of villages and towns. It wIll be useful to and in tbat order. deal with these separately. Even though the largest urban population is found Population in Baraiiy tahsil, the largest proportion of the urban population to the total population iii returned by In sheer size of population Baraily is the Begamganj tahsil (21.34). Raisen tahsil with 14.33% largest tahsil and Gbairatganj the smallest. The of its being urban is second in resrect of the propor­ tahsils can be ranked as follows :- tion of urban population. Balaily tahsil with 13.46 ------urban components in its total popUlation ranks third, with'a sizable gap in bety.ecn Udaipura tahsil Name (If Tahsil Rank with 7. SO urban components ranks fourth followed by _------Goharganj (7.00). What applies to the proportion of urban population to the different tahsiIs, inVersely Baraily Tahsil applies in respect of !"Ural population. The propor­ tion of rural population in these tahsils is as below: Raisen Tahsil 2

Goharganj Tahsil 3 ------_------Udaipura Tahsil 4 Name of Tahsil % Rank Begamganj Tahsll 5 ------_._------_

Silwani Tahsil 6 Ghalratganj 100.00

Silwani \ Ghairatganj Tahsil 7 100,00 J Goharganj 93,0 --~------2

Udaipura 92.50 3 Rural Urban Population Baraily 86,36 4 Of these TahsHs, Ghairatganj and Sllwani are Raisen 85.62 5 purely rural areas, The other five tahsils have urban areas with Raisen, Begamganj, Goharganj and Begamganj 78.66 6 Udaipura having one town each. Baraily tahsil has 2 towns. The number of towns is exactly double of ------what it was in 1971, the new entrants being Obed u tla­ Number of villages ganj of Gohargl11j tahsil, Badi of Baraily tahsil and Udaipura of Udaipura tahsil. Badi town of In respect of the total number of villages it is Baraily tah~il owes its growth to Barna Irrigation Silwani tahsil which ranks first containing 16.80 per Proiect. With the Bhopal·labalpur road which is cent of the total villages of the district. Goharganj als~ a national highway having come up recently tahsil {ollows Silwani tahsil and contains 15.81 per Obedul1aganj, Badi and Baraily towns will ~et further cent of the villages of the district. With its 25.48% fillip in th~ir development. Baraily tahsil ranks third followed by Raisen tahsil Begamganj is the largest town of the district (15.35 per cent) Begamganj 10.28 per cent. It must fa Howed by Raisen. Baraily town of Baraily tahsil be however, kept in vi eW that the proportion shown closely follow Raisen in 3ize of p:Jpulation and Badi above are only in respect of the numbn of villages town of the same tahsil is the fourth largest town of that a tah~Jl contains of the total villages both inha­ the district. Udaipura and come at bited and uninhabited of the districts. 16

Inset table 2. given below show. the_decadal change .i~ distri.bution of popu,lation.


Decadal Change in Distribution of Population

------_._-----_._------Sl.' Name of POP U LA T ION Percentage decadal var;ation097j-g1) No. Tahsil ------:------1971 ------Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban ------_------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------.---_------

Raisen Tahsi: 85,912 76, /74 9,138 110,n36 94,722 15,914 +28.78 +23.38 +74 .15 2 Ghairatganj Tah.il 55,342 55,342 I. 67,482 67,482 +21.94 +2J .94 3 Begamganj Tahsil 69,165 55,799 13,366 85,786 67,472 18,314 +24.03 +20.92 +37.02 4 Goharganj Tahsil 79,923 79,923 106,338 98,884 7,4,:,4 +35.05 +23.72 5 Baraily Tahsil 120,918 112,655 8,263 157,100 135,664 21,436 +29.92 +20.42 +15.42 6 Silwani Tahsil 63,146 63,146 81,627 81,627 +29.27 +29.27 7 Udaipurd Tahsil 78,620 78,620 101,573 93,955 7,618 +29 19 +19.51

-----_ .... ------_------..-. ------Total 553,026 522,259 30,767 710,542 639,800 70,736 +28.48 +22.51 +12 9 91 ----- ._------

Decadal change in distribution of population Gohargallj tahsil which has the largest percentage decadal increase' in res;Ject of total popUlation, shows In re~pect of the total population the largest only 23.72 per cent increase in ru~al popUlation and decadaJ increase has been registered by Goharganj ranks third closelY followd by Rai,en (23.3S) tahsil Bllraily, Silwani. Udaipura, and Raisen tahsiIs Ghairatganj tahsIl regi[>ters lDcrease in the rural follow Goharganj tahsil in that order and show population by 21.~4 percent whereas Begamganj and percentage decadal increase from 2Y.92 in Baraily to Baraily respectiVely show the increase in rural popu­ 2 .78 in Raisen. Bt'gamganj tahsil has shown a lation by 20.1.:12 per cent and 20.42 per cent, respec­ growth.rate ef 24.03 and Ghairatganj tahsil has regis­ tively. 1t may be observed tbat in respect of tered the least percentage decadal variation In the percentage decadal variation of rural population all district. the tahsils of Raisen district show higher rate of increase than the rural populatlcn of the Slate (19.28 The percentage decadal variation shown by per cent). Raisen d istnct is higher than the similar variation registc'red by the State as whole. It is only a Urban Population Begamganj and Ghuiratganj tahsils which shQW a growth fate less than the State averase of 25.27. The p'lrcentage decGdal increase in the urban In respect of the rural component of popula­ population can be examine only in three tahsiIs of Rai­ tion Silwani tahsil register the highest percentage sen district because the others either do not have any decadal increase or '29.27 and the J:.'ast percentage urban population (Ghairatganj and Silw"lll) or they decadal increase is registered by Udaipllra (19.51) have entered the urban field fOr the first time in 1981 (Udaipura and Gobarganj). The highest Raisen district has 1,425 inhabited villages. percentage decadal increase in tbe urban population Nurly n per cent of villages are small in size, that is shown by Baraily tahsil and here tho:: percentage is, those having less than 500 inhabitants. If medium variation is a little less than three times of what the sized villages i.e., those having 500-1,999 inhabitants State urban population has registered (56.()3). This are also taken into consideration, 98.32 per cent of

appears to be basicalJy due,. to the entry of ,ijadi as a the villages are covered and ::IS such Raisen di~trict new town and the fillip that Baraily has received on could easily be said to be a district of small to account of the National Highway as well as the medium sized villages. impact of Barna Irrigation PIOject. Raisen tahsil It could very broad Iy be s tuted that Baraily and has registered an increase in the urban population by 14.15 per cent. Basically due to the fast pace at and Udaipura are the tahsils of medium sized villages which Raisen town has grown during the decade. Silwani is the tahsil of very small villageS and all Begamganj tahsil has registered the smallest growth the r~maining four tahsils are the tahsils of small in urban population by 37.07 per cent. 1hls shows villages. that Begamganj town bas already achieved maturity and now this is far less scope for development there In respect of the tahsils it is Silwani tahiil as compared to the new towns as also the less deve­ which s bows the largest proportion of villages in Jess lopment ones. tban 500 sizes. This is basicalJy due to tbe fact that in this tahsil 46.34 per cent of the villages belong to TABLE 3 what c0uld in this region be termed as, very small village. It may be recalJed that it is Silwani Distribution of Villages by Population Ranges tahsil that it contains the largest number of villages in the district. Baraily ard Udaipura tahsils are thickly

Range of No. of villages Percentage of Populated tracts and here the villages are of what Population in each range villages in range could he called the medium sized. These tahsiIs show ------the least proportion of villages below 200 population and the higbest proportion in the size group 500- 432 ;10.32 less than 200 1.999. There are only three villages in the district 200- 499 591 41.47 which fall in the size group 5,000-9,999. These

500-1,999 378 26.53 viHales an~ Silwani, and Korba Deori 2,000-4,999 21 1. .47 of Silwani, Gohargallj and Udaipura tahsils, respec­ 5,O()O-9,999 3 0.21 tively. It may safely bE forecast that at least two 10,000+ of these-Silwani and Mandideep-fall on the way ------of development into urban centHs. Total 1,425 100·00 ______Distribution of villages by density

The above inset table shows the distribution of What has been described already in respect of villages in Raisen district and the tahsil thereof by population and number of villages is sufficient enough population ranges. an indication of the popUlation density in villages. 18

However, the following inset table is being gi Yen TABLE 5 for easy reference, PriJportion of Scheduled Castes Population to total TABLE 4 Populatoin in the Villages

Distribution of Villages by Density ..... _------Percentage ranges of No. of \-mages Percentage of ------scheduled castes po-. in each range villages in Range of density Totd No. of Percentage of pulation to total each range population (Per. Sq. Km. ) villages in each villages in each density range density range ------..------~ ...------

------~------Nil 147 10.32 - 10 , 60 4.21 0--5 149 10·46 11 - 20 70 4.92 6--10 241 16·n 21 - 50 281 19.72 II-IS 243 1,7 . 05 51 100 457 32.07 - 16-20 200 14.03 lOr - 200 463 32.49 21-30 241 16.91 201 - 300 77 5 40 31 and aboVe! 301 - 500 11 0.77 204 14.32 501 + 16 10.42 Not Known ------Total 1,425 100.00 Total 1,425 100.00 ------

This table contains size of percentage ranges and It may be aeen that 64.56 per cent of villages also contains information about villages which do fall in the two denaity rangfs 51-100 and 101-200 not have any scheduled caste population. 10.32 per­ persons per sq. km. These two ranges have almost cent of the villages in the district do not have any the same propoftion of the villal;es in the district. scheduled gastes popUlation. The percentage of In fact 93.41 per cent of the villages of the district villages in different percentage ranges from 10-17. are covered by the density ranges upto 200 persons Though distcibuted all over the district the caste per sq. km. population is more numerous in Raisen, Ghairatganj, Begamganj and Udaipura tahsils. As against this In the tahsils it is Silwani tahsil which scheduled ,tribes are more concentrated in Goharganj, shows the largest proporLon of villages in the lower Bara;ly and SiIwani tahsils. The p~rcentage distribu­ density ranges and consequently less proportion of tion of vi1Jages in dIfferent perccmage ranges of villages in the upper density ranges. Udaipura tahsil scheduled castes 2nd scheduled tribes has thererore, is just the opposite in this respect. Goharganj tahsil to be seen to~ether. has the largest proportion of its villages falling in

the l.:ast density range of less than 10 pel sons per sq. The instt table 6 given below on next page show km. This inset table is self explanatory and any the percentage of scbeduled trib.S population to total further analysis does not appear to be necessary. populatioll in the village. 19

TABLE 6 lives in the rural areas and only 1.97 per cent of Proportion of SclJeduled Tribes Population to total them are found in the urban areas. In Raisen district Population in the Villages scheduled castes also are rural phenomenon though ------it is not So prominent as is the caSe with the sche­ Percentage rang.:s of No.of viliages Percentage of duled tribes. 93.54 per cent of the scheduled castes scheduled Tribes popu- in each range villages in each population Jives in the rural areas and it is only I a tion to total popu- range 6.46 per cent of scheduled castes population that lives lation in the urban areas. Inset tables 5 and 6 TCspectivety _..... _------Nil 271 19.02 show the proportion of scheduled castes and schedu­ 0-5 255 17.89 led tribes population in villages. 6-15 261 18·32 Inset table 7 show the proportion of scheduled 16-25 164 1 ! .51 castes and scheduled tribes popUlation in the towns 26-35 124 8.70 of the district. On the whole the proportion of the 36-50 99 6.95 sched uled castes in the populatien of the six towns 51 and above 251 1.7.61 is more or less equal and it is around lO per cent. ------However, gn closer examInation, it is observed that Total 1,425 100·00 Begamganj town has the largest proportion of them- --~-~ ------12.85 per cent. Baraily, Raisen and Udaipurafol1ow Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respec­ closely with 10.53, 10.23 and 10.77 per cent oftbeir tively constitute 16.72 and 15.43 per cent of the popUlation being scheduled castes. ObeduUaganj total population of the district. As can b~ expected, town has 9.78 per cent scheduled castes component in the location of scheduled tribes is a rural phenome­ its population whereas Sadi has the least proportion. non, 9S.03per cent of the scheduled tribes popUlation


Proportion of Schedul~d Castes/Scheduled Tribes Population in Towns ------Sl. Name of the Total Total Total Pacentage of Scheduled Percentages of Sch~duled No. town Population Scheduled Castes Sch~duled Castes population to Tribes populatiOn to population Tribes population total population total population

------.. ------~------'--- 2 4 5 6 7 ------_._------_._------.. _

1 Badi 8,423 81.5 622 9 68 7.38 2 BaraJly 13,013 1,370, 352 10.53 2.70 3 BegamganJ 18,314 Z,3~3 75 12.85 0.41 4 Obedullaganj 7,454 729 287 9. '78 3.85

5 Raisen 15,914 1,628 461 10.23 2 90 6 Udaipura ],618 775 357 10.17 4.69

----_._-....------~ Total 70,736 7,670 2,154 10.84 3 05

------~- 20

In a way the proportion of the scheduled Badi town is a new entrant in 1981 and is con­ castes and scheduled tribes in the population of the stituted by the merger of 5 villages.' In 1971, the town arc inversely related. If towns are arranged population of these 5 villages contained 8.52 per cent to ranks of scheduled castes and scheduled tei hes, scheduled tribe corr.ponent. The proportion of 7.38 ,.the picture is as show~ below :- per cent shown by this town, therefore, is not U1.;.­ ------usual. Name of the town Rank according to the proportion in TABLE 8 the total population Literacy rates by Population ranges of ,iIlaaes ------Scheduled Castes Scheduled Trib;:s Range of Population No.of villages Literacy rate ------in each range

6 ------Begamganj 1 less than 200 432 13.28 5 Baraily 2 200-499 :>91 17.12 4 kaisen 3 500- 1,999 378 20.45 Udaipura 4 2 2,000-4,999 21 30.96 Obedullaganj 5 3 5,009-9,999 3 41.99 1 Badi 6 10,000+ ------_._---_ .. ------Total 1,425 20.48 Begamganj town has the least proportion of scheduled tribes. Even otherwise, it is Begamganj Inset table 8 shows the literacy rates by popu­ tahsil which show. the least proportion of scheduled lation ranges of villages. It may be observed that tribes (8.89 per cent) in its population. In a the rate increases as we go from the lower popula­ way the proportion of scheduled tribes in the popu­ tion range to the higher. This is quite na tural lation of towns is related to the proportion of sche­ abo because villages in the higher population ranges d uled tr ibes in the population of the region. If will have greater scope for schools. It is in the tahsils are taken to be the 'region', the ranking of population range 500-999 that the literacy approad es tahsils in order of proportion of scheduled trites and the literacy rate of the district. In respect of very similar ranking of towns is as below. 1t may be small and small villages Silwani tahsil show the kept in vitw that Silwani and Gbairatganj tahsils are lowest literacy rate and Goharganj tahsil only very beina kept out ot consideration since they do not marginally improves upon Silwani. Udaipura tahsil contain anv town, the ranking of scheduled tribes is shows the highest literacy rate in the smallest popula­ d~n~ only in respect of 5 tahsils. tion ran~e. In the next population range i. e., -_._------200-499 it is Goharganj tahsil which registers the Rank of town highest literacy rate followed by Udaipura. In the Name of Rank acco~ding Town situated Tahsi. to proportion in the tahsil according to population range 500-1,999, Goharganj and Udaipura of s(.heduled tribes propor- tahsil. maintain their position with Baraily .howing tribes popu­ t ion therein the least literacy rate in thi~ range. In the range lation 2,COO-4,999 RaiseD lahsil shows the highest rate-42.80 ------~.------per cent with Goharganj and Ghairatgauj following in Goharganj Obedullaganj 3 that order. In large villages it is Silwani tahsil Udaipura 2 Udaipura 2 which !lhow the highest f

component in itl population also, it is a sparsely The' literacy rates does not seem to have any populated tahllil. In spite of this, except in the relation with the size of the towns. ObeduUaganj villages of population range less than 200 it shows which is the new entrant as an urban centre, and is highest or lIecond highest literacy rate in other popu­ tbe smaJlest town in the district, shows the highest lation range. The total result is that in the rural area literacy rate, foIJowed by BaraiJy and Raisen. Begam­ of the district it is Goharganj tahsil which has the highest literacy rate of 24.5 (. Curiously enough ganj, UJaipura and Badi follow Raisen, the least Raisen, Begamganj and BaraiIy tahsils rel'ister lower literacy rate is being shown by Badi. literacy rates than the district rural. Ghairatganj tahsil. is only marginally higher than the district The urban areas of Raisen distnct as a whole average and Udaipura only a little better. The have a lower literacy rate than that for state urban southern tahsils of the district show better literacy 45.95 against 53.98. Of the towns in Raisen district. situation than the plain areas of the north. it is only Obedullaganj which attempts to approach Inset table 9 gjven below shows the literacy rates for tbe towns of Raisen district. :- the average literacy rate of urban areas of the Stato. TABLE ~ (ObeduIJaganj 52.08, State urban 53.98). Literacy Rates for Towns

---~------The fullowing inset table shows the scheduled Name of the Town Literacy rate castes and S( heduled tnbes population of the district 1 Badi 39.86 together with the proportion of each to tho total 2 Baraily 49.55 3 Begamganj 43.79 population, total and sex-wise population of literates. 4 Obedullaganj 52.08 main and marginal workers and non-workers. 5 Raisen 48.66 6 Udaipura 40.04 ------,_ ------_ The position regarding the distribution of the sche­ ------All Towns 45.95 duled Castes and SCheduled tribes is interesting. The 22


Literates, Workers, Non WOlkers, Scheduled Castel/Scheduled Tribes Population in the district

------_.. _--- T Total Population P.:rcen Name of the District R ------S.C.Population S T.Poptllation Literatts fO total Population U P M F to total to total ------popdiation population P M F ------_._-_------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------~--...------Raisen District· T 710,542 372, .159 338,083 118,805 109,665 163,526 124,606 38,920 16.72 15.43 23.01 33.45 11.51

R 639,806 334,547 305,259 111,135 107,511 131,024 103,3/0 77,654 17.37 16·80 20.48 ::0.90 9.96

U 70,736 37,912 32,824 7,670 2,154 32,502 21,236 11,266 ------10.84 3.05 45.95 56.01. 34.32 23

..------__ -_._------_.. - -- tage------Main workers to total Marginal workers to Total workers to Non-workers to populat'on total population total popula tion total population p M F p M F p M F p M F

------_------~------11 12 13 !4 IS 16 17 18 19 10 21 22

239,608 195,800 43,808 25.795 3,566 22.229 265,403 199,366 66,037 44,539 173,093 272,046 H·72 52.27 12.% 3.63 0.96 6,58 37.35 53.53 19.53 62 .65 46.47 80.47

219,735 178,493 41,242 24,761 3,332 21,429 244,·196 181,825 52,671 395,30 152,722 242,588

34.34 53.35 ! 3. 51 3.87 0.99 7.02 38 21 54.~5 20.53 61.79 45.65 79.47

19,873 17,307 2,566 1,034 234 800 20,907 17,541 3,366 49,828 20,371 29,588 28.09 45 65 7.82 1.46 0.62 2.44 29.56 46.21 10.25 ".40 53.73 89.75 - -_------_------_--- 24

The three northern tahsils-Raisen, Ghairatganj and position of these castes Ilnd tribes inhabiting rural Begamganj have larger proportion of sched uled castes areas is as below to total population than the four southern tahsils Goharganj, Baraily. Silwani and Udaipura. The ------dist1'1bution {)f s.:heduled tribes is in the reverse order. Name of Proportion of the scheduled castes and scheduled Tahsil tribe population inhabiting the rural areas Silwani which has the least proportion of scheduled ------"--- castes has the l'argest proportion of scheduled tribes Scl1cdu!ed Castes Scheduled Tribt's and Raisen tahsil which has the largest proportion of -----.~------_._------Scheduled castes occupies sixth rank in respect of Raisen Tahsil 92.72 95.50 proportion of scheduled tribes. Instead of eilaborat­ Ghairatganj Tahsil 100.00 100.00 ing this point any further it may be useful to arrange Begamganj Tahsil 84 91 99.01 the tabsils a-ccording to the ratilt they occupy in Gohalganj Tahsil 94.79 98.84 respect of the propOltionofthe scheduled castes al1d Baraily Tahsil 92.06 94.83 scheduled tribes compone~ts. Silwani Tahsil 100.00 100.00 Udaipura Tahsil 95.35 97.10

Rank of the tahsil in respect of the ------Name of Tahsil proportion of Literacy

Schedult'd Castes Scheduled Tribes Raisen district is below the state average in respect of literacy. The gap between the State average Raisen Tahsil 1 6 and the district is not very pronounced in respect of Ghairatganj Tahsil 2 4 the rural areas and in fact the proportion of female Begamganj Tahsil 3 7 literates in the district is a little higher than the Barai}Y Tahsil 4 S district. The gap howevers, appears quite pronounced Udaipura Tahsi I 5 3 in the urban areas. The following table is given to Goharganj Tahsil 6 2 facllita te comparisio~. Silwani Tahsil 7 1 ------_------Total/ Madhya Pradesh Raisen District Rural! ------Another point (If distributjon of scheduled Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females castes and scheduled tribes is tbat they are mostly ------_ ------._-- Total concentrated in rural areas. This phenomena is all popUlation 27.87 39.49 15.53 23 01 33.45 11.55 the more pronounced in respect of scheduled tribes. Rural The inset table sho~s the proportion of scheduled popul<:tion 21.22 32.91 8.99 20.48 30.90 9.06 Urban castes and scheduled tribes to the total population. population 54.02 64.41 42.26 45.95 56.01 34.32 93.54 per cent of the total sched uled castes popula­ ------tion and 98.03 per cent of the sehed uled tribes popula- tion of the district is found in the rural areas. The It will be useful to have a look at the tahsiI- position in respect of diff~rent tuhsils in respect of the 'Wise situation. RaiseD tahsil : Workers and ROB-workers

In respect of the total population R aisen tahsil In work participation rate in the district is show a little better literacy in respect of total. lower than the state average in respect of persons persons and males whereas the literacy rate in ca~e and females, but is a bit higher in T<'spect of males. of females is lower than the district average. In The relevant figures are given be)ew for facility of respect of rural population Rai~en tahsil is below comparisioD. the district average in all cases i.e. persons, males and females. However, in the urban areas RaiseD ------tahsil improves upon the district average. Work participation rate State/District ------Gbairatganj tabsil : Persons Males Females

Ghairatga nj tahsil is purely rural tahsil. In ------the rural areas it is higher than the district average Madhya Pradesh 38.41 53.52 22.35 in respect of lotal, persons and for females. Whereas Raisen District little be]ow the district avera~e in case of males. 27.35 53.53 19.53 However, when compared with average for the total - popuLation of the district it is below the district ------average. The work participation rate in the rural areas is higher and this is as it should be. Begamganj tabsil : Of the total workers 9G.28 per cent are main For the total population Begamganj tahsil is higher than the district average in respect or persons workers. The proportion of main workers to total and females but lower in case of males. For the rural workers, in case of males ani females is as fo11ows:- population it is lower than the district average, in aU Males cases i.e. for persons, males and females the situa­ 98.21 tjon hold good for urban population. Females 66.34

Goharganj tahsil : This feature is also quite obvious one and docs 110t need any ellaboration. Gohdfganj tahsil is higher tban the district average in all accouats. Taking rural and urban areas as a whole, (total Baraily tahsil : popUlation) ~ilwani tahsil shows the higher partici­ pation ratc'in all cases i.e. in respect of persons, Barailv tahsil is lower tban tile district average males and females. Ghairatganj tahsil show the next in all respect except in case of urban females in highest partIcipation rate for persons and males, but which case it is a little better than the district average. the participation for female is lower than the that of Silwani tahsil : Silwani ~nd Baraily tahsils. However, both these tahsi1s sh 0 \1\.' higher figur~s than the district average. Silwani tahsil is below the district average Baraily tahsil follows Gbairatganj in respect of partie i­ when it is compared with tbe total population of the district. When compared with the ru; al population pation rate for persons and a]so show the second it is below the district average in respect of persons higber rate in the district in respect of females. How. and males but shows higher rate in case offem:tles. ever, in case of males the participation rate is lower than Silwani, Ghairatganj and Begamganj. In Baraily

Udaipura tahsil : t _I hsil also in all rates of population is higher than In Udaipura tahsil the literacy rate is higher tbe district average. It is Raisen tahsil which show than the district average in aU respect except in the the least participati'.)n rate in all the three sectors. urban areas. The rate for females being particularly lower.



23' DISTRICT RAISfN 211 30' 1 I 0 1 4 6 ~ll!S 30' 'q' I ~ I 10 1 4 6 8 !llOWfllfl Q D/ S --- 0




'( BOUNDARY, DISTRICT, _1--1- I' J i " TAHSIL , '-'-'- l VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NUMBER [:I~l=J 2d ,! " 20' I HEADQUARTERS; DISTRICT, TAHSIL @ © VILLAGES WITH POPULATION SIZE; BELOW 200 j ~ 200- 499,500-999, 1000-4999, 0' ••


UNMETALLED ROAD" '''' _...... --_ .. ~I RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION, BROAD GAUGE, I" POSITION OF TAHSIL RAISEN RIVE R AND STREAM, IN OISTRICT RAISEN """"""""'" .. , , ,,,::::::::::::'" 14 0 ~~1llS !...-l.-oI FOREST AREA ""'" "'''''''''' "'"'''' .mi8K1l0~EIREI ~ ;. POST OFFICE POST AND TElEGRAPH OFFICE ~ I PO~'O t"l r" ,~ HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL" I ' ~ ," POLICE STATION" ~ /1!:~w.I~ri ,,,. ", .. " .... " 1""""" PI At 23' pi~~ ',~1111TiI~!, r '\ HOSPITAL, PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE ,DISPENSARV, ""~ , ~ , + 10' ('I, ~ 'I MARKET/HAT, MANDIES, r:.' v,.,""'~ l' Sllil~ " .... "",,'''''''''''''''' i II \ _" > / I &',tJ 10' ; ",,1\ ~ ) I r" • IUOII II,' , I • \ lA" ~ MOII- \GOIlRtliJ/,t,lIl1llr r' ( ~ G I VI1IIGlilOlll10N lOCI NUMBIR 1411 IS INI1UOIO ""\ I \ , ... ~ h,I U IN AlliiN 1m G H ~ 0 I fOR!IIIRIIIIHOiMIRINOI(illllfIIO o , 7840' 7.45' 7800 20' lO'

2,° )5'



I ~IL!I lO' I I 0 • 30 ~ ~I I I 0 F~ ~KILOM!TR!s .,


80UN~ARY DISTRICT ...... _._._ \ " TAHSiL...... -;:~-:-:::; " VILLAGE WITH LOCATION COD.E NUMBER .. L~~'~_.l HEADQUARTERS; TAHSIL ...... 20 \ VILLAGES WITH POPULATION SIZE· mow 200 ~ 200-499·500·999, I 1000·4999 .. · ...... ·.... · .. · o •••


UNMETALLED ROAD ...... ======



HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL ...... '''''' ......



7800' 10' E , ••"_.,,, 78 40'

©GOYT OF I~DII COPIIIGHT, 10,4, _____.• _, •..• w··~ .. __,_____ ------I--_, , I I,.' )0' '0' rr-----i-----r78110' ··----,-----:r----r------.. -r--·-•



I I 0 2 , I ! !ll()ljtl~ES

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! C T S,AGAR ll'


BOUNDARY, DISTRICT .. ,-,_ ...... " r -'" - ... ., ,L. __In__ oJI VILLAGE Wi'(H LOCATION ~OOE NUM~[~ .. " HEADQUARTERS: TAHSIL VILLAGfS WITH' f.OPULATION 51Zt: BlliJII 200;



_..I..-__,__L ___ ,-.J ____.--"f---_---' SO' '/9' 00'


~ ) C J 4 , .WJ~OWInh

10' 10'


., , ,"



80UNDm, DIStRICT..,.. .., ...... " .. _,_,_ I TAHSIL .... , , , .. , , .. , , , ... , , ._,_,_,_ VILlAGE WITH LOCATION COOE, lIIM,n, r::~==J HIADOUUTm: TAHSlL .. ",,,.,, .. ,. '" . 0 VlUGIS WITH POPULATION SIlE: mow 200, •• o •• 200-499, 5CO-999; 1000-49991 SOOO l AtOVt.. UNINHABITED vmm ,."'.".,' ... " , X o UltAN AlIA WITH LOCATION CODE, • , , .• , , . , " .. NATIONA~ HIG_ . .... ". .,,, .. ,,.,,,,, "' 10 STATE HIGHWAY" ..... """",,,,,, '" ,Ii!! METALLEO AOAO""", .. , """'''''' ___ POSrrlON OF TAH~L GOHARGANJ ~ OISTRICT RAISIN UNMETALL!O ROAD"", , , , , , " , ," '" , ''', ••••••• c RAILWAY LINE WITH STATIJII •• ROAO ;AUG!, , , , " M T IMR AND SUE,AM"" , " , . " ,."" , ,~ fO~r CfIICE /FlJST AND TElEGRAIH omE ...... , •. O/PIO IfGHER 5£CONlIlY SCHOOL" , " , .. ,., , . " , , ", POLICE STATION .. ' , PRI~ARV HEALTH C!NTR!,DISPENW'I.. .." 1,+ MARKET/HAT,MANDIES...... ',D. )0' 78'!<·' 1"": , ._" ~- ----_. ~~_. ,. __ ----r---~--r----r--,----,------r--r- ·,1I,C' '°'1 MADHYA PRA DESH TAHSIL BARAILY .DISTRICT RAISEN

, , ~ IUUS I J oj ~H~'E1'E' I I







POSITION Of TA"lIL BAIAILY IN (} HIGHEI SECONDARY SCHOOL., , DISTRICT RAISEN ~ POLICE STATION", ", PI If ,1,,\ ~~ 'If . '''iE~IHIlHJ ~ ,~ PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE, DISPENSARY i,+ (' '-",0 '(If' (H. .riNllllllmi MARKET IHAT, MA~OIES " Ii.,t::. (J \,~ ('''' \r<: ~O \ ,\j /ill~m, '0 ",III1SEN I nrJ I ), j' \ "., J '/! I '"' , UOlr'UIi J , ' ".'"mUMJ , ,./,' ~ ?-,G o\,~

I 30' 77·lso' 78·100' 10' :;r MADHYA PRADESH


I , 0

LeoA¥1, ,0






HEADGUA~TERS: TAHSil, ' VILLAGES WITH POPULATION SIZE: BELoW 200; o. 200-l99; 510.999; 1000·i999; 5000 l ABOVE", ••• UNINHA81T£D VILLAGES " METALLED ROAD, ," " ... ",--- ). UNMETALl.ED ROAD .. "" '" , RIVER l STRUM""" .. , , 'S- PO/PTO

~L' ______.JL ______j______N~O'~!_"_"_"_!I_"_"_'O_'_"_D!~NLUM_"_"_"_'I __ NO_T_I'O_·_'-&~.------_-_'_'l/_,--_\_-,-!-'-I---~~~!I------~======~5~1'::::::::~7~A~oo~ 1 10'" 15 MADHYA PRA DESH


I 6 ~llEI I I 0 I rwi ;1 lilZ::5rA 2-'. jIllOMET!E5 L s

REFERENCE 0. BOUNDARY; OISTRICT...., ...... , ...... , ... , .... _,_._ )) TAHSll...... " .. , ...... ,._,_._


~ HEADnUARTERS ; TAHSIL ...... " .. , ...... "II)'6"

VILLAGES WITH PO~ULATION SIZE, BELOW 200 ; . 0' • •• 200.499 i 500-999 , 1000-4999 J 5000 ~ ABOVE , UNINHABITED VILLAGes ...... , ...... URiAN AREA WITH LOCATION CODL ..... "" ".. _

NATIONAL HIGHWAY ..... " ...... " ....• "..... iNI2 METALLED ROAD .. '" ...... " ...... " ___

Q UNMETmEO ~OAO ...... " ...... ==::======23 00' • RIVER & STREAM .. " ...... ~ ~ POSITION Of TA~SIL UDAIPURA ~ IN DISTRICT RAISfN FOREST AREA .... ,...... ,C@ \, C i S T R POST OFFICE I POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE. PO/PTO D ~ICHER SECONDARY SCHOOL ...... " ...... FOLICE STATION ...... ".... PS 'RIMARY HEALTH CENTRE, DISPENSARY, ...... " ... , i + MARKET/HAT, MANDIES,...... " ...... 22 22 55'


.. ~ -li~l~ V11fi .tt ..., till tn1f lIlT ;q1I ~m~ 'R tmllIJIT'IN ~.~ ncr ,..---..A.---"" a.n r----J----';" 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/1 ,Tqif;f qwm

38 i~ 21 21 1 IIRCfron 117 120 39 il('i\ 94 97 :Z ~~ 84 86 40 ~~I 1'36 139 3 '~1fT iRT~r 79 79 4 ar.m 177 180 • 41 lii-u 212 211 5 8T\lITPl1JiftR 144 140 42 loa 112 6 41 41 ~ 1T..ru i~'" 43 In:wmm 137 147 7 8J1:~~ 19 19 \ 44 'IT

21 fliTTRIfT 25 27 • 60 'ffte fqqftm (me mfWtn') 114 J,88 22 ~ 69 72 61 'IlnII 105 110 23 ~ 116 119 24 ",IU 7' 7 • 25 ~IU 147 151 62 ~ 167 16, 63 26 IJR~ 183 185 ;rt~ '"" 225 .232 64 27 ~ 223 230 ....ron 133 135 65 28 ~I 48 49 vmr 235 233 , 66 29 1III~'1)fqqr 176 177 f~ 118 121 67 34 35 30 ~ 191 193 f~ 61 123 126 31 III\'T~"" .qy 59 63 .m" 32 IIiRi 206 208 33 ~m.r,,~ 55 59 69 s'm 15 IS 34 ~IfT, 54 56 35 """",!, s 5 56 IIi'UCffC 211 216 70 ~fim " , 10- 37 llit'{lfun 17 17 71 ~~ 152 ,52 is "",' ",,~ij\"( ~~' .'f 'i~i


I 2 3 4- 2 3 4

3(1/1 ~Tq~;{ a-~~ftir 106 ifTifYi{ 3 3 107 ;ft"i~ 89 95 72 flr(f.m " 4 4 <.-, 108 140 141 73 fiRf.:rlJl 127 128 ;flf* 109 ifTrrr~~ 56 :7

74 f~m 221 223 26 26 75 f<1:lJ~r 110 qtAll

85 ~~t 45 46 86 ~~. 12 12 124 'lirifr<: l1l.:1Rr 38 .39 87 <;f;ft' 196 199 128 lfiRT,U 93 94 91 af.:rlJt.~ 171 175 129 ~)

l411T -""itT~~R VTqT 'fiT 'J:li!fr

'If,l'I IfTl'I !fiT Wfrl1 ~'ITtf ifiTg "~l'I VIII !fiT ;fTl'l ~"1;f'\lr m ~ ~~qy ,----..A----'"'\ ~~ ,----.A--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 .., 3 1 2 3 4 "- " 30/1 ~Tq~" ('f~m(:f

145 ~f~T 197 198 1 R5 ~~') 1i~ 36 37 146 iifTlTT~ 73 74 186 l!r~ !f><'fT 188 190 147 .rrcrf<'Tl

148 trTli~)~ 194 ] 97 188 l!

155 forl!Tifli~r 205 207 194 llr~i['V 185 187 iiTrq<:r 101 156 98 ~ 157

199 ~ffif,!<:T ~;ar 86 90 161 "H~;f<: 141 146 200 <:Tell ff~Tt 49 50 162 ..ron: li~ 23 23 201 <:lll~ ~l1rft!llr 97 100 163 m~ 234 225 tV(

164 '1iifT~r 180 182 202 "fp:iiTf Ii~ 27 28 165 "lflTQe;r 226 227 W

203 l!Tr~~ 30 Jl 166 lJ'3i"l1'tIR 166 167 ~ 167 Jffiift 104 107 204 ij"IrTfiflfT 202 204

168 42 42 205

------~~~-- q;'It 1[1'1t !tiT ""If ~l"Tli If>l~ ~~ ~ VT;r If>' "I,'It ~~ it)i ;r+o("{ ~ ,---..A---~ ~lfT ,-----"------., 1971 1981 1971 19~1 1 2 3 4 2 3 --~- ----~------" :'0/1 'tTQ~'" l'I'~~:ft~ 122 233 ~t 178 229 <'!T'>T

30/2 q~",,3I' "~"T~

1 at"tJf~qT iti\iJT 80 90 29 11~') 66 73 2 at"tTRtn ~T~ 22 23 3 atfl{llT~T 46 52 31 1G:<:~ 73 4 OT1'I"ITcrT 103 114 87 32 I!,t:TTiilli;;r ~n:"frrlfl Slt 16 17 33 itt,nr 107 117 5 QTcrTQfift 70 71 34 ~crif;of 106 111 6 OTTl{!s[~l 32 34 35 li<:~ 102 II? 7 alT

~ 40 ,"Tvi~r 39 40 .11 $c if}cl 44 47 41 a"TrrT 111 121 'Ii 12 ~qro }20 130 13 ~~T 67 74 42 "tlG:'!<:T 14 ~i'flm 148 160 43 "fT~~~ 12 12 15 "'WfT 146 158 44 'iffG:f;:rrli:sr 101 113 16 fif>C'hl 114 125 45 "fTiMhTft' 97 110 17 f'li~l~l 23 24 46 f~Tf~l{T 135 147 18 f'liWi'f'!l; 41 42 47 '!5'fifiT 110 120 19 ~l1

48 ~lffi{qT litH! 48 54 20 ~~ln 134 146 49 ~lffi{!fT ,!~\1Trr 84 94 21 CS'itfWT IT~T 167 78 50 'Oflfrfi{liT iti~f 116 127 51 22 1S'It~1fT if'Of 108 118 'OfTlfii 'HifT 168 79 23 ISTlf ~;T 138 150 52 f;r;:;ft~ 154 166 24 f~~T 77 86 53 'l!m~ 61 ti6 25 ,\11n:r 141 152 54 ;;fcr~<: 83 93 26 ~;;r~u~ 92 102 17 II V~~T lf~

III of "'''T~«T~ vT"l Ifi) ~,,)

Ill'" iliT ;:rrt{ NlifTlJ iIi"te ifH[l 'lti1i \IW 'liT ifT'IJ ~~m~ ~lSl:IT"'''' r---.A..-----. ~lSlJT ,..---..A.----., 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 ...

30/2 "~(fti:j{ tI~~


72 ilrrrfR<: 91 101 III '#inlf~ 143 154 73 'fTrr'];~ 92 103 112 '+fTif'];<:

$'I ilim i{MR Vl1' iliJ ;mJ ~;r'ht 'JIjlf Vilt l1iT '1Tlt ~ if:)1 ~ A ~ r------. ~ ,---J.,..-~ 1971 1981 1971 t981 1 2 3 4 2 3 ..

30/2 ~ 'tCftj Sf C1'~~ ~ 150 ~t'fi"" 17 18 151 129 ,;;r'l'U 147 159 ~T<'ft'n~T 115 126 152 IDcr;;fT 130 1:"~ ... ~ 112 122 150 162 131 1:q~ ~~ 139 151 1 S3 f~~ 89 99 154 132 1:I'f~J 1f~ 65 69 Rtm~ 157 169 155 f~ltf'tln 'fiift 133 ~~ 165 46 127 139 156 134 'tT:;(lfTi\' (cr;nnq) 162 171 f~rltf~T !!{.i 151 164 157 f~~;;fT 135 ,~ 10 10 62 71 158 f~<'mr (Cf;flrllf) 159 170 159 m~T~T 'fi'IT 173 132 136 ~i(tfm: " 47 53 160 ~:fT~l\t;l~

140 ~

-Qj 'IIJn~m'{ Ul"l llit ~1i1)

'If'T fl1f 'tiT ;:r('l ~~'1iI"tl',f 'till!" O{.

27 'tiT&!' 'iit 208 206 65 ;f'f,!"l:T Cf(Tlf~if') 28 30 28 'tiT

~ ~ 30 ~~f~1Jr tJT{fT~ 188 186 68 o;9).n 22 24

31 ~f{trT Ol<:tl{<:: lTft 1 1 ~ 32 lSI"lff<:l'.fT if;

'EI' 88 (pf~lil 53 55 89 f~l'r~T! 158 157 56 oqT1("<:f ('i{T'i{<:T) 132 128 tI 91 fCTrl"'fRf l!;:-;;rlCar ISS ~ 183 57 'if<::rf<:l;tT (;r.;.::rf?lft) 36 35 92 fCl'f!Hf ij"Tifr 113 109 93 fCT'l~ar{ 130 126 58 ~lT"t 196 194 94 ~{fT~ (~~ij"Tqp::) 104 198 S9 'ifT;'::~\ (";:<::~U} 108 103 60 'i{f~if~ 56 53 ~ 61 'Ifi<::T~ S 5 95 ~'f<:T 232 153 62 'iIi~1~ 209 208 96 ~Cf<'Tl'];<: 21 23 63 ;f'f,!,{T ('<{ if~T 1!;::srtca T) 212 2}0 97 ~~~~CTT 215 214 64 'if... i<:1 (crT. "rifiT "'O{~<:r) 128 123 98 ~~r 162 161 34 . Cl'OJ' "'''1~~l'{ VT1fT ~) ~"1

~ 111'1 'iiI ;:rr'l f1rFftli 'Ii~ ijl'iI( !!Ii1f lnll" 'liT ifT1i' f1rTifTlf 'fI): ifl'OR «~ r---.A.---""I mlJT r---..A--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 ..

30/3 il'rrqolT1f C'f~~ 136 iir<:l~ 61 63 99 6

...; ,,~~ at," Ifi) ~1

'11>11 t"11J lfiT iJ11J ~If~~ liIi1J t"11J Itit l'It1I ~llf mi("R: r-~..A--__ ~ ~ -----"---~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/4 ~lT"riiif R'e:"'" 175 ifRlfr f.:fqy~ (lIf~l(l f;mfr) 23 22 145 176 lfif( 150 201 f~rlf~ " 45 47 177 ~ilTlftfl 218 216 178 ~iJ" i

218 ~;;rT 119 114 ~ 219 UifU 11 12 193 <:tf"I{TU 163 162 220 ij'lfolfT 60 62 230 143 194 ~ (1.:Iif1!U) 221 ~~~ 198 196 195 ~qyij' 81 77 ~ 196 ~~lf'!' 229 226 222 ~':!1.:(~~~~) 222 211 J97 ~~ 190 U8 ~ " 223 fj;irr)f6'lfT q''Il'U 51 52 198 ;;r1f'f~<: 118 113 224 fWrTfalft ~ 95 91 199 ~ftfl';;fT (Q'I'tlfflfy;:ft) 141 137 225 nrrrrfum 1!i'O{nn 8 8 200

30/ 4 'I~~"qr R~T~

11 ~ 160 165 12 I1lllT'1<:T 91 100 1 anm:lfT 180 ]94 2 if3R.. ~ as 208 3 ~1:'I' (~rar) 141 160 4 ~( 9S 102 13 ~~ 69 71 67' 5 4l[lI"m<:1 223 231 14 ~ifi"'T

CiQr: "'l~f(. tn'll ~ {{.1

" ~1~1lf ~ts iIMrl '!f,ll m¥r 1f;T ;{flf- ~'frfill ;6r. ;{~ ~ ill[ 'tiT ;nll A ----"'\ - ij'rsllT r---..A. ----'\ ~ r--- 1 971 198 t 1971 1931 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

-3 M4- t{'~~1{~ ella~

57 Ifl~ 199 206 70 73 58 ~Cin1.:l 84 89 20 o~~1.: 50 ~~T1 85 86 120 25 ~ro 117 60 2.6 iji'W~ 67 66 'em:li~ 126 13~ 2.7 148 157 ~ 67 '!ftc fqqf<'llfT 210 217 28 iji"U'f{Tit 205 213 68 'IfT.,l 226 74 29 ~Wil~ (~.,,) 136 139 30 iIi'T~ 'tiTfUlfT 16g' 174 31 1Iit'~f ('f<'rt( 71 8:! 69 'iqm«~ 176 180 119 32 ~6ilf[<: 111 70 "l='.:n~ 200 210 33 ~~'f1:lfT 38 36 71 'i{f

71! T J44 147 40 V;rr:l II:! 115 'i§d''V 190 195 41 vqf1:m vm ~ v'lffw, 'iP\itll"T 150, 159 42 79 ~eT.,'V 184 188 206 2 j-~ 43 lPf~ll'r ~ ~If iJ 8 1) >llif.,~ I iii I >Ill" I'nt'I 104 11 3 191 196 44 tifl{f~ll'l frfm~ 81 Olqf.,ll'T

"., ""'~1~ V11'111i1 \fi"

'PI trJ1f IIiT if(1f ~m~ !A V J1f ~ I'fJ1r fIrOlnr iii). ifHAj ~ .--_ .A----, ~ 1971 1981 ----"---~ ---- 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

30/4 'l)'~*' 8'~9"M 5 127 ;p:~ 29 29 92 ;5TII>(') 1 8

• 128 q~ " 99 104 93 ~~"''U 86 91 129 qor~Tf~flrT 35 40 94 m:~ 105 ] 07 130 8 12 95 "CTlJ wtlTU 202 205 ~T 131 qmr (qnr~) 234 233 96 ~ 219 225 132 93 97 97 iflTRlfr 2;0 234 qtw~ 133 ISS 156 98 .-r.r ] 85 189 qrW~ 134 r.r~;:ft ~m 68 59 ~ 135 fi'ltt

~alit 93 199 106 144 ilm~ 217 219 94 107 ~;:: 92 145 iI~q,"{ 180 "9 HiS 166 108 ~R 146 ~r 194 202 10 9 109 ~~ 147 ill'{~t 42 47 47 42 110 f~~T 148 iIlifulfr ~m 77 72 III ~rq (Wir

'iQf '$~l~R Q11{1 ~ ~)

~;:ftl( '1>'1. ;:n:~ 'lIi1f VT1f "';PlTll ~ATlf if~ 'lPJ tIl1f

30/4 ,,:~-.::ri'if\ Ef~~

145 150 206 <:t'"f~T 'q~ 123 124 167 ttq~l ' 26 22 168 ~l:f!IlfT !;8 90 169 ii{G!",,!~ 200 157 154 170 'm~~ 195 207 <'fT~<'it 1., 1 177 208 238 204 171 ;iR<:T (Oft<:m) "i<'f'1>T 65 61 172 .tim (4l~I:ll) 186 173 i(t1:qT;fT 1&7 209 m~OfT<: fa~'E:r 164 168 S9 69 210 . tihu'!<: 27 23 174 ~<:T 78 85 }75 'ITI1f<'r1 64 63 176 f;rlfulfT 31 32 14 223 f'J'CT'1:r 11 10 188 lf~<:T 19 197 224 f!Il'l<.T,u 158 162 189 Qi,"\I'{~T 197 41 225 f!IlfT,!,;:s<'f 133 133 r90 llT;;fhi~ 36 226 . fu;;ni:t 220 226 19J lJ.if·h~~ 140 143 227 f«",t 208 211 195 _1i"nr ;;rr'"flfT~T 132 1H 2 123 231 ~ll<:T ,,~ 221 227 196 ' it;:~ 121 116 232 !ITCH 173 174 197 ~0f'lU 114 ~ 198 ,~f<;rlfT 122 121 156 );52 199 <:!~ 233 il:llT~~~ 134 131 212 200 ,,~~ ('<:R:~I~ lfi~t) 207 234 ~r~r 17 15 201 "'l.,," 80 77 235 ~f (~,~) 39 34 202 <:R'IT'H

.vi 'PItpt'( 11'" ",1 ~~

lIP( VA'I>r ;wJ ~IlQ~~ 'lIi1f Vf1J IIiT ;mr ~'hrq~ ~ r---..A.--~ ~ _--..A.__ ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 -4

30/5 ~~l "'Elm 36 ~T 67 58 1 iA1T~ 149 140 37 ~T 116 107 1(lfU

an 42 ••~r;jf 234 225 7 arT~ 180 171 3 4 'Afurr "t 125 t 16 8 artm-.rlT 184 175 44 ~lrr~ 166 157 t 45 .qf~T ~~~ 3 3 9 'ftl!"~T 97 88 46 "~'T);; 196 187 f 47 ~r ~q;;r~ 34 32 10 teli~ 28 26 48 'f'~ 120 III 49 ~ ~'l1~ 104 95 50 11 "fulrr iliiilf 212 203 ~~~ 181 172 51 ~HT~ 12 ~~ 27 25 207 198 52 SI"CfT'q'fu~ 13 ~lff.ro 171 162 .:(1 178 169 14 "q~t ~l;T 5 5 53 v~nr~qrqr~T 210 201 15 '3ll'hlfr 223 2]4 54 .~r ~'ftoIT 197 188 55 .~r~«r~ 58 49 56 16 ~~r~ 185 J 76 vr.iT 13 J.4 17 ~elfT ~i 68 59 57 'f'T'fCfT~ 60 51 58 18 lfi~r'5[) ] 03 94 "~iIT~ 130 121 19 "'~lf'(ql~ ]53 144 59 q~ 76 (,7 60 20 1fi;1~1~ 70 61 'Tt;;rr.~T 98 89 21 Ifi~T~ft~ 25 23 61 ,!'Uf~ 154 145 62 22 ~ 73 64 1J:iif

ctQT .'11~R 1)T," ''lit ~)

'~l11)q 'Ii'le i{l'~ "lfilf ~l'r 'liT i'JT1I ~~ ~ ill:OR ~q 1rt11 lfIT i'fT1l r---.A.--~ ~ r----"--~ «m 1971 1981 1971 1931 3 4 2 3 4 1 2

10/5 .~l ~,~

1 1 12 75 ~r.r~T 109 '"~ 198 189 99 90 110 tl"l'l<:'r t:ilali~:) 15 16 76 ;i~

130 ql!f<:~ 91 82 246 37 46 36 96 ~i'I~T 131 Q'1fll<: 243 2J-l 97 l!Tllslif<:T 132 Q'l:!<:T ~;TW~Tli lQ2 93 151 100 ~om~r~ 135 qt;r~ 1l'lIIHTli 160 '. 124 1)5 224 215 101 ~q<: 136 qhFr f

~ ~1~'R: V'lqf 'lil ~i

'lfi1J 1r11f lfiT ;{f'J romtf.~ 'lfi1J n'f ~ l'IT1J ~'hrifiW~ ,-__ .A._~ ~'Q"t ~Iilf( ,_--.A..__ ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 '--- 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/5 .rt~) R~a)t:f

158 It.i'liT~~ 137 128 186 ~f 146 iI'tT~ro 105 96 168 159 187 ~rIJ""~m 165 147 iIlT

]57 ifrl{;;

158 OfT If'rG[T~ 138 129. 197 '{~G[f?T 200 191 159 GfTJf

208 IR[~Tcr.r 227 218 171 'i!lI~ 174 165 209 «iI1i~t :35 126 172 maT2;'{ 16 17 210 «Jf

qUi "'lI~~R ~Tq1 ~ ~~)

~ift~.'Ii'Ia 'fI'i('1 '!!iif ITnf 'liT iffII' <{Rf( ~ lit" Ifl i!t1{ ~ om am r---A--~ m~ r---A ---., 1971 1981 1971 19'31

1 2 3 4 2 3 .(

30/5 ~1' {'fi!~

121 I! 2 231 ffi;;t;f'r 2JI 222 224 wrm;r ;p(~ 161 152 1.25 ~~ :fi ;73 164 226 ~",t :!J2 f<1Rc91 117 108 166 22'1 ~i(-(( ~; 175 ~ ] 00 91 228 {)1rU IlIT~,{T 233 l'[li'R'lt::;r 190 181 141 132 229 ~~T -ow: 234 Q:u)

30/6 f~<;(<:::tr{T ;:{~~

~ 27 1lI"'l~T 4] 102 28 mt'§3H (CRl1'l1i) 54 249 lIr1flI~l 64 182 29 l1fll'f<:i<:r 84 92 ~ 47 9 ~~l;: l 'f'fllTJf ) 22 251 41 tTtT;;Cfr~r 235 42 l1'1..,C[r~r "fi<'fT 53 139 If; 43 tT1J;;qr~ ~ ii 18 245 143 44 tT;;F([t 103 237 1(} ~'P!3Tf 51 11'0 45 II;;r"lf 124 166 46 tT'!l(q! 11 157 12 ~ 2 13 l{i'Ifliqt 15S 120 47 1T1?HHT 65 14 l!i':iT;ft 23() 243 411 ft<:'J,"l::f 8 i9 246 18 mcrr; 159 52 iiOf'!<: (Cfil!Hl'f) 119 H2 240 59 19 ~~ ft:rtf;;>(tfT 53 lTORtilT 217 228 220 45 20 . <€art .. ~T 54 'fNt"I~<: 105 239 206 20'S 21 ~

.Qj 'Ii'n1tf'R: 1XT'fll1i) ~1

!IIiIJ 'T~· 'I'i1 ;n1f ~;ft1if 'Iitt if~ !IIiIJ ,,"TI{ IfiT ifTI'f ~'hJ"'N~ ~ r---..A---~ !j~ _--..A-__ ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

3 4 ! 6 ",,,,,,"Tiff (f~~~ 60 ~l:T 26 177 e 98 {~r Ii~ 252 S4

61 "I'~~T 157 200 ~ 62 "I'~<:T ~i 251 42 64 ",,~r{ fqqf~lH 198 213 101 ('Tftlft 208 233 65 "Il:'T

7(i "I'l",r 45 99 110 ~<'I~TU 202 38 77 "'T~ 1 61 211 111 ~<1T 194 14 112 ~qfr 122 116 7& ~Rn'tT<:: 191 33 113 ~


81 ;;rif<'T'1~ 147 204 116 giflfqf 172 210 82 ~fiflfT lf1Jj'~t<::Tlf 106 22 I] 7 E1Tlfif'tl?"T 249 61 83 :or~f

q.,f ~'"¥tl'( ~TRT ~) ~)

~i:ftlf 'litll' ifl'it'l 'If,lf >;iTI[

30/6 f~~n;rT 8~~

1 1 J 2

"at _1~~ ~ 'tft ~.T

lfiT lif1{ liIo'i Vllf ~lf ~ il"1'iI': '!IPIf V11I' ~ i'fT1i ~if;'~~ ,--- ..A.--"'l mT ~ ----"---~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 -_------~ 2 3 4 2 3 4

3"/6 f~l"" a'~it:f 211 <:Tlftf~ (q 'IW11l' ) 128 :41 234 f{fll,:!<: 255 57 212 <:T~qA.'T 49 172 235 f«'T~<:f 76 15 213 <:~T 62 100 236 f{ftfTeT (l{;f VT'!") 218 238 214 f*tm 227 70 237 ffltfht 149 75 215 ~cr:t 140 202 238 f~'!"f<::lfT 169 84 216 ~r 214 221 239 f~hlfT 109 189 217 <:r~Hr l'iTC:T 225 68 240 fu'!"f~llT ~"'T 92 236 218 <:rn<:T <:ril"T 153 85 241 f«'fRlfr ~

3(/7 ~" "~",it:f

1 Off.~!lT 72 81 14 'fi'fi~3f[ 69 68 2 Wl"em:T 91 - 90 15 'IiG'Ii 154 137 3 WI'EfT<:r 109 109 an 16 ifiit~T 30 31 17 'fi-d~lfT ~<'fi 145 149 4 an;;(~ 152 107 18 ~~lfT ~

7 ~ 148 152 21 ~T~ 108 108 61 61 8 '&:~T 22 ~;fjqr?, 89 88 9 ~f<;rln 151 -146 23 f~~I~ 82 81 24 flI;~qT ~<{' 66 65 10 :a~~n 28 29 2S .f'fiW~l; 47 47 11 :a~T IG4 lQ3 26 ~~T 133 133 12 ~~ 60 60 27 i''q

1lQ( 1J~9T~ griff ., U=i1)

;p:iR 'lti1J VIII IJJ iJT1I 'PI 1111 ., ;n1J ro;w'h, lIi'l. ~miJ~ ~ U~ r---.A.---"" r---.A--~ 1971 1981 1971 19S1 1 2 3 4 2 3 ..

30/7 ~18~

29 ~I 94 93 30 %lfi" 1J3 113 65 l'il'l'j'fiJ~r 'Ii{{ 131 140 31 itRiTlWI 20 21 66 ;;rr1f 98 97 32 ~~3 73 72 67 '(iJT'fTift 127 127

33 ~n:) 58 S8 ~ 34 llfiln~ ) 05 104 68 Wnr9 37 V1ffm 142 145 38 VT~ 24 25 72 fuvlq.:r 39 'iirn:.~ 147 151 " 11 12 40 flifufT 39 40 41 f'Rit 123 )23 73 'fTiilT " 114 114 42 1l!RlfI 21 20 2 2 43 "t<:~~ 74 f~q.:r 115 115 44 v~an 150 154 75 ~

122 122 45 ~q.:r 76 ~T<;~ 4 4 46 m:l 23 24 SO ~rei,) 46 46 81 fil"T~ 35 36 ~l'n ~~ 79 78 51 82 'l"i;(~1J'1'iI' 149 1.53 52 ~riJl if~f'lfT 33 34 83 'l<:lf1T<: 9 10 146 1 50 53 '''>:~ 84 if) f.:rlfT i(l:~ 41 42

54 ;r.q<:l 75 74 85 Q'fT1fl 38 39 55 lI{;lI;\I(t 31 32 86 q<;iJT 55 S5 56 ~~ ifl'~ 49 49 87 q~tlfi\=Tf 141 ISS 57 ~Ifift 78 77 88 ",<:t ,(Ii 139 142 58 f~t 59 59 89 m 93 92 59 ~ & 9 90 ~l 100 99 60 ~ 141 1... 9) ~rRr 103 JOl 61 'l{ro~ 70 6!J 92 flJ1tf\;nrT tu .5 S j3 fqqf~T Ii!.{ 116 116 63 ~ 16 17 94 ~l ~f'OO' 11 19 63 ~ 83 82 ~ ~t 53 53 57 57 q"'If.:N, 6· ~ ~ 99 98 47

~ ~1~~ '11," 1ifi1 ~.l)

!I61f WJlf 'tiT ;wr ~lf~~ '!fi'f tlT'f 'fiT ;wr ~"nr~~ r-~ ..A-______~ ~lSlfT _ --..A--_---"\ 1971 1981 -- 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/7 ~T (f~~1::f

]28 'fT~' ~~f 22 23 97 G(fffi m 102 101 ]29 ~~~ 4S 4' 98 iIl'I'lfcrf ~ 140 143 130 ~,fqq~ 107 106 99 ~ft 13 14 110 100 ~«U 110 131 l:.n:t ISS 136 101 at~T atHlT1l.1 46 63 132 ~furf~lf' g6 IS 102 i11i:i:)~i' '!.mi' 36 37 133 ~" 117 117 103 4("('1~ 135 135 1.34 ~T 37 38 104 croqT 125 125 135 fl:Wcftl; !IS 118 105 orore~ 74 73 136 ~~, 65 64 106


Sl.No. Name of Village . L. C. No. SI No. Name of ViJlage L. C. No. r---"--~ r---"--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

, 30 J I RaiseD Tahsil A 41 Bejakhedi 125 130 42 Ghat 1 Agaria Chopra 84 86 65 67 43 :aerkhedl Tunda 1 A 2 Agaria Nayapura 79 79 .... 13 3 Airan ·39 45 44 lthadner 141 146 4 Ajayabnagar 144 140 45 Bharda 234 225 46 Bhanwarkhedi 5 Alampur ·1 23 23 47 Bhoonsimeta 6 Alamkheda 126 131 226 227 48 Bhuwara 7 AI11 103 106 180 182 49 Bilara 8 Amrawad BajYllft qo 113 109 112 50 BiJarkho 9 Amba 107 109 83 87 51 Bilori 10 Ambadi 19 19 62 65 52 Birholi 11 Amkheda 63 64 155 156 53 Birpur 12 Amrawad lBaramad Am,awad) 210 215 ]57 161 54 Bisankhedi 13 Amoda 160 ]59 205 207 55 14 Andol (Bahed) 177 180 91 92 15 Anori Berkhedi 41 41 C 16 Arwaria 117 120 56 Chandna 133 ] :\5 57 Chandan Gonda 225 B 232 58 Chandora 235 233 Bagod 73 74 17 • 59 Chandpul" 167 168 Bagroda 93 94 18 60 Chl},ola 15 ]5 19 Bahedia 68 70 61 CnirhoIi 34 35 20 Ba!1ed:a 197 198 62 Chirholi 1] 8 121 173 ,172 21 63 Cr.opada 123 126 22 Bamnod 194 197 D 23 Banchhod 158 160 64 Dabar 217 219 24 Bangawan 102 105 65 Dabra Imalia 178 25 Bankhedi 148 150 179 80 66 Daheda (Dahida) 12 12 26 Bankhedi t Barkhedl) 77 213 67 Dandera 199 201 27 Bankhelli Baramad 215 20 20 68 Dandoli 187 189 28 BankP..edi 31 32 69 Dargawan 45 46 29 'Banskheda 10 8 70 Dewalkheda 130 133 30 Barjorpur 229 226 71 Dhakna Chapna 50 53 31 Barkoi Chilwaha (Chilwah;i) 118 72 Dhanashri . 196 199 32 Barla 11~ 162 163 73 Dhaniakhedi 17l' 1,75 33 Barni (Bami Jagir) 181 183 74 Dhaniakhedi Khurd 120 123 34 Bardoda 76 78 75 Dhaniyakhedl 40 40 35 Baroda 72 75 76 Dhanora 92 36 Baro) a 93 71 73 77 Dhobakhedi 37 Barai Khas 121 124 161 162 78 Diwanganj 38 Barru Khar (Jagir) 18 13 192 194 79 Dum'lwali - 39 Bawalia 152 153 98 101 80 40 Beeapura DuriPura 163 164 49


SI.No. Name of Village L. C. No. SI.No. Name of Vi Hage L. C. No. r---.A---. r---"----. 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/1 Rais~n Tahsil F 118 Kemkhedi 2J 21 81 Fatehpur Marmeta 38 39 119 Kewati 94 97 120 82 Firozpur 35 36 Kr.am Kheda 67 67 121 Khandera 218 81 Fulsari 99 104 212 G 122 Khanpura t08 112 123 KhargawaJi 131 147 84 G:tmiri 200 202 124 KJ-.arwai 81 85 85 Gecdgar~ 230 25 125 Khejda 8 9 86 Ghat<'.Ia 105 110 126 Khejda 218 220 87 Ghatpipal ia (Ghotpipalia) 184 188 1] 6 127 Kherabad 149 '48 88 Girwar 113 169 170 128 K!-'oha 11 11 89 Gondra 1.14 129 Kotra 136 139 90 Gopalpur 111 82 130 Kun'aria 11 17 91 GopiStlr 232 131 Kurawad 211 216 92 Gudav.an (Gudav,al) 219 221 93 Gu)gaon 47 48 L 94 Gundrai 224 231 132 Lambak~eda 27 28 201 203 95 Gyasabad M H 133 Mahalmanga 159 158 96 Hakecm 198 200 134 Mahukheda 228 228 97 Him"11'ltgarh 132 1 3t> 135 M'lhuakhelb 131 134 98 Hinotia 227 229 136 Mahuakr.eda 22 22 J 137 Maim Pathrai 142 142 152 99 JaJaJpur 151 138 Makani 104 107 9 10 100 Jamunia 139 Man, 88 91 4 101 Jhirnia (J!:;rania) 4 140 Manc:'1i 57 58 128 )02 Jhlrnia ()hirania) 123 141 Madha 42 42 K 142 Mandwai 43 43 103 K::chhi kar.a Kheda 59 63 143 Manpur 164 J65 104 Kachnd.ria 25 27 144 Mardanpur 106 108 10"5 KrmlapUT 54 66 145 Maser 175 176 lOr. Kamka 223 230 146 Mau Jagir 166 167 125 107 Kanakheda Kalan 55 59 147 Mergaon 122 66 ]08 Kanpohra 183 185 14~ Mendki 64 109 Kanth 206 208 149 Mendori 87 84 192 110 K"rondia 48 49 150 Mirjapur (Pali) 190 143 111 Kar'uliya 147 151 15t Moha'niakhcdi 143 114 117 112 Karhiya 7 7 152 Morikodi 165 166 113 Karhod 191 193 153 MuchheJ 29 114 Karmodia 176 177 154 Mudiyakr.eda 28 1]5 Kataria 116 119 155 Muktapur 231 51 209 2.1 116 Katsari 69 72 156 Mungalia 190 117 Kayampur 5 5 157 Murel Karan 188 50


SJ.No•. Name of yiJI age L. C. No. SI.No. Name of YiUagc L. C. No. r--..A--~ r--..A--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 04

30/1 Raiseo Tabsil 185 Murelkhurd 182 1.84 S 159 Murlikhedi 36 37 196 Sagonia 202 204 J60 Muskabad 24 24 197 Shal:pur 30 31 198 Saidganj (Saidgaon) ~ 82 88 199 Sadalatpur 101 102 161 Nababpur 139 144 200 Salera 74 77 162 Nagori 60 61 201 SaJera 134 137 163 Naktara 213 214 202 Sanchet 207 209 164 Nand 95 99 203 Sanehi 58 60 Narkheda 16 16 165 204 Sankhedi 129 129- 166 Naroda 37 38 205 Sarchampa 33 34 Narwar (Narwar urf Freu;:zganj) 220 222 167 206 Sehora Imali a 78 91 Na~iruddinkheda 203 205 168 207 Semra (Semra Jagir) 29 30 Nayapura 168 169 169 208 Semra Baramad 204 206 Neemkheda 89 95 170 209 Semra Kadim 193 195 3 3 171 Neenod 210 Sendora 100 103 Ne\\ali 140 141 172 211 Si rsoda ( Sarsoda ) 222 224 189 191 173 Nihalpur 212 Sel"asni 75 76 Nonakhedi 56 57 174 213 SiJpurj 80 83 P 214 SiJwaha 32 33 ]86 215 Singrampur (SangraIupur) 2 2 175 Padaria 186 216 Sangrampnr 179 181 176 Pagneshwar ]12 1 15 217 Sojna 216 212 177 . Pati 214' 217 ]55 218 Sonkateh 208 210 178 Parsora 156 219 Samr 6 6 179 Parwaria 128 132 173 220 Sukhasen (Sukasen) 53 55 180 Pathari l'14 221 Sunari 52 52 171 Pemat 154 157 222 Surai 233 178 ]82 Pengawan 153 154 89 223 Suwakhedi 51 54 183 Pipalkhiriya R5 196 184 Pipalkhedi 195 T 13 14 224 Tajpur MahaJ 185 pjpaliya Chandkhan 138 145 172 ]74 225 Tajpur Soor 186 PipaJai (Raj~ ... adi) 119 122 62 226 Tigra 187 Pipaliyakhurd 61 26 26 135 138 227 Tijalpur 70 188 Puramungoli 71 228 Tikoda R 22~ 223 .U 97 100 189 Raipur Ramasi a 171 229 Ueher 44 44 190 Rangpura (Rangpura Imalia) PO. 90 96 230 Umaria 124 127 191 Rangpurakesri 150 149 231 Uneeda 46 57 192 Ratanpur 86 90 232 Urden 96 9i 193 Ratanpur Buddha 194 .. Ratanpur Girdhari 66 68 49 50 195 Ratatalai 233 Yakubpur -,IS5 181 51


SI.No. Name of Village ' L.C.No. St. No. Name of village L.C.No. ,.--~ -~1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

301 G~airat,aDj Tahsil A D 1 Agariya Kalan 80 90 40 Dehgaon 42~ 45 2 A,ariya Khurd 45 48 41 Deoriganj 140 157 3 Alampur 130 142 42 Deorigarhi 82 91 4 Amgawan 103 114 43 Dhangawan 105 116 5 Amkheda 32 34 44 Dhaniyakhedi 25 26 6 Anvapani 70 77 45 Dhilwar 94 106 7 A ndhiyari 46 52 46 Dhirkheda 100 104 8 Anwaria 125 137 47 59 65 B G 48 Garhi 66 73 9 Raber 4 4 49 Gail pur 142 153 10 BadeJa 169 80 50 Ge1J.unras 107 It7 11 Bad'ter 5 5 51 Ghairat Ganj 106 111 12 Bahedia 7 7 52 Ghairatpur 102 112 13 Bamhori Ghat 52 58 53 Ghana I,ll 121 14 Bamhori Godad 90 110 54 Ghatkhedi 39 40 15 Bandoli 98 109 55 63 70 16 Bankhedi 14 ]6 56 Gopalpura 96 108 17 Baniya khedi 26 27 57 Gorkha 153 165 18 Bansa DeI-d 71 82 58 GuJabganj Jamuniya 16 17 19 Bawai 35 36 59 Gundrai 73 87 20 Bav1aIiya Imaliya 34 35 60 Gunj:ti 22 23 21 Beenapur 128 140 22 Behra 109 119 H 23 Belna MahaJpnr 29 30 61 Haidri 158 14 24 ReIna Gardi 79 89 62 Hardot 87 97 25 Berkhedi 85 95 63 Hatnapur 78 88 26 Bhanpur Ganj 104 1 J 5 64 Hinotia Khalsa SO 56 27 Bhanpur Garhi 72 81 65 Hinotiya Khas 69 76 28 Bhanwa rgarh 143 154 66 Hinotiya Mahalpur 31 31, 29 Brj!adiya 37 38 J 30 Bilwani 113 123 67 Jaitpur 83 93 31 Bishankheda 40 41 68 Jamaniya Brijbhan g4 94 32 Bodra 64 68 69 Jamanpani 168 79 33 Borpani 161 44 70 Jamuniya Kalan' 116 127 C 71 Jamania Khas 48 54 72 Jhamar 34 Chandpur 12 12 43 49 73 Jhirniya 35 Chandpura 1 I' 51 57 74 Jinnor 36 Cnandoniganj 101 113 154 166 75 Jujharpur 37 Cltandonigadi 97 1Hl 61 66 38 Ghurakka 110 120 K , 39 Chironjiya 13S 147 76 KahuJa 146 158 52


Sl.No. Name of Village L.C.No. SJ No. , Name of Village L.C.No. r--...A--~ r-_..A-_--.. ]98] 1971 1971 H31 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/2 Ghairatganj Tab!lil 67 74 ]15 77 Karhaiya Papda 129 141 148, 160 78 KarhoIa ] 16 Parasia 95 101 130 79 Klrmodi 120 117 Padariya. Garhi 74 83 53 59 80 KesIi 118 Palan 86 96 ]46 ]19 81 Kh.ajuriya 134 Padariya Ghairatganj 124 ]36 )03 118 120 82 Khamariya Ganj Pati Manak Chock 170 172 167 78 83 Khamariya Gal'hi 121 Panjhirya PI ]24 13lS 150 122 84 Kham Kheda Pengawan 75 84 92 102 ISS Khejda Garh. 123 PipaJiya Amarsingh 149 161 11 11 124 86 Khejda Mahalpur PipaJ iya Khurd 123 135 13 ]3 125 87 Kherkhedi Pipaliya Neksa 54 60 86 88 Khidki 77 126 Pipalpani 118 133 141 152 89 Khun,ari R 24 90 Kirroda 23 42 127 Rajghati (F. V.) 162 171 91 Kish..anpur 41 ]28 Rajpura 147 92 Kitora 114 125 159 129 Rampura Garhi 65 69 L ]30 l{ampufa Kalan ]12 122 47 53 93 La.... ajhir 131 n,ampura Kburd 139 ]51 38 39 94 LiJga.wan 132 Ranjh,lui 10 10 M 133 Rashidpur 165 46 137 149 95 Madanpur S 18 19 96 Mad!'..iya 99 105 134 Sagoniya 15 15 97 Magrai 36 37 135 SagoI' 166 98 Mahalpur Patha 72 28 29 136 Sahajpur 5'1 99 Maheshri 63 137 Sakatpur 100 Mahuna 145 156 30 32 138 Salaiya 101 Mankapur 68 75 122 134 139 Sala'ftpur 160 102 Mcb.gawan 144 155 43 140 Saliwada 115 103 Moh.d 126 138 126 141 Samnapur Kalan ] 17 104 Mularmeta 164 51 128 142 Samnapur Khurd t:f.3 105 Mundiya Kheda 21 22 50 143 Sandook 19 20 106 Mundla is 98 144 Sankal 107 MurH 49 55 17 18 145 SanwaJi 108 Murpar 131 143 150 162 146 Sarra :N 119 129 147 Sayeedpur 13' 148 169 Nagjltir 91 101 148 Sehora Kalan 173 132 110 Nonpur 93 103 149 Sehora Khurd 121 131 P 1'50 Semrajer Ghati 8 8 111 Parasi 2 2 15l Senlra Pathar 60 ' 67 112 Pachpedia 20 21 152 Sl:obhapur 152 -1-63 113 'Pati 58 64 In Silari (F. V . ) -139 ·1-70 114 Pathari 33 33 154 SHIi 62 71 53


SI.No, Name of Village L.C.No. SI,No. Name of viUage L.C.No. ,-~ ,.--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

38/, Gbairafeapj Tahsil 155 SimRri ya Kalan 127 139 165 Tehri 133 US 156 Simaria Khurd 151 164 166 Tekapar Garhi 55 61 157 Singhad 157 169 167 Tekapar Garhi ISS 167 158 Singhpur "89 99 168 Tijalpur 56 '62 159 Sodarpur 156 168 169 ,{ila Kalan 9 9 160 Suagarn (F. V. ) 172 173 170 'fita Kpurd 6 6 161 Sukari 3 3 162 Sui tanjh.anpur '32 144 U 163 SultanplU 27 28 171 Vnt Kata 44 47 T 172 L'radmau 81 92 164 Tarawli 24 25 J73 Usarmeta 76 85 30/3 BegBmganj Tabsil A ] Amoli 157 156 30 Bhenswai Khurd 19 21) 2 Anghori 156 15'5 31 Bhojpur 115 111 3 Anwariya 170 169 32 Bhureru 14 14 33 Bichhua 101 B ,97 34 Bichhua Jagir 168 166 4 Bagpura (Bakpura; (F. V . ) 227 225 35 Bijora 112 107 5 Bahadurpur 10 11 36 Boria Jagir 165 164 6 Bamhori TaHuka Kothikhoe 203 201 37 Bodhua 91 86 7 Bamhori Ti tore 183 180 8 Bandhia 223 221 C 131 9 Bankori 135 3& Chainpura (ChainpuraMunjlpta) 212 210 117 108 10 Bansadehi 39 Chai npura Baramadgarhi 28 30 11 Bareli 155 152 40 Champura TaJl uka 12 Badgawan Munzapta 111 106 ( Choka chainpura ) 128 123 33 13 Badgawan S~ahiadpur 32 41 Chandbad 56 53 14 Barha 137 133 42 Chandamau 5 5 15 Barkhua 57 58 43 Chandpur 108 103 16 Bari 64 65 44 Chandodia 36 35 17 Barri Kalan 62 64 45 Chandoda 209 208 18 Barri Khurd -61 63 46 Chargawan 196 194 19 Rasia 53 59 47 Chhola 22 24 20 Belai 6 6 48 Choka Balchat SlOgh 131 127 21 lieelkheda 166 160 49 Choka Beragi 144 14D 22 Beerpur 109 104 D 23 Berkhedi Baramadgarhi 33 34 24 Bcrkhedi Tappa Sunehra 20 21 50 Dehgawan 162 161 25 Berkhedi Rejaram 177 176 5'1 Devalapur 21 23 26 Berkl'edi .{orawar 55 57 52 Deori 232 153 ,27 Bersala Jagir 174 172 53 Deolapur Munxapta 215 214 54 Dhandhia 28 Bhainsa 133 129 53 55 29 Bhenswai Kalan 17 18 55 Dhilwar 160 154 54


51.No. Nalne of ViUage L.C.No. SI.No. Name of Village L.e.No. r--..A..-~ r--..A.._--.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 t 2 3 4

30/3 Begamganj - Tahsil 56 Dhimroli 41 42 K 57 Dholpur 97 93 90 Kakarua Andharam 129 125 Dhwaj 85 76 91 58 Kakarua Baramad Garhi 4 4 59 Dob 125 120 92. Kakarua Gulab 31 144 '60 Dungariya 224 222 93 Kalyanpur 12 13 94 F Kanjela 149 147 95 Karhola 61 Fatehpur 68 69 93 88 96 Kasba Choka. 13 10 G 97 Katangi 66 67 98 Kenkda 62 Gehun Ras 44 46 142 138 99 Kerpani 63 Ghana Kalan 171 170 199 197 100 KeshJone T. Naigarhiya Ghana Khurd 158 214 213 64 157 101 Keshlone T. Padaria 181 179 65 Ghogari 132 128 102 Khairp~r 36 40 66 Gonda Kho 87 83 103 Kh1juriya Baramad Gadhi 1 57 Gopai 211 209 104 Kh"ljuriya Gusai n 188 186 68 Gopalpur (Baramadgarhi 105 Khamariya Kalan 221 220 Gopalpur) 31 32 106 Khamaria T. Naigarhiya 191 189 69 Gorak!lpur 192 191 107 Khamkheda 70 GorH.a 140 136 (Tappa Sunehra Khamkheda) 99 95 71 Gulwada 217 212 108 Khamkheda T. 72 Gundrai 204 202 Kholhikho Khamkheda 195 193 H 109 Khanpur 54 56 13 Hapsili 15 71 110 Khejda 25 26 14 Hinolia Bamnai 95 91 111 Kheri T. Padaria 164 163 75 Hinotia Munzapta 8 8 112 Khireti 100 96 76 Hinotia Pachori 5.1 ,52 113 Khiria Nawalshab 90 85 I 114 Kheri T. Choka. 16 17 77 Itaiya ]10 105 ] 15 Khiriya Talluka Papda 143 139 J 16 lthi ri ya Parashar 1 2 2 1 I 7 Khiri ya Sukalrai 65 66 78 Jamon ia Jamshah 121 117 118 Kirangi 96 92 19 Jamonia PipaJia 213 211 119 Keerlltpur 18 19 80 Jamonia T. Kothikho. 202 198 120 Kishangarb 152 149 81 Jamonia T. Mahuakheda 88 82 121 Kohania 43 4S 82 lamoni. T. Padaria 179 178 122 Kokalpur 27 29 83 larua 106 101 123 Koluwa 24 25 84 Jasrathi 172 171 124 Kothi KIlO 208 206 85 Jhamra 20S 203 12.5 Kunda 136 124 86 Jhirill Rani 92 87 87 Jhiriapani 122 118 L 88 Jhiriya Baramadgarhi 3 3 126 Lakhanpur 118 113 89 Jhiriya T. Choka 228 15 127 Lalatorj SO 51 55


Sl.No. - Name of Village ~.C.No. S1.No. Name of village L.C.No. ~__,..__--. ,--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/1 Begamganj Tabsil 128 Lawapani 141 131- P 167 Pachipura M 59 61 168 Padaria Khurd 169 161 129 134 130 Madni 169 Pad:uia Rajadhar 147 132 102 90 130 Mahukheda Kalan 170 Padaria Sitaram 151 148 139 135 1 3 t Mahukheda Singhai 171 Paloha 52 54 89 84 132 Mahukheda Khurd 172 Panari 103 99 182 181 133 Majgawan Munzapta 173 Pan dajhi r 79 70 138 134 134 Majga wa Sani 174 Pan dar Bhatta ' 210 207 3S 31 135 Mala 175 Papda 154 151 Ma.ndla 9 9 t36 J76 ParSor3 18 74 40 41 137 Manpur 177 Patna Munzapta 186 184 145 141 138 Maddeora 178 Pee IPahadi :!9 2S 175 173 139 Madia Gusai 179 Pipali ya Pathak 107 102 31 38 140 Madiya Hasankhan 180 Pipaliya Bakhat Singh 83 79 67 68 141 Madia B.B. 181 Pipaliya Barari 80 75 7 7 142 ~Iadiya Mahuakheda 182 Pi paliya Dhat 38 39 23 22 143 Madia Niwadi IS3 Pipaliya Bichol i 184 182 49 50 144 Madiya Setu 184 PipaJiya Jagie 226 224 124 115 145 Markhandi 185 Pipaliya T. Cltoka 120 116 Markheda Gulab 180 174 146 R 147 Markheda Tappa Sunehra 94 89 186 Rampura 230 143 148 Masoor Ba.'hali 218 216 187 Ratanhari 163 162 Mawai 150 145 149 188 Rahatwas 81 77 Mehadi 187 185 150 189 Rehma. 190 188 151 Mehgaon T. Choka 126 121 190 Rustampur 220 216 152 Mehgaon Tappa Sunehra 105 100 S 153 Mehgaon T. Kothikho 193 192 154 Modakpm 127 122 191 Sagoni Gosain M 80 155 Mohiya 194 190 192 Sagoni Munzapta 30 31 156 Mohnia 48 49 19: Sahka S6 81 157 MundI a Bee 47 48 194 Sainkheda 219 217 158 Mundla Chawal 46 44 195 Sajkheda 167 165 159 Mudiya Champat 116 112 196 Sakarda 146 142 197 SaJaiya 77 73 N 198 Saliwada '42 43 150 199 Samasgarh 98 94 160 Nagjhiri 153 200 Sehora Jagir 220 221 161 . Nai Garhiya 216 215 18 201 Semra 11 19 162 NainbiIas 82 202 Shahpur (Shahpur Sultanput) 222 113 163 Narayanpur 200 199 203 Siltara 34 36 164 Narendrapur 123 119 204 Sohanpur 196 196 165 Nayagaon 197 195 205. Sothia 60 62 166. Nayanagar 114 110 56


50010. Name of ViJ)age L. C. No. SI No. Na~e of Village L. C. No. r--..A--~ r---"------1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

30/3 Begamganj Tahsil

206 Suja 119 114 211 Tinghara Munzapta 185 183 113 109 207 Sultanganj 173 168 218 Tinghara Sani 208 Sl1nchra J5 16 219 Tinsua 13:> 1.26 209 Sumer 26 27 220 TuIsipur (Tulsipar) 104 98 210 S\l1lCU 161 159 206 204 U 211 Sunwaha 221 Uehera 76 72 T 222 Fdka 176 175 178 177 223 l:marhari T. Papda 148 146 212 Tekapar Kalan 159 158 224 t:marhari Baramad Silwani 225 223 211 Tekapar Khurd 189 187 225 Umar Kho 63 60 214 Td:apar MWlzapta 207 201 V 215 Tekapar T. Kothikho 207 200 226 Vinayakpur 45 47 219 Tikari

30/4 Gobarpoj Tahsil A 28 barkheda 66 57 JH2 194 29 Barkheda Setu 4 6 1 Agaria 222 232 30 Barrusot 235 230 2 Ahmadpur 148 160 31 Bawadia Gondi (Bawalia Gondi) 34 38 3 Ajwam 160 165 32 Beelakhedi 95 99 4 Amarthon 98 102 33 Beelkhedi 53 54 5 Ambai 62 45 34 Begampun 145 150 6 An.ehha Krl an 63 64 :l5 Bhainsaya 'l46 148 7 Amchha Khurd 223 231 36 Bhamli 78 85 8 A.mjhiri 83 87 37 Ilhanpura 59 69 9 Amoda 89 98 38 Bh~linpur 64 63 10 Ankhkhedi 198 208 39 Bhojpur 107 110 11 Arja'li 97 100 40 BhoUtll.sa 55 56 12 Ashapuri Bhoot Pa1asi 41 46 B 41 172 172 180 179 42 Bhuritekti 13 Badwai 203 203 236 229 43 Hineka Bagjhirj. 61 62 14 217 219 44 Bineka 15 Bagaspur Binjor III 1 181 88 " 90 45 Baijalpur 48 SO 16 26 22 46 .Bisankheda 65 61 17 194 202 47 Borda (Bordha) Bartlhori U 42 47 48 Borda (Bordha) 171 177 BlUllnai 200 19 ]3 1'8 49 Borkhedi 1·9S Bamul1a Pa~ar 20 77 72 50 Borpani 181 1S6 Bamulia Dakhali 21- 131 131 BamuJia ])ansi C 22 237 235 Bandar Chua 20e 210 23 76 81 51 Cbmpaner Bl'Osgahan 152 151 24 58 68 52 ~AdJakhedi Ba!lskuwar 176 180 2S 232 190 53 ChapJasar Barakhedi (Barhakhedi) 1:<:7 130 26 170 171 S4 Chen i akhecli 27 Barbatpur 57


Sl.No. Name of Village L.C.No. SI.No. Name of village L.C.No. r-~ ,.---.A--.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 '1 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/4 .Gbairatg~itj Tahsil 55 Chhatarpura 144 147 H 56 Chiklod Kalan 162 163 95 HajJi 111 108 57 Chiklod Khurd 143 145 96 Hamid Khedi 134 131 58 Chirolia 139 142 97 Hamirj 17 15 59 Chitoda 213 222 98 Haripura 159 ISS 60 Chormau 153 153 99 Harrai 39 34 100 Hatiyakheda D 141 144 101 Hinotia 124 125 165 166 61 Dadrod 102 Hirdua 212 :218 10 9 62 Dahod I 63 Dam Dangar i 202 205 103 Ikalwada 69 71 Dandpur 92 94 64 104 Ikalawan 56 67 Dagarwara 86 91 65 ~OS Imalia Gondi 33 39 105 107 66 Dantkheda 106 Imalia Singhpur 161 167 Dant Kho 193 199 67 107 Int Khedi 90 tl Deep (Mandideep) 14 13 68 108 Itaya Kalan 23 25' 214 220 6'9 Dehgaon 109 Itaya Khurd 18 16 Dehri 106 111 70 J 71 Dewalkhedi 129 1'36 35 110 Jabra Malkhar 72 Dhabi a 37 228 37 73 Dhamdhusar ] 78 178 111 Jaithar 54 55 74 Dhandar 154 155 112 Jaitpur ' 192' 198 75 Dh'lnkhedi 7 2 113 Jamania Bazyaft 104 -113 76 Dhundh\"ani 227 239 114 Jamania Viran 177 182· 77 Diwatia 47 42 115 Jatanpur 184 188 78 Dob 185 189 116 Jhagar !63 170 230 234 79 Dungaria 117 ~ular Kalan 20 28 , 80 Dungaria 219 225 118 JhlJlar Khurd 74 7S G 119 Jhiri Baheda 229 228 K 81 Gahalpur (Gailpur) }5t 161 120 Kalkheda (KaJakh:da), 136 139 82 Gada 199 206 121 Kanora 117 120 83 Garrukhedi 11 g 126 122 Kamton K.asia 168 174 84 Gehun Kheda 91 95 74 123 Karaghati 2{)S 213 85 Ghana 226 126 135 124 Karhoda 149 157 86 Ghatkhedi 210 217 125 KariTalai 71 82 87 Ghat Pipalia 86 126 Karakwani 224 191 88 Goharganj 85 I! 9 122 127 Karmoda 67 60 89 Go.lmla Kundi 119 43 48 128 Keeratnagar 111 90 Gotantpur 49 142 146 129 Kesalwada 44 91 Gudawal 159 5 3 130 Khamari a Chamaria 150 92 Guradia 132 131 Khamari a Darudgarh 206 214 93 Guradi 125 132 Khamaria Ni mawar 191 196 ,94 Gutwara 84 80 58


Sl.No. '!"ame of Village L. C. No. SI No." Name of Village r--.A..--. L. C. No. r--.A..-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 3 4 2 2 3 4

30/4 Goharg... j Ta"sil 22 26 133 Khamkheda 172 Nandora 179 185 IiChanpllra 112 115 134 173 Nasipur 45 45 190 195 174 1~5 ~~!lPa.ria Khapa Nayapura Mewati 21 27 136 ~a.nod 103 106 175 Nayapura Sodarpur 87 88 137 Khejdi 16 1~ 176 Neeigarh 2~3 238 138 JGlerichoka 22S S8 ]77 Noorganj 29 29 139 Khelri Tappa Ankalpur 73 78 140 Kheri Tappa Badwai 175 183 0 1788 Obedullaganj 50 240 1 ~1 Khi II i Kheda 51 S'l 142 Khokaria, 138 140 P 179 Padrai 14~ Khodra 183 19, 2 99 104 180 Panjara (Panjer) 144 Khoha 169 176 234 233 181 Parkhedi 155 115 Kodia 102 109 156- 182 Parkhedi lo\b Kokakhoh 40 44 94 97 183 Pathar Kasia 147 Kumdi 72 83 35 40 84 Paronia H ..8 Kumdi Bajyaft 137 141 1 8 12 185 PreIll Talab 149 KlImheria 38 ~6 32 33 186 Piplani Khurd 150 Kumdi Bi thori 9 1 1 75 80 187 Piplani Kalan 68 59 L 188 Pipalia Vi ran 173 175 151 Ladli 157 154 189 Pipalia Dhakad 130 129 152 LuJl~a 238 204 190 Pip alia Gajju 12 20 M 191 Pipal ia Goli 186 187 192 Pipal ia Lorka 153 Magardha PipaJiya ]95 201 115 114 193 Polaha 154 ~gar Poonchh 94 96 6 1 194 Poosa (Poosha) 155 Magrai 211 216 21 9 223 156 Majus Khurd 218 221 R 157 Makodiya 147 149 195 Rajalwadi (Rajal wadi Kalan) 207 212 158 Malikhedi 36 41 196 Rajmau ]56 152 159 Mand D..:hri 19 14 197 Rajukhedi 80 77 1.60 Mand Kasia 31 32 198 Ramkhedi 167 169 161 Mandwa Ram.pura 197 197 199 Rasulia 122 121 162 Menduwa 121 123 200 Ratapani 81 79 163 Moispura 114 116 201 Resalpur 108 112 164 Moondla 15 17 202 Rojda Chakra Bazyaft 101 103 165 Moondia Bajyaft 132 134 203 Fojda Chak 123 124 16~ Muhasa 70 84 S Muneergarh 140 141 167 204 Sajdi 239 237 Murhari 100 10'1 168 205 Salkani 109 105 N 206 Sarna khoh 240 236 169 N~dor 2 5 207 Sarnnapur Kalan 188 185 166 17<)- Nl.iri 164 208 Samnapur Khurd 3 4 171 NalJ~hedi 30 31 209 Sanotj 4-9 51 S9


SI.No. Name of Village L.C.No. SI.No. Name of viJIage L.C'.No. ..--_..A..--. ~ 1971 1981 1971 1911 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

34/4 Gobargaoj Tabsil 210 Sarakiya 24 21 227 Sultanpur 209 215 211 Sat1apur 116 117 T 30 212 Semra 28 228 Tajpura 60 10 189 193 213 Sarra 229 T"mot 52 53 214 Semri Khurd 221 227 230 TarawaIi 128 128 215 Semri Kalan 208 211 231 lari 201 207 216 Seoni 204 209 232 Teelakhedi 113 118 168 217 Shahbad Tilendi 164 233 Tumdakhed'l 231 7 218 Shobh1!.pur 27 23 234 Thana 120 127 219 SiaKundal 133 133 ' 235 Theekri 1 8 220 Simrai 2S 24 236 Tigaria 46 43 221 Silari 220 226 237 Timkali 215 224 158 162 222 Simroda U 223 Singaldeep 96 92 238 70 73 224 Singpur 82 76 239 Umariya 57 66 225 Sirari 1 ! 10 240 Umraoganj ~35 138 226 Sontar 174 173

- 30/5 Baraily Tahsil A 23 Badodi ya Kalan ]23 114 1 Ahmadpur 194 185 24 Badodlya Khurd 41 33 149 2 Akola 149 25 Barha Kalan 242 233 171 3 AJanpur 180 26 Batela 199 190 4 Aliganj 240 231 27 Beetli 82 73 5 Aliwada 184 175 28 BeganiYa 208 19~ 6 Amrawad Kalan 79 70 29 Bahrawan 85 76 7 Amrawad Khurd 216 207 30 Berkhedi Kalan 24 22 8 Arka 122 11 3 31 Berkhedi Khurd 8 8 B 32 Berkhedi 65 S6 33 Bhogdei 174 165 71 68 9 Babai 34 Bharkachha Kalan 128 119 142 133 10 Bagalwad:'l 35 Bharkachha Khurd 145 136 11 Bagpjpaliya 213 204 36 Bhanipur 16 17 12, Bagroda lU5 96 37 Bhaisaya 87 78 13 Bagwac1a 1 1 38 Bhi mpur Kanjaj 23 21 32 30 144 135 14 Bamanwada 39 Bhiladiya , 15 Bamanwada 138 129 40 Bhishti 101 92 ]6 Bamanwada 156 147 41 Bhondiya 188 179 _. 131 17 Bamhori Modi fll 102 42 Bhonti 122 . 18 Bamhori Panda 237 228 43 Biser 133 124 Bamhori Baliram 204 195 19 C 20 Bani ya Khedi 217 208 .53 44 21 llanskheda 225 216 44 Chainput 57 Chandpura Khurd 108 99 22 Bag Pipaliya 66 A5 60


SI No. _Name- oC\ii-llage L.C.No. Naine Village L.C.No. -SJ.N~~ of ,--.)w:..----. ~_..A.._-., 1971 1981 1971 1981 4 2 3 4 1 2 3

30/S Baraiiy Tahsil 90 86 Ghana Kalan 17 18 46 Chandwad 99 53 87 Ghana Khurd 10 11 41: Chargaon 62 245 19 88 Ghatpipaliya 230 221 48 Chana Kunda 211 202 89 Ghont 54 45 49- Chhabara 180 90 Ghontibahra 11 12 sO Chhind 189 92 83 91 Gho~ela 112 103 51 Chheua Kachhar 206 197 92 Gol : ISS 146 52 Chhuchhar Gonda Kheda 127 118 - 72 63 93 53 Chopan Mandiya 226 2J7 14 15 94 Gopalpur 54- Chora Kamrora 123 7 7 95 Gora Machhwai 132 55 Churka 9j Gorakhpur 33 31 0 97 Gurariya 154 145 246 37 98 Gugaiwada 115 106 56 J)agdaga 57 48 99 Gulwada 176 167 57 Dahalwad& 83 74 H 58 Damadehi 243 234 100 Hameedganj 190 181 59 ~Dongaree 134 125 101 Hardob 183 174 60 Dehri Kalan 90 81 102 Hafsili 56 47 61 Deliii Kadaka 232 22~ 62 Dhabla 1 159 150 63 Dhanasri 103 Imaliya 97 88 136 127 64 Dhsndhla J()4 Inlkhedi 28 26 147 138 65 Dhadiya 148 139 J 66 Dhimar Dbma 110 101 193 184 105 Jaltpur 67 Dhil\\ar 191 182 158 149 106 Jamgarh 68 Dhdkheda 114 105 22 20 107 Jamaniya 69 DlillTen Pi paIi ya 162 153 55 46 108 Janakpur 70 Dlbbi 69 60 146 137 109 Jatanpur 71 Diwada 205 196 44 34 110 Jeerawada 72 Diril_adiya 215 206 94 1'5 1 ) 1 Joharbarha 73 PigW8d 202 193 K 74 Diyakheda 6 6 2S 23 75 piyawari 112 Kakaru a Sojana 249 235 73 64 76 Dob 113 Kamka 102 93 163 154 77 Doobtalai 114 Kamlon 229 220 1 S3 144 78 Doomar 115 Kanhaiyapar 124 J15 80 71 79 Doomar 116 Kansiya 49 40 70 61 SO Du~sa~j,a Jl7 Kanwar S9 SO G 118 Karamwada 130 121 Kacbaiya 26 24 il GadArwas 119 103 94 82 GaPll'fYada 60 51 120 Katkashri Kelkachha 214 205 83 Gahalpur 76 67 121 140 131 Gajikhedi 98 89 122 Kivlf &4 75 186 . Kewl{lajhir 84 S5 Ghana 195 123 61


'S1.No. Name of Village L.e.No. SI.No. Name of village __..A..--~ L.e.No. ,--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

34/5 Bar.ily Tahsil

124 Khamari ya Sohanpur 3 3 164 Mankapur 137 128 125 Khandawar 120 111 165 Mahragaon Kalan 165 156 126 Khandraj 234 225 166 Mahragaon Khurd 151 142 127 Khapariya KaJan 125 116 167 Mokalwada 109 100 128 Khapariya Khurd 166 157 168 Motalsir J39 130 129 Khargone 19~ 187 169 Muwar 278 219 130 Kheri Bramhchari 210 201 N 131 Kheri Bulakhichand 58 49 170 Nagpur 126 117 132 Kheri Mugli 197 188 171 Nanpon 95 86 133 Kheri Pratapsingh 178 169 172 Nayagllon Kalan 220 211 134 Khari Samnapur 34 32 173 Nayagaon Khande 110 161 135 Kherwada 207 198 174 Nayagaon Khurd 203 136 Khobi 13 14 194 175 Nayagaon Khurd 1:37 Khurpatni 104 96 45 35 138 Khursuru 181 172 p 139 Kingi 30 28 176 Paii 48 39 140 Kingi 219 210 177 Palkashri 113 104 141 Kishanpur 169 160 178 Pan agar 46 36 142 Kishanpur 129 120 179 Panjra Kashiram 177 168 143 Kondri 2 2 180 Panjra Mansaram 160 lSI 144 Kondri 116 107 181 Panjra Vijaysingh 224 215 145 Kosmi 244 10 182 Parewa 74 6S 146 Kothri 67 58 183 Partalai 75 66 147 KQtpar Ganesh 157 148 184 Palhrai 91 82 148 Kotpar Mahant 239 230 185 Patni 78 69 149 Kulhadiya 88 79 186 Peethanpur 64 55 150 Kutanasir 118 109 187 Pipaliya Karansingh 187 173 188 Pipaliya Khaki L 71 62 189 Pipaliya Nasratkhan 51 42 15] Lakhanpur 93 84 190 Piplayee )72 163 152 Laman Munda 182 173 191 Purohi t Pi pali ya 233 224 153 Lanjhi 152 143 R M 192 Rajaiwadi Sagonia 4 4 154 Madhamau ]92 !83 193 R~jwada 200 191 ISS Magardha 222 213 194 Ramgadha ,0 41 156 Ml\heshwar 221 212 195 Ilanipura Kalan "81 72 157 Mahka 168 159 196 Ranipura Khurd 106 97 158 Maljhir 89 90 197 Ratanpur 47 38 159 Mandiya Yikram 96 87 198 Ripsili 52 43 160 Mandwa Mahgawan 9 9 S ]61 Mangrol 238 229 199 Sagoniya 119 110 162 Mangro] 86 77 200 Salaiya 164 155 163 MajuskaJan 3] 29 201 Salaiya 63 ;,4 62

ALPH~BFTJCAL LIST OF YiLLA.GES - SI. No. Name of Village L.C.No. 81 No. Name of Village . L.C.No. r---..A----, r---"--____ 1971 1981 1971 19H

2 3 4 2 .. 3 4

30/5 Baraify Tahsil 202 Samnapur Iagir 150 141 220 Sivni 241 232 203 samnapnr Kcahhi 107 98 221 Sojni 231 222 204 Sankheda 1Cl5 126 222 Sultan Nagar 121 112 205 Santra 12 13 223 Sultanpur 161 152 206 Sarra :::!35 226 224 Surmapar 167 IS8 207 Satrawan 227 218 T 208 Semrigl-at 141 132 225 Thala 198 189 209 Semri K110jara 100 91 226 Thawri Ghatkhedi 15 16 2tO Semri Khubchand 175 166 227 Tonga 209 200 52 211 Semri Tappa 01 228 Tulsipar 29 27 212 SeIlkunwan 173 164 U 108 213 Shivta!a 11.7 :!29 {fdaigiri 171 162 177 214 Silwaha 186 230 Umaria' 223 214 201 192 215 Simariya 231 Crnrai Bahera . 5 5 218 209 216 Simrod 232 Vntia Kalan 212 203 179 170 217 Sin\\ah 233 Untia Khurd 185 176 143 134 218 Sirawada Mukundi 234 Vntia Khurd 68 59 236 227 219 Sir_wada Murlidhar 235 Udadmau 27 25

30/6 Sil~ani Tahsil A 22 Begwan Khurd 68 106 23 Belgawan 166 29 1 Ambapani Ka Ian 47 ]03 24 Berkhedi 146 203 2 Ambapani Khurd 3 150 25 Berkhedi 78 122 3 Amgawan 64 182 26 Bcruwa 1'99 218 4 Arjam 175 36 27 Bhajiya 127 28 B 28 Bhanpur 197 207 5 Bagwada 141 197 29 Bhatpura 131 I! 3 6 Bajni 250 40 30 Bhensra 192 34 I . " 7 B"ksi .'~ 114 31 Bhiloni 48 133 8 Bamhori Kasba 201 _15 32 Bhondiya 85 93 9 Bamhori 195 7.:1- 33 Bi chhuwa 7~ 169 10 Banda Dcori 218 227 34 Bigharra 173 206 11 Band,ri 167 30 35 Hi lai ( F . V . ) 158 240 12 B:u'rapondi 87 165 36 Bilgawan {F. V.) 59 247 13 B,.l"chheka 138 24 37 Birpur (F. V . ) 79 248 1"- Bardhll 170 71 38 Budha 179 73 15 Bareli 177 91 C 16 Bareli 66 13 39 Chainpur 148 193 17 Basa 248 60 40 Chandpura 157 200 18 Bater 94 94 41 Chandan Pipari ya 198 213 19 BeekalPur 182 226 90 111 20 BeetJi 215 222 42 Chandpura Kalan 187 77 21 Be&wan Kalan 69 108 43 Chandpura Kllurd 63


SI.No. Name or Village L.C.No. SI.No. Name of village L.C.No. ,....--.A.---. ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

34/6 Silwanl Tabsj( 44 Chargawn 143 100 83 Gazanda 103 237 45 Check1i 111 21 84 Gelwani 240 59 46 Chhitapar 191 33 85 Ghana 9 153 47 Chicholi 91 110 86 Ghoghri 26 177 87 Ghoorpur 48 Chilli 218 214 99 167 . 49 Chhind 164 229 88 Ghoorpur 26 140 50 Chhir Pipaliya 244 65 89 Gorkha Kalan 206 208 90 Gorkha Khurd 51 Chigwada Kalan 113 11 233 216 91 52 Chigwada Khurd 129 18 Gopalpur 220 45 92 Gundrai 53 Chirchita 216 223 101 174 93 Gundrai 54 Chirha 203 66 193 37 94 Gupti Harnirpur 168 55 Choka 45 99 26 56 Choka ! 61 211 95 Gutori 183 192 57 Chor Pipaliya 234 44 H 58 Chunhet iya 196 79 96 Harnirpur 134 117 D 97 Hatnapur 25 159 59 Dabari 5 147 98 Hatoda 156 205 60 Deni 194 14 99 Heerapur 42 144 61 Deokani 6 151 100 Hinotiya 58 134 62 Deari 122 116 I 63 Deot'i 32 162 101 lmaliya 2 149 64 Deori Siarmau 133 129 J 255 6S Dhana (F. V . ) 30 102 Jabalpur 147 204 61 66 Dhaman Pani 249 103 Jipura 246 53 210 67 Dhangawan 172 104 laithari 189 232 95 68 Dholpur 14 105 Jam 210 46 202 38 69 Dilhari 106 Jamanjhiri 136 191 82 16 70 Dokri 107 Jamanpani 38 176 208 233 71 Dungaria 108 Jamuni a Ganesbram 106 22 Dun8",riya :K.alan 233 58 72 109 Jamunia Jaithari 200 219 Dungaria Kalan 86 131 73 110 Jamunia Paramsukh 34 101 Dungariya Khurd 259 42 74 IJ1 larus 23 142 E 112 Jetgach 137 27 113 Jetpur 70 135 75 Elltjpur (F. V. ) 22 2S1 114 Jhamar 71 121 G 115 Jhamar 231 215 65 2 76 Gadarwara 116 Johar 80 185 11 157 77 Gadgawan 117 Jujharpur 209 234 215 47 78 Gaganwada Its Juniya 46 98 79 GaManwada Kalan 53 139 245 80 Gaganwada Khurd 18 K 19 2"6 120 81 Gailpur (F. V. ) 119 Kachgawan 155 82 Oajnai 154 119 120 Kakrua ~6 14J 64


SI.No. , Name of Village L.C.No. Name of Village L.C.No. 51.No. r--j..._~ r--j._--.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 4 2 3 2 3

,30/6 Silwani Tahsil

51 180 162 Mehgawdn Kalan 162 222 121 Kakrua 89 109 163 Majgawan 93 4 122 Kalendi 230 243 164 Mehka 21 178 123 Kartoli 124 166 165 Mehka 152 124 Katkui 159 8 166' Mendki 116 5 125 Keeratpur 237 39 167 Mohanpura 188 87 126 KeshIi 142 198 168 Moran Pipali ya 204 80 127 Khanlariya }(hurd ]0 155 169 Muar 96 125 128 Khanlariya Khurd 176 12 170 Mundapar 151 10 12~ Khamariya 207 220 136 Khamari ya Kalan N 107 115 131 Khamari ya Kal an 171 Nagpura 60 171 Khamari ya Manpur 44 97 132 172 N'lktua 31 158 29 141 133 Khamer'l 173 ,Nnndpur 181 209 54 249 134 Kbamkuwan (F. V . ) 174 Narayanpur 50 179 41 102 135 Khanpura 175 Neegri 95 107 242 64 136 Khareri 176 Nibhora 81 186 84 92 137 Kbed 177 Nimnapur 144 25 247 52 138 Kheri 178 Noorpura 190 231 20 J61 139 Kher i Khodra 179 Noorpura 67 104 221 48 140 Khirka Ghati 232 217 p 141 Kingi 239 62 142 Kitua 180 Padariya Kalan_ 238 50 174 225 143 Kolua 181 Pagara 229 el '27 244 144 Kota Khajari 182 Padariya Himmat Singh 61 90 236 51 145 Kothri 183 Padari ya Khurd 169 11 J05 239 146 Kukwada 184 PaJa 178 72 49 147 Kundali 222 185 Papda 56 181 228 148 Kunwar Kh'!di 217 186 Parasiya 100 170 119 112 149 Kunwar Pipaliya 187 Pratapglrh 224 67 188 Pratapgarh ,88 173 M 189 Patha 163 224 63 132 190 Pathapani (F. V.) 37 254 159 Madanpur 145 130 . 191 P'"tha Pondi 120 118 1st Ma~a 82 192 Patna 57 124 151.- . Madiya 212 139 201 193 Patna 97 1 153 Magarmoli 56 194 Pempati (F. V· ) 24 253 154. Malanwada 25~ 123 128 195 Phulmar 126 195 1 S5 Mandha 121 126 196 Pihariya 1~6 .32 156 Mankapur 197 Pipali)fa Kalan 1 146 IF Manakwada 226 69 '17 136 198 Pipaliya KhllS 102 187 1S8 Mardanpur 108 196 199 PipaJjya Khurd 205 83 159 Marheti 104 127 200 Ponar 110 188 160 Mallgawan 16'5 230 201 Pondi (F.;y.)· 1$4 242 161. }dehgawan Khurd 65


SI.No. Name of Village L.C.No. SI.No. Name of viJIage L.C.No. ~ 1971--~ 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

30/6 SilwaDi TahSil' 202 Pondi J 35 199 229 Sarra Khurd 39 145 203 Puddar (F. V.) 66 250 230 Sarra Kalan 171 86 R 231 Searmau 7 148 204 Raipani 49 172 232 Semra Kbas 33 175 2(15 Ramgarh (F. V.) 128 241 233 Seoni 241 63 206 R mgarha 185 20 234 Sialwada 243 43 '207 R;:mpura 245 41 235 Silwani 52 105 208 Rampura Kalan 115 6 236 Simaiiya 160 84 1(}9 209 Rampura Khurd 85 138 231 Simariya 189 210 Ranipura 62 100 238 Simariya Khurd 253 S5 2lJ Rahma 214 221 239 Si mariya Kalan 92 236 212- Repura ]40 202 240 Si ngota ·149 75 213 Ri(11jha 227 70 24\ Singota (F. V ) 228 238 255 57 214 Ronsra Ghati 225 68 242 Singpur 76 15 215 Ronsra Rani ]53 85 243 Singpuri 244 Singpuri (F.V. ) 16 252 S 245 Sojni 118 is :'16 Sah:ljpur 180 78 246 Sultanpur 15 137 217 Sahajpur 83 3 247 Suneti (F. V. ) 72 235 218 Sa in Kheda 130 89 T 219 Salabarru 75 183 Tendukheda 125 .168 220 Salaiya 117 7 248 12 221 Salalya J 50 31 249 Tinghara 156 222 Sahiya Parsora 73 164 250 Ti nghari 4 154 223 S'l.mnapur 112 23 251 Tulsipar 152 9 224 Samnapur 40 184 252 Tunda Kheda 252 54 225 Samnapur 98 123 U 226 Sanaidar 43 163 253 Uchera Jamuniya 17 96 227 Sarkhari }3 160 254 l'marjilir 21t 76 228 Sarra 219 194 255 L'shapur 114 19 30/7 Udaipura Tahsil A 10 Hamhori Bhuari 36 37 11 Damhori Deori tlo 110 1 Atanpur 152 107 12 Ban Khedi 13 14 2 AJiwada 124 124 13 Banskileda 11 70 3 Andh'd 72 71 14 Barba. Kal a.n 90 89 4 Anghara 91 90 15 Bar}:\a, Khurd 43 43 5 Anghori t09 109 16 Bal'.khanda 135 135 6 Anwariya 14 15 17 Barkt'l.edi 125 125 74 73 B 18 Barbatpur 19 Berkhedi 32 33 7 Badgawan Kal an '102 101 Berkhedi 13.1 131 8 Badgawan Khurd 140 143 20 42 . 7 9 Bamhori Basoda 64 63 21 Bersala ·66


L.C. No. SI.No. Name of Vi Uage L.C.No. Sl.No~ Name of Village ,--J.----"'\ r--..A..--... 1971 1981 1971 19&1 4 1 2 3 04- 1 2 3

30/7 Uc).aip •• Tahsil III 22 H 22 "Bhadon 87 61 Hathidol 156 138 23 Bhopatpur 88 35 24 Bhuwara 34 I 52 25 Bijanhai 52 62 Imalia 157 146 129 26 BiIgawan 129 63 Imjhiri 61 61 62 27 Bilgawan 62 64 Itwa 148 152 156 28 BiIharpur 1~3 J 86 29 Binjha 87 65 Jam 98 91 77 76 30 Bisawadi 66 Jamnia Khurd 137 140 68 67 31 Boras 67 Joonapani 127 127 44 32 Branjh 44 105 33 Budhanwada 106 K 68 Kakru8 69 63 C 69 Kalendi Kalan 40 41 Chamar Bamhori 49 49 34 70 Kalhedi Khurd 81 80 .31 32 35 ChandIi 71 Kaniwada 89 88 Ch... ndpura 75 74 36 72 Karaiya Khurd 112 11, Chha.ter 16 17 37 73 Karhia Ka Ian 145 149 Chhind 57 57 38 74 Kasba Deori lOS 108 Chhikara 83 82 39 75 Katak 154 137 Chiklee 78 77 40 76 Kathotia 30 31 141 144 41 Chiklee 9 77 Kekda 94 93 42 Chilli 8 59 78 Kekri 113 113 43 "Chirchita 59 69 79 Kelkach 73 72 44 Choras 10 80 Keolari 58 58 D 81 Ketoghan 20 21 26 45 Deori 2) 82 Khadon 24 25 50 46 Dholshri SO 83 Khamariya 142 145 4 4 47 Dholpur 84 Khapar Khera 147 151 115 115 48 Dighawan 85 Kherua 150 154 139 49 Dongra 136 86 Khirenti 123 123 128 SO Dungariya 128 87 Khiriya 39 40 51 51 SI Dungariya Kalan 88 Khunia 21 20 G 89 Khursuroo 2 2 122 122 90 Kirgikalan 82 21 52 GahlaVlan 29 30 91 Kirgi Khurd 66 65 53 Gai Biyan 27 28 92 Kishanpur 47 47 54 Gaikhuri 85 84 . 93 Koda Jamonia 143 147 55 Gerua ·33 34 94 Konda Deori lOS 104 56 Ghana Bahediya 7& 78 5 Kos Bareli 7 i 57 Ghana Tuada 9 46 Kuchwada 1 1 59 Ghatkhedi 46 96 126 126 Kukra 133 133 5i! Goraklipur 97 ISO Kumdi 94 94 60 'Ghuwarpur 146 98 67


SI.No. Name of Village L.C.No. SI.No. Name of Village L.C.No. r---"------r---"---. 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

30/' Udaipura Tahsil L 127 Ramkhiriya 86 85 128 Rampura 117 117 99 Lamta 17 18 129 Rehli 65 64 M 130 Rehma 37 38 100 Mahgawan 138 141 131 Richhawar 118 I18 101 Mankapur 84 83 132 Rondha 11 1 111 102 Mohad Kalan 22 23 D3 Ronsra 3 3 103 Mohad Khurd 45 45 S 104 Mohadr Piplai 107 106 105 Mothagaon 92 91 134 Sadrai 121 121 106 Murpar 101 100 135 Sagar 97 96 136 Sahajpuri 144 148 N 137 Sainkheda 96 95 107 Narhera 23 24 138 Samnapur 134 134 48 48 108 Nayagaon 139 Satehari 80 79 119 109 109 Naya Khera 140 Sehora Dungari ya 10 11 35 36 110 Niwari 114 Shahpura 6 6 41 42 111 Nonia BareIi 142 Shobhapur 56 56 149 153 112 Noorjahanganj 143 Si lari Kalan 76 75 9 10 113 Noornagar 144 Silari Khurd 12 13 27 P 145 Simariya 26 Simariya 132 132 114 Pachama 38 J9 146 Sultanganj 67 66 115 Padrai Kalan 151 155 147 Sunehra 54 54 116 Padrai Khurd 139 142 148 Surela 15 16 117 Panjra 100 99 149 118 Patai 93 92 T 55 119 Patna 55 103 102 Thala 114 114 120 Pipalia Kal,an 150 5 5 Tikhawan 11 12 121 pipaliya Kewat 151 116 116 Timrawan 120 120 122 pipali a Khurd 152 18 19 1,23 Pipaliya Punwaria U 99 98 124 Ponia 53 53 153 Udka 104 103 125 Purena 154 Unclla Kheda 130 130 R 155 Uradmau 60 60 l.rria 28 29 126 Rabra 155 136 156 68

~rr')1r ~«T~ Ifff'1 Q'~t i'[~ 'til rrT~ ~~it ~fl;;T "'1: <{f(<:/?«(i !fiT i!fiT~ ~ijl:fT fi!fi.~T. if Area of No. of Loca- Village occupied Number tion Name of Tahsil in hectares Resi- of Code Village/Town & Townl dential HOLlse- No. Ward Ward inKml House. holds f 2 3 4 5

30 t11f~ f~ riA 8,466.0 115,96% 125,582 VT'f1vt 8,373.4 103,901 113,055 It1f"tTlf 92.6 12,061 12,527

1 ~~ IftrT 760.2" 19,488 20,41:i ,nmor 741.1 16,631 17,436 'I"~TlJ 19.1 2,857 2,979 ,UnJ

2 ~~r(;J Iftrt 823.9 11 ,015 11,964 ~pfT

3 ifnl'li;;(~ m 897.4 13,946 14,603 gf;rTOJ 878.9 10,972 11,572 ~T

1 ~~(;J tim 695.0 H,919 17,189 'IfTlftor 681.2 14,708 15,878 ;;1{<:T!f 13.8 1,231 1,311 ~1:1 (Ol.~.) '1'l"Oti 13.77 1,2:- I 1,311 69


~Qf :.;r",~~r '( i~ 3T,!~flf

157,1\;0 81, 848 75,251- 14.382 13,165 9,115 9,720 27,347 8,480 Baraily Tahsil I Total 135,664 70,303 65,361 13,216 12,146 8,560 9,301 20,977 5,045 Rural 7 21,436 11,545 9,891 1,166 1,019 555 419 6,3 0 3,435 Urban 13,013 7,011 6,002 727 643 174 118 4>081 2,367 Baraily (M) Urban 8,423 4,534 1,889 439 376 381 241 2,289 1,068 Badi (M) Urban 81, 627 42,357 39,270 4,969 4,543 14,0:'4 13,698 11,976 4.031 Silwani Tahsil Total 81,627· 42,357 39,270 4,969 4,543 14,034 13,698 ]1,976 4.031 Rural 1 irban

101.573 52.441 49.132 8,586 8,078 6,115 6,202 17,852 5,730 Udaipura Tahsil Tot~1 93,955 48,344 45,611 8,185 7,704 5,933 6,027 15,765 4,767 Rural 7,618 4,097 3,521 401 374 182 175 2,087 963 Urban 7,618 4,097 3,521 401 374 182 175 2,087 963 lldaipura( N.A. )Urban 70

~1~" f.~l .""~, ~ sn"flPfi ~l'~m r-.------....A..------W ifiT'f ifil:;f Cfi~/Main-W()rkers ro'f~ ~«)~/fff:« ~ 'l~ !fiT~r~ lifu~ If';R<: Iff~Cfffi!fi ~TU (~ ~ 'f~(CfTi ifiTlf 'Ii·it ~ !fiT ~, sfffif«u, ifl'if<: 'liT ifllf CfT~ mqfij'ff lIT 'f<:~)

(I -IX) II V (a) Household Industry Manufacturing, Pro Total Main Cultivators Aaricultural cessiug. S~rvicing Workers Labourers and Repairs Loca- .-_-..A.. __ ---, .-__ ..A.. __ ---. .--_..A.. __ ~ tion Name of Tahsil .-_-..A.. '""'"_---. Code Village/Town 'I . ~;;r') ~. ~T ~. ~ ~. ~T No. Ward M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

30 ~f'AT Iittr 195,80~ 43,808 92,041 6,196 60,445 30,700 6,935 2 300 VUfTor 178.493 41,242 89,956 6,139 58,611 30,055 5,044 1,364 ;rfftN 17.307 2.566 :z 085 57 1,834 645 1 891 936

3 _it lIlf;;r a~~ft~ ~r'l 24,259 4,162 12,331 722 6,025 1, 814 2,130 1.251 VltITllT 19.758 3,114 11 ,782 702 5.741 1,765 814 428 <{'l<:TII 4,501 1,048 549 20 284 49 1,316 823 ~~ ('f .1fT • ) 'fiRT" 4,501 1,048 549 20 284 49 1,316 823 4 'l~<:Il';;r a~~ft~ ~m 29,022 6.177 J2,101 792 8.597 4,612 740 131 1AIlITllT 27,069 5,991 11 ,954 787 8,507 4,574 637 107 if1f~')II. 1,953 ]86 147 5 90 38 103 24 aTr~q;;r iflTu .. 1.953 186 147 5 90 38 103 24 (IT.'f.lfr. )

S ili~ a~Q~ IIrrr 43.158 11,078 19,060 1,436 15,761 8,601 1,307 196 VTlftllT 38,123 10,459 18,388 1,415 15,047 8,291 1,053 168 iflT~TlT 5,035 619 672 21 714 310 254 28 <{rr "(Til ~(<{.IfT.) ~,046 364 348 11 234 141 205 21 ;pn:ll1 1,989 iT1~') (it. 1fT • ) 255 324 10 480 169 49 7 lfTrr 22,808 6,666 11.201 6 fij'~cni'\') a~~l~ 913 7.735 5,191 758 180 22,808 " T'fTllT 6,666 11,201 913 7,7j5 5,191 758 180 if'l~Tlf mrr 27,176 7,199 12,636 7 ~~~T~"'T~ 688 9,890 5,827 907 20-1 lI'rtIT1lT 25,333 6,894 12.335 686 9,463 5,673 782 17 ... 1,843 305 iftT



X III ,IV. V(b) VI,VII,VIII,IX Marginal Non-Workers Workers ,.-___Other ..A..Workers ____ --. r----..A..--~ ---..A----- ,.- ~ Name of Tahsil 1· ~ 9;. ~ ~. Village/Town M. F. M. F. M. F. Ward 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

36,379 4,612 3,566 2.2,229 173,093 272,0.16 Raisen Total 24,882 3,684 3,332 2.1,429 152,722 242,588 District Rural 11,497 928 234 800 20,371 29,458 Urban 7.830 1,286 331 2,666 28.002 44,082 Raisen Tahsil Total 4,683 1,012 324 2,601 . 23,448 37,177 Rural 3,147 274 7 65 4,554 6,905 Urban 3,147 274 7 65 4,554 6,905 &lisen (M) Urban 3,305 602 579 2,945 16,260 25,350 GhairatgUlj Tahsil Total 3,305 602 579 2,9.,.5 16,260 25,350 Rural Urban

3,773 375 308 3,801 20.890 32,366 Begamganj Tahsil Total 1,421 219 260 3,377 15,709 25,25·1 Rural 2,352 156 48 424 5,181 7, 112 Urban 2,352 156 48 424 5,181 7,112 Begamganj (M) Urban 7,584 6:12 512 2,632 26,273 41. 722 Goharganj Tahsil Total 5,971 523 485 2,577 24,24:) 38,513 Rural 1,613 119 27 55 2,024 3,209 Urban 1,613 119 27 55 2,024 3,209 ObedulJaganj (N. M. )

7,030 845 765 5,047 37,925 59,127 Baraily Tahsil Tota I 3,635 585 634 4,832 Jl,546 50,070 Rural 3,395 260 1 31 215 6,379 9,057 Urban 2,259 191 38 106 3,927 5,532 Baraily (~l) Urban 1,136 69 93 109 2,452 3,525 Badi (1\11) Urban 3.114 382 590 2,763 18,959 29.841 Sil wani Tahsil Total 3,114 382 590 2,7b3 18 95;) 29,841 Rural Urban 3,743 480 481 2,375 24,7ff4 39,558 Udaipura Tahsil Total 2,753 361 460 2 334 22,551 36,383 RUl"'cll 990 119 21 41 2,233 3, .75 Urban 990 119 21 41 2.233 3,175 Udaipura (N.A.) Urbl n 12

a6.f;ft~1 'Tiq- 'tiT 'l'Tiiil<:: ~~ ;:;ri{~liIiT (~q~ m/"ififT./ &l~ 'l'T

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

30JI·~q~ "'~ 166,31 94,722 44,5S1 9,854 4,698 2,894 ( \tT1{Tvt) 7,411 17,436 50,177 10,89'8 5,089 15,347 q-r~T':T;r,!~ 348.04 26 36 181 90 91 15 15 23 2 51 51 223 115 108 4 40 37 lf1;;;fl'. ~sT. 694.75 6 32 34 3 38 il,{T<{T 231.18 22 22 133 66 67 1 2 5 6 30 39 q;~~~ "'~aT 289.37 41 46 286 153 133 77 63 57 5 40 lif.t'lil II¥! 219.85 31 36 216 112 104 29 33 3 6 48 11 73


~~ ifiTI1 ifi':i{ ;Tl~ Main Workers .---______- _____...A- ______.,

~~~!f lIil'iiJlliT<: lifij~ i{;;r~ q RlilTRIfi 7£.'CIW il;fill' If, If{ ifi<.if ~~I IfiTI1Ifi~i!t ~l~ 1Iicr /-.r'lf<:/crri

II1.IV, V (b) , VI, (I-IX) II V (a) YlI,VII; & IX X To'a] Main Agricultural Household Olher Marg'nal Workers Cultivatof3 Labourers Indus[ry Workers Workers Non-Workers r--~ ,----"---., r---A---.... r-__;"_"-., r--./'----., r--..A---;_" r--...."A..---", Name of ~. ~r ~. ~t '!. ,~a') ~. ~r '!, ~m '!. 00- '!. m Tahsil {villageI M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. . M. F. M. F. M, F. Town/Ward

15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

26,399 14,205 7,003 428 4, 688 324 23,448 Raisen Tabsil 4,773 787 2,896 78 1,012 2,601 37,177 (Rura)) Uninihabited Alampur 48 17 31 41 85 Singrampur 292 35 169 18 107 17 16 191 375 Neenod Uninihabited Ihirnia 90 26 44 1 46 25 102 131 Kayampur 211 130 119 47 74 81 4 14 2 158 170 Sarar 62 14 46 13 13 2 10 59 81 Karhaiya 76 26 58 15 8 10 4 6 1 5 39 49 54 Barjorpur Uninihabited Khejda 269 82 157 5 86 75 8 1 18 1 273 420 Iamunia 260 31 127 7 80 21 5 48 3 1 15 207 378 Khoha 66 2 63 5 2 5 109 Dahedl 58 8 51 7 7 47 89 Berkhedi Tunda 81 44 57 31 19 9 4 4 65 90 Pip:!I iya Cbandkhan 49 8 44 1 5 7 15 56 70 ChhoJa IJ5 31 82 3 17 28 2 ~ 130 171 Nerkheda 19 3 4 5 3 10 25 28 Kulharia 267 23 51 85 11 8 4 123 8 '3 I 323 476 Diwanganj 351 43 139 2 108 38 38 2 66 357 588 Ambadi 27 13 4 21 13 1 1 19 20 Bankhedi 75 42 22 7 52 35 I 53 49 Kemkhedi 59 16 29 6 20 10 10 64 95 Mahuakheda 107 20 74 2 23 16 10 2 79 165 Bhanwarkhedi 120 52 S4 2 63 50 3 95 138 Mushkabad 111 10 73 30 10 4 4 28 121 151 Geedhgarh 56 21 15 38 21 3 2 33 44 Tigra 126 3 75 2 37 1 13 110 2tO Kachnaria 26 4 18 1 1 3 7 7 29 56 Lamba Khedi 168 31 87 5 48 23 5 2 28 1 169 293 Mudia Khedi 357 28 178 2 91 25 2 86 1 3 71 330 481 Semra 606 133 440 38 162 95 2 2 350 716 Shahpur 246 61 92 4 147 5'7 7 241 395 Banskheda 74 13 23 51 13 74 123 SiJwaba 125 2 82 1 31 1 11 1 104 211 Sarchampa 99 2 55 40 2 2 2 72 156 Chirholi 48 3 28 19 3 41 88 Firozpur 74 26 36 2 14 5 24 19 40 81 MurIikhedi 36 2 30 6 2 3 5 27 60 Naroda 81 4 59 18 1 4 3 72 129 Fatehpumarmata 61 19 30 1 28 13 3 5 51 8S Dhaniyakhedi 74

~ij'''t''''J flier ipf 1If'",H ~"" \'iPr'flblff (~'Ef<: ~/iftrl:1 ~ llTerr'fTlf m<: ~ifT'l;jT it ~~~ ifTi ili"1 ~Ilf ~~C!:"{ it i1ifiHT

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 14

41 lIfif)~) ;fwtt 413.67 78 88 522 272 250 75 87 17 15 103 32 42 lilT 200.00 \ 33 43 248 131 117 60 53 9 13 67 18 43 ~~l'i 391. I 3 85 95 552 301 251 80 65 3 2 145 28 44 ~~ 404.13 97 114 598 308 290 95 96 175 67 45 tt~"' 303.96 70 80 458 245 213 27 30 84 12 46 ~l'flff 184.99 ;;ft~Ti'f 47 ~


i!~lf ~rlf ~<:i\' qr~ Main Workers ,------___ - _____ ..A-__ - - - ______.,

~'" ~'l ~l:. tiftr~;r;;r~ q~rf1:~ aW ~r1:f 'Wl !li<:i't 661fT"" ~Tlf lfi 1:i=r ,n ~ 1f1Cf !~m/.ni 'n~ ~ ;:rr'f

m,IV. V(b) ,VI, (J-1X) 1 II V (a) \,ll,VlJi & IX x To'al Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industr:-- Workers ~orkers NOll-Workers r-'..A.~ ,---..A-~ ~ ,.---.A----, r- ..A-_---. ,---.A.----, r--...l'-----"\ Name of ~. HfT ~. ~~t ~. ~m ~. ~T ~. ~iI '!. m '!. ~ TahsillVillage/ M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M F. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

138 27 75 2 47 16 2 14 9 2 134 221 Anori Berkr,edi 66 30 20 42 29 4 65 87 Madha 143 12 75 46 11 3 1 19 12 158 227 Mandwai 143 19 74 4 43 12 4 2 22 4 57 161 214 Ucher 126 7 99 19 5 3 5 119 206 Airan Uuinhabited Dargawan Uninhabited .• Uneeda 309 22 96 2 63 6 27 123 t 4 321 564 Gulgaon Uninh:tbited .. Karondia 176 9 61 40 6 3 72 3 168 252 Rata Talai 35 16 12 1 7 10 8 5 8 23 25 Muktapur 645 99 99 4 34 1 9 503 94 3 25 640 027 Sunari 175 47 133 3 24 43 2 16 150 244 Dhakna Chapna 6 1 2 3 2 9 Suwakhedi 56 35 r 55 35 39 29 Sukhasen (Sukasen) 61 4 25 13 3 23 4 8 68 100 Kamapur 53 3i 18 4 1 5 66 88 Nonakhedi 76 17 34 30 16 2 10 9 66 110 Manchi 231 51 70 25 12 136 37 1 16 300 418 Kana KaJ an Kheda 400 42 76 16 13 5 2 303 27 2 445 675 Sanchi 15 10 3 2 12 32 Nagori 54 4 24 12 3 18 49 64 Pipliya Khurd 98 21 49 32 21 17 124 170 Kachhikana Kheda 91 28 33 51 28 7 2 81 99 Amkheda 94 4 70 1 20 3 1 3 1 107 156 Bilori 254 12 191 4 48 8 6 9 241 414 Mendki 12 1 3 7 2 1 8 11 Berkhedi Ghat 160 112 82 29 73 82 2 3 1 3 24 129 119 Ratanpur Girdhari 94 38 61 10 28 28 1 4 73 lOS Khamkheda 36 25 10 1 18 22 33 Bahedia 185 13 123 46 13 2 14 ... 175 ,86 TUalpur 83 46 31 3 62 75 67 Katsari 90 50 40 52 59 60 Barai Khas 120 12 63 3 48 5 7 3 2 1 4 12 95 184 Bagod 34 7 23 3 1 3 20 29 32 Barola 256 33 170 1 70 30 2 14 2 275 438 Sewasni 28 23 9 19 23 20 37 Salera 112 3 84 2 24 4 1 20 ~ I) 8 162 Baroda 68 3 12 55 3 21 43 73 A gri a Nayapura Uninhabited, , 76

~~/ lite( 'fit t;f11l1~ ~~ 'iA~IStTT (~~<: 'ff'tf /ilff( I el~ IITlfr~T!T tm: *~,iiTif ~~l=r on' IiiT ;rr~ ~~ij 'fIIHOfT qli'r Cl:If~T !If~~) Ffff<:/'lfTi 'tir Totat foputation (including !fiT CflT ~~ ins ti tu I ional flli. 'fT. it and house less Scheduled SCheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca· vill a aes occupiell Number ,..-._A ___ ~ tion in hectares lui­ of r--'..A--~ r-.A.-·~ r-A--.. Name of ,qfu; '!. ~T Code Tahsi)/Vill age & of Town! dential house­ 1· ~ '!. ~~ '!. Ei;fl No Town{Vvard Ward in K111 9 houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

81 f~T~ t'ff;;nrr 857.55 138 138 779 407 372 148 149 12 15 99 17 82 q)rfti'" 1,348.66 64 64 425 216 209 9 11 35 1 83 fe'~~<:'\' 1,138.60' 100 102 575 298 277 66 65 67 57 103 24 84 ~l~'t 133.33 33 33 192 96 96 8 .7 13 12 39 14 85 fllft 800.80 81 90 428 232 196 4 2 47 57 111 44 86 "'tJh~ ",,)q~ 750.85 76 76 274 145 129 66 62 8 7 45 10 87 f'f~T1:~ 681.32 134 134 552 281 271 111 108 46 46 7 3 88 «l{ff'lt 496.04 144 144 725 393 332 138 119 31 25 17 6 89 ,.q:'t~ rcftlJT 356.87 25 26 125 66 59 13 (j 30 24 11 1

90 l:~"T= "L~T 463.03 31 31 169 90 79 ] 3 1 I 39 42 24 2 91 'IlTm 440.62 31 31 181 98 83 7 8 43 42 16 92 ~mT 1.189.09 102 102 572 310 262 227 195 5 5 78 18 93 ,,r.'ru 249.56 42 46 290 151 138 26 26 15 15 45 3 94 lliJ1:m 399.80 56 56 303 154 149 33 33 2 2 48 18 95 ;rPm~1 903.31 77 79 424 222 202 102 89 23 ] 8 75 16 96 l:1T~1 %~<:) 580.82 57 62 347 186 161 16 13 14 15 67 6 97 it'IC) 832.55 21 21 109 48 61 1 8 12 9& rn~ 313.93 22 22 153 82 71 4 7 4 3 37 6 99 ~ 618.70 61 62 306 170 .136 17 14 38 32 46 2 ] 00 <:TtI'!' ,lfTfa~ 954.61 55 55 291 159 132 32 31 1 11 101 if~1;T 434.19 79 79 452 235 217 23 26 48 59 69 7 1 0 2 a{ffl~'{ 369' 90 I 1 I 11 ] 587 297 290 153 160 67 103 6i.ro- 368.18 62 62 318 186 132 6 3 7 104 ~~ 192.15 7 7 29 20 9 6 2 7 1 105 ~r 1,223.78 265 270 1531 813 718 154 126 304 37 106 ~ 311 .07 80 80 535 289 246 24 23 35 35 68 1 1 07 1l1ll;'''t 517.33 90 116 660 351 309 29 24 24 16 114 4 108 lI'<:~, 197.78 29 29 156 91 65 27 20 29 3 109 i5Tiitt 282.96 35 42 247 144 103 25 21 4 3 32 3 8 38 26 12 6 2 110 'IifT~T 273.18 6 3 3 11 1 f.l<;rr ,{T 502.57 56 65 381 212 169 19 ] 5 11 9 54 • 103 46 57 4 5 3 112 ~,!1:T 376.08 16 20 7 10 11 3 3T'Il,{Tqf{ an~Tl(o 1,409.97 91 110 576 314 262 54 40 12 15 55 114 ~ifqT<::f~l: 297.64 3 3 853 115 qtT~~q~ ~65.35 157 158 827 431 396 112 85 3 3 102 15 1 1 6 ftf<:


1!lSlf lfall 'f><:

~<;f ~'i iliJ'll«'liH ~f~~ ll;;Y~ q~fiI1n:'Ii' ~ ~T'f '!i ~it crT \'r lfi

III ,IV, V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) II V (a) VU,VIl: & IX x To'al Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers \\ brk'ers Nbo-WorkefS ,...... A..--. r-.A-...... ".....--A---.. ".....---A--.. r ..A..~-.. ,--..A---.. ,---..A-----.., Name of '1. Hfi ~. 00 '1. ~ '1. ~f '1. faT '1. faT '1. ~ Tahsil/ViIlar.el M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M F. Town/Ward,

15 )6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

231 13 117 3 93 9 10 I 1 137 176 221 Sehora Imalia 107 42 57 1 47 41 3 109 167 Gopisur 169 16 91 2 45 8 5 4 28 2 23 118 ]06 143 Silpuri 55 10 32 1 15 9 2 6 41 86 Mendori 127 20 39 2 42 16 2 44 2 6 5 99 171 Kharwai 92 45 16 6 9 70 36 52 84 Agaria Chopoa- 179 112 12 29 6 137 106 3 101 156 Bilarkho 252 120 18 58 3 176 117 1 20 140 192 Saidganj 38 4 13 22 3 3 H 55 Pipal Khiriya 60 2 43 13 2 4 20 30 57 Ratanpur Buddha 62 38 22 7 21 28 1 18 2 2 34 45 Mana 161 99 122 67 36 29 2 3 2 4 147 159 Biaora 77 32 51 21 26 11 75 106 Dhanora 7S 47 30 12 39 32 3 2 3 1 7 78 95 Bagroda 124 55 57 14 55 37 2 2 10 2 9 21 8CJ 116 Neemkheda 104 2 71 20 2 13 13 82 146 Rangpura Kesri 32 1 17 14 1 7 16 53 Kewati 44 3 36 6 3 2 6 37 32 31 Urden 96 8 52 31 8 7 6 4 64 70 64 Nand 107 37 51 4 26 31 30 2 3 52 92 Ralpur Ramasia 150 26 75 1 23 22 2 51 85 191 Be~dpura 169 8 101 5 38 3 30 128 282 Sadalatpur 76 20 12 3 56 15 8 2 3 109 109 Sendora 15 4 6 7 4 2 5 5 Fulsari 392 59 305 8 61 48 6 20 2 1 41 420 618 Bangawan 136 21 70 61 21 5 3 56 150 169 AlIi 170 114 33 10 13 8 91 173 218 Makhani 47 32 6 6 3 2 7 42 58 Mardanpur 67 4 40 16 2 10 2 7 45 70 54 Amba 19 6 3 4 12 5 2 7 4 Ghatala 11.1 3 100 2 10 1 ]8 77 83 89 Bilara 25 1 12 3 10 1 6 21 50 Kltanpura 169 3 101 37 2 31 13 145 2~6 Amrawad Bajyaft 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 GopaJpur 219 12 145 4 28 4 3 43 4 212 383 Pagneshwar 118 76 22 5 15 13 93 94 143 Girwar 77 3 67 1 9 1 1 88 138 Morikodi 181 15 106 37 10 3 35 5 53 168 196 Barh 56 21 28 25 21 3 2 43 79 Katana 52 1 28 1 19 1 4 60 108 Arwaria 78

~~'}"I qTq Ita' ~'";:: ~" '3A~~T (m rrlcr/~I Iif~ 1!T!fT~I."1t m.: ~~I.qJ it 1:~if 4fTi 'lif ;rT" ~ij "1lirrrt qr~. Cl[fuitff 6 flt5") ifm./qri .". Total Population (including ~q~ a'~ inqitutional flfi •liT. ii and house less Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of population) Castes Tribes Number Literates Loca­ villages occupied r-----A --_.---., tion Name of in hectares resi­ of ,--'-"----., r--..A--. --., ,...A~ Code TahsiljViUage & of Town! dential house­ <1ffit '1. {eft '1. ~ '1. ~ 'J,. ~..n No Town/Ward Ward in Km2 hOu~es holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 J3 14 ------_--.-._------121 f~~ 291.28 60 60 329 166 ]63 28 27 2 3 50 122 a'T;;f:It ~ 209.92 25 25 103 57 46 5 3 .16 123 Qf;ro.~ ~ 196.21 31 31 177 93 84 6 8 47 11 124 mifr;i~ 132.88 35 37 ~24 114 110 26 29 42 1 125 ~ITTCf 1,288.67 199 199 1,207 649 558 105 95 10 12 289 40 '126 ,"'f~r 225.86 32 32 177 86 91 10 11 16 1 1 27 \3'i{f(;l:IT 193.76 42 42 210 118 92 81 58 22 128 fmf'f'H 221.51 52 52 259 133 126 19 15 48 8 129 ~iffi~ 874.91 112 112 553 272 281 71 61 93 19 130 hHi" 191.55 16 23 127 69 58 1 28 131 omfll~t 235.52 48 48 259 137 122 61 57 61 14 1 3 2 -n:cO'l:llT 395.12 66 66 417 218 199 34 30 2 3 81 16 133 ~q~li?T 218.60 29 29 168 84 84 21 14 34 134 "rn.,l 201.66 46 46 261 137 124 29 27 42 4 13S 'ift~T 771.88 69 69 422 224 198 27 29 83 2 136 ~q('frr" 178.49 23 23 . 139 73 66 16 11 1 1 137 6T<'i'U 610.42 144 148 861 460 401 37 37 3 102 11 138 ~" ~rrl



~ ~lf Iti~~ lif~~ ll~ qf<:.cnrot; ~ 'l;{;l:f Tlf 'f> ~it (n~ tttq/~/

III ,IV, V (b) • VI, (l-JX) I II V (a) 'vll,VII: & IX x To'al Main Agricultural Househo~d Other Marg'nal Workers Cultivators LabOurers Indust ry Workers \\olkcrs NOQ-Wcrkeri. r-~~ r--.A----, r---A---.. ,--"'---:'_ ,--..A-_~ ,--A-~ ,~.,.A...-.-~ Name of ':!. Hft ~. «I't ':!. feiT ~. ,«I'I' ':!. ~;;ft '!. m '!. m Tahsil/ViIlace/ M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M F. Town/Ward

IS 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 2

89 z 81 2 5 3 76 161 ChirhoIi 35 35 22 45 Tajpur Soor 59 1 57 2 34 83 Dhaniakhedi Khurd 58 2 52 1 1 5 1 56 108 Dhoba Khedi 345 35 201 6 105 25 18 3 21 \ 6 64 298 459 Mehgaon 43 13 20 22 13 1 43 78 Chopda 63 24 47 16 23 SS 68 Umaria 76 25 44 3 26 22 6 57 101 Jhirnia 146 30 lOS 9 31 20 7 1:26 251 Sankhedi 3l 28 2 2 37 55 Bejakheda 65 2 52 11 2 2 5 70 115 Alamkheda 112 1 80 19 5 8 4 105 194 Porwaria 42 39 3 42 84 Dewalkheda 69 3 51 16 2 2 68 121 Mahua Kheda 119 8 90 15 5 14 2 4 104 186 Chandna 43 6 26 8 5 1 8 30 60 Himmatgarh 234 10 118 3 87 3 1 28 4 10 104 216 287 Salera 79 56 19 4 1 12 76 121 Pura Mungaoli 97 2 52 41 2 4 2 11 58 122 Kotra 106 2 69 3 3 31 2 101 161 Ajayabnagar 61 9 34 8 19 9 54 103 Newali 175 10 131 1 3S 8 1 9 15 122 110 152 Mahu Pathrai 42 4 33 5 3 4 2 48 70 Mohania Khedi Marged in Urban area of Raisen Nababpur 42 26 1 12 4 1 1 1 39 74 Tajput; Mahal 105 6 77 2 18 4 2 8 3 ](11 181 Bhadner 73 4 46 21 3 2 4 14 86 139 Khargawali Uninhab!ted Kherabad 95 71 21 2 69 69 5 6 78 73 Ratanpur Uninhabited Bankhcdi 19 4 18 4 ] 3 15 13 Karhaiya Uninhabited Jala';Jur 27 18 8 1 19 39 Dumawali 7 1 5 1 6 7 Pengawan 179 69 39 25 7 108 68 142 206 Parsora 60 3 38 21 1 1 64 1 t 2 Birholi 74 17 134 6 31 9 8 2 ]52 277 Pemat 85 30 53 10 31 19 1 1 54 1 01 Maharmang~ 33 10 24 7 9 3 1 4 23 23 Amoda 1:25 18 76 2 43 16 2 4 3 13 99 203 Banchhod 80

~T<'r/ qjCf 'fiT J;niIT~ ~<'f ;;r;:r

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

161 "f)

162 ;n;~r<: 1,670.46 82 82 507 267 240 88 72 11 1 6 3 IT 150.82 12 12 63 32 31 12 200 ~'f>Tl1li~ 929.56 178 199 1 ,146 593 553 63 67 86 66 58 9 8}


l!liil:J !filii' ~;r

III .IV. V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) II (a) HI,VII; & IX X To al Main Agricultural Househol-d Other Margi!lal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Worka;rs, , Non-Workers ,--~ r--..A.-~ ~-.. r-.A-----., r--"--_, r-..A.----., ,_.,.A..---.., Name of ~. Hft ~. ~ ~. ~liiT ~. ~r ~. ~m, ~. m ~. m Tahsil/Village! M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M, F. Town/Ward

IS 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

121 29 75 4 42 25 3 16 122 175 Birpur 154 6 98 1 56 5 113 234 Barukhar 253 152 107 56 137 94 4 2 5 150 113 Barni (Jal:ir) 49 26 28 11 21 15 39 50 Durgpura 147 25 98 31 24 4 14 8 17 126 256 Manpur 97 70 10 1 I 6 3 92 107 97 fy'uchhel 168 4 135 20 2 4 2 9 147 250 Mau (Jagir) 127 1 114 10 3 20 128 189 Chandpur 115 76 58 25 55 51 2 96 104 Nayapura 55 35 31 14 23 21 4 42 47 Gondra 58 6 30 23 5 5 43 89 Rangpura 85 11 39 2 27 2 19 7 58 112 Bambori 353 59 93 3 56 9 209 47 317 547 Pa(hari 116 9 72 18 26 8 8 94 79 83 Piplai 70 2 18 27 25 2 J8 70 77 78 Dhaniakhedi 43 2 33 10 2 1 48 118 Maser 159 48 60 22 3 76 44 102 176 Karmodta 268 122 68 . , 200 121 169 193 Surai 109 7 68 2 18 I 4 19 4 2 97 174 Dabra Imalia 250 76 161 22 67 51 6 16 2 7 39 232 374 Andol 120 3 76 17 4 23 3 5 3 112 190 Sangrampur 80 4 51 1 14 1 2 13 2 83 123 Bhuwara 249 15 146 4 65 10 7 1 31 326 502 Badoda 152 22 88 4 54 17 3 1 7 21 130 250 Murelkhurd 159 1 86 27 1 1 45 II 163 286 Kanpohra 54 9 48 9 6 75 87 Padaria 4 3 2 2 3 4 7 Yakubpur 69 57 8 4 61 126 Ghatpipalia Uninhabited •. Dandoli 141 28 81 5 32 18 5 28 139 218 Murel Kalan 14 11 1 2 14 31 Nihalpur 115 32 55 2 54 28 1 5 2 106 162 Mirjapur 169 2 116 39 2 4 6. 10 202 :l35 Karhod 90 37 46 41 36 3 56 94 Bawalia 15 12 3 , . 12 23 Semra Kadim 102 12 87 4 8 6 1 6 62 155 Pipar Khedi 38 6 24 2 12 3 37 60 Bamnod 54 5 46 8 5 58 103 Bahedta 16 3 778 2 16 28 Dhanashri 313 117 147 25 46 31 5 5 115 56 4 280 432 Hakeemkhedi 82

~,,'hrl trier lfi1 mane:: :!'~ ;;r.r~~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

201 '6i'ill 410.08 70 77 464 233 231 42 43 26 38 48 2 202 lT1n<.T 210'34 51 52 311161150 43 51 36 1 203 11fHnorrc:: 383.20 58 72 340 177 163 23 27 3 4 68 3 204 umf't~ 348.83 51 51 246 134 112 26 17 8 4 46 2 20 5 "~~~'T~~" 726.83 76 112 563 293 270 71 64 34 35 85 6 206 ~1J~T ammt 224.55 53 63 351 192 159 28 22 26 12 53 9 207 R!If't lifT 287.25 71 15 425 238 187 73 55 90 6 208 If>ics 800.44 140 148 773 400 373 85 73 44 35 162 37 209 Uf:;{a- 959.12 282 287 1,610 857 753 117 101 232 46 210 ,,)~'(J 406.16 31 31 182 92 90 17 19 26 1 211 ~1TTf~' 466.39 66 72 51.4 267 247 40 29 12 18 135 45 212 ~t 383.60 14 14 53 26 27 5 4 2 2 10 1 213 or;ri~ 648.10 134 135 646 347 299 51 54 51 34 95 7 214 i'f1ifi<:t<:T 209.15 107 116 552 317 235 26 13 3 4 76 16 215


1!~ lI\l~ ~;f ~~ Main Workers ,------..A------.., ~ ~ ~PQ'tiR f;jfu~ ~;;ri~ qf'llI'tRifi a.)1r !Ifill if.T~ Ifi~ir ~~d ~ CIT~

m.lY. V(b) ,VI. (I-IX) II V (a) VIJ. VlJ i & IX X Total MaiD Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers V,orkers Non·Workers ,--~ ,--.A-~ ~ ,--A---., ,- ..A..--, ,--A----., ,--J..-.-.. Name of '!. m ~. mr '!. ~Cfr 2;. mr 2;. Hit ~. mr 2;. m Tahsil /Village I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 I~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

134 54 92 1 35 52 3 1 4 12 98 165 Dandera 89 44 52 33 43 3 1 1 72 106 Gamiri 97 17 46 6 42 1 t 1 8 40 79 1()6 Gyasabad 71 9 40 2 29 7 2 25 63 78 Sagonia 161 62 57 2 98 60 1 5 132 208 Nasiruddin Kheda 103 21 66 2 35 19 1 89 138 Semra Baramad 104 12 67 8 32 4 4 134 175 Bisan Khedi 195 43 114 61 41 3 17 2 2 205 328 Kanth 452 60 255 14 128 43 10 59 3 21 405 672 Saachet 47 23 30 10 15 13 2 45 67 Sonkachh 127 8 79 35 7 13 140 239 Mungalia 18 5 II 6 5 8 22 Sojna 214 28 125 7 27 7 3 59 14 1 133 270 Eankhedi 157 17 S3 5 63 12 41 3 ]60 215 Nahara 122 2% 47 3 48 24 4 1 2'3 23 9S 13S Amrawad 66 6 33 25 5 8 1 18 74 93 Kurawaa 49 5 13 31 5 5 I 6 33 53 Pati 215 2 19 92 1 2 42 2 8 198 354 Khandera 130 , . 100 24 5 131 222 Dabar 19 14 3 2 1 24 31 Khejda 135 83 31 20 25 51 141 230 Uudawan 355 24 110 2 85 14 18 2 82 332 591 Narwar 120 75 65 2 50 73 1 4 2 114 135 Tikoda 218 10 155 3 36 6 27 221 404 Sirsoda 23 16 6 4 8 13 27 Bharda 116 14 47 3 2 1 66 11 12 8 65 164 Barkoi Chilwaba 118 7 59 3 9 1 49 4 7 19 70 140 Bhoosimeta 167 29 93 70 29 1 3 149 245 Mahuakheda 71 14 40 27 14 2 2 71 133 Hinotia 82 5 52 29 5 1 79 154 Kamka 170 40 121 44 40 5 18 141 244 Gundrai 5) 13 5 9 S4 89 Chandangonda 8 31 3 " 79 8 6 , . 27 3 46 5 5 52 76 Chandora -1I\l('1In ~1fT;U~ ~1"/ ~ ~ff -~,,-~~ (ith "'t~ ~;re ~ tM/~/ ~ ~ ctT ~~ ~R ~~m it <:~if ,...rfa ;;r;t -;;rrfcr ~ 'ifft ~T PfT1( ~~ if l1

30/1 ~ (~lfTf"~T) 2,857 15,914 7,378 771 196 2, -'42 19,011 2.979 8,536 857 265 5,002 30 itl1 o.;ITulf ~Ti if. 1 123 145 720 390 330 135 138 2 2 147 42 30/1.2 ~~m;:j. 2 195 214 1,249 662 587 65 43 4 5 304 115 30)1{3 ~~iJlfIi;:f. 3 227 227 1,199 617 582 28 28 5 3 376 223

30/1/4 1!~;;rl crTi ;:f. 4 759 791 4,063 2,278 1,785 162 119 66 47 1,493 805 30/1/5 m..-;ni;f.5 198 201 1,092 567 525 13 12 8 7 394 276 3 Ojll 6 fcf;ft;rr 'fiR ~Ti ;:j. 6 195 204 1,160 600 560 117 113 407 297 30/1/7 ~rifT ~Pi1fiiJTf ~Ti if. 7 200 206 1,244 674 570 20 14 381 261

30/1/8 ~crh ~Ti ;f. 8 . 235 240 1,266 673 593 108 115 21 11 434 241 30/1/9 ;f~~ crTi ;:j. 9 355 355 1,926 1,002 924 181 168 25 19 602 313 30/1/10 ~'fT{ rillB .Ti if . 10 370 396 1;9951.073 922 28 21 133 102 464 169 85

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ---- ~"tT IfiTI1 IfiVf qy~ Main Workers ,----______J.-______'"

~\'f'~ Ifimlli1~ ~fu~ li"li< Gf1_ .nf<.if. ~'II)1r Q

lIT ,IV, V (b) , VI, (I-IX) II V (a) \ I1,VII: & IX X Total Main A gricul tural Household Other Marg:nal Workers C ultival ors Labourer!> Industry Workers Workers Noo·Workers r-~ ,.---A--. ,-:-...A.-_., ,--A--~ r ..A.---., r-..A.-~ r--.A--.., Name of 2:. H:fJ 2:. ~T '!. ~cir 2:. ~T ~. HiT ~. m ~. m Tahsil/Village! M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Raisen Municipality

408 9 94 31 274 65 6,905 Raisen (M) 3,975 416 319 93 3,147 7 4,554 200 20 37 49 8 3 2 111 9 190 310 Shri Ram Ward No. 287 12 33 17 4 233 11 15 375 560 Amir Ward No. 2 296 14 40 2 8 5 3 243 9 6 315 568 Madhaipura Hanuman Ward No.3 1,040 141 127 2 128 70 17 5 768 64 40 1 ,237 1,604 Mukarjee Ward No. 4 250 14 5 11 2 3 231 12 317 SI1 Ashok Ward No. 5 155 38 7 7 6 240 32 345 521 Vinoba Bhave Ward No.6, 297 12 26 3 3 265 12 3 377 555 Maharani Laxmibai Ward No.7 322 21 21 6 17 278 12 351 571 Mahavlr Ward No. 8 464 38 41 69 9 12 5 342 24 3 538 883 Nehru Ward No_ 9 564 98 79 3 27 4 22 2 436 89 2 509 822 Dargha Sharif Ward No.1 0 86

~')<'Tj iJtlf ifil 'fTiIl<=: ~<'T ~lIilf~~T (i~ 'fTar jifiRj ~WIi<'T "''"~')~ 'Ii<: ~~O!mrT it <(lir l~ ~~ institutional fifi. J{T. it and houseleS8 Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of PopulatIOn) Caste& Tribes literates villages oCXlupied Number Loca­ r----A .---~ r-..A--·,_., tion Name of in hectates resi­ of r-"~---' r-..A-.. Code Tahsil/VilIvge & of Town! dential house­ l.l'1fui '1. ~') '1. Hh '1. Hfr '1. fit No Town/Ward Ward in Kml hOuses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

30/2 m:<'rfliif ~ 11,015 67,482 31,640 6,047 3,915 3,018 (~r~) 823.9 11,964 35,842 7,051 4,243 11,021 I "'~,!~r 316.51 1 1 862 3 2 'l'f.:HI') 313.06 20 20 150 80 70 23 12 17 5 3 ~~<:T 332.31 64 77 439 224 215 69 65 4 73 21 4 ilTiT<: 198.45 31 38 242 125 117 18 24 10 7 43 1 5 ilI~<: 359.97 78 . 87 495 275 220 58 49 1 53 5 6 eT;;rr ~ 421.61 61 65 384192192 36 29 41 6 7 ~~lfT . 212,01 39 39 230 119 111 25 16 21 8 . .~,,'(, ~'( '~~1 220.38 10 20 162 90 72 6 2 33 23 15 9 n;;rr,.;<'T1 827.21 30 39 1849391 9 9 21 22 13 2 10 .. t~r 487.39 17 18 108 54 54 14 16 7 8 6 11 .31'" ~'!;: 418.41 75 88 586 305 281 105 105 10 16 111 12 1 2 ';rl'l:'!,( • 1,215.05 130 142 877 470 407 47 37 37 36 133 24 13 Ii<:rj~ 532.05 44 45 240 114 126 1 1 90 88 7 14 ~~"t 225.54 49 SO 243 128 115 4 2 120 110 10 1 5 ~'lTf.\IIrT 588.10 25 25 185 93 92 31 29 27 28 10 1 6 . iI;;r",1 (240.07 63 63 401 222 179 19 12 32 31 80 8 1 7 l!~ll1Tiif 'IT,!fYfltf 1,003.46 37 37 254 136 118 10 6 77 72 20 6 18 ~tlfi<'T 486.40 95 98 540 263 277 40 44 63 78 96 34 19 '{f,,1fT 177.62 Cl'hr"f 20 «~ifi 205.56 46 47 260 125 135 22 26 8 9 25 1 21 q~f'lfI 198.70 18 18 113 61 52 10 1 22 ~f'l:[ni~T 1,272.52 142 148 778 421 357 40 34 109 101 11921 23 lj,'d 326.66


1!1Slf ",",11 if>{

lIT ,lV, V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) II V (a) \ 1I. Vii: & IX X TOlal Main Agricultural Household Other Marg'nal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers 'Worker, Noo-Worken r-~ r--"---- r--"----.. r--"----.. ( -"-----.. r--A ----.. r-~ Name of ~. ..~ ~. ~T '1. ~cir 1. ~1 ~. ~m ~. m ~. m TahsillVillage/ M. F. Me F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

3,345 849 1,665 229 602 2,945 25,350 Gbairatganj T absil 19,003 10,091 5,035 572 3,305 579 16,260 (Rural) 2 2 4 2 Chandpura 51 3 26 21 2 4 2 29 65 Parasi 130 10 77 37 10 8 8 57 93 148 Sukarl 68 6 52 1 13 5 3 9 57 102 Baber 163 2 100 58 5 112 218 Badher 100 7 93 6 4 3 8 92 ] 77 TiJa Kburd 67 47 20 52 111 Rahedia 49 7 35 14 7 41 65 Semrajer Ghati 58 23 40 18 22 3S 68 Ti la Kalan 30 5 20 10 5 24 49 Ranjhadi 173 22 98 5 27 12 36 17 6 36 126 223 Khe Jda Mahalpur 251 20 168 14 67 3 2 14 3 15 219 372 Chandpur 61 7 31 1 28 6 2 11 66 42 53 Kherkhedi 75 24 50 6 21 18 3 1 2 53 89 Haidri 52 8 33 15 7 3 1 5 35 36 49 Sagoniya 110 4 63 29 4 9 9 13 112 162 Bankhedi 69 2 41 25 2 3 7 60 116 Gulabganj Jamuni ya 143 48 57 73 48 5 8 120 229 Sankal .. Uninhabited .• Madhiya 68 3 43 20 3 5 21 57 111 Sandook 31 26 5 30 52 Pachpedia 212 37 89 43 10 3 77 26 5 53 204 267 Mundiyakheda •• Uninhabited •• Gllnjai 47 2 36 1 11 22 41 60 Kirroda 140 57 58 3 50 53 3 1 29 3 46 137 170 Taraoli 93 60 19 14 85 163 Dhaniya Khedi 135 1 79 38 18 116 238 Baniya Khedi 4S 16 24 20 16 1 3 35 66 Sultanpur 39 1 27 11 1 38 56 Maheshri 93 29 42 46 27 1 1 4 65 101 Belna Mahalpur 104 23 53 30 22 21 1 99 143 Hinotiya MahaJpur 105 65 34 6 103 185 Sakatour 52 20 21 26 20 5 43 63 Pathari 182 34 101 2 58 26 12 1 11 5 4 184 254 Amkheda 200 5 100 82 5 13 5 1 160 306 Bawalija ImaJiya 86 26 46 34 25 5 1 1 68 108 Bawai 1('3 21 48 2 22 3 5 30 14 1 100 179 Mahalpur Patha 184 34 121 18 16 2 43 18 36 105 203 Bhiladiya 121 12 70 31 3 7 17 5 2 6 131 191 Lilgawan •. Uninhabited •• Ghatkhedi 88

~~om:t~!;n(m at.r')~J lTter 'CfiT lII'fcrt<=: ~~~mit'5~ ~/'f'f<.1 '!!olef~ .ncrr~~ ::rTf ifiT ifT1I ~~ it l'IifiTif'T 'n~ ~fu;lfT !jf~ir) ifm:/cui 'liT Total Population (including 'lit ;I~~ 303_ 15 64 ,qiT 216.12 76 78 400 209 191 64 56 1 2 72 48 251 136 115 26 14 23 21 1 ') 65 ~ttf~lfT 296.65 45 133 196 1,123 614 509 106 75 65 57 161 17 66 ~RP:~ 929.31 qr<:Tif 67 ~if,( qOl~ 231.09 149 81 68 35 30 68 '

PRIMARY CEN'" US ABSTRACr Ghairatganj Tahsil


III,IV. V (b) ,VI, (I-IX) II V (a) \II,VIJ: & IX X TOlal Main A gricul tural Househo:d Other Marg;nal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers \\ urker, Noo-Workerl r-~/ ,.--..A---,. r--..A---... r---"----., r -"----., r--A ---., ,---..A-----., Name of' ~. ~

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 2

18 2 7 5 6 2 19 24 Bi shankheda 354 23 192 1 78 9 13 2 71 1 1 72 279 84 390 Kishanpur 83 5 73 7 3 2 2 1 80 136 SaJahpur 98 19 54 9 8 3 27 16 9 83 124 Borpani 686 94 219 30 55 12 17 5 395 47 62 203 752 943 Dehgaon 122 2 83 35 2 1 3 89 178 Ra$hidpur 46 44 1 31 68 Unt Kata 50 1 46 2 1 2 42 89 Agariya Khurd 1 t 4 5 79 27 5 4 4 95 171 Jhamar 52 37 14 34 65 SamnaPlJr Khurd Uninhabited Mular Meta 240 5 170 53 4. 8 9 1 210 379 Andhiyari 110 4 70 36 3 1 3 84- 146 Lawaghir 53 4 39 12 4 1 1 34 77 Jamaniya Khas 58 1 39 17 2 42 78 Murli 78 2 53 24 1 54 108 Hinotia Khaisa 36 1 23 11 29 . 49 Jhirniya 68 33 33 2 50 94 Bamhori Ghat 27 11 14 2 27 37 K~sJi 3 3 PipaJiya Nekwsa 344 12 82 1 56 3 19 187 7 328 554 Tekapar Gardi 79 5 53 26 4 86 131 Tijalpur 41 6 13 28 6 22 37 Sahajpur 114 25 64 33 3 14 24 95 166 Patl 71 37 33 19 19 37 65 78 Dungariya 340 66 J 59 66 14 101 63 39 274 404 Jujharpur Uninhabi ted Senua Pathar 41 15 17 8 16 14 40 53 Bodra 2 1 1 1 4 Rampura Gachi Uninirabited Gondipura 23 7 .9 3 11 7 19 29 Si lli 66 15 44 2 22 13 3 51 84 Sagor 681 94 155 4 194 51 42 27 290 12 19 52 639 1,056 Gadhi 108 22 57 7 38 10 3 12 2 8 103 170 Karhaiya 40 19 16 3 16 15 1 8 1 3 21 35 Mankapur 117 15 76 2 33 8 3 5 5 2 23 104 158 Hinotiya Khas 31 10 17 2 11 8 3 3 1 1 24 26 Auvapani 67 1 43 12 1 1 11 3 9 72 ]25 Khamariya Gadhi 38 3 28 7 2 2 1 1 34 73 Jamanpani 16 4 12 4 4 5 24 13 Badera 90

mlll' ifi1 tlTiI1~ ~\; ;or~~~ (i'!l~ al~ 'R1fHiTlf tl'R *,";q1 it ~~ii ~~ it ;riliTifJ .n~ Olfffl;lfJ ~~ir) i'itr(/ ~. «=I'T ~. «fi , Code Ta1Isii/VilJage & of Town/ dential house­ '2. ~err ~. {

g 1 ',,""f~ Jr,' 557.64 70 71 426 234 192 42 39 48 2 82 ;Hlilf itT 783.69 69 69 394 220 174 75 56 90 73 37 3 83 qlRlI1 1111 250.03 45 45 275 151 124 48 37 19 2 84 Qif1(Cfj 327.46 48 50 306 153 153 39 41 52 49 51 18 8S ~~l;~' 339.31 27 29 198 108 90 3 2 49 4 86 f~' 303.34 36 36 192 10 182 19 14 28 25 10 87 1~ 348.86 67 67 329 179 150 32 21 43 7 88 ~i'i'~ 263.21 30 30 145 77 68 21 17 15 12 13 3 89 ;i';;r;r, ~r 1,323'60 54 54 330 164 166 30 30 62 49 27 7 90 tlllR," "'frt 1,072.92 137 138 783 394 389 90 95 12 13 112 19 91 ~~'t ~ 629.84 45 45 265 138 127 48 41 32 29 4 1 92 ~1f3i 526.77 45 45 217 120 97 21 17 51 38 36 2 93 1I(~l; 580.09 58 58 324 188 136 46 36 44 G 9 4 ~;rfWf~j iI£'"Il"' 43 J .99 28 31 161 84 77 11 9 9 9 23 8 95 h 3 12O· ,,!~1I11>r 456.74 34 37 246 136 110 5 5 9 29 2 91

"PIlIl\M;R1' ,

1!~ llit'J ~"'n~ Main Workers r------..J'.------" ~ .. ~ IIJRfiR ~' ~~ qf'{~~ 'em qill" 1f11'f. ~it ~1Ii~ d ~ilr

III ,IV, V(b), VI, (I-IX) n V (a) ~I1.VIJ: & IX X TOlal MaiD Agricultural HouS'ehOld Qlher MUg nal Workers Cultivators Labourers , n'dlJStry Workers \\tOJ .kers NOIl·Workers ,---..A-..--. r--"-- ,--.A-.-.., r- ..A-----., r--..A--.-.., r---....A-----.. Name of ~~ ~. ~t ~. ~F.iT '!. ~T '! . {m ',!. m '!. ~ Tahsil/V.llale! M. F. M. F. M. F M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 I 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

131 15 108 5 21 ]0 I 1 3 103 174 Bhanpur Garhi 107 66 35 2 4 II 112 163 Bansa Dehi 79 14 68 1 10 13 72 ] 10 Padariya Garhi 94 43 49 15 30 17 14 10 59 110 Pengawan 62 53 4 5 46 10 Usarmeta 63 26 38 20 26 5 47 56 Khidki 103 13 77 3 22 ]0 4 2 1 1 74 126 Gundrai 44 20 27 4 14 16 3 1 32 48 Hatnapur 82 44 48 32 43 2 S 5 74 117 Belna Gadhi 218 5 125 59 1 15 2 19 2 79 176 305 Agariya Kalan 87 65 58 47 26 18 2 1 5 I 62 Deori Gadi 69 39 37 29 39 3 51 58 Uradmau 91 44 65 34 20 ]0 5 97 92 Jaitpur 45 18 25 5 16 12 3 39 59 Jamaniya Brijbhan 53 2 35 17 2 40 30 26 Berkhedi 82 3 50 19 ] 12 2 72 7l) 66 Palan 674 168 248 3 182 41 125 105 1 19 19 8 39 50S 847 Hardot 85 7 53 2 28 4 5 57 147 Mundla 150 50 85 6 60 39 3 5 2 135 220 Singhpur 93 22 45 3 28 16 1 19 2 II 36 98 133 Bamhori Godad 41 10 21 2 11 8 9 5 35 63 Nagjhir 65 2 55 10 2 44 94 Khejda Gadhi 50 15 25 24 ]4 7 13 46 57 Nonpur 91 62 52 33 36 29 3 85 87 Dhirkheda Uni nhabited Magrai 44 1 26 ]6 ] 2 40 60 Dhilwar 44 3 24 18 1 2 40 85 Parasia 46 39 42 36 4 3 48 35 GopaJpura 109 82 66 50 41 32 2 94 79 Bandoli 121 8 81 2 22 4 2 18 115 186 Chandoni Gadhi 1117 123 143 3 67 4 76 10 831 106 31 79 1394 2136 Ghairat Ganj 196 22 49 82 18 7 58 4 4 61 144 184 Gairatpur 157 66 21 27 8 108 58 34 81 94 Chandoniganj 33 12 16 5 6 5 11 2 16 22 Amgawan 103 60 53 49 10 7 2 38 3 5 13 89 III Bhanpur Ganj 62 45 17 18 11 2 34 25 3 6 52 75 Dhangawan 182 53 89 56 45 7 30 8 6 150 219 Gehunras 138 12 89 39 8 3 3 7 95 214 Khamariya GanJ 53 44 8 1 18 57 19 20 Behra 81 35 58 22 35 1 55 74 Churakka 92

~~ ;;{'fmT (~~ ~.n~/ IIlCf 'tiT ~TifT;:: ~R ~~T1i't if ~~if trfq /if'«: I iHwm ~Tim'Tli en' iIif ;fT'q ~~ if 1=(lIiF''"Y clTtor, .li~ ij f~) 'flf<.j-m ~ Total PcpulatioD (including 'tiTCf1l ~l!1" institutional flli At. if lind houseJess Scheduled Sch~du:ed Area of No. of POpulation) Castes Tribes Literates occupieo Number Loca· villaacs ~-.-j... .--.-~ ~ •. J..--~ r-J.-- -, resi· of r--"--.. tion Name of in hectares


'ilPf ititl{ ;r;<:

rn ,IV, V(b). VI, (I-IX) II V (a) VII,VII: & IX X TOla) Main ;\ Sf icul tu ral H0usehold Olher Mar~:J)al Workers Cultivators Lahourer~ Industry Workers Wof)cers Non-Workers ,----..A---___ r-.~ ,--..A-----,. ,--..A--., r- ..A..--., ,--.JA---, ,-...A--_-, Nilme of ~. ~iifl ~. «It ~. f;;rr ~. «IT 1 ~iifl ~. m '};. 00- Tal;lsjl/Villj,lge! M. F. M. F. M. F M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town '/Ward '

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

126 58 89 37 57 107 141 Ghana 338 42 215 3 11 ] 38 12 38 144 428 Rampura Kalan 96 43 51 2 1 39 62 93 Bilwani 24 20 4 13 34 38 P~hirya 76 2 40 30 4 2 3 56 65 66 Kitora 20 7 12 1 8 6 3 Ix 39 Saliwada 59 2 33 2 25 33 36 59 JafllUatya Kalan 158 44 85 17 37 24 3 1 33 2 17 138 182 Samna-pur. Kalan 106 63 55 31 42 30 3 2 6 10 3 95 122 Sarra 122 15 68 3 37 9 17 2 14 61 78 113 Karmodi 102 84 83 68 11 14 2 2 6 20 8 77 82 Senora-Khurd 49 15 41 11 5 4 1 2 5 31 38 47 Seh

~T;ftq ~"t"'J IItCf lIil lA'TiTll{ qf~~l ~'" ~~~T (i'1'"( lA'1~m vl!W""" ~T&1l m 'fTR J;:pr<.J Iif~ lA'TiTl~1q 'fiT ~l¥ql lA'R ~qJ~ it "(~if ~rfa :or~-;;nf(J omn: 'It i lIif

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

161 f~TiII'~~ 27~.76 42 59 337 172 165 31 29 16 15 49 12 162 ~miT 754.64 30 30 190 98 92 29 32 15 19 27 10 163 lIi'hnC{"( 776.03 96 96 566 317 249 60 47 8 5 61 13 164 fin{ftllt ~Ii 400.54 33, 35 218 121 97 15 10 48 36 35 19 165 tiRlfl 311.88 54 54 386 221 165 22 16 14 16 76 7 166 firr;:fi"( 565.68 47 47 254 130 124 21 22 19 21 49 14 167 iifil'lT,( v~ 795.22 141 143 862 457 405 35 24 119 112 117 36 168 tlt."('t'( 964.17 242 242 1,337 700 637 120 91 18 13 242 77 169 fir'1'Tl' 223.30 47 47 287 151 136 3 3 3 2 21 3 170 f«ma (Cf;:r~Tq) 404.59 53 59 315 161 154 .. 138 132 22 171 'UflTih (amrTq) 654.63 .. c{T"(T;:r 63 299 172 qiT lfTiIlIi ""if; 1,535.24 63 148 151 140 138 1 5 10 173 ,8Tl1Tf (~A) 1422.24 18 18 81 49 32 4 2 45 30 2 ~s


l!!Sll ifi"Tl1 ~if 'n~ Main Workers ~------~------~ ¥f.~ ifi"a~ ~fa~ 11'l!~' q"iilnifi" ;oWl1f ~'ll" &fIll if.<:ir ~ftl1rnifi" !filii

lIT ,IV, V(b), VI. (T-IX) IT V (a) HI,VHi & IX X TOlal Maio A.!!ricultural Household Other Marg;l'Ial Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers "Workers Non~Wl)rken r-~ ,---..1'--_ r-"----- ,--..A-_.., r ...A-~_..., ,---"/>'--, ,-_-..A.--_..., Name of ~. {ID ~. ~T ~. ~(:iT 'J;. ~') '! ",ciT ~. m '!. m Tahsii/Village/ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

9S 5 55 36 2 3 4 77 160 Pipaliya Amarsingh 51 30 20 1 5 40 42 52 Sanwali 165 122 32 8 3 7 83 145 166 Shobhapur 67 3 20 1 45 2 2 2 24 52 70 Simaria Khurd 110 9 75 3 32 6 3 5 56 106 100 Gorkha 68 7 41 3 25 4 2 8 43 54 74 Jinnor 253 93 137 21 99 70 4 1 13 4 53 200 259 Tekapar Khedi 379 73 183 10 130 45 33 16 33 2 2 321 562 Sodarpur 82 4 74 2 8 2 69 132 Singhad 81 4 41 38 3 2 ]4 82 66 68 Silari (F. V.) Uninhabited Rajghati (F. V. ) 88 81 3 1 3 60 151 Pati Manak Chot 30 28 2 ]9 32 Suagarh ,(F;V.) 96

'liq Iti1 ar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

30/3 itT~ ~'" 878.9 11,572 35.727 7.035 3,924 9,665 (~) 10,972 67;472 31,745 6,210 3,627 2,276 1 1il.if.f~r i("WICl ~T 854.37 156 158 850 445 405 39 34 30 23 185 4] 2 f~f~lfT ([n:lm 95.91 .fnJi{ 3 mf~T ;n;r~ fftr 243.65 45 50 270 142 128 31 28 ]0 8 52 14 4 'f>ifi~3tT iroq~ ~T 172.30 18 18 103 58 45 2 4 2 2 29 11 5 'i{t~Tqa; 239.00 46 46 271 137 134 19 24 16 15 30 6 6 of\'ft ]99.99 34 34 204 106 98 17] 6 43 14 7 qfs-trr l(i~T 243.67 35 33 149 84 65 26 17 21 23 22 3 8 fil_iltfull"T ~:aTcaT 242.35 26 29 158 80 78 17 14 28 29 29 II 9 q.<'I"T 336.05 32 32 182 100 82 47 47 11 5 35 18 10 ifi"~r 'l:Tifi"T 899.39 78 93 522 276 246 77 61 95 89 66 28


l!l9lf Ifill'!' I!i~;r .n~ Main Workers ~------~------~ ~ ~ ~ ~f~'~i~ "~~lf,' ~ "~!f1lt 1f.'~ ~, ~I!i~ ~ vtilf./iflI<./'ni

W,N, V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) II 'V (a) \

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

19,758 11,782 5,741 814 1. 421 260 15.709 Begamgani Tahsil 3,114 702 1,765 428 219 3,377 25,254 (Rural) 260 15 126 2 61 4 60 8 13 4 74 181 316 Khajuriyd BaramadGadhi Uninhabited Khiriya Pa-rashlH' 75 43 22 7 3 25 67 103 Jhiriya Baramad Gadhi 25 20 5 2 33 43 Kakarua BarlunatGadhi 79 38 12 27 2 27 58 1 07 Chanda Mau 50 24 24 21 14 1 9 4 56 74 Belai 52 12 12 27 10 4 2 9 6 32 47 Madnhiya Mahuakheda 40 27 13 5 23 16 4 6 4 40 47 Hinotiya Munzapt 52 23 23 . 26 13 3 10 48 59 Mandla 148 16 74 29 4 38 1 I 7 2 61 126 169 Kasba Choka Uninh

m~~ ,".-r~ ~\\l ;;r;.-~~T (ien: ~q;t;{ "fln~1lf 11'"'(.: ~~1!I11il it ~il~ ~~ it If~T;fi 'fm ~ftmi "If~cr) ;pr;:jcrri ~'f Total Population (including ~~ ~~ imtitutiona\ fit; . I'I"T. it and housclcss Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates villagcs occupicQ Number ,---_.A. ____ _..., LOca­ ,-_. ..1>---, r--""'_~-' tion Name of In hectares resI­ of r-A--:- ~. .;;iT ~_ Hit Code Tahsil/Village & of Town! dential house· <~ ~. ~~ ~. ,,~ No. Town/\\ard Ward in Km2 hou,,:s hold:, ]>. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 ------_.. _------41 qy~ 271.81 19 19 129 69 60 10 7 8 3 13 4 42 f~)\\lT 617.67 77 79 481 247 234 56 48 4 79 9 43 ~Tt=f1~ 424.30 1I"t~Til 44 I{-nn "IA\\l 422.62 90 90 555 300 255 31 24 3 4 132 31 45 ~f.rliT 351.81 48 48 295 160 135 81 72 6 2 43 5 46 ~~"(T~ 221.59 51 51 324 177 147 74 66 53 12 47 f.{i(llf~ 382.46 43 43 257 134 123 13 8 3 2 51 11 48 ~t=rT ~ 147.62 24 24 145 85 60 34 28 23 3 49 1{t8f.rlft 257.45 19 19 133 68 65 21 21 1 19 50 ~liT ~g 283.10 16 16 102 51 51 6 4 26 12 51 ,"~T 154.92 cft1:f'l' 52 ~)f~IH qomT 378.53 36 36- 264 137 127 26 30 7 3 19 5 53 'IfiQ, 561.57 90 96 546 294 252 49 42 5 6 81 10 54 ~T 537.01 72 78 424 228 196 53 55 8 10 7G 17 55 iltf~ 289.13 47 65 324 164 160 21 22 28 29 45 13 56 '-li{~~ 266.41 18 34 173 91 82 25 19, 42 42 14 9 57 ""Jift ~tH 399.80 52 52 273 144 129 18 13 23 25 4 1 58


l!;1Pi itiTll ~ 1U~ Main Workers r------~------~----~ :pr ~ lfirnI"lfin Ii~ ~ crf'{i![If(lf. ;;lIIl1I Q'll" !f·Il'!" If,'';' If.T11 If,~ 'rT~ CfT~

III ,IV, V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) II V (a) VlJ,VJII & IX x Total MaiD Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non·Worken r--"'----l ,...--..A---. ~-.. ,---"---. r -"--_.., ,.--...A..---. ,----"-~ Name of 2;. ~ 2;. ~T ~. HiT 2;. ~T ~. {~ '!. faT '!. ~<:iI1 T absil /Village I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '27 28 2

33 16 13 4 315 60 Manpur ]26 51 66 9 ] 21 234 Dhimroli Ullinhabi ted Saliwada 141 12 77 53 12 1 10 159 243 Mundla ChawaI 86 10 51 26 6 742 74 125 Kohnia 100 30 55 36 3 2 27 7 77 117 Gehlln Ras 74 2 48 21 2 5 60 121 Vinayakpur 44 1 30 13 1 41 59 Mundla Ber 39 6 25 7 5 3 4 29 59 Mohnia 23 3 17 6 3 28 48 Madiya Sew Uninh3.bited Lala Tori 78 2 46 31 1 59 125 Hinotia Pachori 159 5 82 3 60 2 5 12 6 80 129 167 Chandbad 123 9 45 3 69 6 2 7 105 187 Paloha 92 14 36 42 13 14 72 146 Dhandhia 47 27 8 38 27 1 7 18 37 37 Khanpur 68 10 40 24 10 4 76 119 Berkhedi Jorawar 96 16 74 10 14 4 4 2 4 15 42 60 92 Barkhoa 63 13 37 6 14 4 7 8 II 31 60 96 Basia 204 39 99 4 59 23 4 7 42 5 1 65 ]75 213 Umar Kho 35 15 23 6 9 8 3 42 S6 Pachipura 35 27 14 4 21 23 28 19 Sothia 12 6 5 2 5 4 2 8 12 Barri Khued 74 18 31 2 33 13 10 3 52 100 Barri Kalan , . Uninhabited Bari 94 44 64 25 30 19 65 108 Khiriya Sukalcai 57 47 33 20 21 21 3 6 61 68 Katangi 1 1 1 Madia Bibi 91 66 40 15 51 51 71 98 Fatehpur 148 28 83 64 28 131 196 Padajhir 245 142 58 16 29 ] 2 115 212 296 HabsJli Uninhabited Uchera 127 90 12 20 5 18 144 223 Salaiya 69 1 31 28 3 7 6 69 107 Parsora 64 48 14 2 70 94 P ipJiya Barai 156 7 85 39 26 5 6 7 182 247 Dhwaj 107 1 61 33 9 4 22 112 J 59 Rehatwas 92 2 63 1 24 1 3 9 73 136 Nainbilas 52 5 47 1 5 4 39 94 PlpJiya Bakhatsingn IS 70 3 45 9 4 113 205 Sa~oni Gosain 123 " 3 100

~~Tt;/ flrq !fiT Iln

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 J2 13 14

81 ~T 124.53 11 12 75 33 42 4 7 4 8 2 ~f"'lIT ffi . 441.71 56 58 355 192 163 10 9 5 6 4. 88 ll'fi$ll~ 1l3·1rnT ~ 270.57 10 16 82 38 44 ... 8 4 ~"ilii~ ~ 506.77 50 50 273 132 141 28 19 8 1 I 39 8 5 flilf<:llT i{q~T~ 30~. 49 31 39 268 134 134 17 21 11 7 12 86 .nt3n 356.14 ~hTi{ 8 7 fRf~oll'T ~T;ft 493.33 1 743 88 q;<:~ 482.26 69 74 457 234 223 18 17 15 11 79 7 89 ~.j~U:<:qT ~~<:I 667.85 160 170 1,044 543 501 66 59 24 20 228 lID 90 ll'~fti~ ifi<'ff 529.29 127 127 828 438 390 4·~ 44 36 28 145 37 91 ~)fI:f!l1 ~q-Olt 408.53 58 63 328 169 159 19 17 52 50 33 21 92 fq;~ilT 228.41 ]4 14 82 37 45 5 7 8 10 1 93 '!i!)t;T= 245.39 28 28 179 100 79 13 9 9 I 94 ~1Hm~ 199.27 13 13 71 34 37 8 10 23 22 4 1 95, QTll'~~ 303.63 35 35 21 8 11 1 107 46 56 31 9 96 f'll'{Z'T 456.3Li 64 64 323 176 147 56 49 5 6 36 6 97 f

101 "'<;~T 3';9.35 30 31 220 117 103 20 17 48 8 1 0 2 Wtf~T '1T5'" 404.32 45 45 242· 129 113 2() 18 50 9

11 0 i{liT iJ~ 287.95 30 30 174 92 82 6 9 18 3 111 \l)3I''1~ 357.23 24 24 145 76 69 17 11 2 ;f~1IT 'i{~ 256.14 32 32 196 94 102 34 33 6 3 32 36 36 210 108 10Z 70 59 113 t;1iI


l!1ilf IlinT ifi"<:of qy~ Main Workers ,------"------~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ q~crTRifi" ;:iIittl' '1;lf EfiTli 'Ii,;; ~ifi"~ ri qy~

HI ,IV, V (0), VI, (I-IX) n V (a) VlJ. VIII & IX x Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers ,-~ ,---"------...---A--.. r---"---, r- ..A-~~ r--.A-~ r--..A.~ Name of 2;. m 2;. m 2;. ~aT 9;. ~T 9;. .at 9;. ~e1T '!. HfT Tahsil/Village I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

18 16 1 15 42 Sahka 98 8 2 25 3 5 4 94 154 Jamunia Talluka Mahuakheda 23 23 15 44 Gonda Khoe 73 46 24 3 19 59 122 Mahuakheda Khurd 83 63 18 2 51 133 Khiria Navalshaha Uninhabited .. Bothua 4 2 2 2 Jhiria Rani 125 3 87 1 37 2 109 220 Karhola 284 41 153 8 73 17 II 11 47 5 258 460 Markheda TappaSunehra 174 8 127 3 35 5 8 4 264 382 Mahuakheda Kalan 94 32 45 3 37 17 7 12 5 2 75 125 Hinotia Bamnai 25 15 8 1 12 45 Kirangi 50 7 33 13 2 3 5 50 72 Dholpur 20 6 7 10 3 3 3 14 31 Samasgarh 59 28 26 32 27 52 79 Khamkheda 108 56 55 2 52 54 68 91 Khireti 99 41 61 1 38 4 64 86 Bichhua 332 49 178 28 127 19 27 2 10 256 449 Tulsipur Uninhabited .. Panari 150 4 94 40 3 5 1 1 1 3 120 208 Mehgaon Tappa Sunt"hr1 54 8 46 8 5 2 63 95 Jarua 78 14 57 8 19 6 2 7 51 92 Pipa Jiya pathak Uninhabited .. Chandpur 367 3 238 95 1 7 27 1 6 39 370 629 Beerpur UninhRbited .• Itaiya 245 56 J85 21 46 24 13 10 2 1 ! 190 350 Bargawan Munzapta 103 20 53 1 46 19 4 7 80 138 Bijora 244 115 151 50 59 48 17 15 17 2 185 254 Bansadehi 29 6 12 1 1 4 6 2 23 37 Tinghara Sani 53 7 34 18 6 1 39 75 Naya Nagar 46 2 37 2 4 5 30 67 Bhojpur 57 5 32 14 10 4 1 37 97 Mudia Champat 59 4 31 15 11 3 2 49 98 Lakhanpur U ninhabi tod .• Suja 246 74 112 10 109 50 6 2 19 12 16 140 298 Markhandi 47 18 29 16 18 2 57 55 Pitta! iya TaIIuka Choka 68 50 51 1 16 49 52 63 Jamunia Jamshah 79 12 38 38 12 3 63 102 Jhirpani UnI nhabited • Narendrapuf , . Uninhabited .• Dobi 102

fltlf iJiJ !i~ Gfiffi~ ('"~ ~ ~T<: !j~rm ;;- '{~il ~it crT~ cufu;m ~f~) if"lf( /1ffi Total Population iJiJ'lfl'i (including institutiQnal fit; .1l"T. it and houseless S<1heduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes villages occupieo Number Lherates LOI:a­ r----.A ------, r--...A----., r---A~--. tion Name of in hectares resi­ of r-..A.-.., Code Tahsil/Village & of Town! dential house­ ~fui ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~1 '1. «fi No. Town/Ward Ward in Km2 hOus.es hojd~ P. M. F. M. F. M. F. J\,I. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

121 ~lTtq iIT. "':T"IiT 159.06 lfT'UiIf 122 ~)i{~~ 365.99 , 41 41 265 145 120 25 19 62 56 19 123 ;f'i$" 105.96 cft;:Pi 7 124 ~II'" 4 5.62 108 113 585 297 288 66 63 24 34 103 23 125 iiiiP1i1fT ~r<~r~Tlf 293.15 TT ~~T'" 371.24 30 64 37 J 5 145 ~q~ 823.03 l09 109 616 317 299 23 22 11 17 58 2 146 ~1l


1!~ lIit;f rn 1ifT~ Main Workers r------"------,_, ~ ~ m~ Ii~ ~~"{ qf'(iftftCii ;;ll~ $I;~ lfil~ iIi,it ~I ~~~ ri 'licr /"fTf':./crri . ~~ 'til i\l;fl

lII,IV, V (b) ,VI, (I-IX) 11 V (a) VII,VIII & IX x Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers CultivatOl's labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken r--~ "..---"---.. ,----"--.. ,.-"----" ( J-~--.., ,.-.J'..---" ,.----.A..----.., Name of 2:. ~ 2:. ~T~. ~aT ~. ~T ~. ~en ~. ~efT ~. rnT Tahsil /Village I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

Ur:.inhabi ted Mehgaon TalIuka Choka 69 44 42 4 16 34 6 76 76 Modakpur Unh:bite Chainpura 163 40 112 9 29 25 ]0 4 12 2 8 56 126 192 Kunda Uinhabited Kakarua Anchharam 93 24 65 14 19 8 3 2 6 8 53 57 70 Tinsua 26 7 16- 10 7 2 17 25 19 Choka Bakhat Singh 114 19 58 3 28 4 1 24 1S 14 46 86 128 Ghogari 194 11 110 2. 70 9 14 60 130 185 Bhainsa 72 17 37 2 31 10 2 5 2 2 25 52 40 Madni 82 22 45 11 32 1 1 ; 72 99 Bankori 160 11 78 4 48 6 11 23 2 52 ]28 ]89 Padaria Ra iadhar 77 11 52 23 ]0 2 57 90 Barha 113 13 55 54 13 4 82 138 Majgawa Sani Uni nhabited Mahuakheda Singhai 81 2 62 19 1 57 135 Gorkha Uninhabited Lawapani Uninhabiteli Kenkra 15 6 8 1 2 11 16 19 Khiria TalJuka Papda 4 2 2 Choka Beragi 24 5 19 3 5. 2 7 24 21 34 Maddeora 60 54 3 3 t 1 48 47 50 Sakarda 74 60 3 10 50 54 81 Rampura 54 8 28 5 20 2 1 5 14 37 37 24 Kakrua Gulab 180 2 130 1 29 1 10 11 154 136 143 Mawai 24 24 16 13 25 Umarhari Talluka Fapda 65 41 18 6 46 57 76 Kanjela 87 75 11 58 52 62 Padaria Sitaram Uninhabited Kishangarh 99 71 25 2 58 63 86 Nagjhiri 81 1 11 65 5 24 51 86 Papda 30 29 1 21 28 25 Bareli 51 39 12 16 39 55 Deori 131 8 97 33 8 91 202 Dhi)"l~r Unmhabited Anghori 60 16 48 10 11 6 1 31 23 36 Amolj 60 1 37 23 1 44 98 Ghana Khurd 190 16 127 3 48 10 3 3 12 70 131 20] Tekapar Khurd 191 27 103 3 54 14 15 9 19 5 92 139 193 Suneti 95 6 66 26 2 1 4 2 14 37 83 133 Beel Kheda 104

'lt~ IfiT ~lt ~<'f ;Jf.H'~lTT (h<: ~~ ,wmfllJ ~h:: *'1mT 'i' <:~;r ~~ it ;rIliT.,)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

161 i~~ 419.11 52 52 305 158 147 43 41 9 9 62 22 162 ~{r'{'T 442.44 76 76 498 266 232 42 33 39 33 73 4 1 63 .1;T aT. q~{ltT 206.96 33 33 183 101 82 20 21 1 26 10 1 6 4 1iIf)f,l.f1' ~ntt)<: 185.30 26 26 161 80 81 56 61 14 1 165 ~l",i;r 181. 65 34 34 190 103 87 24 11 33 21 14 12 166 ~3TT GfTtJT, 358.26 55 55 338 176 162 8 11 60 66 49 8 167 ~l.fT ~ 365.21 25 25 127 64 63 6 14 14 8 11 1 168 ~rr'f;Jf 662.45 148 149 756 423 333 132 88 81 63 137 36 169 art'ff'1:lfT 302.87 25 25 175 88 87 4 2 43 21 170 'EfAllli<'rt 350.46 81 81 531 271 260 29 29 29 21 24 5 171 '3I'~?ft 711.66 76 76 467 245 222 56 48 15 11 68 16 112 i(,~<'lT ~mlR 442.51 37 49 301 151 150 21 25 47 43 19 2 173 ~f!ltT ~ 431. 13 40 40 255 130 125 17 18 5 6 41 5 174 ~ti~l ~\Itl. 492.14 105 107 584 308 276 62 67 9 8 79 9 175 ~~ 578.10 116 116 705 381 324 146 120 59 9 176 ~w~ ,f5mt~ 290.79 39 39 238 129 109 16 17 10 14 32 9 1 77 ~'lirtll; "IIi<'rt 793.91 77 81 476 268 208 73 57 103 73 72 24 178 ~rrl.fT m .~m 386.98 23 25 132 63 69 29 29 10 ,179 ~;; at .1f,f<:llT 386.13 47 47 305 155 150 2 3 6 180 .1'~T ~ 526.13 69 69 424 212 212 24 23 42 35 79 31 1 8 1 1l::i(1fe!t;; ,!:::i(~r 78.43 5 5 27 13 14 3 3 9 2 1 8 2 fqqf~ fifi;O~T 573.42 110 1\0 582 3\ \ 27\ 98 90 8 8 90 17 183 fu"l'lflJ '!:r, Olear 94.56 'f)'u;; 'I")"l;Trr 184 ~"'T ~'~I 172.66 17 17 121 69 52 60 42 7 4 185 ~~T :;18.6~ 35 35 277 150 127 61 54 12 13 55 11 186 .::ilttltt ""If 362.36 " . 32 32 193 104 89 34 35 11 10 21 187 i'lirlfR "'t~<\'H 767.48 8 80 80 481 252 229 68 73 14 I 1 64 2 188 '(~l 249.44 41 41 247 131 116 53 47 77 69 14 189 I«~"(1IT 6T • ;fttTf.1fT 184.88

59 77 441 228 213 43 41 22 13 66 10 190 ,,"f~ 192.87 31 49 239 128 III 23 18 19 24 55 8 191 ,,)<:~ 336.46

343.71 43 68 382 198 184 67 66 21 6

21 31 204 112 92 9 9 IS 194 ~'l<{t 187.74 17 28 141 88 53 21 7 4 8 21 1 1 9 5 rrltltt't'f 237.29 247.28 29 37 263 131 132 39 37 14 1 1 14 196 ~~rr,!, 24 33 195 114 81 52 36 - 7 10 1 1 197 ~,ql"lT 351.97 55 56 334 172 162 12 14 29 22 70 29 1 9 8 'l!1\f"llfT ~T • 455.91

91 91 519 276 243 48 43 54 50 82 32 1 9 9 ~l'{Il{Qj''!.<: 231.85 12 12 74 35 39 9 13 12 10 8 3 200 f~lIir,') 160.07 105


l!liill' 'iiTl'i m cn~ :Main Workers ,------~------~ ~ ~ 'iimr;m: &~ 1{""~ q~.n~iji \;,,)lr ~iq if.11{ iji,~ ~'ii~ ri 'U~

[JI.IV, V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) IT V (a) VII,VIII & IX x Total Main Agricultural Househald Other Marginal Workers CultivatOl's Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non·Worken r-~ r-..A-.--., ~ r----"---.. r- ...A--~ r--.A.-~ .-_..,.).....----. Name of ~. ~ ~. m~. ~arr ~. ~r ~. ~at ~. mr 'j. m Tahsil/Village I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

79 26 46 19 20 3 5 I 1 2 79 119 Dehgawan 156 20 109 8 43 12 4 110 212 Ratanhari 56 3 29 19 3 7 10 35 59 Kheri Talluka Padaria 44 5 25 17 5 2 6 30 51 Boria Jagir 62 7 12 48 7 41 SO Sajkheda 81 46 55 32 15 14 I 1 95 116 Bichhuwa Jagir 37 18 29 9 7 9 1 27 44 Padaria Khurd 241 40 1 19 2 52 33 4 66 5 182 29l SultanganJ 44 4 36 :2 (} 2 2 44 83 Anwariya 158 3 130 21 2 4 3 14 ) 113 1 17 GhanakaJan 146 3 87 48 1 8 3 59 99 160 Jasrathi 82 15 51 1 11 3 1 19 11 39 69 96 Bersala Jagir 75 21 55 9 13 11 4 3 55 104 Madhia Gusain 175 20 118 3 37 7 7 6 13 4 133 256 Markheda Gulab 233 148 67 15 2 3 36 148 286 Udka 57 8 27 1 25 4 5 3 2 72 99 Berkhedi Rajaram 133 2 71 2 55 7 53 135 153 Tekapar Kalan 37 5 30 6 4 26 64 Jamunia Talluka Padaria 93 2 93 2 62 148 Kesh Ion TaJluka Padaria 135 72 58 4 77 212 Bamhori Titor 7 2 4 3 2 3 5 9 Majgawan Muzapnta 177 9 92 3 72 5 4 9 52 134 210 Pipaliya B1Choli .. Uninhabited Tillghara Munzapta •. Uninhabited Patna Munzapta 46 3 9 36 3 1 7 22 42 Mehadi 78 5 42 32 5 4 72 122 Khajuriya Gusain 60 7 26 33 7 17 44 65 Tekapar Munzapta 134 7 100 3 26 3 8 118 222 Rehma 77 1 65 10 2 54 115 Khamaria Talluka Nai Gadhiya 139 7 92 26 2 16 4 5 67 88 139 Mohiya 80 3 50 13 3 8 9 29 47 79 Gorakhpur •• Uninhabited Mehgaon TaJ luka Khothhikoe 123 17 61 5 17 4 22 8 23 31 75 136 Khamkheda

67 49 4 14 45 92 Chargawan 44 5 32 9 5 3 44 48 Nayagaon 92 19 64 2 23 17 2 3 39 113 Sohanpur 73 20 48 2 14 13 10 5 41 61 Kerpani 105 13 60 3 12 1 33 9 67 149 Jamunia Talluka Kotikhhoe 150 30 106 1 33 26 8 3 3 126 213 Narayanpur 23 3 7 16 3 12 36 Tikari 1 06~

iqq~ (f~~~~ r ',.. ~'

~~fh;y! ~q 'tiT IIHiIl~ ~<; ;;r

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14

201 ~'RT crr. 'ii'torlSit 754.25 23 23 197 113 84 33 24 13 11 21 8

202 ~~~ 448.73' 22 22 119 58 61 7 8 24 26 5 203 ~T 346.80 11 11 64 36 28 22 15 7 204 l};i'filliaT 582. 19 191 195 1,053 576 477 156 125 35 36 183 45 205 ?:~TIfl~ oT .lfilorw) 658.54 115 119 681 355 326 54 44 15 13 108 43

206 ~loT I5Il 760.53 153 154 848 439 409 143 125 40 46 85 14 207 q'~'{ \lTi!T 753.77 116 144 812 449 363 110 72 53 15 208 :qi

214 ~


~1Sli lfillf rn crTB- :Main Workers ~------~------~ ~~ ifirnflfiT<: lif~~ It;,;r~ q~orT~'f. ;:'~T1l Wti qllt 'fi"~ ~nlfrnlfi ~llf if lfi':i'{ ~m~1 lfirnlfi~ ql~ lfil.r'fmY '"~ tri

lIT ,IV, V(b), VI, (I-IX) II V (a) VII,VIII & IX X TOla) Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers WOlkers Non-Worken ,-.~ ,--..A--... r---"---.. ,--...A----.., ,- ..A-----, ,--.A----.., ,-----...A.------., Name of ~. f;;;fj' ~. lia'T ~. faT ~. ~t '_!. :liefT '.!. fefT '.!. W Tahsil/Village I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

48 14 28 19 12 2 65 70 Bamhori Talluka Kothi khoe 32 6 18 14 5 16 55 Gundrai 23 11 12 13 28 Jhamra 319 79 205 26 23 9 13 10 78 34 22 130 135 268 Sunwaha 213 35 155 4 38 21 11 8 9 2 3 142 288 Tekapar Tn Iluka Kothi Khoe 245 154 118 58 103 82 14 14 10 2 3 192 252 Kothi Khoe 274 1 216 50 1 5 3 175 362 Pandar Bhatta 42 9 21 18 9 3 27 50 Chandoda 42 4 33 5 3 3 29 71 Gopai 38 5 14 20 5 4 21 52 Chainpura 164 5 115 25 5 2 22 122 200 Jamunia Pipa iiya 324 111 188 82 90 28 4 42 224 406 Gulwada 22 3 9 4 6 1 1 50 Keshlone Ta IIuka Naigadhiya 49 8 26 13 7 10 39 75 Deo Japur Munzapta 292 47 153 2 61 41 3 75 4 199 431 Nai Gadhiya U ninhabi ted •• Masoor Bawali Uninhabited .• Sainkheda 189 92 78 6 13 94 148 201 Shahpur 100 76 13 8 3 68 66 99 Sehora Jagir 117 1 68 38 3 8 38 8S 133 Khamari a Kalan Uninhab it~d .. Bandhiya 115 45 65 45 44 1 1 4 99 136 Dungariya Umarhari Baramad 239 57 152 13 61 43 3 23 3 193 297 Silwani 110 8 76 1 29 6 1 5 34 86 129 PipaIiya Jagir 6 8 4 3 2 5 17 9 Bagpura Uninhabited •• Rustampur 108

~;ft~ ~~t:I'l qt" 'liT crTiIl~ qf<:ctRT ~t:I' ;;r;r!J~T ("'" ~~m cr~;m ffT~1: m ~/iflf<.J at~ crTllIHiTli 'fIT ~l lI"R ~~ it ~~;r GUf6

~""~ ~~ qrf\;llliT

30/III i~ t'f·IlT.) 18 46 2.9'75 3,031 18,314 9.730 8,584 1,268 1,085 45 30 5,303 2,718

30m/1 ~T"Ti ;{. 1 211 212 1,336 680 656 311 114 . ~.., 2,028 1,099 30111/2 Wili'1:~'f._ 354 364 929 165 148 19 8 539 250 30/II/3 mAr

30/11/12 'f{r~r;ft t:I'~lf')in~


I!~ iliTIl ifiVi an~ lV1ain Workers r------~------~ qf{IUn:ili ",tiTt[ trill if, III TI1 Il ~~ ilimtifi'Tl: Ii~ ~;;r~ 'fi<:~ ~<'fl 2fi11!''fi~ qI~ "fTli~'

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Begamganj Municipality

4,501 1,048 54' 20 284 49 1,316 813 2,352 156 48 424 5,181 7,112 Be~amgl!-Di (M)

318 114 46 5 32 8 162 101 78 4 23 358 519 Sharda Ward No.1 499 60 107 2 71 9 80 35 241 14 3 28 597 841 Shankar Ward NO.2 390 98 60 42 5 87 72 201 21 4 1 491 663 Govind Ward No.3 304 42 34 54 33 216 8 4 391 564 Gopal Ward No.4 363 70 16 9 1 92 48 246 21 6 400 607 Vijai Ward No.5 426 46 63 2 8 2 109 28 246 14 4 74 543 771 Ghanshyam Ward No.6 216 9 24 6 44 3 142 6 8 56 234 344 Tulsi Ward No.7 222 73 48 78 71 95 2 5 4 239 364 Amar Ward No. ,8 249 100 44 6 51 16 76 75 78 3 12 245 316 Prakash Ward No.9 396 147 48 2 9 2 114 133 225 10 4 44 397 481 Kareem Ward No.to 583 213 37 3 44 3 212 183 290 24 11 68 611 770 Dr. Rajendra Prasad Ward No. 11 535 76 22 11 2 208 41 294 33 4 10~ 675 872 Maharani Laxmi bai Ward No. 12 110

lit" iIil ~~ \1IiI~T (~'I<: ~~ ~n: ~~~nm if ~~it %~ if !1(~ ~ffi;lrT ~~) i{in:jcni Total Population 'fiT ~ (including Ai.JIT. it institutional and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Number Castes Tribes Uterates Loca­ villages occupied ,-_• ..A--.. tion Name of in hectares resi­ of r--.-.A.-_ .... ,--..A-~-.. ,-.A.-., Code Tahsilj Vill age & of Town! dential house­ Olffu; ~. ~~') ~. ~ ~. ~ ~_ ,ilft No Town/Ward Ward in Km2 houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

17,938 51,803 6,927 ]2,643 18,619 16,537 98,884 47,081 6,350 11,819 5,623 1 qt~&: 709.19 195 199 1,196 634 562 55 44 17 12 254 34 2 8'iI.~ 123.34 14 14 ]07 54 53 7 7 20 1 3 'l~Th1fT 606.37 51 53 332 170 162 21 17 44 40 50 9 4 ;1{ifi~ ~ 191.08 51 51 284 138 146 34 40 20 23 50 I S ifT?{'~ 702.98 95 97 637 328 309 98 91 88 77 96 II 6 ~~lT mr. 487.14 71 71 358 ]99 159 6 6 185 150 6 7 ~If"'" .~l 1,616,68 20 20 117 59 58 3 6 52 49 3 8 ~T'Ii{.') 419.85 18 18 97 46 51 10 ]3 30 31 6 9 '{1~i'lI 1,949.31 292 299 1,700 890 810 101 95 208 184 371 102 10 f"~l~ 556.64 qT~f~ 11 ~~'T m;r6' 1,130.56 125 128 622 315 307 13 12 248 254 51 2 12 qitf~"T 740.58 102 103 616 303 313 75 72 59 68 92 118 13 ~f{iit (lfiTrcnt) 1,152.21 1,560 1,605 1,148 3,9793,169 503 427 187 164 2,159 855 14 " ..~~i\' 136.U 24 26 122 70 52 16 t 1 1 1 37 2 15 ~1fii\' 192.13 19 21 132 70 62 36 31 4 2 35 14 16 ~elltT ~~ 180.33 26 29 178 92 86 46 41 33 17 If.r<'!l 169.59 20 21 133 71 62 9 9 32 8 1 8 illJ.f<;{1fT v.l'T"{ 342.67 42 43 211 107 104 44 46 31 2 19 .~T 91.17 Cl'T1:rIT 20 fqq~ql tt~ 3~6. 10 151 159 840 434 406 87 69 212 40 21 mlfif;lO 675.04 106 126 694 371 323 69 52 33 48 158 31 22 .,-f~ 160.96 62 84 493 240 253 12 20 42 49 74 6 23 lrT'Ill'!,"{ 111.15 7 10 59 30 29 16 11 7 5 24 f«1RTt 379.40 63 89 479 250 229 15 19 22 24 78 26 2S ~ltT~~ 377.30 63 79 467 235 232 27 28 70 71 116 33 26 VT"~T 199.92 48 48 215 116 99 20 18 28 18 57 11 2 7 lIltT'l"{T itcn~ 193.20 97 97 527 276 251 29 39 39 38 93 38 28 ~Ifi'lf 123.25 i{T"{T~ 29 l!."{1f~ 1,838.16 283 295 1,632 865 767 139 126 222 200 393 158 30 ~tT 109.91 9 9 73 39 34 6 31 ifT~li~ 161.40 58 58 368 192 176 41 39 22 17 91 22 3 2 iI'mf~ltT 303.10 57 58 369 198 171 47 41 8 7 68 17 :3 3 ~I'{ ~'fT"1i( 439.97 89 106 697 357 340 67 75 53 47 136 23 34 ~t 1,209.6\ 105 106 641 334 307 35 19 222 225 113 15 18 35 ~Tit'" 265.13 15 103 54 49 13 15 23 23 11 5 36 ~~f~~T 1, 171 .85 17 23 123 61 62 11 13 22 26 1 37 ~T~ 7,791.40 100 116 609 311 298 2 307 296 13 38 • ",f~ tin) 905.83 25 25 155 89 66 6 27 18 2\ 39 ~lff;tln ttt ..T 638.86 50 S9 299 144 155 4 114 120 59 4 40 qoT~lfilfu1fT 298.58 37 37 225 122 103 17 20 4 2 40 8 PRIMARY CEHSUS·ABSTRACr Golilrganj Tahsil

1!~ if;Uf ~

------~------I~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

27,069 11,954 8,507 637 5,971 485 24,249 Gobarganj Tahsil 5,991 787 4,574 107 523 2,577 38,5]3 (Rural) 318 26 214 1 71 23 11 22 316 536 Polaha 27 21 5 1 27 53 Dhankhedi 82 20 56 26 20 88 142 Guradia 75 16 51 19 16 4 63 130 Samnapur Khurd 186 39 109 59 38 18 142 270 Nador 118 89 60 35 54 54 4 81 70 Barkheda Setu 33 28 8 5 23 23 2 26 30 Tumda Kheda 27 18 14 11 17 2 19 33 Theekri 476 170 227 8 193 152 12 6 44 4 414 640 Dahod · . Uninhabited .. Sirari 203 154 40 17 140 131 23 6 II:! 153 Kumdi Bithori 152 34 97 4 49 30 6 151 279 Padonia 212 328 165 20 207 109 66 10 1,774 189 5 91 1 .762 2 750Deepmandi (Mandideep) 34 2 Is -II 1 5 36 50 Manddchri 37 21 14 1 33 6:! Hamiri 51 31 14 6 41 86 Itaya Khurd 35 21 I 1 1 2 36 62 Moondla 65 22 36 2 5 42 104 Bamul ia Pawar · . Uninhabited .. Khejdi 227 14 113 63 12 1 50 207 39:! Piplia Gajj 190 64 86 73 58 6 4 25 181 259 Sarakiya 125 60 56 2 63 58 6 115 193 Berasia 14 4 6 8 4 16 25 Shobhapur 140 51 49 44 50 47 110 178 Sil11rai 123 45 43 3 41 40 39 112 187 Itayakalan 73 29 19 7 26 22 1 27 43 70 Khamkheda 126 94 45 15 60 77 3 2 18 ISO 157 Nayapura Mewau • • Uninh~bited .• Jhular1..alan 405 103 178 4 153 96 9 65 3 26 81 434 583 Noorganj ....,::- 2s 18 8 2 -20 16 1 1 16 Semra 93 35 57 6 29 29 7 99 14 I Nanakbedi 120 54 62 6 51 44 1 2 6 2 78 117 Mandkasia 176 45 101 59 44 3 13 8 181 287 Premtalab 166 14 92 6 48 8 2 24 7 124 161 169 Harrai 21 2 9 12 2 14 33 33 Dhabla 41 12 14 26 12 2 14 18 36 Kumharia 174 16 64 107 16 ·. 3 13 96 124 186 Jabra Malkbar 32 2 21 1 10 56 64 Bawadia Gondi 82 2 24 38 20 1 62 152 Imal ia Gondi 62 3 13 1 17 , . 32 2 60 100 Patharkasia 112

~T;;;rl mer ifi1 ~TiIT~ ~;;;r ;jJif

41 l'iT.mift 103.62 7 6 2 3 42 f<::


t;!191t, 'li'TJJ ~ qri;r l\lain Workers r------A ------'" ~ ~ ~ Iim~ ~'\jf~ tm;tfftr ifr,,;

ur,IV,V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) I II V (a) "ll, VIII & IX X Total Main Agricultural Household Olher Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Ind(J'Stl'Y Workers Workers Non-Worken ,-~ r--.A---. ,--"------. ,---"---., r ...A----., ,---.A.---., ,--~ Name of ~. m $. ~T~. ~iirT 9;. ,m '1. ~~ 9;. ~1)fT '1. m Tahsil/Village! M. F. M. F. 'M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. TOWn/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

5 1 4 I Malikhetli 574 111 257 17 151 81 22 8 144 5 89 197 551 876 Diwa1ia 136 8 77 24 7 2 33 3 66 121 162 Tigaria 7 3 3 5 4 3 Kokakhoh 58 18 40 4 7 12 1 2 10 19 32 53 Nasipur 46 4 26 7 3 5 8 19 22 30 HhoOl'paJasi 124 5 40 26 1 7 51 3 91 87 117 Bamnai 176 150 10 I 7 58 143 3 14 15 128 143 Gotampur 15 9 7 3 7 5 2 10 7 Kesalwada 355 50 173 1 126 47 10 46 2 327 579 Bisankheda 165 48 29 4 10 3 1 125 41 9 16 171 254 Sanoti 236 68 88 10 72 56 8 2 68 6 21 260 391 KhilJikheda 677 106 369 10 213 89 24 4 71 3 16 80 751 1,097 Tamot 84 13 37 5 37 6 9 2 31 108 93 69 Beelkhedi 35 3 19 13 2 2 15 46 42 39 Jaithar 12 7 5 1 20 15 9 Bhourasa 19'4 12 32 65 11 97 261 424 Barkheda 93 7 8 84 7 82 135 Kheri Choka Uninlubi ted Piplani Kalan 333 32 18 11 3 16 12 288 17 4 3 4H 626 Karmoda 48 1 7 19 22 "\5 75 Borada 52 14 24 2 19 10 2 2 7 3 I Bineka 66 38 21 6 25 29 20 3 43 77 Bhianpur 12 6 ~ 2 4 '7 6 13 Amchha Khurd 00 25 39 7 11 11 29 7 54 72 Amchha kalan 171 30 45 48 29 78 1 143 278 Umariya 139 19 59 34 14 6 2 40 2 3 120 242 IkaJawan 62 38 19 29 38 14 65 64 Banskuwar 14 6 7 5 6 2 9 20 Bhanputa 68 27 36 24 27 8 2 49 94 TaJPura 42 2 37 4 1 1 9 26 30 48 Ikalwada Uninhabited Bamulia Dakhali 36 30 6 6 22 28 46 Udaipur 29 27 2 8 22 29 45 Ghana Uninhab·ted Jhular Khurd 53 16 26 27 16 58 93 Singpur 8 3 6 2 3 3 8 Rajuknedi 63 40 13 6 4 62 103 Kheri Tappa AnkaJpur Uninh'>bited Ratapanl 60 3 19 38 3 3 78 112 Piplani Khurd 114

1Ttl q;f ~~ institutional f~.q'). it .md houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Li'erates occupieo Number Loca­ villages r--._A---~ ,---..A----., r--"-__"~ ,-A--.. in hectares resi­ of tion Name of ~ftI; 2:. m 9;. m ~. ~ ~. m , Code Tahsil/Village & of Town! dential house­ holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. No Town/Ward Ward in Km2 houses 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 14 1 2 3 4 41 44 256 130 126 5 4 77 76 50 19 81 .nw~ 6:!4.02 26 170 92 78 2 2 60 51 33 5 82 1fiT~~t 393.87 26 47 47 253 130 123 3 6 SG 90 58 14 83 tq~ 119.45 '12 12 48 28 20 22 17 4 84 lJ.i[T~T 160.93 9 62 33 29 4 3 27 23 8 8 5 1{'1'1~') 172.96 9 442 522 2,939 ].5171,422 112 1]9 18 15 858 511 8 6 tfl~'(q3f 1,398.21 178 951 510 441 26 24 33 25 223 49 87 ~ql<{f 519.50 133 81 490 258 232 43 33 105 90 75 23 8 8 'l~T~'(f UT;:i,!1 397.72 81 280.17 qT~T;r 89 1!.nr~T 31· 3] 239 129 110 8 7 2 3 29 90 ~,!l.: 159.56 57 76 490 234 256 33 37 53 49 121 25 9 1 ~Ttf<:"lU 304.49 64 65 413 221 192 61 53 3 2 100 30 92 futi~q 482.03 40 49 329 169 160 8 10 5 6 71 15 1)3 ~e~~ 426.27 282.33 43 50 310172 138 12 II 42 41 69 10 94 ~Tai~~ 43 51 329 162 167 46 50 4 8 80 29 95 iT~qT 230,43 50 62 380 187 193 50 48 95 25 96 l{1'(~~ 276.27 41 72 367 183 184 28 28 48 58 78 23 97 cn~ift 180.03 19 39 203 99 104 44 42 35 42 18 9 98 ~I


~ "'I1'1"~;f 'n~ Main Workers r------_- - -- ..A.. ------.--~

~'t'i'li lifa-~ ;;"'"~~ qf;;cHf~ 8f..:r ifi"f'f ",;;;1- ifiT'f~ <31ITtT

15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

65 3 31 25 2 4 5 5 65 118 Bansgahan 44 4 24 18 4 2 48 74 Karitalai 68 27 23 2 39 25 6 62 96 Kumdi 13 2 10 1 2 9 13 11 Muhasa 17 12 3 1 2 10 15 18 Bhamli 706 71 135 8 85 28 44 5 442 30 13 811 1338 Goharganj 229 23 105 63 20 10 1 51 11 181 407 Amoda 138 112 63 58 69 54 6 120 120 Nayapura Sodarpur Uninhabietd Gutwara 61 48 13 68 110 Baijalpur 120 5 68 3 42 2 10 114 251 Dagarwara 1 13 66 40 7 108 190 Sing31deep 80 47 29 2 1 89 160 Intkhedi 83 41 38 4 89 138 Daudpur 80 47 30 2 1 82 166 Gehunkheda 87 8 80 5 8 2 100 185 Magarpoonchh 98 45 76 3 19 42 2 85 138 Parkl1edi 57 32 30 4 26 28 1 42 72 Aankhkhedi 73 26 44 3 47 105 Beelakhedi 390 62 182 2 156 56 5 47 4 4 66 272 467 Ashapuri 337 18 220 2 97 13 2 3 18 62 252 291 4Q8 Murhari 180 16 RS 63 16 20 12 10 144 127 130 Ambai 2 5 62 25 71 1 t 32 37 11 41 Ravda Ba.iyapta 2 10 Padrai 15 2 9 6 2 306 186 45 124 15 40 30 5 17 183 Sa1kani 13 5 5 3 70 115 Khasrod 66 22 40 9 16 2 81 142 Dantkheda 95 12 73 20 11 6 114 164 HajJi 116 9 84 21 9 5 Uninhabited Kodia 49 8 41 68 87 Bhojpur 110 21 43 4- 18 9 5 148 257 Dehri 148 27 94 3 49 24 19 39 Resalpur 26 13 18 8 13 3 5 Jamania Bajyaft 3 2 1 35 5 143 189 Pipali a Lorka 174 121 78 60 61 56 14 2 69 107 Khanpura 76 54 32 7 30 45 1 3 7 Moijpura 4 3 102 61 7 32 2 3 2 171 266 Satlapur 209 66 68 3 16 11 91 120 Teelakhcdi 80 18 31 1 38 6 25 3 160 242 Keeratnager 152 9 72 3 54 1 3 2 23 2 4 112 178 Kanora 96 19 53 3 18 116

~~«, ;rtflf ~T anerp{ ~Of ;;{ilGl!IfT (ro tJi

121 ~~f~' 30~.65 50 58 275 147 128 12 10 44 36 41 7 122 ~T~riT 271.21 14 18 133 69 64 7 4 1 22 1 123 l{TfT 633.27 61 79 408 213 195 16 14 3 6 88 18 124 ~);;{~T .... 'fi" 353.43 40 40 267 154 113 13 11 49 38 25 12 1 2 5 f~ilTfolfT 376.33 22 22 121 60 61 12 15 3 15 3 126 ;r~1i~1 221. 58 5 6 30 16 14 1 1 27 "iTiIl 335.33 80 83 458 245 213 82 69 66 II 1 2 8 QU~<'iT· 303.51 62 94 531 280 25t 105 97 78 16 1 29 fqqfortfT aT'fi"~ 212.54 31 44 243 138 105 60 51 33 2 130 if.rlfT ~~) 123.16 14 16 85. 43 42 23 22 6 3 8 2 1 3 1 ~"1G: ti~r 179.32 6 10 42 19 23 2 15 17 1 30 24 7 5 132 '!.'T~r 233.09 10 23 85 48 37 10 6 1 3 3 fuqr f;:~« 275.10 57 71 391 203 188 27 27 17 19 81 8 1 3 4 ;'.-orr ctl;;P:£T'ffiT 302.21 46 71 347 180 167 45 57 8 6 74 11 135 ~~ .. 150.69 44 68 285 142 143 24 27 50 14 136 ~


------.------~~ ~Pl '!Kif cH~ Main Workers


~ .... '!.l?l:I' ~fa~~ ~~;;r'i~ qf-.:cuf<:ifi Of

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

76 27 37 2 25 5 3 68 101 Rasulia 36 10 24 10 4 33 54 Goklakundi 1::6 23 66 13 3 34 10 87 172 Menduwa <)1 28 41 :7 3 63 85 Rojda Chak 26 6 18 6 2 2 34 53 Hinotia 8 5 2 1 1 8 13 Garrukhedi 1 3 1 23 67 35 16 3 2 26 5 4 114 186 Thana,. 1.+2 1'3 2 37 16 2 5 138 233 Tarawali 77 13 32 11 1 61 92 Pipalia Dhakad 27 1 1 1 16 41 Cheni a Khedi 13 8 4 9 8 6 15 Hamid Khedi 30 6 6 2 -f 6 18 31 Guradi Iv-+ 4 61 39 3 4 . , 99 184 SiaknndaI 98 26 62 3 28 23 8 82 141 Moondla Bajyalta 83 42 44 12 23 10 6 7 59 101 Ghatkhedi 4 3 DewalJ(hedi 73 4 53 3 16 3 45 113 Bamuliarlangi 232 19 99 43 10 12 78 6 11 66 211 318 Umraoganj 24 24- 2 20 10 24 Kalkheda 14 1 83 63 6 7 43 94 123 Khubria Uninh1.bited Knmdi Bajyafta 60 . 134 66 3 5 3 28 115 216 Chirolia 50 :5 23 2 4 19 44 17 Muneergarh 57 44 11 1 1 4 18 47 69 Hatiya Kheda ::'14 27 4 34 21 8 22 2 1 30 197 299 Chiklod Khurd 204 78 73 106 77 3 2~ 185 235 - Gudawal 124 45 58 35 25 31 12 6 17 98 139 Chhatarpura 27 18 27 18 15 4 Bhainsaya 178 5 8: 72 7 17 167 296 Makodiya 160 21 1':0 32 21 4 4 149 262 Begampura 74 47 51 23 16 24 7 2 44 47 Chandlakhedi 72 43 40 6 25 36 7 50 56 Rajmau 51 46 .' 28 9 23 37 21 30 Chorman 62 42 34 IS :'7 24 , . 1 36 34 Ladli 108 18 67 2 30 16 13 8 4 76 97 110 Dhandar 66 44 37 26 25 18 . , 4 40 55 Parkhedi 128 38 74 2 26 34 6 22 3 55 119 111 Karhoda 20 9 9 3 6 6 5 10 15 14 HariPllra Uninhabited Khamaria Chamiria 53 34 37 22 15 12 1 39 34 Ajwain 118

W~QfI qilf lilT illWT~ fQf~mr (.~ qt'fPf'f'f.j ~~ 8ft

161 if~~ 459.58 39 39 205 111 94 3 2 84 73 23 3 162 f~~m 555.15 37 45 259 139 120 24 22 50 44 34 3 163 f~)(lfi~ 1,918.38 265 274 1,581 828 753 151 147 19 17 290 73 164 ;;lTft 405.50 28 28 155 75 80 69 77 I 1 1 1 6 5 9.27 71 407 209 198 13 168 160 38 6 I 74 ifitlfOM iJiTf~T 3,756.91 94 101 514 273 241 12 9 204 183 24 17 5 fqqf~ ift"l:Tif 150.67 7 7 36 18 t 8 16 ]6 94 51 43 19 176 '1it~ 258.94 16 6 3 3 945 I 177 ~t 115.80 95 96 552 298 254 15 16 66 50 178 QT1Il!.m 515.48 134 31 122 126 781 387 394 18 18 109 116 179 orp;rt 905.65 135 50 761.62 61 65 397 192 205 12 9 79 83 66 180 "'~ 27 28 191 102 89 102 89 1 8 1 ..."t.>r)"{ 519.80 6 1 18 2 \i(l{f.tqy;;ftl:T'f 594.47 2 42 45 250 141 109 24 12 1 8 3 vu ~tqT


~ ~'lf rn ,n~ Main Workers r------..A..------. ~ ~ I!ilV~~l,{ if6'~ 1R;:~ qf1;C(lrot; afrlf ~q ~;f iliTlt ~ '" aV\lT lU~ m I-IX) I II V(a) III,IV. V( b >. VI, X VII, VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers CuI tivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers ,....A...... , r--..A.."\ ,--..A.-"\ ~ ,-_.A.._~ ~ ,--.A.--. Name of ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~~ ~, ~ i· ~ TahsilJVillagel M. F. M, F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 18 2

51 25 29 18 24 2 2 1 60 68 Gahalpur 74 62 44 26 23 36 .. 7 65 58 Simroda 452 12 166 133 6 50 103 6 .. 376 741 ChikJod K.aJaa 40 21 24 14 20 2 3S 59 Nagri 102 27 70 2 25 24 7 1 77 164 Amarthon 100 51 42 1 43 48 4 11 2 5 92 113 Dadrod 90 16 70 1 19 15 .. 60 116 lmali a Sin,pur 119 80 36 64 79 18 73 103 Shahbadti Icndi 40 16 16 14 16 10 24 38 Ramkhedi 50 20 24 17 15 5 4 2 25 49 Jhagar 135 3 54 2 74 7 1 111 211 Barbatpur Uninhabited Bhuritekri 93 192 116 6 7J 41 3 1 Sontar 13 115 109 114 151 2 130 8 1 13 Kamton kasia 7 9 9 9 1 10 Pipalia Viran 25 43 26 21 5 Khoha 1 5 3 3 Borda 141 252 Dhamdhus&r 157 2 65 61 3 28 S4 2 1 161 312 Badwai 226 81 97 2 74 69 21 8 76 116 80 67 28 40 52 3 6 125 ChapJasar 2 53 54 Binjor 49 35 37 24 10 11 1 1 Jamania Vlran 9 4 65 76 39 42 8 23 27 2 70 Kheri Tappa Badwai 17 3 40 62 43 19 12 15 28 1 78 Nandora 2 29 4 244 285 123 114 8 133 )09 9 343 Samnapur Kalan 35 111 190 Borpani 175 90 128 11 90 1 77 152 Pipalia GoJi 105 18 64 5 39 12 .. 24 47 Jatanpur 31 2 13 18 1 158 504 Dob 179 12 73 1 104 1 I 2 45 58 12 44 2 14 IU 96 Barakhedi 56 105 Karkwani S5 42 13 45 64 Khodra 37 36 1 .. 43 63 Sarra 54 44 11 43 44 1 3 115 236 Agaria 148 1 118 29 1 6 124 186 Khapariakhapa 126 15 52 68 15 11 8 122 291 Kamaria Nimawar ' 162 11 62 1 87 2 2 7 45 97 Mandwa Rampura 57 1 30 20 1 5 3 25 93 Jaitpur 53 2 22 .. 26 2 2 16 2S Daot Khoe 13 10 2 84 1 SO Borkhodi 78 66 10 1 20

- l'[~'" "tit' I'll lITJil'T~ ~l1I" ;;;r:{~ijl(T (~~ "hrf"trr<./ ~l1I" ammfrQ" 8i~ ~~'I.flm it ~~ ~rt !liT l'I'l~ ~'f~' ii 1ftil;ff crr~ i1TPfall'i «~O") ;;tf(/'ni l!IT Total PDplllation ;PI qq fililrT including) f.f;.ifT. it institutional aoc. houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Popu!at;on) Castes Tribes Utetates Loca- . village,s oc,,:uplc:d ~umber r-.....A.-.~ lion ~ame ef in heotare'! resi­ of r- --"--- ~ r--A--.., r-.A.··--. Code Tahsil/Village & of TOwn! dential house­ Rl'fffi ~. ~;;rT ~ .. ~ ~. W ~. ~r No. T6wn/Ward Ward inKm2 . bous~s holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F, M. F. ------~ ------7 9 12 t 2 3 4 S 6 8 10 11 13 14 31 31 212 105 107 4 5 85 83 J 9 4 201 I(1Rm fqqfl1l"l1t 1 929.43 23 23 135 69 66 9 3 21 22 17 IS 202 ~t-a 635.00 409 223 186 11 8 16 12 203 faR,.;t 907.99 69 69 42 4 679.99 45 45 277 139 138 , . 120. 117 S 204 '1.~T 245 130 115 8 6 53 6 205 Wtlt lllm:'T 1.285.45 53 55 346 44 22 22 156 81 75 3 51 53 206 trT~T 71 73 422 207 215 12 8 118 134 40 7 207 ~ 1,770.42 54 54 277 148 129 8 6 46 39 34 4 208 difi 1,095.59 50 50 280 147 133 12 13 56 45 30 5 209 mlfi 417.34 109 696 377 319 68 61 86 (,8 74 18 210" ~Fh: 1,262.:9 109 282 283 1,646 832 814 162 148 170 152 230 65 211 ~~ 1,250.98 67 72 436 221 215 37 42 59 54 47 5 212 ,(I"'",,


~ '-tiTl{ il'i1:;{ qH~ Main Workers r------~------~ ~ 1J.<"i ~'!H~'-tiT"( ifo~ ~~ qf"«nfuli Girl< 'fiTl{ !fi~ 'liTl{

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 2

58 39 19 47 107 Magardha Pi pliya 33 7 9 24 7 36 59 Bamhori 134 53 66 15 89 186 Bineka 79 19 58 21 19 60 119 Lulka 76 7 32 33 6 4 1 7 54 108 Dam Dongari 50 36 16 5 34 31 31 39 Gada 119 49 53 4 63 45 1 2 12 87 15 Tadi 86 38 51 2 30 36 3 2 62 91 Afjani 74 41 31 2 41 39 2 73 92 Seoni 202 56 94 92 56 3 13 175 263 Champaner 426 56 214 6 178 39 4 30 10 2 406 756 Semri kalan 112 7 50 1 49 7 5 , . 109 208 Rajalwadi 64 3 35 3 28 1 60 111 Karaghati 190 75 116 41 66 34 3 5 6 17 137 254 Khamari a Darudgarh 9:!4 83 229 244 60 64 7 387 15 8 9 1120 1748 Sultanpur 215 61 59 97 58 3 56 2 254 349 Magrai 130 31 65 61 31 2 2 3 1 166 223 Ghat Pip!ia 52 17 30 22 16 I 41 72 Hirdua 124 8 62 2 35 4 3 24 18 65 95 124 Bagaspur 98 33 32 60 31 2 4 68 95 Dehgaon 100 36 55 45 36 66 114 Majus khurd 1 1 3 7 5 21 Chttoda Unin3abi ted Poosa 7 5 5 9 Timkali 321 108 87 150 91 4 80 17 13 15 355 419 Dungaria 175 74 104 53 67 4 14 5 24 60 146 198 Si lari 1 1 5 5 47 2 45 3 8 15 41 88 119 Semri Khuid IS t:i 16 32 39 2 85 11 91 175 Jhiri Bahera Uninhabited Bagjhiri 6 9 6 9 1 2 Barrusot Uni nhabited AmJhiri 47 35 39 1 7 33 1 42 48 Ahmedpur 38 34 4 39 83 Panjra 24 21 3 11 29 Dungaria 10 9 8 12 Bander Chua Uninhabited .. Sarna khoh 101 8 6l 4 32 4 7 82 179 Sajdi 12 7 4 1 7 20 Neelgarh 32 !4 16 1 2 11 38 Dhundhwani . • lV(erged in Urban area of ObeduJIaganj •. Obedullaganj 122

~rtftll ~T<;T/ mif if;l IIlT~<:: qf~i(~l ~~ "I;:n:r~liT (;fff~ '1;:iJ_f'itr '1~f'iiCI ~T~H Ifi~ IIfCJ /iffT7-/ ~~ '1JifHTTli lilt ~J 'In: ~~Tm it ~l!it "Irf(f "IiI-;;rrfa ~ _,i itif ifT" ~it If~;:jl crT~ ~fu;liT ~~(f) rfm./


l!l;lT 'tiPf ~ arr~ Main Workers ~------~------~ 1J"f ~ llit'~ifill: lifu~, If'jI~~ ql~~t~jill" ~1~ !f... it ~t~ifi ifit'f if ifi,';t ~i 'tiT'f "'~ ~r~ lfi~' "'~ trfq /

[II ,IV, V (b) • VI, (I-IX) II V (a) VII, VIII & IX X Total Main Agr icult ora I Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers r-~ ,..----"----- ~ r-"--, ,- . .."..__--.. r---.A.---., r-~ Name of '!. ~ ~. ~T ~. ~QfT 9;. ~T ~. Hn ~. m ~. m Tahsil/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS lti 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Obedullaganj lown

1,953 186 147 5 90 38 103 24 1,613 119 27 55 2,024 3,209 Obedullaganj CNM_) 259 45 5 I 26 10 227 33 <4 4 305 446 Ward No.1 132 4 9 7 115 4 111 164 Ward No, 2 146 1 1 16 7 2 2 121 8 1 167 274 Ward No.3 176 29 .5 I 4 4 14 4 153 20 7 4 181 ~49 Ward No, 4 160 17 2 1 2 1 156 IS 168 27 s- Ward No.5 167 21 10 8 6 12 2 137 13 10 7 181 302 Ward No.6 313 16 18 19 3 12 2 264 10 .1 9 318 507 Ward No.7 38 9 9 S 29 4 1 32 48 Ward No.8 244 7 8 3 17 1 216 6 4 29 218 366 Ward No.9 136 3 26 17 93 3 IS3 255 Ward No. 10 112 24 48 28 21 4 102 3 190 323 Ward No. 11 124

8'~iTl trter ~T arr;fTl{ ~ ... \1!;Ht~t (i'eft "ter /Offf{ / ~ ilI'TlIHITIl arj-{ ij'f~m it '&;{ Cf~ 'Iil Ofr~ ~~n l{ ~1;:ff qr~ i1l"fiftr:l"T uf~o) Ofrrr./Cfri ..n Total Population 'fir qtf ~"1l"r including) f.ti.1ft.it institutional Area of No. of an" housele,s Scheduled S"heduled Population) villages oc.:upicd ~umber Castes Tribes Litetates Loca­ ,- _..A.. __ ~ tion Name of in heotare~ resi­ of ,---A---, ,-.A.._-~ r-~ Code Tahsil/Village & of Town/ dential house- .. oll'rn; ~. ~r ~. m ~. ~ ~. ffl No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F, M. F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

30/5 .~T ~(Q~) 1,298.1 23,886 70,303 8,560 20,977 20,568 135,664 6',361 9,301 5,045 1 iiI1Al~ 668.17 38 49 239 124 115 27 25 5 2 'fimT .862.54 52 53 308 160 148 .. 100 108 5 3 lS(;{f1:1fT ~~'!_, 603.92 98 118 657 360 297 81 53 6 5 132 29 4 u;srOfCfT~ utftf.lll'i 971.17 33 39 212 1 [l 101 7 9 12 1 5 ~f~u 2.804.09 54 54 295 154 141 5 3 133 130 53 6 f«lufT 2,082.14 31 34 183 95 88 63 57 20 2 7 'i{,'{IIiT 1,201.51 43 51 304 153 151 10 15 111 104 21 2 8 ~~ ,!ci 1,157.63 45 45 213 108 105 10 9 25 28 9 4 9 Il~

PI'.Ii\·~AR~Y·· CENSliS ABSTRACT Baraily Tahstl r- .. --.---

~1.'I'~l?l:i or~

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 2

38,lZ3 18,33 3 1 ,047 I,O~3 3,635 634 31,546 Baraily Tahsil 10 1,415. 8,291 168 585 4,832 50,070 . (Rural) (;6 II· . ·,4 21 9 58 104 Bagwada • 87 13 5·1 4 32 . 9 73 135 Kodri H4 17 101 2 55 15 5 196 280 Khamariya Sohanpur 70 5 28 5 47 41 49 Rajalwadi Sagoniya 1<5 54 H L3 '13 11 69 65 Umrai Bahera 58 4 25· - ·29 4 4 37 37 47 Diyawadi g8 2 55 ::;" .. 5 7 19 58 130 Churka 63 42 2] 50 45 55 Berkhedi Khurd Uninh.-:bited Mandwa Mehgawan .. 64 13 60 67 69 Kosmi Uninh'l.bit.?d .' Ghana Khurd 2il 135 l-9 4 3 60 149 366 Ghonti Bahra 144 8 76 3 49 4 10 9 2 106 149 .159 Santra Uninhabited Khobi 163 101 46 1 15 121 147 188 Chora Kamrora 74 46 23 1 4 42 58 75 Thawri Ghatkhedi 81 3') 35 7 , . 52 61 97, Bhartipuf 3,. 23 1 2 46 57 81 Ghana Kalan 54 85 50 4 3 58 79 Chana f( unda 36 27 4 t' 32 21 22 19 Dhuf>!n PipaJiya 18~ 33 1 I 3 17 (iJ 16 3 3 5 84 147 171 Bhimpur Kanjai 138 29 73 12 57 17 7 143 219 B.:rkhedi Kalan 50 14 3; 3 17 II 36 71 Kaicaruwa Sojna 193 9 119 3 '7 J 5 1 1 41 108 211 Karahaiya 343 39 181 9 138 29 8 1 16 20 170 345 392 Udadmau 148 17 76 8 H 6 37 3 192 289 Intkchedi 47 4 ~5 -4 2 39 64 Tulsipar .... 7 180 2G 133 n 34 11 6 198 ~15 Kingi 81 47 21 13 10 32 87 108 Majus Kalan 13 6 6 7 5 .' 7 5 Bamanwada 132 15 57 8 3 2 7 2 11 3. 209 Gorakhpur 18 10 8 )9 " 24 Khari Samnapur 3(i 3 26 9' 3 32 65 . Badodia Khnrd 30 13 10 19 12 1 7 33 44 Dimadia 95 71 77 46 17 25 1 76 76 Nayagaon Khund 55 40 29 17 20 21 2' 4 2 33 ,51 Panagar 104 12 48 39 11 1 1 16 68 ~13 Dagdaga 176 69 118 28 35 32 2 1 21 8 81 133 q8 Ratanpur 119 15 58 1 37 2 2 22 104 198 Pali 40 4 38 3 1 1 1 17 50 Dungariya 1.26

ff~"1 fTTiI'iiflT f~ ;;r'fmr (ar~ 'li'lf/if1Tt.} ~iI' 1(11: ~~~i if ~~ Cfti 'PI ;{{q i~~~ if I{T~ ~f.fijlJT ~~) 'if'f(/CfTt Total Population 'PICf1T including) f.t; • 1ft . it institutional Area of . No. of an

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

41 UJIJI1 752.98 \ 22 22 114 64 50 47 42 7 42 fqqfulf ~(I 'IT 212.17 mlrr 4 3 f,,,f~r(irT 125.46 56 56 349 181 168 91 67 43 11 44 ;{ifl' 1,148.11 254 254 1,710 905 805 184 165 3 6 231 55 45 '&11~ 176.16 31 3[ 164 86 78 26 20 29 35 8 5 46 f~nrT 277.12 24 27 140 73 67 23 21 2 3 9 2 47 E1:~fu"fT 290.]8 81 92 448 234 214 72 64 10 15 82 25 48 ~{~ 331.19 58 58 392 199 193 75 69 18 3 49 ~~T ,!0ITV'r"~ 244.90 18 7 11 5 1 115 355 50 'RI'£"T~ 417.21 112 725 370 161 153 10 10 78 12 1,439 731 708 250 244 n ~~rY:n 550.86 233 233 280 67 52 ~'rG ~~qT 284.59 54 54 321 187 134 14 10 82 2] 5 3 'lfH:T1 tif 563.12 70 70 481 250 231 138 123 7 11 95 16 54 mlit 271.01 67 70 465 243 222 37 35 9 14 98 28 241 121 55 f'Nif~ 353.47 47 47 120 45 43· 47 7 277 15 12 56


~ IfiJli lfiTof

~ 't~ lfmler'iiT~ lif~ ~~~ q'f~mr' amr 'fir" ~ ifiTlf ~ ~mlJ m 'Ili I-IX) I II V(a) lU,IV ,V( b),VI, X VII, VIII & IX Total Main Agricul tllral Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers ,_.A.--.., ,-. .A.---., ~---"---~ r- .A....-.... ~_.A._::--"\ ~-.A.-~ Name of ~. ·m ~. m ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~i;f~ ~, ~. ~ TahsilJViIlage/ M. F. M, F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

49 42 27 2 2 5 15 21 Ramgarha .. Uninhabited .. Pipaliya Nasrat Khan 110 42 106 41 2 1 2 58 71 68 Ripsili 511 21 379 4 ]06 15 7 2' 19 16 394 768 Chainpur 53 29 23 8 29 20 33 49 Ghout 40 16 23 8 16 8 I 33 51 Dibbi 124 47 53 4 64 43 6 110 167 Harsili 9S 28 57 1 35 27 2 1 104 164 Dahalwada 5 5 2 H Kheri Bulakhichand 199 40 10 Z 4 85 33 4 3 8 • 171 3'15 Karamwada 381 96 175 78 68 24 13 104 15 5 22 345 590 Gaganwada 86 72 Semari Tapp;l lui 18 f5 " 28 14 8 44 139 25 56 62 24 21 35 111 171 Chargaon 128 20 68 44 20 6 10 13 115 189 Salaiya 54 2.9 21 .. 16 67 51 53 Pee than pur 80 38 38 2 1 14 76 45 62 Berkhedl 189 80 76 7 112 73 121. 179 Bani PipaIiya 92 63 44 13 48 SO 37 75 Kothri 73 13 53 13 66 58 62 Untiya Khurd 19 4 15 13 28 Jatanpur 144 12 58 2 65 10 6 IS 163 250 Kanwar 14 3 1 , 2 2 1 I 23 38 PipaIiya Khaki 100 30 55 44 29 I 94 145 Chopan Mandiya 5 1 2 24 25 2 1 49 83 Kamka 70 24 18 50 23 2 1 6 41 36 58 Parewa 169 46 16 10 69 32 5 19 3 6 46 120 166 Partalai 83 15 53 1 28 14 2 66 127 Gahalpur 300 199 152 23 1~9 175 19 3 254 364 Babai 54 86 90 51 47 3 37 48 1 5 Patni 579 III 167 8 193 43 42 9 177 51 64 540 823 Amrawad Kalan Kansiya 22 3 12 9 3 18 25 .. Uninhabited .. q1~Tif Ranipura Kalan 1i 9 5 3 5 5 1 8 12 Beet Damadehi 53 24 22 27 19 3 '4 1 1 67 80 96 20 61 23 20 2 10 76 III Keolajhir Bahrawan 82 5 24 1 47 4 5 6 17 57 96 Mangrol 170 81 97 29 61 52 6 6 12 167 222 151 lOS 8 154 142 8 4 184 266 Bhaisaya 2" Kulhadia 12 7 11 6 13 2Z Malhihir 124 11 65 55 1 J 3 127 209 128

~~\'fl triO{ ~T aTl<{R ~~ ;;r,,~~, (im tit;{ /i{rn:./ ~ anCinirli iJll~ ~~~m it ~E?;f cHi 'liT '1111' ~~C;'{ ~ 1I"iifiTOfT ;£T 531.99 839.('6 j"l" 136 848 443 405 66 67 31 19 147 13 10 5 "i1!f


~ 'lillf ~;{ 'n~ Mai n \\ orkers r------_- -- -- ...A.. ---- - .-----. -~ '1'" ~ "1iT!f~ ~f~ lI(~~ qf,(Cfn,,," aJrli 'fill'{ '";{ if;flf 'fi?:~ a~ arr<'r

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 2S 26 27 28 2

64 19 26 38 19 58 108 Dehri Kudka 51 4 36 2 8 6 1 46 Pathrai 79 38 16 2 61 36 2 35 Chhena kachhar 110 5S 34 72 S5 1 3 72 118 Lakhanpur 211 134 70 4 127 129 3 11 1 189 169 Dlgwad 172 89 64 13 91 75 3 14 145 213 Nanpon 38 5 24 4 14 35 58 Mandiya Vikram 78 33 28 49 33 17 54 78 ImaJiya 294 76 217 1 S 67 58 3 7 22 271 421 Gaji Khedi 173 14 9 ! 2 69 12 1 9 51 144 231 Chandwad 460 313 138 5 305 318 3 14 3 28 I 448 Semri Khojra 62 14 29 2 29 12 3 3 29 67 82 Bhishti 87 11 36 5 29 2 4 18 3 16 54 7J 108 DoobtaJai 30 16 11 6 6 13 9 8 18 10 Katkashri 45 16 29 10 13 6 3 1 25 57 Khurpatni .. Uninh~bit~d .. Bagroda 73 39 2'> 9 40 25 3 3 4 2 7 33 83 Rani pura Khurd 257 139 1 15 14 29 22 13 100 103 21 90 190 196 Samnapur Kachhi 14 16 1 12 15 2 1 1 9 14 Chandpura Xhurd 293 33 119 3 112 23 11 2 41 5 35 90 296 409 Mokalwada 3S 21 14 29 57 J~itpura .• Uninh:1.bited •• Bamhori mo;ij 172 6 101 65 5 2 4 1 45 134 229 Ghurela 372 157 205 15 128 130 16 23 12 6 42 256 456 Palka Shri 253 19 130 97 18 2 24 20 190 366 Jamaniya 531 37 333 2 146 31 17 35 4 13 93 441 756 GugaJwada •. Uninhabited .• Kodri 267 17 152 1 80l 9 9 1 21 6 79 59 291 493 Shivtala 351 113 J70 3 ISS lOQ 26 53 326 481 Kutnasir 277 127 98 2 165 US 7 7 215 295 Sagoniya 144 71 68 5 54 50 2 20 16 16 117 J 74 Khandawar 137 57 60 2 60 S3 17 2 140 191 Sultan Nc.gar 96 68 37 6 S 3 62 2 4 13 69 83 Arka )09 22 65 5 36 16 8 113 170 Badodiya Kalan IU5 50 67 11 38 39 73 99 Doomar 63 32 543 247 193 10 272 205 15 37 140 418 591 Khapariya Kalan 38 8 28 8 9 26 45 Nagpur 2 ~3 3 77 2 4 1 41 55 102 Gondakheda 750 85 270 11 229 46 26 6 225 22 11 112 785 1,212 Bhar kachha Kalan 136 32 74 3 51 29 7 .4 5 102 171 Kishanpur 130

a~ifl ttTIf ~t ilTTifTi{ ~~ ;;r'l«l§Il'I (i{~ ttf

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

121 ~C:Cffif 1,564.25 248 296 1,739 922 817 131 127 119 106 292 67 122 m~iT 253.20 13 13 65 41 24 4 5 9 123 ttRT 1f'(ljcrr( 944.03 215 225 1,254 672 582 90 89 15 14 191 45 124 fil~1: 667.84 130 181 1.] 06 572 534 92 98 ]38 129 146 41 125 ~i(t



~ ~ ~ lifu~ ~;;r~~ «nf<:c{TRifi ~;

(I-IX) II V (a) III ,IV, V (b) • VI, x VII. VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household. Other Marginal Workers CultivatOl"s Labourers Industry Workers Work.::rs Non-Workers .-~ ,.---A--, r--"--- ,----A--.., ,-..A---.., ,-.A.--.., ,.--J.-.~ Name of ~. 00 ~. ~T ~. Iioil' ~. !;

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

496 186 193 5 222 168 22 5 59 8 39 387 631 Gadarwas 25 4 21 16 24 Bhontl 365 47 177 3 158 44 2 28 307 535 Gora Machhawai 296 84 171\ 4 30 1'9 276 395 Biser 452 166 219 21 172 136 19 42 9 9 36 372 589 Dehrikalan 260 17 1:38 3 99 t 4 9 14 258 467 Sankheda 202 104 59 3 133 101 I 9 1.13 232 Dhandhla 741 336 371 46 293 266 19 3 58 21 5 36 467 835 M1:'nkapur 153 14 78 58 12 8 2 9 171 276 Bamanwada 381 140 213 I) 147 125 6 15 5 , . 267 431 Moralsir Il3 II 83 10 26 4 96 179 Kivli 308 92 163 9 105 80 20 3 20 253 394 Semriphat 466 135 215 5 195 J}6 16 7 40 7 1 1 52 350 503 BagaJwada 90 13 56 30 13 4 8 76 128 Sirawada Mukandi 334 25 169 132 25 33 16 325 553 Bhiladiya 286 88 79 4 172 84 3 32 24 189 203 220 Bharkachha Khurd 532 146 256 19 234 124 11 31 2 424 710 Dimada •• U~inh'lbi ted Dhadhya 104 38 59 1 40 37 4 1 102 152 Dhimar Dhana 149 42 86 4 34 36 7 22 2 115 194 Akola 189 11 11 5 5 61 4 2 11 2 1 205 341 Sarnnapur Jagi r 50 2 6 241 2 19 24 60 80 Mahragaon Khurd 48 4 24 12 2 2 10 2 1 58 95 Lanjhi 114 44 51 59 44 4 69 162 Kanhaiyapar 474 '219 2J9 63 199 143 2 2 34 11 9 14 325 504 Gurariya 114 19 70 33 18 11 1 94 196 Gol 99 6· 50 44 4 1 2 4 7 97 180 Bamanwada 256 20 144 6 89 14 10 13 225 416 Kotpar Ganesh 326 6 169 1 44 2 13 100 3 2 45 299 518 Dhok'1erla 99 7 36 1 2 60 6 6 26 96 128 Dhanasari 20 10 10 2 2 21 44 Panjra Mansaram U ni nhabited .. Sultanpur 96 12 25 52 8 4 15 3 117 170 Janakpur 562 71 236 8 163 46 43 10 120 7 515 945 Kamton 59 20 18 31 17 2 8 2 4 53 70 Salaiya 309 82 160 t 11 58 19 8 19 15 256 405 Mchragaon Kalan 150 20 79 30 18 4 37 1 21 11 150 263 Khapariya Khurd . 6 1 6 1 8 10 Surmapar 36 10 18 11 8 7 2 24 47 Mahka 1 Kishanpur 132

~fAt. it and house less Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of POpulalion) Castes Tribes Loca­ villages occupied Number Literates tion Name of in heclares resi­ of r----.A.----"\ r---..A---, r--..,A...--, ,...-.A""""'\ Code l'ahsiftVilIage & of Townl dential house­ &ffu; '!. Hl'f '!. ~T '!. ~ '!. ~ No To~/Ward Ward in Kmll hou~es hold·s P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 1;3 1~

1 61 'l"1ll .. t


11;;11" !finf rn iIT~ Main Workers r------~------, ~ ,. ~~ lifu~ 11:;;ri' Q,f,'Hf'<'fi ,,;1I ~l;:r 1f;,i! iIiT'I' "'~ ;Mt~ ",€or i!(l~

IJ V (a) III,N, V (b) , VI. x (I-IX) VII,VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workels Workers Non-Workers r-~ ,----.J----- ,--"----., .---"--, ,---"---, r--A --, ~ Name of ~. m ~. m '!. ~tit '!. ~T ':!. Hn '!. m '!. ~ Tahsil/Village/ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

32 16 13 1 18 14 1 20 26 Nayagaon Khande 281 97 143 6 94 78 9 35 13 17 45 213 321 Udaigir i 33 17 9 2 19 15 5 4 25 22 Piplai 56 32 28 22 32 6 50 57 Senkunwan 220 108 68 118 104 14 3 20 169 255 Bhagdei no 47 37 49 47 3 1 1 82 122 Semri Khubchand 95 12 28 52 11 5 10 1 21 67 107 Gulwada 146 40 74 1 52 39 3 17 4 18 112 200 Panjra Kashiram 20 4 13 2 4 3 5 28 31 Kheri Pratapsingh 114 18 62 6 37 11 2 I 3 20 102 146 Sinwah Uninhabited Alampur Uninhabi ted Khursura Uninh'lbited Lamanmunda 92 80 38 38 50 4.2 4 56 68 Hardob 82 54 26 8 52 46 4 47 81 AJiwa('a 116 95 53 32 51 61 4 2 8 102 109 Untia Khurd 242 93 79 4 135 88 16 12 195 338 Sil waha 138 63 48 9 66 53 6 18 108 198 Pipli ya Karansingb 337 165 114 1 201 164 4 18 300 441 Bhondiya 115 31 70 7 38 23 7 25 59 106 210 Chhind 53 3 21 3 26 6 19 25 84 107 Hameedganj 463 16 159 225 14 39 40 1 17 400 778 Jamgarh 85 6 39 41 6 5 69 142 Madhamau 25 4 16 7 4 2 30 40 Dhilwar 231 90 93 3 121 86 7 1 10 213 368 Ahmadpur 7 3 2 5 3 9 10 Ghana 677 222 184 10299 177 44 16 150 19 593 934 Khargone 158 61 66 78 60 3 1 1 124 235 Kheri Mugli 97 18 52 32 17 5 8 62 153 Thala 123 10 76 38 10 1 8 126 220 Batera 440 141 134 4 254 134 1 1 41 2 369 626 Rajwada 178 47 81 83 47 4 10 2 44 136 202 Simariya 9 2 1 8 2 4 4 9 Diyakheda 142 94 74 4 65 90 3 95 165 N ayagaon Khurd 94 56 33 57 55 4 62 111 Bamhori ,Bali ram 84 11 36 47 10 48 56 70 Jeerawada 213 103 81 9 116 93 8 8 116 222 Chhuchhar 246 195 69 2 162 192 6 9 171 215 Kherwada 217 195 94 95 88 92 11 5 24 3 126 137 Beganiya 236 33 127 6 70 19 3 2 36 6 8 42 220 374 Tonga 134

~r;:fN ~~)~ I IliCf "" 'ftiIT~ ~~ ;;r;;~w (i!f<: Ifi~"' m/~1 et~ aR'~ tin: ~~mT it <:i'l~ ;por~' ut lIiT rrT~ ~~ it lfifiTrrl qr~ ~fuilfT ~f~) Pftn:./-m ifiT Total Population Ifil <[Ii' H~ (including' fllliAr. it imtLlulional and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. or Popula tion) Castes Loca­ villages occupied Number .--_A ___ -.. Tribes Literates tipn Name of in hectares re~i­ of r---..A---.. ,---...A---.. ,--A-~ Code TahsitjVillage & of Townl dential house­ clffUi 2;. HrT 2;. ~ 2;. ~ 2;. ~ No' Town7Ward Ward in Kroll hou\es holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F_ M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

201 .~ I'~~rfl 258.44 26 26 173 90 83 4 5 27 7 202 'i§iln:T 1309.44 332 383 2,210 1,140 1,070 110 1 CO 169 171 370 108 203 mlflm 1,112.75' 376 384 2,3151,1821,133 185 176 9 6 415 166 204 iIllT fqqr.nrr 971.48 245 285 1,688 860 828- 155 147 57 88 294 85 205 'f;(Ififi'O'i§ 521.25 83 118 664 330 334 48 37 63 65 78 9 206 ;;r~,~ 501.£3 111 131 706 378 328 17 18 19 16 110 16 207 ~T~ I?!~ 383. 13 42 53 365 191 174 35 25 98 89 61 21 208


I!~ ~I'f rn cn~ Main Workers ,------~------, ~ ~ ~lfiTt ~fu~ I'f;;r~ Qln:cnR'fi WllIf.Il1 "'tit 'fiN 'Ii ~ ~rr l{'~ ~~

11 Y (a) In ,IV. V(b) ,VI, x (I-IX) VII,VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers C uttivatol"S Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non·Workerl r-~ r---"-...... ~ r---"-~--"'I ,--~..A----"'I ,---...A----.. ,--"--~ Name of ~. m '1. m '1. ~i'r '!. ~T '1. HO '1. m '!. m Tahsil/Village/ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

52 4 40 1 8 4 3 38 79 Kheri Bramhchari 642 106 257 3 227 83 41 4 117 16 6 142 492 822 Chhabara 634 44 332 5 185 31 45 6 72 2 9 101 539 988 Untiakalan 449 ISS 240 175 ]55 4 30 3 19 408 654 Bag Pipaliya 200 86 98 88 84 5 2 9 1 130 247 Kelka Chha 205 142 136 93 51 44 9 4 9 2 1 lil 185 Joharbarha 103 9 42 55 9 6 2 45 86 120 Amrawad Khurd III 84 60 26 41 56 2 8 2 1 87 139 Baniya Kbedi 166 10 80 69 10 4 13 4 97 128 143 Simrod 259 155 68 6 183 147 4 1 4 ] 75 300 Kingi 374 95 221 11 101 65 8 2 44 17 189 280 404 Nayagaon Kalan 559 85 272 4 245 79 7 1 35 1 385 705 Maheshwar 424 193 177 25 178 151 20 2 49 ]5 1 446 609 Magardha 91 21 46 7 32 10 2 11 4 4 83 153 Umaria 118 17 72 5 40 12 1 5 117 172 Panjara Vijai Singh 92 27 55 3 36 . 24 1 65 104 Banskheda 137 53 79 17 55 35 2 1 88 167 GopaJpur 207 40 115 8 90 32 2 54 171 225 Satrawan 92 45 42 10 47 35 3 55 ~O Muwar 256 144 74 1 11 27 2 77 183 334 Doomar 197 62 133 49 59 2 2 13 151 244 GootpiaJ iya 132 19 64 6 48 12 20 117 224 Sojni 110 8 67 5 36 3 7 73 138 Dhabla 143 75 65 22 57 51 3 18 2 5 1]3 157 Purohit Pipliya 257 96 156 17 55 76 46 3 7 32 ]98 303 Khandraj 176 6 93 78 6 3 2 50 147 246 Sarra 108 36 77 17 29 19 2 96 157 Sirawada Murlidhcr lSI 33 67 3 72 29 12 205 290 Bamhori Panda 281 7 145 1 102 6 11 23 29 220 264 276 Mangro] 134 37 50 6 71 30 4 9 1 21 103 164 Kotpar Mahant 400 61 148 3 161 37 17 74 21 1 39 3]6 SS6 Aliganj 116 3 76 28 3 8 4 95 203 Sie ,nj 268 21 149 2 64 ]0 26 3 29 6 21 102 250 391 Barha Ka]an 54 1 39 15 1 3 5 40 93 Dam Dongari (F.V.) .. Uninhabited .. Dob (F.V.) 136

~;ihf ~~)~/ {ftCf ifi1 IIHilTG: qf~T<:T f'~ ;;r;;~~Il"I (ii~<: 'f~~f.qa Q~"ffi ~TIH~ IfiR ~/ifi["(/ &l;;rtIi~ QTCfHIlll' ;tT ~~T ,,'h: ~~rQT if <:iji'r \ifTfo \ifiT-\ifTfcr ;p:cr~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------iI'~t'iT vrif~ q'Tf~EnT

30 III .~",r ( ;y . If! . ) 0 .4G 2,162 2,271 13,013 7,011 6,002 727 643 174 118 4,081 2,367 30/Hl!1 1I1~iTr~T\ifT~ crTi~. 1 359 359 1,9151,069 846 109 78 24 10 661 294 30/III/2 ~ta-r crTi ri. 2 188 190 1,196 656 540 23 3R 420 273 3o/lII/3 nrf~ Cf~·;f. 3 495 542 2,9111,5591,352 84 75 90 98 935 640 30/III/4 \ifCfT~<:"f'\1 ~~ crri

----.--~-'- --'-~~------_._- ifTlT ifn ~ Inf~ifjl

_" --,-----~-~------'"- ----_... _ 37_45 1,522 30/V in~f (it.'n.) 1,550 8,423 4,534 3,889 439 376 381 241 2,2891,068 I 91 91 30/V/l crl~q;a-~~\1T


~~ ~q ~vi CI1~ Main Workers ,------.A.------___ .., 'ilf'{'iTR

II V (a) m,IV,V(b) ,VI, x (I-IX) VII,VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers r-~ r----A--. ,---.A--,. ,----A----, r---"---___, r--.A.----. ,---.A.-----. Name of I· ~ I· ~ ~. ~err I. ~r ~. ~iit ~. ~')~. ~ Tahsil/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Baraily Municip.dity

3,046 364 348 11 234 141 205 21 2,259 191 3tl Hl(j 3,927 5,532 Baraily (M) 429 40 33 24 17 19 6 353 17 3 637 806 MaulanaAzad Ward 1 265 9 18 1 2 1 224 8 5 391 526 Gandhi Ward 2 693 126 40 1 65 64 39 4 549 57 865 1226 Civil Ward 3 276 30 14 17 17 21 2 224 11 3 394 544 lawaharlal Nehru Ward 4 250 18 21 2 14 4 30 2 185 10 6 9 322 443 Kamla Nehru Ward 5 244 40 58 2 20 5 26 2 140 31 11 237 H9 Sardar Patel Ward 6 234 8 46 2 1 15 171 7 333 463 Subhash Ward 7 235 41 17 5 2 11 2 202 36 6 6 309 473 Rajendra Ward 8 213 39 45 3 50 29 14 104 7 17 75 216 305 Tilak Ward 9 207 13 56 35 2 29 3 87 7 223 347 Rani DurgawatJ Ward 10

------,------'------_ ---,-~-~- ---"------Badi Municipality

1,989 255 324 10 480 169 49 7 1,136 69 93 109 2,452 3,525 Badi (~)

102 18 7 2 75 22 179 254 PeerFatheUlJahe Ward 1 97 10 15 1 4 1 5 73 7 40 21 156 247 Kali Mandir Ward 2 169 32 71 1 47 23 51 8 8 22 174 251 Raja Ward 3 142 25 15 1 40 11 8 2 79 11 5 353 330 Mahatma Gandhi Ward 4 114 11 42 2 59 9 13 13 128 215 Guru Nanak Ward 5, 144 3 33 3 27 7 77 6 5 170 264 Rameshwardayal Ward 6 127 27 40 2 46 22 1 40 3 1 114 202 Raidas Ward 7 154 10 20 63 7 20 2 51 3 133 248 Bajrang Ward 8 140 8 13 16 3 108 8 5 12 144 244 Shaheed AshfaqullaWard 9 ~~ 2 I,) 50 16 69 40 2 1 186 9 334 451 BhagatSingh Ward 10 293 22 1 5 2 1 1 286 19 5 4 357 504 Nehru Ward 1 t 57 234 40 97 54 97 3 4 23 210 315 Jai Prakash Ward 12 1.38

ff¢!" I lTTlf 'f>T anorT~ ~~ ;;r"~~T (;fl'.f~ lIta;/'iflf'<. / Iffilf'li" O[T'imtrl'.T ar1~ ~~rm if ~&~ cHi ;m ;:f[q ~'f~~ '# l1'fil

80/6 r~l ~lCf 1,058.6 14,381 42,357 4,969 14,634 11,976 (.;nq)Qf) 13,470 81,627 39,270 4,543 13,698 4031 1 'R:'!l 664.91 ' 56 59 301 155 146 3 2 118 118 7 2 fI't$~


~ 'lill!" !fi<:;f l'H~ Main" ork~rs r------.A.. ------~ ~~ "i1;tr ,.;rlHI'f.H ~~-.: l\'"I~~ qf~tlf 'Ii-.:;j qt~ cn~ I-IX) 1 II V(a~ III,IV ,V( b), VI, X VII, ViII & IX Total Main Agricullural Housebold Other Marg;nal Workers CUltivators Labourers Industry Workers: Workers Non· Workers r-__ .A.-----. ,-_.A.---., r--'.A.--. ,...... -A.-~ ,._.A.._-. ,----A-~ r--.A.-~ Namo of 2:. f~ $. ~ $. m $. ~f 2:. f~ ~. fQft $. m Tahsil/Villagel M. F. M, F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

16 17 t 8 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 2

22,808 11,261 7.735 758 3,114 590 18,959 Silwani TabU 6,666 913 5,191 1'80 382 29,84i ( Roral) 92 16 tiS 7 23 9 2 2 62 121 Patna 28 22 1 6 32 63 Gadarwata 48 1 46 2 J 51 75 Sahajpud 66 19 51 13 14 6 32 83 Majgawan 72 39 31 14 29 22 5 3 40 77 Mendki 1.22 49 58 8 :i5 38 6 3 3 1 102 163 Rampur Kalan 140 17 57 3 62 8 21 6 2 53 103 161 Salaiya 273 6 148 3 107 3 3 15 6 58 240 409 Keeratpar 139 26 57 7 59 15 6 17 3 19 39 109 J79 Tulsipar 147 22 77 50 22 6 14 1 163 256 Mundapar 143 113 80 5 51 10 i 5 5 6 2 107 140 Padariya Khurd 36 4 27 4 4 1 4 45 75 Khamariya 24 1.1 4 20 1.6 19 30 Bare II 67 30 33 31 29 2 53 75 Deni 183 93 83 , . 7 38 151 260 Singpuri 51 13 34 ) 4 12 2 7 41 64 Dokri 156 45 9'i 48 43 3 7 2 .. 144 218 Chigwada Kalan 60 14 46 12 14 2 43 88 Chi gwada Khurd 124 49 51 53 46 13 2 7 1 3 125 171 Ushapur 66 4 39 J 9 2 6 3 13 45 45 44 Ramgarha 76 9 S4 19 8 1 2 5 45 86 97 Cheek Ii 41 2 13 2 3 38 30 32 Jamunia Ganeshram 164 38 9 58 28 8 1 118 . 200 Samnapur 135 33 6 54 26 5 6 88 190 Barchheka 99 33 69 13 26 14 3 1 2 7 84 132 Nimnapur 34 2 19 13 J 2 4 33 25 16 Gupti Hamirpur 18 12 4 2 13 2 32 48 Jetgarh 3 2 1 3 '1 Bha.Hya 8 7 5 11 Belgawan " Uninhabited Bandri 54 20 40 8 14 12 ~4 71 Salaiya 162 11 89 65 9 2 6 ; . 137 247 Pihariya 16 t3 1 1 5 13 6 5 Chhe.::tapar 159 72 R5 12 61 58 6 1 7 ] 35 126 124 Bhensra 705 191 158 15 229 135 67 16 251 25 5 3 628 972 Bamhori Kasba 142 67 46 86 64 6 f 4 1 102 160 Arjani 122 37 55 53 36 5 9 1 8 }l4 174 Gundrai 233 26 112 106 24 15 1 206 380 Dilhara 45 2 45 14 36 51 Kesli 33 1 32 . , .. 1 21 26 36 Bajni 140

'Iter 'Iil 'lTiI1<: ~<'[ \i[i{~l

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

41 ~, 146.48 28 28 117 60 57 3 2 3 3 42 ~1Tf~~'; 106.15, 30 30 127 n 55 IS 8 42 36 4 3 f~lfrn'


1!l§1.f n' rr1

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 28

35 35 19 25 39 Rampura 45 t 45 2 27 52 Dungariya Khurd 146 4 123 18 5 3 32 :13 Sialwada 62 36 48 14 36 , . 36 60 Chor Plpaliya 7 4 5 2 4 9 Gop,!lpur 19 17 16 3 11 14 14 Jam 41 23 27 14 23 17 8 Gaganwada 6. 41 45 16 - 41 33 39 Khi rka Ghati 790 ! 10 432 17 260 84 32 3 (ir; 6 5 128 72(; 1,1 10 Kundali 171 26 77 4 80 22 6 164 '257 Padariya Kalan 26 23 5 21 ·,1 7 16 KOlhri 124 51 62 44 49 5 13 9R 159 Kheri 86 56 39 ·1-5 56 2 6::1 104 Jaipura 70 28 35 5 3(1 23 3 I 49 83 Tunda Kheda 86 37 34 47 37 5 8 63 94 Simariya Khurd 43 26 19 2 22 2} 2 27 53 Malanwada 151 49 77 63 45 1 1 4 126 195 Siogpur 28 3 7 21 3 8 24 33 Dungariya Kalan 72 1 31 39 1 2 19 57 90 Gelwani 28 2 10 16 2 1 24 49 Basa 98 63 26 54 55 2 16 8 55 115 Dhaman Pani •• LIninhabi ted Kitua 87 3 I 35 2 50 26 1 1 2 6 12 67 103 Seoni 48 12 18 2 28 10 2 5 6 32 87 Khareri 73 13 44 2 25 11 2 2 19 63 130 Chhir Pipaliya 121 91 74 28 43 60 4 3 1 1 65 111 Chirha 109 45 69 19 37 26 3 80 115 Pratapgarh 96 29 43 2 24 14 29 13 7 11 102 155 Ronsra Ghati 231 79 134 35 75 39 3 3 19 2 172 281 Manakwada 60 39 28 18 32 21 6 30 52 Rimjha 123 10 65 5 39 3 2 17 2 4 68 97 1:26 Bardha 39 5 28 7 S 4 3S 68 Pala 108 49 38 56 46 13 3 80 116 Budha lSI 74 56 3 65 66 15 3 )'; 2 10 53 117 155 Bamhori 94 34 38 42 26 2 1 12 7 76 125 Singota 108 38 58 3 43 35 3 4 3 103 154 Umarjhir 39 5 34 1 3 4 1 1 32 56 Chandpura Khurd 62 20 28 30 20 3 1 51 76 SahaJPur 317 11 1 128 33 141 64 15 4 33 10 5 284 466 Chunhetiya 62 6 36 22 412 3 47 84 ~oran Pipaliya 142

~'l\'fl 'Iter IIi1 'l'J"~ ~\'f ;.r.nt~ql (.~, ffk/~1 ~~ 'l'Jcrl~'lq 'I'll: ~~llfY if'llii en, ~J ;j'JJI ~~ if 'fif;T;j') c!T~ Cll"ffl;lI"Y ij f~) 'ftT<./crri ,.;r TOIl:1 Population if;T qq (including ~~ imtitulional fit; • if l'fr. and house Jess Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages occupied Number A tion Name of in hectares resi­ of r--:------_" ,---..A--_" r--..A---"\ r-"'--.. Code Tahsil/Village & of Town! dential house­ ollftti $. m ~. m $. ~ 2;. m No Town/Ward Ward in Km2 houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

81 q'fT,1 337.03 8 8 39 21 18 6 S 11 10 4 82 lI'fllfT 123.5] 15 ]5 81 45 36 3 5 10 .. 8 3 fqqf<'flfT ~ 210.17' ~)'{r;; . , 84 f~1'lf,tfT 605.92 ] ] 4 124 574 295 279 62 62 29 2.6 100 31 8 5 U~r{f <:TitT 562.72 52 52 262 13b 126 26 30 53 14 86 ~,' if;~t 248.74 40 40 206 104 102 25 24 25 36 19 5 87 1'l~lf$'1 224.16 7 7 38 20 18 20 18 2 88 ~~'l 200.42 1 8 13 11 2 2 4 2 5 .. 89 ~ttli~T 1.479.31 483 532 2,8541,4741,380 184 182 149 159 564 214 90 q~ron f~~~f~ 193.76 14 ] 4 67 31 36 1 27 34 91 ~\'f'l 483.54 34 36 227 119 108 35 29 23 26 38 12 92 .j,'l 424.28 ]21 123 7_3 390 363 40 34 40 30131 27 93 m~lfT 762.08 68 89 457 234 223 51 45 23 23 69 16 94 ~, 197.25 36 52 225 I 12 113 16 15 12 10 34 15 95 a)l;f~ 779.84 27 30 153 89 64 10 10 36 29 7 96 ~;:J GtliAlfT 1,033.60 117 117 621 322 299 39 40 175 164 83 12 97 'Il~ 1'lTit$' 728.01 ~8 30 197 97 100 6 2 53 63 17 4 98 G!,f.rl<' 751.71 33 33 228 ]17 111 27 28 35 25 29 11 27 27 99 "')"" 604.17 114 S6 58 46 46 7 100 ,(A~' 210.36 27 27 134 7S 59 6 2 24 15 2 101 Gti!.fitl(T q'l;lf,!~ 374.57 5 5 8 S 3 cr)<:T;:r 102 '9~'tl 4~5.92 1 03 3tTl'qrqTm<'l1 593.11 ~7 27 166 87 79 2 2 45 36 ]5 2 104 ~;:$'J 355.31 26 27 153 85 68 16 14 I 1 6 19 4 10'S fu\'fCfl;ft 409.35 1,227 1,280 7,5353,998 3,537 320 304 201 141 2,094 J, 107 106 iflTlft ~~ 132.10 12 14 81 41 40 2 2 15 1 07 ;fitT<.) 282.20 72 72 445 244 201 21 16 77 69 96 34 108 ~tT


1!ij1:f ilnli ~ i£T~ Main Workers r------"------, ~ ~ IfimI'lIiTt m~ ~[t Qlrorm:lti 'lill" ~lJf 'f;~~ ~i IIlIl{ 1Il~ ~C qT~' tM/TfTR/qTi qy~ 'fiT o(H'1

HI ,IV, V(b) ,VI, (I-IX) I II V (a) VII, VIII & IX x Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marjl:nal Wbrkers C ultivatol'S Labourer> Industry Workers Worker~ Non-W<>rkeu r-~ ,--.A---.-.. ~ ~-, ,--A---, ,--A--, .--.-..1-...---. Name of ~. ~ ~. ~T ~. ~.n ~. ~r ~. m, ~. m~. m T ahsil/Village! M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 2

13 4 4 2 8 14 Pagal'a 24 3 16 7 3 1 :"1 32 Madiya . , Uninh:lbite::l Pipaliya Khurd 168 67 74 2 69 63 5 2 20 127 212 Simariya 79 9 55 12 8 9 3 57 117 Ronsra Rani 54 15 24 22 14 5 3 50 87 Sarra KaJan 8 1 5 3 12 17 Mohanpura 9 3 1 Sojni 754 194 278 7 226 126 81 26 1(9 35 74 153 646 1,033 Sain Kheda 23 3 11 10 2 2 8 33 Padariya Hlmmatsingh 54 9 25 17 6 2 1 10 2 64 98 Bare Ii 202 3S 94 5 55 20 22 5 31 5 20 103 168 225 Kheri 144 94 75 6 63 87 4 1 2 1 90 128 Bhondiya 64 2S 17 39 21 ~ 7 19 47 69 Bater 62 28 28 4 31 24 3 27 36 Dholpur 199 133 91 10 80 122 27 123 166 Uehera Jamuniya 42 28 10 4 14 9 41 91 Khamariya Manpur 55 41 10 4 5 2 57 109 Juniya 35 9 22 3 12 5 4 1.+ 17 35 Choka 44 21 15 29 20 2 31 31" Ranipura 5 4 Jamuniya Paramsukh Uninhab,tcd Khanpura 49 3 35 2 6 1 1 7 4 7 34 69 Ambapani Ka Jan 52 1 7 29 4 12 4 33 63 Noorpura 1,750 195 325 10 143 37 78 11 1,204 137 56 114 2, 192 3,228 Sil wani 23 9 2 !2 1 11 17 28 Begwan Khurd 106 6 56 30 6 2 14 4 19 4l> 119 149 Neegri 45 7 29 2 6 3 10 2 2 17 39 75 Begwan Kalan 12 2 5 5 2 2 3 6 t() Kalendi 153 27 62 5 37 17 15 2 39 3 21 34 67 145 Chicholi 45 7 25 18 6 2 1 4 19 25 30 Chandpura Kalan 86 7 47 29 5 2 8 2 13 39 63 121 Kunwar Pipaliya 23 5 10 10 4 3 7 7 12 31 Bhatpura 13 4 5 6 4 1 1 4 R 8 17 Baksi 72 17 25 4 37 13 2 8 27 27 78 Khamariya Kalan 59 31 14 2 31 27 14 2 4 49 81 Deori 90 16 44 39 16 7 3 53 106 Hamirpur 194 67 104 4 63 37 25 26 2 135 234 Patha Pondi 3 2 6 2 6 15 Gajnai 4 2 1 3 2 3 Kachgawan 144

~iif'T~1 qi!f IIi1 lTTiTT;: ~{if >lfiriif~lfT (~"f!<: ~/iftf':/ el~ ITT~Hltlf ~1<: ~~ if ~~if i!lTi 'fiT ifrJl' ~~ it JI''fTifT ~Ti'r alff'ffilii ljf~~) i'f'fl<:/Cffi !tIT Total Population (includin!! "'T CIlf ~~ institutional fiI; .lI''). it and houseless Scheduled Scheduled No. of Area of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages occupied Number tion Name of in hectares resi­ of r---.A ------""I r---..A----.. ,--.A.--_, ,..--A--. Code Tahsil/Village & of Townl dential house­ ~fui ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ 'I. ,~) No Town/Ward Ward in Km! houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

121 fTTlI'1: 507.47 32 32 177 91 86 4 5 87 81 2 122 .r~I.i~"t 19].54 46 46 310 146 164 10 12 99 118 15 3 123 ~llrr~ 318.09 15 15 119 (>0 59 47 44 1 124 QCifT 137.81 38 39 193 103 90 7 7 44 34 26 7 125 1!am 310.80 160 167 1,055 519 536 26 36 135 116 1-44 40 1 2 6 1lrr.{Tl'iTTqr,,") ~~ 206.02 48 48 277 136 141 8 11 34 38 57 25 151 ~!fil;ft 398.95 42 42 218 113 105 1 92 87 4 I 17 152 ~ifT 544.51 22 22 141 74 67 74 67 17 153 "'FIT 504.64 Iit<:Tif 154 f('fOf"',) 291. 81 Ift


~~ iliTll ifiVf ont;r Main Workers r------"------" ~ ~ ~ Iifu~ ,,;;r<;;~ !fTRqif~'f>' ~ Ifil1f ~<:~ Ifitll1fi ~ ~IT qJ~ 1fI~

m,lV, V(b) ,VI. (I-lX) 1 11 V (a) Vn,VllI & lX x Total Main AjJricultoral Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers r-~ ,----..A--- ~ ~--... ,--..A----, r-..A--~ ,--"'--_, Name of 2;. feiT 2;. m'T 2;. felT $. ~') ~. ~, 2;. m~. m Tahsil (V iJlageI M. F,. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS' 16 J 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

56 18 33 2 23 16 35 68 Jhamar 86 22 60 3 24 19 2 23 60 119 Berkhedi 37 8 26 11 8 15 23 36 Samnapur 56 27 :8 3 24 23 4 3 47 60 Pama 306 169 105 3 140 162 1:2 49 4 213 361 Muar 31 24 19 12 24 26 21 Mankapur 36 11 26 10 10 28 53 Mahgawan 14 8 5 8 8 10 6 Mandha 96 19 47 3 31 16 3 15 88 144 Deori Siarmau 79 24 45 2 25 22 9 94 114 Madha r • 178 85 87 17 65 .' .) 5 21 1 23 142 189 Dungaria Kalan 4\ 17 19 5 18 12 3 3 27 41 Madanpur 49 46 41 41 8 5 1 41 47 Bhiloni 41 32 29 16 1 1 16 3 2 48 47 Hinotiya 98 20 38 5 33 14 15 12 6 30 62 114 ]etpur 22 8 15 6 8 1 2 21 30 Mardanpuf 113 4 82 28 3 1 2 (; 4 138 Sultanpur 43 4 16 26 4 38 57 Rampura Khurd 162 28 36 65 26 61 2 79 166 Gaganwada Kalan 30 13 11 13 13 13 14 Ghoorpur 7~ 31 48 1 24 29 6 3 43 85 Khamera '38 19 25 2 8 17 5 17 33 ]arua 57 31 27 28 31 2 27 61 Kakrua 53 22 39 1 14 21 22 61 Heerapur 55 17 31 3 23 14 2 12 28 40 Sarra Kh'lrd 119 5 91 27 5 91 218 Pipaliya Kalan 74 10 38 33 10 3 62 117 Dabari 390 103 119 8 116 73 30 9 125 13 41 73 395 531 Searmau 66 35 21 40 35 4 57 66 Imaliya 77 44 40 1 34 41 3 2 .. 59 91 Ambapani Khurd 57 14 29 22 14 6 3 56 88 Deokani 35 16 26 5 8 11 5 30 34 21 Mehka .. Uninhabited , Ghana Uninhabit.:d Ti nghari 193 58 123 8 65 49 1 4 5 134 162 148 Khamariya Khurd 126 8 104 1 19 7 2 1 111 94 102 Tinghara is 66 9 75 35 47 Gadgawan 31 1 17 13 7 28 25 29 Naktua 19 1 15 4 1 12 25 25 Hatnapur 39 2 31 4 1 3 1 27 25 31 Sarkhari 146

~1~/ Ifter 'tiT IrTorrt: ~<'I ;;r

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

161 liq~~T 1,601.34 40 40 213 109 104 6 3 94 98 6 162 ~qU 687.49 71 71 460 234 226 6 5 221 216 18 1 6 3 .r;rr{6T~ 1,11).46 43 43 271 143 128 6 6 137 122 4 1 64 «",liT G~ 353.12 7 7 25 12 13 2 11 11 2 16 7 '

1 7 3 sf(nqtf~ 557.15 82 91 544 295 249 17 8 40 46 113 15 174 tI,?;;:f 478.09 39 41 230 116 114 7 8 98 99 15 1 1 7 5 «1I<:T ~T.r 821.43 11 8 118 747 361 386 24 22 335 364 C6 3 1 7 6 ;;r1~'f'lTi'{) 584.98 24 24 159 79 80 15 11 63 69 8 177 ~T 1.154.17 66 66 530 265 265 37 38 225 221 26 2 178 l{Q:'flT 657.54 41 41 246 132 114 3 126 112 1 179 ;rHI lii'{'t<: 588.05 40 40 268 134 134 14 16 117 116 12 180 lfi~t>?lt 224.81 34 34 227 113 114 15 15 87 87 2 57 396 ,98 198 181 qTq~ 54~.68 55 6 8 154 160 20 3 1 82 tfJftlql 513.45 37 37 241 118 123 118 123 4 1 8 3 «I<'Iliillt 608.08 72 72 441 227 214 46 44 96 98 73 14 1 8 4 .rtT


~ ~Tif rn cn~ Main Workers r------..A.------., ~ ifN ifinij~T<: vf~ "I~~ qf~fuf; at

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

63 2 43 18 2 2 11 71 35 31 Kheri Khodra 110 3 59 46 2 2 3 22 130 102 93 Deori 63 2 50 11 2 1 1 2 47 78 79 Sanaidar 21 17 3 1 18 21 21 Salai ya Parson\ 37 .. 28 8 1 19 39 69 Barrapondi 7 6 1 1 3 5 9 Katkui 46 42 4 26 46 64 Ghoorpur 5 4 1 6 6 Tendukheda 53 29 28 14 25 15 39 76 Bichhuwa 137 32 63 3 69 29 4 109 198 Parasiya 71 13 59 S 12 8 . , 1 30 53 Nagpura 108 11 58 4 45 7 5 7 69 63 Raipani 155 2 79 52 2 8 16 140 247 Pratapgarh 68 12 38 25 11 5 22 48 80 Gundrai 223 151 145 86 73 65 5 138 235 Semra Khas 45 33 32 13 10 20 1 2 34 47 Jamanpani 147 7S 93 ~9 78 5 118 186 Ghoghri 75 2 52 20 2 3 57 112 Mehka 70 15 45 24 15 1 64 119 Narayanpur 66 10 45 20 9 , . 1 47 104 Kakrua 112 105 60 40 48 65 4 86 92 Papda 60 62 37 25 23 37 58 61 Amgawan 141 143 67 65 143 9 86 71 Salabarru 112 21 84 28 21 98 183 Samnapur 58 6: 33 25 61 35 42 Johar 64 17 38 24 17 . , 2 56 92 Nibhora 69 28 50 24 14 4 4 1 53 80 Pipa I iya Khag 119 47 74 13 40 33 5 75 146 Ponar 26 40 Simariya 45 24 35 16 9 8 21 30 Chargawan 22 2 13 8 1 9 25 Jamanjhiri 20 2 1 1 8 2 ., , 62 70 Gutori 87 73 68 60 19 13 . 2 103 188 Chainpur 123 48 79 6 42 42 2 1 62 104 Sarra 82 40 48 31 40 3 120 . 251 Phulmar 123 10 44 1 70 9 5 4 18 2 25 2 87 162 Marheti 121 17 66 8 12 5 1 2 33 68 Bagwada 49 2 32 1 15 5 2 95 154 Khamariya Khurd 83 4 54 22 4 2 4g 76 Pondi 63 19 36 25 19 2 54 81 Chandpura 102 65 80 19 65 Iftil' 'liT mi!fT~ . ! <'1' ;;m~1;1fT (~~ al~ ~TqHf)1I' ~i<: ~~~1 it ,~ir ~~ it ~T'f)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------.,-.. -_ --- -_ .. ------201 l{1f~~T 546.39 44 46 256 131 125 21 15 59 65 17 8 202 ,{~T 317.54 55 55 295 151 144 14 10 110 121 22 203 ~~.,) 432'.54 28 28 137 63 74 1 59 72 2 204 ~ 234.81 7 7 52 25 27 4 3 21 24 205 ~~ 389.43 54 54 337 185 152 22 16 37 30 56 11 206 fq'ird 202.59 64 67 328 178 150 19 22 63 39 34 13 201 \IT'f~~ 302.63 59 59 376 202 174 12 9 10 10 30 208 ~ft<:$"IIit:rt 306.67 21 25 140 75 65 8 5 25 21 26 14 209 i'fT~~ 310.89 46 46 266 160 106 23 14 2 1 50 6 210 !;£;:{'fl.{t 257.97 31 31 132 65 67 4 5 30 27 13 3 211 :;ffi;r 170.24 22 22 124 73 51 6 5 6 5 ]5 5 2 12 ~ Ifrt!It 318.82 90 90 531 280 251 22 17 41 40 68 10 21 3 :q.:~ flNRl'fT 440.72 64 93 580 301 279 23 17 24 26 92 35 214 fiiI~ 717.19 58 63 344 179 165 41 37 34 41 22 215 IRTJI<: 287.87 19 19 127 57 70 2 46 56 7 2 216 ~1fT ~", 579.56 24 26 195 103 92 13 13 54 51 16 11 217 fifi;:{trT 200.93 20 20 116 62 54 46 43 15 4 218 ~~ 366.80 62 83 460 232 228 20 25 75 77 94 40 219 GJ,!f'f~ (~~) 131 . p3 743 2 220 Vlffwr ifi<'Tt 161.79 32 32 171 79 92 14 10 27 40 28 11 2~ 1 ~i!JfT 181.91 65 68 363 181 182 12 13 34 31 54 20 222 &<'1'F 755.39 43 43 196 105 91 15 18 28 18 25 20 223 f'"l"~f"~T 50.53 32 32 172 92 80 10 7 32 29 24 4 224 qor 451.13 55 55 264 121 143 17 20 22 26 37 14 225 ~<\3tr 181. 68 22 27 137 70 67 46 44 11 5 226 4fF~ 193.30 140 158 800 418 382 32 27 79 81 184 75 227 ~fi'T i~ 651.71 49 51 329 179 150 17 11 30 23 77 19 228 ~q~~ 350.50 59 61 347 184 163 6 10 8 14 99 28 229 ~.;: 361.58 94 95 511 267 244 56 60 85 78 73 29 230 if~t ~


,!ilf ~Ii ifiVi '"~ Main Workers r------..A------"""'" ~ ~ lfimfim liftr~ I'[;;r~ qr~ftif; ~ if.YIi 'li<:ii !fiR if;~ ~IJ qy~ Cflt;r

(I-IX) II V (8) m.IV, V (b) • VI, x VII, VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivatocs Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken r-~ r-.A--.. r--..A--.. ~--.. ,---"--.., ,--..A----.. ~ Name of ~. m ~. m ~. ~cit ~. mr~. ~~ ~. m '1;. m Tahsil/Village/ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward.

16 11 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 2

H 49 25 57 125 MagarrnoJL 82 30 36 40 30 3 3 6') 114 Repura 41 21 24 17 21 22 53 Berkhedi 11 1 3 8 3 11 25 Jabal pur 105 21 37 47 19 19 2 80 131 Hatoda 85 40 38 7 93 150 Bigharra 97 3 60 30 3 6 105 171 Bhanpur 36 20 17 18 20 24 39 21 Gorkha Kalan 86 44 40 11 34 31 10 2 2 2 3 72 59 Nandpur 41 34 7 3 28 28 5 3 1 24 32 Dhangawan 42 23 8 2 30 20 2 1 2 2 29 27 Choka 152 80 55 8 65 64 20 7 12 1 . 128 171 Mahgawan. Kalan 164 38 75 74 38 7 8 137 241 Chandan Pipariya 115 86 25 10 65 67 4 21 9 64 79 Chilli 31 27 14 4 17 23 26 43 . Jhamar 55 34 20 4 28 28 4 2 3 48 58 Gorkha Khurd 31 20 15 4 15 16 31 34 Kingi 110 47 42 1 57 45 2 9 9 17 113 164 Beruwa 3 2 . 1 2 2 1 Jamunia Jaithari 45 10 25 14 9 1 5 3 16 31 66 Khamariya Kalar 94 68' 48 4 37 62 2 2 7 2 85 114 Rahma 61 27 24 1 34 26 3 1 43 64 Beet Ii 49 11 22 23 11 3 . 5 14 38 55 Chirchita 63 34 35 2 19 30 2 7 2 58 109 Patha 40 25 8 26 25 3 3 2 30 40 Kolua 193 55 62 2 46 39 11 3 74 I 1 37 47 188 280 Beekalpur 73 7 46 22 6 4 1 2 104 143 Banda Deori 101 23 49 26 21 26 1 82 139 Kunwarkhedi 120 10 58 45 8 7 2 10 147 234 Chhind 87 23 61 26 23 73 131 Mehgawan Khurd 49 19 33 16 19 46 71 Noorpura 181 53 79 67 46 2 35 5 1 221 320 Jaithari 52 18 26 26 18 42 72 Dungaria 14 6 1 13 6 9 15 Jujharpur 18 10 9 1 7 9 2 3 2 16 9 Suneti (F. V. ) 43 9 38 1 4 8 4 1 50 74 Simariya Kalan 26 20 6 11 2 27 58 Gazanda 3 3 3 3 3 3 Singota (F. V . ) 28 5 5 7 5 16 6 2 15 37 Kukwada 22 22 19 3 22 28 33 Bilai (P. V.) 150

~'\1f 6~'" 1ft~ lfiT '8llil'Ti{ qf

241 'U"f1ff (~If) 1,081.48 8 8 60 '31 29 31 2 29 242' q)it (lflfQ11f) 25t. 13 11 11 50 29 21 29 21 1 71 71 426 214 212 5 14 165 157 243 ~"r 1,535.15 54 8 14 16 61 36 25 35 25 244 IJm~ 195.96 2 5 6 37 19 18 4 5 8 6 1 245 1J1riffif{ lit!! 688.26 14 14 87 48 39 47 39 3 246 1T~1; (~IIXl~) 1,291. 55 21 24 179 '91 88 4 4 87 i4 247 f~(~;m~) 373.54 14 18 120 56 64 56 64 248 ~, {~'.fTlf) 555.40 .. 16 1'8 115 65 50 25 20 38 27 249 V"f.art (""'lT~) 607.'21 42 43 270 123 147 3 3 120 144 4 250 W~ (if«£1l) 541.1.7 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 251. ~\1(~ .(CR!I1J1) 402.93 3 3 11 6 5 6 5 2 252, ~ (<111'!11~) 214.44 ~'Wf 253 qqr;ft (i.ftWl'q,) 177.77 cft,T'f qrolqTff't {q,N,,,) 605.84 254 . cll,{IOf 255 "'1" _ (~T~,) 271.84 151


~ 'fi111 'I1':;f

~<'f ll«lf 'fiT'!ll<: ~fTl'f ",~;r 'fill{ 'fi<:;f ~m1T

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

21 12 13 S 12 10 17 Ramgarh (F. V. ) 20 1 I 9 9 21 Pondi (F. V . ) 158 90 63 5 56 212 Kartoli 25 17 10 2 15 t5 11 S Kota Khajari 9 7 2 10 l'S Gaganwada Khurd 23 2 6 4 13 2 5 16 20 21 Gailpur (F. V . ) 51 10 42 9 10 4 40 74 Bilgawan (F. V . ) 41 24 23 18 24 1 15 39 Birpur (F.V.) 40 28 23 15 27 2 25 20 Kham kuwan (F. V . ) 84 30 62 22 30 6 39 111 Puddar (F.V.) 1 1 1 Elajpur (F. V.) 6 2 3 4 Singpuri (F. V . ) Uninhabited Pempati (F. V.) Uninhabited Pathapani (F . V. ) Uninh:lbited Dhana (F.V.) 1~2

~'T~I rrt


'!1SlI' Iti"Tlf 'IiVi iIl~ Main Workers ,.------..,.,.._------" '8"l ~ ~ ~fu~ ~~ 'n~iIl~1ti" ~ 'fill!' ~it ",tlf Iti"~ m~

(I-IX) II V (8) III ,IV • V (b) , VI. x VII, VIII & IX Total Main Agricultoral Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers. Non-Workers r-~ ,---"--... r--A----. ,-J--, r---"--, ,--"---, ~ Name of ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~en ~. ~T ~. HO ~. m~. «it Tahsil/Village/ M. F. Me F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

25,333 12,335 9 463 782 2,753 460 22,551 Udaipur a Tahsil 6,894 686 5,673 174 361 2,334 36,383 (RUral) 581 -237 211 3 293 225 10 2 67 7 3 497 763 Kuchwada 280 185 77 176 114 2 25 1 1 182 325 Khursuroo 181 68 73 86 51 22 11 4 41 138 217 Ronsra 208 85 120 74 82 14 2 165 265 Dho!pur 273 26 186 58 17 16 6 1 3 2 16 208 454 Pipaliya Kewat 202 81 91 92 73 19 8 . , 161 251 Sha!tpura 154 3 83 60 1 7 4 2 135 277 Bersala 58 10 33 21 10 4 34 69 Kos BareH 140 54 58 66 53 4 12 3 74 162 Chilli 425 12"3 129 6 123 79 40 133 37 33 87 407 583 Noornagar 108 68 41 1 57 67 8 2 67 121 Sehora Dungariya 257 164 77 2 142 144 14 13 24 5 238 354 Tikhawan 274 122 83 159 12 t 32 1 5 203 335 Silari Khurd 381 46 193 2 154 38 34 6 405 650 Bankhedi 186 60 106 15 68 45 3 9 169 279 Anwariya 121 52 70 47 52 4 97 154 Surela 281 56 81 6 88 22 22 5 90 23 42 39 386 573 Chhter 244 69 114 99 69 2 29 4 181 376 Lamta 403 43 204 5 115 35 31 53 3 24 95 361 639 Pipaliya Pun wad ya 131 26 84 13 35 10 1 1 1 3 6 18 131 222 Khunia 374 116 135 2 188 110 16 35 4 2 347 570 Kettoghan 297 55 192 28 70 19 20 7 15 t 92 294 424 Bhadon 144 18 67 3 52 14 4 21 1 12 107 103 129 Mohad Kalan 107 12 82 3 20 9 4 4 124 176 Nllrhera 64 21 24 3 37 18 3 51 89 Khadon 10 8 1 1 16 32 Deori 78 18 32 2 37 16 9 14 15 86 118 Simariya 75 9 39 2 24 7 1 1 12 27 65 105 Gai Khuri 111 31 64 1 42 30 5 , . 108 217 Uri a 165 44 67 80 44 2 16 6 137 248 Gal Biyan 154 37 84 3 48 32 3 2 19 1 ]20 227 Kathotiya 165 75 75 30 64 38 5 21 7 14 19 161 209 ChandJi 67 25 31 11 25 1 1 3 1 8 2 6 4 67 84 Berkhedi 274 57 157 4 83 45 7 3 27 5 1 25 277 388 Ghana Bahediya 91 22 63 4 22 16 2 4 18 74 138 Bhuwara 321 179 113 159 165 14 3 35 11 203 301 Niwadi 390 137 155 12 127 92 18 90 33 14 84 304 422 Bamhori Bhuari 32 4 7 18 4 1 6 21 48 Rahma 136 94 56 2 72 92 8 128 177 Pachama 41 6 8 28 , 4 31 53 Khiriya ~1"'1 lit" IifiT lIIrTon~ ~ ... '"ITI"e-I'ilT"T (;ijf.("~ IItcf/~J alaq;(Ol IIIrT;H~YlT ~itt ~~ it ~~ir .ti ill' Tl"T1I ~~ if 'fillTTI") ~T~~~)9~) Tl"tn:/~ri ill) Total Population (lncludin!! ill' qtf e-~ ins ti lu lional Ai AT. it and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of PopulatIon) Castes Number Tribes Li'erates Loca­ villages occupleo ,----_A -___--., ,..----"----., ,---..A-----., Name of in hectare~ re::tl­ of r-A--.. tion 0l1ffi; Code Tahsil/Village & of Town/ dential house­ 2:. «fi !!. m ';. m '!. ~;ir No Town/Ward Ward in Km2 hOUM:s holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

41 1i5~i.'Tt 665.82 85 110 567 292 275 108 90 20 23 94 28 42 i{tfcfr 831.25 137 154 847 435 412 121 120 65 71 129 28 51 ~trf<~ m 399·73 74 75 406 215 191 33 34 75 70 55 10 52 R;;ritfj_t~ 349·19 106 108 624 316 308 99' 92 38 46 103 26 S3 ~ 262.37 ~'hTTI" 54 wt~1 256.23 48 48 242131111 21 14 56 52 45 12 55 tg


'!~ 1IiT" ~ arr~ l\:lain Workers r------..A------,. ~ ~ ~ lim~ ~~ cnftfftR:lfi $l"~ !fTlI' ~;r lfit" lfi~ \MtfT· IHi;r arr~

(I-IX) II V (8) m ,IV. V (b) , VI. X VII. VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workeu ,..-..A--.-,. ,..-A---, ,..--..A---.. Name of r-~ ,...---.A----- r--"---.. r----"---.. 2:. ~ 2;. ~T 2;. ~it '1:. ~T 2;. ~;it 2;. m~. m Tahsil {Village! M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

165 70 88 4 68 66 8 127 205 Kalendi Kalan 423 120 193 4 151 105 30 5 49 6 7 18 357 572 Nonia Bareli 21 19 10 25 Barha Khrud 17 12 2 3 10 26 Branjh 3 3 Mohad Khurd 120 5 70 45 5 1 4 109 214 Ghatkhedi 105 10 51 44 10 9 1 102 169 Kishanpur 146 4 108 33 4 2 3 159 259 Nayagaon 7 5 2 4 13 Chamar 'Bamhori 238 31 117 2 103 26 5 13 3 3 22 194 359 Dholshri \13 24 62 43 22 6 2 9 23 93 144 Dungariya Kalan 162 9 87 2 66 7 8 154 299 Bijanhai .. Uninhabited Purena 69 3 42 21 3 2 4 62 108 Sunehra 77 3 42 25 5 3 5 57 109 Patna 145 5 97 2 43 3 5 88 185 Shobhapur 285 37 156 3 52 23 10 67 11 42 240 410 Chhind 26 11 I 1 12 11 3 16 22 Keolari 33 28 5 37 49 Chirchita . 192 29 112 4 70 25 6 4 160 299 Uradmau 155 5 85 3 59 2 3 8 165 290 Imjhiri 64 17 39 20 17 2 3 64 113 Bi 19awan 148 78 70 77 78 . , I 144 201 Bamhori Basoda 130 8 91 1 30 7 3 6 177 291 Rehli 103 8 78 3 19 5 2 4 2 95 193 Kirgi Khurd 189 23 97 7 58 15 6 28 166 301 SuJta:nganj 474 84 181 1 247 79 18 2 28 2 464 760 Boras 12 [ 4 59 3 47 15 101 206 Kaktua 375 76 196 4 158 67 5 16 4 364 617 Choras 186 87 121 2 41 36 24 49 94 195 Ban~ Kbeda 186 50 93 2 68 40 15 8 10 184 314 Andiya 354 119 116 2 171 114 4 2 13 328 546 KelKuch 34 6 23 9 5 2 1 48 54 Bari:>3tpur 60 24 36 4 21 19 2 1 39 101 Chandpura 177 67 83 6 70 57 14 4 10 173 238 Si larikalan 117 49 60 31 47 18 2 8 121 188 Bisawadi 67 35 1 30 2 74 125 Chiklee 92 54 31 5 2 92 176 Ghana Tunda 232 50 108 3 65 39 17 2 42 6 2 30 221 347 Satehari 48 13 41 4 13 1 2 6 2 45 78 Kalhendi Khurd 156

~"\'<'f/ IItIf IIi1 IA'Tcn;:: i<'! ~llT (~'E[;:: ~f;'/~1 ~~ lA'1'n~T~ tin: m:v:rTm it ;:: f, ;r clTi ~ ;:fTlJ ~~ it i1'fiT'f1 crT~ ~fu;1:rT fJf~) 'ltn:/

81 Ri-(tft i!i<'fi 555.58 81 88 665 341 324 44 33 65 73 140 55 82 Wifi':f 496.90 47 52 334 164 170 ':J6 102 5 5 41 13 8 3 ""'ifiT1l~ 253.35 56 57 347 1 (;0 187 39 .19 26 30 44 19 84 iT~ 146.05. 8 9 54 22 32 7 11 10 9 85 WIiIRlfi 477.31 115 127 846 437 409 59 55 73 62 154 43 86 GI'mt 403.64 133 134 809 422 387 95 77 9 6 161 45 8 7 '1):rn't~ 453.82 74 74 484 261 223 38 36 10 5 90 16 8 8 ifilif')~fJ 746.67 246 2.016 1,450 740 710 140 148 35 32 306 95 89 .rr~~ 469.99 135 136 780 398 382 76 81 lti3 43 90 q;:,,",T 941.48 232 247 1,629 831 798 IG9 117 24 15 285 88 91 ~ql~ 535.27 106 118 764 388 376 50 42 18 23 90 9 92 ~i 68 1.15 119 120 807 437 370 8'7 61 19 ]7 'H 13 93 ~'fi~T 455.55 196 1% 1,119 568 551 53 52 1:::4 27 94 :f~ 221. 04 28 209 105 104 16 ]8 ]7 2.4- 38 95 ~~r 251.91 73 73 557 2';)5 262 112 97 17 6 96 ~'tR 160.64 12 12 71'; 38 40 17 12 14 97 ;;rrlf 122.79 19 19 124 64 60 5 5 l8 6 98 q)fiflfl 182.95 19 19 128 61 67 5 2 15 22 12 99 qi<3(lJ 526.58 109 114 733 381 352 411 49 12 6 165 49

1 00 ~<:t!T,( 216.48 9 9 62 34 28 8 3 15 101 ~W.f( ~ 142.50 18 18 119 59 60 9 13 16 12 19 12 102 fqqf~1(T 'fi<'!T 426.47 112 115 607 310 297 42 33 22 25 110 58

1 03 -:a~ifiT 348.72 35 35 208 120 88 22 ]6 14 14 51 9 104 oil" ~~:r 285.50 47 47 280 141 139 41 34 79 83 28 15 105 "L8'~ql~T 658.88 98 519 268 251 29 20 80 89 79 20 106 ,,)~ fqq~t: 444.95 80 91 417 221 196 11 7 37 42 85 32

1 0 7 an<'!"'!.~ 107.80 58 61 313 154 159 2 4 147 ] 51 9 1 08 "'~ifr ~q<;t 1,538.74 865 968 5.228 2,706 2,522 309 286 337 340 1,463 687 109 ~ 175.80 11 45 26 19 26 19 110 i[~~~ 487.18 lOS 108 574 307 267 55 61 18 13 104 31 111 ~)iJr 188.61 23 23 131 69 62 18 15 38 15 112 ifi~lfI ~ 176.01 9 9 59 32 27 7 7 20 18 1 113 ~if,~t 296.86 2 2 7 4 3 3 1,171 600 571 47 49 114 lfI~T 188'95 179 180 30 30 303 96 ]44 136 115 f<::S'TCffl 854.67 335 335 2,042 1,038 1,004 9 5 427 108 116 ftr'tftlllfl ~ 349.43 50 50 291 138 153 16 19 40 14 1,092 523 569 46 52 117 ~tl{'!.~r 478.65 154 154 114 29 118 f'(0A1: 712.66 152 154 874 458 416 66 57 ] 1 8 152 27 119 iflffli~T 876.65 192 196 1,176 615 561 40 38 5 3 116 20 110 f~q"{rlfif 1,135.20 251 281 1,540 807 733 55 61 138 139 224 56 157


~litf ilifli rn cn~ Main Workers r------..A..------~ ~ ~ ~'fi" vm~ ~~ 'nftcnft'fi trrlt !fIll il>i:i't ~m~' !filii !fi Ut ;:mTfI' itl i.'r qiq /'f

(I-IX) II V (a) [II ,IV, V (b) • VI. x VII,VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers r-~ ,----.J'-...... r---A--.. ,,---"---.. ,--..A----., .--.A--.. ~ Name of 'l. ~ ~. m ~. ~CiT $. ~T 9;. m $. 00 'l. ~1 Tahsil (Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

161 47 67 1 69 40 7 3 18 3 22 36 158 241 Kirgi Kalan 89 37 34 42 32 12 4 4 21 71 112 Chhikara 95 42 27 52 32 7 6 9 4 7 64 138 Mankapur 10 3 4 4 2 2 1 12 29 Gerua 204 50 116 3 54 45 8 26 1 2' 233 357 Ramkhiria 203 9 115 27 2 G; 7 4 219 374 Binjha 130 39 78 9 47 30 3 2 131 182 Bhopatpur 327 28 176 2 108 25 9 34 35 95 378 587 Kaniwada 206 54 114 84 53 5 3 192 328 Barah Kalan 425 210 172 29 153 152 28 6 67 23 5 14 401 574 Anghora 224 104 134 45 83 58 7 1 6 38 158 234 Mothagaon 237 21 164 10 45 9 6 2 30 166 170 183 Patai 267 39 181 70 36 15 2 32 299 480 Ke Kda 54 4 27 2 24 2 3 51 100 Kumdi 169 47 87 16 68 28 13 3 126 215 Sainkheda 17 10 8 3 g 7 21 30 Sagar 34 4 20 14 4 30 56 Jam 38 18 21 4 17 14 23 49 Ponia 199 54 101 4 64 47 6 28 3 182 298 Panjra 14 4 7 5 4 20 24 Murpar 31 14 15 15 14 1 28 46 Badgawan Kalan 160 17 82 64 15 6 8 ]50 280 Pipalia KaLan 57 19 25 29 19 3 63 69 Udka 71 59 27 1 40 57 4 70 80 Konda Deori 164 91 70 2 77 87 7 2 10 104 160 Budhanwada 132 60 45 15 70 43 16 2 87 136 Mohad Piplai 99 69 42 5 52 64 3 2 12 55 78 Alanpur 1,348 420 283 11 502 361 7 2 556 46 12 lR 1,.'46 2,084 Kasba Deor! 17 6 17 6 697 Anghori 160 70 72 ]0 82 59 1 5 146 197 Bamhori Dem i 41 7 23 16 6 2 28 55 Rondha 18 18 17 18 1 14 9 Karaiya Khurd 2 2 2 3 Kekdi 289 61 155 7 87 43 6 7 41 4 ] 30 310 480 Thala 523 107 292 23 161 74 19 3 51 7 32 20 483 877 Dighawan 69 17 38 26 16 5 3 69 133 PipaJia Khurd 281 163 144 3 103 158 10 24 2 7 240 399 Rampura 241 87 133 22 79 58 9 20 7 13 51 204 278 Ri chhawar 344 26 234 7 79 19 15 16 118 271 417 Nayakheda 496 131 241 16 199 ]06 17 3 39 6 15 271 296 331 Timrawan 158

121 U~~ 404.88 122 123 790 407 383 92 77 47 39 Ito 17 80 59 2 122 ~<'frq" 572.94 130 130 785 423 362 5 120 42 123 ~it 329. II ' 116 122 722 378 344 27 29 16 14 199 55 ~1 2 4

-p1u.\1AiY· c~~stis ABSTRACT Udaipura·Tahsn

~ 'fittl" ~ '"~ Main Workers r------...A.. --.------""') ~ l{w.i

". 210 189 123 120 83 69 4 197 194 Sadrai 221 34 99 4 97 29 9 16 1 5 13 197 31.5 Gahlawan 194 12 H} ,4 34 7 6 49 3 183 329 Khirenti 478 189 1~3 12 221 176 24 1 40 19 6S 395 550 ,'\liwada 15 4 1 1 21 45 Bar.khedi ' 20 ,t 445 89 199 14 125 69 16 105 5 11 52 453 706 Gora!

~ ~~I liter IIi1 'iTin~ qf~T~1 ~~ GR~HslrT (illR ~~f.m ~"!W;;re ifi'hr rrtcr/~1 ~ ~.mftlf ott ~T muromit~fli't ;;nfir ;;riI-\'iITfu ~ iIli lfi"T ;nil ~~it Iflfi"rort q~ ~fu;lfi tI~) ;r'ff<./~ I!it Total Population ;r>l Cf1i (including ~~ institul ional iii; At it and houseJess Scheduled Area of No. of Scheduled Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca- villa~es OCCUplCO Number tion Name of in hectares resi- of r----.A. ----"\ r---..A..--"\ r---..A. --'-"\ ,.-A-...... arftn ~_ ~) ~_ m Code Tahsil/Village & of Town! dential house- ~. m ':!. ~eit No Town/Ward Ward iDKm2 hou~es holds P. M. F. M. F. M_ F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

~~~T ~f"l~f::cm et!ll'

30/VI :r~ (Il.~.) 13.,77 1,231 1,311 7,618 4 097 3,521 401 374 182 175 2,087 963 30/VI/l m;t. 92 110 461 257 204 16 15 32 30 160 08 301VI/2 qriif.2 85 86 431 227 204 30 23 23 23 106 45 30/VI/3


~~ IfiTli rn ~~ Main Workers r------...A------""""' ~~ ~ Ii~ qG£~ q~ ~ It:Tl'f~:t m~ ~li;r rn ~!ft<;T, IfOflr ,.;~ :amlf CTT~ !Ji~' CTT{;r qfq /'fJn:/

(I-DC) 1 IJ V (a)- UI.lV,V(b).VI. X VD.VlU & IX Total Maio Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Workers Noo-Worken r-~ ~ ...... ,--A-----, ,..-----"-----., .--..A-----., ....-.A----., ~ Name of ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~eit ~. ~T ~. ~;;fl ~. m ~. m Tahsil {Village / M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Udaipura Notified Area Committee

1,843 305 301 2 427 154 125 30 990 IU 21 41 2.133 3.175 Udaipura N.A. 106 8 6 45 2 55 6 151 196 Ward No.1 115 28 3 3 2 4 105 26 112 176 Ward No.2 103 24 17 24 10 7 2 55 12 8 15 94 133 Ward No. 3 81 13 23 5 2 2 51 9 2 8 128 176 Ward No. 4' 79 2 27 5 4"' 1 3 III 177 Ward No. 5 101 7 36 1 15 2 2 48 4 3 94 171 Ward No. 6 137 8 26 3 26 1 82 7 207 239 Ward No. 7 143 19 15 42 11 4 82 8 3 194 251 Ward No. 8 126 2 11 1 21 93 2 151 228 Ward No. 9 137 19 23 20 7 2 92 12 194 247 Ward No. 10 103 12 42 41 10 1 19 2 129 199 Ward No. 11 105 2 35 50 2 8 12 12 109 166 Ward No. 12 113 14 9 28 6 3 2 73 6 1 174 232 Ward No. 13 208 88 7 67 50 28 19 106 19 2 3 197 286 Ward No. 14 90 27 15 21 21 10 2 44 4 90 136 Ward No. 15 96 32 6 57 31 7 26 1 2 98 162 Ward No. 16 1(;2


ii~rq srr'Jfir~ \ifiiif'vriir ~n:tw Urban Primary Cen$us Abstract

~ .~W.;;m \'iI'rf\f ~cf 3Ji!~f"'ff \;fif\'iI'Jf\f ..". \'iI"i~m - "I'lT'fur ~liRR Total Scheduled Castes and .Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban BJockwise


.l 2 3 4 5

30/1 ~ (if. err.) Raisen (M) 15,914 1,618 461

~~Tq 1.fTi Shriram Ward No. 1 120 273 ~

~11fi ~. Block No.1 378 128 ~ iQ'foIi '.Ifi. Block 1,0. 2 342 145 ilfm~1Ilf crri Ameer Bhai Ward No. 2 1,249. 108 9 "ffiIi ~. Block No. 3 683 98 9

~1fi~. Block No.4 566 10

q¢ ~I{lif -ni I\ladhai Hanuman Ward No. 3 1,199 56 8 iiQ'lif> 'lIi. Block No.5 619 32 iiQ'l

  • Gil m Mukharjee Ward No. 4 2,555 141 83 ~T!fi 'lfi. Block NO.7 638 48 7


  • ~ifi~. Block No. 10 737 21 37

    ql~«Cf -ni Pata Ideo Ward 5 1,:!4g 108 30

    ~ iii. Block No. 11 574 72 11

    ami{> ~. Block No. 12 674 36 19

    61~ ~Q' Cfri Tajpur Mahal Ward No 6 260 32 ""Ii{> 'lli. Block No. 13 260 32 , . ill!Tf!t; ~i Ashok Ward 7 1,092 25 15

    ~i{>'lfi. Block No. 14 6! 1 19 3 iiQ'l'l' 'lfi. Block No. 15 481 6 12

    flififl 'lfi. Block No. ~6 S7i 17 ~til> 'lfi. Block No. 17 589 213

    ~~I"'') ~li\in~ c{Ti Mahara.ni Laxmibai 1,244 34 Ward NO.9

    I~'lfi. Block No. 18 616 , .

    ~iIi'lfi. Block No. ~9 628 34

    ~n: qTtj ~i Mahabir Marg Ward No. 10 1,266 2_3 32 IQ'tIl\' "Ii. Block No. 20 585 131 4 'Q'Jif "Ii. Block No. 21 681 92 28 1,926 349 44 ~

    'if~ll;f ~r'ffl£iifi \ifif;rvrOfr ~T'~ ~rban "rimary Census Abstract

    , ~('f ar1.~f~~ ~fa o;~ atllufq('f 'ifl!'1iI1fQ 'fiT .. \'if;t~- i[~T~ ~T~

    Total Schedul ed ~as tes and' Scheduled Trj1!.es Population-Urban, ~Iockwise

    ~~T ~m 'ifTfulJr lIT1,~ffir \jJ;p5i11'd1f . L .C. No, ,: Name of Town/Ward/Block Total Population Sc~eduled Castes . Scheduled Tribes

    .i, , l 3 4

    ~'Tri m:ltfi lfTi Dargah Sarif Ward No. 12' 1,995 49 235 i

    30/11 .""f[:sI" (~. "I. ) B~gamganj (M) 18,314 2.353 7S IIfT<:

    lli'fi"~ ,ni Shankar Ward No.2 2,028 313 27 it'fl'fi" 'lfi. Block No.3 691 78 18 it'fT'fi" 'lfi. Blo;k No. 4 691 215 9 it'fT'fi" 'lfi. Block No.5 646 20


    fif;;r~ .ni Vijai Ward No. 5 1,446 244 12 i

    ~1J[ .ni Ghanshyam Ward No. 6 1,864 ~25 7 i;;r1'iJi "Ii. Block No. I 4 584 7 i;;rtlti "Ii. Block No. 15 665 63 Ot'fTIti 'lfi. Block No. 16 615 )55 7 ~W 'fTi Tu)sj Ward No. 7 867 172 i~ 'lfi. Block No. 17 447 ~ifi "Ii. Block No. 18 420 172 , 907 34 8{11'; "Ii Amar Ward No. 8 21 it'fTifi "Ii. BlOCk No. 19 409 13 i\=rTifi "Ii. Block No. 20 49S .' 34 SlI!i'm


    \*~~ '~T~iJmary Census Abstnact

    ~ iIf'!W"tt mf{f ~ct aJl!~f,",{f ;sr;r,*,ftt ti'f GfII~f ~ ~ ~~ Total Sbh~duled €astes and Sche'duled trribes 1'opuJation... i tltbaA :aIocKwise

    , {~~!!f ~ if._ ;{1J<:/C!ffi{i<'Wfi lfil ~ ~11R~T ~fRGI'It!llM L.C. No, Name ot Town/Ward/Biock 'foUII Population Sche4~ 1)ibG.s

    2 3 4

    lfi~ ~i Kareem Ward No. 10 1,469 324 ""1Ii'lfi. BIOek No. 23 740 230 2 '''Illfi'lfi. BlOCk No. 2,4 729 94 3

    tl ..1;~rs:-I1~T~ 'Ui Dr. Rajendra Prasad 2,156 515 1 Ward No. 11 ;q:(TIfi 'lfi. BI~k No. 25 610 103 .i<;fIlfi ~. BlOCk No. 26 548 lOS i<;fr~~. Block No. 27 577 23~ i<;fTifi '!ti. BlOCk No. 28 521 72 1 ~'(fi'rT ~Tm cui Maharani Laxmi bai 2,266 344 23 Ward No. 12 i;;U'; 'lfi. Block No. 29 623 67 1 i(fl"1f1 "Ii. BlpCk No. 30 571 62 20 i;;{lifi 'lfi •. Blo,?k No. 31 568 80 2 em"~. Block No. 32 504 135

    1,370 352 301m ~(~.Ift.)Barai1y (M) 13.0}3 q'f~ aTT~<{ 1:fri Maulana Ajad Wl\rd }:;O. 1,915 187 34 i\lrT"fi"li. B!QCk No • 1 542 97 12 6 ~t~ "Ii. Block No.2 342 13 Block No.3 554 51 1 Block No.4 47 i 26 15

    f(~ iffi Gandl\i Ward No. 2 1,196 61 l;;rrifi "Ii. Block No. 5 669 14 i<;fT<1i "Ii. B.lpck No. 6 527 47 f«fq<;f ~ti Civil Ward No. 3 2,911 159 188 iiOfT. 'lfi. BJpck No.7 472 3a 95 i\iTTifi "Ii. :Q,lrc1 No. 8 473 -19 i\iTTili "Ii. BloCk No. 9 574 4!;. ';;fT. "Ii. B-loCk No. 10 682 6~ ~~ "Ii. ruock No. 11 375 t\;'T1fi"li. BlOCk No. 12 335 14 tm~~ ~ JlQWJharlal Nehru Ward ~. 4 1,247 43 1 ...-r'li "Ii. BJ«ek NQ. 13 356 4 i;;nlfi "Ii. ~l'9Ck No. 14 408 .. 13 ~ifi "Ii. ~loCk No. 15 483 39 23 'filf\'fl • ~i ~i)Jllla Nehru Ward No. S 1,04g 4S ~T'Ii "Ii. Il)ock No. 16 SOO 45 23 iVl1~ 'lfi. Block No. 17 548 - 3S \t~'{ qiw ~ S. Patel Ward No. 6 912. 199 3.S sm~ "Ii. BlOCk No. 18 474 216 ""~ "Ii. Block No. 19 458 72 .. 16'


    ;:rtrt'l1r srr'ffirct iJl'ff'Tvr;:rr ~r~hr Urban f'rhnary Census Abstract

    t'" at1.~ "Of(f ~ 1J11~~ if'I"Of{f ~ . ..,~;_ ~ .~ : Total Schedul ed castes and Schedtded Tribes Population-Urban :8Iockwise ,. ~;fu:r ~;t. ifff"(/m /ei!rPIi IWiT ';fT1{ ~~ ~mltTftrtJt ar-t'lm 6i~lfa4 L.C. No. Name of Town/Ward/Block Total Population Scheduled Castes· Scheduled Tribes

    i. 1. 3 4

    ~m Subfuts Ward No. 7 1,038 2 fflT"' •. Block No. 20 449 1 ~"Ii. Block No. 21 589 1

    .~;''111l'' Rajendra Ward No. 8 ~,O70 .6g iliTAi "Ii . Block No. 22 602 59 iflTifi 'Ii. Block No. 23 468 109

    f~ ifTi Tilak: Ward No. 9 865· 386 fiIllf "Ii. Block No. 24 464 250 iifTifi "Ii. BlOCk No. 25 40~ 136 • •

    1:I;Y) ~~ ~i Rani Durgawati Ward No. 10 191 31 l iliffifi "Ii. BlOCk No. 26 430 1.7 3

    ~"Ii . Block Na. 27 361 14

    (:H •. M. ) '1,454 ?29 287 3ft/IV • )i,M.*- (~",,".q'f. ). Obedullaganj ifTi Ward No.1 56S SO 27 ilifTlfi "Ii. Block No.1 565 So 21 4 "Ii Ward No. :? 498 23 S\Ifl1Ii 'Ii. Block NO.2 498 23 4 ~. Ward No.3 411 1.2 2 2 &\'ftlJ 'Ii. Block No.3 411 12 lOi Ward No, 4 599 10 i\fliji' "Ii. Block: No. 4 599 10 103 31 ~li Ward No.5 646 103 31 ~tlfi 'lI\ Block NO.5 646 "'_ Ward No.6 621 56 6 56 6 ~Ifi"li. Block No.6 . 62l. 7 lfTi Ward No.7 688 39 7 lWifi "Ii • Block No.7 688 39 20 ,"i Ward No.8 ~39 71 71 20 iWTifi "Ii. Block: No.8 539 49 35 ~i Ward No, 9 625 49 3S IWlifi Ill. Block No.9 625 28 2 'I1i Ward No. 10 128 10 128 28 2 ~ ... Block No. 88 51 IfTi Ward No. 11 520 88 51 ""'f11Iitli. Block No. 11 520 44 m War!;i No. 12 148 348 44 .. IWlIIi "Ii. Block No. 12 J66

    qf'(f~~ -APPENDIX

    ;:r,~"t1.f j;fr1lff~1fi 'ifif,if1flil'J: a-T~tw ,Urban PI jmary Cenlul Abstract

    ,c;r .,!~f... w itlf(l ~ if

    ~f4fRr. if. ~/m/r.;nif; ltit ek Total Population Scbeduled .castes Sdleduled Tribes

    . t .2 3 4 .-Ii Ward No. 13 547 102 18 *"15 'lIl. BI<>ek No. 13 547 102 18 lI1i Ward No. 14 434 35 65 emlli'lll. plock No. 14 434 35 65 'Hi Ward No. 15 285 19 19 IWTIIi 'lIi . Block No. 15 285 19 19

    8,413 815 622 30/V ~1 (;f. 'IT.) Badi eM) tft~ ~~t liTiJ l{ri Peer Pateh Ul1ah Khan 558 20 Ward No.1

    ac;rT~ 'lIl. Block No. 1 558 20

    1IiIl~''') q~~ lfTi Khali Mandir Ward No.2 571 38 IifTlI1 'lIi. Block No. 2 571 38 ~~T lfTi Raja Ward 3 656 7 5 ac;rTIIi 'lIi. Block No. 3 656 7 5

    ~'~lfT ;rhit ui MahatMt Gandhi Ward No.4 8'15 36 256 ~T'" 'lIi •. Block No.4 450 36 256 ic;rtlfi 'IIi. Block No 5 405 '!.'1 ltT


    rrtrl.:r~ SfT'ffirCfi i>frrq-VFfT «n:rn Urban PI imary Census Abstract

    !i~ ar~,!f"~ :mf~ ~ct ~~f'q~ ~~:mf~ 'liT I!i(';!~- ~"hi I

    ~I!fTif'hr 'fi1T if . ~fiffi /i'{fTifi !liT

    .i. 2 3 4 :;

    ;;;pfS('fiTlIf m'{fqq{ '~16· Jaiprakash Narayan 843 54 195 Ward No. 12

    ~'fi~. Block No. 16 488 45 63 ~IIi!lli. Block No. 17 355 9 132 30/yr ~'{r (a:r.~.) Udaipura IN.A.) 7,618 775 357 ~Ti Ward No.1 461 31 62 i~T'fi !IIi Block No.1 461 31 62 orti Ward No.2 431 53 46 ~1Ii !IIi. Block No. 2 431 53 46 ii{li Ward 1':0. 3 377 17 38 ~iip !IIi. Block No. 3 377 17 38 itTi Ward No.4 408 m;{Tiip ~. Block No. 4 408 •ni Ward No • 5 372 i<'{liip !IIi. Block No. 5 372

    $~'fi!lli. Block No. 10 5':17 39

    iI1~ Ward No. 11 443 63 ~!IIi. Block No. 11 443 63 8 CfN Ward No. 12 394 23 10 il.'ftiip !IIi. Block No. 12 394 23 10

    "Ti Ward No. 13 534 80

    ~I;fi"li. Block No. 13 534 80 52 ~i Ward No. 14 784 145 52 ~'fi"li. Block No. 14 784 145 ani Ward NO. 15 343 171 11 1/1 11 ~'fi!lli. Block No. 15 343 200 CfTi Ward No. 16 390 ;miip!lli. Block No. 16 390 200 )68

    ar~~f~ "'Tn.- !fi1 ~" Primary Ceasus Abstract of


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , 30. 1l'''*'' f,;f;;r, ~)tT :U,904 118,805 62,369 56.436 qUfiQf 21,452 111,135 58,281 52,854 ;rq-uq 1,451 7,670 4,088 3.582 1 T.{~q::t ai{e1;;r lI)lf 4,471 22,380 11,755 1;,,625 ~1""'" 4,159 20,752 10,898 9,854 i'I';rT.Tlf 313 1,628 857 771 T.TlI'

    Sl'Nfq .,,~ m-mr Scbeduled. Castes 1!11.~ itil~ 1Ii~;r crr~ Main ·Workers' r------~ -A------__ «1m: ~" lIiT~ Iti~ ;mJ ~n: ~I "lfiq/~/· crri IliT .;:;IlJ; I-IX Total I Name of Literates Main Workers CuI ti va torS Tahsil r----- A--___...... r-----A---~ r------...... ---~ Village/ otrfiffi ~ • ~~ otrfiRr ~ • ~) otrfiRr ~. m Townl P. M. F. P. 'M. F. P. M. F. Ward

    8 9 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 2

    13,299 11,468 1,831 45,988 34,615 11,373 11,279 10,274 1,005 RaiseD Disttict 11,000 9,778 1,222 43,434 32,632 10,802 11, %04 10,204 1,000 2,299 1,690 609 2,554 1,983 571 75 70 5 l 2,878 2A87 391 8,211 6,442 1,769 2,785 2,577 208 RaiSeD Tahsil 2,303 2,082 221 7,737 6,031 1,706 2,174 2,568 206 575 405 170 474 411 63 11 9 2 575 405 170 474 411 63 11 9 2 Raised (M) 1,303 1,167 136 5,101 4,016 1,085 1,781 1,580 201 Ghairatganj TaWlll 1,303 1,167 136 5,101 4,016 1.085 1,781 1,580 201

    1,582 1,321 261 6,089 4,793 1,296 1,668 1,553 115 Begamjanj Tahsil 845 764 81 5,214 4,159 1,055 1,653 1,538 115 737 557 180 875 634 241 15 15 737 557 180 875 634 241 15 15 Begamganj (M) 2.319 1,988 331 5,185 3,930 1,255 1,094 1,024 70 Goharganj TahSil 2,089 1,821 268 4,948 3,730 1,218 1,089 1,019 70 230 167 63 237 200 37 5 5 Obedullaganj (N. M) 230 167 63 237 200 37 5 5 .. Baraily, Tahsil 2,481 2,120 361 10,n9 7,987 2,952 1,965 1,685 280 1,884 1,694 190 10,214 7,.423 2,7~1 1,932 1,655 277 597 426 171 725 564 161 33 .30 3 417 291 126 429 336 93 16 13 3 Baraily (M) 228 68 17 17 180 135 45 296 Badi· (M) -. 1,043 903 140 3,848 2,783 1,065 893 835 58 SiJwani Tahsil 1.043 903 140 3,848 2,783 1,065 893 835 58

    1,693 1,482 211 6,615 4,664 1,951 1,093 1,020 73 Udaipura TahsIl 1,533 1,347 186 6,372 4,490 1,882 1,082 1,009 73 160 135 25 243 174 69 11 ,1-1 160 135 25 243 174 69 11 11 Udaipura (N. A.) 170

    ar~,",; Iftmt 16l ... " Primary CeD5us Abstract of ------J....-if.~ ~q ~it ifttlr ~ 6"~q{f I{ttf, .. ~~ 'Hft'nft... ~'l ...... qfif/~! I1TII)VY ~ "Ii 'liT ;rT Of~fq' II V (a) Name of Agri cuI tural HJusehoJd Tahsil/ Labourers Indus tray Total Location Village/ _------~ r---:----..r------..,. Code Town/ Rnal OlI'mr ~. mr -Rlflfa" 2: • ~ No. ' Ward Urban P. M. F. P. M. F. l 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22

    SO ~mn ~)tr 24,977 16,762 8,215 2,728 1,86~ 864 ~T"Pf 24,419 1.,,161 8,058 2,093 1,462 631 ;:r~ 558 401 157 635 402 233 1 ~ift'l~ 14'hr 3,467 2,381 1,086 HZ 89 33 ~;wftvy 3,355 2,282 1.073 104 76 28 Ofon:)l1 112 99 13 18 13 5 ~if (". 1fT.) 'flT~'"t1f 112 99 13 18 13 5 2 Ij"«fli'l" ij"~q{ «m 2,289 1,700 589 325 186 139 a-l1fIvy 2.289 1,700 589 325 186 139 iI'1T"Uli ~tf"ti3t ~m-,," «'hr 2,661 Z,034 627 985 556 '429 vT1iTvy 2,610 1,990 620 482 259 223 ifW1l 51 44 7 503 297 206 it[1'[IT. (It. 1fT. ) ;:r~'"tq 51 44 7 503 297 206 1,869 1,020 193 4 1!~~ti3t ~'"tt:r 1fTtf 2,889 154 39 Vtmvr 2,851 1,842 1,009 167 132 35 if1TU1f 38 27 11 26 22 4 8I1i~;J( '(it. if ,qT. ) iftJ'"{'"t1I 38 27 11 26 22 4 I{ttf 7,113 4,742 2,371 538 5 i1iqftij"~t:r 439 89 vnnvr 6,852 4,565 2,287 468 383 ,85 ~ 261 177 84 70 56 14 ~t:r) (if.

    s"f"f~ il'Sf'1'Vr.ff ~t~

    Scheduled Castes

    ... --~-- Main Workers ------""'\ ~!firlJ ~T1ffif'li IIiT1f ;:r rn ri ~'R;tl lfil:;f CfT~ 1fiTlf~' 1Tt

    23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

    7.004 5,715 1,289 5,630 616 5,014 67,187 27,138 40,049 Raisen District 5,718 4,605 1,113 5,381 581 4,800 62,320 25,068 31,252 1.286 1,110 176 249 35 214 4,867 2,070 2,791 1,837 1,395 441 673 55 618 13,496 5,258 8,238 RaJ sen T .thsil 1.504 1,105 399 663 55 608 12,352 4,812 7,540 333 290 43 10 10 1,144 446 698 333 290 43 10 10 1,144 446 698 Raisen (M ) 706 550 156 899 138 761 7,098 2,897 4,201 Ghai ratganj Tahsil 706 550 156 899 138 761 7,098 2,897 4,201

    175 650 125 911 71 840 8.598 3,439 5,159 Begamganj Tahsil 469 372 97 793 58 735 7,238 2,818 4,470 306 278 28 118 13 105 1,360 621 739 306 278 28 118 13 105 1,360 621 739 Begamganj (M) 1,009 883 126 511 65 446 8,310 3,328 4,982 Goharganj Tahsil 841 737 104 490 64 426 7,839 3,133 4,706 168 146 22 21 20 471 195 276 168 146 22 21 1 20 471 195 276 ObedlllJaganj (NM) 1.323 1.121 202 1,658 167 1,491 14,950 6,228 8,712 Baraily Tahs!) 962 820 142 1,563 148 1.415 13,585 5,645 7,940 361 301 60 95 19 76 1,365 583 782 275 223 52 77 13 64 864 378 486 Baraily (M) 86 78 8 18 6 12 501 205 296 Badl (M) 557 453 104 406 47 359 5,258 2,139 3,119 Silwani Tahsil 557 453 104 406 47 359 5,258 2,139 3,119

    797 663 134 572 73 499 9.477 3,849 5,628 Udaipura Tahsil 679 568 111 567 71 496 8,950 3.624 5.326 118 95 23 5 2 3 527 225 302 118 95 23 5 2 3 527 225 302 Udaipura (NA) 172 ar;{m:;m.... ,",writ 'ItiT Primary CeDsus Abstract of

    ~;r~f"'~ ~~~fqa ~1(t.:J')1I ~~')~J ~ ~:onfi{ ",,) ~. ,mcr/'ftf .. ~ll1TvT ~Ifu ~

    2 3 4 5 6 7

    55,631 54,034 30 'U~ f~,," m 20,866 109,665 mJi,ur 20,433 107,511 54,426 53,085 Of1f ..Tlt 433 2,154 1,205 949 ~TII~Of ~Ii{T~ liTlT 1,967 10,248 5,354 4,894 ~TlfTIIT 1,880 9,787 5,089 4.698 <{'fUll 87 461 265 196 196 'Ulf~;:r (ol.

    .,,,~ ~~, mt~

    Scheduled Tfibes

    ~15lf ilillf iIi.. il' CfT{!f Main Workers ,----_------. -A------'JIlin: ~ ~ iliTIf ilif.'t ift<'i ifi1"!RI'Iir .. a,-~ft~1 'JfTq I Ofor ..! CfTi 'fiT 'f11l' I--IX Total I Name of Literates Main Workers Cultivators Tahsil ,--____.A. ___ -~ Village! r----- ...._------~, r----.:....-"----~ &rf'ffi" ~. ,eft ~f'ffi" ~. ~') &rfiRf ,;. f;;ft Town! P. M. F. P. M. F. P. M. F. Ward

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2

    13,520 1,598 6 534 5.821 713 48,557 33,439 15,118 15,118 RaiseD District 13,481 1,598 5,975 5,368 607 47.772 3.2,858 14,914 15,079 559 453 106 785 581 204 39 39 632 560 72 4,278 3,109 1,169 1,173 i,021 152 Rai sen Tahsil 1,006 152 493 440 53 4,127 2,977 1,150 1 ,158 15 139 120 19 151 132 19 15 15 Rldsen (M) 139 120 19 151 132 19 15 J,176 127 Gariatgimj Tahsil 405 378 27 3,242 2,518 724 1,303 1,176 127 405 378 27 3,242 2,518 724 1,303

    1,079 l,v02 77 Begamganj Tahsi I 438 387 51 3,134 2,427 707 1,074 997 77 429 382 47 3,106 2,401 705 5 5 9 5 4 28 26 2 5 5 Begamganj (M) 9 5 4 28 26 2 2,659 3,519 3,238 281 B:gamganj Tahsil 2,071 1,883 189 9,888 7 ,22~ 2,642 3,517 3,236 281 1,992 1,820 172 9,775 7.133 17 2 2 80 63 17 113 96 2 2 Obedullasanj (N.M.) 80 63 17 113 96 17 4,110 1,796 1,571 225 Barail y Tahsil 1.115 984 131 10,120 6,010 1,780 1,555 225 808 738 70 9,807 5,800 4 007 16 16 307 246 61 313 210 103 71 5 5 Baraily (1\1) 44 43 1 169 98 32 11 11 Bari (M) 263 203 60 144 112 3,589 4,915 4,352 563 Silwani T -thsil 1.306 1,117 189 II ,933 8,344 3,589 4,915 4,352 563 1,306 1, 117 189 11,933 8,344

    173 Udaipur Tabs iI 566 S12 54 5,962 3,802 2,160 1,333 1,160 173 542 493 49 5,782 3,685 2,097 1,332 1,159 24 19 5 180 111 63 1 1 Udaipura (N .A.) 24 19 5 180 117 63 1 .. 174

    ~"ft .",,1(m. iii! Pirmary Census Abstract of

    l{.l§q 'till{ m "'~ ------______- ___A- ~'fT'f11f a~~/ lJllT titmi:~ 1{~~ 'lrR,nR'fi '3VtlT IfiTI" lT1'f j"flT<' ! IlTif111T ;:Jr.n: cni 'fiT ;:JT il'lT<.TlT II V (a) Name of Agri cuI tural H )usehold Tahsilj Labourers Industray Location Village! Total ,.....----- . ---- "'" ~----"----~ Code Townl Rnal OlffiRt ~. ,~ft OlffiRt ~. m No. Ward Urban P. M. F. P. M. F.

    1, 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------_ .. - ---_._---- 30 U~iI'fiTm lfTlT \ 30,207 17,512 12,695 151 101 50 Vlif 29,806 17,227 12,534 146 99 47 ;:JlTUlf 401 240 161 5 2 ;, 1 l:T:{~ ~1~ znlT 2,217 1,438 779 7 5 2 ~ 2,203 1,430 773 6 4 2 ;;l'(<:llf 14 8 6 1

    <::Tlf~ (;;. on.) ifl'(<::1lf 14 8 6 1 2 ~;;r a-~~~ lft.r 1,566 1 ,1(17 459 18 15 3 IlT~1IT 1,566 1,107 459 18 15 3 ifl'(Ulf lffq 61 3 ~l{1f~ ~l;I1~ 1,774 1,231 543 34 27 'TT1{111{ 1,768 1,227 541 60 33 27 ;;m:Tlf 6 4 2 1 1

    ~lTqlj;;r (.... 'TT.) i'f~ 6 4 2 1 1 4 qT~~;;r ~~')<; llt.r 5.503 3,258 2,245 23 26 3 lfTlfi1lT 5,470 3,238 2,232 23 20 3 "flTU'tf 33 20 13 S1~~T~\!I' (IT ..... on.) i'fr[Ulf 33 20 13 lfftr 7,992 4,21)4 16 , 5 ~~o~~ 3,788 7 lIT'nvr 7,802 4,097 3,705 13 9 4 ifltUlI' 190 107 83 3 3 ri{'lT ( OJ. 'TT.) ~lI' 110 49 61 3 3

    Slt.f~ ''''''IVA' "mfl' SchetfuJed' Tribes ------""""\Main Workers ~ilil~ ~ft~lfi iIiT1f " rn Iff~ ~I 'Iil:;{ mf m~i 'ftffI "frr"t., ;n:i 1IIT 1f11f III,IV, V(b) VI, VII, VIII, & IX Name of Other Workers Marginal Workers Non':'Workers Tahsill ,------..A..--_-"\ r----~-..A.-- --~ ~--__"j".-----", Villagel

    3,081 2,3;)6 775 6,051 5&4 5,467 55,057 21,'608 33,449 RallieD District T;741 2,006 735 6,001 576 5,425 53,738 20,992 32,746 340 30u 40 50 8 42 1,319 616 703 881 236 358 35 323 5,612 2,210 3,402 (i~5 .1 Raisen Tahsil '760 5j7 223 356 H 321 5,304 2,077 3,227 121. 108 13 2 2 308 133 175 1,21 108 13 2 2 308 133 175 Raisen (M) 3,55 220 135 656 73 583 4,260 1,652 2,608 Gh!lira~ganj Tah.il 355 220 135 656 73 583 4,260 1,652 2,608

    22e 160 60 618 30 588 3,874 1,512 2,362 :aegam.ganj Tahsil 204 144 60 618 30 588 3,827 1,493 2,334 16 16 47 19 28 16 16 47 19 28 Begamganj (M) 843 713 130 1,027 116 911 13,834 5,456 8,378 Gohar ganj Tahsil 765 639 126 1,017 114 903 13,670 5,396 8,274 78 74 4 10 2 8 164 60 104 78 74 4 10 2 8 164 60 104 Obedullaganj (N. M., 316 226 90 1,117 78 1,039 7,598 3,027 4,571 Baraily Tahsil 212 139 73 1,087 73 1,014 6,967 2,687 4,280 104 87 17 30 5 25 631 340 291 51 44 7 5 5 178 76 102 Baraily (M) 53 43 10 25 5 20 453 264 189 Badi (M) 276 218 56 1,729 207 1,522 14,070 5,483 8 587 Sil wani Tahsil 216 218 58 1,729 207 1,522 14,070 5,483 8,587

    190 124 66 546 45 501 5,809 2,268 3,541 Udaipura Tahsil 169 109 60 538 44 494 5,640 2,204 3,436 21 1 S 6 8 1 7 169 64 105 21 15 6 8 7 169 64 105 Udaipura (N.A.) '116


    fqJ~ ....,~

    .~ IliT snqfq1fi m~

    ~1f flAim I!Iq tTt1f ltit auiil1~ IfRiiI1'(l !"' :;r;r~~ (m ~IM iJT ;n1f 1Il;;rq;;;r an~ ltiT «~ ~ ~~Ta""fti~ ~ij 1f'film enor ;;qfu;q1 m~) aft\' ctm: m ifi'r Total Population ..t cW "U~, (includilltz fit; .lft. q Institutional Area of No. of and Houseless Village occupied Number PopUlation) NJune of in hectares Resi. of ,..--:------tA.------""\ S1. Development &: of TOwn/ dential house- ~fu; 7:. m No. BlOCk: Ward in Kmll Houses hold, P. M, F. ----. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    30 ~m~ 8,374.4 103,901 113,055 639,806 384,547 305,259

    1 ~ 741.1 16,631 17,436 94,722 50,171 44,551 2 ~'(m 823.9 U.015 11.964 67,48~ 35,g42 31,640 3 ~ 878.9 10.972 II,572 67,472 35,727 31,745 4 ~~.. 768,9 16.537 17,938 98.884 51,g03 47.08~ j .,~ 1,298. 1 20,568 23,886 135,664 70,303 65,36] 6 ~T 1.058.6 13,470 14,38t 81,61.7 42,357 39;270 7 ~i\l 684.2 14,708 15,878 93,955 48,344 45.611 )71


    Scheduled Scheduled , Castes Tribes Literates r---J....--____ r---- ,A.--~ r----J....---~ ~. ~ !. fliT i· ~ Name of M. F. M. F. M. F. DeveloplUent Block 9 10 11 12 13 14 2

    51.281 52.,854 54,426 53.085 103,370 27,654 Raisea District

    10,898 9,854 5.089 4,698 1.5,347 2,894 Sanchi 7,051 6,047 4.243 3,915 11,021 3,Of8 Ghairatganj 7,035 6,210 3,924 3,627 9,665 2,276 Begamga:nj 6,927 6,350 12,643 11,819 18.619 5.623 Obedulfaganj 13,216 12.146 8,560 9,301 20.977 5,045 Badi 4,969 4,543 14,034 1~,698 11,976 4,031 Silwani 8.185 7,704 5,933 6,027 15,765 4,767 Udaipura 178 q'~

    fCfitil" ~t~ ,,~~'" iii' srm~1Ii WT'(iw

    ~--______1!~ IIl'llf ~ m A ______Mai n Work~r$ --______

    p 1!~lT 'timr'fir~ tifu~ ~ crrronft.ti mr. (lIT~ 1fi11f ~ 1fiT ';3""c

    1 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22

    30 ~mA""" 178,493 41,242 89,956 6,139 58,611 30,055 5,044 1,364 1 ~ 26,399 4,713 14,205 787 1,083 2,896 428 78 2 ~:or 19,003 3,345 10,091 849 5,035 1,665 572 229 3 itti 'lfti;;r 19,758 3 ;114 11,782 702 5,741 1,765 814 428 4 miT~~rti:or 27,069 5,991 11,954 787 8,507 4,574 637 107 5 lit,') 38,123 10,459 18,388 1,415 15,047 8,291 1,053 168 6 f~T;ft 22,808 6,666 11,201 913 7,735 5,191 758 180 9,463 5,673 7 ~~" 25,333 6,894 12,335 686 782 174 179


    - ______...... -"1 _-'"'

    or~ IfiT1f rn ~ ~Tlfflflli lIit1l"~rn ifTzflli(fT Ifr~

    m,IV,V(b) x VI, VII, VlIl,IX Other Workers MarginalWorkers Non-Workers ,.---...... ----- ..- ___ -.A------"'\ ,----.A.---_... Name of '1. m 'to m ~. fit Development M. F. M. F. M. F. Block 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    24,882 3,684 3,332 21, 429 152,722 242,588 Raisen District 4,683 1,012 324 2,601 23,448 37,177 Sanchi 3,305 602 579 2.945 16,260 25,350 Ghiratganj 1,421 219 260 3,377 15, /09 25,~54 Begamganj 5,9',1 523 485 2,571 24,249 38,513 Obedullaaan,j 3,635 585 634 4,832 31,546 50,070 Badi 3,114 ,382 590 2,763 18,959 29,841 Silwani 2.753 361 460 2,334 22,551 36,383 Udaipura