vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 169–194, 2010 doi: 10.4202/ppres.2010.10 Early diagenetic siderite in the Panorama Point Beds (Radok Conglomerate, Early to Middle Permian), Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica Krzysztof P. KRAJEWSKI 1,3*, Nikolai A. GONZHUROV 2, Anatoly A. LAIBA2 and Andrzej TATUR3 1 Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN, Twarda 51/55, 00−818 Warszawa, Poland <
[email protected]> *corresponding author 2 Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition, Pobedy 24, 198412 St. Petersburg, Russia 3 Zakład Biologii Antarktyki PAN, Ustrzycka 10/12, 02−141 Warszawa, Poland Abstract: The Panorama Point Beds represent a subfacies of the Early to Middle Permian Radok Conglomerate, which is the oldest known sedimentary unit in the Prince Charles Mountains, MacRobertson Land, East Antarctica. This unit records clastic sedimentation in fresh−water depositional system during the early stages of development of the Lambert Graben, a major structural valley surrounded by crystalline highlands in the southern part of Gondwana. It contains common siderite precipitated through early diagenetic processes in the swamp, stagnant water, and stream−flow environments. There are two types of siderite in the Panorama Point Beds: (1) disseminated cement that occurs throughout the sedimentary suc− cession; and (2) concretions that occur at recurrent horizons in fine−grained sediments. The cement is composed of Fe−depleted siderite (less than 90 mol % FeCO3) with an elevated con− d13 tent of magnesium, and trace and rare earth elements. It has negative CVPDB values (−4.5 to −1.5‰). The concretions are dominated by Fe−rich siderite (more than 90 mol % FeCO3), with d13 positive CVPDB values (+1 to +8‰).