mate benefit to tbe commerieal relations ®everal SPECIAL NOTICES. lots of gold were received by tations. L. A.i Thurston believes thai betweeu Europe and the United States jracoming steamers Saturday, AND Oil POSTAL SYSTEM. ■the European LIGHT HI THE they can be transported at low rates b] BISMARCK EMPEROR. us the roault of tne Presidential election, Jurat Bismarck *125,000 DARKNESS. brought tbe large Russian fleet uow rail it is convinced that the bl-metallio the Umbria oarrying Man nZ0D Coffman & Co., way supplies and Russian t< Pants, Vests, movement will rather than sub- *300,000 to Tillman & peasants revive, LadeDburg, Co., Vladivostook. Tbe Armenians oould b< of side under tbe administration of Presi- and the St. to the Bank of Paul *500,000 transferred at to the steamers V made-up111116 dent McKinley. North to the Na- Japan COATS,Overcoats GARMENTS America and *230,000 running to Honolulu. It is believed that The Socialists differ iD their tional The total amount for greatly City bank. would make a desirable class ol Duel Now iu in comments upon the defeat of and Annual of Assistant Postmas- they very Cleansed or Royal Progress) Bryan Report da* was *1,155.000. European Dead Lock At Last citizens. Dyed Whole, The Major McKinley Office their estimates of the resalts of the elec- treasury gold reserve at the close Bcsciged l>y And pressed by Tailor’s Pressmen every day at tion of McKinley. William liiebkneoht, ter 9* business bad Increased to General. Saturday Broken. BIG HORN HEARD FROM. Germany. a Socialist leader, in a communication to *120,840,686. The net Increase at New Seekers. the Vorwaerte, argues that there would York for the day was *872,000. have been a convulsion of trade if Bryan If Republican Gains Continue They Will had been which would have LAND. DYE HOUSE eieoted, FROM ALL OVER THE Carry State and Electoral Tickets. worked serious injury to working people. HAS BUN 13 Preble TENDENCY OF HAS BEEN DEPARTMENT BEEN ARMENIAN TROUBLES MAILS ARE st. Op. Preble fiouse QUARREL Mr. Bryan, Herr lAebkneobt, says, is NOW LIKELY DAILY LOADED WITH not a aconitine but is rather an Good of November 8.—Returns TO WEAKEN DREIBUND. Socialist, ECONOMICALLY. News to Thousands Working TO Cheyenne, Wyo., *§F“Kid Gloves Cleansed Every Day agitator. BE ENDED, VARIOUS APPLICATIONS. People—Business to the were received here last bight by the Re- Ek-Court Chaplain in the Responds Lace Curtains Cleansed. Stoeoker, publican state committee from four oi Christian Socialiet organ, the Volk, Promise of Prosperity. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. takes the opposite view, holding that tbe Big Horn county preoincts, the firs1, Election is Bryan is leader of soolal reforms based Extension of Rural Free Delivery Prom- news received from that since How McKinley’s Regarded— Speech of French Minster county Any Kind of a Job Christians November 7,—From all of Foreign Wonted, from Day upon principles. ised-Abuse of Franks Members oi Cincinnati, O., election. The combined vote of the sev- Attitude of President-Elect on Bimet- by laborer to quarters news of of Affairs Had A Magical Effect on Saltan Chief of Bureau—Mrs. Mc- comes resumption eral the elec- allism Discussed—Socialists Say 'Bry an Congress Charged—Sir. Jones Wants precincts gives Republican industries. In this oity the Bussell Mor- —Turkish Ruler Proceeds to Carry Out Kinley Overwhelmed With Begging The great Increase in the Importation Private Boxes Abolished. toral congressional and state tickets a is Not Scientific Socialist But an Agi- of American gan one of the Promised letters—One Girl apples Into Germany has Printing Works, largest Reforms. majority of 104 in 200 votes. Twelve Wants a Bridal tator. lod the to Assis- in a full force agrarian newspapers agitate Washington, November 8.—First the West, will start with hundred Kobe. in favor of the Paris, November 9.—It Is very evident votes are to be heard from in government’s taking tant Postmaster General Frank H. Jones, on conditional orders that will require Berlin, November 8.—A report which measures to prohibit furtuer imports, that the speeoh delivered in the Chamber Big Horn oounty. Should this ratio Canton, November 8,— in his report for the year ending Jane considerable time to dll. The Soyet* & Major McKinley obtained was in olrou- alleging that sources of disease have of hold out the will elect the general credence, Deputies by M. Hanotaux, minister Republicans is rapidly recovering from the t fleets ef had been discovered in rooent importations 30, 1896, states that there has daring Bcoville Carriage Works, employing 125 ; lution last evening that the Emperor of has had an extraordi- electoral, oongiessional and state tick- the mental strain and of fruit. Apropos of the of the that time been a foreign affairs, arduous labors of to attempts saving of $3,278,98f hnnds, has resumed work. demanded that Prinoe Bismarck come to restrict American nary effect the Sultan of ets. the This Agrarians imports and also shows the in the upon Turkey campaign. ovening he op- in a improvement The Lodge Machine Tool Com- Berliu for the purpose of engaging generally, the North German Gazette says Shipley and has results the most Cheyenne, November 8.—Re- himself service of produced Wyo., pressed fully rested. He is in the that American newspapers are badly uni- delivering the volume of mail pany, which has been running on export turns were teoeived from Jackson’s conference with himself and imperial almost of ever today excellent health formed when assert that the Ger- sanguine despaired seeing. bole and spirits. The Presi- in they matter. business, has dosed its conditional con- district. The unofficial vote of the chancellor, Prince Ilohenlohe, regard The statements was cabled last us dent elect a man government contemplates placing The number of offioos tract dollars’ night state outside of Big Horn county, shows spent Tery quiet day. He to the disclosures of the state secrets Presidential post for several thousand worth restrictions upon the importation of to the attitude of the Sultan after be tbe Democratic ticket had won two elec- took a short walk ia the at- In 3651, the salaries of the ol new to meet demands far morning, which Prince Blsmarok had been making Aruerioan products. postmasters, machinery tors, and state ticket. At Hi learned what M. Hanatoux said, and the Congressmen tended church as usual and in the Tbe statement that an here total from will add after- to utter the inspection £66,203,900; gross receipts domestio business. It 25 pe- tonight the Domocrntio state committee and continues through many reforms he in oonse- noon went for a of all tinned meats has been promised received returns from a of the drivo. The balanoe of the Ham- imported these offices, $65,882,364. Mr. Jones cent to its working force next week. All thirdg medium of bis personal organ ordered or is about to be the quence of the attitude of which in Horn the ordered, recommends that Franoe, precincts Big county. The day McKinley passed in his library. Prinoe G is $17,000,000 be appropri- the distilleries In this region not in burger Naohricbten. Hobenlobe, azette says, erroneous. The returns Is it emanated from the oominittoe state that they show decided Tbo charaoter of the visitors the for official, narlng to MoKln- who is in a of the Imports of American butter into ated;^ compensate posmasters operation will resume immediately. Democratic majorities and indicate that personally placed position foreign offlre here. ley has a deal since show that the importation con- the next lisoal advioes they will oarry the several changed, good elec- which is distressing to him and Is Germany year. Specials and other report re- county by very tinues to lnorease. In 1SU3 tbe Seldom, if ever has the fulfill- hundred and the tion. the quantity He asks for olerk and Increase of business as partial majorities Democrats During campaign thousands of desirous of a official life, only $11,000,000 hire, sumption fol- having quiet of Amerioan butter brought to Germany ment followed so close upon Turkish will oarry the electoral, state and con- people from tho walks of life a considerable deorease in lows: lowly came f as that Emperor and Prince was 21,500 kilograms. In 1891 tbe agreg- proportion gressional tiokets by suggested promises. majorities ranging to Canton. Now the visitors are was In to the inorease of clerks to be O.—The Pioneer Drill from largely Bismarck take some means to bring gate 398,000 kilograms; 1893, 375,- employed. Harrison, Com- 900;toi600. It is believed here that all the reform of the political office or oiE 000 kilograms, and for the first eight He recommends that be on a full force. holding, ADVERTISING about an Immediate cessation uf their $75,000 appro- pany puts months of 1860 the importation reached promised by the Saltan will be carried SAYS HE seeking classes. priated for the rental and of O.—The W. Smith WON’T PLAY- Every good citizen is sell a of whtob are endangering the purchase Dayton, Barney Car may family the first barrel polemics, 398,000 kilograms. out quickly as cordially if has the machines. He mes. possible. received, McKinley but it never sold the second—the The merchants of Hamburg are com- cancelling thinks $15,000 Works will start with 2500 flour; peace of Europe. Khalid of criminal A Democratic Cnnimittppman In Kpntnp.lrr time to see him Ac.hlr.vwl K?m_n ho A ohlnn H fVnl n vwl Bey, president the at all. of the strictness with which uwiuviVMV flour itself does that. All the advertis- the staunch adherents of plaining LUUUUJiV IIU UUVDJ. nu TUJIVUIlUij Among will the vali at for office in the world never would made the the measures of tbe United States consu- court, replace Dlarbokir, Takes It for Granted He is To Be Applications aro beginning to ing the expenses regarding unclaimed letters, Iron Eailroad Company will ereot a largo who lias Prinoe Bismarok, opinion prevails late in that city are being enforced. already beeu dismissed. By ad- come iu mail in enormons demand for PSLESBSJJRY’S and advocates the of the The Cheated. by large numbers. They that things have already gone too far and adoption bulle- plant of coke ovens. Norton Iron vices from Constantinople, it Is under- BEST unless It was the best. stood that the include requests for all sorts of appoint- ATT TTJP t?V'TTrT>T>T?TOTXr/-t A TTT) exercised discretion in invoices tin hoard in this matter. He Works and Ashland Steel will extra tribunal tney ^are agreea rnai mo controversy legalizing system Company appointed la of the massacre will be ments from day laborers to ohiefs of after shipments nad been effected, but recommends that ten be as- resume all works. Work will be consequence Owensboro, Ky., November TO DATE GROCERS SELL: PILLS- must ceubo, but uoue of them ventures to inspectors resumed 8.—Ury aoting under instructions from Washing- immediately dissolved. Telegrams were bureaus. Flowers in great BERY'S BEST. signed to look after the work in the sal- on the branch railroad from bore to Bath sent Wordson, chairman of the Democratic quantities suggest any plan whereby this object can ton the consulate now insists strictly by the Porte to all military gov- continue state central committee to reaob Mrs."McKinley. be uooomplished. From Muniob, upon the legalization of invoices before ary andiallowauoe branch of the servioe. county. ernors informing them that they will be this evening Every Arcade File Com- room in the house is radiant oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Carlsruhe and other places where Prince or contemporary with shipments. The Free delivery service has been estab- Anderson, Ind.,—The held responsible for further bloodshed. said: “Gov. Bradley by his telegram with them, frlsuiarok la In the of pany will resume on Monday. The An- A from states and the was so atroug posseaslon export of law sugar from Hamburg has lished at 24 despatch Constantinople November to National Committeeman supply huge yesterday cities during the year, and del son Iron and Bolt on 6, BiendB of influence and high standing, taken such large dimensions that Friday Company put that the decree ordering extension of afternoon that a whole wagon load was there are now 63 entitled to it. On ao- all its men The Window and Scott of New York, in which he said I BETTER it is known positively that supplications four vessels were engaged at the same today. tbe reforms prom ised the province of divided among siok friends and patients Plate Glass works are to re- that have been addressed to him to discon- time in loading with 10,300 tons of the oount of .the expense the remainder could preparing Antolia to the whole empire was submit- Kentuoky bad certainly gone fcx in tbe^olty hospitals. ; he as sume work. ted a tinue the course is pursuing the produot. This Increase is largely due to not be benetltted. free today to council of ministers. McKinley, and would as Mrs.MoKinley is deluged with Experimental The Amerloan Wire Nail will just certainly begging only means of averting serious troublo. the desire of dealers to get as much raw In towns has Company letters. One woman who wrote DAYS delivery and villages resume be counted, proves that he and has recently, 'from the of the out of tbo as be-' work next week in its immense is, wanted to educate Apart responsibility sugar oountry possible shown a reduction in the gross receipts money her children for revelations of the mill. Dead Rock Ended. been from the first, in the conspiracy to and a asked ex-ohauoellor the fore the new sugar law goes into effeot. in a majority of offices. By November European girl for enough to buy a Rnsso-German and the The Commerolal-Tribune’s spooials re- steal for bridal robe. A of for all are 9 neutrality treaty, 1st, next, rural free will be November 9.—The Kentucky McKinley. The Re- score churches and X coming. which have been delivery port business resumptions as follows: London, Dally other disclosures made, tested In abont 30 states. a state chairman religious societies have sent plaintive o More business, new busi- X FIAT NEWS- There was Grafton Graphic says that the hurried capitula- publican only claims the question has been discussed in Berlin Marietta, O.—Sperlntendent about 400 nppeals. Some letters o business for ail reduction in the number of dismissals tion of the Sultan to ,V1. the plurality out of about 435,000 requesting licss, they 6 whether Dr. chief editor of says the chair factory here will start Carnbou, financial aid in Hoffmann, of letter carriers, which evidenoas the French ambassador to shows and by persons distress are 9 tell us. 9 not in Monday with 700 hands. Turkey, votes, November 6, the date of the the Hamburger Naohrisohten ought Called standard of aocompanied by such observations as If have New Fork Journal Down by an high discipline. Blue Grass that the European deadlook is ended and governor’s telegram, it was known to no X yon been neglec- X to be Indicted as a result of the discus- Lexington, Ky.—The To- this: “If you don’t within An estimated expenditure of $13,326,500 the powere have decided upon a mnn that had respond o tile of some the Auburn Manufacturer. baeoo Company here has resumed with finally Kentucky certainly gene ting purchase } sion, but it was decided that indict- Is mads an account of free twenty-four hours you will probably hear delivery ser- 76 hands. joint plan of action. The Daily News for McKinley or Bryan. 9 few’ small drug store sup- 0 ment of Dr. Hoffman would be im- for of my death.” vioe the fiscal year, 1897-98. Negotia- expresses itself as being seeptical of re- Nor is it yet deoided that Kentucky’s 9 plies make us an early 9 possible, as bad a move in fact, as it tions are for Che of Auburn, November 7.—In the New pending exohange Order for Yarn Given in forms being carried out unless M. Han- vote will certainly be counted for Mc- 6 cull. Help us to realize X would be to prosecute Prince Bismarck orders with Mexioo. Mr. Jones Largest Many BEHEADED BY ITHOUSANDS- money atoux receives Russia’s support. Kinley. Gov. Bradley may know, as be o that times are o himself, under the articles of (be penal York Journal of Friday the following Years. good with recommends that a penalty be prescribed is a member of the stare aud 9 code which Count Von Arnim and was England Right All eanvnssing us. Prices will never be 9 by dispatch printed: for unlawful use of tno frank of mem- Along. and Terrible Stories Mohammedan were oonvicted contesting board, may have made up Concerning Prof. Geffgkea tried, and bers of and a Fall Biver, Mass., November 7.—Be- lower than now. 9 Auburn, Mo., November 5.—Notices to Congress suggests $300 fine London, November 8.—A despatch his mind to hear no evidence of the X imprisoned.. Under no circumstances Rebellion in Kan-Su. the effect that if McKinley was elected in eaob oase. He says tbe law was dis- sides the sudden and muoh appreciated from Vienna says that it is reported that great frauds that have been perpetrated would the Emperor permit such a pro- the employes of the Ara Cushman Shoe regarded during campaign just rise in the price of local stocks, other Franca has obtained the assistance of in the interest of it is ceeding as this. He asks McKinley, though San Manufacturing company would get more closed. legislation to do away Russia in tbe of Turkish not for a and Franoisco,November 8.—Tokio ad- bae now reaohed an evidence of faith which looal have reorganization customary just upright The controversy work and were with offioe boxes. people better wages posted in private post finances on the basis of European con- judge to announce how he will decide a vices say that terrible accounts come Acute and is seriously affeotiug the in the result of was to stage the shops several days befoie eluotion. Tuesday’s election, trol. The notes that M. Ber- case before he has heard the H. H, HAY & health of Prince who is es- despatch evidence. band with incidents conneoted with the SON, I Hohenluhe, the were reduced when the Globe I Today vampers’ Wages today, yarn ger, agent of of Tur- Today learned of 160 of a and AUDITOR OF TREASURY. presented the|French;holders illegal negro sentially pacific temperament 8 to a Mohammedan rebellion in Kan-Su. It | from 6 oent case, and the best •lilla an order for kish bonds Is now in St. Petersburg. voters in a single county on the Tennessee Middle x acoustomed to combats. pieced 130,000 pounds o St. quiet diplomatic men, who hare been $1.60, will Tbe Standard tbe action of Franoe bolder it been established is estimated The feverish aud which earning of which is the sale made says having that 10,000 Mohammedans, implacable fight now $1.20 a This work Remarks Made by Mr, Holcomb in His yaru, largest average day. paid and Russia in Constantinople is virtual- the negoes voted in Tanuessoe August chiefiy women, children and old oooooooooooopooooooooooooo is being waged by Prinoe Bismarck is one time in men, from 15 to 20 cents a case four years ago, Annual at any many years. ly a confession that U rest Britain was 6th. This is cumulative evidence the ohancallor to pass many Report, merely have died of hunger or been frozen to causing aud today’s cut of 25 per cent, is ail in tbe belief that coer- of frauds. If this reason the Em- very Arizona Feels it. right along Bradley’s Republican associ- sleepless nights. For dis to ths men. death iu the mountains. se DR. E. B. couraging cion was necessary. ates of the state board have also made up Th who REED, peror is desirous of putting an end to the November 8.—Thomas November re- Botanic and Last the Washington, Prescott., Ari., 7.—The their minds in the case, it may not be have submitted number women Scientific, JU.guetJc Healer whole matter as speedily as possible, evening following dispatoh 18,000, removed from 113 Free street to 42 auditor of the for sult of the election is commenc- A DRUNKEN CAPTAIN. worth while to before Brown otherwise the Kaiser is understood to be was sent: Holcomb, treasury already bring proof them. and children for the most part. street, Portland, Me. Treats all old chronic Thirty to allow PriDoe Bismarok to ex- the State Department, in his annual re- ing to be felt in Arizona. Col. A. O' or End complicated diseases that the flesh is heir willing Auburn, Me., November 7, 1896. forty thousand remained under arms to his utmost each that the for Ross of Schooner and Six Kentuoky Legislature All Right. to. The only step necessary is to call at the pand limit, meeting New York Journal, New York: Artlole port says new accounting system Broad, superintendent of the Walnut Responsible among the hills in the dis- Doctor’s southeastern office and let him examine your case of the of his warfare with our business as Novomber developments concerning published by known as the Dookery law, after another Grove Water Company, has ordered ma- Rives. Louisville, Ky., 8.—Up to trict In the middle All cases at a di-tnnee treated by letter: lull the permanent 10 summer. The busi- explanations marking you November 6 is utterly false and ab- has tonight the Courier Journal had no name, age. color of eyes and of year’s trial proved highly satisfac- chinery to be plaoed In riv- ness of plaoe residence, present honest policy of Germany as con- without foundation. Shall hold Hassayampa new figures ou the result of the election beheading the insurgents was II.90 and stamp. Only the best veetable solutely trasted with shifty of the old tory. Accounts aggregating $60,713,476 er, and npon its arrival will a force 'Muskegon, I’ich., November 8.—The in It is oomluoted with medicines are used in my practice. Office hours policy you responsible for resulting damages. plaoe Kentucky. estimated that Mc- wholesale vigor as soon chancellor. 9 a. m. to 12 m., 1 to 9 p. m. octl91m lstp ARA CUSHMAN COMPANY. were settled during the year. Consular of men at work on the foundation for the sohooner Waukesha wag wrecked o£f this Kinloy’s plurality stands 489, with six os their strength had been broken in any In the meantime Prince Hohenlobe is counties to be heard An Charles L. Oushmau and Ara fees to tbe amount of were ool- reconstruction of the dam which was this and six lives from officially. The distrlot. average of 1600,were the and Cush- $975,500 port early morning, decapi- standing between Emperor Republicans have secured a majority tated daily for two week in Si Ning to Injured By An Explosion. attitude of man of the Ara Cushman leoted and turned into treasury. The swept away by the flood in 1890. It lost. But one man of a crew of seven PriDce Bismarck in the peaoe oompany, say of; ;two In the assembly on joint ballot June 16, and 3000 heads remain to come both sides of Balh, November 7—Daniel Fulton set- maker, anxious to conciliate that It is not true that notices were expenses tbe service exceeded this is also contemplated to place a large commanded by a drunken oa plain which insures a Republican successor off. A crowd of psople watohed the exe- ana at least to obtain a cessation of the tled an election bet tonight by wheeling posted in their shop as reported. They amount.by $70,490. electric plant at the dam for furnishing reached shore. Two bodies have been re- to Senator Blackburn. cutions. duel without the precipitation of a Lewis from Custom House that the should have 'Mr. Holcomb thinks greater to the mines. covered. The resoued man was Frank Pepper national scandal. Meanwhile it is un- are'ludignant story safeguards power surrounding GALES ON ENGLISH COAST. to the should be thrown of American Citizen Outraged. square Columbia Opera house. deniable that the effect of controversy, been seat ont. around the aots The Boom on the Pacific. lielacb. He said they left Lddlngton The two with articles thereon tbe disbursing officers, and on this sub- West., men are blacksmiths In the coupled published Friday, and almost immediately tbe Vessels Stranded Koy Fla., November.8.—Passen- said: “1 the Los Angles, Cal., November 7.-—As a ! and Fishing Boats in the official press has been to weaken ject believe disbursing _~ tvrsrvn-n A .ss «« b- «n « Tbn nnninln horl from Bath Iron — -— gers Havanna works, and were followed MAN’S OUR CARELESSNESS""” I -—*-- bring intelligence they the ties of the Dreibund. officer should either bo required to fur- roAiilr. of the aloof inn of MnKinloc art Wrecked. over the route 100 a sailor tbe of another outrage committed on an by iron workers who nish bonds to cover all auvanoes or be has been issued with the Aelson Machine for liis companions by namq for a ml iattnH rtf rrlltlnrr arm onAnwIfw o 4- oil American kept np a continuous fire of roman can- of the Basso-German neutrali- Responsible Fatal Shooting Accident of and a mate. Boon were citizen. The victim has filed Apropos of Loa Ira G. Fred, they AS w OIUUCI U.-xx UUl ULKJitaU In the latter case he would be on Company Angeles by dles to the end of the route. The ty treaty, the Cologne Gazette in its in Maine Woods. placed drunk. The boat leaked badly, tbe bands a protest with Vice-Consul Springer streets for the manufacture of 100 com- has asks: “Id the event of war his honor which might be the hotter Hong, being kept at tbe pnmps all the time. gale prevailing, done much dam- were lined with people. oomments, Which Will be sent to Washington for between Russia and would Ger- plan, but the uniform requirement of pressed air motors, which will necessitate When the vessel struck the crew were age at various points along the const. A While Austria, North Ffnnflnn rNncftinhsr ft—tfHrmnini Instructions. It appears that near tho celebrating the election of Mc- side with Austria in view of the security in dollars nnd cents would make washed away one by one until the regoued number of many the employment of about 300 machinists Yarmouth and Lowestoft town of San Jos d Las Lajas, a Spanish • Kisley be-e this afternoon two fact that France would then attack Ger- Hoops, 127 Kent avenue, Brooklyn, N. It purely a business transaotion. mau was the only one left. young and others, and also the of fishing! boats were wrecked. The Dutch foroe patrolling the country went to the In answer to its the '“This should be kept in view to the ex- enlargement men and three boys were severely burned many?’’ question Y., was accidentally shot by carelessly estate owned by a Cuban, where Bredo^ Austria must face tent of requiring security for the full sum the works for orders In Proceedings Against Mayor Todd. Galliot Dana, was wrecked ac the mouth Gazette argues that contemplated rick L. a native of by an explosion of which one resting his arm over the muzzle of a shot )f Ciaycraft gunpowder Russia as would not inter- the dollars received. It is Incongruous the of the river Tees. No lives alone, Italy future. November 8.—Six were lost. only two years in Cuba was of the number were while in a buokboard near to hold an officer on his and a cer- Louisville, Ky., manager. handling in firing u vene. Naturally the Austrian and Italian gun, riding bond, The crew of the steamer Camwood have entered the residence tain of the On Fall Time. members of the board of aldermen, They destroyed the nmvu.A unuiiuo. iijo are of what value is Joe part advances, and on his landed at Lowestoft aud injured are Axtnur newspapers asking Viles’ oamp, on Dead river, 12 miles Messrs. King, Trick, Britt, Leatherman, report their furniture and ransacked the premises. the Dreibund if it can be thus honor for the balance. Auditors should November 7.—W. vessel founded at sea. A snow Howard repudiated from Sam Parsons. Wkitinsvillo, Mass., Jenne and Brewer, are said, to be storm is The women present” were insulted in an Kingsbury, Crocker, Harold be authorized by law to examine the prepar- in when occasion suits. E. Co. ’s woolen mill at East suit to remove from prevailing Wnles. outrageous manner. iloQuarrie, John Summerton and Hers- Dr. F. M. Wing of this plnoe was sum- office, hooks and of Hayward ing to bring oflioe, Crayoraft protested The Tageblatt this morning publishes papers disbursing TheJBittish ship Soudan, Leith for Kio that, he was an American will start on full time Mon- Mayor George D. Todd, Kepublioan re- and showed cfcsl Oliver. the of an interview with a moned. He arrived at the house about officers, either at stated times or when- Douglass was stranded report leading elected Tuesday. The aldermen are mem- Janeiro, at;Yarmouth, yes- papers. This it seems incensed the officer — the “who will ever the auditor should deem it necessa- 300 hands. The mill has a dense f-— diplomat upon question, the same time as the wounded man. The day, employing A. P. and terday, during fog. The crew in who drew a This would tend bers of the A., were on Todd’s command, sword and Funeral of Henry C. Powers. benefit Prince Bismarck’s revela- ry. to prevent repeti- not been more were brought ashore by Ufo boots. The by latter’s arm was running than one third of during the recent impeachment commenced slashing at Ciaycraft. The tions?” immediately amputated. tion of losses which have occurred to sldej sea in which the diplomat expresses for the hoard of Is very rough. If It continues so it latter was wounded in the His Norridgewock, November 8.—Henry C. On account of the loss of blood and In- the in the the time ten months. proceedings against safety, bock. the opinion that disclosures will have no government past.” is thought the vessel will be a total loss. forearm was also who Will Make but they are nt outs now. The affidavit cut to the bone. Crav- Powers, died Thursday, was burled direct but are to Bicycles and Electric Lamps. practical oonsequences ability procure medloal aid in season, of Sterling Edmunds that Mayor Todd oroft was forced to givo up SUM in bis flora his residence with Masonic certain to a DREAR DAKOTA. honors produce deep-seated feeling Mr. died about two hours after GOLD FOR THE ARTS. Middletown, Conn., November 8.—The him tbe city nomina- possession. of and discomfort in Austria Hoops promised clerkship by Lebanon lodge, of which he was once suspicion Worcester Cycle Company after three tion and to him $8500 to nud that the operation. He leaves a wife and two agreed give Italy. Vossisohe Zeitung says months will resume work to race and tuat he Over One master. Bate3 of whloh he was a Another Idleness; make the did receive an Snow Foot Deep and Mnch Suffer- Washington Post, will now be able to the ohildren. Indication of the Keturn of Pros- University Rectorship. England decry morrow on full simo. About 53 hands advanoe cheok for $100, from the mayor member, nlso attended in a body. The of as ing Experienced. November 8.—It is stated in polloy Germany untrustworthy.^ perity. will bo employed at first. The number to seal the bargain will be used as evi- Rome, Interment was in Vatican oircles that the forced retirement Biverview cemetery. Last Relative ol President Monroe. will be gradually Increased to 350. Be- dence. of Keane sides wheels the company will manu- St. Paul, Minn., November Bishop from the rectorship of Horse which Mr. is ex- New November 8.—The witli- 8.—Reports Captured ; Thief ^The policy MoKinley Dubuque, la., November 8.—Mist York, facture elootrio on the Catholic at Washington Missing. lamps. Schooners Lost Great Lakes. from in South Dakota University pected to pursue after his inauguration Katherine Monroe aged 76 is dead. She irawal of gold from the sub-treasury points report a will be followed by a removal of several Sheriff Looms at BkSdefora,November 7.—Deputy as President of the United States in re- was the sister of Thomas Start Bp Malone. Benton Harbor, Mioh., November 8.— remarkably heavy fall of snow for this at that institution. There is Judge Monroe, lontinues, but what was alarming to the professors Staofcpole of this oity recovered the horse bi-metallism, and tariff con- and perhaps the last relative of President No word has oome from the sahooners much the successor of gardj|to ousiness and Malone, N. Y., November 8.—Monday, season of the year. A Huron speolal intrigue regarding of Charles Baohelder of Old tinues to be discussed in the columns of James Munroe. The lost valuable financial community is now Petrel, Lena, Nelson and Una which Bishop Keene. It has not been decided Orchard, family it is reported, that Lawrence, Webster & 12 to 14 Inches of snow a of the fleet of says covers the stole the leading newspapers. The Kreuz lands In Virginia during the war and in evidenoe of the return of great pros- whose looms have been formed part six vessels who will be appointed to the by Melville Dorr of Saco Saturday Co., operated in that rectorship. Zeitung maintains that there is reason then came West. at less from Ludiugton Wedpesday for South ground portion of the state, more at Kennebunk perity. than full eapaoity for consider- morning Driving park for a feeling of satisfaction among the Haven and this port. It is believed by than fell all last winter and the henvi- This reversal is duo to the faot that'the able time, will begin working at lull today. He bad sold the horse to bi-motalltsts of as there are harbor men that these four boats are Bred Europe, force to fill large orders provisionally sst fall so early in the season for 16 THE WEATHER. netal taken out is form of lost. Tbe Petrel was a two master years, ana grounds for their feeling hopeful that the not in the received on com- Campbell deserted. The officer is on MoKinley’s election. rhousands of acres of first aim of Mr. McKinley will be to but in for the manded by her owner, Capt. Nelson of corn are oovered the track of the who is 18 >oln, assay bat3, destined The Cbatanquag Ore and Iron Compa- thief, years of a of the He and his two brothers and but a small obtnin settlement monetary Boston, Novem- rse.of the ny resumed work in the mines at Lyon Cheboygan. con- portion of the crop has ages au international basis. In manufacturing jewellers. stituted the entire crew. question upon ber 8—Local fore- All mountaiu whioh have been closed for been threshed. to the tariff the throughout tho hoarding mote- regard Zeitung proceeded a long time. aro being made Settlers are Deer cast for Monday: neat the Surveys unprepared for winter and Slayer Fined. first to advanoe to the oo-operation of the withdrawal of gold bars for the for the extension of the Bombay railroad Danvers Poisoning Case. for a concert muoh suffering will follow. The snow Biudeford, November European powers Interpre- Cloudy, probably irts and science was reduced to a mini- to In this county, and for 7.-Deputy Sher- Hagonsburgh Danvers. Mass., November 8.—A. F. lias drifted and trains are tation of the Monroe Doctrine as inter- showers; the St. Lawrence river connections. railway imped- iff Parker of North Berwick light num. Jewelry is a and the jewel- a two hired 3d. Chamberlain and today arrest- national law, and then goes on to argue luxury Leroyd, market’gardlner, Miller report cooler, westerly are Work. meu and were ed Alpbeus Littlefield of Wells for in favor of an international agreement ers, who the first to feel the effects Eight Hundred Men Go to house girl taken sick Fri- heavy loss to stock and much suffering winds. day afternoon with symptoms of ar- as a result of the severe weather. shooting a deer last Snuday. Before for common duties upon the leading if bard times, are also among the first Utica, N. Y., November 8.—TheJWest American No- senical poisoning. Leroyd’s moustache Trial Justice Haven O. imports. Washington, , io feel the return of During Shore 800 Hutier of North prosperity. shops at Frankfort, employing was found loaded with The Santa Fe “This movementfor common European ,he of cup eDougb Receivership. vember 8.—Fore- period the average dally men, will start on full time on Berwick, he pleaded guilty and was a new stringency running “rough rats” to kill three persons. It traiff,”the Ziituug says,“ls not sd|j- vithdrawal of bars cast for Monday was only about 8ilo,- agniu tomorrow. is said a motive has been found. The Im- Topeka, Kas. November 8.—At a con- fined <40 and oosts. Deer are protected gestion, as the same ory was heard ICO. On Wednesday morning it increased is received that more than one ference of the attorneys of the Santa in York for three during the flist outburst agaiDst the Mc- for Maine, New from Million to Bo Invested in West Virginia. pression county years longer. iteadily that point dally. is to no The IPo yesterday, it was decided to ask Kinley tariff, when that law wont into Hampshire and Vermont: Threatening person expeoted Implicated. All jewellers practically suspended Parkersburg, W. Vu., November 8.— arrested Win. Judge Myers to order the appointing Ooi. Sinclair operation in the United States, hut the weather with pullce today Kennedy aged KeoomcsiRepubllcan, oacaslonal sbowors; oooler iperations during the stringency, but Friends of Senator Camden announced 87 and of af a receiver, and if refused to get a writ movement was seen to be unmarried, upon suspicion his impracticable. in the southern low the holiday trade is coming, sound that the who is in the east, From United States Judge Foster to Portsmouth, N. H., November 7.—It is “If it is impossible to achieve the joint portions; westerly winds. Senator, knowiDg something about the case. stated authority that Co). noney is triumphant, business is piok- has olused a deal hr which a syndicate prohibit Myei'E from proceeding further Uy good European notion Germany must proceed Local Oharloa A. who has Weather Report. ng up verywhere, and the wade will invest a million dollars in the Funeral of E. K. Blake. in the case. It is claimed that the prop- Sinolair, been a upon independent first a jewelry lines, creating will obtain its full share of tho leturn erection of and wood mills erty of has not from Democrat all bis life, and who was a maximum tariff aud then Portland, 8.—The local pulp working the,company passed high giving November if on the Wlntbrop, Me., November 7.—The fun- under control of the delegate to the Chicago convention, will notioe of weather prosperity. Cumden property, near Gnuley. United States cessation of the most favored bureau office records as to the The eral of F. act with the sub treasury Saturday gained K. Blake occurred at Mon- and that the district judge oannot hereafter Hepublioan par- nation Bystem, ns Roon as the United weather The Business Boom. rnurt, are the ibout 8800,000 in assay mouth this interfere. ty. He came out solidly for McKinley States government raises its tariff.” following: gold through afternoon under Masonio hon- 8 a- ■ffico ohecka on bis return from returned to it in balances Dayton, Ohio, November 8.—Inter- immediately Chicago, The reasons that this wonld P1-T^arometer, 29.850; thermomo- ors. Mr. Blake was widely known A The Idea! Zeitung rom the house. views with manufacturers show nearly Student, and has Informed a number of bis have the effect to success of DolnL humidity, 92.0; clearing secure the dew! 36.0; of 50 fac- throughout the state. He has been a friends that he enn no act with wind, N; These cheeks bear every evidence concerns aro to start Berlin, November 7. —Hon. Edwin F. longer the negotiations for a treaty based on a velocity, 4; weather, cloudy. preparing been ns of them tories on full time ton manufacturer and merchant and for a U. S. the Detnoorats. He has been a leader In new German maximum tariff. 8 p. laving bearded, many within days. Uhl, ambassador, requests the m.—Barometer, 29.756; thermome- ie«r dates Dal- hit and his in September, November 8.—The time a CJnitod Associated to correct the party Jot years, many of as- The Naohricbten relies up- “ew Findlay,Ohio, long commerloal traveler. pressos Hamburger ,;®r' ”•0; point, 42.0; humidity, Since it beoame known that the sub- works, statement made sociate ref nlte to believe he has the on Mr. eell, Gilmore and Creighton glass by some correspondents joined MeKinley favoring bi-metallism ^' 8: weather, f°r tho bile a a velocity, reasury would not give Globe window works, F'lndlay if Awerioaa that his party. in principle and believes that be will do ciou'dyVlnd’ greenbacks glass Perhaps tVe Might Spare Some Too. papers daughter, told, the hoarders have up oarry- day pottery worts, Boll Brothers pot- Miss Lucy Is to be married bis utmost to obtain an international Mean given Uhl, engaged daily thermometer. 42.0; maxi- ng tho coin there. tery and the tah.le factory hnve San Iranolsco, November 8.—Advices to a student in Yale The "Ofid. Poloviaja, the newly appointed monetary agreement. mum Findlay university. thermometer, 45.0: minimum ther- Many purchases of stocks and bonds started on full time and with an in- from Honolulu dated October 8^ a man to whom Miss Uhl is to is A cream of tartar taking powder. Highest contain general of the Philippine isl- The a semi- up ys angRged Hambnrg Oorrespondenz, m“ilmum of ire to in creased ordeia movement has of all in ands, Juu tailed for Manila. He succeeds official tines veiooity reported have been settled gold number of hands to fill been started, Is Prof. Guy Thompson, a mornber of the leavening strength.—Latest Unitstt journal says that although it 10- 0.80 in the Several ^i!'’ total loin, and the deposits of received McKinley! .meeting with general tc .duce faculty of Yale and not a States Government Food Captain Blanco. not expect that there will be any ulti- precipitation, gold oontiugont upon favor, university, Report. inch1’ ranks continues election. Armenians ns laborers In student without abatement. the plan- in that institution. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., New York WALDOBORO MURDER CASE. A DOVER FAMILY. YOUNG FOR THE BUSINESS- came the Commercial street men. The “Reward for Arthur Sewall. If found and lanterns added bodies among them to the glow on the AT MR. M'KINLEY’S HOME- Arrest of II. C. Soule Has largest represented return to Private Life, was one of tin exterior of the Stirred Towi ; Children o£ Maine Woman Heir to Rich building. well-known flrrna. Under Capt. Burn- to Its Foundation. transparanoles here. Other patriotlo sound Estate. A Farmington Lad Caught While Commit and Bleat. Toothaker monoy houses in ham marched 40 Hall & ware this Three Hours of Jollification by Hie Lewis, Co., representec street, all of whioh were ting a Burglary. 1 men from the brilliantly Twitofteil-Caamplln Com- by employes who shouted: lighted, were those Neighbors. Waldoboro November 7.—New develop Now York, November 7.—It will be re- of G. H. Babb, Jabez Ablaze on pany. True, B. i Incuts In tbe ease of Henry C. Soule o: membered that two children of Portland Fairly Bah ! Rah! Sidney Stewart, Walter A. Halsey Saturday The Mllllken-Tomllneon had on Company Hall. Shillings, O. W. Novoruber was a t'uiB town, arrested n ohnrge of White of Canton, Mo., now to In line under Lewis, R. Canton, 7.—This Jive- klliinf grown 24 men Capt. and Fullam.C. Phinney, [special to the press.] Emery, John Miss ly for McKin- Edward E. Aioora of this place live yean manhood and womanhood, were Sight. went Craig, A. £. W. B. Saturday President-elect among as they along they gave this yell: Three teams for Universal Laundry. Holden, — Drew, Dr. He received half a ago tend to show that the trial will b: the heirs of the great Crouse estate of Farmington, .Me,, November 7. Lati Williams Way, Walter Bailey, F. K. ley. dozen delega- i M. T. Co. Manufacturing Company, < one of the most sensKtioual last night Arthur the sixteei Lovell, the Burns tions, talked with a hundred ever belt Syraouse. The mother of these young Farmer, M. T. Co. deoorated team with of fine house, W. S. Hicks, people sample W. lu Maine. was year old son of Walter a the George Mr. and shook hands with a but people before her marriage a Miss Farmer, respect We’re boys that are in the go work. Bailey, Jumper. C. L. thousand, STREETS FOR MILES Are we made The accused is the last reprcsentativi Greely, a native ot Me. ed citizen of Wses Farmington, was ar PACKED for silver? Drummond, Kben Mr. Davis no speeches. The day closed with Hover, They I The great Ward 7 coaob, loaded wltt Dow, rested and guess not. Josiah H. a in Waldoboro of one of the oldest anc have received about from lodged in Jail by Drummond. jollification. For three hours the eity $50,000 each Deput; WITH SPECTATORS. We’re for patriots below and aloft and gaily deco Sheriff Blake for Gold, When Deering was over to and best known families of the town. Hi the state. The latest phase of the division breaking and entering Thnt’s what. rated. street was readied there given noise, parades of the were no is a business man. with ant great Crouse fortune is the report the hardware store of Harley Groenwoo< specie! decorations but the fireworks. The illumination was gen- means, Some of the transparencies In this The Oakdale of Shorl oici- of George C. Austin as referee just filed por- employes Loring, zens eral mauy friends, and has influential rola in that place. In tne afternoon Mr the line along the street burned colored along the lines of march and the in the Surrogate’s court in which he tion of bad good words for the & Harmon rode In state There wai lives outside the state. Ho arrived at hii Greenwood noticed that one of his bad Finely Uniformed Companies from parade was reviewed by Major McKin- finds that $7,500 a year should he devoted Abroad gold Democrats, such as: “We greet the also a general Deering team, laden witt home last evening, been releasee to the education and maintenance of window s had been tampered with, thi Turnouts of ley as it passed his house. Several thou- having —Elegant Business Houses patriotic Demooraoy who voted for patriots from that oity. Dorothea uina 1 sand from jail yesterday on bail. A dozen Kdgarlta Crouse, years lock being pushed around si people from Alliance, enough —Music, Flags and Colored Gold;’’ All hats off to the Sound The fire insurance men of Portland Massilon, old, and that to her mother, Eula H. Lights Cleveland or more representative citizens are oi that it would not oatoh, and a pu and other cities in this part Fctulioka or Kosteriitz or Crouse, chip Hits Money Democrats;” “We the were drawn four fine Everywhere—Sharp Made by appreciate along by horses, of Ohio his bond, which names the sum of $1500 which she has heretofore ex- under it so that It eould be lifted Iron participated. The President- $32,450, — The vauable services of the Gold and made their presence Transparencies Daily Press Democrats.” known. elect Piece Mr. Soulo was committed to pended on behalf of her young daughter, the outside. After deoided this evening to remain in jai consulting Deput} “Jones dies hard,” was another D. W. Clark Ice two decorated should he repaid, Booster Loudly Cheered. legend Co., Canton till last Monday, his brother. Porter H. Blake, sheriff eleot, it was deoided ti this of Thursday next, at the sug- The New York Sun says the father of In portion the line. teams. Soule of lias been in hii watch the place the Sooi There was uo doubt of the gestion of Mrs. McKinley’s phyaioian, Boston, busy the chiltl is understood to have been during night. genuine- The Middle street boot and shoe men Goudy & team of crackers and Kent, who announced that it behalf, and without seunret David Edgar Crouse of who after the lamps were out and the stori ness of the of the today would not difficulty Syracuse, joy Republicans and turned out about 100 with bread, also a Purity Kiss team. died on November 18U2. an strong, dags be advisable for leading men of the place to become sure Si, leaving closed, up went the window and a dart Sound Democrats in her to travel before the Money this town and transparencies. and Portland Stove Foundry s estuto estimated at $5,000,000 Hli rela- Capt. Crosby Company, middle of the tics. Yesterday quite a of bonds form entered. Blake and Greenwood thei week. Among the letters party tives thought he had died a bachelor, Saturday night. They expressed it in Lieutenants Williams and Prince led great transparency of the telling victory of congratulation were the men was and a dozen or more aud were entered by the door and the then un more a mile of following: organized, surprised when Eula H. than procession in hun- these men, who represented the following and the excellence of their goods. citizens went to all interested Potulika appeared as his widow and with known burglar, now at the Joseph H. Walker,member of Wiscasset, working monej dreds of marching men, in firms: I. S. Bean & a Congress, her the child transparencies Shaw-Goding Co., A. H. Berry Co., team. in Dorothea, who, she declared made a rush for the Mass: “No man in the securing Mr. Soule’s release. Anion; drawer, window, Mil so numerous that they would if to- Woroester, was lue daughter. It was shown that the put Co., Farnsworth, H. P. Cox, Cartland, I Portland Rubber Co,, team with sound them were: W. a shot from Greenwood’s revolve] country any more heartily George Caldwell, chair child had been born near Hastings, gether make a volume of political philo- and the Burnell-Higgins Co. money transparencies, congratu- man a lates, first the and of the hoard of selectmen; England, September 26. 1887, and that brought him to standstill. In his pock in uniforms ns various oountry, secondly Georgt sophy, as the The Lakeside Press had 30 men in line Shaw, Goding & Co., had a team car- Crouse and the mother had been abroad ets Farmer had several of the yourself, (or better say Mrs. Bliss,ex-collector ol the port; John Tylei cheapest colors of the rainbow, in floats and vari- under IS. Crafts. McKinley), together for a time. Manager They wore rying employes. long dime novels a upon vonr Gay, a leading grocer; Geo. W. Welt, ex and paok of cards. Befori ous other wheeled triumphant election than While actions were pending to assert strange oontrlvanoes, grid hats, whioli shone brilliantly in the The team of the Berlin Mills Co., was representative to the Wm. A. Judge Chandler this morning he gavi in that made the myself.” legislature; fireworks line of the light. drawn by a handsome pair of massive u oor- Governor Charles Warren Richards, a well-known hardware mer compromise was reached by whioh 1 as and Lippltt of pnrade light day, finally in noises Another large and brilliant display grays. taln large sums were given to the daugh- term of tbe Rhode Island: “There is one chant; John B. White, V. H.Benner anc: Supreme court. univenutk ter ami her mother. The mother assigned H. K. Mansfield, the Munjuy hill liv- W. H. Lovensnler. Those expression or gratitude in the Almighty gentlemer her cairn to a lawyer. She says that ryraan, was represented; also S. H. & Gold In at St. I.ouls. for the result of the election lest Tues- represent pobably $150,000. They he #400.000 was paid on her claim in settle- Plenty A. R. Uoten. and that she received She day. one is lieva In Soule’s innocence and most oi ment, $125,000. St. November Every lucking forward to a Louis, Mo., 7,—Sinoi balsam had 37 f J invested of this sum and is draw- Murphy’* youths in line of them are $75,000 Wednesday morning more than $500,001 long period prosperity during your actively working in his behalf. tho The share of in Dasebali ing income. the in gold has been deposited in the banki uniforms, led by Capt. Mc- administration. The accused Is for a in the is said to preparing very daughter compromise and trust companies of St. Louis, anc Guire. John D. Frindable, Chief Marshal, defence. have been more than a million dollars. this is tbe Jeseph Jefferson, Pittsfield, Mass.: “I vigorous Ex-Attorney General only beginning of tbe reap The ladies of Wilmont street anil house The New Yorii and Trust com- rode in a lights nearly every displayed Li: tiefield of Rockland and Security pearauce of tho yellow metal. A congratulate you upon you splendid Hlran golt decorated an or pany was mode of the was a barge. American Hag either smell large. general guardian coin rarity last week, but viotory. Am a trifle but none the Hliss, of have been se toilaj late, Jr., Washington, girl, and as such it has already received can be bad for tbe ■ The Fleischman Yeast a Dr. at the corner of Walker gold asking. Co.,had hand- Swnsey less sincere. Here is to cured as bis and case rf her share of the estoto you health and counsel, tho wil $770,053.72. The sub-treasury received $50,000 ir some turnout. and Congress streets made the next display probably come on next week at H'isoas There is accumulated income of $17,343.73 gold yesterday through the nature your family, may they all live long and and It is that tho inoonio from The cavalcade from South of importance, having a mass of oat. expected cuannels, and Assistant Treasurer G. II Portland, prosper. the be about BO $770,052.72 will $23,333 for the Small believes that in n few days he wil horses, under coinmaud of Japanese lanterns hung from the exterior Moore, the victim, a shoe oi aside from what further operative coming year, be overwhelmed with oilers of tbe yellow Charles Fuller, attracted much attention of the bouse on all sides. Over 80,000 In New loose morals and sums be received for the from Jersey!"™^™" dissipated habits, wa> may girl metal. the line. The Mr. tho estate. along oavaloade represent- George C. Owen,335 Spring street, found dead in Septamber, 1831, undei Newark,November 7.—The offloial can- The mother of the girl testified before ed tho redemption of South Portland had a fine display and his little daughter a back window of the hotel Son of Louis Kossuth Badly Hurt in a vas of the vote on Presidential electors Exchange the referee that on the death of Crouse from Democratic domination, that town stood at the window as the Goddess of Duel. in the state of New was in tuis town. Soule, who has been a she had a private estate of about Jersey made to- $35,000 having won substantial tiatorles both and held in her band a whioh she has for mainte- Liberty light resident of the a expended tho day. The plurality for is life-long village, was London.November 7.—A disputed to the in and November. fao simile dollar. McKinley 87,- nance and education of her daughter September gold 10'. quasi olerk at the hotel but lived with Central Nowb from that She was able to prove the expenditure of Bufapestb says As a whole the parade was a great H. H. Thomas and Horatio Clark, 84 bis wife in another part of the for the referee she Francis Kossuth, son of the lata Louis village, $32,450, which, finds, suocess. At the end of tho route it Free street, burned colored lights and ami always at home. James W. should be reimbursed. The mother has the slept Kossuth, Hungarian patriot, and marched Miss Clara Clark was seated the PORTLAND POST OFFICE beeu in boarding houses here aud up Exchange street,cheering the in and Isaao living Gabriel a .McCarthy Rogers, shoe-shop Ugrou, leading politician, and Press as it as a abroad with her daughter, spending part passed. widow Goddess of Liberty. employes, boarded at the hotel. formerly lender of the They of the time at the Swiss and Italian opposition, fought Mr. Georgs Libby* president of the liked and in more lakes. a duel near this l.quor indulged or city today. The weap- Lincoln and E. H. of OFFICE HOURS. It was THE LINE OF MARCH. olubj Nickerson, ls.s hilarious shown that the daughter can ons used were orgies. sabres. Kossuth reoeived Carlton had their houses well speak fluently English, French and Ger- street, Cashier's 7.80 a On the a serious Office, (Sunday* excepted), evening preceding the tragedy wound in the ohest. The dis- and m. to 7.00 mon, and knows a little Italian. She has Some of the Decorations—Incidents of li,.uted exhibited pictures of McKin- p. in.; Money order department, 9 a f-'oulo was the m. to 6.00 running the hotel, and Land- had lessons in music, drawing, danoing patch also says that a reconciliation was and p. m. Kejjistry department, a.00 Parade. ley Reed. a. m. to 6.00 p. m, lord Brackett bad retired Moore and gymnastics. She has horses and affected between tho combatants before early. Engine 4 had a large flag over General carriages, two a a draped Delivery, (Sundays excepted) 7.30 1- afed there a aud was coachmen, maid, left the field. Another а. good deal, there tbey dispatob says b rum the the the and m. to 7.00 p. m. 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. • governess, a laundress, and a cook. The starting point residences door, Mr. Geo. F. French, 194 Sunday that evening, at the bar. tiiut Kossuth received a severe Carriers' drinking Rog nicther said that to maintain an! educate out on the and many places of business were hand street, a handsome D'Mveries, (Sundays excepted)—In Spring displayed business section of the between crs and McCarthy were about the house the girl according to her station in life right arm. city High and In- somely deoorated and most residences picture of McKinley. dia streets at 7.00 and 9.15 a. m. 1.00. 1.45 intoxicated. would require an allowance from her in- and Early in the evening there were illuminated either The 6.15 p. m.; in other sections at 8.00 come of from to a by oann*a Pght Portland club building was was $8,000 $10,000 year. draped 1,90 p* Sunday at trouble. Moore informed Soule that The State Marksmen’s Record. or handsome delivery The referee says that $7500 as an allow- displays of colored lights. with flags and bunting and displayed a Office window, 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. Collections McCarthy had collected his that to from street boxes at a. pay day ance the mother for the support of the Norway, Me., November 7.—Norway On Congress, Mr. Hobelro picture of the president-elect. 11.00 m.. 4.00 displayed and $.00 p. m. From Atlantic to Grove aud was planning on out with- child is not excessive in view cf the In- Moses on skipping Light Infantry, P. I THE and lanterns about his nuw uiwuu iuic of Stiles, captain, PRESS ROOSTER. flags restaurant, uinpin/o note Congress, 6. a. m. Sunday, 6.00 p. m. only. out his board come tho girl and tho manner of life paying bill. Soule called colebrated the of tbe record of D. W. Haseltine & Dr. A. V. in which the mother is her breaking Co., the druggists, Thompson and B. A. Norton, arrival and departure op bringing up. _ mails. McCarthy into Brachott’s room and in tbe state militia this afternoon by a field oorner Myrtle street, their win- Congress street; Sewell T. I. Jor- A Queer Cabinet Made In West draped Lang, Boston, Southern and Western, intermediate the dispute that followed Soule Virginia from the airs of the band was made when the slapped day and rifle practice, and this evening ranging gey employesof Cook, dows in red, white and blue and exhib- dan, F. Woodman, L. D. Austin, E. M. offices and connections via Boston & Maine the a railroad (Eastern division). Arrive at alleged delinquent. MoCarlhy, Wheeling W. Ya. November 7.—The. by a supper and souiable. This season to the unearthly din of cowbells, horns, Everett & Pennrll marched by, each man ited pictures of and Hobart. Dr.H.S. 12.30. MoKinley Steadman, Burrage, E.A.Hnnt, б, and 11.00 p. m.; close 8 a. m., 12 m., 6.00 little later, overhauled Moore In tiib bar- watchmen's Beelzebub a mortar and on his following concerning McKinley’s cabinet, every member, fifty -four in all, has trumpet!, rattles, wearing gold pestle Others on Congress whose houses 01 F. Stone, H.B. Pennell, Thomas street; and 9.00 p. m.; Sunday, arrive 1.00 p. m.: room, and slapped tfitu for to from a source close to and otber devices which satan hat front and close 3.30 and 9.00 p. m. tattling coming Major Mc- qualified as a marksman, none being lower fiddles, many carrying Sags. A stores were gay with lights and lanterns Thomas O’Nell, corner Centre and Free Southern and Sonic. aDd tho national will than cherished the of bis banner bore the Srm’s name. Boston, Western, and Inter- Kinley committee, tbe second olass. The best previ- among playthings large were A. A. Lane, T. J. J. A. streets; City Treasurer mediate offices and Both Briggs, Libby,A.P.How- connections, via Boston and McCarthy and Rogers claim be in the seo Maine they printed News, (Independent): ous state record was by Co. G, Bangor, childhood. “Night gown speeches don’t go, I” Pine, Mrs. E. A. Coffin, A. Shepherd, ard,James Bain, D.F.Nash, Councilman railroad (Western division)—Arrive at went to bed after 9 12.30, 6.30 and 8.30 p. m.; close 6 and 8.00 shortly o’clock, aud, “In this state tile South is given recog- of whiob none was tbe transparencies in this Everett forty-one qualified, low- All Portland and the oountry about portion Thompson, W. U. John L. Corey,Engine 4, а. m.. and 2.30 p. m. to tho Lambert, Qeo.F.Frenoh, owing liquor they had taken, re- nition by the award of two er than second class. of tbe line. places knew that there wan going to be a great Captain G. A. Dow, Dr. J. T. Palmer, Spring street; D. W. Clark, State street. Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive mained unconscious of that while sound The Burrowes Screen 2 ami 4 a. m. and 1.00 6.00 m.; anything £he money Demo- time. As early as 6.80 people in the city Company had a E. A. Whitney, Mrs. Thomas At tne resldenoe of the Hon. Thomas p. close 12.00 Sawyor, m. and 9.00 p. m. May bare taken place that crats are one. cf men in night. given It is stated Price of Wool Goes Up. were and from large body line, and bore two M. Tolford, Rev. J. B. B. the was abroad, many neighbor- George Shepherd, Reed, procession halted, and Augusta, Intermediate offices and connections Souls asset ts that he went home at 10 that Cornelius N. Bliss of New York will tasteful one Boston, November 7.—There 'was sold ing cities were on tbelr way hither. transparencies, represent James Cunningham, James F. Chief Marshall J. D. Prindable, on be- via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 2.00 and aud Lawrence, б. 00 a. m. 1.00 and o’clock, his wile says he got there not be the of the as on a and tbe 6.00 p.m.; close at 6.00 secretary treasury, today in a lot of sooured wool at ing gold bugs screen, other: A. T. I. half of the Portland and а. Boston, The vioinity of Pearl, Market, Myrtle, Chase, Johnston, Wadsworth oompanies, m.. 12.30 p. m., 4.16 and 9.00 p. m. r.t 10.15. He says Moore left the barroom has bean announced. Mr. “We sorBen Bliss, on the se 7.00 a. inquest through scrambling Club, who were the prime The third m., p. m.; m„ the honor of division, commanded by wire reaching across the street. His W. E. C. E. Wood A. and 6.00 p. m. Furthermore he now says the man he being Republican United Ambitious mover! In the had Ulmer, side, 8. Boy. celebration, the right Mr. G. Fred and States senator from Murch, headed by the neighbors also did well. those Stone and Horatio Clark were in the Pleasanldale and Cash Corner—Arrive 7.30 saw in the office was Soule. this state. The Re- the a_I 1.. J 1 Among “I heard you gave readln ot line in second division. a. m. and 4.30 p. nr.; close 7.80 a. m. and 1.00 your last They uu"»| TT»B UUU Ul iUO who decorated were E. H. but all Sides was at a restaurant near the ho- publican party originally had 68 mem said the turned out of Sargent, B. hack, eBcaped unharmed. p. m. night,” little hoy. “I wisht I upwards 200 men carrying most attractive in the hers in the parade. It consist- A. Heseltine, A. T.Laugblin, John At Congress square the of one of Pleasantdale at tel a few minutes before he saw the man legislature hut five were lost oculd read like you. and made Wes- top [additional)—Arrive 11.16 banners, transparencies. Thsy ed of six a. close at 6.00 m. death and “I am to oampaign oompanies,three from cott, ami Adam JLamont. the bargee caught fire from m., p. enter the office. Beth he and Heslaurant by resignation. This loss delighted hear you say so,” a very appearance. Mr. falling dazzling C. L. Biddeford and three from Saco. was more than replied the eminent elocutionist. They Then tho parade passed the sparks, but the fire was Keeper Hurd testified at the inquest made up by the gain of Tewksbury commanded them. brilliantly quickly exting- 1 wisht Among wers excellently uni- and uished without much to the that heard seven members last This “Yes, sir, that when I came to drilled, prettily lighted gaily adorned houses of damage they somebody moving in Tuesday. the their transparencies were these and hard words I could chew ’em legends: formed marched with James M. and barge. Bowery Beach—Arrive at 5.30 m.: cioso at the rear of makes the have 70 votes on just up pleasing Floyd William 97 p. the hotel. Now Sides will party joint this Reed Staples, 2.00 m. like you do, ’stead of havin to “MoKlniey time; next;” There were three or p. ballot and enables them to pronounce precision. four hun- aud 99 Congress streets, tho Misses Celebrates. testify, so it is claimed, that the sound elect a Unit- “Does the feel Elli- Norrldgewock Cape Elizabeth and at ’em.”—Cincinnati Enordrar. Argus roaliy very badly dred men in line In these Knightville—Arrive ed States senator oompanies. ott, 101 Congress street, H. E. 7.30 a. m. and 5.30 close at 6.t 0a. m. he heard was more like chocking, and by one vote if they about tha defeat of free silver?” Mansfield, South Noriidgewock, November 8.— p. m.; The fourth division, Joseph P.Westoott, corner of Lafayette and and 2.00 p. m. ho also adds that he heard Soule’s roioe solidly support the Republican nomi- the Lincoln club Congress streets' The Republicans bad a celebration Following came many and led big Duck Pond, Pride's Corner, Windham, No. nee. Jr., commanding, by the Maine Joseph N. 27 in that direction. Gov. Bradley and Dr. Hunter The first Dirwanger, Lafayetto last night in honor of elec- Windham, Raymond and South Casco—Arrive How toward Off barouobes. carried Governor Fife and MuKinley’s an Attack of Cronp. State Drum Corps, had first Beuben and at L0.30 a. m.; close at 2.00 in. But the defence, it is nre the leading aspirants in the race. street, Noyes L. H. Mc- tion. residences and business p. said, will intro- In of Cleaves,Mayor Baxter of line 60 Many There speaking this much dreaded dis- Portland,Mayor in High School boys under Major Kenney, 79 and 81 Quebec ISLAND MAILS. duce as a witness ax-Collector who is, howevor, considerable talk Mr. Mitchell of and street, Capt. places were deoorated with flags and Bliss, ease, C. M. Dixon, of Pleasant Deering President Norton. beat Peak's Island—Arrive at 10.00 a. m. and among Ridge, “McKinley Brian; we G. W. Bunker, W. F. will testify that he met Sides near the prominent Republicans and gold Pa., said: “I have a little George Libby of the Linooln Club. Leighton, V. B. brilliantly illuminated. There was a close 1.30 p. m. girl who is beat Bangor; nit,” was one of their P. standard Democrats of Fuller, H. Huston and Charles of and Island—Arrive hotel that evening, and that the hour electing Secre- troubled frequently during the winter The eeoond barouche carried the three f! display fireworks, firing of oanun and Long Chcbeaque at 9.00 months with transparencies. Another, addressed North street. a. m.; close at 1.30 p. m. was barely 9.39. tary of the Treasury John G. Carlisle to croupy affections. Whsn- Messrs. James Dam, a band ooncert by Hobbs’s miltiary band. vioe-presldents, Cunning- David B. as: “I Cousin's Island—Arrive at a. the Senate in ever the first Hill, wuz er Democrat, H. A. Hallett and Frank 9.30 m.: close recognition of the firm symptoms occur, my wife Robert W. Bmlth dis- 2.30 m. her ham, Jaokson and Clark H. am I at?” The effect of An p. gives Chamberlain’s where A third represented a and Explosion of Niiro-Gly- The French bas stand on the financial question him Cough Remedy tbe played flags lanterns, a pioture of Eastport via Steamer— Arrive government communi- by and the result is Barker, and ohairman of the execu- dollar with cerlne on the Ohio River. 6.00 a. m. always prompt and sat silver this inscription on it: and a Tues. and close 4.15 cated to the government at Madrid a list and the gold standard Democrats. MoKinley trasparenoy Ffi.; p. m., Mondays ana isfactory.” This is used tive oommlttee, Mr. Wm. H. Soule. reading _ n XT __I_rt a_ of claims made by French citizens for remedy by thou- “In McKinley we trust; with Bryan we "Argus show Thurdays. sands of mothers third poultry 1896,” “Silver luSnes incurred the throughout the United In tbe barouche were Messrs. Such of lal telegram from says a through rebellion in Mr. bust.” the ward companies as dollar Bryan so soon done Industry, Pa., Cuba. The Bryan's Message to Friends in the States, also in many foreign countries Horatio C. E. what was he terrlflo explosion of nitre Spanish government has or- Clark, Woodslde. S. A. tnrned nut followed in this glycorine and with division. begun for.” occurred on the Ohio dered an inquiry into the claims. The Enemy’s Country. always perfect success. It is Stone and W. K. Ulmer. river,near Smith's to it The fifth and last division headed Alderman last A man from Pitts- relations between Spain and France are only necessary give freely when the by Illsley displayed lanterns and Ferry, evening. child In the fourth, C. E. a good. Liucoln, Net., November 7.—Mr. Bry- becomes hoarse, or as soon as the Waterhouse, H. Merriman’s hand, and commanded by burned red lights. burg, with skiff loaded with the ex- M. landed at an today gave out the croupy cough appears, and all B.Crosby, P.E.Shirley, E.Prindable. h. was plosive, Georgetown Island. MAINE INVESTMENTS Dr. T. J. Charlton of Plainfield, following telegram symptoms A. Hauscome, one of the livliest The first declaration or Jnd., of will For the Carroll W. Illumination of The glycerine was exploded in some un- recently returned from a visit to Gen. nddressed to the bimetallists of the east- croup disappear. sale at 25 In fifth, Morrill, J. o. and most interesting of the whole. In Importance on known manner. No trace of man or skiff Being appreciated outside ot Milos, is authority for the and 50 cents per bottle at H. P. S. Isaiah Cumberland street after statement ern states: “In the hour of defeat I send Goold’s Smith, Daniels, Benj. Gribben. division rode in be The Bteamer Fred this state the great red leaving; the hill was at can found. H. K. Bed- that Col. Grant of New York is to drug store, 577 Congress St., under Con- the Levi 134. The large you greetings. Nu words of can In sixth, Pennell, Thomas rooster of ford was near the scene of the explosion NEW bo Secretary of War in McKinley’s cabi- praise gress Square Hotel, and Landers & and gold the Portland Dally house occupied by Messrs. ENGLAND. by Geo. Allan, F. N. W. T. Pierce and was nearly wrecked. Every pane of net. sufficiently oommend you. When it is Babbidge, 17 Monument Bowen, Mayberry. Press, the proud bird whose L. Square. triumph- Timberlake, Mr. glass was broken and furniture and loose THE MUTUAL LIFE O. Durkin of Martin remembered that the Eastern States In the seventh, Charles P. has Fraser, 'Thomas INSURANCE CO. & Durkiu, and During several years’ residence in Waldron, ant appearance carried joy to thou- Warren artioles were overturned. The passen- the Frothlngham, King and Thomas £ New York, brick died at gold to both far I F. Crossman, Wm. W. were stricken makers, Saturday, Saco, delegates conventions and west, had many opportunities for Benj Kemp j sands of Republican hearts on morn- Pennell was gers panic and a number t /on 71. Ho was at one time marshal handsomely festooned with thrown to the having recently Increased its investment m city that nearly all the eastern were observing the wonderful effects of Frank Bond. of of them floor, but no one cf and for papers Cham- ings victory.The rooster rode in and and BANGOR & AROOsTOOK R. R. CO. First Saco, many years he was berlain’s state, flags bunting red lights were was seriously injured. Capt. Green'e against bimetallism, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea A great transparency, driven decorated and mortgage 6 per cent Gold Bonds until it now deputy : lioriff. your figbt appears by C. S on a float, drawn by the burned almost in which he was Remedy. Its was continuously. stateroom, sleeping, was holds more tnau $;>00,00o. This indicates that remarkably creditable. You have efficacy demonstrated Fairfield, and furnished by the team in shown in the alkali where Lincoln hnndBomest town, the six grays Win. Stevenson, 137 splintered, nnd the bulk heads of the the large moneyed institutions are turning their regions, the water bore on iis side had attention to the yourselves heroes and events will vindi- Club, huge of the Portland Railroad Cumberland, boat were damaged by tbe shook. The ast for Investmems as this is produces violent It lik«ne8seB Company. He lanterns about the house the first New life purging. allayed the and in for miles around shook as if York Insurance Company cate the attack of McKinley, Reed, Hobart and at a lights earth an position you take. Continue the when all other remedies failed I Linooln whs known glance along the whole tho J. B. to invest in Maine Securities. four-horse windows, Donnell corner earthquake had ocourrred. W. saw the A great barge and as an old Boyd FOR SAl.E J. BRYAN.” repeatedly greatest distress from carried about route greeted and valued street had a mass of BY diarrhoea cured in a few 85 members of the bunting over the minutes. I used Portlaud Club. For a CASTOR! A the Thev acquaintance. hood of the door, a picture Buckner Foreign Mission. remedy myself with the most had on their of MoKinley HUTSON B. SAUNDERS. Dr. De Beers’ sanitonum at South satis- best! clothes, bad the The Portland had a aud can barge Express barouohs and a placard reading Frankfort, Ky.,November 7.—It la stat- Hingbam Mass., was factory results, recommend it for decorated with and “Sound money Investment Securities, For Infants and badly damaged the for bunting were pro- drawn by four fine horses. Children. Sunday by fire. Dr. and Mrs. De complaints which it is Indicated. Messrs. and good government." ed on the authority of Republican lead- Beers vided well with tin horns. SI Exchange Street Portland. SI* were in the H. Y. editor of The efieot Norton, Langfalin and “Gideon” rode V3 sleeping Duildiog. The in- Gilinoham, the Republi- Jndge Bobinson’s house was ers In this state that Gen. Simon Bolivar Th&STtf terior of the can Pa. This was decidedly patriotic. Mr. the team. brilliantly Ju6_ building was damaged I’hoenixville, remedy is Fred II in lighted and the windows Buokner, the gold standard Democratic Loss on fo> ’e at ohairman of the with $10,000. building and furniture H. P. S. Goold’s store King, club house Then came a line of draped drug com- long decorated flags and pictures of nominee for will be *1^,000; insured 816,000. Ferris Tress St., under was lu of tbe the Presidential Vloe-President, Morgan 5". Congress Square mittee, charge party. teams, as follows: AGENTS WANTED fell from a wall and is ® id candidates elect. Zenas commended to President-elect Everywhere for our supposed to haV o by Landers & these Thompson’s car- strongly nificent line of Mag- '.eoeived internal § Babbidge, 17 Following carriages came Two double teams Holiday Giit Books. Somethin'* injurits. ~ at the deoorated, represeu- riage factory at the for one of the new. sadeg J £ Square. great business oorner of Elm street McKinley foreign missions, wonderful. For full particulars and »>• organizations. fto Flrgt ing Millikec, Coueens & tthort. was to address, PEOPRE’S, Market a finely lighted up from the interior probably Italy. 'J™18 Street, Philad etphia, Pa. oot20dlaw3w8 field. Connors foiled at goal and the LOSING FIGHT. CRISS-CROSS- KENTUCKY SETTLED. SENATE ON MONEY QUESTION. MiscEixAiramjs. misceilahhous. score stood 10 to 0. PORTLAND DREW BLANK. to Good Ad- On the klok off McCann caught the DeeriDg Boys Played It to the Vice President Hobart May Have the De- ball on Bangor’s 15 it Eleven Beaten Jfc^id line, passed Harvard’s Crippled Team Made a vantage—Cony The Blue Grass State Is in the to Snow who ruado 10 yards. Hunt aud ciding Vote. Tune of 10 to 4. Snow oarried the ball to the center of the Gallaut * Struggle, Republican List. field around the ends. ten Bangor got {SPECIAL TO TEE PBESSj New an- mere for off side York, November 7. —The Foot Ballists Won play and the half ended memteri Bangor Easy with the ball the Princeton Pleven Too November 7.—The Ihe nouncement from friends on Portland’s 40 vard But Was Augusta, First Time There in a Presidential , by line. of the football team of Powerful—The Game Resulted Twelve fleering High sobool Senator Mitchell of that he the Year—McKinley Has Twolvo of the Victory. SECOND HALF. were the fellows in will in the to Nothing:. happiest young support gold measures Senate, The Portland crowd felt bluer than the whole Thirteen Electors. town tonight. With comparative makes a tie of the gold and silver forces colors they wore at the of the ease the from beginning Boston, November 7.—Princeton de- knights of the gridiron November 7.-MoKIn- in that tody, and puts upon Vioe Presi- seooud Louisville, Ky., half. On the kick off'Snow caught feated Harvard tnis Deering defeated the Cony High dent TO NOTHING IN afternoon by a score High ley certainly got 13 of Kentucky’s IS Hobart the responsibility of onstlng SCORE EIGHTEEN the pall on the 20 line and made ten at this the vote. of ie yard of 12 to 0. The story of the game is a aggregation the driving park, Electoral votes.The official count the deciding This, oourse, by the that no other yatds gain with it before he was downed. of a the 10 to 4. upon assumption SATURDAY'S GAME. story weak, crippled eloven lighting afternoon, by score of oounty boards was Mass The canvassing ..completed ohanges are made. Putting him among plays by Bangor carried the ball to but in Cony boys were very confident, this desperately, vain, against oppo- win the afternoon, but tbe returns are slaw the gold men, the Senate in the next the center of the they thinking that they would field where Portland nents who were in in as at will be good condition, Tbe contest in a walk. The Augusta lads coming in and at this hour, 9 p. m. it Congress, present indioted, held Bangor for downs and the ball. weeks is divided among the parties as follows: got day was peridot and the Held in tine con- hud played Portland to a tie a few impossible to the total vote with Demonstrates get Cold Democrats Engine Dog Borer Again Kelley aud the other baoks made ineffec- dition. There ago and received such swollen heads at Republicans, 37; gold was little or no wind. The any degree of accuraoy. The offioial silver silver As a Mascot— tual to the their virtually a from the 8; Democrats, 36; Republi- His Entire Incapacity attempts gain and Bangor got attendance was about Two 35 winning game count in 9. Should Messrs. 20,000. Foiess City men that have not been this, Jefferson oounty, has cans, 10; Populists, are reasons for NONE SUCH Mince Tried It and Failed ball on downs. tried to buck the they of Montana, and of good using Meat, Another Dog Also Bangor minute halves were played and as a great practicing very muoh of late. Deering not been announced, but McKinley Carter, Sboup Idaho, fj center but made no and Portland who supported McKinley in the cam- The best reason is its of hard —It Doesn’t Seem To Be Dogs We Want gain deal of time was taken out on aooount ot out-played their opponents at every gained about 13u votes on bis plurality saving—of time, work, of of paign,ally themselves with the dominant ip got the ball for off side Another point, hut Cony made a gallant finish. 13,311. The last edition o£ tbe Kve- But play. injuries to players, the game, which be- aotiou of the the vote in the money. A ten cent affords you two with- Flayers. Cony won the and chose the east mng Timos sits MoKiuley’s in party, gold package large pies, tA fumble by Portland gave the ball gan shortly alter 2 was not toss, plurality 4 Bangor o’ciook, buck- the state is Senate after March next would be 47, TO THE duished until 5 goal, Deering taking the ball. By at 643. The Post's estimate out trouble to you beyond the of the crust. Makes LSPECIAI. PRESS.] Snow a nearly o’clock. .... and the silver vote 43. The making again. made 40 yard run around the line ball ta over 1U0 most composition J§| In tne iirst ing Doeriug took the more. The official count in the end being blocked off half, neither side scored. of the House of Representatives in the fruit cake and fruit as Bangor, November 7.—As n mascot for by Bangor’s Cony’s 46 yard line. The visitors worked every oounty heard from Bhows that just as good pudding it does mince is men in excellent and scored a Princeton directed her mass plays 55th Oongross remains substantially the school football team shape, the criss-cross and Chapman rushed the Katt, the first Republioau, aucl Smyth, the Portland High touchdown. Connors failed to klok a against Harvard's substitute tackles and same as at brst sent out the United Sold Be sure and the ball between tackle and end. scoring n lead their tiokel by by pie. everywhere. get genuine. M the Chemical engine bull dog, is goal. B. H. 0. tney bell tbeir opponents nobly, (several Uemooratlc, electors, Associated the division Rover, Score, S., 14; Portland, from B. Jordan from 60 to 1000 votes and this insure* Presses, political name and we times Princeton bad to the touchdown, whioh Send your addreBB, and mention this paper, and will mail vou free a book— B a well and On the next klok off to 20 relinquish according to the latest returns as only a dream. As behaved Bangor’s kicked an easy goal, Rrjan one elector. At 6 o’cluok a bulle- being “Mrs. Popkins’Thanksgiving”—by one of the most famous humorous authors of the a ball on downs and it was then immedi- follows: sound day. yard line Hunt made tho catch and scored in half tin Republicans, 313; money gentlemanly canine Rover hasn’t his kioked out uf The nearest Deering the second by iisueu from Republioau headquarters ten yards adrance. Connors made a five ately danger. end the Democrats, 3; Democrats, 130; silver IV? ERR ELL-SOU LE CO., SYRACUSE, N. Y. as a long runs, their rushing says in parti “Kentucky has gone equal iu Maine but hoodoo he seems gain the the bnll Princeton came to scoriug in tills half players Republicans, and yards through center, ball to within a few feet of Cony’s line RepublicanJIor the first time in its histo- Populists fusioniats, to outrank ou four iu New then to Portland tor off side was when she got down to Harvard’s 357. anything legs going play. when the latter a braoe so in a Returns from 33; total, ^ eleven made ry Presidential year. The was tried with loss and seven yard line and was there held by a Kngiaud. Rover isn’t to blame for triple puss much of a one that Deering just squeezed 111 oounties and reliable unofficial then Cookson high and Poster gallant rally on Harvard’s part. Har- SENATOR MORGAN TALKS. what In truth punted aver the line. counts from the other eight counties happened today though. the ball in the center of the field. vard's policy in the best ball seemed to got The Augusta men made their touch- gives McKinley 450 plurality. At 0 he seemed totally unconscious of the un- But Portland lost the ball again be a defensive one purely. Only three or quiokly down just as time was called, Butter- o’olook ou tbe morning after eleotlon we Preaches Anew the Doctrine of Free work of and ate bis on another fumble. Snow made another four rushes were attempted and they fortunate today sup- Held orossing the line for a touohdown realized that the result would be very run around left end lor 2n were generally suooessful in gaining Coinage. with evident relish and at phenomenal ay the steady the center ot the close and wired county chairman per appetite unable to touoh Brown wns oalled on bucking every yards, our men being ground. repeatedly Uony lads. who could be reached to rush the Bangor house but the sad impeach- diet force him out side. to kiok on the brst down and Princeton complete him, though they The features of the contest were the uuoffinlal returns andtoolosely watch the Washington, November 7.—In an in- ment as a hoodoo is made against him Bangor took the ball down the field like would then be forced to plough her way playing of Chapman, B. Jordan, Marob, official count. Ou the strength of an- rnpvipnr with rflnr.rtpr nf f,h« TTnltail a streak aad when within 20 yards of the baok again until held or forced to kiok. and Rover must livedt down or remain Barrows and Scribner. swers to the messages 1 issued a bulletin of Portland Connors opened a hole On this style of defensive play, Prince- Associated Presses today Senator Morgan stain on his character. goal The teams lined up as follows: neunesuay evening wmcu was punnsnea forever with this Portland’s llue which ton's goal was nover threatened except through through DEERING in all tile Louisville of Alabama said: “MoKinley carried And with the defeated football of fourth touchdown. when Brown a from HIGH.CONY HIGH. papers sayiug among players Snow went for the once, attempted goal other the held and that things: Tne Democrats will go , Indiana, West Virginia, Ken- the Portland who were This was the only touohdownjBangor was from tbe 30 j ard line Uhrlstlansou, J. e. r. e., Unwins High sohool, to the eleventh district with 13,300 in of not entitled to by fair play. Snow when was a lamentable failure. Woodbury, 1. c. r. t., Owen tucky, and Maryland with the help downed by the Bangor High school today their favor. Returns from one half of tackled while going through the line At the end ot tne brst half, the Harvard rraeey, 1. g. r. g. Barrows tbe solid negro vote and the Indianapolis score of 16 to Rover means to the counties of the 11th district O^1 by,a u, “down” but men were at tbe showing of lackobs, o. Curtis already bolters. These oannot be combined to if yelled immediately got up jubilant o., in assure considerable over out the disgrace and regain pos- 14,am Re- as to elect wipe and made a 20 run. failed their team and they hoped that a change Murch, r. g. 1. Clarke sustain his policy they were fiiitla htAfnrn tha apH«nn in nnriiui flOIllfl of yards Bangor g., The official oount VI IU UllbUBii publican plurality. him. there is no of at goal again. Score, 18 to 0. VUUU1UJ 11UIII UUOUOKO Jhapman, r. t. 1. t., Sawyer In,Congress, point the laurels plucked from him at Thorn- bas resulted in occasional changes from and Poinauo now pmyeu uesperateiy ana might perhaps win a score. The game Ripley, r. e. 1. 6., May union bocween them. Force bills ton Academy and Bangor. Neither Rover our unofficial figures but they have about hard but from the kick off Bangor was reully decided about Are minutes Johnson (S. Jordan) q. b. bounty fed augar will not coalesce and or the P. H. S. are one whit dis- balanced each other and my figures of boys the ball down the ffeld and when after the opening ol the seoond hair. b.. Parsons tbe northern people even will feel there couraged by the result of today’s game. pushed q. Wednesday are practically confirmed by tbe seoondihalf ended had tbe ball on Harvaid did indeed change her style of is too much ‘Solid South’ iu the Molid Defeat ior Portland against suoh inter- the official connt. At this writing our Portland’s five yard line. play, but seemed so fagged out by her Ilaroh, r. h. b. 1. h. b., Soribner negro vote. McKinley’s camp has the ference and aud swift baoks as most complete returns show that the heavy has the beet team she has bad efforts of the first half that she could not Randall (A. Jord f. b. f. b„ Griffith same hostile element in it that the Dem- met at was Inevitable. Bangor an) Democrats to tho district Honest Bangor, go eleventh, Goods. they In tbe Held for years, wnile Portland put her plays through. The ball was ocrats found in the minority in Congress Portland’s line was heavy enough, with Soore—Deering High, 10; Cony High 4. with 13,388 in their favor and are met seems to have as weak a team as she has going up aud down the field on inter- and they will continue to be a mugwump the of Ibe oeuter, to hold auy- Touchdowns—Chapman,B. Jordan, But- there with 14,378 Republican plurality, exception ever had. Good end playing on Portland changing punts when Princeton got it element that exists only to destroy what could send against it but jerfleld. Goal from touohdown—B. Jot- a new of 453 for MoKin- tuing Bangor and more would have made to- on Harvard’s 40 line. Brewer had giving plurality they oannot rule, ‘l'be American people HbI the end punting yard inn. Referee, Sanborn of Cony Snow and Hunt, sprinting High; ley. (Signed) are to the issue of bonds ’s score a little more satisfactory. just (Jabot for Harvard when ” opposed further runners,and Conners and Kunid, the line day replaced irnplre, Burnell, Bowdoin 1900. Time, “B. J. Roberts Chairman, All of tho Portland men were treated Prinoetou directed the play at his end. iwo 20 minute halves. aud increased burdens of taxation on tbe TELLS THE smashing backs, worked havoc with The Gains. STORY. fairly by the crowd and for an itresistable rush, the whole Prince- Republican industrial classes while the lords Portland's ends and tbe rest of tbe line very Bangor By Hebron, 16; Waterville 0. gold clean on both sides not a ton eleven seemed to go between Swain High, November 7.—Chairman Rob- are exempt from the burdens and are in- aud to their efforts is due the victory for good playing Canton, better football game has been seen this and Brewer and down the field for a [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] erts of bas wired Mc- trenched behind a temporary ruling of men s Baugor. Portland played a plucky game Kentucky Major uaa pants all year. touchdown. It was all done in a minute tbat the state is the Supreme Court. They are now or- but was not iu it from the kick off. The Waterville, Me., November 7.—Hebron Kinley securely Repub- MEN’S OVERCOATS. and seemed to the whole Har- , ganized, alert, aggressive and determined wool at hall was lu Portland’s Tbe line up: paralyze lefeated Waterville High sobool on the lican by 475. $1.25, territory nearly vard eleven. Baird easily kiokud the in their to the further issue $1.50, all the time. Portland Jolby campus this forenoon 16 to 0. He- A Count in Delaware. opposition High. Bangor High. Harvard then started in to re- of bonds. They are firm in their deter- $2.00, All or at least the younger goal. rron outplayed the High school tbrougb- $2.50, $3.00, Bangor, Hadlook, l.e., r.e., Crowley trieve herself hut oould not hold togeth- Wilmington, November 7.—-The oount mination that the existing law which Blue Chinchilla Over- element of the city, seemed to ce out to mt the game. In the first half the High AndersoD, l.t., Hunt er. Several short, brilliant were of the vote of the three counties lu the reads: 'Seotion 2510—Any owner of gold $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, when tne game was r.t., gains | ohool had the ball ouly once and that on Maplewood park JIarea, r.g., York made but for the most state shows that Bryan will have one bullion may deposit the same at any coats at $3.98, sold called. There were scores ami scores of l.g., part Princeton, ;he kiok off. By steady gains Hebron $6.00 and $7.00 a c., Cutter elated with of elector and McKinley two. mint to be formed into coin or bars for pair. with knots of red ribbon Gulliver, c., already hopes viotory, icored three touohdowns. In the second pretty girls Hussey, r.g., Smith tore the slow Interference aud forced John R. Rodney, who received the bis benefit,shall be amended by inserting elsewhere at $6.00. on their who lus- l.g.. up rail,Hebron fumbled badly and ouoe bad pinned breasts, .sheered vote of three Democratic the ‘or before bullion so Allen, r.t., l.t., Davis Brown to kick. Brown’s punting in the , on highest electors, words siivei’ at every Bangor play arid along the he ball the High sehools’ three yard tily Cookson, r.e., l.e.. Snow second halt weakened and defeats James H. Bbaw, the lowest Re- that the law will read ‘any owner of Black and Blue side lines there were hundreds of men perceptibly ine. The hall changed hands several Boys’ Devine, q., q., MoCann Baird gained yards for Princeton on each i puolioan elector, by 3,813 votes. gold or silver builllon may deposit the and hoys nearly all of whom sported the times and when time was called Hebron Blue and Black Beav- Kelley, r.b., r.h., Hal Hunt interchange. Harvard’s suuport soon This condition of affairs is the result same at any lime,’ etc. The friends of Overcoats, age 14 to 19 ted ribbon In some form or otner. Then tad the ball on the fourteen yard line. Wentworth, l.b., l.h., Knaide realized that the scoring ability of their of the two tickets used by the Republi- silver will restore that metal as it was in er there were carriages and tally-hos, Ailed Sullivan and Shannon did the best Overcoats at $6, from $6.00 to $18.00. Dillon, f.b, f. D., Conners team was gone. Three times Baird tried vork cans, which (had a difference in the the times of Washington, Jefferson and with the younger members of Bangor’s for Hebron. Whitman and Small for from the field, once frqm the printed name of eleotor Shaw. Borne of Jackson.” Children’s four hundred, all of whom seemed to Score—Bangor, 18; Portland,0. Touch- goals rlayed woll. For Waterville Lnvine worth 8.00. Reefeers, Hal Hone. centre of the field on a place kick and the tickets had the name “James G. find in Bangor’s success. On downs,—Snow, 2, Crowley, Hayed by far the best game, his tackling 3 gieat joy at two other times from nearer distances, Shaw," and others “James G. Shaw, HANNA GIVES A DINNER, age to 8 years at oac in were seated Goal from touohdown—Cotmers. Ref- reing the best seea here this season. Al- tally-bo, particular, no came near the Sr." who eree—Stanwcmd of Bowdoin. but at time very goal. ten or twenty young gentlemen op- Umpire en was in tbs and aid $2.50. of Bowdoin. Linesmen—Saw- The outcome of the game was definitely right game good Woman's Suffrage Wins In Entertained Men of Both Kersey and Melton erated a megaphone with great skill aud —Murphy Idaho.^ Newspaper nf Maine State and of settled about ten minutes before the ynrk. The following is the line up: guyed the players of both teams unmer- yer College Hussey Salt Lake, November 7.—The woman Parties. Portlaad. 25 and 20 minutes. close. Princeton, by her long prints, was W. H. S.HEBRON. Overcoats in Blue cifully. The gridiron was iu fair con- Halves, amendment in Idaho seems to Black, gradually forolog Harvard back to her suffrage Reefers made dition, was nicely roped off and guarded Hussey, 1. e. Whitman have secured a majority of votes oast on Boys* goal line wheu Haivard secured the ball New November 6.—Mark A. and Brown at by police and the crowd, for a Bangor Hray, 1. t. Abbott the The state board has held York, $8, $10, with ulster HOW IT HAPPENED, on her 10 yard line. Brown waa sent question. collar at was wonderfully well behaved i etc hoi, 1. Barret that a of all in Hanna gave a dinner in the Ho- crowd, baok to kick, but Harvard’s weakened g. majority participating tonight aud civil. Portland’s Weak Ends Lost Game to Ban- o. Keene the eleotion i« $12, $15, $18, $20, $22, $4.00 all wool. taokles could not bold and Church broke Warner, necessary to carry the tel Waldorf to the newspaper men of It was a little after two o’clock when Watkins, r. g. Atobley amendment. The oourt gor. through and blooked the ball. It rolled supreme proba- New York and Chicago who had been and $25, fine tailor Rover, the afore mentioned hoodoo or Allen, r. t. Kane will be asked to decide the matter. back of the line and Keither fell on it bly Children’s masoot, us you prefer, was led around.tho Webber, r. e. Oldham employed at the Republican headquar- made Suits from It Is mighty hard for Portland to lose for the second touchdown. Baird easily In Tennessee, Overcoats at field and through tbe Portland goal. Rollins, b. Newcombe ters. Be also each $28, made the goal. In the few minutes of q. presented reporters $1.79 to $30.00 a suit. Mr. Mart Sullivan of Portland had an- to Bangor graoetully or to aecept defeat Roderick, 1. h. b. Shannon Memphis, November 7.—The Democrats play that remained, Harvard played with a medal of the size and value of a $30 and $35. other dog also supposed to be a mascot, at foot ball from that James, r. h. b. Sullivan refuse to admit the and city philosophical- stubbornly but made no material gains. Republican gains $2 gold piece and of about the game whlcb be had attired with a plug hal, Lavine, f. b. Small still tbat Bryan has carried Tennes- ly. We are bard losers here in Portland, Dibblee replaced Brown at full back and say parity, in slight token, as lie expressed blanket, aud presented with a corn cob W. H. see by at least 15,000, and that eigut of when we lose to kicked very well beaides rushing strong- Snore—Hebron, 16; 8., 0. Um- it, for the national Republican ticket’s he would luck especially Bangor. the ten are pipe hoping bring good pire, J. H. Bates, Bowdoin ’96; referee, congressmen Democratic. appreciation of the ability and conscien- Men’s Ulsters from FURNISHING GOODS. to the P. H. S. but the Nearly every in that city is In- ly- for boys, hope paper Time called with the ball 0. K. Brooks, Colby ’98; linesmen, R. Taylor, Dem., Goveruor, is believed tious manner in whioh they perform wasn’t even realized. brash wasjfinally to have been elected. clined to become very when viotory In Prinouton’s possession on Harvard’s Rookwood, M. S. C., 89, W. G. Hook, their duties. The reporters for the sil- $4.98 to $25. SOdtzen natural wool Hose 9c a Capt. Devine and the Portland boys Sol on the banner of their foot ball 30 yard lino. Although defeated Har- by 1900, Twenty and 15 minute Bitterness in Camp. ver and gold parties were treated alike pair. , were greeted in silence when they trotted perches vard must be given great credit for her lialves. and the name of each recipient was en- 100 on to the held but Capt.Connors and tbe team, and though it must be acknowl- Greede, November 7.—The result dozen fine Camel’s Hair Hose at defensive game. Several times Prinoeton Col., graved on the faae of the mednl. The Bangor team were given a great.ovation. that this “brashness” emanates of the eleotion bas caused much bitter- Men’s Wool lie pair. edged lost the bail on downs while Harvard did medal was surmounted by a golden eagle Heavy The day was well suited for football, Thornton, 38; Bowdoin Freshmen, O. ness in this camp. the 100 dozen at a from the brains of the members of Ban- so but once, although often forced to Yesterday English with outstretohed wings on whioh wa Suspenders 8c pair. but It was cold enough to make an over- was hoisted above the stars aud suits at $5.48 a suit. who know the least about kiok. A blooked kick and a grand rash Biddeford,November 7.—This afternoon flag inscribed: “McKinley aud Hobart, 50 dozen Natural Wool Shirts and coat a neoeasity. Mr. Stan wood of M. gor’s press A orowd and between taakle aud tnd telis the story large crowd gathered at the Saco Driv- stripes. gathered around, sound money and protection.” Cornelius Drawers at 19c each. S. C. and Mr. Mmphy of Bowdoin were football, still it Is very galling to tbe in anger tore down the British and of Princeton’s twelve points, while a ing park to witness the game between flag, N. Bliss, treasurer of tbe national Re- chosen as referee and umpire while Mr. football enthusiasts of Portland to see tore it to shreds. Contoocook A Shirts and Drawers at slow, weak interference and a lack of ag- Thornton academy eleven and the Bow- DUblican committee, eat at oue side of Men’s Fine at Charles Clork of Portland and Sawjer of Will Suits $1.08 each. tbe same old gag, which we must ex offense Harvard’s ina- loin freshmen. It wns a lost for Settle Contest. the feBtive board and Mr. Hanna sat at M. S. C. officiated as linesmen. gressive explains game score. were Bowdoin from to Col. chairman low lined peot now for the next week or two, bility to Several ohanges beginning end and Winston N. S. November 7.—Stated the other. Perry Heath, prices. Heayy Gloyes at 21c a pair. necessitated in both elevens to in- miy more thoroughly demonstrates tbat of the campaign press bureau of Chica- FIRST HALF. about the of tho foot- owing Congressman Settle, Republican, of the prowess Bangor most of which were on the side of Thornton has one of the best teams and Jules who juries, got fifth distriot, has decided to ooniest go, presided, Gnthridge, Devine won the toss and took ball and what they oan do. none was serious. ill the same m this Capt. players Princeton, though state. the election of W. \V. Kitoheu, Demo- held the position oity, was end of tbe field with the the it has had The officials did their work Cheie was a very sized vice chairman. After tbe menu was dis- the westerly Bangur lias best.team impartially good delega- crat. The returns give the latter a ma- aud firmly and the game was froa from tion with the Bowdoin eleveu, but oussed, Col. Heath proposed tbe health Board Given in our wiud blowing towards Bangor’s goal. for some years as far as weight goes, they jority of over 400. Settle claims there Boys’ Bagatelle Away features. ’ailed to a chance of the Mark A. whioh was objectionable get to shout. The were in host, Hanna, Connors kicked off for to the but as far as science cannot irregularities Rockingham coun- Bangor they begin The teams lined up as follows: line up was as follows: drunk smiu oheors. Mr. Hanna briefly 16 line ami Dillon mude it ty. yard pretty to put up the game that the Portland PRINCETON. Thornton. responded. He said that he had picked Children’s a before Bowdoin. In South Dakota. Department. catch and few yards gain he HARVARD._ a from the men during the first part of the up great many pointers WHO UftUtiltPU. UBlCi U1CU OiJU BOUICI HJt played uaooi, 1. e. Brewer, Rewis, Emery, r.e, l.e., Chapman Yankton, S. D. November 7.—-The Re- newspaper men and got as muoh infor- and Moreau and Anderson season. We lost In Bangor Saturday be- r. e., Cochran, Thompson H. five yards Cole, r.t., l.t., Gardiner publican state ticket and Congressmen mation from them as they did froih him. went the tackles lor five our which 1. t. i. t., Hlllebrand Call through apiece. cause ot the weakness of ends, Swain, Weutworth, r.g„ l.g., are now far enough ahead of the electoral Col. Heath then proposed the health took a of and Bouve, 1. g. r. g., Armstrong jruptill, c., c.. Russell Kelley couple good gains allowed every play to gee by them with- ticket to insure their election. of Chas. A. Dana of the New York Sun, things were looking well for Portland Douoette. o. c., Hailey Hatch, J.g., r.g., Merrill and James Olmstead of the staff of ONE r« SPOT out hindrance. Niue times P or / when a fumble gave the ball Bangor N. Shaw, r. g. 1. g., Crowdis I. Dow, l.t., r. t., Wiliard 9 Bangor Gladstone Writes a Letter. the paper, responded. Then came calls near the center of the field. worked the oriss-orose with euoaese and Lee, r. t. 1. t., Church Boyker, l.e, Goodwin fnr i’nl Heath. Mr. Hanna arnaa and said f r.o., London, November 7.—Mr. commenced its at r. e 1. e., BrokGW Lavensales Gladstone 1 Bangor rapid play time the same back took the.ball Moulton, Armstrong, 1.b., r.hb., that it was Col.Heath who first every Smith has written an answer to a private letter suggest- PRICE Id onoe. Hunt and Connors smashed b. r. GASH. Hal Beale, q. q. b., Bradford, r.hb., l.hb., Clark ed the idea of and that he UdIK the same end. This constant that the “Flag day” 4 around of the Liberal the Portland line for five Sullivan, 1. h. b. urgiDg leadership through yarils Bole, q.b.,q.b., Spear made vacant the bad simply aoted on OoL Heath’s sug- one or two slow around the ends served to de- r. h. Poe party by resignation of each and then after running b., Kelley, Reiter, t.b., Babb, Loid gestion in adopting It. Many witty the ball r. h. b. Rosebery ought to be settled and plays by Bangor took through moralize Portland’e team. Pour of Port- Dunlap, Oyzzons, wero made and the that party settle on a definite nro- speeobes conversation the center to Portland’s 20 yard line. 1. h.b Bannard, Wheeler CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND land’s men in the line who were in the Other Games, Mr. mudstone refers to his after the dinner was brilliant. FURNISHERS, Five yards more towards the goal Brown, Dibblee, f. b. f. b., Baird gramme. from the start and there retirement as him as smashed Bangor’s baoks, when a fumble game stayed W. O. At Providence—Yale, 18 Brown, 6. disqualifying pass- Officials—Referee, Hickock, ing judgment in political matters. He Republican Headquarters. 26 AND 28 MONUMENT SQUARE. by Crowley gave Portland the hall on lighting against hope, oould not turn the (Yale); umpire, Paul Dashiel (Lehigh); 1 At West Point—Wesleyan, 12; West adds; “When these retirements have New York,November 7.—The only non- their 15 yard line. tide of defeat. The other Portland men linesmen, H.C. Wyokoff (Cornell.) Time, Point, 13. formally taken place the desires resident member of tbe Bebublioan nat- nov4dlw Portland tried with Kelley and Moreau 35 minute halves. At Philadelphia—University of Penn- puplic ___ were almost heirless and nearly useless. to know that are real and does now to push through the center but they, sylvania, 21; Carlisle, 0. they not ional committtee in town is Chair- a has faith in McCarty and has not los wish to see them Mark A. Hanna. after several trials, were unable to make Even after the first half was ended At Williamstown—Amherst, 6; Wil- compromised.’’ man Messrs. Manley and the ball went to In the ends have been faith In its team. We expect to win from iams, 4. and Scott got awny last nigbt and Gen. any gain quiokly ohange might First Time Since on downs. Hal Hunt made five At 0. Incorporated. Clayton and Secretary Osborne left this Bangor made to advantage, but unfortunately Bangor bauds down at the nex*t game to Ithaca—Cornell, 54; Buoknell. TELEPHONE 122-3 around the Conuore it At N. morning. Mr. Hanna waa early at head- eud, pushed be a week from Worcester—Boston College, 6;” Holy Bristol, H., November 8.—For the it was not done, it has been years since played here, Saturday, which are now along a little more and finally Hal Hunt Bioss, 2. first time since its incorporation as a quarters, being disman- WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS IN and If we don’t It will be but will be In part scored a touchdown by Bangor working Portland’s ends have been as weak as surprising. At Minneapolis—University of Michi- town in 1775, Dorchester went Republi- tled, kept open for B another weak in of S. A. Per- the old fashioned cries cress. Connors were on Foster, whose good work at Bangor gan, 6; University of , 4. can this yeur. The Republicans elected charge they Saturday. Mr. Hanna’s I3NTSTJ3EL^.3NTOE3, kicked the Score, B. il. At their entire the vote for Presiden- kins, secretary. FIRE, ACCIDENT goal. S., 5; Poor was shown Port- Saturday has won for him many words Hartford—Trinity, 40; University tloket, L. 1 u c N I judgement by if New 0. tial electors “Yes,” said Mr. Hanna, “tbe EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY Portland, 0. of York, being McKinley, 60; Bryan, question on more than praise, will he tried behind Port- of Geokson punted low to Bangor’s 25 land one occasion on Foot Gall Notes, 15; Palmer 6; and for governor, Hams- maintaining permanent headquarters U WORKMEN’S COLLECTIVE, land’s been raised but as yard line and Hadlook of Portland fell plays. Had the ball been punt- line this week. As a smashing dell, 45; Kent, 32. The Republicans are has yet nothing has PUBLIC LIABILITY, agressive The Shailere challenge any minor team been decided in that on the ball after a man hRlf back he will a wild over their upon quarter. It Bangor dropped the team would not we'predict prove in this a on viotory. STEAM BOILER, ed efteuer Bangor vioinity to game of football is not that this ELEVATOR, It. Again the Portland rooters had hopes. success. also improbnble, however, rolled such a score, and ou Some changes are to be Saturday forenoon, the 14th, the South will be dolie. It is too AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER, Wentworth, Billon and Allen made 12 have up big Prohibition in Maine. early to talk def- made in the Portlands or Shaws Business collego pre- DRIVER’S between them one at Portland ends, unless great Improve- initely, but the Idea is certainly, a good RISK. PLATE GLASS yards and then Portland occasion, least, might ferred. Tho annual of the New JS |j tried the ment is shown in this work. meeting Eng- one, and will receive the serious consid- BURGLARY INSURANCE triple pass. It failed to yyork have made a touchdown herself. It was The South Portland school boys E and dash High land department of the Church Temper- eration of the committee.” CAN BE HAD AT LOWEST PRICES FROM only Wentworth’s around right Portland Hebron next iiavo a are a case of rattle on Portland’s part main- plays Saturday. organized football team, and end saved Portland the ball A fumble ance society, was held in Johnny with P. H. now looking for games. team wish- Episoopal, the ball well massed interference Sullivan, formerly Any gav6 Bangor which McCann ly. Bangor’s to will address X. Y. Trinity Friday evening, and S., is Hebron’s and the ing play please Z., ohapel, Boston, Committeeman Troup Wants tbe Tale THE E. C. JONES up made 15 yards with before was not broken the game and oaptain, game INSURANCE AGENCY during Willard, Me., or answer through the of Maine over the Punished. Eckede Was tackled. Portland promises to be Bishop Neely presiding Boys | quiokly got who the interesting. though the four men played Press. business Bawrence 3! 1-2 the pig akin baok again by Foster’s good session, and Bishop New Haven, Conn..November 7.—Alex- EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND, ME. from the start succeeded time and Deering High sohool has evidently pro- work in breaking through the line. game over the exorcises which followed. ander the Connecticut member fitted some its with public Troup, of Portland tried her baoks in line buckiDg again in partly demoralizing the Ban- by practice games of the Democratic National Progress our business. the These oQioers were elected: Bishop committee, when she should have punted and lost P. H. S. team. very this afternoon mailed to the Yale gor intfererenoe, no advantage was taken Deering, despite Clark of faculty 1 1st. mo. 2nd, mo. 3rd. mo. 4th. mo. the ballon downs 15 from Lawrence, president; Bishops a the 1 yards Bangor’s of Portland’s when dirty playing on Coney's part, on Satur- formal demand that leaders of the m mmsmm of it by the lest men, Rhode of New W, HU HHHi goal. won out Island, Niles Hampshire, Yale students who interrupted the speech concerted action have saved a day very handily. We now Connors got a 22 yard run around left might good Hall of Vermont and of of Wm. J. Bryan, when he spoke on the represent E9CHT companies. Bangor oan Neely Maine, | end and then Hal Hunt by splendid in- and some of Snow’s trim Thornton and not Green a month iie many yards phe- vioe Rev. S. H. Hilliard, ago, summmarily pun- OUK MOTTO—Justice to the Insured as well as to the terference made a gain of 80 half try. Tho refuse to presidents; The |’i .Companies. big yards nomenal runs. the way, has Thornton boys ished. letter deolares tbe rlnglead octsseodtf Snow, by treasurer. 8_:_ — --- around left end. Portland’s end3 could meet is a even seoretary, W. K. Blodgett, ers are well and if are Bangor because they are actually disease that known they not not seem to into the at all for about as much to do with the Baugoi through, One about get game of constant fails to cure. To thing that was noticeable puplshed by tbe Yale faculty, they will ol afraid them. bathing Snow followed un Hunt’s gain, with 8C high school curriculum as.has some this was be brought into court and sentenced. What’s the obviate this trouble, put partiouiar temperance meeting yards run around right end. Then Hunt the of that excellent Institution. matter with organizing an distressing janitors each in a the of the in agree- took the ball agajD and though three all-Maine men in morning your stockings unanimity spoakers He is a course at team, taking the best men tried to shut him out, so fine was taking post graduate of ing as to the uselessness of a prohibitory Sore Throat Quickly Cured. high schools teams from all over the teaspoonfull THE MODERN SHOE STORE interference that he scored s the B. H. S. in foot ball, having ob law Both Bangor’s to the oause of temperanoe. Not in of sore Must Iver abreast Hare state and long ago, speaking throat, keep of the times and not touchdown by a long run around right tained his last But Port playing through Massachusetts? diploma year. of Maine and Bishop Law- and the yield one jot or little in the race with com- eud. In four had carrier: The and BiBhop Neely difficulty frequently experienced Tea $1.19 doz plays Bangor land won’t kick much about the fact, trip would pay for itself it in That is precisely what we are do- Spoons, per rence, who a of the year it, Mr. J. E. Thomas, of Union- petitors. the ball almost the entire length of tht would spends portion curing ing; and you will find calling at our because ioe iu th< require only a few days coaohing by Dessert Spoons, jl.98 per doz Snow will cut little in this does dale, Pa., told how he had often cured it store, our and our to make state, stated that prohibition seeing goods learning the all-Maine team of in his it in his own that we are still in the lead. We wish Table 2.24 next game. In fact worthy not family. We give prices Spoons, per doz Portland-Bangor prohibit in this state, and Bishop to make this ONE HONEST MAN. the state. words: “I have used Cham- announcement to the trade, Dessert only luok gave him an opportunity of he is unwise frequently viz.: That it matters not in what Forks, 1.98 per doz hear Editor: Please Inform readers that 1: Neely asserted that the law berlain’s Pain Balm in for sore prices your It is an medicated prepa- my family others term “lower than the lowest.” We written to confidentially, I will mall In ft sealed letter iug heard from on Saturday. antiseptic, and Medium Forks, 2.2i doz Breckenridge for .Senator. unenforced properly because public throat and it has effected a cure are determined to maintain our per the plan pursued by which I was permanently restore! A ration, that not only stops excessive speedy reputation to decided change is now to be mad< deolared in as retailers of first class footwear at Plated health and manly vigor, after years of suiTt-ringfron Lexington, Ky., November 8.—A boom but the damage opinion is not back of it, and he every instance. I would not think oi prices Knives, Kervous Weakness, night losses and weak, shrunkei in the of the Portlanc has been perspiration, repairs in home that cannot be beaten. Gentlemen: Our playing positions started for Col. Breckenridge irri- that there is not a town in Maine where getting along my without it.” 2.25 to 3.50 parts. it causes, such as tender, sore, $3.00 lace and congress are the best that are per doz I have no scheme to from team. Coach with tin ror United his Paiu Balm also cures sxtort money anyone. 1 McCarty’s labors States Senate, because and and liquor cannot be bad. rheumatism,sprains made. Call and see our box-calf with calf was robbed and swindled by the until 1 nearly work carried tated, inflamed surfaces, and bruises. at that lost faith quacks P. H. S. foot tall team have not beet Keotnoky for McKinley. For sale 25 and 50 cents lining we are selling at §3.00. In mankind, but thank Heaven, I am nos insures a sweet, healthful skin. i & well, and and anxious to make thii per bottle at II. P. S. Goold’s CO. vigorous Btrong, thrown as The treasury gold reserve at the close drugstore, certain cure away. Today he stands gooc means of known to all. Never defer a vital matter! A cough of increased to 577 Congress St., under Congress Squar- Hardware Dealer, Having nothing to sell or Bend I want ni evei and 50c. business Saturday had J?\ C. C.O.D., a coach as Maine has ever seen, not liouldn’t be The Comfort Powder Co. 25c. Hotel, and Landers & Ti WHITE, mosey. Address, JAb. A. HARRIS, neglected when Dr. Bull’s Ct. a box. el20,340,686. The net increase at New by Babbidge, OPPOSITE FEEBLE HOUSE. 8 Free Mich. Portlanc Hartford, Street, Portland. Eva 326. Delray, excepting the college ooacbes. cough Syrup will cure it at once. for ths was Monument Square. Oct 10 All Druggists sell it. ,Xork day *872,000. eodtf lepistf “CONTINUING THE MISCELLANEOUS. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS STRUGGLE.” MISCELL miscellaneous. SUVAKCIAI. j ANEOUS._ AMUSBUKWTO. AND Of course Mr. Bryan proposes to con- Your Life MAINE STATE 1'RESS, tiuuo the struggle for free silver. Politi- may be run down and cal leaders who are Pas Subscription Rates. beateu, as soon they begin to recover from tha dazed STANDARD Daily (In advance) *ti per year; $3 for six crushed out CLOTHING CO. condition into which are thrown coal. A a 50 cents a month. they CUE months; $1.50 quarter; Stores.) LIST by some terrible suffering if you (Operators of 36 The Daily is delivered every morning bj their defeat, always issue au address by nature’s warning to within the limits and at to their tbat tbs nneglect — carrier anywhere city constituents,announcing — watch your kidneys. or extra Woodfords without charge. struggle has just begun, that nothing is WILL C. C. TUKESBURY, Manager. Daily (Not iu advance;, invariably at ill settled until it is settled right, and tbat Buker’s Kidney t MLLISIB rate of $7 a year. the agitation is to continue until viotory Pills •ronVTICS-DEiT Maim. State Press, (Weekly) published His' H And Tomorrow perohes upon their banners. It relieves have made some OM E IViglu. every Thursday, $2 per year; SI for six months; their a deal so to do. Mr. miraculous cures and will relieve over- A Full 25 cents lor trial feelings good Assortment ot and Free- The Favorite Irish 60 cents a quarter; subscrip- worked kidneys and restore them to Lehigh Comedian, Bryan has followed the usual practice. health. tion of six weeks. Dr. Buker will gladly answer questions and Coals tor But it is much easier that advice free. us Burning Domestic Use. Persons wishing to leave town for long m to proclaim give Write before too late. Pills 5'Jo. at your druggists, or mailed post-paid for WILLIAM short may have the addresses of then struggle is to be continued than to price. Pocahontas aulled wlttl LETTERS of -j thanks. I therefore, with the advice of the of our Supplies, CREDJ r, available :n all of Where she has ces of his being able to do that Buy any Boys’ and the parts the world, appeared to crowded houses anri i Executive Council, anything Clothing graving manufacture of and received ihe ■ designate CIRCULAR DRAFTS, payable without endorsement of th eutirl ■pre"s can properly be called continuing the Blank Books. charge, in the principal citief'oi ]VOW. Europe PRICES-26 60, 75, $1.00. Seats Mon- 5 the 26th of NOW. We have all the of Descriptive pamphlet supplied upon 8.30 Thursday, day November, Inst, struggle are very small, aud so, we patterns Lithograhs request. day, Nov, 9, A. M. j and Blank Book Work done -AS A- imagine, they will appear to him when formerly by philipTturner, these two and are to houses, prepared DAY OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE. he comes to look the field over carefully You Never Will Regret It, duplicate all orders and in « call for of promptly Refraining on that day from all unnecessary and allies. An Issue which has Special Agent atisfactory manner. SWAN & labor and let us in the ot BARRETT, business, temples met overwhelming defeat at tbe worship and at the family fireside, offer* grate- polls, BiVJVKEns, ful tributes of and for God’s is hard to reesurrect even when there is a praise song gra- h m hi g a cious favors. “ Portland, Maine. FAIR solid and behind bat ST~ And in the reunion of families kindred and oompaot party it, W. H. STEVENS & GO., luelO on GERMAN AMERICAN INS. Gil _ friends may the lov of home and the affection when, us in this case, a largo part Standard -BY THE-

-or our commonwealth be _ Co-, ov4(1t! and Clothing 184 strengthened, of the party which supported it did W__n MIDDLE ST. TBB may the sincerity of our thankfulness and of New (Fire gratitude find expression in the deeds of char- so only in a perfunotory way and are York, only,) TELEPHONE 538-2. marOeodtt ity and kindness toward the and unfortu- poor glad to have it it is HAS REMOVED FROM NO. TO nate. buried, praotioally 13 OOB FELLOWS OF FBitTLAND Given at Augusta, this fourth day of No- impossible unless circumstau“iin Emer- Watson? been in the Floor, having coupons in equal. on placed St. Louts platform: if payable semi-annually gold for Interest allowed Time Deposits. son, the humorist. Not a word from him since instead, there had been the evasive cur- OCt2 446—4. twenty years, and then the full amount of to For sale by eleotioD, Telephone dlw policy be paid in gold. These bonds Correspondence solicited from Individ- Friday Evening-Haydn Quartette with and no news cf his death renos plank of other Qo s, this Skillm and Hatch either. Per- public- are negotiable and can be converted into cash readily on all the financial uals, Corporations, Hanks, and other de- specialists. spirited support, of tbe can- exchanges Leading Hatters. Saturday Evening—Unannounced. haps he is waiting until ail the rest of the Republican of America and siring to open as well as from didate by tbe Democratic believers in Europe, and would be in demand wherever conservative invest- 8eptl4. M ,W,&F3m, accounts, defeated ones have so he can those wishing to transact busi- Monday Nov. 16. spoken have sound money would never have been ments are bought and sold. Too stress cannot be laid Banking Evening-, great upon the of ness of the last word. given, mere would nave been no advantage any description through this Bank object relieving dependents of the trouble, and hazard in abandoning a Democratic candidate responsibility involved in their CANTON investment for life insurance RIDGELEY NO. P. upon a tree silver platform for [ the pur- R seeking funds. Sample forms of the policy and bonds 1, M„ A man can tell just about as well WM. M. Will a of a and rates of give pose supporting Hepublicnn candi- premium deposits at several ages are ready to be submitted for MARKS, wbat the weather is aoing to be on the date upon u which inspec- STEPHEN R. SMALL. President platform might just at the office of the DRILL AND BALL. as tion, company. day of the next Presidential as readily Le construed to favor silver as - election, MARSHALL R. GODiNB- Casheir Hand Concert by Chandler’s Band. tu favor gold, while, ruoro than the Your Teeth what the issues of the next national cam- this, A4»* ission 50 cents. Reserve seat tickets introduction of the tutiff as the chief 183 MIDDLE will be on sale Friday afternoon November will be. Less than n Card paign year ago it issuo into ALE RIGHT. STREET, tile campaign would have Book, 13th, at the box office, City Hall, and con- seemed certain that the tariff would bo made utterly impossible the necessary -AND -- INVESTMENT tinue until sold at 25 cents extra. that If so you are in luck. If the chief, indeed the only, question in support Sir. McKinley received. It they may, therefore, be said tlmt the are read the : DINNERS AND this campaign, but it has been Kepubli- not, following JOHN C. SUPPERS. hardly can vicw.r.v secured last Tuesday wag Id SMALL, Hot Dinners and Suppers will be served heard of. reality won by the little group of meu JOB SECURITIES, each day for 25 cents each. Food will be furnished the different who, at the St. Louis per- Executive Special PRINTER, by lodges on the fol- convention, BEST Agrent. PRINTERS’ until were $7.00 EXCHANGE, Four. Five and lowing days: Monday, Ancient Brothers, Suppose the campaign had been sisted, they successful, in de- TEETH, Paying fought that the convention 0Ct9_____"eoogm Tuesday, Beacon; Wednesday, Harmony and manding should de- warranted to Haddatah; on the tariff issue, where would we have per set; fit Teeth 97 1-8 Exchange Si., Portland Six Per Cent. Thursday, Ligonia; Friday, clare in favor of the existing gold Maine; Saturday, Unity. extracted or filled .... been now. Perhaps we should have been standard. by the latest FOR SALE BY .... victorious, but the NO USE. painless at moder- currency question method, very FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. Cabalistic Letters— would have been left York ate unsettled, and (New Sun.) prices. Ail orders mall or H. M. by telephone promptly PAYSON & CO, XX- W. -A-. O. -A.. B. o. would J have had to be fought out It is useiesE to try to before attended to. sept22eodtl keep Bryan What do mean? Can the as an influential BAKTHlBlElSj they you solve It? A at a“ later date. By the cur- people ligure in beeping $20.00 gold piece will be awarded to the per- politics. He will disappear from con- 32 EXCHANGE STREET. son tirst correct rency question at the front the Republi- making solution. Send yours sideration entirely long before the 4th of apr4 dtf with 10 cents to J. H. Wish, Jr at Cltv Hall cans settled that and left the DR. F. tariff next Maiob. The American people will CHIPMAN, 1 111 r—m—i iiii 111 ilium during the Odd Fellow's’ Fair. question iu just as good position as if havo something more important to think nov5 439 CONGRESS ST. dim Admission—Afternoon Free. it had been made the about than the defeated candidate of a pre-eminent Is- Infants’ and Children’s all Evening 25c., or season tickets from 9th lest cause. Coats, new 14th sue. Our Line of to inclusive, $1.00. Ball tickets 50 cents FIRST CLASS Trouserings each. 1 fresh goods, from to and at Doors open from 10 a. m. to 10 m ex- Deafness Cannot Be Cured. y years of age, p 'Phere are do signs that tho farmers of P X JSl. IV O S cept from 5.30 to 6.30, when the main' hall the lowest THIS my wife, Mary O. Pride, has left will be closed. tho Central West and the Northwest by local application as they cannot reach the prices. Look at our White PALL Cash- WHEREASmy bed anil board, f hereby forbid any One fare tickets Issued on all railroads run- diseased portion of tile ear. There is only one were any more crazy for free silver than person trusting Iter on my account, as I shall ning into Portland, with 26 cents extra. In- way to cure dealness aud that is by constitu- FOR SALE OR ALSO mere tional RENT; and skirt ie attractive. pay no bills oi her contracting after tliis date. cluding evening admission to or or t!:ose of the East. It was the fashion remedies. Deafness is caused by an in- Coats, full sleeves, cape heav- very The assort- fair, dance, limned coudillou of the mucous of the ment is the most HARRY I,. PRIDE. •upper. covSd td the for lining extensive ever during campaign the free silver Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed ORGANS trimmed ily with silk shown by us. The of Westbrook. Me., Oct. 27, 1890. to stress on the vou have a rumbling sound or bear- braid, jor $2.98. range quali- people lny great agricul- imperfect ties embraces oct28d3w* ing and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is Very f ancy or Plain at everything from tural vote of tho West; on rhe White and assump- Hie result, and unless the Inflammation can he Colored Eider (Down the lowest up the our finest,'’and list of taxes on real tion that it was almost solid for free coin- taken out and this tube restored to its normal NO. 114 1-2 Coats, are all following estate WALTZING CLASS EXCHANCE ST. prices right. of non-resident owners in condition, hearing will he destroyed forever; THE the town of -AT- age. Certainly a hundred and to extra one for the year 1895 In bills commit- ninety nine cases out of ten are causeu bv catarrh from $1.25 <$4.98. An good Windham, which is but for ted to me, collector of said town, on the. GILBERT'S thousand majority for sound money in nothing an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Colored with 29th day of June, 1895; remaining unpaid on commences next Monday Evening. TUf Illinois, in and in We will give $2.50. Cloth Coats hoods to the 2titli day of October 1896, certifi- anl 75,000 60,000 One Hundred Dollars for any by my ■Waltz. Five Step Schottische the new W. P. cate of that date and now remain Minnesota do not indicate much solidity case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can HASTINGS’. unpaid; dance Harvard Caprice taught. not be cure11 by Hall’s Catarrh a and notice is hereby given that if the said Tickets for six lessons, gentleman for Cure. Bend for match, from $3.7y to 8.00. Also full line $2.60; among the farmers free sil ver. It is circulars-, free. W. L. taxes and interest and charges are not paid lady $1.50. CARD. of the probably true that at one time the in the treasury said town within farm, of Coats from tlie Assemblies Thursday BOM by Long for Infants. eighteen months date of the com- Evening. ers of the Wpst were protty thoroughly mitment of the said bill so much of the real nov4 dtf taxed as will be sufficient tainted with the free silver dootrine, but estate to pay the WOOD j»l A A T JEL.S DRAPER-TAILOR, amount due therefor including interest that was before the other side was fairly and charges, will without further notice be AUCTION SALES. J. H. 46 Free at auction, at town presented to thorn. No uoubttho farmers aiad FITZGERALD, Street.vvl" sold public office, in said TILfJKG, deo4eodtf the seventh of and town, on (lay December, 1896, of the West, along with the farmers of the Satu|>5es Salesroom, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon : octedtf Manchester, lienj. Homestead and F, O. BAILEY & CO East, would gladly accept remedy for STEPHEN yj ohgress Street. R., 124 CONGRESS ST.7 CORNER TEMPLE. BERRY, lot at N, Windham, wood lot west hard times, but they a; n ready to half of Range 4, 6.00 Auctioneers and W. Commission Merchants R. Evans has resumed th< Small, Gilbert. Lot of land and build- swallow anything simply iicrause some- JOB * W. A. BOOK AflD P^lKTEl? NOTICE—Dr.practice of dentistry. Office at his resi ings. southeast by road by J. Salesroom *8 has labelled It a ALLEN, dence 626 New northeast Exchange Street. tody panacea. Voot of Preble S treat oct&dtf Cumberland streef offic Taker, by Gray line, 24 00 I Ho. 37 PLUM STEEFT. I1 lours from 9 to 12 a. m. AMOS of F. O. BAILED C. W. ALTEV MANX,Collector Windham.' sellt^ eow4wtocover8n 0Ct26 law3wM mark** SACRED ”8W MKW ABTKimSKMENTS. NiSW AOTBBTISEMKin'S. MUSIC AND DRAMA. is conceded to be tbe finest in tbe city. CHURCH OF THE HEART. y»wtfTMTia***** 1 ^ The series of recital* concludes with Stone “Tbe Outline of tbe Growth of Music," Laying the Corner Postponed oi The Generation. of Storm. Rising which gives a general summary of tbe Acoount William Barry, tlia best Irish comedian subject. No one of these concerts will on the made the tallest kind The exercises the o: GIGANTIC stage today, exoeed two hours In length, tbe pro- attending laying of of a hit here last season in William gramme being completed at 10 o’cloofc. the corner stone the flhnioh of thi t Gill’s “The Gene- Sacred the new Catholic oomedy drama, BislDg It is to be hoped that none who care Heart, churob of Wool and ration, the scenes of which are laid in for music will negleot this opportunity now in process of trectlon at the oornai 4000 yards tI_MJ character sold . New York oity, and the chief ofjlitening to a clear and concise narra- of Sherman and Mellen streets, has beet Tapestry to be y of 3( C gave him better opportunity display- tion of tbe lives of the great musical postponed to Sunday, November S9th. ySima role ing his unctlous ability than any geniuses of tbe world, and hearing theli About three hundred persons had His he has heretofore appeared in. most delightful creations interpreted by gathered about the lot and waited in tb< coming engagement will no coubt meet skilled musicians. pouring rain until the exercises should He will he sup- or some with a hearty reception. This will be the programme for the begin, announcement should bi of 25 at as —CARPET— a company people on made to the time of ported by first recital Thursday next: postponement. 4ttt^44444AA4AAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAv vvf f f v v rr o f ▼▼▼▼▼▼ and tomorrow MONDAY, NOY. 9. Portland theatre tonight Paper—Great Italian Musicians, Father O’Dowd, the pastor in char ge. oUDJtli I 5 run | night. (From 1600 to the present time.) appeared shortly after three o’clock and Mrs. Hermann Hi Henry’s Minstrels. Kotzschmar. announced that owing to the DRESS GOODS Tenor Solo—Now Ropining, Monteverde lnclemenoy SPECIAL OUT PRICE THIS WEEK. Hi Henry’s minstrels appear at Port- Mr. Fred Day. of the weather and the inability oi RANGES I m Roches- to be silks dry. land theatre,Thursday next.The Violin Gavotte, Corelli Bishop Healy preaent on the twe INVESTIGATION. Miss Florenoe AND ter Times “Hi Henry’s show, as Leach. following Sundays, that the exerolsee says: Carissimi is the best that has Basso—Victoria, would be to the a minstrel show, Mr. Harry Merrill postponed above men- been seen in for some time. Scarlatti tioned date. Rochester Piano—Capiiccio, D, Ash Oak Your own self interest to look with Miss and Chamber $10.00 charges you Their efforts were appreciated and will Philbrook. Suit, up. Soprano Solo—II raio bon, Palsiello a to the uncommon values offered us not soon be forgotten by those who wit- A BATH particular eye by In Miss Knight BOY nessed last The our Dress Goods and Silks night’s performance. Violin—Adagio, Devil’s Sonata, Tartini CHILD’S OAK ROCKER, gk m Sale of. Department. most pleasing of HI Henry’s show is the Trio—Slumber Song, Cherubini Passes Sleepless Nights Owing to Anony- Miss Miss Plummer and —. lace curtains music, both instrumental and vocal. Knight, mous Letter. 33c each, K A Mr. | §■ have Day. worth 75c. WtKM ■■§ ■ Monday morning. Several members of the company Piano Sole—Adagio and Allegro ■-aaaaaaaAAAA The these excellent voices and the orchestra is well from Sonata, Galuppi The Bath Times saysi “Among letters selling in Departments presents one of iB Miss Philbrook. drilled.The first part pleasing through- receive 1 by a Bath boy this week was e the greatest for the exercise of true Alto Solo—Or la sull' Ouda, Morcadante -—-xox- opportunities economy out, especially the work of Arthur Dom- note wbioh has interfered with his sleep- Miss Plummer. —the economy of buying well—ever put before you. ing, Harry Leighton, U. H. Kkelcher and Violin—Mennett, Boochertni ing nights. It was an anonymous epistle O. W. Bailey. (Jonohits is a second Car- Miss Leach. written in a feminine hand on delicately and Alto Duet—Sweet Tears menolta, and presented the most pleasing Soprano sceuted a oontrast to the —(Sappho) Paciui paper, striking ATKINSON The rest of the mnnlllnir of the wnrria It hnr*» Tha ah. specialty of the evening. Miss Knight and Mtss'Plummer. olio is considerably above the average. Tenor Solo—Spirit* Gentil, Donizetti velope is postmarked Portland, but the Mr. Day. FURNISHING At the French Kail. recipient cannot recall the name of an; CO., BLACK COLORED Alto Rossini Solo,—Ditantl palpiti, one in the Forest who would have Fannie Rice, the big little comedienne, City MO^UMBIVT n la Bellini an; reason for such a letter. 11 SQUARE. and her lino company, will be seen at Soprano Solo—Qul voce, writing _21 Mies Kulght. is a case of blackmail.” Portland theatre on Saturday ereuiog perhaps Baas Solo—Don Carloa, Verdi DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. next and a matinee, in the latest laugh- Ur. Merrill. Harbor Notes. ing suocess “At the French Ball,” whioh Piano—Gavotte, Sgambati to Mias Philbrook. Yesterday was dull, gloomy and fogg; It would be impossible keep We would a few words is said to be a novelty in construction, whisper Dnett, alto and tenor—Afar and Alar on the water front. The water was glass- abreast of the demand for about the in telling a pretty story—sometimes farci- unite present heavy bargains Colored on an Ocean, like in appearance, but oame in from th< oal, sometimes serious—hut ulways Miss Plummer and Mr. Day. black dress had not a look Dress Goods which are this week of- ocean In long swells. goods long always interesting, oontainiug Sopran o Solo —Mia Piocirelloo, Gome: bright, Miss “Only one vessel was reported as arriv- ahead and a clear discernment of the fered to the general These musical numbers anti novel Knight. public. may pretty Maria the steamer with ooa! Quartette—Ave Mascagni ing, Williamsport conditions led to are all new and first features of a reflned nature, affording Miss present ample provis- strictly class goods Mias Knight, Plumraer.Mr. for Randall & McAllister. clever Fannie Bice and a strong compa- Day and Mr. Merrill ion in advance. The fabrics are which the are deter long considering high quality and Mr. Hermann Kotzschmar, Director. Offioere Morse and Frank ny opportunities that result in an eve- mined to put a stop to petty thieving ai splendid but the prices are abnormally unusually low prices cannot fail to at- ning’s delightful entertainment, where Concert at St. Luke’s Parish House. the wharves, and especially on Dong low. The combination makes the de- tract laughter and are well uigb in- There will be a conoert at the St. many buyers. applause wharf. Yesterday they spied two boyi cessant. Luke’s parish house, Park street, thli mand. with an oar, and when the boys saw tin One line of fine Ladies’ Aid Course. evening at 8 o’clock. The concert ii dress goods officers they dropped the oar and fled. The lines are very complete. of Siatei that must be seen and his flue con- given under the auspices the We seize the of to be appreciated. Mr. Arthur Beresford The officers got the oar, which was ; opportunity “Bargain-apolis” Helen Margaret Guild and the pro- cert oompany will opeu this grand miserable affair tbat had been mended It is of the rough mixed order and is is ad- gramme contains numbers by some ol course December 2. Mr. Beresford and patobed. It la supposed the boys stoli called Curl” from the best amateur erformers In Portland. being 50 inch Cravenettes—50 inch “English having a mittedly classed among the few promi- ) it. If the boys don’t stop these theft; One of the novelties is a com inch Etamines curled or tufted thread over a nent bassos in America. He has a beau- quartette they will bsve a hard time in oourt. Rope Yarn Weaves—50 running of violin two mandolins and strong bass voice wbiob he uses ar- posed pia- inch inch mixed tiful, Their Petition Granted. —44 Creponettes—42 surface—very stylish. as no. The conoert was to have been giver tietioally, bringing out the sweetness Silk and Wool last Thursday evening bat on aooonnt ol In response to a petition from thi Priestly All Wool and $1-50 yard well as the power. He is assisted by the storm was postponed. Those holding Mayor aud Aldermen of Deerlng, iht Novelties In a variety of patterns. four able artists, Mme. Sophia Markee, great About 50 in the different Mab6l Bea- tickets for that night will be entitled t< County Commissioners gave a hearing pieces Miss Annie Louise Holden, To giro your fiancee or wife will nor of these $1.25 yard admission. The Is at fol on the of Any of dress and S. C. Bartlett. programme Saturday question relocating styles stylish imported goods, man 1 necessarily be a big drain on you lows: “she trne boundaries of a certain high that is The Eoftschmar Lecture-Recitals. pocket book. including everything up-to-date Franz Ferdinand March, Czlbulkf way kn own as Congress street, dulj It is not often that the have >Ve hare a beautiful line of Plain in Scotch public Orchestra. located in said oity of Deerlng and extend 50 inch Clay Diagonals—50 Mixtures—Boucle—.Nub- such an of a Persian Serenade, Oolyr to opportunity acquiring from the line said o; Kings $2.50 $15.00. inch broad ian Yarn Miss Fassett. lng between city inch Mohair Novelties—50 Mixtures—figured Damasses knowledge of the different great schools Rings of elegant design with dia Piano Solo, Deerlng and the city of Portland a: inch —Mixed Goods with work Plaids of as will be oflorded them in the wale Diagonals—50 Serge—40 top music, Miss Davis. Libby's Corner, so called, to the westerl] mond settings from $3.00 to $25.00. Kotzsohmnr Leeture-Keol- Midsummer D’Hardeloi Wool Henrietta. Your in black worsted These forthcoming Dream, line of land now or formerly owned li] Diamond Rings for engagement are inch Silk and yarns. goods Mies Noyes. tals. Never before in Portland has such the won’t worth from Waltz, Happy Birds, Holsl Thomas Quira by. At the close of the just thing, cost you much- choice, $1.00 yard a$e $1.25 to $1.50 yard. a series been given, and they will prove Orchestra. hearing the commissioners voted tc $10.00 to $350. Our price, $1,4)0 as entertaining and interesting to yard fully Mavourneen, Lynei grant the prayer of the petitioners, am These are instances of our Miss Fassett. prices, bnt the musically uninformed as to the ex- if Danoe of the Carrol will begin work tomorrow the weathe: to fully appreciate their and narrow 46 inch inch Dia indeed it is an Gnomes, quality they 50 inch broad Suitings—50 perienced musician; ie suitable. Miss Davis. must be seen. We extend to you a cor -1fz/S onals—two toned the dif- nice for skirts—44 and mixtui education in music to compare For All Eterni y, Masoheron Wale Diagonals, figures dial invitation to come and examine ferent schools during the eonsecutive Miss Noyes. Orr’e Island Epidemic. and ribbon effects in handsome and our stock. inch Etamines,lizard designs colorings oil (Violin Obligato, Mr. Cllllord.) weeks. Beginning the first evening, The epldemio on Orr’s Island is uearlj — Fascination Grand March, Knighi —50 inch Storm Serge, 75c yard Zibelines, &c„ 75c y Thursday, November 12th, with the Orobeatra. subdued. In all there have been abou great Italian musioians, the rise of a dozen families Isolated. There is llttli is sev- Let four for Table Thanksgiving only Wrappers. speak Invisible Plaids and One: opera is traced from the earliest example fear to be apprehended now except fron McKENNEY THE A WONDERFUL SIGHT. JEWELER, Linens, enteen days off and it’s hundreds. One line of descriptive music by Monteverde, the carelessness or by those who have belpec 38 to 44 inch figured Jac- with over-shot tufted spots in bias down to the celebrated sufferers. Mias Estelle time to of “Ideal” father of opera, nurse the Pye Monument Square. high go through Manufacturing Company’s a dozen styles—all —also a mixed lot of dress goods com- ns a was oct9-dtfBthor8thp quards—about intermezo of Mascagni's, arranged The Salmon to the Dam one of the nurses, taken down wltl Linen Closet and see what’s Print half a Trying Jump your Wrappers. Perhaps different and very handsome—strictly prising all the late weaves brought out quartette, which iB sung as an Ave the disease the latter part of last week a at Jordan’s River. to be wanted. ■dozen Fast colors, fitted Maria by Misses Knight and Plummer, was also Mrs. Eben Doughty and Mrs going designs. a'.l wool, 50c yard in the higher cost goods, 50c yard and Messrs. Day and Morrill with violin Tibbetts. Botn of the latter cases wen — We’re in back, loose front, ruffle across the there are folks obligato by Miss Leaob. The change in taken from nursing their children. young ; waist front. cuff. 3 Very Interesting Experience of a Pr omi duty Deep yards the style of writing from the florid mu- r'in your home, and if nent Breeder—Wishes Gentlemen Win near bound to the skirt. 89c sic of Bossin and Bellini to the mere se- It Is 10 Christinas that people wil sweep Think That Pish Are Growing Scarce! be to know that O. H. Lamson wil vere Boito and Verdi of today, is dearly glad to help you his ont sale of watohei SILKS! SILKS! Coaid Take in the Sight. oontinue closing SILKS! indicated in the programme. The early ST. NICHOLAS in this mat- a or two Cal violin schools are illustrated by Corelli The following letter written by a prom and Jewelry day longer. J IV’ and see If there !su’t ter. The aud Tartini, while to piano students, inent fish bre- der to a well known angle; day somethin) Percale Wrappers. New will : patterns We have endeavored from day to day to tell you of the outline of life and the two of this will be read with iuter jl.. oan use at a prioe. It pay you. MAGAZINE Linen Win- tiuluppi’s city great I » of full percale. Soalloped yoke, the rare and wonderful values we are In our silk movements given from bis famous Sonata est by all sportsmen: dow Show showing back. The Skirt has a 3 1-2 inch in D,wiil prove a most Interesting novel- Dixfleld, October Slst, 1898. MARRIAGES. !; is not a visitor department. to weir ai regular in window ty. My Dear Sir:—I went the fullness. Maybe 5 designs. $1,25 Sebago last Thursday. There 1 fount | there, buy a copy of the We have been racking every nook and corner of the The second November be- Nov. Chat W. Hazelwood am 1 No. made recital, 16th, over 300 salmon in the weir, and ovei In Lewiston, 3, 8. Congress St.,is being up Miss Eliza McSbane. i November number markets and results for themselves in the with the famed troubadours of one hundred red Ths lalmor to-day, % large speak shape gins spots. In Brownfield, Nov. 3, Geo. W. Thurston am to assist in decision. were the 1 ever saw. They wil you your France, and most unique examples are iargest Miss Kosie M. Rogers. and take it home with you. I of New Silks, of natty styles, exclusive designs, peculiar X rigmi Paterson auc ; given of these early Fienoh chansons, CMCingu U11J puuuun, In Amherst, Nov. 1, Joseph P. several that wlil weigh twenty poundi 1 Miss Ella E. (Harry, both of Great Pond. German German Linen Spinning Flannel effects—In fact something different from what you have back to the ( < “An influence for good that should Outing Cor- dating 11th century, iuclud- and over. The men at the., weir, twi In Bluehill Nov. 1, Fred’k E. Chase and Mis Wrappers. Mua I. Hnnrtor hnth rtf K.11 SWOrt.il. I be in every household where there are and German in the habit of outside of the a iroui cno nrst tell me the river la lull at gal Linens, bleaching rect been seeing this, Portland mg quaintair opera wardens, L. Clark an< i children.'—Rochester Herald. shape. Yoke, fall back, well has been Iii Kockport. Oct. 81, Wellington ever written. Between the old tuon, and thnt no poaching per are of coraique Miss Annie Ott. “Both in and the despair every lined. for winter Silk Store. rnltted. From the.welr 1 went to Ray Oct. Elmer Berry am I | letter-press engravings Right wear, nnd the modern schools of French opera In Embden Center, 29, above anything in die iooud and ovir night, Miss Ethel ( thatweproduce would-be rival. No can dc village stopped Higgins same line.”—London Times. people an intermezzo of opera bouffe is intro- there found the stream that rnnsthrougi In Washington. Oct. 81, Owen Dow and Mis ( | $1.00 o: E. of it no can do il duced which is full of the spirit and the village. “Jordan’s River,” full Blanche Leavitt Augusta. better, other people In Gardiner. Oct. 28, Walter Welch of Med In black or colored Silks whether for dress, waist very large fish. They were on the bt sparkle of this class of music,closing with ford and Miss Mary Houlehan of Gardiner. as the Irish. where could see them well—except perhaps or will find here spawning, you In East Bluehill, Oct. 26, Emery J. Carter au< 25 Cents* sc ption, $3.00. I combination, you without doubt, just what a melodious quartette from “The Chimes to tui plainly. They were trying jump Miss Etta M. Cooper. Here are the class Linen Da- con high When in take a look at them: of Normandie,” given with much brilli- dam. There was a salmon in the air in Bar Harbor. Oct. 22, Joseph W. Wood, 2d. THE Swansdown Handsome you want. you’re Monday and sometimes two or three. I of and Miss Tarbox. i i CENTURY CO., two Wrapper. ancy by Mrs. White. Miss Rice and tluually, Eden, Madge Augusta masks, yards wide, pansy pat- no D. Innes am 1 Glad to show and will be Incurred is an ideal place and the finest spawning In Rockland. Oct. 2S. Oeorge Union New York. flraaflo'n r\aoirmo lihn ET,r»V« you, obligation by Messrs. Bay and Merrill. Miss Carrie E. both ot Vlnalhaven. j | Square, oak fruh Following ground 1 ever saw. The flow of water ii Mitchell, terns, leaf, maple leaf, In Rockland, Oct. 28, John C. Collett and Mis looking. tbs intermezzo the modern school of a tbe watei Flannel. Some call it a ‘‘Tea Gown governed by gate, making Allc M. Mitchell, both of Vlnalhaven. texture. See the win- French music is traced and most strik- high or low, at will. Tbe dam Is owner designs,finest Full back. Has a a gentleman the name of Davis, then and see tht Wrapper.” cape Illustrations are given in the Torea- by by dow, step inside ing who is much interested In the sal DEATHS- very KTOTICE IS HEREBY that the collar with lace Also lace on dor song from Carmen, and the brilliant he He GIVEN, stock. edge. mon, although never goes fishing. subscriber ha9 been duly appointed Ex- compositions of Cbaminadeand Godard. has been watching them night and day ecutor of tbe will of cuffs. $2.75 ever since they in an anc Saunders Kira Spread “The growth and glory of German mu- put appearance, In this city, Nov. 8, Mrs, Sarah GEORGE ESTES, late of North Berwick, if the he will 8 ^ says poachers poach there, ball, widow of the lato Daniel Stevens, aged in tbe County of has taker these EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT. York, deceased,and sio,” is the subject for Friday evening, inform the but 9 months 17 not only commissioners, years days. upon himself that trust as the law directs on afternoon at 2 o’clockh November 27th, and the distinguished will also prosecute them for trespass, ai [Funeral Tuesday > and 1 have appointed Haven A. Butler m; from the resldeuce of her Mrs. Sara 1 he owns tbe land on the snores of th' daughter, agent or All havin* exquisite singer of German Lied, Miss Caroline K. Allen, High street. attorney. persons to a hnusi demands upon the estate of said de Ladles’ Cashmere Waist brook. He is going put small In this Nov. Mrs. Jessie M., widow o 1 Damasks Serge Gardner Clarke, will prove a strong at- Tin city, 7, ceased, are required to exhibit the same; ant ♦ for a guard to stay in on the shore. late of Petaluma, Cal. a Joseph Naylor, all persons indebted to said estate are callet Waists. Has ruffled Skirt which traction, while Miss Ricker has hosts in fish Is suob as I never sav this at the Home for on sight Of these In city, Nov. 7, Age upon to make to your ol which she had been a reslden payment Portland who will warmly welcome before. It puts me in miiid of old time Women, place FREDERICK A. North Berwick, is lined with Silk. Hori- for 8 and 6 mouths, Mrs. widoi ESTES, dining and at Raugeley, only there are mare fl*l years Nancy, Executor, her, Mr. Thayer and Mr. Welling- of the late Edward P. Sargent, aged 83 year and lnrger than I ever saw at Raugeley or to Haven A. North Berwick, zontal plaits across the chest. Stand- ton 7 nios. Butler, table will doubtless be as here as or Atorney. popular I wish some of the Portland .. Agent only gentle [Funeral services will be held at the Horn 5 North collar. 3 are in o Berwick,Nov. ing red, they Boston where the quartette men who think there are no flsn, this Monday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock. 4,1896.nov9,dlaw3w»M and ground colorings, rather that they are growing scarce a In this city, Nov. 8, Catharine Gibbons, age the brown,blue, $3.00 could see what I saw there tbi 60 years. Sebago, at 8.80 WAITED last week. I went with Mr. Davis dowi [Funeral Wedesday morning o’clock from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Micbat i covering ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ where tbe fish wer __ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ the river below rear of No. 41 Brown street. li Malia. Kequtei and found them all along mass at the Cathedral of the Immauulat > spawning, high A person In the of Allen’s glorifies 5 THE COOK tbe deep holes waiting to opine up. Conception at 9 o’clock. living vicinity Z Corner (No. make a dallj the feast. Mr. Davis says the first salmon coin In Jefferson, Oct. 29, Mrs. Abigail Randal Deerlng P. O.) t,o Ther 86 rears. in route Wool Waists. Sort IS PLEASED In th ers to spawu four years Bgo. aged trip delivering mail on rural mall First floor near west Congress St. entrance. Fancy Serge Z Z In Richmond Oct. IS, John L. Allot were three of thorn. The next year nine Corner, 71 F. of Chenille Pointed * He Increased aged years. A. O’BRIEN, stripes. yoke. says they have gradually In Wayne. Oct. 30, Miss Phebe Pettengll z and b nov9d3t Me. Mrs. from the Nett ^ When knowing that the ? It is ilie best place for a hntohery, aged 95 years. P. O. Inspector, Portland, Thompson Very chio, $3,50 extract used has the seen J flavoring desired & feed tbe young fry 1 have ever In MHlford, Nov. 2, Mrs. Lena Willey, age York office of the Featherbone man- V strength, and will never disappoint. Thors is plenty of spring water, and thi 84 vears. M Only the best extracts will stand the ^ In Nov. 2. Alice M of Mi * water In the stream Is clear ns orystal Bangor. daughter will be at our store Mon- te6t- th and Mrs. Win. J. Lawrence. Mrs. Attner W. Lowell ufacturer, ¥ but the plaoe is so far away from I Woolwich, Nov. 2, John B. Taylor, age I hi ol railroad it could not be made a dlstrlbut jn Will receive classes and private pupils day, and 72 years. Tuesday Wednesday fo Elocution at real Plaid sereral com- ing point. If I could run that place In East Orrington, Nov. 2, Mrs. Cora Roa , and Physical Culture this to la- Waists, plaid hatcl 1 week to instructions BAKER’S ten years and feed what fish 1 could Rogers, aged 29 years, dence, 11 Henry street, give binations. Box $4.00 l | there from on 1 In Oct. 31, Gertie M. Flagg, i Children’s Got plait front, eggs taken the spot Hudson, age Saturday classes will begin dies in dresses. 24. Dadw Featherbone-ing * ¥ would guarantee to fill the lake full o t 19 years. Evening classes.monthly recitals. j EXTRACTS In Ellsworth, Oot. 27, Mrs. Charlotte B. Roac morning ana afternoon classes. Private classei salmon or not a cent. From th waist with anc charge aged 63 years solicited. For further lnformatio' Bring your you ¥ village I went to the ontlet. There wer particularly I In North Oct. 21, Samuel Stewart call or address 11 Henry street. At home Wed a few at the bn Berwick, Mrs. will in youi y Are pure fruit ex- head above the dam, In Hebron, Oct. 27, Nathan D. Harlow, age 1 nesdays. Circulars. oot27eodim Thompson put none man wb Scotch Plaid Waist, a ijp tracts, carefully prepared, and could m in the river below. The 63 years. instruction and the beauty, not be anything else but the best ex- ^ takes care of the fishery says tbe larg In Thomaston, Oct. 26, Mrs. Deborah Be Featherbone,give tracts. the 75 An for the $5.00 P They have stood test for V school of salmon that was at the outle erage, aged years. appeal throwing opeTToTTin machine attachment free. For the last 20 years we have Piso's Cure for Cc and In New Oct. SO. David Wlnslo' r schools for educations kept p years has gone up to White’s bridge, and nr Gloucester, Sunday every day Merrill, aged 76 10 months. was Strong oi Second Free 8t. near the shoe do in ¥ there in considerable numbers years purposes issued by Mayor floor, side, sumption stock, and would sooner think a cou,. spawning In Mt Vernon, Nov. 1, Miss Gertie Smltn, age 1 New pertinent. Take elevator. groceryman Mr. the who own York, Saturday. The oommunloa Davis, gentleman about 16 years. *nl without in , was addrsssed to the his store than we could without NEVER the dam at eays they bav In Woolwich, Nov, John B. Taylor, age clergymen along sugar Raymond, 2, trustees of ohurohes It setf Z had good there this season, am I 72 years. In that dlty. 'iso's Cure. It is a sure fishing forth that it Is well aocom fet seller.—RAVEN & CO., DISAPPOINT. that his brother has caught oonsiderabl 9 In Dexter, Nov. 2, Otis 0. Howard. known that J. R. LIBBY. J. R. LIBBY. Druggists. | In Hallowell, Nov, 3, Dexter Page, aged 4 7 modations are In tha publK many. It looks to me like flsbini laoklng Ceresco, 2, 1896. good school houses. Michigan, September ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ground about the mouth of that river. years. 2IISCEIXAJTEOUS. REFORMS PROMISED. 83*3 nAlNE TOWNS. A LIVELY RUNAWAY TO LET. WESTBROOK. A BOSTOM BLAZE FOR SALE.

for a Forty words ]«aert*4 The Sultan Tells Wbat He Pro- Items of Interest Gathered And a Narrow Escape Drunken Man. fender tints heed Forty word* inserted under thi* head Again by Pres one woek for 2t» cents OUR RED FIGURE A ehootlng ooutest waa held at Warren Lighted Up the Sky for Man] ca«h In advance. one week for 25 cent*, cash in advance. poses to Ho—This Time Everything Is Correspondents. Park Saturday afternoon between the was a narrow Miles Around. !arSe front room with board: To I5e 3Iade Serene. There escape LE1:r*liliefurnished: SALE—Bay horse; good worker; Saoearappa and Westbrook clubs, There newly hot and cold water: sound and SEBAGO. Saturday from what looked for steam heat. The BAINE FOR kind; weight 1150. Apply to Cash Sale a house, No. 6S FRANKLIN waa large attendance of.mem bora of the SKILLINGS, 89 Commercial like a Spring street, City. 9_2 a moment very The Boston a street. — 8.—Ab a serious Bridge Company Heavj y-1 -OF Paris, November 7.—Advices received clubs and many sp3otators witnessed the Sebago, November result of an cot fatal accident. About 3 rrO election bet as to whether or Dot the if o’clock a Loser—Heavy Explosion Attracts LET—Desirable tenements 5 and (3 from Constantinople are that when the shooting. Messrs. May berry, W. B. Bootb- 1 a11 SALE—Two house lots near Eastern Academy school bell would bo for mu oh the worse for antral ly located ; $10, $11, $1E rung man, liquor and Great Crowd. and,32Sm8» $16 month FORpromenade will sell cheap or trade for Sultan rcoieved the report of the speech by, Norton, R. C. Buotbby and Hcpkin- the were per by J. c. WOODMAN, 105* McKinley people kept awake driving a good looking horse attached to Exchange street. other property, near Washington street delivered M. Hauataux in the Cham- son were seleeted to the until about tree and send offers to F. <& by represent Sncca- Wednesday night twelve handsome Boston, November 7.—The large four- electrics; clear; H. BOOTS a SHOES. very phaeton came is said that another tearing LET—At 181 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. ber of Deputies he sent one of his secre- rappa team and Saw- o'clock. It attempt Oakdale, a down stairs rent of DEERING, Mitchell, Spiller, street story works of the Boston Bridge Com- six 9-2 will was made that eveuiug to prevent Its down Congress headed for TO rooms; sunny and convenient foifa Our store be closed all taries to French ambassa- yer, Lewis and Clark the Westbrook Munjoy small 30 M.Camlbef.tbe but if it pany on Sixth family, 1 essenden street. 7-1 Nov. to mark who ringing, so, proved unsuccessful hill. People scattered in all directions street, Cambridgeporfc, and oil 26 day Friday, 6fh, dor, impressed upou the secresary team. The won over SALE—Carpets floths, Saooarappas the like that of two months ago. All the were burned a nnO down and a the that tbu Sultan to atoid the totally tonight, causing LET—Rent for small corner FORBrussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets; 200 goods prepare for urgency existed for haB galloping horse and his er- A family of other toam by 16 points and wore award- trouble in this town been the result blaze that Oxford and Pearl yards Oil Cloth at sale at less than sale that should interest to adopt measures that would reassure ratic driver and the lighted up the sky lor milee street, good references private every- a warfare between the onlookers auction F. O. BAILEY & 40 Ex- The ed the prize of a ten of of personal silver expected ffSSJSSk JS&t. 512 Per month. Apply to prices. CO., that needs Footwear. public opinion and satisfy iturope. pound keg pow- moment to after the fire started a ERNEST 392 9-1 body element led by Wm. 0. Poor and the every see the man TRUE, Fore street, with True change street. Turkish ambassador in Paris'hasuow in- der. is the young Bros. Ws shall open Saturday morn- Following score: element of the uutuber of terrific 7-1 formed Sultan has anti-silver Deniooratio dashed to pieces against a explosions occurred, SALE—A dark brown work horse, Nov. 7th, at 8 with M. Houataux thut the K. telegraph pole. ing-. o’clock, Sacearappa—Mayberry, 19; W. B. led by Edwin Poor, which sup- greatly the of weighs 1270 pounds sound decided upon carrying out the following party, The horse managed to clear of alarming thousands people RENT—Near Brackett and FOR ;good worker; 16; R. C. tha Republican party this year. keep every and kind; will sell cheap; also second hand reform : The release of prisoners through- Iloothby, Norton, 18; Boothby, ported till Lincoln who had been attracted the fire and streets, containing 11 rooms and thing Park was reached by *\Jn®heated express wagon and harness. Inquire at §51,000 Wortti off out the Kmpire against whom uo charges 17; Hopkinsou, 22; 92. SOUTH BERWICK. who path, by furnace, well adapted lor rent- total, Here was a feared the boilers were ing rooms, or as a Portland Sewer Pipe and Artificial Stone are to instruct the that large jigger going in the oppo- exploding. boarding house. Rent very preferred; police — 83 Preble street. 7-1 Westbrook—Mitohell, 19; Spillor, 19; South November 0. South The were, caused oil used reasonable to a desirable tenant. For partlcu- Co., Armenians are not to be mo- Berwick, site direction* The horse cleared it. The explosions by peuceable are Uts apply Keal Estate 1st AND Sawyer, 15; 10; Berwick Republicans preparing to for Office, National SALE—The new corner BROKEN JOB LOTS lested; to dismiss the Vail of Diarbekir Lewis, Clark, 13; total, aid not. heating rivets and other parts of the Bank Building, house, of Cen- McKinley's election in oarriago When the nbeaton FREDERICK S. VAILL. tral avenue and Best for the share ho took in the disorders 67. celebrate Major and FOR street, Deering it left iron, the burning oil scattered the 6-1 Center. rooms, that we must turn into cash. royul on Monday evening next. The went by two wheels a tribute to Large bath room, open there; to precisely instruct the valis to le- The first fifteen were style our shot at known in to- flames to every of the RENT—A plumbing, sewer, Sebago.5 cemented cellar, Make necessity votir oppor- to undertake the indenti- several campaign companies town the superiority of the construc- portion building. pleasant compact*and well violence, the last ten at jigger’s arranged 8 room open fire-place, heated throughout, finished and can clothe angles, unknown angles. with the Reed Guards of The oil works of Alden and the FOR cottage with sunny ex- in tunity you your Sresaoatlon of Homan Catholic convents in gether York, tion. Ou went the horse with his driver Speare number 153 Clark natural wood, every convenience. Price The football aDd it is several other com- posure, street. Immediate own and your children’s feet Anato which were the game between the West- Me., hoped Standard Oil near at hand were possession. BENJAMIN only $2,350, to force a sale. Easy terms. damaged during towns will form strangely enough still to the Works, SHAW, 52* Exchange DALTON cheap. Coine and see wiiat we outbreaks: to assist tbe inhabitants of brook toam and panies from surrounding banging street. & CO., 478J Congress street, opp! Seminary Westbrook and He in Imminent danger at one time. D. H. 5_1° Preble. have and the to in parade on Central square march reins. hung on till opposite George 7:1 satisfy yourself. districts which suffered most and toam that was to come oil at Leering over the same route as in the September Andrews of owner of the LET.—Nice flat of 7 rooms lower 299 publish shortly a decree ordering the C. Frye’s. Here some men stopped the Newton, bridge floor, afternoon had to over the state Main TO Cumberland Street. Central and conven- RENT—Near Maine General execution in of the re- Saturday bo,postponed celebration election, works, places the loss at about Hospital, prompt Anatoda horse and the driver was detaohea from $160,000, ient. $20 to light party. fl. H. FORat junction of Crescent and Charles as street to South Berwiok Landirg, thenoe SHAW. forms in 18U5 and the extension several members were so much used of which streets, an or granted via the the reins and $36,000 is ou the building and 4-1 upper lower rent of seven to Great Works Newichawauiok harness. With the strange ___ rooms and of these reforms to the whole in a the first of dk nnn __i_ <__. ■. Bath in a new heated empire. up gome the week that aud back via house; by oompany’s private way, luck that seems with ine- RENT—A steam, etc.,‘tetc. An con- & M. Houataux thanked the ambassador were proverbial very desirable modem exceptional rent, Greene uuuble to Go., thoy play Saturday. Davie aud Academy streets to insurance of The cause of the Art house in western of sidering the price, location and surround- Iyer for the iuformatiou told him High, briated $125,00. FOR part between and he had individuals he was city, 461 CONGRESS ST. At the regular of the West- MrIh street, thence Portland to Good- apparently State and Mellon street, eleven ings- Apply to H. A. SARGENT, or to Real preoisely instructed Mr. Camblof to meeting is unknown. About 176 men were em- containing Estate ofiice to Mortou, Morton to little tbn worso for his ou his rooms and bath, with all modern ol FREDERICK S. VAILL. nov5 lw watch the of these brook Commandery, U. O. G. Satur- win, Goodwin trip improve- 7-1 applicatiou prelimi- C., Falls and stomach over the ployed making iron work for the subway ments, in good repair and genteel measures. Main, Main to Salmon bridge paving stones of Con- neighbor- nary day the order as hood. For particulars real estate evening entertained its baok to Central It is hoped that and bridges for railroads. The works apply SALE OR TO square. gress street and apparently not much office, First National Bank Building. LET—Two chair barber guests Supreme Commander A. S. Bangs every Republican on the line of march will be rebuilt FREDERICK S. FORshop at 663 Congress'street, Longfellow DIRECTIONS. CATARRH SCORES CARLISLE. sobered. Immediately. VAILL._ 3-1 Good and members of Gorham will up and show their colors. Ac- square. stand, will sell or rent reas- and Presump- light onable. to Apply a particle of the to the made It looks RENT—In western part of the on Apply CHARLES CASSASA, 649 scot Commauderies. The cording plans being Great London Concern city Balm directly iuto the looal degree Manufacturing FORCongress street, near Mellon, part of a Congress 7_1 Mr. tetters to the aB if we should oeiehrate ns never before. OBITUARY. street._ nostrils. Draw strony Flemming’s Secretary staff with Its uew house containing 7 rooms and bath with all paraphernalia enter- Burned Out. SALE—New, six room house on Alba breaths the modern and steam through ofthe Treasury. NORWAY. improvements separate FORstreet, Centre lot nose. Use th ree times tained those present by the W. II. November Fine location for Deering ; 50x100, good exemplifying Hounds. Loudon, 7.—The factory and heating apparatus. a garden, sewer. Keh«.«rr» wotar *.0^ a day, after meals pre- work. November t>—Charles Marston store rooms of physician. For Real Estate After the exercises the Norway, Shand, Mason & Co., particulars apply throughout, fine home and verv and re- company Mr. W. H. whose death was Up- cheap; price ferred, before an employe in the South Paris sled Rounds, Ground Black office, First National Bank Building 81050. If taken at November 7.—Judge W. v* wMiwovu per street, Friars’ once, only' $300 tiring. Washington, ... 111 lUC from the of noted in the road, FREDERICK S. VAILL. 3-1 down, faetury, fell this morning top Boston papers and whose makers of fire and all the balance 88 per mouth. DAI.TOil & CO 478* B. who was removed from bis The engines appa- Fleming, banquotioom. evening was the wifll a distance of ten f«et, funeral was ratus oonneoted Congreps street, opposite Preble. 7-1 highly house, held Friday afternoon at his with the extinction ol LET—A very desirable upper flat in a as obief of the law and record the bone ELY'S position enjoyedby all. breaking bis ankle at the joiut, were burned this new two flat house on Sherman late was fires, evening.*The loss is TO street; the flesh to a distance residence, Somerville, Maas., of nine FOR SALE—A well built 2 detached division of the Supervising Arohiteot’s The all of protruding through estimated at 200,000 pounds. The ei entirely separate, consisting rooms a family absorbing topio discussion iu until some prop irame house, 13 rooms in of several inohes. He was attended by three years ago a resident of ty included 350 and bath, not and cold water, gas, cemented good repair, office of the on Wed- destroyed engines, twe 1111 a na at rtfRna steam CREAM BALM treasury department this oity at present is the and Brad r'ftlliir d film lmat Tn/iniru heat, etc., has barn and wide driveway. probability Drs. Rounds, Woodbury bury, this city. Mr. Rounds was a shoemaker 37,000 feet of a The above is within GOLD IN HEAD sent a letter to Secre- floats, hose, quantity ol the Gas West Commercial St. 27-2 five minutes walk of Mon- nesday last, today of the of the and as This Works, starting Wes.tbrook Manu- made comfortable possible. and trade and rubber and valuable maohlnery. ument Square. Easy terms. BENJAMIN Open3 and cleans the Nasal tary Carlisle in which he says: Sir— the Maine repairer by was known by Passages, Allays in afternoon he will be carried to comfortable winter rooms SHAW, 61 1-2 Exchange street. facturing company the near future. ~ LET—Very 6-1 Pam and Inflammation, Heals and Protects Our guarantees to all its many of his most Intimate friends as a government General hospital, as he is a widower with EDUCATIONAL^ TO with board at 74 SPRING ST. oct21d4w the Membrane from Colds, Restores the Senses citizens the privilege of free so One of the rumors on the street Saturday SALE—The well knowu summer hotel of Taste and speech, flvo small children and no housekeeper. crayon portrait artist of no mean abil- Smell. Is quickly absorbed. Gives that has LET—The store FORpropertv called ‘‘The Kirkwood” every American the national was to the eifeot that the were a man named dry goods occupied by house, relief at once. 50c at nr m? cists nr hv mail- company A few minutes later young ity. W. W. situated at to express in a manner his TO Cutter in Odd Fellows’ block Scarborough Beach, 8 miles from 10c by mall. right proper to their cotton Decostor lost a from comiDg in on samples replace machinery with finger Mr. Rounds was Main street: floor space 1826 feat with Portland,contains 7 6rooms and accommodates ELY KKOTHEKS. 56 Warren New York. pollticsl opinions. In accepting office for a time a resident St., woolen and contact with a circular saw. THE FIRST basement. The store is centrally located 126 persons. There are 26 acres of land with the citizen forfeits neither his civil nor machinery soon begin the of bill Hr. George P. Jones, one of our most Munjoy and prior to bis removal and lighted by electric lights. Inquire of buildings large enough to do a thriving busl- his The civil service manufacture of a fine of wool- M. W. Hawks’ Price low to Notice. religious liberty. grade aud citizens to Massachusetts was a STILES, coal office,or C. B. !>e-ts.. very close an estate. A‘ Messenger’s prominent highly respeoted resident of Soar- C- law was in termed not to destroy these, ens. Oxford Woodman’s drug store, City Westbrook. LIBBY & CO., 42 1-2 Exchange street Office of the Sheriff of Cumberland County, and the leading dentist of county but ill bealtb but protect so that a minor official boro, induced him to re- State of Maine. Cumberland ss. Oct. them, Mr. Herbert the iiad an nttaot of paralysis, on Tuesday _10-4 __6-1 should at least he Chandler, sixteen year move his to 31st A. D., 1896. secured id defending seems to and family Massachusetts where FOR SALE—A red mare about 10 years last. He be gaining slowly rilO LET—On Commercial store for- A old, is to that on the 29th the nominees of bis as would he old son of Mr. Albert lost the wharf, 850 kind hi give notice, day party Chandler, of bis ultimate reoovery are he loonted at Somerville. Mr. Rounds 8 JL merly occupied by the late Charles ¥. In weighs lbs., every respect and of Oct. A. D.. a Warrant in strong hopes LESSONS a driver. of THIS good A. C. 1896, a cabinet officer in exercising the same whole of his index and a of graham, suitable for business or Also Inquire LIBBY & Co was issued out of the Court of In- linger portion entertained. was a member of several masonic storage. 42 1-2 Insolvency inalienable No to and store occupied C. Exchange 6-1 for right. objection my his hand The line lot on tho corner of lately by W. Lombard. Also street._ solvency said County of Cumberland, right Saturday afternoon by bnilding similar bodies of that -IN THE- stores suitabie for activity in the which has has city bot had re- storage. Apply to B. W SALE—Business chances still open lor against the estate of oampaizn it in Paris and Green streets, boon pur- JONES, 1)0 Commercial closed was ever made known to me having caught some gearing at the tained his in the street jly2ldtf FOItparties with capital more or less accord- HAKKY B. of Portland, just chased by the Mission sooiety, membership colony of to BEST, the mills. Kpisoopal ing circumstances.Apply to N. S. GARDI- pending campaign. On the oontrary paper a will he erected n«xt adjudged to be an Insolvent on and ohurch early Pilgrim Fathers of this oity. NER, 185 Middle street. 6-1 Debtor, pet- i was Informed that held to the MISCELLANEOUS. tion of said which was hied you Mr. Ernest Bancroft an season. with the new Catholio debtor, petition paid election This, The deceased leaves a wife in fesble on the 20th of A. D. view you could not consistently remove A GENTS money day Oct. 1896,to which bet church will increase the number in town -rA WANTED.—Big handling man or Friday evening by wheeling Mr. health and two VIRGIL our Christmas and from married SYSTEM New Years for date interest on claims is to be computed. any office exercising tbe to daughters. The Forty words or less inserted under this Cards Frank eight. the next two months. We That the payment of any debts to or by said same which yourself were Libby about the streets in a was Head for one weak for 25 cts. in advance. will print your name rights you body brought here for burial at on Debtor, and the transfer and delivery of any BUXTON. -OF- one dozen bevel edged cards, motto, hand- exercising. My removal from office, the wheelbarrow until he had covered a dis- some bv him are forbidden law. Peaks Saturday afternoon. finish, for 10 cents. YALE CARD CO., property by first intimation of which was obtained island, That a meeting of the creditors of Bald tance of two miles. When he readied the West November 7.—Mrs. Eliza Westville, Ct. 4.1 from the while into Buxton, to their debts and choose one or newspapers going Debtor, prove corner of Main and streets he de- Allen, wife of Hon. C. E. Weld, died at MONEY FOR SALE—I hereby offer for sale the fur- on TO more of his estate, be held the train my return from Bridge Miss Talbot’s Pictures. LOAN; a assignees will at my home, her homo last afternoon, after a Ou ntshings of the St. Julian Hotel in Port- a Court of to be holden at was therefore a to me. No one livered a five minute silver Friday mortgages for long or short time. Parties Insolvency Probate surprise speeoh to the The exhibition of Miss land, Me., as part of the estate of Richard W. Court in said said of long and very severe illness. The loss is Catherine Tal- TECHNIC wishing to build, or to borrow money ou real Boom, Portland, in County knows better than yourself the long amusement of a audience. Underwood, now deceased. 1 have been duiv on the large a sud one to her husband nnd bot’s estate security eau obtain funds on favorable Cumberland, 16th day of November, 1 had manifested for the daughter, picture at Gould & Con- appointed administrator of his estate friendship you, Rev. C. Whipple’s, terms. SCARBOROUGH BROS. & 1-2 and wish A. D., 1896. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. C. Phelan of the Westbrook M. Mrs. George E. Smith of Everett, Mass., CO.,88 to close the business at interest 1 had taken and the sacrifices gress street, last was a Street. up once. This offers a Given under hand the date lirst above wo week, great Exchange augSdtf my E. left on a to whom extend the deepest sympathy FOB fine opening for the right mam is well written. of time and money made by me in pro- church, Friday morning two $5.00. patron- of our hearts in tneir affliction. Mrs. pleasure to all who are Interested ized and Rives promise of a Mcratlve business. C.L. moting your ambitious. In view of all weeks’ vaoation to the eastern of the TO LOAN—On first or second The BUCKNAM, part Weld has been a resident of this in art and we can house is centrally located and In zood as plaoe likewise take -AT THE- MONEY on real Deputy Sheriff, Messenger of the Court of tbe facts, it seems to me that 1 was at state. mortgages estate, stocks, condition, DAVID F. MURDOCK, Adm'r. for said of Cumberland. from many years, and will be greatly in it a deal bonds, life insurance or Insolvency County least entitled to some notice before be- great of local pride for the policies, any good sept29 tf nov2ft9 Messrs. William and missed In the community. Funeral ser- securities; notes discounted at low rate of __ ing kicked oat of office without even an Benttey Ward excellence of the vices will take plaoe Monday afternoon, work. There was sev- interest, I. P. BUTLER, 48^ Exchange street, FOR SALE—Building lots at Oakdale. The of to Had Spring left Thursday for Boston on a few one A Land opportunity declining resign. November 9 eral pastels in the exhibition and the up flight._ nov7-4 Deering Co. offer for sale on favor- 1 known or suspeated I could not bold able terms desirable building lots on Forest days’ pleasure trip. They witnessed the Mr. John Martin died at his borne in of the old office under this administration and at copy portrait of General Lin- SPECIAL—§500 will secure the entire con- Avenue, Falmouth, Fessenden, Pitt, William, HarVHrd-Princeton game at Buxton last Thursday morning. He was trol of a manufactured of and Deering streets, Oakdale. to the same time exercise the rights of an Cambridge, coln, of Revolutionary fame, to whom commodity great Apply OHAS. a member of Buxton lodge, No. 115 of F. merit. The same having been In thorough op- C. ADAMS. Treas., 31Exchange sir leu Amerioan freeman, 1 would have Saturday. eration rT and A. M., also a member of the I. O. Washington presented a sword, was both dnring the past five years in England. ]eleowK20wk promptly tendered my resignation at Miss Mary Bacon, daughter of Rev. E. BAXTER BLOCK. Investigation solicited. For further n'e a|t! |- O. F., nnd G. A. R. He leaves a wife interesting and satisfactory. particu- tbe opening of this campaign. Inas- lars address P. O. Box 3730, Boston, Mass. K. Bacon of Saybrook, Conn., formerly and several children to tnouru the loss of First Lesson Not. 9. FOR much as the appointes of the present In the water oolors, however, it seoms 6-1 SALE. of this city, who is now a at the a kind husband and father. Tho funeral Call at once for administration, including many in your pupil as if we saw Miss Talbot at her best. particulars. want Cider Barrels at Standard Oil PRINTING service will take plaoe at 1 o’clock Sun- In nov8d2w to buy from 86000 to department, have been permitted to take Massachusetts Conservatory of is 810,000 worth of Musio, day afternoon at his late resilience. these there was a good deal of variety of BICYCLES—I bicycles,new. old, dam- Co., of K. Y. Office 33 West an active part against Bryan in tho to sing at the musical festival at Tremont agde. Pay highest cash price. Call or send Burial service will be conducted byi the and difference in tone and to on Commercial campaign, not only on the stump, but subject oolor. CHARLES SUMNER CARLETON postal call you. Also bievcles ex- Street, opposite Temple, Boston, on the evening of No- members of Saco Valloy lotlgo of Odd A line for sale. No in the work of organization without Tbo March Views, of whioh there was changed. big business Maine Central R. vember 16. She will Fellows. done on Saturday. BOSTON 411 R. Freight rebuke or removal, it is evident that probably be engaged several STORE, _PAYS There Is great rejoicing over the result charming examples, vary from Baritone, Eore street.aov5-4 Depot. the uause of my offending lies not in as soprano at the Hill ohuroh in Prnspeot of the eleotion. the to 3epl6dtf light, bright, spring green, the RESEATED in cane and basket __ my action, but in iny convictions. Mass. This will be VOICE CULTURE. Somerville, gratify- rioh work at 99 Green J. H. SHAW TILANT WE I T In conclusion, 1 can only say that, warm, browns of the “October af- CHAIRS street, FOOD.—.Prepared especially for pot ing news to her friends in KENNEBUNK, Four years in Italy under the best masters. 5-1 a culture; contains all the Djo bumble as I I would a many this ingredients for am, rather be dis- ternoon. There was two “longshore” Hour also half hour lessons. the growth of plants, and the oarth of the city. Kennebunk, November 6—The grandest Resldenoe and MOAH—Card keeps charged employee treasury depart- full of life and and in 62 Palmist and Impres- moist and soft. S in ID. at five oelebration ever in this bits, oolor, “Af- Studio, High Street, City. oct21eodlm packages ment, discharged for doiug my duty as Dr. G. W. Hawkes and Messrs. Isaac given vicinity MME.sionai Reader, now at 56 Free street, cents by W. C. SA LR, 9 Preble St. TH E was ter glow,” Me. This wonderful l see it for thun to be secre- given Friday night. At eight “Ogunquit,” “September Portland, lady has been my people, Farrar and S. _4-1 H. Skillings left Friday a was consulted thousands of the most intelli- tary of the treasury with a record of self- o’clock procession formed and Twilight,” the deep, beantlful tints EDWARDS by for a two people in all parts of the and SALE—Two cakes “Our such as have weeks; gunning to th started from the Republican head- world, Cottage’* stultlfloatlon, you made for trip of “Falmouth at low Kentas been a most for 5 You with four hundred torches in twilight. Begs to announce that she has withdrawn pronounced successful FORLaundry Soap cent*. com- yourself Rtariiig me in the face. This northern of the state. will quarters ” forecaster of 5 a THURSTON part They was a more delicate coming events. Mme. Mouh monly pay cents cake for something no muoh of a I deem headod by tha North Berwick band tide, touohjof the from Geo. C. Shaw & Co’s the cake known was born with better. protest it proper to oainp at a short distance from West line, the power to reveal your C. L. LUFKIN, Woodfords. 3-1 make against your treacherous * and and West Kennebunk drum corps and purple hues, and In “Breezy as tbe past, present and future; explains Bethel. Day,” dreams, E'OR SALK OR RENT—Lower tenement No. action. marob6d the streets. gives advice on love, matrimony and busi- a tyranous through principal “Surf” and “Sunrise Cloud,” one al- 114 Oxford street, 7 cemented An adjourned of tho Woman’s ness ; causes with proper advice and rooms, cel- meeting oity There wore grand illuminations in all Exchange Cake, speedy perfeot sanitary Kent i oouuoil will be held most felt the fresh, salt breezes of the happy marriages; tells when and how to lar, arrangements. $13. p[r! 1n[t 25S8SS A SERIOUS this evening. seotions of the town. The committee of Apply to G. H. ALLEN. 121 CHARGE and will place it elsewhere as soon as and true Exchange street. ooaan. were all arrange- speculate; lucky unlucky days; and arrangements consisted of Ur. F. M. They charming pictures false etc. Office hours: 2-2 The Portland Street Railroad ments can be made.nov3dlw friends, Weekdays, __ Compa- Ross, L. M. Perkins, C. H. Cole. Janies and it is a matter of regret that the ex- 11, 5, 7, 9. Sundays, 2, 9. 9-4 ■Which Officer Sylvester Both to live and to <. SALE—Musical instruments. Dull Indignantly ny is now to battle with B. O. C. O. K. Richard- paint for the r*xe brother fully equipped Lord, Tibbetts, hibition closed hood of man. FORtimes, but Hawes has such in Denies. son. 'The Saturday. bargains the winter’s snow on the Westbrook di- procossion marched to the elegant muscial instruments that customers Town hall, where Hr. F M. Ross will patronize him tor pianos, music vision. The largo covered snow has Real Estate Transfers. HORSE TIMERS. boxes, plow ns toastmaster presented the following, violins, banjos, guitars, mandolins, har- Saturday forenoon Police Officer come from the It has who on the The transfers of All the good ones in silyer, gold filled and sil- cornets, claronets, superior violin Syl- just repair shop. spoke subjects assigned to following real estate andmonicas, them. Our L. M. FOX STUDIO ver .cases. Single and split seconds. MoKEN- banjo strings, popular music, music vester received a com a been fitted with new motors and Country, Perkins; In this have plaint that fifteen patent county been recorded in NEY the Jeweler.je26dtf books, music rolls and everything In the Our Flag, W. A. Caine; Republican 4781-2 music line. Please year old son of James Curtie, who lives brakes and has reoelved a new coat of the Registry of Deeds: Congress St., Portland,Me. call. HAWES’, No 414 iiiiiren Party, E. Andrews; Our Candidates, have a nice lot of rugs which I Congress street. Sl-4mos on John C. Lindsey to Monument street, had been assaulting paint. Rev. K. J. Prescott; Campaign of Walliam Fills, for NOTICE—Iwill exchange for cast off clothing, be- and ladies’ and smaller with whom he was at Saturday broke the record for Rev. W. P. a lot of land with the on Drawing, Painting ing dresses, gentlemen’s clothing SALE—At Oakdale; new house on boys play. evening Education, Lord; Country $1, buildings Modelling I eash children’s clothing. pay for them if FORPitt street; contains 7 rooms and a officer an Befoie Party, A. S. Bigger; Our Cur- the side of bath, ® • The went to the boy’s home to see evening’s truvel on the Westbrook westerly Emerson street. m OLAY. it is preferred. Send postals or letters to hot and cold water, cemented IMPORTED rency, 1. F. Fuller; Home R. cellar, large the It electrios. The from Industries, Vinton Earle of MR. or MRS. D’GROOT, 76 Middle St. 12-1 Jot, will be sold on terms. to youngster. was shortly after this people this city be- W. A. E, Deering to ff. W. Reopens October | easy Apply Lord; Supreme Court, E. Haley; 19th, viiaiica v,. that Mrs. Curtis and her to leave for Portland Philbrooks of for a mHE WENTWORTH—Enlarged to double its -.. --vuaiiis, sou and the gan at 5.30 and Confidence Necessary, George F. Robin- Portland, $1, lot of Treasurer,31 street. 30-4 rne tentn year oi me scnooi oners tne fol- JL iormer capacity, now ready; nne large Exchange CONVENIENT, officer In from that time son; Masses and Classes, Rev. Mr. Lock- land in Portland on the appeared the office of Marshal until 8.30 all of tbe oars westerly side of lowing teachers and studies: rooms with new improved steam heaters; wood ; Past, Present nnd Future, Rev. street. and STRONG, Triokey. Mrs. Curtis was greatly ex- that could bo put ou duty were crowd- Washington newly papered painted, thoroughout; WANTED—SITUATIONS. Mr. McBeun. The speeches were inter- L. FOX. dining room enlarged and under new man- cited and declared that the officer had ed. One man who took notice of the Loronzo Valente to E. Vinton ArtlSli? }-CHARLES spersed with music by the band and sing- Earle, Fonrait—ELIZABETH B. FOX. agement. Table board first class. For further COMFORTABLE, call at ui nformation 148 St. 18-4 words broken her arm. The marshal called in travel, estimates that not far from 1500 ing of the National hymns bv the anrfi. wunu "^“*'''6) Vi) a 1UU U1 muu OU Antique-HKRBERT A. RICHARDSON. house, Spring Forty inserted under this head after which nn Afternoon one week lor 25 cents, cash la advance. LIGHT. Or. Pitcher, in the absence of the city people from this olty witnessed the cele- enoe, elegant supper was tbe westerly Bide of Cumberland street. Antique—CARRIE I. EASTMAN furnished by the ladiee. Still Life—CURTIS A. PERRY. physician, and It was found that the bartion in Portland Saturday evening. E. Vinton Earle of Deering to Snrab Sketch Class—HELEN W. BROWN. MAIN SPRINGS 75c. Fold Ccmpsctljr, Weigh! Complete Four Ounces. (SITUATION WANTKD.-By an American woman had received a fraoture of one TbB ladies’ sociable of the Westbrook E. Brackett of Portland, for a lot of SANFORD. Waltham Resilient and with Cumberland 81, Genuine Mainsprings woman, capable good references, for Ham- Rowing Association. Anatom^6 }~FKANK in a small Admirably adapted Baby Carriages, of the bones of the wrist. The fracture Congregational church will be onter- land with buildings on the westerly side only 76c, warranted tor one year. M’KENNKY family; general work or working mocks, etc. Indispensable for travellers and taiDd Wednesday at tbe vestry A treat is in store for the TERMS—810 a month Antique and other the Jeweler, Monument square. je26dtf housekeeper, where there are uo email chil- Is not a severe one. Mrs. Curtis evening lovers of of Green street. vacationists. wus Mrs. H. T. Mrs. Mor- classes; $13 a month Portrait aud other dren. Address S. C., Advertiser Office, Port- by Boynton, J. W. boat racing at the Cuinberlands’ TO LOAN—On Household Me. oared for by the physlolan and sent ris and Mrs. J. Seates. ball, Arlotta F. Jones to Victoria R. Min- Classes. goods, land, 4-1 C. 35c MONEYLite Insurance Policies, 3 year old Tuesday evening, November 17th. A Evening Clans—Antique a week. Horses, woman of home. The silver Democrats in this oity are aldl of Brooklyn, N. Y., for 81, a lot of Carriages, Store fixtures. Furniture Leases. experience wants ®IMPORTED • For further details send for circular or a to care for an invalid bad and have in- series of four races will be applj 1st and 2nd Mortgage, Real WANTED—Aposition or an Officer denies that he was iu manifesting temper exciting giv- laud in Cape Elizabeth. to teachers after 19th October. Estate, Bonds,Com- Reference if desired. Sylvester sept 14eod2m mercial avorible aged person. 300 Con- augurated a short sighted nolicy toward en on the Kerns oelebrated Papers discounted; terms. left hand any way responsible for the woman’s in- rowing ma- Amos Leighton to Frederick Hansen PORTLAND COLLATERAL LOAN Room gress street, bell. 4-1 those members of their party who re- CO., chine. Single, double and raoes 6 Oxlord WANTED-Mrs. Kristenson jury. He told the marshal that he went fused to the nominees in two-pair both of Falmouth, for 81, a lot of land In WANTED. Building.__3-4 will do support regular WORKwashing, cleaning, and $1.00. this election. are are on the programme. The single scull M. custom simple sewing, PRICE, to the house to the They openly saying Falmouth. Watkins, tailor, etc. Will work number of investigate complaint any days in the NOTICE—E,Morrills Corner. is that the prodigals will not be reoievad race between Frateg>nd McCarthy will Forty words Inserted under this head Deering, selling strictly week, can also bring assistant. Call or ad- which had been made to him. He was 95 cents, All Wool Business Suits lrom to back with open arms. the one week tor cash In advance. S12 $26. dress, MRS. KRISTENSON, 4 Congress Place. be worth price of admission,as both Accidenr. Black Worsted Cutaway Suits from $18 to talking to the boy and his mother when Kev. G. W. Parsons of the Chestnut 3-1 are A. $30. Overcoats from $12 to Pants lrom M. scullers confident of At Mr. Jordan, formerly of tbe Arm of good will fur- $20. young Curtis started to go down stairs. street E. church, Portland, preached winning. blacksmith; $3 to 3mon is & met WANTED—Anis li house and shop for small rent $9._oct5 a very enjoyable sermon at the West- present Frates the favorite, but Mc- Green Jordan, with a bad acatdnt IF VOr« W ATCH KICK He had descended several steps when his also what land may he desired. Write at Methodist church work on a IF WE WANTED A brook yesterday morn- Carthy Is training hard and feels sure while at at the cor- once to E. No. CLOCK GE0.TFRYE mother tried to him. The he building C. SMALL, Raymond, Me. 9-1 will take the kick out of It and make It apparently stop is ing. The pastor away on his vacaton. and his backers of West ana Would go to McKenney’s because he has WE keep time. can win, are all ner Pine streets, Saturday. man with *800 to to good Mainsprings 76a, clean pair tripped and fell. Sylvester tried to His was the of a taking *1200 WE more up-to-date Clocks than all the other 320 CONGRESS ST. aubjeot requisites happy WANTED—Smarthalf interest in business lng $1.00; mainspring and cleaning combined le2tf the Frates money in sight. The double He was working on the foundation when buy payine stores combined. His 96c alarm clock is wak- all work stop them and fell but he says he did not life. *3000 If you have the nrstolass. MeKENNEY, The of rook yearly. money and up the town. Clocks, 96e to $60.00, eweler. Monument Square. § An adjourned of the and pair oar races will also he close a fell from above want business, address F. nsj SI.50; ianlBtf "touch either of them. The boys with meeting city and piece striking good H. DEER- McKENNEY. The Jeweler, Monument Square. Council will be held this on the head and ING, 181 Tremont street, Boston. Mass. 9-2 ANNUAL MEETING. whom Curtis uvsning. interesting. him cutting two had anl6dtf young was piayiug allege Manager Hubbard of the Scales Medi- from which the blood flowed or to take The stockholders of the Central Wharf Tow that he beat them over the head with the cal will start a gashes, ironing Company team out on home or work in a 75(T are notified that their The Iiittle He was WANTED—Washing family. Apply to FIRST OF THE MAINSPRINGS, Boat company hereby to sell Women. freely. assisted to his home New ball were Curtis was ar- the road today their goods. by Rear 227 Danfortli. Resilient Waltliam Mainsprings, the annual meeting will be held at their office the; usiug. best Tbe Haskell Bilk Company’s The Little Women held Mr. Sewall Lang and a doctor oalled. made, only 76c., warranted. MeKEN- No. 170 Commercial street. Portland, on rested. plant their annual child to the so low that ft board. Best of ref- NEY, Jeweler. Monument Sq. augSdtf November 13th, at 2.30 to sets makes it neoessary who had to take several Friday, p. in., meeting Saturday with Mrs. stltohes fti the WANTED—Aerences. Address, ELIZABETH TAY- Kotzschmar Lecture Nov. 12 act on the following articles: First to for the fire whistle to be placed on a Grcenhalge, Recitals, THE MUNICIPAL COURT. street. wounds. Mr. Jordan will be LOR, South Freeport. 7_! choose a second, to choose seven tower. are at work 170 1-8 Neal The officers probably vy tv I'E >— t v .is a a [,» moderator; Carpenters building following COURSE TICKETS directors for the ensuing year; third, to act tbe tower. It Is that it for the around all right again in a few ANTED-Ladies wishing a fine, cleai $3.50. expected will be wore elected ensuing year: days. to on any other business that may properly the complexion call. A free trial oi BEFORE JUDGE ROBINSON. completed by middle of tlio week. Peart Forty words inserted under this head come "before them. President—Grace Farrington. i;ter;HENRY care; remedy being ap- and costs. to am far from reasonable. Cumberland ! It was decided nave Miss “I being fortunate. I am the NELSON, LOST AND FOUND. plied directly to the Martin __ Alcott’s Centre, 7.^ Free Drawing School for Mechanics, Murphy. Intoxication; fined 13 November 28. only one among my sox who oannot be Maine._ seat of disease 1 e- and costs. The Stroudwater Social Club will reception, persons give with the swellest hot ia town.”_ "IVANTED—Many| who take wriskey Twenty-first Year. no happy f» opium and Forty words Inserted under this head quires change of Hugh McGowan. Common drunkard; a drama entitled morphine, tobacco say the) “Messmates”, at Quin- Detroit Tribune. want to cured of the one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. diet. Cure guaranteed sixty days in the county jail. The Death Kate. get disease it has broughi Free Drawing School for Mechanics, 21st Stroudwater, upon them. If you are in 1 to 8 Small John M. Parker. Search and byjhall, Tuesday, Decem- really in earnest wh) year. The school will be open in the evening days. seizure; don’t you go to the Keeley KThis fined flOO and coits. ber 1st. The club oonsists of several of There were 11 deaths In Institute, Deering. on WEDNESDAY, Nov. II, 1896, at 7.10 black far boa about 6jp. m.. Thurs- » '*?* mail Appealed. Portland dnr- and be redeemed plain package, by Me., from such bondage. o'clock, at MECHANICS’ HALL, and Will LOST—Aon Exchange between Congress and Si* i&JEa Sold the leading oitizens of the week which ended day 91.00. only by Stroudwater. ing Saturday ____oct21-tf continue four months free of charge to me- Middle. St. Return to 38 Market SL G-l For sale *J. H. cor. Free and ladies will a deaths All and by Hammond, Center BELIEF IN SIX HOURS The give benefit entertain- noon. The were due, one persons desirous of aequir- chanics, Journeymen, apprentices those Sts., Portland, Maine. eaoh, good to follow mechanical and Ear ment for the WANTEDing health, improvement ir Intending pursuits from Eye Inflrmary'and Boys' Home, at to bronchitis, cancer, of the state. Three an Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases Deoring diphtheria, heari morals, obtaining happy homes, to go to ttn any part classes will he LOST—BetweenOwen & Moore’s, envelope with lieieved in six hours the "NEW Institute at one for architecture, one for mechani- in it marked MARY by GREAT Wednesday evening, Nov. 18th, at the disease, hemorrhage, congestion of thi Keeley Deering, Maine, and be formed, money O'HEARN. of breakwater in SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE.” The When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. come cured of tne diseases arising from tin cal, and one for advanced pupils in fourth Finder please return to Eye and Ear In- a hall on Pitt street. There will lungs, meningitis, use of A of the ConstructionDELAWARE BAY. DEL., U. S. Engi- new remedy is great surprise on account murder, excessive Rum, Opium, Tobacco anc branches. part lessons in each olass firmary. 3-1 phthisis, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Do 1 neer office, 1428 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., of its exceeding promptness in relieving be a social evening, refresh- suicide, tnboroulosis. Cigarettes. 22-tf will be devoted to REE HAND DRAWING. Noven’her 18%. Sealed proposals in in the it.__ will be required to furnish themselves 3, ‘tripli- pain bladder,kidneys.baek and every ments and musio, vocal and Instrumen- When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Pupils V> ANTED— MALIC HKLP. cate will be received here until 12 of the persons in want of trunk! necessary ana o’clock, part urinary passages in male or fe- and a short dance. to with all implements stationery. it tal, Every is she had WANTED—Alland bags call on E. D. REYNOLDS 14 of aee noon, December in, 18%, and then publicly male. relieves retenion of water and lady cure When Children, she gave them Castoria. None nnder years admitted. Appli- earnestly desired to donate a The wonderful by 593 Congress street, one door men can make $1,000 to opined,for constructing stone breakwater pain in passing it almost If pound, also Salvation Oi above Sliaw’i cation will be received until day of opening by immediately. of Mr. M. S. a store, as we WANTED—Brightto $3,000 per year selling Musical in Delaware Bay, Del. Information fur- you want quick relief and cure this is cast-off clothes, flannels, and pant cloth. Culp, chronic rheumatic grocery manufacture our goods your and can therefore Well advertised. Write nished on appIScVtSnn. c. W. RAYMOND, remedy. Sold by C. H. GUPPY CO Mrs. Hawes will see that all donations 816 George St., give bottom price® ABNER W. LOWELL, Graphophones. today Drug- Baltimore, Md„ is a mir Trunks repaired. Open to Columbia Phonograph Company, Washm- Major Encrli... nov5.6,7.9Ardee3,4,5,7 gist. 46o Congress St., Portland, Me. are sent to the home. acle. evenings. We franu pictures. fed*- 5 nov6 613 Congress St. lw ton, D. C. sep24-9 Am. calf.... New 96 JS rSCKLLANKOtJS. I 9081.00 Tobacco. York Central. 96% 6 _ RAILROADS. RAILROADS. STEAMERS. I’l Yl.U’iAL ASH CiMERClAL 1L®ad:.,, Best brands_60880 Hew York.Chicago & St. Louis 13 13% MAEINENEW Sheet.6 %® 7 Medium.30*40 do 1st prd. 73 73 Pipe.6%®6 Common.26®39 do 2d pfd. » POST OF PORTLAND. Zinc. %88% Natural at... .80870 Hew York & H is. Portland & Worcester Lins ALLAN LINE Old Colour.•••••• 178 GRAND 7. TRUNK Ottt. Jt Wostern. 16% 16% Nov. A L M AIJL ST E AM I; New Stock Market. SATURDAY, __ROY RS. Paelkc Mail.. 98% 23% Arrived. NEW YORK, Oct/31. Palace.188 169Ya Railway System. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R. Halifax and Portland. Call Pulman Nat P barge Beechwood. Liverpool, Quotations of Products in the The are Tug Doane, towing Staple following to-day’s opening and clos- Readme. 31% 30% from R Co. iiig at Philadelphia—coal to A Wright ■i) .in Londonderry. of Roelt Island .74% 72% Norfolk— alter ing quotations stocks: Sch Charles Davenport, Piukham, Cenlu ; MONDAY.September 21th, 1896 STATION FOOT OFPKEBLE STREET From From From St. Paul. 78% 788/* coal to Harpers. trains will r i t as tolluws. Leading Markets. Randall & McAllister. .. Opening. Closing do bid. Liverpool Steamship Portland Halifax Sch Chaa P Jewett, Norfolk—coal On and after October 4 * s.*6 Delaware & SLPaul & Omaha. 48% 42% Nottman. leave. Monday, 10 Nov. Lackawanna. to Me Cenf RR. trains will Mongolian 3 Dec. 6 Deo. 121 Passenger Leave Portia au: Nov. Philadelphia & 27ys do prfd.128% Sch M Baltimore F 0,1 For Nummian 17 Dec. 19Dec. Reading. 20% * Lydia Deeriug, Swain, Scribner, Atlantic, 7-05, 8-00 *• “■! Worcester, Clinton Junction. 12 *t Paul. Minn. Mann.110 109 coal to Me Cent RR. irso U4 Ob’ Dec Lauren, i n ;ji I ec. 2 Jan. .lersey Central. Nnsnntt, Windham atui r., it 30 a. 24 »ugar,;coniuion.121% lldVs Sch For Gorham anu i, Dec. Mon.-mi i4Jau. 10 Jan. New York Stock ana Money Market. Marcia Bailey, Look, Boston. a. m., 1 30 and m. and 12 SO p. m. Delaware* Hudson. TexasPaelfic. 9% 9% Sch Linooln- 6.00 m. 7 Jan Numidian 2s Jail. 30 Jan. Chanticleer, New Bedford for Me p. lor Manchester, Concord, and poiars North vllle. Clure, Munsey For la nd Pond "• ;• Erie. 16 15 Union Paciflo.new.11% 11% 8.00 a. m.; ai.d 1.30 and M 7. and 12.3C p. in. Toe saloon* an Snit&r.ooin* are iu the cen- 44 Sch for Bos- 6.00 d. m. (By Telegraph. St LI. s. Exuress. 43 Saxon, (Br) Reed, St John, NB, For or. SpringrvHle. Alfred, Water, tral part, where .east motion is felt. Elec- Paul. 73% 73% For NEW YCRK, Nov. 7. Wabash.... 7% 7% ton. [ur 4th.] Montreal and Chicago 8.00 a. m,; an.. i and Gaco River at 7.30 a. m. 12.30 ana tricity is used for tiie C.. B. & Q. 75% 76% 6.00 lighting ships through- do 18% 17% p. m. ! 5.80 E>. m. out. the at the command of on call at 4 ct. Prime mercantile grid. Cleared. Cosmopolitan. lights* being tii? Money eay p Rock 65 66 For 6.00 m. ! For Gorham at 7.30 and Island. Western Union. 87% 86% B Quebec p. 9.45 a. Em. 12.3(1 pass ngers at any hour of the night. Musi? at Exchange was higher, West Point. Steamship Manhattan, Bragg, New York—J For Berlin and m. paper 6@7. Sterling Northwestern.102% 102Va tUonnionudi Sunday, only, 7.30 a. m. 3.00,5.30, 6.20p. Rooms aim Smoking Rooms on the promenade bills at 4 ue arid.. Coyle. For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills. *Ves*- deck. The Saioons with actaal business in banker-* 82 Omaha. 41% Sch NS— In of leather ARRlVALy and laterdoms are heated 41% Atwood, (Br) Benjamin, Lower Bay, any style brook Junction and Woodford's at. 7.30, by steam. @4 82% ior 60-day bills and 4 86%®4 85% Ontario & Western. Ryan th Kelsey. From 14% 14% «Ex-dir Lewiston and Auburn 8.26, and 11.30 9.4£ a. m., 12.3C. 3.0G. 5.3 d and Rates of passage $52.00 and $6o.0O* A re- at 4 Sell Ida C Southard. North Boothbay, (or demand; posted rates 82V»«i4 8G. Cinn., & 81. 28 Blake, at rates. a. m.; 3.16,6.40 and 6.40 p. m. 6.2o o. m. duction is made on Round Tickets. Civ., Chicago Louis 28% to load for Leavitt & Co. reasonable Trip Commercial bills at 4 86. Government Bonds Canada Soutlie u. 47 Demerara—Chase. From Berlin and Gorham 8.25 and 11.30 a. The 12.30 p. m. train from Portland connects Second Cabin—To Liverpool. London and 47% Mining Stocks. Sch Highland H Queen, Dobbin, Jonesport—J m.; and b.40 p. m. ftt Ayer Junction with “Moo-sac Tunnel Londonderry. $34; return, $66.75 wTere firm. Railroad strong. New York Central. 93% 93% From West and Union HEP YORK. Nor. 6. 1886.—The following Chicago and Montreal 11.00 a. m.: and Route” for the at Station. Steerage—To .ivcrpoot, Loudon. Glasgow, Bar silver Lake 149 Sch Marcia Bailey, Look. Columbia Falls— 5 40 m. for Providence and New York, 67Y8. Shore.148% are to Jay’s musing quotations or uunme shocks: p. Worcester, Belfast or Londonderry, re* JH Blake. From for Norwich, including every Mexican dollars 60%. Northern Pacific pfd. 22% ol. Coal. Quebec 11.30 a. m. via “Providence Line,” and qui3ite for lie voyage $24.50. 22% Sch Wave Blake. Lino” Mitchell, Addison—J H 6.00 n. New York, via “Norwich with Boston l or tickets or Dar silver was Uoxclne Coal...... The in. train runs through to Montreal further information At London to-day quoted American Tobaco. 76% 76% Sch Baltimore Ca dage, Bluehlll—J H Blake. SHORT & HARM. & R. R. for the West, and with the Homestake, 34% LIU, daily, Sundays included. Attached to this Albany apply to T. P. Mc'.OWAN. 418 Congress St. oz. S. Leather Sch Eastern Ellsworth—J H All Rail via at SOd XJ. pfd. 62% 62% Ontario. Queen, Allen, oct26eodtf tram is a Pullman for Montreal. New York “Surmjrlield.” J.B. 61 Vs St s% Blake. at Portland from Worcester KEATING, Exchange Southern Ry. 8% S vuioksilrer...1 Trains arrive H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Night at 1.30 from Rochester at 8.30 a. ol, ) do ptd.12 SAILED—Sells Cellua, Augustus Welt, Rosa p. m.; > and 92 State St., Retail Grocers fu;»r Karen. Southern Ry pfd. 26% 26% STATE OF MAINE. trains and parlor oars on day trains. 1.30 and 6.45 m.: Irom Gorham >'* can.. Mueller. Mattie J Alles, and the fleet which put p. nov4dtf \ Boston. Advertisement of TICKET OFFICE NO. 177 MIDDLE at 6.40. 8.30 and 10.60 a. 1.3Q, Portland market—cut loaf 8; confectioners at Louis* Nash. 48 47% Portland, in lor a harbor. Collector’. Notice and m.f Sale of Lands of Kegident and Non- STREET, AND DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA 4.15, 6.45 p. m. 6c pulverised 701 powered, 7c; granulated T nn. Coal * Iron. 24% 24% SUNDAY. Nov. 8. STREET. cotfee crushed &Vac; yellow Resident Owners. f or through Tickets to all points West and 6c; 4%c. Wabash 16 CRAB. M. pfd. 10% Boston Produce Market. Arrived. Unpaiu taxes on lands of resident and non-resi- HAYS, Gen’l Manager South, apply to F. H. COLLINS. Ticket Portlana. Sept 7th. 1896. Missouri Pacific. 21% 21% Steamship dent owners situated In the town of New je22tf Agent, Portland, Me. BOSTON, Nor. 6, 1896.—The are Williamsport, Philadelphia—coal 4. Railroad Receipt*. Pacific following Si Randall Si McAllister. Gloucester, In the county of Cumberland, for W. PETERS, Supt. Mali. 21% 21% to-day’s quotations of Provisions, etc.: the 1e21 dtf PORTLAND. |Nov. 7. SAILED—Sch Ida C Southard. year 1896. Union Pacific. 8% 9 FLOUR. THE following list of taxes on real estate of Receipts by Maine Central R. R.—For Port 1 Atchinson. 14% 14% 4 6<>®4 90. Sell Sherman, libelled and sold by resident and non-resident owners, situated and 169 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for Spring patents. recently In International Co. clear aud the U S Marsi all at this the town of New Gloucester, aforesaid, for the Steainsnip Western Union. 85% 86% Spring, straight, 3 40®4 30. port, was purchased by _ connecting roads 138 cars. to me tor collection for FOB Winter, clear land 4 Capt Frank A Plummer, of Llnoolnville. year 1896, committed Manhattan. 92% 63% straight, 3004 70, said town of Winter patents, 4 76®4 96, ou the twenty-first day June, icon, Lubas. Cauls. oLJa,m, 11 Halifax, 11 MAINE CENTRAL R. R. 116% 1895, rema n and notice is hereby given Portland Wb.oie9a.1e Mark* Sugar.116% Extra and Seconds 00. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. unpaid; »d ail parts of New Neva Sco- TT a Ti-.vi._ 1 ft*/ ms/ and Brunswick, Fine and that if said taxes with Interest charges are POUT I. a v n Wsw n mr Supers —. Arat Cardiff Nov Manuie Swan, la, Prince Edward and Bret, ttmssswsgsmmrnBfffr- L 7, barque hot previously paid, so much of the real estate Island, Cnpe Jobbing price 95c higher. Cork. on. The favorite route to and Chicago Gas. 70% 71% Higgins. taxed as is sufficient and necessary to pay the Campebelle In Effect 4th. 1893 The markets are very strong lor Br. adstuffs Passed Island St. N. B. L Oct, Dailv Line, Sundays Excepted. HEATS. Tory Nov 6. barque Blrdston, amount due therefor, Including Interest and Andrews. and higher. hi m and Jenkins. Portland lor Troon. Trains jeave Portland, Union Station, Railway THE N^W AND PALATIAL STKAMHttS Sugar higher. Gloucester Fish Market, and short barrel, 11 00. charges, will be sold without further notice, at Fall Pork, long cut, Ar at Buenos Nov St Arrangement. Square, for stations named below and inter- BAY STATE AND PORTLAND. The following are to-day's wholesale prices of and •oacas Ayres 4, ship Frances, public at the Town House, in said FOR THE WEEK ENDING Oct. 50, 1896. Pork, light hry $10 00011 00. Montreal auction, town, Oil Uld £.fLAI* Mnmlaa RAnL 91 of etnamo* mediate points as follows*, alternately eave Franklin Wharf, Portland, Provisions. Groceries; etc Pork, lean lends 13 00. Winn, on the first Monday of December, 1896, at 9 Last sales of Shore Mackerel $l« & bbl for will leave Portland on Monday and Thursday 7 <*0 a. m. For Brunswick. Bath, Rockland, every evening at 7 o’clock, arriving in season Flour. Tongues $14 50: do beef $24 V bbt o’clock a. m. for connections with Gram large, $10% for medium and $4% for bulis- pork at 6 p. m. Waterville Skowhegan, last on earliest traius for points Superfine Sr ear 36 Beet, nickled. $7 0039 00. Amount of Augusta, be ton d. Corn, @ in lots. Returning leave St. John and Eastoort same Falls, Lewiston via Ban 'or, Bucks- eyei trip QhnnlflAr* mil fr*ah It®. Nov 6—Sch Mary E H G Dow, late- Tax Brunswick, tickets for low grades.3 5033 60 Corn. Dag lots.. £38 Mackerel at 60312 50 for and Kockland, Due, days. St. Wood- Through Providence, Lowell, Bay $19 large will have the hole In her bottom Iucludi n port, Vanceboro, Stephen, Houltou, Spring Wneat Dan- Meal, bag lots.. £36 shoulders, smoked, 7Vi. ly ashore, g tielteta Issued and stock and St. Worcester, New York, etc. small. ■ Through baggage cnecked John. st4000410 oar lots Klbs, fresh, 7%c. patchedjover, after hich she will be pumped Name of luterest £ Returning, leave India ■ers.ciana Oate, ®3u nast sales of fresh halibut at 9VsC 4>lb for to destination, or* Freight received up o 3.30 8.30 a. in. For Danville Jc. (Poland Springs) Wharf, Boston, Patent Snrne new Hams, and out and tnen pr< nly low to Portland or Bos- Owner Description of Property. Charges. Evening at 7 o’clock. do 26*27 white and 6c for gray. targe small, lOBUVie. p. m. Mechanic Falls, Rumford Falls. Bemis. Lew- every Wneat... 40 00 lots Bacon.8 ton, to t>e docked lor repairs. She Is but slight- B. 9®5 Oate. bag 81£33 l,»st sales of Georges Cod from vessel $3% Vi @10 Vic. Buck, Addison—The place he formerly For Tickets and Staterooms, apply at the iston, Winthrop. Waterville, Liverinoro Falls, J, COYLE, Manager. Mich, str’gn; lylhogged and will probably hack Into J. F. LISGOMB, Gen. Cotton Seeo for and $1% for medium; Bank do $2® Fork, salt 6c. spring occupied, containing 14 acres, with the Fine Tree Ticket Office, Monument 8ouare Farmington, Phillips and Rangeiey. Agt 4 80 large place alter the remainder of the coal is taken Oct. 1, 1895. roher.... 70*4 car lots. 00 00*21 00 Briskets, salt 6Vi. buildings thereon. $ 6 00 or for other information at Company’s Office. 10.30 a. m. For Brunswick. Bath. Lisbon 65 $1 out. clear do.. .4 46*4 bag lots O000g23 00 sales cod for 7 Cheney, Charles J—Lot of Intervale land, Railroad Wharf, foot of State street Falls, and Waterville. Outside Georges *8% large and Sausages, Vic. Nov 6—Sch Calvin B Orcutt. fm Lewiston, Augusta BtLouis si’gi Backed Br'r lor edium: cusk 24. meat. 7c. Portsmouth, containing 2 acres, more or less, .60 J. K.COYLE, Gen. Man. 12.50 p. to. Express for Brunswick, Lisboa $1% $2 Sausage _. iui_>_ r»_. 1 e tni.. roller... 4 75*4 86 oar lots. 12 00*18 oO Portland for Philadelphia, narrowly escaped We quote prime Georges Codfish new $5 60 Lard, tcs, 6*4c; palls, eVi$6%e;lf, 7*/*®8*4. 1e25dtH. F. C. HER8EY, Agent. Falls, Augusta, Waterville. MoosHica.i Bake do.. 4 66 *1 00 going ashore on the rocks near Gerrish Island or clear 4584 bag lots.. S&14 Beef steers. 6, containing 6 acres, more less, .60 via. oldtown, Bangor, Bucksport. Bar Harbo HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT GO. 00 for and 3 00®$4 25 for small iBank 6@8. last eveuin a A Wntfr wheai Middlings. .*14*10 00 @6 large during heavy blow. tug was hrs—Lot ot laud and & Aroostook to Moulton. and Cotton, Albion, formerly Oldtown, Bangor 4 85*6 00 3 26@4 00 for large »2%«$2% for small; Lambs, a#7Vi. sent 10 her assistance and was towed out of — patents.. bag ots. .515® 17 00 owned by Ames Sawyer, containing 1.15 p. to.. For Danville Je,. Poland Springs Fish. Coffee. Dry Bank at 3 76 and $2 75; Shore $5 Ou and Hogs, dressed,city, 6%e V lb: country, 4c. danger. MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. acres, more or less, .60 station, Mecha 'cs Fails,Rumford Falls. Benin October for large and small. Newfoundland —. fat 15@17. Beginning 5th. 189G. the steamer (Buying* selling price) ftto,roasted 18g21 $3% Turkeys.Northern, young, Carpenter, John—Lot of land formerly Lewiston. Farhunglou, Kimzfield. Oarrabasset, We cured cusk at $3% w l'ork Direct Line. MERRYCO EAG will leave Portland Pier Cod—Largo Java&Moeha do28@32 quote tp qtl; Turkeys,Western,Iced 12413c. owned by Daniel Tyler, containing 11 Phillipi and Rangeiey. Wtnthrop, Oakland. 4 at 87; haddock at $ 00; heavv salted fres.h 13ft 16c. NEW schs Portland, daily, Sunday as follows: Shore .... 60*500 Molasses. $ pollock Thickens, North, YOKK—Ar 6tn. Florence Leland, acres, more or less. 2 00 Bingham, Water and Mat tar excepted, & LONG ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT Mile, Skowhegan For Long Is.. small do.. 1 60® J 76 Porto Rico.27*33 $1 60S$1 761botl;and English cured do $2 V* Chickens.Western,iced* 9*10.:, fancy higher. Pressey, Jacksonville; Sarah A Fuller, Brown, W—Lot of land on the wamke g. Cliebeague, HarpswelL Churchill, Joseph B and On ’s m. .... 60*2 50 alley’> Is.. 2.00 p. Pollock 1 Barbadoe9. .... 26®2$ qtL Fowls. Northern, ll@13c. Brunswick; Almeda Wiley, Dodge, do; Fawn, SO rod strip, containing 100 acres, with 1.20 p, m. For Freeport. Brunswick, Au- Haddock.. .1 6032 00 Western,iced 9c. Cove; A Warren, Bock- Return lor Portland, leave Orr’s Island via. Faney.83*36 Fowls, Sliute, Long Hayford, the buildings thereon, 2 83 Delightful and Invigorating Sea Trip. gusta, Bath, Rockland and ail stations on Lake.160®2 00 Tea. land; Modoc, New Haven; Knox all landings, 7.00 a.m. Arrive Portland, 9.30 Grain Quotations* PKODUTCB. Ferry, Kennebec, Cash,George—Lot of land formerly owned The & Lincoln division. Waterville, Skow- Cl erring, box Marr, James A Steamship* Manhattan and Cottage a. m. Amoys.16@2o Bridgeport; Parsons, Gardiner; by J. H. Ward, containing 60 acres, leave Franklin hegan, Belfast. Dover and (Foxcroft, Green- Scaled..,. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Butter. Northern cream.choice. 20@20Vic, Fred A Emerson. Blake. Ham- City wharf Tuesdays, Thurs- For Cliff Island, Mondays. 8gl4c Congous.14@50 Gardiner; Lucy more or iess, 2 00 and ville, Bangor, Oldtown and Mattawamkeag. Wednesdays M aekerei. bi J Butter, crm. Western choice I8*19%c. mond. Machias days Saturdays at 6 p. m. Returning, leave and Fridays, leave Portland, 2.00 p. m. apan.18@S5 Friday’s auotauons. Mitchell. ; Marlon, Draper, Churchill. Warren L-Lot of land former- Pier 5.05 p. to. For Brunswick. Bath, Lisbon Sbore is *17 00**19 Butter. Dairy.North.best, 16® 16c, Gardiner. 88, East River, same days at 6. p. m. ISAIAH DANIELS, Gen’t Formoso.20®b0 WHEAT. Morse, ly owneit Matthew Churchill, con- Falls, Augusta and Waterville. Manager. Bbore 23 Butter, do good, 12 ft 11c. by Fare to New York, one way, $4.0o; Round 0Cti5 dtf *15 003*1; Sugar. Ar 7tn, ship St David, Lyons, Hlogo. 5 more or less, .50 5.10 p. m., For New Gloucester, Danville Oct. Butter, do common. 10*11. taining acres, trip $7.00. New largess, 123714 Standard Gran 4 466 Dec. Ar 7th, barque Jose D Bueno, Brooks, Arnba; Dunn, hrs—Lot Intervale land, Junction, Poland Springs station, Mechanic Produce. 4 J.Preston, J. B. COYLE, Ex’-auality flue 626 Opening. 75% Butter, jmlt, crm 12014. J B Babel, Apalachicola; sobs Nellie Doe, Mc- as on Manager. Falls, Auburn and Lewiston. bounded follows: the north by J. F. LISCOMB, General Agant. nov2dtf One Cran.bbl4 60*6 00 Extra c.... 4 09 losing.. .. Ladle packed 9® 10. Nuly, Cheverie, NS; Anna E Kranz, Newcomb, Meadow east and south land 11.00 p. m, Night Express, for Bath Maine Brook; by 00u@*4 00 CORN. Cheese, new Northern eholcc lOBlOVic; West Somes Sound; S J Lindsay, McFadden, Bock- owned by Davis A. Merrill; on the west Lewiston, Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, Bar New York I Seed. choice land. Oct. Dec. 8Vi@9Vic. by the County Road; containing 7 acres, Harbor. Bucksport. Vanceboro, St. Stephens, BOSTON AND PWLADELPlt Pea Beans.l 40 4 25 85@1 Timothy, oo@4 Eggs, hennery choice, 30: East23@24c. Pasaed Hell Gate 6th. schs Sardinian, from more or l»ss. 100 St John and all Aroostook County. Hal’iax Yellow kves.l 65 8 Opening. 24% STATE OF 60*1 Glover,West, ®9 Eggs, Mich, choice,;21g22c. New York fnr Kockland: Sarah Mills, do for Alfred Y.—The farm formerly MAINE. and the Provinces. The Saturday night train DIRECT STEAMSHIP LIAE. Cal Pea_ 66 do N. Y. Closing. 25% Eveleth, 61 9*9% Boston; Catharine, do for Plymouth; Seth M owned and occupied William P. does not run to Be hast, Dexter, Dover and Fox- Irish bus 9 OATS. by Collector's Notice and Advertisement of Potars. Alslke, @9% Todd, Hoboken for Calais; Mary Brewer, Wee- 110 with the croft or beyond Bangor. New Eveleth, containing acres, Sale of From 60c Red lop, 16@18 Aug. Nov. Chloago Lire stock Market. hawken for Klttery; Druid.Amboy for Thomas- 10 00 Lands of Resident and Non-Resi- Boston every Wednesday and Saturday. Vineland 00 Provisions. buildings thereon, White Mountain Division. Sweets. 0 Opening. 18% tou; Addie E Snow, Elizabethport for Saco; Eveleth, Samuel T.—The James Eveleth dent Owners. -Jersevs. 1 7 6® 2 it Pork— (By Telegrapn. for Mt Desert. Closing. 18% Myronus. X'ort Liberty place, formerly owned by George Bal- 8.45 a. m. For Fabyans, Burling- From Pnilarieipliia evary — Bridgton. Wednesday do Norfolk 1 60®1 76 clear. ■ 11 2S@11 60 Chicago, 7, 1896.—Cattle receipts Passed Hell Gate 7th, schs Ella G from Unpaid taxes on lands of and FORK. Noy. Eells, ientine, containing 6 acres, with the resident ton, Lancaster, St. Johnsbury, Onions—Havana backs ..11 26311 60 common extra steers 3 non-resident situated in the town Sherbrooke, 300.steady; 4005 25; New York for Foint-a-Pitre; Henry Whitney, 1 owners, St. Paul and bl 1 10 25310 60 Jan. buildings thereon, 75 of Standish in the of Montreal, Chicago, Minneapolis and Natives.; 75@200 medium Stocker: and feeders at 2 76@3 76; cows and do tor Bangor; Addle Sawyer, do for Salem; Horace C.—Lot of land County Cumberland, and all points west. Saturday, Chickens 60 Opening. 7 85 Foster, formerly for the from Central Boston, 3 p. m. From Spring 15*16 Beef—light..9 00®9 bulls 1 60©3 60. calyes 3 26@6 00, Texans at Fie C Holdeu, do for Mystic; Thos Hlx. Hack- owued year 1895. 3.30 m For Wharf, ...... •* 7 85 by Armstrong Webster, contain- p. Sebago Lake. Coi nisb. Bridg- Pine Street Wharf. Turkevs, Wes. i7®18c heavy,.. 10 2531050 closing. 2 80@4 15; Western rangers at 2 25<■ 4 05. ensack tor Kockland. The following list of taxes on real estate Philadelphia, .it 3 p, m. n- ing 11 acres, more or less, 1 00 ton, Fryeburg, North Conway, and Bart ett, surance one-hall the rate ot sai Fowls.... 138140 Bnlests%b* 5 768 Saturday’s quotations. Hogs—receipts 16,000 :flrm, 6c higher, heavy BOSTON—Ar 6th, barque Clara E of resident and non-resident owners, situ- vessel. McGilvery, Field, Edwin F.—The homestead farm, Faoyans, Lancaster. Lime Ridge, St. Johns- for the West the i Apples. nard. tes ana packing and shipping lots at 3 20*3 60; com- Satilla Klver: Geo E ated in the town of Standish aforesaid, for Freights by ,m. R. It., and WHEAT Lynch, Dudley, Wilson, with the buildings thereon, containing bury, Montreal, tfcebec and Toronto. South Eating.... 1268175 bbl.onre 6%®6 mon to choice mixed at 3 20 choice as- the year 1895, committed to me for collec- by connecting lines, forwarded freo of % Oct, Dec. *3 66; Norfolk; Sarah, Morang, Dennysville. 30 acres, more or less, owned Ruasets. 0 00 doeom’nd. 6VtA5% sorted at 3 2 50 formerly tion for said town on the of jomuV'sion. Opening. 78% 3.40@3 66;llght 2b@3 66; pigs Ar 7th. steamer Williamsport. Philadelphia by Mrs. Hannah Strout, 1 60 eighth day SUNDAY TRAINS. Baldwins.. 1 25@>1 60 nans.coinnd £GVs 65. for schs Winner. June, 1895, remain unpaid; and notice is Passage $10.00. Round Trip $18 00. Closing. 78% @3 Portland; Bobbins, Hoboken; Goss, Dyer E.—Th stone quarry former- Evap 39 Is. @7c pails, pure 6V4®7Vi 2,600: inferior to S Pierce, Baltimore; John J Han- hereby given that if said taxes with interest Meals and room included. 3heep—receipts steady; Henry Little, ly owued by Mittlmore Watts, 2 0<» For Lemons. 8 b, CORN and are not so 7.20 a.m., paper tram for Brunswick Au- freight or passage apply to F. P. WING, purelf *8% choice 2 00@3 60; lambs at 3 20@i 00. sou.Oliver, Philadelphia; J Manchester Haynes Hayes, Isaac E.—Lot of land bounded charges previously paid, Messina 4 00®5 00 Bams.... 11%«11 Dec. much of the real estate taxed as is sufficient gusta, Watsrvilie and Bangor. Agent, Central Wharf, Bostou. Oct. Matthews, Washington. on the northeast by George H. Clark; E. B. Treasurer and Maiori.... 4 00@7 00 aocov'rtt .. Old sch Jose and necessary to pay the amount due there- 12.50 p. m. For Brunswick. Lisbon Falls, SAMPS' >N, General Opening. 25% 7ih, Olaverl, Mills, Dakar,WCA; on the southeast by land of said Clark 39 * Oranges. Oil. Domestic Markets. for for, including interest and will be Lewiston, Bath, Augusta. WatervUie. Baugor. Manager, State St.. Fiske Building, Boston. Cosing...... 26% schs Lady Antrim. Plukham, Philadelphia; aim Charles M Morgan; n the north- charges, California. 0 00®0 00 Korosenel20ts 914 coal sold at public auction at the Town House in 11.00 p. m.. Night Express to Bath. Lew- Mass. oci22dtf OATS. Fred Gower, Sargent, port. west and southwest Royals River, Jamaica... .3 2203 60 Llgoma. 9% (By Telegraph. by said town on the first of iston, Bangor and points east with sleeping Sid 6th. schs Willie H Higgins, Philadelphia; containing 32 acres more or less: for- Monday December, surrento. 000 Centennial. 9% Aug. Nov. 1896, at nine o’clock A. to cars for St. John. NOVEMBER T. 1836 Katharine D Per y, coal port ; W Abrahams,for merly owned by John Wells and M., wit, Monday, Rggs. Pratt’s Astral ..11% Opening. 18% Flour Hattie Benja- December 7, 1896: FREEPORT AND FALMOUTH FORESIDE NEW TCKK—Tbo market;— receipts Konnebsc and Baltimore; Paige, Vinal- Imin Morse. 6 00 ARRIVALS IN FORT LAND. NearDv.... ©24 Devoe’s brilliant 11=/* C'osing.. 18% 1962 bbls and 9029 haven for New York. N-'ineof Eastern 19,729 packags; exports Haskell, Abigail—Lot of land, part of Lot Amount extra.. ©23 In half bbls le extra FORK. Sid schs From Montreal *u. d sacks: sales 5,400 packages: dull, firm; city 7th. ady Antrim. Portland; Nettle Div. 13 : former- Owne of Fabyans. Bartlett Steamers on and after will Fresh Western... 22 Raisins. 15, 0, containing res, and Monday, Oct. 26, Jan. mul patents higher;othera unchanged. Cushing. Thomaston; C H Venner, Baltimore. owned Residents. of Tax Due. Bridgton, 8.25 a. m.; Lewiston and Held. Musctl.60 lb bxs5©7% ly by William Haskell, 1 60 Description Property. leave Portland. @18 01 snlng. 7 85 rlour, quotations—winter wheat low grades Passed Highland Light 7th, sch A K Mechanics Falls, 8.30 a. m Watervine, Rutter. London Lewis, Harmon, Mrs. Susan, hrs—The farm she For and Bustins Island 2,00 lay’ril 76©20C Closing. 7 85 a* 2 20*3 26; do tatr to laney at 3 26*4 30; from Weehawken for Bucksport. William F. Chadbourne. Land near and Augusta,8.35 a. m. ;Skowhegan, Lewiston, Freeport, p. m. Creamerv.fncy. .20*22 Coal, formerly occupied, containing 50acres, Return—Leave Freeporr. (Porters), do Datoute4 60S* »0; Minnesota clear at 3 00 AFALAOHiCOUA— Ar 7th, schs Jennie S with the thereon. Chadbourne’s Landing, formerly Kicgfieid, Phillips, Farmington, Bemis, ana 6,50a.m., GiitLuge VPmnl9£20 Retail—delivered. buildings 9 70 Rumford So. Freeport. 7 a. Bustin’s 7.15 a. m„ Fortland stools @4 On; do straight at 3 90 a4 26: do patents Hall. Watts. ; John C owned by the late William T. Chad- Falls. 12.30p.m. ;M&tiawamkeag,Ban- in., Cumberland 50 Lite Philadelphia Smith, Kingsbury. Martin H.-Laud formerly For well Choice.16*16 ooo£4 at 3 so. low extras 2 2003 city nulls Havana. bourne, viz: dwelling house site gor and Rockland 12.25 p, m. mixed Harps Centre. (Tuesdays and Satn.r- Cheese. Chestnut.... 25 Corrected by Swan s Buskers and 86*4 36; Kneeiand, owned by William Witham, containing at 2. 00 a; £6 Barrett. 6 D and lot on the from North Conway, days only) p. in.,; return 6.00 a.m. extra at 4 4044 60; citv mills patents 30ft BEUNs WICK—Ar 6th, sch G Buchanuan, 40 acres, more or less, and described as appurtenant thereto, 4.40, Skowhegan, N. Y. tet-ry. 12S124 Franklin.... "8 00 186 Middle street. Portland Road and Wa^rvillo, Rockland, 6.25 For Chebeague, cousins and Littlejohns, 3.00 inkers, 6 66: rye mixtures 3 26@3 75; superfine at Harrington, Galveston. Ylz: attlie northwest adjoining for- p. m. St, John, Vermont... 12»12V. Letuu..... £135 follows, beginning mer Bar and p. in. tfuui s. 2 2nxt2 line at 1 80!®2 40. Sid 6th. sch Dora Matthews, Brown, for New corner of homestead of the late Henry Harbor, Caribou, Ashland Moosehead asre .... 76; the lot adjoining land ot S. H. 12%ai3 Pea. 400 York. M. Chadbourne, together with the Lake viaB. & A.. Baugor,5 35 p. m. ;Rangcley, Return—Leave above landings, 7.45 a. m. Par Talne. Bid. Asked Wheat—receipts 99,860 bush; exports 7,949 & A. C. Chandler, thence running on the For Description. — field 2.00 p. m. Bread Lumber sales )6,0"0 bush; dull, D nn-r with op- BALTIMOEE Ar sch Paul of said of about fifteen a res, south- Farmington, Rumford Falls, Lewiston. 5.45 Falmouth, anal National Bank..100 116 118 bush, 6th, Seavey, line Chandler’s land to the Return—8.15 a. in.. Pilot sup....7 @7% Whltewood— tions: No 2 Red fob No 1 Northern Getcliell, New York. east of and adjoining said p.m.; Chicago and Montreal and all White Casco National Bank..100 95 luo 90c; 87% brook; thence on the line of the brook dwelling E. do sq.6 N0I&2. l-ln*32®*35 Hid sch Mt for Portland. house lot, and the wood lot of about Mountain points. 8.10 p. in.; octlTtf R. NORTON. Manager. umberland National Bank.. 40 33 35 ®81 % c. 6th, Hope, to the land of William Witham, Jr.: Mattawamkeag. Crackers.... 4Vs©6% Baps.l-in. S26g|28 Ar SantoB. 80 acres west of and said Bar Harbor, Rocklami, 1.40 a. m. ; daily ex- National Bank..... 100 90 (95 Corn—receipts 146,876 bush; exports 26,733 7th, barque Dorris, Thompson, thence on the line of said Witham’s land adjoining Cooperage. Com’n, 1-ln *23**26 Chapman No 8 at BATH—Ar schs Geo W Boston field; all laying between the Port- press, Halifax, St. John. Vanceboro. Bar Har- hirst National Bank.100 98 100 bush; sales 17,000 bush, quiet, firm; 7tb, Jewett, to land of one Chandler; thence by the Hhlid shooks & hds— IV4,1VY&2- for land road.the bor, Waterville and Augusta, 3.50 a. m, 31 *31V4c elev, 31% »32c afloat. Gardiner ; Willie H Higgins, and Dread- line of said Chandler’s laud to one Hodgdon Road,land daily Mol.city. 160*176 in, Nol&2*33®*35 Merchants’ National Bank.. 75 113 115 of M. Chadbourne except Monday. MAINE COAST NAVIGATION CO. Bank.... 100 98 100 Oats- receipts 132,200 bush; exports —bush; nought. do for do. Small, to point begun at; being a formerly Henry Sug.count’y 85 @1 00 l%,l%&2-in National Traders’ part and Lake, Bank... .100 100 102 sa.es 26,000 bush futures. 33.ono spot; quiet, Sid 7th, schs Monhegac, for Philadelphia; of Lot 60, Div. 3, being the same Sebago $1G.OO PAYSON TUCKER, V. P. & G, M. Country Mol, Sans. *28**30 Portland National prem- An undivided half of the lato Ben- strong; No 2 at 23%c;No 2 White at 26%e. E P Chase, Boston. ises to Amos Bnelielder and F. E. BOOTHBY, G. P. & T. A. hhdshooks Squares, *36**38 Portland Trust Co.100 112 116 conveyed iamin Chadbourne I'of Hnrstor ant! BANGOE-Cld 6th. schs Hattie MdG Buck, Samuel A. Boardman William With- homestead sept3o dti Bath, Booilibay hhd hdg ml Cypress- Portland Gas Company. 50 96 10 CHICAGO—The Flour market to-day was by with the land l.owe. New York; Susie P Oliver, Winslow, and am, by deed dated 1882 re- buildings appurten- 32 n. 24@28 1-in No 1&2 Portland Railroad Company 100 110 115 strong, unenanged; hard wheat sn Ingpats 4 00 July Sib, ant thereto and Wiscasset!. *36®*36 Mark Pendleton. Collins, do. coided In the Cumberland of laying adjacent to Sughd35u 21*28 1V4,1Vs&2- Portland Water Co.100 1U2 104 36 In woo ; soft wheat patents 3 26a,6 60; Registry and connected bounded Sid 7th, sch Charles E Baleh, Crocker, Phila- Book 1 00 therewith, B oops 14 ft. S6@80 U1.N0I&2 *34®*36 • ON D8 hard wheat bakers 2 90®3 O in sack : soft do Deeds, 488, Fage 487, N. E. road from Lake 3 delphia. Fled T.—Lot of land containing 37 by Sebago 12 ft. 2*@28 2*72, 3&4-m*40@*45 at 2 26@2 50; winter wheat in wood at 60* Lunt, to 8. E. land of Port- 11 Portland City Es, les ..101 102 3 CHaBLESTON—Ar 6th, sch Nellie Coleman, acres more or ess.wlth there- Windham; by STEAMER SALACIA. 8 t. 8 @y S’th pine_*25**36 80. Wheat—No 2 spring at 7«Vsdi78%c; buildings land Water Co.; S. W. land of Portland & Rumford Portland 6t. 1907.129 122 No 2 at Boss, Jamaica. on,it beluga part of Li t Div. by Falls Cordage. Clear pine— 2 Red 82V4®85Vic. Corn-No 24%® 67, 2, Wm. H. Shackford;N. W. road R'y, I ortland 4s. 1902—1912 Funding 103 104% Cld 7th, sch H G Morse, Hlgbee, New York known as the Lant farm, 4 50 by In Effect Oct. 5. 18)3 uvidiu ®ii (Uppers. 24V*c. Oats—No 2 at 18%. No 2 Rys at 36% from White Rock to boat ftOMMENCXNQ MONDAY. Oct. until Portland 48, 1913, Funding.lt)6 107 C.tPE HENBY—Passed 6th, barque Doris, Jeremiah—Lot of land leading 12th, Manilla... 6^ @7 Vs Select.$4o@55 837o; No 2 Barmy at 3€c nominal. No 1 Flax- Marston, formerly and land of Wm. S. Hans- DEPARTURES. v.' further will leave Franklin Manilla bois angor 6s. 1899. R R. aid.104 106 Thompson. Santos for Ba timore. owned by 12 landing notice, Wharf, |Flne common. .$4x&4o seed at 74*75; Mess pork 7 05*7 10. Lard at M.Watts, containing acres, Portland, and Satur- 6s. 1906. Water.116 117 GALVESTON—Ar 6th. sch or comb, 10.00 Tuesdays, Thursdays rope. 00*8ys {spruce. *13 ®14 00 Bangor 4 075(14 12%; short rib sides 3 60*3 80. Dry Aloha, Skolfield, more less, bounded on ’he northerly 8.30 a. M. & 1.16 P.M. From Union Station 105 Norfolk. An undivided half of following de- days at 7.30 r. m. Popliain Heach 9.45 a. m. Russia do. 18 @18ya Hath es. 1898. R. B. eta.103 salted meats—shoulders 4 26: short clear side by land owued by M. Watts; on the for Poland, Mechanic Falls. Buckiteld. Can iKemloek.J1K312 0u®4 scribed land formerly owned the Bath 11.15 a. in. Boothbay Harbor 1.30 p. in. bisai...... 6 @6 Bath 6s. 1897. Munlotpal..100 101 sides GEOEGETOWN. SC—Bid 6th. sch Harold J easterly side by land of Perkins; by ton. Dixiield and Rumford Falls. j Clapboards— 4 12V*»4 26. Nancy late Chadbourne bounded N. Also Arriving at Wiscasset about 3 p. in. Drugs and Dyes. Bath 4%1907. Municipal.100 102 McCarthy, Hawley, New York. on the side line between Benj. for Spruce. X.?32®35 Receipts— Flour, 6.700 bblsi wheat 84,600 southerly by E. by road Lake Roxbury, Byron, Houghton, Bemis and leave Wiscasset on l 102 anew Belfast 4«. 102 81d fm Bass Elver sou Ka.harlne D lands Thos. Water- bay m. Bath 10.3 a. m. Pop- Ammonia.i6820|No 1.*168120 Municipal....100 19.900 »t>ls; wheat 7th, Perry Maxwell, Eben, hrs—Lot of land, 8.30 a. m., 1.15 ant» 5.10 p. m. From Union 100 Shipments—Flour 82,700 fpnm ilonoor o being house, Abner Wescott and Alvali j liam Beach 11.30 a. rn. at Portland Ashes. l alais 4s. 1001—1911 Refunding.. 102 bush; part of Lot 104, Div. 7, bounded a- foi- Station ior Mechanic Falls and Arriving pot-6%@ 81 pine.125*60 bush corn. 259,800 bush: oats 389,000 south and S. E. bv Standish intermediate i about 2 p. ni. Bals copabla... Lewiston 6s, 1901, Municipal.108 110 Passed west, sells Calvin B Orcutt, from Port JLibby; stations. 55®dot Shingles— ryr 0,0000 ixisb: barley 81,000 bush. and Gorham line; S. W. and W. Connecting at Harbor with steamer 2 00 Lewiston 4s. 1918. Municipal .101 103 lan for Philadelphia; Ella Frauds, and Ber links southeast of a stone set in by- Boothbay Beeswax.37@421X cedar.... 6*3 the road to Tk I'ftmvn nin.lAnrvni» ahaanaa k.fiu.nn I I Silver ■'aco 4s. 1901. iQi DETROIT—Wheat—No2 Red and No 1 White tba Dean. leading Gorham by the Se- Star, leaving Mondays, Wednesdays and Bleb powders... 7*9 Clear cedar.2 60*276 Municipal.100 Gray Road; thence northeasterly par- ■ UUUUIluw ft'GGlI UUliSH D c Corn—No 2 at 28%c. Oats bago Lake House and land of Mar- HIWU^M Fridays lor New Harbor. Round Fond, Friend- Borax. »®10lXNol.18682 00 Maine Central R. ft. 7s.1896.lst. mtcl04 106 88%c; 90V4. JACKSONVILLE— Sid 6th. sch Thomas W allel with the line ol the lot 68 rods; —No White 21c. 2 at 37 %c. shall Whitney’s heirs and Robie ship, Port Clyde, Tenant’s Rockland Brimstone. .2 @2VilNo 1 cedar..1 2581 75 “7s. 1912, cons mt*132 1S4 Rye—No Hyde, Carver. New York. thence south nine degrees east to land Harbor, ** M M JN. w. land of Ervin Portland and and east. •*4%s 104 106 NEWPORT NEWS —Sid schs Clara A now wniiney: by Staton, Rumforfl Fills. points Cocbtneai.40*431 50 was 6th, or formerly owned by one Spruce.1 25®1 •• ST. LOUIS—The Flour market to-day Bailey; Libby, 300 acres, 24.00 O. C President. Copperas.... 1%@ a i Laths.spce. .1 9082 00 *,4s cons. mtg.... 101 % 102 V* Donnell. Brendige, Boston; Independent, Case, thence said Througn tickets on sale tor till OLIVER, ** higher; patents at 4 25(814 35 extra fancy at southwesterly by Bailey Herbert IV. Dow and Almira Dow. point* CHAS. R. Treasurer. octSdtf Creamtartar... .29*31, Lime—Cement. **g6s, 1900, extens’nlOG 108 do for Portsmouth. land to the line; thence northwes- LEWIS, 3 O(U3 90; fancv 3 25®3 40; choice at 2 HO® Gray One-lialf house and barn at Dow’s on P. ft It. F, Mso for all Ex logwood.... 12815 Lime.tr esk. 908 Portland & Ogd’g g6s, 1900. 1st J*t*l06 108 NORFOLK—Sid 7th. brig H B Husey, Warr, terly by the line of said town of to K’y. 2 70. Wheat higher ;Nov 83%,D c 88% c. Com Gray Comer and one-half in common Gumarabtc.. .7081 221 or Land Water Co’s 6s, 1899.. ..103 105 Philadelphia. point of i2 Cement.125® easier, Nov 23c.Dec 23Vsc. uais firmer,Nov at beginning, containing acres, and undivided with heirs of Mrs. points on Ifangeley Lakes. Glycerine 26 Matches. Portland water Co’s 4a. 1927...,.100 102 NEW LONDON—Ar 7th, sch Commerce, Ty- more or 1 00 @76| 16 vs. Pork-new7HO. Lard—prime s team at less, Wilson Dow of 38 acres of land ad- Aloes cape.16*26!St**1,Ip gross 65 ler, Per.h Amboy. Charles H. -Lotot land B. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Mgr. 3 97Vrergamoi2 7583 Central. bush; corn 139.700 bush;oats 14,300 bu.'h ye being part Lot on west side r oad to York’s 20| Bottoms.22®24 Ar 7th. barges Elmwood, aud Suffolk. Port- Lot Div. *s to For Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, Union Pacific.... 12 — bush. 107, 7, bounded follows, Corner, 95 acres, with mill 8.00, Nor.Codllver2 60*275 I Ingot.... 11®12 land ; sell Cora Dunn, wit: privilege an Effect October 10.30 A. 51.. 2.15 P. 51. American Bell.210 Henderson, Bangor. beginning 16 rods from the west on Jose’s 4, 1893. American do Jl«i 251 Tic- Cld schs Addle Salis- Brook, 6.00 For G.40 A. 4.26 American Sugar, common.121% 7ih, Jordan, Emer»on. comer of said lot on the south side of Daniel R. Dresser. His Cushing’s Island, M., Lemon.1 752 255i8traiM.... 1514@16I4 bury Point; Elvira J Fl Port- the then homestead, WESTERN DIVISION P. 51. Sugar, Markets. ench, Kendrick, lot; running northeast on the i. e. house and barn and about 30 Olive.1 00*2 501 EngUsn. pfd.102Va European land; Lavm a M line of Cen Snow, Hinckley, for Norfolk; the lot 90 rods to a stake, and to acres RETURN. Peppt.300*3 25 Char. L Co.. @5 60 Mass., pfd.•...... ••,..56 of lot No. 81 in 2nd; Division, Trains leave Union Station, for do Bv Telegraph Standard, Uodirey. Richmond. land owned Dy John heirs; Portland, LX.. to7 26 common...ll2% Sawyer’s and about 20 acres of lot No. 94 in Scarboro l".OOa. 6.20 Wlhtergreenl .6@2oolchar. Reedy island—Passeo down 6th, brig Jennie thence southeast 26 rods to the point Crossing. m., 5.15, p. Leave Forest City Landing. 6.20, 7.20, 9.15. Potass or’mde. 46®47'Terne.60088 60 Mexioan Central... 9% LONDON?, Nov. 7, 1896,—Consols closed at 2nd Division, 6 50 in.; Scarboro Reach, Pine 10.00 109 Hulbert, (or Brunswick. of 14 more Point, 7.00, 11.46A. M.. 3.3o, 5.00. 6.25 V. 51. 14 16-1 Hd for money aud 110 1-16 for account beginning, containing acres, Heirs of John McDonald. a. 3 6.20 Chloraa.248281 Antimony... 12® Ar at Delaware Grace or Eighteen m., 30, 5.15, p. Ill,; Old Orchard, Leave Trefethen’s. 6.00, 11.30 A. Breakwater 7th, barque less. 1 oo acres of near 7.05, 9.00, e8a3 .. land Nelson Har- 10.oO a. 12.45 Iodide.2 O|0 >g. ..476*600 LIVERPOOL, jnov 7, 1896.—Cotton market Barbados. farm >aco, Biddeford, 7.00,8.40. ill., 51., 3.15. 4.45, 6.45 P. 51. New York Quotation* on Stocks and Bonds Lynwood, Uilkey Stinchfleld, William—Part of the mon’s, Quicksilver. .. 70*801 4 50*465 quiet, Amerigcan middling at 4i7 3zd; sales 2.00 3.30, 5.15, 6.20 p. ni.; Kentebunk, 7.00, 8.40 Leave Litile Diauion 9.10. Spelter.... PERTH AMBOY—Sid 7th. schs Lavlnia Bell. formerly occupied by him. containing Heirs of Amos .,6.10,7.15, 11.40 Quinine...32 885 Isolde. Vi * 12 @14 (By 8,0u0 ales, and export oi-u R, Moore. Thirty acres a. ill., 12.45 5.15, 6.20 in.; AY ells A. t> Telegraph.* speculation Reed, Bangor; Cora Green, Keudall, BUooders 20 acres, more or 1 80 3.30, p. 51.. 3.25, 4.35, 35 l*. 51. bales less, of land lot No. 10 in 4th 7.00. 8.40 a. n KheuDarb. rt.76c@l 60 Kails. The are Island. Division, 2.00 Bead), ., 3.30, 6. 5 p. in.; Leav Great Di.imomi, 6.05, 7.10, Rt following to-day?s closing quotations Sawyer, William L.-Part of Lot 7, Div. Levi W. His i. 9.05, snake...... So@40 Cask.ct.base2 70*2 80 Libby. homestead, e. North Berwick, $4.05, 7.00, 8.40 a. 111., 12.45, 11.35 A. 51.. 3. P. 51. of Bonds: RICHMOND—Ar 7th, sch Henry May, Perry, 6, containing 10 acres, more or less, for- his home 0, 4.40, 0.40 baitnetre.8 to 12 wire.. 2 96*3 05 New York. farm, house and barn, 3.30, 5.15 p. ni.; K< nnebunkport, "oiners- Leave Ponce’s 8.45. Nov. 7. |Nov. 6 merly owned by Ai S. Carsley. .80 tax $37.00, Landing, Long Island, Naval Stores. — due, 14.83 worth, Dover, 7.00. 8.40 a, 12 45, henna.25*80 New 4s, reg, 120Vs 119% OCEAN TEA MER MOV KM SAN FRANCISrO Cld 7th, ship Elwell. Also—6 acres of land.i with m., 3.30, 11.15 A. 51., 3.00 l*. 51. ianaryseed- 4@5 Tar Ip bbl.. .2 75®3 00 5. 15 p. ill.; Rochester, Farmington, Alton Leave < do coup, 120 V* 120 Rhodes, Nanaimo. buildings thereon formerly owned NON-RESIDENTS. ushing’s island, 7.25, A. m„ Cardamons 1 0081 76 Coal tar... .6 00*5 25 FOP Bay, 8. 40 a. in., 12.45, 3.30 p. m., Lakeport, 5.05 P. :>ftw ... ®108% FROM SABlNE PASS—Ar Shawmut, Al- by Elizabeth .60 F. An un- 51. Soda. ritcb.2 768,3 00 ©10e% Sd, barque Sawyer, Benjamin Chadbourne. Lac 8.40 a. Q). 12.45 bytiarbS8A8R% .. ilia, Plymouth, p. m.; ew 4’« coup.® % Trave.New York. .Bremen .Nov 10 len. Galveston. Verrill, George G., or owner un- divided half of following described Sal.2^4@3 Wll. Pitcn. .2 75®6 00 Wolf boro, 3.30 p. m.; AVorces! er, tvia Sum- SUNDAY TIME TABLE, entrai Pacific lsts. £/Ps.New York. .Honduras ..Nov 10 VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 6th, sch JL Mal- known. Land forinely owned by land, formerly owned by the late Sue hut.21482 Vs Rosin.3 00@400 eiswortli and Rochester), 7.00 a. ill.; Man* For Forest and nver .v u. GL 1st.113 111 Finance.Now York..Colon. Nov 10 Burnett, for Bustoi Daniel lot bounded City Trefethen’s yugar lead.20822 loy, Jersey City Holland, being 78,division Benjamin Chadbourne, N. 7.00 a. Landings, Tupentme. gal..33*043 Yumuri.New York. &e Nov 11 Ar 7tli. schs P H for Bos- 1 75 road cliesier, Concord, in., 3.30 p. in.; Peaks’ Little and Great Di mond White wax.... rie 2d*.. 667/g 64Va .Havana, Odiurne, New York 7, containing 66 acres, more or less, E. by leading by Sebago Lake Island. 60.4466 Oakum.... 7 @8 York.. Lena Mc- Also to Rockingham Junction, Haverhill, Law- Islands, I'oncPs Island Vltrol.blue.... 6 ansas Pacific Consols.. 71 Va grttomnlc.New Liverpool...Nov 11 ton; White. Kondout lor Salem; Alex lot of land formerly owned Windham; east by the Hodgdon anding, Long 88 OIL .New rence, Lowell, 7.00, 8.4o a. 111., >12.45, 3.30 and r gen fsav. sts. 110 1:0 5* ,V York. .So’ampton Nov 11 Nicbols, Amboy lor Mlllbridge. by Daniel Holland, lot 68, division 7, road and lands of Thomas Water- Cashing's 1-land, 10.30 A. 51. 2.15 VaniUa.oeaa..»10*151 Linseed.86@40 p. ni.; Fxeter, Boston, $4.0'. $7.00, $8.40 a P. Uuion P. Lsts of 1896.102 102 Noordland.New York. Antwerp.. .Nov 11 Sid 6th schs Wm Jones. Jas L Mallov, Lena containing 66 acres, more or less, 175 house, Abner Wescott and Alvah 51. Dock. 'Boiled.38(0,43 m., §12.45, 3.30 p. m. Arrive m Bos on, $7.25, Northern Paclficicons 6n.... 51% Laurentian—Montreal.. .Liverpool .Nov 19 White. F H Odtorne. Also 1 t of land owned by Libby; south and S. E. Standish No 1.. .32|isperm. 65;®65 F. Bismarck. formerly by 10.16 a ill., 12.60, 4.22. 7.20 p. ni, Leave Bos- C. W. T. GODING, G'-neral M u ..New York. .Hamburg. .Nov 12 WASHINGTON—Ar sch City of Augus- Daniel Holland, lot 77, division 7, and Gorham line; S. W. and W. uiger. No 3.281 Whale.46 a.55 o- g limitations of stocks 6th, by ton lor Portland, 7.30, 8.So a. in., 1.00, 4.15 Helena.New York. Montevideo Nov 13 ta, Adams, Ke< lienee. 56 acres more or less, 1 75 road to Gorham the No 10.20; A rclnson... 16 containing leading by p. m. Bank.30*36 I6V4 Champagne — New York. .Havre.Nov 14 Also lot of land owned Lake and land of 8 oz.13 Shore.26835 do formerly sebago House, pfd. Santiago.New York. .Manzanilia Nov 19 Corelest !'11r! by Daniel Holland, lot 89, division Marshall heirs and Robie SUNDAY (RAINS. Portland and Steafnooi? IQ 10 oz.16 Iforgte.30*30 Adams 149 Whitney’s Eoctnbay Express...150 a.York. Hamburg...Nov 14 7 56 acres more or less, 1 75 land of Ervin Lib- Gunpowder—Shot. ILard. 40*55 American Express.Ill 112 it Sid fm Naga aki Oct 29. ship El Capitnn, Car- containing Whitney; N.W.by For Boston, express, 4 05, a. m. Bos on I ~,?,Dna.New York. .Liverpool Nov 14 Also part of lois 86 and 87, division by, 300 acres, tax due, 14.00 Bla ting .. .3 60*4 001 Castor.1 ooul 10 B.iontv Maine. 166 kms* ver. lor Hour m c* mple e cargo for $24.00; and way stations, r 4.30 m. At rive in ...New York. .Genoa Nov 14 Kong, 7, at the brook on the Charles Lot of about .55, p. .4 ... beginning Fabyan. six UNTIL FURTHER N- i fcpo ting. 50*6 SOjNeatsfoot 46c865 Cen'rat Pacific. 14V* 143/4 Baltimore. B st"li 7.25 a. ni 6.26, 8.45 p. ni. Bo. on ior i 1 Circassia.New York. .Glasgow.. .Nov 14 westerly side of the Shaker road acres bounded N. E. road Drop snot.26 its.. 801 Klaine.* Cues. AUer Steele. SevlWe and Philadelphia. land, Imj s'.uib ®3ya 1 ware.Lackawana * WesUSSVs 168V* ...... New York. Bremen Nov 17 mentioned bounds containing two 33 in the 2nd cm, Zinc... .0 Cld at Curacoa Oct oa Harriet S Jack- Division, 12.00 Lvnn, Bost«n, $2.00. $9.00,a. in., § on, Bristol, Boot:ibay Haruor, Straw, earlots81o*12|Am 00®, 00 Denver * Rio 13 New York... .Nov 18 81, que acres more rec- H. Grande. 12V2 .New York. .So’ampton or less, see countv Cyrus Moody. Lots Nos. 20 and $6.00 p. m. Arrive in it »> on, 5.58 a. m., 12.51. 1 V. Iron. ■ son, Davis. Brunswick. uesdays will leave Frank!. ?’ r |Rochelle. 2Vs En*,new.17% 17 Majestic.New York. Liverpool ...Nov 18 o ds,Rook .20 21 in the 3rd 9.20 m. Leave Bos 1 ! Rice Ar at Oct B Cleaves. 517, page 213, Division, containing 4.15, p. on, for P aii.anl, land, at 7 m. or Pem.iqi Common.... % to.2 a© 1st 38 Friesland Martinique 22. brig II con- 15 preferred 3bVi .New York. .Antwerp Nov 18 Warren, A. D., heirs. Lot of land acres, 4.30 7.30, 9.00 a. m.. 12.30, 7.00. 7.45 p. in. Bn-oo Kellneo _l8/. *214 1 Domestic .... 4 @7 Zaandara Yoik. from Portland, (lias been reported over- Boothbay ilarL'Or. Souia Illinois Central. 96 86 .New York. .Amsterdam Nov 19 taining 36 acres, formerly owned by John E. Tompson. Twenty-five acres Boo Norway.3V4@4 j Salt. Werkendam due. J. K. SUNDAY TRAINS. ba>. ake Erie .New York. .Rotterdam?.Nov 21 Morse, 1 00 of land bought of Mark R. Cooi- Cast steel. ... Is.lb hdL 60 $2 00 & West. 19Vs 19 Ar at C P Dixon. \\ am-sd ys w icave Feniaqui 8*101Tks Persia..... Nov 21 Turks Island Oct 21. barque brotli in For Biddefoid, artsmonth aka 160 —NewYork. Hamburg.... PHILIP A. COLLER, Lot No. 5 in 3rd Division, N*wbury- lor Portland anove indices German steeL....83Va on lays will leave Portland at 7 a. in. $4.60; land around the Samuel SCounects with Soun11 Lines for New York. New York— Missouri racitic. 25% 24% MARRY ARRABELLA Fast Boot i iy. touching at Boothbay liar; Pepper.14816 ME Blake house, six tax •Western Division from No. Berwick Light.23824'Cloves.148,16 New Jorsev Central.107 107% hITeT'mills7 acres, $1.50, 9.90 Sundays and South Bristol. MINIATURE ALMA 9. A ND I will suoli a ring at W'itness my at said only. Mid weight_233241 Northern ftacflc common.... 16% NAt.NOV. oily you pretty signature Standish, trip at liarboi Ginger.i7§;81 16% the be. October 1896. Through tickets to al in the : Connecting every Boothbay Sunrises ,, A thousand of tli.m, 24, points Florida, STAR for Heavy.23*24; Starch. do preferred.... 25 243/* .6 291 1 *' 1 46 Piano Tuner McKenuejr’.. with STEAMER SILVER Now Har- SARGENT G. South and West, lor sale at Ticket Union Good 104% Sun sets.4 2« fRgn water 2 00 *31 tile prettiest stock. Knyaiteroeiit EMERY, Oflice, bor, Round Fond, Port d’mg.2l®23|Laundry.4V4@6 Northwestern...104% j Order slate at Chanpler’s Musio Store, “<« Collector of 4 Station. Friendship, Clyde, Chiou 41 Moon sets. Wedding rintrs a .peoiallty. McKENNY taxes for he town of Standish Tennant’s Head, back*.. .31*3 Gloss.6%®7V4 Northwestern pfa.147 147 1 8 27IHeight.... 9.2— 10.2 me for the Harbor, Spruce Rockland, Congress street. Jeweler, Monument Square ianldft year lfi9f oct?6dlaw3wM D. J. FLANDERS. G. P. & T. A.. Boston. I ALFRED RACE, Manager, had been THE GREAT FAIR. ava coffee; Thompson & Hall, two cases PERSECUTED ARMENuT~~ Only $100,000 contributed hy THE t orn; Soule or- for tbia and. _ & Robinson, one box the American people Just should be nges; Hannaford & Co., 10 baskets noble cause. It a million. NliW AJJYEKTlSiiaUSKTS XODAY. Odd Fellows Will Open It at City Hall Her Woes Set Forth at next lo & Mills proceeded take MOORE CO. rapes; J. J. Libby, 26 pounds mixed Meeting Mr. up bWEN, of Tonight. uts; Haskell & Adams,Boston, one box Yesterday. the origin and history the American his Owen. Moore & Co. il lalagar raisins; American net and race. He held audience spell bound J. K. Ubby. wine he told of their The weather today UN DDK WEAR Have Made for a Co., Boston, one lot shopping at na eloquently sublime COUNTER. OUTFITS Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. They ^Arrangements Large Gathering Portland City Hall- likely to be (Men's.) NF ANTS’ COUNTER. Atkinson Co. Standard Oil faith and of their heroic action la I Furnishing Will Be mgs; Clothes Co., New “keep- fair. Wanted—F. A. O’Brien. Splendid Display—Tonight ] Eloquent Address by Rev. R. p-ay One fork, one suit fancy oil Foster ing the faith.” Even death or tortures Portland. November 9,1896, lot of Norfolk and Notice hereby (riven. Ancient Brothers’ Con- clothing; One lot of fine white Night—Grand Mills—Resolutions Adopted. oould not shake it. AMUSEMENTS. Irotbers, assortment of plokles. untold New cert By Chandler's Band—Excellent then hun- Brunswick Portland Theatre. These donations were received from For Armenia I The speaker touohed upon many the heavy saxony Flannel, 7-8 yards Dinners and Will Be Provided Suppers frank M. Floyd: Melville N. the sentiment of the cruelties practiced upon the Shetland mixed Shirts and Eldredge, That was whioh at- dreds of at a was New Wants, To Let, For Sale, Lost. Found —Additional attractive wide, 25c, Donations Sent In. j 6; Roland Albert of Portlanders to Christians by the Turks. “If I should FROM yard, and Similar advertisements will he found under Kent, $5; Bragg, $3; tracted thousands City at all I know of Drawers, 75c and hen appropriate headson Pag^ 6. lash $1; John one barrel afternoon. Poor Armenia! tell you them,” cried he, with 98c, Also a lot of infant’s The Odd Fellows’ fair will at Trefetbsn, hall yesterday Bargains 35c, open could not listen. 1 lour; Alfred H. Haskell, oonfeetlonery; The sad, sad story of her grievous “you _ It is simply been $1 and City hall, this evening, and it prom- wrongs which this store is over- $1.25_for cambric assorted “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Vlbert Dirwanger, potted plants and out and her oiuel has been told diabolical.” slips, ises to be one of the greatest fairs ever persecution men and Bas been used over Fifty Years by millions of lowers; John with all its Mr. Mills paid hia respeots to the ad- we’ve boys. at held In Portland. The fair le to be Bnrr, Freeport, potted daily in the papers harrow- selected this 19c, marked mothers for their children while flowing styles, Teething ilants and out Wm. A. for these many, ministration in most hearty style. He held to raise to furnish the Sowers; Ramsey, ing detail many months. with perfect success. It soothes the child, money nelp ! “An old list of s to down from leering, potted plants and out Sowers. Every day or two brings added intelli- deolared, English Jaoket is a pecial offerings HOSIERY COUNTER 25c. softens the gums, allays Pain, euros Wind new hall in Baxter block and as nearly (Men's) All donations should be banded into of the destruction of some better protection and enforces more re- same regulates the bowels, and Is the best every one has either in mon- gence college, toll you down town, to At counter, two Colie, given freely than all of the he ball this morning. or even city laid waste. speot passports of the remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from ey or no doubt a large sum settlement, One lot of old- donations, States.” to see the others. genuine lots of at or other causes. thousands are butchered in United get you quilted Bibs, teetUing For sale by Drug- of money will be realized. Air. Samuel Countless BRIEF JOTTINGS. He world have fashioned hand knitted in every part of the world. Be sure and oold blood. Noble men literally hacked liked to have seen gists B. Kelsey, the president of tbo fair com- It should be bourne in 19c, marked down from ask for airs. Winslow's 25 cts own door President Cleveland take the interest In Soothing Syrup, has been In his efforts to pieces in their yard. Then at mittee, untiring mind that men- country yarn Socks, a bottle. All but six of Co. A, M. S. N. G., with fiendish shout of satisfaotlou and the Armenian question of human life the items 25c. and he has been ably assisted by as wide lave qualified as marksmen, Including knives reeking with the heart’s blood of and liberty as he did in the Venezuelan 27c, Great value. awake a corps of officers as oould be found tioned below are for the In same section, one PERSONAL lour sharp shooters, two first class, 25 seo- the vlllianous Turk swamps. in Mew England. That they have lab- Christianity hastens He olosed with a reason lot >nd and 18 third class marksmen. In Co. on more Christian breasts where- brilliant appeal for day only, for the of silk and cashmere ored well can be seen by a glance around seeking UNDERWEAR COUNTER (Knitted) there are two nine murderous help and. suooor for struggling Armenia, Mate Clarence Thompson of the steam- City ball, which is.handsomely decorat- 0, sharpshooters, in to bury his blade, more that in nine cases out of wadded Bonnets, fur trim- leoond and 14 third class marksmen. and maidens to add un- battling against a monster,“for the faith er St. Croix has been succeeded by Daniel ed and arranged with many booths tilled young comely One lot of women’s L'wo non-oommissloned officers will be that is in her.” ten the are all sold at Apt of this city. with useful and arti- willing lustre to his devilish harem; goods med, 69c, marked down beautifnl, fancy He then reduced to the ranks and several privates more of Turkey’s worst said: “God bless Mrs. white ribbed wool Capt. Charles B. Hall, 19th Infantry, cles. As this fair is to be held to raise dispensers out before Jersey from for Stevens, the noble representative of the night. $1.00, babies having completed the special duty as- for the Odd Fellows’ il8charged. enemy, education to demolish; more money furnishing X. U ndervests and The Glen Manufacturing Company of of to de- W. C. U. in this city, who so quickly Pants, one to four signed him, has been ordered to join bis uew quarters, it might be well to give temples Jehovah deface, debase, UMBRELLAS COUNTER. years. Berlin, N. H.,bas purchased the Nul- the of blood is responded to the oall of the great leader, pioper station. a brief description of the new halls. stroy. Then when day at cotton and wool, Lumber Mrs. Willard.” mostly W. H. of T. F. A. of began Companys* plant at last at an eDd; with hands yet warm BLANKET'WRAPPERS COUNTER, Spicer Montreal, A visit to the new quarters is to see One lot of fine union a«t North Stratford, N. H., of George Van of to the Loud applause greeted Mrs. Stevens, wool, unshrinkable. the Grand Trunk railway, is at the Fal- that it Is literally true that “old things with the life blood martyrs who called the Dyke. The purchase money amounts to once delivered to the fall up Armenians who reolted silk steel rods mouth for a few days. have away, and all have ‘faith Saints,” Umbrellas, were At same One lot of the c elebr- passed things Lords’ 75c, $1, (500,000. This includes the Lewis town- aun rouoers an account oi the prayer In concert. Mr. Harry Butler, accompanied by Mr. ecoino new.” on nis Knees and Then two of them made tell- paragon frames,hand- counter* a lot of ated “St. iTOiOib 1U1 JUUUIlUB ship. to hia ncaursed “Allah” speeohes, UTIJJiUi BQUCU O IYTU All tbe bodies of the order will occupy his stewardship heavy Mary’s” pure oi ineir 1 T>1 1 1 1 1 Ail uxggxug xu uuo vcxiax ui uuo um xvuu* himself blest anew lug experiences, whluh were some Dresden trip to Europe Saturday. spacious and elegant apartments. The and thinks by handles, fleeced ribbed Vests and wuui wiui liana- Ion and auivcia, Mies Craft rendered with much sweet- house on Congress street next to the idol of bleed for each Christian he quaint Interesting, as translated by general lodge room is a fine apartment blue and black cov- Longfellow gallery, a cutlass was the Interpreter. navy for some block ness and beauty of expression the seleo- 38x60 feet. The encampments will meet sends by fiendish hand to swell the Pantalettes, children, borders, very had Tbe Mrs. lon entitled and at the unearthed. It marks of blood or “vast aiound the great white following telegram from at marked “Ninety Nine, in a room 40x60 teet. Ihe height of each company erings, $1.58, at ioc, and These desirable for bath rust on the blade, but nobody knows Willard was read and loudly 15c, 25c. wraps, morning servioe at the First Universa- is 33 feet. The mural decorations are b; throne.'” applauded: bow long it bas been there. The bouse New York, November 7, 1896. down from $2--includes are to im- at marked iist church yesterday. Jost of Portland, and are of a chaste The executioner congratulates himself subject slight $3-75, down Is said been built To Armenian Mass Meeting: were the arrivals to hayo previous to that be has been to destroy the The following among and beautiful style. permitted ggLove to God and Jovelto man have case and tassels, which do not from 1760. execute the will perfections. $5.50. at the United States hotel Saturday: H. The Grand Lodge will occupy flue enemies of his God and melted all the miles between Mount The exports during the week have been of the the Sultan of all Ararat and Mount Katahdln. God bless TRIMMINGS COUNTER. the L. Whitman, South Faria: W. E. Brown, quarters on tho same floor as the larger demon, despot, injure wearing qual- CHILDREN’S COATS shook valued nt and the grand old Pine Tree State. Its heart COUNTER Wm. R. Pitts- close to it will be found libra- 3,882 $10,655, 61,- Turkey, who from within the walls of Gardiner; Hunnewell, balls; the has summer climate all the year. Sister- 000 feet of lumber, valued at $10,000. bis brutish ities. field; T. D. Emery, Cornish; Isaac ry and smoking rooms, fitted with every gaudy palace, rules subjects ly greetings to the Armenians and to all One lot of fancy The Elizabeth Wadsworth Gimp, A small lot of Rounds, South Paris; E. A. Cross and convenience for reading and sociability. Chapter with iron will aDd cruel hand. A who help the refugees or those who still high of the American sufitr in Armenia. assorted colors, at 18c a Tho of Rebeknh will bnve Daughters Revolution, monarch, feared hut not beloved; a STATIONERY COUNTER. wife, Bridgton. Daughters FRANCES grade winter coats, red, will meet in the at 3 (Signed) E. WILLARD. Sheriff Harold Gould has tbeir own rooms with neces- Fraternity parlors diplomat shrewd and ounning; a marked down from Ex-Deputy everything A collection was taken and m. up yard, and for returned from Somersworth, N.H., to sary for their work. Besides there p. today. financier, greedy, grasping and un- One lot of fine Com- green brown, these, amounted as as the A lire was in the follows, reported by soc to Portland. will be tbe rooms J lively burning pile scrupulous; a tyrant, whose very breath 36c. encampment degree J. M. Gould: children two and three of old beside the Maine Central treasurer, $243.78 in cash mercial in Hon. Charles M. Moses of Saco, was in and the and drill room. sleepers is law; the most oollosaal murderer of Writing Paper, armory Spa- was received for the Armenians and track near the Union station NOTIONS COUNTER to be closed out at the city Saturday. oiom ante and committee rooms and a yesterday the century; the blaokest figure in the a years, about $126 more ou the cards. at 4c Doon. It was without of the pledged pads, pad. Ainoug those registered at the Con- large fire-proof safe are located on this extinguished darkest ohapter history of the off The following resolutions were intro- One lot of fine silver same i-3 were: Mr. floor. There will be damage. 19th century civilization. At counter a lot gress square hotel, Saturday, two.banquet rooms; duced Dr. Blanohard and Hose No. 5 and the by adopted: and Mrs. Thos. F. Somers, Mrs. H. F tbe one is located on tbe fifth carriage chemical, large floor; Whereas, Citizens of Portland, in Glove and of leatherette Pho- TARNS COUNTER. were oalled to the house oocupled by Suoh is th8 ruler of the “unspeakable Me., Buttoners, loop fancy Fay, Boston; Miss M. Parker, J. W. they each have their own kitchen and mass meeting assembled, have listened to Rich on Lin- Turk” of today. at were 10c. Kerr, C. S. Burgess, Miss S. Wells, Bos- everything necessay to the serving of any Congress street, opposite a recital of the recent atrocities in hook, 5c, tograph Frames, with It was to the of this Anatolia and One lot of Morse Ka- ton; B. H. New H. of a coln park Saturday evening. The occu- esoape fury Constantinople, isoluding Norton, York; Mrs. sort spread needed. Great corners thirst for the outrages perpetrated upon Amerioan Bargain. and A. Tar box, Miss Linda Tarbox, Mies May Without doubt Odd Fellows’ ball of pants had been burning old straw. There despot's unquenchable glass, gilt at citizens, and whereas, no apology or in- leys Cotton, was no fire. Christian blood, that a small band of Knitting Louise Tarbox. Baltimore; Mr. and Portland will be without a suporior in demnity for these outrages upon our citi- LININGS COUNTER. medalion, at 17c- of Armenian after un- a ball. Mrs. A. W. Brnson, Bangor; W. A. the State of Maine. With snch quarters The store Dennis, the newsdealer desperate refngees, zens has bean received by our govern- 5c on Commercial was broken into told made their to Mar- ment, and wbereas, the way seems open One lot of Sleeve Ex- Milne, Philadelphia; C.G.Moulton, Lim- the ordei ought to grow rapidly in num- street, hardships, way for tbe further persecution of the Ar- TOILET GOODS COUNTER. erick; Mrs. C. H. Mrs. A. L. and Friday night and about $00 worth of seilles, Francs. Here they were found Hollis, bers influence. menians by the Turks, tberefore be it tenders, at were NEEDLEWORK CONN TER. and other raken. that devoted friend of hu- 15c 25c, Whittier, Miss Ethel Whittier, Hallowell; The halls will be open to the public oigars goods by suffering Resolved: 1.—That we call upon the The annual of the Maine manity, Frances E. Willard. Miss of tbe United States to im- HOSIERY COUNTER. One lot of mustard Col. S. H. Allen, Thomaston; Hon. L. at an early date, due notice of wbiob meeting Eye government Willard as well as a mediately take measures to enforee its Another lot of C. Cornish, O. D. Baker, Augusta; O. will be in ihe The and Ear Infirmary is cailed for this eve- acts, talks. In very fancy given daily papors. demands for reparation for injuries in- Plasters, made by the D. M. Bald- short time those Armenians were on One lot of black Smith, Brnnswiok; Fieroe, following will be the attractions during ning. flated upon Americans and to secure the Onyx Pillows, in their to the homo of Chemical Japanese win; Charles A. Miles, Rumford Falls. tbe week: The adjourned city government meet- way great freedom lives and prosperity of Americans now in Napier Co.,at cotton cases will be b eld and religious liberty. Turkey, according to our treaty rights ingrain Hosiery, crape with broai Mr. Perley E. Sands of Baltimore, This evening a band concert by the ing tonight. draw better and last A soore of them stood on the of and 5c; son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. a Regular clam supper tonlgnt at the stage oxford and Mi., American Cadet baud with pleasing 2. —That we believe it to be the moral women’s, split ruffles at 25c. Also a lot Portland club at 6.30 o’clock. City ball yesterdaT afternoon and looked than Sands, formerly of Naples, Me., was number of selections. The following is duty of our government to admit to our fall and winter longer any other. into the faces of an Immense Yankeo without all soles, of cotton filled Bed married to Mies Cora S. Johnson of Ox- the programme: Remember the meeting to organize a country question reputable Puffs, Armenians who shall be fortu- One lot of Seasalt, lor ford Pa., at Baltimore, November 4, by Past Chancellors’ association of Port- audience. refugees at marked March—Hadattah, Hal! nate enough to reaob our shores, and weight, 34c, siikolene cases, at Rev. O. F. D. D. The land thie All C chan- It was a striking pictnre at once, a salt at $1.98. Gregory, couple Overture—Zampa, Herold evening. past 3. —That we believe that the enlightened making bath will reside at Baltimore. Mr. Sands Is Concert Waltz,—Columbia, Beunett cellors of the lodges of ^Knights of eloquent, maddening, pathetic. Eloquent sentiment of the American people would from5oc. Mexican Linden at a connected with the H. H. BHbcook Com- a, Dance, Pythias of this city and past chancel- as an example of the kind of human prey justify assurances on the part cf the home, 9c large pack- SILKS COUNTER. b. Lirne Kiln Club. Laurendeau of the United States of sup- HOSIERY COUNTER pany, carriage builders of Watertown, N. lors who reside in the oity, whose the Christian world is abandouing to the government (Children’s.) Popular Airs—A Jolly night. Beyer port of nation that will Sultan’s knives: to think any European age. Y. Selections from Operatic Airs, Hamm home lodge is not in the oity limits, maddening unselfishly undertake tbe paciiioation of An assor ted lot of Two A broken lot of black lot wood back Cloth Among the arrivals at the Preble yes- Step—Palatinus, R. B. Hail are cordially invited to be present. that most of these men had to flee from Asia Minor, and tbe protection of the One Offenbach were: Overture—Orpheus, their own homes at the end of the nine- Armenians; and Florentine terday C. B. Thomas, Zanesville, Maine Association, No. 1, of Stationary wool ribbed at were printed Silk, Grand ffanase—Kose D’Amour, Dacy 4. —That we most heurtily commend Stockings for Brushes, 19c, 25c. Ohio; W. W. Ellis, Portland; E. J. the Engineers will meet at No. 45 teenth century to preserve their lives Medley—All Kage, Beyer Exchange tbe relief work nobly carried on by the choice on from heathon to and school regular 50c quality, Brown, Miss Lillian Brooks, New York; Seleotion—Maritauu, Wallace street, Wednesday evening, Nov. 11, murderers; pathetic various agencies and that we pledge our boys girls’ Conoert Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ward, O. K. Vedder, Galop—Woodbine, Brooke at eight o’clook. A full attendance is watch the convicting emotions reflected continued sympathy and gifts so long as HABERDASHERY COUNTER. patterns, at 35c a Finale—Star Spangled Banner. tbe need and wear, at 18c, m a rk e d yard Boston; W. L. Morse, Taunton; Dr. H. in the strong faces of the men as they may ooutinue; requested. 5. —That of those resolutions be Tuesday evening the Tremont Male down into the faces of the oopies to-morr ow. E. Lutr C. W. Small, New York; Mr. The Ladies’ Veteran Firemeu’s Aid gazed great forwarded to the President and Secretary down from 25c. One lot of Bos- and Mrs. Lillian P. genuine and Mrs. W. P. Eaton, Kadingtuu Mills. Quartette Henniger, will meet at Reform Club hall, oornei crowd where every eye was kindly, where of State of the United States, and to the reader. George K. C. first tenor; face became a Senators and from Maine ton at 12 1-2C a Rev. and Mrs. Deane, Congress and Temple streets, tonight, every welcome. Tears Representatives NECKWEAR COUNTER, Garters, LEATHER GOODS COUNTER. Dwight Galloupe left of the (womens) Charles W. Swann, second tenor; Robert stood in the and coursed down the in the Congress United States. Wednesday for their home in Newark, at 7.30 p. m. eyes At same counter, a C. Whitten, baritone; Sumner Coolidgo, ohoeks of the at inter- Rev. Mr. Sheppard of St. Paul’s asked One lot of pair. N. J. Rev. and Mrs. Galloupe havo the The Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, strangers frequent boys’ white One lot of Boston basso. vals. the benediotiou. lot of odds and ends of Bags, best wishes of a large circle of friends for Daughters of the American Revolution, The linen with em- fancy goods departmrnt will be will lney were a with In tbe evening City ball was filled with Collars, cloth sides and leather success iu the new parish. meet in the Fraternity parlors at sturdy looking set, decorated the well-knowu firm of men’s embroidered by 3 m. well knit frames. They were neatly a large congregation that took part in a broidered at Night- Captain and Mrs. Picking, who have p. today. edges, 17c, handles, at 44c. Hooper, Sou & Leighton. it is only oue dressed. Some of them were union revival service. The hall was a at been visiting Miss Wood, of Free street Harry H. Roche, for ten years assis- handsome. shirts, 54c. of tbeir many geuerous acts of kindness. reminder of the revival held At same •eft the first of last week for tant with D. C. Murphy, at the weather The eyes of all wore handsome, as the meetings regular price 25. Washing- The work will lie JEWEL RY CO UN TER. done by Mr. Bonner, faces of all were sad. There was a when Mr. Mills oonducted the great re- ton, D. C., where they will spend the bureau iu Eastport, has been ordered tc counter, a lot of lace trim- who has oharge of tho movement. Tbe Mills and GLOVES COUNTER. winter. drapery depart- Portland for duty. trngedy in every ouo of those lives. vival Moody ment. choirs seats on tbo and med batiste and Dean and Mrs. Sills have returned Mr. J. J. Curtis of Harpswell, bar Each of the Armenians had a white ocoupied platform organdie An assorted lot of the has made and One lot of four an d Dam, sign painter, ouu sash around his shoulder with the werds five from a visit in St. Andrews, where they [mmtiu L-y nanu uarreis U1 apples iron! for at painted tbe slen that will he stretched Points, Collars, 15c silver his Armenia. Each oarried a small conducted the serviecs with all bis old plated Sleeve But. were the guests of Mrs. Ketchum. orohard. hook Foster Lace Gloves, across the street besides other smaller Amerioan time iervor. At the olose of the a been Among the November weddings will be Mystic lodge, I. O. G. T., will give e flag. They gripped them likt meeting pair, 25c. tons, of which ho has to great variety signs donated the fair. iron. That had ooine mean many present came forward to shake tbe Glace tho3e of Miss Ella Snow to Rev. W. D. reception to Sea Breeze Temple, Thurs flag to de- finish, tan, mode, Redman, tbe sign painter has also do- uvuruuce uuu to hand of Mr. Mills. EMBROIDERIES CO UN TER. at a Thomas of Calais and Miss Eleanor day, November 12tb. All members of till smeiij i-nem. JNO wondei and at styles, 10c, pair. nated small grey, black, 79c, signs, nhioh are'to announoe it to 30 Deering to Mr. Harry Rounds. temple are requested to come prepared ti they bugged them lovingly. Lrreat the different attractions. On the with the One lot of marked down from bargain. Mr. 8Dd Mrs. Leroy Height entertained to stay after temple meting to reoeplion, stage Armenians wort broad Swiss $1. Dinners aud will be served suppers It is Mrs. E. E. Governor Cleaves, Rev. Dr. Blanchard, the musial olnb, of which they are mem- expected Cain, genera Embroidered at At same counter, a lot of DRAPERIES ROOM. eaoh day by the different lodges at a Rev. D. M. Rov. J. B. Edges, bers, Wednesday evening. A very pleas- superintendent, will be present. Pratt, Sheppard, reasonable price. Mrs. Ij. M lrl f''oi cVim a rex nos mom her of No. N. Stevens, who has had a been rug uyoitttm giveu written uj JUI, Every Mvmjoy lodge, 36c yard, 50c and One lot of Window Today will be Ancient Brothers’ day care of Shades, Hight tor the occasion. 6, K. of P. is requested to be present Mon- especial them slnoe they arrived, three to six and ail members of that lodge should and who has found \ 58c. Gloves, years’ which were made in the Dr. Jane Lord Hersom, of Fine street day evening as the question of iuoor homes for them up consider it a duty to get their meals at an’t the will conic among the good people of Maine. This is the at were summer the dull and Hiss Hobson, of Congress street, City bail that day,and all others are oor- poratlng lodge up. complaint of p[| LACES COUNTER. sizes, 25c, 38. during season, Rev. Mr. Pratt offored are on a short pleasure trip. They will dlally invited to attend. Mea-tr*. E. 0. Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens leaves thif prayer. thousands at this season. to at worth all UbHso and Albert Bracken will furnish rija go 25c, 50c, visit Northampton, where Miss Mabel morning for New York to join Miss Wil GOVERNOR CLEAVES They have no appetite; food teams to call for anything that is to be (fX One lot of UNDERWEAR COUNTER mounted on rollers. lard and Miss and on does not relish and grenadine (Muslin) good spring Hersom is at college. sent to tbe hall,on notification. Gordon, together tbej taking tno ohair epoko briefly and often fails to digest, to the national severe silk Also a lot of 25c Cretonne at Judge and Mrs. W. L.Putnam left Sat- go convention of the tV. gracefully, mentioning the fact that tin causing suffering. Such people and sewing NOTES. Veilings, O.T.U. which meets in St. No- of Maine to no need the of lot urday for British America. Loul3, people yield common- toning up the stomach and and One of fine muslin 16c a yard, worth 25c, and a lot All railroads vember dark colors, at running into Portland 13-18. wealth in their zeal for a righteous digestive organs, which a course of Hood’s light Corset Covers V of Satteens at 9c a worth Nearly Lost His Head. have offered to run for a re- There will be a will neck1 yard, kiDdly “Geographical Souial” cause. Today the Christlau people 01 Sarsaparilla give them. It also puri- ioc a yard. Great bar. of at the rooms 12 l-2c. These are in three Mr. John Gould bad his head cut badly duction lares on the following days: of the Young Women1! Turkey ire exposed to the most damnable fies and enriches the blood, cures that dis- I trimmed with fine ham- Maine Central and Christian jL Thursday while at work with Theophilus Wednesday Thursday Association this evening. A outrages. Their only offence is thst un tress after eating and gam. * and are | at yard lengths slightly Stover’s apple crusher. The sweep wbioh and the following Monday; Portland & speoial musical programme will be ren der the leadership of American burg embroidery, 34c, mission Internal Misery LINENS CO UNI Eli from having been was attacked to the horse came aionnd as Rochester,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday dered. All young women, 16 or art aries have rumpled hung over, they adopted Christianity anc a can marked down from he was looking in over tbo and Only dyspeptic know, creates an 50c. decorate the top and Monday, the 16th ; Boston & Maine invited. planted Its bannor in the soil of Amerioa, lot of up to department. bis bead between that and a appetite, overcomes that tired and One linens Mo- caught and aud The man wiio feeling He Friday Saturday Monday; complained that be had Gov. Cleaves gracefully introduced th( bard wood post. called to his horse builds up and sustains the whole physical CORSETS COUNTER. to and for him he Grand Trunk every day except Saturday lost a lot of valuable bonds the othei celebrated Rov. 15. mie and Damask BASEMENT. stop, fortnnntely evangelist, Fay Mills It so Tray it had system. promptly and effectively did so, for it gone six inches but will sell on Monday, the 16tb. night, found them afterwards in hi! Mr. Mills made one of his oharaoteristh have taken relieves dyspeptic and cures Cloths, farther it would the top of ad- own symptoms openwork and Five hundred Notice the cabalistic letters in the safe whore they were lying in plait eloquent addresses whioh held the closes One lot of her “Ma- glass Jelly his head off. Dr. Littlefield dressed the nervous headaohes, that it Beems to have vertisement and answers wound and at he is get your ready. sight. attention of the audience. “ colored borders, round and at 30c present comfortable. almost a magic touch.” fringed white and Dishes, square There will be n Rebekah at the Well, It vtps reported last night that a rob jesty” Corsets, MR. MILLS, >and hemstitched a dozen. The boilerB at the Centralin Colliery a gypsy quean and everything that goes bery had been committed at the resident Distress After to a few worde Eating. edges to at near Ashland, the after pleasant by way of in drab, go Monday $2 Pa., operated by to make a fair a success. of one of our but have been troubled with One lot of grand oitlzens, no one seeniei said that this “I indigestion at been porcelain platters, Lehigh Valley Coal company, exploded troduetlon vast audienc: 1 go 14c, 19c to some time. After a Saturday one man and Mrs.Narcissa S. Kelsey, H. W. A. C. A. to be able to give tho nnme of the suffer for eating anything regular price $2.75 and 7c each. morning, killing was not here for pleasure, but to lUtei pair, oval square, lot badly injuring four others, oue of them B. C., cashier of the dining room, re- er. that was sweet I wob sure to experience 25c. with sympathetic attention to the sat -fitted if desired, these One lot of silver Crumb fatally. All were Polanders, except one. that the both cash ami Rev. Mills and distress. Last fall I Tray ports donations, B. Fay preached to a largi 1 He great difficulty tr.le of oppression. began by 1 Considerable amount of specie has been have been liberal. at Wllliston paying Hood’s and am HANDKERCHIEFS are soiled and food, veiy congregation church yestor to the began taking Sarsaparilla COUNTER. slightly from Scrapers, heavy quadruple stolen from a railroad train while in high tribute grand religion: The following additional donations have day morning. to say that my stomach trouble has at transit across the Isthmus of Panama. character of the Armenian race. glad been handled. silver plate, engraved, 81 25, I lot having The was Intended for shipment by been received: Highland Grand sjove entirely disappeared. can now eat a One of women’s specie Th© Theosophists. He had come to think that the Ameri $2.00. one of the mail steamers to The with from O. & D. meal of almost kind food regular price Europe. upper shelf, M. W. been hearty any of amount secured by the thieves is esti- The regular of the cans had terribly Ignorant or crlmi colored Nash; Fred N. Dow, $5; O. O. meeting Portland and have no trouble afterwards. Hood’s fancy Handker- SKIRTS COUNTER. dressmaker’s cutting Ta- mated at from to $15,000. Portland, nal In their treatment of the Fifty $5000 Theosophioal society was held Sundni Armeniai El well, Portland, 1 case, peas; Caleb Sarsaparilla has also cured me of nervous chiefs, colored at 87c, worth $1.25—can The British steamer Montrose, has at Its Room question. centres, bles, N. Lang, Portland, 1 oase 1 case evening hall, 30, 543)4 Con John H. stranded near Narva. Tho captain and tomatoes, Mr. Mills scored the spells.” Homriohacskn, for card tables. gress street. The Euorpean power: with white at lot of fine also be used four of the crew were drowned. The re- corn; Simeon Malone, Portland, $5; subjeoi, “Relnoarna Wheatland, Iowa. Such cures prove that borders, 10c. One fast soundly for their indifference in mainder of the crew, 14 in number, wore D. H. tion,11 brought out a very dis till: Partick, Portland, $5; W. W. Ma- interesting of RIBBONS COUNTER black satteen full saved. cussion. great question humanity. They hm Skirts, son, Portland, $5; G.E. SRivyer, large do- At tbe field events at Georgetown from 3 allowed petty jealousies to prevent theii nation of fanoy candy; W. J. Wednesday, to 6, and from 7 ti Ombrdle shape, double Saturday, B. J. the Kerrigan, decisive action. Their university Wefers, 9 p. m., the room and taking selfisknes Fifteen terms at these world’s amateur Portland, 1 dozen fancy soap; Mrs. F. O. library will In hundred The only champion sprinter, was thousands yards ruffle and corded, at as to costing upon thousands o $1.69, established two world’s records. He Bailey. Portland, one dozen hand open, usual, readers and enquirers paint- Armenian lives whose of moire Sales are cash covered 300 in 50 2-5seconds or ono- Next November only oriuio hai picot edge Rib- down Monday yards ed plates; Dean Brothers, 1 pair pink Sunday, 15, p.t 3 am marked from $2.50. fifth of a second bettpr than tho world’s been to enlist under the satin slippers. 7.30 p. m. George D. Ayres, A. B., LL banners o bons, at 3c a and no record made by himself at Traverse and to refuse to yard. exchanges. lecture for Jesus, desert. Tin N. 26. 1896. He Mr. E. J. Sklilln reports these addit- B., Theosophioal New Eng Sarsaparilla Inland, Y., September treaty still Berlin exists. ; in fact the One Blood abo broke the world’s record at 100 yards ional donations: land, will lecture on subjects to be an Though 1 Is the best— True Purifier, Milllken-T'ornUuson freedom of by the distance in 9 3-5 second, pounced later. He will guarantoea religious prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. feprinting Co., 30U Paul Kauvar oigars two boxes also speak Mon thought one-fifth of a second lower than the and worship the and day afternoon and evening, and Tuesdai pillage murder o cure established time. figs; Twitchell Champiin Co., 25 pounds .. it r»:«i nausea, indigestion, evening. Christians continues unabated. S Kills biliousness. 2»cent£. OWEN, MOORE & CO MOORE & HOOtl [OWEN, MOORE & CO. .[OWEN, CQ,