Last Round C, A. L. On Bargains Of a Lifetime Are Advertised In The — _-_ _i_Sunday Democrat Classified Columns Daily-Read Them! MECHANICS RECEIVER Marathon Run True GARAGERS, TRIBES Announcement* Employment Classic Of IN MAIN CONTEST; PUBLIC PARKS AND Olympics; RECREATION TEAMS •H THE following the loans of THOMAS VS HEARTS ACTIVE SUNDAY articles, Mil Harder Event which having expired will be on CANVASSERS—Han to high sale here on and after August 1st. grade toilet soap. Bis profits. HAMILTON PARK 50912, 51802, 51237, 51035, 52307, Men sell 10 In 100 calls, and By MELVIN W. SHEPPARD Hills Take on 52139, 52581, average >5 dally. Apply Warn* Brooldyns No 1 at 3 p. m.—Washington 52564, 52744, 53072, 7:10 (Kmer MUfflt DMwk Wfauwr) 53130, 53144, 53148, 53149, 53184, Holman, Hotel Palace. Hours Hills vs Brooklyn A. C. (CAL). to S:10. 8^ MKl^CMnM^e —Two Games Separate No m.—Sacred 53167, 53198, 53240, 53242, 53245, 2 at 2 p. 63329. 53660. mar- 63258, 63282, 63657, I have purposely saved discussion of the Olympic Hearts vs Thomas Clab (CAL). 53223, 63379, HUSTLER—Can earn US weekly. Cellar From 53027, 53295, 53317, Plant Write Occupants No 1 at 4 p. m.—Garage vs 53406, 53415, 53436, New fast gelling Pep. athon and the decathlon for the same article because, in my 68319, 53394, N. Y. Tribune A. C. (CAL). 53454, 63477, 53479, 53493, 63518, Emmons Co., Newark, have been somewhat alike. Leaders Two Umpires E. Bears 63550, 53568, mind, they always No 2 at 4 p. m.—E. 53530, 53539, 53547, to Per- 53586, 53681, 53278, PAY weekly unemployed. that it is over 26 miles vs Oakville Davies (CRL). 63669, 53262, local sales No The marathon, terrific grind in Each Tilt 53341, 53235, 53638, 53680, manent positions. Umpire, Hadley; scorer, O’- 63137, Investment. J. is no more of an extended tax on the human 53688. 53689, 53765, 63702, 63728, Depression proof. and 386 yards, Connor. C. Hoste, Newark; N. Y. With a difference Of but two 68758, 63800, 63714, 53799, 53835, than the 10-event decathlon. PULTON PARK 53089, 53160, system lead- 58816, 63949, 62765, STEADY INCOME—Book orders * games separating the league 2 m.—Colored Elks vs Colts 53367, In fact, I think the decathlon— p. 53275, 63228, 52238, 53353, Fruit it took the runners longer the and from 63515, 63527, 53325, 53362, guaranteed. Roses, Shrubs, vault* ing Tommies Garagers (PPL). 53716, and Ornamental trees. Experi- running, jumping,' hurdling, before the race to Journey out vs 63393, 53532, 53540, 53549, 53576, FOR RENT day the Sacred 4 p. m.—North Squares ence new methods. ing and weight throwing—la the Marathon in the cellar occupants, 53669, 53690, unnecessary, On East Mam to the start at rickety Recreation A. C. (PPL). 63617, 53646, 63679, We tell how. John Keane, Street opposite more eevere because the athlete la most Hearts and Brooklyns, to-morrow’s 53708, 53764, 63741, 53792, 53796, you Hamilton Park, beautiful alx> vehicles than it required of scorer, Newark, N. Y. continually "shifting usthg the Amateur Umpire, Cleary; Foley; 63805, 53818, 53813, 53820, 63825, room heated apartment gears" them to ran back on the following triple bill in City. W. Including different sets of muscles of collector. Nardozzi. 53833, 53881, 53915, garage. All light oak entirely That was the race Billy Sher- League should be a duplicate 53826, 53828, WANTED—Plasterers to plaster rooms, day. WATERVILLE PARK 53361, 53648. 53582, doors, perfect In every detalL and making new demands on heart, won. last week’s for action, for with but 53543, 53748, new rooms In exheange for com- rtng of Canada 2 m.—Thomaston M. A. Green, Price 150 per month. and arms. p. Kaceys 53426, 53499, 53337, and coal stove used lungs, legs Billy Frank of the United five weeks remaining the pennant 73 Grand St. bination gas baaed on vs Truckers (PPL). Loan Department, months. Write Box Wa- But the marathon, States was third that and fin- still within the grasp of all. few A-82, pay Js 4 p. m.—Watervillc vs Brook- Democrat. NUHN&NUHN Pheidlppides’ run to Athens with of who Tribunes Favored terbury ished ahead Harvey Cohn, — lyn Cubs (PPL). DOCTOR CARNET Optometrist. 141 Bank St. Dial 4-M4S the glorious news of Mllltiades’ him on a Since Kerwin secured planned to accompany Johnny Umpire, scorer, C. troubles — need glasses? Low- -,- victory over the Persians at Earl Selenski for his Tribune Crocco;. Eye great bicycle. Cohn got u puncture, est Eyes tested. 177 Bank has seemed to Nardozzi; collector, DILeo. prices. Marathon, always but Frank kept right on going. mound corps the Naugatuck youth St. Tel 4.7478. Merchandise Inter- WASHINGTON PARK me the true classic of the and a has an enviable strike- After finishing receiving compiled 2 m.—Hillles vs Club contests. I can’t say record and his five per- p. Boys THE A. J. PATTON CO. national bronse medal as third prize, Frank out using PRICES — runs we have as Cadets (CRL). INFIRMARY Dentistry that the marathon sat beside the track to ex- formances in the second round con- down 4 m.—N. vs honestly meeting depression 36 llouscbold Articles of the < p. E. Eagles Land known since the revival amine the trophy and was saying, a criterion should register again ditions. Dr Whitright has always Surveyors been Reidvllle (CRL). and TY KA$E modem have half to half to anyone who to-morrow over the Garagers, pro- been the lowest priced dentist in llrst himself, Umpire. Ruggles; scorer, Room able to rival in drama that would listen: viding his mates lend a little more Waterbury. Plates, 38 up; gold AMERICAN Walnut Dining Commercial Blue Printers the modem willow than Cook; collector, DILeo. fillings, 31 up: ex- Suite, 9 pieces. Reasonable. Bald- Former Hill backstop will up- one, but certainly “That’s a heck of a thing to support with the they crowns, 35 up; Honrs 8 to 8—Saturdays g to IS "without tractions, 1 per tooth. Gas and win St. Ext. h. Mack. hold Percy Atwood of the Gar- races have not been grip- run more than 26 miles for. It’s have been doing of late. Bobby Dial 44m 88 WEST MAIN ST. humor ether administered in my office. in Feature City ping thrills, occasional not much to the kid when Cavanaugh, Carl Kites, Johnny Four rooms agers Sunday’s very give Dr S. L. Dentist, 156 UPRIGHT piano, 125. Entrance on Lewis Street. stark are the Whitright, Amateur League game against tbe and sometimes tragedy. I get home.” Egan and Selenski only 3-8686. of furniture 175. Phone 4-8065. Athens East Main St. Dial Tribunes. I recall that in 1*0# at A prince of the royal house of ones whose sticks have been thorns HURST AND O’DOE Greece heard Frank's reflection, in the sides of opposing pitchers to For Rent stopped, talked with him and, on date. Real Estate teh following day, returned with Tocchio vs Colvin Automobiles 2 o’- Business Service 72 M a handsome cup emblazoned with On the second diamond at PASS WANER IN Apartments Tenements will en- the royal crest. clock, Charley Tocchio, 9 Autos and Trucks For Sale deavor to defeat the Tommies with Hcnlgan Dependable 51 Bnsineaa Service* Rendered APARTMENT of 6 rooms at 1S4 his clever of pace, but with- North The 1908 race dripped with change NATIONAL Main St. $25. Inquire Ideal Around The Clock Howie Colvin opposing him it may BUICK 1928 Coach. Mechanically Pharmacy, 178 North Main St dramd. Johnny Hayea of New York — turn out to be a pitcher’s battle. perfect; brand new tires; car kept WINDOW CLEANING Tou will beat Dorando of Italy after the lat- If send for ue to Hills Meet Brooklyns In excellent condition by original save money you APARTMENT of 3 nice rooms on ter had been disqualified for re- Hits .357 owner Price $325. Phone Water- do your cleanlM. Conneetieut Win- Main With Larry Mullen, ex-abrigadpr rally street, Watertown. Modern ceiving illegal aid. I have always bury 3-8006 or 3-7952. dow Cleaning Co, Otflce, 82 Wood- Improvements, nice With color bearer with Brooklyn, the surroundings. Shanty Hogan thought that if Dorando had been for 97 Games—Foxx at lawn Terrace. Dial 4-4517 Garage If desired. Inquire O. will take advantage of every — content to walk around the track Hills 1927 BUICK ROADSTER With Hevey. Main St, Watertown. opportunity to down the B. A. C.’s Rumble seat. Very good condition WE are now In a position to sup- on the lap. he would have been an Even .360 last on the first diamond at 2 p. m. Clip throughout. Price reasonable. F. ply coats, aprons and towels. DRAKE ST, 65—5 sun able to keep his feet and win. But rooms, par- By DAN PARKER Jake Vreeland or Tom Purcell utill A. Emmons, Super-Service, Inc., Laundered weekly. Waterbury lor, new house, hot water heat, all the plaudits of the crowd stirred New York, July 30—(UP)—Don General Towel Co., 898 East Main do rubber work for George Casey’s Oldsmobile Agency. Tires, Supply improvements, garage. Reason- ■I he tried to break into a dog- Hurst of the Phillies has wrested 398 West Main St. Dial 3-4197. St. Dial 6-1377. able. Dial ...■ '''i j'tttTTTjTTSSuuF him, winners of five consecutive 5-1347. trot and fell. Adrimers picked him outfit, the batting leader- while a Marian! or Daly will up and carried him across the fin- games, ship from Paul Waner of the Pitts- BARGAINS GALORE!—Good used FIVE large sunny rooms, first A FRIGHTFUJj snore like the 7 o’fclock whistle at toe the mound for the boys from 53 Professional service* 107 Chestnut Ave. a A. M.—WITH ish ahead of Hayes. burg Pirates, according to figures cars at low prices. Easiest of floor, Garage If rolls out of »hd wants to across the Two umpires will desired. 6-1536. Scovlll’s. Rolling Mill, Shanty bed, startled, So far as a marathoner can be bridge. released games terms. Erwin M. Jennings Co., Inc. Telephone do the first time today, including know where the drove of pigs Is that’s making all the noise. (So of handle each contest, Hudson & Essex Sales & Service. Judged, Jimmy Henigan , played Thursday. PLANS—Specifications, etc. Louie a FIVE and 6 rooms, all who are assembled outside his window with rolling pins, this is being done in years. 488 Watertown Ave. Dial 4-5767. Improve- the neighbors who won his place on the squad in Hurst has a percentage of .357, Walsh. 67 Leavenworth 8t ments. 44% William St. Phone flat-irons and what-not). the Boston race early in the spring, while Waner has dropped to third 3-7145. 1929 HUPMOBILE 8 Sedan. Per- 8:01 a. m.—A beatific smile spreads over Shanty’s map of is a dependable runner. Hans Oldag in the list with a mark of .361. cyl. fect mechanical condition. 57 Insurance on his assembled admirers and blames It on the- wind of Buffalo, winner of the Baltimore O’Doul of has risen Special as he beams ST FRANCIS PLAY Lefty Brooklyn $465. Loehmann Chevrolet 379 FOR RENT but shure is an run- Co., whistling through the rafters. (It’s a sultry July morning, marathon, experienced into second position with an aver- W. Main St. of New what's a bit of blarney?) ner. Whitey Mlchelson age of .354. FI KB INSURANCE—The coat of tire Reasonable apartment: Cherry, York has been many years in the Foxx of the 1928 DODGE Senior $225. J. Insurance I* only a few cents a East Main and Cooke streets; Nel- 8:15 a. m.—Slyly glancing In all directions, Shanty tiptoes to the Jimmy Philadelphia Coupe. game. How they will fare against LOURDES MONDAY Athletics continues head Ameri- J. DeSoto and day. Can you afford to go without son avenue and road. and snatches a cold steak sandwich (pronounced to Collins, Inc., Plym- Southmayd estermoor furtively the the Ar- outh. 38 Willow St. It? Think what It would mean to and a mare Rltola, Finn; Zaballa, can circuit batsmen with a mark by Joe Wall) and applies a double armlock flying you and your family If you were McEVOY, INC. sangwitch gentine; Kin On-bai and Gon Tal- Five are carded on the of .360. also leads the hunk or victuals. games Jimmy FORD ROADSTER burned out tonight. See Hayden's. Phone 51 West to the helpless the the Ger- American 4-5118. Main St. ks, Japs; DeBruyn, schedule in the Catholic Parish hitters with 1930.Rumble 69 South Main SL Dial 8-8306. 9 a. m.—Into his tub for an hour to wt^low like a walrus, sending man who won at and Seat.$235 Boston, league for Monday evening, re- 41, while Chuck Klein of the Phil- THE BLUE RIBBON GARAGE, INC. next three rooms. can .. a tidal, wave into the others, is more than anyone es- leased this morning by William .1. lies has the most homers in the 428 West Main St. Dial 3-5179 * timate. Marathon knows 10 a. m.—Eddie Brannick, Shanty’s dietetic detective, shows up to running Derwin of the Park department. National league. 30. 59 Painting. Paper Hanging LAUREL 22—Six escort him to the feed bag. no "expe'rting.” The schedule follows: Vernon Gomez of the New York ST, rooms and Finn’s Have Threat Yankees is still the leading pitcher REAL BUYS wash room, all improvements. 10:30 a. m.—Eddie the waitress Shauty’s order, relenting At Hamilton Park. or Betu'lful nice gives Now about the decathlon. Paavo in the American division with 17 ALMOST NOTHING DOWN ROOMS PAPLltED painted from rent, neighborhood, from the demanded by the Giants’ management to No. 1, 6:15 p. m.—SS Peter & as low as $1.00 weekly. Wo arc $3.00. If you want to save money convenient to stores. Dial 3-4982 Spartan discipline Yrjola, who hung up a world re- wins and five defeats. Steve Swet- a double of toast and two tabtespoonsfnl of Paul, vs St Michaels. Umpire— forced to dispose of these cars re- on your outside painting. Dial or call at 14 Laurel St. allow Shanty portion dry cord of 8053.290 points to win the onlc of the Pirates heads the Na- with his black, unsweetened coflee. Stanton. Scorer—O’Connor.. gardless of cost. Our loss, your gain. 3-1214. Robert’s Paint Shop, 763 spinach two-day test at Amsterdam, is one tional flingers with 11 wins and Full Price to No. 2, 6:15 p. m.—St Margaret Highland Ave. 11 a. ni.<—With hunger gnawing at his vitals, Shanty staggers of Finland’s best bets. But he has a two losses. Dodge Sedan $69.00 vs Mount Carmel. Umpire—Cun- Ms room where, after locking the door, he grabs excitedly for five rival in Akilles Jarvinen, his team- The 10 leading hitters in each Chevrolet Coach $89.00 HICKORY ST, 27—3 rooms, with lnngham. Scorer—Burke. chocolate bars from a secret cache behind the clock on the mantel- mate who created an unofficial re- league: Packard Touring $49.00 60 Printing. Jobbing. Stationery improvements, gas and electrcity, At Fulton Park. Ford Roadster $86.00 low rent. Inquire 71 Washington piece. cord of 8265.475 points two years 6:15 m.—St Francis vs Lardy NATIONAL LEAGUE. Nash Roadster $83.00 St. Dial 4-7987. as a knock on the ago. Incidentally, Jarvinen is one p. a. down remnants of last bar — THE ARROW PRINT SHOP 11:01 m.—Gulps of Lourdes. Umpire Costaldo. Player Club g. ab. r. h. pet. Chrysler Coupe .$105.00 hks “It’s hj exclaims, ,of three brothers, Elno, Matti and JOB PRINTING. INVITATIONS HIGH ST, 82'—5 rooms, newly dec- doov sends a cold chill down spine. Eddie,” Hurst, Philadel ... 07 373 72 133.357 Essex Coach .'....$110.00 all of whom will be field Scorer—Nardozzi. furnace. In two the chocolate ofTn his fingers and out of the corners of Ms Akilles, O’Doul, Brooklyn. 92 378 73 134.354 Nash Coupe .$165.00 236 NO MAIN. DIAL 8-4224 orated. family licking event members of this Finnish At Washington Park. house. Inquire 86 High St mouth. P. Waner, Pittsb’g 96 407 68 143.351 Studebaker Com. Sedan ....$215.00 team and whose father, W. Jarvi- 6:15 p. m.—Sacred Heart vs St Klein, Philadel. .100 426 109 148 .348 Chev. Conv. Coupe .$130.00 his ho door and 64 and SOUTH ST, 67—Six rooms, 3rd 11:02 a. m.—All traces of guilt removed, opens nen, won the Grek style discus Patrick’s. LTmpire—Ruggles. Scor- Stephenson Ch'ago 90 349 59 118.338 Hupmobile Brougham .$235.00 Pressing Tailoring floor, for all improvements. on finds It’s Travis Jackson, Bob O’Farrcll and Adolfo Luque, in event Athens in 1906. Traynor, Pittsb’g. 83 311 49 105.338 Oraham-Paige Sedan .$245.00 Inquire only at er—Perguinin. premises. a of hearts. enviously at O’Farrell’s Uncle Lombardi, Cinci’ti 76 270 36 91 .337 Wlllys Knight Roadster _$265.00 friendly game Shanty gazes I’m convinced that the Finns, At Watervllle Park. CLEANING, and a L. Waner, Fittsb'g 81 339 57 114.336 50 Others Pressing Repairing Robbie waistline and conjures up a vision of himself holding Juicy with Sievert of are the 6:15 p. m.—Blessed Sacrament Also better kind. for TENEMENTS—For to , Ott, New York... 94 354 75 117.331 of the Work called rent. $15 $4«. barbecued side of beef in one hand and a spring lamb in the other and we vs St 329 NORTH MAIN STREET and delivered. 23 All and W. men must beat in the decath- Joseph. Umpire—Crocco. Herman, Cinci’ti. 101 400 62 131 .328 MoseL Abbott newly papered painted. taking turns at rending them limb from limb. lon. Our chances rest entirely on Scorer—Cook. Open Evenings and Sundays Ave. Dial 6-0846. H. Hart 20 East Main. Open eve- nings. 11:S0 a. m.—Interrupts the quiet of the card game to tell a joke three mid-westereners: , AMERICAN LEAGUE. former Kansas football Player Club g. ab. r. h. pet. that always used to go over big at the corner drug store in Somerville, University 1930 Ford FOUR rooms to rent. 680 Frost Rd. Foxx, Philadel 101 386 105 139 .360 Sport Coupo Mass. Gets three for his pains. (Shanty’s quips were star; Wilson (Buster) Charles, Ford Roadster 2nd floor, all Improvements. Near juicy raspberries Alex’der, Det-Bos 65 171 24 60.351 1930 Sport Rooms, Board, Hotels former Haskell Indian athlete; 1927 70 full Green Line car. Dial 3-2233. meatless even before he went on that diet). Nanush, Washlton 94 390 78 135.346 Chrysler Rd., price $50 and Coffman another Kan- 1930 Deluxe Sedan to of his teammates who Clyde Jolley, Chie-B’ton 93 369 41 127 .344 Hupmobile 67 Room* u.6 Board 12 m.—Falls in a faint arouse sympathy 1931 Chevrolet S.dan and Coach WELTON ST, 14—6 sunny rooms. sas University all-round perform- Gehrig, New York 98 377 87 128 .340 thereupon send out for two dozen sandwiches, three quarts of Ice 1929 Hudson Up to date. Also garage. 2 min- er. Bausch has a best record of Walker, Detroit.. 80 299 43 100.334 Coupe 1928 Ford Sedan utes from Clock Shop and Scovlll’s. 8103.26 points, better than Yr- Cramer, Philadel 90 384 71 128 .333 BOARD AND ROOM AT 1928 Ford but far short Combs, New York 88 357 89 118.331 Coupo Y. M. C. A. jola’s Olympic mark, 1928 Chevrolet Touring $75 WILLOW ST, 193—4 rooms, 3rd St Louis .. 96 387 74 126.326 TO 710.50 PER WEEK of Jarvlnen’s best. Burns, Roadster and Sedan $9 floor, all Improvements, 197 Wil- New York.. 91 325 79 106.326 1929 Whippet Harold Osborn scored our only Ruth, low street 6 rooms, 2nd floor.all 1926 Dodge Truck, l'/2 Ton, $70. BOYS' CLUB, Cottas* Place—Nic* decathlon victory in the 1924 INC. Improvements. Inquire 193 wil- AMERICAN LEAGUE. ATWOOD BROS, room* swimming pool, all bom* low St Olympics, although the 249 No. Main St. Phone 3-3256 cooking. Reception room. Moderate old Carlisle Indian star, eclipsed Standing! 487 Meadow St. Phone 4-5460 price. his field in the 1912 games, only to W. L. Per. MAJOR LEAGUE 74 Business Places For Rent have his honors taken away be- New York 66 .667 1928 NASH 5-pass. Brougham. Adv. Cleveland 58 40 .592 ■‘6’'. Finish maroon with built- to8 Rooms cause of an earlier act of profes- For Houskeeplng 5!» 42 .584 LEADERS in trunk. Excellent condition sionalism. Philadelphia Washington .55 44 .556 throughout.$265 A new race on the Olympic pro- TO RENT Detroit 51 44 .537 (By United Pretax) 1929 PONTIAC Conv. Coupe with THREE cozy rooms. Well fur. gram is the 60,000-meter walk, the St Louis 4 4 63 .454 rumble seat .$225 nished. All conveniences. Phone “marathon of th. walkers". The Chicago 32 63 .337 Rending Hitters. CHEVROLET Brougham .$50 4-4498. Professional Bldg.—43 Cen- distance is about 31 miles. Crosble Boston .... 4. 25 71 .260 Player Club g. ab. r. h. pet. 1928 STUDEBAKER Comm. Sedan tral Ave. cream and two lemon meringue pies. of Baltimore, Chisholm and Hinkle, Foxx, Athletics. 101 3*6 105 139.360 .... $275 12:05.—Coming to miraculously at sight of the food, Shanty falls both of Los Angeles A. C., out- Games Yesterday. Hurst, Phllles... 98 376 72 135.359 25 Other Bargains For Rent Real Suites ot 2 and 3 Rooms. .. 93 378 74 134 .354 Estate in. That is he falls Into one of the pies and eats his way out, then skip- walked the field in the final trials Cleveland 4, New York 3. O'Doul, Robins STUDEBAKER AGENCT P. Pirates 97 411 69 144 .350 79 West Main St. Dial 3-4185 for or to the sandwiches after which he dives into the ice cream. at Palo Alto. All I can is Washington 10, St Louis 6. Waner, Suitable doctor’s ping blithely say good Phillies... 101 431 110 150.348 luck to Chicago 4, Boston 3. Klein, dentist’s offices. 12':06.—Yawns and says: "Well, it’s time for lunch so I’ll be them, or anyone who sees Runs. 72 & boys, (Other clubs not scheduled). Home Apartments Tenements seein’ you.” Eats the Busy Bee out of house and home. sport in walking 31 miles for the Fcjcx, Athletics 41 14 Service Station*. Repairing Alternations to suit. fame and of his country. Phillies 30 1 m.—Near-sighted visitor from Keokuk, here to see The- glory Game! Today. Klein, p. Roxy Ruth, Yankees 29 A—Nice 5 room rent, hot water and the window in Paul Yawitz does New York at Detroit. Inquire ater, Aquarium restaurant which Simmons, Athletics 25 BATTERIES—13 plate, guar. 1 yr.; heat, garage, tine location. Adults, at Cleveland. his public eating, noting Shanty climbing Into a taxicab, cries: "Help, Philadelphia Averill, Indians 25 $3.75 up Batteries recharged 50c. reasonable; worth seeing. Dial police! A truck just bumped into that taxicab!” Washington at Chicago. Somma Battery Ser,. 234 E Main.. 3-5498. GEORGE A. BARONIAN FICKLE Boston at St Louis. Klein, Phillies ...’.110 1:30 m.—At the Polo Grounds to do his work, i. e., auto- FLATBUSH p. literary Simmons, Athletics.108 34 North Main Street. scorecards and for about 50 graphing programs, kids, to Games Tomorrow Foxx, Athletics 105 each of/whom he slips a jit or dlmmel. \ Washington at Chicago. Myer, Senators 89 TEAM at Cleveland. Yankees 89 2 p. m.-—Block and falls Is hauled out to derrick him Into-his ruh- MOVES UP Philadelphia Combs, New York at Detroit. Hits. her after which he doAs his roadwork on the shirt, by sitting bench Boston at St Louis. Klein, Phillies .150 and contemplating how awful it would be If he actually had to run P. Waner, Pirates .144 Real Estate For Sale around that Held three times. LEAGUE LADDER NATIONAL LEAGUE. Foxx, Athletics .139 Athletics .137 2:S0 p. ni.—Still the life of the party, he heaves Joe Millers at the Simmons, 84 Farms For Bate Manush, Senators .137 visiting club ai fast as be can dig them out of New York. July 30—(UP)—The Standing: ofthegraveyard quips, W. I.. Per. Runs Batted In. until threaten to ask for a forfeit. past week has'witnessed the resur- they Pittsburg 59 38 .608 Foxx, Athletics .122 MODERN—Poultry / farm complete- rection ot Brooklyn's pennant 3:30 p. ni.— for the first time, Shanty almost reaches first Chicago 52 43 .547 Simmons, thletics .100 ly installed, house seven roomjL on a double to left. Hard luck, old old old kid, old hopes as the Dodgers swept into Boston 49 48 .50519 Ruth, Yankees 99 colonial style, bath, gas, elec- boy, boy, boy. Yankees 98 fifth position in the National Philadelphia _ 51 50 .50495 Gehrig, tricity, city water, cement cellar, 3:45 p. after a foul our hero on Bill be- m.—Going fly, steps Terry League on a wave of scrambled Brooklyn 48 51 .485 Hurst, Phillies 97 hardwood finish, two-car garage, it hind first and him out of the puts game. 4 pitching and revitalized hitting. St Louis 46 50 .4 79 Pitching. acres land, and 10 chicken houses, Player Club w. 1. per. 4 p. m.—A'screeching triple to right center puts Shanty on first. After their longest New York 43 52 .453 all buildings new. Besides the completing Cincinnati 43 59 .422 Swetonic, Pirates ..11 2 .846 farm have regular business He takes second on Vergez’s double, third on Fitzsimmons’s two losing streak of the five poultry bagger season, Warneke, Cubs .... 16 3 .842 Installed where all poultry is sold to right, reaching the a head-first slide that takes five the a week 3 .769 bag by of straight, just ago to-day, Games Yesterday. Switt, Pirates 10 and delivered, income each week team out of the and scores on homer. the Flatbushers made an about- Senators .. 16 5 .762 opposing play, miraculously Crltz’s Pittsburg 4, New York 3. Weaver, at least |100 a week throughout face and won six call South- 5 p. m.—Eighth inning opens with Shanty getting a base on balls. games out of Brooklyn 7, St Louis 4. the year. If Interested Bill who has seven. Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati 2. ington 614-4 or Waterbury 3-0466. Terry, meantime been discharged from the hospital, DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, ss. scored five victories out at Boston (wet grounds). Terms can be arranged if neces- patched up after the collision, puts Stoneham in to run for They of Chicago Probate Court, July 25th, A. D. Charley sary. This place will be sold ah Shanty who strides off the diamond in high dudgeon. (There is ■lx at the expense of the cham- plenty Louis Games Toduy. a bargain. of low dudgeon, too, at the Polo Grounds these days). pion St Cardinals, who ESTATE OF Frances, Albert, Mil- dropped back into sixth place. Cincinnati at New York. dred, Edward and Teresa Satula, of 5:30 p. m.—Under and out of the showers and a to * at quick getaway Every day a parade of Dodger Chicago Brooklyn. Waterbury, In said District, minors. K Houses For Kk Eddie. Pittsburg at Philadelphia (2). escape pitchers strode out to the mound. Edward Satula having made written St Louis at Boston. application to this Court tor the re- 6 p. m.—In front of the feed bag, ready for the first course of a Joe Shaute, old Jack Quinn, Fred- ten-course lunch. moval of Margaret Satula as Guar- die Helmach and even Dazzy Games Tomorrow dian of the above named minors, 7 p. m.—Back to meet Eddie and accompany him to dinner. Orders Vance proved winning relief fling- St Louis at Boston (2). as per application on file more fully era. The Chicago at Brooklyn. spinach, giving the waitress a wink. So she hides the steak under a pitching situation became appears, it is THOMAS HALUNAN so Cincinnati at New York. That said layer of spinach and Eddie can’t understand how his ward so jumbled that Quinn threw one ORDERED, application quickly (Only games scheduled). be heard and determined at the acquired a taste of spinach. ball in a game and was credited REAL ESTATE as the winning hurler. Probate Office in Waterbury, in and 3 p. m.—Shanty orders the waitress to in the same said District, on the 5th day of GENERAL 1NSURANC1RANCE bring thing. Meanwhile Tony Cuccinello, INTERNATIONAL BEAGLE. She returns with a four-inch steak, Eddie to August A. D. 1932 at 9 o'clock In OFFICE 43 EAST. prompting explain: “What, Glenn Wright, O'Doul and no spinach 7” Lefty the forenoon (Standard time), and “Jr Hack Wilson were over- Standing: that notice be of the DIAL I-0!1I working W. L. Per. given penden- 8 p. m.—Gives Eddie the shake and hoofs it to the toe cream time at the and the of and the time par- bat, combina- Newark 67 39 .632 cy said application, lor where he is his third chocolate malted milk and place of hearing thereon, PHONE THAT downing when he spoti tion proved a winner. Buffalo 61 44 .581 by Eddie on him with a this order three times sneaking up pair of bloodhounds. Shanty spills the Up and At 'Em Baltimore 60 47 .561 publishing malted milk into the sink and a in some newspaper having a cir- grabs glass of vlchy, spills the malted The Dodgers made it five out of Montreal ...... 64 48 .529 culation in said "on or be- milk into the sink and a of the over the Rochester .64 63 .505 District, grabs glass vlchy, sighing while that a six Cards yesterday by fore the 29th of 1932. s 48 62 .436 day July WANT-AD sale. life is indeed an unhappy one. winning, 7 to 4, aided by Hack Jersey City Attest: THREE FAMILY HOUSE for Reading 44 63 .411 On oorner Sve minutes from 10 m.—To bed like all Wilson s 18th homer of the season MARGUERITE M. FAHY. lot, p. good Giants, after weighing In on his Toronto 36 68 .346 Exchange Place. All rents paid bathroom scales The extend- 7-27-St Aset. Clerk. j and finding that he has gained another moral victory until August 1st. Modern Improve- lt*n his fight to reduoe. He ed their lead half a game by regis- If you have an apartment or a picked up only five pounds during the day. Games Yesterday. DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, es ments. A sacrifice at IIS4S. Rea- hB-i-i-s-z-s. G-r-r-onk! tering their sixth consecutive vic- sonable amount down. Act Shanty snores, egad I Newark 10, Baltimore * (11 Inns.) Probate Court, July 28th A. D. room for a used car to qulok- tory over the New York Giants, 4 rent, sell, ly cn this bargain. 1MI, King Features Syndicate) 1932. ?_(Copyright, to I, while the runner-up Chicago ESTATE OF Nellie White, late of or a radio to exchange place a want Cuba were Idle. Omh Today. in said Dis- Its, Garcia, 174, Cuba, defeated the Town of Waterbury Ed Holley, bested Benny Frey in Newark at Baltimore. trict, deceased. The Executrix, hav- ad in the Democrat. No matter Jimmy Varrall, ill, Con*y Inland her account with aald a pitching (fuel as the Phillies J*r**y City at Hradlnc. ing exhibited (I); Joa Roaal, 141, Now York, estate to this Court for allowance, what want downed the Cincinnati Reds, S to Itoaheiter at Buffalo. your ad requirement* dofoatod Jack Irwin, 111, Tosa* Montreal at Toronto (I). it I* <•>.* I, boosting the Phillies into a tie ORDERED, That the 2nd day of may be—the Democrat want ad for third plaoa with the Boston MTATM or CONNECTICUT, Oletrict August A. D. 1922, at 9 o'clock, In Financial Braves. Watorbury, u. Probate Court, the forenoon, Standard time, at the will deliver reaulta. Our ad-taker Chicago at Boston was washed ]ifI uly IItli, 1 Sit. Probate Office In Waterbury, be and Win out. MTATM Or ratrlek 'Kelly, late the same la, assigned for a hearing will help you If you'll phone Bulldog! In the American the of the Town of Watorbury, in eald on the allowance of sald_aoeount, League, the ExeoutrlxRxeeutrlx beat Olatrla and the CourtOourt dlreoladlreota runner-up Cleveland Indiana Tbo t/ourt °V"lProbat* for the Ole* to give notice thereof, by publish- the leading New. York Yankees, trlet oT°WWaterbury,bury, hath limited ing this order in eonie newspaper DIAL 4-2121 <* te I, despite Babe Ruth’s ttth and allowed el* month* rrom Ufa having a eTreulalion In, said Die* heme run of the season. Karl Av* dal* hereof tor the eredltor*■re of eald • rlej. and by leaving with, or by erlll homered with two on In I he eetat* to oa hlblt fhelr elalm* for mailing in registered letters sil- seventh for the run. eetllement Thoe*rhoe* who neuleui to dressed to each nf the perenns In- winning without the Washington dowsed the Nt Louis eeeht their aeoount* properly «t* terested, and residing mod within eala lime, will he do* Probata tolsirlet of Waterbury, Browns. It to I, and the Chicago jI irrod a reeovery All iieMmu* in* copy ef title order, all *t leaet DEMOCRAT out the Boston White its nosed •bled to wild lelale are reiiuoeted dare before Mid day of hearing. lied Bos, 4 te I. They were the enly games ashed* A"M‘kAIWUIIttlTR MMI I, J