Multimodal Transformations in the Field of Literacy Education
Review of Research Review of Research Marjorie Siegel Rereading the Signs: Multimodal Transformations in the Field of Literacy Education Given the reading and writing ceptual lens for understanding digital movies, master the intri- responses of the children we what children did when reading cacies of computer games, and studied, the multimodal nature environmental print or writing a participate in fanfi ction or inter- of the linguistic sign is a key story led Harste, Woodward, and active websites such as Neopet. feature not only in literacy but Burke to conclude that literacy com to recognize that literacy to- in literacy learning. and literacy learning were multi- day means more than “knowledge —Harste, Woodward, modal events, a proposal that has of letters,” as the OED would have & Burke, 1984, p. 208 taken on new signifi cance today. us believe. Contemporary litera- The second quote is taken from a cy scholars have argued that liter- Surely it is time for all those in- recent essay by Anne Haas Dyson acy is always socially situated and terested in multiple languages titled “Diversity as a ‘Handful’: ideologically formed (Gee, 1996; and language variants, in diverse Toward Retheorizing the Basics” Luke, 2000; New London Group, cultural practices and world (2004). In one brief sentence, Dy- 1996; Street, 1984). Thus, lan- views, in the expanding symbol- ic repertoire of our time to ap- son catalogues the theoretical guage arts education can no lon- propriate and re-accentuate this shifts that have made diversities ger ignore the way that our social, word “basics.” of language, culture, and symbol- cultural, and economic worlds —Dyson, 2004, p.
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