1 Writing Social History / Sumit Sarkar; New Delhi
PART ONE 1 The Many Worlds of Indian History ntrospection about their own location in society has not been Itoo common among Indian historians. Our historiographical essays, tend to become bibliographies, surveys of trends or ^move- ments within the academic guild. They turn around debates about assumptions, methods, ideological positions. Through these, his- torians get pigeon-holed into slots: Neo-cotonial, Nationalist, Com- munal, Marxist, Subaltern. The existence of not one but many levels of historical awareness attracts much less attention. But outside the world of metropolitan centres of learning and research there are provincial universities and colleges, schoolteachers, an immensely varied student population, and, beyond these, vast numbers more or Jess untouched by formal courses, yet with notions about history and remembrances of things past, the nature and origins of which it could be interesting to explore. What is neglected is the whole question of the conditions of production and reception of academic knowledge, its relationships with different kinds of common sense.1 We tack, in other words, a social history of historiography. This problem of levels has become exceptionally acute in India in recent years, with the growth of right-wing Hindu communal forces, and the multiple responses to the Mandal proposals for affirmative action in favour of 'backward' castes. In very different i Which, as Gramsci reminded us, must be understood as a 'collective noun', and as 'a product of history and a part of the historical process "Common sense" is the folklore of philosophy, and is always halfway between folklore properly speaking and the philosophy, science and economics of the specialists/ Antonio Gramsci, Selections Jnm the Prison Notebooks, ed.
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