On Sale at Omahlil's Greatest All News Stands r and Best Five Cents EDIATOR I VVeekly ~ewspapeT VOL XV. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 31,1919. NO. 49.

1/< T~~I!~R HAPPE~ HALF Mll~:~'N MINERS I THINGS IRAMPANT CRI E DOES I~~:~; BECOME TONIGHT ,...~ J 1NOT SLACKEN IN 0 A A f\FTER e,EfNC t(EFUSCt> FIVE [)OLLf\~5 fOR Mine Owners Say Will Close Until A I'I~W ~AT I IRobbers and Thieves Ply Their Trade t30Y ~UBB'(, Full Protection Is Accorded Them. SHE 51'>.0 L IWhile Ringer Makes Church Speeches e ""'7 INTIMATES TROOPS MAY BE SENT ~ II iCRIMINALS STAGE CRIME CARNIVAL J I Coal Situation of Country Considered and Wilson Says Will Act as 1 ICharges Made That "Old Gang" Responsible, But No Explanation Necessity Seems to Require-Union Leaders Threaten !, Made'for Not Bringing in the Criminals-Private Detee- Disastrous Strike-Mediation Suggested. tives Only Means of Real Protection.

President Wilson has taken action Itb,at' gave union labor a black eye it I Omaha does not need any more po-I men were robbed of liquor last week. with respect. to the prollo.sed strike of I~~~ the forcing of a , condi~io.n ~y I' licemen' the cit'- needs an armv If I' One of them was Al Gordon who lost bituminous miners which is at once I W filch the government foun~ Itself ,m General' Wood ~ad stuck aroun~' the! all of his stock. But GonIon is re- . " Iduty bound to police the strIcken dlS- ,, I puted to be a pretty good fellow. If deCISIVe and gIVes some assurance Itricts, We had one of the first prece- CIty a lIttle longer he doubtless would; these booze robbers' were to visit Ike that the great masses of our people idents of imlJortance during the A. R. have recommended that the soldiers! Carpenter's home they might find are not to become victims of the prob- IU. strike when the presid~nt sent the ~.~ at the t"m forts near the city be kept something to interest them. Ike runs able clas,h be~ween labor and caVit;-l. Isoldiery to protect life and property. for an indefinite period within the city' the Carpenter Paper company, which Th~ me:lts of the pr~llosed coal mln-j That strike failed utterly. We are limits. He probably would have put for years sold more gambling mate- ers strIke may be Judged by every now witnessing the result of the steel them at "'ork protecting the homes rial than all other dealers in Nebras- person for himself, Certain it is,' strike, when a similar condition was of our citizens and the women who bv ka combined. h,ow,ever, that when this strike comes, II Witnessed. force of circumstances are forced to;' L'oms -NIh·as 1 was anot. er victIm. of If It does come, and we are told by the! "l\Iuch learning hath made thee 1valk the streets of the citv after dark these bold booze robbers and, if re- union leaders that it will come, there Imad." said the old kino- to Saul when /-("1e' 't· I d f I ' b' ~ ~11OfIA1.CA.'ffilOH COJI. l. e;;,e \\ithout an escort. POI'S are true, Ie oes not ee very will be some assurance, as a result of ;the~'- had that confab twenty centuries I ,,!f!' \.. . 'By'i?fJSS 'Within the last week or ten days good about it. Mr. Nash's liquors the president's action, that the gen- i ago. The simile might be applied to ' 1 'd' t I bON I ~ - new crimes have been committed that were al m sore ong ewre ~ e- eral public :Vi:l be pernu.'tted to suffer Isome of our labor leaders. The life lPOSITION.AS O.FFICliL IThe. Mediator got. interested in the would put to shame conditions that: braska went dlT and, according to only to a mlll1ill~:U degree, ,l?f a miner is not an ea.:"Y one-mining I BLACIDLULEB A.SKED FOR ~ story and even attempted to employ were alleged to exist when Mr. Ringel" court interpretations of the law, he It has been gnen out by the mme :IS one of the most memal of tasks, In I • hin1 hoping to get further informa- "nd Ill';: a;:;:OCl'ate;: took cllarge of tlle had a perfect ri2'ht to have them in owners that the, will not attempt to iti t th ha be m ch ~ ~ • ,'. I mes pas ere s en u sUf-I"/Sleek Detecti,e.,Aplllies to The life- I'tIOn-, about the system..ne was usmg.. -public--safety-- department of-the city. his home.. It is l'eported that he met open theIr mmes un~11 they,are as-! fering among thi::; class of people. In, diator lor that Position and The editor e,en confided in the yisitor "Vomen have been assaulted on the some of the' Ike Carpentel's and oth. sured of full nrotectlon a ening him sUd;:- 1'01' fIle la'" lIas become a J'oke amon!?: that is, was responsible for the rob- die~v of the United State" This in' '- ., • 1 . , ~ ,,'._ ,• '-, ,' 1wage he recently has been recel\-mg ! rather a fellow Da" been tni.ug to I'ing- around the editor.stalled him off the .criminal.. - element- that has flocked!-belies. ltselr w11l lnsure to a certam degree! i -, d th "n'- ot them "erv! . ~ , ~ a reasonable out ut of coal until-"he !_la" IDa e ous_ Q: 1, '.'.- Inegotiate for that,;" sort of a job with thI'e" times. but, from all appearances, to t.he city when the, learned how' HI don't care who is responsbile," ~'""._ "_ t< ~l .:P ~., . ~"'"+ 1- c JproS,l?e.rous. -~, contllluatlOn or thIS tthe panel', Our _~peci?l agents have ,he smf:lIed.l1 manse. and did not keeP eas.,' it..w~ to COIDn"'..it· offenses wbJle Nash is quoted as saying. "If it is -'''''~'''''~\:.'~~r'~ l.::E.~l:",~-s'=""t ~ ... eQ do,:! .. m ....e.. }. 'f;ontiltlOn' \ltOUIU increase thaI. 'pros- I ...•. Ih·,...·· .. 'T'h . 1 d d th' I i not yet reported whether he IS a Burns ..IS la"t appomtment. the suuerintendent of uolice was €..x-· the 'old gang' ,-,-hy does not Ringer - e llUlOn ea ers, un er ell' ! pere!y I. - I H' b' -, 1 k • 11 • . :present workin a reement. may I ";> . ~' _ d. 1. or simply one of :.\11'. Ringer's '.e IS a :g, nne-"oo "mg re ow, plaining- his inefficiencY. get out and get them. That sort. of g g ,.' 'h' t I Some o. the boor leaders are rock-Ilbosom l·oustabol.lt·;: It do»s not mat- In'ltll sand'- hall'. In some respects he - - . h " t lk I t k l't '+1. " anuul waE"e contracts bv glVlll o-.o'·ernll'ent ~a'·"~ t'he nO"I"I'nn . ,. 1.JlctUled how e~s~ It "aula be to bet been .m the Clt~. VIslt,nb "ome or hI_ corner', ~ It "lake~ httIe (hfference .-ne",," J" to Jla" thell "alal.'. - .~ ",.' ,-, L 1'__", !' t ~ tae people WIll haye ·he greater re-, .. I _ " c •. _. -.... , bec~u-e · the "trl'ke I'"~ "l'll",a-al"~b' but '"'oes , , .. , ' IDe dope'- on some nch Omaha gentle-lola (!'lends, He a[w3Ys calls on 1"",ycye1' ~...,.+he;:e "obbe"" have Evel''-,'bocl',,- that .2:,ets drunk ii' a"· t.hat • u. 'S'Ject for tllell' haVlno- done so. . 0 • .: _v ., .- not deny the "general right to strike." ' b men and t~en scare them out of ,a ~ew IGeorge :l1001'e and some or _tne orhel : not confined themseh'e" to liqUOl'';;, "esterl; eve;';- pel'son that commit:: a ~t 'he -an' t' th governmen· . hundred slllloleons for not prIllnng I bo,'s around the :l1erchanrs lioteL He The'" "a'-e ako ~aken anvthina- af CI·l'll'.e of an',' ma.2.·nitude ii' immune, -- l ",e IIDe e - • 'HHILl'S BEST HOMES· I' ' -., ' '-. b, -- L,. ,'b - • view. shared b~' many others, is that t -' -, (}PE:X TO IrE ,tfllERS Ihe matter, _ .. also OCCUIJles a smte at that 00" n value they could get away "ith and unle"s ~ome privatel:, employed de- no combination, even if its conrention • - - -' It was Yer~ crude but the most un- town hostelry. . not a single arrest of these robbers tecth"e arrests the criminal and tUl:n~ that collective bargaining is correct, : fortunate part of it all was that he i .0'Bannon says Alliance is one 0;' has been "brought about, despite the him or hel' oyer to the police, !las any legal right to enforce its' Teachers of Xebraska who attend would not go far enough ta really get ::\ebraska's real towns, and he knows, fact that seyent,--fi,-e additional no-' 'We sa~-, giYe the calf more l"Ope; manda;es against individuals who, do the annual meeting of tlIe Xebraska acquainted. He dropped in "with too, The editor of The :l1ediator ",-as lice officeri' are ~ow on the force: the public 'knows the rest, not agree 'with them, In other words, ,State Teachers' association, Which some idea~" which ,he eXPlai~ed min- there once with Bill BrY~n "'l:en t~ar. At least fiye pronunent busine::::: But it may be €.."\.-pensive. the government will protect any man : convenes in Omaha, November 5, 6 :te!~-, tellll::~. how It was bemg done lOUd-lunged cus: ,w~s lookmg ror: - _ in his emp!ovrnent against coercion' and i. neee. have no fear of not mother chles, and thought Omaha votes. They haa Just bnrned down, DETWE~LER y l'y %!Oociines' '\\ho would force such, being properly ca-ed for, In addition \Vas "ripe." He then told in detaj! Ithe depot at that rime and O'Bannon STORY RESULis IN MAN men to strike against their will. Ito the ho~e: accommodation: ayail...l :;?w. s~ch ,matters C?UI,d, be, handled~ S:~T .'he ,editor to a box car to rush I The.re has been a part.ial demo.n-: ~bl~. ~he CItIzens of Omaha WIll .open JUSl lIke To~;- TOPICS' m New York lorr hi,'" dlspatche~. ,-, LETTERS AND TELEPHONE MESSAGES stralion of government action in the' lnelr nomes to the educators or the handles them. I' lnndemally, 0 Bannon paId up DIS n n steel strike,- That stri};:e is not by state. He said he had been soliciting. subscription, which is a good omen. any means settled, witb the exception FO,r,mer ~. ~, Sena~or !.. ~. lIIillard, some busin~ss fOr a :ocal daily,paper: and it also ,show~ what kind of people ~ne oma~~ b~nk, that most of the men are back at work pre,mlent or Nat,lOna,l but was gomg to qmt. The edItor or they h3\'e m Alhance, Persons Who Have Had Dealings "With Detweiler Firm Have Sug­ of their own volition, The miners, one of the largest nnancla! mstltu­ alreadv recipients of a wartime wage. tions in the state, has opened his gestions to Offer-Paxton Block Family l\Iobs News Stands are 'i~mandi!1g a nernendicular raise home and will care for as many visit­ Interesting Information for Omaha -Furniture Includes Couch and Raises Discussion. of 60 per cent. ~ith- possible modi- ~ng t~acb.ers as he ~~n possi.bl~ take fications of their demands. The time m-elther three OJ: nve, ThIS IS but has come when economic conditions one instance of the hospitality that \Ve are semi-officialy informed that the carnival of cTime in The expOse in The :Uediaror la~t institution. ha" an ordinarily IIl!"- 'rust again becO!]le normal with a re- will be extended our teacher guests, \vhich the people of Omaha have .been victin1S continue until' . !lished office in the Paxton block, It 'ViII v.~eek of the petition in the ciyil £Ult turn to something like pre-v.-ar con­ May, that is until after the next city election. Persons 'who . \"arieE little from the ordinary busi- 1921, . IiIed in the district coUrt by :111'';. ditions. If the scale of wages was too Y-\''I'H',,\X CHOIR WILL STIG have been victims of serious crimes dm'ing the last few weeks neS2 otfice, except that it had up to low before the war. that condition can IX OJL\.HA XOVE1fBER S Joicy O. :lIicke~' againsr J, 0, Dec-; las! re'Jons a comfortable couch on should be IJatient until the voters can elect some responsible men be easHy adjusted at this time, weiler has had a hundred echoes dur- ione side of the room, A couch is al- There is such a thing as being sati",­ The singing of the group of men to run om' city and especially who can police it. ing tue week from persons Who hast- ways a comfortable piece of office fied, Despite the talk of high COSt of and bo:,'s who complise the Vatican It has been a very trying situation. The people were led. to elled Io offer Iheir uIJproyai to lne f',lmiwl"e and ma~' be u",ed for man,' liVing, and nobody denies that condi­ Choirs, which will appear in Omaha believe that with the election of the present "reform" administra- .story. SOllle of them huye come l}y comfonable purposes. tion, it is a wholesome truth that the e,ening of Xovember 8, is said to tion we would become a cit;.' of c1ea~liness, Godliness and be rid letter; others haYecome by lelePl~o,ne, :lIany people who office in the Pax· labor of all descriptions is being paid be a reyelation, The choirs are com­ ' TTnf'" t 1 th It 1 't 1 th 't: In each instance tbe lJerson ",nuug LOn block are scquainted "'itll :Ill'. of crlille. LJ Ql t,una e y , e resu las JUs oeen . e OppOSl e. '1' tOO - 1 addI'tI'O'I~' the handsomest wage that has been lJosed of sixty men and boys, includ­ w. or telel)~10nlng 0 l.ere;.: _ Col Det\yeEer and lEany others ha..-e had recorded in the history of the world. ing the foremost soloists of the Sistine Every great CIty makes mIstakes and Omaha has not been an ex- ~picy suggestion~ 10 rhose already Beside that, despite the high cast of Chapel, 81. John Lateran. and St, ception. Instead of reorganizing the police force of the city, the llrinted, financial dealings witI) him, He is living, everybody is ma];:ing more and Peter's Basilica, under the direction men who took charo-e of it eio'hteen 111onthl': ao-o have thoroucrhlv Charges of usury, tales of finan­ accounted a shre"-d financier. He is credited with being a man Who has saying more money than eyer before, of Monsignor Casimiri, head master new;pa~er' l~ersecutio~ no~ demoralized it. Nobody ca.""1 l;ick up a without finding cial and. last bm made considerable i'tud,' oi tte ab­ The division of worldly goods is and director of composition in the f' . ". least. letters tram women, some 0, nearer equal distribution today than Schola Cantorum in Rome, repol'ts 0_ hemous cnmes commItted 111 the most brazen manner. them signed. have come to the office stracting bU:3iness and is ·well ac­ quainted \\-itb "'..-hat is nece~sary to ever before, The personnel of the choirs consists Althongh every effort has been made to keep from the news- of The '.\Iediaro;', Each of them was TI12.1.::.:e a ne1"fect or "perfect" ab­ Ulimon of about twenty young boys, some of papers many of the crimes being committed, enough of them creep brought out by the story primed last It is said that half a miners straet. It is said he can explain in are prepared to strike. As we under­ whom are no more than 6 or 7, YOUng out to startle even such a heartless man'as the k~iser is reported '''eek Telallve to John's dealings wirlI men of middle age, and old men, oeal detail just 'T,·h~: con1ll1as should nor. stand the situation that is the nnm­ to be. We hear that the "old gang" is responsible for the condi- ::I1rs, ~IiCl;:~r au,] _£i Ih cafe man, ~" be left out and why a "C should b;,> bel' enrolled with the unions. It is This is absolutely the only perform­ •• .. 4 DurIng tne \V·:::eK t e case caIlle be- tlon. that IS true, God's sake and the sake or our fair CIty, fore Judge Estelle. in Whose court a crossed. It is said he 'has been able also said that nearl~' or quite half of ance given in the state of Nebraska. If for Jet us "go out and get the old gang," whoever that is. demurrer was filed by :'\Ir, Detweiler's to gi\~e 111inute inrornlatl0n on sucb them are opposed to the strike at this subjeet~. '\'r'hich l~e ba:=. been ('alled time and are satisfied with present liER('.RJ.2\'"TS 5DERSELL It is a reeking- shame to \dtness such a spectacle. Nobody attorneys, The coun promptly o,er­ 'll'OIl u1any thues to do. His dea,Hngs THE ::lLUL ORDER HOrSES knows how soon we will arrain be victims of a moh. If the better ruled the demurrer, "Which caused conditions. With this condition, union in real estate has inclUded a number leaders shonld look well before they Roy T. Bn-ne of the Byrne & Ham· • • e. . more Dublicit\' in the matter, Det· class of our CItizens can do nothmg else let us appeal to the gov- weiler.' mean;'hile, has been consult- of iUlpOrtant tra-l1saC'tions. 11 is reli­ leal}. If mer Dry Goods Company of Omaha these leaders call out half a abi~' stated. :lIany persons interested says: "Our firm bas made an analysis ernment for police protection until an honest change can be made. ing a lor of people with a view to million workmen there is nothing ttl in abstracts. both before and after of the prices in mail order catalogs . If we must bear this condition until another city election, it is finding om just where he is at, it is do but see that both miners and mine deals were consummated, it if' sta-;PG vnd finds that 90 per cent of the mer­ better that citizens provide themselves with artillery and under- said, owners are protected, For that pur­ have consulted with 1\11', Detweiler. pose the government "Will probably chants of Nebra,.''lka and surrounding take the policing of their O\\"n homes and business. One of the o. IIII', ,Derw, eill:r. wh.o has, h~d ~an:,' ~Ir. Detweiler's prominent connec­ send a large body of federal troops to states can undersell the mail ol'der . .,. .• tmanclal dea mgs tnrougn tae ",er- very senous matters nght now IS, Can we take a chance on Waiting man Bank of ~finard, and whose tion with the First 1\fethodii't church the various mining districts. houses from 10 to 20 per cent On 400 If there has ever been one thing leading items of merchandise." another eighteen months. brother is the active partner in that (Continued on Page- Three.) ,z THE MEDIATOR, OMAHA, NEBRASKA ,~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~,JANSWERi'HERE" IPUNWORLDWARONPUGUE.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. · AT 1'+ ~w~ntY-SiX ~ationalRedcrossl The MEDIATOR socwtles formmg the League of I I Red Cross societies, haTe opened I' PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY I·THIRD ROLL CALL I a united war on disease, famine and, · t PhI' h' C ! SAYS EK I disaster in st~:tedall parts of the worldP~land,The I SPECIAL TheM edIa or U IS Ing o. II I I HARDY jl:ague has !ts work in 512 Brown Block. Phone Douglas 8070 ' I where typhus 1::; ragmg and threatening ' I ~o spread 9:ve: western Europe. A med· AN IN"DEPENDENT PAPER f Manager o.c Central DV' T II ! lcal commlS~lon has been sent to i ..I I I ISIOn e $ 1handle the Situation there and to reo EDWIN L. HUNTLEY, Editor and ProprIetor , Hopes and Needs of American I port on methods of checking the BARGAINS IN SHOES Per y~ -$2.00 Single Copy 5 Cents I Red Cros&. Iplagl!e. The r~JSter of the league in· I 'elUdeS Argentina, Australia, Belgium,

Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Omaha, 11 Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Den· Nebraska, under the act of March 9, 1879. ASKS VOTE OF CONFIDENCE! mark, Franc.e, Great Britain, Greece. Visitors in the city for Ak-Sar-Ben week will find some IHolland, India, Italy, Japan, New Zea- l ~ , ! land. Norway. Peru, Portugal, Rau- special 1largains in all kine of shoes. \Ve are lQcated just mania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, across the street from Jefferson Square. I, War Work Not Entirely Completed and Sweden, the United States and Vene- MEDIATOR NEWS STANDS Broad Pea.ce Program Outlined zuela. Joe Radicia..--- -- .. ..16th and Farnam , Require Members and Funds. 14i~======~ Meyer Coren . ~411 Farnam ! I By E. K. HARDY, I WANTED .!C>1 WE ARE IN NO TRUST AND OUR PRICES WILL McLaughlin ------._.208 South 14th ,Manager Central Division American Holtz- ..__~ 103 North 16th I Rhyn.. 716 North 16th I Red Cross. \ One million volunteers to en­ SlJ'"RPRISE I The varied forms of war acti,ity. to I list with the American Red Mrs. King------1022 North 16th i which the .A.merican RedCross has de­ Qross for the Third Roll Call. Simmons .. 1322 Dodge St. voted almost its en- November 2-11, and enroll an. Frank Douglas.. 24th and Lake I tire ,energy are nual members. Gus Stevens ~ 2403 N Street I ,gradually diminish- The Red Cross needs $15,000,­ J. E. Fuller F'Iorence I ing. Much thought, I 000 to complete its remaining Joe Bemrose 1306 North 24th I patience and care III war work and for a comprehen­ Weimer Shoe Brokerage COm Kulp .2514 North 24th have been required si,e peace program. Neltner ._~ . 2717 Leavenworth I to change this or· II The Red Cross needs 20,000,. 412 North 16th Street. Tony . . N. W. Cor. 15th and Fantam I ganizatio!l from a I 000 members to maintain its i war footing to ll. peace footine. but a I present high standard of organ­ Federal News CO. 205 South 16th ization. G. W. Shanahan 913 North 24th j general program has been mapped out. ' i to be adjusted and readjusted as needs I The Red Cross needs YOU. ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======::::::=::::::::::::======~)1 require, for chapter. division and nll.- El\'LIST. tional organizations. I' Your chapter is your recruit­ 1 ing station. GULLING THE PEOPLE Between Nov. 2 and 11 the Red ~ Cross will call its roll for the third "i;,.l======::jj~ time and ask the people to give a vote ""' i!IJ It has become such a common thing to slip the harpoon into of confidence in the past performances. Long Day and Night. the general public these days that. the so-called grand opera pro- and a reaffirmation of the principles The north pole has six months dUT motel'S have taken a whack at the system. Omaha has recently i which will guide its progress in the and six months night, th~ suu app~­ rently traTeling in a circle around it had its experiences with these grand opera promoters, who come II fuThtnre. t' 't' h' t 11 b e war ac iTl les ave no Ii een from the time it appe?rs in March un­ only on a guarantee. Istopped, and will not be stopped until til it disappears in September. The l'ecent chaff staged at the Auditorium is said to have the last American soldier is home and netted Omaha people who secured this "QTeat" aO'greO'ation of mu-I abl~ once ag~in to t.ake his place in the .• •• '" e '" busmess or mdustnal world. The sol- SlClans a loss of something lIke $5,000, because they were forced dier's family also must be cheered and to make up the deficit under the guarantee. The deficit would not comforted and assisted until he is be serious however if it were not for the bilkinO' these visitors' able to c~re for them. No program • ' , .e' '" Ican be laId down by the Red Cross slip us by so many Ool them havmg colds, sore tIn'oats and other that does not include this unfinished little ailments which prevent any of the so-called real stars com-l war work as first obligation: iug along with the chorus girls. ' I Ever since the organization of the "ft· ..... t ' d 't- ~ all h th . f' thI. IRed Cross there have been responsibil- ~~ e1: conuac s are ma e I UeU y appens at 10m eel ities which now ha,e become tradi- to half a dozen of the original cast aTe tillable to appear in leading I tional: These include semce to the roles and some chorus Qil'1s are put forward to take them up. The I standmg army and naval forces, roiti· MADE TO ORDER . '" h . h ' gation of suffering either at home or cure for this IS to make t e promoters elt er produce or refuse to! abroad from famine, fire, fioods or pay them the guaranteed price for their show. If Signor Con-! great disasters. The Red Cross also stanzo SpaO'heti or Madame Brokenheart or Giblv De DizzywiseI must continue and broaden its work e. ..' I in the field of nursing. maintain irs are unable to appear Just charge then" pnce off the guarantee. Icourses in first aid, dietetics and home During the recent grand opera performance it was stated that i care of the sick. Your at least nvo of the leading canaries were unable~to appeal' becauseI New resp~nsibilities have come with of plwsical indispositions. The same niO'"hts they both appeared in i the war. Higher standards haTe been '; .. . e. I set up by individuals and nations in Effic~ency song m other CItIes. And Omaha mUSIC lovers were the goats. !regard to human life sa,iug, and pre- These fello"ws that have been taking the soft money away from I venting needless suffering. In con-! Omaha should in the future be held to contract or permitted to lnecti~n. :,~th the .uew tasks these re- ~ - Isponslbilltles entad, the Red Cross will In all Business Affairs 'will :stay away. I assist. stimulate and supplement, but be measurably en;hanced if I not supplant, local agencies engaged GOVER~1.\'IENT TAKES CONTROL !in the same lines Of. ~ndea:or. .you are conscious that your ! The Tolunteer sPU"lt WhICh brought Isuch a measure of success during the clothes are absolutely cor­ Late reports indicate that Uncle Sam will again take charge: war, will be carefully nurtured. We rect-tailored the conserva­ of the coal supply and the operation of coal mines under the rail-I Wil! need volunteers to conduct the ••. .• ' !ThIrd Roll Call and when emergencies tive Nicoll way. road admimstratlOn. This actIon results from threats of half a i arise we wiil call for ,olunteers to : ' million miners to walk out tomorrow. .. Iassist if necessary. The reduction of hours by miners by 25 per cent with a cor-Ii The Third Roil Call in the Central The value of being well . d' '. 'll t b t d t th: t' 'th DiTision "ill be held to enroll -1,000.- 1espon mg wage mClease 'WI no e accep e a, IS lll1e "''"1. I000 annual dollar members for 1920 dressed is not fully appre- much good grace by the general public, even those who stand for Iand to raise $3,000.000 in the five union labor. The railroad administration, it is stated, will again! states in the aiTision. minois, Iowa; ciated. , .' . .IMichigan Wisconsin and Nebra,,'-a take control of the coal supplv and thIS tune Uncle Sam WIll prob-, E • b - -"". ,. '. • •• ! very mem ersbip is a ,ate of eon- ably operate the mmes. There IS an apparent mtentIOn, also, of! fidence in the Red Cross. each dollar Suits and Overcoats, the government to force the issue in the federal courts, 'with an at- j means the lifting of some burden. tempt to stop a general walkout through injunction proceedings. I The.Red. Cross needs uniwrsal eo- 545, $50, $55 Unfortunate as this condition may be it appears that such 1operatIOn ill carrying out its peace .. '. i program. It needs the hearts of the and upwards drastic action has become necessary to the actual eXIstence of our! millions who enrolled during the sec. people. A coal strike at this time, with the supply already con-l ond roll call. ' Sl'derably 1·UnIte.. d', IS not. an en t erammgt" thoug.ht T0 menace th" e I It needs------YOU. actual existence of millions of people is a crime of greater enormity,I' Drew Around Her Think. NICOLL The Tailor than war. ' i "That'" n snlend;d looking cow vnu I drew fin that -p;

HOLDING FAST TO REll£iWN iDETiYEILER SI:rORY REf.'L't'S ropean trip combines business and Ir··_·--··_·...... _~u~_ ...... u._~: i IX lLHI" bETTERS AXD ) pleasure. i.: i:.1 Writer Refuses to Believe That tha i TELEPH1lXE MESSAGES I lVIrs. Mort writes to friends here as • JAMES ALLAN • American Nation as a \.vholCl : 1 follows: "\"e are haYing a fine time. i PRIVATE DETECTIVE ~ Is Falling Away. I (Coninued from Page One) I We have to report to the police sta.: Evidence Secured in All Cases i Hotel Plaza -- i has given him a standing in the com-j tion ever)' thirty days and have the ,I' 312 Neville Block ;.= "HOUSE OF COMFORT In our universities we find multl-l munity. He is said to be considered [ print of our fingers taken. We go to ! AND COURTESY" tudes of young men who claim ad-! a valuable asset to that fiue institu- I London the end of the month and then ~_...... _---_....._ ••_...... i herence to the Christian faith. Th", it· I to Paris. E;ven'thing is green and _·-~-OPE ~·~u·~-~;;:_·_·····-·····5.~ 14th and Howard 8ts. In• dUference 0 f th'ell" adh erence is in Ii IOn. i.i"-·.... marked contrast to what I observed I It does not appear that the letters stays that w~· all Winter." = Candles, Tobacco, Drugs, RUbber : Rates 51.00 Per Day and Up in the University of Cairo. where' are a~d oth~r commUlllcations made to 1 5 Goods and Sundries. ! J. B. KELKENNEY, thousands of youtli.s. Moslems in name,' Tne MedIator would be of great news , LAST CAR LEAYES i OPEN ALL NIGHT i lCllrrected March 10.) : Free Delivery Nyal RemedIes : Owner and Manager and also in spirit, Captain Arthur Ivalue at this time, although theY I i Douglas 2672 13th and Farnam. i Hunt Chute writes in Leslie's. Imight serve such a purpose later. For 1 Farnam St. Line. Ol\L.illA 16th and F ...rnam for Dundee.. , ..... 1:33 : -- -.•••_ .-.5"i In Damascus, in Aleppo, in Brous-I that reason they are not printed in 13th and Farnam for 46th and Cuming , 12:51 sa, and in many other cities of the Idetail. It is generally believed, how­ Depot for Dundee 1:15 near East, I have often been held up in 1ever, that much interest will be taken I 13th and Farnam for Depot 2:06 II' DR. ZORO D. ClARK fisl]J~et ~rawn Harney Line. front of a bazaar by a II in the case when AirS. Mickey offers )' 33rd and Parker to fth Street. 12:47 DE"T!ST across the entrance, On mqmry I her testimony. Other persons than ,33rd and Parker to Depots..., 1:41 J Camf Ranlsy and f 5t11 Itmb, ~ was told. "The master has gone to .', 6th and Center for S3rd and Parker..1:14 pra~" F' ti d th h t I she, however, are saId to be awaItIng i Park and North 24th Streets. Onlimul •'" I've mes a ay roug au I ., . 1 16th and Farnam, East Side 1:03 the Moslem \Vorld the mezzin, or call! the fmal Judgment of a Jury. , j 16th and Farnam, West Side 1:23 Room 310 Ramge II.tds- 16th and Farnam for Florence...•..12:24 to prayer, echoes from its minarets, j 11 16th and Farnam for 30th and Fort..1:12 , ••••••••••••.••••••••••...-., and wherever they may be the 'faith- Ways of Young Sparro....'E. 16th and Farnam for Kansas Ave..,1:31 J G 16th and Farnam for 24th and .Ames.2:03 RLBego e ron ..E ray· ful bow themselves. Before sights 1 After the young sparrows leave thE' I South Omaha and 42nd and Grand. I Phone Douglas 2019 ~ like these I bare my head. and I re-! nest, they gather in flocks, which with , superfi~ial flock~ eve~ 14th and Farnam forfor 42ndWestandQ •...•...Grand.1:281:21 le Bron & Gr"y.. l::lpctrl'C"Ju.. .. Works.i,' WATERS tu;n to our western cii-es ,[I .other return night to the I' 14th and Farnam for 24th and,Ames..2:28 Expert Electrical EngI'neers I WIth less of boastmg and pride of 1 same rQostmg place, wntes Frank W. I Dodge Street LIne. t BARNHART spirit. Chapman, in "Our Winter Birds." I 13th and Dodge (West) 1:20 fMotors, Generators, Electric Ell" , I I 13th and Dodge (East) 2:91 avators, Repairs, Armaturl' PRINTIN~ co. Two generations ago Emerson was Sometimes this is in a densely-fa- I 30th L":a~e~~:.,':.\~nfn~orD~f~~~tiiuie:l:45 , Winding, Electric Wiring writing his famous essays, in whi-ch Iiaged tree, at others in iVJ-l'" or other I -·:T:~~::. ~eem ~. 15th and Farnam (North) 11:55'1 1116 South 13th St. Omaha, Neb. i ~~ we read the name of God on every 'I vines. The birds ail to have I'" p •• " _ 15th and Farnam (Sou-th) .•.••••.••12:15 It ••••••••• III •• PRr:llRO~E Benson and Albright. . ...&...... _ .... _. ',",c ...J citizen who does not rev· 1 > .•'. McCORD-BRADY CO. :~: Cor. 16th and Davenport Sts. :~: erpnce his God can not truly hanOI! the pri..nciples they are tobaccos and everything to .'. :!: :!: 1 known to etand for. \Yhich < ,:~: (kink in soft drink line. :?, .:. Distn·butor... .'••: Free D"livPIy. Douglas 2256 .:. hi~ flag. i :~ l . ~ - ~ ~ ~ would you trust to handle i :~: ~A~D!)~IC~~~. S.~RYED :~:. ·:;.:-:.•:-:-:-:-:-:-:~~~..;-r;-\-<-:-~-:-:-:-: ••:i· .:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:..:-:..:..:..:-:-:-:-:..:..:..:-:..:..:-:..:. - - .~c lLL D A ~ : .~ , f1.':0-i. •.: ._ .- .- __ ,...... PHONE...... -.US•••••••••••••••YOUR WAI'I.'TS. , :~: ::: i i: ii Free Delivery. Compare Nebraska With Any OHter St3te of the Union! 1 ~~ .... ~~: .~~l~t~. ~~:~ ~:: ..•• t U'H rI H t I Ph f r::::::::::::::::;:;:::;:i:;:;~~-:;::~:::~::;:;·.~~'f il Chas. Jacob sen Ii mIHarL~an~h! Kr~~Tacy \\'e are proud of her virile citizenship and her robust ! filiit & i yoUIig strength in the sisterhood of states. :~: I'n See You at the :~:' II 4418 No. 24th St. Ii i PH. G's & ~RESCRIPTION i Xehraska smnds pre-eminent in f'eneraI erlucation, in puhlit health. and is "our home state:' De;':l,i:e the outcry :~: NeVI Base Ban :~:~! C' d T b Ii • CHEMISTS about 1he high cost of living, businf'ss is ;~"ud. no Illan i':' H .:.:! ars 0 I~! 13th and Douglas Sts. OmahaI ::~: rt :~: .Jo an acco neell be out of work and there has neyer IJeen a lillIe when eadqua ers ii ! I i Phone Douglas 498 there Wa!~ so little apparent poyerty. i.:. 411 South 15th St. .:.:' fINE UNE OF SMOKERS' 'I :7'h; ~~~r; .T.h~: :-,;~e.r .C.l~s.es': • I Kehraska ma~- well be prOUd of her Wllr record, in point Ii L of men and money. '~i~ Cigars and Tobacco ~i~ I! Pho~:R~~:S~g65. !~ I !------'-' l\E'bnl:i'ka owes not a penny of bondpd deot and thE' per capita pIJblic debt is nine cents -less Than that of any :i.:: Soft Drinks of all Kinds :~:iJ,~ __ _ J i Drexel Pharmacy J other state in the union. l\ebraska's progress and prosperity are protests against ~ SLIlH~~~~~ F8~~2 :~: ••: Prop. NO PLAGE LIKE HOLMES' '.' t Registered Pharmacists. :.+, any revolutionary interference wit11 the goyernmental pra­ •Ii I. Large Stock Rubber Goods. ce;;"es tlmt haye made this state great. ~:-:-:-:..:-:-:..:-:-:..:-:..:..:-:-:-:-:..:-:..:-:-:..:-;.::' II BILliARD PARLORS II t Prompt Service. Open Evenings. t l\",hrasl,u's new constitution should be so written as to 30 Tables-Also Full LIne CIgaNi i' A. T. DAN I ELSON, Prop. • unhol~- safc';,!:uard the future against the do<:trine of self­ and Soft Drinks \ ;::, .:;.;' sef'king agitators. Fonnl.rd Iflokin:: citizens will take Open 7 a. m. to Midnight. + Tel. Tyler "'774. 1"n\1"'O before pInngin;; the Slate into an nrgy of economic I Basement Securities BuildIng. 16th and Webstt:r :>treets. f eXl,,,riments tllal ill'e bound to bring embarrassment, 11_ _ .:. f ..,~,-._,_._,_._,~._,_._----~-~- shame. repndilltion or ruin. Kebraska's patriotic elecrors are charg-ed with the re"pon­ sibility of stamping ont class prejudices and hatreds and PAXTON & GALLAGHER CO. re;;ultaur CLASS LEGISLATION. AUT01\lOBILE SUPPLIES 1\ebraskll's credit as a sta\'e is enITn;':'''ll to the ballots of 701-11 South Tenth StreeT an intelligent citizenship next Tuesday, ::\"oYl'l1lher 4. Vote for the best man for Delegate to the Constitutional JiH:~:;:E:-:_:_·L·_:-:_:_~:_:_;_:-o>-~;~Nl;·LrT~E-.l Convention. Get your neighbor to Yote.

..;.: vi .)"\ I &-f,. -.... .'. 0i.t ~ l'"Lt .;. :i: FIREPROOF-EUROPEAN :!: ~ ~ .:. Corner Douglas and Eighteenth Streets .:- t ~ ~: $2.50 Per Day and Up to $10.00. :\Ianagement H. E. Gregory. i ..:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:..:..:..:-:-:-:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~: ....::-:..:-:-:...:-:-:-:-:-:-:++:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- UsiDgTob~cco ,·sRODEcAARD··sROs... CO: .... Perhapsyou'vetriedtostopllSingtoc2.ccaonJy. t \VILL ALWAYS P1.JT YOUR \-VATCR IN ;~~;'~~:pth~;~tl1SSsuchahold on you that· t PERFECT CONDITION.-SEE THEM FIRST Youknow.,betterthe.."lan:;o!'!e e-!E:e tt::-!t 70U oughtto t stop beeause. sooner or mte!". it is bound to undermine f ~~e~.t~~~~~~~~~~~~i.1=:~~~e~~~l~~~~~o~;; t OFFICI.~-\.L \V"ATCH INSPECTORS U. P .. , C. ST. P., l-rf. & 0 .. di50rder5~ canoften be traceddi!"ect!7 tothe ose of tobsc:- i eo.. Besides it is an expensive. utterly ul!Icleas het.!t.. , . Brown Block, 16th and Douglas Streets. I Habit Banished i •• .a ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'i •••••••••• D ••~. In 48 to 12 Hours No matter hoW" fi.""I'Q n. grip tob=tCeo b-es C:1 sou-no:­ matter whether you're b~ smoking e:i.e,-"""3I'S. pipe or ~~.fo~~~;.w~~I;~;;~J C~~j~a;eryn;~~~~~_~r~ emvingf-ortclJae.e.oin tm".7 fonn in l:em~3to ";,2hvJ;;!"s. It doesitswork soquiel::l-;thata!l tobn~eo'·hung.,;:r't is gone almo=:t beforeSou knoW' it.- Yot:;r desi.e £01: e. s!noke or a chew begin!! to decr-ense efter£f:;e r:eo::y first cor::.e. Tobacco Hedeemercontains no habit..fo!'t!lingdrng::;. of anykind-itis in no sense 9. t.ob:;H~CO s!]bstitcte:. hrioes nat cac:s.ethe Blighte:;t shnck to: the nen-cuS ssstem: On the contr2.!'Y. it Quiet5 the nC~(;5 t::::J makes you feal betterin e~er:; _ ..... SEND Couuon for Proof ¥~u:t::;~Ifib;~i· the oe:1d!y efcC'ts of toh~~o Guaranteed 3,500 1\files. and nGW easyitisnn.vtoquit. 'We v.-ii! ::Jsosend ~iJ1J copies Best on the :\larket. of letters from C'CtnS.--med tHl.el'S telling how this Eim.ple~ homc..tt-eatIDent tbc~ freed absolutely f...., 2-10-1 Vulcanizing Co. ~~ifco~~~;~po~~ t~\-. Doughs 1241. 1516 Da..enport St. :d~__ ~~.~ NEWELL PHARM..t\CAL co. Dp'pt. 648 St. Lou... MOo SEnd... w!thout obligation to m~ in an:;, ~:;-. p~ool that TCllac.eO Redeemer will posW....eIY' free me !.rom the T{). b~coBzbit. 11 ~rJ~:l~~-:::-~~J~~~:g~~' • 1es gical operstiQn~ No Chloroform. Ether or otner t1eneral .Name•••••• ...... 1 anesthetic used. A cure gaarnnteedin every case accepted. for tre2!ment, and "0 IDo"ey to be paid untilcu.-ed. "",.itefo. book on RectalIliseases. ,.,.ill nameS Street ana No . and testimonials of more than100[1 prominent peoplewho have been permanently curer.. !lIl ' DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building ~MAHAJ N~SRA$~

~. ~. . B 11 d + ; •• ~'.I stage~ comes a fUll-fledged, made to ductions is 'well kno,,-n. _-\u10ng tn€ nWIll be contributed Oy Jean e an !1;~.. ,. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-~-.-.-.-...... :; ... -·•.... ••. e ••••••••••• order-dimples and all-little lady, foremost producers of the day his Ollie 'Yood. The;r are two attractive! .:. D'" k .;, t t whose charms are hinted (positively stage offerings are alwa)'s of the high- young women of exceptional grace. II :!: rIll ::: irresIstible), ,and she's attended by est class, the productions are of anis- Theil' repertory includes toe-dancing i:;: :!: i Dotel Howard ! thirty real sun-goddesses. tic merit and the companies the best as well as eccentric dancing, i:;: Ii Ii WHI81LEn :!: i EUROPEAN i Yes tihrty-under twenty, 'tis said that can be assembled, A film feature will he bright say- I~. .;. + t -of ;hese sinuous beauties, are soon I "The Master TIl-ief," with the scenes. ings from the newspapers displayed I::: =:: ! C.orner 10th and Howard Streets, to sweep down upon us with a merry laid in New 'fork and Florida at the in "Topics of the Day:' and news) .:. In Bottles Only. 'i' i Everything Up.to-Date. ,First.! 11 IA ¥ ! Class Cafe in Connection. All Cars ! contingent of comediennes, prima Ipresent time, calls for an unusua Y eyents will be pictured by Kinograms. I':' ':' ! Pass the Door From the R. R. Sta- ~ donnas and odd, miscellaneous musi- elaborate production. "The notable i ::: 'WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. ::: f&~ i cal comedy highbrows, who are car- compan)' surroun~ing Mr. Bushm~ nrRLESQrE WO:XDER SHO'W i+ Phil Kruml, Prop. :~ . . AT THE BlliXDEIS. ried along to tangle up the plot, and and Miss Bayne lllcludes Frank .re. AT THE GAYETY i ::: ! PRICES ARE POPULAR t 'i' ~ h h h + to cajole and banter and it t e Ig· h Camp, Harry E. lhc"Kee, F'tn z Adams. i':'I·:· Doug 1as 7"98i) '.'':' t ! "Oh Baby." . C's of a jingly musical score. "My Grace Peters, Kate Pier Roemer. Flor- Xeither a collection of descriptive ! JOHN l\IARTIG, Proprietor. ! i-:,: :l 'i ••• II 1 • • • • ••-.-.--. --....-& "Maybe you think that filmy stu~f ISunshine Lady:' will be at the Bran- enCe Joyce, James H. Morrison, Harry adverbs or superlatives will be able i':..:':.':.:.•:'':':.•:.:..:.:•.:.:.•:••:.:•.:.:••:..:.:••:.:.':.:, those girls wear in the Dance d'Eve IS deis late in November. English, HalT:' Lyons, W, D. Wynn, to illustrate the greatness of the Bur- Il' THE FAM 0 U5 'i cheese cloth that cost four cents a --- Myron Z. Paulson. Gerald Pring and lesqne Wonder Show an,.' better than !I. !, =; i 313 South 16th Street yard to buy and nothing per garment "Listen Lester." Louis Frihoff, the mere mentioning of the producer's! il SOFT DRI NKS OF ALL KI N OS ! AMERICAN TRANSFER to make, There is where yoU are Come from a year's run at the In "The Master Thief" M1', Bush- name and the array-of talent he has·.l51 Sandwich Specialties ! COl\iPANY fooled. That:is silk and although I'll ~ickerbocker theater, New 'fork, man and Miss Bayne are fitted wita selected for the exploitation of aU ~h,e !i Open EVerYt~a~I~",,~;~t:ear8 a. m, II admit a great de·al is not used in this "Listen Lester," John Cart's musical roles that afford them exceptional op- fun and the general merriment, Wltn !t.n...... ~..~..~...._.._"".... --==._ Douglas 3429 particular danc.e, do you know that comedy success by Harr~' L, Cart, portunities, The plot of the play 12 which this exceptionally cleyer attra:- I=.mIllJHlIlIllIllllIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlllllIIlIlIIlI= 1110 Douglas Street each costume, requIring less than a George E. Stoddard and Harold 01'1011, novel and the situations gripping, A tion is fairly overloaded, And so It I:: JAB-F ZC R ()55 ::: yard of material, cost me eight dol- comes to the Brandeis theater No- delightfUl love story runs throughout may be known, that no other than Joe I=Soft Drinks, Fine AIl'Day Luncn = Storage and FOr\'I'arders laTs to make," says A. B. lItIarc1Js, vember 27, 28 and 29. Though to be the play. Mr. 'Bushman is better knOWn Hurtig, burlesque's most fertile pro- i:: Candiea. Full Line Beat Cigars, :: whose famous Marcus show, "Oh exact, one should call it a dance in- as an interpreter of Virile, manly roles ducer, is responsible for the snappy I~ 220 So. 14:;:o~~~ Service. Omaha. § Storage Space Always Baby," comes to the Brandeis for five stead of a run, for from the moment and long before he went into the pic- and liYely offering, which will crowd i ;imllluHUllIIllIlIIlIIllmllll!llIIlIlIllIIll~ Available. days, starting Sunday afternoon, No- the curtain rises on the first scene, tures he had established an enviable the popular Gaven' theater at eyery ! S b ·h ~ Th ll'!' " . .L -vember 2. In this extravaganza alone, everything dances to a happy and reputation as a dramatic actor. nerformance d;ri;g its forthcoming i ~~n~~S~C~r~I~I~e~t~o~r~~~e~~h~j;~t~!...~"~1:'~i~1~O~ri~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ 1\,[1', !viarcus has expended $75,000 in dancey ending, wherein an important That Omaha will cordially welcome . ~'eek's engagement, starting Saturday i costumes, scenery and effects. It is packet of letters, which is in itself his a~d Miss B.ayne's r:turn to the 'matinee, November 1. I seldom that any Broadway musical the danciest and most elus~ve t~ing in speakmg stage m an ?hver Morosco Indeed. it is necessary to display the AR.GONNE show nowadays can be produced for the play, is returned to Its nghtful production may be readlly assumed. A roster of· the principal members of the AilitNEWO~ less than $40,00.0.. , owner, JYIeanwhile, the feet, and what Ispecial matinee will be given Tuesday, company to get a fair idea of the ae- "Oh Baby" is like a small villa~e is more important, the hearts of the tual l"u~litv of the Burlesque \Vonde,' itself. The occupations of its inhablt-\spectators are dancing merrily along I ORPREillI OFFERINGS. Show~ a sp;ightly review of all that is Cfi,~_nit ants are diverse and numerous. In in time to the musiC, and all personal Once again Gus Edwards, who has essen~ial to keep the auditor in real 'II' "IJ,~ " additio~ to the fi~t~' entertain own companies. He brings to the 01'- male contino-ent of fun jJuryeyors, To ence never sees. There are beaut)' artistic, the costuming is effectIve, Ipheum next week an attraction that tho who h';;.ve been "reaulars" an in- h ' d . t' d se 0 specialists, wigmak ers, mec amcs, and the chorus is the am lest, an 1he calls "A Welcome Home Song traduction of George P. Murphy is ab- modistes, and above aIL thre~ chap- danciest that ever took an audience \Revue," His company is to i~clude solutely superfluous, but the occa- m'ones. The latter are most Import- by storm. Vincent O'DonnelL known as Kid Mc- sionai .isitor of this form of enter- .""'M';; ~ '~'~:"D'i"i'l'~'~ 1II"III':~:'I':E:~~:"llll1ln~ ant. The broiling beauti:s are as ''The Rainbow Girl." I Cormack. Others will be Beatrix tainment may be told, that this very carefUlly watched over as though they It is "The Rainbow Girl" which Curtis, a Gus Edwards find, also AliCe Jlurphy is the same genius who made were in a convent. comes intact to the Brandeis soon Furness, another Edwards find. His millions laugh with his hot d-o-o-g-s. ~ from the New Amsterdam theater, newest offering is the one in which In his support one finds the attrac- ... Prescription Drug Store "Chin Chin" for Two Days.. New York, and the Illinois theater, I he is to appear at the Orpheum. New tiye names of Joe Mitchell. Roy Peck, OF OMAHA § "Chin Chin" has a name of magIC- Chicago. Rennold Wolf wrote the songs, elaborate settings and clever Arthur Conrad and Frank Martin, all 1609 FARNAM STREET TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 150 :: s~rcery. a~d = music that is The bears, Ibook and lyrics, basing his story on dances a.re features of th.e act. tried entertainers in the breezier style :.illumlll1II 11111 III 11111 11111 III 11111 III 11111 11111 11111 111 II! III 1111111111111111111111111 UII III II n~ little furry thmgs that open the~r Jerome K. Jerome's comedy, "Fannie The lyrical raconteuse. Lydia Barry, of amusement; while Primrose Semon, m~~ths am~inglY, a~d wave. t~~~ land the Servant Problem," which made, is to be a conspicuous feature o~ the that incomparable cyclonic comedi~ o eal15 when ) au aren t expectln • -, a tremendous hit several years ago.l bill. She comes of a famous tneat- enne, hOlds sway over a galaxy or Coolies, little nifty Chinese maIds, rical family. Her father was recog- feminine creators of hilarity of which mandarins" tiny ch.Hdren, clowns and "A Prince There was." II nized as one of the best comedians she, herself, Edna Green, and Bertha barebaclr nders (WIth the reallv, truly .' · .:. " . ,; entl;' In "A Price There Was," the new- of hIS day. The songs ,sh~ SI~gS ~la~.e Delmont are the most noted members, bIg WhIt- cIrcus hor~e ::-mbhn", .g th't est comedy bv Georo-e M. Cohan billed Ia. rare element of dlstlllCtlve mllJ- Ladies' dime matinee daily all week and flatlY around the TIng), to~s a .• -0 '. " , '.' ' . ',., _. '. for the Brandeis soon one of the I!l'ln-1Ylduallty, startmg Monday. Snnda: s matmee mgwao- tuell' llttle arms, a greae Stll '. . . . n of lun,- '" a d'. l'ttl1 e lllal'd, aJapan - cipal scenes is that of a cheap Nev;I.·With three capable players support- stans at ij :00, ese doH woman', and Aladdin-the fig- York boarding house: yealdrs lago'l so Iing her, Molly :1vIcIntYI': IS .tTohPr~ent '!!"'--_ """' -; ure that looms high in all child's long in fact, that OUly e er y P ay- ithe romantic Irish plaYlet.' e,;(lye BOYD THEATRE ' d ' t·h" th 0 'h'rt-- nnd goers will recall it. There was a Chase" She comes ulider the dlr.ec- lll1n" De ~v ree l' L 1 ~-.. . ' ' -H' L "-~h h' nart-ne m' mi" farce pi:oduced entitled "Our Board- tion of JlIartin Beck, and her veh,cle Cll· III _ op O. WIt .. IS. ~ l' -- L THREE DAYS. C03DlEXCIKG i • Ch' C·h H' th slaves of the ing House" which was a source of was written for her by Lester oner­ eh .e" ,In op _1, e. , - . d .. d dr' 'e r ." '1' tlll'" and much more that merriment at the tlllle ot Its pro uc- 'gan. Amusmg WIt an e Icac>:., al SG:NDAY, xm , 2 1am,). ."- 1 • • , h h d - , 'f' no one could ever tell you about, if t~on B,oardi~g nouses ave c ange the .chief.elements at nero or enng!: . ~h ~ent a~,t :\ot a .Motion Picture ., h "11 .. 'round in smce mat bme and the one about~ FIve pIanos are used m the to ~~~~~~T~_I~ t hev tllOUg t tl t e.\-)l ... -. . ... h _. > ,;; , .,.... M " I "0 clea~ I} Wlll : ill" Oliyer :\Ioi"oSCO Presents ~ eIre e 'u ca1: f'ndI_,'n t'OI'-i:> • , whIch lVIr. Cohan wl'ltes IS tnoroug. be '..nresent.erl·hy Ward anv ;weet, be;utifully colored, musically modern and strictly up to date, so symphony g~rls. Thes;. mald~ns a~e -IferrecTService • , I much so in fact that one of the char- instrumentalIsts. Voca,Ists, nance, s _ Francis X.. Bushman nCll show. I" t . Th" th nlo-t' Big line of finest marble and "C..hin Ch.in" throws the splendor of acters is a monng pIcture ac or. and. comedIennes, IS IS L e ,,, And a granite h-S'. aazz.' I'l.n.~ 1,'O"ut-b o"err...'""OJ'l' ·honahts·L := , elaborate l'.!usical act he has eyer 111'0- th~ dU,~ed: it gilds hean and melts the years, BOYD THEATER. . ' ..,. '" _ p ';' p Beverly Bayne Q li '~; I! pre~enr. .~all:enlle t~_ rt;:l~ h J>-.1 ,;, and tears away, There is The Ch01J-! Oliver }Iorosco will FranCIs }\II,dto" Jl IS THE1ISELYES F n ~hat "ho 'onO' rou"es~ all the lllirth! X, Bushman and Beyerly' Dayne at the of r.he cameo) sl,etch to be con.. lb L' n:; "e • . J' , r ' h In the Great :'oh·stery Play 1215 So. 13th St. O::\IAHA. vou· have under your waistcoat. There IBoyd Sunday. :'\m-ember 2. 3 and 4, in uted b" Blanche and Emme .-:1'eI2. ~ ~re dozens of bits of fun, or beauty, 1a new mystery play, "The :\Iaster ton. Be is a charac~er comec:13rr, o~ or wonder, or color. each a separate i Thief," by Edward Rose. This an- the rUbe type, and IS recoglllzed ~" The Master Thief de1Ig· ht, Inouncement. should prove of unusual one of .the cleverest ever to appear m BY ED'tYARD E. ROSE TO REIVIIND YOU This show of wonders COllles to the, interest to the millions of screen fans vaude',llie" 1 "., 1 From the Story by Riehard re,)~lt~non Brandeis l\"ovember 7 and 8, !Who haYe followed Mr. Bushman and Hanng V;On ttle of 1.e- Washburn Child THAT THE ___ ':\liss Bayne in their motion picture ing the most expert or Jugglers and WITH A XOTABLE C.\ST "VOODMEt~ "J[y SUllshine Lady." Isuceesses, Their return to the spoken ~quilibrists: the ~~ ~~3;1 Gasco~~.es OF THE WORLD With ":\lv Sunshine Lady," the new- ,drama will be a distinct novelty. naYe a umque OILe,] :no " One _;:), ~l1e Xi~hts ;jOe to S2.{l{l JS THE est tD the ~inute of our ladies of the MI'. }!orosco's way of making pro- unusual elements Ot It WIll be De ,fl~f?: Tuesda~-. L~ADIXG FRATErr:~\.\L Il\"SURANCE SOCIETY. that turns rouble somersaults. T-:el1' Popular 1Iatinee Best act js both distinctive and STartling, I Seats S1.00 .-\. HO:\IE IXSTITFTIO~. l\"OT OPERATED FOR PROFIT "Fads and Fancies from Dancelanj" \VHY ::\OT E\SlTH.E YOURSELF AND FAl\IILY .:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.....:»:-:••:-:••:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-:••:...:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:'":-...:-:-;-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.. ::~ \YITH US? Th ~ Ire ~:).(J()O. Brandeis A Cf]'tifieatEs >::2--;0 to Rates Reasonable but Adequate. COMING ATTRACTIONS ~~~ DOUGL~~3 VUlC~·i~jZH{G Rjn~ DOl:~.das r.ll). ;';0 charge for explanation. TIR.:, & co. l \Y. A. FRASER, T. YATES, ~ ~ .1. Five Da:rs Starting Sunday, :November 2 (Matinees Sunday and \Vednesday) •;. 2557 Farnam Street .;. Soyel'eign Command~'j'. Sovereig'n Clerk. y ~ A..meri.~:1's Transcendent Girlie Reyue MI·KE SACKS ~ ~ I l\Iarcus 1l:usical Comedy C.ompany and . JJA. ~ ~ .:. EVERYHilNG ;N .:, :!IHfUIIIIIIIII II!lllllll!!Illl!!liI;:III!if!I' I !lllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllillHI;!ll!11111 1 , ~ ~ ',Ill In the Smart Emulsion of Glorious Gidhood and Sanitary Fun ~: :i: :!: NEW AND USED ·i· . ~ Lion Bondinp; &Surety Company OH! B .:-~: TIRES.::~.:. OMAHA, NEBRASIL\ ~ ~ eyer before have the eyes of mortal beheld sueh an assemblage of ~ X. •:. Our tire service is unex- -:- Delectable Femininity ~ v ::: celled. Om experts make your ':' Fidelity Bonds Accident Insurance ':- old tires ne\v. Cases carefully::: Judicial Bonds HeaJth Insurance Fridaf and Saturday-Saturday l\Iatinee-Xovember 7-8-- .t: -:1 d ftl .:. Contract Bonds Burglary Insurance =.:..... l'epaJdredu adnt 1 per e~ IY re- '.:.:._ e , 311 llJeS paLC Charles Dillingham's ~ h'ea led. ~ License Bonds Plate Glass Insurance SfUPCllr,der and C-olor, that are each a Separate Delight .:', Teleuhone~ us an we w] .:. •;.. send for ~"'our tires. .:. _ ~ ~ ¥ ~ Kennedy Building. Telephone Douglas 678 WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9 ~: TELEPUONE TYLER 3995 ':' . ~ ? ~ ~1I11111 CHAIJNCEY OLCOIT : ~:.:-:-:-:-::-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.-:-:-:-:-:-:-: : IIlIIIf1UI1flU IllllUIUllIIlIllll1If11111111111111111 I1111 1I111 11111 11111 I! I! III'!I111 If!III B -11'1- ....:-:-:-:-:-:...:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:. '''l\1.>\CUSHL....\.'' (PULSE OF MY HEART)

MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 17 THREE DAYS, NOV. 20, 21. 22 Tuesday Musical Club Presents THE GREATEST FUN PLAY EVER Sophie BresIau, Contralto PRODUCED Albert Spalding, Violinist ''T\VIN BEDS" WHAT YOU SURELY NEED FOUR DAYS. BEGINNING SUNDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY is:l. healthy, actIve, industrious liver. Small doses of these p~lls NOVEMBER 23 NOVEMBER 27, 28, 29 ~ taken regularly Insure that. You may also need a purga!lVe JOHN CORT'S MUSICAL COMEDY SlJi\SHIl\"'E ~ sometimes. Then take one larger dose. Keep t~at in mmd; "lnY LillY" SENSATlON ~; it will pay you rich dividends in Health and Happmess. Radiant Beams of Beauty, Song, Comedy and Spectacle. "LISTEN LESTER" :I geD;we d ~.J ~::ll t'~e f tl 5i~~t""re /~~ Small Price . .i~====--=::='=":::=:="==~:===~=I 4 DAYS ST:\RTING SlJ'NDAY NOV. 30-l\IATINEE WED. .~:;..,.Li".j". ROSY CHEEKS ~'::,¥~~fe;;rrCcARoLORTi[lEd,caRte:SIr°InRinotbeNBlopod'ILPaiLeSor KLA~ LADY"~uRtrgltNT .='2ces usu:::.lly (;~OW its e.bsence. A con.. &. ' "T-DE VELV'ET ~ ERLANGER . . COMEDY i ~;.~~1'~:l'~o~n~O;O,~'h~;c;",;.~"'~'i;lIiilb;;e~I:D;;U~ch~;;ib~el;p."lidlllbeiYim m_IIIII'!!lIllI__iIIIlII PRESENT IIlIil_" " j