Hawai‘i Review 76 Spring 2012 The Journal Hawai`i Review is a publication of the Board of Publica- tions of the University of Hawai`i at Mänoa. It reflects only the views of its editors and contributors, who are soley responsible for its content. Hawai`i Review, a mem- ber of the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines, is indexed by the Humanities International Index, the Index of American Periodical Verse, Writer’s Market, and Poet’s Market. Administrative and Technical Support Jay Hartwell, Robert Reilly, Sandy Matsui, Ka Leo, the U.H.M. Board of Publications, and the U.H.M. English Department. Subscriptions If you enjoy our journal, please subscribe. Domestic rates: one issue - $10; one year (2 issues) - $20; two years (4 issues) - $40. Subscriptions will be mailed at bookrate. Address all subscription requests to: Hawai`i Review, 2445 Campus Road, Hemenway Hall 107, Honolulu, HI 96822. Advertising rates available upon request. Visit http://www.kaleo.org/hawaii_review or email us at
[email protected] for more information. © 2012 by the Board of Publications, University of Hawai`i at Mänoa. All rights revert to the writers and art- ists upon publication. All requests for reproduction and other propositions should be directed to the writers and the artist. ISSN: 0093-9625 Cover Art: Darren W. Brown Internal Art: Darren W. Brown Dear Reader, This issue of Hawai`i Review focuses on the idea of place - rootedness, lived lives, being at home. We’ve chosen artwork that celebrates our home, here in Hawai`i, and are sure that you will enjoy its natural beauty.