moumoHm Voice of the Revolutionary Communist wmaitParty, U.S.A.

ISSN 0193-3485 Vol. 1 No. 37 January 18,1980 wO Seccion en Espahol 25c Afghanistan: Superpowers Spar

Appeals Court Sets Date Atomic arm'i F-111's practice rapid start ups Speeding Up Attacks at a New York air base.

In case anyone had forgotten, the dependence" of any state! Oh, no—this on Bob Atmkian world was reminded this week of the is a "fundamental principle of the if you've been thinking that the case trial)—and certainly the appeal court's symbolic location of the United Nations Charter of the United Nations." of Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung ruling in favor of this motion was not —smack in the middle of Manhattan Of course, the adherence to these Defendants was securely resting on a unexpected—the apparent "routine- Island, only blocks away from Wall "fundamental principles" on the part back burner to simmer somewhere in a ness" of these latest developments can Street, a one-hour flight from Washing of the U.S. imperialists is well known court of appeals in Washington D.C. not be allowed to obscure what is really ton D.C. In the halls of the majestic UN and is even illustrated by their relation for a while—then move on back 'cause going on here. building, "world opinion," as it has ship with most of the countries which you just might gel burned! The heat's For one thing, the U.S. government come to be called, was marshalled by signed the resolution. May we ask; ieen turned up and the timer is set to go has shown itself to be highly skilled at the U.S. imperialist ruling class against whose "future" was "determined" off in a matter of weeks, signaling a carrying out sharp attacks under the its arch enemy, the equally imperialist when the Allende government was over new and escalated attack. cover of "routine procedures" and Soviet Union. In a move coming close thrown in Chile? Did the people of On January 11, the District of Co "protecting your rights"—in this case, on the heels of 's state Haiti "choose their own government" lumbia Court of Appeals ruled in favor your right to a speedy railroad. Con ment that "the Soviet invasion of when the U.S. installed the murdering of the U.S. government's motion to ex tained within this most recent court Afghanistan is the greatest threat to Duvaliers? Was the "territorial integri pedite their appeal of the dismissal of order is yet another front of attack. world peace since the Second World ty and political independence" of the 25 felony charges against the 17 defen "Routinely," the court sends out War," the General Assembly passed a Dominican Republic defended with the dants last November. As the U.S. pro orders such as these to all defense at resolution condemning the Soviet incur landing of U.S. troops? secutor had requested in that motion, torneys in the—but not this time. sion. Naturally, nobody believes that the the court indicated that a hearing to Three of the six defense attorneys' "The General Assembly," stated the U.S. imperialists give one hoot about rule on the appeal itself would be set for names were entirely left off the court resolution in part, ".. .reaffirming the such "fundamental principles"—least early February. The court also ordered order on expedition. Instead, a new at inalienable right of all peoples to deter of all the U.S. imperialists themselves. The meaning of the resolution is that it -that the defendants respond to the torney's name appeared on the docu mine their own future and to choose government's appeal brief in writing by ment, that of a lawyer never before in their own form of government free represents further movement by the turning in their reply brief to the volved in the case. It seems this new at from outside interference.. .reaffirms U.S. to tighten its war bloc against the government by January 29, 1980. torney (who works for the public that respect for the sovereignty, ter Soviets. It is also a shoddy attempt to January 29! This is some "coin defender's office, as do two of the three ritorial integrity and political in convince the world that because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the cidence" in this increasingly open attorneys "left off" of the document) dependence of every state is a fun political trial—the very anniversary of has been appointed by the court to damental principle of the Charter of the stepped-up maneuvers of the U.S. are the police attack on the demonstration represent at least .some (and possibly United Nations, any violation of which entirely justified and simply in "retalia that gave rise to this case in the first all) of the 17 defendants, taking the on any pretext whatsoever is contrary to tion" against Soviet aggression. But place. place of their former court-appointed its aims and purposes...." sorry, U.S. imperialists—there are two Although the government's motion (and/or possibly even personally re A stunning cry from the U.S. im imperialist superpowers, not one. Two to expedite the appeal is in one sense tained) attorneys. perialists, is it not? All people must aggres.sors, not one. And any claims to just "routine" procedure (the U.S. It is quite probable that the court will determine their own future! All people uphold worldwide freedom and in government does in fact routinely ap try to justify this attack with the ex must "choose their own government dependence are as empty as your at peal and move to expedite such appeals planation that It was only trying to free from outside interference"! And tempt to absolve yourselves from any "simplify" matters and it hoped to by all means, let no one violate the "ter complicity in the coming world war. in cases like this one where government Continued on page 10 indictments are dismissed before a Continued on page 11 ritorial integrity and political in Page 2—Revolutionary Worker—January 18, 1980 Bloated Toad(y) Croaks —Finally

George Meany died on Jan. 10. He Washington, whose walls were ap was the bloated toad "labor leader" propriately covered with golden who more than anyone else in the last mosaics of lions lying down with lambs, quarter of a century symbolized the 1,400 hundred of "the rich and power shameless bootlicking and undying ful"—representatives of the decaying loyalty to U.S. imperialism of the and rotten system he sought to preserve fattened-up class collaborators who looked on. Among them were Jimmy base themselves on what Lenin called the Carter, Walter Mondale, and Secretary "labor arLstocracy" (the upper crust of of State Cyrus Vance, along with the the workers bribed with the imperial entire cabinet, members of Congress, ists' superprofits from their worldwide several ambassadors, and corporate ex plunder). The working class and all ecutives. There were none of the "plain those who burn with hatred for oppres people" Meany was supposedly a sion are only disappointed about one spokesman for in attendance. But even Monsignor George Higgins said, "The consolidation after World War 2. His thing regarding the death of this at this scene those who he claimed to cause of freedom everywhere (read: career as a union hack had begun a bourgeois hack—that we were unable to speak for could not be silenced (see freedom for the capitalists to exploit quarter of a century earlier, in 1922, when he became business agent of New get our hands on him first. story below). and oppress—RW). both at home and Meany's funeral was indeed a fitting He was, of course, eulogized in a abroad, has been greatly enhanced and, York City Plumbers Local 463. As his sister explained, "He wanted to do tribute for a man who devoted his entire manner that the bourgeoisie reserves in these troubled times is now the more something in life other than be a work- life to the loyal service of reaction. As for one of their own with numerous secure because he did his job so well." ingman." He rose steadily and quickly his embalmed corpse was hauled up the trite, boring, and pompous praises by Meany was a product of and a ser steps to the cathedral in downtown equally pompous and boring dino.saurs. vant for U.S. imperialism's world-wide to the top of the New York State Federation of Labor, and in 1939 was appointed secretary-treasurer of the- AFL. His "interest in foreign policy and in ternational affairs" led to wartime col laboration between the AFL and the OSS—the forerunner of the modern- day Central Inielligencc Agency. While the working class internationally was shedding its blood in World War 11, George Meany and his OSS buddies were skulking around for U.S. and western imperialism, sabotaging any revolutionary workers' organizations and trade unions that were developing in western Europe during and after the war. When the war was over, they even recruited former Nazis to help organize anti-communist trade unions! This was the inauguration of Meany's treachery on an international scale, and of his (and the AFL-ClO's) long and continuing association with the CIA, an association which Meany stubbornly denied until his dying day. George Meany was bourgeois from head to toe. His aspirations were those of the bourgeoisie, and his outlook was theirs. He recognized that there was a relationship between the imperialists' ability to reap superprofits abroad and their own well-being (and his as well) at home. As a result, he geared the inter national policy of the AFL (and later The guest list read like a the AFL-CIO) in such a way as to make "Who's Who" of Washington. It that organization a blood-stained part was a "must" for Carter, Kennedy, ner in crime of U.S. imperialism. Under CONTACT THE REVOLUTIONARY WORKER David Rockefeller and their ilk to Meany's tutelage, the AFL-CIO, in Box 3486, Merchandise Mart attend. Over a thousand in all, conjunction with (he CIA, has played a Chicago, IL 60654 each getting out of their black role in virtually every U.S.-engineered limousines—the "prominent" peo coup and attempted coup since the end IN YOUR AREA CALL OR WRITE ple in their three-piece suits and of World War 2. their wives in mink stoles. But Meany didn't squander all of his The scene was prestigious at Atlanta: Detroit: Portland: reactionary backstabbing on the work Revolutionary Worker Workers Center Revolutionary Workers St. Matthew's Cathedral. George ing classes of other countries. He saved 1355 Sylvan Rd S.W. 3136 East Davison Center Meany, paraded around as the plenty for "his own" workers as well. Detroit, Michigan 48212 4728 N.E. Union Atlanta, Ga. 30310 "leader" of the U.S. working class, His service to the ruling class in this (404) 755-4481 (313) 893-0523 or Portland, Oregon 97211 893-8350 (503) 282-5034 was now getting a king's funeral. country included bending every effort Baltimore: Another fringe benefit for fifty El Paso: St. Louis: to keep the workers' sights narrowed Revolutionary Worker 3111 Alameda Box 6013 years of faithful service to the U.S. down to the most basic economic issues P.O. Box 1992 El Paso, Texas 79905 St. Louis, MO 63139 ruling class. and to steer their political activity into Baltimore, Md. 21203 (915) 542-4264 (314)781-3601 As the pallbearers solemnly harmless reformism. A rabid anti- Birmingham: Hawaii: Salinas: brought out Meany's luxurious communist from the outset of his P.O. Box 2334 Revolution Books P.O. Box 101 Birmingham, Alabama casket, suddenly an unexpected, career, Meany was quick to attack any 923 North King Street Salinas, California 93902 but highly appropriate, eulogy was 35201 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 budding revolutionary sentiment that San Francisco Bay Area delivered. From out of nowhere Boston: (808) 845-2733 Revolutionary Workers might be developing among the workers Revolution Books Houston: Center came two represen/af/Ves from the or in society as a whole. 233 Massachusetts Ave. P.O. Box 18112 5929 MacArthur Blvd. mills of Chicago, as well as an Meany is perhaps best remembered Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Houston. Texas 77023 Oakland, California 94605 unemployed Black woman. The for his die-hard support of U.S. aggres (713)641-3904 (415) 638-9700 Buffalo: declarations for May Day 1980 sion in Vietnam. He worked overtime 121 Ellicott Station Los Angeles Are^: Seattle Area: were boldly thrust onto Meany's trying to popularize the notion of the Buffalo, Revolutionary Workers Revolutionary Workers casket. The declaration contained New York Center Center working class in this country as a bunch (716) 895-6561 3807 East Gage 6010 Empire Way South this message: "It's long overdue of neanderthal flag-wavers like the for the slaves of this country to Chicago: Bell. California 90201 Seattle, Washington 98118 hard-hats in New York who attacked Revolutionary Worker (213) 585-8234 (206) 723-8439 break openly and powerfully with anti-war demonstrators in 1970. Did the 1727 South Michigan Louisville: South Carolina: the slavemasters. The image of ruling class want to whip up some Chicaoo. III. 60616 P.O. Box 633 Revolutionary Worker the U.S. working class as a con patriotism, some national chauvinism (312) 922-1140 Louisville, Kentucky 40201 P.O. Box 10143 tented and ignorant bunch of fools (502) 454-0574 Greenville, S.C. 29604 against the Koreans, against the Viet Cincinnati: must be shattered and destroyed." namese, against the Iranians? This was 1865 Chase Ave. New York-New Jersey: Tampa: Within seconds. Secret Service Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 Revolution Books P.O. Box 24983 Meany's cup of tea. (513) 542-6024 16 E. 18th St. Tampa, Florida 33623 agents pounced on the revolu One of Meany's hallmarks was his New York, N.Y. 10003 Washington, D.C.: tionary workers, but it was too consistent attacks on the Soviet Union Cleveland: (212) 924-4387 Revolution Books late. The words were posted on P.O. Box 09190 both when it was a .socialist country, North Carolina: 2438 18th St. N.W. Cleveland, Ohio 44109 Meany's casket: . marching in and later when capitalism was restored P.O. Box 5712 Washington, D.C. 20009 the streets on May 1, 1980, we will (216)881-6561 Greensboro, there by Krushchev and Co. who soon West Virginia: be saying in a way unheard of turned it into an imperialist superpower Dayton: North Carolina 27403 P.O. Box 617 Revolutionary Workers (919) 275-6537 Beckley, West Va. 25801 before in this country, 'Capitalist, —the chief worldwide rival of the U.S. Center the working class—not your bourgeoisie. Interestingly enough, 1939 North Main St. Philadelphia: stable backbone of society, but Dayton. Ohio 45405 P.O. Box 11789 however, George Meany and Nikita (513) 275-8572 Philadelphia. Pa. 19104 your gravediggers—have arrived.'" Continued on page 10 January 18, 1980—Revolutionary Worker—Page 3

May Day—Opening Shot 1,000, Leaflets. Over a million leaflets across the country. "They are calling on workers to take history into their hands May 1st!" The Detroit T.V. Channel 2, local news an nounced that the May Day 1980 committee will be distributing 100,000 leaflets in Detroit in the next couple of days. Their cameras panned the main gate of the Dodge Main plant, deserted at 10 A.M., covered with May Day manifestos and symbols. They focused on a red banner "On to Revolutionary May Day!" and a Black worker proud ly holding up a copy of the Revolution ary Worker. The news had been drawn by the sacrilegious action of two Washington D.C. workers who slammed manifestos on George Meany's coffin. This action opened up this week of mass leafletting soners escaping—defiantly off the as smashing the lie that we can never get it were shocked and amazed at two workers speaking for our class denounc coast to coast—1,5(X),000 leaflets in sembly lines, and out of the classroom together. Men and women side by side. major cities across this country. doors, refusing to be the ignorant no A multitude of languages, merged to ing their bloated toad in the midst of this The leaflet answered the question for bodies they say we are, proclaiming our gether in one powerful voice. Red flags funeral regalia, just wait until they see thousands waking up and mobilizing ail who have been wondering real worth.. .tired bodies...usually raised like bayonets." just extensions of their machin The challenge has been thrown down. their fellow workers and inspiring others what day won't they work, and brought ■ the powerful image of what wc can ac ery—revived, thrusting clenched fists The call is out. The first broad offensive to step forward on May Day 1980. complish on May Day 1980. "Picture militantly into the air...We will march, in a carhpaign that will culminate at May it," the leaflet said, "thousands of pri all nationalities, our own unity Day. If the ruling class and their press RCP Issues Call; Enlist in Revolutionary May Day Brigades "If they think they *ve seen political mobilization so far, wait till The storm around May Day built mainly through local ef you see what's in store for building Revolutionary May Day."—Bob forts in the industrial and urban centers of this country, and the ma Avakian, RCP Chairman, at the Nov. 18 rally in Washington D.C. jor cities where workers and others will march on May 1. May Day will be built in these cities by drawing forward and activating new The Revolutionary Communist Party is issuing a call to those who revolutionary-minded workers in a way never seen before in this urgently see the need to wake up our broader ranks to volunteer to country. At the same time, these Revolutionary May Day Brigades join Revolutionary May Day Brigades. These brigades will travel to will build boldly for Revolutionary May Day and help buttress key battle areas, spreading experiences and heightening this fight as a these local efforts, leaving behind a much more politically hot situa nationwide effort of our class. tion for the locality to fan and defend around May 1. These brigades will be traveling for the three months from now right up to when May Day will occur, striking with lightning force to RCP Publications A key article from the Revolutionary Worker electrify the scene. We can see from the volunteers who went to P.O. Box 3486 Washington D.C. to fight the railroad of Bob Avakian and the Mao Merchandise Mart Chicago, IL 60654 Defendants what a powerful impact we can have on our class and society overall by concentrating our forces in the key fronts of the battle, striking while the iron is hot. Just imagine: Brigades of fighters from the working class of all nationalities, native and foreign-born, students and others who en thusiastically see the potential for May Day 1980, converging together on cities and also hitting other areas of capitalism's powers; challenging their class brothers and sisters to actually march May 1 in their true revolutionary interests and join the ranks of the international proletariat; miners from the hills of West Virginia; brigades of auto and steel workers; workers from the gar ment sweatshops that rot in the shadows of New York skyscrapers; workers in defense plants that churn out preparation for World War3—stirring up those cities lingering under the stillness of once r booming factories. We're calling on workers and others to make the sacrifice of leav ing home and family to carry the message to distant neighborhoods, factories, mills and unemployment offices—living proof of the strength our class has when we're unleashed, a potential that will bust loose on a grand scale on May Day 1980. And as these brigades roil out, thousands more must come forward to donate and raise the much needed funds to bring this about. These brigades will be running ahead and diving into the quicken ing movement, linking up with those who have already stepped for ward; laying the ground work, summing up the ie.ssons, getting down on the questions, beckoning many others to step out.. And together with local forces, they will leave behind a force many times greater than before, awakened, galvanized and steeled in its determination to make its mark on the '80s—so that on May 1 a significant develop ing section of the sleeping giant, the army of the proletariat, will be rou.sed, preparing for the future prospects and possibilities as never before. We must strike with all our fury in building Revolutionary May Day, pull out all the stops that have held our class back. Contact the Revolutionary Worker in your local area right now to answer this oUbe be call, to be part of the Revolutionary May Day Brigade and/or to be New Pamphlet! part of these efforts in your localities, including donating and raising funds to get these brigades on the road soon. ■ Page 4—Hjavofutionary Worker—January 18, 1980 Olympics: Only Politics Allowed

As part of the response of the U.S. imperialists to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Carter announced in his televised speech that "although the U.S. would prefer not to withdraw V from the Olympic Games scheduled in Moscow this summer, the Soviet Union must realize that its continued ag gressive actions will endanger both the participation of athletes and travel to Moscow by spectators who would nor mally vGsh' to attend the Olympic Games" On cue. Senator Charles Percy and a host of other faithful bourgeois mouthpieces began screaming about how the U.S. ought to spomsor a "Free . World" Olympics outside of Moscow to make the Soviets "pay a price". And now Secretary of Slate Cyrus Vance has suddenly set a mid-February deadline for the Soviet Union to withdraw its troops or face a likely American boycott of the Moscow Games, adding that he does not expect the Russians will comply. It was only four years ago that the U.S. was yelling about how the Olym pics are "not the place for politics" when more than 20 African and Arab nations boycotted the Summer Olym pics in Montreal to protest the tour of South Africa by a New Zealand rugby team that served to legitimize the vicious repression of blacks by the Remember the Mexico City Olympics of 1968—when the U.S. Committee U.S.-backed apartheid regime. But, of shrieked that "sports and politics don't mix"? The sort of politics they had course, what the U.S. imperialists ob in mind was symbolized by the clenched fists of Black athletes Tommy viously mean by "no politics" at the Smith and John Carlos (who were kicked off the U.S. team for their act of Olympics is no politics but iheirs. defiance), and the Black berets (above) of Lee Evans, Larry James, and For decades the U.S. rulers have been Ron Freeman. Another "intrusion" of politics that year was Mexican accustomed to utilizing the Olympic students protesting government repression and U.S. imperialism; 400 of competition for their own political pur them were shot down. Above, Mexican army guards the gates of the poses. Millions have been spent groom stadium against any further manifestation of this kind of politics. ing and training U.S. athletes (as well as ripped off from countries the Chinese people. But in 1976 when the Black Liberation Movement was sweep mediately suspended from the Olympic U.S. imperialists dominate) and point Canadian government acknowledged ing America and a revolution was ex team and given 48 hours to get out of ing to them as evidence of "American world opinion and refused to admit the ploding among Black athletes in sports Mexico as the U.S. rulers blew a gasket. superiority." The Games have been Taiwan team instead. President Ford programs all over the country. Many The "injection of politics" into the promoted time and again into a threatened to pull the U.S. out of the were sick of being used by the U.S. games had suddenly become "in patriotic, flag-waving circus where games in mock horror at this "intrusion rulers to garner gold medals by the tolerable," especially since the Olym every four years the U.S. demonstrates of politics" into the field of Olympic truckload, tired of standing in Olympic pics were being used as a political its national "greatness," flaunting it competition! stadiums listening to the Star Spangled forum against ihem. over the supposedly "second rate". Likewise in 1968 the U.S. tried un Banner—which in Edwards' words But now the first word out of the countries. An indication of this political successfully to readmit South Africa to "was a monument to the^ hypocrisy of U.S. rulers mouth is "Boycott!" And atmosphere is the fact that, since 1908, the Games after being forced to ban America"—and then returning to face since they have always managed to in the U.S. has been the only nation that them in 1964. Avery Brundage, the the degradation and discrimination that ject their politics into the Olympic refuses to dip its flag to the host nation U.S.'s man who headed up the Interna is life for Black people in the U.S. arena in one form or another, the fact in the traditional opening day Olympic tional Olympic Committee for decades, So when Tommie Smith and John that they are now so openly using the parade! spent much of his time personally lob Carlos—the gold and silver medal win Olympics as a political bludgeon is a In fact the Olympic Games have bying on behalf of this bloody white- ners in the 200 meter dash in Mexico sure sign of trouble, of their escalating . always been a field for intense political, racist regime his masters wanted .so City—mounted the winners stand, they contention with the Soviet Union which is heating up to the boiling point. Even as well as athletic, rivalry between the desperately to legitimize. did something that will not soon be big imperialist countries. As far back as forgotten. As the national anthem before Afghanistan events, the U.S. Black Athletes had threatened a pullout if Israel—their 1936, Hitler used the Berlin Games as a began to play they bowed their heads showplace for his racist theories of a But the 1968 Olympics in Mexico and, in unison, raised their gloved fists reliable "Middle East enforcer" which the majority of countries cannot "master race," even having his City proved that it was not only the im in the Black power salute—a powerful girlfriend, Leni Reifenstahl, make a perialists who were capable of entering political statement that was heard stomach—was barred from attending spectacular propaganda film to glorify the Olympic political battlefield. The round the world. Both men were im Continued on page 11 and idealize Nazi "superiority" in a celluloid montage of gli.stening and athletic German bodies. And of course, the U.S. also pulled out all the stops, Jan. 29—Contribute to the exhorting its athletes to beat the pants off the Germans and thereby prove that it was American, not German, im Million Dollar Fund Drive perialism that was great and powerful. After the great Black athlete, Jesse On the first anniversary of the the science of revolution; there is the us—right before us and the stormy, Owens, blew Hitler's bit by winning demonstration in Washington against pressing need to build the unity of tumultuous decade of the '80s—and we four gold medals against Germany's Chinese Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao- Marxist-Leninist organizations see clearly, that, as the Central Com best, the U.S. rulers wasted no time in ping—a demonstration which upheld internationally so we can more effec mittee report of our Party put it, 'The demonstrating that their politics were Mao Tsetung and revolution and was tively take on our enemy, imperialism, question is not whether heavy things are no less racist than the Nazis'. As soon attacked by police—the RCP is calling which is also international. All these going to be happening, the que.stion is as the exhausted Owens refused to at on workers and all oppressed by this pressing, immediate tasks require whether they're going to be one-sided tend one of an endless series of grueling system to contribute their money to the money. or two-sided in a basic sense.'" exhibitions scheduled in Europe, he was successful completion of the Million And on the anniversary of the D.C. And, to have our side, the side of the promptly suspended by the AAU and Dollar Fund Drive. demonstration in an attack whose open working class led by its Party, prepared thrown out of amateur sports for life. As Mao Tsetung said, "A thousand ly political nature has sharply escalated for the revolutionary storms ahead re "When the 'Buckeye Bullet' next deeds cry out to be done." This is more since a year ago, the government is oil quires financial support now. Therefore, raced," relates Harry Edwards in his true every day, making this fund drive ing its legal machinery for another, on January 29, we are calling for a book, The Revolt of the Black Athlete, even more important. more serious, attack on RCP Chairman Million Dollar Fund Drive Day. "it was for money against horses and There is the Revolutionary Worker to Bob Avakian. We are urging all advanced workers motorcycles in sleazy hippodromes in produce and get into the hands of tens All this takes on much more urgency to contribute a day's wages or even a Mexico and Reno." and hundreds of thousands; there is as developments in the world acceler week's wages—as much as you can—to But beyond this, the U.S. imperialists May Day 1980 to build, a day that will ate. As Bob Avakian stated in his 1980 take your modern-day slave wages and have been especially adept at using the mark a big leap forward or backward in article, "As the decade opens, the fu with your eyes on the future, donate it Olympics as a stage to further their par the revolutionary movement; there is ture, the possibilities of war and revolu to end wage slavery. We are calling on ticular political goals. For two decades the reactionary blitz and war moves to tion open before us. Now so too does all those oppressed by this ravaging the u'.S. refused to allow the then- expose and defy around Iran and the the press of the immediate tasks in the system who support any and all of our Party's efforts against this system and socialist People's Republic of China in whole world; there are agitators and present,^ which become all the more im to the Olympics, as part of their propagandists to train and dispatch to portant, which reach their full signifi its attacks to give as much as you can. strategy of isolating them from the rest every corner of this country to spread cance when viewed in light of the future Ask your friends and family to step for ward. What is there that is more impor of the world, insisting that Taiwan was the wordj to produce Revolution maga and the long term goals we cherish. We tant than this? I the official "representative" of the zine and books to spread and develop see the outlines of the period before 'January 18, t^SO—Revolutidhary Worker—Pa'ga 5 POLITICIANS VIE FOR MOLDY

fighting over money from white liberals, let's set up what is known as a MANTLE OF M.L. KING council for urpted civil rights leader ship'. .. "Once they formed it, with a white The 1980 observances of Martin meetings (in the same way as the hacks cess and the power," the only Black man.over it, he promised them and gave Luther King's birthday, falling in a fight it out to march at the head of the leader who could really get the ear of them $800,000 to split up among the big presidential election year, saw still more St. Patrick's Day Parade) is the per the president and "make things hap six; and told them that after the march politicians falling over one another to sistence of the myth itself and its hold pen." King's prestige and saintly aura was over they'd give them $700,000 associate themselves with the "King among the people. And that stubborn rubbed off on the Kennedys; the Ken more... heritage." The familiar story of King as myth is the idea that Martin Luther nedys' power rubbed off on King—and "As soon as they got the setup the martyred savior of Black people, King, like the Kennedys with whom his today, the Kennedy legend and the King organized, the white nian made preacher of nonviolence and brother career was so closely identified, truly legend are tied together. available to them top public relations hood, sounded from pulpits and plat represented and fought for—and died Malcolm X, in his speeches, exposed experts; opened the news media across forms across the country. At a large for—the aspirations of Black people again and again the direct links existing the country at thdr'disposal, which memorial service in Atlanta, Georgia, and all poor people for equality, between King and the Kennedy wing of then began to project these big six as the first lady Rosalynn Carter and Coretta freedom and liberation. the bourgeoisie. In his "Message to the leaders of the march. Originally they Scott King together led the crowd in This fable is played out in a popular Grassroots," Malcolm ran down what weren't even in the march.. .but then singing "We Shall Overcome." In way In the song which throws the two happened at a meeting of King and they became the march. They took it Brooklyn, Mayor Koch was addressing Kennedys and King together as the other bourgeois Black "civil rights over. a memorial service at a Black church "good men" who "always die young": leaders" at a Kennedy-owned hotel, the "And as soon as they took it over, it when thirty Black protestors shouted Anyone here seen my oldfriend Bobby, Carlisle of New York. The meeting lost its militancy. It ceased to be angry, Koch down, denouncing school and Can you tell me where he's gone,/ took place right before the march on it ceased to be hot, it ceased to be un hospital cuts and widespread police Thought / saw him walking on the Washington—a march which was at compromising.. .If you think I'm tell brutality. The pastor. Rev. Marshall, hillside with Abraham, Martin and that time "growing out of control" in ing you wrong, ypu bring me Martin ordered the organist to start playing John. The association of King with the the wake of the Birmingham rebellion: Luther King and A. Philip Randolph "America the Beautiful." "And the Kennedys isn't just because all three "...They had a meeting at the Car and James Farmer and those three, and choir began to sing until police got the were assassinated. In the early '60s, at lisle Hotel in New York City. The Car see if they'll deny it over a micro situation under control. The mayor and the peak of the civil rights struggle, lisle Hotel is owned by the Kennedy phone " I just stood in the pulpit singing. He King consistently tried to use his family; that's the hotel Kennedy spent King was so useful to the bourgeoisie didn't flinch and neither did I," Mar prestige in the Civil Rights Movement the night at, two nights ago; it belongs during his lifetime he was able shall told reporters. to bring the mass movement under con to his family. The philanthropic society to speak passionately and convincingly In one sense, scenes like this shed a trol and confine it within the narrow headed by a white man named Steven of the oppression and suffering of revealing light on the real nature of channels acceptable to (and useful to) Courier called all the top civil rights Black people at the same time as he pro King's "legacy." But more important President John Kennedy and the leaders together at the Carlisle Hotel. moted the illusion that certain reforms than the routine scramble of politicos to bourgeoisie as a whole. In return, Ken And he told them, *By you all fighting and an alliance with "good" bourgeois pick up a piece of the Black vote by nedy and his political associates prop each other, you're destroying the civil men like the Kennedys could eventually making ritual appearances at memorial ped up King, as the "man with the ac rights movement. And since you're .Continued on page 7



The King ''Legacy" in the making, Birmingham, Alabama, April 1963. While rested youth are expelled from school, King announces that the struggle crowds fought police in the streets defying fire hoses and dogs, should be taken off the streets and fought in the courts. (Upper left) King called for a "Pilgrimage of Prayer." (Lower right) King's funeral was attended by many representatives of the (Lower left) In May over 1,000 demonstrating youth were arrested and ruling class, who recognized his value to them. Note Robert Kennedy, herded into the yard of City Jail. King, who had also been arrested, was Archbishop Cooke of New York, Gov. George Romney of Michigan, Mayor released at the insistence of Bobby Kennedy to negotiate an agreement. John Lindsay of N.Y., and the symbol of monopoly capitalism, Nelson (Upper right) The terms of the agreement become clear. After all the ar Rockefeller. Page ^^—Pavolutionary ii^orker—'January is]

Iran Demo Jan, 26 former ASUC president, UC Berkeley), Charles Schwarz (professor. Dept. of Physics, UC Berkeley), Hilda S. Cowan Berkeley At It Again (, Alameda TOP SECRET County), George Laine (President, On January 26 in Berkeley, Califor an important part of their preparations L.A. Newspaper Guild Local 69), nia, in numbers too large to be ignored for World War 3. Under these conditions Ramone Vakiva (President, American C.I.A. by the ruling class, people are going to an action taken by even one section of Indian Student Association, Cal State take a stand. They will take to the progressive and revolutionary-minded L.A.). (Organizations to which in streets in a major march and rally. As people can have real historic signifi dividuals belong given for identification DOCUMENTS the Iran Day Committee "Call to Ac cance, inspiring and activating people purposes only.) tion" puts it, "We will not go along . nationwide and driving the bourgeoisie This broadening group is going into with the 'never has American been so nuts: "Damn, Berkeley again!" action January 26. The Iran Day Com go to war in Iran' at A number of forces have stepped out mittee will be an inspiration to all pro mosphere being created by the daily to help lead the way forward, united gressive people around this country, barrage of lies and half-truths reported behind the slogans, "Send the Shah many of whom were demoralized and in the U.S. press. We declare our Back! U.S. Out—No Military Interven confused by the lies and half-truths we disunity with the past U.S. domination tion! Stop Attacks on Iranians in the are hit with every day. of Iran and their plans to regain control U.S.!" Endorsements for this demon This demonstration has high goals either through a CIA-backed coup or stration are streaming in, and an initial that it must and certainly can ac direct military intervention. What we and partial list of organizations and in complish. And one of them is certainly do will be decisive." dividuals includes: Vietnam Veterans that by Monday, Jan. 28, the daily All over the country, millions have Against the War, Oakland Feminist papers around the country will be run been sickened by the reactionary flag- Women's Health Center, Casa De ning outraged letters from reactionary waving, the anti-Iranian hysteria that's Nicaragua, the Abortion Rights Move fools deploring that "Berkeley" (writ being pumped up by the politicians and ment, Revolutionary Communist Par ten with a sneer) "certainly hasn't media. It's long past time that there is ty, Revolutionary Communist Youth changed," perhaps suggesting that its another force massing out there for Brigade, Black Thoughts UC Berkeley, citizens "go to Iran" if they don't like it people to turn to other than the blood National United Workers Organiza here. And millions of people will read thirsty designs of the U.S. rulers as they tion, African Activist Association these words, laughing, knowing that try to halt the forward march of the UCLA, Solidarity Bloc With the Strug we've begun to turn the tide, that we hit • Straight from secret flies of Iranian revolution and reinstate a fas gles of the Salvadoran People, Dan a nerve. ■ the American Embassy in cist, pro-U.S. dictatorship over Iran as Siegal (Fruitvale Law Collective, Tehran • Brought to the U.S. by the Send the Shah Back, Dog of Dogs Still on Run Hands Off Iran Delegation • 25 pages of documents This week marks the first anniversary U.S. to run things for the Shah, fled for albeit not from the embassy in Tehran. —dis,closes in their own of the day that the Shah—self-pro his life during the salvos of the The regional significance of Iran to the claimed King of Kings, Lord of Lords, February insurrection as the people words what the U.S. was U.S. has grown all the sharper since the realty doing in Iran. and U.S. butcher par excellance—fled surged toward the doors of his offices. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan—an in panic from Iran, leaving behind him • Top U.S. officials angry & And after him, the U.S. pinned their event which it has used as a reason to his 14 some-odd gold-lined palaces and hopes on Prime Minister Bazargan, a appalled vastly beef up military presence in the • Suppressed by U.S. media a garbage can filled with empty whiskey wolf in sheep's clothing, who worked to area. A high ranking Washington of Send for your set now. Money will bottles. And it is certainly fitting that he strengthen U.S. influence in the govern ficial recently bragged that the situation has been fleeing ever since, from Egypt be used to help finance the nation ment. The Imperial Army was still in within Iran's borders is "spectacularly wide speaking tour of the Send the to Morocco, from the Bahamas to Mex tact and was a haven for U.S. intrigue unstable". And to be sure, the U.S. is Shah Back, Hands Off Iran Delega ico, and now from the U.S. to Panama, and plotting. And the telephone of the attempting to stir up contradictions tion. Cost of documents—$5.00. where he is presently begging the U.S. U.S. Embassy rang off the hook, as the among the people of Iran for its own Other donations urgently needed. rulers to perform the impossible feat of imperialists schemed their return to ends. Make checks or money orders finding him a home where he is wanted. complete power, with the aid of Iran's But against these odds—the Iranian payable to: "Nobody can overthrow me—I have big capitalists and landlords. people are standing firm- in their Volunteer Services Fund Chap. 103 the power," proclaimed this towering Just as the U.S. imperialists appeared demands that U.S. imperialism get Send to: tyrant in 1978. And armed to the tune to be .squeezing in the back door, the completely out of Iran and that the National Ad Hoc Committee to of $18 billion by the U.S., backed up by masses of Iranian people rose up again Shah be returned to pay for his crimes. Support the Delegation of torturing secret police and a murdering and slammed it shut. They seized the They have righteously proclaimed this Americans to Iran army, he and his U.S. overlords appear U.S. Embassy and called it out for the first anniversary of the Shah's depar 6411 Hollywood Blvd. ed terrifying indeed. Vet in the months spy nest that it was, exposing the contin ture as "Burn the Shah Day" and called Los Angeles, Calif. 90028 that followed, the Shah would choke on uing plots of the U.S. to reestablish for it to be celebrated around the his words as the Iranian people erupted their stranglehold on Iran. Bazargan world—including Panama! Meanwhile, like a pent-up volcano and blew this was forced to quickly resign, along with the Shah is sitting in his Panamanian strutting puppet from his peacock Foreign Minister Vazdi, another U.S. villa, undoubtedly emptying more throne. In their millions they rose up man whose allegiance was to whiskey bottles, and feverishly poring again and again, defying the bullets of Washington. And they were followed over travel folders. Ironically, the one the U.S.-trained Imperial Army, grab by Bani Sadr and others as, one by one, place that would surely accept him—the bing history by the shoulders and storm these openly pro-U.S. elements were U.S.-backed fascist government of ing the palaces of "heaven." battered by the anger of the people and South Africa—has probably been The departure of the Shah was an ex knocked down from their high posi vetoed by his advisors. For it was there tremely heavy blow to the U.S. im tions. that his father, the notorious Reza perialists. And with his departure, they But cornered rats lash out. And to Shah, died in ignominious exile after immediately maneuvered in attempts to day, one year after the Shah's depar being booted out of Iran before him. ■ minimize their defeat. Bakhtiar, a ture, the plotting and the .scheming of hand-picked flunkey appointed by the the U.S. imperialists in Iran continues. Goon Squad Responds to NUWO Debate Challenge The Boston chapter of the National January 10th at^unchtime, outside the of freedom and democracy won't make United Workers Organization (NUWO), main ^ate of the yard. Before the it. We know there ain't none. A lot of recently answered a call put out in the NUWO arrived, more than a dozen guys didn't dig what happened." But this .sentiment was consciously The Revieionist Coup h> Cnina and ine Dec. 23 Lssue of the Revolutionary cops were lurking around along with Strugels in ifte Revo

The U.S. press, noted for its arro Iranians are using this trip for their own gance around the world, was "exported" propaganda purposes." All of this is US.Newsmen from Iran last week. Friday, January 11, pure gangster logic—We can spew out saw some 100 of them packing up their any distortions and lies on behalf of the expensive gear and hightailing it out of U.S. that we want, but the Iranians Iran. The Iranian government had can't say what they want—especially charged that the U.S. press had been since it's the truth. focusing all their attention on the em The Revolutionary Council's deci bassy hostages' captivity and not why sion undoubtedly reflects the Iranian they were being held. Oil Minister Ali- people's feelings of disgust over the Akbar. Moinfar, speaking for the U.S.'s news coverage. One Iranian of Revolutionary Council, explained that ficial said, "It's what the whole nation the Americans were being expelled "for wants." But at the same time there reporting in a biased manner and in looks to be a darker side to the Revolu sulting the Islamic revolution and tionary Council's decision. They are Islamic beliefs. The government has hoping that by removing the U.S. decided that it cannot tolerate this any press — "this visible source of longer." West German and British anger"—that this will cut into the stu journalists were put on notice that dents' political leverage. Abol-Ghassem they were close to being tossed out. Sadegh, the director of foreign press at Predictably the U.S. let out a howl. the Ministry of National Guidance, an "No amount of censoring can make the nounced that with the U.S. press gone world forget about the hostages inside "the students might be more relax the," wailed ABC. "It will not ed. . .1 think it will be good for Iran, long retard the accounts of continuing the U.S., and the hostages," for it t unrest and political deterioration" "could lower the temperature." This warned a New York Times editorial. decision may well be linked to as yet un These barkers for imperialism are tell confirmed reports that Khomeini has ing the truth when they vow to contin agreed to UN Secretary General ue their hatchet job on Iran's revolu Waldheim's proposal to mediate be tion. And they're quite right in admit tween the U.S. and Iran, around the ting that it doesn't matter whether they "compromise plan" of an international are in Iran or not; for all the hackneyed tribunal on the Shah and U.S. policy in and fictitous trash they ground out Iran in exchange for the U.S. hostages' from Tehran, they might as well have release. stayed in the U.S. in the first place. The majority, at least, of the Revolu While in Tehran, their reporters spent tionary Council want to get the hos most of their time commiserating with tages freed to cool things out in the each other about the Iranians' "humil streets. One of the high-ranking of iating abuse of Americans" and look ficials told American newsmen before ing for a drink. ^The Islamic govern they left that "the students should not ment forbids alcohol.) Moreover their be allowed to think that they are the on dispatches were carefully "edited" by ly reliable interpreters of the Imam's their bosses in the States, anyway, since (Khomeini) wishes and ideals." These Iran is too hot an issue to allow any bourgeois forces are feeling very honest reporting to slip in, even if-they threatened by the revolutionary upsurge did any. within Iran, which endangers the What really enrages these deans of "stability" of their own class' political the "free press," however, is that Iran power. .And their fears have certainly has called out their reporting for what It intensified with the Soviet invasion of is—U.S. imperialist propaganda. The Afghanistan. Such views dovetail with bourgeoisie's constant complaints what the United States is currentlyTry- about how the Iranians have been try ing to do. One State Dept. official bald ing to "manipulate" the news is a clas ly stated, "These terrorists are swim sic case of the thief yelling, "I've been ming in a sea of support from the Iran robbed." When one of the hostages. ian government and people," and the Marine Corporal Gallegos, admitted goal is "to separate them from that sup that no harm had come to him in an port." But while the imperialists may NBC interview last month, all of a sud be having some success with the Iranian den he became the "alleged" William government, the same cannot be said of Gallegos. When the 3 American the Iranian masses. As one American clergymen visited the hostages at correspondent said ih his very last Christmas and reported that they were report from Iran, "the militants are still Demonstrator in iran hoids Carter doli—when you pull a string its hands fine, again the chorus was heard, "The being militant." ■ beat against its head.

heart, no matter what." nedys. After plainclothes police club MANTLE OF M.L. KING Both Bobby Kennedy and Martin bed and dragged out protestors during Luther King came out against the Viet Mayor Koch's eulogy for King in Continued from page 5 nam War at about the same time. Bob- Brooklyn, after the last strains of ~by, of course, was part of the ad "America the Beautiful" had died usher in an era of universal brother magazine wrote that, "King was ministration that formulated U.S. down, the good Rev. Marshall bitterly hood. The sordid backroom deals and dangerously close to slipping from a policy for the Vietnam war in the early attacked the protestors for desecrating King's role as a one-man "cool it" prophet to a patsy." '60s. King, despite his much ballyhooed the sanctity of the church and squad whenever the struggle threatened stand of nonviolence, kept his mouth "violating Dr. King's most fundamen Teddy Inherits the Myth to get out of hand eventually took their shut until the section of the capitalists tal creed—the creed of nonviolence." toll on both his support among the The fact that King and the Kennedys he was tied to decided that the war was Such a creed, such a legacy, is certainly ma.sses and his usefulness to the are lumped together in many people's a tactical mistake for the U.S. im worth cherishing—but the question is capitalists as the '60s wore on. But his minds means, of course, that the one perialists. Then both Kennedy and King by which side? ■ assassination allowed the weaving of a who today benefits the most from this hustled to wrap themselves in the man- myth which still today exerts a strong myth is the "last Kennedy brother," tie of the anti-war movement, seeking RmmtOHARV appeal to many: that King, and the Teddy, who is counting heavily on the to control it in the same way they had Kennedy brothers, were all killed halo this provides him in his run for the controlled the civil rights movement WORKiR because they were moving more and presidency. Oh sure, Corretta King in a earlier in the decade. more in the direction of championing typical display that would have been her Teddy Kennedy's recent criticism of SUBSCRiPTIONS the oppressed and opposing U.S. im husband's way, too, has sold herself to the Shah as a "ruthless tyrant" follows ONE YEAR-$12 perialism, and that their deaths snuffed the highest bidder. Carter. But the force the same pattern—a couple of years ago TEN WEEKS trial out what "might have been," a bright of old memories is far stronger than Kennedy was glad-handing the Shah as new era for the people of the U.S. and Corretta King endorsements. a guest in his palace. As more and more subscription— $2.50 people wake up to the fact that the U.S. the world. By now, the King halo is plenty tar Contact your local Revolutionary The old ruling class game—keep the imperialists are planning on using them nished. And the situation in the 1980s is Worker distributor to arrange for your people paralyzed waiting in the hope of vastly different than the 1960s, when as cannon fodder in another world war, weekly copy of the Revolutionary a bourgeois savior—should be getting the capitalists were able to make some Kennedy is right there to "sternly tiresome by now, especially when what concessions and create "great society" disassociate" the U.S. from any Worker or write to: comes "from above" is more and more style illusions of the possibility of real "ruthless tyrants" and try to make Box 3486, Merchandise Mart attacks. And of course every concession change. Teddy Kennedy still flashes his World War III look like a noble and Chicago, IL 60654 forced by the mass struggle is used as an liberal voting record and his "consis uplifting undertaking—the Peace Corps Name tent stand" for cradle-to-grave national with a BANG! example of how generous the rulers are. Address King and the Kennedys' "solutions," health insurance to establish his creden Covering the brutal realities of ex City .State -Zip _ tials as leader of the poor and ploitation and capitalist dictatorship pinning all hope on pressuring the I would like to give $ to support the downtrodden; but this is more useful with a lot of noble rhetoric and vision federal government, were getting expos Revolutionary Worker. Send contribu ed. King said "cool it," but the riots today to get across the idea that "the ary ideals, hoodwinking the people to tions to Revolutionary Worker, Box happened anyway, often threatening to '80s may be hell, there may be hunger set them up for the kill, hypocritical 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL burn up the cool-it squads sent in by the and war—but let's at least have a leader posturing of all kinds—that's the inter 60654 ruling class. When he died .Time who has the interest of the masses at twined legacy of King and the Ken Page 8—Revolutionary Worker—January 18, 1980

Juror Goes to Jail

Shortly after the proceedings con Gary Gerald, a 21-year-old man from cluded, Gary received a phone call. The Baltimore, was recently selected from a authorities requested that he return to jury pool to .serve as jury foreman in the the courthouse. They wanted to "ask criminal trial of one Mr. Leach. Leach him some questions" about the trial. had been arrested and charged with sell When he got to the courthouse Gary ing heroin to an undercover Maryland was immediately arrested and charged policewoman. After hearing all the with "obstruction of justice." Evident evidence, Gary concluded that Leach ly, the authorities had gotten wind of had been the victim of a police .set-up. Gary's remarks during the jury deliber The jury retired to deliberate, and ations and were infuriated at the Gary made it clear that he would take mistrial. They also charged him with no part in the conviction of a man perjury—he had failed to report a ba.sed solely on police testimony. He juvenile shoplifting charge during jury noted, among other things, that "all selection. cops are liars." The case ended in a Gary is sitting in jail today on mistrial, but for Gary the matter was $25,000 bail. ■ New Junta Members Named in El Salvador far from settled. in a frantic attempt to halt Ei Salvador's quickening polarization Kentucky Prisoner Writes as the revolutionary forces grow and the U.S.-backed junta becomes more and more Isolated, the government has had to find On RW, May Day replacements for all three of the civilian junta members who recent ly resigned, along with three-quarters of the cabinet. A deal made We received the following paper now. I really know who Bob last week with the Christian Democratic Party ("the bastard child of edited letter from a prisoner in Avakian is and the great job that the CIA and the Christian hierarchy"—see RW No. 36) put two Kentucky. he has in front of him. I have read Christian Democratic Party members in the junta, Secretary General books about Mao, Marx, and Antonio Morales and Hector Dada. After much difficulty they finally ... I have started a scrap book Frederick Engels. dredged up an unknown for the remaining junta slot, Dr. Jose on the Revolutionary Worker. I As you can see that I am writing Ramon Avaios. The junta made a big deal of promising not to put have every issue that you have this letter December 25, 1979, any faces from the industrialist and landowning classes in the ever sent me, even when the paper Christmas night. This day has government. was just called the Worker. I plan never meant nothing to me since 1 Meanwhile, soldiers described by the newspaper La Opinion as to put the most important articles was a k\d. The day that I am look "visibly nervous" patrolled San Salvador's streets with machine from each Issue in the book. ing forward to in 1980 Is May Day. guns, setting up roadblocks and searching everyone. Significantly, One of my reasons for starting I want this day to make every on January 11, some 8 left groups opposed to the junta, including this book is because I see that newspaper, magazine, television the Popular Revolutionary Bloc (BPR), merged under a coordinating this country is very close to program across the world. You body called Urudad Popular. The Unldad Popular immediately called revolution and when everything Is can believe that if I am the only for a march to show its strength. Despite a total Salvadoran press over with, I will have some very person in prison that won't go to blackout about this merger, over 5000 people came out on a day's important newspaper articles work on that day i will stand notice. One-third of the Christian Democratic Party membership before the revolution and after. alone. M reportedly resigned in protest over support of the junta. And .. .1 have read 52 Issues of the Salvador Samayoa, former Minister of Education for the junta, called a press conference, then left with twelve masked guerrillas to "join the people's army" because "the only way to resolve El Salvador's problems is through armed struggle." U.S. State Department spokesman Nodding Carter, with a perfectly straight face, announced U.S. support "for the social change being effected in El Salvador, especially In the field of human rights. ... We will continue our support as long as the changes begun by the Salvadoran government continue in seriousness." He also said Washington is watching El Salvador "very attentively."

Ecuadoreans Protest Massive Price Rise

At least five students were wounded and one killed January 9 and 10 when police opened fire on demonstrators protesting sharp price hikes in alt basic necessities (milk went up 150%). Schools and universities were shut down. Truckers threatened to strike if their fees were not raised to meet the hike in gasoline prices. The "democratic" government of Jaime Roldos immediately informed the press that the new prices "had not yet been fixed." President Roldos has been hard at work since his election in August 1979 on a budget and a five-year plan that will place the burden of Ecuador's $3 billion foreign debt and other economic problems squarely on the masses of Ecuadoran people. With great fanfare, he announced a raise in the minimum monthly salary to $160, which had already been swallowed by the price increases of January 1. The Roldos government, hailed by the U.S. as another one of its Latin American "democracies"(the I new government followed nine years of military dictatorship) is find ing it tough to keep a tight rein on its 8 million workers and peasants I in this land of oil wells (Ecuador is a member of OPEC) and coffee plantations. c- %:.

If you want to understand what's going on In Iran, to rip through the barrage of lies appearing daily on TV, In the capitalist newspapers and the White House Press Room; if you want to know what's going on in the world—from the politics In volved in the Pope's travels to what's behind the Ku Klux Klan to our rulers' plans for World War 3—and you want to change Shine the Light of Revel It—then join with thousands of others, Black, white. Latino In the Behind the Prison Walls revolutionary movement. Arm yourself with the Revolutionary Worker! Contribute to need the Revolutionaiy Worker and other revolutionary literature. To help You can't afford to miss an issue! the Prisoners make possible getting the Voice of the Revolutionary Revolutionary Communist Party as well as other Party literature and ONE YEAR-$12 Literature Fund books on -Leninism, Mao The Revolutionary Communist Party Tsetung Thought behind the prison TEN WEEKS trial subscription—$2.50 receives many letters and requests for wails, the Revolutionaiy Worker is es literature from prisoners in the hell tablishing a special fund. Contribu Contact your local Revolutionary Worker distributor to arrange for your weekly hole torture chambers from Attica to tions should be sent to: copy of the Revolutionary Worker or write to: San Quentin. There are thousands Box 3486, Merchandise Mart more brothers and sisters behind bars Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Chicago, IL 60654 who have refused to be beaten down Fund Name — and corrupted in the dungeons of the Box 3486, Merchandise Mart capitalist class and who thirst for and Chicago, IL 60654 Address — City State Zip I would like to give $. _to support the Revolutionary Worker. Send contributions to Revolutionary Worker, Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654. January 18, 1980—Revolutionary Worker—Page 9 FOUL CHINESE POEM ATTACKS MAO TSETUNG

In the January 7 issue of The Call, Only waving bravely in the wind can prevent day, as the poem states. The point that was simply a personal note), while in the CPML lakes note of yet another ad the banner from gathering dust and the author of the poem is trying to get Mao's "poem he actually is making a dition to the long list of attacks by its growing moldy. over with in the first three verses is that much more sweeping and universal revisionist mentors in China on Mao Why are there still those who insist on Mao's birthday was shrouded in all point by describing all of heaven (refer Tsetung and what he stood for. The hiding it at the bottom of a chest?! kinds of feudal traditions while Mao ring to all those who have given their Call cornments on a poem which ap and The Four were in power. The direct lives to, free mankind throughout peared in the Dec. 26 issue of the Peo implication is that they were, in fact, history) shedding a "mighty rain" of ple's Daily on the occasion of Mao's reactionary feudalists. All this is, of tears. birthday: 'Mn China this year Mao We finally call him Comrade Mao Tsetung course, completely ridiculous lies and The next part of the poem is really Zedong's birthday was observed by the again. slander, typical of the reactionaries now the heart of the- attack. Direct Communist Party newspaper People's He would be joyous to hear it; in power in China. references are made to the two poems Daily in a poem, which hailed him as a Nowhere in this world is there a title so Here Mao is indirectly referred to as by Mao publislied in 1976 that were great revolutionary.... The poem affectionate as Comrade, an emperor. The references to "change direct attacks on the revisionists led by reflected a current effort in China to For a comrade, we could shed our blood. the year of the dynasty," "swallowing Teng—Reascending Chingkangshan demystify 's role histori To me, as a Communist Parly member and dragon eggs," and "following a big and Two Birds: A Dialogue, and use is cally, while continuing to acknowledge a poet. man's footsteps" which the "gang of also made of whole lines from a poem and learn from his contributions." His name carries two burning meanings; four" are accused of following are all written by Mao at the end of the Long He was a leader loved by the whole party, references to the activities of those who What they mean by "demystifying He was also a great master of poetry. March called Kunlun. Here, in addition Mao" is exactly what Teng Hsiao-ping seek to follow in the emperor's foot to being an attack on the call made in and Co. mean—knocking down the Perhaps his teachings in poetry could be steps. "Swallowing dragon's eggs," for Reascending Chingkangshan ("No banner of Mao Tsetung. In tearing looked Into further. example, refers to proving one's worth thing is hard in this world if you dare to But he only wrote about the human world, down the banner of Mao, it is, of this is for sure; to the emperor by eating dragon's eggs. scale the heights")—the "birthday course, necessary for them to occa Even a poem describing the pouring of a -These absurd accusations of feudal poem" says "What we embrace are sionally pay homage to him as a "great mighty rain from heaven, practices are made this way precisely rivers, plains, and rice paddies,/What revolutionary." This latest "birthday But actually It comes from Xia Gu's tears because it was Mao and The Four who we reject are high peaks..."—Mao is poem," just like a number of poems not the nioon Palace.(2) led campaign after campaign to wipe directly attacked by analogy. The written by Mao's bitter enemies while He always advocated Foolish Old Man out these very practices before the references to mountains and peaks sym he was still alive, adopts this method of Moving Mountains, counterrevolutionary coup by Teng and bolize Mao himself. And Mao's own thinly disguising some of its venom with He always hated the inequality in human Co. in 1976. poem Kunlun, where he talks about cut sweet syrupy flattery. The real message society; The next two verses of the poem por ting Mount Kunlun down to size, is So he even loudly scolded the Kunlun tray Mao as simply a hard worker of this poem is quite clear, especially to mountain: used to make the attack. Thus "he even the masses of people in China who are Ne'er all your height nor all your snow is "made of flesh and blood" (just like loudly scolded Kunlun mountain.... familiar with its references: the banner needed. everyone else) who "carried big loads Yes, the mountain is too high," and the of rice for the Red Army soldiers." In clincher, "He himself led In passing of Mao Tsetung must be torn down. Yes, the mountain is too high, the villages It is a practice of long standing in are merely anthills, the next verse, even Mao's widely judgment." This-refers to what Mao China for various leaders to send poems Yes, there is too much snow, people turn recognized major military achievements writes in Kunlun: to each other and carry on political into fish and turtles, are qualified, with the final line which 4 debates by means of poetry. These The good and ill, you have wrought these says, "Of course, it takes blood for "To Kunlun now I say, poems are an important part of the thousand autumns, these victories to come into being." Neither all your height He himself led in passing judgment. political superstructure in China. This is a completely outrageous attempt Nor all your snow is needed. Therefore, the appearance of this Foolish Mother Earth, to downplay Mao's gigantic contribu Could 1 but draw my sword o'ertopping "birthday poem" in the People's Daily Stop your formation of mountains. tions to military theory and practice heaven, In our country of 9.6 million square that even the imperialists have been I'd cleave you in three." is not an insignificant event by any kilometers, means. The poem takes on added signi How can we have room for so many forced to take note of. This last little ficance since it makes its attacks on towering mountains? line, which appears to be simply a state Here again the poem is trying to make ment of the obvious, is, in fact, a way the point that Mao himself was the first Mao by twisting his own poems and us What we embrace are rivers, plains, rice ing them as weapons against him and paddies, of saying "he made some contribu to approve of Mao Tsetung being everything he stood for. This could very What we reject are high peaks, petrified tions, but they weren't so great since he slandered and attacked. well signal a series of much more open rocks, and steep slopes, wouldn't have been nothing without his This whole section is littered with vile and vicious attacks on Mao and his line What we like to watch Is the dance of the soldiers." attacks. Mao is alternately referred to plowing tractors. in the near future. It is at this point that ail pretense of as a mountain that must be removed, a What we like to hear is the roar of the praising Mao is cast aside and a more high peak that must be rejected, and a The Dec. 26 poem is reprinted below. combines. It is a literal translation into English. out-front assault on Mao begins. He is petrified rock. Also, the line Mao Although an accountant can write one called "a great banner," and then the criticizes in Two Birds: A Dialogue is billion-1,000,000,000, banner is attacked. So what if the ban put forward. Steep slopes are rejected sit.^ But the accountant himself doesn't want to ner is "riddled with bullets"? The ban in favor of "the dance of plowing trac live as a "0", ner of Mao should not only be criticized tors" and "the roar of the combines." 'DECEMBER 26" Who wouldn't want to celebrate one's own birthday: but torn to shreds, and this is a "great Here we hear the squeak of the sparrow There Is wine in front of you, in the future honor." Obviously, this is being (revisionists) Mao polemicizes against are good days... directed to those who still refuse to in this poem. Just give us meat and What day is Mao's birthday? He is sleeping now, but the brain of the completely reject Mao. Thus the state potatoes, scream these vulgar "prac in the past it was almost like a secret Party is very active, ment "why be so upset" and the ques tical men." When it comes to struggling Because, it's not permitted to hold Mao Tsetung Thought will for sure be tion "Why are there still those who in to move society forward to "scale the celebrations for leaders, developed— heights," they just want to "flit and fly This was written into the Party resolution. sist on hiding it at the bottom of a Yangtse river will never cease to flow. chest?" (This refers to a Chinese tradi away." And the flood walls will never break! A few years ago suddenly it was publicly tion of storing highly valued articles at Then the poem prepares for the promulgated, This is a memorial for the birthday of a grand and despicable finale. The verse In a fashion that was very strange. the bottom of a chest.) It is also directly great man, implied that while he was alive Mao was about the accountant writing one We are but ordinary people, We should know that this day affects half a We'll never get used to such rigid ritual! century and all of China. "gathering dust and growing moldy." billion is saying that the Chinese people Future leaders please rememt>er this point. don't want to be zeros attached to a 1 Shameless Lin Piaos and Chiang Chings The Mountain Is Too High (meaning Mao). According to this little (Mao's wife). Tie together yours and the whole people's Perform many acrobatic tricks! birthday Into one close, amicable knot. The bulk of the .second part of the lie, the one billion Chinese people were Just short of following feudal traditions and poem uses references to Mao's own • in fact treated as zeros by the one change the year of the dynasty: (1)These are allusions to old Chinese poetry to attack him and even calls for (Mao). Next the reader is assured that classics which mystify the status of the "Swallowing dragon eggs" and "following a reevaluating his contributions in the brain of the Chinese Communist big man's footsteps"(1) emperor. (2) Xia Gu refers to the first wife of Mao. poetry. "Perhaps his teachings in Party is hard at work. This is in In reality, it's clear as daylight in poetry could be looked into further" reference to the Chinese revisionists' everybody's minds, (in Chinese the implication here is that current campaign to attribute all that That Comrade Mao Tsetung Is also made of they should be criticized). But first a was good (according to the standards of flesh and blood; point is made that he should no longer Teng and Co.) under Mao to the "col He considered the Anyuan miners his Tear Down the Banner lective leadership" of the Party, refer brothers. be referred to as Chairman Mao but He carried big loads of rice for the Red To begin with, it was Mao himself just plan old "Comrade Mao." This is ring to themselves. The point here is Army soldiers. who initiated the Party resolution for just another way of calling for Mao to that the current leaders are continuing to "wisely lead China" as they always To this day there is in Juijln a sweet well, bidding celebrations for leaders, and be "knocked down to size." have, even when Mao was alive. "Sure In this well his sweat is still preserved; this was done in order to combat Mao's poetry is slandered as only be Have you counted how many date flowers tendencies toward warlordism and ing "about the human world," mean Mao did some good things, but we are blossomed in the date garden? (jiher feudal and bourgeois methods of ing that he was not concerned with big really responsible for the great advances The bees still work as hard as him making leadership. The first part of the poem sweeping historical, philosophical and China has made in the past," these con honey. makes a big deal about Mao's birthday scientific questions, which is, in fact, artists boast. And they arrogantly swag Under 3,000 to 1 scale military map. being secret (because of this resolution) totally the opposite of the truth. Here ger around, bragging that "Yangtse The arrows he drew were so sharp. and then being "publicly promul reference is made to a poem by Mao river will never cease to flow" (their Wherever they pointed to, victory brewed gated." While at certain times certain called Reply to Li Shu-Yi which speaks rule will never end). This is wishful Of course, it takes blood for these victories forces in China may have pushed to of his first wife (nicknamed Xia Gu) thinking indeed. to come into being. publicly celebrate Mao's birthday either who was killed by Chiang Kai-shek's Having proceeded to totally stand Without a doubt, he is a great banner, out of good intentions or for oppor Kuomintang. The poem ends with the reality on its head, the poem lakes its But what is a banner? It waves in the wind. tunist reasons, his birthday has not following lines; "Earth suddenly parting shots. The final two lines are a it charges forward been officially celebrated in recent reports the tiger subdued (the Kuomin final direct criticism of Mao as being A Banner must forever be comrade-In arms isolated from the masses of people. of the wind. years, as the poem implies. Nor did tang defeated—HO./Tears of joy And the wind is the breath of the people. Chiang Ching or the so-called "gang ot pour forth falling as a mighty rain." This caps off this vile and none too sub four" (referred to in the poem as Here ihe "birthday poem" makes the tle attack on the greatest revolutionary If the flag is riddled with bullet holes. of our time—by a handful of two-bit It is a great honor, why be so upset! "shameless Lin Piaos") have anything point of saying (he tears came only to do with publicly celebrating his,birth from Mao's wife (implying his poem reactionaries now running China. ■ Page 10—Rewo/utionary Worker—January 18, 1980 U.S. Revs Up War Machine Continued from page 1 increase in Japanese military spending. The same day Brown left Tokyo, the Events at the UN occurred in the Stale Department announced that a midst of a flurry of U.S. political and senior advisor, Philip Habid, had been military moves which show that not on sent to that city to "coordinate the ly are the U.S. rulers preparing to fight Japanese contribution" to the U.S. a war, but they are preparing, they bloc's anti-Soviet maneuvering. hope, to win one. Meanwhile, the British Foreign In the press, the hypocritical bluster Minister, Lord Carrington, went to ing about" Soviet aggression now sits Pakistan the same day that the side by side articles continually calling Pakistani Foreign Minister, Agha attention to our rulers' needs to expand Shahi, met with Carter administration U.S. military power even further. Calls officials and flew back to Islamabad for a return of the draft have reached a with an offer of $400 million in new high pitch. In reference to plans to in weapons. Having received his instruc crease military spending by 5% a year, tions from the U.S. Defense Secretary, the press asks—is this enoughl Huang Hua, Chinese foreign minister, Headlines in the New York 7'/w^5warn, announced that he was also flying to "U.S. Can Match Soviet Military Pakistan. Spain's prime minister got in Might...But Not Before 1990." An to the act, flying over to have a editorial in the same newspaper entitled 90-minute lunch with Carter and then "Extending America's Military Reach" immediately returning home. An ob let it all out: . .the greater danger at vious point of di.scussion was the status the moment is that America's military of the U.S. military bases in Spain. reach may be inadequate to defend its The political and military moves of diplomatic and economic interests in the U.S. throughout the recent period western Asia." (So much for the lofty indicate the seriousness with which it aim of defending "freedom and in views the developing world situation. dependence"!) In this Times editorial These moves also indicate the fact that and elsewhere, the Rapid Strike the U.S. is a far cry from the toothless Deployment force has been widely pro tiger that many have grown fond of moted. This is a combination of air portraying it as. There is a common force, marine, army and navy units that idea that the "get tough" measures fre could go anywhere at a moment's quently reported these days will actually notice and have enough supply and delay, or even prevent, the outbreak of maintenance apparatus on hand to stay war. But the opposite is the case. The for as long as it took to control the "tougher" the U.S. "gets"—in other area. The idea for this has been on the words, the more developed its actual drawing board for a while, and to a political and military preparations for limited extent it exists already today. war become—the sharper is the sign As the U.S. proceeds to expand its that the sparring between the two im military operations in the Middle East perialist rivals over Afghanistan is only and South Asia, it has been forced to a prelude to the main event to come. ■ publicize the fact that it has long been quite active in the area militarily. The The Soviet Union has continued its imperialist occupation of Afghanistan, U.S. already has a military base on the moving out to the point where it has replaced the Afghan army holding British-owned island of Diego Garcia. Toad(y) the towns and main roads of the country. But it too is having difficulty And now it has announced that the controliing the countryside, and the Afghan liberation struggle continues. Diego Garcia base is going to be ex In addition, Babrik Karmal's much publicized release of political prisoners panded to twice its previous size. Other Croaks backfired when it became clear that only those in his Parcham Party announcements, such as the fact that Continued from page 2 would be set free. Afghans stormed the Pul-i-Charki prison,(above) the U.S. has been secretly using Egyp demanding the release of all the prisoners, but were turned back by the tian military facilities for some time, Khrushchev have more in common than combined forces of Soviet and Afghan soldiers. Two people were killed, and that the U.S. came to an agreement they have differences. one a soldier. with Turkey to continue to operate 26 Both were fond of pointing to their (1) bases in that country which borders background as "workers." Both took the Soviet Union, don't even begin to pleasure in coming across as rough, reveal the extent of the already large table-pounding, down-to-earth "men ; NOW IN SECOND PRINTING U.S. global warmongering now being of the people." Both Meany and New Pamphlet from the greatly expanded. Khrushchev evidenced the obesity of the In a similar vein, the U.S. is about to over-stuffed aristocracy, living high off Revolutionary Worker pull off a geographical miracle, with its the hog from the toil of others. And, stretching of the "North Atlantic" to most importantly, both men were full- include the Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, fledged members and representatives of and China. Plans for North Atlantic the same class—the capitalist class—do Treaty Organization (NATO) members ing their dirty work in the name of the to join in arms sales and grants to workers. They were scabs and traitors Pakistan and China, and to maintain until the day they died. war ships and NATO bases in the In Lane Kirkland, Meany's successor as dian Ocean, are presently being worked AFL-CIO president, called him "the out in Brussels. While there have been best there was" in his eulogy. In a reports of various differences within slightly humorous vein he added, "And' NATO, when Warren Christopher, we now have faith that better days lie Deputy Secretary of State, arrived at a ahead for the working people of NATO council meeting on January 15, America, and of the world, because the "allies" of Western Europe quickly George Meany is up there negotiating reached agreement to back their leader the matter with God." The working in what Christopher called "a need to class and oppressed pcoplti of the world take strong action." arc not exactly waiting for the outcome Christopher's traipsing about Europe of the negotiations with the Lord& Co. is only one of numerous sojourns being But as the cigar smoke hovers above taken as the diplomats and politicians that great bargaining table in the sky, of the U.S. bloc crisscross the globe to and George no doubt longs for a return make sure everyone gets the message. to the call girls and bourbon of fancy Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense, Miami Beach hotels, the working class concluded his China trip (the first ever celebrated the fact that we will never see by a U.S. Defense Secretary) with an in his ugly mug on the face of the earth spection of a "top secret" naval again. In fact, there is no better place for shipyard. He then immediately flew to George Meany than where his corpse Japan where he told Japanese Prime now actually lies rotting. Let the mag Minister Ohira that it was time for a big gots dine on one of their own. ■


First printing Nov. 29, 1979—10,000 vole* «*' comih Second printing Dec. 6, 1979—15,000 Excerpts from a speech by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, Subscribe November 18, Washington D.C. price: 25$ January 18, 1980— Revolutionary Worker—Page 11 Bourgeoisie Changes Fuehrers for the 80s Former Nazi leader, Frank Collin, publicity in the bourgeois media around "haphazard, hit or miss unreliable, if ofteh useful, to the looking for all the world like an un his attempt to lead a Nazi march into longer adequate to the tasks." His bourgeoisie. With connections like made bed, walked out of Chicago's heavily Jewish suburban Skokie in the success at a "hit approach" with the these Covington seems like a well Criminal Courts Bldg. Friday morning summer of 1977 (150 articles, many on acknowledged co-operation of the cops, schooled and loyal functionary of the after posting a $5100 cash bail. This the front page, appeared in the Chicago (see R iV No.27), showed itself in the re ruling class, one whom they can count would-be fuehrer had been arrested late Tribune alone), yet in its wake he had cent Greensboro massacre of 5 anti- on in his new post. Covington, one- Thursday evening, charged with taking failed to make any substantial gains. Klan demonstrators. upping Collin, even seems to enjoy ap indecent liberties with children at the Collin ran a pitiful campaign for The nature of this Nazi leadership pearing as an intellectual—a very con headquarters of the National Socialist alderman in Chicago, unable " to shuffle and the personalities involved scious and studied reactionary. Again Party of America (NSPA). This pervert generate much press attention, much makes it very unlikely that this was in the mold of the CIA he brags about was accused of having sex with young less any votes. "The news media refuse simply some internal Nazi power play. his wide reading of his "primary boys and taking nude pictures of them to discuss our campaign anymore," he It stinks of the hand of the bourgeoisie ideological opponent's- as he puts it, posed with rifles. moaned. "The paper curtain has been and their plans for the Nazis. Collin's "Marxist thought" and fancies himself Who was responsible for fingering lowered on us," candidly admitting the stock was sinking. Of course it had only a theoretician, authoring a number of the philandering fascist? "Quite frank Nazis dependence on the bourgeoisie. been up in the first place courtesy of articles such as "National Socialist ly, we handed Frank Collin to the cops In Sept. '79, Collin's last attempt to massive efforts on the part of the ruling Revolutionary Tactics." All in ail he on a silver platter," said new Nazi Par organize a white power rally in class to promote him. The same is true seems groomed by the capitalist class ty Leader Harold Covington. Chicago's Gage Park community turn of Harold Covington, and he looks like for his Nazi post. This was hardly the result of any ed out a pitiful /owr supporters. Collin, a man who the bourgeoisie has a lot in deviation by Collin from Nazi morality. deflated, didn't even bother to get out vested in. If there was ever a likely can In fact he was simply acting in the best of his car. didate for a CIA man heading up the The hand-written sign hurriedly rodent-like tradition of Nazism on that Earlier in April, Collin had been iced Nazis, Covington is it. posted outside the NSPA's 71st St. front—from the top of the Third Reich out of the national administration of Covington served the imperialists Chicago headquarters reads "Under on down through the troops. No, Col- the NSPA by Gerhard Lauck, editor of eagerly in Vietnam. Then he popped up New Management". Certainly Collin, lin's set up was the culmination of a "The New Order." Covington himself as a "volunteer" in the Rhodesian Ar the "old management", was ill-suited strong-arm shake up in the NSPA was appointed Chief of Staff of the re my as an ordinance and ammunition to building a well-disciplined tightly •leadership that had been in the works organized "Stormtroops", the para technician. In 1976 Covington followed organized Nazi Party to serve as storm- for close to a year. military arm of the NSPA which was in CIA footsteps to Angola where he troops for the bourgeoisie. ■ Collin's demise caught many by sur formerly under Collin's control. Cov served in an air supply unit. prise. He had received an avalanche of ington announced he'd change the Collin may have been a bit

tributed over $7 million to the U.S. But the most significant thing aboul/ Olympics: Olympic effort in return for promo Avakian this recent court order to expedite the tional considerations would judge their appeal is simply the fact that it makes Continued from page 4 money better spent if Americans did Continued from page I very concrete what was already shaping "unify" a defense strategy for respond the games in Moscow. compete in Moscow. And while NBC up in the government's case—the fact ing to the government's appeal. How said they will "follow the President's that the railroad is back on its track and ever, none of the 17 defendants nor any Soviel.s—Warmed Over U.S. Lies lead," they are obviously not so thrilled is stoking up. What is significant is that of their lawyers were consulted about the government appealed this case at Now with the Russian invasion, they about $170 million in advertising their view of this kind of "help" before are taking it a step further, calling for revenues they will lose if the Moscow all, and in particular, is bringing it to it was dished out. This is an open, and Olympics are not televised. It may a head right now. the Olympics to be moved back to Mon highly out-of-line, attempt to deny the prove to be quite a problem in this "me A ruling by the court of appeals in treal or Munich where the U.S. will right to counsel of choice one year after have a clear field to run their politics first" system to subordinate these in February could reinstate the whole the six attorneys on the case had been without any major Soviet hurdles. And dividual capitalist interests to the in 25-count indictment against Bob meanwhile, of course, the U.S. is cling terest of the capitalist class as a whole! Avakian and the 16 others, and in that ing tenaciously to its Olympic pro Only the "higher" capitalist interest he was hoping that no one would sense, such a ruling would put the clock paganda platform, the winter Olympic of world war could pull this one off. So remember Munich in 1972 when the back in the legal battle to the lime Games at Lake Placid. just in case it didn't sink in, Vance West German government sent their preceding the dismissal last November. For their part, the Soviets, who have reminisced back to when the Games- siormtroopers blazing into the Olympic But the U.S. imperialists are quite their political plans staked on hosting were held in Nazi-run Berlin, slyly add village (0 slaughter protesting Palestin aware that such a court ruling cannot the games in Moscow, suddenly sound ing, "I think in -hindsight that it was a ians and their Israeli hostages alike in a and will not put back the clock on the like the U.S. did four years ago. They mistake for us to attend the 1936 Olym valiant effort to keep politics out of the rapidly sharpening political situation in are whining that the U.S. rulers are pics." Cyrus put it right out there: Olympic Games! this country and around the world. "using sports as an instrument of Remember? 1936? Just before the out Whether the U.S. boycotts the games Time is ticking away on a political political blackmail" and cynically break of World War 2? or not, the 1980 Olympics are clearly bomb as the contradictions the im pointing to the U.S. as "foes of the But unfortunately for the U.S., even ,shaping up as a hot one with a grueling perialists face at home and around the world intensify almost daily." The very Olympic movement" and "enemies of their faithful allies like West Germany political marathon between the U.S. peace and detente." are balking at involving themselves in and the Soviets already featured as the fact that they can do nothing to turn the Ironically, however, the Carter ad this latest U.S. propaganda effort. The main event. And even if the Games clock back is driving them to go for ministration is having trouble muster West German Interior Minister piously come off as .scheduled, it may well be ward now with this battle—even after ing support among the bourgeoisie for proclaimed that, "In the opinion of the the last imperialist Olympiad, as the having nakedly exposed their political its boycott efforts. It seems the 60 U.S. Government, sports cannot be used as a two superpowers square off for a truly aims in the past. corporations that have already con means for political ends." Apparently Olympian battle—World War 3. ■ Proceeding "routinely" in today's political situation does not mean the same thing it did 12 months ago or even two months ago. Proceeding with this New Issue of Revohition case, even after the mass outrage and intensifying struggle that began to rage Including: in society around it forced them to tac tically retreat for a time, means that the U.S. imperialists have decided to con Kennedy; Knight of the Living Dead REVOLUTKM Voi 6 No t duct an openly political case against How three generations of Kennedys have served Organ of lAa Cenrraf Committaa ot the ReveluUoeatf CotnmunUt Paitr. USA January 1980 these defendants, to risk self-exposure the dead hand of capital, and what Teddy's role in order to get the RCP and particularly is today. its Chairman. This is why their appeal brief lets their political motivations and There Will be Revolution—But Wishing conspiracy theory in this case hang out Won't Make It So: Voluntarism, Metaphysics so blatantly. This is why the Secret Ser and the Communist Workers Party vice attack on Bob Avakian followed in-depth analysis of recent developments in the hot on the heels of the dismissal, and line of the CWP (formerly Workers Viewpoint this appeal is following hot on the heels Organization) and the philosophical basis for its of the Secret Service attack itself. They opportunism. cannot afford to wait. In 1979, the Revolutionary Com Evaluation of the Work of Mao Tsetung by munist Party said that the case of Bob the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defen Detailed reply to recent attacks on Mao. This is dants would set the stage for the 1980s— one in a series of documents from Marxist- and now it is 1980. In 1979, it was said Leninist parties and organizations around the that the U.S. imperialist class's aim in at world, upholding and defending the contribu tacking Bob Avakian and the RCP was tions of Mao Tsetung, which are being reproduc to wipe out revolutionary leadership as ed in Revolution. the world headed into the storms of the 1980s—and now it is 1980. In 1979, it Revolution is the organ of the Central Committee was said that the decade ahead would of the Revolutionary Communist Party. It is be a decade leading rapidly toward published as a monthly magazine, featuring ar world war and rising revolutionary ticles that give a deep and many-sided analysis struggles worldwide—and now it is of major social questions and problems facing 1980. The stakes in the battle to keep the revolutionary movement- Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defendants free concentrate the slakes Send to: Revolution of the period we are entering. The P.O. Box 3466, enemy knows this and has brought this Merchandise Mart, Subscriptions~$10/year for Individuals battle to a new juncture where it is be Chicago, IL 60654 $18/yaar for libraries and institutions ing joined again. ® Page ll-^Revolutionary Worker^January 18, 1980

New Book on economic relations that people enter into with each other in carrying out production—the class relations the Science of Revolution of society. These relations in turn are ultimately deter mined by the level of development of the productive A new book! Now in preparation. To be published in forces, which people do not choose for themselves but the next few months. Fundamentals of Marxism- inherit from the previous generation and then develop. Leninism, Mao Tsetung Thought and the Line of the The productive forces include the laboring peoples Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. This book will themselves and their skills and knowledge, as well as contain, in concentratedform, thefoundations of the the instruments of production and technology, raw science ofrevolution. A science whose importance was materials, etc. The productive forces are not only the summed up by Lenin: "Without revolutionary theory basic foundation of all society, they are also its most there can be no revolutionary movement." Over the revolutionary element. Since people are always next month the Revolutionary Worker will be developing new technique and raising production to publishing a series of articles which will summarize ever-higher levels, the productive forces constantly and give an introduction to the basic points of this in change beneath the framework of the class relations dispensable book. (known as the economic base) and the political and ideological forms (or superstructure) arising on that base. "In class society everyone lives as a member of a These contradictions—between the forces of pro particular class, and every kind of thinking, without duction and relations of production, and between the exception, is stamped with the brand of a class." This economic base and the superstructure—take the form basic truth, sharply stated by Mao Tsetung in his arti of class struggle^ The carrying through and resolu cle "," particularly applies to philosophy. tion of this struggle through' revolution has been Different classes have always promoted different responsible for the development of class society from philosophies reflecting their respective class interests. the earliest slavery up through today, when humanity Philosophies are concentrated, systematic ways of stands on the threshold of wiping out all forms of understanding the world. They are neither impossible slavery and class divisions forever. to understand nor a pointless pursuit, but are a crucial arena of class struggle. Without a correct philosophy, The relatively rapidly developing forces of produc no revolutionary movement in this epoch can hope to tion soon strain against the relations that originally persevere through to victory. Instead it will be lost and arose to serve the old level of development. Classes disoriented in the storms and turmoil, whipped from that embody the more advanced relations correspond pillar to post like a ship without a compass. ing to the more highly developed productive forces Today the capitalist class everywhere promotes the clash with the classes representing and bound up with philosophical outiook that serves capitalism and pro old relations. This conflict in turn gives rise to tremen dous struge,!'^' in the superstructure, with the new and motes its principles as eternal. The U.S. ruling class »3//* for instance, pushes pragmatism—di philosophy for rising clas.s u^iempting to smash the old superstructure mulated in opposition to Marxism that denies humani and replace it with one that will protect and serve its ty's ability to know the essence of the world, and economic base. Let's apply that to modern society. Capitalism dif r makes the truth of an idea depend on whether it enables the bourgeoisie to tinker with and adjust what fers from every previous system in that production is already exists, namely, capitalism. mainly carried out by people working together co This, and other bourgeois philosophies, serve the operatively, and not by individuals working alone. capitalists, not only by directly influencing those who That is, productive forces are for the first time in the study them, but also by filtering down to influence the main socialized. But production relations are stuck in thinking and actions of- the broad masses, whether the era of individual production and ownership. they are aware of that influence or not. The pro Thousands labor in factories, producing wealth letariat's weapon on this philosophical battlefield is beyond the wildest dreams of people 200 or even 100 dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism reveals years ago—and yet that collective product at day's end to the proletariat its real place in society and arms it is taken by a few individuals who may never have even with the methods and outiook it needs to change it. seen the factory or the people who slave there! Dialectical materialism alone of all philosophies not On one hand, socialized production carried out by only admits to but proudly upholds its class stand the proletariat. On the other, private ownership in the point, while at the same time insisting on its quality of hands of the capitalists. This is the fundamental being universally true. All other philosophy ultimately contradiction of the epoch. And until the proletariat, serves exploiting minority classes and strives to cloak embodying and representing the more advanced social that service to exploitation in the myth that philosophy ized relations that correspond to the socialized produc is "above classes"—all the while whitewashing tive forces, resolves this contradiction by totally the division of society into classes! Since dialectical eliminating the bourgeoisie and all traces of capitalist materialism represents the proletariat which needs to relations, class struggle will rage between the two. end exploitation, it has no interest in lying about or This class struggle must lead the proletarian revolu covering up society's division into classes. Thus tion and then the dictatorship of the proletariat to because of the nature of the class which it represents, resolve the contradiction. But proletarian dictatorship Marxist philosophy is both true and partisan. itself is only transitional to something still high Dialectical materialism differs in one other essen er—. The proletariat uses its power to tial—it openly avows that the only reason for people to hold down and keep down the old exploiters and study philosophy and understand the world is in order beyond that to continually overthrow new exploiters Mao Tsetung speaking to cadre to change it. Today that can only mean making revolu that base themselves on the vestiges of inequalities and world tion to overthrow capitalism. As Marx wrote, "The backwardness characteristic of societies ruled by ex why the bourgeoisie hates and suppresses it and why philosophers have only interpreted the world, in ploiting classes. In waging those struggles the proletar the proletariat cherishes and applies it, and enriches-it and hi and e\ various ways; the point, however, is to change it." iat must simultaneously "dig up the soil" from which in the process. exister the new exploiters grow. Materialism The Materialist Conception of History Communism—the goal of the proletariat's strug ticular Marx and Engels were revolutionary students active gle—will open up a whole new era in human history; in Historical materialism is the application of dialec are see fact, as Marx and Engels put it, communism will tical materialism to society and history. But both higher in the political storms that swept Europe in the 1830s idealis and '40s. To find a way forward they studied represent in a fundamental sense the real beginning of dialectics and materialism demand study in their own philosophy, science and history and through much human history, to which the previous centuries of right. Dire human existence, including the thousands of years of Materialism developed in struggle against an oppos on the % struggle and investigation developed dialectical univer materialism. Immediately they set about applying this the division of .society into classes, will serve only as a ing philosophical camp, idealism. Idealism generally philosophy to human society in order to advance the primitive prologue. presents the physical world as the creation of spirit, mattei * by the Thus the bourgeoisie's fall and the victory ot me and in one form or another invents a supernatural, all- revolutionary struggle. world r A basic discovery made by Marx and Engels was proletariat are equally inevitable. This is the essential knowing but unknowable, spirit as the source of crea t tion. Truth then is not to be sought in the material tion 0 t that the ideas and institutions of an age stem from the truth revealed by historical materialism, and that is January 18, 1980—Revolutionary Worker—Page 13


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Karl Marx, arrested in Brussels during the revolutionary upsurge that swept Europe in 1848.


V.I. Lenin at May Day celebration, 1919.

The raw material for consciousness is people's ex freely chosen to work for the boss that exploits perience in the material world. Ideas of beauty, truth, him—but he certainly had no hand in choosing the virtue and so on are conditioned by social experience relations of the society he was born in. And those cadre in Yenan, 1942. in class society. Materialists, in contrast to the popular relations determine that, choose as one might, definition, are not hedonists or gluttons, unconcerned you will always be free to choose only between world but in the spiritual one. Man's ideas, his values with the loftier things of life—it is exactly the op masters—though when unemployment goes up, we and his "nature" supposedly exist independently of, posite! Marxist materialists possess high ideals in find yet another freedom: the freedom to starve! and even are said to form the basis for, his material deed—and not only possess them, but struggle to Dialectical materialism does not deny freedom. It existence as a member of a particular class in a par realize them by transforming the material world in ac grasps, instead, that freedom only has meaning in rela ticular society. And these ideas, values, "nature," etc. cordance with the forward motion of history. tion to its opposite, necessity, that is, to the actual limits of a given situation and the laws governing it; are seen as the product of some force external to and Free Will? higher than humanity and human society. This is and further that the entire point of understanding idealism. But what of free will, objects the bourgeoisie. "By reality is to then be able to transform it. Directly opposed to idealism is materialism, based cribing people's actions and thinking to class rela For instance, the proletariat may wish that classes on the recognition that the world, indeed the whole tions," they cry, "you eliminate free choice and free could be abolished overnight, and on seizing power universe, all of existence, is only different forms of will." "choose" to abolish the state. But since the matter, animated not by some unknowable spirit but But this sacred free choice and free will touted by bourgeoisie still exists and for a long time will be con by their innate physical properties. "The materialist the bourgeois philosophers turn out to exist within stantly engendered after the revolution, such a choice world outlook," wrote Engels, "is simply the concep very narrow limits indeed. would allow forces working to restore capitalism to re- tion of nature as it is, without any reservations." A worker might like to con.sole himself that he has Continued on. page 14 Page 14—Revolutionary Worker^January 18, 1980

things are supposed to, or appear to be—to contradict problem of seizing power and consolidating th^ rule of Philosophy an argument is to show up the inconsistencies in it. A the working class was resolved through the experience "contradiction in terms" implies that two different Continued from page 13 of the Bolshevik revolution. And with the Chinese qualities cannot coexist within the same thing, or that revolution, the problem posed by the Soviet ex group and take back power, and our supposed free something cannot contain both its characteristic quali choice would have got us exactly the opposite result perience, how to mobilize the masses to prevent ty and its opposite at once. restoration, was theoretically and practically resolved from the one we wanted. By grasping the laws govern The dialectical use of the term "contradiction" is ing the class struggle during and after the revolu through the . more profound and true. A contradiction is the "But each of these resolutions brought forth new tion—and in fact discovering them through engaging simultaneous coexistence and struggle of opposite in revolutionary struggle and using materialist dialec contradictions and difficulties which will be resolved forces within a process or thing; this determines through the world-wide experience of the proletarian tics to constantly sum up that experience—communists its—temporary—existence. A living being is certainly have been able to understand that the ongoing class revolution. For this reason, though the working class alive, but does it not contain also elements of death? held power in China for a shorter time than in the struggle demands a transition period of proletarian Don't cells within it die and doesn't it constantly strug dictatorship to lay the basis to eventually abolish all Soviet Union, its ability to push past the contradic gle to get rid of these dead cells within it, doesn't it tions posed by the Bolshevik revolution has brought classes and forms of government, and on the basis of transform non-living matter (food, oxygen) into life, that understanding, carry out the revolutionary prac the working class movement to a higher level. Mao and doesn't it eventually die when the struggles within Tsetung Thought concentrates these experiences and tice that will step by step transform reality towards it cease, when death wins out over life within it? that goal. lessons of class struggle and will make it possible for Let's look at some other examples. War is certainly the working class to advance even further." Mao Tsetung formulated this principle as being that different than peace; but it is the contradictory forces "matter can be transformed into consciousness and that coexist in peacetime whose struggle eventually in An introductory article of this length can only touch consciousness into matter." That is, by all-sidedly and tensifies and transforms itself into war. The on a few of the essential points, of dialectics, and correctly summing up the material world and develop "peaceful" competition for markets, the cutthroat readers are urged to go into the readings listed at the ing correct theories and policies on that basis, those power plays to ensure (or disrupt) the status quo, the end, especially "On Contpdiction" by Mao. theories can then be used to transform and change the feverish arming of the great powers—don't all these world. Materialism reveals the real links between mat exist in peacetime, aren't they characteristic of peace, Development of Marxist Philosophy ter and consciousness and in doing so allows the and yet don't they at the same time constitute elements As touched on earlier, Marx and Engels' earlier greatest scope for consciousness of any philosophy. of war within peace? The same is also true of just wars discovery of dialectical materialism, and its applica Marxism not only opposes the idealists who deny of oppressed classes and nations for their libera tion to human society, historical materialism, was tru that consciousness grows out of matter and in fact also tion—which develop as a qualitative leap out of the ly a world-historic breakthrough. But these founda deny the need for ideas to, in turn, be based on the "peaceful" struggle of the oppressed against their op tions of Marxism have had to be continously defended material world; it also does battle with "vulgar (un- pressors. and further developed. Society and nature ceaselessly dialectical) materialists," who downplay the role of Mao popularly expressed this principle as "one develop, and new challenges constantly arise. consciousness, passively trailing along in the wake of divides into two"—meaning that everything exists and Lenin further defended Marxist philosophy, par events. Each of the great Marxists has had to fight this develops through the struggle between its two con ticularly around the question of materialism vs. perversion of materialism and uphold the dynamic role tradictory aspects. Within society progress results idealism, especially in the forms the latter took in the of consciousness, Speaking particularly of Mao from the struggle between two opposing classes, within late 19th century—empirio-criticism, positivism, and Tsetung, Comrade Bob Avakian sdid that the Party from the struggle between right and wrong pragmatism. Lenin's defense of Marxist philosophy ideas characteristic of those different classes. This goes was closely linked to the battle against revisionism, "For this, of course, the bourgeoisie, the revisionists right down to the atom in nature, which can be broken and the firm scientific foundations forged in it enabled and opportunists of all stripes, inside-and outside into the struggle and unity of its electrons and protons, Lenin and the Bolsheviks to stand firm in the storms China, have labeled Mao an 'idealist'. But Mao was a which in turn are further divisible, and on and on. that inevitably would and did come while others who thoroughgoing materialist. He based himself on the "The interdependence of the contradictory aspects had fallen for the myth that "capitalism works" cut real world, in its process of constant motion and present in all things," wrote Mao, "and the struggle and ran like cowards. Lenin also developed dialectics, change,from the lower to the higher, on the inevitable between these aspects determine the life of all things insisting on the unity and struggle of opposites as the supersession of the old by the new. Because of this he and push their development forward. There is nothing most important law of dialectics. But it remained for never lost sight of but continually grasped the link bet that does not contain contradiction; without con Mao Tsetung to develop this point of Lenin's, and in ween the present and the future, the existence of tradiction nothing would exist." doing so, to raise the understanding of dialectics to a elements of the future within the present, and the fact Development Through Leaps whole new level. , that the struggle of the proletariat world-wide against Mao's landmark work "" directed the bourgeoisie and all reaction would eventually and The two contradictory aspects of a process or entity its fire against the dogmatists who were choking the inexorably, despite twists and turns and temporary do not struggle indefinitely. At a certain point a leap life out of the . Dogmatism reversals and setbacks, advance mankind to the in development occurs—that is, through the struggle characteristically considers only one aspect of a con historic goal of communism, which itself would be and transformation of opposites a totally new process tradiction, or absolutely separates the two aspects (as propelled forward by contradiction and struggle." comes into being. Thus development is not circular but well as generally divorcing theory from practice). Mao (Mao Tsetung's Immortal Contributions, p. 324) spiral-like, going to ever higher levels through the insisted on grasping both the unity and the struggle course of twists and liirns, advances and setbacks, between opposites as key to a vital understanding of To sum up; idealism promotes an upside-down view which finally lead to leaps to a whole new stage. things in their motion and development, and from this of the world where consciousness in one form or This concept of development through qualitative starting point forged a number of important concepts another comes before and is the source of the matter leaps goes against the "vulgar evolutionists" who of dialectics. that in reality produces it; where men's ideas come acknowledge change but portray it as smooth, without Mao's dialectics was crucial to his greatest overall before or are created independently of, or even are the breaks, leaps or revolutions. contribution to Marxism-Leninism: the discovery of source of, the social conditions that actually create Take the birth of a baby, for example. An embryo is the class struggle as the main contradiction in them; and where, for all the fine talk of free will, peo created by the union of opposites, the sperm and , and the character of and basis for that ple cannot change the world on their own but must ovum. But this embryo immediately begins dividing, struggle. Without thoroughly grasping that opposites trust their fate to a "higher being." adding on cells,developing into a fetus. For the rest of both struggle and coexist simultaneously, and The materialist outlook seeks truth in the material the gestation period this fetus exists as one kind of transform themselves into each other in the proper world, understands people's ideas as the products of thing, with its own particular contradictions and pro conditions, how could it be understood that a their social experience, and by more deeply grasping cesses, even as it is growing quantitatively and bourgeoisie continues to coexist and struggle with the the laws of the material world and especially society, developing into something different. At the moment proletariat under soci^ism? Without understanding seeks to change the world and the people in it. of birth, the old unity of opposites is shattered, one this, how could the proletariat be armed to win? This Dialectics vs. Metaphysics divides into two, the fetus goes out of existence, the brings home again with full force that grasping and ap afterbirth is discarded and something qualitatively new plying philosophy is indeed not an "interesting side But if all the world is different forms of matter, how comes into being—an independent baby. pursuit," but an absolute necessity to the revolu then are we to understand these different forms in tionary proletariat to successfully carry through its The Spiral Development of the their motion and development? This question leads to struggle. an even more fundamental philosophical struggle be Proletarian Revolution The Proletariat Must Grasp tween the metaphysical and dialectical world outlooks. Only the dialectical notion of spiral and not circular The metaphysical outlook, as Mao explained, views development can reveal the real motion of history, in Materialist Dialectics things particular proletarian revolution and the transition to The proletariat can only make revolution, transform classless, communist society. The proletariat has made society and emancipate itself and all mankind in the "as isolated, static and one-sided. It regards all things three landmark attempts at transforming society—the process if it masters, grasps and applies materialist in the universe, their forms and their species, as eter Paris Commune of 1871, the Russian Revolution and dialectics. nally isolated from one another and immutable. Such the Chinese Revolution. Each of these attempts, Dialectical materialism enables the proletariat to change as there is can only be an increase or decrease however, was eventually temporarily defeated by the finally penetrate to the essence of capitalism; to see it, in quantity or a change of place. Moreover, the cause bourgeoisie and capitalism was restored. as Marx put it, as only a "particular historical phase," of such an increase or decrease or change of place is This, in a sweeping way, has been the history of pro and to understand what inevitably must replace it. In a not inside things but outside them, that is, the motive letarian revolution so far—but only so far, for it word, it reveals to the working class its historic mis force is external." represents really only the early history of this process, sion. only the first attempts, however monumental, at over Further, dialectical materialism enables the working The metaphysical outlook sees rest or stability as the throwing and moving towards the elimination of class to analyze society and solve the strategic and tac natural order of things and change as unusual. capitalism, attempts which have in themselves ended in tical problems facing it in making revolution, and in Development then is simple adding or\—not a process setback. continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the of the new struggling against and finally conquering Thus we see what seems a cycle of revolution- proletariat. And finally, by fully grasping and and replacing the old. restoration-revolution-restoration, and the metaphysi developing dialectical materialism mankind will not In opposition 4o metaphysics, Mao Tsetung summed cian asks what all the sacrifice really accomplished. only advance out of the phase of class society and up dialectics in this way: This was spoken to in the book Revolution and make the qualitative leap into communist society—it Counter-Revolution, by the RCP, which analyzed the will continue to battle even then, not against an ".. .the world outlook of materialist dialectics holds betrayal of the revolution in China. tagonistic exploitative classes, but in the struggle to that in order to understand the development of a thing master nature and dialectically related struggle against we should study it internally and in its relations with "And it must be frankly admitted that the working the outmoded relations, institutions and ideas that will other things; in other words, the development of class has not been able to hold onto power for an ex still have to be defeated for society's advance even things should be seen as their internal and necessary tended period of time. But the international working under communism. • self-movement, while each thing in its movement is in class is not at point-0. It is not as though history simp terrelated with and interacts on the the things around ly repeats itself. The working class movement has ad Some suggested readings on philosophy: it." vanced to a higher level through the experience of making revolution, learning from past experiences, Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific The cause of all change and development is the con summing up new conditions and charting out a clearer Mao Tsetung, On Contradiction tradictions within things—that is, a unity of opposites path forward. It was only a little more than 100 years Lenin, Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, Chapter I, that both coexist with and struggle against each other. ago that the working class first rose up in an organized sections 4, 5, 6; Chapter 11, sections I and 2; This is the fundamental law of the universe. way and established the first workers government, the Chapter III, section 6; Chapter V, sections 2 and 3. In everyday language, "contradiction" is generally Paris Commune. It was short-lived, but it put the Bob Avakian, Mao Tsetung's Immortal Contribu used to mean something stands in contrast to the way question of workers' rule on the front burner. The tions, Chapter 4, "Philosophy."