EMaUUhcd J,,u° ss, 1302, Voi. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 18C5. 4._ _PORTLAND, Termt fH per the exceedingly cheap in prudent household. • PRESS: to think and Goods. PORTLAND DAILY Then one can smile horv she cireum- Boots and Shoes. Clothing. Dry Fancy Dry and Fancy Goods. and the cloud3 to Miscellaneous. Business Cards. J Oily T. GIIutlABf, Editor, veuts the grocer, pray lay a nestlul every week—[Atlantic BY good Montidj A' PUBLISHED AT 82}EXCHANGE STREET, tor Nocember. Hollins CLOAKS, SACKS-, ;v- &OYJBS & SON, J.IOWIHD GOVE l FOSTER & CO. T. E. & Lewis, & Bond, | 'o. .i."i i CO., N. A. Moseley Co., LARGE STOCK! —AND— -xoU:mee Street, PRODUCE Agitation in The “Confederation” the Prov- 3 ARE NOW FoaTLA^o TilE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is pub’iLshod at inces. BOSTON, CJ ASSOCKS! Commission $8.00 per year m auvanc<*. Merchants, State Press is INVITE MAUufocturer.„faa4toaalcrsIn",A,INt- The Maine published every The following suggestive remarks on the ATTENTION TO THEIR Fall and Winter AND WaOLE3At2 DEALEKB IN Thursday morning, at $2.00 per annum, in advance; of sentiment in the OPEXIjSTG furnace?, $2.25, it pail within six months; and $2.50, if pay- state public Maratime ranges, Beaus. six We haro this day opened tho largest and best Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Lard, mem be delayed beyond months. Provinces is from the St. John (N. B.) Noon- Large and Well Selected Stock OiSco and A FINE STOCK OF aclocted assortment of Odokinp, Parlor Stovss, DRIED APPLES, er square A nice Black Cassock 9.00 PLAST 1 ; K ago, our people were quite contented with for Slngeo FurnooeA and Stoves. ERS, per week; three insertions or less, $1.50. Business Coats, “Special first their condition and In Ceiitantl, Mailing Addilione PLAIN AND O It V Ail ENT AD Notices,” $2.<>0 i>er square week, political situation. an CONGRESS STREET. 1Orders from the solicit- $1.00 per square three insertions or less, $1.50; evil the Canadians Country respectfully after; hour, came and tempted FROM ed. Job Work done to order. STUCOO square, three insertions, $1.00; one week, SACKS $9 TO $30! augOdtl Akd MAS no WOAKOS, the public men of tha Province to decide * naii^a up- Sacks, I? Oak Street, Advertisements Inserted In the “Madge State on a scheme of union, which the oeople never GRANITE STATE between, 'j, ngrese ar(j Kree St*., Press” (which has a large circulation in every part considered. The common of the FOR from to good ‘sense are now tile choicest anil most exten- Cassocljs $9 $45! poutlasd. me. •f the for $1.00 per for first insertion, offering S'.ato) square when the led Pants, sive stock we and 50 eeuU for Inser- people, opportunity offered, WE have ever had, consisting of & n.d per square each subsequent to Institute. Coloring. Whitening Y,'Mte-\Ya,i.:„» prompt. tion. them disapprove ofth; measure. But tha Military Collegiate to. Onkrs P ly attendei irutn out ol town a jl cited Confederation with a French These goods aro fresh, and are 30 per cont. less Rev. S. X. A. M.. 22—dtl Special Notices at the usual rates. party, blindness that is Mertnos, HOWELL, May Ladies,Misses & Children Vests, than regular prices, at £4T All Communication* intended for the |»sper the offspring, ou the pan of many, of mad par- Blade Silks, mini n* al. should be directed to the Editor or tiu: press/’ and on the of Pans J , «. F I € ty zeal, part others, of personal We have all the Of their gwr Poplins, REED’S KE1 T, a-id those of a business character to the Puu- have the ‘‘Manufacture,’’ Cashmere A. G. OLNEY i& CO., FERRY, NEW HAMPSHIRE, LISUESa,” preferences, kept up agitation. In Shawls, the On the Nashua and Oealer in PhotOKrilpliie meantime the ground has been -FROM- Concord Rail Road. Ooeds, $3T JOB PRINTING, of evorv exe- going Empress Cloths, 133 31iilal. TR Y IT. of tlii3 stales sullen and backward in all progress.— tiiat annexation i3 the ultimate destiny Call and See Our Stoeli -OF- Oct 25—'“04 150 All First Hosiery, Gloves, Yams, an interest in his advantages. It will, in ef- Class Hoots Made No* 137 1“2 Middle Street, rooms, taken when he was in business; friends wb Refers, by permission, to Messrs Morsrs. Lowell & THE THREE there will fect, be open to the poorest. It will be sustain- SCOUTS. By tho Author of the Wltli Fair Stitch. §¥llIMq out? Cloak, and Tailors’ octSeodlm (up one flight qf stairs.) had them And them here, from whie •enter: Gerrlsh St Pearson; John Dennis & Co.; “Diummei Boy, 1 53 Dress, Trimmings, copies can be taken without rocopying, at the towA Bead & Me. ed lor some years, it necessary, by the gentle- lark, Co., Portland, iiiay2.»d<*m DICK ONSLOW AMONG TEE None but the best workmen and the prices. man who has REDSKINS, 1 50 employed, conceived the idea, until tiieday HEAD FOREST CITY The public are requested to call and give me a 1rv THE DRUMMER BOY. J. T. Trow- shop constantly supplied with the best of stock, re- now IS YOUR TIME NETS, come3 when Kichmond ?Ui itself sustain free B£ as I am bound to make as £oo*i, work as can be foum Removal. bridge, 1 50 gardless of expense. An assortment of schools. These an simitar TO BUY Yol II Iieltiiiffs, Belt Ac.. Ac. FRAMES, &c., will be foun public enterorises THE Clasps, Steam Mills! | BOBBIN BOY. (Gen. Banks.) 1 50 Mr. J. L. WILLEY, who has had long experience Planing here. Patronage solicited. have this day removed to the North will have to carry on. It has to j For THE PRINTER BOY. in variety and comprehensiveness wo think our ! Card Fief ts res $3.00 a as show itself as able In tho of (BeuJ. Franklin.) ICO manufacturing custom work in this city, has Dozen, good a yYfE propagation its stock equal to in our cities, and will be any one makes. STORE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY BIOGRAPHY OF SELF-TAUGHT MEN. 1 50 charge of the ottered to any largest in successful one of WOOD- educational ideas as it has been in arms.— manufacturing department. the trade upon such terms as will secure have operation CORNER of MIDDLE and UNION STS. MARY The of PUNCTUALITY is the motto this their WEBURY’S CELEB RATED [Hartford Press. EVANS; Rectory Moreland, 150 of establish- patronage. Sept. 1—d&w3m D. T. OH ASK, ESQ., THE PLYMOUTH ROCK SERIES, SI ment, and all work ready for delivery when prom- Planing*, Tongueing: anil Grooving: each., WHOLE Fancy Goods Hoad of Long Wharf. ised. STOCK to be disposed of by Janu- Headquarters, Machines* Tie m a “Letter to a Young WILLARD PRIME, 1 00 MYary. Call and examine my large stock of ~FOR~SALE BRADLEY, COOL1DGE St ROGEKS. Housekeeper.’ REPAIRING neatly done at short notice. 145 Middle Poitland. THE LITTLE St., It will Plane on two and Groove at other have REBEL, I 00 Sept 12—dtf sides, Tongue Oct. d2ra Among things you doubtless dis- Aug. 26—dtf the same or it will do either A.T Al BA Portland, 2,18f»5. THE TAILOR BOY, 1 00 time, separately. liGAIN: covered that one admirable breakfast dish is CLOTHING, Our facilities for doing all kinds oi Sowing, Turn- MAY COVERLY. A Book for Girl*. 1 00 Carriage No. 20 eggs. If you serve them in the shell, it is AND ing, Planing and Mouldings are complete. Manufactory Frcb!< THEStreet, with ail the tools and neccc worth while to follow the FAIRY DREAMS; or Stories from Ell-Land, I 00 RUBBERS, RUBBERS! appurtenances Fred A. Piincc, quite English way, Doten & sary to carry on a first-class Carriage lianuihcturm them close for ten minutes in DANDY JACK, 1 00 Goods! NEW FALL GOODS! Winslow, Co., Business. keeping covered Furnishing T>«*nt The THE WINNIE AND WALTER BOOKS. Four of and PILOT Foot of between Fore and Commercial Sis.. -ALSO,- iNt, very hot water without boiliug. yolks Consisting MOSCOW, CASTER a fall Stock of Cross, volumes, 2 30 OVERCOATS, Cassimere and Doeskin Pants and Comprising Me. A number of first-dues TOP IDr. are thus left running, and the whites are J. S Portland, BUGGIFS and JEN THE C. J. BARBOUR, Vests, Under-Garment Trave and all October 4—eodlm NY and Six Mo. 11 Block, Congress These are convenient STORY OF OUR DARLING NEL- ing Shirts, LINDS, (6) warranted CONCORJ Clapp’s S?t, beautifully jellied. LIE, 62 kinds of Furnishing Goods, together with a we 1 se- Blade and Colored Corded Edge WAGONS. when relations arrive at night and there is no No. 5 Street. lected Stock of CLOTHS, OVERCOATINGS, and For particulars cnquiro of PORTLAND. XI E. STORY-TELLING AT THANKSGIVING, 03 Exchange all of meat in the house. Delations always expect TRIMMINGS; which will be soli LIDBACK & F. II. UA.MULL, on the premises, CHRISTMAS 02 LI33Y, CO., Or of JOHN at & Sept 29—ecdtl meat for breakfast. STORIES, VERY LOW far the Next RIBBONS I 11ANDALL, Randall Woodbury’t TALKS ABOUT OLD Sixty Dayd* Commercial St. In is at this that one’s TIMES, C3 and CIIIL- fact, it just point BOYS’,-MISSES’ Those in want of the above should not foil to ex- ^Machinists, Aug. 29—dtf. ALEXANDER D. These four volumes are bound in n^WOMEXS, REEVES^ is to come in,—when a nice meal is to elegantly amine, before purchasing elsewhere, 4 Manufacturer** I'uiou genius muslin, with Illustrations, in box Piaid & Bonnet No* Block, St., be gotten at short notice, and the larder is library Fancy Ribbons, rtiilor and TIIE ASHTON BOOKS. 4 Volumes, 2 50 At A. M. PORTLAND, MAINE. Draper, empty. None but the woman of resources can SMITH’S, New for Portland I FRANKIE’S BOOK OF BIBLE €2 RUBBER BOOTS SHOES. of Something OS E1CUA3ICE do and she knows her realm is as full of MEN, & Manufacture and repair all kinds machinery. STREET, it; SUSAN AND 171 Fore Street. Black & Colored Velvet manufacture and sell Watters' FRANKIE, 63 Men’s Ribbons, Also, powerful, rfanufacturcs to order and in the best mar.nor Mili- strategies as was the army of the Potomac.— and Women’s Wool Lined ARCTIC GAIT- Oct 24—iltf double-act Wai rant- subscribers havinx taken rooms at No. 161 SABBATH TALKS and ing, anti-freezing Force-Pump. and Under her when was to ABOUT JESUS, 02 ERS, VENTILATED BUCKLE OVERS. to Middle St., arc now prepared to luanulactun ary Navy Uniforms, and Boys Garments. hand, there supposed A ed give satisfaction. THE SABBATH TALKS on large as ortment of Men’s, and Youths’ be for I have seen bits of llio l’SALMS OF Boys* Black TJ. T. LIBBY, J. A. LIDBACK, OEO. L. ARl'SliEY. go; t'. rHl’tM nothing breakfast, Calf untl __ DAVID, g3 Thick 12sots, with a good stock of English Crapes, Oct 1l>—ood2m meat snatched from cold and W Misses’ and and CARPET HASSOCKSl soup, wrought These four volumes are omen’s, Children’s Roots Shoes. into the most ele^ar.llv bound in ^ RUBBER and Novel and Beautiful! JOHN F. ANDERSON. up savory morsels,—one would muslin, with GOAL’S, LEGGINS, SILKS, FEATH- In great variety cf style, at short notice. The Car never illustrations,'in liorray box, CAPS SATINS, VELVET. guess that the was boiled out NEW AGENCY Hassock Is the best Footstool in nse, light goodness TIIE ALDEN BOOKS. 4 volumes. 2 50 pet being of whiie a —Also,— ERS, FLOWERS. durable and ornamental. It is really an artido o SURVEYOR & ENGINEER tnern; cup of THE GLOVES, -FOR- CIVIL yesterday’s griddle LIGHT-HEARTED GIRL, t2 to ot the kind eve cake batter went into HOYT’S MRS. J. W. EMERY DRESS TRIMMINGS. beauty and/or superior anything suddenly the oven, and THE LOST PREMIUM LEATHER EELTS, before manufactured in this vicinity. OFFICE, CODMAN CLOCK, came out a breakfast-cake LVMB, ^ tiner than waffle?/ Rubber IIa3 Wheeler & Wilson’s Partita can have their remnants of Carpeting mad inch 17 ilsrrtf Tcrni -« Street. TIIE CARDINAL FLOWER, 02 Belts, Hose and Packing, just returned from New York with an extensive -ALSO,- SewingMachinc, One who had the knack of the heroine Into this desirable footstool, iu any style at BURIAL OF THE and stock cf trifling in would THE G3 Lace Leather, Hemp elegant At No. 11 expense. Fleda, “Queechy,” ue friendly to om- FIRST-BORN, Packing, §c. A lull Stock ot Straw and Felt Goods.alapt- Clapp’s Block, Congjross St., of Thesofmr volumes are NOTICE. elets, and tell them too. lint elegantly bmnd in To all of which invite the od to City and Country trade, now opening and for PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. you must bo with illustrations, m they attention of their PORTLAND, MAINE, and them cn the muslin, library box. old customers aud the public generally. sale at the lowest market price to dealers only, by self-reliant, put list of experi- 1 1MORTELLES, Where will find a assortment ol all the va- A full assortment constantly on hand or manufac Sold by Booksellers generally, or sent mail OCt 13—d2nu» you good t tbi* flay admitted as Partners W. C. P'WT- ments. It will probably be some time by rious of Case and lainu factored tured to order at HAVE before on receipt of price by publishers. Jfen Designs in Vases, See, patterns quality by V.H. ’l'KbE; and future bueinees will be come to that refinement of DocaScoiunuia, WILLIAM H. HORTON & CO., the Company. Machines sold ai this office will be L NALantl you eg. W. TRI E. startled, when a servant brought five little Cor. Congress and Chestnut Sis. er & Wilson Machines, October Ctta, Jf«3.—ocllPdfftw3w* SOUTHERN TINE! Call and see the best before speckled plover eggs, all lying in a nest just as Family Machine, pur- City of l>ortlnnd 63P Cut Flowers and on hand, chasing. • taken from a tree- How they were cooked is Borjuets constantly siNoi: ii s BRADFORD &. RENICK, and furnished to order. WM. M. TOBEY. SIX FEE CENT LOAN. but one would certainly need a July 23—cod&w3m Agent lor Maine. unknown; Oct 14—ood4w recipe to eat them by. j flOMMISSiON MERCHANTS,71 Broadway,New SEWING orders lor Southern Timber of City of MACHINES! llut an American woman can outdo the ! •■?*««««« any Just Received at Portland, I with and on the most Northern Pacific Railroad. Duchess of She will find an 7f5]uI?i,tInenston despatch, Tsbasceeb’b Office. Sutherland. egg Shipments ma la directly to ail do- I 186c. J} TRUE stir Packing Boxes March 11, WOODMAN, & daintier than the and not from are alno prepared to 23 Free Street! regular Annual of the Stockholders CO., plover’s, i lurid bOo'-fs'nnJ Pd"’r t have their and me ray lumber, at short notice, A Great I l*m to rii' limitations; these new egg3 DirLOMAS and full Soiiolabsiiipb, r.re good all Iho lowest prices, bv COLLARS AND SLEEVES, Bai^ain I , pot the ai tides not do Wanted Is^XJSXCrA-Xj just for cuUaids, will over this gkeat would; but I do claim they will Saco Maine. IF APPLIED FOB WITHIN TEN DAYS! CUT FROM to Immediately. c c -m „!• SHANNON, MEASURE, poach lor or prove intrinsic to the Students practicaland MOSES who now ago,to be di an- 4'c., n*full, GOULD, a-conjr his past pupils many occupy prom* is h,U\to • facilities (or BUSINESS EDUCA- most, CLOSING eALE! in WARREN’S IMPROVED guished be mfo j„ xpuditious beautiful picture ever made. Tho only actlCd3w nent p jetiti >ns ns musicians and vocalists, both tb* venturesome, tbis ex- in the U. S. 71 Middle gtreet. one need not Portland TION. as any College THEplace in Portland to them is and abroad, and c mtldenUy points to hi periment stop short of to the get at countrv ?IRE AND veritable Academy! I3T Ms*. Brown would present Citizens A. M* success as a for his as loai-eabe. 1 he volatile of hlcHENNEY’S, GOWELL offers his entire stoc of Fall past guarantee capacity "WATER-PROOF I eLT element in snow m Portlan l and Ins wcum gratitude lor 284 A (triers muv bo left at PAINE’S ikes vicinity. Congress St., comer of Ct ntre Street. • and Winter RARE teacher. Hus’ two of it to their Hie fi teen SC* CHANCE! tahfo-spoons equal one c"e there C. o. FILES, 28 HANOVER hindness and liberal patronage past Oct 2—eod&eowSm Store, Middle St., Portland. oct3dlm (ore to a small loaf I should ST., years; and with the promise of faiihfulness, so- COMPOSITION, 3DR75T — allow ten GOODS, — table- licits otherfavors ! making a chango AND spoons. Cooks 111 a3 PRINCIPAL. one with undersigned contemplate'." always put many* e™-s as YEAR made by any Till Nov. at so LOW as to suit in their Retad °° .. R. X. BROWN. 3 ls‘, prices everybody. THE busin s, would dispose of their can know. ■p , V /" F ‘S—Stencil Tools. No The Onlv Perfect Pinno they alford, you Portland, September 13, I860. sepl9deod&w ly experience Other parties will take tho balance of Stock and Trade, together with Horses. Bread Carts and Bak- Forte! Gravel necessary. The anil Treasnr- io* LEE’S Thus, when snow tails in Presidents, Cashiers, Store at that time. ing on terms if applied Patent Isolated Piano. Call an Itoofinc every day for four given DRAWING, FRENCH, irs of three Banks free Implements, reasonable for 11 indorse tho circular. Sent Don’t tail to him a as It will be soon. PARMEbo convinced. flat roofs. as it does &a. y°u we in give call, _ months, in New England, INSTRUCTIONGERMAN, want of any kind ol PRINTING with samples. Address the American SAencil Too] eggs get I Please send nr Circular. call much to your advantage. PEARSON ti. SMITH. A. H. ®* sep2ndti at the Daily Press Office. Works, Springfield, Vermont. ceSdam McREXXF,Y, Ayrat, Agent, Oct 17 —eod&w2w Oct. 3,1865.—dtf oc3«o A-eow3m 284 Congrete St., oor. of Centre jansedttlanSfiflH No ig Union "Sheet. In the ITEMS OP of important matter of prices, the very STATE NEWS. —A couple English publishers are SEECIA1L EOTt'ES. o£c week’s time ears ceased discharging, my quar- my » SteTtns, tor in the estimation of fathers and relling over Artemus Ward. One of them abe. wards u“0YoJi?~$il^ S’&S??C F weightiest hearing began to improve, and shortly Janeiro. O’B.fe.i, (Sr, Kncwlee, for Hto gfew DAILY S^3* The a few one Advertisements. PliESS, we not that Bangor Whig says that days of his books, with husbands, could discover they printed numerous sup- nay ears were oured and my hearing restor- VA~sw since, Eliphalet who lives about live and LIG radically *>4 ship St Louis. Bal- PORTLAND- ruled than last Of one at Brackett, pressions emendations to suit the taste of I>3*. HTHILL, la£?,TlIvS£S?' higher year. thing, mile3 ed, and as I write this my earn are as well as any Only 50 Ce.ts Each! out of the city, fell from hi3 load of fifty the British and the other Wh* brl? Wat- least our ladies he that a public, pirated the one’s son,ProvldonS!~CM Abby Watson, may assured, viz., bushels of cv.t never affected at all. My general health, which Ojilyso Cents both wheels passing with all the PHILADELPHIA at « Nov. 3, 1865. here at a potatoes, English edition, alterations mak- OCULIST AND -Ar 31 Eaeh! Morning) very can be purchased AURIST, v. as Friday elegant thing his several of his ribs and cru sh- himselt liable for much impaired In consequence of the constant ell, Stoningtou; schs Warre-Blak’e G€,feh" body, breaking ing violation of St Ueorge. "'ate, Meaeryoy, from very below what they would recover. copyright, Will make bis next professional visit, oil large percentage him will MONDAY, discharge from noav as as I can wish. C1<1 G Press is than the cam- ing He probably when he have used the nay ears, is good 31st, barque Florence Peters Sn*-^ ti» BAN b * The ,nve of the larger severely. might original Ameri- daily have to for the same article in Boston or tavern house Nov. 6th, to remain until Nov. Clar other dailies in give The Belfast says the can SATURDAY NOON, I to ail k, Boston'; Wm bed circulation 0/all the the city. Age version with entire safety. cheerfully recommend the Doctor similarly Kh*Kennedy, H at Isle au which New York. known as the Isle au Haut House, Uth. daring time ho can be consulted at tho afflicted. At Delaware —We havo another book from the busy and F. F. riilES'f. Breakwal.r SGth, bri m Pan-.i. — to John Terms $S,00 per year in aclvtture. Haul belonging Mr. M. wrote the UNITED STATES on CA- L!mk- Thoroughfare, fertile pen that “Schonberg Cotta HOTEL, DEAFNESS, Gardner, Worcester Co., Mass., .July 1,1361. :‘aFAtS NOVELTY SALE! by fire on the 18th OBIGINAL AND SELECTED. Turner, was destroyed ult., Family.” The title of the present work is TARRH, DISCHARGE Rom the EAR, NOISE in Ar 31st, ship 53j- Eeadine Matter on all Four Pases. ail the furniture. Loss Andreas, (Brcm) Stolt, together with nearly Over Bible Lands {^■Rcinmilier Dr. 1 visit, “Wanderings and Seas.” tho HEAD, and all the varied diseases of tho EYE, ighthlll’* Ar 1G9 MIDDLE STREET. at insured in the Etna 1st, ship Progress, Woodward, L bnrk It is intended to erect a estimated $8,000; $4,COO —Dr. as we learn from vernool; monument to Vaughan, from a late num- THROAT, and NOSE. -Vov.GlIi until Not. 11th,Ouc Week ^uie Chase, easterners a a-softment of miscuously together Persia, pro- ship Quarterly. periodical Artificial E’®N>» large camivoroui successful prosecution of the fisheries in the sy Eyes inserted without pain. Bockto^NWtehT theie, the prey of vultures and gressive sovereign than either the Sultan oi has been the chief organ of the Con- Win ter lion n ets l * world as at English Openini/ of ‘lia Canny Bullcr. Bartlett, rot till the vaul Turkey or the of com- Eastport. EIst F?n r*7'r schs animals, they are allowed to Viceroy Egypt, has sent gregatioualists, and is to pass now under the IcuksRockl-Yn !°r Eori'aud; Israel L Snow, missioners to Butter is at at 40 to Cures of CatarrS.. MRS. A. COLBI, is arc turned to Europe to the naval es- selling Skowhegan of Rev. do for do- W H fTcKe'f.>:,r!;; Thorndike, Fine Steel full and its inhabitants perfeci inspect joint ownership Henry Allou and Rev. Thorndike, Jameson, do fur Eieli- Engravings! 42 and at that. From C. C. nmn l tablishments of Holland. cents, plenty Geeeke. Editor of tho Boston Will open on THURSDAY, Nov. 2 at her rooms, No. Nsotil,!:. ,jr when the bones are removed tc England, Prance and H. R. Post, W v’ 7~T~' ?° Fortress Monroe; sfV?r*’ Agenoiia, Arthcmius, cf wnich weregalhered up and in cost mblican, church, the latter of- Republican and his work ha3 first introduced to If* Kane, Franconia, Isis. Departure Pilgrim Fathers for America, 1C20, deposited general GEORGE ANDERSON. Agent. ft anted. fers to exhibit his for rent. That that the number of teams to enter aSW Kelton, and Har- 8 oo ly Urns to he preserved in the families of pos- receipt pew prepared notice abroad, the results now Boston, Jan. 1,1$65. octlSsndCm rietiMEfflrftL Newell, **!«, of Fathers In the daily develop- Gould, Philadelphia; Dingo, Dal bow, Landing Pilgrim America, 1C20, should be satisfactory. woods, very much exceeds the number that John, Folk framed, • terity. This was in the old Komar. ing in aboriginal history and To the Editor of the Boston Journal. •lo, Ingham, Elizabeth port: A E Willard! g qq practiced have antiquities.—[The Portrait of Lt. Gen. U. S. In oval State elections take on gone in for the past ten ?**»• Boulra, Guptill; Dolphin, Grant, frame, States. I have on an place Tuesday years. Nation. Dear Sir:—A desire to Unsolicited Testimony. Fof‘and ,M*ry mantel, _ benefit those oocaett, 10222, 4 00 myself, my parlor next in A similarly Michigan, Winslow, ftondout;* Con- Massachusetts, New York and New committee of the citizens of Augus- Portland, Me., 25,18C5. ▼oy, Merrill, New York. Portrait of Miy. Gen. W. T. in oval in earthem urn that contained the ash- afflicted induces me to make the July Sherman, wrought are following statement. k m iHt, sens St 4 J ersey. ta, at work procuring plans and estimates A To Messrs. Burleigh $ Rogers:—Having been troub- were*, uouuu, George NB: Koret frame, oo es of a Roman It was taken from the PROCLAMATION. For I have Gen Portrait c f MoJ. Gen. P. H. Shctiuan, in oval child. for a many years been troubled with led with for some two EUi?,t’J?hiliaielphln; Peuvey. Fauuiug, Lubec The cholera is said to be fatal new hotel In that city, and the price of a discharges my Kidneys years past, and CM 2.1. barque S W Holbrook. frame, 100 ruins of I recollect some fearfully FOR A from Stvout, Philadelphia Herculaneum. my nose, which afterwards 1 to tried a to no J & H St Portrait of Gen. O. O in oval in Madrid. Over five hundred victims a suitable lot for the same. egan drop or having great many patent medicines brigs Crowley, Drisko, John NB; Alamo MaJ. Howard, one o day DAY Oh' H B frame 4 oo years a belonging to THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE. ooze into purpose, I was induced to SMOLAODER’S COM- Steele, Philadelphia; Kmerr, BnvUord, Bath: ago, young man, lave a more than The Bath Times Deacon John Bo- my throat, causing me to hawk and spit al- try schs Port ait of Gen. died, mortality fifteen times says Ceylon, Butler, Calais; Excel, Ifr.tch, Rockland : Maj. A. E. Burnside, in oval the in who was cducatei POUND EXTRACT OF BUCKU, and, alter first families Maine, that of London at the time. vcy, of that one of his most constantly, more in the using Sarah, Thomas, do; Itodington, Clark, Camden; M S frame, 4 00 prasent city, seriously injured especially morning. two bottle8 at Bowdoin and after Law The return of the closing year, with only, I have found il what it is represent- Hathaway, Colo, Bangor. Portrait of President Lincoln, in oval frame*, 4 00 College, studying Cleanliness and diet are eyas on while wood. fraught Soon my hoad to be affected more GLOUCESTER—Ar proper the Tuesday evening, splitting innumerable us began severely; ed to be in 30th, schs Olive Wil- Mrs. Lincoln, 4 OO blessings, invites again with every respect,—a benefactor to those troub- Avery, u weDt nut and commenced a son. Rockland lor New President *• 4 00 to Louisiana pros- great preventives of Asiatic cholera. t"#"The Chronicie says Luilier Nile exhib- and thanks to iu head and over York; Lapwing, Hallowed Johnson, prayer acknowledge before the pain my eyes. My breath became led with Weak Back or Kidney Complaints, and Boston for Bangor; 31st, Henrietta, Nutter, Goulds! with over COO othtr of perous in his profession. In earlj W~ Chief Justice died a ited at the recent cattle show at B a Author of them all, our would Together portraits Generals practice Taney poor mao, ngely, multiplied obligations feeted, and what the result cheerfully reccommend it to the public. boro tor Boston, (see disasters.) auu for His kindness. knowing must be to con- public men. Also, an iinmense stock of oilier he fell a victim to the feve. ind his three are not four months 107 loving JOHN E. PORTSMOUTH—Ar 30tli, scb Maracaibo, both American manhood, yellow daughters very poor. Two ot lamb, old, weighing pounds. a DOW, Insurance Agent. Hcnlev, pictures, and foreign, all to be sold at I do, therefore, with the advice of the Execu- santly inbale feeted breath, made me seriously con- Phlladophia. and died. The of buried t -hem have been out to a A Freedmen’s Aid Association has been Sinolander’s Bueku is for sale all thought being upon service for living. tive the sev- by Apothecaries. Sid 2i>tu. sells Gen for Council, appoint THURSDAY, sider my condition. friends and even Washington, Tarr, Boston; My some Phy- Price one dollar. octl8siid3w Chas Rockland. Louisianian soil in a water grave, was revolt 1TA schooner full of silver ware and bur- organized ia Bangor, of which F. M. Sabine, enth day of December next, to be set Carroll, Farnsworth, 50 CENTS EACH. apart BANGOR—Ar schs Maria as a of and Praise Al- sicians told me that my difficulty was and Is', Louisa, Robinson, and in his he directed that glars’ tools was found at recent- Esq., is President. The Executive Committee, day Thanksgiving to Catarrh, Gen ing, making will, Poughkeepsie, to be observed in this Portland; Marion, Puriugton, Baili. of mighty God, State with consequently an incurable one. But when I asked ! his should be burned and his ashes re- ly. Three men were arrested. consisting twenty-two persons, is constitut- Hall’s Rubber Emporium body the solemnities usual and appropriate to the FORCIGiM OUR PLAN OF them the reason it IS at 147 where PORTS. OPERATIONS: I^IT" Several vessels were wrecked on Lake ed one half of ladies and half of occasion. why (Catarrh) could not be Middle Street, every variety of Rub- turned to father’s careful- gentlemen. cured, SI 1 fin Jiis family ir^ Maine, Newcastle NSW July 22J, Anglo Saxon, Wo sell you an e FIFTY con- The clarion of war r.o longer their reasons ber Goods can be at Manufacturers’ Telopo for CENTS, Michigan, near a on the The Sentinel states that a let- summons our were so that I resolved procured, prices. San Francisco. ly sealed in a marble urn. Chicago, during gale E3P“ Eastport unsatisfactory CroweJ, ta!nln"anarj r for one ot our new and beautiln) Me- country to arms; no more does anxious fear Their assortment ot and At Patrick 7fch. ter to consult Dr. ol whose Rubber, Jewelry Fancy Melbourne Aug 23, ship Ilenry, Pago, ioiiio Pictures, retail price 50 and a The idea of has been received there that Wil- cause the mother’s heart to beat Ughthffl, salll iu the treat- cents, very large committing the dead to tombs stating as she Goods is tor New York. proportion of in addition wtli con- Mrs. Elizabeth who quickly really magnificent. )une23tJ euvclopes thereto, Daniels, recently liam Corbet of that town, a man named Brown, thinks and prays for the child of her love ex- ment of this disease I had so oiion heard. Ai at Woosung Aug 13, barque Cataipa. Stevens, tain an order for one of our from however costly and elegant in their construe engravings, valued lied at N. 89 never posed to the of no do the Nagasaki. $l-to $15, or an order on aoy one of t;.e that artists Portsmouth, H., aged years, ofLubcc, and Smith, of Hallowell, had been perils battle; longer The very examination made him was never to our taste. sons of our in by inspired me PHOTO G RAPHS 1 At. Calcutta Sept 8, ships Tiber, A rev,for Colombo; in the city for a Portrait, of yourself, iramed worth tion, according Then ittended a funeral or saw a caiUn of her rela- people wait, dread expectancy, killed a of seven while guard- Hatch-for London; Susan Hinks, Atwood, 5-4. lt wiil be that no one by party guerillas, which may snatch them forever from with confidence, and I at onco resolved to Sapphire, noticed, tails to get a pic- is something in the lonesomness 0 tives her place my- for and others, os before. ture w orth all and revolting during long life, all of them cotton at some in South THE best, and Establishment in Bombay; they pay, everything considered, having ing government point the homes and firesides around which their af- largest, cheapest At self under his treatment, which resulted in a Singapore Sept 6, shipp Ocean Eagle, Lovett, for cheap at the price; but In addition to that that dark, damp, fetid chamel-house. It look; been lost at sea. been fections to the nation’s perfect the Shite. All work warranted. Card Photo- many Carolina. Six of the guerillas have cap- cluster, join embattled Hong Kong; Rangoon, Thomas, for Bombay. lucky ones will get iroiu C-Lto $15 worth, our cus- like an hosts. The conflict in our cure. My general health, which was attempt to defeat the intentions of na tSE~A. Connecticut lady say3 that fully chop- tured. which beloved coun- badly affected graphs S3,00 per doz. Passed Aidier Aug 27, barque Benefactor, Berry, tomers are assure I that every articlo in the stock try has been in the that this from Hong Kong for New Yorx. will be lai ly distributed on theso terms, without and nature's who said to our firsl ped pumpkin is an excellent substitute for engaged dreary years by disease, began to improve, and I am now as A. M. McKEWEY, ture, God, ap- 8^“The Governor and Messrs. Baggies and are is end and At Madras Sept 13, ships Western Empire, Wood- favoritism, and each person an gone, d, Heaven-born Peace Oct 6—s N eod&eow3in 254 purchasing envelope ples in mince pies. well as I never was Congre33 St. lor Charles wiil have a lair chance his parents, Holden of the Council, visited the State Nor- again smiles upon us. The the broth- though afflicted. The treatment worth, Liverpool; Cooper, Jordan, uno; with neighbor. (Jail and fathers, Charier Oak, Tukey. do. see for at A dispatch from ers and sons of our State ard fast to is and j ourselves, Dust tnou art and unto dost snalt tliou return.” Washington, Nov. 1, mal School at this place on Wednesday of last returning mild, painless, perfectly harmless. To those Sid fin Ualle Sep& 5, ship Lepanto, Walker, for their dear no says, Ward who wa3 ones, more, let it be to be HONEY SOAP! Calcutta. “Henry Beecher, closeted week. their hoped, afflicted I would advise to call on Dr. COLQATE’S Some would uot have it so. would They expressed hearty approba- summoned to mortal strifi'. similarly Liglit- At at Malta Oct 2To. 100 Middle They with ID. an 5, barque Armenia, Hamilton, fm Street, Johnson hour and tion of the conduct of the were THIS colebratel Toilet in such universal yesterday again school; high y Eor these great and us hill, and will find in him all desire. Soap, for Boston. have the dust return not to kindred dust, bu< his special blessings let they they Smyrna morning, publicly expresses his opinion with its condition and praise the name of God. demand, is made from the choicest materials, is Sid fin Bordeaux Oct 14, chip Wm Frothingh&m, PORTLAND, ME. gratified prospects.— Now York. to the bottom of a vile box. There is no place hat‘the is The memories of the Respectfully, &c., mild and emollient in it3 scented Qualcy, President right.’ Other Northern Chronicle. glorious dead, who have nature, fragrantly Ar fit Cuxliaven Cct [Farmington that CHAS. 13, ships Thatcher Magoun, so sweet for a as the bosom o of perished their country might let us SMEAD, Hancock House. and extremely beneficial in its act upon the si in. Herald of WM. GRACE & CO. decaying body jentlemen radical opinions now here, say (J3T"layor Fryes late scolding at the Com- live, Baker, Callao; 14f.li, the Morning, Wil- cherish with the teuderest and while For sale all and do. its mother Earth. Job “the clods of the -hat matters look better affection, by Druggists Fancy Good’s Dealers Hants, N. B.—If not convenient send 50 cents said, than had mon Councilmen of this had the desired we to call, and they expect- city bedew their graves with our tears, may our At Grand Turk Oct 17, barques Carteton, Trccar- shall be sweet unto and are From june31dlyr your address, through the Pest Oflice, and we will valley me, Earth to earth ed, they and has secured a thanks to the Rev. P. R. to the Watch- tin. for New Eliza for Philadel- hopeful.” effect, quorum of that branch go up Almighty, who gave them Russell, Lynn, Mass., York*; Y.Txite, Look, selnct and forward one of the envelopes. to us and them phia. ashes to ashes, du3t to dust.” The quiet grav. U3P”Gen. Grant publishes a statement show- of the Lewiston inspired with courage and for- man and Reflector, Feb. 1, 1862. Nov 3—d4w city government. titude for the sacrifice. Perry’s Mails ami Freckle Lotion* Sid 17th, brig Tubal Cain, Loring, for New York. to our ing that the in is, according idea, the proper reorganization Arkanses has Belfast the men Dear Brethren Editors .•—Will mo or disposition Sk^-The Age says business The salvation of the nation; the enfranchise- you permit to Chloasma, Mothpatch, (also called Liverspot,) and is a SPOIEN. to make of our dead bodies. In a “dui progressed quiptly success. The Con- of South Montville and are to ment of the the of our make a statement in and or arc often grave vicinity moving oppressed; prosperity your valuable paper, for the Lentigo, Freckles, very annoying, Oct Cod NNW 30 stitutional the fruitful 30, Cape miles, brig C C Colson, cast and west, six feet and six le anti-slavery amendment has been start a woolen at that State; harvest:!, the gift of His particularly to ladies of light complexion, for the dis- from for long deep,” factory place. benefit of your readers who may be afflicted with ca- Perry, Bangor Cicnfuegos. JOHNuiowisONS, bounteous and the rebellion hand; the from mortal colored show more on the a our humble find its final ratified, debt has been repu- j£5?“The Rockland Free Press that on exemption spots plainly face oi body resting place says the ’of education and the tarrhal difficulties? I have been much troubled with iiated. It be plaguesj privileges blonde than of a but mar the might added that Arkansas has October an brunette; they greatly Our burial should be “cities of thi Friday, 27th, about noon, old lady holy of the all call us to Insurance grounds religiiu Savior, upon catarrh of the very worst for some of anl that will ef- Agents, jeen favored with very few to God in the type twenty years. beauty either; any preparation . pardons. aged 72 years, by the name of re- give praise Highest. remove thorn without New Advertisements. 'dead,”—that is, the deceased of every towi Buckminster, It fectinlly injuring the texture or 'he for Let us, our abundance with gradually grew worse, and KT- prioe charged the of a on Crescent street in that was burnt therefore, sharing producing cough color of the skin, is certainly a desideratum. Dr. B. be in a com carriage siding city, 29 should,if possible, brought together barrel of the needy oil the day bring to the al- C. who has made diseases of the skin a flour by railroad, from Carroll Coun- to death. Her Mrs. Jason appointed, hoarseness, destroying the sense ot smell, and break- Perry, speci- Exchange St., Portland, mon and not daughter, Pinkham, tar and the incense of hearts. lias discovered a for these discolora- cemetery, scattered about in smal to table, grateful ality, remedy 3UE -A. I IST E ty, Illinois, Meredith Bridge, N. last with whom she was out of the Given at the Council ing down my general health to such a as to com- tions, w hich is at once prompt, and harm- and H., living, stepped Chamber, Augusta, this, degree infallible, yards private enclosures in different local was less. LYCEUM week, $5. The of the barrel and was a the, of in the me to price house and gone few minutes; when she twenty-eighth day October, pel resign my pastorate and suspend public B. C. ities. Least of all should the of our Lord one Prepared only by PERRY, Dermatologist, JJCTURESi dead of famiiie Jour at the was year thousand hun- starting point $2.25. returned her mother was burned to eight I made us3 of the usual No. 4 Bond street, New-York, and for sale all The Committee in behalf of Firo Insurance in the death, dred and and of the diligent remedies, such as by undersigned Agency State, be buried on the farms or other o The sixty-five, Independence drugg&tc; price $2 er bottle. Call for PERRY'S LARGESTCapital represented over grounds KSP” Southern emigration and loan some of her was then on and clothing fire, the of the United States of America the nine- snuff of divers kinds, nitra'o of silver, tar-water, MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. the owner. For a scheme of Gov. Arcana No. time, indeed, the lot Andrew i3 com&ended house was on fire. How the tieth. SAMUEL CONY. W. F. & and H. H. Wholesale Ijod^e, 1, family warmly slightly dreadful olive tar and but without Phillip3 Co., Day, be fenced the Charleston inhalations, any very Maine. oct31sn MW&FGin may and ornamented; but sooi by Cmri. r. It looks to these accident occurred nobody knows. By His Excellency the Governor: Agents, Portland, Independent Order of Good Templars, Thirty Million Dollars, salutavy effects. Last summer while in will be and in a Northern movements to Ephraim of State. journeying they neglected, generation o. co-operative enable jjjp- The Belfast Age says that a little sonoi Eeint, Jr., Secretary Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Port- two the South to itself the country for my health, I heard ol Dr. Lighting's lisstou Stock List* land that they have made all necessary arrange* Life and will be altogether abandoned. develop and Charles Gilmore was run over Fire, Karine, Accident permanently Capt. by abeavy incuts for a Course of FIRST CLASS Tcuiperai.ee In benefit the people. successful mode of treating in Sales at the Brokers Board, Nov 2. England, where estates aie entailed, ii team on Monday last, the wheels di- SPECIAL catarrh, Providence, Lectures, to take place at tho Insurance In all It branch.». passing NOTICES. Gold. 14C4 By the way, isn’t it remarkable that R. 1. I visited and under his treat- American may do better to deposit the dead of famiiie; rectly over his head, but the skull was not frac- him, put myself United States lift' vheti a fossil of the Coupons,. defunct Whig want.- tured and ment. 1 to and this U*. S. Sixes, l$8l,. 106] on their own premises; but in this party there are hopes of his recovery. The began immediately improve, Coupon CITY Tlic following First Class Insurance Offices arc country -o find an audience for fcis Sherman & his Uidled States 7 3-lOfchs Loan, 1st series. 97 HALL, rep- old-time commo-- child was Campaigns! J resented by this Agency, viz:— an estate seldom is in the but four years old. improvemont has gone on to the present lime. My do small. kept family longe he to a modern 97] ON THURSDAY jiaces, goes Democratic rneet- The do 2d series. 974 EVENINGS, than the third and then those S3?” Whig learns that the steam mill, catarrh has melted has Metropolitan Insurance Co., N. Y., generation; ng ? He finds a By Colonels Bowman and Irwin. gradually away, wy cough do 3.1 scries. 974 congenial atmosphere there, bouse ard barn at Pushaw in During the coming winter. It is with no small de- who succeed will care for the dust o Pond, Orono, Aids to Gan. voice has become and I am United States Five-twenties, 1st issue. 102* nothing a ft as Montgomery Blair does when he reviver Sherman in the Campaigns described. disappeared, my natural, gree of pride that the Committee invite attention t > Assets $1,430,000 owned Nathan L. of were do small.1014 unrelated and the by Merrill, Bangor, Embellished with Steel the following eminent orators, comprising as it docs generations, graves will be -Toft and GlidJon’s puerile to Engraved Portraits of the once more able to preach the blessed Gospel. The do 2d issue. ethnology depre- consumed by fire on the 30th ult. No insur- lOlJ some of the tost tal?ut in the country, many cf whom Phoonix come I General Officers, and Illustrated with and Dia- United States Ten-forties. 921 Insurance Co., N. Y., extinct. recollect a case in a date the negro. All the nonsense that was Maps peculiarity of Dr. Lighthi.Ts is that he cleanses the tho citizens of Portland have never had the pleasure neighbor ev- ance. to be the work of an incendi- Maine State 95l Supposed grams of routes and positions of the army. Sixes, 1882.«. of hearing. ing town, where a in our r uttered in favor of is now United States Debt Assets family, who, youn slavery getting it- as the The editors Inside nasal passage with a healing solution, applied Certificates, Sept. »8j $1,518,000 ary, family moved from the house about having free access to the private papers Maine S. as elf forth anew Boston and Railroad. 115 GEN. F. CAREY, of Ohio. life, one after another were poured against suf- an died, deposits impartial a week since. I .journals of their Commanding Officer, have been by a curiously constructed syringe, in the passage Eastern Railroad. 97 and IION. S. B. CHASE, ol Fenn. Niagara Insurance Co., of N. Y., in a pretty on the enclosed rage; very much by the same class of enabled to a more Portland, Saco and Portsmouth Railroad. 94] yard premises, b; peo- Early on Saturday the present fiiithfnl record of events, a leading from the roof of tlio mouth to the ncso Af- HON. SAM'L of Wisconsin. ile—the morning last, -._ HASTINGS, a handsome hut a few it silver-gray Whigs and the Boutlisidt more complete inner official of the Cam- Assets $1,300,000 fence; years ago, pat building on Crockett Wharf, formerly used for history great ter a few efforts and a hfct’e practice there Is no pain HON. JUDGE THOMAS BUSSELL, sed Post. than it-would bo for one e to Of Mass. into otter and the new no democrats.—[Evening a sail took lire and was paigns, possible any to Boston, hands, owner, lolt, entirely destroyed. or serious difficulty in Ibis mode of application. Lorillaril Insurance of N. Petroleum V. in a do. _MARRIED. IION. S. L. C°-> Y., caring for the but to til- Nasby, letter bewail- It was being occupied at the time Robert P. TILLEY, dead, wishing occupy by Solti only by Subscription. Let me advise all troubled with catarrhal difficulties Provincial Sec’y of Now Brunswick. ng the of the : In this city, Nov 1, by Rev I)r Carr others, James Assets for prospects Democracy, soys “Be Thomas as a and he had esm- in Calf $1,312,000 yard agricultural purposes, caused the bod- cooper shop, just Prices, Muslin, $2.50; (handsome library to to Dr. P. II Pridluun and Miss Elizabeth O Gardiner, both of The Course will consist of six or more t ez it it ot apply Llghthiil. It. RUSSELL. Lectures, may, makes but little diffreuce to me. menced his work in the when the fire style binding), $5.50. Portland. commencing Evening, Nov. 30. ies of father and several uncles anc morning Thursday mother, A few at C. W. In this city, Nov 1, by Rev T P Rodman. Jal*ez C Ifr The 12rst Lecture will be delivered Manhattan Insurance Co., cf N. Y., years, furthrest, and I shel go henlz. broke which is to have been oc- ATWELL, by Judgo aunts, and nine children to be out, supposed Smith, of New La, ami Miss Lvdia J Mar- Russell of Bost on, Mass. dug up, deposit- •if the Bible Is I Canvassing for Portland. Cur cm of DcafucMM* Orloans, troo, shel go where I will find casioned some crack in the The Agent tin, of Bridgton. Assets $1,000,000 ed in one box by chimney. nov3dtfsx MUSIC BY SHAW'S QUARTETTE CLUB. large enough to contain tilt dimokratik From the ReV. Joiin D. Proi. in Union In Augusta, Nov 2. at the residence of the bride’s heavy majority, shoor; ef it is not and wharf were the of So- Nott, D., skulls and building property mother, by liev E E W L of Port- Co.nmUijii other bones of the and cart ind there is no Johnson, Bradley, of Arrangements: North American Insurance of N. family, hereafter, why, then, at least, I College, Schenoctdy. and Miss U ol A. Co., Y., phia Crockett, Elonia Lindsay, and Sophia Special land, Mary Allan, [No cards.] Rufus D. Bean, E. A. ed the whole to the town .hel he on a level with the Meeting. Sawyer, burying ground rest.” Perry, heirs of Knott Crockett. The Schenectady, Jan. 17, 1864. F. G. Rich. Assets $007,000 building The Ladies of the Christian Commission are re- where were in an obscure comer, A iichmond they placed IW~ paper which devotes a col- was worth about and the Dr. Lighthill—Dear Sir : been cured Tickets for the Course, $1.03 $500, wharf was quested to meet at the Booms ofthe Y. M. C. Asso Having without a stone to tell who were there. umn or so to the whe _died._ Evening'Fickets, ::5 Columbia Insurance Co., of N. Familj “blood-thirsty Yankees, about $500. Mr. Thomas loses of a in an which Y., damaged about elation, SATURDAY P. M„ at 3 o’clock! by you discharge ear, has been To be had of the Committee and I ire clamorous for the life ot Mr. in also at Short & grave yards, repeat, are of short duration Davis,” says $300 iu tools and materials. No In this city, Oct 31, Jacob Suss, —. E. C. Assets insurance on Peb Obueb. very offensive of late, and, as far back as I can re- aged Loring’s, Andrews, and ir alley & Nov us* Book $500,000 mother of the same In Gorham, Nov 2, Mrs wife of Hon Stores. and it is never advisable to or part print: “The Aboli- any of the Free Nov 3—sxdlt Eliza, Toppan prepare occupy property.—[Rockland Press. more or less so and been aged 83 years. Lectures to .ionists of the North are member, always ; having Robie, commence at 71 o’clock. Hanover of them. No. Lot not true Union men "Funeral on Insurance Co., N. Y., “all go to one place,” as Sol 6kl?“ The Temperance lecture on Sunday S # Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Nov 3—dtf and entirely restored to hearing since under your care, In Oct Mrs widow < f the late omon Jet the j?t disorganizes disunionists; and, as at the White Note 10 Falmouth, 29, Sally, Assets said; inhabitants of every towi. evening Congregational church drew a Paper, els.per Quire, Capt Ozias aged 60 6 month3. $495,000 should be considered the enemies I feel that I cannot withhold this Blanchard, years have a uch, of the full and was BUFF acknowledgment common Cemetery, where high am attendance, listened to with mark- ENVELOPES, 5 ets. per BUNCH, “Beautiful Boston Buds.” and treated use country accordingly.” We have ed attention. from any it may be to others, especially as I have IMPORTS* Enterprise Insurance Co., of Phlla., low, rich and poor, learned and ignorant ma\ The lecture was by Mr. Stevens, At the New Store, No. 36 Centre Street. The Greenhouses around Boston produce probably lequentiy nearti ot .London Assurance,” bu» of applied in vain to and other rest in a common and where the Portland, and was able. The young men Nov. 3. dtf First my family physician the handsomest and sweetest roses in tiie world. Per- Assets $300,000 leva!, inscrip t Richmond is not several Door from CongTess St. WINDSOR N8. Sell Thos Dickson—120 tons plas- Effrontery length.^ were there in of Yours sons of floral taste and Cultivation are tions the stores shall large numbers.—[Rockland Free physicians reputation. truly, ter, 3 bbls to order. catered for no- upon grave record tlu .head, you may take our potatoes, liafc.—[Jersey City Press. ST JOHN NB. Sell Algoiua—2280 box to where asm this city. Daily purchasers from us— Commercial Mutual Marino Ins. brief histories of all JOHN NOTT. shoots, that once were. rimes. Phalon’s Night N J MiUer. tourists of N. Organ Concert.— Blooming Cereus, recently returned tram foreign jaunts and Company Y., Since those beautiful EfST* The Free Baptist grounds of Houn' Th§ New York Post announ- FOR SEVENTY-FIVE who Lave tarried several months at Florence, Ecening Society in Bath, Mr. have CENT§? From JA3IX9 Crutkshaxk, L. L. D.. Editor of the Paris, Assets $1,035,000 near Boston were most ces that the Morrill, pastor, just DEPARTURE OF OCEAN STEAMERS. and St. that nowheie in Auburn, projected, pressure of itf At Che New New York Petersburg, testily Europe, advertising upon placed in their church a fine from the Store, Centre St. Teacher, Albany, N. Y. Fire ami Marine Ins. of our columns has organ NAME FROM FOR DATE. neither under the skies ol the Piscataijua Co., large towns and cities have provide! compelled an which Nov. 3. dtf. sunny Italy, basking enlargement, of Mr. and on Tfcis been dur- Hibernian.Quebec.Liverdool.Nov 4 of So. vill take manufactory Stevens, Boston; may certify that, having afflicted, banks of ho South of h nor in the conser- Burwick, Maine, honorable resting places for the and ex- place on the 1st ot' November. The lliUisa.New York? Bremen.Nov 4 ranee, regal dead, it was in the the severe Post in thiB Monday evening opened presence ing year 1850, with and almost total deaf ol New York.New York. .Liverpool.Nov 4 vatories ol the Russian capital, can a bouquet be ob- ami sums in omamentar observes, connection: “A remarka- A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF City Capital Surplus $400,000 pended large appropriate of a crowded when all the iu Corsica.New York..Havana.Nov 5 tained of the ble in trade house, organists ness, and having triod the medical and sur- perfect blossomdelicately developed, This is as it activity has occurred at a mud ordinary Manhattan.New' York. .Vera Cruz_Nov 8 j tions. should he. Under the in- -ho tried Card characteristic odors and of as Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. city their hands at bringing forth its Photographs, Fancy Articles, 8 grace outline, may be Co., earlier period this year than in previous gical aid, under the care of those esteemed as emi- Africa.Boston.Liverpool.Nov of fluence of Christian sentiment, the old ide; years of Cuba.New York. .Havana.Nov 11 secure 1 one iu advance from some of Springfield, Mass., ind it powers sweet sounds. Renresentatives of CAILDP.E.V'9 BOOKS, GAMES, Ac. by ordering day imposes new demands upon our col- nent practitioners, I was induced at last to put Helvetia.New 11 of is and all now is done tt ill the choirs in the my- York..Liverpool.Nov our home florists. Still more beautiful may it be, and gloom repudiated, umns.” city were present, and the STATIONERY OF ALL 25 Assets $576,000 NINOS, self under the care of Dr. His treatment Moravian.Portland-Liverpool.Nov much more extensive in tho ol make the of loved ones concert was of a Lighthill. South America_New' York. .Rio Janeiro....Nov 29 very variety collec- graves pleasant am high order. The organ gives At the A private letter tiie Boston Tran- New Store, No. 30 Centre Street. tion, if one will leave instructions at an of Fire Ins. of (says was brief and successful. 1 was restor- “Agency Hampden Co., Springfield, hopeful. This is a mark of true Christian civ- perleot satisfaction. There are several very comjdetely 3cript) just received from a gentleman in tht FIRST DOOR FROM CONGRESS STREET. Flowers,” an institution peculiar to “the hub,” and dne-toned organs in the churches of ed, and the cure is apparently g>ormanent. 1 have Miniature Almanac.November 3* Assets ilization. There can be no louder bublic service in Bath, and the of several floriculturists. $200,000 preaching South Carolina gives the fol Nov. 3. dtf H. Sun rises.6.3G Moon receiving doily products no of its size can L. BEAL. all confidence in Dr. rtsos.5.20 PM than comes from the city boast of more or better Lighthill’s 3kill and in We not combine in one Charter Oak Insurance silent repositories of the owing with to our integrity Sun sets..4.51 High water.10.35 AM unirequenily boquet the Company, testimony regard ex-rebel; Let them of dead. singers. sing praises and make mel- the diseases he makes most desirable—the and cutres—of a dozen w ell- Hartford Conn., They yet speak; and speak ever the .here: ‘T have seen them in the interior and specialities. gem9 unto the Lord. * Desirable I >n ody stocked greenhouses. Two of our employes possess words of truth and soberness. the coast—-just subdued and quiet, getting JAMES CRUIKSHANK, L. L. D. Assets $300,000 Rooms to let in the Cushman Block. at MA-RI^TC NEWS exquisite taste in delicacy ol arrangement and partic- Tne Sacred pardoned and Enquire Oct. 1862. Scriptures generally speak of blatant, but vicious and No. 1 Paris Albany, J, unprin- Street, near the head of Green Street, ularly well appreciate a pleasing adjacency cf hues. Travellers Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn., the of the dead as the cipled always, and I know mean LITERARY GD33IP. between the resting place valley ol they general- hours of 8 and 0 A. M. or 1 and 2 P. M. PORT OF PORTLAND. These “flower-girls” being on the premises at all ly to raise the devil as From Ur. oi South Assets death. Vales rather than hills seem to be the soon as they can.” nov3d3tSN statements made by Clark, hours through the day, and within call during the $500,00 —Tlie statement that A new in New York is Rev. J. S. C. AbboSt Thursday* November 2. and use most appropriate locations, as here all tenant thing the “New Berwick Junction, I was induced to call on Dr. evening, receiving for their fleshly cut loose New York Life Insurance Co., iork author of the romance entitled “Life ARRIVED. flow ers at intervals tho we are enabled are low. The City Messenger Company.” Its men popular and now through day, brought vaUey of Jehoshaphat PORTLAND Lighthill, No. 10 Bedford street, cheer- Steamer Lewiston, Boston. Assets over may be seen of had been Knight, to produce at shorter notico than ever before— $4,000,000 which about the streets with scarlet Napoleon Bonaparte,” discharged Steamer New Boston tor ran, like a deep ravine beneath the caps, PHOTOGRAPHIC fully record that alter being under his gentle but effi- Brunswick, Winchester, with the name of that by the Messrs. on account of the and St John NB. Wreaths, Crosses, Extra Boquets, or any designs re- eastern of company. Their duty Harper gross GALLLERY, Eastport Liverpool, London, and Globe Ins. Co’s, u'all the Holy was on cient treatmen; a short I could hear as Philena. Davis, City, pierced is to of inaccuracies of his is it seems ALONZO S. DAVIS, only time, Barque Philadelphia. quired. of go errands, deliver packages, sweep product ions, not, Proprietor, Brig Lincoln Loudon, Eng., Assets over both sides with tombs cut in solid Webb, Qreenleaf, Philadelphia. We memorandum on our rock, and correct. Mr. Abbott’s relations with the X°. 80 Middle well as ever with my right ear, which I have not been Wm H receive and carolully sidewalks, put in coal and do other things Har- Street, Portland, Me. Brig Parks, Merriman, Portsmouth. Million Dollars here it tvas a for Sch Thos Dickson, Windsor NS. books orders for the more celebrated suburban flor- Twenty in Gold! privilege the Jewish people for the pers still and that firm are about to Copying done in the best maner. able to he j»r my watch tick through lor six months. (Br) Macomber, accessary convenience of the citizens.— continue, dec29tt. Sell St John to rest at last. I Algona, (Br) Haley, NB. ists who have always responded to such with choice think the selection of level The bring out his “Heroic Men” in a fine in J. H. BURLEIGH Sch Sea with 225 Assets of the New York company pledge themselves as style Belle, Keene, Bay Clialeur, bbls in all Branch, responsible mackerel. flowers, and satisfactorily particulars. lands is unsuitable, as these afford no chance ‘or the of their one or more volumes. E. S. honesty messengers. WOKMELL, South Berwick, Me., July 17,1S62. Sch Young Sultan, 150 bbls Iu fact we have never be?n equally well situated for —Professor E. L. Barter, Bay Cbaloar, $1,537,000 the Tlie chief o. A Youmans, who has just re- mackerel. picturesque. beauty newspaper reporter says of a very with the present time for handsomely and satisfacto- TERM and PERPET- turned from Sch Olive H 120 bbls CJTOPEN, FLOATING, Mount Auburn lie3 iu its broken and elegant female England, has not accepted the photographer, Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 27,1865. Robinson, Berry, Bay Chaleur, rily furnishing the rarest of exotics ami the choicest UAL EIRE and Marine Policies irregu pickpocket: “She rarely speaks No. 90 Middle Street, mackerel. POLICIES, open lar chair of Science in Portland. our Issued. surface. These give opportunities foi ° any one; is always quiet, gentle, smiling and Physical Antioch College, Dr. Lighthill—Dear Sir; On the first day of Sell White Foam, Thompson, Bay Chaleur, 360 bbls ol indigenes, notwithstanding facilities heretofore to which he was last 63T* Card Photographs at Tuber mackerel. have been considerably extensive. Binding Certificate* Given nt this Oilier. winding avenues and and genteel—comes like a su like appointed summer. He Dollars June, 1863, I came to your office so deaf that I could paths, cause new abeam, and, it, per Sch Olive G Tower, Berry, Bay Chaleur, 125 bbls steals will, be in the field DOZES,—the BEST in the City. A trivial investigation will bring tho conviction beauties and noiselessly therefore, again lecturing with hear at but after remain- mackerel. Factories, Mills, Tanneries, suddenly to sur away.” difficulty anything all, that of inont unexpectedly this and has a*new may25sndCin Sch Silver Lake, Reed, Bay Chaleur, with 260 bbls our system manage must secure signal And nil Risks taken at the lowest rates. pu.e the visitor. Advices from state that the in- season, subject, entitled Special The of Hayti ing under your mild treatment about six I mackerel. excellence iu ami of as well as cemetery any city “The Dynamics of Life.” months, quality beauty design Particular attention given to insuring all kinds of or surgents under Salnave are in of starva- Sch Sea Flower, Guptill, Bristol RI. of and where neces- village should he made the most peril A Itare Chance. commenced to I remained under certainty punctuality dispatch attractive improve. your Sell Sargasso, Plorce, Boston. orders mail or for the tion. Provisions are scarce and fabu- —Among passengers lately arrived from Liv- sary. by telegraph, expret-8, messen- Farm Building*, Stocks, Tools &c. place to prices For sale at a the Sch E S Donovan, Boston. are attended to with and living visit. Traxi. are Rev. Dr. Krebs of New bargain, Stock, good will, and fix- treatment about one year, (not constantly, however,) Conant, ger promptness precision— lous. Flour is twelve hundred dollars bar erpool York, Rev. J Sch Ellen, Ellsworth. the sender instructions Coastwise and Inland Murine Risks per tures of a well established DP.Y AND FANCY Lady Libby, may rely upon being closely C3r”0cean, and C„ Fletcher, who returns from an extensive and was entirely cured; my hearing having remain- Sell Utica, Thorndike. Rockland. and thoroughly followed. solicit*.!, and Goods in Transportation by R. It. and Mrs. rel, bread four dollars Stran- GOODS in one of Oolby’a per pound. BUSINESS, the most flourishing Sch S II Pool, McFadden, Wiscasset. Persons at a distance, who choose to intrust us with Steamboat. Opening tour and ed well since. While under treatment gers at the have been warned that through Brazil, Portugal Spain, and cities in ike State. perfectly your Sch D Gillespie, (Br) Smith, Windsor NS for New their may leei sure that their communications Led by the impulse which Cape per- orders, makes one like Rev. Dr. health was not York. will obtain tho same attention as if the matter was LIFE to sons taking with*them must not be al- Butler, Methodist missionary in India, For particulars apply to my general affected, in fact I followed INSURANCE, where else is refuge Sch J Fraser, (Br) Rimmett St John NB for New verbally recited iu a personal interview. go everybody we who will be remembered as the going, yesterd lowed communication with writer of the G. HACKMAN & CO.. usual business without any interruption. Haven. ts and lor transient And Insurance Against Act-idem** followed the fashionable any the outside.— my Bouqu. nosegays demand may crowd to the vivid sketches of the which Sch Rising Sun, Cliandler, Machias tor Boston. be found lor sale in our window. show Salnave has shot several persons accosed of in- Sepoy rebellion, Lewiston, Me. Yours respect! always displayed In the mo A reliable Companies. rooms of this Oct 21—8S dlw* ully, Sch lugwassa, Patton, Ellsworth tor Boston. ilAttfliS ic accomplished modiste. f a memoir of and ry, Gold Ring, Gonts Chain Sch L at the bonnets this season is in strike for higher wages. They him, will also provide for Pin, Gents Anchor Pin, Dlt. Lighthill:—I. A. W. Clark, of South Ber- Waterloo, Wyatt, Bangor for Boston. GLOVES, varying in price from 30 cts. to 5*0, ■w V-are5 Pearl Sleeve Sch Boston. Nov 3 2w* marked contrast cents extra for the issue ot a uniform edition Buttons. Gobi Plated Silver Magnum Bonurn, Rich, Bangor tor PAINE’S, 13 Market Square. with those of the summer. hoots, and 50 cents extra of his complete Buttons, wick Junction, Me., hereby that lor three Sch Alice R, Strattoi Hancock for Salem. Copartnersh Notice. tor shoes. Plated Pen-Holder, Ffcn and certify, ip The and works. Pencil. Sch Henrietta, James. Gardiner for Boston. pretty coquettish “funchon” so be- Address years I have been troubled with ^deafness and dis- The New Perfume Mujuviro, ^ BELOW—A the Ellen Stevens, to Mudd’ wl‘o tarns out a announcements barque supposed a coming has to the i to he very —Among English literary is L. Portland. from the ear. 100 undersigned have this day formed copart- everybody, fairly yielded miWI r, O- DRESSER, Me., charges My deafness has been snch returned; two lumber loaded brigs, and about AT paine’S, aU<1 a satirical novel Oct 27—BHd4w* THEnership for the purpotfo of on the retail stiffer and more knuw'* of medicine. under the title of Box 132. coasters, put in for a harbor. carrying formal “Empire.” We con- In h en nothing singular with the utmost I could Hot. 3. il2u* Market Dry Goo.a uuder the firm oi P ■The Art of that, exertions, not hoar toe No. 13 Square. Business, fess we do not think the W"eeli^ -nd at the Dry Tor: Bringing Up One’s Daughter CLEARED. change an improve- SEELE’S loudest conversation, when addressed Hillsboro NB—master. ISi! Badly, and Making it Pay.” HAIR LIFE 1 directly to|ine. Brig Sharon, (Br) Smith, EASTMAN BROTHERS, ment, yet we are reconciled to as Brig Mountain Baltimore —J S Shawls, Shawls! it, it must be I had consulted many physicians and but Eagle, Kughos, Shawls, Bruce, the Min- —Dr. Donne is the letters of aurisls, Winslow. GOOD assortment of hand made At 129 Middle s- the means of tster at wV, i,rederi0k English preparing A Magical SHAWLS, to Street, Icrroerly oceupW banishing that frightful ashmgton, ha* Preparation no relief. Sch Grand Menan NB— be sold at append- received front London George the Third for early publication. Car- could get Acting un^cr the advice of Grape Shot, (Br) Ingalls, A cheap PAINE’S, U0WELL' age called, Heaven knows and to the -FOR- Dana & Co. Nov. 3. tl2\v« No. 13 Market „ M. EASTMAN, only why, the wa- presented smt. will show their own Square. EASTMAN. teifall. Department along lyle says they the King to he a very friends, (who, by experience, know of Dr. E. V. And the new l.st of British claims for r' 3lll'Y bonnet is by no means losses sort of a RESTORING, in FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. Nov. 16C5. sustained by different person from what he is gen- BEAUTIFYING, Ughtliill’s success the treatment of such difficul- Neiv Goods, Just Received! Portland, 1st, ugly. Trap, it U rather for our celebrated blockade of t-AND- GREEN’S LANDING, Oct 29—Ar, sclis Gloucester matronly youthful Southern and considered, and that he tried hard to him a but ports erally ties,) I gave trial, which resulted in the com- Coombs, Bay St Lawrence; Scioto, Allen; Cape Ann, AT PAINE’S. feces, made in rich the occupation of Southern cities DRESSING THE and materials, and adorned by Union lo his duty to America, as well as to his own HAIR. of Smith; Oranaska, Allen, Imogene, Thurlow, Found. wi i plete restoration my hearing. The discharge from Nov 3. d2w* No. 13 all those troops. This is the offset to our claims to Green’s Landing. Market Square, afternoon Nov. at brilliant accessories of feathers for i03S_ kingdom. Ellsworth for New w Wednesday 1st, ear without Oct 28—Cid, sch Union, Foss, owner can and es occasioned the of PRICE FIFTF CENTS* my entirely ceased, detriment to my -The bavc the flowers, gilt crystal which the by depredations An»lo- —Robert has iu to be York. A,,., present Browning press, pub- cure was New Goods ! io rebel cruisers fitted out at British For sale at health. The performed upon me four Oct Maino, Brag Jon. Sullivan for Boston. same by applying “ ports. lished before a and 30—Ch^ be sold £IiBbiik>E WEBSTER, and Christmas, strange wdd fm Rockland CHEAP, at At Gorham •"-WMT stylish 51 of months ago, during which time not Sch Ancruon, Pillsbury, for Bluehill, rpo Seminary. Mary Sloan, years age, died at Italian of in verse. Wholesale and my hearing only Giro Deer Isle PAINE’S, illw* SLyir story, told, course, Retail, while beat! g up ugh Thoroughfare, Not 3 d2w November 3,1S65. Deer Boston from ex- remained r oo l, (in spite of several oolds which I suf- came in contact with schr of No. 13 Market Velvets, with a Island, harbor, Tuesday, —The authoress of “Johu now Mrs. Princess, Bueksport, Square. judicious mixture of Halifax,” bad both masts ami carried heavy haustion a refusal to take but and rigging away. satins, are the chief consequent upon '^raik, has a hook in press entitled “A Noble CHARLES CUSTIS k fered from,) actually improved, so tliat now I * materials used We no- Ladies Undcr- Vests food. a CO., as as Launched—At Mass, 28th «)t, a schr of Wanted. ticed one Life;” daughter of anuouncos can hear perfect though my hearing had never Essex, charming in Capt. Marayatt WHOLESALE AGENTS for the ol 15J tons, intended for the business. She is Si.50. Also nice Vests for style brown velvet with Bj?” Ou We la.it the of the a “ovel STATE MAINE, lishing English lor 112,50, County rights for a very valua- a 'nesday findings entitled “What Became of been affected. owned in Me. F)Kat THJBCBASEIJS willow feather over Tommy;” Morion Block, Portland. by parties Southport, A* A1 V APS b!e domestic invention. I fin trod need, v. onld be falling it like a cloud of Commission in tho IV irz had not Congress Street, Nov 3—d2w* 13 Yf Military case, ®la,,chard who is more recommend No. .Market Square. made use of by evory IhiiiUy. it is new, and white and a Jerrold, proli- J uly 22—sndtf I would all those afilictcd with the entirely spray, royal which been uc 1 ess DISASTERS. will be sure to roiet with talc. purple Euge- presented to tho President. witty than bis has in ready County rights nie herself father, press above complaint, to place thomselves under the mild Sch Henrietta, Natter, of and from Gouldsboro for wUl be»oMreasonable, guaranteeing good pr'etlu to might venture to wear. A Gov. of ■Cent Fop Sale. to very Parsons, Alabama, P. T. Bar- per Cent, a on a Boston, with a of wood, was run into at Glou- any one desiring invest a small sum in n lucrative hat was story written Bill of Dr. cargo A 8 elegant of Rev. treatment Lighthill. A. W. CLARK. on a Calais good Family Horse, years old, kind, business. Please call on the subscriber at the mode-colored velvet with a nunt, Henry Ward Beecher, and a com- Stamp. C. It. cester, Monday morning, by vessel, and St. wreath of had head bulwark ill and carried and perfectly sound, will to sold low. Lawrence House, corner of India and Middle Sts. the same material bound several mittee the —Mr. E._PI. bowsprit, gear, sails, representing American Samuel of and knocked a hole in ner bow and tilled. Addle**, November 3, lbGU. dlw* inwy Missionary Bowles, the Be- Clocks Excelsior Hair away, Office. around it. were Springfield JRestorer from Cow CB -XJkopAs. It. B. E., Press But amid such a Association, callers at the Presidents, aub.ican, is about to of from the of nine Barque Ellingwood, Bay for N profusion publish his “Across the Is warranted to do all tliat 1b claimed It. Will Cure Discharge* Ears, York, Nov 3—dlwis 1 °ml Mansion on for was abandoned at sea 21st ult, and the crew taken to KENT’S l'Un“3 ^ last. Continent” letters JLcnr*’ standing, upon of impossible to particular- Wednesday in hook form. restore the Grayest llead9 to their original color, Mr. F. F. Priest, Bermuda. entl,Usiastio Judas Gardner, Mass. Kechabite, from Cow Bay CB for New serenaded fiinGcr‘ Iscariot, a Dramatic is whether black or brown. Cures all eruptions of the Barque York A Card. Turkish Cleansing Flu id ! m Poem,” back to Sydney, leaky, and with loss of sails, &c Good, and »»»» ,Pra5,J> flowers, acorns, arrows actTess- The la- recent frees it from the head the This is to certify, that for nine or more I was put sold my Stock cl-Dry &c., dy appeared at the 1»i yiCr’-an among English announcements. Scalo, dandruff, keeps cool, years oucountercd a gale on the 10th. •» Taint, from us into having lerred loiso of store No. 129 Middle removing Grease, Ink, Pitch, Ac., argely the lowing fob hair moist and Its cannot be sur- HAVINGmy It is ornamentation employ- speech: “Gentleni'ntke —Tho December Atlantic Monthly will have glossy. perfume afflicted withar disagreeable and offensive discharge Messrs. EASTMAN BROTHERS, PIKClothing of all kinds. harm 1 ss to fabrics ed, to I ask another Im Bu< DOMESTIC ivheii the directions are and has no Uiaa- seeming indicate that hi one or may ar of a version passed by any preparation in the market. Try It. $1. PORTS. the sal? of I hereby cordially followed, way yoV'^nk,?ou■ by William Cullen of the from ears, me Dry Goods, »®2®2SI Sfo our was tho enthusiastic UveB’ Bryant my rendering quite deaf. About a NEW ORLEANS—CUl 21st, former friends and customers to the patrumigo p precable smell. another ladies are ah reply1 y “Well ?k famous test per bottle; sold by all druggists. barque Scotland, Da- my “bound to shine.” home and let me WeU* then- (to passage for translators of the en. Will be sold bv ail the principal Druggists, Grocers sleep." Illiad, W. F. I under the care of mon, Havre; BUMS, Jewell, the above named gentleir of the PHILLIPS & CO., Agents for year ago placod myself Dr. Light- Liverpool ^ GO WELL >nd dealers In the Patented March parting of Hector and Portland, Towed to sea 12th Ada Carter: Clothing city. Andromache. Me* ult, barques lith, “ 3Uw oc6sn6w hill, and to the surprise of my friends and myself In Homeward Bonnd, Portland, Nor. at, 1885. i2d, UH, nor 3 dlw* _ / Hotel Changes.—Hr. S. B. Krogman of Constitutionality of the IttQlitry Laics of Friday Morning, Novembir 3, 1865. Maryland Affirmed. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Boston, has purchased of Mr. Charles Ad- Auction Sales. JEL. Baltimore, Nov. 2. _Entertainments. all the interest of PORTLAND AND VICINITY. ams the latter in the propri- Tlie Court of of the State of Mary- TO THE DAIEY PRESS. Appeals PEARL STREET Good* continue*} etorship of the Prebie House, and it will here- land has sustained the constitutionality of the This Sal© ol Dry through as trell as at 10 A* M* nu.1 P, Advertisers will benefit themselves, after he conducted --- laws of the and also the consis- Tuesday, 2} M., au*t accommodate by him. We understand Mr. registry State, Universalist us, by sending in their advertisements the in the of Society! th© Week. at an K. tency of provision Constitution throughout early hour in the day. had an interest in the U. S. Boston, ion. Hotel, From Washing the State with the Constitution of the United GATHERING of the mombera of the EDW’D M. PATTEN, Auctioneer, 12 Exchange £t. and understands how sush an establishment ASOCIALPeart Street Universaliit Society will take place New Advertisements To»V*y» Washington, Nov. 2. State3. ^ should be statement of the law AUCTION COLUMN. conducted. The recent governin'* DRESS! LANCASTER Special Sale of Dry Goods! the clerk of the House ot Nashville Markets. HOOP LADIES’ HALL. Sale of Lumber Cars, Ac. Mr. who ha3 had of the Representatives, in SKIRTS, SATURDAY, October ^tb, ISC3, at 10 A. M. government at 9 65 @ 16 25.— Trade has induced us this season to add Monday Nov. 10-4,11-4 Sheetings; ; t:-8, B. course to the committee Evening, 6th. 6-1. 6-4 Pillow Case 150 4-1 Fam- A Cold—S- «-—-—- Canada ^@ 10c higher; sales 300 bbls at 8 30 @ 12 X>. another Linen; pieces heavy on elections. Mr. Depart ment-that of CLOAKS, 250 Lectures—City Hall. McPherson himself how- Wheat—without decided change; sales 53,000 bimi- ily Linen; pieces 4-4 Shu Lin*' Linen, Itfehard- from the celebrated WENDELL son Manufac New Goods, &c—At Paines’. Railway Casualty.—An Irishmau em- ever, has published on the els. Chicago Spring, old, 1 75. Milwaukee Club, Hoop Skirts, Manufactory of PHILLIPS uro; 750 doz. Diaper and Buckabuck .Sale. nothing subject Scot h Bird’s Ladles* Horse tor In the Senate the new, No. 2, 2 73. Amber Milwaukee, new, 1 62. PAINE, BERRY & New York deliver his Towels; Diaper?, >e Diapers, in the of the organization was eHeeted CO., City, Will groat Lecture on Gent’s Found—1 allet. ployed repair shop Grand Trunk Amber State 2 35 @ 2 36 Now White Western, and Handkerchiefs, Russian and American at the session the in- from whom wc were so fortunat e as to ob- French and American Broad- Turkish Cleansing Fluid. at X. while extraordinary following common, 2 20. Crashes; litdSpreads; * Railway Company, Gorham, H., and tain the Beaver < a Wanted—Purchasers. auguration, consequently the claims of Corn—lc higher; sales 76,000 bushels. Mixed Skirts, Agency. The new styles are now The South cloths, Cloths, sin cres, Pilot Cloths: Hoop Victorious! < on a turnout truck at that last Shirts and Water-Proof loths: Balmoral walking place, Senators elect from the rebel States will be Western 33 @ 90c Yellow, choice, 1 03. arriving and will be found to comprise t he Drawers; sales Doora open at Gl; Lecture to commence at 8 Skirts; Wool TableCcvers; a barrel of considered Beel—firm; 80o bbls. and o’clock. SOJpairsWool Blankets; with on his duly by that on the Barest Beet and Nov- with a manv too numerous to 3UPIU2MFI Tuesday, shavings body presenta- sales 840j bbls. Mess 33 25 77. Patterns, every Tickets Twen tv-five cents: For sale at Luwoi & great other articles JUDICIAL COUBT. tion of their Pork—lower; @33 m noticed an respective credentials. sales 700 bbls at 24 elty suitable for the season. Inspection and at the door. ntlou. Aiso, Cashmere Square aud Long Shnws. shoulder, engine approaching him. Lard—quiet; @ 28}c. Hoop Skirts, Senters, Bailey Noyes, The OCTOBER PRESIDING. The Farragut Naval Court Martial men Whiskey—steady; sales 230 bbls.^ lreely invited. nov2dtd above stock may bo examined tho day before TERM—DAVIS, J., He on to another track not the and warranted jumped but did when sales 593 bhda. Muscovado sale, every article perfect. Thursday.—No case was the again to-day, Col. Marston of the Marine Sugars—steady; 13} @ Any Garment bought and taken oct23 dtd ready and the war Havana. 700 at 14c. away, notice that engine switching, with a Corps, charged with the of a 14}c. boxes, if not jurors were from farther at- misappropriation Skirts, satisfactory, will be exchanged if GRAND discharged any a car on the same tr sum ot Hoop ack. The car struck large money in his hands for not worn or tendance. rope, placed injured. Clothing at Auction. Judge Davis will come in daily so new recruits, to which he and Stacie Markets. him throwing him on the rails and the wheels pleaded guilty AT this at the a * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. YV. V ]*> *o}d (Thursday) Evening, long as there is business to bo transacted. suDiniuea written statement in extenuation New Ncv. 2. any over both of his them York, hoop d size, garden spot. respondent. meeting Ligonia remedy, however, JjllTZGERALD HENRY BAILEY & CO., Auctions*. with Congress, it been created in Chicago and North Western.«_334 Assisted Mr. F* SUCK, of the Boston Philarmonic. Lodge, Odd Fellows Hall, this evening. As having pur- Chicago and North Western Oct 31-dtd suance of law. preferred. 65} Breakfast Shawls, from 1.75 to $9. Carl Formes.—This celebrated devotee of the Southern with two Quicksilver Mining Co. 48} Musical Director, HERR BUBCHEL. States, exceptions, But few, if any amnesty pardons, have been NOW OPENING Oct 11—dtf EDW’D M. PATTEN, Auctioneer, 12 Exchange St. progress and vocalist proposes to give a concert were on that and old for several represented occasion, panted days past, owing to the Will give a Concert at the next vs. Ileal Estate on Pore and India Tuesday evening at City Hali. He will fellowship was cordially renewed, the details President’s time being devoted to other busi- Democrats Copperheads. Sts., & HODSDON are their be assisted ness. Applications continue to increase in ALL THE NEW TjMTZGERALD showing at Auction. by his two brothers, Theodore will doubtless be Odd Fel- The Copperhead papers ia having STYLES! A New Styles of CITY HALL, highly interesting. numbers. Brooklyn Nov. 8, at hall twelve and large -ON- WEDNESDAY, past Wilhelm, tenor and baritone. We have lows are invited to attend. claimed Hon. D. D. F. Marshall as a recent -AT- on the between Mid« le generally Frederick W. Seward lias recov- Buttons, from 10c to $2.00. ONo’clock, premises, India, sufficiently and Fore Sts. will be sold the blick of woo* en dwell- never heard the brothers; but the ered to resume the convert to the Democratic Mar- Oct 11—dtf Nov. 7th. papers duties of Assistant Secre- party, Mr, TUESDAY, ings numbered 14 and 10. together with he land.— well of their vocal of State. He The are speak powers and of their Wendell Phillips is announced to de- tary has not been in attendance shall hat appeared by card in the Evening ANDERSON’S, Admission to the reserved lower floor One Dollar; ouildings of inouerr. build, two storied, and at the State Proscenium 60c—to had at Paine’s containing 12 rooms c-ach, in lli r« and culture. from what we Department as yet, but he trans and be Music Store, rough pair, high Judging know cf liver his new lecture on “The South Victo- Post, defined his position, very & HODSDON are have commanded dl be sold acted official business at his residence showing showing the'.r and on the evening of the Concert, at the door. always go tenant*, wifi to-day NEW YORK New Style or Carl, and from what we have read of Theo- clearlv the difference between the true and FITZGERALD The public are respectfully referred to the N. together separately us iheonrcba^eis may desire. rious” on This lecture is for the first time in six months. He attached Land feet Monday evening. Y >rk ond Boston papers. about 56 on ludiu, by loo in depth. dore and we think our from to Wilhelm, readers are his friends as his effort. his signature to a number of dispatches. the spurious Democrat, or between the Demo- Cloaks, $7.00 $50.00. Nov 2—<15t Immediately after will be soltl a lot of Laud on the regarded by greatest Oct 11—dtf side of Fore invited to a musical entertainment of crat and the Skirt and northerly near India St., 10 eet on Fore the first It drew a crowded house in Boston on the oc- Copperhead. He says: Corset Store! by about 4 »In depth. order. For It must be a combination of talent of it3 first and at the Statement the Public l>ebt. commenced life particulars call on the Auctioneer. casion delivery, Cooper of “Having my political by go- Oct 26—dtd into Hall 26 which will amply reward all who spend their Institute in New York, the audience Washington, Nov. 2. ing Tammany with William Leggett, MARKET SQUARE. 26. & hodsdon are showing their largest under the of New Style time and McCulloch the banner ‘no southern dictation,’ Fitzgerald E. M. money in attending the promised ever assembled to listen to a lecture in that Secretary to-day promulgated PATTEN, AUCTIONEER, 12 Exchange St statement of tlie as it from and equal and exact justice to all men, ‘free- Knit from, 75c to concert. Carl Formes has public debt, appears Hoods, $3.00. MR. A. J. LOCKE sung many patri- city. It is characterized throughout by those t!io books of the treasurer’s returns and dom of speech, trade, press and labor,’ I then Oct XI—dtt Real Estate, corner ot Cumberland requi- Ladies! Anderson intends to give you UDANCING! otic retrains in the Old World, and bared his eio.juent and argumentative inferences for sitions in the department on the 31st of Oc- became, as I trust, I shall always continue to Will commence his Fall Term in Waltzing, Polka, anil Chestnut Sts., at Auctiou. a this season, Skirts and Corsets at Mazurka, Waltz and Polka. breast in the cause of Liberalism in liis own 1803. The shows the fol- be, “Dcm'xtratfc Republican. prices Varsovlenne, Quadailles, November 3d. at 3 P. on the which Mr. P. is noted. tober, recapitulation Polka at FRIDAY, M., “And now, if are of mo- which must bo & hodsdon are showing their Gallop, Redowu, Spanish Dance, «c., Premise*, will be sAd tno two story double His devotion to in lowing: my opinions any satisfactory. Our exten- ON country. Republicanism I FitzgeraldNew House c irner of Cumberland and Chestnut Streets. Debt interest in ment, beg leave to say that I warmly sup- sive and bearing coin, $1,101,137,- widely spreading trade in these Lancaster Hall, Huuse is roomy and in order, well arranged lor Europe has been untiring and unquestioned, The Iona is the administration of Andrew Johnson, BAUl Gloves, for $1.00 and $1.75. good Geape.—This grape acknowl- 091 89; debt bearing interest in lawfiu money, port Oil two with oj hard and soft water. Lot and connection with one of the Oct 11- dtf Tuesday Evcuing, November 7, 18G3. families, plenty and his musical are too well known to cn and cannot support a ticket articles, about 75 x 65. octSUdtd. powers edged to be the very best out door grape $1,191,819,787 40; debt which interest has consequent iy head a Term to consist of Twelve Lessonp. Ladies* the American to need from ceased, debt no inter- which lias at its renegade whig (Slo- largest Skirt Manufactories in the U. S., Class public any praise grown. Wclrave eateu t'ae fiuit this $1,373,929 09; bearing will meet at 7 o’clock. Gent.’s Class at 8 o*cl3Ck. season, 51. Total amount cum), and at its tail a ‘silver-gray know noth- us. est, $380,323,359 outstand- gives us such advantages in the matter of & hodsdon arc selling their Terms for Ladies £3,00. Gentlemen $5,0 i. and think it superior to any cultivated in this or a so-called ‘democratic ing, $2,740,854.15S 80: total interest is $138,- ing’ (Perrin): party’ Fitzgeraldgoods 80 per cent. 1cm than any other house P. S.—Those wishing to attend will please com- Horses, Carriages, Harnesses, Ac., Wc could wish had a sister with them led the price, that in many cases we are able to In the they section of the country, and think we are doing ©38,078 59, of which $07,670,340 50 13 in coin by Hunts, Brookses, Fillmores, Gran- trade. oclldtf mence the first lesson, cs tills will be the only term AT AUCTION! he will teach this season. whose vocal and culture were and gers, Ketchums, Tallmidges, of Perrin & offer these good3 20 to 30 cent, low- novl dtd powers equal to our readers a favor by calling their attention $71,267,738 09 is in lawful money. Co; per Saturday, at 11 o’clock a. m., on The tender but prefer to cast my lot with such Lime St., we shall hell Har- theirs, and then we should her the pure legal notes in circulation are as genuine er than they can be bought of other par- Every Hoiscs, Carriages, sopra- to this Geo. R. Davis has Democratic as hodsdon are showing nesses Blankets, Robes &c„ Ac. superior grape. just follows: Republicans Andrew Johnson, tbelr Sleighs, no in sweetest ties who them or Fitzgerald* HENRY BAILEY & Auctioneers. mingling harmony with the received another case of choice One and Edwin M. Gideon Pro don get through second FEN IAN ASSEMBLIES. Co., very vines, two years’ five per cent., $32,536,- Stanton, Welle3, Ocfc 31—dtf the F. E. H. H. third Ladies’ Under Vests, for $2 to 2.50. soul-stirring basso, love-making tenor and and now is the time to put them into the 901; tf. S. notes, old issue, $427,76S,409; com- King, Spinner, Van Dyck, Ward hands. S. Oct 11—dlf will be a course of FOUR ASSEMBLIES sympathetic baritone. Ilut we must not ask pound interest notes, $173,012,141 : total, Hunt,P. Crooke, William Cullen Bryant, J. If* DRAPER* Auctioneer* ground. Minthome &c.” THEREheld at too much. No doubt we shall be $083,709,581. Tompkins, provided The following is the amount in the Treas fST’Every Skirt we 6ell is guaranteed, every Skirt & HODSDON are their with a musical entertainment which will Mile.—Yesterday we saw a paper signed by showing LANCASTER HALL, give ury: FITZGERALDbest Manchester a before being placed in store is examined and Commencing to all who attend it. We ex- large number of the dealers in milk, in this In tested, Uniled States Cotton Sale. great pleasure coin, $34,554,937 15; in currency, $33,- REMOVAL! Ribbed and in no case shall we sell an inferior Hose for 40c per pair. pect to see our ball filled on the oc- city, pledging themselves not to pay more than 800.591 54: total, §68,355,573 69. Fractional knowingly Tuesday evening-, October 31, JOHN H. DJIAPEE & spacious From IS Street to Oct 11—d'f CO„ 25 cents on $260,574 69. Exchange 74 3kirt.t_^E3 casion with the most brilliant audience ever per gallon for milk, so that they can currency hand, Following each week In succession on the Wednes- WILL SELL A contrast of the October statement com- Middle Street. day evenings oi with a assembled its sell it to their customers for cents a Ladies arc invited to call and examine our splen- November, together within walls. eight with that for pared September siiows a reduc- & HODSDON are showing their BALL ON THANKSGIVING EVE, did stock of HOOP SKIRTS, varying in pr’ce from On November quart. tion of the public debt cf Also a pRTZGERALD Under the auspices of the Circle of the FRIDAY, 3d, 18Co, Shebman and ms Campaigns.—From $4,100,000. E. WEBSTER, Insurance O'Donogliue The fanners and milkmen will find that this reduction oflegal tenders of over $4,400,000. Agent, 3Sc to $3*50* Call! Judge for yourselves! Be New Gloves at Cost! Fenian Brotherhood of Portland. AT 1 O’CLOCK P. M., the advance of this removed from to No. 74 Middle pages work, now in press, eflort to the In the October statement there is also a new Exchange convinced. put up price will not be success- HASSt., two doors west of Exchange St., and AT WHOLESALE AND 111 we learn that feature, the amount in having RETAIL] COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS: At Exchange Salo^ Boom, Broadway,HT, General, then Capt. Sherman ful. namely: outstanding received his son, J. H. WEBSTER, as c.>-part»er 6-20 bonds exchanges under the act of March they will insure the various classes of risks 148 and 150 Middle Ht. John McAleney, D. J. Farr, By order of having spent several years in was against California, 3d, These are fire, at as reasonable rates as other reliable compan- Oct 11—dtf John Kelley, John O'Donnell. Abeest of a Rogue.—Officers Beals and 1865, nearly $4,500,000. paya- SIMEON DRAPER, U* S* Cotton early in 1860 induced by the Southern leaders ble after five and ies, and would solicit a shave of the public patronage. CORSETS, Hugh Dolun, James O’Donnell, Agent, redeemable in twenty years P. 1-Tan is to take Gribben arrested a fellow named Cash, Wed- McGIlnchy, O’Reiley, charge of the State Military Acadamy from November 1st. 1865, at six per cent, in- ELIPIULET WEBSTER & SON. CORSETS, John Clehan, P. C. Ward, Mobile Cotton. for lumber from a J. J. 2800 Bales at Alexandria, at a of Here nesday night stealing yard terest in coin. The temporary loan, at four Sept 18—edlw t eodtf Maybury, J. H. Costello, La., salary $5000. & J. M. Thomas on Canal Street. it was found per cent., is at five rter FITZGERALD Hale, Noonan, Cotton has been classed and his to the Union soon Subsequently $612,728; cent., $31,- CORSETS, HODSDON, R. J. The above sampled fidelity manifested itself aud at six Jennings. that he had taken a without the 399,716; per cent., $67,185,396. MEDICAL ELECTRICITY MANUFACTURE by G. W. Amory, and may bo seen in bale at Atlan- in vigorous though futile efforts to stem the horse, &c., Certificates of CORSETS, indebtedness, bearing six per tic Dock, Brooklyn, and by sample at the office of tide of till knowledge of the owner. He returned the cent, floor managers: secession, on the 1st of January, interest, $55,905,000. CORSETS ! CORSE1 St! the Auctioneers, No. 36 Pine St., New York, two horse, but omitted to return the buffalo robe DR. V/. N. D. O. C. O’Donoghue, J. H. Costelle, 1881, in a manly, straightforward letter to the DEMING, HOOP SKIETSI Edwar.l Lamlregan, John Clehan, days before the sale. and the reins. He was locked P. E. P. Governor, he tendered his of the up. From Mexico. jVXedical CORSETS, Maloney, C. Ward, Oct. 27—dtd resignation Electrician J. J. Maybury. position. In his letter occurs the New Yobs, Nov. 2. 171 MIDDLE STltEET, To Order ! following A Cocp.se op Temperance Lectuees. the arrival of CORSETS, Fruit Trees, &c., at Auction* forcible By Gsn. Aguirre, Military Nearly Opposite the United States Music by Chandler's full Quadrille Band. language: Hotel, SATURDAY, Nov. 4th at 10 o’cl >ck V. M., at —It will be seen an Commander of the State of — by announcement in an- Coahuiia, for the AT Tickets for the Course, Including the Ball, $4.00 “Recent events he would announce to the CORSETS, offloe, we shall se.l about 1,0U) Ap la Irtes, foreshadow a great change Republic of we learn that Gen. Es- respectfully Tickets for the Assemblies,.1.00 ON other column that Arcana Lodge No. 1 have Mexico, WHEREcitizens of Portland and that he ha: Single 100 Pear and 100 Chcrrv Trees, and r.bcut i 0 ( r ipo and it becomes erorada was at Grata vicinity, Tickets tor the Ball,.1.50 every man to choose. If Cienegas, in permanently located in this city. the twr CORSETS. Single Vines. This Is all choice fruit, and the It es and made for a course of Coahuli, Touring WHOLESALE OR RETAIL! one and two la-lies). arrangements Temperance about 600 miles west of years wo have been in this we have cured (admitting gentleman Vines in order. Please examine the,.-. Louisiana withdraws from the Federal Union Matamoras, on the city, some to the Ball cents. No Checks splendid Lectures the next winter. of tlio worst forms of disease in A splendid assortment from 8Sc to From Spectators fifty given HENRY BAILEY & Auciicnoers. during Some of the 20th and 25th of with his persons v^Uo have 87*50* feee. Co., I choose to September, forces from the Gallery. Clothing checked » maintain my to the-old tried other forms ot treatment in vain, and curin* the Domestic Corset to the most 148 and 150 Middle Street, nov3dtd allegiance ablest lecturers in this been se- scattered all over that State and plain beautifully ocuM to nov22 country have New Leon, patients in so short a time that the question is after Constitution as long a of it survives. on the and do To Embroidered French Coulille. Oct 11—dtf fragment cured who cannot fail to draw full houses and acting entirely defensive, only har- asked, they stay cured? answer this questior PORTLAND, ME. Furniture at Auction. * * * On no account will I do rassing the French by He also we will saj' that all that ort them. The city that has been Laid in relation* to its excellence.” 90 steel Frog Plates. of is in for Lord Palmerston. Price.—'Trees of three 60set Swiich t ixtures. are Johnson, Georgia, in full. The message mourning years, generally having Linen The Portland Kindling Hood Co. ful worth from $1 to $15. We doz. SHAW Damasks, 3 For engravings states that there is no The Times’ Ga. fruit-buds, $3 each; $30 per Smaller $12 to $24 BROTHERS, portable ges. money in Ilia treasury, Atlanta, correspondent rep- to 8 assured that the sale will be conducted in a resents that as per doz. J. W. ADAMS’ Nursery, And ALL GOODS needed for HOUSEHOLD USE! Are now prepared Pumping Engines. and that the government was to bor- city speedily recovering from At the old stand of J. P. 3 i ngines. obliged Oct 20— d&wUw Morrill’s Corner. SHAW, 1 Woou-sawing honorable and as there is no row to the of its ruins. Business is active and the cotton Furnish Stove Wood 2 Saw mills. strictly manner, money pay incidental expenses 1 portable the convention The entire fever runs high. Provisions are scarce and J. W« ADAMS’ Xurscrte*. 130 MIDDLE STREET, If wished,) • 2 steam Pile Drivers, complete. gift enterprise, lottery or other humbug about getting together. Sawed any required length, (and Split 2 Calo ic b.0 debt is dear. Morrill’s Corner. well SHAWLS, Engine $21,000,000 which includes SIS,000,000, Gardeners, Where will be in the 95 set Planes. it, are entitled to confidence.— The trained in our will be fur- they CONSTANTLY SUPPLIER As 1.0W as it can be Jumishcd City. they public incurred in aid of the Tribune’s Havana correspondent Xtirseries, with aU the 2J0 Saws. rebellion, which latter, says nished—at cost—to trees and LATEST ST If LES of Hand, Cross-cut, and Circular Those who like beautifid will do well the Governor the slave trade in Cuba is plant IN ALL SEASONABLE STYLES. Please cnll and see, 322 Commercial Street, 00 Steel Square*. pictures maintains, must be repudiated. very flourishing. vines in the City or Names The Cemetery. or address through the Post Office, 60 Screw Jacks. to call and •The Herald also Gov. mes- efforts made by Arguefio to induce the or orders may bo left at the Tea Store. Me. examine their slock. prints Perry’s A. 1. HODSDEN, Portland, 900 feet iu to South Carolina President of the United States to interfere in BOCK MAPLES of large size for streets, grown Spark Netting. sage full, tlig Legislature. in the HATS. CAPS. Oct 2?—d2w* 2,000 pounds assorted Wire. his were Nursery, with abundance of roots. Am. and _ credit to behalf, unsuccessful. 750 Forest City Park.—In the trot on this Perry gives great President John- Siberian Arbor Hemlock and pouuds Block Tin. The Vita; Norway Spruce, — AND — CLOAKS, son’s wise and Captain General of Cuba is to be re- and new Sheet Lead. course conciliatory policy as being the Am. Weeping Willows, for Cemeteries. saws, 1,000 pounds yesterday afternoon between Lady Gay so far moved on the 15th inst. Oct 20—cl3w "scroll 75 boxes assorted Tin. means of reconstructing the State. lie Of the TiATEST and MOST FASHIONABLE PAT- Spanker, Dan Mace and min- 10,000 Chpins. Ticonic, for a purse recommends encouragement of Northern and FUR GOODS ! TERNS, and of the BEST materials, which we offer from 1200 to 2000 revolutions per pounds mile best Mill for Chair Manulacturevs and Tlate of $200 heats, best three in five—the iiuropean emigration, the passage of laws for From KashviUe. Colored ! at Makingute—the yjoOO pound. B .ilcr and Tank Rivets awarded the the and of Photographs Eg^Far* Exchanged, and Al- Washers. judges race to Ticonic in three management protection freedmeu, Nasuvii.le, Nov. 2. Repaired Bracket and Scroll Sawing. for elec- Temi., tered* 60 Gloh.'IValvcs. heats—time and urges arrangements flic The annual celebration of Locket to Life the best of Artists. One Price, and No Variation! Wrenches. straight 2:48; 2:49. The prompt the Odd Fellows Size, by Manulaetured by 153 Monkey 2:47;. tion of representatives. FLOMAll coloring done in cstabishment where I JOFiN P. Congressional took There was a my SHAW, — Also— track was place to-day. procession » very heavy. He contends that the Congressional test kee? constantly employeda number of colorists. all ^ S. HEALD Sc SONS, Barre, Vass., «d Taper. with music, and an address was delivered and examine Nov. The second heat was and by specimens at my Fhotograph Exhibi- Portland, 1,1865. in 28 Ox Yokes. claimed for the inarr oath is unconstitutional, urges the enroll- B. tion \S0^' Trimmings and Small Wares* Hosiery where can be seem operation. oc31dlw and Rev. J. Ferguson. Large delegations from Rooms. they 25 Water Tanks Hoops. that of the militia, as the national military will A. M. and the on the ground Ticonic had run, but the ing Louisville and other cities participated in the McKENNEf, CRAM & Gloves* including 3,00o Sashes. be withdrawn as soon as the State govern- 264 Congress St., opposite Preble Portland. CHASE, l of Job of Trcss- overruled this and awarded the festivities which were concluded with a levee House, STURTEVAWT, FOR SALE Contents Printing Office, constating judges heat to Oct 3—eod&eow3m Best Kids Imported. &c. ment is fully organized. and ball at the Masonic Quality MAINE. Type, Cans, One of the then Temple. AT GORIIAM VILLAGE, number i Hand and Truck-Cars. Ticonic. judges withdrew, in GENERAL would W The counsel the case of Dick We invito the special attention of the of the Supp y Store, which contains a was McCann, Contents very the mare withdrawn from the race. as war Apples! Ladies to our A neat o.ic and a half storied of Railroad and Immense Cotton Frauds Discovered in Mobile. held prisoner of at Knoxville, conclud- Apples! large assortment valuable Material, new, BARRELS Choice Commission of the best Great excitement prevailed among those pres- Nov. 2. ed their argument to-day in QAA Eating Apples; Merchants, and quality. New Yobk, Court, 1 CO Barrels Contents ol M: c line and Blacksmith’s Shops, con- was made to in favor of a writ of habeas corpus. *• Greenings; White Goods ent, and an attempt stop Mace The Times’ Mobile correspondent states that 300 Selected Baldwins; Wldgery’s Wharf, Department! sisting of planers, Lathes, Wheel Presses, Forges, Col. lOO Pure Shafting, Belting, &c.— the third hut he was al- ltrooke has ierretted out a system of cotton Cider; Stationary Engines, Ac., from running heat, 50 Cranberries: Portland, Me. Comprising the most desirable lor EVENING Also, a large lot ot second-hand Stores, Tool* Machi- thieving of which the .1/ore Lift:; Saved the Steamer Cape oc:16du goods to The contest in this heat huge proportions, by front Repub- For sale, at the Lowest Market WEAR; all classes of PLAIN and PLAID CAM- nery. and other material. lowed proceed. Government lic. Prices, by has been swindled, and A. T. No. 1 A ilk Street. BRICS, Muslins and Brilliants. Sales to commence at 10 o’clock, to be between Ticonic and Dan which certain badly HALL, adjourned was Mace, assistant treasury agents have pocket- New Yobk, Nov. 2. nov2dlm. STATE OF MAINE. We are now opening a choice selection of from day to day, until all Is sold. ed Terms in Government ftrnds. was won by the former. .arge sums of money. A liev. Mr. Carver It appears that Capt. Hawthorne anil twen- Cash, has been H. L. R HINSON, arrested as one of of the steamer Board. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. ! the princioal ty-three passengers Republic IIairtllievclriefw Nov. 3, tdecl. Hil*vet Colonel, A. Q. M. visit agents in this fraud. suits ot Booms, on lurnish- To those of our readers who Boston were picked up at sea by the schooner Willie first fioor, Augusta, October 31,1855. I C ed or with 71 otton burners are Dill and taken to Port The boat con- PLEASANTunluKiisbed, board, at the house An In Plain and the finest to we would recommend a call very plenty, and several Royal. Free St. adjourned session of the Exocutive Council will Fancy Styles, including qual- purchase goods, fires have ities of which we offer at lately destroyed much of that taining Capt. Young and thirteen others was transient be held at the Council FRENCH LAWNS, French the store of J. A. No. 101 Court prop- Respectable boarders accommodated. Chamber, in Augusta, on Fluting ! at Jackson, the J. Lovitt and taken to Nov 2—dlw* the picked up by brig Monday, thirteenth of November Inst. ONE and So French Fluting! will a beautiful as- day PRICE, Variation, street. Ladies there find Charleston. Another boat and the raft are Portland, Nov A in Attest: EPHRAIM 2.— morn. d To any bo cousuitoa and with wakes the joyful barn; all in go repair. gonUemanwislung 310 p. il W11 J.rivatelv, Winding, »s and run as ledKS5S5SS»^.,fee^»;5- by so many alarming u' ei>«ttduic« a resident*, this property particularly life Insurance -a Will, until further notice, symptoms anwn- by lliu amlcUJ, u all country Leave Portland for Saco River at S 00 A. and 2 09 will belound to hours ally, and item 8 A. Company, h, — Indispositiun U. to 9 P. M. Wanted. 4 Exertion, In the early morning hcur, recominehJotl. 53') i* follows: WaolMem- undresses the of in the to and f ory, Wakefulness, Horror of Di.-e.ue, or Forebodin's those who are buffering under tlie Ero be dew has left the Enquire on premises QOME Grcen-bousc- proprietor vicinity, OF CONN. m and \"\ Leave Atlantic Wharf, Port-land, bower; J. A. Rubber HARTFORD, The 9 40 a 300 p ir. trains will be of Evil: in fact Universal Lassitude Pro afnicdon oi private whether surLunu the CAfi. MITCHELL; O taka charge of an Inoia Ireo during the freight ■'-^ovciry Tuesday Wednca- tration oisoaaea, ftom In ruddy, purple beam, trains, with patscnger i*ay» Thursday, Friday enjoy RUBBER Organized Tho Constitution once affected with Orja. Devoting Lis entire time to that particular branch oct3J.I2w HALL'S EMPORIUM, .P *:and India Wharf, Boston, me oi K ic the aid ol medicine to strengthen and metneal protesalon. Lo leels warranted in Ui Thou shalt foe1 a new-born ure, Oct 13—dtf 147 Middle St. lu°3day, Wednesday, Thursday, hri- vess, requires ar- pleat (l iS S i L.it. ict icA.Nii.Li- O A ( UHE IX ALL C.\m:s, whether of thus on autumn's u 5 O’clock 1>.M, invigorate the System, which Ueml/oM's Mu- foua Gazing treasure; For Sale. J. C. \\ ALKLln \, JO or President. <.a!*!n _ ch u docs. Jf o treatment is submitted standing recently contracted, entirely removing And the shall raise *1^0 $2.00. invariably to, « ••• joyful tongs in ter Mad at.n and the ;-i of ui. u..vo froiii the Dwelling Houses good order; a Freedom, Eaton Tn. li trei^ht taken as or ensues. sisUm, and makin- a Sweeter songs of grateful prei o. pleasant $100.00 lie ward! lluxton Center for usual Consumption insanity u;ul ami desirable location on Cumberland St. Pos- At West Buxton, Bonnv-Eaglo, to poiitei l'hiLM ANh NT ( Ul:E. TWO Policies Issued on ‘aronrA for bagae- Portland, ST. years old, weighs feilure Eudawiucot Plans. Sacoarappa Windluun, Windham mil. pa&uengcr for every $j«o value. li om 8»>o to *joo ftg. Las and North Windham, daily Additional /tcm. about 2 inches below theright h. BILLINGS Aseut. in affeo4ions to “Females’’ is by BY ROBERT BUCHANAN. ear a white DAN Au2U” 5 or,- peculiar unequalled spot the size cf a silver Hollar: a «*r honey in; partially Silver-Elated Harness, SUMMER KibKl.Y LINK. studies tits lum for ad the duties he wu.-t .mckle of ARRANGEMENT. prep:iratory were her ringlet*, ta .b a prase, cyciy which is Bilvor-pIaleuAhe stran across the Is Routed with nostrum* Dark-glossy tiie forehead ot tuliiil; yet country poor And wicked, wicked were her oea-mi For Sale. a light blue color, and the cross straps DIVIDENDS ANNUAL. To COMMENCE MONDAY, June 30Hi and cuio-allrf. pur porting to ho the best In tho world, and complete, on the no83 tilled with pXA'iSl HEMB0iD’3 FLUID EXT. BUCIIU Flu mo was her ngure, rounded r/v TWO-STORY 15R1CK nails. The wagon contained a *:663 Tratus leave Portland Lrund are not only u. cle.v;, but always i:\jurieus. The un ~ HOUSE, containin'- 20 lor wore nsr tinkling foot. Kobe made from a woman’s stuffed 'Plunk .Mation. for Lewiston and And ti,i tiny rooms', laca'ed. Also a Sleigh shawl, Auburn, at 7 Ou A fortunate should be r.umcL'LAi: In selecting Ms the waruuh A ccntr.lly two-story with and the Dividends of this are what 1.25 P. M. All this was nothing to on same batting, edges fringed. Company exactly 51., aud AND ao ii Is a lamentable IncoiiUovmT- anaaadd^m; WOODEN HOUSE, the lot. Lot contains Iill’HOVED HOSE phvsksiail, yet m i>n.r o’er her day lugus, Whoever will return said or TUP appear to payable at the close of WASH, *o•*med to hover 4500 feet. of property, give infer they be, being For angoraml intermediate stations at 1.35 P.M abie fact, that many arc made she seemed to soothe and please Inquire matiun where t each in cash when the Premium syphilitic patients Where’er she moved, may be found, to the subscribers at year, is paid in cash, Returnin'!—Leave L.-wiston at 6 30 A. >1 and ar- Leave miserable with ruined compilations maltreatment of JOEIN C. PROCTER. in of j by With mrnmurs as hon^ed boes, Ox cod, Maine. shall l>e suitably audvrhe- and cancellation notes when notes are rive in Portland at 8 30 A vi. Leave YY ill radically exterminate frm the Diseases honeyed missions How Portland, Oct. £0—a3w rewarded; given.— bancor at 7 30 DAI system from inexperienced physicians In general practice; hands on public ever will secure the thief, cr on fire payment of each renewal, with arising Irotu habits of Her small plump thieves, and return the commencing A 31 and arrive in Portland at 2 15 P. Jl Both of 9 N dissipation, at iitt o expense tor it Ls a point eoiw ded by il.e >et,t sypI.R- doves that dying crew and coo; shall the a Dividend is thus the in- lit tie or generally Liae snow-white property, receive One Hundred Dollars Re- FIRST, paid, aiding these trains connect at Portland with trains for I U JU ■ A noehange indict.no inconveni nee or that the and ol thcie like litlio sured in their Pos- *ud BA r, D! 4 o'clock f.'li expos- ograpi.era, stuffy management Her feet i Ji palter, cheep, mice; tor ward! meeting payments by an immediate ton. ure; complete y those and the whole linn* of tho? J Sale, Those vessels are dtted no w th e -„ __ superseding unpleasant coiuptaints should engross when her liana would press, return. The advantages ot tlii* over that > ous And finger—so!—your Of 70 WIST. W. system, trai leaves PortUnd at 8 A. 51. c- lor dango remedies, uud Jieicury in all who would bo ut mu! Ruccc.-sfUl in their treat- the toes with acres, or more, on very fovor- OLIVER, of without Freight and tiona Copaiva compete You tingled to loveliness, FRYE. scrip Dividends interest payable in four in Port'and »t 1 gammers mak£jh‘£ these diseases. ment able on Oak RICHARD turninglsdue M. sale and coBuortaole route lor and cure. The inexperienced general piuiu.it- While her dark eyes, with zone in zone, terms, Hill, InScarboro, Oct or Jive years, or “on voteof the Divertorf” :>rc obvious. traveller lStw^r, lessening nc y 31—dlw Plug s connect with trai s at ; neither Uur time to i. at© on the occupied the subsoiber.— principal Stati ns, New York ai d Maine pu. .' M!1? loner, having opportunity Flashed s inhght mirrors of your owu, by No other Company has evei' paid a Diviciejid in this for most .p .Distance IV la daily oftho .owns north aud east of this line. *8.0.1. Cabin a himoell acquitted with their pathology, commonly iz with a wicked sense Portland lifteen min- The are to peso 96.00. Me.ls ]) ding your spirit way. Dividends equal those of any Life C. M. nfA Use one of treatment, in most cases* mah- utes ... Cioods lornsnUd tins Hclmbo'.d's system That ^eoJie J more innocent than innocence! by Rail,and the Lost. T m „„„ MOUSE, Supt. by linn Uand pursues ^ thirty by county Company. Watervillo June22 1365. tie® Mon- ! log an iiuli.se iimiu&te use ol chut antiquated and dan- rFarm to new jbue23tf “***"• Dr. and tlio Those‘intending effect or in- Sfcth-Aa«»sta. J> Cumining’s, Park Street, insurance, SLjiSf* a.3t?«t»d gerous weapon, the Mercury. MOttSTmr‘ BETWEENcorner of State and a Linen crease existing policies, will do well to examine the FLUID EXTRACT ^Oct 25,1865.—eodfiw* ^ Deering Streets, P ORTL A.ND Shippers arerrAucrted to send BUCIIU, Cuff and Gold Sleeve Button attached. The Under merits ot this Company. Information from official thdr fifieht to the HUMPHREYS’ * F-M on **» HAVE CONFIDENCE. will be rewarded 1; the same at Mrs. sources for the past or proccdii g year, cheerfully *»& suitably by aving &*^fy“ i£n In all diseases of these For oct30dlw* given. organs, whether existing in All who have committed an excess ot any HOMOEOPATHIC Sale. FESSENDEN’S, Ilecriii^rStreet* SMO & For or pas-age to Male or from kind, SPECIFICS, PORTSMOUTH R, R. freight apple Female, whatever cause whether it be the vice of or the and KM Kith & FOX Browns originating, solitary youth, sting- most Rtory house lot. corner of Lin- Office Ho. 64 Middle Wharf, Portland anil no matter how long standing It is etuxnt in In inalurer PROVED, from the ample experi- >>' coinrfke and Street, Room No. 1. On after p ing rebuke of mi-placed eouiidence years, Mayo twelve QS&SESOT and April 3 MVyiU'* No. 80 taste ami actn n and an an entire Streets, containing Tivo or Three Rooms Wanted. 1865, Prs83nger GO., We" octor,Dnsu*>.'iaX«in re strength- HAVEence, succesd* dimple—Prompt—Effi- r »oms. It is *r--—■ Trains leave aa — Stmt. finished lor two with follows SewYbrt t an any of the of bark or ron. SEEK FOR AN ANT, DOTE IN SEASON. cient, and Reliable. arc Uio only bod ionics families, his wife chil- S. II. Me ALP ening preparations Tliyy abundance of hard and soft water. 35 '1X7'ANTED by a merchant and (no IKE, Leave Portland for Boston at a 40 A u ar.d 2 50 p. M»v M, 1866. sulferiu use-—so Lot by 70. It ,„f Thus from ilioken Down or Delicate v on- and Latitude and Nervous perfectly adap ed to popular simple that is li two or three unfurnished Room's, suita- M. Tho Pains and Aches, pleasantly situated and in good repair. Terms dren) Slate for stitutioiis. tlic r.t 01 eo. mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harmless ble for or would take a furnished Agent Maine. procure remedy Prostration that may follow impure Coition, are easy. to lnusekeepi g, good Leave B#s,t n for Portland at 7 30 A. m. and 3 00 p uiu-t be as and so Apply Aug. 2C—dly The reader aware that however slight may tho Barometer to the whole to be free from danger* efficicnt'iis to be al- room with board in a quiet family or small boarding m system, gfc JOHN E. PALMER. International bo the attack of Dio above dirt-tiies it is certain to ai- is ways reliable. They have raised the highest com- house. Address Box Portland Post (Jo. Do not wait for the consummation that sure to fol- Oct 21—dtf 111 Middle St. Rooms, 1590, Freight trains leave Portland and B -ston Steamship fect Ins heal mental ers ami mendation from all, and will render satisfac- dally. bodily h, pow liapplntns. low : do not wait tor Unsightly Ulcers, for always Office. FRANCIS CHASE. tion. Sunt. All the above diseases require the aid of a diureiic. Disabled for Loss of Beauty Oct 20—dim ~TWO REASONS Portland, April 3,1865—dtl Limbs, Cts. Eastpert, Calais aad Si. John. and complexion. Storage to Let! WHY THOSE WHO No. 1 Cures Fevers, Congestion, Inflawations, 2o RICHARDSON’S WHARF. Wanted. HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU IIOW MANY THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY TO 2 Worms, Worm-Fever Worm-Colic, 25 ” ** 3 or Tee ON of TWO TRIPS A THIS BY UNHAPPY EXPERIENCE! Cryiny-Colic liing of infants, 25 Enquire in a Grocery and Pr vision Store who is ‘‘.A. o t W i s A r hi 6 o’ck «k r. m ; and tho HigLiy or moro man with the above disease, some cl Headaches, biok-tieaduebe, 25 tons wed 8 13 P. M The train from jry Steamer young '* " Vertigo, burthen, found, Sails, Rigging, Agents Wanted, Portland at 1 I*. .»« con- L B. whom are as weak and as bad 10 Dysptsia, Biiiious at fcttw Uacnsw ick, Capt Winchester, will leave emaciated though tii^y 6t*.wach, i26 Chains and Anchors nearly new. Ladies or Gentlemen. Remember that nects Kendall** Milis with the t aiu for COMPOUND FLUID “11 or MUTUAL Bangor Ibuusday aio o’clock for ^nd EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. the and their friend* to > BENEFIT eveiy p.m, JEaetport consumption, by supposed Suppressed painful 2 For &c.. of aud other east same l*enods, terms, enquire EITHERWM. GRACE & CO., offer better inducements stations irfghfc Horn have it. Ail such cases to and “12 Whites, too profuse Periods. Passengers 8fc. Jo he. yield the proper ciUy *' 26 SAMPSON & CON ANT, to returned ami than other Portland to take this" route, can *‘13 Soldiers, others, any desiring purchase Returning will lenYe Ft. John every Mondry aed For purifying tlie blood removing all chronic consti- comet course of treatment, and in u short time are Croup, Pough, didicult Breathing, 25 I Oct 17,1865—d3w* Commercial Vt’barf. house in tho Eastern to sell line Steel Insurance Co. tickets to Kendalt’s Mills and inform States, Engrav- Life theoonduoa on. blood,and only reliablep.nrt effectual known Rheumatism, Rheumatic Paiu3 2o Address at with WM. GRACE & wil arrange their hires that, it shall cost th m Fever and once, stamp, CO., uo At the Steamer “Queer” vrBt connect edy lor the cure uT fccrululu, scald Rheum Ayue Chill Agus, fiu E’ 161 1732. more tliis lout* ban auv other. Ea^tpor* Head,Balt. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. *S Fever, O It 8A L, i;! Middle St., Portland, Me. P. O. Box by r.nd * Fains of the 7 Piles, blind or Trains :or St. Andrews, KvbiiiH oi: alain.wirh the Now and Swelling of the Loues Uleuratoth in all the State alsund Public Ins’1 u- by single Box about tbo same distance, with a convenient two- WARRED! SPARROW, State Agt. Portland, poi Hamden, Way*. llospi Sanitary arc sent to any of he storied a a situa ion as Cashier or Book- 5.54 on t^e tions the a.* w> 11 as in hate TO THE LADIES. part countrv, by Mail or Ex- dwelling house thereon: fitted up for two young lady, Westbrook, Passengers ticketed through Boston, Maine, throughout land, p prac- free of on in a or FOR MAINE AND tices. and are considered a* invaluab e it medics. press, charge receipt of the price. Addross, families, and being in a good state of repair. BY Keeper, Dry Goods, Millinery, Fancy NEW HAMPSHIRE. Cumberland, C.18 and Eastern ltai road at tho Depots in Boston, Salem, DR. HUGHES particularly livites nil Ladles*.whe Goods Store. The best of references 6.33 a id For terms, &c., application may bo id ado to JOHN given. Yarmouth', Lynn Lawrence need a medical adviser, to call nt his rooms, No. 8 HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC to Central Office SO Exchange Street. Sec Medical Proper lies of Bucho, KINSMAN, 63 Union or to the Apply Freeport, 7.00 For Freight or Passage a- ply to SI reel, which will iin New York. W. Train Muimcfr* Portland, Oct 27 th, 1865.—dtf j 1 acI in and virtue in ah Du Broadway, HATCH, of efficacy superior regulating iiuMPHittiVS is consulted daily at his office ISG5. Physic Female Their action is ►pcciiic ami For Sale. Wanted. Augusta, Sept. 25, se$30dtf Bee remarks made the late celebrated Dr. Irreg’ularUiC'. personally or by letter, us above, for all forms LITTLE’S by Physic \ certain of relief in a short time. oi lor of producing direasc. desirable LOT, situaiodon the side Aperient Bottles, emptied, Fare Reduced to the Penobscot River Philadelphia LAD1 K& v. iil find it invaluable in all »asoa of ob 11. U. northerly which a price in cash will bo or See remarks made bv Dr M’D a HAY, Agent, Portland. TnE111 Free Street, above Oak with the Stable CUMMINGS’Sgood paid, goods Ephraim well, structions after all other remedies have Ltcn tried in jul3-2G’65eod y St,, exchan- ed on On and after June 1, the faro br- tliereon. liberal terms, if returned clean and in GRAND TRUNK celebrated Physician and Member of the Royal Col- vain. It is toothing in d RAILWAY^ Iweeu Portland and Bangor will 1 e pnro*y vegetable, containing For particulars to go order to FIRE AND LIFE lege of Surgeon.*,Ireland, *nd pub lsited in iheTrans- the icast to the and taken apply Of Canada. Rockland §2.00: ether land- injurious health, maybe A. B. H. T. CUMMINGS, M. D., §3<»H); u lions of the Km aud Queen s Journal. with at all times. JOdNi N’S STEPHENSON, Oct on the llivcr reduced in perfect safety REPRODUCfOR. Oct u isdtf 14—d3w* 432 Congress St. 'hig* pro- Sec Medio Review, isdu d by Bon- with directions 121 Commercial St. ALTERATION OF TRAINS. Chirurgical pub Soni to any port of the country, fall Insurance ■portion, per 8‘earner Regulator. jaihin Travers, FcLow of Roya College 1 Burgeons Dt. HUGH Agwicy. A. | by addressing ES, □ SOMERBY, Agent. Sec most of the ate Standard Works of Medicine. No. 5 Temple Street (corner of Middle), Portland. Please Read (Be follow For ing Noltcea. 8 ale. Wanted to Purchase. Esfcabl ished in 1843. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Portland. May 31, 18£C—dtl EX TRACT BUC ftU, io Evergreen Cemetery, on the main Ave- thousand more cr of Wood SARSAPARILLA Portland, May 1865. I acres, less, Land; the of the follow- N. B.— Ladies may consult one of thoh 3d, AkOTnue. Said lot is composed of two JoIk in it must be covered with a of undersigned having Agency On and after Monday, Nov. Of A, I860, desiring one, ONE heavy,growth, v/ood, wn In c .»"*!ant attend This nnd Is THEing well-known, eonnd and relifcolo — all sex. A lady of experience certifies that 1 very handsomely lei i out. For furl her par- mostly and so situated that vessels <1 ra Companies, IgfcSafoHawBrtral ns will run as follows: Sold by Druggists. Principal Depot— hard, wing continues to issue nave. have "t*od Johnson's ticulars, address Box 690 P, O. from to ten teet of water Policies on Bulletins*, Mer- janl.l805ddfcwly eight can approach it. Pro- and Morning Train for South Paris, Lewiston and Eeproductor for sov- Oct 4—dim for chandise, other good againa: loss or INTERNATIONAL posals the same addres ed (o JOB A. TURNlkt, property Auburn at 7 ilj am. ®*- m damage by at rates as* low as other FIRST HELM BOLD’S pasi. said Treasurer of the Bay State Brick Company, 56 FIRE, Mail Train lor Waterville, Gorham Island have been CLASS Companies, to the amount of $50,000 if Bangor, THE GREAT perfec ly For Washington Street. Boston, stating loea ion, price Pond, Mont re 1 and Queb c at 110 >' m sa e wiW| Sale and to Let. wanted, viz: _ it._ per acre, &c., will receive prompr attention. 'I his train connects with ess train for IThile it i3 Stock of Goods for Exp Toronto, INSURANCE COMP’Y DRUG AND CHEMICAL entirely Sale, and Store to rent in Boston, Oct. 10.18G5. cc!2dlm Detroit and Chicago S Cars attached from WAREHOUSE, ITirw Una'1'’n^ ?-• m tlv free from the THEPayson No. Miduhj St. I'lioenix Insurance eoping objec Block, 37£ Apply to P. Company, Island Pond to Quebec and Mon real. 59 i Broadway, iaoaaoie ». V,., on the or at OF ty. qu&jjtie.> of premises, Louse No. 42 Middle St., HARTFORD, CON*. can be or aftor the Hr. J. J’OLJHL'SJ 1 Me. Tenement .No Baggage received cheeked No. 113 Broadway, N. York. eod l •'reparations of that ortland, ocCdtf Wanted. Cash and time above stated. Sept 29,18G.»— yr I believe Capital Surplus, g 1,000,COO Mnd, it to be D a tenement suitable for one cr two Trains will arrive as follows WHITE PIKE ol capable doing ail WANTsmall families, with good water From So. l Lewiston and 810 a m. “There is no nick Word ns Fail.'’ J or tue and For Sale. privileges. aris, Auburn, scalp hair Please address Tenement, Box 1503. Western Massachusetts Ins. From Quebec £0. 145 P.M. OOMPOTJWE, that can dcBirable house No. 10 Co. Montreal, reasonably rpHE dwelling Brackets St., Oct 10—dtf 3 ''p e expected n-om I A aiyoiuing the residence of J. G. Telford. Es-i. OF MASS. CASH ''/W any PITTSFIELD, arc not for to CAPITAL, T A. R 1ST rr s Ib bow onered to the .afflicted •'brought ut t’.u* vwuntry, v' applications to those Lot 45 by 120. Enquire or Th* Com pan 3' responsible baggage Cash Capital and Surplus, amount in value that after having b ;en proved by the ten! f eleven years, parts. GARDINER LUDWIG, IS. CHARLES Wanted. $250,000. any exceeding $50 (ami person- COMPOUND EXTRACT OF D., PERRY, al) unless notice is and for at the rute of •n ihe New England States, whore i. s merit** have Sept 2C—dti Cor. Middle ar.d Street. a family without children, a small genteel ten- given paid Congress Square. Exchange pne passeng r lor every $50 additional value. $1,000,000 Income as well known os the tres from which, in part, BYement, near the contra* part ol the city. all paid til* Address X. Y. Z., Picsh Ortice, r: aug5eodtl CUy Fire Insurance Company, C. J BUY DOES, Mtm&tjiny Director. Cubebs and it derives Its virtuda. Store to Let. // BAILEY, Local Superintendent. Copaiba, IRC*. f a *nrs. ard tvre for %V. di •<'**- T r. Portland, May 17th, P.1I E Brick Store corner OF HARTFORD, CONN. Nov. 1865 Certain, .Speedy r..u. JOHNSONs>r—I Commercial and Franklin Portland, I, uov2d3t \ commenced using your Re- A at Surplus,204,188,40 ISesoft vc P,ladder Kidneys and L’viua tamos, THE PISE ;r last Streets, present occupied by .Messrs. Jeffer- Wanted. Cash Capital and Surplus, $450,COO. WHITE COMPOUND product February, my head being almost bald, son either In the inalu or female, frequeu1 M'tloi*. ii-« f ha/e usel but Ooolidge & Co. PoKest.cn given Cet. 1st. Vessels to load deals at St. N. one bottle and now have a healthful John, a per cct cun* iu tha fhu*rt rpaee rf t’i«* «*• cut CURES thick liea 1 of hair which A. vY S. E. SPRING. B., for English and Irish ai Iiigh- to Travelers does not lull off, and is in as 27—dtf Ports, Merchants’ Insurance Important davs. and uiwa' ? in leas time than any oiler plena 1 as Sopt <-A ‘■-q Arf'K cst rales of freight Company, Frond goo order 1 could wish. Being convinced that, in $1,204,188,40 ration. In the use of Soto Throat, Colls, Coughs, Diphtheria, itla its a good hea l of hair for mo Also, OF HARTFORD, CONN. of Blood* and Palm >1 ary Artec ions producing whore 1 had l THE Spitiing aim dsI Horses for 8&le. To load lumber at same place for Galves- TO D Ls a e none, I am glad to add my to its ex- Cash and Assets Jan’y 1, 1035* Tarrant's Compound Extract qf CvUt* and generally. remurhab remedy testimony the Railroad on and Kiel] m on 1. Capital Surplus, §330,000. cellence as a remedy. Stable .Spring street, several ton, Philadelphia Cop cribs lor Kidney Complaints, l)ia- WM. J. GARDINER, ATgood Hornes, suitable fir work or family use. LITTLEJOHN & CHASE, West, South, North-West and the Canadas. hetoaJnfiicultyoJ Void- No. IS Middle Sept 13—d3m No. 4 Central Wharf. North American Fire there Is no need of o^nficerropt o c^eere of .: irt ing Urine, Blesd- Street. 20— (lli Insurance Co. Aug. In its approved fcuB of a pa-to, V i ea-hel? tt.-r* from the Tbi« Co. is tho FIRST and ONLY Co. ever organ- To be Let. OF HABTFOBD, CONN. less auu causes noutipleas ntf.enaafon Kidneys and Bladder, Gravel, and other eompla'nta. Mn. Johnson Sir— wife for a time was FOUR STORY W. D. LITTLE on this with an no it be My long BRICK STORE, centrally locatod Cash Capital and Surplus, $400,000. ized Continent, tient. and (xp«v.uro It is sow For File3 and Scurvy, will found very va.ua- sorely troubled her h3ir out, ana wo feared on suitable a the mo-t learned iu the p-jou tbit in t: by falling A Exchange Street, for Wholesale Dry ... %- prof; ::‘r.rvi ole. she would bocorae Goods or Merchandise. Agent for all the great Routes to Chica- entirely bald, notwithstanding she business, for the mauu&cturo of Clothing, cr Leading class ofdiseaav, Cubobnand Copaiba am toe i Give it a trial il yon would learn the value of a good had used almost all the aivo Used remedies. of Boots and New Fire 13 go, Cleveland Detroit, Mi waultee, She has Shoes. Will be vacated this month or England Insuragce Co. Cincinnati, two icra^dics known that cun be relied ujon wiib an l tried medicine, li b pleasant, safe and Bore. use 1 your and to our ast Galena, St. Green Iteproductor, mishment the For further information inquire of DR. OF HARTFORD, CONN. Oshkosh, Paul, LaCro3^a, Bay, Original Capital any certainty or success. Sold by all Druggists, and dealers in medicine g» n- falling oil has ceased, and she now a Quincy, St, LouD, Louisville, Cai^o, entirely has tine 115 Exchange Street, up or FOR SALE. India-.spoils, ally. head of and I am in i stairs, Cash *ko. and is to furnish Tickets -OF- hair, ready Ihia manner to testi- of J. DoW, corner of Milk and Exchange Streets. Capital and Surplus, $230,000. prepared Through Tarrant's Compound Extract of Cubebs and crS ert fy to its value, or we are from Portland te ab the Cities and lowne willing to give further iar- Portland, Sept. 19th, 1806. dtf QOO LABGE DEY GOODS BOXES, lor sole principal Copaiba JVE VER FA JL S. son'll information of the re in tho leyal States and the at the good mils v.hich follow the oUU CHEAP, Atlantic Mutual (ananas, use of your honestly terme 1 Hah Reproductor. Insurance Co. Manufactured by J. W. PERKINS, the Portland Wood LOWEST RATES OF FARE, crly WILLIAM CHASE, Elf Kindling Comp’y, OF N. H. One Million Dollars ! Chambers lor EXLTEE, * Cor. St. Lawrence and Sherbrooke Streets. business purposes, 322 COMMERCIAL STEEET. ail needful information TARRANT & € O .. J wholesale or * Capital, *100,000. Aad oneer fully furnished. Ij^ijlSGANT retail, in the new block, 117 tliddle Oct 25—d2w* W. F. street. For terms apply nr TawaLLKP.p. will dr;d it greatly totbeiradvantage 278 Green wioh SL, New York PHILLIPS,tj lIALL’s Particular afctentfcm given to the insurance ol to procure Th TIeSiets at the EUBBEI1 EMPORIUM. vottgh Sold by Druggists all over the World. Portland, May 16,1865. Arm 4-rttf Choice Vermont Cheese. Farsi! Piojfccs’ty, City and Village I)\rell« n. H. 1 have used and shall continue to use Johnson’* Por'ian. Rail Ticket nev6A5dtr IIAY, itigs, ami ilou^eiiuid Furniture, on ONE, why Office, 31Ex- FIRE DEPARTMENT. Byproduct )v, which I have found to be a snlenc id House Lot lor THREE, or FIVE YEARS, on very favorable ciiaug© Street* up stairs.) lading ITarfr Dressing, which also keeps the Sale. BOXES terms. All scalp 0,-0 Choice Vermont Dairy and Fac- losses equitably adjrated and promptly i on perfectly clean and tree from dandruff. on the corner cf \Ye are prepared to issue policies Dwelling General for State oi Maine# Deering and llcnrv3 O* 1.) lory Cheese, for sale hy paid, as heretofore. W. D. LITTLE* Agent. Agents S. H. DOTEN. SITUATEDSts, SO x 100 feet. Enquire cf Houses for a term of and also upon EVERY years, Oct E—4&w!un N o. 13 Spring Sfreet. B. W. GAGE, TVVITCHELL EROS. St CIIAMPLIX, Passage Tickets for California, by Gie.O’d Line INSURABLE PROPERTY at FAIR dtf is SPECIES of Manufactured and sold by HORACE H. JOHN- ,fuly25 137 Commercial St. Life Mail Steamers and Panama Railroad jray be secured 82 Commercial Street. Insurance at this office. RATES. SON, N >. 8.) Middle Street, P>i tlan.l, Marne. Price Oct. by early application B >ttles Portland, 25,1SC5.—dlw March 20,18C5. marSOd&wtf S.ngle 50, 75 cents and $1. Sent to any ad- Real Instate for Sale. Wilv the Great dins on receipt of letter. Liberal discount bv the and EO r No. 37 Middle hi:own as Trinidad quantity. septtScod8w* Street, Sugar & Molasses. HOUSEtlio Payspn Jlmise. Grand Trunk MARINE INSURANCE, House and Lote"tner ol IVaterville and Sherbrook MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Railway. Sts. Terms CH01C]E MUSCOVADO easy, to suit purchasers. 80 SUGAR* OF NEW YORK. Whit i Lead. to 37 Middle St. Apply W, J juiylldU 344 Hilda. Choice MUSCOVADO MOLASSES For Tickets to all points West & South West, Marine Insurance on HULLS, CARGOES, and 4- to the palate, cause no pain, act _ MUSCOVADO FREIGHTS, TAKEN SPECIALLY or OPEN MOLASSES, Cash Assets, upon never do “El Dorado Tcs^hoice now $14,000,000. APPLY TO TUB PLEASANTpromptly, require increase oi dose, not Cook Cargo brig Jbudorus, lan. ling and for aalebv POLICIES. The will find it for their interest Stove/' Valuable Ileal public exhaust, and for elderly persons, females and child- Estate! 11. EATON, as is well oilers Atlantic Y litc Lead IS THE Which, known, greater advantages General Western Ticket to us a call. ren, are joat the Two taken at mov- CHAMPION OF THE DA V! No. 1 Central Wharf. than other Lite Co. in this Office, give thing. night FOR BALE. Oct 30—d3w* any country. tbe bowels once llio next morning. "Warranted The rates ol' Premium are les3 than with most oth- The 90 Street. in all cases of Tiles and Falhng or the Rectum. We ■f finely located Real Estate, on the cor- er while tlie Dividends are Exchange companies, larger, and promise a cure for all of the Dyspepsia, and Linseed Oil 1)0011 the greater than other. symptoms Co., bo1'-! in till? market only a short For Sale. security any ££r* Fares from to §7 lower via. tho Grand \ew York E*liumte of Ihe International* such as after easing, Sour Stomach, Spit- lime, Dividends declared and Oppression p*. annually^ may he applied Trunk than any other route to the West. ting or also", Dizziness, TONS square Hackmetack Timber. to the of ltailway, AT lood, Palpitations; Headache, of New Y State and payment future premiums, or to As an indication of how this stands Pain In the and of ti e Skin Danforlh Sts,, Hackmetack t.ie augment E. P. Gen. \VM. FLOWERS, Company Back Leins, l'ellowners It has tab'll tlie Also, Ship Knees; Oak, amount insured. Policies with this com are BEACII, Agfc. load of in thi Now owned and H ardvrood for rale pan v 276 New York. Eastern we take the City business of 105 Companies aud Eyes, Sick Headache, Coated Tongue, Bilious- cy?tj thing and occupied by the subscriber. Plank, by constantlv in value. Ail lieedtul informa- Broadway, | Agt.,Bangor. HOME, L. increasing ness, Liver ComplnUit. Loss of Debility, Manufacturers of PU £ WHITE Cooking; Stove line. TAYLOR, 01 Commercial St. tion furnished on and Agencies, named in the Treasurer’s Report of the Appetite, JAMES M. CHURCHILL. Oef Oiiecrfu.ily application to JE. Pidns, and all 1-or 24-dtf JAS. ritlYDLE, Agent, for Monthly Irregularities, Neuralgia, particulars enquire of l.is Attorneys, Messrs. New York Board of Fire Insurance Companies, Faintness, £c. Travelers J.vd the Lozenges jitsl s"’e entire Dyyi.uis a and*?.??5as^12s i* satisfaction, Jacksox, 33 Eschnugo Street. W. I). 90 THE RE- what as are so and inode reus LEAD, and in Oil, ED LEAD, It Im elicited the lngnest praise from aU who LITTLE, Agent, Exchange Street, IF64, and find that INTERNATIONAL they need, they compact Dry have July (h—dtf hat be earned in the vest Trice GO witnessed its working. FOR bALE l Office 31 CEIVED MORE PREMIUMS IN TIIE CITY OF they may pocket. 1 Exchange Ss., Up Stairs. August 10—dflm PORTLAND. conts box; small boxes 30 cents. For-ale J. It lias all lie best pjinrs of onr former fhvorite per by LITHARGE, Glass-ta.-' ers’ Red 1 ical Sept 21—d&wCw NEW YORK THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY, S. HARRISON & No 1 Tremont Stives, beside* others which thoy do not possess. Estate lor At 1G CO., Proprietors, Sale, Lime Will be mailed to address on Am >ug (he.n are i!io following points: Street, EXCEPT ONE! This list includes the English Com- Temple, Boston. any fa Elisabeth. SO cents. etc. 1st, The allies, dropping into a sifter beneath the Cape 300 BBLS. WINTER Through Tickets. panies and the Hartford Agencies, all of which fall enclosing julyiffljr Lead, grate, are sif c i without m desirable residence m APPLES, ring. Cape Elisabeth. 2CO Bbls. Silver Skin ONIONS. ATLANTIC For the OIL REGIONS of Nww the International in of e in hi. It sills ashes AVERYU!i t' lj‘°m pggsfSpq far behind point patrona witliout dust, or other incum- Portland Bridge. The house is 50 Bbls. Red York Pennsylvania, Ohio, and LINSEED OIL, Boiled bra iee iwo ONIONS, New York Commercial Advertiser. Also, Rav, anl tbs cinders aro ready to bo used im- stories, containing 13 rconis. closets, Ac., all in 10CO Bushels Jackson Dariftoi’the tiTKsr, via the J*;cib formal*1 this City.— Also POTATOES, &£utnal Insurance Kailway, mediately. n?.UiIr,ete °“r],S Vonurvt which thus within two takes the lead ot scores ov#>rev. ry bi»ijr cffrel to Ah If il ?ra9 possible, S'., years july25dtf Me. Sugar and Molasses. the pub.io t-r itronekitis. Cough* folds, float se- avoid ^tiyUght, thus Portland, of other Companies that have been established from a£t^S§,££B“» Insures Against Marine and Inland I^avi nes* Sure Throat A a an hard' utlueiza Numer- generally, and by a quarter to a half century. ous rcgrirco. ja » »rom tne (’Jerav, and o hf.a, sc- For Sale or BOXES Yellow Sugar; Risks. Hotels. to Let. gation oompa achbex. For Rale bv tf.** prinr ^yjyj 75 hogsheads “Kemedlos” Muscovado CHARLES TAYLOR, President. 'yinjr paJ ROBERT COLGATE & Co., new French Cottage, en the Cape Cottage Molasses; Drupgisia through* ut *h© city. rihr,27S:o. tf THEroad, Green The HAMILTON BRUCE,' Vice-President. - opposite Capt. Walden’s, eontalnhig 20 Cienfucgos Muscovado whole profits of the Company revert ta the fourteen with about seven acres ol hogsheads and General MZSZ. rooms, land. It Molasses;' thtssuuKD. are divided Annually, upon the H C. C. HINE, Secretary. Agents, is unsurpassed on tho t EYELET HOUSE, Cape. Enquire of For sale by remiums terminated during the year; and'or which OLIVER A. DRAKE, Assistant Secretary. Don’, bay a Conk A. C* rt ficatos S,„ye yoa haTe STEPHENSON, H. I. ROBINSON, are Lsoed. bearing interest untii re- Greenville, Maine, LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. Pearl NEW YORK. seen JyG—(if 121 Commercial St.rAP.f-,. 1GG Fore Street* Portland* Me* 287 St., and Oct. 20.—dim No. 1 Portland Pier. de %w»ed. OFFICE, examine* the ihe Dividends in the Years 1S63 4 and 5 were 40 Foot of Moose Head LaJce ! JIrs. S. A. Allen’s World's To Let. nor cent each. John W. Monger J Co., E L D O 11 A I) o ! CHAMBERS over HO and Butter. 1'h Profits for 22 Years amount to the Hair Restorer and and 112 Federal st. Apples This is a most exceUenthouso for tho trav- o :t8dly A. i? e « t». Dress-, LARGEApply to sum ot New and Second Stoves of all 819,091,020 eller. Tho house la well kept, anil contains J. \V. SYKES, kkT)j may be Jefferson coolige & QAA BBLS. Fall and Winter Oi wmeh here has been redeemed ■ing FOUND AT ocn STOVE co., Apples. by all the modern improvements. Those Iravell- invigorate, strengthen STORE. aplOdtt Cor. Commercial and streets. 100 Tubs Choice CazL> Franklin Butter. 12,653,73? mg for health or pleasure will find here a Great Intlncements PURCHASER FOP. E ASTERN Just received _ and lengthen the hair. ACCOUNT, and for salo hy convenient stopping place. They Of F. & C. 13. *G The Condo y over FOB PARTIES WISHING TO BUTLD. NASH, House Lots. W SMITH liases,..;,, Si,wen Million act the roots FLOUT.. DRAIN, SEEDS, FRO VISIONS, BUT- Oct. 20.—dtl Nos. 6 and 8 Silver Street. I'oUaro, viz:— The Fairy of' the Lake ! directly upon YARD, No. 171. Fore subscribers offer for sale a large of THll and WESTERN PRODUCE Street, Ti'UEVEN House Lois, comprising 45,000 feet 0/ United State* and State cf New-York quantity Crtmal.’j. 0ct23dlw Portland. on A beautiful Steaml>oaf. starts from tho wharf a few desirable buffding lots in the West End of the of the hair, re- Particular attention rrf Land, Emery, Cushman and Lewis si. .for Stock, City, Back and other Stork. S t 97* 7u0 THE supplying frtveu to »b!pt'*n* by cn'ot-i-vt W. Yellow Corn and Flour. rods from the Evelelh House, and makes a trip to lying on Vaughan, Pine, Neal, Carlton, Thomas, and route*. ,S H. STEPHENSON. Loans secur.a) by ijtouks and 956 city, Cheapest J*o. 1.12 South Hater St., 1 b>; ntherwf-e, allbV “Kiueo and once a week Brain Monu- quired and oriland, April 20,1?G5.— dtf ME4L- I'.-omiura but‘« and Bids he House,” ©very day, West, Emery, Cushman, Lewis, Kill, nourishment, Receivable. tho Lake. Capt. Thomas Robinson com- ment, Dantorth, and Salem Streets. 3500 Real Estate, lionrt and and through Orange Chicago, liliuour for and Straw! Mortgagee, mands the Steamboat, and also tile hotel” will sell on a credit of from one to ten natural color and beauty P. O. B-x Proposals Forage 200 Bbls. “Oswego other-contit'es, S'tn r,»* “Keeps They years, 4T1. 01 Lease tor a term of Family Flour,” ust as It should be Good and if desired the and to who will r 1 Years. Extra United States Gold j kept. shooting angling by purchasers, parties Rtfertnc't— Moaers. 8. O. Eewd-ear ft re. Mayn- ? nfa ‘‘Chesapeake Flour,” Coin, V.i 8U build houses of will ad- returns. hair disap- how bv Charles Cargo bell. Aid, from in all about. oct3dtf satisfactory character, Grey ard & Hon a; U. ft W. Chick. P r 11. Can nun » 1 II. occupied Baltimore, now landingw and Blab Bank, & they g; Merrinan'-^WI':ll'f I’.jjjr, vance, the cost build in on .a. Assistant Quartermaster's U. S. Merrill's. voen Union Wharf and for sale by \f desired, onefourth cj qf gy bald are cov- K Co; Chaa. H. Stone; Hall:". David ft C t Bo.1* Office, A„ Tlfe \viUal-e11,01 completion of the house. From parties who build im- pecd's, spots •I. N. Bara, wi ll a two about 1500 suuaro It., CIIASE Bacon, E q. Prod,Ip at Newt II National stnrv i, !u'r c°npms BROTHERS, tn.i^noe POND no cash 20 75. For fur- Head CJiPISIC HOUS~, mediately, payments required. and Newton,Masa:C. 11 Collin E«j. N.T City <• PORTLAND, MAINK, tber particulars by r. T Long Wharf. from nine to ton ered, hair stops fall ing, October tS&i inqnEeQy^c:cjn' N. 15. In store 500 bushels White Com sell. Apply every day except Sunday, Tvnrmnc,, 3d, per TRP*TR29: TBRER MIL1SS FROM PORTLAND. A. 21., at the office of the where are by the (or JOSEPH H. Convoy from Nrrfolk. Va. oclOrr&s subscribers, plans luxuriant is the t*e- ltufe if1,8 touted undersigned, mav25dtf WHITE, John D Jones, Wm bo and full obtained. growth Thirtl Bonds—Andros- '• “orchrmtablo Wharf. Sturgis, jr, may seen, particulars Mortgage, and Timothy liay _ho. C.J Union Charles Denote, Henrv K Tbe public are inlormcd tba1 0^i3 at Borert respectfully J. B. BROWN & SONS. sult. and li. It, Co. land vaid fho dost *«fooro, William K Dodge It infection of the Proi rie?or that Portland, 51 ay 3, 1SC3. raayltf Call- T'io it may mated, Hackmetack. riUIE.Tl.inl of tlic Henry Oft, Dennis Pcrk-sii this Hoaso shall be kept a tirst-clasa roao the Moils>ue Anilro^HP;"ala. *» true Ph»» <*5 securely ard V will 1 roorl toS lb May and weiih 1 mi!st baled, Via Pickcrsgill, Joseph Jr. Hou?o. appreciate delight- Company h-*» be-n oi -a (SlTwvr,ra,TThousand Gmlard. ■,>« e-ort-oration oi wood. pounds per ton, exclusive KAA AAA FEET Hackmetack, Plank Lewis Curtis. j The choicest served. REMOVAL. been! rcc’oaad. A Henry Bar?/, Suppers and the m l ties;™,Caj>eBrid''c. and Flat ’Timber for Sale Charles U Hassell, -ti G to ful fragrance rich, ized thereon, called UUU^UV/V/ by Cornelias Grwnei!. I ilii. W. HUKCH. mUE undersigned take this method inform their loa-ja s ln ard lime Plaiu'y, the whore a plan ol Cape r ad fioMera of Doi ordeMvcrv0** quantity, price, lunil, C. S. C LA R l£, Agent St. Francis* Mills. Lowell Holbrook:, <1 A Hand. ! customers and the public generally that they have appearance Company. '£ Tiie Hav Eiisabithh?temav°be Warren glossy impart- au.l straw -m, Oct. Smith’s Wharf. K Weston, Watts Sherman REMOVED THEIR BAKERY from No. 5 Wash- moot a maylstf 17,1865.—dlmis Inspector, inspected by Govcm- Bec'1-_«_ Royal Phelps. Jj J Howland ington Street to their new Bakery. Nos. C and 8 Union ed to the and no rfSbwk In the I, od. will hair, fear ^etMead- Proposals alsoufi!?1 he.pro being shipped, Sails Caleb Baratov*. Beuj Babcock Copartnership Notice. where they will be pleased to see all their old SJtSlSiwrflt In accordance straw at jukI Itigsinif lor Street, an- Fannin-lon Baiiroad Compiutf, Washington tvC‘v®“tj deliver hay and gaie_ A P Piilot. Fictoh r and as new ones as the FLOUR! FLOUR! Wes-ray rrWE hr-.vo this lormc l a customers many will be pleased lo of soiling or Hilton Heal, S. and Standing Rigging, Sails and Block" ol Dai lel S undersigned day coparl- shin, scalp, with the Statute. C„ Va., tho Miller, Hob B Jr I under the us a call. BBZ r WOODM AN, moms ’subw''m‘,Cvimo"d-to the above THEnew Brig 400 to ns old Mta’urn, iters' ip style of give requirc- Atlanta, measurement Joshua J Ihiry, Gordon W Burnham R. W. most Co. Bids bo saved in order. Tl:c draft of the LARGE assortment ot all grades of FLOUR SMARDON, elegant head-dress. Treasurer of the will accepted n-om n„ perfect .“pars can be- *eortreG Hobson, Fredrrick S. K. .IACKSON Jb SON. R. S. SCAM seen now and for sale the CAR Ciiaune"vy> MAN, #o!d andFunnb^nUaiirond the of the tl,uo> to meet at our store. A arriving by LOAD, or ^Javid of by oil Sept IS, requirements Govr-rnm' at fair X.ane, James Low, iov t he purpose dein" a general COAL BUSINESS S. E. SMAKDON. 18*5.__eepg.HIftuflw Payments to bc made on McGILVFRY. RYAN £ otherwise, prices. axes deliver'.;. DAVIS, The of Bryce, Clias H Marshall. sa WUart, foal of High Street. August JC—dtt 198 Si 200 38 iuncl6—dtf patronage former customers solicited. _____ Depot Oder as finds fir that pnrnose shnji soon there- No ldl Commercial Street. my Johf D Jonrs President. S. R. JACKSON, Greenwich St. E. Y. Bi Is Shill be subject to the E. Crarlrfv Sept 27,18BS-d&v6m Copartnershi p. docbli«iJ2!?JP*•01 he HAMBLIN, D«nvi8, Vic^-Presjdent. OSCEOLA .IACKSON. MECHANICS’ KALI., master General. Quarter- No. 3 Union W. 11 il IVIoork, 2d June 12, IPCS— If have this entered into Co- To Rent. Xt Wharf. Vioe-Pres’t. Portlr oJ) X XT I'LL arranged for Lectures, Exhibi- subscribers day iiE.vnr g to HOOPS and J. It. Chapman, Acting Sooretary. Concerts, under tbfi firm name of mUx S’'* l"*rge Furnished Roo:;u, centrally located, in purchase, V v tions, bo obtained on applica- THEpartnership and a Sll6ofeWANTED Levees, &c., may Capt. A. Q. itu- *•» * fewilly. Good to on. jjOR&K If WIT UK RE s- A. a Prty&fo reference required. tion RICHARD COLE, Superintendent, I Conmitets LI, Oct4—dtf. Apply to Middle August5-.d3m received by Copartnership, Sanitary W, 37} St. oc'4dtt Applicatsans i unolfkll f No. 3 Tolman Place. the purtwve of carrying on the ami have firmed a eo> un- Office nf U 8. Faniitwrv (7cTnmi*.iicn ) for Clothing uw'tersig'ued artnerohip bu»inei;s, at jVo. t, and firm ! 923 jftdway,R. Y.. Dec,20. 1*M. f Furnishing KSurelkanffc tftret J, W. MONGER, 186 Fore St. THEdor tho name of N. W For Scotch For Sale. TTGN. !8atfc;L WAUIHUJiTT, Ja., of Portl» d Moeof, rnn„ Sale. II ha* o» WllliEUEtL. '“fli21odlsi Umnod&w6w prtu pr. 4 .1 F.TI. ! Maine-, cor.sonr* d to dnt>p« /n a « Wl r* iols fjr sale in a -FOR rale by- vn. KING & >EXT Brick House and No. 2 Deer Cct. I n •umfn?iSnni light fancy Two-story Lot, General nt oi the Comm: ‘ion P'r Maiut ar.d Portland, 2, ires. oetedSw And having purchased tho stock of Chase, Littlefield TITR at a great bargain. Age bc"tMngs Bl Strectj in hereby appointed ,«ncb authority ci the JAMES T. & Co., will <* vniiiioe the general HAfihW ARE For particulars, enquire of a