Chapter 9 – Point Of Sale


Your Campground Manager Astra Software has a built in Point Of Sale system For managing store inventory and of various products and services you offer or wish to se.

Before you can begin using the Point Of Sale Module, you must:

1. Add Vendors 2. Add Categories 3. Add Inventory Items

Once these tasks are complete, you’re ready to begin selling and tracking and moving on to the advanced features like creating purchase orders, receiving items and running sales reports.

Company Setup

✓ Point Of Sale vendors are added into Astra as Companies, then assigned from the Vendor List

1. Make the following menu selections to add in a new Point Of Sale Vendor.

Setup > Customers > Companies

2. Click on the New button to create a new company.

Company Details

1. Fill in the following

Customer No. – Customer or Vendor number. This can be user defined. Name - Customer or Vendor name. Web Site Address Phone Units – What the customer or vendor is staying in if applicable. Image – an image for the company if desired.

2. Click on the Save button to save the company in the system.

Vendor Setup

✓ Companies must already be added. Vendor Setup

✓ Companies must already be added. ✓ Vendors are linked to Companies.

1. Make the following main menu selections to link or unlink Companies to or from Vendors:

Setup > Vendors

✓ Use the arrow buttons or double click on a name to add or remove vendors from your list. ✓ The names on the right side appear in the list. The names on the left, do not.

Category Setup

✓ Categories are used to categorize groups of items .

1. Make the following menu selections to set up or view categories.

Setup > Inventory > Category Setup

2. Click on the New button to create a new Category for POS

3. Name – Category name 4. Markup - Markup percentage if applicable 5. ID – ID # (User Defined) 6. Select Point Of Sale from the Group menu. 7. Select a Tax Schedule that is appropriate for items in this category. 8. Select GL Account Numbers for Sales, COS and Inventory account numbers. 9. Select an Earning Trigger 10. Select a Deposit Schedule 11. Click on the Save button to save the category in the system.

Rolldown Prompt

✓ The Rolldown Prompt allows yo to roll your category information down to all linked inventory items

✓ After creating or saving a Category, you’ll be prompted to roll down changes or not. Typically yes.

Inventory Item Setup

Creang Items

1. Make the following menu selections to create a POS Inventory Item

Work > Inventory > Inventory List

Inventory List Screen

2. Click on the New button to create a new inventory item

Universal Product Codes

✓ Universal Product Codes are bar codes used in conjunction with 12 digit numbers to uniquely identify various products and can be scanned into Campground Manager Astra Point Of Sale. ✓ Skew Numbers are references to SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) numbers used by Vendors for stocking goods ✓ Most UPC scanners only read in the first 11 digits of the UPC code from left to right so if entering them manually to use with a scanner later it’s best to test the scanner before manually entering numbers ✓ Click in inside the Astra Skew No. and either manually key in or scan a Universal Product Code ✓ We recommend starting with a Scanner.

New Inventory Item

Purchase Order Screen

1. Manually enter a skew number into a Purchase Order 2. Press the Tab Key on your keyboard.

✓ Scanning the item’s bar code will automatically trigger the new inventory item prompt.

3. Click on the Yes button on the item not found dialogue box to create a new inventory item.

Product Screen

✓ The Product Screen is used to set up inventory items.

Item Desc – Item Description Code – Product Code Skew No – Skew Number (user defined) Vendor – Vendor that supplies the product. Vendor Prod No – Vendor Product Number (if applicable) Track Qty ? – Track the item quantity Sales Unit – Measurement amount Order Unit – Sizes Total On Hand – On hand amount Reorder Level – Order when quantity reaches this level Inv Cost – Your Cost Min Order – Minimum amount to order Sug. Price – Suggested Price On Order – Amount currently on order with this company

Group – Inventory Group Category – Inventory Category Taxes – Tax assigned to this item. Discounts – Discounts offered for this item Commissions – Commission on sale Sales A/C# - Sales Account number COS A/C# - Cost of Sales account number Inventory A/C # - Inventory Account number Class – Product Class Payment Schedule – n/a

New Inventory Item

Make the following selections for POS items

Type = Product Group = Point Of Sale Category = select an appropriate category for your inventory item.

Click on the Proceed button.

Inventory Item

Inventory Item

✓ Upon completion you should be returned to your Inventory List. ✓ Keep track of the code as you can use it later to add the item to a palette quick item button.

Price Schedule

A price schedule must be created for a product before you can start selling it.

1. Double click on the product to view and edit details.

2. Click on the New button to create a new price schedule for the product. ​

Price Schedule Setup Wizard

The Price Schedule setup screen opens where you configure details. Price Schedule Setup Wizard

The Price Schedule setup screen opens where you configure pricing details.

3. Select the following items from the drop down menus:

Rate Scheme – Store Sales Rate Span – Store Sales Quanty Template – No Break Qty Unit – select a unit that is appropriate for the product.

4. Set a Variable Rate equal to the cost of the item.

5. Click on the Save button

Rolldown Prompt

Rolling down changes is common and typical during set up and desired most times.

1. Click on the Yes button if you are prompted to roll down your changes.

Inventory List

1. Make the following menu selections to build a list of all of you point of sale inventory items

Work > Inventory > Inventory List

2. Select Group as your Search Selection and Point of Sale as the group, then click on the

Work > Inventory > Inventory List

2. Select Group as your Search Selection and Point of Sale as the group, then click on the Search button.

✓ Additional filters for narrowing your search are available in the search drop down menu on the right. ✓ Double clicking on an item opens it for editing. ✓ Right clicking and using the Column Setup feature allows customization of which list columns you see.

Prinng Inventory Lists

1. Click on the Print button from the Inventory List Toolbar to print out a list of your inventory items.

POS Palees

Palee Setup

POS Palees

Palee Setup

✓ Palettes act as dashboards for POS buttons.

1. Make the following menu selections to set up a Point Of Sale Palette

Property Screen Other Tab

2. Click on the Other tab. 3. Click on the POS Palettes button.

4. Double click on Palette names on the left to add them to the right side or use the arrow buttons.

5. Click on the Save button when you done adding Palettes.

5. Click on the Modify Rule tab to access the palette setups.

​ 6. Double click on a palette in the list to make changes to it.

7. Key in a Palette name.

8. Click on the Setup button to access the button setup feature for your palette.

9. Double click on button names on the left to add those buttons to your palettes or use the arrow buttons. 10. Click on the Save button to save the buttons to your palette

Palee Buon Setup

Palette buttons are used for selling items as an alternative to using bar code scanners and product bar codes

1. Click on the Modify Rule tab of the POS Palette Buttons Setup screen. 2. To set up a POS Palette Button, from the POS Palette Buttons Setup window:

a. Double click on a button, - or - b. Select a button number and click on the View button.

3. Key in a Label for your button. 4. Key in an existing product code. (you can get this from your Inventory List by filtering for Point Of Sale inventory items.

5. Select a Background Color and Text color for your button

6. Click on the Save button to update your palette with your new button.

✓ After clicking on the Save button, your POS Palette Button Setup screen should show the button you just saved.

✓ When you open the Park POS screen you should now see your POS palette name and button. ✓ You can click on the Test button to verify your work

Setup Shortcut

✓ POS Buttons can also be setup by going to a palette and right clicking on the button.

1. Click on the Park POS button to set up a POS Palette Button.

2. Click on a Palette to add a button to. 3. Right click on an empty button and select Button Setup.

Palee Buon Details

✓ Palette Button Details Dialogue can be accessed by right clicking on a palette button.

4. Key in a Label for your button 5. Key in or scan in a Code 6. Select a Background Color for your button 7. Select a Text Color for your button 8. Click on the Update button 9. Click on the Close button to close the window.

10. Click on the Park POS button from the Park Toolbar on the Transaction Dashboard

✓ If your button doesn’t appear after saving it, close and re-open the Transaction Dashboard.

11. Click on the button just created and verify the correct amount is being charged and tax is applied if needed

POS Buon Verificaon

6. Click on your Button or key in or scan your item and verify it works correctly.

✓ You should see the item rung up in the transaction window along with any applicable taxes applied.

✓ After ringing up a sale a payment action must be taken. ✓ In this example, the Cash payment button was clicked on

Park POS Buon.

Point of Sale sales are accomplished by loading the POS Transaction Dashboard.

6. Click on the Park POS button from your transaction dashboard to access your palette and button.

POS Sales

1. Entering Point Of Sale sales into Campground Manager Astra is accomplished one of three ways by:

1. Scan In the UPC code

2. Click on a Palette Button

3. Key in a Product Code or Skew Number via your keyboard and pressing the Tab or Enter Key

Changing Charge Details During a Sale

✓ Charges can be changed on the fly during a sale. ✓ In this example, the quantity of wood is being increased to five from three.

1. Double click on a charge in the transaction window to move it to the upper for part of the screen for editing. 2. Make changes if needed to quantity or search for a new product. 3. Press Enter on your keyboard to enter it back into the transaction as a sale item.

Compleng POS Transacons

POS Payments

✓ To compete a POS transaction you perfomr one of the payment options

1. Click on a Payment Option Button to complete a POS transaction and collect a payment.

1. Click on a Payment Option Button to complete a POS transaction and collect a payment.

Cash ​ ​ ​ ​ Cheque ​ Charge – to folio. Debit ​


✓ The Tendering field does the math for you and determines the change due for cash payments.

4. Key in the amount you are tendered in the Tendered field. 5. Click in the Change Due field to see the change due.

Apply Payment

6. Click on the Apply button to apply the payment.

Dashboard Reset

✓ Once the payment is applied, the POS Transaction Dashboard clears and resets itself for the next sale.

Returned Items

✓ Returned items are process in the same manner as a normal sale except negative quantities are used. ✓ Processing returns can be accomplished using a scanner, or manually by keying in the information

Scan Return

1. Scan the Item’s UPC code, or key in the product code, press the tab key, then set the quantity.

Change Qty to Negave

2. Click on the item in the Transaction Window to move it to the upper area for editing. 3. Change the Quantity to a negative number.

4. Press Enter on your keyboard 5. Click on one of the payment type buttons and apply a negative payment to pay out the funds.

✓ The POS Transaction Dashboard clears the screen and resets itself for the next transaction right after a payment has been applied.

✓ The POS Transaction Dashboard clears the screen and resets itself for the next transaction right after a payment has been applied.

Key In Return

✓ POS Sales transactions can be processed using a keyboard.

1. Key in the UPC or product code into the Code no. field to enter a product 2. Click or Tab into the Quantity field.​ Returning Funds

✓ Negative payments pay out refunds. ✓ In this exampe, two dollars in Cash will be paid out after clicking on the Apply button. ✓ After returning an item back into the system, Astra POS will attempt to payout funds automatically by opening the appropriate payment screen and populating it with negative values.

1. Click on the Apply button to pay out the amount shown, which when paying out funds should be a negative..

Keyboard Method for Processing Returns

Finding Products.

✓ If you don’t know the code, build your Inventory List by Group and filter for Point Of Sale to get them.

1. Key in the product code in the item input Code field. 2. Click on the Find button to locate the product in the system.

✓ System fills in description, skew number, unit price, Total Price and Qty =1 after finding an item. ✓ System fills in description, skew number, unit price, Total Price and Qty =1 after finding an item.

Changing Quanty

✓ Change the quantity if you are processing a return or selling more than one of these items.

3. Key in a negatve number ino the Qty field for returns and positive numbers for sales. 4. Press the Enter key to add the item to the transaction list.

Refund Payment

✓ Positive Payments = Revenue – (money coming in) ✓ Negative Payments = Credits – (money going out) ✓ Funds must be applied to be recognized.

3. Click on the Apply button to pay out the funds if the dollar amount showing is correct.

✓ After applying a payment, the POS Transacction Dashboard will clear and rest itself for the next sale.

POS Cash Payment

After clicking on the Cash button on the POS Payment Toolbar a cash payment window will open.

1. Key in the amount tendered in the tendered field. 2. Click in the Change Due field to review, or, click on the Apply button to apply the payment.

POS Receipts

✓ After completing a Point Of Sale transaction the system can prompt you for a destination to print to, Or can bypass this prompt and print straight to the printer if desired.

✓ To default to bypassing this prompt See chapter 2 for defaults and setup.. ✓ To set the default number of receipts to print, see chapter 2 setup.

POS Charge to a Folio

Astra allows you to add POS charges via the folios window on the Transaction Dashboard.

1. Right hand click on a customer folio to add a POS charge to it 2. Select the Add POS Charge option to access the Park POS screen.

Print Options Purchase Ordering Screen ​- Print to the screen Preview ​- Preview printing ✓ Using the Purchase Ordering and Purchase Receiving features in Astra allow you to track your vendor activity and automatically update your stock Printerquantities when ​-you Print receive to the items. printer PDF ​ ​- Print to a PDF 1. Make the following menu selections to open the Purchasefile. Ordering screen:

Work > Inventory > Purchase Ordering

2. Click on the Create New Purchase Order button to create a new purchase order.

3. Select a Vendor to order goods from via the Vendor drop down menu.

✓ If you have not already created Vendors in the system, you will need to do so.

✓ See earlier in this chapter for creating Companies and adding them in as Vendors.

4. ​

Creang Inventory Items using Purchase Orders

4. With a created Purchase Order displaying on the screen, scan or key in a Skew number. ☑ This can be a UPC number or any number you choose but you must enter a number.

5. If you’ve keyed in a Skew Number, press the Tab key right after you do, to trigger the prompt.

6. Click on the Yes button to create a new inventory item.​

New Product Screen

Item Descripon

✓ Key in a description for your item.

✓ It’s a best practice to describe your products using a sub-category name as part of your description, the manufacturer’ name, then the product name. This groups items on your lists and reports.

e.g Cereal – Cheerios – Honey Nut … or … Soup – Campbell’s - Chunky ,, etc.

2.1. Key in your cost into the Unit Cost field 2.2. Key in your Sales Price 2.3. Select a Sale Unit (measurements they’re sold in) 2.4. Select an Order Unit (how you receive them eg. cases for soda or pop) 2.5. Select a Category to place this item into. 2.6. Select a Tax 2.7. Select a Sales A/C # (Sales Account #) from your GL Account list. 2.8. Select a COS A/C # (Cost of Sales Account #) from your GL Account list. 2.9. Select an Inventory A/C # (Inventory Account #) from your GL Account list

✓ Click on the Proceed button after your done making selections.

✓ After clicking on the Proceed button, Astra adds the item into inventory using the assignments made from the drop down menus.

✓ Click on the Add Button to add your item into your purchase order.

✓ After clicking on the Add button, you should now see your item in you order list.

✓ Click on the Save button to save your work at any time.

✓ The Finalize button when clicked on locks in the order so no further changes can be made to it. Only use this button after you’re certain no further items need to be added, otherwise leave it un-finalized.

Purchase Order Statuses

✓ Purchase order statuses are used to track the status or state an order is in. ✓ There are three different status types for a purchase order.

1. Created 2. Open 3. Closed


✓ Active in progress orders you are creating that have not yet been finalized. ✓ They do not appear in the Open list until they’ve been finalized using the Finalize button


✓ Open purchase orders are finalized orders that are still active and haven’t been closed out yet.


✓ Purchase Orders fully received and finalized will appear on the Closed order screen.

Purchase Receiving

✓ After saving purchase orders in the system, to keep your purchase order tracking and inventory quantities straight, you need to use the Purchase Receiving feature to update the system with new incoming quantities of goods.

1. Make the following menu selections to receive ordered items and update your stock quantities.

Work > Inventory > Purchase Receiving

2. Select a Vendor you have an open purchase order with from the vendor drop down menu.

✓ If you do not see your purchase order in the list it may not have been finalized or it could be closed.

3. Select an item in the list to receive.

✓ If you are not doing a full receipt of the entire quantity, change the Receiving Quantity number first.

New Receipt

4. Click on the Accept button to receive the item.


✓ Finalizing the receipt of an item registers the amount that was set as the received quantity as received and creates a Closed Receipt for that quantity in the system.

✓ Any un-finalized quantity will remain as a New Receipt from that vendor you can receive later.

Closed Receipt

✓ Item receipts that have been finalized appear as Closed Receipts after finalizing them.

POS Reports

Sales by Category Report

This will give you a sales report by category.


1. Check Product as the Type 2. Uncheck everything else.

✓ Export to export output to a spreadsheet

✓ Preview to preview the print job before printing.

Sales Report - By Category

✓ This report gives you Sales by Category, Sub-Totals and Grand Total.

Sales Report – Revenue by Clerk

POS Category Sales

✓ The Sales Report by Clerk will show POS Category sales by Clerk.

Sold Screen

✓ The Sold screen Point Of Sale Group shows you items sold during a specified date range

1. Click on Sold tab 2. Select Group from the Search Selection drop down menu. 3. Select Point Of Sale as the Group Name 4. Set the Begin Date 5. Set the End Date 6. Click on the Search button.

Print List

✓ The Column Setup feature is used to customize the columns you see on this list.

1. Right click and select Print List to print a custom list on the fly.

Inventory List

3. Make the following menu selections to build a list of all of you Point Of Sale inventory items

Work > Inventory > Inventory List

4. Select Group as your Search Selection and Point of Sale as the group, then click on the Search button.

✓ Additional filters for narrowing your search are available in the search drop down menu on the right. ✓ Double clicking on an item opens it for editing. ✓ Right clicking and using the Column Setup feature allows customization of which list columns you see.

Prinng Inventory Lists

2. Click on the Print button from the Inventory List Toolbar to print out a list of your inventory items.

Inventory Reports

1. Make the following menu selections to access the Inventory On-Hand report:

Work > Reports > Inventory > Inventory On-Hand

Inventory On-Hand

✓ This report gives you a listing of your current inventory levels.